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The Wingham Advance, 1903-05-14, Page 4
. 4 a Ritchie # CamDbell Leaders in Dress Sills Black Taffetta, Black Japan Taffetta, Black Grosgrain, Peau-de- Soie, Meruv, Black Satins. We have these different qualities and weaves in large quantities, at prices from 50c to $1.50 per yard. Black Silk Grenadines ........ 50c to $3.00 per yd Black and Colored Lustres .... 50c to 1.60 " Black and Broadcloths.. . 70c to 2.00 " HOSIERY.—Silk, Cotton, Lisle Thread, Cash- mere, Embroidered and Lace effects. All prices. CORSETS.—Straight fronts with long hip, in _ white and drab, prices from 50c to $1.50 a pair. EMBROIDERIES.—Large assortment at all prices. Also Embroidered Medallions suitable for trimming white Dress Goods, from 3e to 35c each. Ritchie & Campbell successors to M. H. MCINDOO. 3rass an(.,. This week we are placing lin stock a large assortment of Brass and Iron Beds. The extensive business. done last year with these goods gave us better -discount on the present stock. The Beds are finished with the best enamel (not the cheap paint that will last only a few months and chip off) and guaranteed to wear. Prices from $4.75 to $30.00. The medium priced Beds are ex- ceptionally good value. Will be pleased to have you examine them. Also see our stock of Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables and Couches. Odd Dressers and Stands to go with Iron Beds. See our Window Shade and Curtain Pole stock. UNDERTAKING (Toronto Saturday Night,) Those think know, Advance Office. Terms reasonable. Residence—Patrick Ball Bro,%. Street,former S. Gracresidence would, in fact, have toeatse rssis)enee, - APPLE BARRELS. where night calls tinental scheme is to be given a REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT, ALEX. KELLY receive prompt at- t..:len. Phone The People's Furniture Store DON'T FORGET OUR Bl*g, ..1 Auctl*oilft Boots and Shoes, Dory Goods, Tweeds and Gents' Furnishings SALE COMMENCING Saturday afternoon, May 16th, at 2 o'clock, Also Sale in evenings at 7.30 o'clock, and continued every afternoon at 2 o'clock..... Homuth Bros. @� @� THE � y� For Job Printing at Right Prices THE WINGRA.M ADVANCE. May 14 '` n3 - _ ._ __ _.. ONTARIO FINANCES.. C�.�ztoxz,�X °�A�.e� � ----,-'- �ZRi311i11t11f11gl3ttlltl�3ltliltllltf 1ltlYtxZEY1F11�I�1I9i11l�Itttll1t11Y11111�1�ilitlitlltltllZlt�II1111111Itiilit Premier Ross estimates the ex- —The Government Moto issue is pend4ture for 1903 atTHE pPOPULAR e to be increased from $20,000,000 to but he does not include in this the $30,000,000, he increase to be ap sum required to meet the U.aturing plied to the creation of a reserve to indebtedness for railway donations, JAS. ' K secure the $59,000,000 of postal which amounts to $216,572.60, and jN0.`_ savings bank deposits, a proposal brings the estimate up to $4,754,- which we notice is pot regarded 001.51. The supplementary esti- with favor by some financial circles. mates clave yet to come, and they © j l are likely to exceed $100,000, ThThe e Newest and total outlay for this year is, there- Very --Butter is the least exhaustive fore, likely to fall not far short of S of theroducts of the farm, It the five million mark. Mr. Ross w �. Smartest Styles .� removes none of the elements of estimates that the revenue for the E �; fertility from the land. It is from year will be $4,403,000. If his es- f] 1 �1 (Tt In Itwelve to fifteen per cent. water, timates of the receipts and expert- al uG Dress. Goods and the rest is a combination of diture are correct, the deficit for carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, the the year will be in the neighbor- �'1�(1�j1(i�j3� Waists and most plentiful of elements. Butter- hood of half a million dollars. y+ �l 11 VV ��1111 VV For Suits, fat is a by-product in the convey- Mr. Ross fails to include in his I n Some B 1 o it e� Skirts, are shown at sion of