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The Wingham Advance, 1903-06-19, Page 4
w THE WINGRAM ADVANCE. ,aa: .� aaamrrr DAYLIGHT LET T IN, E •AL• � The iuvestigatian o£ the tical by which Capt. Sullivan received a ampoeu •---The Province is to have an timber limit from th© Ontario Gov- THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE Archivist, whose duty, in common with other archivists will be to ernment for $250, is letting light in MACDONALD BLOCK a WINOHAM , on other transactions and shows collect public records and docu- ' P that other scandalous transactions meats. The salary attached will have been put through with the Cash �� be $1,500, provision for which is connivance of the Government. made in the supplementary esti- The Weekly Sun, an iudepen- mates. dent Farmers' paper, has the fol- Jno. Jas. Kerr lowing criticism :- —For the first quarter o£ the i'When the late Timothy Blair OI i Deep Cut n Dress Goods. present year the Standard Oil Com- Pardee was Commissioner of Crown pany declared a dividend on its Lands, it was the boast of the Lib- xntereSting store news this Week. Are you supplied All our large and well -assorted stock of Dresseral party that every dollar of the lOU,000,000 capital of 20 percent,, Goods go on sale or $20,000,000. For the current proceeds from the sale of the public with Clothing, Shoes, Hats, &c., suitable for hot Weather ? quarter it has now declared a divi- land or the public timber went into. THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 5th dend of seven per cent., making the public treasury. There were If not, can We have the pleasure of supplying you With the total dividend for the halfear differences of opinion between Gov- , at 8 o'clock, at a discount of 2$ per cent. off $27,000,000, Y ernment and Opposition as to regular things as are necessary to help you to enjoy the sum - regular selling prices. This Sale will be continued whether the timber should go to mer season. throughout the month of June. Tracie taken as the lumberman or the settler, but g —The Commissioners in the Ga- there was really no question as to cash. Don't miss this golden opportunity. mey-Stratton enquiry will receive the honesty of the traDsactions car - $500 a da for the twenty-seven ried through, It is different now. We also give you opportunity p Y y We have a splendid line of days the were engaged. Hence It has been proven b the sworn p Y YY Corsets. We offer big values in the o 'tunit of urchas- they will each get $13,500. White- evidence of the parties to the trans- ing our stylish g andup-to-datestock of washing comes high, but the Gov- action that Cap. Sullivan one of Dress MuslinS ernment record had become so seri- the men whose names are a stench Summer Hosiery. Dress Trimmingsously discolored that a thick coat in the public nostrils, received from in white and colors at from 60 We have three lines of was necessary, and it was accord- the Crown Lands Department for to 60c a d. Summer Corsets that are - consisting of Silk Medallions Silk Applique, Jets ingly applied. No wonder the Go- $250 a block of timber he was able y splendid value. Steel '. r + + l > > vernment was willing to pay hand- to sell almost directly afterwards p Ladies Plain Cotton Hose, fast Sequins, Gimps, Embroidered Medallions, Em- somely for it. for $9,000. It has also been pro- fitted, good material, neat black per pair.............5c, 10c, 15c broideries etc. at greatly reduced rices. ven b the admission of the uilt Fancy Dress Muslins. > > y p Y g y fitting, 25c 0850 50e. Ladies Fine Cotton Hose, _ g 'I Taylor, gl > I Plain officer, that Theodore C. Taylor, a Persian lawn. Hermsdorf dye ....... ......25c to 25c SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY —The Dominion immigration clerk in the Clown Lands Depart- Short Waist Corsets. Indian Linen Lawn. Ladies Fine Cotton Hose, Drop __ authorities estimated that 100,000 meat, received over $4,000 of the p people would come into the West proceeds of the plunder. But now Book Muslin. Long Waist Corsets. stitch, per pair ......... . . . ..... . 25c • this year, and in the first 5 months comes the further announcement Military Hip Corsets. ° 75 Remnants of Dress Goods, ranging in price from 50c to Dimity Muslin, )ladies Fancy Lace Front Hose, to $1,50 per yard —Sale Price .... , , ... ,85 1lla up to the end of y over 60,000 that this transaction does not stand Basket Clot 11• t Stainless, per pair„ ........ . ..... 25c 59 Pairs odd lines of Shoes, worth from $1.50 to $8.00 per have arrived, leaving only forty alone. In the Public Accounts h, w 1 e. Ladies Fine Cotton Hose, Natural pair —Sale Price ......................... ... , .... 1.00 thousand required in the next 7 Committee last week Taylor was Basket Cloth, white with Our Crest 400 is made Wool Sole. ..... , . 