HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-05-14, Page 5Pin 4 1114y 14, 1903 THE WINGHAM ,ADVANOR lilt ` Went Wawanosh, l•l'•(Ua �1 rlxrs I J. X Roberts spent a couple of days,Biggest LoSt Hai Slims Prices. stud Ili Kincardine the past week. ��� ������� ("(���� 1SIaR11 PTS>f�Co - Toronto as a corporation lost $25,000 St01t1i Vallte8. S Quick Returns iu the coal business during the past of scarlet fever. "M hair e N11 I• . �. We are pleased to auitoniico that Thos. 1 -hp qpq 6 Anderson is recovering from. his attack ,:. ams ut b *11-3, d winter, Mies Etta Jolles has returned to Duu- ' f ul, and the grayhairsbegan to --•II. Walker & Son, of Walkerville, I creep in. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, � ]lave received orders front English deal• gaunan again, after A Paw mouths visit and it stop cd the hair from com• i AT Tl E MENS STORE with his sister in Ravenshoe, ing out anirestored the color,"— g era Por 2000 head of cattle, ' t g y g n n Mrs. M. D. Gray, No. , ass. Spectal —By-laws were carried at Sault St, S a pleasure B. J, Crawford o! Dungannon is Rett- Salem M � � ER C0"" Mario providing $35,000 for street im• 1u an acetylene as taut laced in his `�♦/ store, Mx, Anderson is putting ill fire There p in provement, °10,000 for a town hall and 1 ' pipes for the lights, � offering such a pr�epara-Sale $30,000 for a high school, tion as A er's Hair Vigor. or. ���O�i'�«« Purchased twelve hundred dollars' worth of Bo's' Youths --The Ontario Government has in, Mr, Richard Jefferson, who recently Y g timated that it iutonds to lengthen the carne home from Dakota, has moved his It gives to all who use it and Men's Clothing at two-thirds regular price, the end of a wife and family to Wingham where he ' such satisfaction. The , time in which county councils rase avail has rented a house, ` manufacturers stock, and going to clear it out, starting Friday themselves of the provisions of the act• i hair becomes thicker, _1.. ��W�, morning, at less than ranular Wholesale rices. Bring sten for the im xovenlent of hi hways, The directors of the W. W. Mutual Ion 1! g h p n g n g ger, softer, and more your Boys, large or small, we can fit them in pocket as Well —The proposition for a sectional Fire Insurance Co., met on `Tuesday, ; c Yip F e The usual routine was gone through glossy. And You feel so • as in cloth. ODD PANTS for Boys, Youths or Men, at bonus to the Huron, Bruce &Grey Elec. ; secure In using such an ° r Waists Y tric Railway Company is to be voted on and the reports say the Co, is still climb- g 3 f .cod, ing ftp, s old and reliable prepara- t r 4 away -down own prices. Come and be convinced, in Colborne townshi on Saturda t May SOtdl, The amount of the proposed to getting the material on the o `mts. ...AND... 1 1 7 bonus is $7,000. n y' for et g ground }send us cue �o est �catnnot au p� , _ «� Men's, V h/�Q HenryJones of the 4th con. W. W., , ti0n* $1.9 1l�ViL 1J� i0��s and Boys S1tVUs erection of a brick COttagO. this - - y guar and we wi�' expicse 'r+,.:•„ - r = Shoes, ---The directors of the Durham Na.Na• youabottle. tBe esureand R�itbo Address, Wrappers tional Gas and Oil Co, have secured summer, Begley & Stothera have the of your nearest express office..,LoAddress, '�`, + T. c, Alc�zz co., Lowen, uses. Special purchase of $600.00 worth of Men's, Youths' and upon very reasonable terms a complete contract. 11 @:J � • . y Boys' Shoes, made by Jno. McPherson & Co., which will be drilling rig, which is guaranteed suit- Arbor Day at Nile proved a success, cleared out at a small profit. Every pair new and up-to-date. able for drilling to any depth. They and wo have now a schoolhouse and have also secured the services of an ex. yard which, for neatness and beauty of We keep in close touch with latest styles in situation, can compare favorably with GO TD pert driller to run filo rig and snperin• teed the operations. any ill Huron, all kinds of Ladies' Waists, Wrappers and White - The Algonquin Lumber & Power