HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-06-19, Page 7pw*m� . , , 11 ­ . , . 1. I . I .�. I I . I , - . . 0, - ­': � � .. ... .. � . _ -1 : -, _ - I I , - I I I 11 I 1. I . . - . . I I I I I I 11 I I I � I ­ I . . - ­­., ­ - � � 11 I � 1. : , ,. ,. ,, , � .. .�, I I I �.. . ­:� -, . . - -11 -- � 11 I 111.1 � . I I I-— � . I � ­­___­_­­­_ - I- ­ I I 11 11 I 11 I - . � - I ­ � I .1 I . . . . I . - - . I . .. I - - , , .. �,­­ .- I .- I ­ . 1. I � I - I . .1 � I I � - 11 - I � I I.. I 1-1 . . I .. , . ,� _­ . 0 I NO 0 01 A 0 I—- .. - . � , I I . I I I , I . � I . I � I . I � I ­ . � 11. Aloxandor himself Saco attain a Ape of u,koro, than 05 tol - t1lulocolluturgary. w.10,arde�' 21! , .70 witou an blur. It ,8 601loveii that It I'll 11 la r"adt W , at un , - on ,,, is ,,, ��1111011111allivl I . YwoulkInotulvo oflom BEN IN wilt ilia truck and hill) up, Ito was tried, convicted arid stroll th higher rates of spood Ao""'ERSPOUT US` OYS ILI U� Pontencod to twonty years' linprio. e I=blo . oninnot. Ilia estate$ Wore conflo. ds, QX ""' "Doe. N. cated arid jm� . protect, tire Z14.,1,%0n1tM0."""`n than 111. posed or, 1,10,,!o,r�loit,,,,,,,ur,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,t,,,,,t,, MUST MPH wl , - was I light WILL bo, killed on D14SORACE TO CIVILIZATION I Ithoo 4=Dtflo 4014r o oot enforced, however, and the old qU 5tI -11 f express passe . . conspirator 31ved In Paris until lie . traffic. Boaring In mind ill, no,�,,,;I%r AN OREGON "OWN. I I died. of the llorllrr�Zosscrr line, the TIloo$ , I - I .11 I- gi�e,gn,n;,o say ,. Ever since Alexander was deposed Ig - I - .. , 11 a orgovitches plotted to Where Women -Are Drugged speed,. or ore are agreed th,st moan ' . - ­­­ ­­ - ' a K ra5a Over 60 to 05 miles an hour got contr� of the throne, and most , " of their largo incomes Iiii.,vo been are practically commercially lrolps� Story of the Bloody Peed Nar event with that ond, in view. siblo oil tile present ti�o. rail ti-aeks. . Prince X Owing to tho OxIstIng curves and fleppner Overwhelmed and 350 arageorgovitch Is ailleol- — - the mixture a critical stage 1. ber of the faablonable diplomatic has been rl-041011;11)01T,1111� rallway IGcO_ 11, � rated by an Eye -Witness(? sotor'Parls. Ile leftoorlbeilashov. motion, The liveliest Interwit will Ing an agreeable personality I theroforobe taken In the working or Persons Lose Their Lives. . ' "' AND MEN ARE ROBBED, about 150 "years old, has boat, , monorail system, which Is to be built London cable 19ays: Ansong - Queen ran through the slooping nter of the leading clubs and between Manchester and Liverpool,, tilo liumorotis versions of tile regi, apartments, staincling the iloors Ila- = and Is a rAell-Anown figure Oil `wh�cll 0, speed Or 110 miles an Spokane. Wo., aide onlanatIng from Half; I Wild Viola. .They wore followed by at the races no spa I I June :15.-Telograph people, are rade, ilia , 4 rts, hour I� romised iylthout real* of believed to! have J)een The Prince was educated (It the derallme 1) re i -hots from ilia soldiers, It. Doubtless sorol, spacial V -ports from Arlington, or,�,, state' drowned, Early to -day it wag - following telegraphed from f4emlin by The Last Stand. BaInt Cyr Military College arid enter, Shockin.- Discoveries or the Police form of track Is the true solution that ilia tow" of Hoppoov, Ore,, -was parted that fifteen 130408 had beell tile correspondent of the Daily Ex. of the problem of I found, but only max,& r=rto of ,They reached the roof of the pulace all tile Fronob army lit 18700 with VOROwling it Wom"Ji.111 Compla IlIt- ligh speed," doetroyod by a water spout last ilia disafster bav ,be bta press purports to be authoritative in vit e on, the rank of captain, - -_ 0 d. Hop� The I I . -Owiter or night. it is reportea that 35P tier is a town of about 1,250 lnllabi� account by. an oyeviltuess, wilowas ilc�llnlr�,, stoo;l III frolit-of Ills con- . - What theOfficers Saw Per�one were drowned and that 10Z; lj�anjle,r tile seat of U(.)rrQw countT.. tile tra- sort and faced tha- bnomy unfItnell- Den Gets Ofr With a $25 Fill 1 . InglY, Ila bor himself with royal bodlew fiave .already been recovered. eparts indicate the flood was gedy. The narrative necessarily re- courage, feavlossly to ilia last. The laillates Go to Prison. 11H BIGUSTI ' (241estiolls Ila to Canada, Caused by either one 9,r two cloud- ,, ft" I . THE TERHIBLE UNDITTh 'r. one of tile participants In 0 — � ROCHES­ V . I 1mrsts. . peats some .of the details already - P one was ovor In a moment.. Major Lazarovitch stopped up to His Icniown. The author of the story MaJestY find discharged his revolver confirms tile statement that the plot full III ilia face. .Tile King fell, but originated III tile marriage of Qubon ralsetl himself ag4in As if to speak, Draga, against the wishes of liar fam- A second shot was tired, and Alex- under V*11 back (lead. ily and tire nation. aubsequent , Murder at the Queen. evento only tended to Intensify the The Queen w'as fatally, shot by a, determination to procure King At- soldier. Another man ota:bbed tier * In exander's removal. ayolaot, as she fell The plot wag carried out by tile orver liar llusb!aad'o body. Tile moon principal officers of the army, among whom was Col. ldh�cllln, wh ' o'bro- sholle dimly upon the weene of the gliastly tragedy. The bodies Of the . thor wax Draga's first husband, and King and Queen .