HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-06-11, Page 1J min ...he ham Aduance. 30TII YEAR, NO. 41, VPINGHAM, ONTARIO, JUNE 11, 1903. S1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE To Camp. Liberal Offer. Very X11. BI>lieyale, T Comptiuy No. 2 left liy special train The Weekly Alaaii, with u premium Rev, Jas. Kennedy of London was We. had a beautiful rain oil Sunday. BANK HAMILTONBANK on Tuesday bw vamp lit l,oridon, On pietnre, will be sent to any nddtess taken very ill with app'Dkendicitis while rs. hteKee oP Fordwich visiteck her account of sent -city of naen, the Com- from now until January next for Me, attending the recent 0011ferelice, brother, Geo. McDonald, this week. ( I t'at " A , pauy Is below its mad numerical The Weekly Mail and the Winghatm Fortunately, hs arts fit the haute of bliss pinny Paterson of Wingham strength, Capt. Buckley is 111 taut- Advance until Jpnua•ry 1st, lOAf, for , his son, Dr. J. P. Itennedy, where he was visiting in Bluevale this week, Capital (laid up) $2,980,000 mond, 110 Cts. received every possible caro and at- VAPIt-nlpaid up$2,000,000. Reserve, $1,600,00 Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Shaw were J. TURNBULL, General Managor, (and undlyl , F teution. An operation was performed visiting relatives In Listowel last Reserve od profits $3i33U,Qi ii do The 'Clack, Fall Fair, r' :` on Tuesday evening, Dr. W iahnt't and week. Pro,iw Pr siden Ati#, Itgmsay There are five horses in training on The Directors of the Agricultural ' " Dr. Stevenson of London fit attend- Moxxrs. Jahn and Percy Paterson Cuahiar-J, Tarnbu the truck her e, Pt. Hcaron fists fine of Society are planning for a good Fair, i, ante. The patient came through the of .Molesworth spent Sunday in the Dragemorts:--John Proctor Wm. Gibson, Farmers' Notes discounted. his owu, and also T. F. Cain'a of Luck• September 21, 23, A, football Tourna '' villzL e, Geo. Roach, A, T. Wood, A. B. Lee (Toronto) Drafts said on all paints in Call• now, M. Perdue of OtLleclolt East, N, r,tent will be held lite filet day, and operation safely, an(] nn nVednNsdaly g was as well as could he expected. This Messrs, John McDonald and Will. village - Savings hank hours l0 to 3; Saturdays. to 1 ada, the United States and Europe, D, AlcDonald and P, McDevitt of Luck, twelve Silver tuedals awarded. A Gardiner of Goderich, spent Sunda est all w of gl and upwardsreceived.int- • , morning (Thursday) he is doing' nicely, , [' ' crest allowed and compukedon 3a1th November now each have a horse in hands i;,iitnd couc'ert will he Announced for i.` j• lit JohnGardinsrs. and3lstMay each year. and added to principal although not past the Critical point. special Deposits also received at current SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. of trainers. the evening of the 25th, s Al r, R. Shaw has moved into the Post rates of interest Intorest allowed on deposits of $1,00 and +• Huron Old ]toys. Office store, Ali,. Mallotigh is going to Drafts on Great Britain and the United upwards, and adder! to principal 30th June Lacrosse, June 18th. . the house beside it owned 1t Mr, States bought and sold. The first L g played The Executive Committee T the and Gist A000mbor each Year. act•osae game ka be In ed This is the date chosen for the lay. 'S1 ,t Sanderson, y » L. Dxosttrsox, solicitor, Huron Old Bays Association of Torun - in Wingham for five years Is fin- Ing of the earner stones of the new to, haus completed arrangements for Rev. West and Dir, R. Maxwell star- W. CORBOULD Agent A. E. GIBSON, Manager' pounced for this (Thursday) evening, Methodist church at Tif{iu's, on the # ted for Vancouver lust Thursday. to Travellers ara notified that the Bank of The contesting teams will he 4(Ting- Whitechineh circuit, Jahn Tiffin of tleannual excursion to Goderich and attend the General Assembly. HamiltonanditsBranchesissueCircularnote- R. Vanstone, Solicitor 7 Wingham an July 4th, A FpPcial train of the National Provincial Bank of England ham and Kincardine. Hall faced at 1\ile and John Joynt of Lucknow Will Mr. din t of the Tract Society troubwhich can becashed without cheese Or wilt leave Toronto at ? a, m., and at pre,lclted in the Preshyter]att churches trouble to any port of the aorta 6 30 sharp. Both