HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-05-07, Page 6. . t'taac• no t,i1.,n; tmud st.ulrt•iv ltwttnd PAWS' NEW FAif ISSUE, �� .�t), Y.��e� ._ .,._.., i,-:) lain lit r pall 4111 HH tt>han the ut �t nl:•.rnit; lia nlaij )r lOokt>Kt'Sn lit scoTrs .-.,. 'What shrunk your woolens ? 1 ..:.. _tlo, (.l+`esr and row+irkoil, aH if tiulte 'X° Vat hold 10ood Only thio Latest Plan Why did hales wear so soon' -- _ e (� CHANCE �� CLEVER PEOPLE] I t;tnu ilL3' % oil AU'duclsig 011t+'al Weight. Mrs. WinslowIls , o", A p u. 16 (*p (' � i " `i he tuttrouis (Ilei dlatipli •ar hist , � You used common Sock always bo used for children oothiug Ih ' It49it, fit, vac• thought, I''lain, :" Phe 11e1v Parisian cure for too soothes the child, sof tons thoyuma cures wind It should be ens for eo '.e who drink delicious 331 ) utuch f►c e!t Is to mnlie lt,il food, or colic cad in thio bast r� a-^modv Ior vlarrhoea, _ "las?" i ht• (inial• ",lint that iH ad- � � �' u y p p ue Ribbon Red y, - unllall will t; it ? If yeti sail IIIc• I3tha1 n ir.t. y ail, cold. g o early break. �I lAbel Tea to say t;mething that will induce their friends to try it 9 1,.1 will vt)11 .:ii+k Ulm 1t1 tet! isGt. tl,:it !IN ION (treat or tiiiNt nucY eggs le csibcn told, LEARN! A PR ESSiON �, I ivi h Nlee tvc:,ukl rust round. lean anal the fa•oci is wai=hpd down with jUNLIGHT . . n(:t tpartl AlrUlgot to seutl ,with it I Scott's Emulsion is the coal coffC1O ar mill:. IN FIFTEEN DAYS 4 nrto ; atnill, 011, will .yflu look in at At luuehoon titers lea nothing but by mail so you can make froth rlvn To TTN &-% 0 in CasAn MMW -mu(-Irta awl fink thrid to send the 111Cillls pf lifC cilli of the C31- cold niacin tkutl call puddings, with IK rLIDVCES DOLLAnaAnAy. 1'orpartleularswrlto *645*"A. rtWitm bordered, ,Napa?" joyment of life of thousands of, bread, cite,oso aald salads. At night A. HANSEL. M. "'ll2 West 1� It wit:, etl,i'nt thrtt she did not ( the Ineal eouslats of only mil oil -bo" fAve. North Prizes mean. to clit.cass,the maxquiH, Antl the'. (nen, women and children. mise of fit'h, cold entrees and a�trit- Z�XIls1 r4,5Z A .... ,�.� _..., 1 A, maj.,ir ~with a ntxi anit a ,t)Z'k, '�Cer- ' mets; die hot v Natniiton, Ont, �l To thio znen ,Septi s Emul- , vegetables, but per trliul,t', ltty dt`tlr;" took lltmsalt off 11.1 Iy sale for the Uciagou #Ear. LAD�f AGENTS WNTLp Twenty-five cash Prizes will be awarded In order of merit to those - with ai ferlln �• of relief. sign gives the flesh and p'a' A'd a bo'nlle bouell" .i 'tot cut- ; ; a j lct, lta.n, of eotlrse. sending in the best advertisements for Blue Ribbon Red, Label Tea, :got Only tits silo not m0311 to (110. 7 strengt Z Sp necessary fur the Alany peapht 1n I>iirlia tvita are In- ills inclination. ' A t$LiirFs lof him;iand when shill e�wcntlnto ' cure Of consumption and that cllned to by stint, especially tiilloltg I�enetr)eei4,i s:lysQ1 iLiWlmV�`AriCl�on`v�'tl ".` 1.e First Prize a " - - $200.00 11 , , P tiro 'women, are aholcluouoly Iolloty- the kg� rti( n, yr to one of;tbe windows repairing Of body losses from int; the new cure, and wolit, of thane itr tte c,,perli thiitIla tll ( ;,archin Is Second Prize - - - x00.00 t; liavn xlpon fire 37astl(', alta. a y who 1tavEa tried it af4sert that theys a��rY RR i carefully•l•efralned from. looking in any wasting disease. when ilei searilfnlly yvarn4 to pat a t,cLT .%D r4t,•rn , Third Prize - - . 