-wore rolled In sheets (,,of, 11aumovitch, ilia King's , adJu- arid lowered by,, soldiers through a tant. Late yesterday afternoon WindaW to t4lo courtyard. Here tho3i tile troops were hold ready in bar- were surrounded by'� a guard until 0, . racks I .. A . leave Was stopped; and , 'were t7a ,,gon appeared ana carried them. to all upol. dotacliniobts told off to sur- round the houses of the varlons Vie correspondent adds tlia,t two -14 Ministers. -.Who 6th Regiment of the air tile Queen's. sisters -were In the line, Col. Maechin's command, was palace when lie left Belgrade at 5 (Velock rJ.1hursday, afternoon, but ordered to surround the p;tlaco, and other troops w,cra instructed to pre' . there were rumors t1lait they ; lima pare to put down any outbreak on both been killed. Ile was unable to vorIf3l this rumor. I tile part of the King's partisans. Tile wildest confusion reigned The Conspirators Act, throughout tile palace, where the At 2 o'clock lit the morning, the soldiers had the grea,tost difficulty, perpetrators of the tragedy appear- In pacifying the terror stricken at- od, at the gates of tile Konak or Roy- tendants. Many of the attenda4nts . aj Palace, determined to seek the were killed or wounded. There was King In his bodchamber arid there Much fighting on tile halcolly. side force him to send adrift Queen Draga 01 Ka0ak, whore a nuniftyer of' the and her brothers, the eldest of whoul palace guards, Ilad made a stand, and where the soldiers of ilia Gth Re. she proposed should be the beiv to the *throne. Should the King re- gitnent wore for a time unable to fuse they wore sworn to demand hold their Own against these de- tormillod fellotws, Hand-to-hand con - iris abdication, and �lf all failed to ructs took place, Main were cut place him under arrest in the palace. stabbed arid slidt, u,nd it was not IIAI� Col, Naumovitch was on dirty Ili- til assistance was brought that the side the pa3a.ce as adjutant to Ills defenders were defeated arid made Majesty, and it had been arranged prisoners, In this fight Captain �Crlp- that on n bdvon signal he ,would ko,vitch was fatally,� waianded. ' order the pactee gkithrils to admit Fiendish Woric. Ills friends. Thereupon they pro- posed to proceed to the Xing's Meanwhile scenes of savagery were apartments and present to film all 1301"g enacted in other pa,rts R Del- grade, whore the troops thitt had ultima,tum In the 'lame of tile army and Sorvim. It seems, howwrer, that been told Off ,to surround the Mlolstex,s, houses broke in arid earn- botir the King; and Queen bad expect- niLtted further murders. ' Prime Minis- �.d something of -the sort to liap- r'pon. The Queen's brother, Captain te" Markovitch ,was surprised in- bed Ilamontary Secretary or tile Board of Trade, Mr. Law, ,said ilia United arid killed life body, being hacked al- Lunyevitza, liar candidate for the most to. pieces wltli buy0liat thrusts. throne, returned to Belgrade Time- . Ministers T&dero,vltcli,,' Potrovitch (lay. and the royal pair had received and Paylovitch were alao killed in a, warning that his appearance at their houses. There ,,was a terrible tile palace w,ould certainly result In scene at M. Tadercovitch,'s )lame. The it, demonstration on tile part or the Minister's elghteen-ypar-old daugh- friends of the Karageorgevitches. ter rushed to his bodro'Our when the Fully expectant ol o. surprise visit, soldiers efftered, and t1irowing bar - the King haa barricaded the doors self over ber fa,the'r's body, clung t of Ills room. , - I I . film In despair, entrea,tin ol- The First Murders. diers not to kill him. Sale Was rough- Tile conspirators out -side the pal- 1Y)tOrn away, culd as she still per. stated in barillig the way, a soldier ace ware challenged by ilia gulards . placed a rifle barrel at her Itead arid ia ol. Nhumov- rired. Both father and daughter were Itch had neglected to instruct. They killed. I were ordered to open tile gates. Whon ail the murders were comm'.t- They refused and a. short parley tail tile gbior conspirators hold a onsued, during w,lAch Col. Maseliln meeting outside the palace. .They de - walked away, to procure assistance . cided to immediat(ly complete their from X company of the 64:11 Regiment : progralume for oAmblialling a pI,cvI_ 9tatloned close by. Capt. lk%najovr eininal Government. Col. Masolilir arid Itch, in charge of the palsoo'guard, Major Angluovitcli, the ringleaders, still refused to admit tile party, . ware placed in chax90 of the military whereupon he was stabbed to death by a, soldier. Tire rest of the guard 11,Vra-1190ments. It war now mo a.m. Gans wore mounted In front of the were tfien overpowered. � tyalace, and additional troops were Butchery.An the Palace. - brOU91It out of barrarks. "to police were Informed tha,t tile military The noise of the melee at the . wore Ili complete control, and tha.