HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-06-19, Page 5r June 19, 1903 TTIE WINGRA.N AD11 COUNTY COUNCIL„ executive committee to. report next ThiMum's o News - December. Messrs Hicks and Lamont moved Tito County Coulton of Huron met ill that this council, backed by a large ru- Goderloh on Tuesday of last week. ral constituency, would urge upon the The good roads committee reported provincial and Dominion Governments that, in view of the number of unfavor. the great necessity for legislation oom- The superiority of our Clothing is recognized on sight. able expressions received from munioi- polling railway oorporatione to afford a Our guarantee is an unlimited warranty that emphasizes our Paltties in the county to the terms of cheaper and more satisfactory triode of faith in every garment we sell, There are four reasons why the grant, they thought it unwise to drainage across their lands making it proceed further in the matter at the compulsory to construct yyou should buy Crowder's Tailored Clothing. i—•Because it P ry proper cattle y made present time, as the necessary two-thirds guards, and press for equitable taxation is up -to the -minute. 2—Becanse it is made to fit, 3—Be- majority from the rural municipalities of railway and other corporations, and cause it is a little better than the other fellows, 4—Because had not been received, only ten out of that a copy of this resolution be for. it is only about half the price of the ordinary tailored Clothing the sixteen townships being favorable to `yarded to the representatives of this the scheme. As several amendments county to Parliament, Carried. were proposed at the present session of The road and bridge committee re - SNAPS IN SUITS, --13 Men'N Tweed Suite in light and dark colors, Sizes the Legislature, one of theta, being the commended the adoption of the engin- 35 to 44, regular price $8,50, $9,00, $9.50—chnice...... . . . . . . .. ... • .. , $7,00 extending of the time for county conn. , eer a report. They recommended that 19 Youth's Tweed Suits, Sizes 30 to 35, worth $0.00, $0,50 and $7,50— oils to take the matter up, they recom• Ferguson's bridge, between East Wawa - choice ..... . .... . ............... I ........... , . , , .... • .. . , .... , ......... , 4,75 mended that the matter be left in aboy- nosh and Morris be rebuilt that the $12,50 SPRING OVERCOATS $8,00. anoe till some fature time. The report timber from Wingham bridge be used 4 only Gents' Spring Coats, Sizes 30 to 40, made of English Whipcord, was adopted, in the construction, and that the county light colors, worth $12,50—Sale.................... . . ... . .... . . ... . .... 8,00 In the matter of the House of Refuge engineer call for tenders at onto. They Boys' School Pants, Sizes 24 to 33 ................ . . . ............. ......... .49 man, irks, Messrs• and the Bow- recommended that the proper width of matt, Hicks, Lockhart rind life Warden road and grade be made to each side of Boys' School Coats, Blue and White duck, Sizes 22 to 85, ... , ....... 50c to .00 were appointed a building committee to Stanley bridge, and that a fence be err Black Lustre Coats, for Men, Sizes 35 to 44 ........ ..... . . 1.50 prepare plans and specifications and to ected to protect teams on the approach GENTS' FURNISHINGS.—Salem Shirts, made to flt men, in all latest report at the December session so that to the bridge, They advised that John colors and pleats, the only shirt on the market with the money back it will be next year before the actual Barker's tender for the concrete work guarantee if not satisfied, prices—$1,00 and . ............. . ...... . .... 