HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-06-19, Page 3--,o**,moa4*"g*040*.&.#.""kwm****".WAP,�w,,�tm-,*��,,, . ': I " '6040 1 __ _ 1,00MI410 � , 11 -__1 �., � - -, '. , !.�R_­��—�— . .." , -..__ - ,,-I'---- I I � _. I I _ .., .,__� .. - ftwo � � I ,� I/ ____ 'R 1 4. P,9W ;,,1 I I __.__1.-______ , -_____.-.__­ ��Iqwo;00 V;.)�C� .", 4. j ."i * , ­ - . I-.-- 1"_4,4r_- ��—�-..."-�,------,.;;.�,-,.-.-. ­­- ­..., 11-1 ­­.___,____.__-_- , ­­_­ _­__ I __ __ _ __ ­ !!!.,�!lvt!o_ ------- �__ . 1, ._ ,, tl�!!r�!-_-_;- __�__�!�� I ­­ ­ ­­­ __.1. - - - - — � , , Wkwwg~014100.4 . malluall Mid b(Abilig, l!Ut busted 91% _=0_w �liti�,�,�gw4,vv,l,v,g,vvi,i�i%�iiiyiii6Nt4vwyitvi�i4*v4wavvli4w4mvia�14,W� , 1)) %;-WPr,!�;*w4**W1aQ0,;1 - :�' Wet? .I- Ail -Jwz, up the clivi. kqrs In lit. If- �1* IF .. It Wt"11" a y U qk�,* 0 .: towers oli th � lx)�trd, fINk,, nlx, sm%,o, !h/ C—sts Leuss 6117 'IV . 1� ou 11114 pill , I'll. Ila had ! . *""I I I P - * o! W -it, and uver llr%y won:. She, had , � I '_ E , sh , I tate Wing Mwa"90 m A Coun"" i Court !� board Abe sa.y %,,� slaw, IWIN SUMA1. I Utah 'Tiqlan t(�It, breallso It goes so 11111-h further. -� *y thing wils Ift t! It never t,,Il Ji,r what It, w.m W(-uhl' I J I BV'Cf.4R%NC1-.- IIAWKES, IN THU NWrIONAL MA04V41NE. �, 01.) (vvr know? Ought sbo riot ,to MR I A Corse to tit's Country, � p.�.W.�AWA&W&WMwM"mW&WMW&W,WWAWMW,VWMIVpAW�M40 11*1111 lillill (Art a, I 4? Wuu:'!) It be 1111- 0 ,&MiAWMWW . . it Was tile I"St dti,y of N'trell wid golick" alld VIO 3%yunx p(*Ple woro litfl,Ylike? Or till tIlIngs, hqio would .1 , - �,,�-. I I IS ,��,,W_­;­ ­,,�-�;*; , a warm south Whitt was blowIng. left, tolliellilifelvvil. 110t be that. Ovor wtvai; tire 11ttlel , I- I . - I I � 0 - I The ,,'groun(l was b Ire Nayp for a,4 ' i When Ruler of Vganda Ho 1<11c.l Bishop Vianni . Tlvvre was bulth jff and Borrow Ili tower nguln, it,".O tit � fook!vd tip to I I nato" Occasional filtow4allk Ido'lig tilt) I 11h; gollig, so Abe. i, left libir Mona ,iw lr'v� tvii upom liar. 1101, I I 11114 Abe's o,v. , .i , ) f3urned Many ,Christians at the Stako With 11411ria.11., and that was 1), 1)rlyl� own droppoil. . _. edge of tile woodo, or b;'OhInd Some I l, I _ I shed or ba,y-rick. Tilt) froNt was (aul; I legf! th'at many a )rplillg follow In i 1111 tt IN It that yc-u )ION, on Your - D 16==* OC40,wz�--00=04=ooc,D�c%*,:40*=Po�;cwoo=z: 1 - , , mind, Mr. H(Luln?" khosatti, rather, SALA A, coming out, (tild tile footing wlN Ila- I Glendale, would hai� ,.tvant a good 'Alt ,flat I �Nfr. 1101oulill, net-' t� . , I Thil Ilf,wri polaell from tile 4%�'- WICIIIII it moilth it storia of perae. Cortniti to sity tile le"ast. 110, day- deal to enjoy, but wt I Abe the ad- for .Illy. �L cholles that AlIvariga, `oX-Ning of I cation begin to 1.4 the (;garickt, ba,s died Or' tile Island to 1,MO-e tll-ftl, thOS0 wJL* were still rut. Y, Qed h*m; lie stralgji�ene(l himself like Ceylon CHW!"S Tea for strength, flavor and liurity Iti superior to .ge With 6.u(.Jl vlo. light, the provalitrig element of un, V411tagO W11B D'Ot wilat it 811o,uld a fence-stako agraln, arid asked, with cortalitty wits laud, lInd. by laglit, )lave liver), It waa ever so' much e,%B- as much dignity as his AwJCward finest Japan tea grown. It is as far RhO441 or Japan tea ao 11,4ALADA11 wJit:C11 lie was wslf,cd over five years tvu,thod kmew that they laust 11t,,o Or In tile words, of the colillIvy rolk, , Jer to talk to P"I old Inall than it Black Tea Is ah -.,ad of all other black tea is. Lead packets only. 25a, USU. 1,10 Wrle King of Uganda for take ,their turn at thu ,stake. ,rjlou. I I It was as rough as a new state." was to a pretty girl, an -d so muolit manner porinitto'l of, "Do you want, . I I away fir . our their ouster to talk about Cattle anti ilia tor totl yo -11, Miss Wfll;lns ?,, and A-00 per Ili. By all groctirs. I A . A � about thirteou 'years before lie wao saarelff of t,fical stole On tile 111glit of wIlloll .we oro , ,,just as You ple"St"ll She answereii, expelled froin Ills country. lie as- - 1101110-1 III tire dend of night arid seat- (�IIOPN tbala It Ivas ol love, or even) _�, ­�_ �­_­ ­­­­P­��__' - � ­ L' - . . vended the throno before be was out tored through tire great W dip t .wvltltlW It Was lie dark its it, '14tatill: th's courilloliplaco blappollingo III a. tilts time tumbling the I)II0 of Lbeck- ­ ­ .- � I-.-- ,00 a of black cata," for a heavy log Wit" Ors over with hor liand. 11 I guess at Ilev spitorui urieria. verb mcane-I'Don't cr'B'_4_­br_1d of his teens, and at tire time of lifs bide, frUm their erael, ruler ,Bad live outill-try village. I tilt you 0 " . go deatIl was ,not over 37 years of age. aq belit thoy Coirlq an, tI g t a oil, obsourInK the now moon corn- . Ilia] BrIdges come to it." )a 0,me It Abe picked a big splLater froill the I bad anything to tali me, Chicago ivillit. Never Waste i , y pletely. Rut had we the eyes of wood -box, and taklaig out Jils Jack- be Wouldn't Bit there like a Pick ban " ISho 'acerno to be aNtramaly load i your worrying on what you think Alwallig(l, 'W,11110 Still ft, boy cursed might kill alkid tire Irvitts of thle, for - 0, PAtt Or all owl, We night lI4vQ knife began to wJlJLtIo. ThIH gave with the crop, a-tapontu an' abutting' of skating.,' may possibly be going to Lappen, , h!ff 1101I.Appy Land with the most ter- Clots. I . seen tile tall, lank figare of Abe Irim somet-hing .to do with lite Ilia mouth an, not Say nothill"ll and � "Yak;.' explained liar spiteful friend, . " vible