-L gates brought together the palace iservants and attendan,ts, who were all or(lars would proceed from Col. Ma,schIll, w,lto had bean placed in so, Immediately made prisoners. At, every door,soldiarg with fixed bayo- pwame commail,,d. At tile meeting of tile canspirators It was decided to nets wore placed wIth orders to � ca,11 uri011 "ONf. Avakumovitch to licad w e rering tile ilia new Cabinet, wldol� was formed slightest resistance. A number Of - on tile SpOt, the members all being the palace guardu who sought as- adhe,ronts of Prince Peter Kara- eqtyo were inevelloissly ba,yoneted. In gaar.gevttcb. 'While tile now, .Cabinet -, *is way the Queen's youngest I wals sittin I.nhtlie palace. In the Wother, who appeared in a pas- - ' ,� ch,itile.1 of ,,,Jd I&Y tile murdered sage In his night clothes, met his King and Qtwcir, wOrd came that tile death at the hands of a private. He colonel or the 81:31 infantry wA,s ruwhed out of his roomi shooting, marching Ills men from tile suburbs "Wtut does this mean ? How dare to tile assistance of tire King, of you enter title palace ?" An Officer whoiao fato lie wa,s unaware. ordered himi to consider-lilmself unt For Ktit_­ Alexander. der arrest. He resisted, ana was 111111odd I i f I 1 1. � , i ; I 1. i ,., , - G�;,n. Atallarkovitob, who had been The, Brutal Demand.' , appointed Minister of Wax, at once Meanwhile, Col. Naurnovitch had aant troops to confront ilia danger. k fierce fight ()nistioil, during which burst open tile door loading to tile iho commanding officers of both Xing's apartment with a bomb. (',a].. f�rces were killed aidd many. men Natimovitch, Col. NIschits, and 1%fajor woro killed or wou'lided. Mite Sth Lazarovitch, ilia Intier an OP011 Reginient was driven off, and the de - enemy of the King, rushed Into fanders ]told the ground. In tile the room'with drawn revolvers. The - oGu,l,so of tile d&y tile officers of the King, In Ills night dress, stood in 13,Ji Regiment sent word that they the middle of the room, pale arid a,na their- man apql1lescea in the now excited. In Ills hands lie held a - andor at things,. Shortly after 5 revolver. Ile demanded furiously o'clock In tile morning a cannon shot tire reagon -of- the Intrusion. Col. from tho palace awakened eleep!ng Naurnovitch hold towards film a BRIgrade. . paper, smyIng ; "We demand Your Throughout the night of caxnage Majiesty�s signature to title paper. the people of the capital had slept It contains a kiroralso on yourpart uinawaro of tile awful tragedies that to break with the woman Draga, were being enalated, Mile people, Allig womian or ill -repute, -who has -Wrought itroused by the guri, came out on tile I disgrace on your house and streets, where officers on horseback 1he nation. ritillln'g this, you rode by, shoutlmg the news that the raust abdicate." King and Queen were dead. One Villain Killed. The King stepped back towards Ills ___ I THU NE W KING. - bed, and, ilming. dojlboratclSr, fired his revolvAr at Col. MallinovItch, Who — this Been Platting Incessantly Against fell dead, shot through the ]lead. At Ki g Alexander. title moment Queen Draga, 'appeared at a door opposite, crying out Tor Prince Peter Kara goorgeviteli, ilia help. Mile King turned to her arid now, King, claimed tile throne by bagged ,bar to be calin and -not be reason of Ills descent from Xam fIghtened. flo soothed her with ton- George, tile Black Prince of the Ser - der words, and foquested her to re- vinne, who, a, century ago, with the turn to �ter apartments. fte refused holp of Russia, expelled tile OLtO- I toleave, and advanoing"towards Col. roarls train the country. The Black Misclilts begged him piteously not to Prince ruled from 180-1 to 1813, murder them. Col. Mischits had In when lie Wan assassinated by Milosell the meantlmo ,picked up ilia paper Obronovltcli, who is sald to have whIch his comrade hall carried, and boon a. swineherd. Miloach fought held It Up, shooting: "Lot him sign ilia Turks for fifteen years, and this document and iroo, Soryla from then, with RusslWs diplomatic ald, ' your miserable presence ill forced tile Porte to recognize him lkin�- and Queen Flee. ns hereditary Prince of Slorvia. Ile At this momont COL Maschin, the wasi riot n. success, allil In titne, Al - Queen's brother-in-law, rushed Into oxander Karagwrgovitch, father of tile room, fresh from lits encounter Prince Peter, Avas nvido the rnlor. , , with Callt. Lunyovltza, who had of- 114a lost ilia thr one, but saved Ills fored a most Jieroln resistance lit an- )lend, and r4ticit then tile Obronoi- Doer pitrt of the Italace, Capt. Lun- vitcheg have, Wen lit control, Mich- wits WOUlid0"I ill (I (107011 ao) being tile first to succeed Mex- ,W'etzm -aces With bayohat thrusts and but- 16t.s. Ile had torn ,past tile Xtnp;'9 tch. anemias sword In hatul, fighting lite After AlexaDder had boon deposed ho Pliant most of* Ills time making way to' tile (100", Where, 00ining face to face with Col. Maschill, ho was lite. unhappy tot, Michael. Ito start - Phot dead by that 'determined con- od insurrections wherever lie could - around the 8ervian border, ,and, they Opirator. At the slo-lit of Col Mas- (,hill, Inflamml with l'),assioll, ftll�l with being ineffective, lie finally man - the hist for blood In his pyt,,� the 1190d, to have Ilia successor In off1co King turned to Ihi Q.uenn WiId hado fISH-11118111"ttOd- The 'conspirators tier IWO fOr' liar lite, ThoV both I -all WPre' 110t quick n'1011911 Ill escaping front ilia room, follow,od by tho, Offi. and a number of thpin, Including eera Br,hind tho, L%ttor came rt t,tream 40�X41fi4lor'14 two brotherf4, woro Cap - of AboItting.. 