teams are quick, and peirfoi ni the ceremonies. There will Guelph will *be split in two sections, at Bluevale and Eadie's last Sabbath, --•------ - --- - ----- - ' a lively game is probable, he a. Garden party in William Tif n's JASPLR WILSON, B. A. the one going on to Goderich, and the in Rev, Air, West's absence at the As, Drops. grave and an excellent prograut, bfu. -^ -- ,• sembl r r sic will be furnished by the Teeswater The New President of the other fining to VG robe go via Palmer- y' + EB b QZ I Premier Ross has been dropped fiam also. Tickets !viii ba gond to return Messrs. Mi a Stewart, James Elliot and the list of officers of the Ontario choir, Admission, 2uc. ; children, 16c, y regular train on July 4th or 8th J. R. Miller are attending thb High London Conference, on an y Court of the Canadian Order of Fores- ..,....... I•trv. U. U. Raine is the energetic Branch of the Dominion Temperance -- - -- or on specials leaving Goderieb at 7.30 ters at Hamilton this week, as date - See, TTalSey Park's advt, Alliance. The Temperance men drop pastor, Rev. Jasper Wilson, President of p.m. and Wingham at 8 p.m. on July 'gates from Court Douglass, Wear Greer's Shqes and Rubbers. ped Ross, but Ross has dropp"d the Nothing too good for Baby's feet. London Conference, was born in tate &b. It is expected that a large num- The monthly meeting of the Wo - Temperance men several times. The We can please any mother with shoes town of Simcos 1531. He grew to ber of American visitors at the Houle- men's Institute will he held on Wed - George Burke. of Manistique, hiirhi last time roved a deo too much. for Baby 23 cents to $1.23.-W. J, youth and manhood in the Township Comers' Festival will accompany the nesday, June 17th, at 2.30 p. m., at the P P Greer's, of Midddleton, to the same county, excursion to Goderich, gan, formerly of Zetland, has removed home of Mrs, Aitchison. All the ladies to Sault Ste, Marie, Ont. Removing. TO Owen Sound. and received his early education in the are invited to attend this meeting. The Walkerton oil well is now down J. R. Munsbaw, who intended to re- Bluevale Methodist Sunday School public schools in that Township, He Heavy Storms. Master Roy Mason, has been stiffer. Sunda afternoon, while the Ing for the last three weeks with in- s depth of 1350 feet, The drillers ext side in Wiughaut, recently rented the has arranged with the G. T. R. for an was converted in boyhood and united y fianimatoiv rheumatiRin. He took ill pect to go down 2,000 feet before they rooms latety occupied by Dr. Hoito. excursion from Wingham to Owen with the Methodist church, of which evangelistic service was being held in athissister'a Mrs. Elliott, His mother strike oil, way. Since then he has been trans- Sound, Friday, June 12th. A special he has been a member until the pre• the Town Hall, a very heavy thunder is there helping to nurse hien ; he is im- ferred to the eastern trip for the firth train will leave here at 7.15, arriving sent. He was ordained to the minis- storm came on. The bell tower of the proving. Those who want eche after -grass or par- building was struck and a portion of it chase it and have the after -grass for which he travels, and this will, in Owen Sound about 10 a. m. Return try in Queens Avenue Church, Lon- g I necessitate his removal to Toronto. fare from Win ham, , knocked to the lawn below. Apiece •rr Should see the adyt. of B. Gerry in R $1.83 tickets don, in 1870 and has been stationed s of timber 2 x 8 was splintered as fine as Blyth. cK S another column, good to return by any train next day, Camlachie, Watford, Exeter, Rings. P Box Social, At Owen Sound, the steamer Canada vine, Strathro ,Goderich, and now match wood. The auditorium of the Abr. and Mrs. James Sims were in st- y tendance at the funeral of the late NOTIaE.