The Wingham Advance, 1903-06-11, Page 2. 1. 1. 1-1. ... � , . "...
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Battle for the Shirt Waist
I . . Let Fashion Tryants Rage, Women
. . .
, Will Not Part With It.
Why take It frovo use 2 Why,, roU us . uonsonse I .&u estrAT-19411ce 2 U
of the onlZ really. comforta,ble gar- W.011-y"-Ilossible. Dot what
I that ? Woman love extravagalle
ment we possess? WlIMt Will YOU Or- I very Unbecoming to stout women
for in excha,lige? Black alpiaCM? I We@, that b3 a, mero matter OZ ky
Avauut, I I Ion.
Men like the ObIrtwalst girl. A I -Take twO stout Women- Dress 0
neat, freshly., laundered obirtwal4t to I In 1114'!k a!P�1c_1v-thla 8041ids like
, pecelpt f.l.- quffing a L,wa, bit",
Iver,V., prone to create a flutter 14 I Isn't --dress tile other Ili a blailk isid
tb9 magoullne bosom. A ma,a ad- I
. and a tleatly fitting whRu shIr
miles a darl; tailor skirt and a 11 waist. Turn them out on the etre
I oil a grilling August day. In all hou
white shirtwaist tar more tban A I ac
, , which looks the cooler-tIle bl,
fluffy lot.9t duds. .4propos, a mail -, L,a or the white sbirt-wal
who is alwai-i vc�xry well dresB04 � alpa nck alpaca WOM' ,to mn,
. " ,Lilly ? The bh
bliniself said i6 mo not 140 long since; ; feel t3io cooler. but shO doesn't 10
"I WWI women would dress simply Oil � it, Sho resombles a farml,01188 at
the street, Last Eummer I hail r*ucb � ;.bIac,k-laIpaca always reminds me
an experience. A ypaug AvOuln,", A ' fresh V blackened stovel-while tl
friend of wine, hQU a 190110GI friflull ! Woman Ili the white waist looks I
vlsttl I ,wanted to give tile If coal as a cucumber on lee, If 6118
t'w7D "'; "Or, ttic Outing, 80 I In' 1 not.. .
Wria a I'
vIted them to,& ohore dinner. TheY I oil, no, Miss Talbot, aa not drt)
met me a,t the steamboat pier. I us to 1 --lack aillaca. Anything ratbe
tbanght I should drop dead ,when X : th, Insist oil a Xava3a, bla
a,u tlInt, W
looked at my friend's visitor. Silo A, ket In a
wore some'iiiad of an uugodly� sum- Lunilon, a seal coat over a must
. I
mer fluffy basiness, striped &-ndfrill, I frock, but Vin, 'not, I beg, thru
ed and QUt on t1io blas. 011, It Was � black alpaca down our throats.
the worst that ever baPPeUed. She ' -Now, as Li, matter of fact2 a nice
attracted so much attention on tile I 9,�ecter, daintler faqhlon than th
boat and at the hotel that I Was ' of pure white slitrt-walsta was LIM
In agon,y. Now had site been sllllirt� ; introduced. It 'really Is about tl
iy,�d like my friend-" ,' Only sensible thing women have don
'Unt-or-',vilat do you call I In the line ,or clothes for 2,00
smartly dressed?" I asked. I years. trhe shirt-walsts 19 100S
"Why, a black, tailor ekirt and A ` comfortable, cleanly u6nd is becou
nice, well.ritting white ahirtwaist I Ing to any woman not a living skel
,Slid a, sailor hat," *.was the BerlOuEs I ton or a, Behemoth.
reply. I Miss Talbot urgm against ship
waists tilat tilev swell tile laund
Now, there you are I Nine men out I or tile avi�&ge girl to $2
� I bill
of ton would' have said the same I week. It do -as no,t strike me, that
thing. In some occult instinctive too much to spend on being train
ra.shlon a man realizes that a plain, I culately bodicall. I have a friend w
neat costume Is more suitable foil I dons i� fresh ihirtwalst every dv
a oay's outing than all the furbe- 1 of her life, winter and sommer. '
lows and falials In creation. He Ilkeq ; suppoge most people would denoun
to Ila seen with a woman upproprl-� , m*N as being extravagant," she say
ately dressed, not one togged ou,4 ! "I do not consider that I am mo
for & picnic as It she were going ; so titan the woman who thin
tol a ball. . � . nothing of paying from $75 to $1
I am sorry to see there is an for a gown slie may wear a doz
effort being made to drive the ; tilntW. I never flo those foolish t1lin
shirtwaist girls out of buslaess. i Win' diauld I not have my pet e
Not only does the gifted 3,11iss Tal- I travagance a& -well as others?"
bot, dean of women at the Univer- I The worst drawback about shlr
sity of Chicago. inveigh against tile I 'Waists Is getting them made p
garment. but all the dressmakers , perly and to fit as they should. Yi
to be in & buy them ready. made, paying
league with the fashion writers to, outrageous sum, - - ap'd tlipn Ila
banish It from our midst. I them entirely refitted. You Ord
Fashion reports say it is (100,UW! them made at some smart place a
and the dressmakers insist upoll -,, thev turn out a fit that gives y
bodices to match tb3 skirt. It would anc;tber figure.
seem that the fiat has gone forth, I You make them ,ran illIt-but Ila
against . enough! this Is a subject too lot
"Now, then, all together , a sal to be fit
the shirtwaist."
And yet -and yet -we cannot for- pantly considered. There are, I b
got that the shops are crammed lieve, women who can make th
with shirtwaists of every mater- own shirtwaists. Snail women 110
lot known to man. from --elvet to lack upon -with awe. with bewilde
bed ticking, and every oilier wo_ I ment, and, I must confess, with an
piclon. They are witchesi
man on the Ejtreet or indooravrears Once, in the ddm dead past, I w
a shirtwaist. I .*
� seized witb the - Infatuation that
So there appears to be a discrep- I too, could. make shirtwaists. "It
ancy somewhere. ,Someone has i vasy, ,tnougb." I sald briskly ; "ju
blundered. Shirtwaids are worn' i lay'a pattern on antkthere, yon ar
they have been worn, they will be i 'i bought several ,yards of piqu
worn. Women have tested them in ! and a, pattern and set to work.
summer and winter. They h 1
live i cut out something, basted it t
fonnd them so comfortable they �7 gether and tried it on.
will not give them up. � i It -was like nothing In heav
`Wbat do they care for the rash- above, or the earth beneath. 'No in
Ion reports? A fig for all the rash- � .
' p mald ever Bported Buell, a garme
Ion Writers of the universe! They- 1 In. it I nvas probably the finest thi
have to cover just as much space � in tile line of scarecrows crer Be
to earn their bread and butter. 1. outside a corn field.