9bldicro. , Tile 'King and titfttf arid hanged. . 10 4 Buffalo, June 16-Conditiona, *the London, .Tuna 15,_A numbor -r Portland, Ore., June 15, -The goll- � — - Murdered Brother aqua ,I or wildoll' have nover- been discovered One of His Wives Wen( Froa, que9tioag bearing oil Mr:_""U`I="i"- i1orlallfe preferential tariff pro- oral office or the Northern 4allway till<] Navlgutiofi Company received Avenged In police InvesUgations llo�alu wave asked ill tile Housu off L telegrams that H "'I'ller was washed during recout years, wore found by 1,01,011to, "Olnulons -tei-day. Premier Balfour, out bY a Cloudburst ,last night and After 30 Years. Detective EdwArd Newton and replying to Mr. Labouch,31!0 (ad- that many PODIAO of ilia town were — other officers early yesterday . vauced Liberau, said the Itilluley. in- to tile suggeuted changes In the drowned, R ENTLESS P6RS,U I T OF M U d li ER Eh morlllu�, w1ion thvy soarolied tile "faille 110tal, No- 118 Exchange WARRAN.1 NOT EASILY SERVEI. itscal system would b-, conducted by tho Government, wiauh. ,would. be re- Balloonists Ill pon-il. Cologmo, June 15.-A, balloon with . street, for -a woman who was said ltoell,eister, N. Y., Julie 3,6.-aeo, A. ,ilionvible Ith,orofor. Ahked if it w�s I)rOPOued to protect Canada by re four aeronauts was carried out to sea yesterday afternoon. The fate BBrl:ll, June 16 -XII extracildinary ca,vo of a long,doluyed vendetta bau to have lipon "doped" and stored Soars, a consulting engineer for the Roeliester Bridge Company, was ar- Laiiathig o"a Uaritramr, Mr. Cham: of tile four mert 19 riot known. . been brought Lo light by ilia mur4er of an Ararenlan Hadst lb- ali'av Ill the hl.)toi whore no one c0ul�l find liar. Fifth, 'Lite aecumu- rested here oin Saturda,y; an a war- rant sworn out by! his wife, Dorothy,4 be;-Jadn vald ill(,- vituation created ity the dWoronveg between Can-ida Aut-ds-oll lite Warpath. Cologne, June 15 -The Kurds are natuml ralm. at Askabad, on the Trame-Cau- 1411ull of years, waK In ul.-lit, at charging him with non-support. The ,Ina Germany wag precisely that Upon wIllu'll lie had Invited a diq- taking up arms In Xurdl9tan, ac- cording to a despatch to the Col - caslan Itallwa.y.. I Thirty years ago Ibralur kl:led an- u"OrY turn. The case was report- Csa to ilia Department of Ucalt,him- fact developed through tile arrest that Sears was married -two months ,UZ1310n, with the view of ascertain- i�g ogno Qazutto from Constantinople. Into other Arlillenian named Dalialalow, at loodlately. ago to Georgia Hicks at Toronto. tho opinion of the country. deqpatch addo, U. &. Minister, the Van. In Asia Minor, when lie was a youth 18. Tji:� conditions -,vlare revealed lit Mrs. Sears alleges that Sears has neglected for over a �year; that Who are AguluSt ITS? London, Julie 15-Wlic.it asked In l3rittuh Ambassador and German CLItiarge d'4ffaIrq, have ,made repre- of Dshalalow'q two brothers swore hi'vew tl gating a complaint inade by Mrv, Lulu Aurrhi, or ,No. 23 In- .her lie sent tier ito Parts last fall with ill() Hou -9-1 of Commons to-d.ny to selltati011s to tile Porte re - an Oath to avenge his irrarder,and devoted the rest of their lives to the diaiia street. 6he reported to the only enough to keep her at short time, and nat enough for tier retilrn. an=* tile countries which denledto Britliali, imports complete moit garding xecient occurrences at Kharput, where tho arrest of Ar. search for I& slayer. One of them police a! tile 1.4'ranklin r4l,roet 8ta- tion yesterday morning at 3 o'clock 8Ilq threa,tened to appeal to the Un- favored nation treatment, the Par- mentall toacbers all I domicillary, visits to tho houses Armenians died. but the other conLinued the 111111t, JOIJI1107.1119 all througin A,,iiatloo that kilia arid it womitri friend, a Mrs. Duncan, had boon 11knock Ited States Consul at Paris, andher husband Haiti money,, for her re. Ilamontary Secretary or tile Board of Trade, Mr. Law, ,said ilia United of have caused a panic. and Buropilan Turkoy, Persia, tile given Out,, ,drape .15aturday ulght and turn. 1-16 then pala liar expenses at a �itatos and Portugal wore the Only victilus or the c,eu,. Caticasue, and pai,ts or Arabla and Lhat #.