HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-05-28, Page 146
'''���•••����r�r•Fqr Sale. Camp. $icks' Forecasts. CON'FLrRENCE FROGRAI4I, At a recant meeting of the a:Ciioial BANKOFRAMILTON
1�JL1. A, II, Carr offers his ellgiblysltnat- Thle 33rd Regiment will gog into Rev, Irl Hicks thus forecasts the --- board of Brussels Methodist churcha ed and convenient residence no Minnie cant On June 9th. The strength of weather for the first half of June ;•-- The 20th annual meeting of the Lon, unanimous invitation was extended Rev,
street .for sale. It is a desirable pro- each Oompauy will be three officers, The first storm period in June tit Zen- don Conference will commence next T, W, Cosens to remain their pastor for �, � � ��� �
perty ; see advt, on this page, six non -toms., and twenty-one men, tral On the 4th, coveringthe 2nd to the week, In the Dlethodist Church, Wing, the ensuing g year, which was acefapted.
Ca itai(p #iia up) M $2,980,000 County Lodge. Recruits are wanted .for the. Wing- • 0th, There are good reasons to expect brim, The following is the program
brim Company. An one wishing to the crisis of this period on and touch- for the week.— Rev. Cooper Robinson, returned nus+ ctapitalpaid up sZ000.000. Reserve.41,ti00,0e
The county L. O. bodge of North P y- y Ff
Reserve Sand undivid• 3 330 (M join will be enrolled b Capt. Brickley, !n the 3rd, High degrees of humid!. Monday, June let.—The Stationingsionary from Japan, will preach in St, J. TURNBUI'D. General VAriager,
ed profits) $ , > Huron will meet in Wingham, on or Lieut. G. Vanstone. P y t g g g Oommittee will convene in the Board- Paul's church noxa Sunday, morning President; --John Stuart
Thursday, June 4th, at 2 p.m. A full y, hil{h temperature, and very low and evening, and address the Sunday V-ice•Preeideat-A, 0. Ramsay
attendance is requested, Died Suddenly, barometer, on and next to Wednes- room of the church at 2 p. m, The Oaahiev-,i. Turnbu
day, the 3rd, will prove certain harbin. District Statistical Secretaries will also School in the afternoon, The offertory . DIRSOTOxs:-•John Proctor Wm. Gibson,
Farmers' Notes discounted, Liberal. Mr, C. N. Griffin received word last gers of severe storms. If these condi- meet the Conference Statistical Seere- will be for domestic missions. Geo, Roach, A. T. Wood, A. B. t,ee (Torento
Drafta sold on all points in Can- The Canada Furniture Co. Ltd., has week of the sudden death of his brother tions developabout the 8rd, and actual tart', Dlonda , at 2 rn, Savings Bank hours Lo to 3; Saturdays ill to 1.
ada, the United States and Europe. Edwin (formerly o£ Wingham), near , y p• 7.he corner stone of the new Catholic
kindly promised to contribute all the storms are delayed, even tip to the 5th Tilesday, June 2nd,—The Conference church at Ol)o stow Bruce count was Deposits of 81 and upwards 30th vov mut-
Medieine fiat. At time of writing no P + y, an"'Stest AfS and year,$ dadde 30th November
necessary diningroorn Furniture for or 6th, do not leo thrown cif your Treasurers of the Conneieionat Funds laid by Bishop Dowling of Hamilton, on and 31st riiay each year, and added to principal
SAVINCS Soto o t allowed pn deposits of $1,00 8t,o0 and the Bruce county General Hospital. T. PF rticnlaa:9 are at hand. Mr. 0. DX, guard until the indications cultninate. will meet the Financial Secretaries in Sunday last. rateinterest. eaits also received at Curren!!
uPNarda, and added to principal 3$1, June The furnil ure would cost if purchased, i Talker of Winghnm saw him at Mede- Vicious thunder storms, accompanied the lecture -loom of the church at 10 Drafts on Great Britain and the Vulted
and 31st; December each year. $120,00, eide Hat net May 10th. Ile had then with hail and possiblytornadic centers a. m. The ministerial session of the The 16th annual gathering of the States bought and sold.
