HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-05-07, Page 51. e r hlaY 7z x903 THE WINGRAN O Sell Everything a .Klan Wears Maltlaud Johnstone, the xif$eteen• " Y year-old son of Mr. James Johnstone of ,.-....-.,.... U "Rol S � the f3a fi d irled W� .. 111 � of Line, t3odorfelz township, - Out . I SIi�. t'ric�s, S�� l'>G"Q;atN� toot with a and aeCident 9x1 Thu s ' Store "a Friday Dau° Guelph's populatigzx is 11,847, evening„last when. by the explosion .of Thu LORNe Saturday,d--lYitulsor lost 31900 au Sts inutiicipa] he IrpA was smashoA 11ad1 Qgthet a I "was war sort ald r� woodraxd. y s< y R Y _ 01110 .-• ,; r�, I I .,.�,. amputation had to be performed, The hardly get about the house.' I was � 9 IS inoartl ilio s population is 2,443, au tired out All the time, Thep I tried � iuoreaw of 123 over last oAr. gun. Ives An old one and had ,got so Awls } i AT THE MEN'S TOR y . Seal arilia, and it only slogged with wadding, etc., thiel tine took twq bottle} to rusks ole tealf-�ofitm for UI;2Chat htys been appoiltt• boys took off the stock and Built a lire perfectly”'hors, l+l, $Swizl• rIsomethin 10 Ian a' 2 ticc0 Suits, Sizes `.r3 to oci weM ed posimnster at Olzatswortlz. aroulzd rho befall with the rpoo, i i t " Boys' 1 , g refs, worth S,Z.S - --At Clic Crauip, stool works, Calling- tatiDlz that It would discharge. ;pl1ey ne Princeton, Ma. i $again price...,,,•,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,.,.....,,.,...., wor..,,.,,,.,$ l•p0 Y� ' wood, 120 inn are ougaged on constrao,. stood at some distance for a while, but, Tired wtea yw, go to 12 Only Youths' 3 -piece Suits, Short Plants, Sizes ---27 to 32. In nice tion work, becoming Impatient, Maitland went for, - bed tired when OA et blues and dark tweeds-i3tt•gainAt........... ....................$Soq g P. , r Xfl Mens' Setts, $piece navy blur Serge, good littera, S xOItL Y"ii 11A1zWAUL n Elmira furniture factory by-law wax ward and lifted the barrel, He had U . tired all the time. _ s carried by it large ninjority, 181 for and hardly done so when it exploded, lacer• t 1 , Sizes --3# to 44 --Bargain ]trice . . . ......... . .. . . . . ................ $ 3.733 Why ? Your blood Is tra- � only 14 against I it ± SUITS! SUITS I --Chir Mack\'1'nrstezl Stilt, right nit to the zninnug s an a$ frzua tp, ahed Mlle rigill, t1rC that's the reason.; R"•—`---��TM^-•� tint utaade to order but made to fit, Sizes -84 to it, worth $21.00 —Plaits for the now Y, M, C. A. build- leg below the knee. The wound was Ott } are �iv111 on the -•-13argnin................. .................. .....,.....,.......,$14.00 ing in Stratford, costing $10,000, have suolx o, severe one that Drs, Gunn and z g SI'HOIAL I—Crowdees Black and Blue All wool Serle Snits, Slzes� been completed, Shaw could not save the limb and were border lifts of 1[1CrYt; eX- _ Ladies' $ y g p ° obliged to orforiu au azo utation,--. haustion, M to 44, avoz•th , 10.00 ill the ardinar Stnre—.liar *sin rice.....,.$ '7.7.1 --Iu a er"ltx trial at Nanaimq the P p _ TA�i,$ A Cr'S ,: - n J y ( Clinton. News,Record, Sarsaparilla and b C 3 ODA PANTS !-^•400 pairs t0 choose from ; 75c to pair to .. . . . ... . .... • $ 350 judge gave one of the Witnesses ten , . •' - �< f (Short ]ego, targe waists; narrow legs, 10119 waists,) iniuutes in which to collect his thoughts, ---The first report of the sudden death sl.s9+ hot4le, n quickly cured. wi, a�:�t., {s Boys' Short Pants, Sizes -22 to 33, .... , . , . Waterproof Grp oo f ... , . • . , , • , • , Coe, �' —Canadian Praoiiio Land sales at Win, of A. G, (Sandy) DleCosh, Lake Shore • . V! L1lJr nipeg for April totalled 207,344 acres South, on Friday last, came as A shock alr.ap rlitq bila knga s11txbouttt,tt ixnd ., ,,, -.L - C, dDe CENTS' 'FURNISHINGS, �TD7.T �+ p}�^, at $884432 as against 231127 acres for to man who had seen trim a few da s-ldhimilymedicine. Fongwhiaa,dvlceaud ,� �(1ta•�•�R CEel �t F V •�l�lI,•a'HI GS, + , y y we will be Bntioaed, _ Coats. HATS i—•In Hard and Soft Ilielt, Oolors—Black, Grey and Fawn— $695+371 last April, Previously. apparently in excellent J. U. ATTR Co., Lowell, WI ..............