HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-06-04, Page 5J u 11 e 4, 1903 THE W,r<•1,.`i GITA , A.ilVn•NO WE SELL EVERYTHING A MAN WEARS.y g • destroyed everythin . ,I mopoomm In � _ Y �v >yC1Il its truck, A, afternoon and estro barn and outbuildings owned by Mr. Fred West were complete- nGray �'1i 7 �`• ly destroyed, and the fragments scatter• fit• I itEli Holmes, a well known coutrao• ed over the adjoiufng farm Eveu the ' Days' for at Collingwood, was found flanging cement foundation Was tont to atoms. "I hAlro used Ayer's Hair Vigor by a strap to one of the rafters in his Not a vestige of the building remained - for over thirty years. It has kept stable, Family troubles are said to standing. The house, which is no more my scalp free from dandruff and � CLO � have been th© cause of the suicide, than one hundred fent from where the , in gs prevt.p)- my flair from turn• „ _The annual report of ford barn stood, Was not damaged in the Rillin iii, -Mrs, F. A. Soule, least. The Siff to 0. over o s the increaseoverpareutly about one st ousa a feet high, '�'hei'L' cis this eCtl ed cloud was op - X. X. C, A. shows the total member- - 12 OnlyChildren's Fancy 3 piece Stilts, right ti to•date, for a ee 3 to fl p g s peculiar p' p• g and at braes Would throw out a3et which , years, wortli $4,50, $5.00 and $0,00-Frld4y, Satimlay and Monday, last year. The fluaneial report indieat• would reach the ground, and this is ap• - thing about Ayers Hair _ choice ...... . .... . .............. . .................. .............. . ....... $3.25 ed a prosperous year. Anew building Vigor—It it is a hair food 13 Boys' & tees all wool suite sizes 22 to 27, worth . 2 25 -sale .......... ,. 1.65 at a A cost of $15,000 or 20,000 is to be patently when the greatest broken damage was g t = g turned nd small t wore ek Uma etel not a dye. Your hair does 19 Boys' ?,piece stilts, all wool, Sizes 22 to 30 regular $2.75 to $1150---sAle erected. completely price ... . ..................... I .... I . , ..... I ........ , .... , .. , . , ........ , . 2.25 ...-,Another who faced South Africa's torn out of the ground. In fact every. not suddenly look dead and d 1 i f e ile s s turn black, = 16 Youths 8 -piece suits in tweeds, etc., sizes 31 to 35, worth $5,00, $0,00 bullets and came back to tell the story, thing in the storm's path where the jet and $7.00--3 days sate price ... . ................ . ........ I ....... , ...... 4.00 has sought death by his own choice, would reach the ground was complete. But graduallythe old color _ I0 only Boyn $•piece. Stilts In Blue Serge and tweed effects, Sizes 20 to 80, A. W. Smith, a young Englishman, was ly demolished. The cyclone passed to comes back, ---all the rich, worth $3.75 and $400, 3 days sale ... . .... . ........ I ............. I ... , .... 300 dashed to pieces in the whirlpool in the north-east over Lake Huron, where dark color it'used to have. 21 Men's and Youths' Blue Serge Stilts, all wool, made tip in vary latest r Beaver River, up the country from aolond of water traveled directly under, The hair sto s failing, too, - style, and sold by general stores at $11.00-3 days sale price..... .. , . 7.50 Vancouver B.C. It is supposed lie - neath the funnel, , �� , - �1.i0 a fettle. All Irrxrlets, rices....,. piece . til In neat stripe SUITS. . e 34 t and 0.00 dated in himself. He was Well esu- Sore Throat � send uuli one alfit c4sure Ano supply your )bleu a two piece Snits in neat &tri a flannel effect, Sizes -# to 44, Bated and is believed to have acted asif � d your .... , .. , ..40c to $,00 correspondent dtivnidetorm at last week did dangersnarsen ss speedily inverted a d 'i of rqur nearest express CO.,Coe Ao na p may Odd Punta for Men and Bgys.. .. . .... . .... ........... .dress, J. C. A.7� UU,, Lowell. mass. SALEM SHIRTS - all Latest Styles and Colors Guaranteed, prices lac to 125 damage in the neighborhood of Ripley, remedied by use of Nerviline. Excel. BELTS 1 BELTS l ............... ..................................25c to 1-00 The Express says: -It carried away fen• lent to gargle with -ten times better cera, up -rectos fruit trees and damaged than a mustard plaster and more cell- Straws i allays t for the outside, and speedily HATS 1 RATS ! HATS 1 property. A stable was carried off Allays inflammation, Nerviliue cures �j((�� 1 n all latest latest styles ................. I....................loc to 100 abutments at Thos. McDonald's farm, because it is five times strong than other Property )l V� Sala. Felt Bats, Both 1 -lard and Soft ............ . .... . ....................500 to, 3.00 at lot 7, con. 5, and completely demolish- remedies -penetrates the tissues instant - ed. Trio roof of D. N. 11iaDouAld's ly, soothes the pain, and cures simply because that's what it is made for. The aeast lot 0, con, G, was carried Druggists sell it, A. Ti, Carr is for Salo his property o awayway by the Wind. Councillor Wm. i Minnie Strout, consisting of one 2 -story frame • • Crowder Co. McDonald's silo was thrown down by cottage, with modern improvements, bath the force of the wind, and John Break- Turrlberry. room, electric IIght, stool range stove, carpets, euridge's silo was also damaged. Council met in Bluevale, on Tuesday, linoleum, etc., also one barn, and two full lots —During the thunderstorm on Tues- May 26th, members of council all with considerable fruit. Everything is in first day �i day a cyclone struck along the 8th con. present, the Reeve in the chair. The class condition. will sell very cheap. Inspec- �� `til✓ Tuokeramith near the red tavern. It minutes of last meeting were read and tion invited, this is one of the most desirable fic literally tore McGlreggor's bush to approved. proporties in Wingham. i 11 Commnuications were read from Slim Prices. Q (��' Th Loa E Store Small Pro is Stout values. I Quic#C Retpr i T V NDE R,P CED I it MENHe Es WEAR AT - I,s�.xd Co's. You will find the very best Ri,,,ADY-TO--NVEAR, CLOTHING to be had always in stock at this store. It fits, looks, and wears satisfactorily. Suits of Scotch Tweed, Clay Worsted and Serges, AT Piticri which mean a SAVING OF DOLLARS to you. Men's Fancy 'Worsted Suits, single breasted style, Italian lined; these are splendid wearing goods and Rive entire sat- isfaction, regular value $12.00 -our special price..............$10,00 10 Men's TwAP4 Suits, odd lines to clear, good Wearing, well pieces, strewing limbs and trees n a maria, all Wool Tweed, regular prices are $000, $0.50 and , ' directions, The splendid new barn County Clerk re Good Roads grant, $7,00 -to clear at ............................................. 4,95 j being erected by John Hays next felt Rutherford-Coupland-Chat we the A Special line of Men's Fancy Tweed Suits, all wool, well its fury and in a few moments both the Municipal Council of the Township ofAl.• Crr wade, choice patterns, worth $7.50 -our price ................ 0.00 Como to R. A. Douglass the ,�� t'!, �� �{ I Turuberr in council assembled re Druggist for all kinds of Flower �'% r o-ir-,- frame And the atone foundation on y Boys Fine Tweed Suits, fancy patterns, well made and lined, and Garden Seeds. Over 80 dif- which it rested were levelled with the commend that the County Council at ,, fit guaranteed regular value $5.00 -our rice .... . ......... . . 4.00 ferent colors find varieties of sweet 1 ' (MARKET SQUARE) p 1, ground. Lightning struck the tavern their nest meeting in June proceed to peas to choose your mixture from, �, �I and passed through the floor right be- secure their share of the one million 10 Pair Men's Odd Pants to clear: good style, fine cloth, regu, , i ll dollars set apart for cod roads b the lar value $3,00 -to clear at. .. 2.50 side where three men were seated. P g y o BULBSThe storm was the worst experienced Provincial Government of Ontario, and Money to loan on notes, and notes Boys Wash Suits, in striped Gingham and Linen, nicely made. l t ascoors,....,..... ,. c, 5c, " CANNA BULBS � ,for years.-[Heneall Observer. that the equivalent to be raised An([ ex- discounted atreagouableratea. Money fast 30 7`' $1 and 1.25 pended as outlined by report of the advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent. Men's Fine Black Lustre Suintoor Coats, good style, made to DARL1A BULBS eCi�Y IiSCO n 1, -The Winnipeg Free Press of a re- Goods RoadsCommittse as amended by with privilege of paying at the end of give good wear, special value ...................... ......... 