Many fine strings of speckled trout . wear. Intending purchasers ill any of file above �e s C r®e Co. lar Co„ is applying to Parliament for pow- are reported, the largest individual linea will d0 well to see our large assortment of TRADE WANTED. or to construct a railway from the fish being caught by Angus McDougal. Thursday, April 2nd, was a record day ac the Georgian Bay to connect with the 0. P. It measured 14 inches and tipped the CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE made-up material before making their selection. R., near PeCorboro, and also to build scales at considerably over a pound; not CHATHAM, ONT. and from South Bay to connect with Rev. Joseph Philp, of 'Kincardine, the other four front leading business houses in c white WHITE UNDERSKIRTS.—A celyptriimmed wi h dust Ladies' hrill ful bad for a speckled trout. Six calls for office help In a single day—one of railways from South Bs to North Ba those from Chicago, one from Manitoba and _ Underskirts, well made,NYna h city. Positions at $45 to $00 per month aret roaehe•d anniversary width, fine cambric, good value at 12o—Salo Price.... •.....St.00 fl the C. P. R. somewhere in Dufferin, p Y sermons for the getting quite common, A recent call offered $ • • Peel or York counties. Epworth League, in the Methodist $80 per month for a first-class stenographer. �� Does it not Pay to Attend the Best? LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS,—Two Dozen Night Gowns, extra = = church. Dungannon on Sunday morning Collo' g ' 3 The Manchester flour mill at Au- go re•opons after Easter on Tuesday, Apr. fine cambric, full ki�o, nicely trimmed and tucked yoke, regular and evening. Rev, T. McNair preach- lith. Now is the time to enter. For catalogue value $1.00—our Special Price while they last, only ........... .. 75c - baro, operated by George Tome, was address, destroyed by fire early Tuesday morn- ed in Kincardine ill Mr, Philp's ab- D. McLACIiLAN BtlCO., 0 27.31 a am, rat. 1 !fli' aenCe. LADIES' WAISTS.—A line of nice pattern print Waists, tug. The tiro started from a lantern t_ nicely made, fast colors, worth 75c—our Sale Price........... 50c 1 which Mr. Toms left on the upper flat Mrs. Wm. Mallough had the misfor- " tune to fall and break her le for short time t0 attend to the machin- g a little �CORSET COVERS.—A large assortment to choose from, 01•y Oil the lower flat, The building below the hip joint. Although suffer- A id/i L~ (�� - made in the latest style, nicely trimmed with lace and embroidery, Is made when you choose our store as the was burned to the ground and the ing much pain, she is slowly improving. A Li ERIN), a prices aro 15c, 25c, Me, 60%75c—sco our leader at .............. 25c machinery was totally destroyed, The It was only a day or two before that this i lace to buyyour Furniture. Stock Large— highly respected couple celebrated their 1 9 WHITE UNDERSKIRTS.—Special values .6 bettor lines, made with deep em- place ) 5 loss is partially Covered by insurance. g y p n I"IO�;S Are Worth bq Cts. broidery and taco ineortious—Prices are $1.b0, $2.00, $2,50, $3.60. Prices Right. Before buying elsewhere, just Cullis Bros. are the owners of the pro- diamond wedding anniversary. et our prices; it will COSI OU nothing to find pert,, WHcI�TE WAISTS.—A largo range of Ladies' white Waists, right up-to-date. g P ' Y —Mrs. D2cFee, residing on the 4th lice alta s�$1. it fine$1 a and $e embroidery insertion, nicely tucked, all good = them out, and you may save money. Our Diarrhoea Weakens the System. Come and buy pure pea meal. I $:.50. Y ) of Warwick, near Arkona, is worthy of have 40 ton on hand ., uarantee oOeS with ever article we sell, n life•savin medal. On Monde and if not checked becomes a chronic , and rush your 1 y g Y g y condition. No remedy compares with LADIES' DRAWERS.