HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-05-28, Page 8.., it' ITS ... Anything Nice in, Grocerie$ or Crockery, you can get it HERE. As to the price, AIWAYS THE LOWEST for the best quality. For quick meals or lunch, try our Cooked Ham, lb....................800 Corned Beef, lb.....................20c (Sliced ae you like it,) Boned Chicken, can ......... I ..... ,26c Boned Turkey, can ................26c Beef, Veal, Ham Loaf, can .... ,.16c Canned Shrimps, per can ......... 16o Clark's Pork and Beans, large cans .................................100 Potted Ham, Chicken, Tongue, in cans, 6c and..................10c Finnan Haddie, can...............10c Kippered Herring, can ............ 100 Rowat's Mixed and Chow Chow Pickles, large bottles ............ 20c All Pickles, 2 for..................26c White Plates. All sizes, this week only , , ......6 cts, each TUDHOPE'S Phone 68 Prompt Delivery THE WINGRAM ADVANCE May 28, ro-,l Overholding Tenant taut subject on the curriculum It is Passing of Latin," Ile explained that The Goderich Signal reports as fol- lows :--'.Che parties to a case that was argued before Judge Doyle on Tuesday morning aro Annie Tindall and Ben, J. Benning, both of Wingham. Me. Hen- ning is a tenant of the plaintiff and, his term having expired, she entered this action in order to to oust him. Judgment was given on Tuesday. His Honor held that the tenant from the March 10th last, when lease was up, was simply a tenant on sufferance and as such wrongfully kept possess- ion. Order made for writ of possess - cion to Issue, with costs to be paid by tenant to landlady. Be Independent, Employ yourself. Establish a buisness. Onr goods are used everyday beverybody. Men make fortunes. Write G, Marshall & Co., London, Ont, I L.PERSONAL John Ball spent the 25th in Brussels. Dave Watters was in London on the 25th, Rev. R. Hobbs was in Berlin last Saturday. Will, Sillick of Teeswater spent the 25th In town. Allan Hobbs spent the 24th with friends at Blair. Will. Aikens of Kincardine was home over Sunday. George Gray of Toronto visited his home here last week. Milton Shave t M d th the expression of the bestthutights of the noblest minds. It bi a character builder, Iit studying a selection taken tip; 1st, The author; 2nd, Tho mood of the author ; 3rd, The topics of the selection. The teacher should he well read and should know one other )aii- guage, the best being Latin. Mr. Dobson then gave a very con- cise and full account of the meeting of the Ontario R, ducational Association, held in University Building, Toronto, on April 14th, 15th and 16th. The proposed changes in the regnla- tiona were then briefly discussed, led by Mr. Robb :- 1—The age limit question was dis- cussed, and the Association seemed to be in favor of leaving the age limit as it is. 2—The proposal to lengthen the Mo- del Term to eight months did not meet with the approval of the meeting. 3—The clause respecting the decrease of number of Model schools was car- ried by the meeting. 4—The regulation regarding the ex- clusion of Normal College Students from teaching in Public schools was defeated. 5—Teachers' Union clause was en- dorsed by meeting. 6—Provincial System of Superannu- ation was not indorsed by meeting. Mr. Lough and Mr. Houston spoke against the principle of superannua- tion by State in any profession or civil service, 7—The question of P. S. Inspectors' standing returning to 1897 was carried. 8—The uestion re atdin th re - by "The Passing of Latin" lie meant the striking out,of L'ttin froin the obligatory subjects. The speaker hoped that the Minister of Education would yet withdraw the removal of Latin and reinstate it among the obli- gatory subjects. The High schools have fitted and prepared themselves for the teaching of Latin and now it would be very unfair to have it struck from obligatory subjects after being there only a fecv years, Latin is un- equalled in mental discipline and in language training. He closed his pa- per with the following motion : Droved by J. Houston, seconded by A. H. Musgrove: That in the opinion of this Association Latin should not be removed from the obligatory sub- jects for the Junior Leaving examina- tion. 2—That for Matriculation and Jr, Leaving one paper including trans- lation grammar and prose composition should be given in Latin, French, Ger- man and Greek, respectively, and that prose composition should consist as the regulations demand, of easy sen- tences to be translated.