HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-05-07, Page 3.
le'-_', - ., - !�. - " , .1 .1 I , �... ` �. I . 1. . . � . � ; . I . �
� 1. I 0 . I I 'O 1 , '. . , :.� , , I 00%
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I—— I".. - � __-_____-_____ 1___-_____ _ , . _._,_____ - ------ __ ___ _ ___ ---- --- _ '. . . - ,, __ �, _ � I
__ev I __ I I Vt__1r*A0KW 'If %1rVVVVW1 VY, VVV*_%1W14 tk1%0V%"~ 0 rucAlus on my kueoii I tooh; a cayetu woll and thoroughly. viere touq
V1V1V%_V___eV_1__ , I till 100 1111 U110 C0PtII(*.'4 jil J4OVQ that bllni,$ I
Min, v, ilme behind tho r4
, ioulder, a
"' H ` "UNTER HUNT coididencle, that completo abvidon,
.r.,E r, ^ 1, ED � With a Iftur I .! I� -owl tho b"n r rMil, Which Can only Ile born or thoamput than Japan tea, because It Soes so muo
beluting" till- wr Nvi,ll its fow foot. .1rabit 10 conottilitly r,ro eaeft othall ,fytiher
I anross tlr� rool, lillou Itli six YEARS , ,
LOW J;4��XROA�#���AA4A� kARWAIA�l� 0-3 rtivil it f0i , aiid to underotand (,aah o(tt(,,r bot- .
b.jx-.k up -i -,oll-I vonill�trl,v ovur ter ant) better ovcr� day.. Witli " ... -, . .1 "',
Dick Aililer,l.%y aw I I tv( I v vailli (Ili htt;pp�ld, I'vart'll agetill, and voilif-111- tivi(lo. 10 �114it:, it to"o, lit) tile mom D 's Faith lovel you Will b6-ve, all obtita, . I ,
at tile fkwt ot Alo,llf� 1,ttko Ill th-i plat(41 Inv' pvIlIlIntly tionjewhat pliz. with Itq to;-:, I'.lw,-,;,vro-inr-d, lilt tile otr(j!0 I<Idney Pills Pored M; . ,, T I ,
Holklik Moajit,tka�,, b-if:1., tht- ir-61 Zloil by lily b(havlor. � vilipty lilt', airl ciollil at ale agala. . Ins, for If a caprico. It vtwilishes at of - � I
WbIoll lea -it.; from V rt StocIv, l5lil- I It .you wili lot illo alollp", I Haiti Wh(n It lw-1 wivaiii-i d ton. font or im, Huffman of Napatiee Ow mwt violmit stornis. . � I I I
. III at Noble, that, (lilt lipt tworn it'. a' --- tAinceril, lsorl(roo love Is never love
loll Coaltubla, 1) 101111--ra Pvrry, 11 it rearoa lily fill It.,; hin(l, Ivirs. I fired I
1dulio. %Vo v.tllicl ounielioti, and,log- Lien!' Illy own, "I'll lot You alon,-�', .14 Wcoul timi-, airl. oroe It rolled at firnt t4glit. who'l. O110 look, and . 1�... A
u,lljl� wore, lic.-ti*,li ullutarm; but 'Thil brute flloply;�It oil it" fore leg.; ttc;ahl, oul.', llowvv.�.e to rino liviltant- And NowSho Iteecintmonds Tlipm to tli(h first owe,'too, bloili ill m,jil and �� I " X
. I .
Dick �nliaat iuo;�L of lil:i tlino oil tha again itild, apparviltly not liking my ly 11411.1 E-11vipp Illoet! fill-loil-4y. other yallng iijadies or blaerjea it. woman, you illay be Furei th,41; Ono I S JL�.fi R� .1 .,t .� I
brou.1 of Ili!, baci%, at.4 I devol,wl Alilivaritnec, nuni,,l oft to till.- riglik. NOW I It,i I but ow, eartridge, left, Wonlen. alt,glo, word will soon bo suffl .. I . .
