The Wingham Advance, 1903-06-04, Page 7WWow^.�w .W.",-*..*.." " � , I . . I
.1 - "I & I - - I . - r . I , . � I � �, . r__w-_-_-��, I I �__ _ . _� I . . . I I I I . I I ,_ � � . � , - =.;==T�;;Z . .
. ______ -,----�,��"--,-,,--��,,�i—,',,'-.'�:-6.;;7,4-: -='�!===n:!:Ill�*1:�,�l::111,—�--:�.,!t!rm!!!�..'�t==:T=;�:!�z -
I . . . I : , I - .A- PORF." W ,',0110=m�%ft
91 N been pulleducrow flioul, the , KNORR , 10101110 Vbt nQpt have hoard a shot b"t I . �
Allotirlet ovor A, w1ro cable , fired whollo X004all wVA workwo
where tl Uolah Bridge stood, 3 Was Oyer W4u.d,,% olwa, porbaputwo
swid drw3toge ira" oporatotl after the THE Nil hun,41.04 xaroo awwv from the scene ME,
"'n'n"n"4 nt, rhl-�04 ..d 1- lrf� 1 1
V I . " . ". q 44#.
W,& -,q, I Ole to obtain An authentic list o murder. A bilrb llill lateryonels
, � of dead, botiveol) the cour buixh aqd the Xeli. FIVES0.
dall farm, ortid. om Wednesday V1
I . ..,
I I .
1) E, S 0 L A i 1�4 S5111AITES0 P"' - - - Of MR1 WHIEN O"11 ,morai, INVOR NO 90$0 OPFgA'
NOT F T�05 ug 4 gout.1twoot wind wag b P Q 4 .1 I
MUM 0 , KEL ; I'll tale, Kendall farm to tbo 41rell A AW
__ 11041201 tbO isiminp. AaX vQu,Ud,jJiQro- . I I—- -11 .-.-
-------.--I- Walter act's ToWIT Molithis AWL, lia, fore, ,would naturam be carried
persolmOng Doctor. , where Russell 1jQnd4II
wax in tho cabbage plot. It w4s a Nearly 600 firms' Works Are Id
. . Borjlll, ,Tune 2,.-Ilor poroolia,ting 8till a, Matter of Mystery to , A`way' from , le
� doctor by, %ay., of' a. jQ.ko, 4 walt- � - Common occurronce, ' Kendall ,says, .
r vanivid X#oxowelko .
it b4a just. 1011, boYe 1,) -go. through the, swamp
Probably 250 People Drowf)c,kd ,Q' shoutink,padordinarl llowoulonipt
boon sentenced to three mo�tljts' the Police Authorities, , Recause of the Trouble.
. I 1. ImprIfjoamont at Stettin_ Ilave paid much t4toayfolm to tile ro.
(Under the Influence of drlaXXao- port Of a gun. or revolver, tat to - jililladolphla, Ilia," antic I. -A ran. "OtirlixI that t -
otlo , , Uk, olo scale Of IvAgo's
at North Topeka, zomolkat ontored the rooin or a Is firm 4n, his ronyl 'n that cral strike or textile lyprUorm, In. WOU14 09t 7,)O olm,nkeo, .
_,!� lie heard no report on Wednesday.,: , _
NoulpLor aviato 'Was 'dylag or con- worulng. VOlving W.,000 oporativLs, wAs In. IMIrty.-.0100 branoboo of the tortlie
� . --., , � - - . __._.-_ ou'pip"co, intiodU004 111ilayelf Rothe FOLLOWINQ UP SOME CLUES 10YOu have a revolver yourself?" augurated Ijere tQ_duy, or the trader Are affoote'd,by the otrlko,' AA4
. I 1, district doctor, 11 o:9pwluetj " him I I ODD tile IV t In the mill W-
. - , ,, asked Jilin. . ea tal
- I ,I m, �1- U1. + 4- 't + , firms - -1 f +1 4 . 0
(.� Y . -WA,fWM WO ;4-. - " b b 14 40 1,eAk A0 ),11ME181 4 0-4 �, U010001
Oal� ye% 1 14yo a owallone 11) fte. t. I W � gMt ad at $100,0
with a tiverwouictorf but, with a ' ' house," replied Kendall, and Ito went, , ry here, (47 Ulm granted the do- No dat I - , wageoxIll 44noul3t
'An4 Four thindred liou"s Uurned--Fiftcen Drowned. at Ka"S133 CII)l— penknife, ,, , to, .$1.205, 00. , 0 u4 .
A Number of Othors Burned to Ocalli—fluns1rods. ,a 'VIVallit- in an(!' 90t It. Kendall's revolver is' Wands or the'unjon, and their -oturere o4.
,r tiolfses Swept IT110 Jolts 00,100 to 11glit on the Loo,10 g -for Suspects-At;syrian 4 91-calibro, whereaw the bullot ex. plants, employing. aliput 15,000 InIt to'bat the, 0 IvAs �Lra 4o.a po*-t.