What do they care for idressmak- I t-wisted. and turned. I ripped a
ers 2 Let the dressmakers go to - slashed. I basted and sewed and r
the deuce! Of course they wautto I ped again. I scolded. I alied ten,
swell their old bills and so insist', I forgot my Christian principles.
upon the stuff or Bilk bodice, bon- I used bad language.
ed, lined, padded and trimm-A � At last I threw about seven ya.
What do they care for The advice i of Inaterial in the fire. Them, w
c4 a learned dealt of a w9man's eat-! one loud unem-rtblY yell I took
loge ? Not a wrap! Shirt Waists hot � my bed, and had nervous prostrati
In Eummer ? The coolest things 'ever 1. &r several houre.-FAith Sessto
invented. An aloomination 2 St ,off and Tupper.
� A Cuntributor's Views on a Question
tNow Much Discussed.
I � I J , , , ,,, .
I -.11. . _
- - 1. I—— _. j� , . . ', _:.�_., -.�_ _ -,: �': - - w. � . ..
I of the leadinc "Orthodox" religious'
f )ournals of the World:
� . � .11.1 � � I � . I � - i, � .:, .� � .. I .1,
� . � - . � � 'im, ; . l� .
'-'�^^^#%^^ : f%
llftftolf�_ I W - . __ i - _- -
. I
. "" I
. I . � 1. . . � i A i , , ,. . . iA . 7. : - I � I. . I �
1. . ____ =,.: 01,01 1P1:10 , 11 ': 00=, �, . . . . . �
i; . ", __. - , .
or had become 1,114110POI10011' ,QOQeO-
oarT., becgu$0 tile Jowl' OP110804 1110
to tile Ito Mani an!.
� I I I
I 11 I I J , — I . . I
this Conclusion tho bettor.
tilt to 6I.Nty daye age tile only bull
el to teach the doctrine& of the
church. I � .'.
1. Wo venturo to &I,,* that there Is
Torftto. June D. -The market
last week showed a steady lie -
roaturo the ludicato(I foreign
acquittal. wIlloll .
V Ot It cow1vtetit cduvated profeasor
- ,
ct .0 oily v , 4 11 a 0 Beurelit
b I or c a " I "' b
, ... [TFhe flar'XIM0.
ultortage. As a partial offset to title
ivau our p1lospoctivo big crops or
thorILlea judgo,a Illux to be Outmell.
1-C 1104 1104,boell bla
Lie states that cinoattou
Presbyterian Rollcgo In the United
& V� .
Bering Straits arc named. Here to
hurplue, Since then, however, from a
intention, to. bring any �
tile 0111- 1,
States Who belleves that the Adaul
_ I 1.4 -
%u---,R-R-,4,1-!,,im.w--y4--oe-.,,,.,.,,—.,-.-�- V%Psov V"
ligs4lblo 550,000.000 bushel crop of
Winter Wheat there bask been enough
agaluxt Ilia pooplo befora
,Ind I -:Yo of rxene4li were histmical
elia,racters. One lwould have, to rake
worollto Varnilerfil markets
tleterloratlon train. Pao cause or
Other to mako It doubtful It wo ,wIII
at laraol-111110 hope of
foraol to tile golloral expoo.tatlou,of
�N, Y. aun.) I
agFizo!re on a hand 'barrow in a boat
all our colleges and, universities with
juno O. -Tile offering(i of grain to -i
lIapvO8t all amount equal to that of
We M easlall,. I
111�iero Is. nothing surprising In tile
train Hong Kong to the
where his still -&Itbful mell-a mere
a flue-toothNI comb to �ilnd Buell a
teacher, and vory few thc5' woUlA
dtvy ghOw,slight increase. Wheat to
tile year of 19011, Willett NV49 about
2I.-Nottlier received letters - Direct that lit the famine district of
" In had not for.
be. The belief, Ili selont1ric circles,
of such tvat Adatu and Eve is dcad�
firiu, -with. B;alox of WD bushels of
White and =. bushels or red at 75-
430.000,000 bushel, or the
e-rop over r,alsod. We -will be called
upon just tile to supply the
in .Towis ,Tudea
IrlyalrIT0,1111 t -lie accusation 4gainut
p&uI to their brethren to Rome, that
gouthwost China. won are oolllijg
their wives and children td.provent
and to ao, Longer eonsIdered or dis-
I.00 1wr burJiul ; while 200 bushels
big foreign shortage, ivbleb the
the4'. might coattilue tile pros'poutloll.
thomi froin starving to, ilea th., -Tileir
the altention or the General As,:sem-
I cc,urso, the ductillue of it
vussed, 0,
literal Atdam lingers Ili popular belief,
r' go sold at 07c, Barley., sold
a goo
440 (L IntIE11.01 for one load. Oate
XAvorpool Corn Trade News a.% YR Will
Aniount to at 10,iot '450,000,000 bush-
beforo tile OmPOrOp, it? $lot know -
g,,)._DcBlI-O to bear of theo-1111luey
urc -chain with food
p husors supply
ap(j� the lives of`tho sellers of their
just its (nice, itild the beltet Ili the
world madc in BIN literal
.arc uvohuligod� 600 bushole gollbig
els. CortaInly no Other country has
a surplus and call supply this de-
implied that they. had Illeard or him,
by thelp to ki . low 'what Ito
own ricall and blood arc also pre -
sc,rveq by tile money they receive.
it Is held bN- those who got their
Nluvation a generation or two 11,901
at zkl I-3 to 850. �egotAbles 'it,
Dilry, produce and ,
mand. Tho large Argentitio crop
upeme to lie dleal)pearing like water
. x,equo,at
thought, of this nely .Voot. That
illOy .91)040 $0 CaUtIOUNlYn and Sub-
When Mr. Nichols travoled through �,W`,
tile fatolue-stricken 13rovi
or who never got any edneatiou tit
(III. The ottler men In tile prosbz-
good Eupply, with, little chango lit
(11hoice pouad rolls of butt"'r,
through a rat -bolo, antl the large
wequently mude no demoustrationof
Shonsl Ile Ileard much oI this prac.,
teries, especlally 'tbwo who Inave,
17 to AVO, 400 egg" l5 ta JGQ per
Manitoba crop ruisod last year has
dla,Xppeaped; no One knows 'where It
hostility argailirst 11aul to readfl.yitc-
puitted for. Zia AD06410 wao hOld
c( .
t1co. Ile wrote that however intiall
Chinese parents might love their lit.
for one reason or anotht'r, dropped
cut of tile educativo stress of pas -
domen. ,Ices
In pl
Har In limited supply., wit.
has, gone to. The world's crops of
whoaT, of 1901 and Igo,, Walla 011011
In special favor by tile 041of or-
. Iro"s llouo ehold, and t1l, e
tic ones they could be Induo.ef]. to
toral life. have not learned w,bat t1w
colleges now teneb; anti it Is they
a bout: steadx:� 15 15ads sold ut
�Itl to glit a ton, for timothy, and
record-breakere, but still'I there are
ficer of NO . ,
Jews or tile synagogue wore them-
selb tile; when p,ll wore starving.