1,25 construction is commenced. For some at Saitford bridge to protect the piers, Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Sox, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, etc„ in all time past the accommodation at the at $5,40 per cubic yard, be accepted, latest styles. at the house has been altogether too They advised no action in Mr. Can - SHOES, -The latest in style at the closest prices, limited and the present addition is do- tolon's application as inspector for the signed to supply sufficient accommoda- concrete work at county bridges. In tion for present and future require- committee the report was amended by The • . CrowdEx ® merits' the appointment of Jos. Neagelncrete at kat The county auditors reported that a day as inspector of concrete work at they found the treasurer's statements Benm submitted at the January meeting cor-• r b and Maitland bridges. Four b rect. The cash receipts for the year by-laws were passed: No. 2, to raise by assessment within the county „ a 1002 were $69,045,29, the disbursements the sum of $43,068.31; No. 3, to equalize were $67,664.85, leaving a balance of the respective assessments of the differ - $1,380.44, of which $1,330.44 was deposi- t ent municipalities; No. 4, to appoint ar- II ITI NNI7 0116 ted in chartered banks and $50 in the [ 2 ) 1L 12`!. 1bitraiora in the matter of school sections (1 a treasurer's hands. The receipts from eros. 4 and 7 in the township of Howick; t I January 1st, 1903, to February 26th, 5, to borrow money for county purr Y E::1 C l. No. 1903, the date of the audit, including poses to moat current expenditures till 1 w balance at end of the year, were $24,- taxes are Come to R. A. Douglass the ' 'OY''S 036.39, and the expenditures for the paid. Druggist for all kinds of Flower Known everywhere as highest quality. same period were $6,410.66; balance On Council adjourned to meet again on and Garden Seeds. Over 80 dif- the second Tuesday in December. ferent colors and varieties of sweet Especially suitable for gifts, hand, $17,625.73. The sureties given by peas to choose your mixture from. the treasurer were mortgages and bonds Trade Mark on loF.y For sale by aggregating $68,625. The balance of Salad Dishes, leading dealer Legislative The World Needs Nerve. BULBS - Water Pitchers, ® g g• public school grants in the CANNA BULBS zea Sets, &c. m* OMPP ' everywhere hands of township treasurers at the end Needs it in business, in the study, in of 1902 was as follows:—Ashfield 940.; the household. Irritability weakness, DAHLIA BULBS Trade Morris 84.OS Ha $G.80 Stanley, 460 lack of strength=the blue feeling—why • Mark Rogers ' $ ' y' y, ' they just tell you that you lack nerve. GLADIOLUS BULBS on Forks,1047E. Wawanosh, $4.55. You'll use Ferrozone? My what an p - TUBER ROSES iFnives Bros. The estimated expenditures and re- petite you'll get. How quickly the TUBEROSE BEGONIAS color will return to your cheeks, how ceipts of the county for 1903 are as fol- Thereareother"Rogers." '41847"marks lows:— buoyant you will feel ! Work d of course theold original quality, famous the world over, you11 work, you will enjoy it. That is Anything we have not in Reme stock will be procured at Catalo- ' Spoons gue price. ExrrxDITURra, Administration of justieo4,500 specialrize of $5.00 is being nR n G given at the Wingham Fair cottage, room, els for the best collection of roots and ; Division Court jury fund .............. 100 Schools 0,.00 vegetables grown from my seed. aw We are sole GLASS = we _h. as ust Chemist & Druggist count Silver Lunatics and charities ........... .... 1,000 Industrial home ....................... 4,OOD guarantee Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. = to show g Don't f _ Mont of _ - Gasolipe 1 4 1t 1t114; t11t 44 l4i 411111 Pro E Colin t Campbell THE DRUGGIST For bargains —ftv- 11 atehes C\oe cs ewe ^ry ate., ate. z. ...GO T0... C Iam cute al every sidewal etc. I and can guaran able, M Su H. PARK'S s Jewelry Store R Macdonald Block wingham. High I tuber, any Knives, Forks or what St dition. As ivilege yea 1 teed, Cement ExrrxDITURra, Administration of justieo4,500 •"'' Millnio S .............$ Jail expenditure ....................... 2,000 cottage, room, els .a . Division Court jury fund .............. 