at t1b.,111, tho sanill dhAtinev, and I (Iftel-11111104 R01, to use It till Napanee, Ont., April 27.-Mileclah) slowly. progressIvelyl Heart alonc . . d purity Iiiii
moiA at ta.l tillin to, t1r.i hunting Kroping I to unhind them. L,ilAing love =0 I Ceylon CREEM Tea for strength�7g flavor an
of bill(- gr,mli.- an -I black-talle(I It III -Ido It evilipli-to Orclull, about Ille. th(l bVidl' will; Illi -11N nif!. So I rose to -That Dochl's Kidney Pills are olw, 11fl,il; jl0ver, been jXarticularly S`1100osu-j � superior to tpe finest Japan tea grown., is is as far
deer, allil arti It (Jill ljo 1* InlovV(I aroull(l nq reet noi v.aitt.(i for the and. my or oiagroatest boonH ever conferred, fill uIlle,so It, pli.tili.l. hip ivI tea as "' SA11,I,APA" ,black -top Is ahead
One morning I Injult1cmi oil ueart- wlili It. Tlivit It advaneed again a, Ilpl; M)"I 1110t1th gL'VW dry tit; dust; but 0 th tIltj*, ahead of Japan I
*rIdge bIL, L,).,k ui,y Illiloolit-stor alld row foot. fo.-timat ly la that jiul,reine moment oil hufforIng wumankind Is the ex- ,ecillpr ,and witio, counsclior that It% Of all other black teas. Lead packets only. 25c and
r1ollce of Mrs. johaV. Nuffillall, of called Rpiw-,-mi. No love lFj placed an 40c Per 14. By .111 grocers. .
ostruck oif Lhrolplh the woods it) Jurit as I wait proparhig -Ili fire IL illy 111111-:1 Wll.q NtvV,dY And lily eye pa lie 1) I
4he foot-IlI );;. 13�11,1.v rutio vt,w- Hteel) stopp-NI, lifted L -.k; ortiol, pointo'.1 snout el"" . thin place. For t oneflL of tier it 4011d bak;iti w!ilcIt Ili not governed I I . �
for aballi, *t.% huntIred root to it level It, tho ale, gittyn .3. Qnrlcin�, whINLIllig Wholn Within tim foot of inn, and sister women she has givell tile fill. by rea-c4oln, afi wall as by ilia heart. . . �- I . I . . I � I . . I .1 . I I I
Plateau, where. aitor a weary heemlin, turnpil ali-I walked dolther- jitut aji I Dvas .-alsing lily rIllo tot% tile lowing statoleclit for J;ubllcatlon. I �
climb. I t�NljtV4j mySVJL [Or a ati,ly, ,tway. I wate only stopped, Ill hliv,u been troubleil for ab4iit .;:-,.Xj-p -_Sq_-�=�--y&M1_*W,MK!`--W " __19:r_493;r"NW=W=%V4W"M�1
,hp(l It witht)ut. InSt thile, ilie bear limid A 13LUSSING TO C111w),itirw �
In �- . . I t wavered 11, 1110111clat, kank down upon six years IvIth Rldney Disease, and - I I
an(]. stralglatolilug its great limbs, stand it- I 001114 'not a . ' I
suentIs breathing space. moving till ill.) driving snoly hill ill* ptilli was no great I CM4
The euoliv,,oap.ped umuntala look- from Illy hIght. Tholl, jvjLb hKolise Its shle ivjtli it dpely, sobbing mean, -.1 not
Oct up I Ilef, I uncoolco,1 lily rifle and rose ntertain any Strong word,q, but truthful, and tile -' TEUPH"I "TAPPPERS " '
,the ... ar away its ever, but roil 1`0 . . . Gx1jorLouce of a mother who hasibur. 1 l qy N .
,ct two Ir.ura the aseent w.il; to - Illy root. . . lay ,gtlll. I - conlIN1,11.1%.
Once tuorti I rLarted for camp, anti Thein ii, tluve-e, weak feeling came " 0118 )light cwh0n I was filvIlng Ouglily icsted t1w. value of lktby's i
more grwrluzit and the w,ttlidug bot- ' Over me. I eniffed the morning air Miserable, I read surna wonderful Osim Tabicta Wving liar experience 0
tor. S1,111 lillwolillig uIrward towarIll 0MItillucd at it brIGL pace for twonty ClAr. � by Difid's Xhinvy 11111s, and I with tile, rho of this medicine, MrN. ,
the wcow� I eirtered a dismal belt nilante.i or &a, until I roached a, flat "rItli thank'nliness, Gild tile sunlight '04 , AN` HOW THEY WORK*,
MINI illy heart. docided to try th,lin. The first box George Hardy of li'ourchu, Nt S.,
of dark-groon opelloo, liere, be- belvir the tniow lint covered with I rulde, inn I rcotlCled brought all Impro,veawmL, and bythe, Wrlt(1)9.1 "I 1160 uml,d Raby's 01711 .