Title pl,actice marks tile worst -an4
that vi)pose t1leir ktrgo Ignorant,(, to
at $0 to $0 far mixed. Straw dull
no stock& of wbeat aimvIncre, and
tile more one studies the situation
solveo Isubjeot to persecution go
, I I
that thev were poworleliv *to porie-
I ast phase of famine horrors. Tlicro
for lit
modern knowledge."
What vin,lner statement of present
.at §8 to 08,50, with ouIX,two loads.
6o luciro romark"to It Is why
whca�t. is still selling under 75c,
onto the (Iltiolplea of Christ"l-But-
"I a,wava a. loarket children
Chlat� and the dourand Is usually far
conditions could we ask ? anti from
Dressed )loge are uklolmuged light
14T.W 11IcI%Ty,'
when from a 'llrobably supply and
ler. Ith tile
III, Tjio Interview W
greater than tile Supply, far Par-
what higher authority could it
selling at to 08, ajud
demand standpoint it would see in
Jevvj (mg. LIS -20) 03, CALua lually
onts will not sell heir children, as
come? Notice again th*% Last sen.
at V7 ito 47.rti. 1 I
renEollable to say It ought to, anti
, V-1-11GV co,iAo in great numburs. gany
a rule, until tiney have suffered long
tence, 0111'r old rogles- country
P01lo-wing Is tIve range of quota-
will, Poll At least 10 or 15 cents
accompanied the chief ,Tovrq� Ex-
througli hunger.
preachers and tile wilearned-any
Llt>ns-. Wheat, white, bilell 75 75-
pop blIsIlel higher.
pounded, ete._�_,,Paul takes .as his
We hear comparatively little at
lon-grer believe the Billie to lie God'g
reveLatton. To the "cultured" it Is a
I_ -_3c, red, 75 1-2c; goose, 67c; onte.
blish., 34 1-2 to 35c; barley, bush,
Iligher '51oney Forces Stiles, .
Now B.
tbomc ,chat doct Line of the kingdom
Uod -was the central truth
slavery in Cbinal 10io fact Is, how.
oNor, that It is m tiniel,-honored In.
book of falr,y takes mixed with ilea-
slmlstlo nOnsensp of weeping pro-
,1�t to 45c; peas, bugli., 75 to 78c;
tiny, thuothy. per toll,. Qd,.' to $1-je,
York, ,Tune -Wall Street
-Selling of stocks was renewed at
of virblell
of tllo Old %)eetaivent and the New;
stitution. H�Qusomaldii and ivoweii
In tile InCerlop
p�ots who never dreamed of the
� �
mlxed� tier toill, $6 to !�,D; sitraws per
the opening this morning and heavy
blacks of principal apoliulatIve is-
that great disclosure or the Vro-
pilots which -was stjll� as it had beon
to domestic service
towns usually receive no wages. Uji�
gI 'Ind time coming, when trust
giants sball hold full sway and bring
ton, S8 to $8,ZO; apples, per bill.,
61.50 to $2,150; dressed bogs, light,
ones were thrown over. The ad-
for centuries, the supreme thought
til they are married they are the
Ili the millennium Of Wealth and
$7.50 to §8; eggs, dozen, 15 to 100;
vamoo In tile discount rate by the
Imperial Bank of Germ.any caused
and liopo of the whole JOWIsh'PeO-
ple. Morning until evening -Tis
property of their muters, who pur�
chase them when they, are little
III the face of the aiwive conditions
butter, dairy'. 16 to l9a; creamery,
20 to 23a; clitoketis, poll pair 175a to
80111e selll I ng here for foreign ac-
allows the effort 'Paul put forth to
girls. * I
when tilt, "fundanientals" of the
,$I; turkeys, per lb., 11 to l2c.; po-
tiount. Canadian Pacific unfl Tivin
save the Jews. '
The extromest poverty, 'the Inabill,
Christian falth are Ix-IIIE7 repudlated,
we are toll to have grea,t hop's for
tatoes, per bag, $1.30 to $J,ji.5-
City Rapid Transit ,more carried
down 1%; sugar 1,11 ; Atchison 1 1-8 0.
24, Some belloved-A were
%van to faith In the Christ; but the
Ity to Provide their family with
food, Is the sale muse of tile sell.,
the future anti to bl,ll optimistic. Rev.
The Qhecllo.�Aarkets.
Dellaville, Ont., 11uno Q. -To -day
"and Illinois Central, Pennsylvalila
many disbelieved the teachings of
Ing by fathcra of children Into bond-,
Dr. Pierson h] d1twntwing this silln-
ject says thFtt we have the ripest
h 12,660boxes,white
and Missouri Pacific % to I point,
British Exports 1100111.
their own 0 riptureq, and rejected
Lite suffering so plainly dir-
11 gb. Rich families often Ivialit these,
girlsby tile dozon, mad most families
form of worilly ViVilIMU011, but the
r1peness borders on rotter IllpsK_4while
U114LI 230 colored. k�alea -. McGrath 520
ai. 10 7-10% and 160 at 1.0 3-8e;
>n, Tune S. -T
Loud, lie May state-
closed. -Butler. "Vie seed of the
word rell.4lere, In some cases, by
in easy eircumstaneca have at foas�
one slave among their servants. Tile.
ministers art, liciat;tIng of ilr% fabric
Its foundations falling- Into diecay,
"' odg.jon IQ;) at 103-80, and Alex-
ander 755 at 10 ia-So. I
ment of Ddhrd ot'Trade' shows
ease of 67,193
a deer iow Ili Imports '
the wayelde; In others, upo n etony
Places, or among thorns; lieverthe-
slave state Ili for the women only
tompapary, their masters' being
for civilization itsell Is turned Into
Cowansville, Que., ,Tune Q. -To -day
and an Increase of 67,175,500 e,-
lQue, some fell into good ground."
obligod to provide them vr,lth a, Ilulf- �4w
the stronghold of unbelief. What Is
37 ftictorlee offered 1,905 boxes of
cliveile, and 17 creamerleo offered
Liverpool Drarkets.
25-29. Spollon one word -With, there
words of tho Holy ahoit,
band NvIlen they .are of murriage"bla
tile real rharacter of our present
Civilization ? We may as well face
1,12.1. boxal butter. Fowler bought
Liverpool, June at, Bilot.
spoken by lvaln,14 Corist has , opened
age, and ag married w.om011 'Choy,
tile facts. it is gigantic In inven-.
