The Wingham Advance, 1903-06-04, Page 2%
'if ... 0".04" 1 - P.. � I .1 . . , I - wol-w , , i _� , , ., , , I I , , .,�,. � . .
I- , -___ _____._.,: � - �!,"_ I I - !,!.!"_, !., 'T I M,,__!_ r _!_ I I � �� - I'- I . I . . . _,� -!_�, -, , ,�" I ,�, — 1. 1-11-1 � !, , N_ 11 , � 1. .. . I
I — I � I . . - I � , 1 l T: ! !_ � I 1,�: �� — , , , . - I � , ,i _i. � ,� : � I I � - -_______-*�_;- — �_
tIfte*OOV44�,mw,%,�w�,ql�,A*,,%.Aw, ,,4%W-W,,W -W-q1,,.,v*,,44.,qt),,W %,, 4tk,-,tt,-4o,A Witti hurt and much �Oamago, not ' � ,"*"%�4w"%.,"A""*�v,.%.AW-W-W-%,.We,%,-%�� CAPITAL 11UNISHMENTO . *"***#q1f#1 ****"*+* .
I—- I., _ """._ _,_ - . I I OXILY Of the Wing, mud tile ship, but I � . . . I At , ��
I also of their 11yog. $0 they Set 00,11 . .. I �, I I - .4 .11.11,11, I 1. ' '' - ' - -
. $ silrietty Wale traci or a tempeau. lungings are %Vlowasoil 1,y Crowd $4.5
, tu
In One W10. Quiled r'"i0olydon, QUaint Morbidly Curious People. .CURRENT COMMENT
4 0 -The nutu for the boar. St. Paul . .
� A COLONIAL PO"AINT OW VIEW 0 'Virvo niurdororm iv,ero hanged In 4106""I 0 4 0 O"
I . Was tile Ulan Of tile roquIsIto raltil Morocco's i Old Capital
I 0 and vo4rage to bring a . boat a com. wasouri mcontjy—Bua uwvior In albomas. A. Edison I= taken out
. .ell Ili the Portions situn, The CIty ot I,* li�nnslno City, Dr. j'ames L. 0artroll
, z jil whl4h tI10 .5ultall Has 13con llosolpd .. 7011paitonts In kill, rm. wil'teb 110 has.
B,v ArthUr H. Adams In B.ta-,'< and Wh1tQ '� V1001110 11111T, Administered a � I
.- , lefrelitle In Butlor, and Charles U47 In St.
. >f to the aallora for 1-1 Ile- —1100 orlontall of TqWJJj paid to fees $51,000. Of tile wbolo
, I � I I I �, � ____.,__ &. A� ru" OoOt liSt011 t0 his VrOrd4 Of warll�
$ 0 . , sl,ru t , oyosoph. 10 xansaq City tile death number 711 woro taken out before
,�%.^"-,-,�- . Ing. 2.110 lspolco wortU of cheor ADO I �. Y' � -4.1i , ... , . � I ollumber In tile )all Iran pal"v"Ll wltb q -t
t,tholn Vial; All 1%,.40�Aq& r �. . 1, I , 1605. ,.WQa than 14 has, taken out
to oolit"111-1 -Ing ) *wlw"4*-W-%,��W�-44-�,*�-W,4, I I - each ,.%*our from throe to tw9lity.
Vomfort, AisSul I rs, and m large
I ball )not Introduced a, friend of' licat," I Said$ 'laud would be flav011. ;3. W31110 ghlbig them I 1"V1%-1%V1W1%_1141_ $ curious spootato
mine to, a Man In the Strand, I moat costs money in this country." ilie reasons WIly Ile thus Spoke 110 cyowd asmembled In the early morn -
carefully burrenlIered Ile 4LOOdon Tlmoa.) � placed (it tile dleposal of tile Xalruln Uiroo now Once, Last year lie tool;
"YoWre 44 .E. liallohimall, arcn!t lie t reirpalw unto them tile God who � . . lug outside tile building. Tile liang- Gut nlikeeli, Tlip 0erks of tile
ho..110A tat011t� and talue, With Uplrorglty; Tfto mosque of Bu At- Ing of Gartroll wask Witnessed by It -
you?" 0414 tho Man in the Strand,' en,"divicIt tli'.kt And cOmfOrt" His chil- A loll,% line Or gra;ir walls, broken nan 10, hoWaver, still used tie a frico haro kcpt ,sy4oluat-lo
"No; Now zealander," said my gingerly replaced the Ild. "What A (Iran. 4. He practleally assumed - licrO Ant] there bX b4ttlemealto# school, tbougli its Jmportanoo as a 500 POOPIO WItIlln the 3311 Inolowro, � Paton t Q.
ouriout; country V' he SAId. With 4 - Niargo Of the ship and its Intore.4to towers, nna top ' . 3 Or Q4110atlon has 0ntIrOIV Ill$- AD4 Oil tile Onto'., IQ Poop 'a climbed account or� file patmitn of Mr. :r,,di.
filand. t 6191L tth mall evident assurances Of f4ltll buildings of Ped by., 'the white P140f Pao- - � t
44 i a tie turniixl to tile �)Tan in the t %V � tile S4341.11EI Pal- Appeared, T)IO Principal Att � Olt tho reole or adjoining hoq400. to son, tabulate(I and luttoxed, s(, __
(I Wall, wli'tt .0, Colonial I,W same as 1.010 In the Dromises of God that tile Dime. Acot and A few mInaroto_.aaChL othe tjoll of tile ftreboleln MOUJIne is S Cat0l' 0, glimpse Or tile 0011dOwIled roferovoo to them Is oaa�.
. -
n L,'ngll.1hm4U.V I Strand. "Where did YOU IVA that t ter and Centurion readil,31 followed I �ravollcr'a first v I I , I -- ,
4-T didg,t va7_ Colonial, I said New Idea that wo belonged to You?" - his, commall4s, a. Ire met every ex� . low or Fez as lie aqviarp tower, of no great helghtf mail. To 8t. ,Tosoph there was UP
I (f APPrOAcbeft the Capital by the mal4i but altoly decorated In We- usual excitement Attendant Upon
Zealander," replied tile tall, brown,! (30 Wall, England discovered youf and Igency Promptly, Alld had illo bliprome Caravan road. It Is an ii�attraatjvo 04100 o1rIT1111esp arranged In geometric Buell tragleal oVollts. T110 mombors of tile Missouri House
oturtItly-built Son, of the $Oath. I , Ionized ,von." . Satisfaction of soolng brory SOUL on lipproacll� Tor tile last Qlgbt or ten Tlatteraq. between the projopting T'llat this sort of morbid curiosity, Of Representatives. have 'the news�
IQ,,,, xald the Uan In the %raild: ,4No, tile Dutch illsoovarea us# and ' ttoard the ship reach Land I' "Ite'ty- tulles of the 175 thAt 110 bQtwoou edges of bricks. It to one of tile most and the orforts tliti't Is paper habl't during ill% time d(,yOtP,d
; 11-0 coliialz�ed oursNyes." . put forth to
blankly. He lin,tl never met that, , I Albert H. Stilwell. T'Anglor and tile largest and InOst beauttrul little mosques Ili Fez, and gratify It, in distinctly demoralizing, to tha opening prayer, which' does
n lie! "Wull, W40 Sent out tile Convicts." .