Wit I tile 61171 to 1, �=, . - AIR
,�. - -9C;ll.ZWA1kk1A20 %offasiki
vkea six boxes I Ivas M:tblets, ayid Mid them a blf.slar, to 417=.VnEL.;�S,ir -*r -ar
- otaxited, 4vad rpraco. on reachtu time 4 had t. _; ,&. .suo-slia. ..
neallt 4 great overillanging root, I 9 in courser, ii.n.1 rtaggored Into oamp .
found the reAlng place of a grIz- tilt- furthor sl(J-1 of tills flat I found y ,
My boar -a big one, ,judglog by ilia tll,o, groun(I to lv� rising at about 11 o'clock, under Completely Cured, : elilltirein, asid I am. not kut)Mlod. wit I i-
. proolpitguoly N,voight or tile bearakin. Dick Illy, as f I can recommend Daddlo Kidney I out a box Ill tl:e Louva at all timins," "Of till tilt) titrunwe Occupations, Imig. No more of the bubble$ for file,,
. size of ilia footprints. An I coll- Ili lily courcV. T-Iilo coll](I nle,,.t�ji 0111-V usual, prono upon lill-j back, a plaeld plitu to amy'ljor8on ,ralfforing *frcim I Mlie�so T,jbiots tilive all tile 1111,11-tir IMo rtrangost is that of telttly;ione cmino, tlifN ansivor. I I
tomplated theill and took, Into 0011- One, thing -I lind liven mralldllF In it oxprooslon .on his face, slooping ilia XILIncy Disease, and. I ,inake this � teoubles or baIjyJiood and Childhood, taliller", ifat I an Old employs I all -, li'vo lwan Corl%ng badly mil �ila,y.
Filclor4tiog the ll.dit. calibre of lily wrong diroetloa and twital lost I � . ot'lle., i-oll.. r anti te"41.0 that choik Haely yet4
sleep of the unemployed. I awak- lit"t0ment linplil-2; 4 willhelp other-T'll,cy arlil proulpt aml effeCtIVO Ill thO LCIVI)ILMO COIUII:Ln,Y I.110
rifle. I longed for.Dick and the Up t�ck timt momenit iny.;procovdings vood blia with a gentle klek and ,t.01(l yciang Indies or married women-" I their nictloij, anil are guaranteeil to day tol a roportor of Lite Chicago Ili- What d4d y.our itiother o4yV
camp fire. . . . Ithd bacit ra.ih, but now I determined him illy f;tvry. Afra, lluffinall in only Ono of many � ountaht no opluto 0,' bUrnIfUl. drILK. t "k-06ean. "'Pliery arca"L toil vem lit Ict" 1011, not nivall of anything. I
. .11110 dily, Nv�lilcll Ill tile early moru- to (Let lv!"g,
.1y for ollco, and accord- "'I'lien It i,li.�i tile flest allot t1litt , women wit,,) have ,proved that many I 111.b!'y alwvy.4; Ili gooil-they cannot Oldvago who kliow -what a, tel -f- It out O! olght. I've, got to go 'to
Ing had been eleav, wkw now . Ingly njaat) up illy lillirci to catup really did the bastiloss?" lie said female, complainto aro the result or: piv:..hibly (Io barill. Gooil-naturi?d, Pholle laj%-'�r la, but ih� rii arc hun- till ola clulA nlrx!t�ng to-tilgIft', and I'd
giloude4, anti a, raw, ,northoltoterly whero I wa.,; rather than run tile "Yes." I repilvil, "It went cll;nn d1f,oracired Kidne-vo, atilt itre as Well hoaltfiy chiltIven are rotin(I in all drtd.-i of porf,oas iyho lVive com!tO. ruther tu"v; a whIpplag.