1.25 GLADIOLUS BULBS Dont date says: -A little ltiTorwogfan lad the public meeting of Municipal oliicers ally year. Nutri and act+cunt. collect- P ed. Office -Beaver block, Winttham. Underwear at Bargain Prices, men's good strong shirts and TUBER ROSES was a pretty lonesome little immigrant held in Clinton in March last, -Carried. Rot;r. MciNDoo. N80 drawers, special values ................................ , ...... .25 _ ..OF.. one day this week. The little fellow, Mr, John Coupland reported the cul- Alen's FancyPrint Shirts, hard or soft front, fast colors new TUBEROSE BEGONIAS who is 12 years old, came all the way _ Y 5 Per dent vert on Howick boundary completed patterns, special value at ....................... . ............. . r5 _ from Norway alone with a label on his . and Howiak council paid $11.00 on work. Anything we have not in coat reading: ,Going to his mother, Jo- j� A�'� c Boys' Sweaters, nice patterns, fast colors, all wool, special stock will be procured fit Cstalo• Tile to be paid for by Turnberry council. Mens e s7 rice ..... . .......... . . harina at Yorkton, The lad had no .50 gee, price. _ on all kinds of Coupland - Rutherford - That the A special prize of $5.00 is being money when arriving at Winnipeg, and s Dlpriceu's and Boy.' Nate Straw Hats, fine straw, new shapes, a south half of lot No. 60, con. 1, Also prices are ..... .......................25c, 35c, given by me at the Wingham Fair it at Ilio station the hat was passed around quarter acre of lot 1, con. A, be placed ■ r 50c, 75c, and 1.00 for the best collection of roots and Pocket nive with the result that about $5 was raised in Road Division No' 37 and that the Su ��! �• New Neckwear for Men and Boys, in the very latest styles vegetables grown from my seed. for him and he went on his waycheer- i choice patterns and colors -our special line ................. .25 - ed a him, could not or would not tell motion of last meeting m respect to said n p• lots be rescinded. -Carried, anything of his mother or whore she Kell Mos ro (� THIS WEEK ONLY AT y- g ve —That the south , , lived. He only knew he was going tohalf of iota 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 be placed �.._.:.....,,.��......,�.,,,,..u.,�.�......_�.,�..,........... ..:..,�...,.....,..::.:�, ,. .-, . in We have flow the most j �° his mother at Yorkton. Road Division No. 22 and that James e• 1ar 6.�. Co. gist Chemist & Drug Fi O- o beautiful an(1 complete stool,.Hyslop be appointed Pathmaster for the h's I ever put on the tiVingham Chemist & Druggist 9 current year. -Carried. Market in the way of Men's Perfect Cure For Bronchitis. The members of Council having made y Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Prodnee y of Lce G.S.W. Tel. Co. Hardware Storewingham. This disease can be treated only by a and subscribed to the oath as members Suitings. i Si1e11i+i,.i, ,11iiilr, , r,.;,,-,, .,,I'll,,e. y,` yiv ■• ����-�4L- Jp , remedy carried to the affected parts of the Court of Revision, the Court was -,- `� Smith & Petbick's old stand, along with the air breathed, for nature opened at 1.30 p.m, with the Reeve as In all the latest designs " intended these organs for the passage of chairman, air alone, and sprays, atomizers and in- and materials at very reason- ternal medicines utterly fail. But Cat- The following appeals were heard:- able rices. You will have OUR MOTTO arrhozone doesn't fail, for it goes where- G. N. W. Tel. Co. over charge in assess- p ever the air breathed goes, and its heal- nest no action; Jos. W. Warder, over no difficulty in selecting a "High Crude work Only." ittg autiseptia vapor is afire to reach charge in assessment, reduced $1000; suit to suit. 'p eve affected art. Catarrhozone is (� a inhaled ed at the mouth and after passing H. Davis, over charge in assessment, sus- UUDS3Saucers a fid Platese through every air cell of the breathing Gained; John McDonald, BluevaIo; as- In fit and workmanship .'