—Carried. The report of the Resolution corn mittee was adopted, and the order of the meeting of the Institute will be Seaforth, Wingham, Clinton, Brussels, Association adjourned to meet in Sea - forth at call of Executive. GOD SAVE THE KING, I Belgrave. D, Sproat spent Sunday in Seafortb, r seen on ay wt q ti g e P ' ' Allan Wheeler of Wingham Sun - his brother in Art hur. ent work on History was endorsed and dayed at his home here. Harvey Scott of Clifford spent Sun- a new book recommended. Jnu. Wightman is wearing a broad day at Mr. Jas Mulvey's. 9—The Bible should not be intro- smile this week (It is a girl.) Robt. Galbraith of Guelph spent the duced as a text book, but selections Mr. Paddy Welsh of St. Augustine holidays at his home here, from it might be taken for the teach- spent Sunday in the village, Mrs Colin A. Campbell spent the Ing of. morals. Mrs. S. Ferrier still continues very holidays with Galt friencle. 10—The convention declared itself in poorly, we are sorry to state. Miss Spilker of Shelburne is the favor of having the curriculum on Mr. and Mrs. Dan Geddes spent the guest of Miss Olive Beemer. Arithmetic remain as it is, 24th Svith friends in Lucknow. Miss Minnie Fessant spent a few A very entertaining and illustrative Miss Minnie Russell and Miss Linda days in Teeswater this week. address was given by Rev, 0. R, Clegg spent the 24th in Lucknow. THE MARKETS Mrs. McDonald of Ripley spent the Gunne, a former teacher on the sub - holidays at Mr. Jas. Mulvey's. Mrs. Geo, Dalgarno is at present ject of reading. He said that our ideas visiting her daughter near Guelph. WINGHAM MARKETS Miss Husband of Ingersoll spent of good reading depend on our own Reeve Isbister and wife of the 2nd the holidays with her sister, Bessie, imagination. Speech is the convey- Line, spent Sunday at Wm. Wray's. Flour per 100........... $1 85 to $2 25 ��®� Joseph Guest spent a couple of days ance of thought of one person to the Fall wheat per bush new 67 to 08 g P Mrs. Wilson of Detroit sppent a few Oats per bush........... 0 27 to 0 28 V1l.S this week with his sister in Toronto. wind of another. We no not express days with her friend Mrs. Sproat last Barley per bush........ 0 36 to 0 40 i,. Miss Martha Bosman left this week ourselves in the same way twice. week• Peas per bush......... 0 60 to 0 65 r WHITE STAR LANE to visit friends in Portage la Prairie. Good expression in speaking or read- Miss Bella Sproat leaves this week Bran ...................16 90 to 18 00 t Miss Rose of Mitchell visited her fug depends on proper breathing, for North Dakota and Manitoba, Shorts ..................18 00 to 20 00 brother Walter in town over Sunday. Stammering in speech can be over- 'where she intends spending the sum- Chop .................... 1 10 to 1 'l:i ' SPECIAL mer with friends, OE . ... • . .......... 7 00 to 700 y Miss Roselle of Clifford spent Sun- come by dividing the attention and by Butter per Ib...... ..... 0 15 to 0 16 day in town, the guest of Miss Mulvey. speaking slowly. Reading .and _speak- Mrs. Archer Brooks and children of Cggs .................... 0 12 to 0 12 —� A C 10 �A Centralia spent a few days this week Lard .................... 0 16 to 0 16 U S i � 1 Mr, and Mrs. Fishlown of Ohesley Ing Should be done exactly in the same with Mrs. Books' parents, Mr. and visited their sone in town over Sun- Potatoes per bush...... 0 70 to 0 70 wap. with is the expression of Mrs. F. Anderson. day, Appples per bag ........ 0 50 to 0 50 �'�.®� �iti��Q.d91�® 'Q'o our own thoughts,, Reading the ex- Mr. Robert Gallagher left here last Hides per 100 lbs........ 5 00 to 6 00 Miss B. H. Reynolds visited her sis- pression of the thoughts of others, We week for New Ontario, where he in- Lamb skins ... 