wind, carrylag a Meaty ra,hi_utIr-. .1.4, of going still further astrty. through Its hcart."--Youthlo Coal- Mail curable by psing Doild's Xidrwy homeo where. li,il)yls Owii Tibl..Aw g1l.4 through Ilia Avork.
y . I,j%t t4jj:, licillit Ili tho conversation
Pills. I I- axe, illsed. You ea,n get these Tablets "Tho tupper 19 a m,tu who Is lilro-1 tho el-ol, of a recolver w4s, he4r4 Oil
red mournfully ilia braubbas vf tilt-. Near at haud I discovered Ia. cluimp pavlon, , . . f,- 11- I I. 4 4 41� I, t 4. 1 1 r �) I M-4 illo 11 n � � .
Dpruou tolls. I was glad It'i cluerge
on tile "all mouataln"Icle 149it"
or groon spruw scrub, at tile foot
i i,nd begin tho final 4soont. At
or it big rock. lit fropt Was a ridge
laist, after croirAng a canon, I
or ground Which, effectually screened
reaviled ilia Illountaill-top, W1110.11
Iiiii from the whid. Here I resolved
was 'covered veveral fact deep with
snow, alld uoulmandod Lt magulik-
to . btay.
Tilra thought or a ulglit alone In
coill view of tile ourrutindIng caun-
t1m. inoulitalins alarmed little. I
Awy, , 11
trad come FaXely tbroLfgh such nights
!Tivo thowsand feet bnlovir, ilia lily
beforo. Rut I expected to be both
. Xjoyjci, I,Itl;(,. T.,) tile llopt.11cla.it lay
slpep,'oss aud anownrortable. no-
thd rug-l.g4l. jilim; of tIr.i Ricklos ba-
uicinl]iarlr�x the grizzly, I determined
yond tile liarhjll�t% val!oy- of. tit-
to collect a good supply of World,
Kootenay; to the sautli. and wes,;
alld in thir wark I spoilt the romalh.
the wild'al.n4l broken oou.4try oU Llr-
Ing tivo lhoura of d-tyllght. Finally
Qoat Itivop; t,.) tile north-, 'peak
I gathered some arinruls of spruce
tow.ering above lizak lit �icvor-etllcl-
boughti for my bell. -lighted illy fire,
Ing rIdgbq of 'the Solkirks.
nilli lit it short t1wo had a b1no
The iwo-.17 irm, hard cliough to bear
gronso iliat I had killed earlier in
me, and crossing It I round 'Lire froUb
the d,ty roarAing before it. -
tracks al' two caribou. Their trall
1�y illfj thno lily supper wuo flni4li-
led from wo point Dt roc4c to anoth-
ed bio .snow, ivid coa,sild. to fall. Dir -
or, wbere ilia galas had blown ilia
ectly overlp-3,1d W.jg a platch. of blue,
ellqw alvay ivact almost exposed tile
With (>Ile fftitr tisrinkling frostily.
, Oall
ltempting 1101pu. At .: .tjIuse pla
Gradually tile blue irld6ned, and by
.they *had stopped to and liall
tou o'clock, as nearly as I could
scraped the rock bare with -their
guess, the sky wa.s clear.
r'lla!p Iloorm. ; . -. :.� I
I surmbi6d that tho,y,1 -svero not
As I was seated with' my back
3noro than a few hundred 1.1rarils dis-
propped agaJaist the root or a fallen
troo, In front of tile fire,"Its ivarm
tant, and at once determined to hunt
, wcly Of p;eparatloll I ato
'Choln, B3,
glow, together with the t tIgnA of
illy. bannook anti bacon, and then I
illy walk, begma to toll on Inn. 3fly
notice4 With some uneasiness � tile
fload nodded forward on my cheat,
appe � arane,:,, of the sky. A heavy.
and I fell Into a sound and dream.
bank of black cloud was dvlftliig
less sleep. .