]leen in the hospital on account Of ill- are among the things reasonably to be, Conference will commence at 2 p. W. Walkerton Baptist Association will be E L, LhOKriTsorr, Solicitor,
A. E. GIBSON, Manager Another Chance. ness, hot was recoverin Particulars held at Tiverton
g g• expected at this period, Venus down- Thursday, Dupe 4th.—Tire ministers ,Wednesday and Tours- W. CORBOULD Agent
Everybody attend Homuth Bros. are expected daily, pours of rain, amounting to cloudburst and laymen will. weet for general busi- day, June 3 and 4. The ladies will hold Hamiltonave uud carets notified Issueat the Bank of
R, vanstotte, solicitor nese at 9 a.m. their annual meeting on the afternoon of the National Provincial Bank of England
Auction Sale of Boots and Shoes. About Shade Trees. in many localities, are $iso more than o1 June 4. Amon the man ILtdd which can be cashed without charge or
Best of our stock left. Don't forget There is altogether too much liberty probable, Some very cool nights are CONFI;ItENCI; ANNIVERSARIES. s eTune will b8 ng the
many prominent trouble in any part of the worla
the date—Saturday next, May 3o. taken with the trees, which beautify sure to result when the storms are The following anniversaries will be p , Torouto.
PROPERTY FOR SALE. over, On and touching the 9th and held next week ;— The Executive of Brussels District
the landscape. It is a popular error loth, look for reaction to storm condi- Tuesday, June 2, 8 m. — Sunda
Delegates, that shade -trees do the street are the t d- Sabbath School Association has decided
A. Li, Carr oflora for sato taiq property on iVm. Feasat)t r Lions—change to ranch warmer, g school and Epworth League. Ad- BARGAINS
Minnie Strool, consisting of One 'l -story frame
, John Derr of Wing. prnprrty of the enrrnration, and thus g 'fallen dresses by Rev. R, D. Hamilton, J. to cancel the Convection this year.
cottage, with modorn improvements, bath ham, Wm. Wray of Belgrave, W. A. they can be mntili,ted nr removed barometer and more storms of rain, Nicholson, Esq., and Rev. G. H. Cob- It should buys been held next week if
room, electric lit,•ht, steel tango stove, carpets, thunder, and heavy squalls of wind, bledick, B. D. the regular date was adhered to. Pres -
linoleum, otc., also ono barn, and two full lots Strong of Got tie, Joseph Leech Of without, let or hindrance from the g
on ltion�l WiII t.. Ever thivery np.isInspect Bluevale are among the lay delegates owner of the adjacent property; The regular summer solstice disturb -
class Wednesday. June 3, 8 p. m.—'Temper- sure of other gatherings and the absence
tion invited; this is one of the must desirablo to the London Conference, to be held When any tree butcher or other per- antes will set in at this time, making once. Addresses by Rev. Jasper of several speakers is the reason for " ! �, RAS
properties in Wingham, June thunder showers probable almost Wilson, M. A., Dr. Thornton, and withdrawal this year. +'s"---�� ��►v
A. H.'CARR. next tvicek in iVingham, son comes along with designs on your Rev. J. H. Oliver. y
shade -trees just quote subsections 3 any afternoon and evening. From
Football Match,about the 8th to the 15th each year, Thursday, June 4.8 p.m.—Edticationn.l. London Conference.
and 4 of section 1 chapter 243, S. 0. Lbe Earth P asses a point in its orbit at Addresses by Rev. G. W, Brown, B. On account of the Conference Station.
