HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-06-11, Page 54$
TSF pit i # .ii G�•-�•A�,•fti AD I. A.F,, O.�:!!.
� ul f, tgg3
We Sell Everything a Alun 'pears, and have the Largest LONDON CONFrMENCE. street of .any Iowa-"Welconpe to the
Stock of !!fen's Goody in `.Down . , . , London Confereugo". file concluded that
Win learn. was. a model town, or else Tlllrlesuax MoltNlxtt B "�1t Slim Prices. " Sluall groats
lead a model municipal government. aii The (�
• After devotional oXololsea,, tit4 Can• g 6.6 � u a��,tl
forouce proper was pr alllzed and the He thanked the Council for their kindly Stout Values. Quick Rem
'T he .Next Time You crate I P g +
election of Vresideut was proceeded greeting and promised that no extra `� ° I+ .71111
with, Ttov. Jas er Wilson of Ridge. Police force would be required during "1 have used your Hair Vigor
�7�y y , Groan P g fele sive years and am greats
i. their stay to town. y
town was elected on drat ballot; he rem pleased with it it certainly re.
ceived 126 votes; Rev, R. Hobbs came A communication was road from the stores the original. color to gray U.N.h�")1
second with 06 votes; other votes were British and Foreign Bible Society with hair. Itkeepsmyhair soft." -Mrs, �,,,,J j J j
at the long' price you were ebarged for the lest Shit you got secon
scattered, reference to its centenary celebration Helen Kilkenny, New Portland, Me.
(also at the 'floor make and cluallty,) which did not just fit. Rev, W. E. Kerr of Blenheim was these sty line been the
ohundred it has �yer'S Hair Y3goI'
O elected Secretary of Cdnferenee; he has . -
No more head scratching, no more groanitlg distributed 180 000 009 Bibles. in 860 been restoring color t
chose as his assistants Rev, W. 1i, ' , I 4 MEN'S W
languages. At present Bibles are being
• Iiavoreou and Rev. A. X. Birks, gra hair for ft ears
By Wearing CCO' tier's Clothing E—A R
printed su a hundred new tongues, The l � years,
✓ Z, T1iuRanA ArranxooN an It never f di s to do
Conference met at 2 society asks for a special offering from
p•in, with the panada of $50,000 Above the usual giv- 1 t11IS Work, culler» ��^�,1,
to Fit ` newly-olected President in the chair. ' You can rely upon, it ----
ar'1 svgs, And suggests that on Sunday,
, >< plifde Tho special committee reported that � for SCO pini your flail'
( o made to _ u, and We • f March 4 1004 special sermons be
rder, b
SUITS AT SP1♦CIAL Palcus. Xen a 131ai.k and Blue all•wool ser es, goad permission be given to the Chairman of from falling, for keeping. �Sd .eCols.
g Chatham district to om to R. D2oCor• preached in tuq churches, and that a
wci;tht, and strong ae rveU, S. $, Vest, bast tririiapingA, regtzl+tr price P y special collectlon be taken up on that is a
811,00-Crowdor's price... , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , • , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , , $7.45 'nick with a view to the ministry, your scalp clean, and for
A resolution complimentary to the re, day. The upper Canada Bible Society making Our
`LX Twrx,D SUITS, -All different colors, no two alike, sizes 3.1 to 44, worth P y g y lair grow.
made the same request.
$0,90, $7,0(1, $$.00 -theses ... . . . . . . . . . .... . . .. . . . ... . . ........ . .. . .... . . 5.40 tiring president was passed. $1.00 a bottle. All druggists.