40 y' rite tI!I't'otiOn• of rite tlatgstaff. It t bavo Obtained satlsfaotory results• OnEt !Dill on the* table and alto outer , For women Scotts Fmlll- 4th to 13th Prizes $I0.0o each IOo.00 W would not be lwdsible to forget the un tho blvd while stiniggling with '' } . visit to the Castle, and her father's sion does this and fibre. It is itonsevelt 'texts, the fowl. �• hinta, but sho. resolved that they Some of the humorists etre Ho de. '" `.'_ • 14th t0 25th, $5,o0 each - - 60.00 should not i)attut her; and Zalulna^ a most sustaining food and lighted with tllo ni)tion of Col. RooHc 130l9ee Mlnaitcls Liniment In the pest Selline Skirt Supporter and Walst Ad)uster was a young' fatly, of some deter[uiiia- I .tonic for the special trials that vert as PreNident of Harvard tluit over Introduced, Sells at sii;ht, Good profit. tion and strength of purpose. I they are }punting up texts fol• 11tH Send 25 sante for sample and forms to arpnts. 00.00 women have to bear, sel mons of occasioll,' 'f we may 1nS nd 2 ce CO., DEple d t TORONTO. $5 _ An hour later ttte drawing-rootal , " The Brave bet. , , door wfta flung open and a young girl To children Scotts l� mul. use the impression. The �Pashin''ton Wavhington Star. ----••-___ --------•--•,•----••--•=-...., In addition, beginning with the week ending April 4, a special fart in, aud, regardless of Elaine's ( b ' g 1 est offers this little collection: "Da you think that woinen .are an USE weeks rite of oo will be given to the one sending in the bask needle throw her arms round ]~:initto's Sion.: iVes food and strength Y• P $S• g 4 g g nifty taervaut slow both Llle lion 1}x+itt•,e a1,lt men ?" advertisement during that week, making for the nine weeks $45.00 nTb�.,• wa13 &fay lrAd' the raptor's. for growth of flesh .and bone and the bear.'' -i. Samuel. xvii, 3t'. "Braver," an-,twerrd Mies Cayenne. in special prizes, or a grand total of thirty-four cash prizes, $gi,s. Thy children, like olive pi _4' "lou will ob-erve that 'tile scientists 1,000 MILE AXLE CREASE daughter, anti Elaine's sp(eial friend. and blood. For pale' girls, round they table."-Psahlis, cexvU'. 3. wbo keep talking whit terrar about It Has No 9 p The taco girls a wale a very with de p - for thin and sickly boys Scott's ' "With thee, will I break in Nieces the' bacilli Ina kiss alb all malas,'' Manufactured only by Equal C.®�]��T���� -% �­ contraa^t. ];:aline was dark, wall asap- y y the !:orae;' -Jeremiah, 11. 21. brown eyes; May was fair, with blue Emulsion is a great help. " r Dii,uattd's Liniment 1H used b 1'hy- THE CAMPBELL lifls'C..,,CQ. 1st. No pprofessional ad. writer, nor anyone connected directly or indirectly with orbs that seemed to bt: ulavays dano- g p Manna iii, wiry weepeat thou �' Y theillneRibbonTeaCom n may compete. Send for free sample. --I. Samuel, 1. & &lclans• of HAMILT014, ONTARIO. Company Y P ing merrily; her light,almost flaxen, "bo is my strength now for War." Far sale by all loading dealers. 2nd. Advertisements must not contain more than $o words, and shorter ones are - helix broke in little flossy curls ever . SCOTT & 13OWNE, Chemists, preferable, her forehead; her mouth ivas -small, •°6oc�and i;I.,OOE all druggists. Joshua, xiv. 11. Jefferson's 141axims. --- " ' 3rd. One of the cards used in packing Blue Ribbon Red Label'Tea-there are and always ,pouting or PmUing,, and ,, , _ two in each package -must be enclosed with each batch of advertise. she w.e,,? altogether as charming and - -. The sada or Monticello has been . - ments sent bewitching a little girl as was ever