HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-05-14, Page 1i : '
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30TH YEAR, N0. 37,
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�DOIN__.__, _ _._ Chat,, McBurney, formerly of East Auction Sale. Fuel Report. Died. Confirmation Service.
Warwanosh writes from Yellow Grass, On. lot 43-44 con,. 1, (boundary) The Ontario Government has pub- Mrs. Wilson, rellct of the late Chas. On Friday,leis Lordship, the Bishop BAN
1► OF
ION BAR Aasa., as follows;—Tho hnmrner, saw ,Morris, on Saturday, May `23rd, vain- lisped a report on the Ontario fuel Wilson, once deputy -reeve of Howick, of Huron his
St. Paul's Ohnrch, 11
and stone -hammer tire busy in this able farm stock and implements, Hale snppTy. It estimates Ontario feel bill died last wtzek. The funeral took place and
thirty-nine irecanof ouflrs. m a.
town. Large numbers of Americans are at One o'cloek ; no reserve, Eight at $15,000,000. The bulletin says:—"It on Sunday last. Rector was assisted In he service by N G HAIUI.
flocking here from the States to work mnths' credit will he given on sums will be surprising if the citizens of On- r, gOtball. Rev's. Edmonds of Blyth, Buckland of Capital paid tip 12,000,000. Itesarve,11,600,00
Capital (paid up) --$2,940,000 on the Arcola branch between Regina over $5.00, on approved joint notes or tarrio are not soon given their choice Listowel and Webb of Brussels. The
Reserve (and undivid• „ $3,260,000 and Arcola. The contracts for the 5 per cant. per annum discount for between compressed peat feel and coal On Monday, Winghatn Juniors won Bishop preached from the text—''Come J. TURNBULL, General Manager.
ad profits) railway between those pointe have all cash. Robt. Sb,tw, proprietor; Alex, instead of, at present, being confined their game with Listowel in the W. laden, and I -will nto me all yo at labor and are heavy President—Johncsientu-dtG, Ramsay
been let. F. A. series; score 1-0. Both teams + give ou rest Matt. Canehier—J. Turnba
Me F. auctioneer. See posters for entirely to the latter. This prediction 11, 28, His Lordship said --•It was to a
WANTED particulars, is made from an estimate that put up a good game. It is not always large congregation that our blessed DrrtxcTolss:—John Proctor Wm. Gibson.
Farmers' Notes discounted. «ANTED—To hay—a number of 100 easy to pick up the best team to go to Lord addressed these words. The weary Geo. Roach, A. T. Wood, A. B. Lee (Toronto)
P Real Estate Agent. to 0. J. Maguire, In New Shop. peat brig nettes can he made here at a distance, but every Wingham player and heavy laden are many, and are to savings Bank hours 10 to s; Saturdaya 10 to 1
Drafts sold on all Dints in Can- ,acre g an actually cost of $1 a ton, and have be Pound wherever we o The world De
ada, the United States and Europe. Mr. Griffin is removing his stock of actually been sold for two successive did his best. The Listowel players says u d weary soul. go, with me crew posits at $1 con,pnEardsreceived. Int.
Gentlemen, if you are bald see Prof. groceries, etc. to his new stare, it treated the Wingbam players very g• and r.allota each oaputed on r, and added to November
er 46ncipal
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Dorentvenil's Art Coverings in Wigs has been at long time on the way of peat nre placed tat two-thirds that of y y -Years iuand I llthe}min ministry ou ystl but
tnever rates of also received at current
courteous) and our boys not for -
allowed on deposits of il.00 and and Toupees, worn on thousands of preparation, but will make a ver P q get this when the return game is found a soul that obtained rest from he Drafts on Great Britain and the United
heads. The area protection against Y coal so that eat at $3 a tun is a ui- played, The teams lined up as fol- world. The devil has painted such a
upwards, and added to prineipnl 30th June States bought and sold.
and 31st December each your. Y A g commodious and convenient place valent to anthracite coal at $1.50 a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ, that E L. DroslNsoN, Solicitor.