L'nildren's Serge Blouse Suits ages 2 to ? y, Tho afternoon was largely The Susteut tion Committee reported
g years Navy, with white g y taken up recommending the following ants:— If your druggist cannot nupplyyou, 3
braid trimmings-Crowder's price. , , . , .. , , • , • -1-1 , , , , , 1. 1. , , 1. , , , 1,25 with memorials from districts, which send us one dol!lsr And we will osprose You will find the Very best
' were referred to their committee. Loudon district, $163.61; Stratford die- you a bottle, Be sure and ave the name J
SNAP IN OHILDRUN S SUITS, -17 Children's Suits, ages 2 to 8 years, in. all of your nearest eznrasa office, Address, (�yy
luteal styles, worth $5, $0, $7 a suit-eboice Saturdaytrial, $00.36; Winghnln district, $67,68; C. AYkIt C0., Lowen RI:�DY- rO-�V lam' 1 LLOT�IIIVG tQ b e had
... . .. . . . .. . . . , 3,75 The Nomivatiug Committee wore In. J. , Aluss, � r
mention at awaydown prices.) Goderieh district, $60,88• Exeter district structod to nominate a committee of ' � "'"`"'"''" "'"" `"'x
ministers and laymen to negotiate with $30.66 • Strathro district $56.82 Sarnia
(Also lots
tsI'U Ines too numerous to r y g , y , � always In stag at this Store It �.tS,
GENTS' RNISIiIN08, -We have undmiNedly the hest avid a Ill committee of any evangelical district, $54,05;'Windsor district, $53.58; ,1 7• �1
largest stock of Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Shirts, Gloves, Belts, Hand- church, to arrange Home Missions to Chatham district, $00.15; Ridgetown �q �QQ��S Bjjd wears satisfactorily. Suits
kerchiefs, etc„ in Wingharn-at popular prices• prevent overlapping, district, $60,10; St, Thomas district, ti�_A 7
Rev's. Dr, Langford, Wm. Kettlewell $60,15` Thamesford $116; Wroxeter, of Scotch Tweed flay Worsted and
zs $35; Tiverton, $115; Bethel $40; Bay -
A Re
o W IdLe � COO
vac n es Ford were' nfe anted el fill field $25• Walton 220• Arkona $50; see Ou�e '(�-�/Cr1,&_UA-f&
tions, las is Gefoneral Coufglar d rpose Marthaville, $50; Wilkesford, $110;ei gas, AT l?l I�%$,S whi(ih lilca,n a
tions, Laymen for similar purpose Geste $00; Bothwell, $15; Rodney,$50; �
Black Socks - 3 Pairs for 25c. Mooted wvere,E. S. Hunt, W. $, Case Staffordsville, $50: Pelee Island, $35. New Styles SAVING �Il DOLLAz�s to yQu.
and D. C. Taylor, Rev, William Lowe, rector of the
The following were elected the Ex- ,�, ,,,,�,�„•�,� ....
Wingham Anglican Church, was intro-
amining Board for the ensuing year:- Of cheap and 1T1QdiUln
�il� ��duged by lieu, Richard Hobbs and ad -
]EN ,
•�• Rgv>3• A. L. Russell, B. D., A. S. Birks, 1'ieed $ed-1'oOIIl Sl11teS Mens Fancy Worsted Suitt, single breasted style, Italian
B. D„ S. Milson, M. A. ; C, T. Scott, B, dressed the Conference. I] lined; these are splendid wearing goods and give entire eat-
, ; � ��`J� 1+f,Tj�TAr 006
+ A,; J, Philp, Pb. B.; W, R. Young, D, Report I3o. 1 an Tomperanco was and Side Boards. Suites isfaction, regular value $12.00 -our special price..............$10,00
x.x2►J.3N road. It was decided to telegraph 10 Men's Twl Snits Odd lines to clear,
D., A. H. Going, B. A., C. W. Brown, at 1 L.O 15,50 2iI1d good Wearing, well
rll • B. D„ J. R. Gundy, D. D. and O, P. Minister Fitzpatrick urging the passage $ , made, all Wool Tweed, regular prices are $6.00, $0,50 and
X� Y _rr pla l.e WelIs, B. D. of Mr. Bickerdike s anti -cigarette bill, $24.00 are considered ex- $7.00 -to clear at ... . ..... . .. . . .............. . ... . ............ 4.05
and each member of Conference was tra good value. Some A Special Line of Men's Fancy Tweed Suits, all wool, well
ar fhrewf'w*W`s�xs 1
Rev. J. B. Freeman, B. D. of Browns- asked to write his M.P. and Senator on
Come to R. A. Douglass the Ville, applied for reception Into the g made. choice patterns, worth $7.50 -our price .............>.. 0.00
Druggist for all kinds of Flower sown everywhere as highest quality. Methodist Conference. He presented a the matter. specials in Mattresses and Boys Fine Tweed Suits, fans
Duringthe year three ministers died t e patterns, well made and lined.
