HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-05-14, Page 211 — ____.4MMo"..._ " . ....... I - - - - - -
44 Wh I 1 po . I �� � '. -,- , , �7, 1=='I' -'Pop"". . I " _ - � .. . \ ., _ .. � �� .� . 7�: --� - - - � ,, � � -
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Kw- � Z
most, rouglaly.. "It's a Ito -say It's
o&n. o1punia.to tAthor, A sweet, but
Wartlason married to a nice 914
iatotlaerles* daughter, and an 400011to,
and, got him away: from title town."
h he aher Imtes, Is
Titiou he retreated from the edge
not, all ultuieuvo combination 14 tills
of the counter, But Miss Lou's OYOR
world-moreso the pity, Them was
dropped itwtvad of blazing. .4be
such a t�oio In Moroway not long Ago
ecamed to W thinking and tile squire
. I
And, va "All the World loves a )over"
Chuckled to himself. '*The woman
and doubly loves two 10YOM Who
who deliberates is lost." W11011 she
awm,to have l,,eQu made for, each
raised her eyes they, were averted
otlw. all Uor4nvAY wishootbat M,or-
as miss Lou said: .
giol )3ureb and Sack Worthaoil might
"I'm busluesslilce onough to 66
W At= to vlarr,y and live happy
sometillui; In that offer. Utio.d.morn.
Ing -but be caoreful not to med4lo
They might h,tvo made a runaway
ivitli Aug of my plans." .
matah. but M;uVIq longed and hoped
Tile next daZ'Xiss Len, in her fur
that in time her father would Change
Cloak and cap, Came again to tile
hie mind; besl4,es, JAoU wag willing
Store. and, though she made. Ito quick
to wait for ber forever, and there
purchu,se, alid went as qulckiy�, tile
was nothing azalliet him but that
Squire, SAW with delight 'that JaoX
his father and MarolVz had lilooll
Worthaou bad accompanied bar to
onoulles fop y,aarg. But Squire
the door aolld Was owattina her e,XIto
Biarch's mind w.,As not of tlt'D UlAd
, him he's a gonerl"
I'll slip Wants I
that ohil'ilaw.'. ,
said the squire to himself us the cou.
-I'm a otraight up and 'down
ple disappeared.
n),au,11 ho, aten ravid, 'laud wholl I
would 4e anything that that wo�
j0ot my foot down It's set to stay-"
priends of the young couple tried
man walltotl,& bill,." .
Uo saw them together several
OPP ositton
times, afterward and each time lite,
to UarWlels layer, but besl4es being
heart warmed. One vight when the
a b&1,.4 oreat?aro to rettatin 'W"7
&tQrDrQWAIned Open 111ttl because tile
113(tutre Burch Iwas owner Of the
Squire WAS to attend a lodge meet.
principal #goro in MOrOWMy,
Wall also, 06 justloo, of the -peace, and
Ing In the room over thootore .Tack
Worthson Suddenly appeared through
there axe reasons why prildeut men
the little dark room, whioll was the
da n9t Care to aut4,6goulzo a person
rear entrance of the store, and star�
of auca double importance,
hard hearted; Ile
tied the proprietor by beckoning to
squire was not
loved tiW daug,14ar dearly, 14at be be-
him, The squire approached and Jack
said ; .
lieVed, like panWi another lulddlity-alged
4.1 understaAd you want to, got me
man, that love e4faire weaken If they
have time, and that soco,lid
out of thig, tow�, Mr. Burch. NVoll,
IoVps make a, large proportion of
now's your chance." As he spoke he
waved hie hand toward something
snch marrip4pa as AM happy- Margie
abodlent daughter, '00 whorl
which, despite a faint beams of
W lorbiddiell at I tleliZ the house and
llgb� from tile the squire rec-
as at
exa froall Margie a promise tbat
' allow Jack to make
,would not
, married lots of couples*, '00
love to lier when she 'met Ulm at
license Is needed In this state, and
we don't want any fuss, Anyhow;
parties, the Squire balleved that lie
we otmpljr want to jet marrieit and
apuld possess his Soul In peace, ea-
as JAQX was so, Attractive
&'way- If ,you'-ro' willing to let by -
and well-to-do that � a lot of girlr--
gpiles, be' bygones now is your
and their mother,11--4w0re ,angling for
to land ii�lm at the
oballoo." I . �
The expectant bride looked go
him, and ready.
first albble.
pretty, though her bead dropped
modestly, autl lie'r face was muffled
But Jack did not seem to Dibble, He
In A Yell, that the s(luire's ,heart
ovuld not help being Courteous to
besidet Margie, who
ached anewi with a Ative lie had tried
girls in general;
detested Jealous girls, IDsisted that
forget. But to get Tid �of ,Tack
Wo,rtllisan 1,
he should do go, The squire, Who
observed bitil closely, fumed secretly
"Bygoncis shall be bygones, Z70ung
nlan. I'm a square up-and-down man
at the Young mania loyalty% and
called him a fool, for although the
and when I liset my foot down it Stays
get. Join right haVlaB 11,
squire loved his daughter and ad-
mired bar many good and attractive
TAO bride seemed to beffIta.te, but
tbe, squire took her hand, placed Win
ties, he could not cease to re- �
qX,d" bar as A. child, whereas there
1,��Ila,a ,d Al1*P
B �
I jt� 1�
_,it. J�ed In my hands
were some superb uumar1cled woman
lu Moreway-women whom lie Wished
by 'i. I"" Of
. , 'ate I pronounce
be were youllil; 6110ugh to make love
You man and wife, and whom God
hath joined together latnot man put
to, Videed, there Wag Ona�-LOU Naltb,
yet respect eomue'_
assu-nder. An' I dGxVt want any fee,
a, plump, galleys
ling beauty of .'A W40 ll� d been
I �wlsh I dared to, kiss the bride."
