HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-06-19, Page 6Itt1lI�1lltI1�.IIII I,I11,IIIII,l 11 II1N1I1IIatIIJill I III, ■�arn1�ool�e #ad••�${io the do with Ri" - Bl liA~ I 10�11J!"yebbon. on Cui&. : ILW T1.G That was in pichind the delicate shoots and A-mves that are selected for Blue Ribbon alone. If you taste the tea you will thank the Coolie for piching the = yridht shoots ,. "But it's Ves" yes 1" lie scat's shrewd- � � r • � [ sri�.).. ly. "atld I .am to stay a w••ek:' CURIE�I HIS USE MANY WORDS E911. DAY �� I ISSU.�.l NO. �5+ `'.1 week I" echoes u.4y uudor her ' .I __._- --- ----- breath• luea4 OrdUtal lly Olve Utterance to Mrs. winelow's booth" kikyrupAshould "illi, Eiairta, you clear l" Thoro Is 1 lafiuty Tuousands of Phrases. always be used for V11114M'. 1'eethinB, ' BRIGHT'S DISEASE egethes the child" 4ofteno the lints outroe wind no thine for any further disclaimer "I hnvq been trying to figure out toile and is the host rom(:ciV lfor Ularrpeatw - ' on k faille's port, fol'°tlte buticr all- . how many words till avorago man _�,-----�- " - " ' f nuuuccs cl[nner, and the in;arggls uttors In otery, tw•onty-four ,holies,"' ® (7��ANTED--tlulrt111T, l,, N 11t (11. T IC - Former i'1'eside ' 1rC young men tram the Parra, with good pall them, with Lacly Purnior on nt of Bricklayers s'ald a goultleman whol hag a penchant address and luck that, eannui bo turned u n his urns, Union Used Dodd's Kidney for pecullar Things, but 1 have down, emit mauo front $Io to ..U0 pt•r week Tho old dowager stops to tuouttint been unable to reach III satlstac- selling our liteelidtirn lit re-ogti;zed merit to Pills. thowholol to and retail. ruer•haut.4 1D tho to nod to I-Nafue, tory conclusion on account of the x. - "Well, my dear,' site says, sere -v+ � � diflereiut ra.'teH of speed at w1doll Unless the Soap YOU polleesill dvan ed l'nr1dkir Nht 11": tr+t YNINo. 8, !1e mases advanced. Addir•as i .cl, box No. 6th, rng up ilei• eyL•s anti peerlug tit the different per6lons ,talk. Of course, I Hamilton, Out, - beautiful face, "none tho -volae for AndrewllfoCoraniok, ok�'oroato, Tells heave no reference to the different use this brand you _ a your. dissipation, I seta. 1Vlior© is o! u (,'tire for the Alcat ]ureaded of' kinds orf words wlvib mwyl be found are not getting the best that young malt, your feather? Tell all Diseases. In the daily vocabulary! of the aver- g g ".t LEARN A PROFESSION � lulu i want to talk to. hlln after ago than, but I am talklag abenit 1101 FIFTEEN DAY dinner. The Del, are a good- tlT°rodnto, Juno5.-(Special.) In t]iD,total number of wox+ds uttered, kilt for the eotag0a Bar, 245 +. testi a s when the dreaded Brf }tt s Counting repetitions and all, dur. _ _ by mall so you can matte from rivet To man . looking family, site says to the mar- y Brig ill, seems to be soleeting its in ever 'twenty-four hiaurs, There -- ` `+ , Z31acL, Ali?ttd. Ceylon Green. Eislc for Red Label. ,'.,, , „� = quis its they pass on. "Those two g Y. Y.- The Gators Call to brayer. -mm DUI.LAna A DAY. For particulars write ••iris, Blanche and i lalue, are sin- Victims tit 3v}ll the report of an au- is trite ulet melnulabk '1 • A NANSEL N «Wast FTX 7 � gal:trly unlike. Which de you art- q y" gentleman. Atlanta Constitution. f M. •. Ave. Nor! thentieated cure is received with who will not speak on an average, of �! .I 113rOIiTY C>t �I I . - , , I I I I .. I I I . ,.,001 miro most m•irt uls Y" relief by all classes of the comm'un- 500 words a da and tkuar re' n IAs B oilier tiVillian s was ropar• Hamilton. Ont. The Rase and LityVa.,er .t i. 1.11 A TALE OF WOMAN'S LOVE AND j WOMAN'S PERFIDY ill ,fit it .0 ``, kh•Vv�•wV�++iwwwvvA.r, wwww'%O-.VW .www✓ AA�a.A1..1,.Iu rah,.til ,..i.,.Ai.. lhr+li�latrO..J. 1,Y3adP, d1.dh,,c7a3a.d--aA On the morning after her arrival; admiration '.n lura Clark eyes it he gives her a list of persons whom; they resit upon her. lie wishes her to }mite, and trite_ "Do you Inherit your taste fret down It with placid serenity. I your Norman ancesturt:, Miss De "if there are any more you would ' laine, ?" it(, says; oat flippantly like to have, ask them, by all means," but -vittli that suggestion of rover he remarks. "I want to have a pleas- et,ce which a man ht lore gives t ant party." the lightest and most trivial word "'Oh, no," rhe says; `'these are quite audressed to the wAman lie love enough. I should think. Blnnclto De- Elaine laugh, softly. laine-that is Lord Delailil daugh- "Do you mean that Tay dress I ter, of course, and she will come with pretty?" she says. "it is old enoug the Bannisters; and; this Miss De- to have descended from the moa la.ine, who is she, Nairne?" ancient of the Delalnes." "Lady Blarche's cousin, She lives He takes her arm within -Ills, an with her father, a retired major, on they cross the hall, and a foatma the hill above." aliens tile door of the drawing "So n•eair ! 