0 60 to 0 65 terdas9n St, Thomas during the boli- must articulate clearly. Mr. Gunne tends, if it suits him, to take up a Dressed hogs........... 7 00 to 7 00 yslarge section of land and move his Live hogs.... ..... 5 50 to 6 00 Mrs. Neil Haines of Owen Sound gave examples of difficulties in articu- family out there some time in the Tallow, er lb........... 05 to 51 R spent the holidays with her mother tion of vowels and combinations of a, near future. Ohickens per pair...... , . 30 to 50 here. at and other hissing sounds. The ten- Ducks per pair .......... 60 to 80 " The Methodist congregation here Mr. and Mrs. Greer of Lucknow vis- dency of English seems to be to in- held their anniversary services on Turkey, per lb...... .... 16 to 17 lied friends in town on Sunday and crease a sounds while French drop a Sunday 17th lust, Rev. A. G. Harris, Geese, per lb.......... .. 6 to 7 0 T Wool ............... .... 12 to 13 Monday, sounds where possible. Another im- of Lucknow, preaching morning and ® AND RETURN Miss Clark of Mount Forest was the portant point in reading is Pause. evening. The lecture on Monday g �r P g evening in the same church, by Rev. TORONTO STOCK MARKET. Vtrednesday, e)lArl® 17th th guest of Mies Dulmaga during the Mr, E. M. McLean, of the Clinton Joseph Philp, was well attended and -- holidays, Collegiate Institute, then gave an ad- very match enjoyed by all, Rev. Mr. For full and accurate market re - Miss Laura Shannon of Ethel spent dress on the Metric System. The Me- Philp has some of the finest views of ports see second page, Sunda and Monde with Mrs. I. the Holy Land we have ever seen. Davidson, y trio System is part of the decinal Sys- tem and is based on the metre which REAL ESTATE Mr. Munshaw was called to Mark- ane -ten -millionth part of one-quarter dale on Monday by the serious illness a of his mother. of the meridian passing through Paris, Salem. - and is therefore 'a French unit. All Mr. R. Mitchell 'took a trip to Lon- NOtiCt': t0 Farmers. Mrs. M. H. McIndoo left Port Perry don on Monday last, �- ` �►� on Tuesday for her future home at other units are derived from this one. Areou satisfied with our present-;__..,���c Fresno, California. The unit of mass or weight is the Mr, John Weir of Barrie called on farm? If ° not, why not exchange it for rain, which is the weight his brother, Wm. Weir, this week, one that will suit you. I have numerous-----.� Miss Delight Hobbs left on Saturday ' g g of one cubic farmers who wish to exchahgo their farms, it for Brantford en pay her sister, Mra. centimetre of di�hired wgater at its We are pleased to learn that Mra. same for larger ones, and sero ter smatter.®�'���v�®�®�����fHutton an extended visit. Robt. Mitchell, who has undergone an Nov that seeding iR over is the limo to c maximum densit , 4 de reef centi- o °ration in London hos Llai, ie dein choose your farm. If you are hard toD�eG.T Mr. Maxwell of Mar boro was in rade. The unit of volume is the litre P P g tcaso come to me and have a look at my y g as well as can be expected, �ist of 50 loo, 150. and 200 acre properties. town on Monday, on business in con- which is the volume of one thousand Prices right. Great snap in town property nection with the estate of the late A number of men from Saletn and - heave Kincardine for Detroit 6.00 a. 1n. (Canada time,) Alex. Mitchell, cubic centimetres of water at its maxi, Belmore gathered at ,the Methodist CLYME MAGUIRE Wednesday, June 17th, arrive Port Huron at noon, mum density. The metric system Parsonage in Wroxeter on Friday last Detroit Oo in - Mr. Geo. Mason left on Wednesday and did some repairing to the fened Real Estate Agent 4 p' NeedNew morning on his trip to England. He tends to make the use of vulgar frac- P g a tions unnecessar and rounds. Bails from Montreal on Friday on the y g Ofilco;—Upstairs in Vnnstono Block. Returning rears Detroit, Thursday, June 18th, 1.00 steamer Parisian. We hope he will AT HOME. DIED,—It is our painful duty this p. in. (central standard time) Port Huron 5.3o, arrive = have a very pleasant trip, and return week to record the death of Armand Paper = safely to the land of the Maple leaf. The visiting teachers were entertain• McIntosh, son of Robert McIntosh of Morris. Kincardine 11.45 p. 1n. ed at an At Home in the Assembly this place, which occurred on Saturday Harry Hensciiffe left on Tuesday for David and Afro. 