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The Wingham Advance, 1903-05-28, Page 5
A 111.•ty 28, 1903 THE WINGRAM ADVANCE. The Store That Sells Everything a Nan Wears. j a Kinloss. ■ Mr. and Mrs. alox. )smith purpose re- - moving to Laelmow, where Mr. S. will � Bronchitis 3 1 Slim Prices. The Lffifttq Store Small Pfiogtg 7 n�er,et a fine roeidenco. Air, Smttlt and and �v t `•--Austrnlia's loss last fiensoil tllrt;ur; 1 hiw estitnablo wife will leave a blank in ,. „�,,,,�;, , Quick Returus + 1 a R.CI : +a�,3 4141 11N] dran••ht was , �U OOU 000. l the towusbip of Ritalms that will not ►r I have kept Ayer's Cherry pec tout Values. t. i• I , I�ORWumY'.Y,1[atYaa.itY�/rM.iG,1.LRa.YYRiMieYIV[l:-0C'.'i'liMIM r,...-_=.��YSfi1•tli'v :�Pd..!•MP :uI - 7'he Laplanders are the shortest peo• be easily filled. .As a upiiplit honorablta :focal in my holies for a great many f *� j' � � Men's Store pia in I'urgpri, leen avoraAing 4 feet 11 business nlau hn will leave no pear be- years. It is the best medicine in I P a �, !9 d p � a,�n itt(hos, womou 4 feet 0 inches, hind bim. The loss to Kinloss will boa :the coughs and colds." world for. : rapecial gain to Luckuow, r ..... --Since the opening of navigation the 3 J. C. Williams, Attica, N. Y. { 0 only Iso3�x' Blouse wits, sizes 21 to 28, made at good bleu "ergo, sailor collar, Canadian Northern has shipped three Dor. James A. McLeod of port Wil- • - - with bink or white braid trimufing-this Week, Choice....................$L25 million bushels of grain from its lako liam, foreman of the bridge construe. 13 Boys' two•pioco Suits, sizes 22 to 27, made of Halifax Tweed, well lined, tion works of the O.P,R. is spending a � A l i serious lung a (good school Suits) until bold,.......... - 105 elevators. few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. = troubles begin with a e Sale Ql" t) only Boys' ]lino and White stripe Norfolk Suits, right up-to•date, sizes •-•Canada's permanent military force McLeod ... �.. 22 to 23, worth $5.60—to clear............ ........... ............ 4.50 , of the 6th eon, of Kinloss. - t i c k l i n in the throat.: i has been increased from 1,000 to 1,500 g 16 Men's good strong Canadian Tweed Suits, well made and gown with ' ' Mr. MaoZeod is on his way home from , =� strops linen thread, sizes S4 to 44, no two alike, colors grog, brown men. Depots In connection with these Montreal where he bad been as a dele• You can stop this at first and dark mixtures, oto„ worth $7.50 and $8.00 -to clear,.,..., 6.89 forces ttre to be established at Montreal = • 8 only Men's and Youths' Bluo or Black Serge Suits (all woo) sizes 31 to 44; the and ]Jdlnpnton. gate interviewing the bond officials of in a single night with I ' Wh 1teWear ordinal store -keeper sells these suits at 11-Crowdor'a rice till gold...,,. 7.76 the Canada YACiRO in the interest Ofr i . Ayers Cherry Pectoral, 2T pairs boys' Mole I? niekors, sizes 2 to 32, worth GOc-to clear ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,40 Cheyenne, Wyo., May 23 -Another train men of the Central Division. r ' $2.60, $3.00, $4.00, $10.00, snowstorm raged all day yesterday, The many friends of the family Use it also for bronchitis, z i4 ' , E Waists - ' v v - �,- Sheopmen are making every effort to throughout the country will learn with I Consumption, hard colds ;' q 1° ` Waterproofs -$2.00, a sts protect their flocks, The lose in this regret of the suddoh death of Mrs. Nie- p 1 a i c Y section this week will aggregate more helson the beloved wife of Mr. Alex. f all kinds. ,' 7 Boys' two• Isco Summon Suits bites l8 to 33,,,... ' "'AND... 1FIot Weather Suits for Men and Boys. 'and for coughs o p $3,50 than 5,000 head. Nicholson, of the 2nd con. of I�mioss , i a... Mon's two-plece Summer Suits in Ilght or dark stripes, sizoa 31 to 4t, coat ' ' . Throe sizes: 25c., onough for an ordinary >, and pants, with belt attachment and brace buttons iuside—prices $5 and 0,00 -The Chathain Out., bindor twine which took place early Sunday morning 1, no e; ha dicot right for SI,ro eiia�`� omr.":aai,'' '[�[ r pr Boys' Duck Wash Coats, sizea 21 to 35-prico 60o and....... ,,,,,, .65 ' for chronto enses nod to keep on hand. '�� - S : "''' j0t Wi er factory, which cost in the nei�hborliood last. Deceased,had been ill with la grippe A Mon's Black Lustre Coats, sizes 31 to 44 .......1. .... .... I... 1.50 ° J. C. APER CO., Lowell, blase. - Straw hats-wo have the latest -25o to.,...,,. of $40,000, and which was built by all only a short time, but no serious results +, ,, ................ 