160 boxes cbeeso foil 105-16c; At-
lart 00 boxa3 for .10 3-8c, 865 boxas
No. 1) red w,ostern Winter, firm, 6s
dy,Ll �"No. I northern spring, quiet,
lite teachings by parable and' had
finuily closed his mtnLatl?�. among
cease to be Waves, )
MAto absolute right at the father to
tion, discovery, enterprise, achieve-:
input, but it is gigantically worldly.,
to, lo a-162, and 87 boxes fall 10
. I
OW �d; No. :I Val, stoady, 6s 8%d;
tile Jews. And flow Paul, as If lilm.-
'sell Ills 6rlsl)ring Into bondage Is fully
Limed by tile law, but tile 4e-
The followling extracts from an
1-1a; M�Pherson 35 bo\#39 for
7-16% and 91 boxas for 10 �-160;
futures, July, Gs Id; Sept. Gs 17-W.
y commissioned by the Holy Ghost
the New, Tlil-sta-
scemdauts of slaves cannot always be
artlelo Ili the American Re-
view by W. Ong Chill Pon, an ediloat- ;
Grant 521 boxes for 10 7-160" and
,80 2:'B
Bradstreet's oil Tra:de.
The movemont In most depaxtmentis
a a prophet or
ment, �4.dly *redolivero the aame
lieltl in bondage. Wlen elq,vee have a
right before their thirtieth year to
ed Chinaman, who was trained for I
boxei for lo 5-160, boxes
unweld. Brice bought 839 boxes but-
of volioletssale trade at Ili
showing It full volume, compared with
message, enforced by the awful em-
P1141 SIR or tile Maoier's double ut-
require their Owners to fInd wIvcN
a Christian ImIssionary. are
much to th-3 point. 110 s%YS: -
ter for IS I -2c, and !Z95 for IS 7-8-S-
Balyrmple 148 for I$ 1.4c. .14,
provlou3 yozzkra. wid In some cases
there lb,V been large increase Ili
torance. Unto the G9ntlles_--11PAuI
never discouraged. If tile gospel
for them, amd no bea4g of famwen
they transmit the o1mvo state only
'Ttill us houthern, it vo� will, tile -
Chinese are still superior in sook%I:'
bc"�" unsold.
X. Y., �uno O.-To,day
tho orders booked the Inst month,
was rejected by one class or peo-
It to an-
down to the fourth generation.
In all rcwpoote, exceyt that they
adinuilstratlon and social order.
Among four hundred million Chin-
7,14.1 boxes cheese sold at 103-160
comparml with previous seas9xis
,iiyarm wca.ther has stimulated the'
ple, Ifo was ready to offer
are iu bondage, tlio:� are treated, as
ese there are fewer murders and
for large � white, 10 1-1 to 10 1.2c
demand for seasonable goods- at To-
IV. raul!s residence and ministry
a rulO, like the other servants, ro-
celving instruction In the schools,
robberies in a year than there ate -
for largo colored, small white, and
white and cololled twins, and 10 1,20
routo this week, and the movement
has beeal larger than usual at this
in Rome (va. 30, 31), 30. Two
years -Why Ile was not prosecuted
compqtIng _mt ilia public examInatious
Ili Now York State; ire are the'
toast lightly taxed Peopla III 'the
(oil ,3mall colored. .
sciftson tw a result of the delay in the
befovo the Emperor during tIflE time
a,nd gomptlinee obtaining official up -
In this case the owner is
d 1
world, and China liae not a. single -
London, ,Tune 6,To-day 16 fac-
toii,-,g o'fored 2,213 boxes. Sales -170
aortlng trade calused last month
through unfaxorable weather condl-
Is not known. As there was no pro-
secution, Paul. was Buttered -to live
bound, to permit them tb redeeui
dollar of ,national debt. There'la
more vrIckedness In the neighbor-
at 10 5-16c; 330 at 10 1-10, 80 at
tions. Traile conditions at Quebco
In quistneeb and safety. .
' themselves alid their families.
Tile Sun deslya,tch says that line-
hood of 4% single elturch,district in
New York than one million.
JG 1-8'cl*
Cornwall, .Tune 6�Tb-day 1.9-j5
during tho pinst ,week have been fairly
native.. Sorting orders have been
81. Preaching ......... and
Paul did a great work (hiring these
baAde AVO selling thOIr WIYOB as well
hoaihnn, churchless and uusermon-
cheese lomrs bonNed, 1,020- 'white,
877 colored, and. 0 United States.
numoroug, aud there Is *a steady dell
mand for staplos. Viera-bas been a
two years in Itome. 1. preached
the gn"I to all who ca,mo to in-
aa their children. It permitted un-
der the la,w for married women to be
ized. Wong Chill Foo proceeds, un-
der the plea of introducing, Christ-
White sold itt 10 5-16,", colored
brought 10 7-16c. ,
. (lema,nd fo'r staple goods at
the Pacific con,st trade centres this
2. Ho- wrote soveral epistles which
were by far the most important part
sold, but liever aff slaves. Thoy are
PUIVIla.ged- Only 49 wives by those who
laulty, our ports were forced Open
and the opluto traffic forced upon
Leading Wheat TlEarkets.
week, and the outlook for general
trade is considered very promising.
of his prison activity.
Teachings "A message D.-Oul God
buy them. w I]
WhOli tile famine Was at Its or t
us, whieb has done more injury,
Folio -wing are tile closing quo a,
Trade, at Winnipeg continues active.
should lie delivered Immediately. If
In Shenst, men In oarto, acco'rdin6v ta
social and moral. In China, t1faii.
the Or
iloor, at Important wheat centres
The fine crop otAlook Is causing a
there to a charge against our char-
Mr. Nichols, appeared in the city a
e. p
.%It iliumanitarlan agoucles
Christianity could remedy in two
to-day.4, .
. .
i Coall. July'.
big dcmamll for fall gocd;�. Dains bav;
done inuchgood to the growing crops
acter, which Is likely to injure, our
Influence, Nvo ought to remove it, If
�Qlan-fu. !Llaivy were speculators whoso.
business -was the buying at children
un A you Christ-
ians nod on Four love for gold WO lay
Now York ... ... ... ...... -_ - . 815-8
Chicago - To i
wid tbo progro-w has been very sat-
possible, before delivering the'Lord's
bl, tile faluinG Market.
Starting rrom Slam as the )lead -
the burden Or the crime result-
...... ... ... ......
Toledo ...... ...... ...... ... 761-2 76
Islact At Haaniltoti there has
been Or,L�eady axpanalon in the (lo-
qu,artors for the trade, they inade
Ing; of tens of millions of honest, -
I)uluth-, 'No. I I
mand for iscasonable goods. 71he
P-xcurbioliff Into the surrounding
useful men and women sent there-
Northern ... ... ....... 807-8 803-8
warm. wea.ther has bad a good effect
A favored prisoner. Paul had for a
country. Mhey bought hundrieds of
by to J)rematuro death after a
short and miserable lire, besides the
.qvit.ish Live S.ock Alarxets.
in breaking rettall stocks through the
country, and the buying 'of summer
long time desired tu see Rome, and
about two years previous the Lord
children, payln�; ordinarily about
2,000 cash for a llttlq boy, while a
physical and inoral prostration it
London, .Tune O. -Live cattle no-
goods Is expooted to continue more
had said to him, "As thou hast tes-
11 little, girl could be purebasod for half
entails. even -where it dioes not
prematurely kill. And this great
changed at ll, to II 8-4o per Ill. or less ,wtive for the ne\t month.
for Americam steGre, dressed weight; I -
rm I gooft are selling Well anti prom-
tiffed Of Me in Jerusalem, so must
than bear witness also at Romm"
that sum.