and Garden Seeds, Over 30 die- certifioato front. the Paris Presbytery of y wire Springs, fir, guaranteed, regular value $5,00 -Our rice ................ 4.00
forest colors and varieties of sweet Especially suitable for gifts. y yp
-Rev. R. Phillips of Trowbridge, Rev.
peas to cheese your mixture from. Trade Mark on FRIDF the Presbyterian Ohurch, and was refer• Shepherd, of Mount El in Institute and 10 Pair Men's Odd Pants to clear, good style, fine cloth, regu-
SaladTrad Dishes, y For sale by red to the committee on conference re- P ' g lar value $3.00 -to clear at . ... . .. . . . . .. .................. . . 2.50 Y
Water Pitchers leading dealers lotions. The committee on conference
Rev. Wm. Hayhurst of Watford. A, UNDERTAKING
BULBS ' y everywhere memorial service was held in their Reatdence-pat rick Boys Nash Suits, in striped Gingham and Linen, nicely ruses,
Tea Sets, &c, �. y relations recommended that Rev. J. B. street, S. Oracey's fast colors . ................. . . .. . ...... .. .. 50c, 7o"c, $1 and 1.20' y
CANNA BULBS �aniFP memory for one hour, former residence,
DAHLIA BULBS Trade Freeman's application far admission in -In the evening where night calla Men's Fine Black LuEtre Summer Coats, good style, made to
GLAD1Ui.US BULBS ' S� pcons to 7 toll a seor9tar1Cr9ado be tllepro ort o4 Vic- Therndmany was could not standingn admittance, receive, prompt at- give good wear, special value ...................... ......... 1.?.a =
Mark JU AN
on Forks, y P s n Underwear at Bargain Prices, men's good strong shirts and
TUBER ROSES Knlvea; Bros. toric University, showing an enrollment t n ro m.
Two young men having finished their drawers, special Values ......... . ....... . . . . . . . ..... . .. . . . . . . . ,25
TUBEROSE BEGONIAS of 415 students, an increase of 18, and =
There are otber11Ro Rogers." 1e18 " probation, G,'W, Rivers and Rev. J, H. _
g 47 marks reported a y ear of great -efficiency. A P Men's Fancy Print Shirts, hard or soft front, Oast colors, new
the old original quality, famous the world over, Oaterbout, presented themselves to be BALL
patterns, special value at ..................................... 5
woman s residence is approaching Com- stock will ibe coon ed at Catalo- Soowe have not in n eStarn edny Itntves, Forks or pletion where 60 students can be accom-received into full conneotian to be or• Boys' Sweaters, nice patterns, fast Galore, all woo], special
ue rico. P p P modated. The report was received and Valued on the following Sunday. After price, , , , ... • ,,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , „ .60
g P • I&RIC 1847 Rogers Bros. P statin their es erience and call to the�'A s salol prize oP $5,00 is bPiu adopted. g P PHON4 61 alien's and Buya' New Straw Hats, fine straw, new shapes,
P , g G$,NUIN$ ROGRRS GOODa ministry, Rev. G, J. Bishop of London rices are ..... . .......................25c, , , given by me at the Wingham fairRev. Dr, Langford. of Owen Sound, moved, seconded by Rov, Wru, Iaonagh, P 35c 60c, 75e and 1.00 _
for the beat collection of roots and lately transferred, was Introduced dudh�F�M•rdtrMtiq�t►yiady�C�a.a•/• Nr+v Neckwear for Men and BOya, in the very latest styles
vegetables grown from my seed. JUNE WEDDINGS that these young men be received; this .25
welcomed back into the conference aY- choice patterns and colors -our spacial line ............... ..