Colds, Catarrh, etc. and give a most of business. When everything is lac- lows:— g P ton. The bulletin refers to difficulties he has made Him repulsive to some; he W. CORBOULD Agent
A. E. GIBBON, Manager natural and younger appearance to ed in position, his customers will find .that the experimeuters have had to `Vingllam Listowel says if you follow Christ and do what
the face. Trying on and demonstrat- C. N.'s smiling countenance behind the contend with, and reports that man Derma...... ;,.:.1. Goal :,,,..,,Bri Gabel He wants you to do, you will be miser- Hamilton and Its Branches issueCircul note-
A Y Bell ............ ! Backe I....,,,, Stewart able, and many listen to the voice of of the National Provincial Bank of England
R. Vanstono, Solicitor Ing the superior art of these goods free counter, and his faithful helper Alex., of them have vanished, adding that Snaith.......... ...,.,.Hacking Satan; but they find no rest for their (Ltd.)which can be cashed without charge or
of charge. He will be at the Bruns- both ready for an increase of business, the question now seems to be how to Mitchell........ Half Backe Osborn6 weary and heavy laden souls. It re- trouble in any part of the woriq
wick hotel on Friday, May 22nd. AIa man +Pars of prosperity be Mr. Potter......... �. ..... iuntley quires Christ to sa
- .. Y Y 3 P P Y produce the best possible fuel at the Murray..,.. Racking q y "Come unto me."
Mr. Skilling has wall entered on his Gt itTin's lot in his new block. least possible coat, rather than how to Burgess.... ... Banttord In no other place can rest be found,
Skilling A Mitchell........ Forwards .:Willoughby than in Christ. The Rector then. pre -
o e � syr nE
second quarter's engagement as LPad- produce a good feel at a fairly low Ansleyvray.... I illags scored the candidates. The Bishop �1 Fire In Seatorth. Analay.....,... 1:::.:::.::-R"; X P ad-
er of the Methndist Church choir. He cost. Peat bogs Are too numerous in dressed them in a very earnest manner. is giving excellent satisfaction. The About midnight on Monday lust, old Ontario to be enumerated,while in Ladies1 Have you seen "Hagar He told them what it meant to comeCAMERAS
choir has improved wonderfully under fie was discovered breaking out from New Ontario, for a radius of 50 miles Shoes" made exproRspiv for W. J. out and make a public profession that
See Halsey Parks advt, the roof of the beaforth Millin Com- Greer by J. and T. Bell , They are the they would serve the Lord Jesus Christ.
his leadership. Their singing 19 very g around James Bay the btilIttin says, highest grade shoes in Canada and He urged them to be faithful, and gave
Wear Greer', Shoes and Rubbers, favorably commented on. The selec- pony s warehouse and elevator, but it there are thousands of square miles of flft
y q y per cent hatter than imported them the following rules:-1st—Never
soon gained arch headway that all ef- peat muskeg, which will In time pro- Shoes, See then) at Greer's. enter on your business, no matter how flirt
Strethroy'a population has increased tions chosen areappropriate, and the Forte of the firemen roved fruitless in urgent it may be, without first engin Why 1�®� own
to 2,930. rendering effective. The Board acted P bably play p4n important ,paarb in the g Y g Y
saving it, The firemen then made an God's blessing and commending your-
in retaining Mr, Skilling at, economic developmezzt of .the Pro- salvos into His keeping. Put God first
