HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-05-28, Page 44 ° THE WTNGRAM ADVANCE. May 28, T9o3 —TheITilited States Department of Agrieulture ]las perfeete(l a pro- mill 111111111111 111117111tIT111'1111111 11111111111111111111711111111111111111111111114P�' • • `P Cess for malcini; paper out of corn. - Ritchie Campbud stalks. As sn0ii as the 1.103 crop THE PEOPLE'S P STORE •--Tile Gainey case in vow in the of stalks shall have reached the �; hau& of the jury, the olectors Of proper stage of nia•turity the u):L- -'4 Ontario, who are Iu1t likely to "for. rliinely will be ready to begin Lire get some things" that ills C11(lliil'y wantlfacture of paper ou sit extend- has brought out very clearly, ed commercial scale. At present O • JAS. H • • Canada has a practical monopoly ;w of the 'raw material for paper iu �_ __ . __.���.�_.._,_..�._._________._1�� this —"It is a subterfuge unworthy ►ler forests of pulpwood. This new a of the Government and insulting to discovery will destroy that rnouop- � the people," is how the Chrktian 013*, and so indirectly rob us of an 1SEASONABLE! GENTS Guardian speaks of Premier Ross' advantage; but it will be a good announcement that there will be tbing for the world generally to GOODS v no temperance legislation this sea- have the supply of raw material for .' �;1 �T �( (i /� for « Sion. paper broadened. With Germany's �1 1 0 S"j 1l 1 distilling alcohol from potatoes for Groceries.1 VR11S& fuel and the United States making :": —The Bol)caygeen Independent paper from corn stalks, the world's w "'•AT"" / points out tho only effective method dependence on forests for two im- 0- ,.,�,.,. ��� of putting an end to the subsidy 'portant conveniences is sensibly • Ordered Sults. system when it says : Tf the Do- reduced. soil �, �'� Y 1� We are headquarters for minion House votes a subsidy to ✓ the genuine English alld Canadian Serges and / the Grand Trunk Pacific, every Worsteds, Scotch and Canadian J�� man who votes for it should be do- —Mr. Stratton declared on oath, � ��.���� WHEATINE. j feated at the next election. Watch that there was no crisis when the w v ;tweeds, etc.• the division list and note the men." Government majority ran down to CC— Don't take the cheap ituita- i Well trimmed, Tailoring guaran- ' one. No crisis, yet the Govern- tions, teed. Perfect St. Prices $10.00 to ment tried to win over an Opposi- $� j —Twenty -five millions will be tionist by withdrawing the protest ;W ' n �j�1 added to the world's gold supply against him and giving him patron- ff Dress Muslins, Etc. SEEDS. �• �� � 'i �� by clean-ups now in progress in the age and perhaps cash. No crisis, d E S Klondike, Forty Mile, Atlin and yet they sent out a feeler for a Straw Hats. Nome districts. The Field of Gold coalition. No crisis, yet they bioko New Styles-25c, 50, Toe, $1.00 Run, Dominion and Sulphur Creek faith with the Opposition and Fancy Colored Mnslins...... 15c to 20c is larger tban anticipated. Between brought on a bye-election in Centre Fancy Stripe Muslins........ 12i to, 15c Turnip Seeds. w Goods now and August the Klondike dis- Bruce. No crisis, yet they broke « Basket Cloth... . ........... 25c to 35c = Mouarcli or haat trietwillship outabout$16,000,000 faith with forth York Conserva- Dress Muslius,Linen ........ 15c to 80c: Elephant. Have you seen the new of gold. tives on the eve of the bye-elections : Swede, Carter's Imperialin the , . -• p a secretmade for o� disclosing Swede., Btan holm Purple g p Celluloid Collar. _Top Swede, etc., etc. Prices —No matter what the report of �-- Persian Lawn...... r tion. No crisis, yet they imported 10 cents right. We have them. Price 20c =w the Commissioners may be, J. R. Linen Lawn....... ' to Stratton's usefulness as a cabinet aliens to win these ridings bar Cor- Book Muslin,...... 30c per yard. rupt practices. No crisis, yet Min- iLawn__. .. .. ......... w. minister has departed. Any man Victoria ..... p y Our Mammoth Long Red � �� 1SterS rOvaricatecl about the Davis Dress Gip' .lOc to me ' Man who will ask another to change the p ghams............ glo Seed, and Giant wording of a signed document in resignation. No crisis, yet they Dress Prints .......... } ' Su ar Man le Seed is alt ' ClentS' Hosiery. abandon an important art of the-..•.lOc to 12. g g Y the absence of the signor, and who p p - fresh seed. Black Cashmere. ................. 