atrocities that bavo, ever been T'Ilo, ullssloalia-las were ,prisoner# to IRIOICUM swinging miting tile co r h were always a Bource again She poked Over tho tille or 11 YOU see, as a matter of courtesy HUNDREDS OF OPINION$ agree upon the fact recordul in Africa. Ila was tile Sea Ilubalga, t,llc jr,jaigls town. When the � unt Y hands, wille . I ) that V4lnldIlQrIllLNltIIeVI1ttV(I moropalu titau and Suceetisor of King Mtesa, Who I magFuOros Ceased, because there were road with it lante.111 In One I ofiefters before It fail of Its own Some man bas to offer to put on liar any one inetliellic. llneilualled for diar- was made famous In ilia wrIthiga: or JIM 4 of aimoyance to blni,. tlioi�r. Were So. weight. I - 110 more, victims w1t,blA re"_% the and a Stout walking stick Ili t it) big ant) uneasy. s% W�h lie' ,tile tall I skates for liar.,$ rhomand drst'lltily. Avold tiubistitutes. There _� I 'Tonfound Tim Bridges," I I t Spoke and Stanley and halt a dozen King decided to let iseveraA mission - other, aml, as everyQno Ili allindole grand-faLlier's olock Ill the cOrner thought " Well ?" to but one I J'alukiller—l'orry Davis'. I � know. whenever they ortiv Abe o it ticked nol,,ily anti Lite kettle hunimed, Abe, "I WO -01 like 'to lick hdoill; yet Well, it's ilia only way she can - other African explorers. arle* leave Ills couintry. Xt was Mwanga who out off tile U& kept two of thean, however, the of till ovotilliky, Ila Was, going UP, to I-failvall liu�-cfl 1tPp.v;. While Abe whit- - get '4 roam on his Imams to liar," Ques rION OIP CONSCIENCE. retreat of Emis Pacb'a southward foanouis; Alexander %ackay and Ila - Secretly 4a, admired Tim's easy ma.1i I I . �- see Hannall Wilkins, lklid Irloldolit. elmL % nor, and Would have given anything . and mado it necessary . to send i1tor ,Llviallao, becauivit they were filly to (10 Lt, little courting. for al,. "What r6ro -volt loOking at?" iteked to have possedsed himself of Buell STUONG PiLtAlsel —;tl.d Worhori Toolt Stanley tothe rescue with the cost- , I FartVIly for a raw niolinalits, Wby the Men iskilful mechanical and, Mwarliga, could OrYthlrig that Abe did I)i tile Court- H!"Inall, ITN'4i'll 1v, its Ate caught Abe " Wall Hannah, I lie said, doggedly, Opposite S Ides of the Church. 110st expeditlort that ever e*_ered utilize tliam to build his houses. rriley, Ing ]file was done Incidentally, lie 0'tP4,IMI9 furtIVU shuloeu at her. Pront One Who. IL-71proved the Value Africa on a misBion or peace. It wits dradged away tor many montirto bolng So bashful that lie dared riot "NatIfin', authin' at al!," lie answer- When the SkIP1100 bad at ]list become of Or. Williams, Pilik Pills. A mail accustomed to the manners 110 Who murdered BIBhop Ha , nninig- "Ound the, ICIng's grounds before a collie at It In a straightforward ed. looking hard at the'kindlIng-box, aubearablo, "I am a sorter lbunip of tile enlightened and progrosgive ton, In October, 1885. it was Mwanga British military force brought their linanner. , I'Oh,'Irejolne,tl Harinati,trying not to 01, a log,f I afkutt. I am; bat dumb 11 We have used Dr. Williams' 'Pink who burned scores of native Chrlkl, day of releg 40 lie noar&i the domiallo or tile sultle.."i tilooXht You was looking at it, I Can't IWIP At, Tbore ain't no- I Pills in our Ilome for'the past eight; Natit wits talking to 1115 fellow tra- tia,114 Lit the stake, while thousands � so. I . 1110.1; body that facts th'Ings inoreln I do, I years for various troubliss, arid havo, VellortA III It Pullinan Smoker, who escaped ]rim bid In the do . It wals lojig before the troubles In .pths Ulga,nda were settled. There was beloved, Abe began to Whistle softq "So I w.uz, ieo I wUz,1l sal(I Abc, ear- I an'I fool 80 dOOP, 'Chat's the rea. I always round them suectnisful.11 ,..Virus "On one oceamon," lie said, ,"I wa4 or the forests far from human liabl- A, Terrible Civit War ly -to himself, and this was alter- Bono I rockoh, I pri.n't git it Out. I writes Mrs. 11. Revenor of We nated with clearing tilt, throat and neistly. I St down In the mountalng of Tenne- tation. . 1. 'bout how P Gravenhurst, On,t., and I 10 adds; ULO, wbeire everything is primitive, 4AIwanga Was One of the three or "You otilt mo nuililn', (!:a you ? I ask. I I wux a-tellin' M, 81 between the native party that flaj,'. r g I aboill". 11) af.onl,ullal) rd the glel, with felg%ned anger, felt tho other day, an' She ,lowed ,,At tile age Of eight yea,re Illy little and CIA 8unday I attended fL Rap- four powerful. native kings or Arica. wl&hed to depose the monster from tones. Presently lie stopped an4l, ' . that I oughLor tell yer. She sutd. boy Was a,ttaa,kk,d WIth In grii)pe, List ullurch. Much to Illy surprNe, Ile ruled over at least 1,000,000 '41 didn't incuai tor or I (lid, I lie an- , the, throne and those who espoused "ttlng the lantern down on thel gwo.l.e.j. i Harmah's ri good girl, Abe, an' h1he i his cause. The final result Was "I mca,ut-1,wuz loolrbil at lind the trouble develop3d inLO' C4. i and ilittli-elit, tho women NVore Waganda living along the Ir0autiful ground, carefully tucked one of "is nuthIn' bit t You, I didn't finl4r, out my; WOU't cat you, al" I know site re- VItUs' -dance, from which 110 suffered i5vated art one side or the 110 Be and north and northwestern coast of Via- that Mwanga was retained as King . + pantlegs into his boot. He then hold leetle SpOGLII. ,1)hat,a WAWt I meant# & manhood ail lionesty, of it In a severd form. i .1 and .supported by the British. the lantern up to notice tire effect. "Pact Ile was und"r , thkl InOu Or' tile other. 