• I. I I ., n 11111pricesaODto................•...... ,...,..,.......$400;tratforl,May2,-Strakf0rdwillhavezealth. When fnrtbor Particulars ar _• no horse show—at least not this year, rived, expressions of sympathy for his Ail the latest novelties in Ties, Collars, fluffs, Sox, Gloves, ldanderchiefs, etc, y ' We have just received The project formulated last spring, Al. yxolatfons wore general, among those iA Sl+lain Shirts, ail latest Colourings and Color Guaranteed, 7iie to.,, ... $ 1,2� though promising at the time of its in- town who called him friend, Death Gp TO „ + a #1111 fence of the ccption, has fallen through, visited him in a sudden and it is pre- tR „ sumod painless manner, but the string, AUTOMOBILE The K" III. Beaverton, May 2,—itlr, Aler, Dobson , , Silk Waterproof Coats. % of Beaverton, met with a eculiar ac• lies in the foot that his body was not ,,� Handsomest p garment of P discovered until at least two days after the sort on the market r d I - C 0 gidlent. While out on a trip Willi his � Thursday, .April 2nd, `vas o, record dap ac the , EGGS WANTED BUTTER WANTED the end had come. From what can be thoroughly guaranteed nsoliue Iaunch, a snnico got caught in learned Mr. McCosil who was a tache- CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE One and ay uarter 0uabsolutely waterproof and weighs only the propeller, and broke the shaft. CHATHAM, ONT. q pounds, Tho latest style; lightest weight; for and lived Alone, was last seen alive Six calls for office het In neatest pattern to be had in rainproof coats. Cee them. Tavistock, May 2 —Several of our p a single Bayo one d on the. Monday previous. It was his those from Chicago, Ana from Manitoba and leading business men mot and discussed custom to call at his brother Robert's the city. four sat $15 o soo poi month aro We have a good variety of other kinds Of Rain Coats for a the outlook for having the malleable house on Friday for the weeks news- getting quite common. .A reoout call offered you to choose from in child's, misses' and women's sizes— iron industry come here. The inform- $$0 per month for a first-class stenographer, prices from 62 to $10 each; papers but not doing so his nephew Does It not Pay to Attend the Best? al meeting decided to apply for 0 char- John went over to find out the reason of CoIlogo re-opeaas after Easter on Tuesday Apr. r looking th $100,he company to 00 be t is expected that 0 cent, the re a visit was washis non arrival. omdiscovered tthe barn• address, dd ess ow 1 D h MCLACHLAC agbi a,4,, e time to enter. For �Oa ire ISARI)'S BLACK GRENADINES ' •�, s100,000. Itis ex noted that $80 Opo will y ADIIa11ES are taking the of that pard up as the building pro- lying lead In style, quality and price. You can Have money buying face downwards, the neck resting on the here as well as your neighbor. Two hundred, ,yards fine gresses.rim of a basket, contents of which he • Black Grenadine, worth '75c per yard, some stores —At the close of 1802 there were, says evidently intended for the cattle. There A ii�C e ask $1 ---our price while they last .....................•. 5� Is made when you choose our store as the the Now York Produce Review, 800>000 had been no struggle and his death was +i sit �✓ caws in Minnesota, 582,856 of which apparently Instantaneous. jgincardine place to buy your Furniture. Stock Large— contribute milk is oreamerles, and the Review, Hogs Are Worth 6 Cts, Black and White Muslins in all qualities and latest Prices .Right. Before buying elsewhere, just Product of which places $14,000,000 an - get our prices ; it w111 cost you nothing t0 find i effects-• rides 14c 1 uually in circulation. 'phare are 800 � , �•, 1�C, 20C, 26C, 30C. creameries and cheese factories in the The Savings Bank of Health them out, and you may save money. Our State. The creamery output of last Is lots of red and vitalizing blood to Come and buy pure pea meal. I I - year was $4,000,000 in excess of two nourish and invigorate the body. If have 40 ton on hand, and rush your ,�. guarantee goes with every article we sell, carpet 1>la(iirta>ln D�3 sears ago, your blood is thin and watery use 'For, hogs along and obtain the high price. • - Come and see us. Price our goods, and you rozone, It supplies the necessary ele. g y Ottawa May 2.—Camps of inatruc` merits such as phosphorus and iron and Nothing else will do it so quickly as - will be able to sayas others have said— tion 0Y the same character as last year P P is a busy spot these days, Special values in all kinds of - y quickly restores lost strength and spirita. pure peas. We also have a large stock that you Wish you had lcriOWn before, what aro to be held in Ontario this year at I+erxozone is ori unequalled restorative Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoleums and Curtains, y y Loudon, Kingston, and Niagara. The for the tired, the sink, and run down; of Clover and Timothy Seeds, Mangles. 3 it stimulates appetite, aids digestion, Rape, Speltz, Flax, Orchard Grass, &c, SPECIALS IN CURTAINS a fine Stock we have and what reasonable London Camp will open On June 9th, soothes the nerves, and makes the sy- NO. L-12 pairs fine Lace Curtains, Taped, new patterns ........... t .so prices we sell for. Try here next time and and Lord Dundonald will inspect each stem -too healthy for disease to exist. NO, 2.-10 pairs wide Curtains, choice patterus, sale price ........... .75 of the three in turn. The Militia Act, No tonic does so much good in a shortNO. 3.-x5 pairs extra floe patterns, 3 get a surprise, it is stated, will make provision for es- time as Ferrozone. Got it t° -day from yds. long, special price....... 1,00 = any druggist for 501. per box, or sib NO, 4.-9 pairs, nice new design, extra ws3de, (taped), special price.... 1.25 tablishing, arming and training boys' taxes for $2.25. By mail from X. p. A1 Carr's NO. 5-10 pairs extra heavy fine Curtains, worth $2.00, now.......... 1,75 J brigades in connection. with Public Polson &, Co., Kingston, Ontario. NO. 0,-12 pairs fine \Tottingham Lace, wide, worth $2.50, now........ 1.95 t schools. (MARKET SQUARE) r Walker B 1011—Tho Walkerton Herald says tided Bros, Bruce Fair Board has this year decided Goderich.Isa+ ....,. T I to adopt the Model Fair Board idea. Those intrusted with the subscription Money to loan on notes, and notes 0° •A Co Furniture Dealers U lidP,'l'�i�l�(�I',S Dxpert judges will be appointed by the list for the erection of the new North discounted at, reaysonablerates. Money 1 Department of Agriculture, who will Street Methodist church are making advanced on mortgages at 5 er cent. Opp, Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce make their awards on scientific prinei• fair progress. with privilege of paying at the end of an year. Notes and accounts collect- A- is.'.'+`�� - tuall16.l.i 6: cid lalnllll, It61 lythe I. LLI Ifill I Ili Isis ples, and explain the reasons for their The steam barge Norseman, the boat ed.00fice—Beaver block, Wingham. judgment. Besides this illustration recently purchased by the Dymeuts, ar- RosT. Mcxxnoo. "980 ,?i CEMENT WORKS. plots similar to those at Whitby last rived in port yesterday afternoon with -- - year, are being prepared for the purpose •550,000 feet of lumber, and after unload- = of showing various classes of roots, lug 100,000 feet left for Windsor with�►���`1�� z I am now prepared to properly 1x1- grasses, grains, etc. the balance�� cute all orders for Cement work of .Au experiment which shows how The Public Library Board has receiv- IS E D S sidewevery sidewalks, foundations, io including 'Silos, much the milk flow of common cows y � � aidevvalka, foundations, atabl0 floors. 0d a cheque for $3000 from Mr. CarnegieM,%.m V&-& I e, i etc. I have every facilty necessary, can be increased by judicious feeding, oil account of the grant of $10,000, and • - s and can do the work right. All work says Shaw's Farmer, is well illustrated guaranteed. Prices and terms reason- a meeting es the building committee suiti 1 Come to R. A. Douglass th0 ; able, Content for sale. #u the experience of Prof. W. L. Car- was held yesterday morning to make - Druggist for all kinds of Flower i lyle of the Wisconsin Experiment Sta We are going to move in a few days into and Garden Seeds. Over 30 dif- I CHAS. BARBER, Wingham. advance payments to the contractors. tai uP o y i tion. He began in lass with A large " our new quarters, and before doing so we intend - ferentcolors and varieties of atveet The contract for the metal work con- peas to choose your mixture from. 1 Shorthorn type of cow with four pure � v>? IT'S ALL RIGHT. slating of roofing, ceilings, galvanized We have now fila most crosses. She was then five years old. giving a discolor Of �T ` The first year she reduced 219 iron, etc., in connection with the now beautiful and complete stock - BULBS l and students may enter the y P pounds ,, P public library building has been award - of butter, the next year 364 pounds, and ever put On the Wingham ed to J, H. Worsen who also has the CANNA BULBS LISTiOI�fC oyraregtPer �,',enf , next 426 pounds. At the present time Market in the way Of Men's ' DAHLIA BULBS she is giving 40 pounds of milk a day contract for the metal work on the new + church at Nile. Suiting, off all Glassware and Crocker and Twent •-five _ GLADIOLUS BULBS This opens up an exceedingly important y� � TUBER ROSES question. It is certain! a great matter The iron steamer Lenfiold of New, + al any time. q y g Per dent. off Japanese China. Good for one when a cow can be thus raissd i$ her castle, Captain Jordan, came in from In all the latest designs E TUBEROSE BEGONIAS SPRING TTtiIiM begins March 30. Fort William on srinaa week only. Two Courses—Commercial and Shorthand, production by meeting her special needs y with 75000 and materials at very reason- Two Send for College Journal. in the line of food and care, bushels wheat for the elevator. The able prices. You will have P Anything we have not in Leafleld wintered at Midland, We stock will be procured at Catelo• i C. A. FLEMING A, L. dtctNTYRB Bloomfield, Ont., May 2.—A very no difficulty in selecting a P r thought she was the earliest in of any gue price. l President Seo'y. sad accident occurred in this vincity season, but it seems the first freight suit to suit. A special prize of $5,00 is boin I - yesterday at the farm o£ Mr. Geo. Mar- P g boat arrived hero last year on the 23rd. M ME 07.1m given by me at the Wingham Fair tin, Ridge 'Row. Mr. Martin had re- In fit and workmamshi 1 for the beat collection of roots and a OIlTt MOTTO cent! shot a number of woodchucks °f April. The Algonquin, Captain Mc• p y We have just received another barrel of Maple r vegetables grown from my seed. 1 " Iligl* Crede Work Only." around his pIACe and while at `work Muagh, came in on Sunday afternoon ivo lake a back seat for n0 p 1 thought he saw one hiding behind a from Fort William with 95,000 bush- One, SS l'Up, Same a8 last lot, and you know bow good. � els of wheat for the elevator. stump some distance from him, He that was. This will be the last for this season. . r ��� �� ""' p g -with him A special meeting of the public mhool DOUGLASS spoke to the man working -with , P Satisfaction guaranteed, STf;ATFORD, oNT. who also felt confident as to Martin's board was held Tuesday evening to con- + suspicious. 14fr, Mtirti$ ran for his eider the tondet•s for the erection of a Ip j f our graduates readily secure good posit- nets* St. Patrick's ward school and alter• Robt. �axw�l�CIlO[I11St & DrUa�15t ions because our l+igh grade trebling pro• gun, but $o BDOuer lied lte heard the re- pares them to render first-ela-s services, atiDzis at the Central school. The ten- llTye - r1% 10 n Is usiness men want first-class workers— Port Chau he also heard a scream from no tinio to waste on the other kind. Com- his little four-year-old sou whom he dors were away above the estimated Office G.N.W. ret, Co. 1 menee a course now and be ready fora a position in the fall, write tot catalogue. had shot through the back of the head. cost. It will require nearly x,9,000 to High Art railer 1�ingkam J, Elliott, Principal. The little fellow had a brown velvet make the proposed changes at the cent- -� rat school and the cost of a now ward • � hood on, and the sun shining upon it school would be about 3,500. After a ,. evidently was the cause of the fatal $ mistake. Medical aid was immediately brief discussion it was decided to let �t ppfQtcg 44t t9 t tQ ' gotten, but the child only survived a the new ward school go for the present For��iiii�ii�����t`��r��ti��� few hours. and to go ahead with the central school —The death of Mrs. W. J, Macfar- plans only this year. �`+•^^ Q lane, eldest daughter of W. O. Elliott, A few days since a roan, while gather- ea" of Goderich township, took place in the In drift wood a mile this aide of Sin - OR',., 14 is MAN. (i _ Samaritan hospital, Philadelphia, I'tt,, cardi$e, found the canoe, the ttpeetting mains+++Ba 999 � on Friday, 17th inst. Airs. Macfarlane's of which resulted in the death of the 411— death was due to an accident which late Dr. Frank Turnbull. On receiving .INS . .w- �+ notice of the find James Massonpro- broad _ _... �... ...• befel her on Thursday. Wh]lo baking , pro• s bread she was fearfully burned by the needed to Kincardine and made Arrange- '°..." explosion of a bottle of oil which was meats for its passage t0 this town by the to � ■�✓ '�► sole Accidentally knocked from a shelf over steamer expected in this evening, The I the range. The blazing oil splashed on J instruments and clothing that were T. A. MILLS has his stock complete in all the best known varieties her clothes and ignited thein. After J strapped to the canoe at the time of the for the Silo and Fall Feeding,also Ripening %4 KSw w e vainly trying to smother the llamas Mrs. upset had been washed away, but with lrtiids. This C�OrII 1laS iJeetl a tents for Macfarlauo ran into the rear yard, then the exception of the paint being conoid- specially selected for seed and cannot be surpassed. Also Speltz, Buckwheat, out on the street Drying for help, bass• erably worn, the Canoe Nits apparently Hungarian, Millet and Black Tares for Green Fodder. Nlangolds, Su ar ! ora•by extinguished the flames but not uninjured.; 'V D . HESS S _ before silo was terribly burned an lion Beets, Field and Garden Carrots, ill all kinds at Lowest prices consistent with *' hands and arms and from her waist Quality. All kinds of Garden Beales, Peas, and Vegetable Seeds, Hutch Set «- .. o down. She was taken at once to the One Colnlnon Cause of Heartache. �� Samaritan lioapitnl but medical skill Perhaps the most general Danes of Onions, English ltZulti}11ier, Potato unions, was of no avail and she died next day. heaAacho and paint across the eyes is PEAS W I T I I C1IJ BUGS.—Sow about loth to nth of May and escape ,,.�•O TO.,. - � nasal catarrh. The simplest onto is to the Bum, I!i rices are lower than any �, "„ i inhale the niodieatedi vapor of Catarrh. + y 1J wholesale, COi1SlStent with quality, Do You Belch Gash ozone which traverses every Air cell And Call and see the magnificent quality of nay CORN. •,. For Sale only � . ,•, Afr pasgaga df tiro throat, g lunge and nolo, . H. PAIRKS I y If you have uneasy segsatibns in tlio IC kills m"' he germs at every e, POTATOES, w I have It limited quantity of Red Diver Triumph ' ach—oh a turd tanto in the #Hoath, hood- breath, doers away mut Ile dtscharg0s, , w; azDh•�-•rezu0rnbt•r that toil drops cf P°lson prdssoi:ves and it0ala tii0 inotnbrAue. rot�'tt0@s, the e;lrliest Gild �7('.St Irl t11G ttiarl�i;t. ~• Nervfliuo in savootonod Wat+^r is a nick Catarrhozouu is ust it a londid fomes 'Colin A. ( pb�j » luta certain ouro, Nerviline, aids quick for headache and its notion is certain = tion, dispels the gas, mattes you comfort- and unfailing in digoasea of tho Tltroat Jewelry= Store -«- able and free from distress at once. and Lungs, Deafness. Bronchitis, Asth• THE D91JOGIST . � Noxvilino is just splendid tot Champs, mfr And Catarrh. .A. trial will convince Golfo, Dysentery, Stomach and 130wel the most scoptioal that Catarrhozone Is w Troubles, and costs only 25o. Botter all right, barge sizo, $1.00; trial size l� donald Dln k Vir�gl7�tm It li a l!#1l tt ttltill � it1l Diill namilton's kills ouro Clonstipatlon, Xtegd Druggists Out a or X. �. I'olsOli � Co.,