The Wingham Advance, 1903-06-04, Page 4THE WINGIT., X ADVANCE, CE, June 4. T903 400MORIP oft WRICINOE DID IT CONLT 4�"zi oe*t1ttitll�tt1��tt�1�t17���x�tiPtX��iFi�ittlx!ltllttt�xtti�i1C��t�t�Y�7�i�l11�111i: '� The Sullivan timber graft is be- ell rug ventilated. before unix Public .Ritchi 6 f b Canadian I� 7} t STORE r '(`The ny's Ste �4 tligl�lq .a es" It will t+Q a,9""„ THE PEOPLE'S . POPULAR �.�.. via Company's s Steamboat Lines •A.ccolrnts Committee, .w. , remembered that Gap. Sullivan se- 0 is the 00101al title for the pave fleets cured from. the Government a tins - of the C. 1. R. The sub -titles are ber limit for $20(), This was o]a- JNO. JAS. •.. to be for each service as follows toluol by using the name of one � t y r ��•+ Cash Pacific service, Atlantic. service, ShallzlQn, The )attar swears kle ... British Columbia coastservica,Up- had nothingto do with the Our•__per lake service, British Columbia chase, only allowed the use of his ZZ lake and river Service. name, .)laving obtained thetrrri' g� her land thus, Cap. Sullivan solei it JostSNAPSy. A Deep Cut 1n Dress Goods. l to the Charltons for $9,500, Col. � —Mr. W, R. Brock, M. P., who Matheson iA the Public Accounts ,... .. All our large and well -assorted stock of Dress is president of the Toronto Humaue Committee charged that the Gov- �^ M= Goods g0 on sale Society, is making' determined ef� ernment really got this money for • � forts in Parliament to obtain Legis- their election fund. If this can be ReceivedTHURSDAY MORNING, JUNE th lotion for the better preveniiou of proven, then Sullivan was some- Delicacies - ' crueltyto animals articular) in thin like Shannon a mere c' ""'^^"^"'~"'^^^^ Ladies' Sailor Hats at 3 o'clock, at a discount of 25 per Cent. off connection with the transhipment between," and it may yet be proven to clear. 1;h e nisi selling rices. This Style will be continued of cattle, At present large and that the Government of Ontario has Another shipment Ladies' g g P small animals are packed together really been selling the public do- Black Silk Belts, Prices 25c 7oc Hats for...............C,Oc $'null Flavored Ptlddine throughout j the month of June. Trude taken as in the same car, without division main to replenish their boodle fund, Ej to 1.50, r „ ,+ 450 Powder makes a delicious , .. ort or separation, with the result that If so, it may be but the next step b0c 4 . . . . . . . .. . . ....40c e. t numbers of the smaller animals ar- to show where the $31000 paid to We have the best 25c Belt 40c �• ,� ...............s0c Dinner Dessert. All flavors 'is Don't miss this golden opportunity, y We also give you the opportunity i� p rive at their destination dead or Gamey Carne from. ;w M kgs. for 25c, y of purehas- dying, often suffering hours of tor- Col• If, rn protesting a h This is a chance Lure• and mutilation from being against the dela in obtaining Cap.Un t e market. you do oto `t et s° 3 p ing our stylish and up to -date stack of Y gn fen trampled on by the larger animals. Sullivan as a witness, said :-- .� y g • `'I may as well speak plainly, I Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars early in the season. It Jelly Powder produces in - Dress Trimmings I believe that this Government or a = r does seem foolish to ' consisting of Silk Medallions Silk Applique, Jets The Toronto News edited U member Of it got some of that 25c to �i0c, sell summer Hats at stantaneously a most delicate g , y money. I have a strong suspicion Ladies' Fancy (Wash) reduced prices early in and refreshing Table Dessert. Sequins, Gimps, Embroidered Medallions, Em- Mr. Willison, elate editor of the that the $3,000 paid to Mr. Gamey Collars. Globe, says.