had not met many colonialff. 1 Then I know that thingo, Would ImpOrtalit city, of U.6rogeo llltol�
point of view before. But tile , puea happily it$ Position, PrOjNtlllg tn- Is apparent to. all thoughtful J
The Now Zealander explained. 41you got broken,. I put iny hatia Oil Itlia . e-*--e-^^~� . Over A plateau beti; I ,,a,, to tile Thlan, allows an exceptlo,nally 11gc-tit persons. rAhat the publicity not Please Chaplalli Russel(.. RQC9ptly
#%%^WV^"^ I voea level, u4bi .
. , � . . I ch 01 corli-growing eouu� good view of Ito .exterior to be ob- of those terrible lie. offered thle prayor,w,hioh had the
1. examples, of tile ,
see, '440 said, "a colonial may be At Now Zoalandor's arm,. "New Zealand , il he, north by bare tattled. Its little tower, Its green , "O Lord, I ask that
ma . , law's vengeance doeK not aut As a desired offzot,
u w,hg lives In Jamaica, or Adell, Oil "that It Is only natural that �'—"] .111110 And further away on the'sollth tiled roof, its. arches and projecting deterrent to murder is deflnitel,y do, those In, tills House Who rise to their
� and Australia are so far awvw," I
,blng4pore, or tile Falkland lqlando,, SAIds ,'nglishmall, killould confuse the - The, Markets, by, a range of ru s rm, as perfect a spool- iiionstrated by the contintia.tion and foot for prayer may not continue to
or 'VancoUver, or Ptetermarltzliarg, � a L' I' . . One sees littl gged mountains. �
or Wooloom,00lo* but a Now Zoa-� two. How Could lie be expected to 0 but Its grmy inon�. Men or modlaoval Uoorlo4 art as a%- canstant reourronoe or homicide in d their parsera while the ch4plajil ,
. I . -
lander lives In �ew Zealand. Tipt's, Rilow that DO cOnvicts Over cmine 1. . I 0 , I .1 . I . .. . . . otouQue NvAlls Appearing on tlic hor- tStV In WrOcoo, I U16soarl. Tile expediency ot capital .r,, .
- i to Now Zealand, that Now Zealand Taranto Live istoox .- , 0, IzOn. yet It Is An Idemi site for a - The Dazaara at Aflez putilabIllent may be open to debate, prays, 0ralit that* they may hayo
. You way like to In CttY, and Murat Idris, its founder
clads under one title the members rofused to accept them. and that but It Is boyond questloq t1m.1; tile some reel)ect for Uod It, they have
9xporb cattle, ebolce, per owb $1, Qo to, $0 00 and patron, salut, did not err In fiX- are not as plotarosque, as th�ose at method of Its accomplish In oil, t III .
at 9, hundred Olfferant communitlaO. only a foir ever landod In Austra- domedlum... ............. A 25 to 4 40 Ing upog It for his cAp1tAI When, - not for the obalplitin." -
vervarated bV thousands of miles Ila. and that transportation was docowr ...... 11 .... 11, ..... $30 to AN Calro, for they cover a much smaller this state IS Inexcusably barbarous, .
; easy in those days." Interior coNvR ................. ',' 7 5 to 325 early In the'llInth, century A. D,, 110 -area of,ground, nor are the surround- Wbile public sentiment illay favorp . . --- .
from each other, And 801110, Or them ; Outchers'eattle, picked ....... 470 to 4 801 laid Its. foundations, T.hei,6 Is A Pilo. Ing bulldlnga to be compared witli, Nair York Is la,ughlill; Over a re-
occupying countries ten times tile,, Uy colonial was sootbeil. He Put It Bnt-cherd' cattle, choic 4 60 to l 7D I turtaque story told of the or]
I dowu to the Englishman's Ignorance. Butchors'cratle, (&tr_0:::::: i 20 to Oil Of those of the Capital of Egypt, There buko Ili -at BIsbop JAottor Vi said to
size of these little Islands; you ma.y. 1 4.10
mall them all colonlals, but unless I "Anyway, England sent out tile ('01- (10 rough to conlmo�_ to 36 It name, for Fast as the Moore call are no tail millarQts, no gi,6at StI,lped OLD LEGAL COD have, administered. recently to a
- Bull export, heavy .......... ado to A 081 Jt, means a "hoo" In Arable, and it mosques wltJi decorated domes, no — . I
1 ,Jlists.,, ... 3 to to E IS FOUND.
05 young and prosumptimun z1orgynian.
you want to hurt people's feellugal 9" re- 40 lighl; " � .... ............. 3 350 Is said that as Mulal Idria turned I ,.-
�%.Ild yon English are the most IYO- "Yes, but who's there now . Feeders, shot t-keop ........... 4 60 to 4 85 the first god be Cried, C. trellised Windows overhanglug the Du Vpat8usaAnd*aJd to Aaitodato
lite and tactful people. on the face torted the New Zemloulder. %. do ruedluin ................ I �,) 5 to I 60 Here I plailt Streets Ili the bazaars of Fez, Tile .9 This clargymmu's obal;ffa 113 4 'f1mall
to i 20 . ,ez baznAra are for the native And A legal code tha,t iat. nearl,y 1,000 I
of the, earth-rou. Will take the trod- T4o Man in the Strand wav true ta do light ............... 1-1 3 7.1, My 110te"-a tradition, himoet Idontl- r Nioses a Thouroll(I years. rural church, and tile bishop visited
lite race. "Well, ire yon money." Stockerooholco.._; .......... 3 do to 400 CAI with the naining of Icalroumn not for the Nuropeau ; and there .