25c things he might give evidence On, business proposed iby the speech frothe late 'buyingDress Tri You are always safe ip 'Black Wo `� will request a witness to"forget',uslne qtenant-Governor r d t th t Worsted 20c to.............. Me Trimmings. e s a ;s a ore. g g g ' the throne. I�To crisis? If it be mmin S. Past Black Cotton................. 2.5C is unworthy of a seat )n the Le ls- . y g true there was no crisis theli is uym se _ mixed Col. Cotton 8c and.......,.. 10c "a • lature of any province. �- Silk Applique—Black and White. ; KItchie Cam-pbell there less excuse for such dishonor- w Laces Applique—White, Black, Cream, -A I able actions on the part of the .� pp q kPa pay the highest o Fawn, etc. Real Valenciennes Laces: prices for Butter and Ministers of the Crown. If there ...,,. •... SUCCBSSOrS t0 M. H • MCINDOO.—11Tany will agree with the was a crisis there would be the ex- w and Insertions, Sequin Trimmings.:Eggs. Summer Underwear. Brockville Times, when it says:— ease that the` emergency compelled Ribbon Velveteen in 131k. and colors. of Is it any wonder if the Church's SUCK actions. NO Crisis no excuse. ._. ' Silkine Shirts and Drawers, each.. 75c o power is lessened and the confi- •-- Balbriggan " " " , . we dance Of eo le in it shaken when —[Guelph Herald. We want at once a car : Balbriggan " .. 25c such actspoccur? Public morality Ladies' Belts. load of good Union '• , . 50C o must be at a pretty low ebb in On- * Black Silk Belts, very stylish-25c, : POTATOES. Natural Wool Shirts and Drs ....... 1.00 tario when the church deliberately THE PHILLIPINE BLUNDER. a" 50c, 75c, $1.50. calls upon Mr. Stratton to lay the � Black Velveteen Belts, 25c each. corner stone of a Sunday school (, New Shirts. M under existing circumstances." The old adage, All is not gold Patent Leather Berta, new Buckle, ' Broken Sweet Biscuits' g that glitters," is proven by the ex- w 25 Cts. each, and Broken Soda. Biscuitsa-(e White Shirts, 1 perience of the United States in the (i lbs for...................25c ' hie irts, English Cambric ist—Col. A. E. Belcher, of South- Phillipine Islands. The New York Beaded Elastic Belts—Whit©, B1k. ; • .,. Shirts. Print Shirts, Unlaundried --� a•mpton, announces that he is after World has the following brief but and White, vers pretty. ; Leinon Biscuits, 31bs for.. 25c ;Shirrs. New Colors. Well Made, the . Conservative nomination for pointed article on what it terms— i White Leather Belts. Prices--%c to $1.50. North Bruce for the neat general !'The Phillipine Blunder" :— Is made when you choose our store as the election, in view of the fact that "The islands have cost us in s .,� lace to buy our Furniture. Stock Large— James Halliday has said he would `blood and treasnr0,' five thousand bcdould Block,if11��� P Y Y g not seek re-election. Part of his lives of our soldiers and not less Jno.1F Jas. H. Kerr Jno. & Jas. H. KerrPrices Right. Before buying elsewhere, just platform will be the public owner- than three hundred million dollars, get our prices; it will cost you nothing to find ship of all public utilities, and the without reckoning the wounded, them out, and you may save more Our people's welfare as against all the hopeless invalids and the pen- .1111illilllilill Will iiliiliiliiiiiliiiiiliilliiiiiiiIWillillilliitillillillillillN Y Y Y• trusts, combines and corporations, cions. The Government and the guarantee goes with every article we sell. `maintenance of order' are costing us now fully forty million dollars a TOWN PROPERTIES WANTED. Come and see us. Price our goods, and you The Forest Standard says:-- year. WINGHA,willbe able to say as others have said— It is estimated that the entire pro- C°What have we to show for this I have almost daily enquiries for W. A. RR... J� SAW MILL that you wish you had known before, what duct of the farms of Canada is except a dishonored Declaration of houses to rent or buy. AUCTIONEER .. • N Y Y worth about $500,000,000. Last Independence, and a constitution Now is the time to sell if you wish McLEAN SON a fine stock we have and what reasonable year we exported of animals and rent and frayed in the effort to to do so, Wingham — — Ontario agricultural products $100 000 000 stretch it over distant ossesions? No charge unless a sale is made. prices we sell far. Try here next time and g p � ' Data of sale arranged for at the All kinds ofrough and dressed..,. worth, so that we consume each "When the policy of conquest Abner