11 Will they care to come room. It presents a very differeu And stay__appearance from that which I He. shrugs his shoulders. httcl -warn on Elaine's previou "We can but ask them" he says, visit. it is lebll and repelling n with seeming carelessness. "Oh, yes; longer, but brilliantly lighted, an I think they will come.' warmed into geniality by the pre "Your guests are ail people in the neighborhood?" dres of men and tvamnu in avenin "Well, yes; one cannot expect peo- �Foi a moment Elaine is almos plo to leave London in the height of dazzled by the brilliance, then sit the season, and I haven't asked them. Besides, I want---" lie pauses a mo- sees a thin, gray-haired old II m'ettt-"to'hake the acquaintance of approaching her, and hears the ma my ne}ghboril It isn't too late." quis introduce her to Lady Scott. "No I do not suppose it IR too late," ." silo walks with her hostess t she rejoins with it faint smile, which a seat she sees Sir Edmund and Lad maeii.nlg that it can never he too late Bannister, the Lulwoods, severs for the Martinis of `alrne to make other of the local magnates wit overtures of friendship. their wives, and then last but no And the event prrw•eR her to be least the graceful form and fair fac right. There are no refusals of of Lady Blanche. the marquiN im,!tittifyns, and those ,Silo is talking with Mr. Lulwoo who have received one of Lady and does not move her head as EI Scott's polite mi s',ves go bout aino enters, but the keen blue eye and display it w1 ll barely conceal- see her rival distinctly, and take J ed triumph to those who have overy detail of the well-worn bu mom•' graceful grenadine. Lady Wanch "An Invitation to the Castle for wears an evening costume of the fat a fortnight!" exclaims the major. est fashion, made of the richest sit as Elaine hands him the note across the breakfast table. "'Good heav- trod plush, of • a delicate rase that f ens I wonders will never cease. too light to .be called a pink; Cher Por a fortnight, too! what does ii arc pearls at her neck anti on Ire mean? Why, if he'd asked as to white wrists, but she feels instant(, dinner I shouldn't have been sur- that beside the simple black dies Priced; but to stay in the house!" which Elafno wears -as if it 3t.'tc and he stares across at Elaine grown to her, as May -would say- with ay with a face .fluslied by surprise and her costly "worth" looks garish azo delight. f theatrical. Elaine saga nothing. and she ap- Batt there is no sign of this con pears absorbed in the coffee caps; scfousness in her face as she come but there is something significant" across to Elaine and holds out lie in her silence, wh!ch makes the 1 hand. major quiet and reflective, If has' "How glad I am to see• you here,' daughter were a'nly Marchioness of P she says. "Isn't it a charming Olt Nairne, there would soon be an, place? I'm aw�uily fortunate to b end of the annoyance caused by ' staying In the neighborbowl when tit creditors constant :Ions. f marquis entertains. They tell me th On the day when the major and' place has been closed for years his daughter arrive tat the Castle, ; What a capital ball that was tit 'tile marquis himself comes Into the other night! I shall tell papa that lFall to receive them, and shows by I lie must ask the major down to ac Ills manner the esteem In which lie I ail steward for our next ball at De holds them. j !alae. You will come, won't you?, IIe is not yeti dressed for dinner, i Elaine makes suitable responses t +although the dressing -bell has rung.: these overtures, and in the mitis and lie takes Elaine's hand upon ! of the exchange of civilities tit his arm and leads her through the , footman announces the Rev. ;Mr. II }Tali and up the wide staircase, , Miss Bradley. which are now brilliant with that May. looks rather shy and tlmf I of a multitude of wax candles, i as she enters upon her father's arm which is reflected in the armor • but at sight of Elaine ]ter prett and the Venetian glass mirrors, 1 little face flashes into a joyou "I have been waiting for you," he : smile, and site makes her way t Say6, in a low; voice. "Are you not ' her as quickly as possible. very late•?" i "Isn't it good of him, dear?" sit "No, I thunk not," sho says with 1 says. "we never expected to be in dOW11I at oyer, it seems only a