fodder into manure, and as statement one of the largest outlays The Peoples Popular long as that by-product can be sold made by us last year. As most of , �• Always Fresh and Store." the revenue of the farm and its our readers are aware, our dopa- Lees to Clear. fertility will be maintained. tions to railway promoters are notPure. Prompt De• :,,,�, paid in cash. We issue to them livery y •" "' _trench Orepille Sole, Latest Color - what are called certificates of in- ...,. l�elll Out The Toronto Globe says: -19A debtedness, or what might be called �`� ing. • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • . .... . . . ...... 85C good place to adduce evidence of promissory notes, in which we corruption in the three Norths agree to pay them the amount of ^^^^^"^^"""""^^^^^"""""""" Sugar has advanced in French 'Wool Blousing. Fane would be in the election courts." the donations, with interest at three � MTo which the Hamilton Spectator and one-half per cent., during theen's Overalls Blue Denim, reg- price, but we are still selling _ Stripes, per yard ............... � 60c the Tories have made arrangements true Governext nment forty ars. t a be year the alar 401: and. 60c—your choice 30c . Redpath'aCea Granulated ptirie Lece Brocade, for waists, per . -. A at is w fol•........... -•.er might be permitted to say that a of $1,205,686, which includes both .M Men's Overalls Cottonade regular Dark Sugar, 30 lbs. for. , $1.00 , yard • .. • .. • • , , , • .. , , • ,. 36c ..- g.,_„• Su ur,�L lbs, tor..... 1.00; .q. to g o that very thing. And we promoters certificates to the amount � - 3 • . -... g P P principal , p duced to.. o0c COAL CII. a liar and a er-urer and that A. not counted in the ears outlay.tine Wool Delaines for waists, per. ” cod liege t P prove that Nelson is rinept a an interest, 31t which s 7°c and 001, a —air—Re yard .. • • .. • • ..... • c0c W. Wright is a scandal -monger, We aid off during the year certifi- would be in the same election cites falling due to the amount of = Men's Overalls, Brown Duck, reg- Remember, we keep in Y french Wool Satin courts. Will the Grits do it? $229 077 so that the net increase • • • • • • • • 60e i stock the ver beat American , tin Cloth, Newest M " las ss on account our of s railway i dont- � alar 1.00—for.. • . • and Canadian Coal Oil. Shades, For waists or suits, per $ teduess for rin- Northwest any size—you s, all wool Tweed, y 50c —The cattle industryon the tions was 976 609. Our total in- Men's Odd Vests, FLOUR ETC.yard w.. r choice for..... $100 ..•,° es is railwa 1Pro portions numbers of herds with whbieh on December 31 1901, was Our Bread �Flour is the ,Stripe Silkine Blousing, Very -e 2, 00 and 15,000 graze on the na- $5,870,040, stood on December 31, Men's Shirts, well made, Good best and most economical' pretty, per yard ...............•• Soo tural prairie grass and pile up big 1902, at no less than $6,846,649. material (reg. 12;c stripe shirt- -that you can buy. It will' loaves to the sack, than an F yard ... o Silks for waists,per profits to their owners. This only This, as we have already stated, Ing) regular price 60c—Reduced make better bread, and more , guides the helm, fol• in many in- to date of maturity. The cash value h y P occurs when an experienced hand includes both principal and interest �-�-- to.... .... 60c each y - .60 to Inc --• ' "-' :other flour on the market.. � stances newcomers, becoming en- ' of this indebtedness, that is the _ Those who have tried it say thused with the apparently easy amount which we should have had Men's Tier, a quantity of Isnot and Four-in-hand Ties, regular - 8O• Bruck Silks, Plain and Fancy, open o method Of making money, have t0 raise t0 pay 1t off on December .