100 Schools 0,.00 linoleum, with cons aw We are sole • ' C1AS9 COn tion invit UNE WEDDINGS Municipal government ................ 4,300 Stationery and printing .......... 800 Miscellaneous 200 properties agents for Lunatics and charities ........... .... 1,000 Industrial home ....................... 4,OOD Court has recommended the establish - Tr A. DR, HESSE'S meatOf a Consumptive Hospital in the 11N11LtL1tVl Debentures . 5,600 STOCK FOOD you want in fila above mention- $53,08217 Ri:oi ;IrTa. A disconn b advance .. 1- with pr 0111 . For Sale only by ed. E Colin t Campbell THE DRUGGIST For bargains —ftv- 11 atehes C\oe cs ewe ^ry ate., ate. z. ...GO T0... C Iam cute al every sidewal etc. I and can guaran able, M Su H. PARK'S s Jewelry Store R Macdonald Block wingham. High I tuber, any Knives, Forks or what St dition. As ivilege yea 1 teed, Cement ExrrxDITURra, Administration of justieo4,500 if you will use Ferrozone. It gives ner- ve and strength, muscular endurance Stam ed P .............$ Jail expenditure ....................... 2,000 and invigorates the brain splendidly. 1847 Rogers Bros. Division Court jury fund .............. 100 Schools 0,.00 Sold by all druggists or medicine dealers. y gg $NIIIN$ ROGttRS GOOD$ ................................ School management ................... 2,200 Grant,. .................................. 1,500 UNE WEDDINGS Municipal government ................ 4,300 Stationery and printing .......... 800 Miscellaneous 200 ` —A grand jury at the Perth County ARE NUMEROUS, AND Lunatics and charities ........... .... 1,000 Industrial home ....................... 4,OOD Court has recommended the establish - Tr A. County prodsandtrrty ..................... : 100 Roads and bridges ..................... 20,18217 meatOf a Consumptive Hospital in the 11N11LtL1tVl Debentures . 5,600 Cottnt y you want in fila above mention- $53,08217 Ri:oi ;IrTa. —Some of the farmers' wives in ware. We are giving a special dis. Surplus from 1902....•• ................$ 7,013 86 Tuckersmith complain bitterly that 10% for two weeks. Every article is Registry office .................... .. 1.600 In terest.,••..•200 their hen roosts are being seriously de -1 c d. Inspect our stock, No trouble .................. .. .... Licenses. . ... • . , ..... 1,200 pleted by chicken thieves, o Dada• orgot, we have just received a ship. Blue Flame Wiokless Coal Oil $10,013 se The eqnalization committee recom- —About 200 infected army blankets and arrived in Montreal from South Africa, Stoves, to sell at right prices. mended the adoption of the schedule of and an outbreak of enteric fever is fear- 1 1902 for the year 1903. Motions were e ed. They are being disinfected. t made to reduce the equalized value of . t petty For Saler Godericli township $i per acre and to reduce that of Tnckersmith $2 per acre. —The Seaforth Milling Company t have let a contract to Mr, Stephen Both motions were lost and report was Lamb to supply 'them with 150,000 feet adopted. of lumber, to be used in the re -building Carr Orem for sale his property on The education committee recommend- of their elevator. consisting of oils 2 -story frame ' ed no action in the matter of the Claims of the St. Mary's Institute. In the —With a loaded gun in his hand, with modern improvements; ;.bath m t matter of the petition of five ratepayers Shirk, a 12 -year-old boy, was endeavour - trio light, stool range stove, carpets, Howf they advised that Geo. ing to climb into a waggon in which etc., also one barn, and two full lots Woods, Goderieh, Thos. Hays, Seaforth, Howard Brown, a 7 -year-old boy, was iderable fruit. Everything is in first Robt BuChaiirin, Westfield, the County driving along with two others in Col- Will sell very cheap. Inspec Judge and Inspector Robb be a board of lingwood, The gun discharged and the ed ; this is Dna of the most desirable arbitration in the proposed change of contents lodged fu young Browne