,The trade was carried oa by
national oursi3 was forced. on us ut
the point at th43 bayonet, -and you
Canadian stoeir's ID to Ile poll lb.�,
refrigerator beef, 8 1-2c to 8 3-40
'so a -good Increase In voluano dom-
paxed with last year. yalues are
Llthougn lie went ." a prisoner, lie
no loss on ihat account felt that
wholesale and tIre children were
scattered all Over Chifm to be sold -
Wonder why the Chinese are Ilea-
per lb- Sheep 11 to 18a per lb.:
firmly licli. At London jobbing trade
he was 'following 'God. During tile
to the rich,. Reclus says thatthe
then ?
Toronto nl ,nit lHarkets.
cirel.4s report a steady ilemalid for
terrible experience at sea;, when .the
price of the children Is usually at
The fact -of the matter is, we
Trade is fairlv. good. Oranges, Sior-
both proiant requirements and for
outlook was anything but favorable,
the rate of $2 to $2,0.0 for every
have not been sincere in regard to
entoe. per box 150 to 3-80, $2.25
tile fall season. Wholesale trade at
Paul was full courage and was
year oE their; Age�
our profession bf love for the Ilea-
to $2.60; do., per box 200, $4 to
Ottawa this week has been satisrac-
more oommandor of the ship than the
A while ago Pavler .pub -
then. We are out ot, touch with
$4.50; -do., Valencia, large case, $7.
ta:ry, . I .
master himself. It was a blessing to
Railed a book to Pekin in whichlic
them, and not only this, iy,e have
Lemons, box, t12 - - to $8.50. Ban-
An'area, of low pressure covers the
that crew that they had sueb a man
spoke of gambling as the national
not tile e�ympathy -)'t the inassee
anag $1.50 to A550; pIneapplesr,
region of tile great takes and condl-
on board.' On the Island 'clip Lord
vice of the Chinese. He told how
at home, who regard the churches
cases, $2.50 to 1$3 -, strawnterries, box
t1cons are ' now quite favorable for
used this man for His glory, and
beggar& In rbgs wou�d bet their
,%R contres of social Influence, ra-
8 to 14c, according to the quality.
showers throughout Ontario aad
through Paut's presence the i,filp's
last scrap of clothluie;' itud how
ther than sources a,' regenerating
Tomatoe,a, crate, six boxes_$3 to
Quebec, ail aren, of high pressure is crew were kindly treated,
some frenzied gamblers would stake
power. Coupled with higher critt-
$3.23; cucumbers, (:ozen, 60 to 70o-,
setting In over the Northwest Ter- The Jews bonsulted. After only
then wives and children at the
ciEm. which has exalted Itself in
cabbage, crate, $_�1.75 to $3.26; let-
r1toiles, and 7mueb cooler, fair wea-
three days' delay Pant Is about
gambling table.
our universities, the outlook for
tuce, dozen, 20c; itadishes, 25e. as-
ther Is probable between Manitoba
one of the &eat objects Of WE
He told of one young man who -
future success Is.not promising, -un-
P,%Mgus, dozen, 50 to 702.
and the m6nnt'aina. I ;
journey to Rome. The chief ofthe
staked his wito and lost bar. The
less there to a return to -the simple
U-ading Wlwat lItarkets.
Jews arc ralled and to them tie
woman was only 020, and the gam -
primitive faith of the church, but
to which present worldliness is the
1-loilolving are the clouing Eluata-
Clans at important wheat centres
' -
(p day eboole
makes known his case as It stands
with him. His splvLt Is one of gen-
tleness love. The SeNVO were
bling debt hivolvPd was only $3,00.
Bishop Favler paid tbo, debt anti
the to her
greatest barrier. Yours truly,
. �
returned young woman
A.- 11 10.
Casli. July.
reWonsiblo for Ills bonds, yet ,lie
mother. A few months afterwards
- - ___,Q._-N_-qb.,& . New York .... ...... ...... __ 818-8 TURNATIONAT, LESSON �O- Xt- says, "Not that I lVvAL ought. to an- she rejoined her husband and, "in
It $1
*1 ,%��'VA��'W-,%,'%�,%,,%�-V*,W-'%,'W�� Chicago ...... ...... ...... ..�- 755-8
President Llicit, of Harvard UnIver- -
4sity, takes a rather gloomy yiew of
the future outlook- lie says that
,,churches, courts and legislatures
command le�s respect and have less
influence now titan thirty. years
ago." He thinks the church bafs d -
generated Into poetic generallLies or
to ritlialistic pomp. He notes In the
judicl=7 a decline In penl,onal merit
and in public estimation. "Leglala-
tive bodiev," says the President of
Harvard, "have falloil Into popular
If we but remember that nothing
in the world's history offers any
comparison to present social and fill-
ancial conditions, we way wcll re -
Ward with charity the conflicting
views of able and conEcientloud men,
respecting the causes, the disadvan-
tages, the proper remedies and the
final Outcome Of tile great confubion
throughout the civilized world, *,a-
clal, liolitical and religlouv. Till,
theorr of converting the heathen by
present missionary afort Ii cone'der-
ably wcakened by the fact that there
never was a time In thechurch'a h16 -
tory when the furidamental.9 of 'the
Christian faith were Go boldly and
openly challenged as at the present
time. Vie people of the raral dig-
tricts eo *not as yet realize t1w 111 -3 -
integrating force3 w1fich are at work
in tht., leading universities, although
IL fallit gilmmer of the real truth is
now bqgInning to reach them. in
eupplovt b! the above statement we
reproduce tile following:
Tile Chicago Rpeord-Heral. I recently
aticle to a fare-
wA-11 .6erman at Rev. 'W, T. Luster at
Nyheadall i& L. church. Evanston,
Ind., exposing the religious teaching
or professors at Garrett Biblical In.
Rtitute, lit ihat city. Ficellowing mre
lWhalt I *iay about the restilts and
influence of lifther cr1Li:+-m` here In
this field may startlo some, but no
one can adequatc-ly realize till$ with-
out living horre, for game length oil
timm I have In my ministry here
taken every occadon to converse and
argue, with evory theological 6ludent
I could got acquainted Witt. Many of
tilpin have lived on tile FAIno street
wltb me, and many hava att(,n(lpd on
my ministry., I have nukrd ilieto t0l
sorts, of (11168t1olls. I have not found
ono Who WOU1<1 4iy tllttt 110 accepted
Ow miraclas of the (114 Testa own t as
declared there; only four linyt, I
found in &It this number ,who had
entillgli faith In tile Bible N9 It I(;,
tootiind tile test of dloollillne; Illany
of t1lem 1 1011114 'r;nIta,rIa,n anti In-
fidel In bellef, not Olin colild I find
who would Amy that Joints ChI41fit
knevr move or as inueb about the Old
V�Rtammt arl same of these IT111ta"r.
lot profesoora, , .