John Buil is O K. called an Infidel, but the charge is 4th. The competition closes June I, 1903, and all competingadvertisementsmust - sefrit to plague susceptible man. May Toronto Olobe. yo . a libel. Jefforsp;l was not a devoteo ® D reach one of the following addresses on or before that date. was rather more than a year „ ; ° " i ,,. ° . of any particular form of eoclesias- v !j younger filen Elaine, and, as has ging the fiscal yetis 190. the I ,'t:;,,. ticism, but ha was a 'believer Ili God, . e United ICIngdom, exported manufac �� g parity. He Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Winnipeg, Agan. , been said, regarded her as the pearl Hyl I'. in tho higher life and ill y. ' o - of womanhood. Her mother was dead, tu'red 'goods to the Value- of £280, r p practiced the golden rule far bet- , P*. Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Toronto, Ont. � � :� � fax' ' ODU OOU, Germany* to thio value of ter than many; statesman of a later - }, nti the rectory wale "run," as May, tim,000,00% France &83,000,- - date. A fine example of •tile studious, , Slue Ribbon Tea Co., �YnC06161i'3°,B.C.`;who was occasionally given to slang,. 000, and the United States, £80,- � . puinstaking, inothodical, persevering, would a.iytby* her aunt, stirs. Bradley, ;, ' Z simple, economical, and withal pow - 5th• No person shall be awarded more than one of the main prizes, but may also whom.,May always dealgnated as the 000,000, take one or more weekly prizes, griffin: O&P*.;-, ` at t?Mh :..,,,,: �� erfttl man of affairs Thomas Jeffer- �i • 6th. In case of a tie, decision will be based on all the advertisements submitted ' You dear, ;to send for me 1" she Jtler Analogy. , : ,.- •- - "� �•+• ah.. son will remain for all time. t.� by the competitors in question. exclaimed, holding Blaine's face In Washington Times. �a �, at ;;�, t,:,.,'t, +:.,., o The following ten 1•ules of conduct _ Mr. H. M. E. Evans of We Winnipeg Telegram, has kind! consented to'ud e - her tin hands and Itx&ln at her :, t, 1. `, •*' :;r.;j, from h''us. pen might Nvcll ibo paHted 11 A P , Y judge 3 g I,wi�h, old rile irl thoughtful! 17 ! iL n t:), p - the advertisements and award prizes. tYlth rapturous admiration. "But I' �, y , • 1 :Jr % %:r•, in tly1. hat of every elork, .stenogra- t , - - P p that they wo!uldn. t use that, ex. ,6 her, bookkee er-etuplo er ` was coining when I met the major. pression 'launched upon the sea of - ( p p S • arra ed , s � \ A11 advertisements tlsm4 fail to win a prize, but which Anrd ,tills IH the (Mall dress, of course. , v p play�il -in Chleago. Cut out, premed { Oro b+ood enoa h to b� accepted for publication IIatP pretty !" matrlmbt>Lv, ,} ' This Woman is Unhappy and given a plttCe on every, desk in And why ndt? asked the young SHE SNORES th-Is great heart of American coni- r - will be paid for at the rate of sul.00 each. " Neat, not galtx7,y; would, deaerUbe b ' !1 man p,nx}oust , t r - - Unless expressly requested to the contra it very well, Ally," said Elaine, tak- "Well, y lar breath bad, because of Catarrh morcinlism, these maxima, studied as i J p y eq contrary, we will consider ourselves at liberty w s lila whale kind OS ti I. AGN W to CATARRHAL men hustle, would make us all wiser . to publish the names of prize winners. Ing up her needle, which she lied time I always ibave on a sea vOX- DR. A(iNEW�S CATARRHAL POWDER and bettor : y ® f g p a A cod advertisement should be truthful and contain an ides brightlyacid Laid dawn out of ha.1•,tn's, wavy •duvmg tage" will surely Cure her. „ 1( he embrAee.