TO thasquire's sutprlse and delight
obligged to give bini the mitten, Yet
the bride threw her arms around him
silo did it so nicely that they re-
and L.f.saod him several times-
malued friends.
through thei veil, w
-- fty doesn't tile fool have eyes
"Just In time to catch the train for
and Sallee onOUghi to fall In 10%'e wit"
the city," said Jack, and tile couple
Lou?" the OqUire'aaked himself in
hurried ilwayo
store one day w,.bpn be. chanced to
TOO squire was glad of the lodge
be alone. "alle'd take his heart so
a for it would keep him from
entirely that Margie would Seem a
ll'blue, till long after Madgela bed-
bab him. To be sure, she's
M'g , best friend, but for that
time, ,so he would not have to re-
proach himself on seeing her patient
very reason Margie would be glad to
give hIm up.-ur ought to. I wonder
face. For the same reason he hurried
to the, store, bext morning before
if I couldn't be smart enough to
make the matell? I,va succeeded at
U dges time for ar.rising. He ,whis-
tl�j 0�oarlly 'all morning until lie
harder One&,, right here In this
. a way of basinesg-JUst
store all in th
wo_, Ilat"t ad b the appearance of
M . y
�. I., Lou ,Vth, store. After a me -
to Inake sure that money would
Collie, into .Tamlilos that owed me
Want or two of silence lie said:
"Seems to me there's somethin, un -
Molloy, 1,Vlly Shouldn't I make an-
other for my own peace of mind?"
usual about you tills mornin'. Oil, 1
see -70a hain,t got your fare on."
Tile squire nursed big project to
keel) it Warm, and a few days later
"No," was the reply, In a matter -
Of -fact tonO, III lent them to Madge
fortune sent Miss Lou Into the store
last evening for the trip she had to ,
to make some Rmldi Purchases' Many
hearts are twice as warm at 50 as
make to tile city, 'Mwap a. very cold
at 25, so thes.qatre looked adoringlY
at his fair e ' ustomer, whose natural
1"W.h-aaa-t ?11 The squire looked
fiercely at Miss Lou's eyes and Miss
beauties were enhanced by a cloak
Lou looked calmly Into blo until the
with high collar and a fur Cap.
mail's hard face twitolled *nervou6ly
61 Splendid rig for a cold day like
and tears begam to trickle down lite
thle, said the squire, "but where on
Cheeks; then Miss Lou turned her
earth did your get It ? I never SAW.
face and Wiped RDIDetbing Iron) bar
a Suit or lure on sille, In this town
own eyes, I I
or L4 woman, who could afford to buy
"At' 'twas I thwi: married 'am -1
one. The old 'wild cat all Stock Of
tin' promised ,Tack that bygones
your rather must have struck 0,
should be bygolles" .
gusbar. I had a chance to buy Into
"That'll be the IyL,ly way to explain
ilia. same company, but-"
It to other people, squire, unless you
npatherls, Is for sale, If you care
vv&,At -to be laugbed at.11 j
for it,,, sald Miss Lou, as she Car-
"But how did they manage It?
eased a fur sleeve, "As for those
'Twas Shear witheraft-an' hang me
tilings--everybody's af fairs are
It I don't blolleve you were the
Wked over to a
itab I
may save me a lot, of questions,
"An offer of $1,000 will Put any
j' you wIll, by telling the gossips
woman to her busluesn wits, squire."
that they wiere sent me by a rala-
"A thousand dollaru?-for helping
tIve In the a -wt. I Suppose th,DY
rob me of my daughter?"
are too old-falabloned or Something
"No. for doing just what you said -
to be useful any longer out there,
getting ,Tack Wortlilson married to a
but they're jd0t the thing for this
nice girl and getting him out of this
weather-andt Ing."
town. But I'll call the bargain off If
141 shoul& think so," the squire
you'll call Jack back and Madge with
exclaimed, with Am admiring took.
him. Por"oherti Miss Lou pretended
But admiration never allowed the
to be demure, though her eyes danced
-,'I do go miss my, lure!"
to forget business, 60 he
2117 ( �,
"I Wish to goodness Jack Worth' -
son could see You in thn-t rig. He'd
forget Margie quick oo a
he wouldrift 'take 'ANO' for an an-
swer and you'd make a splendid coo-
Why dO ma,,ny Wives Pt%t on tile ln�,
pie, and I'd be at peace."
lured martyr air instead of telling
Miss Lows rich , brilliant eyes
flashed mischievously as she re-
their husbands just what they Want
or think ? .
wo m bargain
of that kind, Squire Burch."
Wily do many, husbands work hard
,,yes; t-rememiler," sighed the
fOr their wives and family. but nev.
squire, "but It's to your areditthat
er think limy, the wife, would appre-
I cawt forget year good points.
ciate an invitation to the theatre,
And you might do warse and1would
a, llttlo, dinner at 'a. ,restaurant, a
be hard for you to, do 1�atter.
box of candy or some flowers
sTaInt the young rascalIg fault tht6t
brought )ionic ana.gked?
I bttted his father twenty years.
Jackoo, got jt� in b1m; bb'll be right
day -when
Why do Ili,
-my mother -In-laws do-
amart of a MILM'golue
he geto Margie off his mind. it
Din ad all the attention and Ili return
1131argio off hL4 ralad"' echoed
gles Lou, Scornfully And With an-
ttlfttso to do anything to make their
PhIldron happy except In So ra,r 4ts it
,Dtiler flaob of her very expressive
Pleases them Personally ?
eyelso "You might as well Bay'when
, ___
tho world endo., is
'lob, was Lout Lots of
why do many. children resent any.
thing their pn.rento stiy -and look on
fine young men have been over th,eIr
them as bores mud long to be grown
hea& lit love. yet afterward loved
up so wq to asodpe from them 7
oomo other Woman for 9. lifetime,
and Iota of fine girls are just like
*eta. it you're a's food of my Mar-
Wily dry many servants look on
4"a an you seem to blo� you Can't
do hot, 4 greater kindness than to
their mistresses AS their natuml ene-
mies, and, forgetting tile inally kind -
belly me put an end to hor monno,
-1008es done to them, "givel notIC0
It tbeir
fag Over Jack Worthisoll, for You
mistrPases speak crossly
I about some stupid or.caroless thing ,
know I'll novel* lot her marry
I VOW, I wISh you could be a, man
t1loy baTA done?
-without stopplop beill' Yourself."
I I - ,
uWhy so 21* il'alked Miss Lou, and
agatta her eyeff gave ilia squire a,
i Wily do many timployefff Say their
Pang, 60 Searching yet yally'llak
clal,ki are a, atupid lot and unwor-
`0 thy of their Consideration ?