'Walker, 6th line, Fri<la June 1 tri oo a, in, Room of the Clinton Collegiate Insti• morning last. He took that much- e 9 .5• (Canada time) leave - Hespeler, where he has secured a situs- g dreaded disease, pneumonia, and all talk of taking a holiday trip to the Kiilcardiue 011 the return to Detroit, ation in the furniture factor at an ad. tote by the Clinton teiighers in the "Soo!' y that loving hands and a goodpphyei• Soo and on to Manitoba. Fare with baggage $I.So vance of wages. His family remain evening, when a most enjoyable -time ciao could do was of no avail. He was here for a few weeks. Harry was a was s ent, a bright y Robert Shaw will become a resident The NF,W S'MRL STEAMER GREYHOUND is Perhaps you discovered P boy and loved b all cubo p y good citizen and we would rather have knew him. At times he would wander of Bluevale, going into merchantile one Of the lar magnificently = while housecleaning that such stay with us, SATURDAY'9 SESSION. some, but before his death he wished life. His old friends in Morris wish gest, speediest and most ma nificentl After opening exercises by Mr. D. to speak to the family, and he gave equipped Day Boats i11 the world. You should not miss you would have to paper " him success. y p p DEATHS. Robb, the treasurer read the financial thea, the assurance that he was going this grand opportunity for a pleasant outing, statement showing a balance on hand to be with Jesus, which was far better. Another of the early pioneers of anothor room or two—if so, - McIntosh—In Howick, May23rd,Wm. g He was a member of the Epworth Armand McIntosh, aged 18. of $18 64. The report was adopted on Lea ue of this lace. After the ser- Morris township has gone to his re- vue invite you to see the g P P g p ��1�� star �111� ��E'ic'lliiLrS King.—In Bluevale, May 25tb, Geo. motion of Messrs. Scott and Leppard. vice at the grave, the young people of ward, in the person of Mr. Jos Stubbs, lines we are now selling at Schoales King, infant son of Mr. and The following officers were then elect- Salem, with their pastor, wiahed to who passed away early Monday morn- C. F. BIELNIAN, TRAFriC MaR. E. H. AYER EXCURBION AoT- Mrs. J. A. King, aged one month, sing "Shall we gather at the river,' ing, after suffering very severely the - g g ed for 1903.04:—President Mr. John reduced rices. _ ' which was sung with much feeling of past few weeks. He has been in poor = Sparlin In Wingham, on Tuesday, Houston, Clinton;Ulit1st Vice President, sorrow. Rev. Mr. McKelvey 28tb, Loretta Louise, wife of Dr. W. y gave a health the a 260 Papers for R. Sparlin and second daughter of 111r. J. Bailey, Blyth; 2nd Vice Presi- very appropriate address at the hoose, past 15 years but only lately , P dent Miss Aitchison, Seaforth • Secre- warning young and old, as he has had there developed alarming symp- 200 �� for ...... 12, Mr. and Is. F. G. Sparling, aged often done before, of the shortness of toms. Heleavea behind hien a 5vidow TENDERS WANTED. MEETING OF COUNTY COUNCIL. 3U ears. tar Treasurer, Mr. J. Hartle WrOx- tinie. He took for his text the 2nd and and four sons. One son, Jabez, who 160 �� for ...... 10C y eters Executive Committee, Messrs. 