I Ival of the real doctor, Tito ' tli�n to 01040 all 1110 n9t gTauting
. ir tio-r - Ca-L1'Xj)e4-jnlejlL With VIS101 Shot trActed train the head of tile Inur 11433dop ,Are in 01) 4tlQn. All of tite thairde. I �
Away—Rain: Has Been Fifflar, f6r Tell Days Througliout Sev al '"lulptor died, but- it could net be or Moo. I lig lo'due principally
, proved that KuozemoitAt's pro- to. Sce, If Toillog 913sloall. Cioul(l 'dared girl -wao from a 88-callbro- 03 Ingrain varpot milis are Idle .1 of tile 4
States, ono, Many SectfQna Aro CI)MONtely CoVored, With Wntqr�_ , weapon. lArsl- Kendall to-o4y told a ,, ar� = Importa o L ypral
000dlilos had kastignied his death, flavo Ucurd the ishootbig-A Negro story of a beggar WOMLon who vjs� reciting 01reCtly 3,a,0U0 liandq. .Nil is or a or tho Industry, iii4elr work
Pattletic Incidouts. . otherwise tli!o sentence would have . Ited the fartut -about 11 o'clock on Of tile diei0 WA;a are said to con. oba.rAotsr not farltira* ull-
. . .. With 0310 800k, c
been more severe. Wednesday morning, Bile was An o!d tl'Ol the oltuation aro, on strike, 111ars"ood or readily Qar'no(lo And
Heavy I lose ' of ItTe, clotimated They 'were otandlug close together I . . while, tile 47elrig co
at 'rrouit..,�110v. �o = to North In tile attle of a Ikolloe" au:t . and lame woman, and asucid for a with tUe exception of those of tile, the, 141,18 must rem UtIji4ic Lea strike
. had boon 1, so severe Collingwood despaitell; J%yotau drink of wAter. While ro�otlng a ilik Berkshire ,igiliff, wbicil con 04 idle, no. m4tter
, the experience that the ceded the
, ,U"si""`d� 4, 11111'Allnoo i aeepejl� About the r beach outside the house slic said- u5 -hour isrjeek aAd hipreas .is
' . 11, , wur�ov of Glory ad tife wha,t tIM Other tQxtlle -worker
, 4 911'" WAY under tile atraln� � to Mrs. Ken4all that sho, had seen wages of the men �roml $1
iopqika, I 09,q, ELI]
. h 11111100 may do, A member of the wanufac�
I damage id pr;perty, lim�e occurred r.V110Y cannot recover. . THE STUM IN 'PER i H I Whalen. The eluo:% that have beat) two t .9 on tbe, track, the spot a week, F.Vlie . ti.irevsl executive O,omiclt,tea, g 'to�
. � _
In central anti eastern ACauffau, A Mrs, Audorson and bel, year-ohl , followed by the authorities have led whareran"P Ingrain carpet weay. 'lay, "The large manufacture aid are
I I she Bald 19110 saw them being ore ate asking, bosld�s the 05-hOur a unit, almost, in O� ra
.1western piippsjn�� those
nortliwastern Missouri, soutl baby had been for three ,days In a , . to nothing, a -ad while to -night no near the place ,where Glory Whalen ,
tree In pl4ln o1glit, ot pop wi(lok, a PY per, cent, Increase In damAndy, to- the extent at ,keoping
lo,v�,� and enot'orn, Nebraska States, were powerless to ple, 'who Cow Blown ThrOLN11 Board ,' 'else than three men are detained was murdered. She said Also that w,4,g0s_
reSOU0 them. The � allo h-�4 seen a, wille, dog In tile � . . tj)plr Mills sbut for : year, It neces-
througu tile floodig. Ili, some qf.these mother, clus.ped tile child close in her 1, 113 , by the police, it Is reasonably sets n6lkliblorhood that had been put off =10 ,in IJ I Of 10h:n & James Dobson, gA,1-y, and, as tails I the 400141m
icoalltieps. rain bag fallen stahaiky'for �Lrluffi and managed to- braea 'herself , I employing 21000 Ilandg, Was closed there Is :00 Particular need of mak.
. t M day, In -a reasonably secure position. For Fence and .B,Idly Bruised. 'to Ray Orat not one of them- mo the, train, ,Russell Kendall went down indefinitely to -day, ithe mail being Ing any wovo.!' .
Is, and ffhowu no s4nu of eas- any eon � ,
. . wootign with the crime. This to tile track and saw the dog there,
ff,�tlon. All the rivers swapt .three daygi she hent lip the battle — bivt when he called to him; the animal - I
I over , . Lip a murd .
I 1`00 )Ito. At 4 O'clock to -day her reg- . � ,or ease, in which tile vo- disappeared in that bush, Although - . ;
their buill"i several day"g ago, and the ckld NN148 very near, but she lost con- D SEVERELY ' Ile -O way In a raw hours stumble aa- four girls must have passed along the
, w-A,tor is still rising steadIly. 8outh IMIOUSiless. -110tli mother and child cidentally upon the mail who struck track that morning, Lena and Glory TWO ETON STUDUN'TS PERISH,
Tqp,ok%,It appeaq, Is ,not ILI daujg;or, roll into twelve feet of watet. and Stratford despatch; Storm seems : down and afterwards shot Glory Whftlen, Edna. Pentland and T4113 ! I I ,
L140 desperate efforts are belng� made. were drowned. I . . . to be Ifollowitig "t-Vorm In Perth 'Whalen, but the c1rcumstaucoo our- "gler, Russell Kendall Is, positive[ . I
, to esta,ij1hib a safe ime of communl that he MCI nat see amy of them; 'but - I
Kansas City, Mo., June 1._�,L Mae- county. Following the Mornington rounding this .atrocity are of so ex- 110, did free T-wo women On the +rack, I
catIOU with North Topcka,, iyAlph i.s, gage fromf Kansas City, Ks., by way cyclone of Tuesday, a tremendous . ceptional a. nature that at the pyes- going north, whom he clad not know. King and Queen Deeply Interested 10"
. cGlailf4telY Inundated. And 'thus res- of Ldavenworth" early to-day,say,j wind storm vNite(i uAs city and eat time the officers Workl
,0110 tile isurviyors Ill x1i" section. ,)7 ng an the As I was leaving the farm, Mrs. .
� _ ' I Kendall remarked, "I hope they will
�� brid vicinity. law �restorclay afternoon. ! ca,po are hardly In a position 'W ad- catch. the villilain, And I would put
4#rdrO hals allo,QeAroyod many Nurtil mail wore oil the T -Talon Pacific
. %VPokU balldingis-soine reports aat(,, � flag go,, which opantied tile Kan- _ Safety of the Boys.