�= 26c—Price to clear..........10c each - work stripe. For waists, coats and risked their all and lost. The 31, 1901, was $3,510,790, and the :Suits, losses on the range for the asp amount that would have been re - SEEDS. P uired to a it off on December w. winter would be about six or seven q pay Dimity Print, about 200 yards. _ Mammoth Long Red Beet per cent., most of which was borne 31, 1902, was $4,072,753. Had we Dark colors. Regular price 12tc Fancy Dress Muslins. aid our railway donations last " yard—now only Seed, New Seed, per lb. l6c y P g year o cash instead of adding lOc d ; Fancy Basket Cloth, b the inexperienced beginners. p y ,..._ y y ......... . ... y y , g "" Garden Peas per ib....... 15c : Plain Batiste, &c. oF I them to our debt, he actual deficit Ladies' Skirts, Tailor made, Good . Package Seeds, all New ; GETTING FURTHER BEHIND. for the year would have been Seeds. 2 packages for... 5e. Black Broadcloth, $615,884. material, Neat fitting, Flared P g; 25 per cent, off : Black Cheviot. The money that we are giving to �-• (weekly Sun.) Y g , g e„•,. Venetian Worsted. w Skirts the railroad promoters will not •' - Black and Navy Ser In' making his financial state- y gee. ment, Mr. Fielding divides the come from the skies. It will come a— Men's and Boys' Ready-made Suits— Black Russel Cord, out of the pockets of the people. It Cash Paid For Eggs Black .Grecian Cord. items Of expenditure into two ...,, wool Tweed, at your own price. If --+ classes one of which he calls llenr- will come either in the form of new you want a cheap Suit, move quick. Homespuns, &c., &c. Gov - rent" and the other "capital' ac- direct taxes, or through the Gov - count. The "capital' account, ernment taking over for taxation which is made up of the expends- by themselves subjects which have hitherto been regarded as objects Winaham .... pure for railway subsidies, iron Jno. &Jas. H. Kerr�(�����(� Blocl, Jno. &Jas. H. Kerr for municipal taxation only. Un- uu bounties, South African contingent, ., der these conditions, does it not and for public buildings and canals, become increasingly important to ea is left out of consideration alto- .illl�fliilttlitl;tltitifillt llilttli�lllitilitiitlitiltibfiltiitliliilillitllitlltit�l�iilfiiiYltlitt��lilttitl gether when the balance is struck, wasteful a stop to our corrupt and _ and in this way Mr. Fielding figures wasteful subsidy policy? Every out a "surplus" of $13,350,000, in- cent that the subsidy raiders re- TOWN PROPERTIES WANTED. �y 1 stead of one of $5,650,000, as above be will in some form or another W. A. CTJRRIE , 1 UffAjj NAUf gilt MUM If Great Britain kept its be added to our tax.bilis. 1 L account as Mr. Fielding keeps ours, the Chancellor of the Exchequer would not include the cost of the South African war, the cost of building a war -ship, nor the cost of RAILWAY SUBSIDIES. I have almost daily enquiries for houses to rent or buy. Now is the time to sell if you wish to do so. No charge unless a sale is made. Abner Cosens, Minnie St. .... AUCTIONEER .... Wingham — — Ontario Date of Sale arranged for at the MCLEAN & SON All kinds of rough and dressed.... rifles and guns purchased for the (Toronto Saturday Night,) Those think know, Advance Office. Terms reasonable. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES army in the annual expenditure,and who they are A. DULMAGE would, in fact, have stating that the Grand Trunk con- APPLE BARRELS. t enormous surpluses,"when, in tinental scheme is to be given a REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT, ALEX. KELLY fact, there were enormous deficits. If the Secretary of the Treasury at cash subsidy of $5,000 a mile. It would look very much as if the CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN on Town and Farm Property. Auctioneer for Huron County Hard and Soft Slabs also a Washington followed our practice, Dominion were to be divided up ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT, large quantity of dry hard - he would not include in the expen- diture of the United States the cost amongst corporations and not re- served for the people. Cash or OFFICE.