-A satisfactory sale of bust- The Union Sunday School !viii hold will convey passengere to Balmy Beach at RidgAtown. He served as District Hall was crowded to the doers at the Mrs. Stewart, of Goderich township, ness or property certain if listed with a Box Social in Hnimes' Schooi•house, acct continue to make trips all day; Secretary and Financial Secretary for time, and there was almost a panic• on Monday. C, J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent. Thursday evening, June 18th. A good round fare, lOcts, Hot and cold water sorne years, and was elected Chairman This was fortunately prevented by Dir. James Gibson, who has been in DRUG STORE. DON'T FoRGL'T the entertainment in programme is being prepared. Ladies and tables will he supplied. A Band of the Strathroy District in 18115, and several from the front of the building the London hospital the past two Zetland school house next Friday bringing boxes are admitted free; will Accompany the excursion. There has also had the honor of the chair- shouting Its all right, and by the weeks, returned home this week,much evening, in aid of the org%n fund; ad- gentlemen 15c at the door and 15c for will he games on the Beach Park. niansbip of the Goderich and Ridge- efforts of Rev, Hobbs and McD. Kerr improved in health, mission 10 ceras, boxes; Children under 12 years free. Everybody come. town Districts. He has been twice on the platform, Had the rush to the A baseball match took place on the Everybody welcomeelected to General Conference, and stairway not been thus stayed, the Park grounds, Tuesday evening, be- Next door to Post Office. Mr, John McBarney of Cass Olty, y y . LACrOssp. probability is that man would have tween the residents of east and west Michigan, who visited his brother in COttAt Lodge. now this highest honor in the gift of P y y sides of Dinsleystreet, the result being Wingham, afew weeks ago, died short g On Thursday last, tiVinghatn Lu- the conference has been bestowed upon been injured. The electric current atie-1:1_11, ly attar his return home. The semi-annual meeting of the Crosse team went to Listowel and de- hien. Mr. Wilson graduated in Arts 11180 struck S. hlcGee's house on Ed- • The a.nnual.Converitinn of the Huron County L. O. Lodge of North Huron, feated the team of that town by a from Victoria College in the year 1881, ward street, occupied by 0. A. Camp- County Christian Endeavor and Sun - The costly results of children play- was held in Wingham on Tborsdaiy score of 5-0. The players !sure :- bell, druggist. A hole was torn in the day School AssucinLion will he held in 1#! l•og with matches may be read in our last, 33rD. W. J. Greer, Cunuty Master 'WINOHAM. LISTOWEL. side of the building and the inmates the I'resbyter'lan Church here on Thti Grey township items; children should presiding. Reports from districts were J. Doyle A. Brook TO Beautify, shocked. Mr. Campbell felt the effects loth and Friday, Juue 1Sth and W. Farquharson T. eNieho The Woman's Guild of St. Paul's for several days, and for art of this not be allowed access to matches. received, and arrangements for cele- R A. Tinsley T. MrNit•hul y P A nnmher of ottr citizens attended SANDALS.—Handsome is not it strop brating July 13th in Blyth, were re. W. J. Telford IV. T. Biroh Church are planning a "Sock Social," week, was !Lot able to attend to his Strong y the Conference meetings At Wingham enough word to do our Ladies Sandals ported progressing favorably; reduced H. McLean Bert. Scott to be held on the 28th. The proceeds business. The Western Foundry had during tare week, also on Sunday, and justice. See them at W. J. Greer's, railway fares are promised. Bro. J. H. Wightman Bert, Johnston will be devoted to frescoeing the a narrow escape, the telephone pole pronounce it the best they ever atten- S. Elliott J. W. Fawcett ded, each meeting being so deeply0 S. Chisholm was elected to fill the va- church. near by being struck, and the service g g The Imperial Peat Company of D. Dinsley A. Riggs spiritual. Guelph has been granted a charter for cancy in the Rec.-Sec, caused by re- A. Fleming 1•i, Belied Passed Awa broken. At Egmondv]lle, near Sea- Moval of E. 0. Clarke. After other Ted. Elliott J. Hart y' forth, the spire and roof of the Presby- Rev. W. Rigsby of Parkhill, a for - the manufacture of peat fuel. The F. Cod J. Flentin Dir. Alex TIeory, one of the pioneers mer pastor of the Methodist church, o: share capital of the company is $1,000,- routine business, the Lodge closed, g g terian church Were struck and serious- preached morning and evening last p' P y J. Hodgson G. Hay of Kinloss, passed to his long home on 1 damaged. It was a furious storm y ° 000. A. Flemin fall during the game and Monday last. Ile was