8tookers, conimon..., .... ... 1 2 7S to 3 00 by tile -great OU,ba, year4 oliler Tnan Moses has ])son It one Sunday to contirm'some boys
lite to remember tnat we aren't Cal- "So Ooos a pwrvl�rokor, but lie Unch cowir, each .............. ad 00 to do 00 probably Is not a, single man Ili any
oulaW.-we're South Africans and . doosa't Claim that lie owns his ell- I 1,1ght Sheep. � ... I 50 to 4 75 The maln,eetrance toi Vez, tl,Q Bab of them whoi speaks a, syllable of aneartbe'l (literally) In Saaa, tile and gIrls. 'Tile clorgyrnan pretWiled
Canadians and Australians and New: C31ts. If irp. didn't pay up It might HeRv7sheel), -.'-'-'1'.'.*1.'."*.11.1. 350 to 4 OD Segma, Is all allwarthy., gateway for any language except Arable, . , ancient capital of Ahasuerus. It 113 And At the end of the.servIce coin -
Zealanders. And every one or tie Is, boa different thing. If . you went out Export owes. owt .... I .... 1, 4 00 to 4 55 Buell a city, for it consists of little Pasming down the 11 Attarin" a In tile fol" or A Column of Stone
Ail ptrroudafoifabolonging to our invn Backs'perawt .................. 3 00 to 3 50 more than 'all Archway oat, ID It and sets forth plained to the bishop about ;the
n y , r -led cives. wathcra ...... 5 50- to 6-00 1 1 be glimpse ithrough tile door
,c) New Zealand, anti told mypeople Gralt, . of tile name five Icet lilgh
con Scotchnian IS of hav- that they were a posoeSSIon of any- Grain -fed buckg ...... � ..... 1- 5 00 to 5156 wall, with Do, pretensions to size or sanctuary of Mulat Tdris can -be ob- In some 300 paragraphs certain 01. smallness Or his salary. "Do you
ing been born in N. B., as von call ' body else, you would be laughed at, Barityardlambs ............ _ 3 00 to i 00 decoration. There Is a. gecond gate- tained, but. it must onl,r be a hurrl2d the rules of law governing Babylon know, Sir," lie ended, ,1what 1. . will �&
the place." Now Zealand is Tot- the Now Zealand- Springlaintiff ......... 1. ... : 3 50 to 460 way oil the right, to the wall that 2800 B. 01 .
Calves� per Mad ....... -.1 ... One, for so holy tire the precincts Among other tilings It SAYS. #,if got Tor my sorrixon -of this, morning ?
Vien we had a drink and talked ore, it there is one thing that we do per lb ........ 2 �001 W 10 "' encircles the Pajaco �
........ to 0 Gardens, that tile crawd ,vv,'Il ot-obubly bustle dollars, Sir; only $0."
imperialism. .are convinced of, It Is that our coun- [logs, select. per owt ........... 6 oo to Vol through -,,,Iilch on the great feast any ChriStlan Who siops to look ln.� a mun knock out tile eye of A free- 81-V ,_ "ISIX (Tot.
'*But," said the Man in tile Strand, i try belongs to nobody but oursel It Hogti, Ifirlit, per owt ... ,...::: 5 75 to 000 dap of tile year man lite own shall he forfeited. If fare I IS that alIV the bishap oX_
. � ves. ffogs.fat, per owt_ ........ 6 76 to 000 . . . But the peep is sufficient to Itive an Ile break one of the members of a clalmod, "Why, I wouldn't h aye
,,you're proud of belonging to pi"But you're all members of tlio,Um- Idea of what Iles beyond, for one
England, aren't you??*' re." Bradstreet's on 'XrAdt.�, Tile Sultil.n. Hides to Pray . � man lite own member shall be re.
I.Beloaging!" the Maorliander's sees apleture, of dazzlin oolor-gor preachad that sermon for $000.11
W Tile 4Vaoril-Amder's face lit up. "Ali, Tthe condItIons bf wholosa.le trade at tile oMealav, near by. 111he "Usalall goo-usly painted parved WOO( . 1, mohales moveVI a ')'led only In the - - - - -de�
bole attitude expressed his our- that's a different thing," lie Said, at Montreal this witeek allow -a re� It -self Is a short white' ores Led wall, '77fet"',all,'i If the Suffering
pries. "Belonging? We don't bel3ng Of tiles or every hue, delicate plaster ""' "I The I'ling of Greece bas, an aide,
We're all Imperialists, all proud of inarkable, recovery from tile effect wItb A illeho Or work, a mna:rble And t1le floor, and a Case Or ", Of Vs
to anybody -but ourselves." bcIonging to Idle Empire. It was for talbrab facing the party - a payment of Camp who rejolces In tile name of
I thought It necessary to inter- of the Strikes. Tlhe movement Of eamt, and to Ohl , ated Only fountain splashing In Its babin. It is money ""Id Dia st
the Empire We fought, Dot for Eng- . 6, few I good a wrong- Pappadiainantopoulos. In the or.
vone, I 14ad bem longer In England I '" goodri to DoWi very aCtive, "d tile hundred yArda Away an the'slopa or 0111Y A little courtya.rcl-but the Tile same wan true of a freedman, To us the Idea of li'mililre, the - congostion In, many departments tile bill. halgillfIcAnt enough It. course of things 'the � Vialinlit
has been largely relleved. Mere Is self, it pre a n t t have been employed in Its decoration, lor struck a superior lie WAS pull -
than he. 'IM-erely a figuratIve ox- I knowledge that we form an Integral In most' famous and skilled of workmen OD tile other hand, It an infer- Ciliary
pression," I amid. Soothingly, "Y011 1 part'of the 13rapire, 1.9 a very real s lits. 0 S a a occasions colonel wouid.accompally file 1161lenle
know the coronation oath Spoke of thing. I daresay we have a more more activity in Wholesale trade at a marvellous pleture. which makes the tomb And more Ishod. With fifty lashes and It he majesty on his travels abroad ever'y
Me Majesty's dominions beyond tile vlvlil conception of the Imperialistic 14oronto now than experienced for Entering inroligri the Bab segina especially the outer court perfect wag v, slave this Car was ,cut Off. .