—Special values in all sized, nicely she saw the infant child of Mrs. Butler Y n hogs along and Obtain the high price. made and trimmed. Prices range thus -25c, 350, hoc. Come and see us. Price our goods, and you Nerstom , which o prepared specially fall in a deep well. Calling her brother for stomach and bowel troubles. As a Nothing else will do it so quickly as will be able to say as others have said— she ran and of a ladder but it would radical cure for Cramps Colic, Gas iii Y B t pure peas. We also have a large stock LADIES' WRAPPERS.—Made with fall wide skirt, deep not reach to the bottom of the well, the stomach, Summer Complaint, Ner• `� frill, choice now patterns, fast colors, trimmed yokes, special that you wish you had known before, what viline excels everything ill the medical of Clover and Timothy Seeds, Mangles. t values at $1.00 and $1.25. _ Ile, however, put the ladder dowu the line, is an indispensible household staple Ra a `S eltz Flax Orchard Grass, &c, 1- a fine stock we have and what reasonable n , p = well and hold it at the ,top while Mrs. anti costs only 25c. Bray a bottle today. t. - Mori ran down and caught the child y 4 ,i� SILK WAISTS.— Ladies' Black Silk Waists, In good prices we sell for. Try here next time and Tr Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake Pills. quality Silk, nicely trimmed and made to wear wall—Prices just AB it was sinking for the third time. H Carr's are $d.00 t0 $5.00, get a surprise. I _ ;1 I The child is now all right again. Lucknow. `'' —Four new oases of smallpox are re a �sL ''\ I; LADIES' TOP SKIRTS.—Wo are showing a fine range of - ported this morning from Anderton and SO far this year 22 auctioneers' and 22 top. Skirts for summer wear, in Duck and Linen• made in good = A. 'Cillbuiy Townships in Essex County. pedlers licenses have been renewed with (i41ARKET SQUARE) ��` stytC, well stitched and trimmed. See our $2 value........$1.75 ' a er Hyo tft"��.�•��._� �.�,..._�.:.� At the ca es last month there were all the county clerk of Bruce. . E. �� r� CO • W 0 told 134 cases on record in the province. The council have decided to move the The districts most affected are Mersea village weigh scales from rear of 'the Dioney to loan on notes, and notes ,l pp a Township in Essex, with 29 cases; Har- Town Hall to Inglis street near the liv. discounted at reasonable rates. Money , Furniture Dealers & Undertakers vey Township in Peterborough, with 18 ery stable. This is a more suitable place advanced le mortgages at 5 per cent. Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Pries Paid for Produce 3 n for them and it will also be much more with privilege of pa Ing at the end of cases, and Wilmott Township in Water- � r loo with 38 Th any year. Notes an accounts collect- a•w,o a, 1"1.1 , I , cases. ere were two convenient to the public. ed. Office—Beaver block, Wingham. deaths during the month. The scarlet ROBT. MCINDOO. *980 The four-year-old daughter of Mr. (over plague of the Province is reported and Mrs. Alex. Lon of the 12 con. of CEMENT WORKS. g t -'•'-•--'-_" to be gradually lessening, Ashfield, was horribly burned about the —Hector Johnston, son of Robt. face and body while playing near a flre ' amll owdprepfredC o properly k xef Johnston, 3rd con, of Hibbert, hung in the yard the other dii ell e a of ers of a rued t wet o Y• ori 8 ever description —including stable in Silos himself last week. For five years leis Spy apples �. p® nlIg ��� Seven cars t Northern S ®'�� x® sidewalks, foundations, stable floors. mind had been affected, and two years were brought to Winnipeg this week etc. I have every facilty necessary, were spent in the London Asylum. In • • and can do the work right. All work says the Commercial, by J. Anderson of the spring of 1902 he returned home ap• 14 l lig Come to R. A. Douglass the guaranteed. Prices and terms reason- Lncicuorv, Ontario, which were the best • able, Cement for sale. parentiy cured, but of late the old symp- Druggist for all kinds of Flower packed apples on this market this sea- We are going t0 move In a few days into and Garden Seeds. Over 30 dif- CHAS, BARBER, Wingham• toms returned and arrangements