Cosens, Minnie •St. Advance Omoo. Terms reasonable. get a surprise. year in Canada $400,000,000 worth was forced upon the unwilling Ilse- LUMBER LATH SHINGLES Me- of the products of the farms. That Kinley, thele were alluring stories s s is to say SO per cent. of the entire told of the fabulous richness of the A. DULIVIAGE APPLE BARRELS. product of all our farm land is sold islands and of the enormous trade REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. ALEX. FELLY alker BroS. �tto in the home market. that would `follow the flag.' In CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN Hard and Soft Slabs, also a the last fiscal year, our exports to on Town and Farm Property. Auctioneer for Huron County the islands were valued at $6,251,- ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. large quantity of dry hard- -The railway wealth of Canada 000—mostly for our own soldiers— I have secured an Auctioneer's license for wood for sale, delivered. leSenaE3 a capital of $1 043 000 OFFICE.—In the Bent Block. Huron county, and am prepared to conduct re Furniture Dealers & Undertakers p' p s 1- and our imports at $6,61,000. Residence—Catherine St. sales at reasonable rates. 000, and pays less than $500,000 Our whole trade. with the islands sales arranged at the Advance Office. Telephone Orders Promptly in taxes, or less than one-half of for a year will not equal in value ALEX. BELLY, Winghm aP. o, attended to. one mill on the dollar. A statisti- the European commerce at this C. J. IVIAGUIRE cian has figured out that if the port alone in a single good Sailing REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND railways' merely paid a fair share day» LOAN AGENT, CONVEYANCING . DR. AGNEW clean & Son of taxation on the capital donated Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. to them by the people, the revenue ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, from that source would amount to EDUCATION REPORT. office—in Vanstone Block. ACCOUCHEUR. Ano'thel— over $6,000,000 annually. These Open Saturday evenings, 7 to 9. OMce: Upstairs in the Macdonald - (;halicac figures may not be strictly correct, Night calls nswered at office. but it is undoubtedly true that the The report of the Minister of J. A. MORTON, rate of taxation on Canadian rail- Education for Ontario for 1902 has reached ns, and w0 glean from it BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. IIS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM 1 We have decided to hold one more levied on the railways of the United the followingways is only a fraction of the rate :—MONEY TO LOAN. 'I� There are 5,663 Public Schools i AT States. in the Provinc0 an increase of 8; PHYSICIANS SURGEONS ETC, ; .: , day Of Our BICC AUCTION SALE j ' � Office:—Morton Brock, Wingham — e a,,5 Roman Catholic Separate Schools, Josephine Street Wingham c°^""'T^9N1N�' —The experience of R. R. Gamey 372, an increase of 17 ; Protestant proves that a dozen steps in the Separate Schools, "r ; Kindergartens, MISS DELIA SPARLIvl G we still have a balance of the best Of P. KENNEDY, M. D., M. C. P. S.0 furtherance of corruption cost less 118 with 251 teachers • Night A. T. C. M. T than one step towards the exposure Schools 12 with 22 teachers. g J ' (Member of the British Medical The Globo and ' ' Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Association) — Cllr Stock Of EoOTS AND SHOES left. We of corruption.There was expended for Public Aiusio Afothod, Simplex and Kindergarten. other advocates of a Royal Com- School Sites and buildings, $433,801; Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. }�•e mission have the satisfaction of for teachers' salaries $2 874 473 inations. Special attention aid to Disoasos of women will hold this bigSale on ' ' ' ' an� children,`' J knowing that no Parliamentary for all other purposes, $1,020,408 ; OFFICE HOURS:-1 toIp.m,; 7to9p,m, committee in history was ever so total expenditure for Public School utterlybaffled in its search for the o 0 _ �•- purposes, $4,3�S,68�, an increase THE W. T, HOi10193. SaturdayNextMay�)01� facts as to a great scandal. The of $100,160. for tasty and 9 Its a it to have a good 41111 sufferings of the accuser in this There are in Ontario 574 490 ADVANCE actvn•to•aate sob D.D.S., L.D.S. � � pity g ' Printing. Prices case go to prove that the public persons between the ages of 5 and CollegeGraduate of royal Suit spoiled in the makin man who submits to corruption, or p g OFFICE right. Surgeon of Dental �; . r, l P n- p 1 21, a decrease of 6,116. Pupils of surgeons of Tor- onto and Honor 'l The suits we make give en- Afternoon Sale at .............. 