few ; vited, and papa -vas quite surprised hours ago, iustr_,ad of rays, since she : I' do think he is tits most good-nat ured man in the world!" atWu lytta firm oD the; ira.cutly of the � ,,, Town Hall, and nie ,o:ce recalls ever -'ire you speaking of the mar y ( quis 2" asks Elaine with a smile, word he tlieD uttered. I "Wily, of course!" exclaims 1Tuy '"rdren it is my impatience which And, oh, Blaine, what a beautifu makes you seem so. I have been I place, it is! I hall no idea it wa watching tilt- drive for the last halt 1 so grand ! I felt as it I were con Lout'. Shall you lir: long dressing?" I Ing into a church when we entarec :rot very iotig, repiit:s Slaine, with . the hall. And this room ! But how a faint t,ralli., quietly you tori it all Ali, I forgot "You woril wby I should ask' You ]lave been here before, and ar You?" ht: says. " I want to wait iii rin}to accustomed to it. But It is al the hall for you, and introduce you to . new t° Isle and -and rather awe in Lady Scott, I -:•iii st"i by that pit spiring. lar tli(:rr ' and lie draws her near to • •3nH where is,'Mrs. Bradley?" ask the ba, "I can elrc.ss }n 'ten ; Elaine with a smile. mtmltriy bat I will give you lialf an! "The griffin has one. of her head hfraz'. Iy that ions ellough ?" aeil", one of the worst kind," sa • M,swr ,t=A2, l:,t:e e:nougi,," rthe Ir.:in- May unsympathetically. y L-- �'o ',`y' • '• bho lives quite road at not bein :,,:r....., Fill ;tae berm waiting; able to eome." t:, _: r_' -Y fear YOU,` he adrlfi, as lie . ,:And Gerald "" Ill E.'alno in st s is ,,;-; .rl.<, t;I;o_ dolor of her rooms. ]owr;r voice. %rs"...rsJ$ i�,j'??' ; :1fty lieltltF:. Hr_- :.,.-.'x3 il%;' w' F'='.e. "T et ,,;s�,�>w. In-'Ic'ed. 31y fr;on3 ..Ifuw e'en film be so eruel as to re L.1L?i ssrsa u fa:e�,r3 of y6urf., Call you ; inind M6 of him ? I haven't seen hl i�•JIVA i•, • silieo the ball, and--" I-ofs.- akrer:, tars Lead. "Mr. Gerald Locko!" su.ys the foo "Year tattle friend kay. She ,s man solemnly, dIGIV9 *,�Ah w? t'.0-144rilt. Thih ]:s f r %fay utters an oxelaination or a Your room, ri,ajor, ice -%t to 111-i s Dr: r z ,,,trot, :1.1141 the young fellow Com( lalbtJ anti sr, 1 u, },l,rat,atrt Trot- y toward tliein presently, his frau and hmile he leaves them. ; Imisish face all aglow with eagp In less tban loaIr art hcrtr Elainw. nest. tress put on ber simpler dress of "i have to thank you for till black grey ruiine, with: its trimming Miss Dolaine l" he says in a to o1 old lace -a rt -lie of tiie major",, vel}co as lie presses Alay's hand, mother -and looking +town over the : "To thank me?" says Elaine. balcony bf the corridor sees tht{ : IIr, WAR confidently. marquis fttanding at the bottom of : "Yes, I'm sure of it. ''the marqu ;the 'stairs, as it cm guard. , ask'A mo because May is a friez His face lights up w.:th a weleom- oP yours." int; smile as she descends, and a "Oh, no, no I" says Elaine, her fa thero Is approval as veli as loving i rosy red. rJ1, - , TME RIGHT PAINT TO PAINT RIGHT 6A Sixty one years ago we made the best paint we knew how—knowledge and experience have been adding value to it ever since --it's the best = paint we knew how to make :mow. And just a -. , ' little better thau the best, , Write ". accnthining this paper, for booklet sirol how some beautl. flit houses are palil with Rameay's ]Paints, Lim A, RAMSAY a SON, Point Islikera, MONtitEAL. VAtd. rile: p A till I. . I 10 rA J �i y.„ - e a ma y, r 1 P "Tiley tire butte very beautiful," like ity. And such a report comes from whoa, for one r4aison a,n41 auotiler, Ing to baptize a convert In the says with a smile, Andrew McCormick, of NO. 248 Sher,- would Al utter any'th-mg like this millpond, tho convert said: "That's a rebuke for my galtellorie diva avenue, this city, number. On tile aclter hand, there la 'IlWor Wililams, ain't slat 'a aIle- �' 4 i , I t'i �ummer In tasking the question, I suppose ?„ ]`hat Dfr. Mc(,ortnick is well known the ednvertsational Catling gun, not gator on dart log lander ?" 1 aimed Brier - I "But s rho old lady undauntedly, the facand tthatlie has fielrespected ItTd high officeenced s rollaoff worda�at a al fearful rate oho ft Williams; "ahe nt"a t .Plfoof pne,, t s "But r you lead asked we I shouldExcursions have replied, Elaine." In several fraternal societies, and speed, mold wlnase tkggroga.te You• onto Ic1at;{" I as o „ ," w for .several " t 1 ears President of Pr s y d vauld I v s i t a- rut up.p to dlz it t t? qlo The old lad blinks�athim.. says. the Bricklayers' 'Union. Interviewed Then there Is tlie'liorrm!a.l talker, who "Well," replied Al Willitame, "de Ra ids St. er, Lawrence, tanM ittre of Quebec, t, y „ regarding tha Curt,, Mr. 