ARE NUrileRous, AND was carried by a standing veto. The
ter fourteen years' absence in the To-
ronto Conference. He began his minis- mover and seconder gave practical n - ad-
dresses,that of Rev. G. J, Bishop was 3
We T. A. FISHLEIGH terial work in Western Ontario, and at _
one time was President of the Loudon received by the Conference with nnmis- Property For Sale. •ei
1 H E. Isard & Co. I
has just what you want in the above mention, taknble approval.
ed Silverware. We are CoufereuCe.
giving a y article
etas In the evening the Educational anni- SATURDAY.
Chemist & Druggist i count of 107 for two weeks, Every article is g '
guaranteed. Inspect our stock. No trouble versary was held, and addresses were O Saturday morning routine work Qpp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price Fail far Produce
showgoodsI. delivered by Rev. S. J. Alain of London, occupied the attention of the Con- A. II. Carr for sale his property on
pace G.N.W. Tel, Co, s toDon't forget, we have just rcceivoil a ship- and Rev, O, W. Brow of Mitchell. Terence, y.
- nlent of Blue blame Wicklesa Coal Oil and Minnie Street, consisting of one 2 -story frame '�9t.�.tau,i,afmWi:���•+'����.---
London was chosen as the next place cottage, with modern improvements, bath
.1 Gasoline Stoves, to sell at right prices. FRIDAY ORNINa.
The session, after devotional P%erClaflA, of meeting. room, electric light, steel range stove, Carpets,
opened with a discussion on Evangelista An important change was made, by linoleum, etc., also one barn, and two full lots
able, Cement for sale. eu emen,- u behalf Of the Muni- nn listened to an address by Aev. C, P, calla c < •. a o < .
OFIAS. BARBER, Wingharn, cipal Council of the Town of Wingham Wells on "Inspiration," At 4.90 there
and in the name of its citizens we have was ameeting of the Methodist Histori•
much ple4suro in e4tepdipg to you a cal Society.
cordial and hearty welcome,
�I Q�► We consider it a high houar that our SUNDAY.
Men's '.Down should have been chosen as the Sunday was a red letter day for Wing-
meeting place of so distinguished, hon- Ilam Methodist Church. The Confer•
orable and influential a body, once Lovefeast was announced to be -
You have met in annual session,
• e as we understand, to greet one another gin at 9 a. m, and by that time the
and, according to your tenets of faith, church was Comfortably filled; qt 1,90 N K-A,mik.
to deliberate and decide on isti hest the doors were closed, 'When opened at
methods of prqulotiug the christiau re-
l)� ligion, and social and moral reform; 10.46, the prgsh was tremendous; nearly
We b
and we pray that unbounded success four hundred chairs werp brought up
may over attend our efforts ip this Al- from; the lecture room, and soon there
ave now the most �'
`U� ,��h,e5 beautiful and Complete stock We congratulate the Mothoclist was not even rootu to stand, and many
Church in this country on its remark• could not gain a4mittauco. Rov. Dr,
evor put on the Wingbam able progressiveness, its numerous and Hendorsou preached the Ordination ser -
T. A. MILLS has his stock Complete in all the best ktlotvn varieties
Alarket in the way of Men's well equipped educationalinstitutions, mon from -"And they were all filled for the Silo and Fall Feeding, also Ripening kinds. This Corn has been
�lo��►cs suitinns. its successful missionary work, the ro- with the Holy Ghost,"" He was lantan-
a ligioun Zeal of its ministers and its groat . specially selected for seed and cannot be surpassed. Also Speltz, Buckwheat,
((, 1 influence for .good, and in this collneo- ed to with close attentions glad groat pro-
�W�bj�� In all the fittest designs tion we cannot refrain, from directing fit. After the pprlllop, the Ordination Hungarian, Millet and Black Tales for Green Fodder, Marigolds, Sugar
V your attention particularly to the magni- soryice began. The calididatpa-^•G, W, Beets Field and Garden Carrots in all kinds at Lowest rices consistent with
and m€Lteri&Is at very reason- ficent edifioo in which you are note as- + + P
Rivers, B, A. and J, U, tlsterhout, B,A„
�� able prices. Yon will hriI sombled as a standing rtlontjMeyt to the ' Quality. All kinds of Garden Beans; Peas, and Venetable Seeds. llutch Set
indomitable rea;t and untiring energy of B,D>, were ordained for the work of the xo
no 4iiliculty in seleeOn % its present pastor, the Rev. W011grd Ministry. At ono 1pau., the eongrega• OnlOns, English Multiplier, Potato Onions.