s .Lit least 00, anti several poople liaje n vOr when it ,went down, and Large 11mb,., of trees were torn off i yapeo any clerinite theory.. One thing bullets, In bare 40 long as there was
been burned to death. At 1:�angas City all. of thew, were drowned. and hurled lo-ag distances, Rain fell - seems 'to staud, out clearly In this a cartrIdige, left In Collingwood.,1 London, June 1r4wo boys, each of the house. Tille work of. ,rogpue
t1100,1000 -Of UfO so tat is -placed at . I 111tsilivso jallildings Itubled. .In torrontEr an(], pedestrians were Inexplicable crim% and It Is' that LooXing $br it, Itevolver. fourteen years old, were burned to Was considerably delhye4 o*lng'to
fifteen, SalIna, ark,d Ottawa, Katis-as, Tolp.,ka'. J� . as., June 1. -Jt is retired obligiki to siook shelter, their um- tholittle Rollool girl wasenticed by The airthioritlea to -day 'were Maki, death in a fire which gutted one some of tile windows of the house
. lyllare t4e 11004s have 0�he muc�j tlla� almost all tile btlelueea build- brelias being torn ',rem their hands. some one she knew into the place Ing ovogy effort to truce the revol- of tile master's houses at Eton Col� being barred. fAho ipelneration of
damage, are CAiladlain �-,ottlewojltu, Ings along Kansas ayenue ill both A large maple tree tit the rear of where ,she met )ter death. While one ver wltli which the murder wao clo-ne. - tile 'two stfidents,'Is attributed to
.A No loss of life Is r6porteld from those North and. South Topeka will ha,vo William RILhardson's residence, on theory hag been that some tramp Half a dozen bousevin the nelgh,bor- lege, early thifi morning. There 'were tills fact. %he &,nnufal celebrations,
.- . � , -o t, is -as Rplit down the or peddling Syrian was the lullr- bood were searched, but no revol- June 4, has been aba ne . I g,
.. els, companies or regiments of to be condemned. Fire Uhler Wilmarth Ontario '8tj �c 33 students In the house, and tile lift d X n
. Pla"' hiard are � contre by llghtnhig� It stave In tile darer, this does not appear to be vier -was, found. Every hardware otore Odwardt, Queen Alexaadira and tile
1,110 National (a Ilder, arlAs �Wlil not niake any announcement as surviVors, clad In their night.
: In f1lo-citiep I 4ad larger towne to pre- to the buildings at pre,3ont, The roof of ih-& house and k1locked down justified by the plain facts, In. Collingwood, -was soon, but none re- clothes, had great difficulty In es. Prince and PrInoesS, of. WkIes, all oA
* Yont looting- And giva Lill wsisi,a, . Is linder"ning jilany of them the Chimney. A lad Nvas sitting near Some olle She Know. membered having -sold it, 88 -calibre whom were at Wt .
� ji-ce flood. the tl,,O, L'ut was unhurt. � . ndsor Castle, were
06041blO- IVIRcal0uIatqdtI,at23,00j r4p`1d)Y.- ,, Patrolman Hopkips,. wliQ ,j3ut t I It lookq indeed very much more - revolver recently. One of the theo- Mlillig, many scrambling from tho greatly conoorned and sent frequent
People, As follows, are 1onieless; 119 ,
early. this morning reLuraed from a. before th storm of Wednesday pales probable that some one whom Most upon which'the, police, are work- Windows, down the ivy-covered NV,alls lnqilirion ,about the bo�,s.
. 111a1i6a4—XOVVh* 11ppoka, 7;004U; near trip, near tile -buildings where the a cyclone or tue,ldfly, tile Glory 'Whalen knew and had confl- Ing Is that the crime was at the - I I . .
L,mporia, 666: 6alina and vicinity flood 'ViLtlmu are housed, says their wide range of which Is jiow� being dence In Induced her to leave the hands or one or the numerous Syrl- . I
800 ; 0 1 realized, At KInkora, In Ellice, the railway track as she was Walklug ans here, and, a searcai, is being In,-; fact was considered significant, in
Lmwrouce, 3ou ; Kansas City, conditlon is not much more cOmfOr- fine - ,Roman Cittiloft Church was to school and enter the field ad- stitutied for one man in partteular.1 view Or the fact, that, a luan's ly "
Armourdale and Argentine, 10,00U.. table than at any tiwe ,,.since the badly damaged. .it oh*mney was torn jacent to the cedar bush where she Two days, ago a young man named, wootlQn sock had been found , grL -
Allisisourl:_44610m. . -4nti - �$Jlcifi-�Ikj, .flood, began.. The iltuation is wide- off and windows broken. Paddy Byrne.,, whia works for Thos near HOURS FOR U
.700, . I IY' ditforelit from last night when was murdered. .The theory that the : the. scene of the murder. It vras � HOME
lo,wa—De�s Alolnes, 6,000; Ottum. wreamu for help and tile shooting ,Patrick Stock, the five-year-old son orinsio. was committed on the track Long & Co., was uenonLea by, a Syrian - suppo*;ml to have ,been used to gag . � .
wa, 200. of John Stock, ran to the right, in front, of Long's store oii the little Glory. The chief immediately
' Of pistols could be heard at almost shelter. Just vt$Alo, reached the door andthe body dragged through Into main street. 117he Syrian pulled frOm wired to and Oshawa to ar-
Nebr.atoka—Lincoln, ,_,00; Beatrice, ally hour. . . ' the oNva,dV or carried &er the a back pooket a large revolver of rest the man If lie could be found. Twelve Receive Imperial Ser -
'200. ,.a terrific blast swept through the
It Is Impossible to estimate tile fill- . Oil the Missouri Side. building, carrying a Jarge fanning . the bulldog type, shoved It under No re,vly (has yet been received from �
. Kansas City', `MO,, June I.—The mill some fifteen febt away. The Ind ' . Byrnes, nooe, and then, replucing it either place, A search isbolng made vice Orders,
. ancial losses. . . I [loot] situation here 9howed no' im-- was struck on the forehand andthe In his pocket, walked rapidly away. for the remainder of the tree from ,
p . Over Two Hundred Dr&wned. prevenient tills morning, except that will Dinned him to thoground. It was A man answering to the description. which was cut the club found iicar
TIOpieka, Kansas, -May 31.—At 3. tho fire which It ;ival� fear� . d last some .time before assistance arrived - I of this Syrian ,wa4 seen going In tile - the body. Sudging from the We of
wolock to -day tile number 0; people J119111; would spread was put out. Tile and lie Was released. The wound In ddreetlon of Thorabury. ,Chief or the stump, the tree would have been
drowmed Ili the flood W111-011 has 04 - communication and that uncer. his head required several stitches . 1. Police Wilde'this alternoon wired a SEVEN OTHERS 'GIVEN MEDALS
b V, deffarlption to all the sarroun at least ,15 feat high. Tfils would
' . ndLy shaken up. ;; I ding joa,-s-0 12
merged North Tjopoka foj 1�>j hours . ?ta"i-d Nvas'by a road running south- and Iva Is le, k1o., ,� - � feet Of It UnRecolided for, London, June a_..k jonir list of
m '� . towns and &ekod to have the Syrian A search of the vicinity s .