—In the Hent Block. I have secured an Auctioneoes license for Huroak linty, and Residence—Catherine St. rates repared to conduct wood for sale, delivered. of the war with Spain or a large land subsidies are out of date in a Galea able Sales arranged at the Advance Office. 'Telephone Orders Promptly portion of the outlay on the army country which is already so well onC. J. MAGUIRE ALEX.' KELLY, Wingham P. 0, attended to. and navy. The practice followed the way to development as Canada. at Ottawa is followed nowhere else, and it is not easy to explain how While immigration is pouring in, difficulties may be felt with regard REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING �, AGNEW McLean 8C Sonwe came to establish it here. The to getting the products of the soil Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. r _ worst result of the practice is that to market, but if the profitsof the ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, the proclamation of "surpluses" leads many people to believe that farriers are as great as they are said to be, it should not be long be- office—in Vanstone Block. ACCOUCHEUR. open Saturday eveniugs, 7 to 'J. Office:—Upstairs in the Macdonald they really exist, and they consent to outlays of which they would be foie companies could be formed by the men who have products to ex- Night calls answered at office. J. A. MORTON likely to disapprove if they knew that instead of runningahead we port. Is it not better to suffer the troubles we have in the shape of p BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. RS. CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM were really running behind. too few and too small elevators and MONEY TO LOAN. an insufficient number of "feeding" railroads than to forever burden PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS - ETC. Office: Morton Block, Wingham General Election This Fall. 7 ourselves with debts which will en- osephine Street — Wingham C.A11tCI jAtMl°n3� able railroad companies to control MISS DELLA SPARLIlITG our politics and practically enslave T P. KENNEDY, M.D., M.C.P.s.O ._ Everything points to a general Y g P g our people? Dver since Canada A. T. C. M. J (MemborAossocia British Medical election this fall. The departments are preparing for it, and the idea is was a country it has been approach- in all reap questions . the spit -it g g qGOLD Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher Music Method, Shmplex and Kindergarten. MEDALLIST to go to the country before Sir Wilfrid Laurier's health becomes of experimentalism. That tits ex- I Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam -IN MEDICINE, inatione. attention paid to Disoases of women _ so shattered as to force him to re - periments have proved enormous successes to those engaged in them d an children, OFFICE Hovns —Ito 4 p.m,; 7 to 9 p,m, tire. This explains the cooking of seems to teach us nothing, That a'— THE — the public accounts so as to show eountry' which pays such vast sub- for tasty arta B. T. Hollow fake surpluses in the post -office de- P P and on the Intereolonial sidies t0 railroads should have ADVANCE down-to-dato Job D.D.S., L.D.S. �' y aI Its a pity to have a good partment Railway. In a series of manipula- some sort of lien on them is appar- ent to the most thoughtless. The Printing. Prices Graduate of Royal ''± OFFICE right, college of Dental Suit spoiled in the making. tions b which large amounts due Y g policy of the various Governments, surgeons of Tor... onto and Honor .y The suits we make �i give en - capital account are being carried over until next ear, Hon. W. S. Y f however, seems to be in the direc- tion of further enslaving he conn- Graduate of Dent- �,, _ T al Do t of Toron• VANSTOI�E to University. tire satisfaction. Give us a Fielding is arranging for a big sur- This for the fiscal