IvTlit% aaddest thing IFi thn iminlint,
of bright young men nail women
wli*,;o falth Is utterly wrockod her#,
Aftell yezr. MaTly Of there 701111.1v me"
sax tilt$ nover woultl bave t,tkf,n tiny
Interest in deStructive criti--tism. 01
Toledo ...... ...... ... l... 761-20 753-4
Duluth, Ro. I N ... ... 80 7-8 80'1-8
the Dible, had it not been forced
upon them by those who are emplay- -
True Story of Last of (tic Great Ex -
. Toronto Horst, Alarket.
el to teach the doctrine& of the
church. I � .'.
plorers ol I lie North.
Torftto. June D. -The market
last week showed a steady lie -
"It is sad, indeed. when young men
In the June number of Harper s
mand for well -broken, well�,seaaon-
come to the place where they feel -
U.tgazlne Colliniq SbackeLford tells the
od horses or all classes. At Harland
that modern infidel professors know 1,
true story of the fatal expedition of
Smith's sale on Tuesday last some
more about the Old Testament than
the es.pl6rep Bering, from whom
fast roadsters 'were sold at prices
did Jesus Christ! I have not been
Bering Straits arc named. Here to
that were considered low for the
able to find one theological student
his account. of Zile, a.Llventurerls death
clagg Of stock. A, four-yeart-oild
here that would contradict this.
after the loss of his ship:
bay mare, 15.3 hands, brought
"I am not a pessimist. I believe
-Bering, who had been -for some
8190 - a bay goldiug, -5 yearz, $225;
God -will bring order out of tb;a,eon-
time totally disabled, was brought
An �xccpttona)ly useful looking
fus-on, arid that many Of these
agFizo!re on a hand 'barrow in a boat
pait or brown mares, about 2',1J0o
preachera -who go out of here Uni-
and placed In a sheltering hollows
tbs., 5 and 6 years, brought $875.
tarian and infidel wl!l be honest en-
where his still -&Itbful mell-a mere
.At yepterday's (Friday) sale, a
ough to step out of the Method:st
bandful-had cleared the snow- from
carload of second�hanil harses be-
pu. , [pits unless they can get back- to .
the sand. F,ven then be n-49 dYing- -
longing to the. Ontario Lumber Co.,
faith and loyalty to the Cburch
His, great age, alld the hardships he
averagad 4$72.5% and sold from
Which bas educated them.
-voyage made
$55 to $118. The following Is a
Thia question recently occupied
!:Ili struggle for life hopeless.
list of the prevailing prices: Road -
the altention or the General As,:sem-
"H*,.v s' .aw passing away was path e-
sters, 1.� to 16 Winds, .$I-'5 to
bly of the Presbyterian Church in
tia ��d pitiful. In effe.t: he partially
$211215; carriage h-3rses abd cobs,
Sectland for several days. The
burted himself alive. He lay under the
15.1 and 16.1 hands, $50 to $250;
Edinburgh Evening New.q, an ably
shelter of a tent made from an old
matches pairs, I. ->.l to 10.1 InAnds,
edited and influential dally of the
sail. Long suffering had made him
$100 to 6650; delivery horses. le
. ,ottish capital, dealt with, the
childish and petu'ant. E,imh day and
100 to 1.203 tbs., $1Io+a,$16o; gen-
matter at great lengtl,. We nieraly
all day Ills Weakening hands were.
eral purpose and express, 1,1200 to
give a few of its pithy remarks on
constantly buB&Ied Ecraping down
I,=0 tbs., $140 to $185; drought
tile subject, owing to lack of space.
upon lAg boly, beginning a' . his feet,
hozscs. 1,350 to 1,650- tbs, $150to
The News nvs:
the ELL ud from the rldges bu either
$,,Zj,U; saryleenalc second-haud
it 19 actually come to this, that
If tile author or tite -1go or ilea-
"He woald b-ibmit, to no interference
,worhere. $.to to $85; serviceable
,Son" wore alive to-dw, lie would not
with this ocenpation, Insisting that
second-t4ud drivers, $50 ,$300.
bo spoken of derisively as Tom
the swid wa", ed him. Whim Ina died,
pla This Week. .
Paine, the Infidel, but the.Rev. Thos.
Dec. 8, 1741, a m-ontis attpr the
R. U. Dun & Co. report failures this
Paine, D. D.. Professir of Hebrovir
kviding-, big bo4y -was already halt
we��k in the United Stateg I&I, as
atid Old Testament Exogesis, 1C. F.
burled, and It i3ceded bat a little
p.gainst Ljo& I&st week, Iql tile pre-
, -
Cclllege, Glasgow. He woabl have no
work on the part of h1v ske;eton cv.=-
�� gh-�g wcek, and '."IS the corre-
d,fficulty In pre.10,1'.Ig from a. Pro-
rade'l to MdCln tb!s hem Of the,
f.Wrfling week last year, and in
ti -.dant pulpit. That means that
Axsetle regiolls, In a Coifin of frozf-n
C*ans.d.t 24, agalro�t 7 last wo�k, 14
while professing to pin JLs faith on
sand. .
the preveding wesk, an,] Icy last year.
the Bible aF; .an authoritative, Btu-
A Manlrast PA.( ;��Itfon.
fit fallureo this week In tile Unite!l
pernatural revelation, tile Protest-
ant Church I% rovr willing to tolerate
Whot. V)uls XIV. wavi owee plaving
statf.k4 64, -wen in tile east, 49 114outh,
V ,%Ver�lt. Iftud 12-'l In tile. Pacific States,
Ili its pulpits and Its profossorlaA
at backgammon, a ravorit rlamoll
with 111m. a. IrligrrA-3 airo,?_, tZ4 'to a
and 31 rrlto;;� 1;abilitica or s.-),000
ehalra men wit* hold the v'evvii of the
famoug PaInel. What wer�,' tile can-
doubtful thfow of thr� zon-sreb. 7bp
clustolls reached by Paine? Vrett y
courtErg, -- veatsrl to by tte, ;dag�
Ilenry ( IeWv on Crops.
Much tile conclusions reach,'d bv
S!,Afl fiotEung-w9t el,�_Y�vx to galro
01, the croll 61tuation, It is mucli too
tile Higher Crltlwi Who to -lay fill
th- VMII?t ag;Ar-5t ttp- �Ur,g, not
va;ly fevr anything like final or re-
tire highest positions in Protestant
qn- f-,,�) t,
ea� 3 , -11 to,, V-_Ip.,Ab7e,� a 1%-n.,M,q
1r,.aT),e concin. 1 i The c'milition of
'i ( na,
. _4��_r-,-4 at �W,#
eoMtf!, d-? (It-_,,t0=,)!2t r -n
r,��, t lg_�q ut.s!oubtedly been Injured
Paine. If alive to -day, Instead of
I:oIng ppilsecuted as a hns� Int1del,
MwkWZr4 mo=pnat or -1 tb-�, k'ng P,,�k.