suit to Sul t, Hobbs, ti011 was dismidsed the greater part ,
To We trust your sojourn with us will. be having patiently borne t11p discomfort
PEAS WITHOUT BUGS. --Sow about loth to 241 of May and escape
pleasant as well as profitable, and oil
• •' "` In fit and workmlanship your return to your homes you will of crowding and heat for four hours, the Buy, Aly prices are lower than any wholesale, consistent with quality.
we take a back neat for no carry with you pleasing recolleodooll of In the afternoon at4o'clock, Clio Town Call and see the magnificent quality of my CORN.
Wingham and its people, Tull was crowded; every seat was oo< ,
one, Sign9cl on behalf of the Municipal. oupied and scores wore standing, R+v, POTATOES. --- I leave a limited quantity of ked Diver Triumph
Council of t110 T.,vn of Wingharn.
R. VANSTONE J. MCD, Derr conducted evangelistic Potatoes, the earliest and best in the itlarket.
« PARK'S Satisfaction guaranteed. Mayor. service, Rev. !Billson leading the silage
A. DULMAGE ing. The servico was very impressive.
Jewelry Stare Robt Maxwell g 5. 1903, T7' nursing ula ps an'g acldross a severe rhiell
Committee. storm oilule u and the town hall tower
Win hairs June 5th 1!109, P
Tile President replied in Amug words, was "trach by the lightning, but fortun• MI
. m remarking that it vp'as the first time that atoly no serious results followed, thgggu a - M
Macdonald Block a Winghfun High ort TWO - Wtll�il 4 he had ,e er deed a sti:eamer aorosd the (doutiu=4 on last pttg;9)
It was started b request b Rev
the removal of the Billet system. In with considerable frult. Everything is in first
tlltiltllllIlltIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIII High Crede Fork Only.
Thomas McNair of Dungannon that he
future each member instead of sending
billet fee
class condition. Will sell very cheap. Iaspoc-
V : I
b9 allowed to take the field on evaalg9-
a and expecting a billet, Will
boll invited ; this is one of the most desirable
Oil o G � I ��L
list. H9 promised to use no sensational
.provide for his own entertainment,
This cliatiga has been expected, the
properties in Wingham.
r.-_ .e
methods in his Work, but would depend
Billet system Will now be a thing of the
•- - 4:STRATFORD, ONT, �`�
Wholly on the spirit of God for his quid -
once and strength, This was followed
past so far as the Loudon Conference is
A* Carr
,"'"".• a r graduates rowdily seance good posit-
s~ ,- s becauso our high grade training pro-
by considerable diaCusAion, Many of
the miuistera appeared not to favor
Rev, J. Ayearst presented the Statis-
,ros them to render first-class sorvices.
men want first-class workers—
evang9lists, thinking that the minister
tical Committee's re ort. The total
•"- .`O.e' no time to waste on the other kind, Com-
r --•� mence a course now and be ready for
should be his own evangelist. Rev.
membership of the church in the con -
are sale
l position in the fall. Sprite for catalogue.
Richard Paul of Brussels said that after
gereuce is 4fl,248, of which 74.1 are on
trial, This is an increase which
in the total
- W. J. Elliott, Principal,
- i
58 years' experience iv the Methodist
membership over last of only 10.