year. This bal- try by paying great corporations to Latest improved methods in all brauohea of BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Dontistry. Prices moderate. Satisfaction trial and be convinced. plus ance, which will be reached on the enchain it with steel and make themselves masters of the situation. guaranteed, Awoffice in Boavor Brook. Money to loan at lowestrates. Office 'trobbing Peter to pay Paul' basis, will result in an enormous deficit BEAVER BLOCK, ARTHUR J. IRWIN Webster 8c Co. 7.95. WINGHAM. during 1903-04, but it will then be D.D.S., L.D.S. beyond the ability of he people to punish the offenders. The whole Lazy Livers and Sluggish Kidneys, 'When these organs fail to •HOS' �"IOLMES nsylvania College and Licentiate ofarran i ; Doctor of Dental Surgery of he Fen-MPROMPTLY ement is looked u on as a P perform their proper fuuctious, tics blood bo• Dental Sur er og RANI�D11,, LTC. 8 S' f Ontnrio. carefully laid plot to deceive the electorate as to the real condition comes poisoned acid suffering and dis. ease Commence. This can be avoided Marriage Lleensos issued, No witnosses Office over Post Oilrce--WXNGHAM reqired.s Of the countrys finances. Sir Mulock's action in re re- I by keeping your vitality at high•water mark, the blood rich and tiro b takin p y g Mooy 7largo amounts; smaller in pro• Portion, Lastest terms,lWilliam MISS SARA L. MOORS SECURED P senting his department as having a one I'errozone Tablet after each meal. F©rrozone has a mild but rapid action RICHARD IiOLh1ES Teacher of Piano and Theor �' write for our interesting books"Invent- Invent - or's Help" " surplus of $5,000 which the Audi- sur P f tor General declares is a deficit of on the liver and kidneys, and is certain- ly the greatest producer of red vitalizing BARRISTER AT LAW, S'OLICITOn, ETC., FITC. office;—next to Holmes Block now building ------ and HOW you are swindled." Send us a rough sketch or tnodel of your in- - venlion orimprovement and we willtell you $380,000, furnishes an excellent blood known to science. Morning tir• odness, Langour, Dizziness, Pain In th0 { T { �ljss CARRIIJ MOORL tree our opinion ss to whether it is piobabty patentable. Refocted applications have often example of ill© lengths to which the P g present ministers of the crown are bank duel Sick Headache disappear at pp once when l�errozono is used, Get it WELLINGTON MUTUAL Teacher of Violin and Guitar, cn sucally ley prosecuted by pa We reondnct fully equiPpcd offices b Monlrc e wi4wa±hingtou; thtegnaiifiesustojimwpt- prepared to go in order t0 lead to -day, Price Me. at Druggist or N. C. Polson& Co„ Kingston, Ont. (Sold by G r FIRE INS ' CO.' r 12ooma In Steno Block, it inghnm, ly dispateh work atld quickly secure retests asbroad aAtheinvention. iiig):estreterenees furnished. their masters ---the people ---astray. L. A Hamilton. Established 1810. Patentsrocared through Marion & Me- Whon the year 1093-04 is fully ex- the Dr. Hamilton's Pills cure I3illiousuess. Head Office GUELPH, ONT, Y DICKINSON & riolt receive special notice without ehar¢o in over too newspapers distributed throughout Posed supposed surpluses will - Alske taken on all classoa of insurable pro IIOLML{ S the DCm(nien. have disappeared, and instead, the MONb:Y TO LOAN --At 4j per Cent, on improved farms, Efts terms porty on the oash orpromiumtiote syatom, aolblii:, CHAS. DAVIDsOli, Barristsrs, Solicitors etc swiait :•—Patent bulnem of tranutao- payers aux l;nginezra. oiisetting shortage will be a beams- rang' to those who put their trust p y of re, �tyment; eitpenses light, Apply A. Dulmage 1tca1 Estate ,palest f Presldent, 8eorotary, bffiCe• Meyer y rl3lock Wlaghatn. < 1VIARZOi�• & iVSAFLiC7?V ` Patent Exports stet! SQlloltors3. in the Liberal leaders. and Llan Agent, lientBlock, JOHN RITCHIE, bt1ENT, wTNtEItAM ONT 11, L,TJlokiwrota DiidlsrFtoimaw NewYork Lifeu'Id'aa,tlontrral Officael�V�Bidg.Was��rhln