C11 101na to &�,,Avl- t�_,e matter, � It.*
by uir"Tnlornblo -weatlier; Yet tile
01RAluou remaim.) for a, big crop. For
woulil be drawing n'bandsomp salar,v
w1tv M,_,rt',�r r,pl,,A V,A!:O.�A a
�,oro� V.* Frw,-prsc& ;# lets -1 Promising.
is i f theolov_y Ili th-, T_',
WOW*nt"; h'4-2�9-42- 'ys)-;T MA Ltv
le exet*,Nngly late, In-
�;,;�1114ilnftl,'Ipthe charce- of injury by
I 10. Vbiurch, Dr. Rainey jwAlfies thig
kind Gf tomfoolery on the plea that
1,0 10 tr�tl ,rrrn,,�tt` ;V;1-;�," fmi�l Lf�v�p,
"PaVe TO -1 -r2','-'�"_-,1 fr'we ,� ksow
:,rr4s,,ot,, as,�Pj 1*10�xlo liave slono consid-
tile question r1bout tile authenticity
4, 1! ! q -Z!, st�x3 ? , I Isev-Z";r�t"Ir tr,�V,;,�tj
ic�jjq,,5-� slar,,ago. (.',ottol� Is; a1w) "very
,��,4 n!�.I,(-xposcal tq dsvgcv. by frost,
t,f the llible Is mid(%r grai�! diseu."
Won. 0,114T that "wn had beitcr walt
,,,,�f,; W�__ ,v
til- cor-Mt, ,.��, �) ,j f_j7
t!O :ti'! P1 f r'S , V!!Xo-,-_-1") lro.a'll tj .,.,;,p
�1_ ,o ,
. .
- '1�� 'tm,4A1';1J W 1r,Xerption.0y low
for 1101it. That U4 to say, thet'hureb
f4vr;,"- L' 1.1,13 fr4r,�r ,,*1 Tf;,�i- X-'J� q1f/,0,
- - j a-_f%� aljl�p, hnt slightly larger
..�Nl , _
V":'m t�,let ypmr in spite of higir
Ili llo, lonfvor tile Ivitilosq of Goil
111M 0AI'th', bIlt ft, 1111911 (IOULtin- F;O-
. ,,,.-,__-_,'..
yorrtfr�r-�.s w-,-; %,��.$Aot�,-40,1
C,��',) !"e?,7e1rt1a4,�;:#R, It lit milell, Wo
. ep�!--11,y P iro,&,,i any rol'ablo estlinAtes
Nety, Ili which lltrc�a. salarlo�,i" nre�
paid to tbof!o who Act theinqelveR to
r , �-, �p ,.--,
, , ,
. I 0?w�� f,�to t-arvi-AtF, te-'ealmO r[Agon-
f1listroy ftho orel,41 to whielt the!y
have Thil of
I 117!4, I lz_-m- ,,.;, ,y__',.1 ,,.I oy,4 �f) la�'t)
heaOlIv." f�(Z�� �;IvZfeg ! ,�. :."�e"t*
ci'V feld, tvsAtller for the npxt
1,!�;-i,r,,,? f.,wi-tF�ow,woz:14 g;vn amp'n time
,f.ijb.qorlb,,vI. proecedIngs
eointivni w; Ili our ol-I olrin-
Cbrigtt!zr. Ail,." q -'v , ',',.).-4 ,Z. �
- . " , � I a ,_-�) I
el�r r,4,o7r,r,V,-TXenry Claws' Finan-
Ion. iWit On T,hurch haF; bocotnr� �
fr 6; i" Z, �� :'. ��3 S �:11 I.:* .�-V;4!1 f ,,, rio",
eolopral Sham. and tile elergy .1 ba�,jj
. f_,#r.f1jce ,p��.'.,, ""; (,-�,. 5, ,
.t liwt Vw". .r wylvat.
V AterIc-factlil Jr-Ruitleal t rinitac-m
ll�or, ,. -
�47.1` #,:f,-:'W.�.,.,/34 q"!�, 44,��,,!,,,�
w-�,-,�,1-2 /0, 11cf-man, Clllp,ago, Eaya:
wh ige mora I olilfflul' fy Is only 0
WI -1-1.1 5Z'.-�, 1�
1�tt j_,-;�,�ol UX 10f)k like an Off 7par aq
I%v thnir Int(Al"'flial 41 ,�!I'fl
P y
fJvrf1�.5,,Z.?,..-?�,1-,_1�' I.-, ,,.,,w e!"�!]�,
�,�;9 Of9 klykps avr�, equerynot, anst like
. -
,I'll(- fcPIIowln_- IR from the (!omiar,nt
1 - t,!k1-!9e.'--.-,701 V.,�,-. .1.0, ,V,,��,J ,.w? '1 v;. -i
i.,, a,-,!, z,d�,Xr sty)w a PA00 P'tandpoint,
ur tile New 'York Independetit, *np
414rile f;r,,�,�:R � R !�7,
tl!.V; A:J1J) l),(JOn0VJ' itil Of U1q cOMO to
� # - ,. . �-
I.,_ �_ - -r - -----" - -.....______..._.__. _- - - da - __ . _. - _ — . . -
-"""".,r�---.-,�-,..�-.--....--..'�''.-., ". - 1.1- - .---,.
JUNE 14, 1903.
Paul at Rome. -A018!!8: IC -21,30,31 -
Commentary.. - Connecting Links.
When Paul and Ills compo.111011s Mach,-
iyd the land they learned that tile
Ishund was called Melita, of 4%04011
Malta, the m6deru name, is a short-
elied form. Tlicy wore received kindly
by the hiliallitiints of the island.
P i he mOntlin on the
Island, and during that time there
wore game very, Important Uvents:
1. A vilier fastihod Itself ail Paul's
b"d, NvIllell canscd the ILlandoza to
think tilut he -;,," a murderer, but
when, he shook It off and felt 110 havill
they decided that lie must be a god.
2. Paul w" entertained by the Gov-
ornor of the island, whose fttther was
vary sick, and Paul heated him. S.
Many which had discaues came and
wote licaled. 4,. T316 people at AfaltEls,
hollored Paul "d 111B compantone
with inany lionors. .