` "Nun's veling, clear. " Some remedies are quack-Agpew's Never put off till to -morrow tivhat , . c s 1 forcibly expressed. A bona fide signed letter with address and date from one who " Yes, I know," said May. ",But • Oil Cit' - Feb. 6, 3,903,, cure r life ie itt danger from Pulmonar YAu Can do 10-dmy. • t e t s ' A has tested the tea, is a good form. An advertisement for an article of food should (though it's only'• nun's veiling; you'll Y' g y 'Never trouble another for what disease, which so inevitably follows , , JA not associate with it, even by contrast, any unpleasant idea. The best advertise tomo sailing in, !poking as if you've Massey -$arras Co., Limited, Chronic Catarrh. you can do yourself.- ) people Coatnm_nt e most t•.- xpen +,of bottle. Relief instantly aThio cure complete nd thepatie costs t -! u lav spend your manoy Ueforo r ( s - > _ eo pe to the article advertised. at lm the d will drive ensile Lul wood Geai lemenn Please Banti me elle stays oured. patient you have sashed it. meat®eK your Inspiration and Bannister girls mad with envy. of ' Ont g nnIt of only soothes; s; it d an Colds "Novel buy what you dd not want the one that will induce the most ;c S p zn in a Cup of Blue I love to ,watch them when you, make . you! 19(Y3 oatalo ues, of farm , d head- becausrt it Is o11rt4ap. 1 Jr i� .s Ribbon Red Label ea and the . ever bu t, per laps undue n the The men llatl finished rite rustic oil spirit enot>l;It to protect ma. .Bat, Port 1Sfulgrave, June tl, 189x. - ,�,���� ���®� P��flfa�� HOW'S your elppearance; the -effect is quite magical. Iowevctr 'fine they may machinery. I have used no ma-, 'ohinery that gives as goad gats-' achecured)ntemm�utep. Pride assts moire than hunger, thi-rst and cold. : -,, ,, ,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,__„� „_ Nfor.ey is yours. 7- Z . - look ,before, directly you come ill Ft.pllt they 3natantly then dawdY•' ' faction As Uassey-Harris: . JOHN MARRIOTT, George Lewis, of E[ollenbaol. .� 13< I er, Shantolrin, Pa, writes have u a ea a rrh never had nny relief We seldom repent of having eat- en too lilttle. L �� "flo� fle,qlth ' 'ill, come, !” remonstrated remedies and have ' it I box Or. Agaew's Ca• "Na thing ifs trdnitlE+r,ome that r We ! � T 'fir -r e iu:,�rxa;, ,play Blaine, t:rytllg to redtreaa a chills. un used cue of tarrhal Powder, which cured me after I do willingly. " It may ibe 111 -natured, but It's 4Q'autlous Donald had been troubled with Catarrh for fifty now mirelt palet evils -have Bost u9 - -'1%t_ true,'* asserted 11tay, stoutly, "and A doetor was attending a clanger= years. I am 60 years old. I - that have !lever happened. tt amt c3g^d"`i� " """�^"'� ^^' t:the truth, I sticks iby, as old Aft s. !lumps. ,the pew -opener, says.". aur case where a Scotch butler ivas O 1. On feallin In the fore- g DR. AGNf —S HEART CURE Takothitlgal always by the smooth 11•andlo. ' //� I--.:— , "And what Is your (Irene to IUs?' „ noon, he said to Donald ; I hops keeps the heart going, which keep s the : nerves toned, which stomach and "iirhen angry, Daunt ten before gly ���Lli ('1;1 Hud Lily aiakcd Jlaine. aypouteid. pretty yours, ! " Oh, not halt so rett as woof, master's temperature is mAClr `lower to -day 'than it was,last might." I'm nae sae vera sure a at that," .set liver and the whole system in order; and that's the right way and .the only • way to do it. Iii you speak; if very angry eaunt aOX- hundred: -+17X.