12 Pieces new Crum's Prints, reg, 10c and 19—Sate Price..... .08 months to make up the total. In again put on the stand, and after a colored stripe. especially for stout made 25c the first ten days of June consider- good deal of questioning, was com- Fancy Dress Sateens. p y Ladies' and Children's Hose in ably more than 5,000 people came pelled to admit that he received y men. It is very Com- Plain and Ribbed Cotton and Plain Be sure and -take advantage of these prices at in. That is, settlers are still com- $1,900 in 1901 out of a block in Organdies, &c. fortable, and Ribbed Cashmere, ing in at the rate of 500 per day. Capreol township for which a lum- berman named Munroe paid $28,- 000. The $1,900 was, Taylor said, R"tchie Cam-pbell —During the first year of its ex- paid out of the proceeds of an op- We are headquarters for We are just in receipt of We draw your attention this istence as a nation, the revenue of tion Sullivan had on the property, Cuba was $17,080,801, and the ex- and he -resumed Sullivan got the another lot of those week to four lines of SUCCeSSor5 t0 M. H. McIND00. penditure $14,193,190, the surplus same amount as he did himself. Picnic Supplies. handsome black thus amounting to $2,887,611. It This evidence was brought out des- Ladies' is in Cuba that Sir William Van pite the efforts of Hon. Mr. Latch- -- Horne and his associates have built ford, Mr. Conmee, and Mr. McKay Canned Meats. Underskirts. r and equipped a railway through to shield the witness against theSummer Shoes many hundreds of miles of wild questions of the Opposition mem- potted Meats. and unsettled territory. And they bers. Is it likely that these two = have done all this without a land transactions stand alone? Is it not Canned Fish, Black Sateen, fine silky that are exceptionally good grant or a subsidy of any kind. If more likely that other deals of a finish, made with flounce, value. the Cubans had handed over their like nature are yet hidden? Pickled Olives and Onions. St money to Sir William Van Horne trim ed frill and ruck - ,—&—A d U as we hand over our money to rail- 1 Pickled Walnuts and Stuf- ing p prices, $1.00, 1.25 Oxford Shoes, Patent Toe Cap, way promoters here, there would THESE CRIES MEAN CASH. fed Cucumbers. $1.35 and ..................... $1.50 be no surplus in their treasury to- - to $3.00. ' day. Salad Dressing for Cold o f a Sh P June 19.19'3 - (Toronto Telegram.) "Developing the undeveloped re- meat, fish, &c. Secure a supply now. x or oes, atent Too Cap, Patent ornament................$1.75 Is made when you choose our store as the An Ottawa despatch says:— sources of the country." "If the Government It was to the merry tune of this Catsup,Worcester Sauce , It is seldom you are of- Strap Slipper, p peer, Patent Leather...,$1.50 place to buy your Furniture. Stock Large— perseveres to P ringing phrase that the Crow's Nest the end of the sessional programme g g P Mustard Dressing, Jellies, - fered values such as Blucher Oxford, Patent Toe dap, Prices Right. Before buying elsewhere, just parliament will blister in Ottawa Pass deal was perpetuated.�� _ Jams, Marmalade, &c, these. Neat fitting prices we sell for. Try here next time and The Trans ortatlon P 1,1 . STAATFORD, ONT. sales at reasonable rates. Sales arranged at the Advance Office. ...... ..............$1,60 46 get our prices; It will cost you nothing to find until August Is half -way done. P ro em. But will the Government persevere? It `vas by ringing the changes on them out, and you may save money. Our That is the question that is answer- these magic words that Hon. Clif- guarantee goes with every article . we sell, ed by well-informed men, who in- ford Sifton enabled Mackenzie and M t t Come and see us. Price our goods, and you be have ( ( slEt that all will be over with this ann o wres an empire in public lands and public mons and public session in four weeks at the out- P Y P franchises from the reluctance OUR 'MOTTO "High Grade Work Only. ALEX. KELLY WELLINGTON MUTUAL will able to say as others said— side. The Redistribution bill will of Auctioneer for Huron County that you wish you had known before what y y be postponed until next session the Liberal party. P P � "Build Up Ontario." CENTRAL FIRE INS. CO. a fine stock we have and what reasonable there will be no general election this fall and the Government will This^cry, invented by Hon. J. R.. I have secured an Auctioneer's license for Huron county, and am prepared to conduct Established 1810. Head Office GUELPH, ONT. prices we sell for. Try here next time and f let Parliament go home as soon as Stratton and repeated by Hon. G. . STAATFORD, ONT. sales at reasonable rates. Sales arranged at the Advance Office. Risks taken on all classes of insurable pro get a surprise. the Grand Trunk Pacific deal 1S W. Ross, covered the multitude of closed out, unless even that deal is sine involved in the deals with Our graduates readily secure