HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-05-07, Page 7, ­ ­- . - ­_ I -] '', - � , _ - 11� ,�. I ............ 7. 7!","rl.�, , ," ,,, , " � .,.� , �.., � � � �,� " � I , ��,-/, D, *�11 , ;` 1�_� l� ''I ,J­�, ` l'i . . . .. . . . I �. � : . - , . " � . , , , . , . , - , ,. , i ,, � , � I.. ­ *q1111 III 1:1,q�1.11 11.1mol:�1,�I'lin�--."""�WAO-4', .1 I _ _ I ., . . � , I I � , ,-,--- , , , , , , , ­­,W,�_._ I . , . � I . I - _ I I I,- I � 3.30 6,0190k, fie appeared$ orkillin ' . I -111-1. , I � 1"z � I I(.,," ,"­ � I �. � _: '��.i��. __� .� t,N­ _,7 -, � � - 1-4, I I 11 _ - ; As ,)Owing , %. and , . some time the annitarlumi 11otal at . re nk. SON. VAN 44 11 DDIMP WAV An Amor Can. Ile Je4v04 I—Ral, a Torriblo, ''trIZUst In trout or the Prosl4ontial 2J this sulphur opriiii 0. apar Fra POISONE101 HIS KIN G. H R I RS followed by Us LQUIlet, there f Lou Wong chicer train 00yor EIGHTY4HRE"I PERSO ""' " S A Wife And one child. Mrs. Watkins. 4 Toronto Xai 00 g a. orQrQ tile Xing Aud prooil %O totally IDJ4.red, And hor Allstakc, (lout WWI; ontoreiI the frIbutic, It It a U 1, Alfroda, par . louNly Injured. , Toronto, gay 4�_Tjjomtlo I 11 I � 1. ral.0 0 ha bQ011 Ocouplod only by Mine. ' I � A, Raq� P'r 149090 Milk " t , "' - )r Ca Vrank from Fortio oarl.v forn, Of le J�Oucherxtroot, loado tbo Qubot and so ,Ilia otbor laoles, Xing U .1001% . ____ I l.d. wli , Awral mistake of SIVID; his flyo,yo4r#A at '01 . 0 wore. 4 frook coat antJ IKILUED AT F R` A N it 0 tluur-Aeltoh, who, , . A 0 rite rid was killed wltb "I" Dlaot)n, Georgia, carbollo Aold,thlnjr� fill, flat, Wag Invited to take tile (our obildrall, was abroth- , ,rig it wag tile ' litro sent. U.0fora doing go lie er of Mrs. AlAmes Mun boy'o medicine$ and , I .. , tile, wila of jas. 44-0 mo, , bowed to .- ­­-- - . ­ - 1 ­­,_ death ensued, despite the fforts of � Brilliant Scene on Vincennes 0 X400eti to ,Ills rIght" Mandle, now Manager for J. W.Pa Or. 11$noath 0 and tile President, who eat to Ills I S; Co 11 who WAIR li4attly ourn- &I � Montreal, And a forme 2 left, dent *6r WInnIP01P V r04 - ,1 nioned wit ea' the orlef-sti-loken, rAtIl.- Narrow Escape of German thle The eastern p4rt of the town and Or r0alized what 11w bad dom . Y411lay east Or r ' - " wau a tremendous crush 13Y those � I I the red 410 boy Iva$ Ills A134 tbo Otbor Parade Ground, Then for about five silnutog there An EYe**tnesss' Story of ! rank ouffe . , , ' -I ---" Oil the other B144 of the Conroe to ' . I most boavll.�r, The row or cottages moinbors of the family 1104 bepa In 000sul from Bom*b. Push forward ,toward the tribune. on uanitolI4 Avenue, tile farthest _ tbu habit Of glyl4r, him Ilia rnodl� . ,, I 4YanUe West, W,%a demolished. � Pines but his rather essayed, to daett Those In the rear did not have a Terrible Disa. , . *-�..swm� CRIES OF " BRAVO� EDWARD,)' chance to see anytIA1.00, but men 411, Offlolal Atoport, 41bOut 9-W on Sunday morning, And - � JIltO4 Woman In their arm 'to Klya lie did not know there wag 0, bottle - � is Ottawa dospatoll; 9r. William of carbolla . .moilg - WHION KILLED 60TERONS. them a glimpso of the ata,l)(1. . —.—,-.- ____ IW*arct�,, filope.0tor or � (loveram acid a tile WJJ_ __ Throngs of men to � lost along 1by the bedside, In ok turn's In stand- � llrVoYfil, Who. WO)Jit tDr,rank 1119 Oil each othero, shoulders, to T yes" The boy owallow.e , , 4 uliolXt two 01744Y to Act itQr the Government _ , , t pa-- 8%varnis oralgh(seow 1,',l-,1(,Wf1eIVe_sk'IJ(� what IV48 going 0 400 Whole Familles Buried Seneatit a flundred Peet of Rork—Rocks Still and decide what railer lnecogrQs 10,001)8fill of the poison, an4a the ef� ­_­ ­ k . I Thoro ,were Ill ooudl be Arranged, wires as toil I o wi. toot it ba4 on him demonstrated to-. . , - 1009'd Dethl) 10tQ1114­410 fittlittef, - Ilya big races on tile FAIIII19—Governalent Experts Do Not Urfleve it %vas an 112arthquako to. tile JDoplity -the �-(Ae suall'y to progrillume. Each one was ria,med 11 . Minister or in. the fathor what I)% Iw4 done. Then quiet ts.filce ,,rhugosdity. . , tile p4stiiag 11rigud4ts - 1100811 - aftO V ()no Of tile King's bost�xnow, _Hoos,e Ovorturned Three Times sso terlor; the physician *as sent for, 4nd be I I , r lvress,4 on, the Boyal 11ceeption in I 110 . mos. Tboy were a n � tile 0compants Escaped Unflurt; "Fralik, N. W. T., Apz.11 80,-Xighty,- used the stomach pump and admin. Uola tbo Porto Ite4pollolhIC-A I 11orillta, Prix Diamoild' ,Tubilee, Prix ,Jured, , , ti lotore(l the visual restoratives, but Austrittli Sgua4w000fThroo Ships , � , ailed the PrI.T —A Little C11114sa i'llraculatts Escape —.Ll5t ot Dead and to iree killed, or whom. %bout fifteen , it Fl"ance. . An Official Report of tile Catastrcphe, are women And lifteen children. without avAll, although tbachild lla- . I MbrrIO Liles, Prix 11orsillitnon, and . . "It Is thou;ht there will be so gored lint IRA$ Appeared,gt P.4tqil 104-Powepo Prix Florizal. - 11 4.00 Is the, afternoon. , %lay ranged In value trouble from dumminp . I ­ lAestraill W I Paris ca'ble: Xing Edward title from five to twenty4AI'o thousand #AW _; of the river I I- urlcvy, . , I morning � I "IlDek slide About four thousand ConstantillOPles' 3144Y 15.-Turkla*4 wItI10080d the manoettyrob frA.11cff, and in t1IQ case of tile Prix . 11 feet loug, extending from tile b1g] . -,000 ploUed French troops ou tile E101,41111noll, wbleh was nalued arter ': - jIX KILL[o gT D[TRUIT, b�.r 0 0 0114 � I .. eat point of Turtle Mountain ; well r,X0 have c4p�orod A 13uiggyjan � I . Parade gro,unds at Vincennes. It W45 tIJO Xlug'n Derby winner of 1800, . ter . . I I . . 800 droux, near $ * 41H Majesty adtlea a , I ly end of slide,$$ feet weFit of , QyV0101p, a martiml panorama of Imposing pro- . apqolal Cup- . %.1 I 0 0 � . month of tunnel, "tonillng across I ]E�'M)PeAll Turkey. I .� portioils, resembling o There were some peculiar ooin.ol. - . � (I, the valley 4 . . , I .1 . . . nd up, tile opposite bank "Consal's 'Naiprow goewp(o. I as nearly afs 4encos during the races. The second . (0 I. for olle, dad one�quarter miles rrom - possible tile couilitionsi of warfqTc, event WAU. wort by , Ilorse samed . I ��� . . . ,P� front 4%)f Turtle Mountain, ... Pan-American river Crashed Donat'Antillople,may 2.-TIla actIgg the'tvoopo being; uniformed and .ac- ,TOIIr Bull, whilo-t-be Prix Persimmon - , . I,, - ri CS spread Out ran -shaped, so that at 001=44 Consul, at SaI031104 , had a . cOutrOd Col, actual field servIco W46, on.rrle4 Oft by Le Sloar, The e:i�tro=4&nd of slide It was nearly ' Into Crowd, , narrow escape at tile jim . a of , the . first race, the Prix Pordita, which I I .. V-1 . C. ,6 `0 , . Wie.King drove to Thieennes ILI an Woo started a . ... #1 . R two miles -wide, . I dynamite outrage, whl�h (1,pst,r6jc�fj t BAO, was Avon by 1� "NO trace of river for one mile � I � 1� 11 , the Ott oliell state 004011, accompanied bZi Edmond Blanc's Chrygotherniff. I I but water now going through rook , 19MAD Bank' there- ,110 W49 Prooldent Losbot, ilia Cabinet Mints- . a, rast as i4ming down. i7ERRIBLESCENESAND INCIDENTS lit all adjoining 00, w4koh, was , sitliflay Cer�elnolly. . 1 12�. 'Place vol"Mordorly. this morning. � I - wrecked by ilia explosion, of the ters, and the heads of tile ainly ana o:-. -1,1' 4 * 7-A navy, Wale ascort consisted of a rqgl- Irlho Ploturesquo features of King - Men that were drunk and disorder, I)Bt.rOlt, 4a,7 3, -The Grand bombs, but tile Consul Ox a � ' . tricated. him. Edwavd1a visit to lkariff are praotl- -D 7� 1,"r I, ;� ' 4j ly yesterday morning gone to Blair- Prulik Pari -American flyer from self from tile debris. Be was ,041,Vi mout Qfculraisslers. Ir4w streets were %:AJIY over, 71he incidents of to -day - It more, fearIng further slide, ��re donsely packed, And = . 491 'jNot probable there will be fur- ,lileago ran Into a crow4i of 1,000 slightly injured. =a Gopmarl tile People 0011- . wore comparatively quiet, but 'they . I- -1 t I . " people at the cor tiatiously acclaimed tile King. Eveli WOTO still OkIlresol'ye'Of tlid renewa, t ,0� - . `� her slide of any consequence, . per of Deq4trider Cliarga&Affalreo,he,re bttq ni4ae zll;. . ; Z . e 1-4. - . Twelve police and two officert. -41,14 Canfield streets at RZO this 010116 represeAtationg to tile Porto of tile Altglo�Ftrencll good -will. A, C 0111'VAt.61,J , '.. . 0 n " _ tile 1VOGUS Or VInOetilles were awarm- Ills UaJahty, in the mosviling, took a � , 01 . I ,� A,k here; pslent,v.. to maintain peace and woning, )ailing four men, a. boy and, on the gu�bjeet, and -to Also holding .Ing With slgliUceru, As I.II,v eiluipag� ,�Ilortstr.oll.pil III IV ,e :! A- 4. sl��11�1 � 0 01 - I order and for Inecessary purposes. . . 0 .zLy to church. H I I 0 . t , I k, ., entered ilia field Or manoeuvron, but. Memod to enjoy minglaig in t - . V I. , ,lit 60 � No earthquake or volcano. A,ll ,L woman, and ,seriously injuring 010 Government reiponolble -for the tarlQg of field glliles JULa '3eafoUln". Jivong of 40huroll-goors, who wart I . \ FE . I ,;4*- working In mine except two as- kboat 80 peolile, TJ1e majority of the slaWage, done to t a Germn.p school I .13, roari fired a stan,ta. , � . . caped.11 ,Illod anu wounded are from Toledo. at Baloplea. iva,"d wort) a dark grey morning -suit I .�r. It, . Dvniollstled Everythin Afteen hundred Polauders fromTO- . Y1111y Persons Imilied. Mt 11nd A J11,911 hat, 13o carried a Calie ,- . 'N Xtul; lWwurd dvoye along tile 1: ,'I'd 133 bright Spring attire. King Ed . . .. N f, 9. of troopo ataid fanfares oC trumpets, ill Ills lett hand, and walked belo 1 �45 ))// , ol 1�' In Its sweep the great slide, if sll(](. 'edo came up to Detroit this. morn- !r,h& Consuls At SaIODIc& report that , 4th Sir Dialnund X. Mouson, X y . . .. �" . . SS y ..C.,4 It . . � '04, - was, or upbo-%v-all, if that be tim 119 On a special Lake Bliore train fift ed or wound, istantl4r0b were dippod and bandi tile � fill - (A inore proper cliaraoterizatiol), demol. o Celebrate a holiday. ed on both sides, as a result of the . Played "(i6d save tile izing;3 British Ainba,Eeador, Crowds of . 4 q ,-, '0 TheW, left Aor gathered at the Britlah. Euiblleo If I lobed and carried avray the entirc bomb throwing. Including t4ree - t'L' - as, 0 :0 -train of Davin- Germans and four elvillans wounded. Hat aaje4t;y, who Wore � � - - - - , - - - - - - - lanfield stri-ato to unitorL. Laid along tile t1ioroughfarDs where *1 operating plant of the coal corn. " 1uar*ljaJ,,)vJ.J1 j, JJJS� .U'ajeSty . � 01 a BVIUsn li,L. passed,' wid gave wild V At I M,0� I . - . - - - pany; le, boiler atirl crigInt ice and L and went and One Bwt9s killed, Turkish official VXOy Dill"ary cIvU9 LlIrOlYn OVOr Ail, demonstrations of goo - ill. , � S 7" A r,E ,s . house te,111112111PIP light plant, ralhra.i -iver to St. JoseplVa Church. whare cli-eles a -i -c Inclined to'advocate In- Dcl w . n -dIJO14IQV`VJs, 8111-v0j'atl tile Bootle kiei- Tile Engl!zh chapel wa,s idecormte scales" shops a ,hey sivilt thu (lay w1i;h 010 0 A:, r1lellug a sharp lesson. ou; -Bulgaria, . . . d nd a row of coks, �regativn, TLLO.Lake Bhore traQk,s wl:ilch Is considered to be-'respon- tously u)30 01'"IcAllY, 'Or ii� Ml,s u With flowers and plants. The King THE LOCALITY OF THE DISASTER AT FRANK. Ovens destro.7ed, seven bou'les own. us out to Dequiader oLzeet, and elble for tile outrage; but they rear vigni; to Intev(4di, 4, -yon it klijg, ull jib was melt at the entrance by-, three or . ed 'by tile coal company, burying sh, - . . i, special train was to st e 001julng LO tnu tribul)L) Wilove, unite. the-officlating 0 and con- : . sebe Dead$ le Of them, with most of flielp occu , tile Powers would not admit Ir. . lergymen . I minutes past 4 in the morning, will , olp an a Calloity 01 Ilage, allo euviouliticd U,) goted by them to a recl velvet arin- ' a pants, and likewise burying 'do 8,,caurslolilsts at C E101%, There have been no disturbanoes . tll night won on dulty In the Hotel tell ,Velwo aL 8,;�O, Aecompatiled by at 8aIOJdo - Imperial were busy wahing and ma'k- lit, ,a since April 80. tJI0 Z�41AQI.s 01 pcal;o, tILU i;LkIl'.g wll,-:- 0111111' fit the rIght of'the - channel. Alex, Leitch, morall'unt, wife and other habitations situated in t aundreds of'their local frie AustrIA lVa.tcli-ijig. .� furloubly acclaiiiwa lihit, tile wornei. lart of tile a . vellorsfor the West- "I'll, IV I�tl_ DLNAliW WIO n'VA3W,. T110 JJIJULtdi,or, Tile BrItlell Ambassador eat at the four boys, John, Wilfred. Allen and I Ing ready tile tra valley of tile town, together with LjIg for tile truln, the exourliontq atlydig. "Bravo, 1-wNyard !-1 . 1111411001- ging from four _ bound train. A short� sharp report every soul within them. ja,mmml Canilvid avenue Botne ,I,, Vienna, May 5. -An Austrian squa' � - C�dllerai V At n6on tQ-dAy Foreign Minister to rourteen years. Was heard to the, north of tile town, Bodies Burled Forever. oulore the train wau due In readl- dron, cOuelstIng Or three libIlistar- 1"luo-.Ujguut, inihtary.'gov- Dolozn,.sw gave a breakfast tit the - and almost at once a, tremor of the rived yesterday, at Salonlea. I . building was noticeable. laimedl. whose homas were separated by a When tile I -rain was sighted VII0 I - Dr')Of 01 Parls, Wit) otswitianuea tit, Foreign office to His 11Iaj9sty. 0. Ackroyd, minor, wife and two rnle family of the two Grahame aesu for it. Troops, kormea Wein itleo two - divi ,kniong the hundred guests present obildrea, � 11telY afterw4rds was heard another mile, and tile employees of Pouprre ,irovrd puslied across Llie track and I I 010110. Ulo, tit'st; was mauQ up? of bt-i were inamy notable figures lit offl- A. Idlark, laborer, wife and MM .report train the mountain, and be- & McVeigh, whose Cabin wiv a ruile on to the Grand Trunk trac,Ks, which . and colonial �roops, t1lo 6L-uuud Ili Persons famouff ill tile salons. , lie I n, C4,arleg, Albert, Alfred. adjoins those or the Lakb Shores, I gauco w regalar infantry, 40UU,Vu�, 01111"W10 diplomatic life, as well 0 tie 0 lUd.PO . foro the ]ads could reach -the door further cast, were buried fully a plist; as the Grand Trunk Pan -Ant - I Oludcd the WOUnLed forces, reWiniLlil- xrand dining hall had been clabor- Ellen and Gertrude. In age the tile 113111de Of tile mountally was fail. bundred feet deep., and none of thp iricaii- express came thundering I 0.� 01 I-luseal's, liral;u0nu 'd ITEMS OF NE'WS -) , all cuil-as ttely decorated and festooned * Ing, The majority of the people bodies can ever be recovered. In fact. � " witli children were from, five to fifteen, with .who, I 11 I � I - J. Sirota, driveri - At Is doubtful if mamyo of tile bodlei� ',hrown into the ,Air an(I dualied to ARIOT4, and bavterlt�s of Ilgilt fl 1. ,'Jowero. On K�lng Edward's right aye talked have de I I om the West. The people were : places anil ponderous sloge , gullb. fiend eat Madame Dcloasse, and oil clared emphatically that there -svere of the dead are ever raeoverod, FROM FIR Me ' forming vain exparikee U ither side or the track. Many Of .� � I NEAR 1. , f IUOV1116 114 left WON If. PhIlleres, President of Andrew Gresmok, trapper. two I-O.Ports, and illat the upheaval A citizens, meeting was held early -lient were ground under the wheols. ss_-.".. 21"da". .- . Color and glittering ist8cl 010 tl()ul� tile 81371att),'OPPosite the King ,sat 0. E. Williams, ivlfe and three took Place dOW11 below the town yesterday, and steps were taken to Vim police deliartment ,was notified, �� 1. I the,u defiled bolove tile King, ,wIlL Nf,'Ilcicasee, tile Papal Nuncio, And Children,. tIrSt. The theory is that report search -the ruins for bodies, but onh and :3.11 the ambulances Ili the Wtv . . WHO and Aiuluted eacii Xrencii. flag. Count ton Wolkenstein, the Austrian William Warrington, wife and SIX number one was that of an earth- seven bodies had been found up to ,-usiled ti) the *Ficeue. The victirns . CANADIAN : A dramAtio Climax to the review wa. -knibaiggador, wifo is deall of tile alp- (Itiake which shook tbL, mountain and last evening. Most of tile bodies . a. furious Charge of tile whole bri. !Gmatlocorps. ! , obildien-g. �iere scattered along .the trackslor The Elmira, furniture I t4c ry bj- . started the slide. AC ) . recovered were mangled so badly a distance of two blocks. law was carrle& . ( I gado ol cavaivy. It was a blood -stir- Mho breakfast gave Occasion. for John Vandusen, Carpenter, wife Mile Government experts declare to that Identification was 1mr.,,selble. Lanterns were procured and the I . � 'ROY- R- J. Wilson has been calleq. to ring High -t, As t1lo solid line or horse- further expressions of the firmer and two children. 'tbO contra.ry, and ridicule the idea of - ,, work of reocile began Immediately. St. Andr,w's Churoh, Vancouver. 'non Swept stralght toward tll,L fr1eindabip between France and K1Dg'0 tribune, tile cavalrymen y0l Grvon.t Britain, which the visit or D, Mitchell, -.Wife and four child- an earthquake; but It Is hard to con- The P',Am Described. rho scene reflected by the light of - Ing and brandishing their iiabi`eo, am. KingZA-ward Ims brought ont. ran,. I � vinco the people of F rank tha,t such Mr. Frank OliVer, member for At Lhe lanterns was horrible. Gracla- F Ire did $8,500 damage to the terminating wit,ii an abiapt halt IL In tile, afternoon King Edward cuarlea Rice. I . o wever, the berta, states thAt �the town or pyanli ally the mangled and cruslied bed- buildings and contents a,t. No. 176 column' Immediutely it, 7ilapted a chasrtnut troo in the garden I las were recovered and seat to the K . unbroken Zwo unknown Welshmen. problem Is all Intricate one, 19111ch Ilos Immodlately -east- of one of tht b,Ing ot'reat east, Tbr&nto, occupied tromrt, or the tribune. ' Ton unit,nown Finns, ovorwhelmed ca,n cOrtainlY 1741t for a finding gateways to the Rockies. Tile uAd hmrpltal when there was a, flicker Ad. Broo., wholesale barhes6 Ut the' Bi'ltlf;h P=130,$SY, In COU'luen10- . . a , I The Xing rose and bowed Ills ac. ratio" or'llis visit, and received the in their house. The list of dead ana injured Is die. fork of the Old Man's River fijoiv, of life left, and to the morguowhpn dealers. ' . knONVI(3dgl11eIItA Of the 011.111teS Of tilt orpluinod pensioners of tile British B. hIumis. I complete asyet, a's Some of tile In not through agap, in tba broaffted moun- L1101!0 'Wao none. At 10 o'clock four AReports from Casselman show that commanders, and addressed words o� 'matitatiGn, the carnor-stone of ws 1% Sumis. ties ml- tainn vocullar to the locality, ani. .of tho dead had beer) Identified.- there It, no further danger to the Itch 10st'had visitors staying with -s elghty-(threo Mountain aarpmter, Frank Roaluzki, Toledo; Of COrdWOod was destroyed, and a congratulations to 1'rabident Loubut tie laid whom he was .prisco of B. leskl& them, but is given a - Winds around tho base of Turtli Killed -Walter ,91dwick, Toledo, town from bush fire,;. A quantity on the splenold d1wiplino -and appea,it. N -Vales. His Majesty also fouild time P , Farrington.., killed, including tivOunknowli Walsh , Which Is oil Its soutberli anco,of the troops, h chase of & new 1). 0 oster, ! . I . linknown bay, about 9 yeare old, A k tw bu 0, a r I I bank. On tile opposite shore In Ili, ac or a, t th t is tb , ex -tent Later, Klug,.Eaward was driven t(. aUto. i A. Da.wogl . . men, and about ter, unknown Finns, town of Frank. The.ground oil thl., ,ight hairs blue eyes, dressed In Of the damage. . � the Hotel Do Ville, where Ile wap wel TO-711ght a gala diuner wa�s given Thomus 'Look and Nine wero Injured, Including J. a.1r. uldO ascends gestly� Irom ilia river. JarIc blue; unknown woman, about Should the Uontreal strike eon-' � coined ap tile gimat of tile munlu, it -the Bettish Embassy to president. M.L Martingan, all millers, and rington, fractured thigh; Mrs, wa�t- ,it, right angles to which stand f� 213 years old, light hale, marriage pulity. Loubot, T.14. d kinfis, Fred. Watkins; Dan McKenzie, row of neat millers' Cottages. Abort ,Ing oil hands unknown man, body tinue the CIVIC atithlorittau will ask , v was followed by a con- J-0910- Internal injuries j aa,m Inn, � Lhe Government to replace th'a ml - Mite orowds everywhere continnec, 130rt by tho�Jeading Artists of tile James Graham, rancher,. wife and s and rurn. those cottages is the bus(ne,cs por. and clothes badly wangled, appar, � their friendly manifestations. OPOV4: - . p0w grown -sons, J*GI1a au� Joseph. fly, bruises. Ittla with regularo, , tion of the place. The track$ of tit( mtly a Pole; unknown, boy, died at i Tile decoration of a uumbier of Alex. Graham, laborer, and ,wile. : Crow's Nest Pass Railways which tc Grace HospItal, Chou Len was serionsly, Injuredut I Britlelt, Press views. , ; . Frealph officials by King Edward Is Robert Watt, laborer. ' I L'Illestono Alft"p.lialre Barst. the eastward run In. a direction I)ar- The exonralon was given by the Lotidion callie: King Edlvard,b tile meeting Of the Chinese Order - tanouncod. - The members of the T. Riochefte, laborer. There are many tll,c,,,I,, as to the allel with tile river, make a detou, Polish .Lancers of Toledo, over the of Free Masons ln Toronto. Two . � visit to Paris is clironlolod Ill Ills- King's party ]lave received the dec6- Thomas Detail, engineer. cause Of the slide: Borne declare that to the north as they approach tile Lake Shoro Railroad. They left the or 116' countryman have been- am- daiW papers this morning with -all- ..a,tlo:n of the Order of tile L�Wlpn of A. Tasonglan, xeighinall. . . there was an eruption and that it town and encircle It, At the I)tle, train in tlio morning at the corner rested. . . . usual eiaborahtion. in the-editorla, E10:001, I - Joseph �:areguton, � shook tile mountain surriblently. to of Turtle Mountain above tho vive, nentioned, and were met by a nam- The articles on tile .subject Is seen a tonE; , . ..: a., J. Scott. start the rocks ; others declare that to ilia mine of the British American bar of local Polish societies, who as- Lake district north, of Bliarbot Of the deepest -gratification over the . Was Swept by fire. and an, Ira - I . 0 Frank 'Vouehan, the quality Coal and Colce Conillarly, composen e0l'ted the violtors, to St. .To,seph's mense, quantItY of farm P y occurrence, which i4 charauterized 40 I , Or tile rook being almost chiefly of men from Buttes INIontzi,na. Church. An entertainment ropert . 0 I I ;, lime, the great bout or the w.%9 lumber and oord wood, and sever&I I 1, P-Olition, eve,nt'of the first Import- I .1. Leonard, all employees of Poll- Week caused the snow t 'rho mine (toes not bore straight Into beld later at Harmony Hall. that ,tit( 19GUE 0 GIs IN MEXIC 1pall,rte bridges were destroyed. - . I pore & McVeigh, railroad contrac-' and that the water worked 0 melt, tile, hoart of the mountain, but Mr. A pa.rtial list ot the Injured gives . estrangement between Great Brlt&in - � Its way � I — � tore. down into the lime, and stacked it, Oliver understands the workings run the number at 22. Two children ate 111UTIS11 AND A,1O1,,p,1G,yq, . . I . . _,-� iind !Piraricei hais at last come to all I under It around one al.de, missing. . Jor o0d. , I Is I --- - thus causing the staxt, Again, Position on the News. I � -_ . Tilikish tror-Ps captured a band The apontartelty of -the welcome .to., t Has Already Claimed 330 Fatally Injured. there are some who hold to the gas Detroit, May 4. -Engineer Thomas, .1 .. 1* 1L..1 lasurgeuts. . theory stories Or tile tilde. . corded to King Et1ward Is lield to Urs.,Tolin Watkins, terribly crush- ."Oleve It to he voleallic. H. Hart, or the Pan American flyer The Santa Maria !A * � Prove that the bitterness engendered Vic Urns" - ed And internally injured. . In tile house Of Sam Innes were ' volilbria * Ij by the Fushoda, and other ineldenth . I Lester Johnson, aged 24, later- . sleeping Intles, Ills wife and Winnipeg report: A despa*h re. O'n the Grand 'Trunk, which ran Guatemala Is again in -active orup� � , -g000 � - — Dal Injuries. - qu!!tlyhIfd'ren. The bouge, was over" 6.11 Jesterday morning tile jo,wn fast night and caused the death of I . . . have, given place to reciprocal three I Calved from Frank states that at through a Crowd on a Crossing here tiod, - turned three times, and yet tile. oc. Emperor ,William's visit to th�` -,st of olueni, - . . at lemot seven persons and the In- p 0 . feeling, and to be the be ' - cupsams were practically uninjured. was shaken with terrific force, and OPe was mado with great care. for future friendly relations. EVERAL CASES AT MAZATLAN , shocked by laud reports, and the jury of more than a seore, said., .. . . .�_.__ I . ,A Graphic Pen Picture. T11111 was tile Only bous6 caught In , houses threatened to topple over In '*The place where tile acefflent �oc- luoll'y* � . Paris, Mai, O. -Nothing could bave Uexivo, Moxic the B1160 In which the occupants . been 8 ,a, May C-Thie,plague F rank, N, W.. T., despatc)i,. I have sar'vived. The stabler, of tile Canada- rocking motion. Instantly t1lewhole urred Iss nut a regular stopping During tile last fire montlTs there ' reater thun the contrast be- me a& C tow Point for ineornlug passenger tr Ins Wero 828 deaths from the plague S ,�! if, Mexico. - twooll yesterday mOrnIng's function bas reappeared Ili Mazatlan, three just walked down thO mass Of debris A rl n OP.1 & Coke Company field it was Afoot, and soon the shout. tzj;l unless the engineer- receive al . _,aseA baying . bcon dovbloped yester� which came from the side of Turtle rl,tY horses, of this Immense build- LiLo before reaching tile crossing ar The tetimeters of Moutreat have of tile , Ing and running to and NO of -tile . review ot the troops at VIn- Aountain yesterday morning. All tb,t.., Ing men, mingled with the walls of the Cennes land the visit in the After- lay. The p�%Tients were isolated In reports t.h-.%t these poor, Irightonad not a 'Vestige remains. it 19 cov- ,refused to handle ocean frelgirt un. ered by fifty injured and dying, together with the las, the etgnal turned against him hot I , feet of rock. A tiny ter. at runo through without stopping. Nye loaded by non-union men. 1, nOOD. Of King R,dward to the raca-s a temporary lazarotto, the oldone Iiottis sent Into the world ]lave DOI rier pnp ;�a, the only,, creature I cries of those who had to were running down on time last Lulgl Arditi, tile Well-known Inini. course at -Longollamps, In the Bolb been cxaggora,tOd one iota. They may Pit"" de Boulogne. The review wati un- having beat) burned. . saved. I loved ones, gave Indlon,Llon that a One patient died this morning In navo Ili tileir tear aeon an Imaginary 1 oatastronhe of unusual magnitude 'light and when we neared Canfield ic4l conductor ajid cOmposor, died ' dOubtedly an Importa.ut State funC- apheaval or aal earthquake, but t.., l3abigs, Arurvej1olls 1,.,sea1)e. bad taken pldc,, P ar Lbe time being *xvemae, I noticed the headlight o -I the at Hove, ,Sussex, Eug., aged. 71. tIO-11. while the afternoon trip to the Villa-liuloll. Tjio body of a man chem the liorror wrw tile same as 11 In tile home of one of tile IFInn min ,I, de Lake Sbo,rc train standing at Can- , - notning waa seen tut . nee cloua A state Of Siege has been procWm- races was more In the nature of a -who died of the plague was found Lho o1J Zartle waAs belching and Vora- Ore a baby came some three months of black amoke, w10 balls of fire le"d avenue' but as this is a COW- ed at S110111ON European Turk6y, social affair. In the morning the near the same village. Irle vvlre ItIng fire, smoke and aaorla ,%90. The slide destroyed tile house dritting here and %-here a moll occurrence I paid no attention Where tile ottoman Bank was wrock- rolito of tile royal procession I ay 1.11ho imagination tulle UtLei-ly 6 de- and the lives Of Re'ven occupants, disturbed sectiou. cross the Lo, It. Tilt! light from the other eugln( ed by dYnamite. Tough the pooi neighborhood, &no was attacked by the disease several As soon as 'the D$- . th .1 waosbining In wyeyesit was Imp The New York Tribune Quotes a I plot the awful rain which has cluteli- NOue werO round gave tile wee babe, fire and smoke cleared away It wall alble for me to, see the crowd on the . tile YUSt MajOrity of tile spectators days ago. -Ili the villaunlOn H'0001- ed In HisdastruOUve maW tile lives of who was discovered In a crevice one soon that the whole -side �k until I passed tile other oil- member Of the Columbian Cofigrogs , word of the pooAst class6o.'At- the Cal are five gvo,ve edsee and three 'I -three of their molghborS. Un' hundrOd yards from Where the house or tile mountain Immediately, back noticed the crowd -to saying that ilia Panama Caolal Bile a Vty great whit sepulchre whole stood, baked but alive, unhurt, and of the town had blown Oft, treaty W111 meet bifter Opposition. review Itself tile spectators sholve(i Joubtful mies. .At Slquerlos ih doe the 0 .4ne. Wbein I firot apparently little Interest in thel, are four patients, and there la olie families are laid. the people were ocattered all over thoir attootlon and all at Boupolo Ranch, near the same Tlilc cllangO was OrAng With exposure. Alex, Leitch No Doubt a Volcano. the track, &n,,1 srter blowing the The Grand Commalidery of tiia I al EUC15t3 - I ,,ulool, for them. In mercy their lives and his wife were killed In bed, and whistle applied tit it's Tomplar of Call-fornia do. . luslasin being untIrely contkbd on plane. . . o Drakes, but could tie troops. In the artein I 511111ilgal by unanimous vote that lifere. , were taken Instantly. their baby of seven months, whloh The TOur from the mountaln Is at not stop my traln�ln time to pro- I LO PIWOOL Of tile district or Sl- One can judge of the great fatality I a,y I v TI , between its parents, Was unhurt, times almost deafening, and people vefit running into them, Wie were After no wine will be served Attito "Ing wag. different, ' quartos has been arrested alidtaken only by compa.r1hon. Parley, it' you 80"14P Ot' tile Dt.ad. are panic-stricken for fear of us running allout twelve mile -V an hour, Templar banquotll, Prom the British 15=bassy, whence to Mazatiall. His dMughtOr Was can, any two miles square In city tie Xing, thlyi time sitting'on the 40MI with tII0 Plague 0,114 thopre- blooks. Taxable to the height of tile 0. Ackroyd and ilia wife, who' other outbreak. Nearly every COL: the uslitil slioml at that place, and AnglO-Canadlana are much Utsup. r, I were t lit, I Tago In the district is now vaea it -was; impossible for mp to bring pointed that red tape In tile British tig t side of President Loubot, In toot defied tile Military offlCialsand lilghtat bull.Ings In those two blocks killed by the,atalanbhe of took, were occupants are going to Blair. my train to a, stop In 04) Pbort (1111- pout -office to too strong to. allow le Ila Carriages sta,vtad out shortly, be- refused to suvronder Ilia daughtiu, it mags; Of stona, as the teamsters natives Of the .Eastern States and more, a small town two miles dis. tanee bet-yveen my train and the the reduction of nowspa a a On Tore three O'clock, tile roate'lay or permit Ills house to be buirned. would throw It from thodray. Upon came into Frank In the fall of 100l tant. Rescue parties have been Or. crowd. Canada. I p r r t to . alon one of via Choicest drives In Ilia sanitary officials forcibly re- thla mass throw Another of the salue from Moncton. Lester Johnson, who ganized, and a sy�tcmatic method ot ,,It Iras fortunate that I clacapoil I 1� Pa r I l9i, through the Place do In. Con� move(I the girl and burned the house. sort fifty feet bighor, and you have Is seriously injured, Is a step -son of - Sir Gilbert P&tko out date 830 -per- an idea of whu.t tile prairie to tile Sir. Atitroyd. Mr. Ackro searili and rescue to being y1gor. with my Ifte, av there wera many r'8 bill to lega,. cOrd,6 Wid' the Avenue des Champs UP to the Pros, yd has a bro* susly ca,rrled on, but very little in tile crowd ,who boo4trie excited If%O Marriage with -a deceased wlfelg Lime, PUst tile Are do TrIoniplie, . sons )lave died of . the plague, east af this little town looks Ilko. tbur, an extensive farmer,near Card- sister ,was endorsed by -a petition Is n hh the Bols do Bon. These figates ,inelado all Affected Tban'fvoin the sside of the great Tur- Rr011. J'slck Vnildusen who hope Is hold out for &ny of the mis. and threatened to take my Wo. They . . With lilt slnc� i . - . I tIo tomes roaring in a continuous wife -and Children, tiet 'death in the 000 women In BItiningliam, it passed lognse to tile .racecourse, As for the' Pointe. I` �,'.!_ throw I�rlekq ,and sto,nvs through favor of tile reform elgiled by 15, the call windows,, and I was finally W.YrIa-do Of people looking, on,, It �­--44--�.!-� !� atrbals, hu.- rook.s. which are tol- huge rocks, was vOrY well knovirn In N'Qrro%v Elseapes. foreed to r,end for tile police to Pro- Its second reading, �O would be IMpossible to, tell or theip. ' 1)[60, AUED 120, lowed by. a grmic cloud of whito dubt, Frank, having -lived tilox,o since tile The family of Up, Sam. Innes had tect ine. Several of the crowd came � Tile London Morning Post psu - or Adequatolk town bogan, Mr. Vandusell caVue . b1lobex , describe tile differ. I Rocks Still Falling. a 'filli'aculous escape, their cottage Into tile cal� with mo� U long article an Imperial Intorestir CTIO(Ybetwean t1iom And the morning I I I � —, ,. originally from Rantrow, ,,Front tile efte of the crowd and Ili trallfs-Canada, railways, It urgeg , crowd. They sat, and stood, ton ,Ill. Old0fit S0400t, Ot VJ 11110 Is tt . As I. am ponnIng tile wordo & new Mrs. Van,allso Out" and being second from the end where ii , 1Q11- n froin Por4breke. Alex. the crash bogan, and by almost Isu- tile rato of speed the train -was run- that 011,11atIlMus should remember the About, Other 0miteoarlasis. rear breaks loose. it Is like thunder, Graltaill and Ills Wife, originally Now re dealrabil of futillabing Ib#IoI&bIa teen..and tiventy deep, and ;Whero the eolio, and ate taking'It up; until BrunsWiC to 1,�ranl, from It to a miracle that there We thsO ground sloped down to tile drive Londoil, May 151-A160jet, Interest. thava ate a hundred peals like that 'kardt came p,erIll2man orrorts he managed to Ding, Irtoyr food pr6dacts destineit 007 were spread out In dellso Maine. ThoIr home was on. a rarlLli; dral." HtDoOlt Out of the debris, and, n.,t fifty killed." Outlets of the heaviest thtmder. There Is no tho. one After the other, All but threo of the Injured were toll British markets. I Crowds, It wan also, an jantirely dir. 'ng centenarian has passed away, the possible way of estimating tile Am- y bad taken up ,%bout halt a mile . tire family, While saved the On- -da,y as doing well, There .1 ­ � � . lerent class Of�poople, This . at of tile King, aged 120 east of Frank, on tllq slop of tile tl)p.v are all reported to - time it �Adcet subp Gunt of rock that, has fallen. At no eAdken up and suftering trom braises lia,9 been but one Identification at looked as though every smart tearij yoarll- TIIIS 11VA8 WI)IIAM Stuart, who Pla,el) On our Journey were WO logo 11111 10,I)POOltO to Turtle Mountalu, find SHOT APROPESSOR. And motor wagon )lAd tilrued Out 11101*0 tll&n V, mIIO Iron) any part Ill all are thauWal to be alive. Another the mor,'ple zinto last nildnlglit, The fols the races, and from noon lifitif Med at Fortiv,y, Letterkently, Ireland. thall fifty feet from the ground, And thO summit of tho mountain. Sas. 1101111 kable escape was tilat of two body of a 11111"dar-old boy wasi , Uses a U-1VOI lyholl it boy.be emv Admiral War- often we noticed close to one hundred Graham and his tion littlar four o'clock thore was no cLsagatioll . s ,wolva tile first 0 daughters of A. Leltoll, who early to-dar Identified As Stailley yOtIth ver Ill Crowded . In thc Constant Stroftln Or tllnBa Ve ron't; hattivships lit Lough 8111y, in (Col. prom tile foot of the mounLaIns millers emPlOYed In tile Frank mine. were taken out of tho ruins alDlost Orezitolske,ot Toledo. The bodies 61 Austrian eiiureh. _ to tJ)O farthermost POI)Ita reached by 4rter� w4rdS 'in' 11 siono And A boy ,Vlenna, May ,5,_Tl*wsr,(I th.6 Clooc - 140100 On thO way to LOrigohnstpe. 1 1708, after lie bad dereated and. cup- Mr. Grabam held a re- 1111111JOPed, W11110 Mr, And Mrs, Loltbb aabyooa1t!ft1g%t wyaNnllt�s -ot Ago, are still Its - First Brithiminstil for, (be:Iiing. Wroil tho Fr(nicli t4quailroil, %vItb flip ,tilde It la twar and it linir milos, sImnsible POsitiOn as boss; tater lie And their four sons wete all dead. which was Wolfe Tolle, tho notorl, with tile AlarrDwest part two miles took up a Ilonlostoa(l to ilia east of Many heartrending scenes ocotiv. Identified, Of a 0-rOWded May d4y service lb at, ,� This rall,V was ther occasion also oun Irish robol. � w1do, Tho valley is filled with purn the town and built a plcturesqne rcd no the bodies were taken out of Zoo sharraltAd and A man wlloso Stephanie, Churob to,day a, yotmi , _. whell Xing tilward for the first time o list of v6ntvnar� white lituatomo rocks scarred and I rubbed where the parta tossed and holne beside the river. Ile, hii; w1f; thodobrl& ria.me haR not yet been learned are about twonty ya&rs Old rlk(yd. thfoo VeCelved what InIght be Called a real salls .,vII0 have (11(jil jills. year, as tile and tiva sons there nlot doittil, # both roportod to be In it, Very striovi; - , e ther. The rooks This To Av(,vt Jillot,ti, J)iqa.4ter. colimaltiou to-tlay. SbafrallskI has 4 rovoiNor abots At the priest ag ho. licarty. welcome, And tile ollpers were ft'llowIng table will Olow. Mrs. Map- part or tile valley was coverotl in loild 4i,nd clithusIftstic- Eveb '-�',011g 1pirot 'Simpson, ugod 101. I Wit. 1,1111ged lit ,siza front av Apple to a (I c, I Ore live Edwavvils' could lin heard, monster CIO sim at un oiglit-roomed o . traooturM skull, aTO ilia unknown was clevating tile host. 110 mi$god : Afor- , liy Mrs. *T. Graham and Mrs. Mr. Stuart ytstorday afternoon mail lo kililff"Ing front concussion of Ills mark, but one litilloLt �&Vbtaiiy ' ory 131do, . 1� - O;I 0v1- roll, 103; Win. (l,ordon, 102, Mary house. The flow Of tho�great torrent Alex. Oraham were tile first women telegraphed to Mr., McNichol, of tIle Ural% A wornail supposed to Ile, wounded Prof. Jurosek, of the L86. . . k3lackIIIIIII), 10:.,; 1"Illaboth. .&I90% 10-1, to tnake their lioratIo Ill The ftallier Itoolt was piopitloun, asil saralt Chal)man, 101. of destruction han lovolled hills, n'lad 11"rank. J'ohn tile C. P. R., ny3ktng th&t thO rof4* Mrs, Anna. Obltts, of TbIM-0, to 1111- POld Gymnasium. Anothar pasged I I a i I I I roy ti I tI I Ili the morrifug, during the r(3vfowp Aniong the ollIvat centonarlans now thrown aoldo, the river ohnnorl, Tw and :so Orahatit, sons or :nine,; Grft. prtnyls vijgln,�ol* or engineers In the - 00,nsclout; to-da:y and tit a drItleal tht'01191%, A wdr8hipparld lijit, AlI4, ,�, 0 haint wora young lops In the prime of vicinity of Fratik be diroctod to pro- tha still had bovoll vollod by a groy I and ono -halt mile,# of the now spur fire. Tjlt,y '0111,q � tcd, Col, condition, With the exto.ptl0ni of third attack a chn,tol&lso 1)&S ,,ho,ll Iving Ill 1!"nglalld uto Cll&rlr)g Glwft. vervlao ItT teed to tile scoue 6t tile disaRter, tbe.�;o three liorr,onv. It Is believed all Ing frOw h w0fflAn1WWh1*f. Th6 y6t1tt alcy. Ili tho Attornoon Aly the Xing Of Brighton, 108; Xato LIvIngstoile, built Into the Pren6h lulne IEP buried. , TWO 1111108 of the I'daln line of the South Africa with ilia 11adon-1-.0%Voll In ol-der to advise tile proper mea. the I.njlltotj will tee6y,9p. wat) Al*'at to fh* &SAID wiled a by. drovo tO 00 radecoueso, WhIdIt wite ,f v,I.,ho1,,qc,, 14io or Mun, i07, ,T�tnj -K . Constabulary and returned ,,%t the oures to Ile taken to removo the ­ __ btandar knoek�(T the W0406n frota _ Ip - Croww Nmt Railway Is toivor4kl. Vila go ramillar to him ,us tho; pellien Or �Tnennity, of London, 101 , Urn, , �t'o! IDEM 0 tilt) WAP. 1AM695rallaftl and danger of A flood. "The (lov,eryt- _, egtordit,V' hiss hal2d, WhOn Othort meesurod him, edg(t of t4a allde has totally d , A p611ttct%1 ­rl6t aadutf-40a V Wales, it Conic out tit 'fill) N�irlldpr, 1. iq:r� t 11,01*% tlf honetuitor, 103 , Mrs raftilly emoo trolly T."ngland. Thosi.,ts. simit", TAII tit(-, telogram, "WIll reu- e� intlomto., Province, 'of Oyltft Prof- -TurO-"k WAt takou t* & tow. At T,,l)gPbvnip,; 111loth!,r V�,tqt A.q., llf1lslj)-.+It�,(,, �)r ,",t(Ituntlill, IV, s.!5 r-4 fiw 11vt,ri of elglity-throe 1w,z1,)t1,V!oy- I " I z , Drl"V. Win) W;ls 16WA wlillp oil iluty der oypry possible Aid to P170t0t SpAln, TIlt, 90ndArlikoN firbd & V01- Plt4l.'Oherd he I d I � , !I1111" itifir 1460 alliil 1111,H. r1artsillit, Nvtkit" or 10,w. 1. I ni Inglijeer ot tiv� nillip, wil"l, VOrY Ilti) and PVOPCrtY And We tile ft- 1(,,y Into the rlo,t6rd, killing tvk*olve T110 name Oftbe .yotttfi 18 ga&g. fto P( �-,l wan witt , to The FirM Tr(1111411., # y rig Omer thb Xing. Whett, Itt p,X&Otl� p,##O!t, 1_02. - I Irot) first relsort WAS About t*#Aty Wolf known, having rs&naged for eL,asaVy qd6lotanae to valitorero.,, �011 aod,twO, WMOM . ; lbellavial th4t 116 10 folirlirt. f .1 1. . ­ ­ �. I. I., ... I .- - - ---. __ - . � _. - I I ­ - . �.. � 1. .­­. � . .... I ........ --.I. -I. � ...'­......­.... ­_ �.., ­­ ­­­ � ­ .. ­.­ I'll. .- �.... ... __ � - I . _. � . � ­ . - Ask, - - .�­ .. - � � - A&­­,­L-,-,.-, ­,­ ­ , . ­­­- - ­ ­ .... .... ­­ "' ''-'-'�r"''_"-'"',r,-"-"""-.-.--"�--",I'"-t��'-'-'�'�"-""—�--"'-�""L'-"----------"-----''-- - - - ----- - _-1 is