The last Football batch in the junior which say ;—"Every tree on the streetD., and S. J. Allin. 0 Glenco Juniors, picture 2x2
��e11zt �I series of the W, F. A. will be played shall he deemed t0 be the property of which abnormal electrical changes are Frida Jane 5, 8 p.m.—Reception ser- ing Committee commencing their work Regular $1.00—sato prloe., 1' Fi1m,�
on the ark here on Tuesday evening infused into our globe and atmosphere. y, p p on Monday, some of the members will
P g the owner of the lands adjacent, and vice. Addresses by Rev. G. J. Bislt-
June 2nd, at 6,30, between Wingham every growingtree planted or left Under no circumstances should one op, Wm, McDonagh, and the Presi- arrive on Saturday next. Two of the 1 only >; and F Camera, picture 21x21,
P Plate. Regular $100—Sale Price..... 1.25
Seo Halsey Park's adv), and Listowel. This game decides the standing shall be deemed the property ever take refuge under a green tree in dent. ministers will preach in the Methodist
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. standing of the teams in the district. of the owner o£ the land Ad'acent." one of these vicious, June thunder Sat•nrday, June 0, 3 p.m,—Theological church on Sunday next—Rev. A. L. r only Magazine Camera, picture 31x3;.
storms. Union. Lecture by Rev. C. P. Wells. Russell, B,D„President of the Con -
Plate. Regular 84.00—sale Price...... 2.5o
Thos. Forbes is painting the exter- Sudden Death. Our CAnvas Shoes have a snmmar B. A., B, D.-5nhject, "Inspira•tion." ference at 11 a.m., and Rev. W. J. Ford, I only Glenco A, picture 31x31, .Film.
for of his residence, �]innie street. Mr. Million. Of Teeswater, died very reanrt feeling in every Pair, $1.00 to Our too kind for s.t eles s touch hippers are ante 4,30 p.m,—Meeting of the Methodist LLB , at 7 p m Regular 80.00—sale Price .............. 5100
$1.50.—W, J. Greer. g R Historical Society. 1, 01-11Y .(3Ionco No, 1, picture 4x51 Plate.
Messrs. Fr fo le and Taylor have suddenly on Friday last. He had to a Woman's outfit—$1,00 to $2.50.
y g y Huron Schools. W, J, Greer, Corner Stone, Leather carrying case. Regular $3,00
laid a cement walk for Mrs. Helps, been working out; on the lawn, and I gu
p'' Victoria Day was eelebrated in Har- --Sale Price ............ ............ .. 6,50
same in to zest. He was found shortly The annual report of the Minister of Very Sad. NOTICE.—A satisfactory sale of bnat- ,.
Souter street. y rfston by the corner -stone laying o1 the i only Glenco B, picture 31x31, Flim,
. after, sitting in his chair, with the Education for Ontario for 1902 bas just Inexpressible grief has come to the Hasa or property certain if listed with new $15,000 Methodist church, Avast Regular 88.00—sale Price .............. 0.00
Wingham Lacrosse team play a game spark of life extinct. A number from been issued, and from it we make a home of Dir. and Mrs. F. Sparling, on 0, J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent. crowd o1 p p p
With Listowel boys in the last named Wingham attended the funeral on few extracts regarding Huron county account of the death of their second Dr. Ovens of London, M. R. C. S. , people were resent. In ad- 1 only Second-hand Camera picture 44x
.town on Friday, June 5th. Sunday. schools:— daughter, Loretta Louise, wife of Dr. L. R. 0. P. specialist, eye. ear, nose dition to the pastor, addresses were de -
Population between 5 and 21.... 14.027 W. R. S arlin What sad chap es and threat. will be in Wingham. at livered by Rev. Dr. Henderson, chair -
High Court OfEcers. Pn its between 5 and 21 ....,, .. 10,897 dose the kaleidoscope of life resent. Campbell's drug stare, Monday, June man of the Palmerston district, Rev.