R. J. MaeMath is very ill this week; effort to save the main brick mill, a Camera ?
leader. vinic...o in everything. God says—"Seek ye
A severe cold has settled on his lungs. which they succeeded in doing, but the F617jurx4 • stfMS �l * first the Kingdom of heaven and all
Mason keeps the largest stock of machinery was considerably damaged. SPECIAL.=10 dozen Ladies' Parasols G hese thins shall be added unto
Baseball game this afternoon on the School Supplies for the opening.—Send and Umbrellas, black and colored, ,,.,,, , 2nd—Read II portion of God'sword a each
PPLoss on stock in elevator, $1G,000 ;
Park, between Wingham and Cargill, the children. regalatr prigP $1.50 to $2.00; now for Ministers and church workers generall ,are da The Bible is the our book in the
insured in the Norwich Union for $6,- y Y If you have one you
Game called at 4.30. R. H. Crowder & Co. are extendingOOp and $1.09.—Ritchie & Campbell, cordially invited to contribute it= of o 'rob world and it s eaks of Christ the
Queens for $4,000. Insurance $ ohurohea er this heading, from their respective "Mighty to save." 3rd—Do not neglect secure photos that in
North }lay's population shows a re- their business in Wingham. Recently on mill, $13,000; on elevator, $1,000. Hicks Fo •eeasts. flit, means of grace; come to God's after years you
markable increase. It is now 3,050 an the store was enlarged and several feet BARGAINS IN FooTwEAIz. See the Rev. Hick forecast 0f weather from To the Salvation Army 1,000 acres of House, not only when it is convenient, would not part with
advance of 750 in a year, added to its length for the display of snaps on our 90 cont Bargain Table— the l5th is as follows :—The centre of land has been bequeathed in Australia, but when it is inconvenient. Above all, at any price. We've
R. J, Tindall has a Mercury, kind of a goods. Now, Mr. Crowder has added it will pay you. W. J. Greer. the falls on the 18th Next Sunday, RJ. Edmonds come to the Sacrament of the body and
p Y. P eriod Rev. ms of of Christ. The Bishop then gave Cameras from $1 t0
Bead Potatoes for sate; see thorn. a stock of boots and shoes. His stock and the reactionar ' storm period Is Blyth and Rev. Lowe will exchange
Property Changes. y each candidate a certificate of Oonfir- $25 each. Full line
Is large, well selected and tastily die- central on 17th or 18th. After storms pulpits. mation with a text of Scripture. The of photo supplies al -
Tenders are asked for the repairing la ed. He is quite satisfied with the Property finds ready sale at remu- p stock. p Y q about the 17th and 18th, look for The congregation of Knox church, deeply impressive and interesting ser- waysin stock,
of Whitechurch Methodist church and result of his first year's bnainess in nerative prices in Wingham, and•ap- Owen Sound, are considering the en- vice was then closed. There was a very
erection of a shed ;see advt. Wingham,change tovei;y much house the addition of other Perently Is increasing in value. The h cooler for two or largement of their edifice. large attendance, and chairs had to be � Plates, Mounts, Print-
Alessrs. Wilson and Jeffrey of lines of stock, sale of ex -Mayor Clegg's residence last three daps. The last regular storm A number of Wingham S. Arm have brought up from the school room to ao- Ing apors Developinit
Y period for May reaches from. the 22nd g y oommodate the worshippers. powierc, orders, and
Sbuter street,' have had ranolithic week to WCII, Armour has been fol p Y Bono to Listowel today to the opening pp Poniag powders, oto.
g The Mildmay Gazette says :—The lowed by the sale of Town Clerk Fer- to 28th, merging really with the reac. of the new Barracks there. Evangelistic.
walks built this week to their rest. Formosa people have an attack of nson's ro ert on the corner of Shn- tionary disturbances due on the last Rev. Mr. McLean, the new pastor of g
dances. A P g P P 1` P Golden daps, glorious daps, daps of
three days of the month. This i, Win ham Baptist is expected to occupy �AL�011
• the oil fever. -Mr. Holmes, the Yan- ter and Patrick streets, to Dr. Jerome. °' P � PY gracious ontponriags, are transpiring ���! �L��
�0.. Greo. Lowry, the champion brick- kee expert, was at Formosa, one day for $1,800. Residence property, any- another period in which heavy .and his pulpit }sere on Sunday next. in the town of Wingharn. Evangelist all
layer of Brussels, W. Wescott and last week. and it is rumored that he where dear the business part of the dangerous storms are entirely pro The Provincial Christian Endeavor Russell began a series of services on
Y Y Convention will convene in Stratford May 3rd. A cloud• burst of Pentecostal
others, are at work on the new Hol- tried to buy up twenty acres of land town, commands good prices, and few habit,, Monday the time
to greats race and ower burst upon the firr�t Druggist and Optician.
the 28th will he the time of greatest on Sept. 20th, 30th and October 1st. g P l g1; P
mss block. near the village, offering a large price nre offered for sale, Mr. Wilson, of session. As the evangelist was speeliv-
violence and probable danger, 0- Rev, R. W. Dickie of Orauaeville has in the historic incident in house of
Tomato lama have recently been for same, The villagers on strength Slluter• street, has purchased the va• g' Next door to Post Office.