Money to loan an nates, and votes
discounted at reasonable rates. Money
.. -+ .....
ministryhe had found that in the s y
s-- ^+ i
stem of evangelism there are four great
For missions $86,303 was received an
iucrease of ?$2 607 • au erannuation $8, -
advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent.
with privilege of paying at the end of
(� ✓� , Qu S TTS f�l.l, RIGHT. IT.
culla. It destroys people's
y P P s covfidenco in
858; increase $380;
any dy
their preacher, It destroys the Confid•
an of educational,
ed: block, Wingham.
and students luny enter the
encs of the eo l9 in themselves. It de•
stroys the in
$3+666, an increase of $271; Women's
Missionary Society, $7,106, an inerense
RoST. MCINDOO. „ 080
"` ,eisro
. • A A • -
people's confidence the
Loral, and fourthly, the minister pays
of $65; emergencyfuud, $2,276; temper -
.,""` -w
for work that he can do better himself.
On account of the scarcity of men, Asir.
once $337 an increase of $,218• St.
' '
James' relief, $1,437. Of the St, James'
at any limo,
McNair's application was not favored
fund a covsidererable sum is reported
., SPRING} TERM begins March 30,
.-- - o
by many but it finally passed.
under the general fund as the confer-
w •b,,, Two Courses-Commoreial and Shorthand.
+ -�+ Send for College Journal.
The report Of Stanstead Wesleyan
P y
once raised between $0,000 and $7,000
College was received,
for that purpose. The total for circuit
•-. ^ �+ C. A. PLEMIN(i A. L. MONTYR$
,.. . �,
..� For Sale only by President scary..
When the Conference met at 3 p.m. a
purposes was $221,314, of which the
deputation of the Town Council appear -
Ladies Aids raised $26,222. For minis-
„0" ,m
ed, consisting of Mayor Vauston0
COullCillors, ',
terial support, $112.188 was raised,
which is an increase of $1,279, During
Anyone sending asketch and aescriptionmal
gnlokly, ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention 1s a Comore:Hien
�„- U��l�
• V !11
1 I
T to
W. , VanStone, A, Dul•
mago, u.. McTudoo, S. Bennett and
the ear nine new churches were built,vont
tions strictly confidential. Handbookon Patents
est or cu
ireo. Uldoat agency for eocuring patents,
ratenta taken through Munn k Co. receive
w-- am now prepared properly exe-
:�: -�• cute all orders for Cement tivark of
Town Clerk Ferguson. The Mayor
at a value of $23,000. The grand total
raised for all purposes In the conference
opeciai nonce, without charge, in the
�° A $
scientific �c Ae�°, a11
�^ THE DRUGGIST ovary description -including `aims,
sidewalks, foundations, stable Boors,
then read the fallowing address:--
To the President and members of the
for the year was $-115,788, an increase Of
A handsomely illustrated Largest oar•
Ste. I have every facilty necessary,
London Conference of the Methoyear -
$10,491 over the previous year.
culati ourmonths,cintIllifloold by (ill nownaeataia
dtilllltlittitllllitlltlltllttltll and Can do the work right. All work
dist church of Canada:-
At 3 p.m., the ThelogicaI Union met
MUNN & CC 360roadway. NeW York
guaranteed. Prices and terms reason-
G tl O
8 h Ota 9 An P atw w hln ll D C
able, Cement for sale. eu emen,- u behalf Of the Muni- nn listened to an address by Aev. C, P, calla c < •. a o < .
OFIAS. BARBER, Wingharn, cipal Council of the Town of Wingham Wells on "Inspiration," At 4.90 there
and in the name of its citizens we have was ameeting of the Methodist Histori•
much ple4suro in e4tepdipg to you a cal Society.
cordial and hearty welcome,
�I Q�► We consider it a high houar that our SUNDAY.