—'(Cap.', Cap. Sullivan is ... June, But the must Price per pkg. lOc. es. ono of the unofficial leaders of the came out of that money. I would � y 1 Liberal party. In the workings of not speak so strongly, but the Gov- Foundation Collars, cube, g°• nor ernes, etc., at greatly reduced uric ernment is endeavoring to bark �• = our real, as opposed to our sham this committee in its efforts. illy KnoX's Sparkling Gelatine Domestic Specials For This Week Only, constitution, he is a much more information is that Captain Sulli. 5 pieces Flannelette, regular 7c, se and 9o—for..................... sc important person than the private van has complained bitterly to his ° • for fano Desserts 15O LADIES SUMMER Underski is y 3 pieces Table Linen, regular 30e and 35c—for............... ....... 280 members Of the Legislature who friends that he did not "~ compose the Public Accounts Com- got his '4,s 10 ends of Carpet, including Wools, Brussels, Velvets, oto., at P >XJNDER'SIVEAIt money, and that it was taken b n greatly reduced prices. mittee. The complacency with members of the Government," y � Fine Mercerized Sateen. 12 pairs Lace Curtains, 3', yards long, regular prices 75e and Sao, which the ma'Orit of the Public �" -w ... sac majority Vests without sleeves with .Sizes 38 to 42. Spec- Mince Meat a clear at ............: : short sleeves and with ion -.. t Spec - Accounts Committee accept Su11i- g ial at 1 00 and 1 25 van's contumacious evasion of the 1 sleeves. for Pies Fruit Cakes and DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT order to attend is a disagreeable each. Puddings, loc.reminder of the servility of the Le- CONCERNING TWO �_ Cotton Vests bleached or g r gislature towards the Governmrtnt. ORCHARD PESTS. unbleached. Very nicely l trimmed. Priceff, 5c to 30c Girls' School Hats . tchieCambell. During the repent series is Ba : each. , - C;hoeolate Icing, 1QO. —The cost o£ constructing and «-- .and Picnic Hats. Reg. equipping the Temiscamin $c Nor- ., Fruit Flavored Icing, loc. g district several new and interesting «..• alar 50e and 7oc re- �' .,.,, successors t0 M. H. McIND00. thern Railway will be provided by questions were brought up for lis Children's Summer Under. luted to 35c each, g g White Icing Sugar. ... the setting apart of a tier of town- cussion. For instance at the wear. All sizes. Prices low, �' ships on each side of the road, and meeting held at Banda, April grid, Pink Icing Sugar. other lands in Nipissing to the ex- two samples of injuries to trees • tent of 20,000 acres per mile. This were shown with which the ex- Tailor Made Skirts.. in addition to bonds for as yet an parts were snot familiar. Mr. A. Parasols A. few' left. W e are unstated amount per mile for con- McNeill Dominion Fruit Inspec- = Banner Oats -� • _ struction purposes. These bonds for, kind) offered to investigate offering them at low _ - shall bear not more than 4 per ' Y g We are offering big values prices to clear. Selected, Rolled Oats, 5 lb. P the matter and report the result cent. and will be limited to 40 through the press of the district, zn Parasols and. Umbrellas. ` ears and will be a charge ,Pon package, 25c. years, g P The results are now submitted, w•- 6.00 Skirts for.............4,50 g --. the franchise road -bed and erma- In Mr. Fleck's grin orchard '"" "' P young 5'0° 3.75 - Fancy China Porridge Bowl nent fixtures and appurtenances, the trunks and branches were 4 00 • • • • • ••3.0 . g ` and on the proceeds of the sale of Ladies Linen Collars.. p thickly covered with scare not un- 3.50 .,...2,83 Inevery package, the lands, not including, however, like the wounds made by hail, but ,- New Style. See them. the proceeds of the sale of timber occurring on the under side of the Is made when you choose our store as the or minerals. branches