A though general daily disturbances been called to Brandon, Man. The Cornelius was repeated. As he opened
rafted on potato tants, giving acro of this, acct convinced there is oil in cant lot on Frances street, hutting on may continue to the end of the month. Y P
g p p g A solar offered is $2,200 with sin weeks he Word, the Holy S iris fell on the
of tomatoes above ground and of pota- large quantities to he found, and will the garden of the editor of the Ad- holidays. andience, uud the large auditorium of
at new on it
Moon s he `20th, at
toes below. commence drilling at once. vance. The The congregation of Lochalsh have the Methodist Church became an altar
greatest declination north on the 7th+ of seekers. Sunday, May the lOLh.
Lacrosse Schedule. given their minister the Rev. A. Miller y' .
Be sure you attend Homuth Bros. and in perigee on •the 28th, Tli_se three months' vacation to recuperate. shall stand out in goaded firetippedtown
Auction Sale on Saturdaynext. Representatives of District No. 4, facts, added to other existing causes, He expects to sail for Scotland on the characters k the memory of the town
NOTICE,—A satisfactory sale of buss- p till the Sliekiuiil glory of the consum-
ness or property certain if listed with Canadian Lacrosse Association, met in lead us to sap that storms of wide and 27th accompanied hp Mrs. Miller and motion will dismiss the anus and sps- ` N�,IK�
Mr. Henry Branston is moving into C. J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent. Wingham on Monday to arrange the dangerous no ortibns tire vet rob- the Rev. R. McLeod B.D. of Ripley.
the house on Charles street that be g g g p p Y p tains at, a gathered
at and needless. The
games for the season. Listowel was able on and tanc•hing the 26th, •27Lh The annual District meeting of the saints gathered ut lU o'clock for an '
purchased from Hugh Prior a few Don't forget the right place to come represented by Bert. Johnston, Kin- and 28th. Many parts of the country Methodist church, Wingham District, hour of communion, in praise, testi-
weeks ago. for bargains in Millinery—Mrs. Geo. will be held in LuckM20th mossy and prayer. The atmos here
g Green, next door to Smith's Bank. sardine by Geo. Fitzell. Wingham by will get heavy, Venni downpours o.f now on May
A ver fine picture of Harold H, the R. A. Douglass, Lucknow by U. R. ,•ain and hail at this and other May and 21st. An hour will le devoted t. was pregnant with the aroma o' the
Y P I Barber. The following is the schedule: discussing the John Wesley bi-centro- Rose of Sharon, and beautified with
famous pacer formerly owned by J. E. g periods. Narrow outlets and charnels ary celebration which comes on June 28. he inimitable fragrance of he Lily of
lh'ingham at Listowel........ June 6 should be kept frrr. of all obstruction, the Valley. The hush of hearers was
Swarts, was on exhibition in Ball Masonic. P Rev. J. H. McVicar, B.A. of Fer us
Bros, window this week. Kincardine at Wingham..... ' 12 so' as not to torture and retard the g indescribably eight l f glory
exceeding The famous Shoe for women
There will be a "Lodge of Instrue- Listowel at Lucknow......... •' lit toil) (D. V.) conduct the anniversary and eternal weight o glory" pressed
tion" held next Friday in Wingham, Lucknow at Kincardine...... •' 20 overflow of sadden floods. May and services in Presbyterian church, La ek• the people till rapturous ontlsurats of is being' shown for the first
Concert. in connection with A. F. & A. IVi. The Wingham at Lucknow........ July 3 June tire the nnaaatbs this year in now, May 17th, preaching at 11 and 7 joy and gladness trausfor•med the wor- time in Wingham by us.