�� _ � dear, of course. The griffin declared I That I aught not to wear anything tallied the butler, "for he deed thisa mornin .4ml`�,-1111 `e%` l-1 A Better Way of Potting it. is one of the most 'important P A TALE OF WOMAN'S LOVE AND ',but muslin ; so I am gping iu u kind 1 of ta.ucy dress to r(dpresont• a draped 1 ° � �`'' Chicago Post. „ Would You call her mercenary'.?" „ �'=consider. things for every farmer to XpI WOMAN'S PERFIDY „c ,fit ,at ,at dresslnl;-table. OP caul se with a biup sash. The •griffin printed that Iwas A Unique Bridge. Well, perhaps It would be better to say that in matrlmanial matters e 9b ""-�'"�'""""`^"^^" "'°^'"• rte^^^^^^^• -I-0.�..daA�..D.2.�..O..$.�..,P..A.,o��a 5r.��.,..O really ,tea young to go to, a pulblie I ball, belt for once poor papa plucked One a'f the mast curious bridges it i i sll,e displays gold business 3udgment "- _ icksLI-0- packed, I believe, ready 'to set off I Laine, what Is all thiq they are Buy- G'. C. RICITARDB .�, t 0. history' df the world, was that yr - gate, attd one of then!, taking off fit a moment's notice. pie's gone Ing aibout the 1ua,rquis?" made _by the British troops in 1860. 'will build u his cap, banded the marquis the anti taken the signor with his SVD offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for p a run dowwhorse.-, key. believe that Jir. Za Ott tried ton art Elaine did not blush, but she look- Dear Sira,-1iI]1T'AR,U'a LINIMENT They were marolting an Pekin, but any enso of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ile took it, looked at it for a suede him to trap an a little long fixedly at her work and paused s m'y remedy for colds, ate. it is :found their Hali s Catarrh Cure. It tones up the system, rids progress barred by a P. J.' HENRY & CO., Toledo, O. ` stomach of bots moment, and held it out to Blaine er, but the marquis wouldn't; be a moment before rejoining; the best 11himpilt• I have ever used, Ilooded river of considerable width We, the undersigned, have known F. J. ,worm, slid unseen by the major. persuaded. IIe's like, the Wander- "What is it they Are, saying,10ty?" Cheney for the last15 years and believe him I other parasites which under- - " "Why," ; MW. JoS3 AH HAR,n and depth. A timber party was perfectly honorable to all business trans. _ mine an animal's health. _ "Your key," ho sal<}. ing Jew, sir, never Happy fat one Why, said May, seating ,herself i formed, but found Itothln to t actions and financially able to carry out any - Elaine fluslicit and drew back. place for more than a clay or two.'.' • on that edge of the table{ and so ;near., g Im obs nttona made by their firm. -1. "Oh, no," site said. "Wbat's the reason, Ingram 2" Elaine as possible, "they day that dawn or borrow sul't,abie for a wise & TnrrAx, Wholesale Druggists, To. a' ' 50 cts. a package. "Take it, please." h© said, "and asked the major, ruefully. - 1.,,,.'.,), marrlu}s has called upon you, bridge. At last a huge store at sof- `BALDING, FINNAN a; MAavLn,. wholesale i LEEMiNG MILES & Co. do not hesitate to use It. -No one The steward shook his head. that you and tho major have Sine was discovered in the villa a Druggists, Toledo, O, AGENTS. - - - MONTREAL. - will disturb you," he added - it "Can't say, major. I've heard; boon to the Castle. , Papa heard it and with rheas the soldiers built Hall's CatarrhOurofatakenintornalty,act. seemed with u subtle sigu - thut there's a woman in rite case, i from