-he oad only recovered call- hotel here. When, officers went to 'No. _ouet?, bcoldes the Central and So,ith Chi Istiansend, Norway, June 15. Central 'Asia. Finally, after more sclouslwss an hour or so bar ore the house of wife 2 to -day . to Maerican UopubIles. -TUo Belgian ateamer R.0 ens, bound b titan a tnuartor of 11 ,emotury, lie found alto luade the complaint VrI day arrest Sears lie held them at bayI at Was il a Cloudburst. [I -Om. Sunderland, Eng., for Pillau, lbraim at Aekabad, and killed him murning-five full cta,ye. tire po4n)t of a revolver. The Offl- Spokane, Waeh., June 15. -Tele- East Prussia, capsized and sank promptly, hacking lite body to 111ra, .3jorris not Only said alto cars were forced to besiege the place �;ra,ph*o and teLepholle advices from JU110 10- Via Captain, Mate and pieces Uo iras boon arrested, but tile In- had 'been drugged and abased, but sold Duncull hud been for .twelve hours until Sears gave himself up, He was then released on .irtingtorl, Oregon, state that the �'own of Hopner, �Oregon, was de- six men wore drowned. Seven other members of the crew drifted ill a fluentlal Armenians at tile district 'jul's. drug- god Its well; that ulia was It on I'LILI bail. Mrs. Sears No. I came,, Lhero itroyed by it flood that rughed down -4mall boat for 22 hours, .during are trying to sa . ve hinf, averring that it was ilia duty. to fulfil the uIvily in tile itiotel where uL) One could rina tier. from Brooklyn a week D-90 ancl se- cured the warrant. Sears has been Wittlams Creek between Z; and 7 Volor,k last evening. Reports from , which thnfe three of them died from exposure. The others were picked oath he ,aware over the dead bodX . TilLe report iv,as made to ])ask living in this eltyl -%vith wife 140- 2 since t)ie forte state that from 350 to 500 UP. I . Of 1119 mUrdercd brother. . So,'goalit K.rug. Ila surnmolled Pre- nfarrluie, . ___ _ I ulacc Dotcotive Newton. Detective n rnikey Stokes hastened to *S[g ,[Hp[N1 hpp[gHS. __ ---..,-.- __ __. -, ______. I golf 15. years ago. Hoffman's re - signation at the university was re- HE "HE'S 9 PRIM NOW NUNN STUMER LOST tb:o plaile 'I I were joined by Sergt. 8inion. The "L d quested beca,use lie refused. to reveal i I oxits were guarded arid then began tile identity, after admitting that . — 11 complete search of title premises he was going under an assumed ' for Mrs. Duricart. One Hundred Feet Long anif dille. At the time that it was 'r'eported the Crown. Prince had kill- Who is to Grind a Street Much Wreckage Found at Tile place at No. 118 Exchange street Is run by William McKay and Evil-Lookino', ecl himself In Austria, It is -assert- him Organ for Fortune. Sable Island, is known ae the Maine Hotoi, The 6 ed that a. corpse resembling the fanerazi, I V001118 on the second Iloor were broken into one by one lit the . - was made ifse of at while tile Prince disappeared from , search for Urs. ]Duncan. Unto floors looked ZIGH'i ED OFF CAPE the empire, n4d that lie was none TRIED IT ALREADY IN'TORONTO DIVERS WILL BE SENT OUT as though they had never HAlTERkS other than Hoffma,n, professor or Detroit, Jua,_a 16. -Tho News says: , 13a'allfax. bean awept, the wind-ows !rad never been iviaslied, and the bed Iluen was Philadelphia, June :to, - Second triediclue. The Crown Prince was considered one of the leading phy. Lit order to procure muney for %lie Julie 16.-r4lic eteaider Lady Laurier returned from Sable grimy ivith dirt. . Ill 'one of the rooms on an upper Mate Gray, of the a wh'.ch arrived teamer Tresco, at J`C�rt Richmond from fficiane of Austria. Tile story In is confirmed by circumstances I education of two beautiful young daugliters, and to save her home Ili Island to -day'. She reports th'a wreck Of an unknown vessel under ,Ioor that entrance was korced into Suntlago, to -d ay with a cargo of Iran part in connoction with Hoff man's stay Johannesburg, South Africa, a hand- some Engilishwornan, now In Detroit, Water about two miles from the it young man was found lying In td 11 a stupor. Ila was "vake. ore, reports having seen a fiea ser- spot of a particularly atrocious kind. here. I will on Monday. morning go upon the wout end light. Captain Johnson, of Wo LadV . "How inuci money have you ?" asked Detective Newton. He is backed up by Capt. IV. 11 Bartlett, the other officers and a tit , r-nc-..xc-,.v-ot—..xc--..4-nr1 streets Of the cityj with a harld-organi as a means of earning a livelihood. Laurier, reports that the unknown wrock Is evidently that of a very large Tli� young Mail ,,aid lie had about $275 at the last accounting. Upon Eartrolilng litirwelf crew, all of Whom are prep make affidavits. Mate ,Gray 1.1,��Vtltlol J t I NEWS IN BRIEF The lad,V prefers to be known sim- ply, under the soli-riquet of "The BrI- tish Widow," IXer high birtli, famll,m arid comparatively now lie found lie had been robbed of that monster first, but Capt. Bartlett told steamer. Ule Governor of thiO Is- land has no' record of a wreck In amount. the story. I � He said that t1ley were ninety LWW%..pC_,�.4gj#r.