gems of Moorish art. Within every- The lext talionla was Carried so summer, but life name was.foan(l to
seas. That's you. You're one of our Idea out there iha,li any. of yon here some Weeks. Failures h4ve been few one passes for a aliOl't d1stancoalong thkug Is on the same scale of gor-
possessions, ypxi k0o�TV' cam Imagine. Why, you're all little i In number and generally unImport- a r,troat linell with little shop far- thai, if a sturgeon was unsue- leavej a train. of dIeWcatod jaws. tn
"Possessions!" The Maorflander Englanders compared with a_S__l1'______ ant. Country romitta,nees have been where dried liga And raisins, s, goo-usness, from the wonderful carved cossfuI Ili perforiming an oporatlop the royal wake; inoreo"r, It ir,ts
put dowo Ilia glass with a bang, NMI- and paInted roof to the velvet cov- lie was not entitled to Any pay. It - I god as two words Ili tplegr,tins,
"Then you are rnglish, only yotil moderately good. ,At Quebec, busl,* nuts and giveorles' are exposed Tor erIng Of the sarcophagus of the saint a iar
and absent-mindedly lifted the coV- 001 yourselves NeW Zealanders," noss in. general tluring tile p%st sale. A Rharp furia to tile right the patient died under the hand ol
or from a plate of sandwiches. anti the rich draperies that cover tile surgeon the latter lost . 111s by talegraphIsto
"What do they cover up the aaad- "No; we're Imperialists, not Lug. past wpok tias ,been good. Whaler imile One Into the outermost orthe the walls. . I . J, f hands. ,In
lisli, We're New, Zealanders first, and sale trade at Vancouver, Yietoria, IyublIc.suares of the Palace, an ob- I case the patient Waf� a beyond all recognition, so lie IS noiy
w1ohes like that for?"' lie -asked. proud 'of It, and members of the T' .in- and other distributing contras in 1011.9 enclosure, surrounded by -high A Profusion of Lamps, rreems6n. 11 a slave died under Lie left at home, and a gen.fleman by
.hand he Inust Uuy another.
"There aren't any files here." - Piro second, ,Tust as you are Rng�- 1141,14 Colirmbia, has boon fairly. ac- wallet and pierced ht each end by lanterns and *glass .chandeliers hang Xn case a, builder mad lie place
"To prevent you stealinm them " I -slit first; maq Imperialists second," tIve for this season. General busl- great gateway4_ Oil tile right lathe a a failure tile name of Thoill takes l'
"What! do they make ;ou PW 1111he "Nfan In tile -Strand Smiled. noss in Manit6ba. continues .active. facmde, and entrance to * from the doine,,detracting not a lititle of a orructure he was also punish- In attendance. on King Goorge on
for sandwiches at a public bar'?' i "Let's drink to the Empire," lie said. Ha.milton the arson' from the Whole, though when illu- ed with death.
who'esale tMdq as re Alt a parUcularly lildeotus, mixtu're * I
lie asked. '*Xla ora!" ,sald the New Zealander, Porte4 to 13,radstreet's this � Wee;,* air had OriontME and worse Ell , ro-' minated the effect must be astound- 111hether imprisonment was one his annual -visits to Aix- os-DaLnes
"Sandwiches contaln-or are said as we three, touched glagaes. i, good expan- pean taste, while dtralght in front Ing. The tom,b at 11ful,,ki ItIrks, If. At. method of punishing' wrongdoers And Paris.
- . continues to show� m is tile "Gate of the Van," a fine Fez, ana that of Ifla father, Mulal does not appear, hat evidently if at - - - ..
I gion. This Is true, not only In .con� , 1dria I., in the mountains Of Zara- all applied It was of Comparatively ' .
nection with the movement for. our arcliway In modern Moorish, style, Tile Damroseli Tamll3i, ilpt-unk-ilown -)9W
and they. d1scussedthe - somewhat spoiled by Its gaudy col- ban. r1re perhaps tllo�most renowned small Importance. I . .
S11IRday "0001e boslet taosalanradtf doing so, Casting or, rant needs, w1ilch has been bonefle- otring. in all Morocco, though among the brolipy fines were, howe,ver, very to fame in musle And niat litiony,
S Lally affect 4 which time ist happily softell- � .
I tilt) anchors -They cast off -all tb ed by the bright hot 111g. It is under -Gne Shade of its inountaln,oers of the north the sanc- common and were PrOPPrti011atetO -Caine by theIr'name in m Singular
anchor% and left the' a weather, but the idenialid for fall heavy roof that one of tuary of INfulat Abdosalain In Bent the wrong done. as -who falsely .
INTERNAVOINAL LUSSON NO. X.- sea, m. In the goods Is t0so quite active. 'Evade Governors 01 tile several Arrou Is Of greater repute and a wore claimed that another manner. Years ago- In. Germany
Loosing the bands-Anclent Fez holds 11 -is Public was JndeDt, . . , I
JuNic 7, 1903. ships ware supplied with two rud- conditions a,re 61 that 0ould be de- court and ileals out What lit., Calls frequented place or pilgrimage, just ad to film must pay one third of a When thegovernment wassupplyIng
ders, like paddles, one being placed aired at the mome�)it and the Pros- justice. He ,alts cross-legged, at- as- In the extrame south tile tomb mina. Theft of an animal was pull- tile jew - �
on each side nr the stern, pects are promising. Ill London ton-ded by Secretaries, ib a, deep of Mulai Brablin takes tile first place, luhaj:ile by a fine of thirty times tile s with German cognoiliblig,
Patil's Voyage and Shipwreek.-Acts:17: 3341, this Week there has 1�aen more ac- nielle, In the gateway, while Ili Close to one of the doors of the Ito value. ancestor of WmJ,ter �and Fiank
. a
41, 42. Twaseas met -The channel tivity in general jobbing fiade cirr selal-eircle .before film Squat his mosque of Mulai Idrl% is situated the Hammurabi was mueh concerned appeared. Tile official, was at a
commentary. -I. The . voyage to which separates the little Island of oleo, There has been rather more dozons or white-roDed and red cap- first caravansary Ili Fez, the 4,100a. for tba, safety of Ili$ -highways. A loss what t6 call him at, first,. but,
Orate (rff. 1-12). From all the pr_�_ S&IMOnOtta, from the Maltese coast dak en-NajJaren." Its gateway lead- roDbor .who attacked a person on
vinoes accused parties were can- near St. Paul's Bay unites the ' Inquiry reported In whol.esale trade ped soldiers. Before him kncel the
at Ottawa this week for staple plaintiff and defendant, J�uth talk- Ing Into � tile courtvard, with Its the Public road was killed or if he noticing that said ancestor had fiery
stautLy being sert to Itome, and as outer een, ,with the inner and forms goods both for forwavd and for !in. Ing volubly at th6 ea:mb time; mud grand arch, its panel; of rich tiling could not he found then the com- red hair, lie Wrote flim.down ma.Wub
Boon as a Sufficient company could Just Buell a, position as is here des- d a 13 The
be gathered, Paul was sent wiLli Cribed. According to the .1luman cua- media -to delivery. Tile indications eaeli calling God to-witneSID thattlie and Its wonderful overhanging roof munity tn ,which tile crime had Kopf, or "Re 11 ad. dQscend,
t0m, Oftell of the p, Ini trade circles all paint to further oth,or Is a 4lar-which 14 probably Of tiol; upon`116r p� carved wood, is taken place was fined a mina In * I
them under the charge of Julius, a riso,nei,s. was I I Perhaps the best in all Morocco. case the life of a human being had ants Objected to the nanie antfabling,
Roman centurion. "There was no Chained to b. particular _iqoldler who expa.lisicii In busIness this year, and true- I
sbip to take them directly from was .his keeper. the turnover for the coming fall is , A second public scluare Iles beyond IS the detail of air, the been lost .-Federal Reporter. I eek it to the lIterml.11obrew,h--4We_
Caesars& to Rome, so they embarked 4a, '14. Desiring to save—Tile expected to be Aiuch larger than tlAsF arch -Way, on to which openthe work, Its fineness does not detract . ly, "Dam," irliieh means blood, and
on a vessel which Coasted. along the turion could atit fall to $00 t-11 cen- In preTicirs years. gates of the �rlvate lireallicts, of the from the wbole, and t1o'effect Is 14"I'0111 L"11,010ILS AU001?8. "Roall," head. . .