side, in Wingham. boundary between sections 4 and 7, causing almost instant death. Howick. The report was amended by the substitution of the name of Jas. HoCarr Turnbull, Jamestown, for that of Geo. Cramps Like Burglars, Woods, and was passed as amended. come just when they are not expected (MARKET SQUARE) The bridge at Manchester was again and are least welcome. One minute the cause of a claim against the county cure for cramps is what you want. for damages, and the payment of Mr. Nerviline instantaneous] Its anodyne y y y to loan on notes, and notes Jackson's claim was decided on, unique—for presses the ower is ighest medical progress compositioneof ted at reasonable rates. Money $600 was granted to supplement the the age. Nerviline is a true comfort in d on mortgages at 5 per cent. of pitying at the end of pay of the men of the 83rd regiment to in the family, for in all derangements of the stomach and bowels it is an absolute Notes and accounts collect- and $500 was voted assist cutting cure. Five time greater medicinal val- ce—Beaver block, Wingham. down the Bill on the Goderieh lido of tie than any other preparation sold, is RoBT. MCINDOO. *980 the Holmesville bridge. Nerviline. Your druggist sells it or can The county property committee re- get it, EMENT WORKS. ported they lead visited the jail and i found three inmates there; the jail was now prepared to properly exe- in good order but th@y recommended Listowel, June 4•—Piro on the farm orders for Cement work of changing the system of heating to the of Mr. Abraham Hamilton, about 1% description — including Silos, hot water system• miles from Listowel, consumed the lis, foundations, stable floors, Moved by Mr. Ferguson, seconded by barn, driving shed and straw shed with have every faculty necessary, do the work right. All work Mr. Lockhart that council build the , five fine heavy draught horses, valued y g Prices and terms reason- bridge known as Westfield bridge on the about $1,100, 11 store pigs, 2 lambs and for sale. boundary between East and West Wa- 1 calf, also the farming hliplements, 1, - CHAS. BARBER, Wingham, wailpsh in 1904. Carried. 000 bushels of oats, 200 bushels of bar - The report of the executive committee ley, etc„ insured, Mr. Hamilton was recommended that the claim presented badly burned around head and neck, c by A. Jackson, of A.ubllrn, for damage to horse and buggy at Manchester and Mrs. Hamilton's hands were severe- ly burned in trying to save the stock. `? bridge and also for doctor's services in —A very serious accident occurred on attendance on Mrs. Jackson paid. Monday last on the farm of Rat• a i a • They recommended that Lieut -Col. Var- coo's request for a grant of $600 to sup- owMr. Cliffe, Thames Road, e township, plemont the volunteers' pay while at r of m It seems that a number men were eu- camp be granted, the grant not to ex- i e gaged in building a cement silo, and teed in any case 250. per day per man; when removing the cribbing the leaf• We have now the most that no action be taken in the matter of folding gave way and the men who beautiful and complete stock a grant towards the erection of a monu- ated were standing d it were precipitated _ to the ground, a distance of 30 foci, and ever put on the Wingham moot to the late Laura Second. The the poles and planks fell with them. 31arket in the way of Men's papers in regard to the cutting down of Mr. Sponsor, a neighbor,, was seriously Suitings. the hill near Holmesville bridge were the injured 1lid at last accoilats was still in referred back to the committee of a critical condition. Mr. Gardiner, a In all the latetit designs whole. They recommended tligt file request for a grant (af $lC ill a Farmers' ' : son of Robt. Ga Amor, of Farquhar, and materials at very reason- Institute in the yillogo of Clifford be: ctur- batt two holies in Ilia foot a time. ed and will be laid rip for some time, able prices. You will have ranted b the county of