Mr. Ingram, 'so I supposo . It in directly upon the blood and mucous sur- fleanee. " Gop1-morning, major." or was. There always is, isn't must bo true, Impossible as it seems." Jirm Knew. their bridge and crossed •alive over faeces of the system. Testimonials sent free. But atter the major had there ?" "Yes, it Is true," acid 1;lalno, and Senator Hanna told to a the receptacles for the dead. Price» -75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. shaken his panel, anis repeated half The major shoos: his plead. she ave a brief deaer' tion • of her group . Ha11'a Family Pills are the beet. Ladies' Favorite, a dozen times his thanks for the- "Anal wheme's lie " g p of dila fellow senators the other Arty I - - .�'^� Is the only siLYo, reiiabltl �� gone?,, visit to the Castle. this story': "In Lisbon, where I r*aePRI Chas s OI trimentleahcertain *nothe;,Veteran, : . ,, 7I regulator ontivhfch womah mar great nut.ain treat. the .lir. I endo laugbup M+ay Itradlcy also became confident- born, they say a black mall and a andabsolute cure for each f tiii:d `ol�*ewa, t �- I can depend. in the hourl marquis held fora's, looking en T) Lindon, I suppose, but yOu 'Lal and told of a elandestinel corres- i wbii:e man were once riding togOth- es and every form of itchina, g = and t3trto of need!' her in silence for a moment. Then never aau teIL Aar likely its not he'll pondence site was carrying on with ' er 'aloe a 1oxiv) road. Mhe road led bloodiai[andprotrudlixtt pilos, "Bass," said tile wanderer,'I `"went - 'i Prepared in two degrees of he sal -t "Good -by 'P in a low voles, go abroa(I anal it s ,lust as motif ou 1 Y the t4 cotes• „ , strength. No. I and No. 2. the gut(- shut to ;nits spring with tile cartla ,that hell come back, her young man, Gerald Locke, a , post a jail, and in the eourtyartl timontals in the daily Dross and ask your neigh- through 'three battlos, No, 1.—For ordinary cases a clang between them, and the milt•- tloagh that isa't vary Ilkely. Ciro all briefless young barrister, w1lose of the fail, Lhcy, saw, rising. above borswhntthey think'ofit, You can use it and Shake � exclalmed"the man In the . to by far' the best doling tittle walked back.to fire house, thought, Eft the home, that he nI' ht father, Sir William, was so hard- the high and dismal stone wall, it ,tet ourmonoy back it not cured. coo n trot, at codttage. I went through three my,- medicine }mown. With Iia , 1' hoarted as to insist u. o6 Gerald gallows. fall�ealersorFDatnxsoN,BnMirs&Co.,Toronto, self. Na 2 -Por special cases -l0 degrees stxode on to h sitcottage. the vas frit (ilii' with you, and gMlsa 1;1•ni ice marrying money. Bile losed her re- I "Jim,'' said tlte,vvltlte man, "where �ra GIBdS�'S ®A17t9i1�^i1 "You did?"' ,t Bt�dies-ani;ee dollAro per box. " thinking thaL itis daughter might nl t jor." cital by t1lo momentous information would you bb 'ir '1Wht gallows had Yes, I was married titres times. your druggist Yet Cooh r Cotton hoot C,ornponntl, Take `ta other yet be the M irchloness of Nairne. that the Admired Gerald ivies conning its due?" ' � „ Truthful for once. as all pills,- mlctures and imitations are Elaine hastened to her room, fee]- The major shook his heard again. to tho ball. Guess ah'd. be ridin alone, . sa.b, dangerous. No. I and NO. 2 are -sold and Iiia lords niI> is a strange being, In- Jim replied. -Washington Star. Boston Transcript Tpteherne, Jan. 6, 19472;• aecomtltended by -all druggists in the Do• ing t,t-angely