at it . Sultan's Place with their guard -heightened by the tall, grey -yellow To dic braircly la much easier than __ . .
Shores till they Caine to Myra in was tO Paul thAt the safety of the Toronto Farmers' Nlarlcet. ol soldier& probably fast asleep.. it Walls that rise In absolute simpllblty to live bravely.-* Ivan Panlu.
Lycla, In Asia, 111nor, a port the wholo party was due." Swim -As St, ,Tune 'I. -The 01ferings of grain Is, from this second square that the Above and around this most beautiful - - - . � The busiest Man In* London* to
Paul had L:Iready, been thrice ship. specimen of architecture. .
Egyptian gralm. ships had to make at . were modera.te, ,but quite An active routes to old and now Yez respeo Particular� It Is with narrwir-zouled People saki to be W. TV R. Proston, tlio
certain seasons, 'because of the wr�cked, and had'been in the deep a trade was dolue to general country tl�aly divide. The latter Consists of 1Y good are the delicately carved as with narrow-neeked bottles; 'the Canadian emigration commissioner,
strong west wind. Here they round night And a day (2 Car. X1. 25), live produce, Mrhea,'t steady, -irlth sales' the upper and more modern town Wooden brackets, With their little JAI-' lese they have in them* tile - nore
one of these sh4)s on its way to may be sure that he was among of 200 bushels of willte' at 74c, 200 and contains the PJace, thb Mai- lars, that EFul)port the heavy beams they mak,3 in pouring it out.- plupd. Whose work in thlat position for
Rome. those who were told. to swim ashore. bushels of red w1rtber at 74 1-2c. and- Imb," or ffeowa' quart;er,' and 'a Life- of the hood, over the gateway, and I . I . 4e -_11t__ . the fotir years fib hah hold office
IT. The hurricane (vs. 13-20). They -Cam. Blb. Came to pass -"And so :101) bushels of Spring At .72 1-2c.'Bar- trict almost entirely official, but the I panels of I.- . Gather ye rosebudo While ,Y.e may
oot SALL from Fair H%vens for Pho- the throe points of Paul's prediction ley firm, .100 busibele Selling at 4r)- licasts little at interest. I . 11' la,id I Tilewor1l: 0.41 time is still a fly.Ing; ., has gtrtiin great satisfaction to tile
nice, a distance of less than forty were accomplished - they were 1-2c. Cr&t,g are liaglier,,witli sales, off . From' tile second public square or � , And thla same flower that smiles Dominion Government. In barliy life
miles on a pleasant day, expecting to wrecked upon all Island, the ililp, was 800 bushels at 36 to, 87c. that. Lire Sul* Into the ,recesses of .
make a epeedy and Safe journey. But lost, and their lives were saved.-*) the ,Palace & wide roadway, bound- the plaster. to -day, , . A, �.Jlreston was a, newspaper man.
Butter IB; easier at le to 20o per ed J)y the high walls �that encircle On the right, as. ,one r -Po -morrow may ,be dyIng, -Chicago Chronicle.
almost immediately a Aiurricano Thoughts. -T. A Christian In trial. 1b. Eggs firm at 14 tot i5c per doz. tile ailtan's' gardell I on tile right, faces the urch, is 06 drinking loan.., . � -liobert Herrlok. .
struck them,.a,nd Vie,01ilp was caught (1) There was a trial In, Paul'a cap- Spring clidekeno We to K per pair. i1riags one into Bit Solud, . a largo Cain, almost a replica Iti.miniature, ; � I __ ---, , I
� .
and wind for , tivit3r, (2) More wAS a tIi&I in his Turkey gobblers, 120 per lb. opoi�l space, Containing some ruln� of the grand old ga,tewlay Itself. The - A happy memor.y, oil earth may be .
. driven ,lJVfdr76* 'the
twenty-three, miles in a sc,uthwek;t- a.ftsetelations. (3) There was a tHal nay, quiet and steady r 1121terlor Of the Caravansary is, � A [level and jugenlonsi monublent
., 20 loads Sell- ed jl�arrackv . and some gvana fee. in Ina. a roal than hap1j1uqou--AIrred de by Bartholdl, to tfib aer6aauts of
Orly direction to the ,small Island in hle dAngers. 2, A Christian's com- Ing -af �12 to $15 a t&fi, for t1mothgo Ilereltisor an Mternoon. �hmttbey - qual to its exterior, for gu,aaet, %_ ,.
Clauda. Th:a was aLl�out twenty-five lorte In' trial. (1) Re ira,d the ca, I .
and at 46 to, r'3 f, t�, I" 1� 110V I lit � r (11
in- � Nn mixed. One load wagregate, and the devoteas, ol . or,g-,Lllerles surround the, � -_ the 81090 Of Paris Is to be ,erected
miles south of Plionice, where they parlion-ship or friends. (2) Be had a of 6tre;w gold a;t $S a, t(yn. . various seats go tlir6bgh. their re- conrtyard, or which tile balustriad-M Me triumphs that on vice attend In Tylontmartro or its viollitty. It ,
deAred to land. kind hearred commander, (3). Ile Dressed liog�: are gtead,y ee acres lor money. Below are of fine no . .