'McCormick , Murray ht, L Riveee, to Loup, Quebec, Slto is a goad girl, she remarks g g .will a;,tri�ko a good, deCen+t average waters mighty col ter -clay, on 8furraDay, laver du Loup, indlousac. curtly. says : --the malt who will neither bore you thil tots or pneumony going on ' Saguenay River, "So I am told," lie assents as "I suffered avlfilt an attack of with his Indiffereat silence nor tire 'sides dat, you ain't flttin' be bap. Steamers • Toronto Kingston quietly as before, but with a smile Bright's Disease and naturally was you what• his meaningless 'verbosity, thod, nollow. Go 'long home en ° g at•o by steamers Hamilton, Spartan lurking about Itis tnouth, much troubled concerning it. I But suppdse we figure tatat t'he pray over yo' stns !" sari Cotsktan, "Too good a girl toe you to appre- 1loarcl of the wonderful cures effected average person will utter an aver- Further Information apps to II. Foster ciate," says the old lady "Lady by Dodds Kidney Pills and concluded age at forty Nye .rd,s evierW infinte„ Aa); fore lituard'a and tlako no otdtor. Chaffee, western Passenger eigent, Toronto. . s Blanche, now --T to try them. The result was so sect- or about 57,600 words fol, ervery, . t, Isfactt,ry that it Ives me pleasure t;wetit .-four luours. Of course 'no l}3E Is wicked etuough for try appreci- to recommend t nein." y Cigars That Lasted Well. n ation.?" he asks. ) person will talk thJs much, 'as the Boston Transcript. I Site grins, then she looks up t him. I :Matte and keep the Kidneys sound windiest of men and women would , 000 6. , "I won't have my little Elaine by using Dowd s. Kidney rills and probably break dawn b.N:ore they had Mrs. Tyrtle-Wliy, Gcorge, haven't , �I E AXLE GREASE spoilt," she says significantly, there can be no Bright's Disease. tairked as muc,it as fifty-seven cal- you smoked up all those el -gars yet? It Has No Equal o "Very well," he responds, still with umua in tine average ,daily, news- Mr. Tyrtle--ulet a fenv' left, dear. Manufactured only by a the faint smile. "T will try and not WORDS OF BIBLE COUNTED paper, Tate only, question Is' as to Mrs. Tyrtle-Amid tivlton I bought '1'ME C,iw,MP�gEi,`, MFG. Co. a. spoil her. But haw long have you how much 'Lime each person puts in them, for you laughed at we and of HAMILTON, ONTARIO. been playing the part of sheep Clog, Hou, Whore and When a Prisoner talking during each day. Some mesa said women dadn't know anythili� For sale by all lea.dia: ca III Lady Dormer ?r ' and women are situated so that they about buying cigars. I didn't pay h Lrcr sluee such a wolf as you Found Their Number. cannot talk during the day, except nearly so Ingen as, you do when you t appeared in tate fold," she retorts. It is Gve11 known that the num- at meal time, an account of 'the bar- buy e}gara, and juVt think how they I � r *,l, �, Elaine is taken in by Mr. Bannister, ber of letters, words. verses, ate., atter of Work they -have to do. There have lasted I D d but tbough their places are in the contained in the Alble have been aro others, such as traveling men, . n centro of the table and near May- counted, but py tvltow, when, or far laatance, who depend upon talk Idlltaard'a Liniment is used by Phy- _ who, to her infinite joy, !a next her where, Is !tot generally known, for iaheir living. I have figured that sioians. n t lover -Elaine line a good view of the Treat's publication, entitled "Cur- the high man, probably the travel- " ® - t host at the bottom of the table, and losities of the Bible," speaks of the ing morn, will talk five hours out of The liars of .Earnest. G y ' III she can catch his voice now and occurrence as being of Spanish or- every twentty-four, which would - again as he speaks to Lady Dormer [gin, and that th'e Prince of Gran- give him a tonal of 13,000 words ev- Lippincotts. - ° or Lady Bannister on each side of ada. fearing (usurpation, Caused the ery day. I have figured that mash Ernest's education in physiology+ -1 I d him. I arrest of flie supposed would-be any sort of a man will talk as much began when lie was six years old. -, • The room looks magnificent in the usurper, and by order of the Span- as ten minutes out of every twenty- "What are your eyes Ior, 'Ernest?" g soft .glow of the candles which falls isle crown lite was thrown into an four hours, alit] this would give him asked his mother, 1 _ t upon the massive plate -not a little old prison called the place of skulls, a `tarsi of 600 -words for ,the day. ,,To see," lie drawled. i I . I I i of It In gold -but Elaine thinks of situated in Madrid, where hie was Tdiese are the two extremes. flan "And 'your mouth, %" I I I ' - e little else than the man to whom it confined for • thirty-three years, satisfied that the normal man -the "To•eat.i' i ( III all belongs, -vlio, with no -trace of a With no oth'or companion than tits matt who strikes a decent average "Is, that all? Wit'it:t aro 'yloht doing - t' shadow on Ills face, plays the part rata, mice and other vermin that between Indifferent -silence and dis- none?" of host with the perfect grace and frequented his dismal cell. guasting verbosity .will talk probably "Oh y,,es. To talk." 