good posit- ions because our high rade training ALEX. KELLY, wingham P. o, porty on the cash or premium note system. J,tMEs GOLDIE, CHAS. DAVID80N, left Mackenzie and Mann and the deals left in the air for another session." pro - pares them to render rat -class services. Business first-class secretary, with F. H. Clergue and the policy (( men want workers— no time to waste on the other kind. Com- THOS. HOLMES JOHN RITCHIE, AGENT �. Of concessions all alongthe line. mento a course now and be ready for a WINGHAM ONT l position in the fail. Write for catalogue. "Open the Clay Belt." � RANKER, ETC. Walker B`Wos,Buttonces—The Simcoe Reformer denoun- pp W. J. Elliott, Principal, regIffariage Licenses issued. No witnesses V the subsidysystem in stroll These words represent the latest WING-RIAM Y g battle cry of the exploiters, 'who Money 4/ large amounts; smaller in pro•SAW MILL i terms. In a recent issue it says:— want Ontario to open the Cash Box � portion, Easiest terms, Furniture Dealers & Undertakers "The railway strife in the gain !I- for their benefit in return for a• ITS ALL, RIGHT. ion House of Commons to gain pri- promise to "Open the Clay Belt" and students may enter the RICHARD HOLMES McLEAN d SON f vileges and subsidies has been in a for the public good. BARRISTER AT LAw, SOLICITOR, ETC., ETC. very acute stage for the past week 1/Sirrro Omee;—next to Holmes Block now building or two. The way in which the I All kinds of rough and dressed,... people's heritage is being given For the Denver C. E. Convention. LUMBER LATH SHINGLES away to railroad sharks is enough at any time. DR. AGNEW to deprive the averse man Of Very law excursion rates have been f f P g arranged from all points in Canada to SPRING TERM begins March ao. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, every vestige of patience with the Colorado, leaving July Oth, 76h, and. Two Courses-Commorcial and Shorthand. ACCOUCHEUR. APPLE BARRELS, men who are sent to Parliament to 8th,p g ood for return a to August 31st. g Send for College Journal. Office :—Upstairs in the Macdonald �'• ® represent him and to protect his Everybody can go, the rate is wide and Block. Hard and Soft Slabs i u �/r open and this is asplendid opportunity C. A. FLEMING A. L. MciNTYRE Night , Ilse a interests. Saturday Night Calls at- to spend a vacation among the Rockies President See'y, $ t calls answered at office. large quantity of dry hard- tention to this in such language tit slight expense. The Chicago, Mil - that for sale delivered. /// that should rouse the people to de- waukee and St. Paul Railway and , mand that an end be -put to the connections will run special Standard TOWN PROPERTIES WANTED. P First-class and Tourist Sleepping Cars Telephone Orders Promptly plundering game forthwith, The through to Denver, besides theregDRS, CHISHOLII & CHISH01;]I ular p y people have the right to demand daily service from Chicago. I have almost daily enquiries for PHYSICIANS . SURGEONS - ETC. attended to. For full information, time tables, houses to rent or buy. that the whole business shall be Josephine Street -- Win ham '�/� pamphlet, rates and sleeping , carreser- Now is the time to sell if you wish g 11IgC.1.�®an, Son � stopped. The reason that it is not vation write to A. J. Taylor, Canadian to do so. done is the curse of party politics, Passenger Agent, 8 ging St. East, No charge unless a sale is made. Can be best secured frOM US. and the general desire of party Toronto, Ont, T P. KENNEDY) M.D., M.C.P.s.O Abner Cosens Minnie St. J heelers to get crake -off on about � (Member of the British Medical ' every public transaction. It is a A few more men can be started on Association) * 60 YEARS', We have the material ; we guar- the road to fortune and independence. COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. state of affairs that would justify Don't delay, Write today to G. Mar- A. DULMAGE rebellion," shall & Co., Teas, London, Ont, Special attention apacidd tdorDiseases of women antee fit, workmanshipand style; ; REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT, d Y 1 -- CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN OasiczHoVRs:—StoAP.m,; 7to9p,m, A we ask only reasonableprices. WHAT A CHANGE IN FOUR DAYS. on ASSICNE n and Farm party. . I T. 901oway• D.D.S., L.D.S. �:= m,, Give us a trial—you are sure to On June 1st before the Commis- Four days later, viz. June 5th oFPlce.