wide! known y g Sunda in the Methodist church; ells Died. g 1; g y y while it raged. many tvitrtn friends were indeed pleas- o Mr. Dulmage has disposed of his On Thursday last, Percy Hill receiv. Put his shoulder out of joint• and generally esteemed, having been ed to hear him once more. a resident of the towishi for 40 eats. NnNy I NEW I NEw 1 stock of dry goods to Alex. Brown of ed •the sad news of the death of his School Board. P y Air. and Mrs. Rohl, Slater attended Vasey, Simcoe county, and is busy father, Robert Hill, of Walkerton. Deceased was SO years of age. Every thing in Men's Shoes that's the wedding, on Weduesday, of their A regular meeting of the School new right from the Foot -wear fashion niece. Al iss Lora Carr, eldest danglhter packing and shipping the goods this Deceased was for over twenty years a Board was held oil Tuesday evening. Sarnia. and Detroit. centers -at W. J. Greer's. of Dir. Alfred Carr, to Mr. Wightman. week. resident of Wingbnrn, and a few years After adoption of the minutes of 141 ay Remember the excursion to Sarnia t A large nutuher of guests w.,re pres- ent. ago removed to Walkerton. He leaves testifying to v. pr. Kennedy y the A'toad of the young people of Vying- meeting, the Principal's report was Gild Detroit ori S.atnrday next, under ............... young couple. Rev, able. 1i:eunedy per - to mourn his demise, a widow, one son ham Epworth League attended a read. It showed Attendance as follows the luispices of the I O. O. F. This is farmed the ceremony. •, League Rall in Gorrie on Tuesday and two daughters. Pneumonia was -203 boys, 285 nils, or an avern re of p popular P LSUly AL i g y y, g• a a tri that has laer•n n alar in the i evening, and report a good time with the cause of his death ; he was 47 years 413. The report was adopted and an past, and no doubt Minerva Ericarnp- the Gorrie and Orange Hill Leagues, of age, The funeral was conducted Account of $1 for work passed. The ment will have a successful excursion, Brussels. by the Masonic fraternity, of which bliss Laura Mulveyis home from FOR SALE. -200 acres, 60 aures good deceased was a member. Chairman of the Management, Coni- See posters for particulars, or enquire Loudon oil p visit. Bills are tint announcing the annual hardwood bush,M-2 fine stock facie apply ntittee was anthur•ized to receive ten. of J. A. Alorton. Fare from Whig. Farmers Excursion to the Model The Shoe, Not the Foot. to -0, J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent. ders for a car of coal delivered at the bar, and Mrs, A. T. Cooper of Clin- Farm, Guelph, one of the most popular g g Football. ham to Sarnia and return, $2.05; boat ton spent Sunday in town, resorts in the Province. The date is Its the shoe that decides beauty, not The annual convention of the Huron Some of the younger ministers of school.. The salaries of the teachers fare from Sarnia to Detroit and re- bliss Lizzie Anderson visited at Mr. Friday, June 20th. the foot. If your shoes look well, your + and officers for May were ordered paid turn, 60 Cts. feet look well, but the handsome foot county Christian Endeavor and Sun- the Conference, in memory of College and a meet r May salaries author- Joe. Brandon's last week. R. Mainprize is considering the pro- counts for nothing in the unshapely day School association will be held in days, indulged in a game of football P y riet Of iutrodnclu a number of elec- ized when the half years work was Honored. Th Maty b Winnipeg was the guest clic mOLors to ben orated in the da wor.. There is one shoo that is doing St. Andrew's church, Blyth, on Thura- with the Wingham team, on the )'ark, On Ala. OLb, President Roosevelt ac- of Thos. Forbes this week. P y wonders toward making handsome feet completed. The Board then adjourned. y tithe from his power house, by Iasi- -that shoe is day and Friday, June 18tb and 10th. on Monday evening, The visitors cepted an invitation to visit the beau- Rev. J. A. Haulou of St. Augustine ness people wanting theal. Several t The result of the terrible ravages of were the heaviest players, and played WANTry -To buy a nnmher of good ti tout-Nt city of Pasadena in South. was in town on Wednesday. have already expressed their wining- The Queen Quality Shoe for 'Women. ho cholera in Tilbury East