1. hau r toria, Nyanza. .Ile was the ouro as guns.11 I ain't 40 Polished, all' I llow, i§h,e several doctorg 'at diffeNren t times, 1,U L i Seen anytldni4 Thie way seem very strange, Imt "&ems ter me It gives a fellev it H-annaii re,%umed liar paring Won't eAt YOU.' That's what Afa none of tbeni bet a a q I Of the kind bero�-% 'SCiOn. Of LL114CO Gf`.RUI0rS. the fact Ia that tb name of the 1�_ anti ped him. Then I' aritl ft L' , cr Ivu were over I 6p3ke . King of Uganda Was' something to salter careless look; looks more sa Abe w2tittipri awny for -doar life, said, an' she Ilowef.1 of I coulan,t decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink to One of tho moinbarg about it, a; Thougli a. (barbarous monarch, lie 'ho just happened ,round," lie Said, thil-allchig, life lucky star that ho bad Kit It out myself mobbe 'she'd bet- Pills, and they restoriml him to per- I conjure With in a IFInd which for I Ile wa.9 a pillar of Ule church and a c(�UIO trace Ills anceutry back Jothe centuries bad regarded the ocou, ,Then lie picked up the lantern and been able to ext�lcata himself from ter Invite ,you over ter spend the fact healtil, land there has not gince arait I knosy quite well. time, Or (4ueen Ellza,betb, through a Pant ,Of the throne as almost. a god. i4talked on. Ile bad not gone more go, Serious a slip, and determined that day tormorrow, an'- mebbe she been any return of tile trouble. More "We have alwaY-3 done It that line of e1gliteen Kings of Uganda. ' If tile British Issued their edicts 110 svoull not make another If lie could ,holp Inc. Will you come ?" recently I have used tire pills myself fn It's must powerm days he had through the mouth of Mwanga, they, thu,n ton steps when Ila stopped and � 6 way,' ho t3aid Ili explatiation. I h h .pa.nt nto tile dltln'� atictak aggin.that j I IN, U, , ellaPPOd. Hannah, With: such for muscular rheumatlst�, and they I 1�y of -'4j,000 'non, ON -or 2 001) would have the force or la.w with- . -leg I -,venlng, I I air ar boot. "Seems ter me that looks The uninterrupted elli%oe was once force that Abe started. I 1 N o, I were equally successful it) affecting a " 'but why ? I p,�,rlilvted. of ammuntilon out kluesition. ""So'v to worship God accordin' to muskets and pleaty . still more oarelesser," he thought. : more bevomiiiLg Unbearable, wbi-n wouldn't come. over of yo,u lived cure.' Tha pllls have saved us many our conscienc:jq, its tile constituTion bought Oruni Zalizinar traders. Be- dictated the retention "Igut ter -illoguise myself aill I can; Mra. Wilkina came Ili with liar bread, right across tlib roa&, Abe Hot- a do[klar Inj ,ductors' t,Alls, anti - I porvides,' 'lip replied, in a matter of I fore Ilia fattier died the missionaries "()Ile and if he had been San - A It upion tho, bapok of tire stove cum. you air a goose-, an' a booby, wculd like levery pne who Is sick to courge' tone. uf EngLand and France had obtain- - ' I wpuldn't hav Hanner know I wU% amd ,90 , ' ,.rb1U(,%h_.ngma�ight have remained on a to rise. an' I Won't 90 to tile SUrp&iSO tl'y them." ed a firm footing lit ('ganda,. arid a M h -courtlill tier for notbin" cuz thell "Good evexibil, Abe," said the ritat- part'r with you next week. I'll go Dr: Williams' I'llak Plils cure all Or, 'But sitting Oil the OPPO131to Hld-�,4 I tile yuring 11,ing at. ftrivt was lar,.-ely [IN throne until lit d th; but a I coultbilt do nothin' with liar. "H .1,orl, plan'santly " "of you Ayllittle I with Tim Bridges, or be'll ask me. troubles due to poor or watory blood, the church doosil't, make any dir., under the hilLuence Of thesO 'WhiLe thought be could destroy the Brit - to curlus critters, a,nybow." Again (Dway at that rate all the, everithil 0, I hope th'at lie will, his man, or weak nerves, and that Is the rea- forence wit.b. your consciences, cloea Inell. But when tile idea auddeLy tell, anti secretly plotted an attack quick, It,?" I kept 011. .lg 't �_ urlon them, When Ills treachery waar Abe pickal uly lite lantern, and, theirWIt not be wood enough in the Ilors are so nice, an' lie talks so Son wily they are the most ,popular , Don't It 7, UIO salfl, with emphatle Seized him. that the whites b diKoveml lie took refuge among Oning, his paco, as though Ile davec, wood -box to lalst Until you go home."- I Interestin'. I admire Thm, Bridges, medicine In the world, and have a I come more powerrul, than the King tire Germans at the South end of riot give himself time for reflection "Tha,*t's so," asse!ntod Abe. "That's I do." � much larger sale than any other confidence in tile knowledge that It Ills attitude toward )them ebanged, for a. chatiLe for furthev de did. 'Well, It tryakeoall tile dirre-e- VjetOrla Nvanza, and wits finally, stalked up to the front goo lay, 110 so -, 'I'm goln' ter stop pret, ty quic " cried Abe, remedy, They cure such troubles as once In tire world. Do you mean to I and lie resolved to leave no stone delivered 1;i them to the British, r of the am, da'st Hanner to a game of Chad 111-Werrilock I" _ 6�,- I rislorogleh7oalls full six feet, and look rheumatism, sciatica, partial paraly- unturned to ruin the missionaries 1 who then decided to send him Into. (Wilkins homestead. But here he fitOp-i ars.11 Ing down upon the girl admiringly, sis, St.. Vitus' dance, anaemla, Judi- say that a man kin set over there, One day ire heard that Bishop En. I exile ped mid stood SUM for several see-, W,hat a boon to ilia bashful young "I declare you do too lieura alOngfIde uv his wife, where she kin k mighty pret- gost'lon, lita, heart troubles, intidoe him, in the short ribs with her I aington, a gentle and lovable man, WRII a few attendanto 'and two ends, holding his lantern beneath the man the invention of chpoker's was, I tV a-flamlng tip In that way; I and the allmenta common to women, � was approaching Uganda from tire I or- three of Ilia wives, the fallen ,.tails of tire 41aek coat that hebmd Abe, thought, a,s Hannah got out the olbow every tinic tile preacher saya Indian Ocean. 