%.,)r,..4W&2 COn-nectiond; and former social post- . tion, making it; impossible that liar that location, and- it evidently Ilhs The young man wits Olin Milks, a former, from East 'Randolph, N. Y. miles north of Hatteras, and added: "Mr. . real name should be made public. , occurred there quite receaLly 01, was carried In. It was tile length, According to tile story lie told ,the police he walked into the Maine Hotel Gray saw a school. or sharks ran- Ding Wildly. Behind them 'seemed to CANADIAN, . She carries letters and credentials from men of high position In Eng - of tin oar under water. Aboat was nh thle wrock, and bought koveral. drinks ILI tire bac�, ' bat it, derelict. We st . it eanied lip raised out Or the wi.tter, the.was The Soott Memorial Orange Hall land and in the British army in South . Africa, proving .her identity, and as - but the othler end could not be 1,001)]. He says lie knows It(-) was drugged because lie had been order- I and dedicated at Winnipeg. thIng liorrirled us. Supported on a tablishlug the fact that her fatb- located. Divers WAII probably be sent down to endeaqvor to ascer- ' Ing only bear and is accustomed to drinking *He neck that rose above the water flf- toon feet* was the head of a dragon Lieut.-Coi. Stollery, one of the tiret officers of the Toronto Grena- or was a rioted Irishman of letters, wilose name is one knowj� and res. tain ilia name. i beer to, some extent. said lie did not drink enough *to, with two monster tusks. at was loo ,11ors, Is (lead. peeted in the scientific 'world. ,,I ON UTOPIAN LINES. bo d. Milks told the police lie was per- feet lOng with a boiV like a snake taporing ,to a dritgon-shaped tall. It' - The Supreme Grand Lodge of Brit- l6b Amerilea, L. 0. L., closed, its meet- tried the experiment for three days last week In Toronto, Canada, treated though, . fectlY sure lie had been given knock- Looked at us and made Orr. It for b a Ing at Wintilpog. The officeng were r -elected. -a I arid was courteously', . naturally subjected to the curlos- — One Hundred Persons Furinied a Colony Oil Swiss-Italiall Frontier. cut drops. Although lie could iden- tify persons who waited on him- at different times lie stiffing odor." .. AMES& CO.'S AFFAIRS. it is stated. on relia,ble authority that sonle, of the largast fire insur- ,, Ityj of every passer-by. I found that . loss hard to bear than treatment I . Geneva, .Tune 16. -About :1,00 per- could nof posl- lively identify anyone as the person — aileei companies doing business In Ot- tawa, have, decided to clo.se their have received In bubiness oirlices where I have applied fair employ - sono, thirty or them women, li;ave who robbed I;lm. Iiiabilities Reduced to a Little Over offices in tbat city. - ment. Folk the E;a,ge of my. children4 settled at iliico,na, on tile Swiss-Ital- Ili the complaint made by Mrs. Five Million. . I have tile courage to do'anything, lain frontler, Intending to founa a Morris she said that as she was The inifanit child or MrL3. Casten arid believe I am an honor. coinniumi0y modeled upon Sir rilhomas Leaving to go to ilia stmt-forthouse Toronto, Juno 16­40he following Gua -y, of Otiawa, who was injured .taking able means air earning a living, and MOrO!k; TjtOpia. Ore saw a young mail rail art a chair moluo frow A. E. Ames & Co,, was lit the�mothorls, arms whou the lat- will succeed." . TAie, members a,re to have Individual_ as thOugh lie had been drugged. itude tip Saturday. afternoon, but ter leaped from an Upper window of The lady, at the begIniolng cZ the' liberty of action, and of thought, but In one of the rooms the police not handed out for publication till & burnitig house, Is dead from Its Boer war had a splendid home on are pledged to live in the most, frugal found Lula Schaeffer, a wreek, the SaturcLay night: LnJairlcisi, - - I . . the outskirts of Johamnesburg, and WAY. '11110y are vegetarilariP, their result ft same form bT ilia opium The trial balance up to close of The grip of tile fee trucit for To- sufficient mea;ns to support it, and dross Is to be of the simplest char-'liabit , it Is said, She cGlIapsed whon book yesterday afternoon shows ronto after July I Is the way it wa.% educating liar two young daugh- arateir, aind no ha.ts at- caps are to be :told at the tbef t, and was carried liabilities as $5,11211,780-07, compav- appears now. Tile combination has . ters Ill it convent in B61gium. With wol'a - . downstairs bodily, being unitble to ed with $ID,j.40,000, on May 31. practically been perfected, and U. others, she was o0liged to forsa,ke The laws, they say, are those of walk. In another room 'Detective last. 8. capital will dictato the price of lier home, sell liar furniture for C6 nature, and they acknowledge no Newton found Mary Cully, it negro To-dav, being a .short day, the re- that necw'sur.v commoditY in this were song -a magnificent piano go - Other. 