"teat] of cement at Whitechurch on p P P 1st, Glasses properly fitted. David Rogers,
Friday last. At the meeting of Court Maitland, Pupils under 5 .................. 11 Less than fifteen months ago, Dr. and sera, chairman of the Wing -
Friday r n � �
No. 25, 0. 0. F., on Friday evening of Pupils over 2l.., ................ 6 Airs. Sparling were united in marriage 1 ham district, and the resident ministers i/1Vr {1V
Paisley School Board has resolved this week, Mr, E. Gartung, Superin- Boys ........... • ..... 11 ........ 5,700 and. life'$ future to them was bright CURIOSITY IN NAMES. of the town. Corner -stones were laid
to prosecute all those who employ tendent of Organization, and Mr. Girls . .............. I............ 5,208 with anticipation and hope. Death by Senator James McMullen, of Mount DRUG STORE.
under I4 years of age. Thos. White, High Secretary, expect Average attendance ............. 6,421 has changed the scene and brought Dix. EDITOR.—In view of the coming Forest; Dr. Beattie Nesbitt, M.P.P., of
to be present. Let there be a full at- Male Teachers ................... 88 sorrow and sadness. About four Conference to our town, the follow- Toronto; Mr. F. Beck, and Dr. S, M.
Boy WANTED.—To deliver parcels, y Next door to Post Office.
and learn hardware business.—A. tendance of the members on that oc- Female It .,,,,-,,,,,, 133 weeks ago, Mrs. (Dr.) Sparling return- Ing may be of interest:— Henry, of Harriston, who were each
Young & Son. rasion. Legislative Grants ........ ..$ 8.208 00 ed from the west, with her husband, Your correspondent has occasionally recipient of a , handsomely engraved
Mr. R. G. Jefferson and family of LOST, — Ladies' Gold Watch, be. Received for school purposes 138,845 27 intending to spend the summer with indulged in a little hnmoriethe names silver trowel in commemoration of the
Teachers' salaries........... 09,411 19 her event.
North Dakota have become residents )ween Whitechurch and Wingham. parents; apparently she was in of ministers of the London Conference,
of our town. They occupy Jas. Col- Finder please leave at the Broadway Total expenditure........... 109,356 79 the best of health. Last week she was but as there are changes in the person- Biblets Influence.
]ins' residence, House, and receive reward General statistics for the province taken ill, and became rapidly worse, net, perhaps the following enDEvt;R The power of the Bible alone, without
may be found -on Page 4, On Suuda , it was thought that the may y g y have tiro virtue Of freshness and
Rev. D. Petmto was elected by Mait- Worth Trying. comment or explanation, was lately enol was near. She called. her friends pith:-- Presbytery Commissioner to at- A couple of `quarts of chloride of Early In June. P strikingly illustrated in the far north—
tend the General Assembly to be heed soda or chlorinated soda it is said will to her bedside, and the scene will To begin with, we have a fnilfledged two hundred miles within the Arctic � �-
y The Commission in the Gamey- never be forgotten, as she gave her Blimov and DPAOON, and if Dr. Lar- '{
;next month in Vanconver, B. C. clear any ordinarry cistern from foul Stratton enquiry has closed, so far as Circle. A missionary a England hav-
odore. To qct the best results, the parting words, ];seller in the day she man comes, as we expect, Ave will sure- ind en
The Kincardine Public Library public sessions' are concerned; the Was visited by Rev. R. Hobbs, who ly have things done BnowN1;:. If tiro i penetrated o a place called s ready ����
board is Makin en uirios of the material should be poured:;into the counsel in the case have argued Lbe this latitude, found the Eskimos ready
g q cistern, using for this purpose nn g found her blippp and triumphant in weather should he warn), though we to hear him and attentive to his teach-
JPalmerston Board with a view to ap- g P P y matter, and it remains now for the the prorpect of death. As she sang have two BRRieS. our never -dry
Iy"in to Andrew Carnegie for $6000 kind o£ pipe that will reach the hot- Commissioners to prepare their report .. ,+ lugs. It developed that seven Sears ago