3rd verses of the 14th chapter of John. J ' 100 rr for...... 70 for a number of years has been living Tenders will be received b the un- The Council of the County of Huron (t : EAST HUR03 TEACHERS IN Moffatt, Scott, Shillinglaw and Mrs. The pall bearers were Waldo wood, gg y will meet in the council chamber in the 80 for...... 6C COUNCIL. Coulter and Miss Wiseman; Auditors : ipalr�ticeraDdhlUnderwo John dnand West under the Stars and Stripes, returned farstheadie�shia to ilio daofotl e11nWl White- Town of Goderich, at 3 o'clock p.m. on Odd Ceilings for..... 3e Messrs. A. Munroe and W. Wilson: home Monday a few hours after his g g the 2nd day of Juue next. ley Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh church Methodist Church, said roof to May 20th, 1903, 1^ Provincial Delegate, Mr. T. Murch, and family have the sympathy of the fathers death, be completed by July 15th. Dated at Goderfoh, All Papers Trimmed The regular annual meeting of the Mr, Robb then gave an address on whole community in this their hour of I Tenders will also be received for the W. LANE, Clerk, p East Huron Teachers Institute was trial. erection of an enclosed shed at rear of Free. held in the Clinton Collegiate Institute Point of View. ! church, 50 x 60 feet, "flat roof," the old on Friday and Saturday. First session After a short discussion Mr. N,uR, . Grey. stied to be used in same. Wingham Cement Works. opened on Friday at 10 a.m., the presi- grove of Wingham conducted the Blyth. Thos, Strachan & Sons have some 70 There will also be received at same -- """""""" `^^ open parliament. Public School Lib- head of cattle,.bi and little, on their limp, Tenders for re -painting of wood. Best Brands of Cement always on dent, Mr. David Weir, in the chair, P A large number of our citizens spent g work, aizeing and varnishing of seats, hand, Fresh and reliable. After opening exercises and appoint- raries. Mr. Musgrove read the Educa- the 24th away from home. farms this Spring. etc, ; also kalsomining the ceiling of Also cement window sills and HAND lienal regulation and then said that said church. Painting, etc., to be be. arches. Door sills made to order. or (� 9 ment of committees, the minutes were g Miss Robinson spent the holidays at The many old friends of Mrs. James gun in the month of August, and coin- any other kind of cement work, Lime read and adopted, one of the objects of Public School her home in Exeter. Oakley, formerly of the 14tH con., will pleted by 20th of said month. for sale. It will pay you to give us a Miss Aitchison then read an excel- Libraries should be to encourage Master Rollie Edmonds of the Lis- be very sorry to hear of her sudden The lowest or any tender in each call; information cheerfully given. Our Window Shades lent paper on Nature Study. Miss Pupils to carry on their reading after towel Bank was a visitor to his home demise, which occurred last Monday case not necessarily accepted. Works between 0. P. R. and G. T. R. Aitchison's method of teaching is as school. The speaker claimed that as here this week. ' night at her home near Trowbridge. 0. 0. KAINE W. J. KEW, tracks, Josephine street. follows: A certain bird or plant is as- the curriculum of studies was Chang- Rev. Jobn Holmes preached a patri- Pastor Secretary 37-49 F. GUTTERIDGE. and you will not be • disc signed as the lesson for the following Ing so much a library waa absolutely otic sermon in the Methodist church The total number of days Statute 11 week, Pupils are required to supply necessary in order that each school Sunday evening. Labor in the Municipality of Grey for pointed. Large variety of themselves with a specimen of the may keep abreast of the times. Mr. Mr. N. H. Young and Mrs. Myles 1903 is 3,803, This amount of labor s i 1 `� e F " • " �'a " +r' a,, colors to select from. - ver plant and to secure all the knowledge Musgrove strongly recommended the Young are at Wingham this week, on should mean great improvements in ��►i.�►l1 �1►���fw�► ' m ti y account of the death of their niece, the destruction of weeds on " • shade guaranteed to be e.3 they can on the subject. Pupils should Putting into the library o4 such books Mrs. Dr, S arlin roads, as would assist in Nature Stud ( P g• highways and a general tidying tip. EXCURSIONS TO THE g he led to discover the knowledge for y Ing y� g themselves and be told as little as connection with Public Libraries, Mr. Mrs, James Anderson is at present Canadian North-West WILL RUN represented. visiting her brother, Hugh McTavish, I I IOMSI;KER' possible, Musgrove discussed the proposed re- of Detroit; the latter has not been en- at following return fares: GO DAY A good paper on School Tactics was gulations. Mr. Houston arriving at joying the best of health lately, West Wawanosh. winnipeg...