Mise Houghton is preparing fora Kincardine at Lucknow.. ... " 10 which to collect and store supplies of o'clock and addressing a mass meeting shippers into a scene of gambolling
Grand Master, Judge Harding, will be ,+ pP of Sabbath School and friends at 3 lambs in a a ►ta"adow. At 11 o'clock,
Cantata, to be given in the Town Hall Lucknow at Listowel.....:... �• 17 water. Those detwnding on rains for o'clock. Ou blonde evening at 7.30, as the anointed They have an exclusiveness
on Friday evening, May 29th. present. Wingham lodge will confer Lucknow at Wingham........ , -21 Y pulpit poured out the
Y g Y the 1st degree, Kincardine the 2nd and Listowel at Kincardine....... +' 24 such supply will do well to beed this Mr. MaoVicar will give his lecture on fulness of art alabastron box on fire, of style all their own, and are
Blyth and Wingham played football Walkerton the 3rd. ' Listowel at Wingham........ .431 warning. "The Sign Posts of Old London. giving light and heat and perfume, fitters and wearers t00.
on the Park here on Frida last : score, Wingham at Kincardine, .... Aug. 7 ,.) tidal waves of Pentecostal grace swept ,
Y Kincardine at Listowel. ...... " 14 FOR SALE—A new brick house in Young Peoples Rally. over the whole assembly. The ground
3-0 in favor of Wingham. Wingham Music, Eh? Wingham, commodious, convehient
Juniors go to Brussels on Tuesday.There are man was of making a APPRENTICE WANTED.—To learn All the young people of Wingham and floor and he gallery became a yenta. - ^^^� ^ �+
y p g to business part of the town, and well- vicinity are {nutted to atna�, meeting cit hie "Borhiin "—a place of weepers. �'
the Tinsmithing business; good strong situated. A most desirable residence y See our Table of odd
]tying, and three -companies of str•ol- the Methodist church ort Friday even- The whole orchestral stand literal]
Children's and Infants' Shoes and boy. Applications received up till property—Apply on the premises to ing of tylia week. A subject will be din- dissolved into heuvenly harmonies,
Slipppers—AMost up-to-date stock—at ling musicians worked at it this week, May 30th.—A. Young & Son. Fred .Johnston, coiner of Edward and cussed by Evangelist Russell, which has and as attuned to he symphonies of sizes in +$1.50 to $'3.00
W. J. Greer s. by rending the air with their monoto- Patrick streets, brought blessing to thousands of people; the Infinite, they rendered the closing
. „ g P „P selection, the congregationShoes—toile your choice
Wm. Armour is havinga windmill nous discordant sounds—they called it Empire Day. subject—"Fact, Faith and Feeling. becarne a
music; what a misnomer; the monkey Eunpire Day will be observed in the Death of Rev. J. Moorhouse. , "Berachab"—a valley of blessing. Mr. _ for .......................... 99C
near his warehouse. It will was a rester attraction than the obits schools Of Ontario on Friday, A former of St. Paul's church Presbytery. Russell held a large mass•nieeting for
be used to furnish water to the resi- g p y+ men at 4 o'clock, in the town hall. It
deuce he Istel purchased from Wm, music. May 22. The object of this day is to Wingham, has gone to his reward— The Presbytery of Maitland will meet was a thrilling, soul -stirring occasion.
Y P in the Presbyterian church, Wingham, At he same hour an imtuense meetin
foster a healthy national patriotism Rev. J. H. Moorhouse, of Christ g
Clegg. Folz SALE -3 buggies, 1 new, Apply on Tuesday the 19th at 1.80 p.m. The was held in the Methodist, church, for � -Hanna Cols.
to U, J. Maguire, and awake all the pleasurable emo- Church, London. Deceased was taken annual meeting of W.F:M.S. Presbyter- all the women in town, This meeting
Do not spray your fruit trees while tions which the love of our country ill on April 26, with Lubereolosis of the ial will be held at the same time. In theof
in bloom as by doing so you destroy For England. and empire should inspire. The de- brain, and aissed awe on Saturday evening a public will be address- the addressed by Mrs. Russell, one a- 15 S�oF, ST�RF,
g p' p' p y_ p g P g the most gittedaud talented laidp spec• � �-
the bees and insects that are so useful Mr. Geo. Mason, of town, and Mr. Pertinent of Education picnic}bas that last in Victoria huo-pital, London. ed by the Rev. R. A. Mitchell, B.A., kers on the American platform. Her Next door to Post Office
g the -forenoon exercise may be devoted Man in Win ham remember with missionary on furlough from Homan. Mayflower.