1their sole aanuseiiieri t is music, girl.. She and.t-lie Schaeffer woman ductioll of liabilities from, the fore- territory after tills month. ing for 8.0 shillings -and was rush - by preference that of Wagner, wore charged witli yagrancy, and in going figures has boon billy about Dr. Charles Morse, of Ottawa, De- ad through to the coast. The re- w1loill thoy oa.11 zu4tuxia's musician. morning court Nvare sent to tile $150,000, but a inuch larger redue- puty Reg,istrar of the Exelle4luer fugees were robbed right and left A committee Is trying to Invent a Workhouse for twenty-five'day.s. tion ig likely for Monday, ttivougb Court, wlio bas -been for the past by the Boers, while large sums of la,nguage which will be tneir own. ,I'Vm. 'MoXny, the proprietor, was taking up of .securities by cliont-i two yearo one of the e.xaminers in . money were commandeered by the Tilley differ from tile Tolstol-sta in charged with running a disorderly The amount at credit of savings Ww at TrinlLY University, has Boer officers. After niany hardships that their desire Is not- to help Oth- house, arid was fined $25. depositors is $243,097.64., being been appointed lecturer in jnrl,sprii- . the lady, finally secured � . linduigence ows, but only to live a. quiet "nat- Identical with the amount as at (1011030 III the advarlecd course In po- passage" to U ugland tbrotugh the ef- ural".11ro, ii.wiy; from tile world. J*UnO 121 la,3t. 11ticat science. forte. of Lord Mllner. Too proud to Good further progress In. tile tak- Captain George Hobbs, of 125 it cop a a on) no t I fr relatives, she be - POPE NOT DEAD. M—Mill—WHOUH TIN$ Ing Up Of securities byellents call Yorkville avenue, Toronto, aled on 90,11 the struggle -for Independence be made for ,several days yet, after saturday at )Ito llama after an Ill- that finally brought liar to Detroit — Annoyed by the Fico, X111 Greatly I ___ Which ilia position -will' be Bimpler. 71110 rotation of this firm to *the nAws of a, couple of 'weeks. C 11ptain Hobbs was for thirty years a clerk to play i� street piano. She will trundlo'ller piano, garbed In her 111alse Rumor. Tests on Prussian slIalrei of the Atlas Loan, Co. has Ili tbo Provincial Reglatrarts Of- heavy, mourning, and, being.an un- Romr, June 16.-TIle rumor th.t-loteresting bobn exaggerated. No doubt the fico, and practically cited in liar- usually ,attractive womart, ivill on - the Popo was, ,tead: went so far as - State Railways air.ount of money that company haa ne,sq, having attended to ll.is duties doubtedly create a sensation, to reach title oar of Leo himself- .wltlb ui; art margin upon tile securl. until two �;oeks ago. . and wakod him out of Iris Usual[ ties ,wo are carrying for them, Is EXAM. BV 'PHONE. tranquility. 110 exclaimed with, Important, but It would be un]-tivi, BIRITIS171 AND POREIGN. 0.101110 SqIOW Of licat: "Becaum I begin to be Old they BETWEEN STE0 AND ELECTRIC for tile neople of St. Talomag to eon- 81der 1-7liat If the comp, any had — SG Imuls 3.tan. Gets University Ove are determined to shorten my days- I am not the oldest of Popes. Mlfhre. London, ,Tuna 10-111he Prussian boon -strong in other rositucts Its relations with us, so far its tbo Tile Italian Cabinet resigned. M Ile'Vo famous picture, "La Horse," ill(- Wire. 8t. Loulu, Juno 1Q.-Pereival E. havc been centenarians." State railways between Hamburg, f1rul'i; responsibility Is concerned, -iris for �6,320. ",as sold: at; P� Falisler, chief clerk or ilia depart - ,Until a short time ago the Pon- - Hanover and Berlin will L-liortly con- would have resulted Ili, the closing Tile livriolil, of military service fit ment or electricity of the Louisiana tiff laughed. at sucIv rumors, but. 'duct art Interesting compott.tion be - of It3 doors. Franco Ila,,; been re(lucea from throe Purchase, Eb,position, received the de - lately, since his years have really: tween steam arid electrically hauled We ask from' our creditors a lit- to two Ycalw. ' grao -at electrical engineer from the began to bear heavily upon him, -'traliis. The leadIng loconioLive build- Me further patience, until ilia ac- U. Todorovito-li, 'Sory an MiuLbter Purdue, UniverklLy yuaterday, after these reports annoy him greatly-: era and electrical firms of Germ, any n -a reduced Into a nar- can tv it' of the Inteilor� isuccumille I to -wounds llaNslaig all oral examination over iso, much so in th'G present case that 1 have been Invited by tile State to rower coullpa;gs. Arn indication -will inflicted by the Begrade murdarer(g, long-distance telephone. Mr. rianslez lils doctor expects tillat the Pon-: submit ,dostgns and specifications for be given by Wednesday br Thurg- waR graduateil front a school of clee- tiff will have to rentain in bed to- steam Or ,electric locomotives or tiny of tire reduction ruado in Ilabill- � L trical. engineering in 1001, and spent morrow. Title slibwe how procarl- ous ilia fire Is. A fatal - motor cars capable or making 100 'ties from the figures given. .%be A. E. Am!es & Cc ve, MUM TO FISHT 001115H �1 a, year in a post-graduato course of Par(luo, making a special istudy of tile ending may miles air hour wtth it light load, and ., Juno 1903. i electrical traction problem. come from tile smallest cause. 00 miles an hour oil ordinary traffic. 