,r!Vas, known to be at 16aut �'Ijo, a I a st . -1, Business all 'over tile city Repiorts indicate that the storm - howaa a
all. L i7/ .
a larger .number were ye lilt -S$1119. A was Buspended. Uanufactorles on sv'&ff Particularly. violent between 11' � hold. Tho man wanted wore a A -raw trail Of small codar branches land- 413pomtnrenta to ,the Imperial Ser-
.. compan.y of mlill, t -go high ground -were compolled .11itcliell and the*VIlI&ge oil Dublin. . I � hat, (11ri-Y brown coat, a sillaggy Ing from the baq.y'a resting place to VICEI Order, which is tile Kfug,s di-
ia has taken Chat .to shut vest, Overall pantH, and was bow-
, . of tile work of rescue, and owing,to down, Owing to tile almost total South of Dublin, at Sa4ler's brIck- � , �, ) legged, 5 feat 7. Inches In height, and the step Over the fence, The larger root xpeognition of merit, is g4zet-
to several humdred people shutting off of the waLer supply. No of damage was done, �)` brall1ho4 were, found first. This
their ellin yard, a lot . �y . . would weigb* about 160 pounitsi. The tcd to -day. There are twelve Cair
have been saved willo, otherwise would street cara were running, nor were and Coun'dillor William White's farm, - I-. ... - "I . would, ludicute that the murderer, ,.
have berlsbed.' - . I .ally railroad t -1; of thuti looke as 11 - . . : man was arrelsted at Tbornbury last after cutting the club, tied lopped off -ompantions of the order,
, -rains going to or from In 111bbert, one adian C
, .. night, andi is held till he explains his
I I In the Auditorium to -night 2000 010 .City, liorth, west or south. Tile it road had been out through bush the branches with his knife as lie Hallway: J. M, Courtney, Deputy
bomelpst? people are'quarterod. 'file blockade - with tile outlet to � the and field. Solahun, Vivian tied four . . movements -satisfactorily. walked to 'the steps, beginning at
. 90010tY, women of the city are there southeast was so severe that traf. acres of blish,. To-da,y there is source- . Collingwood, Ont,, May 81 — The ,butt of the tree and working Minister or tile Department of r,in-,
I ly . Parfs-111101 .1 problem which has been p�rpl.xlng thowbard its j,.01). . . u.1100 and Secretary of the . T,reas-
a-tton,ding-the'rorugees' needs. Great fie in that direction was practl- ., a tree left. 4' . inmes' . � dole, Provincial Detective Greer and the � UrY Board, Dominion of Canada.
%rAgon-loadle of clothing anti provi- valfg. lit a, i9tandotill. Great ju;st Inside ItIllibell, a large pig pen . " local police w1th reference to the Mardered Girl's 1141tineral.
filonshliVe been sent, and the Immedl- anxiety Is felt for the safety of the was blown to pieces. At Ate. Casey's, 1, * - I Glory Whalen's funeral, which took W. G. Parmelee, 'Deputy Minister
I a,tO 719edr, Of the unfortunates have people of Kansas City, Kaimas. Tjjarb the next farm east, has large barn I manner In which little Glory. Wha� of Traflo And Commerce, and Chlef
. - e ,
� . I Ion met her death Qn Wednesday last place Yesterday morn'tig, at nine
. been provided for. � h&q been no cominunication with was un,rOiOfod,, and George Lark� . �_ ". * , ot
'Wally 11ouses Blane.d. that city. since yesterday, and ex� wortily.'a barn$ near his slaughter flag not yet been solved, and from o'clock, was probably the largest Ino.pectQr of Chi)3e.4e Immigration,
L, -
I haustive efforts to get word from house, had the roof taken dleap off, X, �1_ .4 present iadie,%tions It does not up- private funeral ever seen In r,luljWg-a Dominion o! t;ana(la.
' About !our hundred houses in North thel-O this morning falled of any re- and Mr. Larkwortli-y'a cow was . - )4"�' - pear likely that it will be for some wood, and the only one which has
lWeka. were .destroyed 'by . ,dlLy,l by the wind and The Victim of the Tragedy Near little time Yet. So rar tile efforts surpa,seed it lit point of size was Eugene Tache, Doputy Miuleterof
� - . flie last pickea: tip -rjo . L
- the Kawn, -yesterday before the collingwood. be,., -
. Week, aV4 iseveral po6plo are report 8111t. Five reporters who crossed blown through a b'o'ax.d fence and of the officers have been fruitless, tile public funoral'or the late Mayor ands. Minos anti Fisheries, Que-
ad to have been burned to death, but . Callary, five Years ago. Tile pall.
thia, repoirt cannot be aubsta flood had become so serious, ,lava was pretty k and IvIth all their skill, they have
, ba4ly bralsed.
. ntirLt- Stories ha*ly_�b . ell6rable are vouch- __ .— . been unable to find a, single clue bearery were Ruosell Kendall, Charles S. UOnes, ChIef Ulork of
. ad. From all over wejotern X&aGa.s ,not bqon,heard froiV since. Tale- , - steps across tile barbed wire retire the Patents for Ontario
boats wer6 rushed here for gr,�#12and: telephone wires, north, ed for by responsible parties. The Is dispelled by tile Position Inwhich which promises to lead them, to a young farmer wlio round the body, 1001. D. A. Macdonildi Ri., O., Chler
the rescue . �
Of sufferers. The north end of icbe south .and west, were down, and feathers were blown off hens and tho whoolbag and parasol of the knowledge of the , identity of the John Conn) and Lawrence Allen, Superintendent ol Military Storeir.