� Ied organs is slowly exhaled through the sessed M.F.; Robt. Shaw, entered on nostrils. Catarrhozone protects and we take a back seat for n0 ATFORD. QNT. heals the inflamed surfaces, relieves con- roll for $1,000 personal property: Elijah -� °tie' We have just Opened out a crate .-• : Our Graduates readily secure good posit• gestfon. allays inflammation, and per- Jacklin, entered on roll for M.F, ; Wat- -Ir ions beeause our high grade training pr featly otlrea all bronchial affections. son Jewitt, entered on roll for M. F.; - w tares them to render first-class services. price $1. Small size 25e. Druggists or T. Satisfaction guaranteed. �+ Business men want first-class workers— Altus. Forsyth, W. 1. Plot entered on g o! colored ware a nicely embossed� �^ ',o : no tinno to waste on the ocher kind. Com- N. C. Polson & Co. Iciugstoue, Out. ) roll for M. i+. ,...... „•--o,� • monce a course now and be ready for a - , c� position in the fall. Write for catalogue. Alos rove -Con eland - The business pattern, n 3 6pieces or$2.00. We are sole ;� ». �. Elliott, Principal, beforethecourt being concluded that Robt. Maxwell p ,, , .. , THE STORM. the court be now closed and that the roll as revised and corrected be the - I r nssoament roll for the year 1J03. Car- High Art Tailor wing11flD1 �,�r /� agents for ITS ALL RIGHT. London, May 28, -The Township of G LAS 1r V Lis �+ I Mornington, in the north of Pertly ried. ..,.,e and students may enter the o °�. County, and the Township of Malden, Council resumed regular business. ��11 ��44 LiSTOw� in Essex County, were visited by small Coupland-Mosgrove-That the clerk EO YEARS' i maw DR. HESSI •� S A0 be instructed to notify Ronald Lamont Also a package of Glassware ,. cyclones yesterday afternoon. *FR �• y y y and Henry Thomson to clean out the Table o ..r• ���� �i Houses, barna, and even a school, S COIlS1Stlllg 0� fable Sets, eJ US, Tum—��®at any time. were torn down and the debris scattered Government drain ori their places before 41- SPRTNG TEIi�1 begins histol 34, y y, the 15th da of Ju] next. -Carried. bi erS �i01111JOTtS RT�11Jples �'OOted hundred of ardsawa but miraculous- y y > >� { Two Courses-Commoratal and Shorthand. ly, no loss of life oeonrred. Iu both A fully signed petition runs laid bafore�7 T �iSend for College.Journal. instaucea flue wind rnshod down iii fun -the council asking to have a the drain Jel11eS,S 1 rup " ugs, 1 Oils,,IJ``l'lvor ,�C. A. PLBMiNG A. L. McINTYRE nelshapedclouds, carrying boards, shin- built through the following lots, uainely Celeries Trays Shafer Salts and Por Sale one b •� President Seo'y. gles, and timbers in its ras , and swot Lot 0, Con. 3; Lots 10, south part 11, RIGHT S > > «-- y " '"v, grasp, p north art 11 12 13 and 14 Con, 4 COPYRIGHpTS&c. Peppers. a- a well-defined arenne of country. p ' ' iilokiy asoorttain onr opinion free waether an CEMENT WORKS. Lr Perth Conuty the country devas• .Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, Con, 5, to Recall n 1e probably patentable. Communion Cahn A Campbell jtions strictly conadential. Handbook ors Patents ..0 811fllciant outlet and that the Townshi ,, toted was two hundred yards wide and p sont free. oldest agency for Securing yy&tents. ,,,,,,, „ Patents taken tgrou •h Alun¢ & Co. receive A. , Eli =ineor be brought on the lands to arge, in the •�•� Pour miles long. In ];saes the strip was � � special notice, n.ithout c�, �j I am nowprepared to properly axe- t r 01 T '� , =� cute all ordersforCement work of hot 350 yards broad, butt the cyclone make survey alxl assess costs, t}g ,��ee� JIM 4i" �y T' E DRUGQIST a every desrrfption - including 8' only one touched the earth for a con Ie of rxosgrove-Coupland-That the clerk $0011 c ✓ asga�i U", er•_ y p Aliandsomelyilhirtratett weekly 1,araest oir• sidewalks, foundations, stable floors. miles ba instructed to notify the Township cuiation of any soontiao journal. Terms, as a -.w etc. I have every facilty necessary, Engineer to come and survey and assess Vent; our months, ;t Soldbyau nowsacalers. %�1lilli1,W11ilillilllLill llllllll and can do the work tight. All work RAZZI) A SCHOOL HOUSE. g MUNN & C0.36IBroadway, NeW York guaranteed. Prices and terms reason- In Perth County, had the storm Glue sold drain.