- down front the northeast, obscurlfla�
limy long r elopkt I Irlo nott kno,w,
peak .after poak. Thu alectl wak; rap-
but I aiwoke wIth a fpellng of ner-
Idly changing, to snow, The wind had
Increased and struok through lily,.
night mns oalin and, Pxqui-
damp ClOtI193. I I
sitoly II'muillful. Tile anow-cappi-XI
.. I had gone hardly -1 quarter of 9,
sunjuilt I lia,cl,crosHed during th,ll
mile when the sto,rill burst over ilia
day gleamed'like &liver In the gol't
in blinding suciliv and fl. limit gale or
moon -light. Apparently th-_,re Was
,wind, In live minutest the tracki; L
nothing to account for my nervous
,Was following Wore cloinpipLely Oil-
droad. .
lKerated, and I could ocle but ii few,
Then I turned and glanced at the
Vards before Ina. �
top of tile rl(lgV. There, Ina that
. iNDIM I w1cluall to, ,�ezturn to camp
I White wonder of illoonligh-t clear -
as qu!ckly as possIble. I started at
ly ellhonottkI. against tire ;�Idiilglit
it brL,lk walk toward Whom I hn-
(-,ky, utood the grizzly staring:down
aglned it to bo. It my course was car-
upon Me, I I
,Wool-, half all hour-sbould bring
I I ,shouted in Iralle of scaring it,
to the k4ope Which I ascended In
but oil, remained motionless. I
tho mornfing. I � I Waked till it lighted stick, ,whirled
On my way I cro'ssed some broken I it round Ili the air, and throw It
g.-ouud wlil�h I did not rourerabor
. COw,,ar,d the bc.ar. Tim affect Was
ifj have seat% N,.-Ii!le conjing; but still-.
1)osjug I had not noticed In the kc-pil
lie alarming that I hastily caught
.interest of the haut, I proceeded,
,ill my rifle and prepared for .The
ivolwi., for the great bruto'began
,without misgiving until I raclied it.
Rlowly to deseend the ridge at a
� whlelt I believed to be the oup
loix-lil, shambling walk. . .
I had climbed early In the day. Down
I went rapidly, Iralf 611dilig" half
When within twenty yardv or a,,
walking. On th-o'llolghts illy 'Cloth-
of illy fire It turned, as it had done
Ing had boon an Insufficient piroteo-
on the precedIng afternoon, and
tionagainst a northeast snowstorm,
circle,!' round it. Then, climbing
but illy qu!ek course down lifil was,
once more to the summit of tire
�uttlng ilia Into,a_glaw.jSn,cI#enIy I
rif.1go, It deliberately lay down.
,War. br6light to Ad, tilal-ming.-illalt by,,
FortucAnt.ely I had enough' -wood
a dark 61ijOet sGmi; thirty'yards tilts-
to kawlt"Ill-.4Z geod. fire, twid.46 ilia
tant. I P,topped and �ockod my
rifle. With a cliwer, rasping snarl
moun We-) on the walle, I would
havo Um bpuefft Of Itst-Ilght -till
'the till reat evil
ng. reared Lilco a g, I -
I, cull rase. Never can I forget
looking pbantom. in tile swirl of
that night -how that grjul seliti-
snow ,It gLood revealed"a, big nad
not ketrt wa,,boll on the riclge-top;
ugly gtizzly. And I wasi oil t1to barlo
how tilt every moVeltion't of mille It
mountalrioldo, armoo with 4), ligilit
would raise Its liciad th3
calibre rtfk I .
observe my av,tlano.
Fdr i,pace of tell.- seconds we
Too fn-st lily- fuel seemed to 4e -
stood facing each other, ilia grizzly
ci ease, and willion but a dozen sticks
moving its head slowly from s 1; d 0 to
renlained the moon began to pale.
side, and frequently littering that
next, a long, narrow, ahaft of light
queer, blood -curdling snarl which
iflumined tile! ea,gLarn sky. gra,clu.-
ond6d in it sort of c , luerlitous NvIllne.
ally deepening. and. ivIdQuing. I pil-
trhell It dropped to l.ts. fprelegs and
pAj_ the jetual"Ing L vtloks upon the
slowly- Advaife-old.
fire, stirred it ill) for ilia last time,
I I h&I only three carl.rhIges In my
rifle and llcnilAv "Lliat six Would not
4111 tho animal unless by vxtraordin-
ary luck. Dra,wing sovera I more front
lily belt, lllrtritily attemptetIL-to push
thein Into the inagavina. Tile first
one Amined, and then the full horror
pf my position came upon me. They
iiere too big for lily rifle ; they were
Dick's I I hall carele4sly AaLon his
�olt Ili nilsttvko for ury own.