Were they,
,-Well, I could talk basWesa to a
I ___
mtkill-if be W04 a Woman. That 10, I
1 Why do wany clerks A',,sok
could talk bunifload to 0, woman'- ft,
I envy tin their employoro .Ilia rage
woman like you, raliftd-If title had tll#
L . overt -very correction or Es�arly word?
sonse of & m4n.", I - �
___ -
Minn Loulif oyon- madti tile squire
It MOM Worm IWAr bar foot as She
Wily ffo many men IrlVXh at wow-
enf�4 lai& of business ability and ,vet
to ,do i .' I '
Pneev antl rather look d*w,n On the'
quite AS mubb bonne as ally
Than Vve m -t In Up last tow ultil-
womall. who Shows silo litts Rome?
ut6g, so go ot% with your buninest
lalk." I . j (
Wbs, do many pernoun behave vaoto
aWolitC, mid the Squire, 111,16rgle's
courteoliAly antl kindly to outold4nra
all L'vo got 16 tbd Wdrld, Of human
than they do to tile ones they really
kind, an, #hW# tbo Apple of my
love thin best of all?' t
OY41, &TV t don't 1Ik4 ih#r tO bO Un'
flappy. I'll tlyb-" 1wrA the inquiro ro-
William MO." wair killed at Port
covered his ftlf.poth6anlon. for 1116
W1111;%lit by fallitig froilt a, matfold.
was About to rl*6 tO the digilItY Ot
11411w4Y 0111416S)MV6 rmfllvOil Or-
oftoriflob, 1,1,a. gl" no Ithout4ad doto,
dorm mot to accept froltidit for Mont-
Isrs to 6-0166 who'd got itack
real. . .
lie -to one part of SwItzeria, nd there are more than three
thousand Ctiols constantly eng aged In making iftatches.
Wie-Therty are more tban twenty times that number of
mothers over here doing the same thing.
— . -1 . . - .11 I. � — - -, -, . I - , — _.-_1-_-____ ____ ,.--, __-, , ..
.:�#" ._� .
:\�� I llolo`";;.��,,,_l ., .7
� .11 .1 I 0� - I . � I I ..00,_,.o.,. , , , , , , , , ''. ., .
" � � I I
��� 11 11
she'd give me up V 110 seized bor alo, ... W-OPP1411P41�10101�^^^e%J1
, . I , � , ,, � ..,
no itirfloultx In obtuilling witnesgog
most, rouglaly.. "It's a Ito -say It's
, - I . .
green ihO Y0110w Innipliglit stream across
Iliad protife.-Cook. Twelve (1670 -
a lie IC' .
Coll- tile sill,' to lose itself In tile blue
Intensity or the dark.
do per lb ................ 0356 to 010sq
Frogs,seloct, pore%yt._...,.. 6 2i to 0 o
4) tile tialo 11aul bad left Once.
""'a �
Tile tears poured daiva ,her cheeks.
The 11arketso.
to ilia Saddiloean Jews present. -
HE Imprisonment at co.sarea,(vs,
Area until lite return was only nine
"It's true—aa Qod sees too, it's true.
202-217.) 22-211,4. Wheill lilelix llea,rd,Ula
ainst paused, shifting uneasily. 11 Yer see,
dA7Q. OZIIY,elgl)t of the twelyQ4047S.
00 across the border, Today - go
tiOns at important wlicat contras
to-titly., L � . I '
bad been epeut hi Jerusalem.
I straight. 1,11 'c,Qme to yor there,.
I 'm 1WV. .
deferred an answer fVoW time to .
time in the meathylille, ii.ow pa
I a tile; ul
Is,,, 1,1j. Neither found me, oto. -
bO.Y-I'll make yer a home -I'll make
much liberty, and tho'coloplany of his
friends, Ray -law ...... knowledge-ri elix
long- - O&I I . , , I
with Then they brought In ,Tammy.
In tOrDIS Or unqualified 400141 110
.yor every day tile little bleoults yor 1X01,011to ViLvaters* Dforlret.
nloots -the Xlrst oliargo-of 6041tion.
aster like so muoluk, May 3.1�_Ixqlo receipts of grain On
, I
1yorallip, Wilt the plotting Or Iligar-
� volve ted be street to -44y g1low 411 luorouSe.
T1110 PatIvOtto ponetra t ,
reatiol I %vAa ilia object or Ilia recent
even, Ills rage and paill, JyItN a Wheat to higher, with Sales of *`
vir,it to Jerusalem ; And w1illo wQr.
fierce Shake of ills shoulders lie 11118110111 Of WhItO At 7'11-'-'c, .
, ,wliLtail
Ill, I
shipplughowas found and arrested,
cast tile ttiought of tile other wo. buffliels of rod At 74
110 had %lot even 80019011 10 public,
1 ,3
I man 'from him, One load of Mining At 70�t all
much less by artful harangue gought
I C'Mothor, It it' wasaill; for yon I'd bushels Of 190060 ait 07c. Oflts Are
to gather disaffected persiyu% ilithel,
! 90 Straight th:01.0, al)(1 11,1 about avehanged, witiv sales of 1,2100
ill tll(,- temple, the flynagol Or.
the w,4018 outfit, and be , shot my- 010 Alt 84 to 850.
I 801fo, Ilut I been Dalry produce tit good supply, With
tile CILY.-Dutlor. Neltbor -call tl]6�. kr
re was 'the Pith, of -tile
allift inuoh, good
1 to 7qa__A"d I Owe it to you to prices ot Ilutter eaplor, choice larP
(211�.,"�Iii,110110PPOAI 10 boill;� made; '110
silare you .Nv,bat I ,can, I'll go,1%
Be turnela to ber again, all tender.
rolW getting At 17, to 100, anti pound
rollf) at IW to 2,1,1,0. Rage 140 dozen
011411eligue lavestIgation. .
&h. (fills I CQL1fC6N--TI1iS VUrgea,nd
' When I can make a place
retail. Garden utuf 9 III good 8011-
tile following Contain PAIII't� roploy to
)l for �Olfv you'll come, Wo�lllt YOU 2
� I Ain't such a bad loto, Good b ye-
ply. I
Hay is unchanged, ,with sales Of
'��b ton for,
rartfilluff, tbat Ila
tile Aeousatioll or I .1 I
Was 4 J'jJIgleU4dQr i .
40. Poll't come out -I'll get tile
load" at $I� to ,$:t$ 4
I � �
timotbT, And at 1$0 to $,) for mixed.
He boldly aAld joyously Confesses
hOrRO-Watoll! from here, If trouble
kftraw D01411nal at quotations,
thall, tie Is a Christian, but At tuQ
oomli% Shou-t pw
Ile was 9000, She stood bowlidered
Dressed )logo Are unchanged, 'With
Saplo time declines to aolroowloage
tile oppl,9brious teral used by Taro,
I In tho room. InUrAlUring Incoherent
fratasi at $8 to 4
Following Is, tile range or quota-
tullus,fAngo. The way-11TUe Way,,
� 10VIng words. Mechanically silo pray-
tIOX10. lybeat, Wilitti, bush, 7.1 to
Is 5104�f.A used by PAU1 to b19111fF the
: Od for III$ safety. Soon even petitions
721.2c. red, hugh, 74 to 711-20,
ClIrtfitlan 1`01191011- 800 Qllap'liv, I.).
i (110d UPDXI her Ilps. Crosalng to the
� doorway silo looked out anxiously as
900 Sol, 07 to 671-2a; olit$, 8-11-2
75 to
aeresy-11A scoV, .
15, 16, aoptl towald. GOLI-Ilaving
I Falo heard hila ride awa,y, No - to 05c; barley, 130; peox.
I 9
'if haman Occupation in all ilia we' n 780; bay, timothy, per ton, $=Oto
Ide mixed, $6 to $0, S�raW, $8.5a
a 110po of tile resurrection or tile
dead, -wIllob arlaea.from the protilloes
11101*40a, Silo seated herself Ili ilia to $0-1 apples, poll bill., $1.110 to,
narrow Rhade of the long red tiles o;
$2,50; dressed flags, $8 to $8.5
or COd-oIl4rlJ0S- 'U'a declares that,
in coulmon with Wally or Ills Ago,
-allld waited. Hour after bout crept, 'r, 17
Slowly by. Vie sun began to alak, eggs, 13 *to 110; butter, dah
to 22'e, creamery, 20 to 210; olllok�
r and virlth, Ilia"inuos or hlo
MAL a,
untloll, lie holds stcadrastly to tbc,
the mesas turned to purple, tile spiky _ . �
enal POIL, lly'. 12 to 130; turkeys, per
I cactile V11,0110 bronzed and rat. Long Ili., 0 to 200; potatoes, par bag,
allaftivs crept beyond tile -The
11 of a roulirreetion froW doatil,
INIIF,011ub tile promise all(, Poworot
grailia, of the watered lands became
$1,20 to $1.26. .
000.1, I exel-chio Illyself-"Ho strives
Int nao, ilia all, took Oh -the vague
a �
Toronto Live Stock Uairlrmt.
as (lie Ill,bleto or warrior, only Ilia
Struggle and warfare is witbilit the
freshness of coming evening. Twi-
light, Caine. -
Export cattle, eboice, per owt $4 70 lo �q oa
do modlanit ............ � ... 4 25 to 4 70
" .110 Must be safe now -he must be
I d000wf ..................... . 330 to 4 00
4iferlorcows ................. 2 T5 to 325
17. After many, yLars-Paul re -
rare to tile four' years whitilk J)ad
e bd again and Again
$lie said It, as it to make It true
Butobers'cattloipioll ....... I 50 to 4 85
Butchord' cattle, choice ...... A 10 to 4 3�
clapsed sillea Ills just ,visit to Java -
I , 4 .13
181[[�J TH[ UPP[R , by vorY force of desire. slowly Butchors'cattlo, fair ......... ,I' 75 to 8 00 sai(ITALC, lap. XNA 1'. Q I.—Pteyer. U0
evening' mellowed In suits export, heavy . ......... 3 51 to 4 00 came as the Almoner of 401p, not As
to night, bright (10 ylgilt ....... .. I .......... 3 �3 to 360 the fomenter of disturbatice an& -
and low, the. great stars Swung. Still ro do,s,adhqrr.t,�081? ........... 4.25 to 4,75
6 1TW ed. ta, to R - �ca of injury to his nation.
RJIQ S%t At tile door$ her hands clasp . ,J to I ob goal 8 W
ad In bar lap, straining her ears ll� 10", o.,::-::":--- 300 to 3,60 18-21. Jews from Aisla—"Paul JV t�
air sto.k.;�,hlwt;�: ::. I I.: 1:: a 51) to 3 13 ly complains that tile *Yory par,
the silence. I I dtoolters, connnon ............ 273 to 300 sons who alone could -(,chilly ilgiLlult
In ilia distancoo the thatr of gallop- Milch cows, each. . ............ 3000 to W Do
THL NFREH MILL STONE Ing .horses. JSbe rose, clutched the Light shooll . ................. I 60 to 5 00 hill, wore absent, and' $ho,�irr,�d t?j&t
- J�A DO WIS,H YOU I Palms, and coral llarq. libe
wouldn't,'tahe said Out SadlY at tile strange land
� <4 "You. don't Seem -gray-.4rown dust anti guay-
I to realize 1101V cact&, -wiry mosquit and tall,
. I., � . dreadfill it Is," . . torted yucca. 11,o ilia right,
. , so a covered slopes or water fed I
, .y Her tall
...: . * " IrOW
. . .tied, ',Darn it dotted with red 4n4 white c
( � . . :. � 1611 1 what did near by �be corals, aud far sout
I*_1 , . . *- ,,": � �,. Buck go to tell blue mesas of Mexico Sharp ag
� the sky. Loneliness brooded wit
1!1111 11 you for? I knew Ing th&t lose Ili her heart
. "\ , You'd , make 1% -the majestic Loneliness of
� fl, fuss." Spaces, that 14riligs With It ilia
I.. . "Please, Jealmy," peace or � primitive, uncha
she begged; "this thingso. It could not Soothe the
10A, I I Man is a. stroaug- Ing that rove Ila her heart
or to YOU. He's never (lone you any the thought of her lost ohildr
harm, Let the others bound 111m; 18ho turned flow tliq witido
, Jemmy. 'Taln't J13S to find forgetfulness Ili
right, and I couldn't feel the Same homoly 'task. The strange�ao
toward you if you had a hand her surrowidings gripped her.
it," , In
� k ; were these yFilow mud walls;
"Now, seehere," lig s;Lld, desperate- heavy, hand lieurn furillLures.
1Y, "You can't understand It, I know, massive carvcd leather oaddio
but the crowd wouldn't never for. tride 'the wooden page bendido
give me if I didn't go in with, them. dOOT ? )Till$ her home! All',
Red -Tack never did me a. hurt nor T1101 vilid Picture Of the Old uIll
won- My money, nor lie never swiped house, tba.fringed elms, the Lrin
Done of mr Cattle. I ain't even laid dent lost to'her now� forever, br
eyes on him mysel(, Rat It,s &11 Stinging tears to her eyes. I
tile same; we settlers has got to moment 'boluei3lekness blinded
stand by one another, and when the else to her. She tattered t
kitchen, her refuge in -hours
majority says there's a bad mail trouble. .
to be Shelled out of the community -
the bunch as a wholat lia "No," Elie said aloud, as she
61 to do it, hat, chocked apron frout its
If I hung back from my share of "no, I'm, not sorry-X'm gladf
the raw- they'd never stand by me, .Tammy will live out here,
'Tain't as ir we ,,vw -,tit at homel In I'll live here, too. What's a
the r,imsz. Ton: haveWt learned thoL and a tree or so to one's v�or
customs .Yet, bfut I telli you I've got ablid I"
to go.,$ , The door behind her Creaked
She wrung her hands and tears quickly, looked Into ilia barrf.
gathered In her eyes. levelled reiolver, and board a
"'It's lYneldn', Jemmyll ' voice order, "Be quiet I I'm
"Yep, and it there Wasn't lynch beat. and T vvant grub. savez
la.wtherol4alleno law. Mother,don't Her eyes trialelled from .the
take on. You've come out here and Ing weallon pollited.at her he
you've get to learn to stand'our the man behind It. Be was tal
ways. . I know it's hard on you-, but handsome, with a squaire
you'll get ased, to it by and by.." grial mouth,. a thin mose, with
1i WIlax'll they make you do, Sam. ' nohtrlls, and a pair of.reckless
My VI � � shaded by a brown 'sombrero
. � I ; � with 'Oinaments. From Undo
5'Oh, nothing much , put lite On ilia gorgi-oca Mexicali hat Fit
guard somewbereg to keep a look goldenauburn hair, bablebly so
out and see ho..don't got past land - ljne� Slowly tile woman's face
over the border Into Mixico. TIley'll itself '.a a widening Stare, qua
rUD al 73ig circle and gradually draw - Ing, t�rrlflad. I I
him in: T)ien he'll proba,bly step ' "Yes, I'm Red Jack," he we
oat to Mendez, he's stuck on that "but, for all that, searing v
e h Isn't my business. I won't hur
ox�rrl, watch there and. pinch him. mothero Just give a poor 11
144 mail a docent lu-,,al, will yer
, -�s said she'd turn him over.'
5bold betray him P T�he.;woman's See, a nlew,ly, lantern lowed s
wrinkled fal�e went fed with indig- cXISEes are after me 'Cause
natioln. didn't know bow to Play th
tional gaine. " There was a ,%v
"Sure, or 111endez Couldn't ran the _altempt at levity in Ills vol
Blue Devil. Mile crow4ld clean him nor eyes looked Into his. 'IT%
out-lx'mt'* lie said suddenly, realiz-f she gasped. "Oh, Ilitle boy V
Ing that Ills tongue ,bad run away The man lowered Ills .gun.
With him, "Don't yon take on so, I'll be hanged VP
guess It'll come out all right any- Wbo, words drove home like t
how, 13,011 got &.Oros$ the line and thruet.
there won't be any 1�ourth of July "Oh, my God I they shan't
at all. Ziere now. Tills ain't no yer, Meddy 1 Oil, run -run
place for yatf, mother, and I was sk mustn't get yer! They're afto
dinged fool to let yer come." I I they are -go now, and you can
She ree.overed her aelf-oontrol the 'hoider I Oil, to find Va
quickly. 1111o, -Tammy; where my Day thle-and they a hunting of
1, li, It, sudden loving movern
my place, too. There's fiobody With I
else ill the wofrld latt to me -any- Ills huge, arms he folded -the
hody but you; that's why I hate old woman to lite breast.
toi see you doing ungodly thinga, and With Sells ana -tears silo eta
this Is tingodly, Jammy, our! no good him, murmaring lite name be
will come of Ito X suppose you won't choking gasps. .
listen to y6ur ,old mother. Children "Go you must go," Shia rep
mostly think they know It li,1111-- while' 116 withered arins eta
"You, don't undersdand," Ila Inter- Win even closer.
ruptea, exasperated. !,No,, I ' ain't golnl," he Said.
"No, I don't und6ratand this sort ly, "nut for a while, mother
lot thing, thank Goa. 1 Iton't inider-, yOu needn't tell me, I goitter.
stand the killing of no" a living ain't seen yer'fer years all'
man," and I'm last dead beat."
"Well," lie said, In ilia tone -with Tile confession of .Ills Imm
which Ono bumora; a frotful clilld, need gave bor strangt1i, stoaft
111,11 jnb,t shoir up, and lot Mom failing nerves. Swiftly. she so
think I'm solid with lent, all, then fare him the best she could pz
I'll slide out an' drop 'Llia thing. pausing to touch him with
There, nowIll that do TI Caressing wondet. Buge, i3hy,
She put her ,withered )land vpon 'Ward lie accepted 'hol, minlatry
Illu bioad shoulderu and looked him a WISItral 7ear,11.
Ling piercing It
square In the face. "Yon, remember reckless man -mor, making' lilm
Semmy," she sa,ld slowly, "that an overgrown boy, Again, She
your old mothat 1,9 up here alonei' telLed About Ift, panting wltl;
for every mall,LS left tile place for _ P111j)BB In his rootiVal"r, trot
thin Woody ii?>rk; all alone, re- with agonized app,-clionslon t
member, land, ell be a thinking of danger. F 1. � i I
ere J)y ilia window, Waiting for ',Alid y4ou'll .'iovor play in
�Soull Ito tolne 1-ilack with your hands - dwadfUl ' P�laoea again, "Will
clean of man killing. Don't forget, Ted 2" she begged for the bane
Uorw, her I" I time, and toll tile hundredth tl
96 a turned )it& bead quickly ileet g4yo bar Ilia promise, "Yowil P
read Ills intentloos of deceit. to UC8%1co and take up a ratio
"Yeo, mother," Ila nodded. Catching !Iva qtll0t,. won't YOut Tad 2"
up )Ila Winchester, lie jammed down , "Yes, I Will." ,* �
My sombrero and m4do for tile door. , "And I'll Come Wyer, ,Tamilly
"Ilack Ily suildown, I gness", Ito Call- need me hore.11 I
ed J)ftek. "Dwalt worry." "rll +.AkO Care )Df Yior, MOtbC
f3lia watched litni sling himself, "you got money, lla�re yer?"
easily up6n Ilia �iroveo and canter Be Smiled wbilusloahr, slappl
9%,virtly oft oval, tile tioall toward tho lite heavy b6lto III rather gueo
river settlement. Site Sighed deeply. aWt no troublo." I
go, tIllowaft ilia groatton, , tbWest; this "Ain't thoare nothIng I can
tile unfesttered life that had hifattia. helpt" Bile begged. I
tell 4ri'mmy, With Its exeltemp.11t, Its - "Can I get a borne? I'll letty
pillar for support. Closer and
.. Closer
C&II10 tile 41117tbull0al beat ving
Reavy $hoop . ................ 315 to I 25
Blacks orowt.. $00 to 400
Urali.-141d �rW�i;:::::: 5 00 to 4 AD
Mora was really no woll-founda,j
c�l ,gailiat lillu. They Alone
gazed Rjln"AS balked In the clark.
Seave pho t1irew open tne .cxoor, letting
Grabi-fed buelts ......... I .... I I 5 00 to 5 51
liarnyard lftwb3 .... ....... 3 30 0 4 00
5 00
uld tc,
'itify as to anythIng till.it
occurred In tile temple; land as
green ihO Y0110w Innipliglit stream across
Springlainbs .... I—— ....... 2 AD to
Calves, per load.; .... I .... 200 to 10
they were not prtme nt that eliargo
ouglit -to be dismiusea. or else-
Coll- tile sill,' to lose itself In tile blue
Intensity or the dark.
do per lb ................ 0356 to 010sq
Frogs,seloct, pore%yt._...,.. 6 2i to 0 o
"Viluk turns with a ,hold chatilhige
ands, 11 Wbat is it ?" she quh, area.
Hogs, light, per owt ........... t; 00 it) 0 00
QWI.fat, per owt ............. 6 00 to 0 V0
to ilia Saddiloean Jews present. -
HE Imprisonment at co.sarea,(vs,
attic, A man swung from the nearest
It the POI3y- "It's Buck Long, mn7am.1' Be
Loading Wbralt A%arkelg.L
202-217.) 22-211,4. Wheill lilelix llea,rd,Ula
ainst paused, shifting uneasily. 11 Yer see,
Fallowing are -tile Closing qlloin,-
governor -%,Irtuajly decided t1lo 13460
La favor of Paul. But he,wisheiT to
11 her It's this Way:�'Ited Jack, lie got b1l I
171til mll' that Mendez girl, she followed
tiOns at important wlicat contras
to-titly., L � . I '
kcap tile V,Ood_wlll of the Jews, So he
vast him ; but -well, there was a
L of a, mix- lIne!.mA`n,'o�'.t
graw up near, the
I �
. 1
... - C44 May.
r �__ 783-8
deferred an answer fVoW time to .
time in the meathylille, ii.ow pa
I a tile; ul
liging picked your man pretty badly wing-
... ... I0
Toledo ... ... .. , .4 176. 1-42 70 T -A
much liberty, and tho'coloplany of his
friends, Ray -law ...... knowledge-ri elix
long- - O&I I . , , I
with Then they brought In ,Tammy.
Duluth, No. I north.. 778-4 778-4
knew more than most Roman rulers
Brilist, Live Stock Markets.
about 'Christianity, , lie evideiftly
_-_� .
bop- , -,
London, May 11.-Llvoo� cattle, an-
know Ilia charaorer of the disciples
arad tbat what Paill gald was true.
401110 . ; , I
es lot .
Changed, at 11 1-21 to 12c per 11)',
for American steers, dressed weight ;
And z,et lie "deferred" the case be-
.- -1 .
Wh:it -
�, I .
Canadian steers, 10 1-2 11 1�2c
QaUS0 110 (lid Pot 'Wish to give o4letice
to the Jews. After cortatil dayli-
thlo I I . I I
per lb.; refrigerator beef, Do per lb.
rolix came Into the audience-chatil-
�1 I
cot(o)] crazy.
bar with Ills wife DruSilla, and We
S S,S_ - .. .. � .
tile ..
-k, Ma:
New Ym .v IL -The Wildest ex-
prisoner was summoned before the,n,
. , , - . Ao'o J� %
no I � 'C
citenleat Ili cotton tills season ac-
25, 20. Iteasolled of righteousness,
... � *
nglad I .
curred to-4ay, when aa enormous
ate. -Paul, preaches as a raltI94�&,
covering. movement started by
apostle,ghoall have prea4bed to such--,
Lr%r- . ;
an unexpucted advance of 11 to 14
heaxers. They sent for him to bear
. . N
point,9 In Liverpool, attended by
about Ch.rist. They, heard inuch nioea
or a ,
heavy sbaos of spot cotton in ill('
thax they cared to hear. Paul's bola -
all , I
Dniglisli mell-keit. The local market re-
ncs6- is a,11 the ,,,are Striking Nyliall
O tile
spoiladod, wl,th an advance at 15 to
we remember that lie was dependent
of � I _. 11
24 Il A new, high record for the
OM Felix for Pardo"' n.k'X tLrambled-
'. L I
: -
I '. I
I 11 Clique realized
moyLyneint. 11he bu
In view of III,& ril slns, And, tillp judg-
took b I
heavily In order to avert rL bear
incilit to Come.
hook, . I . . I
pa,tlo. A reaotlon of 10 to 14 points
VIOUghig-paulle, tac+ amd, cour-
If my
followed, Tibe market quieted down,
tasy. was thc secret Or. maoll dr Ills
Why, .
bat trapsactions wore still the larg-
succeisff. A true servant Of God has
house . I .
w,t of the soa,000. i I b
practical SYMPMthy for'llig poor and
V own . I . I
. Bradstreet's on Trade.
stiffertilLy brethren. "Out- lesson Coll.
taine t-wrt pictures- 1. *Paul before
. -
She I �
Wholesale trade prospects at'\Iont-
Polix. Note, J.. Paullo mainner, 2. His
I of a I,
real continue to hold out the pro-
beller. S. His worsbip. 4.His epliduct.
Stern _
mlep. of a large movement In simple
5. Ills eXPe0tatl00- 11. Felix before
.1 .
dead sl� t
go6da the no, -\t feiv inonths. 111h.e
Paul, Note, 1. I-Ils intereost In tile g0s.,
Vp - I I
demand from interior lloJnts anti
Pal, 2. What lie hea.rd. S. Hisr fecllllg�
Shin- I . -
capecially train the far West is
4. His delay.,,
. .
ad to
tidy showing a steady expansion.
'y WOI�LD Go. —
I and --j,;,.NnW T.HF I I
11 ,tilalling cool weather has k t
down ilia deriand in some Ini,portant
rout a detender of the faith, The
,w, ,
wide � Mrs. Fusser (giving a receptio,h)-
sonE:onabla lines In jvholosa)a trade
charges that have Rvbu brolight
against him by the orator
eyes, Great Heavens I We haven't enough
heavy refrL%bments for, all ,these people.
at Toronto Ili a mann-or that bas
been quite. alSoopoloting, Manufac-
Tortul!us, viz., that of being ho 41pett,"
utterly break down antler Paul!g tag -
=ath What Shall we do ?
rayed .,Mr. Fusser -We'll have '01enty. I 11
turers are very busy In bleating ilia
expanding doilluLnd for Staple -
itrimments an'd logic, WhJQb
It get MISS Sereeclier to sling a- few
and still complain about scarcity of
like a Ighty avalanche beats down
upon It, I tierlY demolishing and 'all -
fixed songs before start to serve re-
, c
ition- freshments. , -
skilled labor. At Quebec during the
Pa at week business has been fairly
alhilatIng it, That- lie Is a ring-
, I . i
. L I
. ,
active, although the cool wen�ther has
leader T,
of the scot of tile Nizardnes
lit, does not deny, and that L be IS
at on, Wit for
omell . wonlell.
somewbat Interfered with sales in
sellsonable goods. There has been a
bellerer In , and 0, preacher of tile
t you, Mrs. Gumnis-Does your busliand
steady demand I'll mercantile circles
glorious doctrine of the resilloreotlon
he boldly a rms, and then In Ills
anted ever talk of lite motller�s cooking?
2 you Gollang-Not L� -word. His fa.
at Whillipeg tills week. Wholesale
trade at ffic )?aclfie Coast cities Is
Withering and forceful way of put.
at of ther died of dyspepsia.
very fair for tills sba�so
n' "At Ham'
tin,; things, chaltengeg; big opponents
to allow 'wherein lie is guilt of Sgt.
they ___
s 11 a- "My daughter says you kissed hei
without notice.,,
Ilton, as reported to Bradstreet's,
whuttleale trade, has felt the ,unrav-
ora.lile effects or the cool weather
ting forth .y
, orror.
A foariess preacher. While Cal
"Well, air; (lid Shp -want we to
Or, the sorting- trade In Summer
SCIOI18 that Felix, before whom
coo I
tidy I" serve a a0poetio, on her 21'
goods. The first burst at hot wea.-
staalds, has it in his wer. to take
Ills lif Yet Ito Is' i�bl Iviotis to that
ddy I,' ___
ther, h6wever, will result In a gen-
aral breaking of retail stocks to a
fact 80 far as Its Influcholng a tame-
He8ut poverty Iff no diagrace.
She-Vm_m, - no, but there are .no
greater extLnt than experienced so
nesi 1) lit his mMuner or coliqpromisoor
trut in ilia message Is concerned.
knife medals Connected with It, either.
far and will bring a flc(,Y,l of
Sorting orders. Stocks in the hands
Ali lllus-�rlous couple. ,P
,ant has a
llrLng . I ; . ___
--they "I hear that lie married an a,c.
of ilia wholesale trade now are nol
largo, .and as It Is difficult to secure
2 -Tal COUVIO as- auditors, but lie
Shoots to Id%ll 1�ho truth present.
ed was Adapted to It's hearers. Hovain
r tress.,l �
yer, .
make "All .men do."
Some cases prices have advanced
since goods were purchased, there Ip
he ,vas wise '(IT. Tim', Do 15). He Ivau
Indifferent ttil
u like __ .
no occasion to force sales. The out -
look fs good, and ilia general feeling
Vietr lofty position in
the civil government, and addrossed
yer I" He -Will you have a little loj)uter?
an 1; of Bhe-Oh, John, this Ili So sudden.
in trade circles Is Cheerful . The
them as Judqmont�boulld souls, Whe-
(her tile plert, would Influence ilia
little . __
movement In tall goods so far 00111-
IT It with any previous season.
Pa 's '" I'
Governor to Show favor or dlifavor
b was, the baby crying about
ng to just now 71,
At London there has been a moder-
toward's himself was not tj le L import _
ant Question.
tween "Proddle wa's trying to inake him
ato damand for Seasonable goods.
and It IvIll Increase largely with tile
A pl�oper diagnosis followed with
smile with tile glove atratclier."
first favorable turn In ilia weather
the recommendation of a poteattal
Dig to ::Is! she a polite girl?,'
There line been a good Idemand fo�
str,Plil at Ottawa this Week.
remOdy-righteou8ness-to, be rcal-
17Cd In 1119 Own Character. � This Ila -
Not at all, She find& It Impossible
Plies right relation to God (1, Car.
soft, to break herself of the habit of toll-
to 30), ill WhIch relation tile broken
-no, Ing the truth.',, I
C."),mlif%V�r Q i -V h ^ r%1
down character IK reconstructed, and
.L —1
0 yet
bloody cowho-y wariv Ito mail revels he Isn't Sato for me, sholu
P(191 .
or oar,lfo and drink. Yet bolivao P, good kn v
Iii0y, silo thought hastily, anti tile "YoS, ,V081" file quavered, all -hor
Wild life had given: Illift f1trength And tarrorg ar')UWA a0lr. "Yes, filke
a, 1)(`411ty all 119 (MV111, Silo ftbea Xommylg Pinto. Bea 11) tile bOrrAl
again, Ali, that terrible inheritance baok of ill() house-her0s ilia and -
at ro,;tleox Iblood I From whence e4me dle. Oil, Zeddy I thoy're to draw- a
It ? Silo Could not gite"o, yot It was big elrelo, an(I ,they think you're to
there, Indomitable. Where waq run- run to Afendoz-a girl -0, woman
away Teddy -little red beadpd, 121- there. lfao promlsod to give yol,
year-old Teddy-erazotl with tile tip #0
tills6l of a drallia ring so many ypara 'Ailli'litit IO Thie tendor, boylah look
ligo ? Whore wag Grace ? Gone, too, fled from 111-9 fAOO WILIZ PV6r,V trade
Marrilail to A. 6111PIN C&ptalll In tile Of Color. lid JVti,q on Ills feet, tram.
West Indian trade, lIlr0d by 901110 bling With otogor. "Witatla, that
flr6am of tropic lieltuty, of wavlog, WjIfItig that loll Bar ?_13110 vltrd
Mrs, Wagge (rc4ding)-A well-
known )ibyalclan says that one
should never- go Into ilia water titter
IL hearty meal." . �
Waggs-That's right. It's Letter to
go Into a first-class restaurant af-
tor it if Ono happens to have the
prlc�,V,hloagoi Daily Nowsp. -
. I . 11�rdF
Whai One Wontati Tbinks.
That blio lrj- a, clever woman.
Who lets the other woman do
most or tile talking,
%*�Jio kilows how to be an Agra. -
able third party when a man and
a woman, are ilia other two.
Who, laughn A.t sher husband's
1 joires anti really 'thinks them funny,
I Who rag lize6 that true love Comas
!to a woman but once In her lite
� und ilso tiling to do Is to keop,
� tight hold or it. .
I -%Vlio 4oca not dross tip bell elill-
� dZen to such an extent that Llie
Jay'9 pleasure Is quite inarred by
� ItTo consciollsoeAs of their ,21otheo.
Better tile holiest "I love y0a" or!
. Ono than the Insilloore adulation of
ton thousand.
'"oil Can learn a great dealnIhnitt
,% mnn from Ills opinions of women,
about a tvainan from her oplillone
of othol, women.
Ullen M man and hie wife start
cut to do A place of work togoth-
er, each, thotild Count a hundredbo-
fore. saying allything. �
Itilowo 11ow to Make it. .
P'niart Set.
U44go-Slie, ling a lovely Complex -
ton. 1
Ararliorle-No wonder; that girl
Studied obemistry. .
- . . ,
,Tile largent nt,gat1v,a,nvnr taken of
4 sitter Was us Incho's Uy 83, lnebns,
or .practically 11fe-n1w. It waft the
work of a Bablin firm,
-tv, . wlloro there ]lag linen it departure
fro . rlg,l t lines. of, living, tile life Is
T . � I
MAY 11, 1003.
PaIll flerore PON— Aek 21; W4134 N.M.
commentarg.-I. The cliarges
against Paul (vs. 1-0) Within live
days tbe high priest, Ananias, to
gather with ,representatives from
the Sanhedrin, Accompanied by a
Professional ovator, Tertullus, ar-
rived In Caesarea to present their
charges against Paul. Te'etullus be-
gan by flattering Felix, as Ono Who
had done great And noble deeft, and
Who had greatly Advanced ilia gov-
ernmelat. Tills :i�as not in keeping
Wit)) tho truth for "both Zoeeplins
and Tacitur, .represent Win -as one
Of thO most corrapt and opproolve
�rulers ever sent by Ole Romans in-
to ladea.14 % I .
Il. raulCe defence (vs. 10-gi). 10,
I Paul--nogwered-Alt4lough twfee
before P&ul liad spoken what lie
1 called it deronoo-flrBt, boforty a vast
Crowd of .Towg in 'tire temple a,roa,
and Again before the atiaonibled San.
hadrin-yet tills is ill$ first actual
defence, an he I101w stands before an
Imperial tribunal, tho governor re -
.Presenting tile person 4114 author.
ity or tile tinpar6p.-Butlor, rocag.
much as X know -It 10 ftmarkable
,that Paul did -not begin his speech,
as Tatullas hud done, by any Xi4t.
. .
te"Ing 4ddrdere, or by ang ;5t tile wrts
of rhictorld, lie foundod'hig P104 On
title Jurltice of Ills latiaso, 4nd ,On the
r4at that PeIll had had so much a%
VIllaile(i Ill tile affairs of Judo& ilIV
a wag Well quall.flOd -to understand
(file merits of the Cast, 4jad to judge
11. M4Y-Ofit alideratand-ProUl title
Tillortboas or 1118 stay In Zferneil,low,
anx Offeliet Committed tholoo inuat
haiie been iletieAt. ThOft '00414 bei
- - - . I I
Telnperana'e,�_Ilarnoq says that,
"t'lle partleular thing lit tile life J.4
Felix whiell Paul probably had Ili
view, VV49 it'(, Indulgence of licen.
tiOuff desires, or Incontinence.*, Note
how consecutive anti logical IS ilia
order In -whiall tills traill is put:
L Rl9Ilt0Ou�M4eS-dc4llng- IvIth ilia
relation Of tile Individual to God,
and tile great principles, operative
in t1le spiritual, kingdord. Ll� Tom-
Perliace-The practical application,of
great moral truilia, leading in the
every day, Consistent, Iraithil and
0131106trIcal 0bristian. Character -
temperate In ,tvord and spit -it and
In tile Inalligence Of Physleal appo-
t1tou and paafalons, Ili thealselyea
Perfectly legitimate, now litatitiful-
IY dominated ovor'and controlled V
love to God ,and laun. 8. The judg-
Iliellt to come. Vall-'T w4g; ma,da to feel
that a taltilful r000ra was Doing
kept of all big-cooducti that after
death lie would fin brought before tt
tribunal 10ilare thorty Would be no
bribing of ilia judge, or wrong bl,ar4
Influencing the Judgment rendered.
The effect or quell preft0ling. That
tile Conscience of tile governor Was
POWerrully Wrought upon and ter-
ribly alarmed wag manifested Ill 1119
Physical emotion. The judge blulffe't
W110 ft, trembling priaonot at the bAL
of IIIET Own etineeltnee, sentetead to
Oteknal daninationt Witil, apportuft-
Ity, however, to he pardoned Ila(,
Pro"Pastination I" tile Strategy of
tile AeVII. Velts oat(!, "Go t'lly NVOY1
to,, till$# time, wbcqr, I have A COV-
venlont Reagon I ,Vill call for tilt"e.1,
He 'Will agree with tile Sinner that
there IF) a, -davll, such & thIng its
9111, an awful hall) 11 betivall, A just
hal, 9L nuine ral riet lanity', and that
Ice L it, lint at vn)nlo f, turn ttrA0,
not now, it will bly well to Aedept ,
Christ, .