HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-05-14, Page 6_1_Nq , ,
__ ..'..-,.-------,--�,--"----,..--.,- -.--,---,-----.,--
-Lit 1.1 I, .1iii .Ilii i I .1 11,11-0-1-- uwm,;skv$kpi4i,ii)IAILvi.mol.bo�i,i�iN'11,I I .. INNI.40#! - liclaine"n datif'"hiter; votir cousin � I 0 . . PRhT IV CIRCUS WOMEN. The Sunlight way of wash- ISS LT EJ N4 . 014), 1104,
. -
, Thoto are several wawa of adulterati. g I dearif 11 1. " . , — t, . 1) 111.
n U.1alne looked, rai surprised. . They atust Have (good Looks Now- ing requires little or no .;,,;._,-;-_ . _.,�_ _W_.�___ _ - :_� ....--
\f;° . . 11
-. t,Qas—ftn inferior bran4 mixecl in is the cousin ? YOs, I think titer ' 0
Usual Way. I0 � ada)s as as Good bluseles. Ural Whislows m,ottung $yru
Is A Lady Mancha, batt; I have tievor R. � ,% should
. litivenys be wied for Children 1'cet ing, it,
I seen tier. AiII Is she Irror . 'There Is a now lilluil at circus girl, rubbing. You should try goothos the child, softens liliefeupill cares vriall
euilc and to We beqt romcdr for Plarrhaaa,
- ELP q = "Yes-thore, look now That fti,iiii. just ,its there is a now eNhorus rilri. Sunlight Soap. I - _1 , ______
EF"Ift 1P . I girl iu wo idw-tue very loultIress. Soft and crooked bones mean The latest -ruing in choll girls is ""'
J6P . AlI%I yon Ni knol she wall here? bad feeding. Call the disease slight and pi(ittant, and In .r, LEARN A PE.'OFEM510N
°" E3 RAebbon � , marked Will not injure
.;JIe I'i "�_1119 with title Daullist"ll rickets if �,ou want to. The physical contrast to tile opulent, IN FIFTEEN DAYS
- L
- I
isn't site tremondi aressea ? I . dainty fab- �
AP�A thought her just p,rfeot until ��uu Ing child must eat the stalwart wauty who was formerly by inall so .you ean. make Ili VIVII TO Trier
- callit, In, bat now I W114it Is �t 5.011 growing
I CIS consIdered, the only type adapted I 111014,ARR A PAY. For partlenlarti write
C V I at)� dear, to inaice everything rig t food for growth, Bon stage display to rics. SIDI ., ;; I
A` I .. . .
ylon Te a blo .The nair kind of elrous, gir Is .., A. HANSEL9 M. H. 210st
- , . you wear Ic)ok Ali If It grew. oil must have bone food, od . 111' Ave. North
Is a uniform tea of a specia i .
, your Olt, ,It) go Away for 4 inji,* striking principally on account of .1 kiamitton. ont.
, I
I I ade growth, uta. Mr. Markley. I" she broke ort must havio'blood food and so tier inerea,lued comeliness. Tile bard- J ,ill) - I --- --- , , - .., ___,______
: tit despair to a ollow who I "'. 5 _ ��
- We vialaule 7our C0XWtJl1%Ue4 O:rCleVS too on through thelist. , dyed-hairod ii with her Hot, _. . . . I
. MuCh t® adulteraft in an7, war., came lipoll tham hoping to steal a Q, = n,d ghastly little coquatrlea � I I . I
- I march-and a dance. "I 0al"n't. h4ve Scott's Emulsion is, the right jwa, thIng a the pal , � . - . I �
Black. Mixii Cqion Green. Ask for Red Label, Tonin 'a Peculiarities. • ky,l `
- I another chance to IiAy A weW to lier, treatment for soft bones in The women are nowadays fresher, . ` i ,
r, 0XViry CXNTS._CHOUF�X) BIS 1r1rTy 3 pexhap% and there's a (lance just bo, prettlor and nearly Always, better Chicago Tribune. 11 , .0 ..•. 1.0 �,7*
- 1, children, Little doses everyday ,I 1. �... ,,,..,
I L 11 �Illl WIN I 4.A.110 .. lh.=,!A�kh IlLilli 1; IN I Ili I, .!'I 6 Ni.A111I&I1IA,J.�I&Il I IN ,11411N,41, III �, I. A N? 'JUJI me 11 . 111, 1, 1 .1 1. 1120 4 1I- , ginning I E,I.,Ll"e__ I , dressed than they ever were In the "Where do ,yez keep the jmn, �
. - - I . I a All Comeliness seems -to be re- I TIC ALI,-VIAYS READY I
- - I— . -1 ail, 'tag 'to comi qW rUalne, give the stiffness and shape , ,num I Inquired the ,,,!ir hired girl, SKIII IFVPPQRTI; �
with a sw2LIC1. garded ni " important as their I ivas trylug to ramiliarIze, liorl Nl a IRVAIT Ap"AT, .
$1,14"'flq-l�g-�4-o-It-t-o-o-w-,O-e-,,e-i-C-4-*-V-O-f-'&-J--Zcs U-w agRfed, and shock hee head, but that healthy bones should have. tutlilletic sWIL 1.11 ,�., , - 1 lt
health self with her surroundings. � . �, - ": 1,
I Ill I 'One very medlwre acrobat was a "'A3 ! •I'll .... ,
f%0*-NNNI'oINNINNINNINNININwN�Nq��, NN"i .4 1 Bow 16gs become straighter "WE, keep it lit d1frorent places," 1 .. - -
. . I
.\o-not yet. But lie mi ang- I , $ woman called The Beautiful tierall , � ". I
0 , get i joints dine," who was successful ton yen 11�1 'T nipy .