were son. The apples were about the only g b ferent colors and varieties of sweet being made to send bim away again, ones brought in of last crop which our new quarters, and before doing a0 we intend peas to choose your mixture from. but the plans were out short, by his talc- were u to the requirements of the In- We have now the most p IT'S ALL RIGHT. n q twin a discount of tug his own life, the body being found epection Act. beautiful and Complete stock giving BULBS and students may enter the dangling from a rope in the barn, about five o'clock Wednesday evening. He Mr. Alex. ant McKinnon met with a vire Alar put on the Wingham Twenty Per ,el'"� len CANNA BULBSciffLlSTOINF_L was about 36 years of age. painful accident on Wednesday. While 1�Iarket in the way of Men's C.. �.I DAHLIA BULBS tying a nervous horse in the stable the GLADIOLUS BULBS —Mr. Louis Miller, of Peel Tp., who animal suddenly pulled back and his Snitings. off all Glassware unci Crockery, and Twenty-five was the victim of such a painful acel- left hand being caught in the loo °f Per Gent. off Japanese China. Good for one TUBER ROSES at any Limo, dent last fall, and who recovered so b g p In all the latest designs ' SPRING TERM begins March 30. nicely, g the halter shank, the third finger was g TUBEROSE BEGONIAS y, had a chicken skin in rafted on torn completely off near the second and materials at very reason- Week Only. Two Courses—Comnter0ial and Shorthand. to a small bare spot of 1110 injured mom- s send for College Journal, joint and the nails of the second and able prices. You will have Anything we have not in her recently, which has since proved i g C. A. FL13MING A. L. MCINTYRB , fourth fingers were crushed out. no difficult in selecting a stock will bo procured at Catalo• very successful. This is a now step in 3' g 3 gue price. President 9eo'y. Suit t0 suit. ��� ��� surgery and reflects credit. The ex- 1 A special prize -of $5.00 is being periment was very ingenious—a healthy gow the Cocaine IIabit Starts. given by me at the Wingham Fair M OUR MOTTO chicken was soon despatched iind a Generali from using In fit and workmanship for the best collection of roots and y g catarrh snuffs We have ]l1St received another barrel of Maple small area of shin plucked of feathers; and ointments containingthis deadly we take a back seat for no P vegetables grown from my seed. High Crude Work Only."this was transplanted and in a short drug. It is well t° remmber that the one. y Pi t lot, and you know how good p S- ru same as lea time it grew and covered the bare spot. only direct scientific cure for catarrh CENTRIIL i6 Catarrhozone, which cures by inhala- that was. This Will be the last for this season. ', DODGLASS Louie must be careful lest he commence tion of medicated air. Simply breathe Satisfaction guaranteed. to fly.—Arthur Enterprise. Catarrhozone: and it will caro all forme STAATFORD. ONT. of Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Ltutg �T 1 a i Troubles and Deafness. Ever breath Robt. ax�' Y ell �, �iikil7Our graduatos readily secure good posit- y lTlll Chemist &Druggist ions because our high grade training pro- , from Catarrhozone Inhaler soothes, pares them to render first-clasa services. Farmers Institute Convention. heals and relieves. Permanent cure Business mon want first-class workers— guaranteed even though other remedies no time to waste on the other kind. Com - Office G.N.W. Tel. Co. monce a course now and be ready for a failed. Try Catarrhozone, price $1.00; The annual convention of the Farm - position in the fall. write for catalogue amara size, 250. Druggists or N. C. ��el• High Art Tailor - Wingham 1 a W, J. Elliott, Principal era' Institute Workers of America will son & Co., Kingston, Ont. be held at the Parliament Buildings, in Dr. Hamilton's Pills core Billiousness. ...... Toronto, the last week in June, This convention will be attended by Be independent. Em ploy yourself. a�fppi fpt epttQq}pft�I149e'� Establish a buisness. Onr goods