18, 1 _ A camprehansive i�cgt of tile system SUICIDES AMONG DOCTORS The tests will be it continuation of th�o trials Of high speed electric trains � ALL FOUR DROWNED of the Union Traction Company of In - diana — on the Prussian standard gauge milt- taty Has Made a Flank March was taken by ,Mr. Fonsler as a thosIR, a3id upon Its acceptance the Increasing Ili England -Too 1%lany it) line between Berlin arid Zossell, which have been arranged oil account - Man, 'Wourlan and Two Children facility orderedUr. F6,n1slar to report, tile Prok,salon. � of the decision to Increase this Npeed Named Guifty. Willi His Whole Force. for examination. The examination wits act for Ilonda,%,, but the flood London, June 10,'214alcidea axe In. of trains botwoen Hamburg, Hall- Montreal de,spatch: 1 ivall, a wo- made It Impossible for Mr. Vansler creasing remarkably among doctors ta Great Britain. The reason is not over and Berlin. - Elaborate reports have just been man add two, children wore drowned tn, 'a swift of tile St. Lawrence, - to got to Lafat(,yye, Ind., and lie ob- far to seek, accordlog to a statla. published of the Berlin to Zossen pitt niDar )Bout Usle, this evening. Proin HAS OVEII 6,OGO IAOUNTED (AEN "1"`d vol"I'le-910" to take tile exam- tuation by telephone. Accordingly, ticlav, who points out 'that the pby�- slelan: wlict might calculate on tin tests. It must be borno, lit mind, however.. that this Is a Line of only shore the mail was Avon to lose con.- trol. of ilia boat, all(] soon tho atlifIr London, Juno 30 -Sit offi,ilal des- the four examiners -Prof. Goldabor- Ough, 0. 11. INTathow,e. IV. 1). Pance arid Incointe 6f more thark 0 "'Do `,�_" � 0), it few years ago Carl, count -� day. fourteen miles, and Is practically straight, arid without tiny curves Of occupants, I)c 0( I ,coming pxlet 1, if a boat upsot, throwing them all into patch to the War Wfleo from: Do- J. )V. Esic,rIllip-wero connected with tile long-distance tolepholle at the In corresponding circumstances on it radius of less than 6,500 feet, and , tile water. I twtio ,ay.s that najimohamint'.d Don game, time, gInd fol, 1pour,q Mr. Fansler ani.X something above 92000 (81,000), no gradients stooper than one lit The name of tho drownp,d is pierre Alidullah. tho, Mail IffillIall of ,Romall- was, plied with questloins. Tho causes Of tills depreciation or 200. In Ilia first triaLs it car built Guay. The others wore his wife and land hav, with Ilia wbolo forev, made Oa the reconiniondittion of the ex - Income are two, tile first and morc, at Colqglle and electrically equipped ellildren, One bod.v )lite been rec,)V. a flank march to Nogal by way naniners a degree ,was awarded to important bollng tile Improved health by ilia t3lemens-11alske Company 'Of ored. of Dairot, and to now going to IT:%- 'Mr. Fan,sler by the President and of tile country at large .oil the dI. Berlin, attained for a very brivt . till, with tile Intontion of ralding, tile facility. I Ininighing death rate. The medical perlol a spoed at 160.21 k1lomptros, or JUST LIKE A STORV BOOK lb ItIoll linnit or communication from . I profession, as a ritil,tter of fact, Is nearly lob miles tan hour, but tho Bohotin to Iterbera. Ile has more %Nlpe 1,01-ing. ill t,rirea. working in those daye of preventive tests Wero abandoned owing to the --- than 0,000 InounteA Dion. The ljrlt� Yoholiania, June 3.5. -Tye Itugslail medicine, t(Avards tfs oWn extine- giving ,way of the ralls. They wore Is Iowa Proressor Aw4trian Crowu loh are strengthening their lx,sLs War '31hilater, (Ion. E,uropatiklinpiR tion. Tile ,second cause Is tile multi- too weak for Ili,,) oar, which weigbed Prince, whough( to Ile Dead ? as far as possible. living extensively fotkl at Seoul, lleation of Universities, Which, ftro turning out *moro doctors than there OVOr 92' tells. Tile second series of tests were of Marinette, Wis., .Tuop 16.-Y.Mip Ma- __ . __ , A chriAtUm Science Aet. where lit) arrived Friday last. A notlopable fact, how -Aver, Is t1fat If; a demand for. : I . -_ a oar destgneil by Chief Enginvor holchol, twenty tons lighter. Tile Pinotta, 6tar Is authority for a story Toronto, .Tune 13. -Coroner Young simultaneously wlill, Lit'(% fostiviiLioa I Mrw. Lottle Mason Quino., Prosi- reduction Ili weight was obtained by to tho effect that Pror, 11offitian, ll�%Fj Issitod a warrant foil an inquest at the' capital, Parcill Yawantoto. dent of tile Woma,illa Foreign &is. means of abandoning tile transform. who recently resigned from ilia into tile do-ath Of a �yoiinp: girl, 1111da the Japaneso Ululster of Marine, lin rilonary Poeloty of the M6thodlet Pro on tho engine and suppLying 11, facility of tho University of lowa, lilrasor, whick toolt place while. tho , inspecting all tile n.%VaI portsand, (1hiarch In the ITolted Statex, (110 line Voltage of 10,000 volts direcItly 10 CVOwn Prince RittIolphi of Austria, girl was Under Christian 901011CO tosting thPir efflelPlIVY In eftSo of at her home in Chicago. , I to the motors. This CaV did not Zv who was sal3poand to havo killed 14m, treatment. I I I I � I I . War. 10 4