'I I 1� i i i - - o self-possession of a man of the world. During his confinement hie count- one hour, all told, each day, which "And Baur ears Z" ' ' - y It i11 , the grandest and biggest din- ed the letters, etc., contained in would allow flim 3,400 words, And Ernest reflected a moment. Then - I ner party at 'wblelt she and May the Bible, and ecratch'ed the sev- this, Vy the way, Is considerable talk, he answered thaughtfully.4 "liars are 6 ! e b 1 h have ever been present; the appoint- oral numbers on the stone walls for it will fill two columns in a W clean:' 1 I r t i ; s (, n t t ments of the table are superb; the with a nail. When his work was newspaper and a wlialo fat of wIs- i e footmen in rich liveries perform their discovered lie I3vtas furnfehled with dams call be eraivded into two col- Kea :1linard's Liniment in the c = o " . I c a'. ministrations with almost noiseless writing utensils and ordered to unina,"-New Orleans Times -Demo- housep I h', � I d, precision; the menu seems a gas- make a ',copy of the results of We crest, i .� t a , - tronom}cal eternity,and she finds - I _ % :.1^ 11 Is herself salla "Nthank YOU," at- long and tedious task, and, on its A Toung Philosopher. - •' `"-- - g , being completed, the finally received DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED It most mechanically, Its dish after dish his liberty. Philadolphia Record. -- ^-------.----.— t is offered her by the silent and soft- b local applications as they cannot reach Virgil Markham, the little sem of �� �� e footed servants. The following to a .correct copy the diseased portion of the ear. There is .only g EvenMr Algernon, who deans him- of Ilia great work :, one way to cure deafness, and that Is by con- the poet, has a thlost for lnforma- 41he Bible ,contains 3:,566,480 let- stitutlonal remedies. Deafness Is caused by t1011, and from • morning till night s�y� k serf quite world -worn and- blase, is ters, 770,746 avords, 31,178 v erseo, "' LuenneLcondition n Tui el of � i en tlila s lino Is Ot he asks questions. Recently, having � EQUAL - � s impressed by the splendor and tone 1,195 chapters, and 66 'books. exhauhsted the patience of his ' , 1K of the room and the meal, and for Uamed you have a rumbling sound yr imparI For e !'Ute word and occurs '10,6'# tent hearing mud when itis entirely closed,gentle mother, she said: "Virgil, ���'�,��.� r time cannot .even stammer the few times, the hvprd Lord 1.953 times, Deafness is the result, anti unless tbo tnflam_ you really music not ask me another PAVIN CURE 8 Spavins, v commonplaces which constitute his the word Jehovah 0,855 times and ori to rte anbettl en out londilea tub wlll r. Rueetion to -day. I yam• very tired, Ringbone ' s Idea of conversation, But he might- the word -reverend but once, which destroyed forever• nine cases out ogften are and you Uother m,e.' - SP lints, 1 as well remain silent for all the at- is in the ninth' verse of tike One caused by Catarrh, which is nothin but an The boy was somewhat suTprised 11 Curbs, _ tention Elaine Is paying him. Inflamed eondition of the mucous surfaces. s` -ad .0 forme of Hundred and Eleventh Psalm. We will give ion hundred Dollars for an at this relbuff, but lie speedily rose Lamonese She looks round the table in y to the occasion and inquired: When ' d search of Luigi Zanti ; but lie Is not The middle verse Is the eighth case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that I bunehea or bony verse of 'the one hundred and eigh- cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. Send I go to Heaven sl I bother the oat- ii.meata there, as Opposite her fa Lady Blanche, for circulars, free. " teenth Psalm. T,hle twenty-first - � angels?" I De D. J. Kendall Co. 1 have used your Sendall's Spavin ivho has taken stock, so to speak, verse of the seventh) chapter of F. J. CRE NEY & CO., Toledo, O. III hope not," ansrwered Mrs. Mark- Cure ami nee years and iia nt onto Iti have ffi teI ren o v of the mtawave plate and costly glass, Soldhaving trouble with. Yours truly, L. L. Je[.