Melan bridge, tale onip there ,were only a jew wires In thty stumbled about. in the *Ind in man who so ruthl6ssly and cunningly two young. neighbors, and Herbert
. , . dead gIrr was ,round. They were Augustus Poivier, K. C., ObiefUlark
reaching . botil. , - w a% of shape to do buslnees,ea�st. ridiculous, half nakedness. � lying near the body,, and it Is ex- 8101v an innocent cl)ild. Detective Smith, James Conroy aad TAomas b
Topek4a, 'went outj , . , Levi Wataft's barn wag, blown to tremely, unlikely. that the murder- Greer left town 'yesterday after- Conroy, three cou,41iis of the murder- f the Ddj)artm6nt of Ju-stice,
and' a 371�e a4ble was.v'streltolied Probably 20 Lives T4osi,a't Topeka. ji,toms, &n a I I d. Xivas Tpll.y. Consulting Engineer
acroog the bri,ago. Ali or tile. � I I . d ten pigs and a liorge kill- er,, If lie had killed the child out- noon by tile southbound train. lie It, c "I Over 100 vehicles wore In and Architect, Public Works Do-
poll- " ad. Mr. Watson and Johnston Barr tile which wag over a mile
Topeka, Xllzie4u, -June L—It Is .now side 'of the fence, -would have car- (lid .not divulge his destination, ,but corte Partmolit, Ontario. .
toon bridgelii on the nbrtli side were . bellevad tha.t the total number of were In the fieldo when tbef storm ried these little things into tile ce- he. stated to several people that lie and a balr'-Iong.' The funeral ser- Martin Murphy, Proviiarlal Engle-
. Wa4led out early. this.moraIng, and came. They.' riling themselves for vice wa,9 conducted at the Roman car Department or Public Works
tale Only) Polsoible 10ha.t4a of rahch. Lives lost Ili the 116od here will not wa,,rd ,and clung In terror to 64DMO dar vivani,j), and placed them bedde was going down the line, and that , atholle Church, of which the Whaii-n
I Ing the ourylvdN' exceed- 20.. - ,NO lives were lost and the body.. This would not have boeu he expected to drive,back to town I an� Mines, Nova Sootia.
NVUil by., boats.' ' * - Only eight"buildings, were destroy,d logs, The flying timbers battered tile act'of a tramp or of a man who tills afternoon. Ne lia,d not put In fai"ally were members, by Rev. Father
� . O'Leary, who I James & aeck, Auditor -General,
I Boat", Capsized. , In tile firqs. Laxly reports were un- them, so uhm�rclfully that Mr. Barr had done murder as a result of an all appearance up to midnight, how,. -a Ili charge or the par-' Now, Brullsivick.
., Shortly',- Alter jdVJLgIjt nine boats avoidably exaggerated. The- buxiling Is confined to tale IlOilEle. I Ish: during Rev. Father Keenan'sab- '
tCrAved"'froin Qtta�va John Gamble's barn was unroofed, sence In Ireland, -Ing's Printer,
, . unsuccessful Attempt at outrage. ever, and it Is not expected that Col. It,. I'Volletidon, X
an a ispecial of lumber jilleis.gave the Impression Glory Whalen tulay then have bpen lie will be back till the morning. Father O'Leary preached 'a brief BrItish Columbia,
. train, and they wore put into active t'hat tile WILOIG Of tile JlOrth part Of and Ill,& woodshed tern away.. Mrs. -was acquainted bat eloquent sermon, referring ill . S. cMiehaeI, Chlef Inspector
. . with ,fionick Ono she A Signittenot Act. W. .11
, r. r=,ol.uco*. ,SDOn. After repprts ,tile 91ty w4egoing, and no one waa Gamble *as struck in tho back by a who know her sultielon ly A eirelzinstance widell may mean reeling term�lg to the untimely taking
,� with ana I. or Customs for the Dominion of
1. � . flying,otick, and her- orAne Ili badl .
boat cent 919 began to come In, A 'fiettinTJ N;v4o 1.1aced lilo egLitante of tile. � 113i . ured, . I Y well to get. her to leave the track much or nothing has boG:k related off of the clilld, who had been a Canada, 'Doronto.
alaing eight men was loss of life under the hundreds. )Vltl' and cross over the steps Into the Frederick Montizambert, M. D., F.
A . Jaiini Martin, of Pon. .1% had life field. It 1, to tile police by, a. young man liv, general favorite. Tills death angel
.1*1% I W171167', In tile swift current tho smoke olaEu-Ing away and Kawa tills phase or tile urvs- 14 C S., Director -General of Pu4-
. wep
w0out 7 oi'clo�k, and as far as known River subsiding, additional Informal, bh.*rn unrolored. �T&fonuwonta In "'a tery that the police wlil devote most Ing on tile outskirts of the town. lia(i summoned her, not from tile, lie Health. Ottu,svia. . .
411 'Were drowned. A: boat cont4in- tion ,was raualved thle morning, and graveyards ,were blotivii do,40'. attention to. It is file opinion ofthe He says that just before dusk on soothinp; embrace or a mother, but A mod I at of the or4er-Iff--granted
lag two men was capsized. The boats tile reduction � Ili the estimated loss in Maryboro, Samuel Riddell had wedical mail thai the girl was first tile day of the murder, while lie was from, the Moody hands of an as-,
wcre_tQ0,,,.fX,&IL,t6 live lil,the swirl1bg - iA 14fe follow6d. About 200 people are i-110 roof blown off life barn, while looking out of his baxn lie saw in, gaggle. God Ili His mysterious wis- 1 Canadians, Aabort.-Winton,
" ng,. liad his struck down `%vIth; the club, and that Joan' Gauthier, Robert Rivers,
. Water. Wre boats arrived from Em- 'Istill jLt North Mopcica,' 50 of th,�M' his neighbor, John Snollf then, while she -wav unconscious, site Syijan peddler furtively approach a dam had not seen fit to stay the lighthouse keepers, James Baruos,
porla a;t 10 Wolock, and hurry war- being Ili the Upper Wolff mill. r small stream near by, and proceed murderer's hand, but His loving kind- I
.Llhey . brick house and bank barn complete- was stiot through tile head. Tile postman, TQronto; . Patrick Dou-
gage$ have boon sent to at I ly, destroyed. it bee' -,vlll be held to wash his hands. 1-1,0 the,, tool- ness had saved her Innocent body
-bar towns are well fod, . handkerchief which nd tile noney, 'locknian; Alexandor.-Adamv.
for more. Mile river rQlhined sta- Tale, pripporty loss from, the beat as. Thursday'and Friday to, holp clean head,'-tho knot a little to Ono side a. soiled cloth from his pocket, wet from 'llofilement, while her,pure 9otil laborer, In the Department of Rlail.