'Fill(,, king at once re- monarch, who had had Wish you would do It aglij.11 simply because they make now, rich, anYtbing, she thinka fits big case? Bolved to make war on all Whites. About 1,000 Woman tit His Harem slipped an before starting, to coyr board, and took liar place on one side "I Shall," She said, tartly, 'let red blood, strengthen the nerves Lind Z igay, kin a man do that and wor- As ijooii do zho unsuspecting Biallap , er up lite working pants. Of the little table, NrIale I -Lt. -ilrew up you don't git your lantern an go thui ldrive disease from the body. r ),lip Got, accOrdill, to Ills cousc;lp I "I wonder at to the other To be able to sit So hum,. Willy , It .19 2 O'clock, time you Yofu can get the pIlls froin any me -di- . . I I O..�? rOaClled and many hundreds of servante,was there Is ennybody the bordery of Uganda "" Sent to the Seyelielfee. where a ..to home," he Bald, doubtf Ily, but neax tire object of his affection and wuz hum, ail' your Ara wuz a,ttickfo cine dealer, or they will he sent post Not 11111011, he Can't, I rockov, no- wag shot, ant' the fifty helpless small allowance was given to .him a not be obliged to talk, Lo study hot, in, you up in bed. where, An' pertickler not in this neck -be could plainly hear voices from . paid at 50c, per box, or six boxes Liv Woods" Porters With Illml . and ,be had nothing to do but to iwitbin, and the Inlutry was a sort wbIle, she atut:lleil the game, and have Abe looked dow.n Into the fire- for $2.50, by addresSing the Dr. Wili- 4' I Wtre Speared to D-zath. t,'br working up to tile boaxd there always, ready to east; Ville, ont. The explanation and tile argu- retlect upon the folly that had . pf mental halil light, thlon up at tire tall clock, liams Medicine Co., Brock rr,,Pnt carrIod conviction beyond tilt Mwanga tnun declared Ills inten- colit )it= his throne. -tile sticking point. onWo eyes upon When emba,rrassed- , abd from those objects down to the Fee that the full name, "Dr. Williams! controver5y, and I had no m-oreto tion of killing all tire native Miriu- The -present King of Uganda, Is 1. Abe's next move was to bring tire theoe aind a dozen other advant,agerl - girl before him. rNien his eyes were Pink Pills for Palo 11'aliple," is print- WT. tt "tialls ill Ills country. and destroy- Daudi ubut, a son or Mwanga, The .?"'- that, the co,umtry youth. knowp, as Opened, and in a flash he saw, the ad On the wrapper around every bo -v. 1,,,..� I T.rl� I lantern out from Under fits cant- -1 I I A- it I I 1� -e 11 al.- le as IS UIM-11.place, are abourdity of it all, Here was tile .....- -_ - 11.11 ­ : Lug ail Lao WOrX that tho miusion-tr- 9 On Y T or IS Years . tails arid let its light talt across all tilt, natural aocoanparilmenta of I . - ail -,-3 had done lit six years. Oid. He rhas, never known life ex- , -2,ly, innocent-lookling somotillng told 111,", a.lv,ay ONE JAP'S LOVe-MAKING, Most of tilt) King'a atrocities were rider the new regime, and so the window as a genenal reminder that cquare, licin girl before him w1lbill lie loved, and L I , lot Ills presence, Ali lie did so 'lie down in ; Flies i 011-Twlil probably always be content 'heard a slight giggle from tile win- botaxd. his hionest heart, that his,love NY — ,,.o,,d,:(i Into the first 6ix month -3 of to be a puppet in the bands of bla (low seat near the door. ',The saB# as Carry ­ ­ IL -80. Oae clay he.� called one of big W114to mamers, enjoying much at- PO,r tile first two or three gamea reciprocated, only he lacked thle Strange Case 'Brought Before the aiii absolate ellwice was preserved by courage to speak his mind. In fact Dilkado's Judges. I I .pagaw to him. Ho knew the lad was toultion and consideration If babe - By minx," he suld, but with evidant tile you:nV poople, w1ule tile tall Ile h1ad just Insulted her by ask- Miley do queer things In the Orient. Contag'lorl a Chrlytiali. liaveEp himaelf and retaining some relief, and with a, flood nolse, lie gra,nd,lathf-r�s clock and the kettle Ing liar to come over and hear '-Can you reafl?' ha asked. , began, at once to scrups life boots- had a pleasain-t duet together, tire w,hat ,hi Heire comes news from ,Tapun that a � "Ytv," the boy boldly rop'led. semblance of power. is Ma had to Bay upon tile, native CILItivat Ila ji� - 4, He has been taught to read and Had the rooms within been car- Offily otbor sounds being all ocoa- . Or .,a brouglit Sult read," cried peted with the most costly PerA vioilial rattle of tire checkers as they subject. before the local court of V.Stikl-macbi Oit 0 1 thr3 King, and seizing a spear he write, Is being introduced to the "Halinah,' hle said, with a com- to compai a Japanciso lass to recipro- fl[Son�s ) , Crinkled and backed the h ad of Ili* sarrOlunfle Mani' rugs, lie mould riot have clean, wexe jumped nAid laid upon tile table. posure that startled her, and made cata, Ilia affection e amenitles of civilized life, and As for liar. He has I faitt.ful servant until he wag 'tirml d only by those who, It keep her eyea on tire floor, ,,Han- a s 'd execution. 