is shown se well, lint lacked in combination. The stock farins, within .3 miles of Wl"g- ern California. As one of the commit- Miss Gillespie of Blyth spent Sunday webhooeito sthistmodern ayd erg to rid !r , y , result was that they were continually barn. Apply to C. J. Maguire, Real P g S'• in this years published assessor's re- Estate Agent, tee who planned the affair was.l. Her- with her sister, Airs. J. Haines. on the defence and the battle raged at pert Ball, second son of tile ei.l or of W. J. Greer: left on Monday morning Several horse sales have been on the s -g 1 turns. He finds only7,763 hogs in the the ministerial goal. A large number May, It Succeed. for a ttvo weeps tri to Lhe !vest. progr•aru in town. Geo. Thomson dis- a llHY , , C ® s e g g 9 the Advance; we may be pardoned for P posed of a fine Costumer voat•iin colt township this year, a compared with of spectators witnessed the Blame, There is a movement on foot to se- referring to it in our local columns. Airs, and bliss E. Little of Brussels to Thos. Alebauchlin for x;12,, atit the S"OB STORE 11.737 last gear -a decrease of nearly which resulted in a score of 4-0 in fa- cure a very valuable industry for Pra,sadent, is considered the "Croton of 'sPent Sunday with frieild$ ill town. latter sold '•Carrie A." the speedy 4- 41000• vor of Wingham boys. year-old, recently pnic•hased front P. Wingham. It is proposed to endeavor the Valley" in which it is situated. Miss Maggie blcDor:ogti is visiLiug Sale Agents for Wingham. The Brussels Post save: -"It is once , Atneut, to Messrs. Scott R, Warwick General Assembl to organize a Company to purchase She Pasadena Evening News says •- her sister, Alta. Aitouiun, in London. for $350. A full sister to ••Jebsie Me- Next door to Post office more reported that the appointment y' the patent and manufacture the straw- A feature of President Roosevelt'sDr. Ilulmes of Brussels visited his Lauchlin," a three-year-old, wra4 also of Registrar and Crown Attorney in The General Assembly of the Pres- cutting and blower attachment for visit to Pasadena teas his special re- ' father, Air. Thos. Holmes, on Tuesday. bought honght by Mesi:rR. Scott Sc the Co. of Huron will shortly be made. byterian Church is in session in Van-. thL eshin rtlachines, recent! invented quest to mteet the coinwittee who Freddie are visit- Warwick from bar. McLauchin for CXXIOT-Oar Durham cAment just and the nautes of Al. Y. McLean, Sea- couver. The foilowin are delegates g y p • 1 Mrs, Douglass and I' s225 g g h Stewart Bros. o£ Molesworth, and banned the unit ue invitation for ins Mrs. Douglass' parents Irl Picker- arrived. Parties who intend !!slug forth, and Ohas. Seager of Goderich, from the Presbyteries of Hilton, blait- y him to visit our city. the commit- ins Charles Agar, a young plan who has cement soon will do the wise act if t; have them manufactured }u Wingham, tee rues composed of Councilnticn been employed as hostler at Queen's they buy it now, as cement will likely are mentioned as the probable ap- land land Bruce :-Presbytery of Huron and connected with this the manufat- William A. Heiss, secretary W. R. Miss Brigham of Londeshoro, was hotel here for some months, departed advance in price before long. We are pointees. -Ministers-Rev: Arch. McLean, D. tore of Separators, We understated Clark of the Board of Trade and J. the guest of Miss Maty Agnew last for parts it mown oil the night of also agents for Hanover cement. -A. D. ; RevrJ. A. Anderson, B. A. ; Rev that an option on the purchase of the Herbert Hall of the Merchant•,' Pro- week. Alay lath or •28th, taking with him an Young ik Son. Gdt your feet ready for the Hot P P tectives Asociation. The credit for Weather. Oxfords and Colonial Ties, Colin Fletcher, M. A. Elders -Dun• patent hag been arranged for a short the artistic crown and kev sent b Ali,. James Scott arrived holy le from alarm clock, belonging to the hotel, p g Y DfoNEr ro Lo, -,N -At 4 per cent. on are the comfortable Shoes. -$1,2.5 to earl McEwen, John Fraser, Jubn Bal• time, and an effort will'be made to sit- Air. Roosevelt is due to Mr. Hall, 13ainmotra, Alan., oil Monday, to see his and a valise, the property of one of its re - $3..00. -At W. J. Greer'a, four. PreRb ter of Maitland -Rev, who designed aid titan It. ututhet, boarders. lie was traced to Lucknow improved expenses i+:asp terms of A y y cure it. It will be a mons coiner for g and there arrested on a charge of theft payment; expenses light. A ply A. y President Roosevelt said Lhatt any 0. J. Maguire spent a few dnvs this g DulmR a Real Estate and Loan Mr. D. Patterson, of East Wawa Jas, MAlcolui, Rev. D. B. AIcUrAe, Rev. those who secure the control and its last Saturday. Brought back to Brus K - W. J. incest, Rev. David Perrie. E!