2.00 - Felt Bats, Black and colored -50c to.....,.,,. .......... 3,50 association of farmers, was sold on the was anticipated, and her sudden demise Underwear, light or heavy, short or long slooves-25a to ..................... 1.00 15th inst. to a company composed of was a terrible blow to her husband and Ties, Collars, Cutts, Shirts, Gloves, 14andkorchiefs, Umbrellas, Belts, etc., of local and New York capitalists for friouds. Mrs. Nicholson was in her 42ud �jj� >!�r Lr `[� C±" Cho very latest styles at popular pricea. $2,000. year and was highly esteemed by a ll' M E [``a7 �%Winnipeg, May 22.-A number of Fide circle of friends and acquaintances T h ,,�� V V �Clqjo p g y and iu this sad hour of afthre - the HO�;S Ai'e ��✓OP Il fD1 itS. CYorktou Doukhobor fanatics are on thebereaved husband and his throe+little i 0tram again. A body of Northwest children have the heartfelt sympathy of Mounted Police wont north to meet the whole community. low TRADE WANTED. them. They carne across twenty-six pil- Come avid buy pare pea meal. I grins. who had discarded every vestige I have 40 ton on hand, and rush your of clothfug, They were ordered to put pain in the Back. hogs along and obtain the high price, oil their clothing, which they did, attar Makes life miserable for many, Can Nothing else will do it so quickly as - ° which they were taken to the immigra- it be cured? Yes in a night. Nerviliue ' tion hall and looked up. The pilgrims gives a complete knockout to pain in the POI G peas, We also have a large stock .� came mostly from Stoney Creok. baek, because it is stronger, more petie- of Clover and Timothy Seeds, Mangles, SEEDS`� any other more highly pain subduing than -On the 30th of May, 1003, the rata- any other remedy extant. One dreg of Rape, Speltz, Flax, Orchard Grass, &c, t y ", payers of Oraaigoville will vote on a by- Nerviline has more power over pain than five drops of any other remedy, ii I�r' law to grant the Superior Portland Co- and it is true strength you want when H e C rr's ' ., !� "I�-� ment Co. a bonus of $2,000, to be repaid ' Come to R. A. Douglass the III Y P you've got a piling Your money back if • Druggist for all kinds of Flower �1 >� T� ���� I'!U L1 t � in 20 ears at the rate of $147.16 annual. it is not so. Druggists sell Norviline. d -t �R '�' ly. The value of the building to be liras Garden Seeds. Over 30 diY- , ferent colors and varieties of sweet l w + r 'I' steered and the machines to be laced peas to choose your mixture from. (I Y P i (11ARI{ET SC,lUAI1L++') Ii d" Ila therein is estimated at $100,000. In all Clinton. IIII ,i l , u probability the by-law will carry. Little more than a fortnight ago Wil- BUi,BS f -A novel exhibit will be made at this liam Richard Waite, accompanied by Money to loan on notes, and notes CANNA BULBS year's Toronto Industrial Exhibition by his wife, left the Base Line for the discounted atreasonablerates. bloney DAHLIA BULBS '��'`pe °�+ ray the, Clargue Company, who will show Northwest and on Monday he died at advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent. %LAD10LU5 BULBS Sne i •l Discount the iron, in the crude state and all Calgary. Alberta. The remains are now with privilege of paying at the cud . an N t d is ll t W e keep in close touch with latest styles in all kinds of Ladies' Waists, Wrappers and White - wear. •Intending purchasers in any of the above lines will do well to see our large assortment of made-up material before making their selection. WHITE UNDERSKIRTS. -A special line of Ladies' Fine white Underskirts, well made, nicely trimmed, with duet frill, full ' width, fine caliibrIo, good value at $1.25 -Sale Price ...... ....51.00 Y � LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS—Two Dozen Night Gowns, extra fine cambric, full size, nicely trimmed and tucked yoke,regular value $1.00—our Special Price while they last, only ............. 'or LADIES' WAISTS,—A line of nice pattern print Waists, nicely made, fast colors, worth 75c—our Sale Price........... 5oc 1 CORSET COVERS.