0 i irove, him. The Britlah still think and again he scraped them, first one Ntroke a,nd gabled Ilia king -row, Abe a -thoughit, may benefit and lm- - ed; Ills boots with more care; a.gain , Once, When Hagnall, made a bridialit her look up although she tried to wooed the Intly, lie declares, since i and then hall the boy led away f r I ard then the other, until filialay Bald, ­W&al, I swow, I wonder wl at nah, I don't wonder thlat you 1897, and She, It recently lookc \ i I farmer Wilkins, a big, gruff, good -4 I W`uz thinkirt, oil, ter let yer air with favor upan -bim. and accepted "I will have no readers In Ill. y lit Pays to maintain a 19amblance of In mad at me, I am seek a gawk, "baked aw,eetmeats" at Ills hands. [royalty in Uganda. But the native natured fellow, came to the door. Iftero," and Mia 01�ly remarked that ' Fly Pads - " court," ,9houttxI tile King. Tlovo- "Pe I 'sk(19 uv TAm Bridges; but lie ain't Sho Invited him to her lioutse re- , I ' . WTOL'elgnity, not without futile "I'zitter come In, Abe, mallet that upon Ito ordered fifty of tile pageg struggle, and mkich suffering, has ,scraper be, or I sliell bay ter glit a rha.ps JL0_ lia,d been thinking 11-Y get 'halr my feelln's. I know, Ile cerntly, and, after partaking a 0, - . hill the flies and to be brought before hinri. Re 9ug- Sa,fly wo-wiff or Jourly Bridgw", at train t. It wuz mighty sasey for louts dL,1kcMcIp13 ri't ,Ilia expense, erliv V i retired far into the background. willuix Abe blughcd, but could not f Ind me -ter ask you what I did about away and left I, rived . dLeenso derras too. pected that they were Chrh3tiani, , Mew O'ne t0-41912"Ow, an' You Will hav Lm to ba unecre- .� tergilt, a neof.p4ir uv bolots as well." wordo to delay tim- Itiolnua,tion. comin' over air' havdill Ma tell you. moniouisky kicked out by bor friendii. . . and 'ovor iforty of them boldly avow- Conundrums . I '11%anlc yor, Mr. Wilkins, thank Say, Hannah," he ventured, as I take it all back an' now- I tell On thelse, grounds lie prays for tI. k - -, I 1. ed their new faith. Not one of theny . said, Abe, passing quickly Ili- tI:ay lylaced the checkers upoai the you- i"lat I'll do*, of YOU WL11 prom- tel,vention of the court to OOmpe____ 11 I I 1woula lie or renounce ChristianItY. ;W11y caumolt the regulars sit dowrit � - , , boys we, a Becau , *�e -se they belong cr,,;, ., and dePD41ting his tan- bouird for the fourth, ga,me, "there7a Isol ter have me, Uouest Injon, I'll, to re�turxi hisi love. , "I - W. L nitry - . All theso -ilia door. "I wuz-1 bap- git my lantern an' go home." , , to the standing n behind a-golln, terr be a ouxprise, party. down Vlloo-klngly Inutliated and then ... .I to isavo lilq Ff period '101rig, an' thought I'd run in tied to tile tr(,t,g, file I . i .1 at the village, next week, ahl ma Hannah looked At the floor but - 11 I I I _______._______ _ ,I was piled higb arnly. I I a Spell. Good evoli'lill, MISS Hanner," 'laived as how I ouglrt teir take you,-' said 110thbig. -Abe laid We large, A SIMPLO SK&kF IOA I�VNDLE around thour and 'Which are the lightest men., ale said, blushing violently' as lie an- Abo wgg getting t.ha-wa4 out ; lie had strong hand upon tier Shoulder CARIzIER Ili one of t.1l,e Warly good HOW THEY GOT A DRINK. They cre Burned Alive. Scotch., Irish or Englishmen 2 lEng- tered the kitchen, where that come- noVeX Come at anytlilrig Sio directly with. a caress as gentle as the, features of t1to MASSI!'Y.,UAIlRI9 Then mventy. of the leading 11,1- liali-men ; In Scotland men Of Ay'r, in ' t — lfy, anng lad, Wore 101 Ills whole life; lie really of a woman. The girl reachodup Rickey Told a Stery of His R tv� ly , v was paring apples. "I . , . tivo Christiank; Ivere seized at their Ireland men air Cork, but In Err ta-ud JeZ Ilappened by, an' thought Id woo ge,ttling on. h in lite, this was Binder. I I % i i youth. homes, led Ili elittinu to the Iclig 9 collie In." The bl-1,111u.ney and tlia-da.,h of this her answpr. I You can see by the , Stake, . I "Wilere, wuz you I �oa Lit cut Ildw very and Illet their Ittte at Lie tiLre lighitermen. I . gc6n, 211 asked stroke fairly took tire girl,s 1>1 80mo two hourff later, Abe Hol- siMple and light ,iji is. . I . The late J'osepil X. Hickey, after.Thu .young monarch remarked that The name of what Scotchman doem Railliall, qmnocentf�- awa'y ; por'llaps there was hope or cum, lautOrD in hand, was Stand- . L named, I God did not Boom able to rescuo 119, Ildwhere, nowhere, Jest. bap- Abo's w,orktug an to tjia sticking whom tile gin rickey was Ithe Clit-IoLiann from Ills power. a,woman meation yviren a hired man .P - ing upon the porch', saying good- used to, tell In St. Louis a story a.bout ra.,po on the door ? John Knox. . aned by'," said Ab& confusedly. Polat in 1118 couxtsiup, alter 6,11, but night to his betrothed, He stood . � - .. -1 � . a, frog anti a inouse. I Thu exEcatimeas, appi;iarad before W;li,y, can't a fil4herman be gener- "Mof . I ... I I tire hut of a iiative ulembev of the! olw? Because his business makes him tiler Is In t1re- paar,try) fii1xing I= 9&tIslactiW1 Whit. his le(luatilty very close to liar, considering hic I , ...... MASSEY-NA11111S . I I 11 Whon I (w4o a very ycung man," , -otobtaxit Uliurell, Council to ar- ! lbread, an� She will be out in a min- mu0t vot lie disclosed, so she bit her Was a bashful man, with his ktrat I be wGuld begin, "I went oil a tramp- i Pt � (s,ell fis 1) Belfish. ( ute .an' see ypul" field 11194anab, par- lip aind looked sitern. around liar Waist, I rLst blin, but; wero ndraid to entpr. Ing awa.y. 