- ' city that could produce uten capable week with friends at Vatutc, Stanley secs on the afternoon train, he ronfes- Agent, Kent Block. nosh, county councillor for Div. No. 7 manufacture here would give Wing- in i preparing s us rich and unique ate tutvuship, sec! the thett in the magistrate's const, of Huron county council, met with a ders-R. Maxwell, sen., John Aitkens, ham a real live industry. May the iuvitatttrn as Ll1' Crown of the dal- Mrs. C, R. VanStone of South- Arid W. N. Kerr, before whom Ile ap- bad accident one day last week by be- Wm, Valens, Rev. J. B. Hamilton, effort succeed. ley s will always have a warm s of ampton is the gubst of Mrs. W. F. geared, committed him far sentence Presbytery of Bruce-Aiinisters-Rev, , in his heart, VanStone. ty, Judge Doyle at Goderich. As it t ins run over with a waggon, He has y y Win- Mowat, Rev. F. O. Nichol, Bev, Baseball and Promenade. was his first nfienee and a very foolish since been confined to his hams and Appreciated. Miss Alice Park left Wednesday on action on the prisoner's H, McQuarrie. Elders—Pater Brussels aseour Monday His EldPCBls bballist visited t was not able to attend the June sea- at noon, just before the an extended visit to friends in Burford Honor Judge Doyle let him oft with a _THE— Sion of the county council, on, R. Munro, Wm. Rowand, on Thursday last and stet a severe de- guests of the Brunswick House left the arid Brantford. suspended Sentence and a sound warn- feat at the bands of Wingbam team, tattles, Rev. Dr, Cook of Wallaceburg, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Metcalfe and ing as to his future conduct, The Blyth Standard says :-Mr. A. June Wedding. The gaune was rather slow, and lacked sou flarry of Beltuore visited at Thos. --- - ___ E. West, who has been in Mr. N. B. A charmingJune wedding graced press and stated that ho had a very Abram's last week, Cajljlti y1a, {(lylp g the snap and vim of the game with pleasant duty to perform on behalf of BIRTHS. VU1l1LuLVV1 Drug iUi 4V1 U Gerry's hardware store for the past the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerr, Cargill recently. The visitors appear- delegates to the London Conference in Jas. McGee of Thoi•ndale visited re- 1lason-In R;tst Wawanosh, on May three years, left on Monday for Wing- of John street, on Wednesday, when ed to be in poor trim, and they lost the latives and friends in and around 29th, the wife of Mr. John J. Mason, session. As guests, he said they had Wingliatil this week. of a daughter. ham, where he has secured a position their second daughter, Miss Ida hlraucl, game by poor fielding and wild base been kindly treated and everythingand _ in Messrs, A. Young Son's hardware became tiro brads of Mr, A. J. Alder- running. 'The batteries were ,•-Vying- that the inanngement• of the house Stneetsviite, tirers. 11 levisithig children, of JiJlhr. Mulholland, u he llaIn nd, a son. 54h Mrs, Is the Place f0 fief store. We were sorry to see our son, of town. At 12,30, while the wed- ham -Doyle and Daum; Brussels --Ar- could da, had been done for their colt)- Ale, and Mrs. John McDouogh, young friend leave Blytb, as he was it ding march was being played L7 Miss dell and Ballautyne ; Umpire -T. J. fort and convenience. Special refer- Johnston. -tri Morris, June 0th, Mrs. Everything that is bright, smart young business than. Houghton, the bridal couple f ented McLean. Following is the score,- 1 Wtn. Casemore of Port Huron, for- Ed. Johnston, it son. Ile has the best wishes Of many friends themselves before Rev. Wr Lowe, 1 2 3 4 5 (f 7 8 0 ence was made to the young ladles merly of Wingham, spent at few days Pure and Fresh in itiZAitRL1GSS. and b the impressive ritual of the who waited on the tables, and to the this week with frionds in this