—A largo assortment to choose from, made in the latest style, nicely trimmed with lace and embroidery, �. prices are 15c, 250, 35c, 50c, 75c—eee our leader at .............. 25c - WHITE UNDERSKIRTS.—Special values in better lines, made with deep em- broidery and Lace insertions—Prices are $1.50, $2.00, $2,50, $3,50. WHITE WAISTS.—A large range of Ladies' wbite Waists, right up-to-date• trimmed with fine Lace and embroidery insertion, nicely tucked, all good fitters, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2,00, $2,50, $3.50. y ear. o es an accoun co., ec - TUBER ROSES through the various processes, until it is wi their way home. ed.Office-Beaver block, Wingham. LADIES' DRAWERS. -Special values in all sizes, nicely R013T. MCINDOO. "980 made curl trimmed. Prices tango thus -250, 350, 600, 9 TUBEROSE BEGONIAS ..®�.. turned out a finished stool bar. They Mr, Jacob Sheppard, one of the pion- �qy w will also have a exhibit showing the pro- eers of the Bayfield Line, Goderich' _ 5 ��)1' ����° cess in which paper is made from the township, but who resided later at " LADIES' WRAPPERS.—Made with full wide skirt, deep P P p' trill, choice new Anything we have not in. spruce tree until it is ready to write up- Wingham Bud Clinton, died at Oil ,� Fr'n "'' values at $1.00 and patterns, fast colors, trimmed yokes, special ' stock will be procured at Clttalo- '' on. Springs on Saturday aged 77 years.�� `r gue price. on all kinds of ' E1drr A. Knisie of the Latter Da l�j�qi A special prize of $5.00 is being -On Thursday morning as Miss Mar- Y Y �igll fit• SILK WAISTS. - Ladies' Black Silk waists, in good L ip , i qualit Silk, nicely trimmed and made to wear well -Prices given by me at the Wingham Fair Pocket p ■ tin, daughter of Thos. Martin, of Exeter Saints, who has preached seventeen sor- for the i are $iv0o to $5.00, vegeta bestcollectionf on of roots see and �Q ����('1 was sittin r0adin a a er a blood vos- mons in Clinton, ma} o throe baptisms s � q t i y� g � • ' tve stables rows from m seed. ®1 N\! g g paper Y Ji Y ll :1 ori Sunda in eel suddenly became ruptured and in a Y the Bayfield river at the i f. i lower end of the town as the first fruits � \ LADIES' TOP SKIRTS.—We aro showing a fine tango of few minutes she bled to death. The do- _ _1` trap Skirts for summer wear, in Duck and Linen, made in good ! ° Da Saints in Ontario. Their r - I may. l J 'W :„' as our $2 valuo........$1.75 a jj TIj THIS WEEK ONLY AT ceased was an estimable young lady and of his labors. There aro 6,000 Latter � � style, well Stitched and trimmed, b �J U a devoted worker in. Main St. Methodist Y greatest ,,•,,,,,•, , ,,, - , „ Church. As her general health up to strength is in London where they have We have now the most © ® the time had boon good, her sudden and a membership of 300. In this county beautiful and complete stock° ��'�'�®°Chemist & Druggist unexpected demise caused great grief to there are congregations in Usborne, ever put on the Winghamii IIII h's her parents and friends. MclKillop and Hibbert. Market in the way of Men's Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce Office G.N.W. Tet. Co. Hardware Store Wingham. -Several of the farmers near Arkona A McKillop farmer recently went to Suitings. 1 Toronto and secured ten English im- '� 6” c"' °�Y` ,. I . - -.,� have been victimized by some parties in .Aa Snaith & Pethick's old stand, Ottawa representing themselves to be migrants who have been engaged by the In all the latest designs produce dealers, under the naive of farmers in his suction at ten dollars per Gunn & Co. The farmers were offered month. They are husky fellows, will- and materials at very reason- OUR MOTTO 14cts, a dozen for the eggs they could fug to work and to learn farming so able prices. You will have R1i111Yt1��Ig11i1t�1Ig11E11Zyt�lY� " High Crade Work Only." send down, but when the time arrived ought to be worth their wages. no difficulty in selecting a e that the money should be coming A party of seven immigrants recent- snit t0 suit. o CENTRAL RILL "Gunn & Co." could not be found. It ly arrived in Clinton, bnt as they were �^ now turns out that they had received an totally without experience in farming In fit and workmanship =-+ . immenseuantit of eggs from all over the farmers with whom they expected w