. .
tionary after Wivink 4anen iseverai thiiatas noift possible will amount to up tho,k1ebria. , � � I i . was soiled tLt tile ends, as If It had it, and rubbed it vigorously on his - ivau received by tile angels. The ways and Canals. ' .*4 .- �
Lucales. 'Heavy, rains ,wart) reported appl,oximately $1,000,000. Water In coat sleeve, evidently Ili tile on, punishment of the murderer must be .
I been tied by some one with dIrty left with God and tile civil 01 thorl- _�I_rvlce Order was
from up the stream, however, a d it , NvOlftfi Tiopieka. Is tieven feet deep. ' ONE HUNDRED YEARSOLD. hands. It lias been banded over to deavor to clean it of stains. Mile ties. In closing, Father "Leary The Imperial
Is fbalvid' +11'et: W11,01ther Asa -i,rllnl ha�, .0io, grftt fear at present Is that. Dr. M-,raul for examination, to see man waa looking arolrnd, as if rear- Instituted b
im i- .., * - - � - , ,:." . . .. _d � 001134, of .the buildings In North To- Viscountess G11:a%vorth (j(.Iebrat,, It there are any powder marks upon fill of being. perceived. T�ia man is exhorted all to be ready for the un- Y His Malesty King Ed-
'' expected summons. The Interment Vftrd"'V'V- iYf'r1'lrho, 'Vitr2,"aleit' de -
Ill Churches amd. Elleva(01... peka, may collapse and cause fur � tber Centenary of1fer Birth. It. deactibed us being swarthy, clean l wag made In the Roman Catholic coratlon for members of tile civil
0-ghty-sevon r OPle are, high and loss of life. 0, , I . '. I Tbi Arrests Made. shaven, short and 4tout, ivIth b Hervice of the Empire, to be con-
, ,e OW ciewatery.
� . dry. in the Page laloyator. If the A scelle of Desola(ion. London, JTune 2. --Viscountess Gletir PravineW Detective Greer ar- logs. He wpre a, I cheap straw hat, - forrKI after long au(I meritorious
building bolde,together they, will be 101to river gauge this morning wo�tb, the only centenarian in tile rived to -day to take charge of the ouch as farmers wear, bat with ol, - . service. lt ,fousistff of the Sover-
resquea;-16-tbij B street coloked Bap- *sljosved 35 feet, buying risen from British peerage, celebrated her 100th ca,so, and acCing an h1s; instructions# very narrow, brim, D. brown coat and HERBFRT SUES cign, the Prince of Wales and, such
t1at Church nearly, a hundred pe6pfe 80.7 diur-Ing'the night. This Is near- blue derry overalls. 91his descrip- — cOmPauiolis as tho Sovereign slj�all
lla*vb been stailft-';; since Vesterday. ly nine feet lidglier than the high birthday this , wook at her Vogl- three men were detained. One We's
tale peddler who hold a revolver to to -,I tallies exattly NvIth that of the Figare in Sillon Murder Case A (tacks appoint. Only members of tile nA_
MallY. Of them have doul�ti,�ao falleig McOrttof-1881. There was eight feet donce, Marham House,,Xorfolkl She the head of PatrIck Byrnes, an elle- fOreigner who flourished v.. revol� - Father's IV it 1. miulstrativo' or clerical branches of
from exh9ustion befoa�e -tills and Of wate'v In thO UDIOn Depot tO-daY. saw the Quards leave for, Wa.terloo ployea of the T. Long Company, two vor on the main street last week, the civil service are ellgiibio us cow -
drowned. The building aft%nds Intact, A gred,t twirling lake, dotted with from a doorway on the Pall Mall, and nlgFis ago, and who -was se , cured and for whow the police a,t Meatord Exater, June 1.-jA law ault Is Ini i;anlons, and their number muot,Rot
. however, and .those, who Aro lef,6' floating, , cottages, trees, telegraph, retains tho liveliest recoilecLica bf near Thornbury. At . Beaton, three and Thornbury' wore on the out.; progress [it the present time w1ilch eXoeed 425, Of whom 25(Y are to be-
alive wa; roj5felled, i � pdleg aild other ivreckage, covers the the excitement here over tile via- miles! from Coilingwood, a rough look. will, no doubt; be at special Interest lOng to the home civil service and
At Xausas,dty. lowlandsi no -far - as -the oyo-can tory. .Though she never wallts, ex� looking man was detained because it is mpposod by mapy that the to the public on account of the no-. 175 to' eivif'services of the colon-
, -reach, 15huilar floating objects came
x4psas -Luty, Mn,y 81,�i gf',e,hl AuXlY, vnsbIn#` down cept in her own '4partinen-i,s, always lie had in a holtel there read Wedimsday in the torlety whlcIi.&,ie of the parties At- Los andprotectorates. Appointments
tho' Missouri River, to the order are made on the re-
fuf water, 06111111`9 frbli, tile ,,west,! lionic, of It- lioasibly from Topeka. using a wheeled chair In the opan OtOrY Of tale murder from a Toron- bush, which was sufficiantly thick to Jained by reaso�a of his confession.
wall, OaA Rivern.1 ICn,nsag'Tal.o(!,O.,Wllitteobtl,,Q6vbi,g,ln air, she has purfect command offier to, evening paper, and isald -the re- afford a good lilding place, and which In, tale iv�fl known Slfton murder trial commendation of a Secretary of
lty, allttt!� 11-111a: - I I " I 1, I charge tile facultlee, managing every i3stall O,r port Nvaq all wrong, proceeding to was not searched after finding the at London, Walter Herbert, 1who State, after L>5 (or, in unhealtIfy
111108t alartal C MO ngs causing a work of relief ivere busy early and colonies, 16) l'years' service, or for
tiffie. the city C311ii- tier estate herself. 6110 attrIbUtpa explain about, the finding of the body Airl!s body. if he had fo!IO%ved tills was recently released from Landoy ,,
aters - rushed & special ineelting of .