P y g p NelLrer ury God to Thee, every eye WELLS and iZIt*ERs will furnish bey- is good advice, but flow to d0
for a building, torn. and hand it into the Legislature. It is a woman -from this little village had
g was tear•dimmPd.! On Monday she erase good enough. The HART Of the g so, is sometimes hard t0
assuring to know that the Judges visited a mission station on Cumberland
The Canadian Foresters of Seaforth Air Motor. g 8 rallied a little and thus lingered until Conference will be in Wingbam, and a know. We would suggest a
made the enquiry thorough as possi- Sound, had learned to read, and carried
will run an excursion to Niagara Falls Among the outer improvements Tuesday afternoon, when she passed LIVIxG STONE in the spiritual fabric, ]some with her a few Scripture � pair of light Oxfords or Slip -
tile. There appeared to be r_o effort on pture portions,
from all stations between Stratford made at the Brunswick, by too new to a brighter home. Beside the sorrow- with a D1AsoN to lay it. The Transfer pets, Or a pair of Canvas
g their part to restrict the investigation. sharing her knowledge with her fellow -
and Goderich on Friday,June 12th. proprietor, Atex. Orr, is a large wind- stricken husband, she ]sieves an inter- Committee eves MANNING our Confer- shoes such as we .have in a
Chea fares are promised. motor for pumping water. It was snc- Their report is now in course of pre- esting baby boy of fonr months. The ence a year ago, and these brethren villagers, and thus instilling into them a large variety of styles.
The West Huron
Farmers' It cessfully raised on Tuesday, and was present it early in ration, and they Jitne,Pl beforethe
to bereaved relatives are assured of sin- will find a BOND of union among tie. word for a greater knowledge of the } you want a pair of Tennis,
furnished by Wm. Gannett, of town, cereal sympathy in their dark hour of We are sprightly and YOUNG and are I.
Bowling or Outing shoes ; we
will hold a meeting at R. M, Youngs The Brunswick will be in good trim Legislature prorogues, The Judges trial. The funei-Al takes place this always GOING, yet if any need a spur Presbytery of Maitland. -]lave what you want in these
farm in Colborne, on Friday, June 12, for travellers when improvements are regard the Legislators as the final(Thursday) afternoon to Wingham we can nse the BUDD, Though not in- The Presbytery of Maitland met in lines,
- The Women's Institute will meet at completed. Court of Appeal, but beyond that the
cemeterp, tellectual[y verdant,we have a GItEENE the Episcopalian church, Wingham, on
the same time and place. electors reserve the right to declare on There is no death in heaven ; man
from Clintone from Essex G man Tuesdaythe 19th and was dui consti• � special line of
COTTON BARGnIN3—.Jost received an- Friday Evening. the guilt or innocence of diose con- For the who sin that shore y I This week a
other shipment, of Mill Ends at Isards This is the date for the rendering of corned i11 what is generally acknow- have won their immortality, toted with the Moderator fii the Chair, ,
P g And too can die no more, As to provisions, we have SwnvN, Rev, S. Al. Whaley presented a unnn- � Men's Shoes, per pair.... 90c
—every piece a Bargain. the Cantata—"Picnic in Fairyland," ledged to he a sad chapter in the deca- y WREN and VEALE, and a COOK and
deuce of Ontario politics. !mous call from Dungannon and Port
A much-needed and copious shower by sixty young people and children in P Wool Wanted—Eggs, • s, 14c—Potatoes, two BAlmns. We area peaceable lot 'Hanna
P i,g• P Albert in favour of Rev. O. M. Rather -
5 rain fell clueing Monday night. It the Town hail, under the direction of May 25th. 75c. Seed Corn for sale—at Geo. E. of men, et if HARRIS -era to can YELL- ford the •
Mise Hon y call was sustained b thePres-
is said it scarcely laid the dust at Blue- ghLou, Seats may be resery Monday was celebrated as Victoria li)Iig'a, Winghrtrr)• (.SND) SCRATCH and be WiclmTT. y
ed at Dou lass' drii store without Tire
ery and accepted by Mr. Rutherford.