STRATFORD, ONT. the counts which they sold to the Ot. to secure employment advised them to we take a back seat for no -10( Our graduates readily secure gond posit. tawa and Montreal dealers, pocketed work at their trades. They according- One. long because our high grade training pro- the mune and of out leaving the t00 ly drifted off to other places, some of w �•+ paros them to render first-class services. Y g r Business mon avant first-class workers- confident farmer in the lurch. diem to the G.T.R. shops at Stratford. Satisfaction guaranteed. w ••-••o no time to waste on the other kind, Com. : ' menses course now and be ready for a Mr. John Bell met with an accident on .y �+ position in the fall. Write for catalogue. -On Wednesday night all that was o-•- wV, a are sole --" I g Monday which while bad enough might �0��. Maxwell 4r� �laa �s =�' loft of the steam barge Pholf after a de- II. J. Elliott Principal, v j .r„ � I very easily have been a great deal worse. ,,.. .. , structive fire had raged from 11.30 yest- r � orday morning sunk. about 16 or 18 miles He was out in the garden grassing his agents �» IT'S ALL Ialid liT. of Goderich to the northwest. She was driving colt when the animal reared up High Ar - ^-a carrying about 1,200 tons of coal from aucl striking him upon the nose and g t Tailor Wingham and students may enter the Cleveland to Owen Sound. The fire cheek broke the former and gashed the ®• HESSE'S LI.3'%TO started from the explosion of a lamp in latter tter so badly that the doctor had to ' )lb lir -a put in fonr stitches. a .,, the lower engine room and the oil and 50 YEARS other inflammable stuff caused the On Thursday last Mrs. Gagen receiv- EXPERIENCE s o flames to spread very rapidly. The ed by telegram the sad news of the �� FON ®® ,; at any time. 0I her S011i g James Dona hue. He berths of the crew were over the en„iuo ' SPRING TERM begins liiarcli 30. room and they had very little time to hast been lumbering in the state of Wis- A Two Courses—Commercial and Shorthand, got their effects together. After getting cousin and it was while on the drive C� Send for College Journal. that his d s eath took place. The to s I '� "•0'.e I Off in the life boats the captain andI g had TRADF- iAAR SS For Sale olil b C. A. FLEM[NG A. L. MciNTYRE crew of fifteen men remained to see the formed a jam anti dynamite being used ''� DESIGNS C y y Preaident Secy. as the t rale kc st way end, and atter Ilio vessel was burned to 1 y of releasing them, COPYRIGHTS &C, `Ira the waterline she sank at 7.15. The Mr. Donaghue was thrown into the Anyone sending a sketch and aescrppption. may tPq ....,.,. gn[okly ascertain our opinion free winether an "in -w., invention is probably patentable. Communica. �! Campbell ��jjQ j �,$. CEMEXT 8 WORKS.tug Sea Icing brought the men t0 God• river by the explosion and drowned. ggiastrictlycontidentpsl. Handbook onPatenta Colin A. C�,si pbell � orich that evening. The vessel belong - i s0rnio�°is ieieic�i i�rou�0°l�u7iir�sCoar col'va I am now prepared to properly exe- ed to Jos. Pholf, of Buffalo, and was epeeialnotice, wlthoutcharge, in the R.v - cute all orders for Cement work of valued at $45,000 or $50 000. The crew How to Get up an Appetite. ��1�G���C��� n"'- THE DRUGGIST every description - including Silos, e C_ •r•v j sidem lks. foundations, stable floors. express appreciation of the kindness of Distaste forfood food follows with AhandeometyIllustrated weekly. 7.nrdesE sir- 13 ; etc. I have every faeilty nrrassary, the rubra on. the tug and of the people of Grippe and fevers, and is associated culation of any sciontlao journal. by ne eaei, a ! and can a the work right. All work with a general weaknees of the system. year: four months, $L Sold Ni11III ill U111111111111111111l�yll� i g Godericb.-[Goderich Signal. To inn art a real zest for food, and give; MUNN & Cfl 36113m.dway, New York guaranteed. PriceR :Ind terms reason- P g Power to the able, Ceniontfor sale. MacLeod, N.W.T., May 21, -Details stomach to digest and Branch omco,s251, st.washmecou.D.c. ass ate, � - CHAS. BARBER, Wingham. of the great snowstorm which swept zone. it This i remedy can equal l er is - P zone. lhis is a now and startling dis- Middle, West and Southern Alberta have covery. It strikes at the root of disease Irk �I� abegun to tomo in. Without doubt, to And by removing the cause, cures quick - For 't`�=- the rancher, this has been the most dis- ly and permanently. Ferrozone will +? + quickly enable you to eat and digest history astrous storm in the Y of the anything, © '1���"�, .