as Well. Mr. McNeill re- place to buy your Furniture. Stock Large--- ports that this injury is caused by the Buffalo Tree Hopper s .Ino. & Jas. H. Kerr bcdo alb Block,hh .Ino. & Jas. H. Kort' Prices Right. Before buying elsewhere, just, —The consensus of opinion in bubalus), This insect whichh looks nut get our prices ; it will cost you nothing to find. rmaingeasyles throughout the is that monesumwil- with t not unlike an omewhatmatede anger a ��ittti�ti�it�ittitttl�tf�ii i� tt�tiflltilt)iiiitiftifil�tlftli��i��itiitiit�i iltji i���iillt�f ill llilt�l lttlfi them out, and you may save money. Our' mer months. Later in the year than the third, makes its appear- ., guarantee goes with every article we sell, when the West and South begin to ante about the., middle of July and call upon the big depositing banks continues to live upon the juices of TOWN PROPERTIES WANTED. Come and see us. Price our goods, and YOU for funds in connection with mov- plants of various sorts till the end W. A. CURRIE will be able to say as others have said— ing the crops to the seaboard, of summer. It seldom does much I have almost daily enquiries for��� SAW ��� that ou Wish ou had known before what money rates will grow firm, but harm, although the scars made in houses to rent or buy. .... AUCTIONEER ..,. y y just how firm is a question that the young wood for the deposit of Now is the time to sell if you wish h s.LHAN 4r SON a fine stock we have and what reasonable cannot be determined at this time, eggs are somewhat unsightly. Dr, to do so. Wingham — -- Ontario Many bankers argue that in view James Fletcher Fntomolo Ist and No charge unless a sale is made. ---- prices we self for. Try here next time and of larger crops than ever before in Botanist of the Dominion Experi- Abner Cosens, Minnie St. Date of sae arranged for at the All kinds of rough and dressed•.,, get a surprise, the history of the country, there mental Farms, says that there is advance OinOe. Terms reasonable, will be an exceptionallypronouneed no effective remedy for the Buffalo A. DULMAGE LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES demand for funds, and that rates. Tree Hopper. APPLE BARRELS. will correspond very closely with The other injury appeared first REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT, ALES. FELLY Walker « 7/� Button the quotations that prevailed in th a dark ra c hes. ion sd one r- CONVEYANCING. an MONEY TO LOAN Hard and Soft Slabs, also a (V�.• the fall of 1902. the larger branches. This discolor- on Town and Farm Property. Auctioneer for Huron ti0uniy ation extended and the wood died large quantity of dry hard- I ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. j under the discolored bark. By the OPP[CB.—In the Rent Block. I have secured an Auctioneer's license for wood for sale, delivered. Furniture Dealers & TJndertakers —Two Ministers of the Crown third . year the limb was entirely Residence—Catherine fit, $lesacounty, ab a rates prepared to conduct have been dismissed as a result of. girdled and the portion above the Sales arranged at the Advance office. Telephone Orders Promptly parliamentary enquiry into wrong- injury dead. This was undoubted. C. J. MAGUIRE ALIM'X. KELLY, Wingham P. o, attended to. doing in British Columbia. These y a case of canker. The best re - Ministers should have chosen On- medy, if the limb is small, is to cut REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND nlI tario as the scene of their mistakes. it off well below the injury and LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING R,ZViCLen,r2 &o� A subservient majority would have burn it. If a larger limb or the Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. DU . GNEW protected them, from the rough- trunk of a tredbe attacked, it is ad- ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AM and -tumble methods of parliamen- visable to cut out all diseased parts Office -in •Vamtone Block. ACCOUCHEUR, tary enquirers. At worst the Bxi- well into the healthy tissue, wash Open Saturday eve:tinga, 7 to 9, Office: -Upstairs in the Macdonald Block. tish Columbia Ministers were char- with the Bordeaux mixture, and NiY u m m el -_ght calla answered at orrice. 