Wo rim was hopeloss-tbaril ,was
witit a troo Ili sixii.t. I dropped oil
ono, kneal ,ttid -rebting lily ell)ow on
It for luddItIolial stoadiLless. - "'t -tilted.
There was a littla bummook of
spow within thirty foot at ma, and
to that I dotormined to allow the
bear to advance before I fired. Whon
,*Itjifn it fow.yayds at It ilia grlzvly
I � . . .. .
I .
seated rayself, with my rifle resting
lacross nij, knaes, and Walted for
what might como� .
juat its ilia last sticks blivned
Mv.ay, the glorlono sun aroso Ili it
filmy Vapor. 011�a fallen log it red
equr�rol leaped, and oatching slid-
dan Giglrt of me, fIvd away Shrink -
Ing., Then Mlently ilia opucl rnon-
etor on th6 rlft�i arose, sCretelfed
itliolf, alyl. with a horrid. snarl,
Came down the elope toward me.
There, wmo a lokr foilokling a little In
frout of mc. I litwh&l It aside with
010 to(- Of 1111' 11110061IM11T, IaOtlt Might
Initol.r.fare ,with Illy sight. �
At the foot of tho lolortro the grizzly
pauk;eKl and turned it ]'title -to avoid a
root, thus expotAng Its left kide. It
wals my opportunity. With illy elbows
I � .
. I
HE &RT DISI ila$j UA
ATrouble Much more Common Thao
If, Generally Supposed
# . ..
A hodlthy person does trot feel the
li-dart at all. IC the-boart inak,esit-
Half felt It Is a sure si.g.ft of some one
of the many plittooN of heart trolhble.
Some of ilia tAymptoins of heart troll: -
Ho Lire allortui si of breuth, trembl.a.-
Of 'Life handy, violent throbbing or
fluttering or ilia heart, sliarp upasins
of pala, oppression, oil t1to Chest,,
dizziness and clammy sweating, Irre-
gular pulso, and tjw alarming palpi-
tation that is oiten fcl,,t meet In tile
head or at tile wrists. Or cciur8a peo-
pin kafforing from Aeart. trouble
haven't all these sympLonts, but if
ilou have any 1>17 them% It he a aiwilv Of
cart trouble and should itot be neg-
leeted for a moanant, . I I
Most of ilia troubles affecting the
heart are caused. by aiiaelula, indl-
gostion or nervousness, an([ When
any of these owuses lie, alt the root
of the trouble, It Can be surely cured
by the uxe Of Dr. Williams, Pink
Pills, You mustn't trifle with com-
mon medicines, and above all you
Fliouldult further woukim your'llelixt
by using j)urgc4tIves. You must cure,
your heart cilaeass through thablood
with Dr. Willin,rus' Pink Pills. You
call easily see why tills to the oil;ly
way to .oaxe. yourself. Tho heart
drives your .,blood to all parts of
ilia body. Every drop of your blood
flows thratigh yotir lie4rt, If your
,blood is thin or Impure your heart
Is bound, to be weak 'and diseased;
If your blood is pure, rich. and
healthy, it will naturally make your
heart sound and strong. Dr. Wil-
Ilarns' Pink Pills actually make new,
rich, red blood. And �liitt new, rich,
roil blood strengthens your stomach,
atimu'lates your liver, soothes your
norves, and drives out of your sYa-
tom all the disorders that helped to
disturb your )ieart,. This has been
proved in t4iousands of Cases. Here
to a, caso in point. Mr. .Adolard
Lavole, St. Pacoine, Que,, says:("For
nearly three years I Was greatly
troubled with a Weak heart, and lit
-constant fear tjfat my and ,vv,ould
come at any time; file least exertion
would overcome me; lily heart would
pa,ipitato violently, an -.1 I Would somc-
times have a feeling of E-iurfoleatlon. I
ivas und6r t,lic care of a doctor, but
did not got relief, anti eventualaly
my condition'bacame so bad that I
had to discontinue work. While at
illy worst a nelgbpDr alcIvised,ma to
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I did
so and. they simply worked Wonders
in my casi. I use(Tj only half a'dozen
boxes ,wbon I was able, to roturn, to
my work, strong all-i'l healthy., and I
have not ailice liall any Ifign of the
old troilblo." . .