� country. Snow fell on the level to the �- - N' depth of 2 ft., and the coulisses, where it r� banked to the depth of 6 feet. It start-® cp�� 0 R_ ed on Saturday afternoon with rain, and s7:er e as the wind veered to the north changed to snow and for two days the blizzard ' 8- c A""Oaild"o .' ,3 At last we have moved, and are now nicely located in our new store, which we are pleased to say will be second to none in the county. We have just received a choice lot of Canned and Cooped Meats suitable for hot weather. +/KZ -0 14 . T we wish to draw our at - raged. Business in MacLeod and y tention to the gun Pincher Creek vvae at a standstill, and young `����� wa only today (Thursday) have the farm- TROTTING STALLION y ers begun to come in. The carcasses of T. A. MILLS has his stock complete in all the best known varieties horses and cattle dot the prairies in 0-1 for the Silo and Fall Feeding also Ripening kinds. This Corn has been ��®�a�� i hundreds, while the men importing Lr y ' p V `' �Y,yy^�+ eastern and southern cattle suffered specially selected for seed and cannot be surpassed. Also Speltz, Buckwheat, most. Of at train load of 250 head being which was purohased at the Chicago Salo shipped from Texas to High River, 128 GA -51110Y ilast fall. Hungarian, Millet and Black Tares for Green Fodder. 1\I�in1 o. Sugar I$ by the noted Biro Gamollimi, died from exposure, while at MacLeod which is now considered one of tho most pop- Beets, Field and Garden Carrots, in all kinds at Lowest prices consistent with uiar sire of high-class knee act ing trotters; he Station over 100 carcasses have been ro- by Gareof t h -c ass, whisk heats the liar of Quality. All kinds of Garden Beans, Peas and Vegetable Seeds, Dutch Set •r� Wo havo on hand moved from the trains thoso that died all Fires for 1902, he having produced over one r ' hundred in tho list of standard trotters and �j a number of from a shipment frrOm. Manitoba. pacers. Gamellion's dam is by 'Onward," one Onions, English Al uitiplier, Potato Onions. of the having mostpopularstandard performers rs than any PEAS WITHOUT BUGS. -----Sow about ioth tO 2 til Of May and escape r,! I'�r_�� j having more standard per[ormors than any (Lj ,[J other sire living or dead. a' Y I� G (� �Q Gamboy's dam is Florence D, byIlansard, the Bu 112 rices are lower than an wholesale, consistent with duality. ... ... y , Tendency of Catarrh is to Spread, he by ciao. WilkeF, whieh makes him of the g' % p Y �C,�.16bilas a Sig manor at first, and I otedt nill huh . reduces educ s 75Y ofa all .rhi,i Call ails see t1)U magnificent equality Of Illy COR because sli lit, ,ne leatea' but the seed rioted tnnsta whish roduceslor call horses N g g i ha,vIn n standard record. Florence D'g dam sown brings forth it daii t us harvest Is bvllossonger. POTATOES. -�-••• I have a limited quantity of Red River Triumph 7 Calls .ltpti0n, which is the harvest of (iontboy a g 150n hand. 3 year old bay PARKS/(� r tc Y + Stallion waiving 1150 lbs, bo is n back, in. Potatoes, the earliest and best in the rilaYl'(t. UJ,1114Ib�.l� dCath. Bettor tlpaud a tow inouiellEs dividnai, having a strung short back, welt ` ' `' 4 each day inhaling Catarrhozone, an rilI tip, good foot and logs. and is on excep- aromatic autisvptic that relieves at once tionally high kuoo actor. This Bolt having (These are Beautiful clears rho nasal ansa e8 told r08tOre8 o°ll' been high last fail IsFhon9ng quarters P R IIiisspring in 40, and present indinations show Jh h�y)R floods, and cheap.) lost sontso of taste and smell. The im- us clearly that 'with little handling he will G G (Jy Store modiato Effect of Catat•rhozone is magi• make a 2Q trott wiil sure for sort len at the Aciva!nce Office cal, so prompt and eRfeient. cure is exchange hotel barns. TPg8is :—$Io.0o to certain and permanent if you use Oat* Insure, payable 1st January, 1004. arrhozoue. Price $1. Small sizes 25e. Geo, Wraith, Manager, Macdonald Block • Wingham at druggists or Polson & Co„ Itlagston, I13 -4o swarts & Vannoiutan, owners