are For hoods of the Farmers Instituto systems 1 i i i i i i l { i ice.. in the different States of the Union and used everyday by everybody. bleu n ke fortunes. Write G. Marshall a w by Superintendent Creelmau and repro- & Co., London, Ont. ® A %JL s•- o sentatives of the Institute system in this IS Province. Among those who will be m D a �r 1 present will be W. C. Latta, Suporiu• H ors'emen !C 0 , s tondont of the Institute system of India• na; R- L. Taft, Prof. of Horticulture at o the Michigan Agricultural College; IN «- We wish to draw your at - Prof. Bailey of Cornell; Superintendent Amoss of Mississippi Institute system; tention t0 the young We are sole John Hamilton, who is the connection TROTTING STALLION i� link between the United States Depart. T. A. MILLS has his stuck complete in all the best known varieties ���e�s nient of Agriculture and the Farmers' ���Oy for the Silo and Fall Feeding, also Ripening kinds. This Corn has been a �����®� Institute systema of the different States, p. P I M ; and A. C. True, Director of Experiment which was purchased at the Chicago sale specially selected for seed and cannot be surpassed. Also S eltz, Buckwheat, Stations in lite United States. _ _ last fall. Hungarian, Millet and Black Tares for Green Fodder. Mangolds Sugar Arg e, p� �a y� This will bo ono °f tho most important ch Is n Y is by the noted Are most 13op. ' L-{ AQ"�1 - y meetings, from an Agricultural stand- which tanowconsld0rcd one of the most pup- Beets, Field and Garden Carrots, in all kinds at Lowest prices consistent with e.-- • ••�. ular Biro of high-class knee acting trotters ; ho , �c �c point, ever hold ill Ontario, as represent- b Gambetta Wilkes, which heads the list of Quality. All kinds of Garden Beans, Peas and Vegetable Seeds. Dutch Set all sires for 1902, lie having produced over one Y , e e e� , nti.Vea of each State and Province oil tit° hundred ht the lint of standard trotters and t' 9 °all 'a.`" �TQCK FOOD � continent Will bring the combined ex. pacers. Gampollion'sdam is by•'Onward,"one 01110115, English Multiplier, Potato Onions. of the most popular sires which over lived, he perience of all to the solation of tho havhtg more standard performers than any PEAS WITHOUT BUGS.—Sow about loth to 24th of May and escape T� «'- ^ ' problem of how to make the Institute other etre living or head. Y P s� Gamboy'a dam Is Floronco D, by lianaard, the Bug. My prices are lower than any wholesale consistent with quality. .*.GO « �' s" "- "*'e system most helpful to the progressive he by Goo, Wilkos, which makes him of the • , t richest bred Wilkos Stallions in Canada, This farmer, noted family which produees73,a of all horses Call and see the magnificent quality of my CORN. as-•• ^^� having n standard record, Florence D's dam DADA V ' •. I'Or Sole only y �+ Sup, Crot+inian, wile is Secretary of POTATOES. — I have a limited quantity of Ped River Triumph •„ . Y to by MossCngor. q Y 1 rho Convention, has invited the mein- (�amboy Is a sixteen hnnti.3 year old, bay - .. Stallion weighing 1150 lbs. He Is a good in• Potatoes the earliest and best In the market. a - � bora of his staff for the purpose of as• dividnai having a strong short back well ' •AlK ~ Cole A Cam bill ' ° similating ideas which may be matte ribbed up, good foot and legs, and is nn excep• lionally higRh knee actor. This colt having .'.'.: A. nso Of by them in tho next season's only been well last fall is showing quarters 1 ' .,",o campaign. Ytl, this springin 40, and present Indications show Jewelry Ston p 6 its clearly that with little handling he will w , niako a 20 trntt.or sure 0- THE DRUGGIST Ono day will bo devoted to Wonlon s t1A1gI30y ruin stand for sorvtce at the •'"•• Institutes, and plisses Roso, Maddocks, l:xehaugo Hotel barns. Trmts t--•$10,00 to and Agnes Smith will be the principal insure, payable Iat Tanuary, 1001, A s Macdonald Block • Wingham iliillllllllillllilllllllllilllll speakers on this occasion, s3 -4e Sivarts & tva norman, owners