With torrifle force over tile outlying p her long 11fe emineritly alferitorious service."
,11 was b -old, ditring the forenoon. to a good constitution as it actually,' happened, althousth, edurse, escape under cover of night jall, lias broiight-av action, through
eallroad track ancl �tjjoi OrOWded_Tqjousnndq ()f peru and regular he
, ,ees at the Con- .,bito. - tho paper lie wais reading from did would Ili comparativelY eanY.- hiff solicitors, Messrs. Mereldith, & The ,decoration, wKiell to to be worn
. 'wholosalo. alotrict-s Of tile *west 1, not, ,cointaln those facts. TUils was Over a ibousand poopke, to -day vbi- VIslier, London, to set aside th,e-.vlll on tile left breast, Is a badge or
1 vonVon Hall mad- their breakfasts ' 1110d81110n. of gold, and enamel.
bottoms,, and finally Into tb0 Union from - the liberal a Considered suspilelous enough to j%r,oLr- ited the ,bush where Gl,>ry ,Whalon's ot his rather, William, Herbert, of Bid-
. Depot. At :LO o,elock & wife or rations Issued by rant Ills detention byj the autborl- body was found. The 0. '11. It. track, dulph township, claiming undue in. boaring on bee side tile imperial
�rala houses, Whole -i tbe, relief committee. The police have HERIDED WITH CRIMINALS. ties, This third - man detalned'ivas NVIAO'l furnishes tile most direct fluente On the part of tile widow. and Royal cipher, au,1 on tife re-
. elevators and frblght'beon, ordered to oll-oot -on eight any- arro4ed at Pulitraom, a little burg route to the scene Looked mol -a liker The executors, Richard Culbert and vorsei, "Yor T'Altlltul Service#" both
dopot" wore entirely SAIrr011adedi'oneeaught plundering. � Colonial 011104'r;A�rested Olt liottlw -a was the a busy city street tball liko an'or- - Mrs. Herbert, of Blddtliph,, are made executed In dark blue enamel on a
ITst0i'day wore dry I � Inie hunigiev, lof liveia lost In tills vi- Charge of Thert. . peddler -who, called at the Kendall dinary deserted stretch of railway. defendants. They hav ettLined Mr. gold. surrounded by n.
basements that , . n,ine miles south of here. 11 plaque. of
mrned, and pro- nasda�.', lfr� Whalen, father of tile dead girl, J. G. Stanbliry', a firm of G wroath of laurel, surmounted by
. Ward soon brim,ful, and -water begaa 41nity "nnot,bor I 11 a farms, on W 61 th, 0 r lad�
to 'reach the 111',st floorft,.-Within 15 bably novel- will, be known definitely. Cape Tjowli, Julie 211eve)atlons aed W' ale 'ad
11111111tes tile tracks entering tile rwest- Hoiviever, there se-cluss tflup-le verifi- I,njt. Ila was brought int Coiling and Lana, her sister, visited the spot mail and 'i§tan*bnry1, to defend tbeat tile ImPeri&I Crow(n. Companions Or
: haVe 3ust been made reg r(Illig the wood to -night a -ad exqmIned by De- during the morning. Tile relic bunt, and uphold the -will. The deceased Jett the order may add the letters "T.
.Orft end Of the, Union 'Depot **ero eatl,on.or reports whicli.aecount for troatment of Ua,pt. JAralkor, D. S. O., tootive Greer. Joseph Norsan, of 115 01% woro out In force, and one of Wal ter but $5, an a thig lie refuses to S,, O." after their names. .
. entirely &Ubhio�ged,.a,jj(y at 11 cs&L.k the, loop Of widrO thdin a dOtOn lives a No,sit Zoatnudi% and Lieut. Bar- York street, 00oron-to, was the name them uprooted and carried away the .
I tlko,'Wat" had rlsc*a &t' such 4 rapid In, One rainor <,Irdu- a t, -w3lo, .both Iser,voll with distine- lie gave, and he explained.bla move- stump of the small cedar tree froin take. .
rate, that tile t1holthqaalirlof delayed lated during tho night -wag that lt,lotn, during the late war. r�onita oln the day of the murder sat- which a u u LORI) ROBERTS' VISIT
liassongaig w6�a mhkIng 1prepara-' &,ciorcis or people bad perished in In May last; year, While a colonial lefactorlty, to tlt,� Vollce and was re- the body. Tile Curious sightseers Or-' COBBLING U? PARMS. —
tl()n.g to leave for the high ground. Kilmsaa City, Xan-, but owing to the column was operatIng In the FrAs . er- leased, A number of .handkerchiefs or -ran the Kendall property nearby, -_ Will Coine to Ainerice, fit Rio Official
. PifteOyl i)koulned at 1(gligas, , ` I fact that,thoro basr been absolutely burg dNtrIct,of`Copa Colony, the two Were found In lills pi�Lok, but they,wo.ra much to tile annoyance of tlio X011- 9vidoneits of tile Great 111rush. of' Capacity.
Fifteen permne have been drowned nO bommunictition witit that PlA00 officers were ordered to clear a farm- n6t In ally., wa,y dull family. Settlers to the Northwest,
131 th'lo Wdst bOttoms during, the (lay. � since YoRte-rdan there is � a general house of foodstuff, . olmilar to thb one � . London, June 2.—It is stated that
1. 13004'Clea of tho difficulty of recover- : (111"dition to discredit this and round around t116 head of Glory Wba_ All interesting experiment In the I.—TIlionulaber of when Lord Itioberts, Commander -In.