P"o 41 101aine, dear, can't for i Yolial loose joints grow stronger and years lid Mrs. Nickor, "until Tot -
"I a awfully Artful, for tllo ago from one Ind of 1-�arepa to the rulds out whoro It Is and then we I
gr fflit'l-slie firmne.gs comes to the soft other, not because she wive skilful dan't keep it at all.", Best Selling Skirt Supporter and lValst Adjuster
glaliced acrog;s at Mrs, . . I
'I'he Ruirlse afld Lily Dagoer Bradley, a lievere, old lady In an elah- heads. In her -work, but on account or liar ever intro acei Sells of Ill (4004 prong.
6 Grato Itieff.4-drevs.wIlIch seemed coil supposedly great beauty 'Yet to-day A Ith'COGNIZU'D FACT, Send 24 cents for sample and terms to agents.
' posed of bird or p�,ralhm feall.11-A?8 All Wrong food caused the 'alie would not avilm so lnuell Above . 1.11W.I&I-1 & CO., DEPT. R., TORONTO.
A TALEi OP ;OMAN'S LOVE AND "Ni I the Average — __.__________________ - _ _.______._
I cabbage, leaves-"is dri�adfully sliarp, trouble. Right food will cure it. of looks at tile Madison .
S WOMANI'S Pa_rt1IDY .0 il .4 .4 And wticawake. I believe she suspects 1. Square Garden. USE
%0NNN~.'1%,,-..i sometbirig, X do indeed--" In thousands of cases Scott's Their dressing Is also more taste- It Is universally conceded that to 11000 MILI AXLE GMBH
L "11�._,.Ial,,_� I and hope, Miss Emulsion has proven to be the fill 11, Its eolors, And ,tile *womell who Property Appreciate a trip to New 1. L
Li�.0.,-O.-.J..4i.i�,a),.&N.,§�.. �,�,-�s-ON4>.VllaNi.l.a.l..Rk.0-1-S�110-1-�C2 1 DZY Cl"In" I think this year ride lit hallite tire In
('lu"le," si the'luffill whol had been right food for soft bones in every way smarter J�noidng than they York or Boston, one must the
I It Has No Equal
Mr. Lulwood shakes hands with away to have All the windows open. lucky enough to secure ,Elaine for tier - . I were in, the p.,ii But It Is liar )mks I take t. I ATanufaotured only by
anybody, everybody, As lie makes the "A great many people here," il fill dunce. � - childhood, . host road. Ziat road Is the New THE CAMPSELL MFO, 00.
tour or the roam, 'and, to one And all Mr. Algernon, "There"' exclaimed May, with a that differentiate the present-day
offers the same remark; "Yes," all Lady Blanche, "and pent. "What Is It, a quadrille? Ob. Send for free sample, circus girl from liar prodeluesmors. She York Central. of HAMILTON, ONTAPIO.
. is rapidly becoming it thing otbeauty ror sale by all leadluir dealers.
"Fille evviling.. vill "hie; wo r,b�til there are, sti I know. There Is Col. pi I can be vle-a-vis. I I'll see I SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, &g well as of muscle and daring.-N. - - - - ______
llavo the wet presently." oliel SINvAlley, And captain-isn't he to the young- Toronto. Ontario. Y. Sun. The Vneominercial I
Then he laughs, shakes tile head, that Captain, .Captain _- %hat follow almost fieroolyi "I'd rather 5oc.,auli, Sz.Qi all druggists . . � Aszt. I . �l . .
. nrice, with her t1lan, with any man, . — aye vague . -1 , Excursions
as if in Appreciation of a capital tall inall with the light hair?" III I - Artistic folk frequently, li, . 1 51 ay
joke, and passes on. Mr. Algernon turns Ills oyeglaqs In the room-,' I � � lac Couldnit Piay I , FIN notions about business, . Some of i M.
, "'I , ,
reluctantl the direction Indl- May was unsuccessful In her effort DR. A. W. CHASE them, sayb Collier's weekly, : 11113twilton to 11i
A taw minutes afterward the Ban- , are quite . I real, single 87,00,
nisters make their appearance. The eaten by Ybein to be placed visa-vis, and the persons The small son of a member of Con- I., I , Itt. Ilti
r fan. It Is Captain was
- :
Sherwin who has just entered, and who took their 'gross invited to a party at the CATARRH CURE. 4, 2001. ignorant, oi it, others utterly lndlf� I .