'vIltolrously'. ,,Wall", ,4are 0:11a, moving tile second "Hannah," fro said, finally, 'Car I - I � Ing taur one summer with a cha,l) I "Do notbu af ratil I ,Wfll shoot y0a," I What is' the first thing a garden*4 ' narne-d D41. The weather was warm er tsetR ill Ills garden ? His foot. "I didn't i%vant teii see yplar ma, clreoke�r Lit the front row forward dt- am ter git hum in time ter . . Cl-ie.d tho mali. 'Coine Ili arid take How many oticks go to the bulld- I I arid a dreadrill. ibirsi, came ovor Dill ,111 I that 10 nx," replied Abe; aigolially to tile' left, "I goose of I.Dan, Teed the calves 'tilts -mornin', and tile every little while. me Ing Of a crew'& nest ? None; theyfre tt ndt,particul, Ili grati- I Ho wau Icd boand before the King, all carried. wind n, fearing lie Thad been Impo- uz ter ask me ter go ter I must be a-gotn'," so there fying this thirst wo were not Long Hila, he a4ded, "Uv couroo, I allus ' t11'111l,9S1`U!V,_W1se parLy, he wouldn't have was one more lover's 'Salute, and he I In running Gut Or money., who asked ]rim : I I How call Von sboot 120 hares a,,b likes ter see your m1a., wbelt:l bap- I teiv� drag In Ills mi; I guess lie could departed, but at tile front galte lie lit bas great capacity nevertheless, "One warm afternoon we carne to "Can you. rea,d ?" , .1 , I I oace? Shoot At a wig. � 1 pen 'll op . � I alsk me, oal bIg own notion.', Pnused and looked back. . and Is strong and well made. It tile outskirts of -a quaint village. IlYep," wag the a n0wer. Why. Is A like ,12 &clock. Be - At Y�ijo point In the conversation, Abe liblOi-ed to tl.e rooti of )its hall-. " Hannah", lie said. IlTvrko Jilin and roa,&t him," was tile ", use Its tile middle olf day. t Mr. Wi)(kins retired t0l tile sitting I He had congra,tulated Irkinself oil " yes " Rlic answered. I drops '10,�ack from under the she&-ves Frogs croaked from it pond besIdo I kill se-11tencei Ny'llat Ivord is that to which It you ; rolom to read the Greenville Intelfl- ' makinig a masterly upoeph,and toliave 11 I ta,'pped a treo,yeaterday, an' the when damping, without damaging tile us, and 11) front u. magiilficent Old: Xr tavern Iminied-orro of those old I Anotliar nrin, when ordered to add a isyllable -will make It shorterl . I his proposal treated ill. this man- Sip, run good, "an' the Inext time I heada of grain. taverns where it is delightful to sit I death, said: "Be It so, I am a Chris- ,84yort (shorter). liar Ivah moirtifyIng Ill the extreme. come lip Xam�a-goln' ter brfng you I FOLDING DIVIDERS -Simplest of tian, aad I ,till riot afraid to die." Ian like the cloudell .- ­ . and sinoke and talk to the farm folk Wits. is a couchn packets alta SILL up as Straight its a I In tile (Ad-fashloneil bar -ono or those ( He Jerked li�s ha�ads out of lite coat- Up a Lrolb ity maple wax on ft Ellinglo.,1 I all. :& child mn unlat One of tire King's doorkeeperR Was He b-oldii tile rolnu (rains). , �_ � all them and told tbat hLK llfo would ba spared Halinall buuprefMed liar mirth; she f a them Ili. Xan,y other ma.unfac. taverns where the beer Is alwars Why Is death )Lite the letter EJ I [once -stake. I WOuLd 'lot have laughed for it farm. 'tur Cool, arid l'ure. If bo would ronounce lil,q new religion. lqr,- the end or life, I � : . I :1. "Tim Bridges, polallf I" lie saldoon- So kibe said, "Thank you, Abe; it is turers are tryliq'y to C(>.p,r this told'- " But IV(? had no money rot- beer. Ile said lie went(] not, arid Wity is, a high ,boot like a wind- - '. temptuouBly., "Re is a , oorlt uv very good of you." . I - Yet Iva wore very thirsty. We sat t),ic or iiis Hands Wits Illacked 01r mill') Beenuse It grinds the corn. , daudy, ter lotok awt, an' lie has gut a down under a treo, and considered i a.nkl thrown Into the llamm before lil.4 I Why, Is a cowardly soldier like I ".. , "., I �Fhen tile tall figure strode down I I . ., 1, A io"T"ll. ", SassY tongue, bIrL 170 11&913�t gut 1)088 tile 110adway, swinging -the lantern . � I together for a long time., Then I L, Y as. I -to wits again asked If lie � butter ? Because lie Is sure to run, . � ,Z� � -4wc ,% sense enough ter stook EL yearlin' and Whistling, "The rxirl ILeft Be- . . . at to the porid, and With it piece would rreaut, and again lie refused, when expot5od to.r1re. I � � . I colt. Wli�r, %lic other day lie dilv out hind M9,11 I - - We cut off and When is leather like rust? ; What; � . 11-e Ills uncle . Silas' toalu, �nd whon he Twent:� rods further on, At a Und __ - I - of red flannel torn from my ander, One, Of Ills 1OL-49 W-fts their - shirt, leaught a frog. throwin into the fire. It Is an owx-pde. . __� sLopped at Itbe waterin? trough ter in the road, 'Abe turned to took bmel . . I . --- t. . . " Leaving 2DIll behind, I entered the Ftebly tile poov km,flcrer Spoke the Wiry are persons blind from birth . I ___1 __'%� WAtair UP. IRStMd uv Unalleckin' . There was a light Ili Hannah's be(l. � _�� - .. - village, anil fouad InT Wa.V to th` wor(Im, "I wIll,dic, a. ChristIBLu." and tint 14L to be carpenters ? Because theyl um., lie u.nibuckled the croppers, a- i room window. 