2.30 p. m. profits by corruption, occupies an all ages registered in Public Schools, (Iraffuato of Dent. 4 ...... 7.00 office of honor and emolument com- 414,610, a decrease of 5,478; aver- al De t of Toren- w tr _ �; the satisfaCtton. Give us a Evening Sale at..... .... , p. M. pared to the mart r who braves the g ' ' VANSTONE to University. , P y age attendance 236 084 a decrease Latest improved methods to all bran ohes of trial and be convinced. awful possibilities that wait in am- of 2,222. There are 43,987 upils R. BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Dentistry. Prices moderate, satisfaction No one should miss this great chance. Goods sold bush for the rash man who tries to ' ' p guarante-od, svoffice in Beaver Block. g in the Roman Catholic Separate Money to loan at lowestrates. Office tatp our own rices. PosmivBLY No RFsERvE. expose corruption.—[Toronto Tele- Schools, an increaseof 1,500; aver- Q RTIIUR J- IRWIN Webster & Co gram• age attendance, 26,926 ; increase, 7-95WINGHAM. � BEAVER BLOCK, 1 •i i . 1,051. Pupils in Protestant Sepa- D.D.S.,L,D.s. —Emigration from Ireland last rate Schools, 450 ; increase, 34 ;T�' �v Doctor of Dental Surgery of the ren. Hornuth �year included 40,401 persons, or average attendance, 249. THOS. HOLMES nsylvania College and Licentiate of 9.1 per thousand of population. Children attending Kindergar- . BANKER, ETO. Dental Surgery of Ontario. The birth rate there is about 25 per tens, 11,405 ; average, 4,704. ivarrlago Licenses issued. r*o tiitnesses Office over Post Office—wING11AM thousand, against over 30 for rug- Teachers in Public Schools, 8,676, required. land and Scotland, the lower Irish of whom 2,375 are men and 6,301 portionneyr.4asiestgttermscunta; smaller in pro- rate being due apparently to the women ; decrease, 164 men; in - HISS SARA L. MOORL+ PRO�IIPYLY SECURED � w crease 1.74 women • total increase RICHARD HOLMES Teacher of Piano and Theory Write for our interesting books-,Invent '� THE �p large emigration. The Irish death � , J or's Help" en t Clow you are swindled. ■ M - /L�7 Y0, BARRIBTE'a AT LAW, SOLICITOR, ETC., ETC. i E ,,.`,7 rate is about 18.6, which with an Send e a rough sketch or model of your In- JW rate of 9.1 wakes U a HIGH SCHOOLq. Office;--next to Holmes Block now building vention orimprovement and wewilltell you gr p free our opinion as to wlfether it Is probably yearly loss of 27.6 per thousand, Number of High Schools (includ- MISS CARRIE 3i00RE patentable. Rejected app:icatloasbaveorten ell Successfully prosecuted by u.. We or s net yearly loss over births of Ing 38 Collegiate Institutes), 131; WELLINGTON MUTITAL conduct fully egtil p d oaices in Montreal �about 2.6 per thousand of popula- teachers in High Schools, 673 ; in- I T T Teacher of Violin and Guitar, and spatc ngtdn l tF,iequ kly s cure stents i Iy d{Spateh work suet quickly a�cure Patents tion. The depopulation of the is- crease for the ,year, 6. Number of r H INS,CO. asbrondnsthe iuvention, A�ghestreferences ,I established 18¢0. Rooms—in Steno Block, \Gingham, furnished. land tilos continues. The emigra- pupils in High Schools, 2,723 ; in- Patents proeurea through uarlon & Un - tion head OJlioo OUBI&H, ONT. tion raceive spzclal notice without charge in, tion from Ireland since 18u1 of 3,- ;crease for the year, F00. Amount over too netvapapets distributed throughout 921,222 persons tells its own story. expended for high School teachers' RlskA taken on all clmaos of incurable pro DICKINSON IIOL ES the n•.minion. It remains to be seen if the new 19alarie9 $535 521 ` for sites blind- pertyonthe cash orpremium noteaystem, speeinity:—Piaeei-A bualnet$ of Afanufnc• • Barrister; S turers mi e • a Land Bill, when it is carried into ;Ings and repairs, $37, 728 ; total TAxae GOLOIX, CrUs. DAvmsom, , elicitors, Bic. MAMOr4 & l<=4 For Job Printing at Right Prices operation, will ¢heck the outflow amount elpended on High Schools, President, seeretary. 0mce1 Meyer Block Wingham, patent Expoets t nd Sollbitars. 172$ 132. JOHN RITCHIE, otnces i f New York LIN 8'td' , flotkrtal of emigration, , AGENT, wiNQUAM ONx III. U Dloklason Dudlay volmaa l Alf trvtic BWa,Waah�ngton D c� r Wvvw,rvvwv