baronet is tall and thin, with a - Is sent dire he dl .... ad ferent to it, and others yet hate a . ! oronto tollon I real
EN:i1no and her p Positions were house of a girl friend of his He 8lngloA6,Itt.$11.5()
sfixtare, wooden face, and a lack- is standing putting his mustaolieland aittier we ' puts. by theImprovedBlowe, the very name of It'. I
lustre eye; lie was In Parliament looking round with his shifty tier- Illaticho and Mr. Baxl[niotetl said he didn't want to go. Heals the ulol ci the a1v One of vie Last named catogori Ao") to intQ111tedlate paints. Alvals ilindberth
for a few V - a " Why not T' asked Ills father. "You passes included. titeil Wil Alondar,ii-s and
. voutt eyes, La.dy Blanche looked across at ,,,..4es, s.tops dropi in the won Liszt. He Irad returned tfrom ,4 lrbitrsoti,yli; lit Alliv-11tinillton I 1) in., Toroti-
by the Barilifleldians-to be a. great :Ila-aa, Captain She generally have a good time, I d W�,;ua' _ur"
.ears, and Is supposed Sherwin. Elaine with a smile that meant to . don't "'I'll CatarrhafInd y F ve,Wi3low.r successful taut', And PrIflCeSS Met- � to T-110 pau. Ful,thor intornin (ton I to
0 . I
'I met. him last year�somewiheil be sweet, and, as they approaclied 7 flu ?" free. All dealers, or Dr. A, W. Chiltsis toll the wird of the celebrated ' 14N'its 01' H. 1`09TIM ('11AFFBE, lVe"tern
stwtesman. ai,d certain of the prem- i Yes," replied the son, "but I guess 11assenger Acen b It. & O., Toronto.
lership, If he cared for It; and the saga Lady Blanche as they mw,re near enough to speak, she said: Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo, statesman and diplomatlet, was --- -_
baronet, who Is quite convinced they to the upper. part of the room where "How ,do you (10, Elaine ? L, am don't care to go to this one." . � � . L questioning Min regardhip,; the con- . .
are right, carries himself like a mall the great ores cluster together In glad to meet you,", The father grew Insistent, "Tell . sorts lie' had been giving abroad, '.4i �1. "i I
I me. � the reasoo,"! be said. 111 should Might be Worse Yet. V%,",
emit- . "I linar ', she said, "that you did - l;
weighed down by secrets. Ile proud exclusiveness, and as If tar Blaine blushed slightly, and ,, "I � `��, -R� ` .
doesn't shake hands with anyone Ull- -mutual defencep(Tiiinstitheirillebelana od. a response, bat said nothing, think you would be crazy to 90.0 , nuffalo Express. good �usiiiess in ril '..... ,,a
� )"ZO-)
. 1 1 .
- g i" . ,
less he is obliged, and even now to Lady Blanche is given a seat of and the (lance The son twlsted and turned and Mrs. Homer-You can't go home To which Liszt gave the tart re- 'i
"-. ,
proceeded. At Its then he blubbered: while It Is raining so, Stay and have ply, "I only 947, . , ...� ,
most persons he vouchsafes only a occur next Mrs. Lulwood-who oyez finish Lady Blanche, on her part- I 11 I am cra7y to -go., - , played soine music there. - - ,� ,;I ":
couple of fingers, find notbin' but kissing games, 'and my Mr. Witlessi no, thank you. It: And diplomatists." . I I ..,
her through her glasses defiantly, ner"N Arm, caino toward liar but they play dinner with us. . Busill-ess--tilai; I leave to bankers ' - -x'.'.�
as It expecting and already resenting hNald out a, hand. . '.
Lady Bannister is a small woman lips ,axe All c!happed-1'--�%Vasblngton I 1,
with a hook nolse, which has never her patronage. t you. she Isn't so bud as all that. � To, another lady the musical cleric . .1 .- I
ear. Chicago Inter-Ocean. . ... .1; I
been seen In public. without a huge "Anybody else you're looking for ?11 said. "We only came to title Ban- I gave a still nil sarcastic Answer, ". ... _. . "
, - A ., 0
r of pince-nez. through which
asks Mr. Algernon, raising his none nisters' two Nifthys ago, and I had � Ittch and Poor Alike use, painkiller. "All, Abbi site sighed, 49wlla.t ,& . I . .
1pil�111 surveys the ,world at tar tw musical voice above the band. a bad headache yesterday, or I nONORUD ABROAD Taken internally for eranips, colles and dia. great fortifile you IVO .� .
large as Lady Blanche am I . . rrohea. Aliplileill externally cures sli old make If only, �, , "N' .
If it were a museum of curiosities Res. I should have called. Is Major Delatne Word has recently been received swollen museles, etc. Avold substiltuteki you could be induced to go to Aim- , . . '.
into whiefi she had wandered by ac- ,l -was wondering It-my cousin, I quite well ?11 I that Massey-Hall Comnany, Lim- Is but one "PaIaltiller-Porry Davis,. 01,1011 to pla.v!"aidant, and very
, "Madame,"
ch to her 'sur- suppose she Is, I really don't quite I "Here Is papa to answer foorblat- Ited, hl added Another laurel to I'returned Liszt, Illf Put a variety into Summer
Pli knoi here." self," said Blaine, as the major their many 'successes. This time the Lacking fix Experience. stood in need of that fortune, ire-
There is a son-the future baron- "MIss Elaine, the major's drineliter," came up at that moment. victory was scored in Australia. I Pittsbift Dispatch, Ill M% I WOU14 90 al once'. living-it's not the time of
at, a. tall, not to say lanky, youth
he drawls, Purveying the crowd. N-o. Lady Blanche extended liar hand The Massey-Hai StOpiler-Har- I' ' ' year to live near the kitchen
o yet. You don't know to' him with a'gracidus 'smile vaster, Ill corn,; with -al "Hbw many years does it take a ,,, .