88ba had set It there _.. - . - tavern. The landlord stood behind the finineso Boot) ended Ills agony. never ,saw. I , thillicin, that lud let their h6sadlit ' that lie might sea It, and he silently . . It the bar. I liolld ilia dead frog tit) T,Ilo azinals of martyrdom show no NY.hat relation to the door mat tcI . I blessed llel�. � I before Iffin. i finoe exanipleg of herolo, fortitude the scraper? A step -father. I down ; I � -J . - Hannah laughed, in spite Ol liar- "My I" Bald Abe to lilmself. "Didn't 11 'Can .you tell tile what tills Is, aml Unshaken faith than th"He Why., Is a balky, borse like an or- , self, uIrfil Uie tears ran down liar I (:�b 'it ill) Slick tit last� bat, gosh I Sir V I anti]. ( Vg!im.la ma,ssa:ms present. Hundreds gan ? 'Because his leading features -eks, Lind Abe J(YlDod In liar mer- it wnz worse than bevin' all My teeth Ing :: 'Sur.,' he an swerpd 1, lit'm a f rog.' of tho nati've,_4 Ivere killed. "I " are Ills atops.-Bosto,o, Globe. I Cho device -because It It, so good, I I , riment, ana coongra,tula.ted hims,elf 1111110,"-ftlld With One last look at , '011. no, Sir,' I wild. 'It's not a i I . that lie had scar,ed, Dire poinit an Tim the tight Ili the �vindow, shining for But I&IrA&SEY-HARRIS patents pre- � r1broid Tumors CUred frog. I kii-ow it's riot a frog" . Beldgel;, If Ila never did another. him alone, lie strode on. vent their) driplica, ' ting It. . 11 'Give It- here. Lot me Look at It "He Is mighty good lookin', , . i Remember It Is tile Maswy-llarrls� closer.' The landlord, holding It In I Note the result of Alm though", Bald tllz� girl, with true WHARY CHILDREN his hand, examined Its 1(,gs arid the I DIZZY SPE LLS AND didne. femlulne, coquetry; "an' wbo wuz It, - PinklitaWs adviee and me . " I Borrowing Trouble. Interior of Its mouth. 'It's a frog,' I 11 Some time ago I wrote to you do- Abe Haltum, taiZt spelt down the sa;(I* 'It's a frog all right.1 scribing my symptoms wiliale town last winter at tile Spell- Stunted, wicakly chilldren axe those , Once ation a time thcro was a man and Baked your whase fbod does thorn .no good, be- - It looks like a frog,' ladmitted. I Ili' selitool ? It warn't you.' and 'worria But it ain't one, though.' IL4viee. You replied, and followed � n -who planned to go and i "' I BODY WEAKNESS all your directions carefully, and to, "No; it warn -It cau,so tha,y,donot digest It property, , Abeepishly ,,, me," replied Abe 'OP 'tile `bl:llid's digestive orgaris 41)0n ,l ,1111 bet you anything ., spelt gol000, g_0_8_0, Kc d a &V at a house of a friend _ you like It day, I ant a well woman. . 'IGW righ,t amd It wlif gro%v -ttly.s-tron and some miles IaLwa,y from tlielr own f fig,l the landlord exclaimed. . Tell of a Run-down System and Exhausted Nerves—Strength , air' everybody laugl.ed. I lie I,, healthy, a,n�l it will not call 9 ; The use of Lydia R . PhikhajWS 00 inother 11 ,Who will. decide tbo but V said 1. MegetalbM CoMpound entirely ex- prot,ty,good mt hooks, but lie ain't Inuch troutle, wh1c, It Is growing lip So, (one pleasant morning,, they " tAnyone you choose., Comes With the Use of Dr. Chasel's Nerve Food Telfed the tumor and strengthened much tier look mt accordbi' ter lily, It ;,q tile weak olit1dron-the pun,W started out to make the visit ; but " *Well. we'll leave it to the first Idea; lie Is -too sklurpin'. Why,, he obildrer-that wear the mother out betore'th-o,y held gone far tile woman man that comes alorik,l said X, land To many people. peculiar spellsof ter strect. Peterborol, Ont., statec zay whole systerd. I can walk miles couldn't awtug a scyt-he for lialf.a. We'll make tlia 'bet a case of beer.' (lizziness and weakness are a "I have used four boxes of Dr. nOW. hour, aill noic drop hr' hkelraeks." oa,vlog for thean (lay and night. All remembered a, very old bridge they i "Lydia r#1- ]PIn"AWS V`09`0- Again the eanversa,tion lagged,ltba thla IV, changed whon Baby's Own " 'Al( right,' ilia landlord agrppd, Source of almost daily annoyance Chaffe's Norve Pood, and found tl, I M%bletai axe, used, They promote (It- haXI to cross, Which was salil to be I went to the w;ndow arid Signalled and distress. .Somn see flaBlies of them an excellent nw.dicino. I was t%ble Conripound 1% Worth five dol- k,3 L inniniod, tile clock tlok,)d, and not *$,cry Safe, and sho fininedlatelY lars a drop. I advise all ,W 11, '*#�('Y give ,g6und, natural covertLy IvIih my )land to Dill. light bofore thvill, arid become troubled more or less for nineteen omen who the Checkers rxttled air ,the table, as bean to Worry about It. iuto (% J5 exppri- years with severe headaches, w-Illell are AMictOd witll tulnOrA 01' female 151101,10111"o they keep baby bright and "DILI in a. Juill or two eamo i blind all(l dazzleLl; oth r . thoy came from tilt) board, Aftor it cheerful. They- ate goo -ft for Older � " Whitt shatt Nvo, do about that .sauntering Into tht, bar. cc Revere attacks o� liciadacho. nind, ine U,goless as far ac accom- trouble of aily kind to give it a jaithjul whlic, Air. Wilkins came lit, Wound bridga?" oil..) suld to hor husband. "I " tVI&I,"-(S1gn0d) line. L". 1'. IIA.TVIS tbe chlidren, too, and curo. all their 111111- 11 11-lellot etranAnr,' hill(]! the land- I Tille causo is exh.tuation ol' the lillshing my work was concerned. clock, wid than went Upstairs ox allincints, it Costs only 250. to shall nover dare to go over It, and Iord. 6WO Want y0il to dooldo4t. boL. nervous systom and defloloncy Ili "Tito Nerve Food seemett to build 952 Dudley Stq (Roxbury) 1303ton: to bed. His better Italf, after fix!" -, L%Ovy 00 truth of these statements Iva Can't get across tire river In any for tis.1 Ile pointed to the daud fro_- I tire quality und tinantlLy o� blood. me till generally, awl, g.) mada a Wass. 0 for,4-41f 1� ortglhal of aboue letter the fire for the night, folloWed ,Ill. other way." -1 #is ocouto 'be promiceet, ,,,,, Id PlIddKit 911260110t you Will be thankful aftor- I lyingr 00, tho bar. 