r came over on the historic
in fertilizin the blossoms, Besides it Y
Metcalfe of Glenanuen aspect to leave Y Y g �Iuytiower, She spoke on "Fruit-
is a punishable offence. at early date for a trip to England. - to a atudy of the extent and resources pleasure the pleasing relatinuehips that Anniversary. bearing"—t.he fruitage in character and �.*,�
The Council of Meaford have fallen The former will take his bicycle with of the British Empire, the relation- existed between hien and his congrega- The anniversary services of Wingham conduct of the spuit•filled life. The
In with the wide tire idea, and passed him and tour thusly from city to city. ships of the various outlying portions tion. Of a quiet disposition, cosine• Presbyterian church will be held next evening meeting was a fitting cliuiax
a resolution favouring it. It is pro- The Advance wishes both a very en- to the central authority, the different what reserved, but devoted to his Sunday, 17th hist. Rev. J. S. Hardie, to a "red letter day," the fullness of .
posed that tires on waggons drawing joyable visit, and safe return to the races owning the sway of the British work, he won a warm place in the af- of Listowel will preach at 11 a.m, and whose record can only be read in tile,
7 p.m. On Monday evening, an illus- chronicles of eternity. A great audi- __ - _ _ _ - __ _
heavy loads will not be less than three land of the maple leaf. Sovereign, stirring events in the his. fections of his people. Deceased was trated lecture will be delivered by Rev. ence early Oiled the rapacious and
beautiful auditorium, to rPet the Ladies high grade Hyslop wheel for
tory of the Empire, great statesmen, 63 years of age, and was horn in En- Walter Moffatt, of London entitled— evangelist. His sub ect was"Redern . Cheap ; apply this Office.
inches in width. sale. Gbex xt
Double Wedding. soldiers, sailors and authors should all phemia township, Lambton county, A Bicycle Tour through the Scottish 7 1
WANTED—An apprentice to Bakn Realized." The enswathenrent of
A double wedding took place in receive prominent attention. An ex- being the youngest son of the late Col, Highlands." Admission 250ts' the Holy presence was sensibly mani- FANCY BREAD.—J. Buckley is selling
business; good chance for right boy,— The Parnell -Dean Baking y
A. J. Nicholls, Wingham. Dundas on Tuesday, which was of local cellent program for the afternoon may Jos. Moorhouse. He is survived by a Anniversary. fest ton)). The Lade rose and rose, till Bread, Rolls, etc. ; to arrive at Ila.").
The YoungLadies' Fortnightly Ulnb interest. Miss Emma Woodcock was easily be prepared. Each teacher sorrowing widow and one son, Her- Sunday next will be the anniversary tilde sat in the centre ne on a sea of of the
Im,uensi• Y• P
married to Mr. A. 0. Hardist of Mon. should try to enlist the co-operation bert. Educated at the Collegiate Insti- relc Special lines, home-made, Eu -
will Bold the last meeting for this sea- Y Y p g of Belgrave Methodist church. Rav, fico, cud was swallowed up in the con- rekn, Graham, Rye, Bakers, �Vhole•
treat, and Miss Sarah L. Woodcock of one or more of the trustees, the tote at Galt under the late Dr. Tassie, A G. Harris of Lucknow will preach flux of he eternities. The convicting wheat, Currant, etc. ; delivered to any
, son on Monday evening, May 18th, at was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. local clergymen and all who can aid he was a graduate of Trinity Universi- at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. On the follow- and converting power of the Spirit part of the town, Phone 12.