L Paul enters Rome (v. 16). 16.
camn, to Itome-Itome is reached at
last, and the long journey Is at an
and. At this time the City at 110111e
wao a�t tho height of its'glary it
held sway o7,)t- nearly the 6tire
known worl,l. I-I'Within a circuit, of
little more than twelve miles, more
than two millions of Inhabitants
were crowded, of whom about one
million woro ,Slaves." But PAul-
"Nevop the emperor to whom Paul
had appealed, was too much engaged
In Ills debaucherlesi and pleasures to
care much for Snell a man tur I'llut Or
stwlt accusations as were made
against him by the Jows," By lillinself
This Unity was probably due to the
conimcmdation of tile centurion Jul-
!us,-Ca,m. Bib. With a soldier -Tho
custam was to zhain the prisoner by
one band to the guard.
It. The first Interview wIth tile
Jews (ve, 17-221. I7. After three da3ro
-Three days after Paul's arrival at
Rome, lie Invit,od those who presided
over tile lowlsh communIty to visit
him. 1IL4 first stops on passing be-
�on(d the narrow circle at those nl-
'en 3y converts were directed, In ae-
cordanco with Ills catablished pilln-
I ciple, toward Israel. And as Ills Or-
eumstancee did not allow blin to scot,
tbe Jewo, no lie had done in other,
places, lie requested the reprosentaw
tives of 'tile Jewish congrogatioll to
come to ]Ila lodging.-Lango. Men
and bretbren-I'ThIs, address Cc. tile
nosembled Jows is at a personal nall
ture, and to Intended to tounteraot
certain prejudices ,,wb1oh the Roinan
Jews might entertain, In conso-
qtteace, partly of Plaulla Imprison.
Iteut, pt.Lrtly 6f the fact that lie bad
apiptal6d into the timperor, and
partly of any, slanders possibly
brMght from .Tudoa.lf
18, 10, Lct me go-Hio narrates
briefly tile 'evente given lit ollaptorm
,2l, to .116. -Tho Roman officials vr.
pentedly faliod 'to find cause of at.
. fence In h1w. TO nplipal-Paill de.
clared t,b&t- 106 appeal to the amptil.
cuali my nation at, no had no tinge ail probabIllty, added tile bIsh'op,
of vindictiveness about him. Flo i "lie Was played and lost her again."
could lay down Ills lite for theJews
It Is extreme poverty also that
if that would recomplish! their sat-
is responsible for a large ,propor-
vatloij. He was no less a Christian
tian of the onorm6us infanticide ..
for Ills Jewish
that to known to exist In China.
brethren, nor twas he anymore a
This crime is much, more oommonl�
Jow for luilving an Interest intifem.
In, the southl tha,n In the north;
I-ILs soot everywhere spoken
but it exists OYeryvvJn.ere and Ises-
against. The Jews said, "For as can-
Pectally prevaloAt when tb7o .peo-
corning tillsl sect, we know that
1310, who In t1foir most prosperous
overywhero It is spoken against."
days are drinking thedregs of I)ov-
We have reason to be thankful
orty, flad themselves unable to
that the sect of which Paul was
Procure ortough, food to keep thbir
a part liae an QXlstenoo on earth,
children from starving.
to -day. There aro two principal
reaEons why Itho children of Qod
are spoken -against. The first roaw
ran Is that their spirit Is radically
(lifferent from that which charac-
CKIN-111t Saya tile 11�_071.r of Vascillating
terizes the ,.world. The second rea-
Prey Uoidoubtedly Vvists.
son for (this opposition to Christ-
lans Is that thleir outward lite and
Graliam Pock. a well-knowt) autbor-
appoaranoo are Unworldly.
RY On snakes. was asked Ills opinion
Turning to the Gentiles. Paul's
regarding a Enake's hypno,tio powers.
discourse (lid not convince all tII0
Uls reply was as follows: .
Jews, but some believed, 110 fear-
lesslf and powerfully presentedthe
"Talcre Is a certain powor to fa,,�-
truth to th'ata, and when illoy
cluate Ili a enak&a eyes wrid move -
agreed not 'among themselves ho
ments. I Baw-.only
, tile other dai a
Nvas �coinstralncd to dociaro that
typical Illustration of tbu power of
"tho salvation of God tit sent to
a mlako to tasainate.
thO Gentil"'i, Wid, they wilt hear
It." Pant aid lite duty and -was
"Over III tile ))tile woods I saw a
crowned al. last, although many
polind squirrel Tasolno.tod by a black .
901111011 snake. Tile forked tongue
w,ho heard his proachl 119 failed Of
salvation. God rawards Ills
darted out of the anakela mouth a14 ,W
vants accordling W their faithful-
most as regularly and rapidly as tile
110OL110 Of a sawing machine OBOE and
ness arid not according to Visible
falls. Tile, squIrkel geemad to Avatelt
It Spellbound. The snake ortpt slowly
tj--- ,"`"`----LJ
. - I, I
. I . I
� �, I
, 1�
I ", V
. 3 , %1,
110 (Aftor sho hall, rpturted blin)-
(Vill lvvk4l, I kI.Ow anti glill who IR will.
ing to marry ino.
Ell-t-You'ro ti, rogntar ,leLeotiv6.
. . . I-
0 1v It.IA-11to %Vill tako it kiss (town
ty I Ili Without prottill(ling he 114W to
g , � :;tl It. -Now 'York Pross),
l p,her wae
uylthlu tivo or three Incheii of the
6quIrrel It ,gave a leop anti thro%v -
ti . irce calls about ilia Ptluirrel. Ili-
Rtlultly ilia spell WAS gollf'. The fau.
0111110011 Or allarin t1lare had been
over tile little allimal was no doubt
broken tile Tery niomen t thp ,serl.vnt's
00118 wVr0 about the s(luirrvI, foil tilt,
nuillial gave thr(!a antivul"llve, Willi-
Ited 011lrpu and realized that, Its
den,th moment had come.
"I believe Jilip1toltly that;ftli,ellakeri
]'live a, certalu degren or power to
fascinate tilpit, VICIIIIIII it) death.
lill:10,sillikeR, gop-31m, snakvs and rau,
cri; finvo tilt power to a large degrclo.
ltattb�xllakeg have tile most ravchl-
0,1,0011R of obartning among 1�olsonous
,HMITPIAR 11, till! holithwest. The indi-
ClItIOTIN Of ollitrining emong polFonous
NllakPO arl-, deovIvilig sonieLinics. Vol-
' sonous snakes tallp; their I� olv�v
' (11117, TIM liolsoll dooft not kill at once.
T110 VIctilu thitterls to it britlich, It
1111ty bo, Or runs 'a short C4,18tainco,
A-1141 StOP0. Tbo snake, watches, It. Tho
1101R011 (10OR Its 4c:ktIly Work. and the �_
bird fll*�. Anyoun who et)OIcli up, not
IlAyll1r, 011VII Illn attwok, bilght be
PPA(MY 4IN(lived trito imagining that
It' WAS tho gla,xice of tile t;nafco anti
not' %1M POIROn that eaumsl the vle-
till% to fall.11-I)ettolt VA-ee Preag.
- , - �
A BrItish cormulestivimr relror(A
that ir"ally IxOpla tit Kwaliggi Pro-
vinw, Clillia, are ot,aryllig. .