vale and Whitechurch, A heavy rainextra g g day, and many citizens sought and Died. tiVe have one P:aRSON(II) and one Tho date of induction was flied for 3 � ���� STORE
on Tuesday afternoon. children I5c er
ge T Ad sihould be 2a full found pleasure at a distance. Those Many of our readers will regret to SHEr1IEztn, and, withal, are a FAIR O'clock, June 2nd, in Dungannon, The :_
The death rate of the globe is esti svho remained in town enjoyed the and NoBi.E company of men, who need � Next door to Post Office
ho -Ase. One of the special features will learn of the death of Mt•. Gatmt, one KNorr FEAR comparison, a Moderator was appointed to preside,
mated at 68 per minute, 97,920 per day, be the rendering o£ riia special
open air concert given by the Band on of the first settlers of the township of PAUL, P , vett with Rev. B. Smith to preach, F. J. Maxwell
or 85,740,800 per year, The birth rate the Park ];rounds. This was the first West iVawanosh which took place at to address the congregation and A, Me
public appearance of the new or anlz- Fearing the Eelitor cannot af-FORD
is 70 per niinute, 100,800 per day, or Married. l PP g his home in Lucknow on iVednesday, Bay, the minister, Rev. Goo. Batlan-
30."r9�,000 per year reckoning the ation, and the players acquitted them• more space, I will stop right here,
c P y g Gorrie residents will be interested in q 20th Inst. aL the age of 75 years, Mr. type tendered his resignation of the
year to be 305 days in length. the following item from the Exeter selves very creditably, They gave an Gaunt, was born in Strotton on Foss, gray , 1002 ONE Or '1`HE�I. pastoral charge of Molesworth, where he
The small boy and his firecrackers Advocate ;—Rev. R. J. Al. Perkins, excellent program, and with more ex- Warwickshire, England on February has labored faithfully and successfully
rector of the Triaitt Memorial church tended practice, we expect to hear 1st, 1816. lie emigrated to Citnadra t for Wino years. As Mr. Ballantyne APPRENTICE WANTED.—To learn
caused one of the bus teams to run them do even better. Win roam base -
away on Monday. Results might will receive the congratulations of with his parents and brothers in the pressed his resignation, it was accepted, the Tinsmithing business; good strong
hall team met the Cargill players sin bov. Applications received up till
have been more costly than they were, many friends on his return to town g P y g year1852,ac)cl spent some months in the a the Presbytery passing a strong resolu- Diay 30th.—A. Young .� on.
,There seems to be no fun for some with his bride, Miss Russell, an estim• on the diamond at Mildmay and de- County of York. In the fail of 1852, E��Y1� �•�us
able, popular voting had y feated then) by a score of 12-10. The he came to the township of West Wa- 11 '� tion r appreciation. Tho pulpit will he
be MONEY To LOAN—At �#� per cent. on
,,boys unless they can do mischief, g y Of Lmdsa football team went to Listowel and ••^ declared vacant on the Slat lust. by the improved farms. Easy terms Of re.
the marriage ceremony having taken wanosh and located on tot 17, Con, 12, Ministers and church workers generally, are Rev. D. McCrae, who was appointed rtyme nt, ; expenses light. Apply A.
,-The Grand Trunk Railway has place in that town on Wednesday, played a gape with the team of that where he continously resided till a few , ewsatliyder tine liondintritro'n oho rsof roupcoti o interim Moderator. Rev, J. !Vest re- Ril Tinge, Real Estate and Loan
made arrangements for a supply of 20th inst. town, our boys winning by a score of months ago. He was one of the most ahurolics. ported that the congregation of Wroxe- Agent, Xi:ent Block.
the latest works of fiction to form a 3 to 2, Wingham Lacrosse team play progressive and successful farmers in Bruce Presbytery has made arrange- ter would shortly hold a meeting for the
free library on all through trains. Another Outbreak. ed a game with Teeswater boys at the this section, and for many years, in ur of calling a minister. Permis-
meats to celebrate the Jubilee of Rev. purpose g
The books will be free to passengers in The Kineardine Review says:—All Oatholic Picnic, and lost the game by company with his two sons, was a• Mr. Tolmie's ordination, on Jnne 2nd. sion was given to the clerk conjointly
the cafe, parlor, or Pullman cars. churches and schools within a radius 3-1. The day was fine and pleasure monget the foremost breeders of Short with the Moderator to cite eongrega.