excited and tinea, and grain„" lir, remarked in an injured , OELAPTER, IX. aninI n oY Cana,du. Mailed to any addrea8 taking off her lust and jacket threw tons, and event off to the club with � ]'ifsa t5tnyler-Everybody says i Massey -Harris Co., Limited, on receipt of rice and four 2 -cent postal herhelf on the bed, and behind her comethirig less than his usual clieer- , It is the night of the town ball, Levers Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant ,e0i t look may age stamps Whe ,Cooic Company, ceased eyes she enacted the whole Xes Pertl. i:;1:-0' course, you cion b- 1Crinnipeg, Man. Windsor, e:t+te; Of the incldents of the strange fuluei:s. He wouldn't have acknowl- early cone filch lone froom of town hall Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens dear. It wpuld Uo s!lup}y iml�osalble• Gentlemen, -It glues me very visit, expec, even to himself, that he had g the octal and disinfects. 38 Inuch pleasure to inform 'you that A 1t1ECOG11Vl&D PACT, - _- e:�f)cetecl the Marquis of Nairne to is nearly halt full. The ball to an im- :Hew 1pn she pay thus, halt aslop T, full In Iove with and propose to portant It in the opinion of A sprained ankle is not an uncommon the No. 4 131nder which I purchas- half awake, Htie did not know; but Elaine, and yet- But If lie Lad enter- I the Barefieldians, and the stewards Continued in Our Next. accident. Painkiller relieves and cures almost she was aroused sudden! by a tains saC11 a 110 however vaguel p P as if by mule. The reate t household rem - quick. ell from your Agent liars last earn- -- Y rather ride themselves upon fire de- Harvard Lampoon, ind r fatherhurrina 'b voic:eb at the door, there was an end to it note. Alii corations, the band, the supper, and D}nwit-Say, our backbones are yntnl i,ler=nYerry Dnvs leers is but one rarer has given me the very best of It s universally conceded that to .. there was the affair with Captain ? the arrangements generally. ! like serial stories, aren't they 7 satisfaction; doing its work to Elaine! Elaine.!" Nlierwin to trouble him, Ile had al-' At present, though there appear to iMilitwit-Prove it. perfection ant[ drawing light -very . pl°early appraelato a trip to New She pushrd the $AL^ from her flush- most forgotten that in the excite- be plenty of People, none of the DIa*It—Continued in our necks; Ateason. l,;riough. —much, 1 Nter bT than I expected. MY York or Boston, one must take the ed face, and opened the door. meat of the marquis' call, and the re- local celebrities have arrived, and - N. Y. Weekly, crop was very heavy ,and some of "Lock bare!" he exclaimed, in u tura visit to the CIis11e but it came the small people who have come Miaard's Liniment Lumbetrman's Prlend-why diel It very badly' down, but yoUr binder hest road. Than road is'the Nevi g p early to snatch some of the first F,y lee]uI, t handsome you r(lfuse that illd its work splendid. I Itaa no yprk Central. huNlted voice, and bion his lip tivitu bitrk to hila note, and as he wallteti I youg widower? trouble whatever. I nope you will ; , all eapres,slon of annoyance and along •rho major told himself that, dances of the list a,-: enjoying them- - 1m1'ss Ma}nehance-He hadn't ally sell Iota of over. I for 1you and venation. "The -rho meal extra- what with his debts anal difficulties, selves amazingly, fail• more, Indeed,. relations that Ieould send his chii- save my brother farmers lots of . ordinary tbin * ! ' 1" ' than the it hI have a chance of