1-5Zi ged with no mistake comparable to when the wood is somewhat dry, J. A. MORTON � Aft® Hon. J. R. Stratton's alleged deal- paint with linseed oil paint. The qhz ings with BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. R. R. Gamey or his ac- wood should be kept well painted DRS. CHISHOL)yC & CHIS$OL� tual suggestion to M. O. Hammond, to protect it from the weather MONEY TO LOAN. A parliamentary enquiry has until the wounds heal over. PHYSICIANS - SURCEONS - ETC, thrown two erring British Colum- Office:—Morton Block, Wingham C.. .aw Josephine Street --- Wingham ,_,_. xA4a..n bia Ministers out of their port folios Wingham Cement Works. in less time than an Ontario Royal _ _ _ MISS DELI, SPARf:LING Can be best secured "froom. us. Commission leas so far taken to Best Brands of Cement always onAT. C. M. T P. KENNEDY, wo,, wc.p.S.o A. L pave Hon. J. R. Stratton in full band, fresh and reliable. ,J • (Member of the British Medical a Also cement w-ndclw sills and Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher We have the material ' We alar- enjoyment Of his right to lay con- Association) .=y arches, Door sills mad© to order. or iViltAfc Method, Sitaploz and �tndorgarton. �•�� ,bj ner stones anti address Church pie- any other kind of cement work. LimePupils prepared for Conservatory exam- GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE, y hies. --[Toronto Telegram, for sale, It will pay you to give us a inatious. Special attention aid to Diseases of women / antee fit, Workmanship and Sty, t Xe ; call; information cbeerfullygiven, . and children. 1 Works between C. P. R. anorrrOE HQDrts :-2 to I p,m. ; T to 9 p,m, W„r- tracks, rosephine, street. THE G. T. R. -- e ask only reasonable prices. Anything which could effec- 37.49 V. GUTTERIDG}E.�"^ S` tually put an end to strikes would for tasty and T. H4110Y1&Y ADVANCE down•t0•date nab D.D.S., L.D.S. li Its a pity to have a good Give us a trial—you are sure ` o be, socially as well as industrially, Printing. Prices Graduate of Royal Sint spoiled in tl]C making. thrice welcome. Their cost r the norse�I' en 9 OFFICE right. College of Dontal A g• + men, as well res to the masters, is Surgeons of Tor• o -; The suits we make give en - enormous. and Honer +. Tor - be satisfied. Headquarters for enormous. .Che American Com- - Graauateof Dent. missioners of Labor reckoned that W a1 De t ei Toren• tire satisfaction. Give us a {. 1 �Y a wlsll. t0 draw your at_ReYANSTONE to Untveraity. UP -to -date Gents Furnishings. in the United States from 1880 to D%tetiett improved methods in al brauahas of trial and be convinced. 1900 there were 22,793 strikes in- tentiOn to the young BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR ry. Prices moderate, satistaotioa guaranteed« R3 Uffioe In Beaver Block. vblving 117,509 establishments,Money to loan at lowest rates. Office The men's losses were estimated at TROTTING STALLION RTHUR J IRWzN Webster & Co. 1W Vf 55 millions sterling ($295,000,000); BEAVER BLOCK, J. the masters' at more than twenty- Ga122boy 14.b,s„ L,D.s, - nomutn Brosfour millions and a half ($122 500 - �1� �r pusyl n dental sari exY At lire ren- -.^ .. .............. .......... 000)- The Cost of strikes in Great which was purchased at the Chicago sale TQ,�g, I�C1LlYlE1J noylvan]A College and Licentiate of last frail. � Britain has not been less. The GAntnov is' by the noted efro Gamonion, BANDER, ETT. Dental Surgery of Ontario. South Wales miners' strike in 1873 which is now constdorod one of the most pop- ulav sire of hlMarria o Licenses issued, filo wttncsses carpe over Poet O1Roo—WINKI1iAM gh•class knee acting trotters, he g cost three-quarters of a million in by i4ambetta v6"ilkes, which heads the 118t of required. all Aires for 1902, he having produced over one Monoy 4% la rg6 amounts; smaller in pro - wages alone ($3,750,000). It is hundred in the list f standard trotters and pOrtiOn, A.11est torink estimated that the enforced idleness of tho mostpopulone ire is by ov r lived iso h1CiiARb I1OLDiP1S MISS SARA L, MOORR PROMPTLY l<tS U,F E [� brought about by labor conflicts in having Ina i standard perforngera )non any 'Teacher of Piano and Theory or'ssenH0la rough tik O o ou Are of Invanto nouod THE �y-a other alto 'A da i dead. 7f lrfitpTz;z A7r LAw 8 JI JL r�:/ Great 13ritaln causes the country 8, (}amboy's dam is l.`larones D, 1r Hansatd, , l�oLldITtlrl, Tp., STd. m your in. yearly loss equal to the output of he by tree, Wilkes, which makoR iim of the 0f4co, -npr> to ijolMop Slobk now building vention or I mprovtwent and we will tell you noted bred whites stallions in Canada. This �{ �r 7y��y }, lite Our opinion its to whether it {m probably - 40,000 inert. Yet the loss i5 not noted family which produees 75% of all horses US CARRIE 4OORE roo table. Rbloded opplicatfonshavtoften r� •rs� bavinK a standard roeord, Florence D's dam TYii}••7'� i �( �(,i 1' - en nnceeaslully prosecuted uta, w�- 66A V dilce + the WOr&t part Of It. Worse than !s byY easongbr. 1(11 ,1Ji ,T, LINGTON MUTUAL W conduct laity equip td officts n Montreal 'a/� the loss is the enmityId's between ( inbo'n a sixteon hand.8 ear old bay il` Itl T�*�C�1�r Oi Violin and Guitar. `grad Weshiugton; th�tgnalibltlutoprptapt• // ff stallion weighing 1150 IN. Iso is a good In. �{'IR j' Wishntcn ueerk•and'qut< 2pscgwe ga en, classCs which these bitter eonten- divlduai, having a atron short back, well + CO.'aa prpnq'aptlioinrettt►o (i rte refer n f g ]ioortte—igst�nelllo0k, leinsham« �fgrgisf;ect. fit. i tions breed ; while pi} the one hand ribbed tip, gaol foot and legs, and Is an exebp. Established ig46. rafegtY tooitr d tienally lilKh k1r06 actor. This Coit having pp Iilrp !b. 1444 on p: 1+;• the hearts of employers aro perhaps oral been broken last fall is ah0wfn Itead Office aU91,Pr1:, ONT, r]on P.aeWe s eo 1 y i� quarters P t1Gtf. t+'itltoil sitar P f bein hardened against reasoitat le this spring in 40, and present indleatiaris show bI I INSON IiOLM S over ion ion, ei>wra dt.tribaled thrOux�,ont g uA clearly that with little handling he will iliAks taken on all aiaAAds of fnsitrablb pro i the JSntulnian, concessions) and on the other there' trJpko a 20 trotter anro, pertl on thci each or promiutn note system. {� J n t SPCCW t—Yatetit busluess of bfanNlUH 0AMI"(W will stand for servica at tits Ai{rl'As��lis SOIIC�tQCS etc,to era An f+mghtcer>t, t a r is being brei'[ a carps of agitators, 1Lxchange Into) bAxpo. Timms: -$10.00 to JAMUO GOLDIk, COAS. TIAVII)BOrr, , , � ���� � ��5�� insure, payable lot JaNary', 1X4. 1?resldent. Seoretary. DEoCo May oi! BIbOk tvin )rain, p jawsmith:, and +w&lkib delegates ��tae4 E,c onto quit #;tytlettor11. �"! 1 Might t" f p Goo. wraith, Man`agbr. JOHN R iTC H I C, K Ncry York trite 13•td i oatreat �� �� �� b!!! >�� l!'�1��� Prices, ; a,izoStZbt§ist by iridllt�atri&1 t�P'>'�9"� oNfceet ' , .� X3-4/ #rtaf is EG '�auhoth n. 0wherg LOW,?!, Tr •iVIX09AX ONT , A lw Dt0itinson nudla>r Iio]n14e � Atl4n wni�p was A.C.