with God. (4) no ling at IS to $8.50, mad llejyy' 60 foot filgif and
IIL Paul giving comfort and jad. enjoyed communion ., light gal. ligioug at shorlb6yell Work In Shall *ever in confusion end; Will Stand aA)out
. at $7._ Bu tfolud t1le hill Deconie!; " nlore , ecdar wood that. has turned dark Tite good man suffers but to gain, be capped by A balloon of '
vim tvs. 21-38). Tjnder that dark had the ministration of angels, (5) (50. - 11 o0wl) and the greater, portion Of ivith age. - . . �,
Sky, and In that hopelessly dritting no had the promise Of safet . A.nd every virtue springs from pain. bronze
hip. there appeared the joy of light y 8, A Fallowl,ng Is the ,rtqnge of qi1ota- the city Iles; upon these slopes, wind- The panels of those balconies ,are So aromatic plants bestow � . and glass or transparent. mica. Its
Christian's example in trial. (1) no tion.s: . . . Ing along the coureo of the Wml dividdd by White column . 9 that Sup. No spiew fragrance while they grow; diameter IVIII be about ten ' rest
,nd like *, for it hold no, Jonah Me- Showed oficertuluegs. (22) He gave a 'WIleat, white, bit -all., 74 tol 74 1-2c, F&S, which rls �., on
bound In �112 ttl'G Plateau port the floGr above one and all But crushed,, or trodden to the and Inside will be all olect'le'lamp
be spirit to testify for 'God also 0; Ill God.-Huribut, dence I n- . . r
I Adapted to tile need of these like the ,shl will -at times encounter . 1. . %iitft a rerlectOr, SO. t1fat by night
The believing soul, - � to.37, barley, bush, 45 tor closures, then the garden and ine sed plaster. The upper. gal, Dlffr�sa their baltuy sweets around. .
ag from 'duty, but a Pitul. confession. (3) He allowed con[) red 74 1-2c; go,ome .60 to 67o; ants, ahovo,-floirs tltjouwll r lie Palace I boasting Capitals of Tinely moulded ground
toine. lj�'A tilrant'll . the 11101111inclit will be ilhinililated.
P, 4:6 ,_2-�.pea,% 75 to �8% hay lory Islalmost entirely inclosed by -aoldstilith.
othy, per ton, $12 to $15; inlxed4 eventually into old Fez benea.tb�
hree hundred souls 'were his hopeful, tho Winds and storms air temptation. ., tim- quart or of the toAvii, to find Its way
vneouraging words. On the four- Small horseshoe archas lit ced%1 I I The balloon 'Will be gulded by a
teenth night of the storm they We- PRACTICAL SU11.1'Ey. per 'ton, $7 to $9; otrAw, Per tan, 08 . The maln thoroughfare of t1j'a city, wood, delicately carved. A remark, science ha'p not been able to un- symbolical figure of I'll ejljtls� of
covered that they were drawing near U811 propoSeR, God disposes. to $9; ii,pple-s, per bbl., 8U.50 to $2.50, L_ frOM BU jelud do" to 0 9
56; able Specimen or An Old � ceiling Is ravel the lia,st, nor. unveil the future. par , d o-
0998, alruln moAnue at Ino r wi
about 480 miles westward to the troubladsoul Is the peaceful a dr t-, * th' to be aeon, directly beneath the arch, The men who wrIte sciance are very hor d.ving elVildren 'will' rcp�euent
dozen, '14 to 15c; butter, dairy, 10 ile Jill], -to called the
etome land. They bad been driven Only safe and secure refuge for tile P'erc"_ is an Una 16 a �o , 11
Tile dressed hogs, ligitt, %c;3 ii;o $8 tit, glt' K or t t
fill acceptance of tile wholen 0-8 to 20m crea. way on tht ground floor. The cburt� clever, or course. and they know,
Little Island of Malta. will of lifery, 20 to, -09; chlek- Talaa. Motley, ludded, is tile crowd �
wer ceases to move -in tills .
God. one, per PaIr. DDa. to $1,; tarkeys, that no yal,d Is surrounded by the shops arld Windreds of things I know nothing 110 city Ok Parts,
38. Was coming on-WhIle they ,Saint Valli wms a Scholar, a thc gobblers, lb.', I?P-; pdt;atocsr, Pexi longetreet. Rich Shereefs-descand- Offices Of tile better class a( Fez about yet,. but their brains are not I . --- I
wore waiting for da,yllght after they ologia.n, a Preacher, and In all these bag, ,�I.0,5 to $1.,IiO, I . merchants, who -sit and oarry on- perfect enough yet to to , ,
relations lie took first rank. His � ants of the Prophet himself - and 11 we what . iSo many dumillsf Odcurr'
had cast out the anchors. "One a who tastes and Inclinations ware slml?ar thoir business quietly and with no L want to know, and only a bigger . cd Ili Lou -
has never been In ak- , , Toronto Itorse 31arIcet. high offli,alo, Iii-ounted on handsome 6 brain than we have Uowwill telf Id011 in consequence of eating lee
a I sign of bustle or exultement_ anti
Ing slAp In a, continued gala 10 thOSO Of Other highly educated and The demand for .general. purpose Saddle muleff And attended by 'black
thoroughly diselpillied Inen. Even horses, drAlIght horses, and in slaves, push 'their wil, through. the I,,Oln time to tIM6 0, caravan of ' no- Txuly we, are still poor, blind crealn tl'at tho County Council WAS
cannot know -what Is suffered un- now, Ill the last years of file life, he, fact, for all classes, far ioxcooded root passengers, their attendants Camels -wllI enter to discharge caterpIllarn waiting for our butter- forced to adopt ordinances regu-
-_ -_
der such Circumstances. Paul bli- tookod with serenity and hopefulness the supply Inat iyocic. Every oultilal crying "Balalt'l-"your attention"- loads of 'merchandise. Near by In fly wingo.-Lady Plorenee Dixie, �
ecught-it to Stra,ngo that 41 Prl- �Ut Into a fuLuro�wIlich had in it offered brought, a fairly -fraud pricet m1polito loplir of,,got on� 0r!tlle,Wfty,ts a4, Shaded bazaar the Carpenters 131Y. I -_ lating the Xn4nufac,ture -Ot:tl�e ar-
stoner should be listened to for a to,, him those Immediate prospeviS. and In vome Cases especially high No I grace who are so black that the their trade, and the. whole street I find toneensei singularly refresh. ttele, London makers a
moment- Ramsay explains tills by 1, ,Separation from country and 111; prIc1e1q were realized. Vic following high lights on their features ilblnt, Is Sweet, with the Scent of o'edmr lqg.-Tallcyrand. I I f or. deal-
. ors tn ice cream are now forbidden
. . .