do- Another Tonder Heart. (, i1e'ri-hens goue . and I:lainc a contrariness, 110 was a Y Now York Weekly. (Iran to, When a ,W idaw appears in half - dully bas gone ' who . she Bahl, d.:•eply-injured maxi. Ingtivater on fon the gee t ones Clara -Going in for charity again, trouble. I wish, you every success, mourning it's the wise baelielor's cue dull But .after n socia and whiskey and a Ask for lbiistard r and takd no outer. Rl, M. rER1118- . tar take to the tail timber. drew her 1)y the sleets of het cigar, lac cheered up eonslderably, and partners scarcer. tare you ?.What is it this time? drr•HH to Lhe window, and pointed. and when Cat Blierwin cause In and The stewards --all excepting the' Bora-We are going to distribute - - -- -. "Who? Why, the mar. urs 1 Look , !d pp major who has been helping with cheap copies of Deethoven e s m- -- -- - ---� The q '" greeted Itrn, as if autalln had happen- ' p g , , Y Tho i. gtlt.tte of Divorces. ,, 0 .,i U , - "5 i ; i &r -w ;, .Che r(±tl flag with the Nairne, r illi arrangements until nine o'clock, phonies among t} the poor. Music pe � • •1 � , i,'Y� a`,, arms 11ac1 disappeared gfrrom the if H" laH u tel asci t1gt1won a c couple and dhla Maine -are a ehomelto dress and such arta aid to .digestion, you know 1, the I etiquette ti time that a little b b k dI- tOwsr. That ttt:tr( nay heel of a) )()Ili in its usual first-class style, Justthosameasevoi•. y' t t;1LtI"lCrlt, VIII. Learnlug is Netter than hc)usr, and with the smile -which marks a rieep warted persons was published? "How - }1`�The marqui.; hall gone. The major lands, wisdom 3s to the ,preferred to sense of responsibility, ;and. with CANADIAN ORDER OF tO beEaay thugh D1Poraed" might S c ti 1 zhad left the house itnmedliitelY af- hintit I olr1, but a cheerful dl=;posltlon iv itc11fu1 etipectant eyes on rho serve ars a title ind'cating fhb help- a �iter calling Elainos attention to like the majw's is the best of all door. It is at eleven that the prin- _ St. c0 Oil �� a the disappearance of the flag, and cipal visitors may be expected, and CHOSEN FRIENDS. fail character of the work. A few �', l on hiv wrly to tlu' rinb 11.0 Ina In- 't, f a(fgodf a Co site ny with the all a few minutes afterward they ar- reflect}ens in the Boston Journal - conlinues to be the =a cure ct � t,G rt Nitcln anis svltL••kr',.v and a g:tm�i of e . •, a^ gram, the (melt"ard, alit! learned billiards to, throw off one's cares Am] rive, "all of heap," as Fari ner Spuds will perhaps glue the author at . , t; from hint ale particulars of ihr, truail)leN, as it cluck ill"OWN the water rernarkH. STABILITY such a manual ii few hints. "it ' Rheumatism �,, \ ; saotf sudden departure. , (Jf its back--wirtt• a bleHsed capacity The squire, fife. Ltllwoocl, and "Went off just as usual, major,"' it IN, and hcaw conatantly and caret- Ills party, enter the room first The best guarnntee,ofSTABILITY furnish. seems 'to ur 't.hd,t a divoreed husbil,nd - VV • r'- tORK. Ile said, In Answer l flip major's I ft11tV wEt Fhautd ttuttivatb It! and aro received by the stewards ed by any FRATI;ILNAL SOCIETY fii the , v ability to show should tr4a.t lits divorced wife when• - r--- t<nqus keeps "Ills alornhint man ai- ! And 7Slalne 1 Whatever sho may with thio reapectfui joy cine to quell 1 a growin>z Itr8I:RVn VVXD,. he meets her lilt a social' gathering ~ Ways keeps a portulante'tu arrive lav tt glt I err t rF .* a 1011., 1 , s to Nald nothing and , b .a 11 onager. 2 a growing 1mILh113I: