HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-05-07, Page 4THE WINGITA.M ADVANCE. May r, 19n3
linving the greatest horse,owel•, ►
r �r1a°z4�e tIIE�ti,�ctrequiremexit being that 4t1itt1Si�i�tgltt'�it�t'ti�YIt14�4�����t�11�t11�F���1}i��i�1t9y4ti�i
she should indicate 40,000 horse
j TO'
power, which is 7,000 ware than r :�+
0 t C *1 e iI Camobell --0u I+r]drau Iasi the Senate of the stipulatedhorse ower of the •-- Canada as torn by debate for twe Doutsebland. the complete cit. PEOPLE'S
hours and a balf. `,1`he question at mensiona of the now boat are, �y �t
,• �'' �" """ - issue was, c t$hall the Senators of length, 706- feet 6 inches, beam, 72 t'( !'l 1
Cauadit, go home for a mouth?" ! Q. jj feet; molded depth, 52 feet 6 inches; _ (,�'
After the expiration, of
wo load
raft, 2D feet; and displace-
- Mks 'ecus vu a A alf,the motio itotad- bleb dabout tom Svc 00it ends h edP 11Le era in Dress 7 t was et by 27 0 3, t'lie � t 1
twenty* -three will go home with length of the ship, is divided into iThe Newest
the others, twenty-six compartments, while the Ei 1-0
I hull itself is divided into nineteL-a
Very Specal
compartments. I
tylesBlLGI T Ott Bine% Japan —One who is well informed in The following particulars of the ICiQ7
3 .regard to the matter, in speaking of motive flower will be of interest :-- Values
Taffetta, Black Grosgrain, Peau -de- the B,ailway Commission to be cre- There are two propellers, each 22 �� ��'���' Goods ated under Mr. Blair's bill now be. feet 10 inches in diameter. The I
= fore Parliament, said : "I believe driving shaft is 230 feet long and � For Suits, Waists and
Soie, Xert1V, Black Satins. the bill will go through this session weighs 253 tone, the weight of the � Groceries
but I do mot think any appoint, crank-shaftgalone being 108 tons 15 �"� � � "� Skirts, are shown At
merits will be made until autumn hundredweight, .l o condense the n ..o
We have these different qualities The peoples Popular �..
probably not until after the pending huge volumes of steam that are de- Always Fresh and Store."
and Weaves in large quantities, at general election to the Commons. livered, hour by hour, to the con- Lines t��'
If five men are appointed on the densers required 46J miles of cou- Pure. Prompt De-
prices from 50c to $1.50 per yard. Commission, I expect Mr. Blair to denser tubes. The vessel has nine- _
be chief, and one representative to teen boilers, twelve of which aro �^^ h 1tYey French Crepille Sole, Latest Color-
• be chosen from Ontario, one from double ended and weigh when emp- Them Out •" •e► inq............................... 83c
Black Silk Grenadines. , . , . , • , 500 tai $3.00 per yd Quebec, one from the West and one ty 114 tous apiece. The total heat- M
Black and Colored Lustres . , . , 500 to 1..60 it from the Maritime Provinces." ing surface of these boilers is over � Rugar has advanced in French Wool Blousing, Fancy
Quite a number of names are men. 2-h acres, The coal bunkers have
t< ct Men's Overalls, Blue Denim, reg- ;price, but we are stili asitias Stripes, per yard ................. 50c
Black and Broadcloths. , -70c t4 2,00 boned in connection with the pro- a maximum capacity of 5,239 long .,,... • at old prices -
posed Commission. In fact, no
ss tons of coal, and
• than have been applications
ec dtiu iho Ilona sof tons isexpected
x ctedt to be Iaboutt 650 fort 40v i.... ... .pour 'choue 0c Red
death s2„ lhs,fo Granulated $1.00 Paris Lace Brocade for waists, per
HOSIER'. ---Silk, Cotton, Thread, Ca h P p y ar . • • .......... . ....... . . ... r
the Government, The most spacious room in the • Dark Sugar, 30 lbs. for. yard
mere, Embroidered and Race effects, All rices. Men's Overalls, Cottonaae, regular g t, std _
p ship is the first-class saloon a mag. «-^ O . <,
i nlficent room, 69 feet broad and 108 p - c CQAi.
" Fine Wool 1)elctines for waists, per
--Regarding the rumor of a gen- feet long, which provides' sitting 75c and f10. a air—Reduced to.. v0 IL, yard ......... •..............
• w alar 1. 500
CORSETS.—Straight fronts with long hip, i11 seal election far the Dominion next • accommodation for 554 passengers. ,.,,. Men's overalls, Brp,vn Duck, reg- -•••�
£� P g ,,,,, Remotnbofi, we keep in _
white and drab prices from 500 to 1,.50 a air. report is well founded. Thera are dates 190 passengers, Special fes- aoc stock the very beet American French Wool Sittin Cloth NeWeest
p fall the Weekly Sun believes this The second-class saloon accommo- $1.00 -for .
P P g P :and Uanadian Coal Oil, r
_ several reasons for this belief. The tures are a children's saloon a «^ Shades, For waists or Suits, per
budget speech of the Finance Min- typewriting room and a safe deo Men's Odd Vests all wool ...... FLOUR, ETC.yard............. 50c
EMBROIDERIES.—Large assortment at all later sounded remarkably like a sit department. The fear kitchens, � any size -pour choice for...... $1.00: � ,,
prices. Also Embroidered Medallions suitable for campaign statement intended for the largest of which is about 55 feetour Bread Floor is the
-Strips Siikine Blousing, Very :
trimming white Dress Goods from 3c to 35c each, use in an early appeal to the peo. by 30, can cater to about 800 first- Men's Shirts, well made, Good best and most economics] : prottp, per yard..,• ............. 600
g ple. A redistribution of constitu- class passengers, 400 second-class, w material (reg. 12]ic stripe shirt- that you can bity. It will
encies is taking place by which and 1,100 third-class. The crew ing) regular price 60c -Reduced make better bread and more
largely increased representation is alone amounts to a com lement of to........, ....50c each Fara�Stripo bilks, for waists, perP •••••• •• loavos to the sack, than anygiven to the West, and the newly- 600 individuals, and 4f these tine y ;• • • • • • • • • • • , . , ••••••• .60 to jilt
��� _ .r.- other who on the market.
created constituencies will very engine -room staff requires 237. Men's Ties, a quantity of Knot Those who have tried it sap
properly be anxious to enjoy at the so, Black SitL'e Plain and Fancy, $ earliest possible date the represen- ... and Four-in-hand Ties, rectal r y, open
I 25e—Price to clear..........10c each work. stripe, For waists, coats and =0
successors to M. H. McINDOO. talion which they are scouring.
. g Dimity Prints, a Suits,
/ The country prosperity;
pis just now his penjoing pro ressive Conservative Folic .. both � y SPEDS•
an era of res crit and this pros-
'0- y ' Dark colors. Re alar
arch' Mammoth Long Red Beet
parity may not eontlnue for an g price 12ic Fancy Dress Maslins.
great length of time. The Premier ,,IOc yd Seed, New bead, per lb. 15c:Fancy Basket Cloth.
In speaking recently in Parlia- w pard -now only......... , .
1s far from being in robust health, mens Mr, R. L. Borden outlined Garden Peas per lb....... 15c Plain Batiste, .See,
�~^ _ and will in all probability be in the policy of the Conservative art
better condition to stand the strain as follows •— party Ladies' Skirts, Tailor made, Good Package Seeds, all New
= of a general election next fall than material, Neat fitting, Flared Seeds. 2 packages for... 5c: Black Broadcloth, ..
Sir it seems to me that our
25 per cent. oil Black Cheviot.
3rass and° he will a year or two later, All ' s•- Skirts ................ y policy in Canada should be to em- Venetian Worsted.
-•0 a the reasons stated, taken, together, brace the following subjects Black and Navy Serges.
seem to justify the belief that an 1. To so arrange our tariff—that o- Men's and Boys' Ready-made Suite, Black Russel Cord. ,e
early appeal to the people will take all legitimate industries at present p Cash Paid Far Eggs Black Grecian Cord.
place. ., wool Tweed, at your own rice, If
established in this country should you want a cheap Suit, move quick, Romespuns, &c., &c.
This Week we are placing lin stock a i be so protected ars to insure as far .4
large assortment of Brass and Iron Beds.
—In referring to the political as possible permanency under can-
g condition of Ontario, Mr. Willison, clition o€ depression as well as in .
The extensive business done last year with until reeentl editor of the Globe times of commercial expansion. ..V 3no. & .las. H Kerr Jno. &Jas H. Kerr
g g y � lab , � H.lachnald Block, Wilffham 1
these odds ave us better discount on the says :—In Ontario the Liberal Gov- 2• To invite capital and attract
ernment, passing into barrenness or to the establishment of other
present stock. The Beds are finished with and impotence through long oecu- industries
and bbb�bbbibtbbblbltbibbtbbbbbt blbbbbbitbibbibiibbtlbbbbitbilbibbtbbtlbibblbbitbb11t1btY3bbllbbibtibbtlbibbibbbbbtib
the best enamel (not the cheap paint that will panty of power, became enmeshed y amply
in a startling series of electoral ras- justify.
last onlya few months and chi off)- and calities. West Elgin stands almost P y TOWN PROPERTIi S WANTED.
p � 3. To reserve b means of an
guaranteed to wear. Prices from $4.75 to without a parallel in our political adequately protective tariff our own W. A. CURRIE_ WIXGflAM SAW. VILE
30.00. The medium priced Beds are ex- history. North Waterloo was home market for our own people
11 and to have the olio of I have almost daily enquiries for
thoroughly discreditable to the Lib- policy the Gov- hooses to rear or boy. .,.. AUCTIONEER ..
ceptionally good value. Will be pleased to eral politicians concerned. But ernment so declared and under- Now is the time to sell if you wish n.cLEA N at $ON
have you examine them. Also see our stock even West Elgin was matched by stood• to•do so. wingbam - _ Ontario
the shocking revelations of organiz- 4• In 'framing our tariff to have No charge unless a sale is made.
Of Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables and ed knavery in the St. James clivi- regard solely to the interests of Abner Cosens, Minnie St. Date of sale arranged for at the All kinds of rough and dressed.,.,
Couches. Odd Dressers and Stands to go siou of Montreal. Nowhere are Canada which have been committed Advance office. Terme reasonable. LUMBER LATH SHINGLES
with Iron Beds. See our Window Shade there signs of cleaner election me- to our charge, although recognizing A I?ULMAGE ' '
thods ; nowhere evidence of an !in- that in consulting our own inter -
and Curtain Pole stock, proving public sentiment. Now ests we must not be unmindful of REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT.ALEXI�ELLY APPLE BARRELS.
comes Mr. Gamey's extraordinary the t riffs ?sed against us by CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN ,
story of corrupt proposal, from ie on Town and Farm Property. Auctioneer for Huron County Hard and Soft Slabs, also a
UNDERTAKING agents of the Ross Government 5. To so frame aur fiscal policy large quantity of dry hard-
Iteetdence—rsc#ylsBall , g ' that labor in Canada shall be aid ASSIGNEE' ACCOUNTANT. � q y )
Street. S. residence,
and the undoubted fact of the com- P OFFICE.—In the tient Block. I have secured an Auctioncor's license for wood for sale, delivered.
fernier reetaente, mitment of patronage to his hands a fair living wage, remembering .Residence—Catherine St. Ales at Tiuron county,
reasonable rates reparcd to conduct
where night calls {P�
receive prompt .t- in return for ,u ort in the Le is- always that our laboring classes Sales arranged at the Advanco Office. Telephone orders PrOIiipil�
toattan. Phone + pp g
of The People s Furniture Store lature. There is only shame and and, therefore, tilt producers and C, �. ��AGUTRE ALEX. KELLY, Wingham P.o, attended to,
discredit for Canada in all this manufacturers, cannot be ex -
wretched business, and it is neves- petted to compete on even terms REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND
Bary that the people should face the with countries in, which the condi- LOAN AGENT, CONVEYANCING LR.. AGNEW McLean & Soya
facts in all their repulsive details. tion of life among the Iaboring Collection of Renth sp
Ana Accounts a ecialty. U
classes is altogether different. We ASSIGNEE. ' ACCOUNTANT. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON,
do not desire to reduce our laboring office -in vanstouo Block. ACCOUCHEUR.
� The
—Tn the Ontario Legislature, in 1? p coon saturdaq evbnings, fi to fl. ppg0e;-17 st„�irsBlock the Macdonald population to the low standard of p
speaking o£ Ontario's timber re- -living, to tbat hard, fierce struggle Night calls answered at otgce. '
sources, Mr. St. John said:—'Un- for existence which prevails in J. A, MORTON �-
der careful management the forests many countries. We do not want
would yield millions of a revenue our laboring classes to compete BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. DRs. c�zso�>� C$ISHOLIt
of buying cheap if you are dissatisfied with the par- for the use of the country. The without protection against the pan- MQNEY TO LOAN.,►t .
chase in a short time? True economy is exercised in Province at the present time pos- . per labor of any country. PHYSICIANS - SURGEONS - ETC.
G. To utilize the labor o£ our dice:-llforton Block, Winghem ^^ '
buying a thing that pleases you till it is worn out. Our. sensed 1,020,000 acres of timber Josephine street - Wingham
> land in forest reserves 14,500,000 People in the conversion of our own _
Mena raisings are of this character, One suit makes a ' raw material into finished products MISS DELIA SPARLING .
regular customer of the buyer, Then there is the guarantee acres was ander timber license and P
g y g the Government still possessed required for use in our country, It A. T C. M. P• KENNEDY, m.o., M.C.P.s.O
!1i' everything up-to-date and first-class. Suits from $10.00 106,000,000 acres of land which is surely bad policy to export our ..� \
to $40.00, made to fit in every particular. was not under a license or under , g Teacher of Piano, Theory and Pletcher (Member of the British Medical
raw material to send our laboring Aasaoiatton) � 1. •
classes abroad to find work in its % Teacher
Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Gala MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE,
Cultivation. The Government had : pupils prepares for conservatory exam -
HATS, --In Hata, we have the very newest Amari- admitted that they knew nothing manufactories and to send after inations. special attention said to Disomas of women
of the value of she timber in the both our money to pay for the anpd children, ..
can. styles, at prices from 50e to $3.00. product,—[Mr. finished R. L. Icor- Osi�rl0x Houns:-1 to 4 p.m,; 7 to 9 P.M.-
territory north o£ the height of1
land save what information had den, lender of the Opposition, in THE
NECKWEAR.—All the latest designs, 25c to 50a. been derived from the Indians, and his speech on the budget. for tasty and W. T. Holloway+
the officials of the Hudson Bay ADVANCE down-to•dato Sol D.D.S.,L.D4, Its a pity to have a good
$GOTS and SHOES. --We have special prices in Company. He then went on to . Printing. Prloes oraduato of rioyal Suits oiled in the makin
O�'St'i'11�:'1 OFFICE right. College of Dental p•
the above line, which will pay you to see before buy- ,how the areas of forest lands in : +i��� j j,I� e . surgeons of Tor• '
ing elsewhere. Germany, Sweden and France, and onto 1#ondr . ' The Suits we make give en-
anduato of Dent-
the systems under which the forests , al Dep t, of xorbn- , tire satisfaction, Give us a
in those countries were rendered a We wish. to draw our tit- VANSTONE W University. ,
Latest improved Mathoaa in au branches of trial and be convinced.
,A pleasure to show goods, valuable asset, It was a well. tention to the young SARMSTEit AND SOLICITOR Dentistry, Pricea moderate. ,atisfabtion
known scientific fact that with pro- y g' gttarante1 Ra10%oe in Beaver blook.
per care the reforesting of a coun. TROTTIN(I STALLION Money to loan. at lowestrates. Office �,
try could take place, and the re- / BEA'V'ER BLOCK, ARTHt J. I�W�
Webster Co.
growth per acre Ina year was esti. �.]ainbe� 7-05• WING UA.M D.D.S., n,D's.
Homuth Bros, mated a 60 feet. The annual cut
of wood in Ontario was 3,072,000,- t! ! TT!'�Ct HOLME Doctor o4 Dental Surgery is the i sof �+*�.. - .. ....
which 'was purchafed at the Chicago Sala , V nsplvanin College asci Y,lcelntlnte o1 ,t
000 feet which Was but one -fiftieth last fall.
�( �Y �r r 1iANSER, ETC. Dental surgery of Ontario.
—SIGN i�l~ ''I` $LrA - of the 1111tta1 increment but the OAhtnoX t8 by the noiio fire most pop.
+ tvhtch is now considered kd one t the most pop. Marriage Tdoonscs issued. Nlo witnossks Office over Post ofiioe WING11A
amount destroyed by fire' was an alar sire of hi h•class knee seting trotters ; ]ttl
b� Grawbetta V iikep, which heads tha list of rC4ttired. �}
nnknown quantity. The value of all hires for 1902, he having Manor 4% largo antounta; smaAar in orb• �,,{TGrGi SARA L Q� E
tl �• tx Prard trotters
over One Portion, Easiest forms. MISS SECU
the annual increment of the ti111ber y„ ,N - PROMPTLY hundred in the flat of standard trottare And p � C�U
pacers. Qamollton's dant Is h Onward boo ie
q� in Ontario, estimated at $2 per of Rho most popular Aires which ever lived, he RICHARD ROLUES Write ibr our otters#ting books'• Invent•
/l T thousand feet was $73 72$ & val;1- oaring mores ftardata porfornsora than any Teachey of Piano and Theory or's HOP 0, and 44 How you are sWJ"41t4."
�S r r , other nirb living I dead. alto, isxriz ax LAW, i oTaOtxort, Fxt7.r limo, Stud us a rough sketch or model of ourin-
1tbleasset which should receive the garnboy'A dam ie Florence D, by I]anfard. OAico;••-nsxt to Holmes Block now building vention orimprovenststt and we will your in.
he by ileo. Wilkes, which makes him of the tree our opinion a# to wbtiher it is robabi
roateat care, rioheft bred Wilkes Stallions lir Canada. Title P y
g MISS CARRIE MOOR {' tmtcateble, keleeteddpplicetionshaveofteu
noted to stywhfult record,
of alts dam be y prosecuted b us, We
having a standard record. bloronco D's dem t+,- en hucutly It y
is bV UWAmnger. WELLINGTON MUTUAL • , conduct lolly equipped bfiices to btontrekl
ciamboy if a sixfeeti hand.9 kat old ba Teacher Of Violin soil �r Ult'dy. dud W#tbingioa; t sgtnatit➢esustoprbntpb
B j, *t, ijtTCt°, (i!l . 1y dispatch stork and gnieki secure talents
trai i E INS. CO as brbad d# file invtution• Hirghest reference#
fttallion �wbis;Isla 1150 lbs, fib a a good in ohs Mock, �Yingham.furntshed.
THE LONG$ST 111P. ribbedaup. good foot and iegp,atwd ovt o an ereop. Ratablidhad1944 pootns »in 8t � ij patents procured tittaugh Marlon & Dfe-
tionallq high knee anter. Tide colt having dead bflibe GIU LP11, ON'T. rton ttcAv6 apecte("0I without chht a in
only been brbT:eri Inst fall TR 11
#(t�r� (t1��T p 7f�1 1�Lti over iso newspapers distributed througt fit
I t y, this spring in 40, still present indieat10M show Risks taken on all claesas of insurable Oro DICKINSON & 11OLMES the bontinlen.
The Xaiber Wilhelm IT., the uh clears that with little, handling he will isp#ct#ity i-naEent biielna.e bt >krnutar
latest, of the i'nonster Ocean liners maks a 20 trotter anra, party on the ossh or promium nota system, t (r t Ettr.ra Gadd xngtneers
f tiAMBO'Y will stand for fervied at the lanae GT01 blit, Cztab. De4trib61t, Barristers, Sillioitors; etc,
�, aw 706} feet in length over all, is re- ptclinnge Intal barna, TrJ%um:-$10,00 to 1VMAP,10 T & iV"ON
* Job * Joe' markable as being the biggest strip 1,11uto, payable 1st xannary, 1904. Prdaideat. secretary. Ol`B,eti t Meyer Block'W`ingham, Nkt*ht Experts land Saifoltars.
Goo, •Wmith, lyfamgor, JOHN RITCHIC Otfleotrt Now YOMLltetl'td' ,flostt+`e l
ih the world, And also the ship 040 Swd4rtb do Vannormais, (irVnbrs , dGtNN1`, tV1NQJiAAd ONT �� U DlIckinion bualor nolmsit Auu+tie as�d ,Wash on D.C.