%•i nayton•Texas. x the matSterpieees of art' on the -valla Ezra contains all the tatters of Hall by Druggists, are ham. ' the alp7iabet except the letter j• Ball's Family Pills are the best. "Or God?" for $5. Asktyo radroa gl �t fo axEN a ALL S sYa'viir the rich slid antique furniture. She "No." i ounin; .lse,• A your on thio 'torso '• the hook free. knows far better than F,laine can The finest chapter to read is the Making Sure oilier Place. "well," mid Virgil, cheerfully, "if or address Dr, B. J. Kendall Co., Enosburg Falls, Vt. I possibly do the value of it all; and twenty,sixth chapter at the Acts of I want bother anyone up there, I e as she looks, without appearing to the Apolstles. The most beautiful (,tncinnatt Commercial Tribune. Heaven'sel e notice, a wave of covetous long- chiap+ter Is the twenty, -third Psalm. "Do you ever have any difficulty and it's bouttime I the place me, Afraid to Go Himself. e Ing sweeps over leer. All this may be The nineteenth chapeter of H. Kings in making your cook keep her • hers if --veil, if any reliance can be • and the thirty -'seventh chapter of place ? Brooklyn Life. e platted on Fanny Inchley's assertion; Zsaiah are alike. n ' "No, Indeed; she began to run Minard'aa Liniment Lumberman's Householder - There's something if the engagentent—wwhdch, Is, hon.- The four al Inspiring promises the Nouse from the minute she �l�• • wrong with thus bill. It's too big. t ever, scarcely an engagement yet- are to be found in the siXth, cll&lyter came Into It, and she's never stop- Grocer's Clerk-Tliat's 'why the - Imtween .this cousin of hers and the of St. Jolhn, thirty,-seventIt verse, and ped,' Explanation Heady to Hand. boss soul we to collect it. marquis can be broken off, and she, f6urte-enth c -tapper, ilecond verse; al- Brooklyn Eagle. ° Blanche, is left to play a free Band. as eleventh chapter of St. Matthew, Brooklyn Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant "yl*hy is it," o asked a carious oiti2eat, , t Every no -v and then she looks across twenty-elghlth verse, land the thlr- . A FEW STANDARD TR,UTIIS I at the face opposite her critically, t'ywseven'th• PmJm, faurt'h verse. Sol Powder dusted in the bath, softens "that In Stockholm+ a conversation III calculatingly, but site can find no The longeot verse is the ,ninth the water and disinfects. 38 by, teleiphono oasts only a traction The Now York Central, with its flaw iii her cousin's fresh loveliness, verse, ei et'h chapter of Esther. The over a penny, -while in Now York it gh app four tracks, rile magniYtcent scenery d and her heart ,grows' harder and shortest verse is the thlrtyL,flfth costs a dime? Loser All Hound, rt colder. verse, eleventh, chanter of St. John. Um -or -well, you a;Ce," said the along ills line, and Its depot (the The menu is over at last, and Lady There are 'ton. ali apters In the Bosh N. Y. Sun. teaeplione man, "the language the, only one) in New; York 'City, is withl- s Scott rises and the ladies follow- df Esther, in which tile, ivordr, Lord St- was night. The woman sneaked list very ditferclnit from ours. chit c1On,bl the premier line to New, o her into the drawing rooms. and God do not occur. The eighth, down the stairs with a vengeful look _ York Beaton and points East. Standing by one of the windows, fifteenth, twenty-first, and thirty- (>it her fair face. - - ' 1 . e Elaine sees with a thrill of pleasure first verses of the One Hundred and "I'll conwb his hair for him," she To prove so yon-thab Dr. _ Luigi Zant}, an. -I she goes up to him Seventh PrAlm are alike. Each verse promised herself with grim satin- Chase's Ointmentisacertain at once. He hears her footstep, and of the One Hundred and Tttirt Sixth faet,Ion. Piles and absolute cure for each !their Last Lay. P Y-' and every form of itching. turns with outstretched hands and Psalm end alike. Thee Ohne Hundred The front door lurched unsteadily .= bloodingandprotrudingPiles. ComancheiU Farmor. a smile upon life face. and Seventeenth Psalm contains but Upon. 1 fragrance as of is dlik, i them arkillntho rshavega da edit. SStol Dear Editor: 'lV•lt'o•t aiis my. bens? , - "I was waiting and listening for twb verses, the One H'undred and levy er,,i.,cnly filled the house. borswhattheythstlyink of press Youcanuurneigh- Every' morning I find two or three, you, Mise Delaine, he says. " May I Nineteenth Psalm oantains 17th "Pau wretch t she exclaimed, ad- getlyour money back If not cured. GOo a box, at lying on their backs, toes curled up, say how glad I am that you are verses. There are. no words or in'ames vancing upon him eagerly. all dealers or ZIDMAxsox,BAxES& Co„Toronto, Defier to rise again. i here T' of more thia,n ,six syllables. She stopped short and burst into Drt;'Gha��'S Ointment ' ' c ` T. P. A, s ” I looked for you in 'the dining- It ha,s also been discovered by., some tears. The cautious man had had a Your bona are dead. -Editor. t room," says Elaine, "and was afraid person unknown that lit Joel, tbird close hair cut before coming home. i that you were unwell, and `that I obiapter, 'third verse, the ward girl "And I hilted a bald man for "that Not a Clear Title. v should not see you io-night." aocurs, and in the eighth chapter of Very reason!" she walled miserably Philadelphia Ledger, " Oh, no,' he responds. "I always Zach'ariah, fifth verso, the wvord on the stairs. edine alone when there is any one girl's Is menttfo'ned for the only) time The word ' furlough' occurred in a 1 bt sides the marquis. 'It has been a In. the whale book. SALT RHEUM sometimes lingers for yearp, terribly tong dinner, has it not ?" and The eighth chapter oY Esther, but p Weaver's Cerate makes short work o[ 14 reading lesson of a primary grado In - he smiles. ninth verse, eort•tains fifty' -two t''s, to insure nc eon enc cu e. Weaver's Syrup ono of the publiti schools. The teach. At the Yarmouth' Y. M. C. Ai " Yes," aspenta Elaine, laughing. This •word enorw appears . or asked If any boy or girl know the Boys' Camp, held at Tusket Falls s in August, I found r1lIIvAII,ll'S Ll y l- " It is strange how fond English- times in the 01d Testament, and Malaria Not so Plebeian. meaning of the word, DIl:1Vf.0 most beneficial far sunburn, men are of eating." three times In the New.-Boetan Her- One small hand was raised and AI Tm most relief for colic and " I'm grateful to you for not saying a11rh Philodelphia Ledger. shaken vigorously In the eagerness Is Englishwomen;' says Elaine. "though 1 Clt}man-I suppose your town Is of the urchin to display hisgknowl- toothache. ALf�RED STOKES, 1 think some of us are as fond of it getting a bit more fa,slitonable now? ledge. When 'lie received permission General -Secretary, I as the ")gentlemen." HIS CIRCUMLOCUTION Subbube-Yes, indeed; we used to " But not you P lie comments, with __ ' complain of our "chills and fever," gr speak, s rose, rind -Pith the It greatest assurance, said; a But of the head. Lint it Did Not loin the Bright -Eyed but now everybody- refers to it as "I urlough means a mule." No, 1like music best," says Blaine, Common Sen,c Girl, y "maalarlaP' t Not a whit disturbed at the rteach� suggestively. er's "Oh, no; It doesn't,' the small ate conducts him to the piano, "I received this afternoon," said the boy confidently answered: m ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Too Much for the Lion. where ha performs several Inspiriting bril*ltt-eyed, eamructin seriso girl, the " I have the .book at home that airs. Then he leads her to a door Removes all hard, soft or Calloused says so." Than the teacher told him I'ick•3fo Up. t' opening into it conservatory. At the whlie a l light bluelt of maidenly coy- lumps and blemishes from horses; he might bring the book to school 1 , further end there is a door of thick rlelse tinted her peach hued checks, Sbe-Ltaten There s a Iron roaring. m- plat' f lass, and beyond there Is a "a -written prot.lvi al of marriage bleed spavin, curbs, ra splints, ringbone, and ehow. 9t to her. And that's moLlier's voice, Why don't from ilorapo J'. ;'okeion tate rlsfu sweeney, stifles, sprains, sore anti Tho nett morning ho came arm- or g ri nt aviary. As they enter, g+ g swollen throat coughs, etc, Save $50 ed with the book and triumphantly you run and heap? , k, Elaine beholds birds of all kinds and young acttorney, and--" ' tl ' Ile -oh, it would be cowardly for rI sizes flying shirt In a nilmic tropical "iluh l that etr}tiad dub!" jealous- by use of one bottle. Warranted illi showed her the picture of an Amerir• both of itis to attr�(5k the old lad TJto forest. The Italian's face lights up 1y, ejaculatgdpt:he young dry gooda most wonderful blemish cure 'ever can sowers astride a mule, under y1 known. i 1 Which was printed, ",Going home on lion Ittubt tai.c lrs clraucos. Ifo s, with a smile as she utters an ex- dealer, wino had begirt hanging back his furlough." shouldn't liave begun It. qr clamation of delighted surprise. because of his timidity and exces- . ",Beautiful, isn't it?" Ire says. "It sive adora,tian. . Sir Henry Irving's Wit. _-.-_.-____.._._-_,_....-,........--.._-__. 4 ..- was an idea of mine and the mar- "Ile Brays," proceeded the maiden, --- -._-- -. _ .-. _. _ That Sir Henr • Irvin id quis Mari it carried out at,once One gently ignor ing the Interruption, and yr B quite lIa „ n a i i u;. td }s has only to hint at a desire ancl- reading aloud from tho Interesting capable of maintaining his dignity Dick's � Blood 7� id behold!' it Is fulfilled. IIe Is the document, "I have carefully and con- under somew.tiat trying ciroumstan• l yl( '.�! L.)�U�t6A �" i• I ��;l' most generous of men 1" lie adds In pt•benlsively analyzed my feeling to- cos is shown by the following anec- , eo a low voice. ward you, and the result Is substan- dote which is told of the tragedian is the best Ton1c for "It is delightful," shn stays. "How Bally as follows, to wit : I respect, by Mr. C. R. Kennedy, of the "Every. I wish I knew their names." admire, adore and love you, and here- man" company; ,w,. -1 t� `j _ "Tell me what they are like," he by give, griint and convey to you my On one occasion Irving's company, 't Horses and Catty I �� �I says, "and I Will tell you their heart `,slid all Interest, plight and r � `/ t� names. You wonder how I can do title in and to tho same, togethaIll limning boon called to the theatre It puts cows in perfeet health, and increases J ff so, not having seen them ? The mar- with till my Possessions and emolu- for rehearsal, found upon their ar- '. the flow of milk. , �I rival that tiler avere aonnsllerably , s DICIC'S Eves horsed a smooth loss coat t��' quis spent an hour here with me I mdn.t,s, either won, inherited, or in a' $ glossy r rt c the, day they came, and described muy, other manner acquired, gained, not y of time. On Sit Henry had and puts life and spirit into thein, l i ; them. I see everything through Ids - anticipated and expected, with full not lot arrived, ono of the motors Try a package with any, run-down. animal Ji eyes. no you wonder than; I love him, alirl complete power to use, expend, In the eomptauy wjio was noted for you may have and you will be convinced. Miss W,Ialne? There is no ono in*a,ll tail}zo, give away, bestow, or other- his hceonplishtnonte as aL mimic, 50 oants u pnokago. tho world tike to him, no one, I wf,sc make use of the same, anytilin proceeded to give a lively, and elab• LEEMINt3, MILES 6 CO., naEnrs, MONTREAL could ten yon of things lie has clone., hcwretoforo stated, expressed, implied orate imitation of .fir H'enry,'s h}gii- . great unselfish thins which woul9 cn understood, in or 1y cliataotorfetie tactin As IIAmullwmmm� g 1>3'.. a previous g .-....-._.-..--.. surprIso lath. Those is no one like condition, standing, walk, attitude or ttnlahe<I his demonstration, a well. .-�. �_... .. _. __ 11 _�__.,...._ �...- __ him." g quickly, aucl at`amding�i and I Turthcr ore--"' of "Very good.,, auditorium i � Ver r $ V P L Fi 101 � pi' C21 .fl#.. L. Citi) "T" M f . _ actions, to the contras notwitlt- depths Elaine's heart beats trot' oyes grow rnalst. I -•I -t fairly a✓bowtgtl the listener, y d.s,e ��'s" ":lush a man sltould be very happy, springing to hie felet and extending good indeed l So good, in fact, that should Ile not?" he floes on, after a his arms. "Alias Brisk•--Maud--I love there is no need for both of uef' lit moment. you 1 Will you marry me?" this company" • .1 1, �• � e � 0 �� s "Yost" l$alne murmnrss, almost In- Ye,s, I will 1 promptly amts le.ill - faWilily. "And -ho is, is lie net ?" tho Mimes, as she contentedly snuggled al 1,,;. The Natural Inftnence, 1+1 NEW Luigi nnth shakes Ills head, up art his oncire po embrace. '"Ariel 3, INDURATED iTo 13e Continued.l I'll reply to the ponderoula appeal of Chicago cost. , that pr essi a procrastinator tvltz "A i}tolygui lu olio 'ivho •lpetiks .s K """' `---'�`-'-- the expressive slangisrn, 'Nit t' I am malty languages, is It Trot!'' settled - FIBRE WARE A Iti(+h Catch. y.ours, Clarenee. -Smart Bete the boy. ' I "It its, replied 'the Chapparnt, Appropriate. e 44 Then a t nlyghtttonp isuone who - �i "U BS9 PAILS, ETC "Leaving college, old man? .110111). Pu,•,att10wv1, • Hats the dislikes of many Countries to to marry and settle down ?" I Winton -You tali lily wife auto ? ' It; riot ?'1 + For sale by all 11ret class dealers "�No ; I'm go!ft}, to marry and settle Hinton -•-Y• s; cho'a always ruhnln nut the father 1Vas too 111tic l over. 11�' i "�1Isor Q 94 430lm,r,r II 14 O I� M c)-,r7S.3 -" np. down iieople. Colo to altittrcr.I .1_ _ . . .,. I ... ....r...�....-m.�.ea+...,..... - . _ , rl_�-__._. - . _ _.. .--._ ___..._..._ _ P" 0- E S