who seems to have outgrown )its Wei Minard's Liniment in the range. Libby's
brains. He Is near-sighted like his leer ?" I was Just saying to Elaine 61, text other tynes, scored a signal suc- ,Oman to learn not to talk to her house. .
mother, 4trid wears an eyeglass, "I've never seen her," says Lady I stram9a It Is Ive have never mat, cess at I Smithfield, South Australla, husuand while lie's 4having?" I Veal Loaf
Blanche, -ii ,-in Indifference which major."' she said; and lit an Under- Oil 218th Xoventher, 1902, 'be* "I don't know, I've only been mar- . Potted Turkey
,which bothers him a great deal, but ing .
without which be Is utterly, and finely draws tli,a line just this side ried eight years.', I Gracious No I
hopelessly, helpless. As he is the hair . of contempt. ',,Site is rather a pretty I tone rJTo Added, with a ch'arming awarded a total of 471% points, and I Deviled Ham
I air of frankness, "i pretty, t,be having only 476 The .draught. The I Yonkers Stawsman. I . Ox Tongue, &c.
&lid the only son, be Is supposed to 1 girl. Isn't she?" W!" I
� ,,Y-zt,s, I suppose so," assents the, figures given of the next comi*t1tor Lifebuoy Soap-disinfectant-is strongly I Maude-1 should .,think Automobile
I and smiled and Were 4672-3 points, and 57-9 recommended by the medical profession as
be a great match, and his appear- , T!he major boved cli:ly made ready to serve
'youth, reluctantly. If he has learned ,li out Ills spolt riding would be disastrous to a wo- qui
ance causes a flutter In the bosom I little else he has somehow picked P 44 -less shirt front. lbs. draught. a safeguard against Infectious diseases. - man's bair. .
of some of the young ladles. . up the knowledge that it is unwise Na Delighted to see yea here, my Who Stripper-Harvester Is not ----.--- Miriam-Graclous, dear I You don't Send to-day for the little booklet,
, n to another. Nope? You. are staying with the the conditibna of the climate; but Mini His Ignorance. want to wear your hair when you Bat, I I full of ideas on quick, de-
There are also 'Lwo girls, alas', l to pr,w1se one we= eat, Blanche. The Earl Is well, I used Ili Canada-it is not suited to "How to Make Good Things to
not pretty; thin, scraggy girls with , "Y-as, I believe. Will you dance. Ba,intaters? We shall be Very glad Ili Aii-istralia there are more Strip- "Looney Is no judge of hu;aain na- go out In an automobile. I (
sharp shoulders and faces this nei with me?" I . I P_ t . licious lunch serving. Libby's
only a little less wooden than the to see you when you can find per-Harvesters used than there are tura " 41. Atlas of the World mailed free .
baronet's. Under any circumstances I Lady Blanche gives him her card, . time to look. us up ? Capital ball, - Binders. Why do you say that ?" MiNtiard's Liniment is used by. Pity-
entrance of these notabilities' and he is writing Ills name in the isn't it ? Great auccess�a.lways 16!1? This report' ,only g w He has such sablimek faith In him- sicia,us. I I for 5 two-cent stamps.
,would create a, stir of excitement, shaky ill-formed characters which "Indeed, yes," said Lady Blanche, that Ma,seey-Harris irachinest lead sal - % , A I I I . __.. Libby, McNeill & Libby
the youth or Eton acquire, when the ey, would . * A Reason for It. . Chicago, U.S. A.
creased by the addition calls out; and the father of this belle. to, ))a nbt do ,vo if they were not built well Chicago Tribune. ' I -
but to-night the excitement is In- town clerk "and yen ought, as . a Steward they are. Tk
to their "Major and Miss Datable." HOWS THIS
party. of two young men from Lon- especially proud.," find with good materials. , ? "
don; two young men lit dress clothes I The major looks his best In even-, Those little Arbors and cozy .
! jag clot The major bridled and patted his � I We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for nooks cost something," explained the 11, ,,, .1.
0 . H y case of Catarrh thitt cannot be cured by proprietor of the summer hotel, but
faultless fit causes the Barefield .ght step and sprightly juvenllq air; I ii-very kind of you, very kind, In- A New Version.. - .,I's Catarrh Cure. .. I I
r the newest cut, with gloves whose I 1, hies, and he comes In with his istowarl.1% badge complacently. 11 I
youths to glance I but Lady Blanche, bestowing only I dead, to admire my dear girl !'I he "Victoria Times. FI.J. IIENEY&Co.,Niroledo,o: wcon sider t,tient a inighty good tar. 0 a
distrustfully at We, the undersigned, have vestment." I
; a glance at him, fixed her cold blue said "You'll be able to find our A correspondent sendq us the fol- Cheney for the last 15 years and beltev6 him "'They attract people to the place I I
their own gloves -which seemed all eke' on the girl on Ills ar modest- cottage ? Anybody will dl- lowing, with an undertaking t orfectly honorable In all business trans- I suppose." commented the - - -
right until these exquisiteR enter- m' 0 p thought' � � 4
It its Elaine, in her simple dress of I rest You fa It: � Eli I as some ono "mai his "Alfred David" that It actions and financially shill carry out any less stftt,nger. I - I Q�
ed, wlib patent-leather pumps of I nun's venin;, with no jewels; no or- touched him on the ,shoulder. "Ex- 'was obligations inade by their firm. () 1-0 � -
the alliliftest description, and with wafted to his ears as he passell WNST & Tar;Ax, Wholesale Druggists, To- " 011" it isn't so much that," re- = .. 0 ti _
criNish hats which strike despair to I namauts Faye the Marechal Niel bud Ouse me! 10taward, you. knoyv;mjigt the onst onloe ,tit a.Jai hour ledo, U. turned the proprietor, "but they en- 9 I
I lit her dark hair; but It Is Elaine attend to ,duty I' And away lie ii Cill . WA.LIDLNO, KninfAw & M&nvxw, wholesale �
the heal of the provinclals. But 1 Ili all the sweet freshness of liar went : . 4 I I 4 -courage love !affairs, and• that an- I I I .
the exellcment and curiosity reach I youthful. loveliness; -with . Hurrall For Tarte, . Druggists; Toledo, 0. . a,bles us to save something on the . AV - '-
a climax when it Is observed that a faint i Elaine's partner had led her out So bright and suill Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken lnterually,act� provislopar" = -
It young lady Is leaning on the arm I color In her usually colorlell face, ' of the crowd, and Lhey stood against 'L Ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- , ( I CD -
Hqrrah ffor Gamey-, too; faces' of the system. Testimonial sent Iree. _ ..
of Mr. Algernon, tile baronet's I with a, filclit, Joyous light In tier dark the wall, looking oil at, the line of Also Ifor ,Prior . Pricei per bottle. Sold by all druggists. - . _,.,.__._.___ I - ,W
,t h, son, . ;::" .",..,Nw.. .....'.... A_,4 .
and the town clerk, who acts as A leautiful eyes, and as Lady Blanche promenaders.. . Our heart's desire, EI&II1q Family Pills are the best. - ,-. 1. .I.. I N I -
looks ' , Nii T
kind of wher on these occasions, calls tlipre conle, to liar that sudden I Presently Captain Sherwin PI .-.Whol`dId Victoria, "do." - .
out with due solemnity: hot flush and cold chill of surprised, ad with a girl whom Elaine did. not . I .N o Rubbin ` I it - -
I . . � 6rowls Froux the Tiger. Z: .
"Lady Blanche Delaine!" . unwilling admiration, and, alas recognize for a moment; ,then as � money, Is no I 9 It I ;S . -
envy, -willch women of her nature ei ,she lookea after them she ;Paw tivit, __ object; most Of us The New Century Washer makes it ..
is a little buzz of surprise and curt- I myth. unneciel to use a washboard. � , .. .
' '--' '
At the Bound or the name there ter at Ill or a beauty and a grace It was Fal Iftchley. 4F-alliny waa believe it is a; '
osity. Everybody in ,the I surpa ssiiig their ow.n. t idresaed very quietly, but v of- Most girls close ti eyes when Five or six minutes-easy move-
rooln -. LadyB,arclue, M a woman or the ! JaMAY461y, In black lace, which re- HALF they are kissed, do, you blame tiliel ,.
knows Miss Elaine Delaine, and not . ment of the machine while sLatedwill
a IEw love her-but who Is this ? world, and no detail of Elaine's face, ' Ileved while It accentuated liar pale 111ho poor ye, have 0,117'i with you - thoroughly wash a tubful of clothes. . !B QR 1.
figurell, dress, escapes her; and site face and red hair. Captain Sher- .1 often iso close tha.t.they touch you. - Ball Bearings and strong spiral . •=
Latly. Blanche is tall and fair, all(,, I - I I..,
beautiful ul wom- n 7 1 steels do -MOS
will be the most, be i doer jastlee. unwillingly though It be, win Just glanced at Elaine as [a I Politeness is tile, salt of life; you - t of the work. -
in , to UU011. In an instant she knows passer}, but to her relief he, made I finte, to haxe, it rub-bed Into you when on the CIO I . �,
in �the room-if anything should Ill � that her own bel is eclipsed by TH E ORLD No process so easy illes
ran to prevent Blaine coming-an.] this vision or vernal loveliness, and - no' sign of recognition I " you are cut up, - or the operator. .. Z
she In dressed-well, the ladles of She had forgotten him •before tilt, AN. lot of people Nr,ho should (be If your dealer can- �
Barefield, though they are instantly I though the knowledge stabs her she music of the next dance had cow- M ff spending good time getting good not show you the . .
smitten with envy, cannot realize or I t-milles admiringly, and still statics menced, and liar new partner wits money opend. good money getting a I ..... -
'understand how well she Is dressed, even wIlen.,Mrs. Lulwood remarks. in approaching to claim liar when . good time. . ' - New . . 1
for M. worth's ball costumes are not 0, v0106 which 9110 intends Lady May Bradley came behind tier, and, . Is SICK . It does not make It right to d �Century .. Z .
often seen. at Ball and it is Dia-rche shall hoax: plucking at her dress, whispered. . what youl ought not to do when : lyrite us I ). :
one of -li All masterpieces "Here comes our belle, Lady "Hie bais come, Elainel He has Because of Teak Hearts you' don't do What you ought to do, -- for I
11i Laxly Mancha wears with = 131avolie!" come!" I It IM all very Well to get M good booklet. I .
perfect grace and apparent uncon- .,Yen? Row pretty she loll' says. Blaine looked rontid, and saw, a I istart,. but the, utut you -get when - ih. .'-4VV,&-C " 0 . . .. -
Riotousness. . Lady Blanche at once. "I think alle young fellow with a frank, hand- When you are. sick your heart is -to his cold bands down I .- I I
Her face 1.9 a gond oval, liar com- is the loveliest woman I have ever Eome face an I - some Soot puts . Dowswall .
tering the room, and faint. your nooX may be too good. M I Cc' I I. . .
Plexion would warrant her In giving seen. on." recogniLed May's lover, Gerald Locke. I if it were pumping good blood -Princeton 711ger. - Ltnd'!' I 11 11 -1 •
a testimonial to an advertising; soap I Mrs. Lulwood, thus repulsed, nods. At the ,same time she met time stony J Hamilton: . . . . . .
maker, anal her features are delicate- 8110 Is a cousin Of -years, I sulyl glare of Mrs. Bradley beneath hal, through your system, you could not . I .
t � I ; i , , I I I N',, headdress of bird of paradise pitiful be sick in any part. I I Reflections of it Bachelor. out. . , t
IY and clearly cut. If there is a fault DO,."I ?" ' qammmm� NN
%t tile eyes of ! it "Oil, yes," assents Lady Blanche. 1`1 "Oh, Belo me, dear IN' whispered Ninety-nine out of a hundred ,Tlio meanest trick that a ro Il- � I I 11 ,
to be faun It is tit, opei I shall be able to. speak to her May Imploringly. I I ...-.,--. �� I . (
Palest blue are a trifle too cold and Boom" . have weak hearts-they are some- ,road eat*, play on a girl is, to -turn A Job Lot. Nowadays. ; I
dare it bp said ?-*calculating. Even ' Elaine put out her hand, and caught oil A, ligirt just before the train goes .
13I as she stands looking round ' She is warranted In expressing the May's "crcmblIng one. times sick. through' a titunel. Lippincott Magazine. .. i .
'with a smile on the small doubt, for Elaine 16, already surround- "You silly girl V all(, murmured, en- I Dr. AgneWs Heart Cure , Women sill the way boys uweav Two women sitting Opposite the . ,
I I I �
" N;
I %
shapely lips which is meant to be ad, and the proud major has the sans- couragin.y. "One would think Mrs. -without appreclaIlng Ill much writer In all electric car pitched ,1 .. I R I I
apping aill ingratiating, the eyes faction or bearing men almost clai Bradley could order him to instant will relieve Heart Disease in thirtv inxi they could get out off It If . TRADE
I 1, I
do not smile. but seem to be, and are, oring for a dance; but presently execution !11 . ' they their Voices 90 high 'Chat every word . . . N,
while EU,xine Is trying to bestow liar minutes. Will with certainty effect knew lion to do It. I I MARK. -
takin,r In all tli,) pointsi of the scene. (lance,& Impartiany, -May Bradley, "She can do worse, than that I" a lasting cure. . I I& woman can NVIn a man by mak- of 'their eonversation could be hiakd .. - . - .
Lady Blanche Delalnp--Delaine?" pouted May. "Oil, I ]lope she won't Ing flee strawberry shorteak-P, to by those sitting near them. Matri-
says one of the stewards in a, wills- who has been waiting and watching see him. Elaine, ive both count upon GuORGE CRITES, Dominion Customs I hold him she has got to knoi how many wall evidently the subject of . 7ho old. Invarlablo vfrto t# I
'Per to a confrere. I that must for her Impatiently, breaks through you to aid lit getting a few minuter," Office, Cornwall, Ont., says:- to broil steak and bake broad. their conversation, for one of them , ' I
be the earl's daughter, ,Miss Malne's the, throng and catches her by M. i 'A 0,
cousin ? Didn't know- slip was down arm 1 your hands!" I plaint for a long time. I was under the leads a girl to put oil liar beat pair I "sometimes, X think that If I was - IN Ili -
,re. I wonder whether the major, You wicked girl! How late you . doctor's car;, but not recelvinbenefit,.
. oi sto
. c
he V,Iai Liughad, �,, �.k,,, In the morning When single, I would not marry the Prince 'Sdacbs I
the private, convexm%tioa. Our lives are In I- I was troubled with severe Heart Cc It 1-i. an Indescribable instinct that I said;
known It ? What with her ladyslilp are f It's 110 use, Major hope, 'I'm I ' - 0 VJ_ - ,
I ` I DR. Awirw'g
q front Loll- 110t going to let liar give all ]ter il,but I-low do you (to, Mr. Locks THZ HEARS, and I used it with good oil A, barbed wire fence In the After- difiallo." .. TrAi the king tura foil., 11 ,
tild these two young lords . It's Oreall'aully wicked, she Said, asked him about I ill 10- her ,ki,l, 9118 going to got caught. of Wales himself, and then al I ` ,
don, It strikes me we've gat rather (Ift"ClIs Away to a moment I Elaine, she slid to the I I .
n1g fellow, who results." 1100n. "Yes, that Is so"J, reptle(I her cent. I i
I arkley?" And came up with a, half dortant, hair Dr. Agnew's Ointment Is rld- When a woman makes at, unexpect- panion. "I foot just that wny my- 0
11 swell company, eb, M send them all away and let them shy , Sprains, -'
the two, men look round with proud walt!" And she drew Elaine from kin rashes, tri call oil quotbill It is a sign that ii Ain? I have all good a husband ,
satisfaction and complacency. the major's arm, up against the air, `looking beyond tier, as lie bent djtlg,,tb worldofpiles and s I,
Lady wall. "Our my dear, how beautiful Gliar hand, to Alay, who tried to eruptions of all sorts. Its healing powers sho has heard something disagree. .
"Quite a nice room." says 11111v herself as the averldge, too." and
Blanche, lo-Wilfg, around find fanning ,.you look! There' no one In the behind Elaine. are marvelous. Price, 35c- * 1C Able sad about liar And would like "So have I-that la, as man rimi .: , '
. . a chanco to tell It to liar (As it now.
herself slowly. I room whr) Iq halt so pretty or halt "I suppose it's no use to ask fora I . � � 11 a�(Iays.o I Bruise$ I ,
"Y-ares," responds Mr. Algernon, , CIE' well dressed! Xo,. not $,,van tit(- dance' :Bila a Delaine 2" he 81 141. � , � I friend.-Now York Press. � I I . I , I
, - . I I .
I not iia-ad for it country place, (loll- great Lady Elaino shook liar head, regarding I Clilly (.118 'i . _ � I -_ I ,
Blllnolfp�look there, 111m. with wt anluw(4 ptotectinK smile. Philadelphia Press.' I Ask for Minard's and takes no other. )Prfce, 2pc.,a;td 60co .,
all : Wood PIXOSPIAOC113ul ... . 11
bxpeet. Some of these window&-11 - Did you know slyn wns comingf?", X . _ — I
Nerknow. Gai to be jolly hot, I dil there, next the Lulivnods. .1 :vat this oni but perhaps I call "If It wasn't form wife," igrum. C1__1 The Grest English Romel . .
"Certainly - certainly, Mr. Ban- "Who?" said Maine, half laugh- beg off, and it you would care to bled the first main atthereception, Street Car Amenities In Vici . 11 I is n, 61d, well Nestab- -
� .
g. "I don't knotty -si you tn(,.?tn. 1W. I flatec,
ulster," FaY� a r-toward who has !ng tonin oil the balcony and talk to me ,-I 0111,1 not be hero." I and tellable - I
been Ns-ti near enough to cil I can't Nee-there arn iso many and .-%lay----:" , Neither would I," replied the Somo of flie car Ilne.q In Wlel ,Z)preparation. Has been I 7 _. - - - - - .
Ile looked at her, and beyond liar to I .;;ter One. "Mile 110I Is A. great ,,Ave no condllo.tora, it 'IV rel eand used . I -
the preelouR words that drop from, people.'" May, ragorly, and offered tile arm. Did It dovol . 1 drug ---- - ....... _______ . ... ... _
0"r '9 years % WhY There are So Alany blasons.
the golden youth, find he d%rts , I ? WbygLady Blanche, Lord friend of my w1fe's. Is she a friend or I Is -f oriffixi,
- I "601110- M','Y!" W11181)(11i Elalne ybars?" . upon thin motorman to collect tile of tiCtini sell land
___________ , _ - , ." . - . . .1 - . - . ..I., . _1_._____ b0iffid lwr fait. "Mind! only ton "No;,she"s my wili fares, A Ji (layls ago a, man had recommend as bein Chicago chronlcic.
I I � i minutes!" � I - . , . . I I I I I I � J76fore 4"a r, the only modlelto 0 A little girl LvIls what "If,3 knoWg
-JN ` I - - .- left the car without oaying and the Its kind that; cures and about King Solomon In, tile fol,
, 11., I n 2U--qs; Dolable, you-you at�e an " , * -- -'-'--'---- inotojeturin hii 111111. -If you NValit gives universal satisfaction. It InompRy nd lowing all 'Xing Solomon Seas
.i,goll." murmured tilt-- young fel- peffnallefttly curbs all forms of ff 0,171"'. "e 11,
19-1 _,�..... - i low. f year money collie and got it, be said. ,i BrAinsfons, SPer'nati Xwpbil a Man who lived ever so long Ago
I I I .. t ' Alfred A,,.T4YIor, of Margaree, Vie matormam walked to the corner,nese, at abuAo or "copsol the excAtisivo and In the country I Nvjll.lcl a 0 .
i " ". I . "No: only it ,Sentinel," latil 01a. 0 1 It g V
. . . . . . .
- ,.-_'..1::.1.1.1.,1, '. says. "One ,bottle of MINARD'S wbercupon the man olfeted him A, use of T6barco, opium I. oymulanig, .3fental orned It(, w,%t; the Nvilolq thitig. Xing
- I ;Inc, I � of -which lond to InIhei ,
�_ C I LINIMENT cul a Avielling of t1to half-dollar. The driver took it and and Brain Tyorj')/. (tit Solomon built ,4ololllouls tc.,111ple.,tild
4.) .F�� - I 13'hey passad through the open Insanity, cobstimption. and an Marly Gravel .
� I
, _ gamble Joint, and saved it horso si "if you w4nt your obange, collie $5. one wilt WAIR the li of all the Masonsi
� ,,, . ��
.. 1-1 11rido I per ackage or six for
. vll� . 11 .1 wint ow. find E,Ialuo (16'eretly dil worth $14-0.00.11 I to the cat And ,get It,"' The client pjeafle,,siz wiz cure, Mailed promptY o- ", lie had 7-00 wives ankl 20.) lady
- . I -I arefor beauty, ' bac' .
I 'PNN,4..� ,�, Rainsay 5 paints ., 1; behind the curtalim, and left I* ii ayid &q._(I tile mo.tol-Inall to boI of rl , son orfrooparnoblet. Ld Mill
., k� I he I& 0 lolids, and that IF] %N,Ily there are
I L4�� . I _F;IttLtL 1) CIO (I I
-��_-- .. , tho, ti young lovers tog(Ahe, r (Cho Wood 11361notill Ir
I _ I V ancl elurability-niade I I brIng It to 311711. 'If Can't wasto ally - . YIN
� . �4. The ro(nn was hot, and tile r�-;tl 'Piles. W. :Pi of Bathurst, _ . , windfil6roont,)CAniLdsi _so many Alasons In tile wo.rld.11
. JI'>t _Z71
�) (
. .. -11 I ,
1�1�_ ., froin the best oil turpentine and ' ', and tilt, coohill-sm of the nildiliuminer saved ii life of I mo-r. time, said the motorniath "You. . - �. I � -N."NINN"INNINNINNI
1 11 1 ft, valuable horse �p ' ' ' L -_ .iW. - . I
come. �l . with a t.hoic . - L ,
"I ,�, � , , , I Iii,,Ait, air worn not nriwe! .,'hl that the. Vot had given Ill), will find youl. ellange, at the, offleo of — ,'""i-, - "--,-",--",,-,-*-'-----,---,---"--'- - - *-'--- , -- - ----
a , I plerniclits. . I : " Wttlos; of MINAR.D'S LI I oinpai,nii Then )to turned on Ills I ��_
, . I 41, I lea nee against the fil work of the Ji N . I
". t "I power arad moved. ; rl�� T 6 ,�',
AlGliT �4 1 . 1 The lirie�*i.� just right and all 1 i wililicow tind tanned- herneli ,41owiy, INIENT , � ( . I I it Tell's 'in the
PAI N IN N, 1-1 .7, 11 good dealers have theilli. I. i wttehillg the (lancers Citi they whirl- 1( Iril a
M �4, I � , ; (,..I plivi, !ter. Once, twL-o het bean- 1, Ux000sc Renryi 10
� ��, � I. (� , You, callit ,get better paint — �, tirlit voil:411, Lady lit in Imfitmd , I Show rl�le,lnp_
�,� .S I -, - . . 1. - .1111, lluffhlo,vown, .
�ll ' � 1. pit " Z^4)
i",v , 1 IIIIIIINN. oil ll(.. litim of thil colonel of . . "im tPiLelier of a. city school re- . I .
- v V/ � ,'/ - many get worse. the gavrlLc,il; and prepently Cap, The Natural Result. It You lin to exhibit your stock at the - I
�I, "fl- , . I
.% 1", I I
. 1 �,�
. -
I ; 1\1 . Write "% 1114i t1liq t+:,:'••, -m I u-11 caul ri, t I taill Sherwin pn�'Re!l by again with contli,ir reoelved the following note, L . - FaII Fil start now tLIi(I get then, lit per. 4" N11
�%J'altitnorn Atnerl(-an. I .
&M Aft
0 U
t F,,
9 MLfl:
- .- tv " , ��I . Pn lo f he
�� V� ! � with :,ur I!a;ut% BitzletuAle (discouragedly)-I did a'-N�P1ltllItn9' the "s - CO Of 01 0 t f , . it ,
br.,(,klctt;lic,wiiialio%vht)n*.el,�...it;.!iili.,;iit!it!t-c- -.,:-int 1 1 Faiiny Inchley, I feet health by using 11
OA I N 7, -�,\ l, . III , 0 (Iny before; "I'lenao ex- I � �,
- U. 1 . I �,
- ,
S911151iT m "'k, I pl!�;; A. RAMSAY & SON, raInt u,�'.I'Ta, - - rNiril-MCAL4 -, I (To be IddotInved.) t;vorything In my power to make iiry for nblil ye.4terday. N
, L people we thitt they Pill?,," the. ffick's Blood Purifier , �
_,� . VAd. 1,ii . those two voulig eocso lic I .
P 411' I '.! I I—- _ - .- ,----. ' . I WICNO
f'.; � �04 - . lyre r, loot fitted for each other--. Itim 11,11KI 11103 got III 0117 ata Ad(] It will, lielft, :Voiuf to oftri.3, ON till, 11 � I
.1�. :: 8 "N,w. W)M .kon may givo mo n WyZaern-Amil when In the wedding; to RI, hill(WILA In is efirrI an, I Int 11 11 Isluo Ribbon. I I NIZ,
11 . I
. IN , �, I 11 I—— 1, 1. . � I •� N � - : "� 1.1_�.!T.- - .o flo" wJI Io mt;y to parsei to oc()ur ?
-. , - .1 � , pl,�islNft hint stay at 110111c, aK Ila had never
. _ \, , - .. . .17T_-,7=_._ -I..." P10Y Cc 06P packagal,
, ,2 , , _ - 1.y(,;,,1iJ. If-,%v*s thin tin •; "Asaill tile — I todrh lit a. carrl-,lgo. aill ilover Went
. I .
" t'p.l jniri4i, .r.,flo w paii Parm, Minard's Lliflifient Lumborma.1I to 11, fullel'01, 1101i hiall inally Otholl MMIN0 MIT'Its & CIO, N� 1,
I . , YX -1i MMUS & CO., Montreal, Arei
%i th-0 parl'.,11111:41", rlvlftld� � P10mull Ko lifflase 0..Woo�`0.11 . � .