- Rlooso Jaw..1 EXCCIKSIONS �� ,..nr�............ next road by J. J. Bailey of Blyth, the room took the chair, Mr, Mus- Rev. Dr. McLean will leave here The old church at the Nile has been Arcola,..... Itegina..,.,. }$30 To THE CANADIAN Noitt►r-WEST Mr. Bailey then gave some good de- grove continued the discussion taking next week to attend the General As- I Iitneoorth... Iiorkton .... AT RETURN BARES COOPER �e COvices by which the love of order can tip Dictation. He thought that the sembly, held at Vancouver, B. 0. He torn docan and service is botng held in T giovnn:.::: /� Pr. Albert... Winnipeg..., Ttegina...... �.7I► �/ • ba instilled into pupils, the chief of scribbler and the elate were being us• Purposes being absent weeks, the Orange hall. Glrand view >�GQ Maolood.....�$3� Waskada..., Moose Jaw.. A Musical program will be t Miniota....• V Calgary..... Eytevan,.,,, Yorkton.... JJ which were : the marching of pupils ed too much as they were throwing the Choir of pho Methodist Ohurcli at Since the first of the year Mr. John g�hn Titvor: lied boor... a gels::::::: Pr. Alborg.. WIN(ii-IAM in calling and dismissing and to and aside somewhat the voice and ear. the evening service next Sunday. The Mole of Auburn, has secured $800 Waskada ... Strath- �• L� o Moosomtn.,. >$28 Maolcodr ��� from classes, by signals. The fire prac•.He also advised the changing of the choir will be assisted by Professor worth of orders for Hoover & Ball of Wacvaness... sena... Wacvanesa ,. Calgary ., ., pupils Association meeting p 1Nhdota,...., Successors to Alex. ltOSs lice is also an excellent drill for a its g to autumn as Oam boll of Goderich and Mr, Norman the Clinton Marble Works. Good going Juno 4th, Juub 18th, returning 11InRcnrth.. • • Iced Door...'} in urban schools, there are so many Public School boli• Murch of Clinton. within GO(sys from date of issue. flood going Grand view. Strath•,..... }$ � Mr. Robb stated that methods of days in the spring. Drawing books Darin the past week or two many A. Collis, of Sault Ste. Marie, has July 4, valid to return until Sept. 8th, 1906, Swan itiver.., ,/ g Iona ,. should be dispensed with and char e' have been made in the villa been making preparations for the re. Where to Spend the summet. Going JUNII 4th, returning until ALIG, 4th dismissing, etc., on the whole were P pupils in connection with the railroad pro- building of the Auburn flour mill. The famous Muskoka Takes, Lake of 13a R, (all riot or 8 S. AthabaRea). (Joing JUNE 181h. should draw from object or from . Lake Niplssing ]�awartlla Lagos, and t 10 returning until AUG, 18, (all rail or S.S. Atha - very satisfactory in his inspectorate, j perry. Each mile or whistle post has There was $$4ul)0 insurance on the trill Dtagnotoivan It;ver aro roaehed on by. d t 10 ,asca.. Gioing 3ULY 4, returlli ipuntil SEPT. The afternoon session opened by a memory- had a nice little sodded mound placed and machinery. The people of the vii• Grand Trunk hallway. Exe611ent Hotol ac- 81,11 La0(1 rail or S,S. Manitoba , icketa are not; parer on Literature, prepared by Miss Mr. Robb continued to discuss and. around it; then another tier of steno la a and vicinity, are gratified to know Litmeraotnreiin. heathy elm 1,e, fishon�e,etc. goo( "Imperial Litaltpd,'� For tickets, etc.,, and a Coat of white palnta piled on it. g y g g apply to nearest Agent, or, to L, Johnston and read by Mr. Dunlop. agreed with Mr, Musgrove, President The same Rxing is being done to the that this important industry is to be J. D. MCDONALD A. H, NOTMIAN English Literature is the most impor• 96tietop then gave a paper on ,The rail roots, wherever they are found, continued In their mldst. DiatriatPaeeengsrAge» t, Toronto, AOtieta tGenncr IAPsmenrerAxenli n Y A last, Tgcogto.