vicinity, Srnith-••lto a--Tn Lucknow, June 3rd, I here for his future welfare, y P Brussels 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0-•- 3 lady ill charge of t11e meals, After J11a. Young was in town on Monday by Rev. C. 11, P. Owen, Air, T, W, + _ brick Church were united in matrimonial Wingham 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 -17 Shipping house on Centre street; hard eand sof bonds. The bride was beautifully at- A gentleman who is a Toyer of the tate , short address, d t ladiesr a pl "gli his household effects. fp. I nekn of Tara to Ailsa Allis Ross of of Chathpnl, presented the ladies re- has a nod situation in p London Shu water, furnace and five bedrooms, tired in white. After a choice teed- game congratulated the manager of fered to, with a copy each, of Helen llur]ng the Conference, Messrs. Jahn Ald rsou-herr- Tn LVinghatn, by Rev. Apple to Wm. Moore, Shuter street. ding repast, the happy couple left by the home team on the excellent Cori. and James H. Kerr had the plea- Win. Lowe oil June 10th, Alex. J tate afternoon train for Toronto and duct of the game, being free from that Kellet s Life, besides plating a small stire of a visit from their father, who Alderson to :Miss Li, Maud, second I Drikil.,&y Montreal, from which place they sail wrangling and profanity that often gum of looney at the disposal of Airs. resides in London, datighter of Mr. And Airs. 11. Kerr, Barn Burned. bn Saturday next for it three tilonths' make games unpleasant to onlookers, Orr, to use its she Sara fit among those lir. Robt. Maxwell of the Biuevaie all of Wingham. During than thunder storm which trip to England. The bride is one of Tho same gentleman handed the !man. 'associated with her in the care of road left in company with Rev. W J. Atcltoberts---Todd--lu W. Wawrtuosb, passed over this section of county ]list Winghaw's estimable young ladies, tiger a sub-4rantial contribution as an the guests. In reply the hastCastiLunic- West lits! week to attend the General June $rd, Iry Itev, S. Ai. Whaley, Sunday, the largo barntin the £arm of and the groom an industrious and ex- appreciation of this. In talo evening a ed the guests for their kindly re- Assembly in Vancouver, Edward McRoberts to Aiiss Char. Mr. VP', Montgomery, west of Gorr -o, cellent young man. Both have been Promenade Concert was held. The memation , and extended a coring- Dir. and Mrs, Robert Diti-gr o for cif lotto, LlAngitter of Mr.and tireosh. TitoS. , Invitation to !hent to return to 'living• tiluc•vale, left on tCrsdnesd:ly fo►• p 'Todd, all of West WawlLnosh. / L. Hamilton •iy •t^t teas struck by lightning and burned faithful workers in at. 1 aui s chinch. Baud played several pieces, while the three months' trip to England; we Johnston•- pentlaud--•In West Wawa- C4 m it - to tite ground, together with a large The Sunday School recognized this pie -eating contest and coon dance fur haw at any time, assmring them that, w6h thein a aafo return. nosh, June 31d, by Rov. tl. V. Kahle, quantity of flay anti his Farm irnpl0• filet by placing among the many, pees- nished amusement. The inanagrr is every attention would he paid to their Mr, and 'MTs, W. J. Cooper, who assisted by Rev. T. It. McNair, Dir. DRUGGIST wants. Two horses, 1T, buggy, and A ants, a beautiful, upholstered chair. arranging for contests hero with first. comfort, have been visiting Mrs. Cooper's . 3). F, Johnston of Owen 'Mound, to number of Piga which were in lila sta- Air, and Mrs. Alderson have the beat class teams, the "Irish Niue" of 3.ucan As therush of paper-]Lattging is over, parents, Air, and Mrs, Win. Netter• Miss Alary Pentland of !'Vest Wa- ble nt the time of tho crash were all wishes of scores of friends fou it plea. and a London team, Watch for an- receive ere far be painting and I;raining work field, returned to their home in D]a,y wanosil, % Al receive my best attention ; txry work utile, North Dakota, last week. Ure. DEATHS, saved, The toss is covered by insur- Sant trip, safe return and a happy nouncements And give the home team is guaranted, Leave oiders at Robert Cooper i4 improved in health by leer Demean.--tn Bluevale. June loth, ante, married life, a good attendance. Mooney's shop. -Geo. Phippen, visit, Robt, Duncan, aged 75 years. + +