Men's '.Down should have been chosen as the Sunday was a red letter day for Wing-
meeting place of so distinguished, hon- Ilam Methodist Church. The Confer•
orable and influential a body, once Lovefeast was announced to be -
You have met in annual session,
• e as we understand, to greet one another gin at 9 a. m, and by that time the
and, according to your tenets of faith, church was Comfortably filled; qt 1,90 N K-A,mik.
to deliberate and decide on isti hest the doors were closed, 'When opened at
methods of prqulotiug the christiau re-
l)� ligion, and social and moral reform; 10.46, the prgsh was tremendous; nearly
We b
and we pray that unbounded success four hundred chairs werp brought up
may over attend our efforts ip this Al- from; the lecture room, and soon there
ave now the most �'
`U� ,��h,e5 beautiful and Complete stock We congratulate the Mothoclist was not even rootu to stand, and many
Church in this country on its remark• could not gain a4mittauco. Rov. Dr,
evor put on the Wingbam able progressiveness, its numerous and Hendorsou preached the Ordination ser -
T. A. MILLS has his stock Complete in all the best ktlotvn varieties
Alarket in the way of Men's well equipped educationalinstitutions, mon from -"And they were all filled for the Silo and Fall Feeding, also Ripening kinds. This Corn has been
�lo��►cs suitinns. its successful missionary work, the ro- with the Holy Ghost,"" He was lantan-
a ligioun Zeal of its ministers and its groat . specially selected for seed and cannot be surpassed. Also Speltz, Buckwheat,
((, 1 influence for .good, and in this collneo- ed to with close attentions glad groat pro-
�W�bj�� In all the fittest designs tion we cannot refrain, from directing fit. After the pprlllop, the Ordination Hungarian, Millet and Black Tales for Green Fodder, Marigolds, Sugar
V your attention particularly to the magni- soryice began. The calididatpa-^•G, W, Beets Field and Garden Carrots in all kinds at Lowest rices consistent with
and m€Lteri&Is at very reason- ficent edifioo in which you are note as- + + P
Rivers, B, A. and J, U, tlsterhout, B,A„
�� able prices. Yon will hriI sombled as a standing rtlontjMeyt to the ' Quality. All kinds of Garden Beans; Peas, and Venetable Seeds. llutch Set
indomitable rea;t and untiring energy of B,D>, were ordained for the work of the xo
no 4iiliculty in seleeOn % its present pastor, the Rev. W011grd Ministry. At ono 1pau., the eongrega• OnlOns, English Multiplier, Potato Onions.
suit to Sul t, Hobbs, ti011 was dismidsed the greater part ,
To We trust your sojourn with us will. be having patiently borne t11p discomfort
PEAS WITHOUT BUGS. --Sow about loth to 241 of May and escape
pleasant as well as profitable, and oil
• •' "` In fit and workmlanship your return to your homes you will of crowding and heat for four hours, the Buy, Aly prices are lower than any wholesale, consistent with quality.
we take a back neat for no carry with you pleasing recolleodooll of In the afternoon at4o'clock, Clio Town Call and see the magnificent quality of my CORN.
Wingham and its people, Tull was crowded; every seat was oo< ,
one, Sign9cl on behalf of the Municipal. oupied and scores wore standing, R+v, POTATOES. --- I leave a limited quantity of ked Diver Triumph
Council of t110 T.,vn of Wingharn.
R. VANSTONE J. MCD, Derr conducted evangelistic Potatoes, the earliest and best in the itlarket.
« PARK'S Satisfaction guaranteed. Mayor. service, Rev. !Billson leading the silage
A. DULMAGE ing. The servico was very impressive.
Jewelry Stare Robt Maxwell g 5. 1903, T7' nursing ula ps an'g acldross a severe rhiell
Committee. storm oilule u and the town hall tower
Win hairs June 5th 1!109, P
Tile President replied in Amug words, was "trach by the lightning, but fortun• MI
. m remarking that it vp'as the first time that atoly no serious results followed, thgggu a - M
Macdonald Block a Winghfun High ort TWO - Wtll�il 4 he had ,e er deed a sti:eamer aorosd the (doutiu=4 on last pttg;9)