'Ti,ll us what tills, In all such cas-m Dr. VhaRcls '.\(!rye thorough cure of my o trouble. : x6lintai load up tho well-worn caviletle4s woxd%. Mrs. Aroh,lbald Sweedly, Carlo- " Ob," said the intin, " I forgot 6,' �ba bride, , I I-lood lo the most cortain as well I would riot think of boing wiLhatit ns of golil COU14 not f;talra ant[ the two Young people ton, X.,&, 0ya: .11 J that ,bridge, It Is a bad place. ini4elvas with only the ' ave g*.VL,A ray lit- , . Sup- "Dill Studied the frog. 1t lookm an tho most thorough eure obtain- Dr. Cbavo's .\'virve Food In tha 'Vureh.Uo Snell to'stirriolly-or left t6 tilt . tl* Ome Driby'a Owhl Tabloto, and 11-111 ! pose It 'should break through, al", like a frog,' hP Wild, slONVIY. 'It's got able. hollm', ttrml would otrollglv r,�-N)111- tako the 1�laoe of tl10 11calth chooker-board between then]. more, tham pleased, with tile results. we Phcmlil fall Into tile Wa-ter anti ail lhe oarmarks, of a frog. You call 'Mre. Symons, No. 421 St. Clair inend anyone suffering as I did to Atid.11iiippffioss 'which Lydia E,. At this point In bIS evening's contt- I I can 1kc-conilliend thorn to oVery bo drowned 711 . P tell it atn't 0110, 0140911, Its t(Yih stroet, WIloville, Ont,, states . glNo it a trial. It Buecooded in illy TitillithainxIS Vegetablo Cloinapoulad ship Abe boga,h to fidgetlii Ills chair, lilothor", %Ilatla tuie Way all Alloth. I 11 Or even," said tho wife, llsuppow% are wrong. -Tilts bero thing is a ­,1,0111(� wpoks ago I begall a course c -110o .1fter a great many remedlev bIL-0111ght to Arrs. 310(ayes. hIB phry became erratla, and agaim it, r F,I, NO I o havo used the Tp,blets,'talk. you shotild stpp on a rotten plank arid mouspu' of treatment Nvitltl)r.(*Ii,t,Lq(�'f.i.No.rve had fallod." . Such testimony should be accepted Ills fair opponent fbroko t1itough �p I brea;t your Ing; whut wo I � .11,0tiB, tile, w" you will talk If you uld, liccome 11 The In.ndlortl seowled, for he coulcl Food, und tound It a Nory satt4fac- �To tho th-ousand,:i ol. women who * P.11 women as coilvineing ovidellee to 3115 , king row, and. ax� will' try thop,1111 �vhen your little ono -to i Of 14 111101 and the baby?" goo 11(I had been do'lle. 11 was game, ter otralts, 11aunall I .I don't knoIV," refilled th,.,k man, ihough, anll Nvo r' , tory nwdlollw. I wal, loriuvrly Milli I fell ... a or rwrvous headache at Lydia Z PhAthain's 'V�e,&,6. three arei ailing. I You can got tho Tab� I ,,what wokil'i become of lie. I couldn't , got our beer." troubUxI with norroum exh iuHtloll thin 1vttor shilild proNk% Ol' Illosti. broke all previoum records by "skunk - table i6owliound st4nds withoul h, lii�vahllu. ItIto from any dealer, or they IV111 ))a work, and. we sliould all starve 'to atul it wvak, fluttoringe II(qtrt. wh�L.11- ma-lilk. vithw. It they will but rot. � * ' peer as a remedy for 9,11 the distress- . O.Sil, a . t -tin t by nin 11 At 25 )0, a box b -wrlt- _i11_X1_(,)ii Experience. ever my heart both­,?txI ino I w0ilid low tile ft(WCO OL 3104. Cl,tnCV thtly ; 171C thet Dr. Willfawrt Med a Co., bave BI)PIN oi` Nicakiwsi; and (Ilv.z-- van li� evrtaln oL g %i and lawt. ;lug ilia of women ; all ovariaii troubles, 0 1 sald A,V.L,, as 1) Upon whio BroekVille. Oh�t. lcilyn deatb-11 ,ow. , 'ro ,=Onlify at ilyi board '11 I ISO, tb6y Went on worrying and ChicartiX .;. .Te, Ora; inflammations, ulootation, howds bvaton Without having gained � Worrying tilt they got to the I)rtdg(-, "Halt neqq, X1.1001 wolte I-(,ry ,II.Ar,,esIn;,_. Ing benofit. '; 1"apt'r f4fty" it spots 11v juvails or this teoal.m,�nt lily Dr. (ImHo'N N,,rvo VoW, 50 cents - . . I in tilt' Ing hurt diSplacelnent of the womb,, a king. ,!VG41 bov I)e It tills time IA101). 16 ft,rld b0hOld I they saw that RpP()Arthe'for0 Your eye -9 It wIll give kiche-, irregittlart suppressed or sure. �Teno goo(I eml�, 0111&04�ttols Mom Or It. since t%ey bad been tbore hiqt a ,you a livallacliv.11 � norves, have becoine Ptrong, and a box. *at all d(ttlerp. or I'dinangon, Dful mollistruation. Suroly, tho 4 tile notion ot lily fi%�art wmn,4 to I;it,h & Co., Toronto. To prateot - morct f6i checkers. 11mv, gut sum- 01thrlolt0"Conirplalnilig of boardilig new bridge had been built, air(] they IlYmq, tllt,y gitvp mo. a liendaell(,. lftiq� 1�*Vlufdb and character 61 tilt t0fitllft(j, thin' oil 1p.y, mind, all, I guess my Wrool, said., "Tito worst of till was crossed over It In Safety, and found 11.1jV.1l.t.11 , bo rvguIa,1-. I call riToniutond Dr. voll against 11111ta0me, tho por- Iffilill latterg WO Rile daily prititingil In mill,d lialn't big enough to carry tWo 'nothing to cat between m,L,alsp, Why, I that they might have SpM-OLI. thtln- 111VIlftt kilid at spoti; wvro they?" Chnic's '.\vrvv Voml (is till t,Xct!llt!llt trait and Aignatur � of Dr. A. W, ;.. 0 trowl5pitilers, can leave no room fof tblugs ,to; & time, IDAth-Ougli 'rim auntlo, fm1m breakfast to dinners selvea all thair anxietv. "BoVen opota, anti the otlier juan medialnel", � CIVINU, till) faillims rocolpt book . I , .1;9 ItL the M1314a of fair Pe6ple, Bridges' migh-ty" lie ridded, ruwally. ym Ja* 1104 to otarvei." ( : . , -Nowt Ximt. Ili Just i�hat the pro�- bead atcos.11 � If r 8, Jainva Clancy, No. 714 Wa- author, are on every box. .