Wellington. g y g The others were more or less bruised n0 difficulty in selecting a Moved by Mr. Bowman, seconded by Mr. Miller, that we very much regret and scratched but none of them sorious- suit to suit. the absence of D. Patterson, county ly hart. councillor, at this session through all i In fit and workmanship accident, and we hope and trust he may Why Catarrhozone Cures Catarrh. we take a back seat for no soon be restored to his usual health and It goes to every affected part and kills one. strength. We would ask that his name the germs that keep up the diseased cou- be retained on the pay sleet for this dition. Catarrhozone never irritates, atisfaction guaranteed. meeting and that the clerk be instructed but stimulates the mucous lining of the nose throat and lungs to normal action, to forward a copy of this resolution to and hoops the nasal passages free f>SAM ; Mr. Patterson. Carried, of)'entive discharges. C7gtgrilioaono © + Maxwell Mr. Miller moved, seconded by Mr. Bowman that the council rant $1,000 contain no dangprplis'dpugs or opiates, and is c eligiitfpl pleasant and simple to rise'. Catarrhozone is absolutely certain to assist in improving the road between cure for any form of Catarrh, and sells Tailor ° Wingham the townships of Morris and East Wa- p for $1,00; small size 250, by mail from it wanosh, The matter was left to the Polson & Co., Xinghton, lint. j .NCi "t 1V r0 "air r _ Iwo W eeK ► le Q "My hair was falling out very fast and I was greatly alarmed. I then tried Ayer's ,Hair Vigor and - Substantial Saving on New Sum" my hair stopped falling at once."— Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, A. a - mer Goods for Cash or Trade# The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. - Act promptly. Save your Its an ill wind that blows nobody good. We've too much. 1 hair. Feed it with Ayer's stock and must turn part into hard cash. Bring along your Hair Vigor. If the gray Butter, Eggs and Cash, and share in the BIG BARGAINS at hairs are beginning to show, Ayer's Hair Vigor I will restore color every E, ISARD & C0 S, time. $1.00 a bottle. All arot&ts. L rid o one dcannot Au 1 on If our druggist p and we will express youournea Be sure and ivathename B RGr iNS B AI C 1NS of your nearest express of ce. Address, , J. 0. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. STOCKINGS, -10 dozen pairs, Misaes' and WAISTS, --A line Ladies' Shirt Waists, odd Women's Hose, ribbed, seamless, fast .20 sizes to clear, BCod patterns, regular 75o 50 Black, good value at 25c—Bargain price., and $1,00—to clear at... . ..... " SHOES.—Two lines Ladies' Shoes to clearo, GINGHAMS,-6 pcs, fine Scotch Ginghams Chocolate and Black, good style, regular .9v I and Chambrays, choice patterns, fast Col. .10 See Our price $1,25—Bargain price ................ ore, regular value 15c --to clear at.,..... SKIRTS, -2 doz. Women's fine white earn- CORSET COVERS, --Special line to clear, brie Underskirts, with deep muslin frill, 1.00 fine cambric, nicely trimmed, regular .25 NewStyles good value at $1.26—Bargain price ..... price 35 cents—Bargain price..,.. ..,. COTTONS,—A Bale of mill ends Cotton, PRINTS -7 pieces fine Print, choice pat - fine make, wide, from 1 to 5 yard ends, terns and colors, regular 7 cent quality 5 Price from 3c up, —our Bargain price.... ' of cheap and medium RAIN COATS•—Lndies' flne quality water. UNDERSKIRTS.—Ono Dozen Ladies' line priced Bed -room Suites proof Coats, latest styles in blue, fawn or' Black Mercerette Underskirts, with deep black—regular value $3,60—our Bar• frill, wide, nicely made, regular value and Side Boards. Spites gain price,,,, ... , ...... 2.75i$1.25—Bargain price ....... ........ 1.00 at $11.50, $15.50 and TOP SKIRTS.—Ladies' fine Grey Top SKIRTING.—One piece wide Skirting, Skirts, nicely made, regular value $3,00 2.25 dark color, fancy pattern, regular value .10 $24.00 are Considered ex- —Bargain price....,. ...... I15 cents — to clear at ........ ........ tra good value. Some BOYS' SUITS. -10 Boys' Suits, all wool, 2- WASH SUITS. —Boys' wasbable Gingham piece, wall lined, regular price $2.00— (1 Sllits, two-piece, rogular 76 cont line, specials in Mattresses and Bargain price.... .,.. .... 1.67 tlloy go now at.... .50 Wire Springs. DRESS GOODS. -1 piece flne Twill Serge. CARPETS.—Ono piece of Union Carpet• blue or black, 58 in. wide, regular price 75 11 - yard wide, new pattern, good value 25 $1.00—Bargain price..., • at 35 cents—Bargain price,..... ., ... UNDERTAKING ATATTING.—One piece china Matting, good CURTAINS. -12 prs. fine Nottingham Lace Residence—Patrick Pattern, cotton warp, regular 20o quality .15 Curtains, 34 yds. long, new patterns, 1.00 street, S. Oracey's —Bargain price .... .... .... good value at $1.25—Bargain price.... former residence, where night calls CURTAINS. -8 pairs heavy Lace Curtains, MUSLINS.—A line of flne colored French receive prompt at- wide, taped edges, 3} yds, long, regular 1.50 Mullins, nice patterns, regular value .15 ten tlon. value $1,90—to clear at.... .... .... 20 conte — our price to clear. ........ SHIRTS.—Boys' fine pattern Duck To GOWNS. — 2 Dozen Ladies' fine Cambric Shirts, with collar attached, regular .3 Night Gowns, nicely made and trimmed .75 BROSprice 50 cents—to clear at,...,. ...... —regular value 95c—to clear at.,...,....a Hose, doz. Ladies' Fine Black Cottons DRAWERS.—A line of Ladies' fine Cam- BALLose, seamless, fast Black, regular ,15 brie Drawers, regular value 35 cents— 25 value 20 cents—Bargain price.,......... Bargain price....... ... I.... PHONE 51 Groceries. Parasols Fresh Salmon ..... .10c I Matches ...... ......100 One Dozen fine Parasols, nice handles, Kippered Herring.: 10c Brooms ........ .•,.,20c steel rod, regular $1.25— Starell, per lb., ... 6c 7 Lbs. Figs for ...... 25c Clothes Pins, doz,.. lc 18 lbs. Oatmeal ...... 25c Bargain Price $1.00 3 lbs. Currants ..... 25c 5 lbs. Tea for ..... $1.00 Notice to Creditors. T /'q (/' Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. H, E ISard & Co. 897, Chap. 129, Soo. 38, that all persons having ]aims against the estate of John Powell, late fthe , Farmer, erof Turdeceased, h the county of Opp Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about third May, 1903, are regtured to send by post prepaid or deliver to R. Holmes, Solicitor Por executors, on or before tenth day of July, 903, their names, addresses, and descriptions and a full statement and particulars, of their laims and nature of security (if any) held by Vern, duly Certified, and that after said day he executors will proceed to distribute the assets of Lhe deceased among parties entitled licroto having regard only to such claims as Choy shall then have notice. Dated ninth day of June, 1903. R. HOLMES. Solicitor for Executors. Offices—Holmes Block, North End Main St.) Wingham. 41-44 Strawberries, Leave your Order for FRESH HOME GROWN BERRIES with A. W. Webster. Big sweet Berries for table use, and good firm Berries for preserving, will be delivered fresh from the garden to the customer. To avoid being disappointed leave orders early. Tnitafs UAsn. at ("IrITT4n's T. A. MILLS has his stock complete in all the best known varieties for the Silo and Fall Feeding, also Ripening kinds. This Corn has been specially selected for seed and cannot be surpassed. Also Speltz, Buckwheat, Hungarian, Millet and Black Tares for Green Fodder, Mangolds, Sugar Beets, Field and Garden Carrots, in all kinds at I.,owest prices consistent with Quality. All kinds of Garden Beans, Peas, and Vegetable Seeds. Dutch Set Onions, English Multiplier, Potato Onions. PEAS WITHOUT BUGS,—Sow about loth to 24th of May and escape the Bug. My prices are lower than any wholesale, consistent with quality. Call and see the magnificent quality of my CORN. POTATOT, S. —I have a limited quantity of Red River Triumph Potatoes, the earliest and best in the market. T. A. MILLS