Mrs. Sloberhagen, the woman of left'. � . 4 earrying (if sound iias mado during. I'Vinnipeg, .Tune 2
Ing Vivo bodies ldclitiflUttlIon Of most - Otlier ' genoatlonal reports. That ill(.) house, iloroduced a bag contain- bonried'Lead entries made at the dlf� Chief of ILIve Forges, goes to Amer-
thore flag 0jaca isome loss of life therci, Ing r llusgell kentlallIg Story. the morning. A 211-1callbre revolver.
Of the, (land 19 Impossible. 6,100, and asked Capt. Walker to was discharged twleo at tile exact rerent; Dominion land agencies lea Ill August. It ivIll be in his offl-
. Niner Burned to t)etall, howovert Is rtgaixled as probable, tilke care of It. 110 Was called away, Corialderabler Importance attaches spot where tile body was found. Iloth throughout wastern 0011ada last 01.41 capacity. Tito King has ex-
wopeka, Kan., May al.—The out. �Iore flopel'lil Now, and when lie returnp.d, the ling, to thiestory OfRussoll Xelldall, both FjlotR worn distinctly heard at ther inontle eclipsed all former records In ill-oserd & hvIsh, that life trip shall
ook In Council Grovo to Slopeka, Xan.� .11ino, I.—At 8 o'clook which ,wag, left on the taiblo, was because lie ivas near 'Llie spot wlierie i;p,!,j,t where young Kendall was plant_ point of Increase. As compared with be regarded a" an official one In
n 4 quiallet, appall"19' this worning tho Xawa River I all - missing, A caurWillartial exonerated the murder was eonitnitted lit the Ing eabbtlgo ,
Wale tile situation .it the time tile mul- ,&prij, 1902, there ,:was an Increase roturla for 'the recent visits of (Ila.
mh e on , last mo;nth of 3,459 entric
ij)e as that jOf Ptopped rising. Tile valp bas talien both .offlears of any ousplololl of time tile deed was done, And becauso der Is supposed to havo harilmlWd. R; tile tO� tinguishod American military offl.
I L -orth Topeka. Nine oil more people without cessation for the last It:! Ula,ft- I he wastbe first man to, see the body- Tilt, cowlitions differed from those tal being*, Api-ii, 1002, I,Wt4; April, cars to Oreat Britain. Lord; Roberts
1�114111E'b6ea burnoll to (jeatl, ill a fire liburs, ,but At no time has It bea)l Six Months later Cvpi-. Walker And Ile had, hardlY commenced t 111) Beftrell, of Ille(luestItty morning, In that it 1003,15,893; Tofkton agency headed will remain In Au%erlo& for a njobtil
, .
otarted: by slarkilig 11a)(1, Rtportg rp. lit the n4titre of it clondburot, Tho Mot. Barrott, wore arrested at-capa in fact, ,whon'lie walk,ed ,stralght in' briplt brev7t) was blowing directly the list last month with _1;2106 an- and wall be present during the rams
030iVed from thorn late Rlty situation at North Topvka is till- Town Olt a charge or stealing V100 to tile place whore, the bo3y wa,,4 ly- from the I usill towards the listeners trips, &lid Regina. was second with for the America's Cup lit New York
tllq% 0 4 "in It Prospect of th(Y .watc,r proving. Th,ore is bat little Clangor and Warn locked lip Ill the main jail Ing. Kendall is a, 'young fellow of willip tit tile ilwo of th(i rpurder �* 1,21 7 8. I harbor.
faill for anotholl 24.110111,% Plond I of turther. deaths from drownIng. yard Ili the company of pebelig and twenty or twenty-two years of Age% stronge whid from tllo opposito dt- . I
*( Would Adolit Women.
. 1`0 .9-11ttintc ,worge, at ) a WNAC and his ai&nuer '6f tP111119 1118 stOr,Y rootton prevalle 1. I
eoullitiong a E,xcept In loolated, pases the refu- crinlinals, t0mallillig lbor( . 08noral oula Doth;a, now in Joliwa'A
reni_.O.. Morn than 500 people ill I goes botire been earo(l for. Many are befoto bAlt was gr4itted, Eventually givot ono the Impression of perfi�et lftt -1 nasburg, Is nbftt to visit Canada Ili
t wif�`aj.JaLgL larjufflelif'.11t elotfillig, and t1loy 'weire, taken to Fraserbilrg, frankness and truthfulness. To ,1 w Whit Ont- Seek, connection with an Important eolon. Dublin, June 1.—T�ha Coutioll ot
10 'nolfth, ..... purt or t-110 towii are horne. Trinity College bas recommended
I it. hundredu are glooping in Itapover. %vainro tho charge waff Investigat dont to -day lie show- Duriag Saturday aftornoon Chief Izatioll aebeine Inangurated In *Natal
lobed bedfi. and 411RIA1086d, 6 0 this placift where lie wag 0111vaged It, of 1'*olfee NVIldn recelyod Information tor tile developillout of I o tructu that tho senntG approve tile adjjjl#�.
X. X(Illar(l. anil Wife, all jlgpd - frOin JYJ111tIly that it negro pits9ing Ili tbo TrabsTaftl. Tile 111) InI, Nat- 81011 of WO111011 to th&t InsLitation
W. -("Al fiet 113 ylleidellt!4, i Donto have crossed from thn swill; , V Is probable ill -it the. bintter will transplanting ea,bbAges oil Wednos , !mIrgr
. -do tile subjeot of a parlia- dA.y morning, the morning of the' tljroll�h tW town had been noticed al, ttnd ot.hor Governmenta c r I Il f P
coupi 81(16 to North Topoka. -witli -� - I 0 da M 11 d tile abolitioll of tile eompalNo-ry-
C', wore n-kwauod, at 4 0'011ock. study of oreek. I
I dAnco of prbvislone. A nullifier o. 1, - __.:oty etiquiry. murder, and lie explained how It wad to bij wtarIng only otio sock. Tito support tile project.
. .
. ... . . - .
I . � . I . I .1 I .. . - '. _