—In the gent Brock. Elcsjajle f Y i r Residonce—Catherine St, Graduate of Royal RI COPYRj0Hg8 4;r.. sioners in the Gamey -Stratton en- the great Toronto Globe had sud- college of Dental t 1 Anyone sending a sketch and aesorlpption may • Surgeons of Tor , -. - ;;f gnicklyl ascorinin o Ir opinion free whether an gniry had reported, the Globe denly changed its mind. The Com- onto and Honor a Invention fa prohab�y ntontnblo, com7nunton, e satisfied. Headquarters for tloneetrlotlyconadont�ai.IinndbookonPatout. q mourned as follows:— missioners had given in their re- Ci, J. MAGUIRE Graauato of Dent- `�, Boat free, oldest s enoy for soourmg�patants, al De 't, of Toren ' `-_ .: f " Patents taken t reserve ,. m _ ,,,,; roeeh Munn k Co. • The canker of corruption has eaten port, whitewashing Hon. J. R. REAL ESTATE. INSAANCE AND to University. <,,; weektnottu, withouteuarge, inAthe z up-to-date Gents' Furnishings. too deeply into the heart of Canadian Stratton. Then the Globe turned LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING Latest improved methods in all branohes of Scientific J.an�r�ran. politics to have the malady cured b Dentistry. Prices moderato. satisfaction F'O y y right -about-face. There was n0 Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. guaranteed. MOMeo in Beaver Block, A handsomely tlinetratod weekly. 7.nrgcat ctr• any judicial announcement, be it ever "canker of corruption," " no 11poi- culnuon of any selontfno ournal. Terms, $3 a so lust, or by any enactments of par- �� "distressP 1 P ASSIGNEE, ACCOUNTANT. - yeah': fourpmonthe,;1. 6o�dbyall nowedenlere. liament., be they ever so wisely from• 8011, no in the govern- Office -in vanstone Block. ARTHUR J IRWIN MUNN OC CO 3$L Soedwa New York ed, The poison is in the blood, the meat," no "uncertainty" in its Open Saturday evenings, 7 to 9. J. y Bro heart beats falsely, and no remedy hill " D,D.S., .L,D.S. Branch omee, W P st•, Washington. D. U. Homuth avail that does not strike down to the lige, }gip burden well-nigh intol¢r- s 0 springs of our political thought and able, 1I F,gerything was pure and J, A, MORTON Doctorsf Da ntaSurgery of the Fen• ..... 61 activi.v with a power that recreates clean, for on June Fth the Olobe y College and Licentiate of rt L Mme' and makes .^teen:' A Dental Surgery 1 "The present distress in the Ontario said :— RRI§TER AND SOLICITOR, S y of Ontario. Legislature, the uncertainty of the As a reply to the oceans of misre- MONEY TO LOAN, Omce over Post Office•-WINGHeM Government's life and the derelict presentation with which the public '- -- - - -� - — - - helplessness of the Opposition, is not gave become familiar since Mr, Gamey Office:—Blorton Block, Wingham ��T the result of accident or of blind, rea- made leis charges, it may be said, and MISS SARA L. MOORS PRQMP T L`� ECUR p sonless fates it fa the Nemesis of politi• it cannot be successfully controverted, 901 "�H�{ �{C9 cat crime, the inepitable outcome of 'that in general the public life of this MISS DELIA SPARLING Teacher of Piano and Theory write for our 'interest hooka��Invent. j� rovince ie ae hi h -minded and ae un• or s Hetp' and How you are swindled," the defying and outraging of moral p g send us a rough sketch or model of your I» • law for the sake of party gain. From selfish as that of any state or country A. T. C, M, vention crimp rovelnent and wekvitltell you y of which we have any knowledge ; free our opinion as to whether it is prob ibly4 the days of ere ha a first Patli.t}rxLept Teacher of Piano, Theory and Pletcher MISS CABBIE MOORS patentable. Rejected applications have often . untilnow there have been among I)s, 'that pure administration and clean- Mesio Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Dee" successfully prosecuted by ua. we in both political parties, forces making llairdeci administrators have charas. Teacher Of Violin and Guitar. conduct full equipped offices in Montreal steadily for political unrigi,teonsness, terized ij for ,4, $eneiation, and that - Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam• and washin ton • this qualifies us to ronrpt- and something of their issue in bumili• the men who say otherwise, whether inattona. ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patents. ation a4d Ioss has come upon this en• from the rostrum or the pulpit, belie RoOma—in stonoBlock, Wingham, as broad as the invention. Iligheltreferences p g furnished, "Advance °ration. And to the heritage of the the unassailable records of thirty , Patents procured through Marion do Ms - past we have added our awn quota of years. VANSTONE ver loo news eCi'i Hell°° without chargaIn Re DICKINSON & HOLMES paper. otice bntea thranghont easq political virtue anti ltlsb for politi-BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR the Dominion, calpower, We may notbe in uworse , pociaitY:•-Patent business of Manufsc• y Barristers, Solicitors, etc. turerann I;r,gi"ser', • e plight than our fathers, bat the bur• Mone to loan at lowestrates, Ofiice� 1Rt01� For fob Printing a Ria Frees den iswell•ntgh intolerable, and unless Patent Est eats etrtd BoiiCitora. lifted will crush as a millstone the life BEAVER BLOCK, Office: Meyer Block Wingham. a of our nation," 7.9x, WINGIIIAM,Eonly„ Now York Life BOW& neutral , k Dioklnron kindler $otmee H,*,�, a �tia Bldg. Waahin ton D.C. A VL f