1, thehome of Miss dance of he members ib desired, red, at, Dawson, of Toronto. The ceremony either by speech or song..Suitable ty, Toronto. He was ordained by the dell) ve ed by Re. evening, Pl ilp,urB,D�,I of ingdestiniesnho nets thatso aeverp piand t -it .
important business rnattera will be was performed by Rev. F. Woodcock recitations, readings and songs should Bishop of Huron in 1878, 4nd took Sincardine, on "Jernsalem and its in the assembly was seriously grap•
of Brockville, uncle of the brides. be prepared by the pupils. the public priest's orders in the following year. Environs." Music will be furuished by pling with the question of the asses :— •
discussed. should be invited. Deceased had officiated as rector In the Misses Moore, of Wingham and the "What tnnst I do to he saved?" "Mnl-
The sales of C.P.R. lands for the Go to Isards—for largest selection five parishes in all, everywhere win- choir of the church. Admission, 10c. titudes in the '(galley of Decie-lon" was
month of April amounted to 207,344 and best values in Carpets. Curtains, Registrar -General's Report. uin the respect and esteem accorded the order of the after service. Scores —THE—
Lenoleums and Oilcloths, g P Honored. of saints were lifted to the heavenlies
acres, for which the total price paid The annual report of births, mar. one who spent himself unsparingly in Queen's College has done herself in Christ Jesus, and large numbers of
was $881,482. This quantity of land, Injured. riages and deaths, for the year 1001, the service of his flock. The flrs� six credit in honoring the RHv. A. McLean precious souls accepted the Christ as
while not so large as in the same On Monday, a young man named has been issued. The number of years of his career as a minister of the of Blyth with the title of Doctor of Di- their personal Saviour. Thus conclu- C(111n pyt nilij Store
month last year, which amounted to Underwood, from Howtek, was I> ur- births was 46,001; marriages, 18,035; Gospel were spent at Bervie, in the vinity. The, honor could not more worth- ded a day whose programme was phe- Vi1111U1 DrUg j P p ily be conferred and none will bear it nomenallp lionored by God, and the
231,127 acres, realized considerably ed at the National hotel. Etc and his deaths, 29,608. The figures for Bruce, county of Bruce, followed by four with more becoming grace and dignity, workers stole away like the Master to
more money, father were leaving for home, on a Grey, Huron and Perth are as follows: year, at Gerrie. '.Chen came three than this veteran father in the ministry, the mountain top in the midnight to .
load of shingles, and when crossingthe Births. Marriages. Deaths. ears at Wingham and four ears at who for 37 ears has labored with marls- lay all the glory and honor nt the feet iS the Place t0 et
BOY WANTED. deliver parcels, sidewalk, the Dun man felloff. Bruce ......... 1,217 881 664 Ingersoll. It was nine ears ago that ed successinhis present and ouly of Ilam who passed by the myriad g
and learn hardware business.—A. y g Grey.......... 1,630 57'2 861 g Y g charge. Mr, bicLeau is a ma>} of innititmies of unfallen intelligences
Young & Son. One wheel of the waggon passed over Huron ........ 1,133 497 732 ire left the latter place to take charge mature character, ripe scholarship and and ptit into the, hands of btnod-wash- Everything that is
one of his legs, and a severe cat was Perth.......... 07'2 383 608 of the congregation of Christ Church, earnest devotion, and we congratulate ed, spirit anointed sinner.9 the dipen-
A new cold -storage plant has been inflicted near one of his eyes. He was The death rate per thousand is the London, which, under his self•sacrili- him on his recognition of his genuine sat ion of the Gospel, the most glorious Pure and Fresh ill
completed at a moa, Ont, and n said taken into Dr. Bethnne's otilee, and lowest in the following counties:--- ting care, is now in a very flourishing worth. contract of the ages.—Coir.
to be one of the roost complete c Oaof several stitches put In the wound. It Rainy River district, 9.2; Parry Sound, condition. The funeral took place on ,
ada, It )las a slaughtering capacity of Sunday's Program.
about 7G bullocks per day, and the
was fortunate that his leg was not 0.02; Algoma, 10.3; Bruce, 11.3; Duf• Monday, interment being made in The following is Evangelist Russell's WANTED -`-100 eases Eggs weekly,
broken, feria, 11.3; Haliburton, 11.1; Huron, Woodland cemetery, London, for Sunda. next:— It cents. Corn 1 We are sora•; selling
chilling room is capable of containing 11.8; Muskoka, 11.2; Semcoe, 11.2; program 1a.m.—Praise and Testimony meet- 'agents in the country for the only .e .a 9 'SJJ
four hundred carcases. Every part of Sold. BUILDING LOT$ --•For sale, on cor• Ohio Bailey Corn, the best silo corn of r
Waterloo, 11.2. In he cities, Ottawa Ing.
the animals killed will be utilized, Mr. John Joynt O£ Lucknow was in leads b a death rate of 22.7 per 1,000; nor of Frances and Patrick .streets, a a.m.—Evangelist Russell well today, Pot.rttoea—We have the heal
Y P Fie good building iota, Apply to speak; subject -•"Se oration and Ser- viest cropper out, 0 ahs $v 00 ; special
town on Tuesday, g ,twang the towns, Owen Sound leads H, 0, Bell. ,+ prices by the peck.-GEo. E. KING.
J, L. McPherson of Toronto was in y, closin the sale of vice,
-40 town on Tuesday. Ile Is a member of the factory property he purchased last with 2119 per 1,000. So far ae tuberco- -
fall from Airs. Gilchrist, north of the 4 pan, _Arcs, Russell will address a Tlro Stinger Aianufactnring Company
the Provincial Committee of Young r !osis is concerned, Dnfl'erin, Huron BIRTHS. Ladies' meeting in the Methodist have opened a store in Wingham this
Men's Christian Associations of Onta- G. T. R. The purchaser is Mn Win. and Oxford have the lowest records— Fisbleigh—In Wingham, May 11, Mrs. church, ou— The attitude of power. week in the Taunlyn block, where a
rio and Qneboc. Walter T. Hall has McGregor of Ripley, who has also Pur- DufFerin reporting 0.80 per 1,000 from W, T, A. rishleigh, a son. 4 pan—Mr. Russell will give a won• full line of their celebrated sewing 1
chased the house otic) lot ad,ointn )Inion, OOi, merit message to men in the Town to:1c•hines and a complete stock of A. L. 1��.1111��011
been appointed representative here for g• that cause; 0.01, Oxford, Janes-••-iu Wingham, May 4th, Mrs. Hall, on "Majestic Manhood." Music
the Association, and will be pleased to We are informed that the purchaser The report contains inuch information. Jones, a daughter. 1 parts, oil and needles for all makes of
p g by finale orchosta•n. machines will alnvaS•, he kept to stick.
refer Young moll 901119 to the city to will put in machinery for chopping All things considered, Iiuron is one of Oloakey--In Wingham. May 7tb, Mrs. 7 p m.—A stirring mossago by the Oil 5 and 10c per bottle, needles 27)c DRUGGIST
the Y. M. 0. A. rooms. aril other purposes. Mr. Joynt has the healthiest counties of the province, John Cloakey, a daughter. Evangelist, subject ---"Pauline Preach- per dMen, Mauhillon rented by the
other interests on his hands to employ �, On _ DEATHS, ing." Special Tbanlroi'ferfngs at ser, week or mouth. All kinds of sewing �7 �y ��
yi ANTED.—Servant girl • id v auto his time, hence the evaporating plant two otts, rents cl12ritt month. Prle frame ice Cuming—Itt Morris, on Tnesday, tiny daCe$evouinl s service) will Pcloan wtith elmrgetps but indttred at a chaarge fair repairing
� v 1 N lJf R A M
Toronto, Highest wag t $ Y g P g
able A. wht azo be
flit, building.
uer0, Ileal ]:state Agent, N Cuming, aged •28 years, thceSa r sent of and Lord's upper. of less Singer machines, that have been out.
U}ruha►n � p g gory reaannable.-. _Agpply to U, J. 111u- , Annie, daughter of Air. and Arra, the Sacrament of the Lord's Sapper. � less than ten years, wini
able A. Apply to O, , 1
— - =