-Carried.I able, Cement for sale. The following accounts were asses rirAnou cafes, c2b F at, wrrmnyton. D. C. struck at 4 o'clock, instead of an hour g p CHAS. BARBER, Wingham. later, the loss of life would have been and cheques igsued i -Thos, Bolt, $2, re- — -- - - -- -- -- appalling. The Tenth Concession pairing culvert; John S. McTavish, $55, School Was.. completely destroyed, and assessor's salary; John S• McTavish, $5, {rQ bricks were scattered half a mile. The postage• only persons in the building when the Council adjourned to meet in clerk'p K storm struck were the janitor, Jas. Has. office, Bluevale, on Monday, June 22nd, I Z!) • ��l tings, and his daughter, who escaped by at 10 o'clock ajgi argains taking refuge in the cellar. The JUAN BURGrss, Tp. Clerk. CUXN . scholars hnc> satittergcl tp their homes, 1 �. The storm straok a point about eight IN miles south of Listowel. The barns of 5'1-52 The Critical Age. f " ��� Arthur Dowd find Levi Watson were Height of vigor past• -.nature's power completely destroyed, and scattered in slowing down, vitality less, recuperative all direction. Then the wind do M'�lsl;- progress pless, endurance less, Stop the ogress oP decay: tans up the weaken- ed the school, and clip) eyed an to the ed nerve centres, impart vigor to the tir- T. A, MILLS has his stock complete in all the best known varieties hotlsea pf Artbur Powd and B. Jolie• ing brain, prepare for the crisis. A son, whioli were damaged, but not de. moans of remarkable protenoy in the for the Silo and Fall Feeding, also Ripening kinds. This Corn has been re- newal of decreasing vigor is found in 1� s eciall ' selected for seed and cannot be surpassed. Also S eltz, Buckwheat, Ferrozone. It brightens up the whole �r John (4a;llbio,his wife, and son fled being, imparts a sense of power and Hungarian, Millet and Black Tares for Green Fodder. Mangolds, Slygar Ax from their House on the approach of the strength. By the use of Ferrozone old cloud, and Gook to fife open Bolds, where ago is pushed back twenty years. Fer• Beets, Field and Garden CaCCots, t[I all ]Li11Cls at Lowest (t l)YICe i consistent R ith rozoue, gives strongth vigor, endurance, they lay prone on the ground, waiting 'your drngg%t Tins it, Get it to-dAy, Quality. All kinds of Garden .Cleans, Peas, and I%c getable Seeds. Dutch Set e.i We have on hand for the storm to pass. Debris flew in all number of_ _ __ ()molls, English Multiplier, Potato Onions. Gmble,directions, and one pisco struck Mrs, Pl✓AS WITHOUT BUGS. --Sow about loth to 24th of M, and escape �1i��������, Gamble, seriously injuring her spino, R]�Ai, ESTATE ATFi ' � ` }' � 0 TO Ali Another inflictoda scalp wogn4 qn her the BUq. Aly prices are lower than any wholesale, consistent with quality. • • • • • • �' y, • son. ThCall and set the e Gamhlo hard was badly Notice to Partners. > � �1I wregkb4, and iia contents strewn about magnificent tit quality of my CUI�N. Are pon satistled with i -our tirasent f Red River ss tt� theffeldsforhirtidredaof yards around, tnrn'I Tt not, why not oxehange it for POTATOES. --•- I have a limited quantity ci T Maley other bitildings were More or one that will suit you. I have numetoua farmers tubo wish to and so go their farnig. Potatoes, file earliest slid 1305t 111 the market. He PARKS011r,teas damaged. Orchards, fences, talo- some for larger anis. and sumo tar smaller. I�'l �t x rah poles, and portion of a bush were osew that farm, t over is the limo to g p p / P choose your farm. 1E you aro hard to (Those are 13cautttul leveled, '.telegraph communiontiou lease come to tine, and have a look at my Jewelry S LOrU Goods, and choap.1 with Carthago and other villages in the fiat of co, fro, loo, and 200 nano proportiea.ri j (} g Prloes right. Groat snap in town property vicinity of the storm area was out oft. Advance Office Blackwell, Ont., May 28.-A cyclone CLYME MAGWIRR d o 9-- - -- accompanied by f linnel•shaped cloud, $ell R attlte Agent M1 L" Macdonald block - Wingham passed over this place at 4,80 yesterday Mogi -Vp+ 44k #a yilnatoAo Dloq{ k