Fon SALE. -200 acres, 50 acres good of five miles from the residence of seekers report a good time. Horn cattle and,Leicester sheep in the The laying of the corner -stone of the tions to appear for their interest in case
hardwood bush, fine stock farm, apply John McLeod, Huron township have Won The Trophy. County, and the flocks and herds from Methodist church, Nile, has been post- of ministers resigning between the re- 'THH -
to --C. J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent. been closed by the Board of Health on Ample Shade Stock Farm, owned by poised to June 16th. Messrs. Joynt, gular meetings of Presbytery, Rev. D.
account of an outbreak of smallpox, The shooting match between Wing- E. Gaunt & sons, yearly carried off Myers, Doherty land Mrs. Girvin have
X3oard'a Dairyman reports the case A Mr. Mcleod who had had sense] pox, ]tam and Beehive Rifle teams for the perform this ceremony. Pert7e of Wingham was appointed a
of a Guernsey heifer which gave 8,84'2} Silver Oup, given by W. 13. Dulmage, many of thebeatbeat prizes in show rii)Ra been invited to y. Commissioner to the General Assembly - Corner Drug Store
over the line, managed to get past the of the Ieadin exhibitions in the Do- It is expected that the new Presby. in Vancouver, who with Messrs. West,
lbs. of milk and nearly 454 lbs, of health off hers and brought the Infec- of Gorrie, came oft in that village' on ,pinion. Five years ago Chia large terian church at Rosemotrt will be open- Malcolm, 1t eCrae (who was appointed a
butter fat in one year. The average tion here and has given every oppor- Monday last. The honor of winning herd of cattle and sheep were disposed ed cit the first Sunday ice June. Messrs, member of the committee of Bills and
tunity of a very rapid spread. Ile the Cu fel! to Wingham Rifle team, of, since which time Mr. Gaunt lived McKee Bros. of the Dodd's Medicine Overtures snakes the full
test of the milk was 5,13, The heifer p g y
was 23 months bid when the test and the highest individual score was , ) quota of iS ;tli4 Place f0 ,get
made his home at his brother, John also made by s member a the rein a retired life and in October last, he Co., of Toronto, contributed $1000 to the ministers from this Presbytery. The
began. McLeod's Con. 8 Ifuron, where the g- and Dirs. Gaunt, took up their rest- EVerj'1*i11ng that 1S
building fent] 01 the church. clerk was instructed to divide th0 ap•
The White Star line excursion to De- first outbreak occurred and visited at ham tears), Robt. Freeborn, who made dente in Lucknow. Mr. Gaunt was
troit will be run from Kincardine on many outer places. 119 points out of a possible 120, He prominently identified wiLh the muni- Rev. Messrs, Miller tend McLeod of propriation for expenses equally among Pure and Fresh in
June 17th. The new steel steamer, was closely followed by M.�Doubledee etpal affairs of West Wawanosh and Maitland Presbytery have left for a his members attending, Messrs. Miller
Greyhound, will be the boat used. Excursion. of the Beehive team €sit"ai`1TS, 'trft l J. for nineteen years ably ocenpiod a seat three mouths' trip to Scotland. While and Russ presented petitions regarding
The fare for the round trip will be Minerva Encampment, NO, 47, 1, 0. Mcltague of the Wingham team with Its Councillor itnd Deputy -Reeve At the away, Mr. Miller will arrange for the the ro-Opening of the Wilkie case. After
$1.50 and from Godetich $1 for the 0. 1'•, Wingham have completed ar- 110, The team shooting was even all Township and County Council Boards, publication of his latest work—"The considerable discussion as to the wisdom
raugernnets for another popular excue- through, Wingham winning by two without intermission; when he volun Religious Element in Psycholgy." of the course it was decided to request 19119S
round trip. slop to Sarnia and Detroit, on t3atur- Points, iVm. Smit]), the last luau to the Assombly to grant another enquiry.