the assurance that Paul here vr&,� brethren in Christ. 2. The trials and ro a uat or thn special poces; Road- blue and manve, Fazzle, who are SO4 Wood, It Is just below this quarter , Plt,c.b a lucky man into the N1113, Under it substantial- penalty, to
c4 man of distinction, that Lukeand SuffisrIngo of a long journey as a sters,111, to 10hands, $1.25 to$2.50 fair that their pink eyelids, fringed that I I ina-ke, Bell or Store, t1leir '
Arlstarchus accompanied Paul as prisoner. 8. Subjection to the t.-rael carriage horses mnci coi)% :15,1 to with yellow lashesi blink In the says the Arabian proverb, and "he product
ra. 16-1 hands, $400 to $700; dellvery glare of the sulightno; a very med- ,VVIllim . �
Servants, fpr in no other capacity 'irbilng anti caprices Of Roman jaVe The Ureat Mosque ' will (01110 VVIVIth a 114M 14 YAG Xioatht tn any collar, Shed or room In-whieb
would they be aRowdd to go with 4. Enforced association with State horses, 1,100 to 1,200 lbs�, � $100 to ley of humanity In black And white _the largest III Afrim-and tb6 Cal- -. thl0re Is any Inlet 01, opeiiing to
Itlin.-Peloubet. Tie take Santa crIminst- :, .'" unfriendly reception 170; plirl)(Y&I and v-,n1.f?K14 and with examples of every Intermpi veralty of the Kairafa, are sittiated. 40
"ood-"To their deepair was ad-l� at Rome. 6. A cettainty' that bonds -,,r,Aa3a,,r1.11 We do not beIFe1_-_..mID?JrtaIlty be- a draln, Or "y'lliell 13 used as a. ?,IV -
0 to 1,350 We, W5 to diate shaoo-euch Is the crowd In Although the Kalrufa, mosque, ex- cause ,We 111air .
- a Proved it, but we Ing rooln or sleeping room-.. The
xl A, furttior suffering from Want and Imprisonments Awaited hill). 7. $220; ,dra,ught horses, 1,850 to 1,650 tile TAI&a, a veritable menagerie of cept for Its Size, possesses no partf. frjrever try to '�rovo It becatios, �va t,on4oll penny
of food In consequence of the I,.;. r,lkt,lIhOOd that he might meet death chg., ,Y-fild to $275; serviceablo sw!- lilimo.n1ty. But It to not for ',to cular features of grout Interest, the b , ellevo It.-Martlneau. . ice IS now made of
lary done to the provisions, and the in a Roman dungeon. . ond hn.iW worker1g, $40 to $00; ser- , people alone th'at the street is an renown of Its university was Cale- , � � . ___ Puro milk and fresh. eggs), b I landed
Impossibility of preparing any reg- $ylnpathy from unexpected Sources. viceable Second hand drlver�, $50 to Interesting one, for Its arclictLecturo bratrid Ill. the middle ages through- . i1CP0ntaIJd0 Is the hoarV9 sorrow, I an tard, and frozen In pow-
ular meal. There are times Ili 41 mail's We when $100. i ; Ur alwaya ourlouEr and now and ChOn out All Europe, and It was not AD ,Sitakespearo. toll Vess S
a4rft Not a haIr fall -The phrase a Word Of sympa,thy or all act of Toronto Pruit Drnrlcets. beautiful. . uncommon event, fo'r Clitistlans to . . I CIs, and Jig served in ,a, cup.
10 a proverbial one to express com- kindneisri Is keenly appreciated. 81111t Trade )ore IS rmjrl.� good, with There are two Structures pre- be sell( t . shaped r0coPtaule Of eatable wafer
Paul )lad recently gone till,ough bit- .a be educated there. Its it, 111'an 1uUSt become wIsO at his biscuit, �
plate dell veranoe.-Cam. Bib. V1.100,3 f4eady. orange$,, California eminently worthy of hOtIce In the formorly famous library seems lar� OVh sxponqe._,Uortague .
thanke-Vithout asking pormleGave tm, exparlences, 1. Ile bad boon fal . I
lion, so- blood, half box, $1 to $L1.1.15. Lenjons, Talaa—Darnallro at Itd upper on(l,
Paul acts WIth authority and ly ,censod by life brethren. 2. He had goly to havA disappeared, thou'gh a -- -_
tho presence of these heathen a 111 been denounced as not fit t box, $21.75 to $3. Banalimej $1.:jO to I Tile Atosque and Vollette cluantity of books are still roportad Smiles Are Smiles only when the' Tile Duko'ot iquccletiCli, 4\tlng rd.
ol� 0 live, 8. %,.'.25. placar,plort. cases, $2.115. of Ba Ainan, and, lower down, one to remain, a search mmong which- hemrt pulls the wireg.-WInthrop -
diers and sallorb recognizes God. Tills Ile had been heartlessly thrown Into f5trawberriefe, (,lanadlan, offered to- .. Ward'g Ilont at Dalkalth, I,'; ;one or
Prison. 4. no )lad finally been com- day or tile going or Fez, tho littlo satic. Impossible unfortunately for a - I
must have )lad an Influence for PtIlled to appeal unto Caocar. . for first time tltlr; Season, prices tunry of tile 8hilebelein. These Christlan-might bring to light some One thing 19 clear to mi�. Thai"k SIX tilt'll Who own bAw'sun'thom nn, --
good. Tbo, often A Is tile case that 1_11 to 16.9 pop box. . 130 alxtlt of all
o The spiritual lite mosques anti sanctuaries of M,arocoo treasul-ort. Tile 11DIVUSItY IS Still 111(11119011CO Or 0asslon destroya the Scotland, find tiltroaro
Christians allow tile wicked to rule. mar be fitly compared to the stormy ToniAtoan, crata, (;I*c boxce $4X0. are All forbidden ground to tile In 'exl6tekleei and almost all tile 4rilrItual ylmtvli� so mucill a aspect- PuStODIN still preserved 6:1. his CH_
.mul's hopeful �Nf��llfcrrajnean. We 6tart for Lite Cuoumberv, dozen, MY to ItOc, Cab- Christian, and the traveller must �seholars of note In Morocco Inive able VelfirshInerig,Goorge a r
and cheerful Spirit had breathed hopa distant haven, but we never k o, bago, orate, V. to $2.5(). Lettue rest Content with a view of the out- pagood, through Its schools of di MacdOtn'tId- t&tG dating back ta ,X '
It W ,, 0 via- � - . Ing Slfrpd. It
and CoultOft Into the whole com- Whore stormy, svind or bolbtero floven, 29o, fRaditilleti, dozen, 80c, As-' "I . - was tile faill0l" Of th; present dilke,
us tide und u glinip8a through the open Ity and law. it is tbo, JC&Irufm There to nothing Mora fearful than I - I . I
pany wave will toq,le'lle during, any one dal paraguly dozen, 60a, to $1. . doors; but the mosque of tin Altima that Issues the diplomas to tile Imagination Without taste, - Go, W 10 rode At a bre6knecic ll�Lco from
87, 138. Were In all -Tho number of our journey. HA1101 luivo f3tocic Markets. boaqt,a Ail exterior more decorated students at JrLwf without W ,jell otho. !
given here Is very large, which allows Spiritual PnIlghtenment lit dark r,ondon, ,Tatio i,Tji�ro to no than Iff uattally the caso) and on they Cannot practice. I � BAth to I,ongloat 1:6, Apologize to
:..,.-.,-- Lady Charlotte Th.vinit'i Whom lie
that this must hare been a largo Places. 11hill'a bonds uecegsar'ly re- Change; Cahadialt cattle are quoted both sIdoA or the street thtft IS 1% There Is a whole district of Vez Little Thouglits, bad only just left, 'for having lot.
ship. 301110-Persolift. Eaton Pn. Strict0d life Sphere of active effort, ht '10 to Sie pat, lb. (dreiijed wolght),� great deal of.bemutlrul old plaster Which consists of gardankf-gardens WIlat the tool cannot uppl,8014to
ough-%%Cy would thus have full 9 IIILPPY� 21. They did not hinder - The Wood of oranges and pomegranates, join. Ito depreel t g. �gotto to I)roposo Lo llar.� .
bill, 1. Tboy did not L*eop him from Am.,rlean cattle, u to 19 Ily. *, work and moeale of tiles _t,
strength for the tmak before tholn. hall, refrigerator beat 1-3 $�j to or earving of tile projecting, boanigand & o .
trom ImIng useful, 3. They did lb,; ghoep,, :Lgi to :L,10 pep:,lb. e as upport them IF; , I ..�
Cast out tile wheat -Or gralti. This, him _ % 13*1 one and ilprlootu, vr1jera the son'nd 4,8VISO tuourio wIll recognize a trap
would bo the natural oargo of & )lot take from him 1ho grand pi,lvl- . of running Water. Ili always prosont, It ling so�n Wore, I �- ....-
1-- v6r'v fine of design and execution. e tiny Streams, fare People try to. learn by talk- lie Could Uallfkgt� it. 0
nwrobant vessel proceeding* train ' 1�'90 Of communion with God, 4. They Looking In through the doorway Of I 40 I -
Alexam4ra to lt&%Iy, as grain was i 0011141 hot VOb him of hourly blessing, fins 4130, Ilideed? splasiling down over -rock's covered . than by listening. .
- the mosque# a aniall flight of steps With nialdon-hair fern or babbling Fa I I 11 to I I.IX011600i. A�-
the principal article exported from It, T1107 C011141 not film 1114 PTOSPcetS (if TAtdy'.,j PiNorial. mooto the eye, at tho Summit OV 14 IfticdcNs It there Is & -- , ' - ibro '1� tx' saw""iAim tho ,wolllan
M 91011011s; lillmortallty, up In tho basins of marblo fountains. grO"WIng Intel . Igence in It, . to.
0-gypt. whipil to a large op,on court.vard 3361ttel- be 'alone than the tramp What Wafleatln�, liound
IV. The wreck and the esempo (To. Tha soft-blowltlf� south wind and 81ded the age atWbluh it girl b6- with marble floor and a, largo Mar- It Isr In this qn,Artor that the richop, &DY.-ftallish be In bad Cake on the front -ri$rch. ,e'
30-1141. It dclu,-O Of disasters. !he Spa wits comes attractive has 'boad lao *tnuell ble fountain, the whole flooded With Vol, merchants have built their coall" 141TOPWIlo, fovogoerf pro,vorb. . Before ille 001114-tOil him Where the
quiet, the lipavens were fall*. the mdvaneodt and the matured maiden Sunlight, 01, to thIS courtyard 61VIII try houses, away Train the narrow dalkIllitleff Suffers wood.,�Ilo ir�
I ne, tho-tramp k,opg(l,
1)0. 4.0. X110W not the land-Biren I)lltmy , 010111 twice 6VeV--Portbou#. . I , ,
malith wind wms blowing. What depp-shaded arcades 'of arches, the atrcrits of the city 'below Very Vlo line lify bI � " Thanka, fady. I guess., fkfft man,
I 1! !lil
I 1� I _
a nit 11T.1tron of experience )lave tak,�n easIng .like a Prix. ,,,, de tako 101thout It.,,,, "
If 801DO of tilt NaJlOrm Were familiar bettor conditions Pould bo askod for facade of which Igi handsomely do. CII&PIT11119 they tire, those viliu, with (14,11t friend, E orlpidep. . .
"(I . .
with tile Island of XllbA, yet Com- 1,,L prospprous jourlipy ? 8n reason Complete possagolou or the field, tile ectratod. At one time this colletce 00ir OPon"courtg and arbors Shaded I 01119 good 10 06 only (%pEftinly .."."'.."',
Ing So suddehly upon It they wnuld I hn rattAter aud owner of the vessel. very young girl who ,wag onco tile onpli6rtea no le"A than Rome �)'()()' wrth. ift'ablino. I . I "-;a_� *�
. 11, .
at first tall tO raC40198 It. 'MOL' I I lift coniurlon b0loVed them rittlior novellet's Idoal, and the young man's studonto wlio Atiftdl 4 In Its pr6ei - 1. . livy notion of 6. manse lito.-gya. A largely, .ntt0-g41qd It(IrAl ,.;AtI(yll&I
. (!Ague va&�I,Vnda w.4.q hpI01,111 Llv_
,arnt%stLy %*V,rll- rancy, has .�l Ywilig oai%go an% Old Caution orpool, ,I*, P. 0-001vil(ir �ttjllg a d
vountiol-VImy $#&W an Inlet wltb, ,% I Ifinn 1�auj, who Jla(l r ly. � 0 , ,V. I
well rilgh dliapppm'011 but Ill courao of time, Its Special nilnit I You Otill nevor toll what a woni, ( . 1
bra ell (MV.) whore tbey hoppd t* be I air tirt-m that tilt VOY6.gO would ho froin view. . for the parp000 W&M -%VItbdr&-#n And I'd 100 or a balky hoeser will do nom. in, ko it oti,mg patr.. V �' 010 to
I . .-I dian priworb, proef&�,(' ; - 11
2 I , , : � I .1 _. � .
'. I � �!. 1. 1, , , .. 1,
. . �11-. . ,io�,��.
.. �