t The Canadian Pacific Railway Com- da June 13th. The train will leave fire, made a fine score, thus winning tari[y retired. In 1855 141x. Gaunt was A reception will be tendered to Rev. Missionary Mitchell, Evangelist Russell
y married to Miss Isabella Purvis, who
pony now has a !feet of nlueteen Wingbam at 6.50 a, fn., and the return the match for Wingham, Capt, W. s,trvives 11,111), together with one son g M. Rutherford ,
Erskine e C beautiful
and Rev. Hobbs t sitasco being in
Wteatners on the Pacific coast; seven of fare to and from Sarnia is $2 05. Ar- H. Dole feels proud of his team. They and one daughter•• --Mr. Joseph Gaunt, la tion, Dirs. Davidsonthe beautiful rent, ers Invited to sit . corresponding
them are deep sew vessels, the teat rangententg are being made for spec- have given hin) charge of the Cup, and on the old homestead, and Dirs. J. St. lawn of Airs. avisoon Tuesday members of Presbptoiy. 'Jobe meeting
being the coast and river traffic. lit ial excursion rates by bout or trolly rho names of the team will he en- Clair WIt.Iker of Lneknow, Ile was an evening. Messrs. Dunn, Hastie and too closed with a conference on "Qtinli#lca-
:addition, the company bas several from Sarnia to Detroit. Returning, graved thereon. The Beehive riflemen ardent and life-long Reformer, and in local ministers are expoeted to give ad• tions for church membership," Mr. `
fine lake steamOrs churning Itootenay the train will leave S:arniw on Monday, are a fine lot of follows, and took their 5 dresses, Miller the firsts ;� . L. Hamilton
defatat ooditatnredl religion was a member of the Church g speaker, Ile �vns
waters. June I5th, at 10 p, in, running through g y of England. Mr. Gaunt way widely The special services in the Methodist followed by the Rev, R. McLeod wlio
BuENT—Cat• Durham coment just to Lucknow. J. A. Morton is chair- I,*ANCv BRE.kIo,--J, Buckley is selling known and greatly osteemed.—•[Luck- church closed last Sunday evening, and seemed to be well versed In the ancient DRUGGIST
y' p ` g y now Sentinel.
n,rrived. X'artt�a who Intend using mat) of the comnttttee, 11 ver leu$• 7.ite I'arneit•lJe=ilei Baking Uo, s Falco Evangelist Russell loft alt Monday. Ito ]]Calory of the Church, especially in Scot.
soon will do the wise not if ant trip at a low cost ie placed within Bread, Rolls, ate, ; to aerie at 11 a. m. speaks highly of Wingham slid Wee do- ]sled. The discussion showed that the
they buy, it now, as cement will likely reach of all, What the brethren of daiilay. GtSpecial lines—Horne-made,
ib e l uk rs aide]) le- u. If there is a better $3.00 or +$7-w- lighted with the reception accorded standard was not uniform. presbytery A •L N G 11 A Al _
advance in price before long. Wo <aro rekthe three links do, is generally well Rye,delivered , ninn s shoe to Town than ours we will
also Agents for Hanover cemeut.—A. g y wheat. Currant, etc. ; to an ours for tiathhlt) o fl d Git a p him. I30 rand Mrs. lttasaell aro earnest adjourned to moot at WhitOolturelt in
done. part of the town, .Phone 1'l, workers. Se tombgr.
�i'oudg rot Sob, � nothing.—W. p
give rho than who tin a it a ate of