We Would again Impress upon those
who are alling that they Must get
11iii, genuine.plils with, the full naano,
"Dr. '�Ilillhtms' Plnlc.l)ills for 1?ale
peoploll on the wrapper around evpry
box. Sold by all dealers or by mail
at rso cobtig a box or all bo,�es for
$2.510 by writing to tho Dr. Willlzms'
Medicine Va., Brockville, Ont. - ; ! I
I I � I .
NOW We Learn Tilia;'ile Was the First
� Dyspeptic.
Dyspepsia, Othat curse for human-
Ity,' '61lould be abolished. Too long
it 114�.s beeb ,hllowed to tvark havoc
among the people. Tile time liam
colue to call it 11,111t.
All good men and -true ehould come
to -Lbo aid or humanity Imil otamp
out the dreadful disease. . WhIske,r Ila&
slain Its thotloalrdfi, kerosene Its tens
of thousands, automobiles their
rallIlDits, but dyspepsia Itaii Inade
,several uncamforta.,ble. I
It is the must porsistent, tllOMGSt
exasperating and .the most dis-
agreeable aliment th"t 'Clio human
flesh is all, to, and It is 'heir to sev-
eral very. painful complaints. It
;.-4. ' I * -111-8 von feel 11111111M)v
I . J, I
. but puts you in a train,- of mlild
,R ALaL .1,111� S IN A92M . to make eVelly 0110 with whom 'Von
b- a " come Ili colli'Littilt 111119ercIble.
ffy IT Is noit 6 p1l.n. It' Is 'lot an, ache,
, law It is Simply the most consummate
print. towture eve� invented. The early his -
I . %0 tory of tho disease Is ,wrappod. In !m-
om, 1IIIIIIIII!II is F1 IN netrable raystery, but it is thought
P .
. I l . lt� star ted In *tho j;ardon of E den.
9111111:0 rg�e, not having it mother to teach
. . I Iter how to cook, led Adanr PIOS and
� Ill uAft a i c i In e cakes and things that MOM not fit
. . I I fop - jjJ,q digestive apparatus. Very,
Thero Are Two Reasons Why There is No Treatment so soon lie experlonend all the tortures
I i of 't-lici damned, alid train that day
Thoroughly Satisf6ctorY and Lastingly.Bonefloial as to tills, so it, Is a,vtri-nd by sonisi,
- I ' , I ., . there has been dyspepola Ili ilia
Dr. Chase's NerVe Food. . land. I
, I . . '
. I. . .... .. .. - � I . In the Vast, there Is a legend, boww
over, that dy.%pepslft In it direct Im-
fillio ?Aochy.ilif MAO tAll 116 Influlell0ca - vital orgatis, scidli as tile heart, portaMon from the Ruperhoated
Ill licalth or (11IN-hahlo only. I through lun-go, stomach, I'vL)r, and -kldac$o, hiereafter. They My 'that one time
two ellainnels-the blood and ilia wid enmiring thelt, regular and the Ild was l0ft Off 1141deN and tile
Vorve$.. I liortithful Itotiou'. chief torment, dysperisla, escaped out
During tile Winter tho blood bo- ,111118 ,Sr0,a,t food Curn f_h&rp,png up into tile world. Since that time bell
0.0meo thin a)1d whiory. becausa of ilial appatito, ,,takes tile digestion hims not beell *itself, and the arch
talo artificial lito wo Are oolillielled good, and actually adds new, Mail fiend hins solught Ill Valli for a ,ter -
4:0 icad 111doora-4.110 artificial food, fleisdi aod tli,tmo to tho body, AR ',v011 turn tO take MR Place -
,tile liveli'thing of 1111puro air, the lack enji prove by weighing yottliklf Willie There Ill, then, a Compensating
(>f &xcro tills 11; Why molit ux,ling It,. I � , t1longht 'ehat those who have 11Y
,jac, nn..J
petople 'final it, 'ntece,mvy to Use a. Liquid nitEdleltios; always 1have A Pepsin In, -tills life will find nothilli
blood litill(jea- it,nd nerve restorative stimilliLtIng offect, (1110 to, the I)rCJ6- WOM Loll the othVr aide.. After one
In th,c, slirlIng. i once or alcohol. Theile lanono of this bas )iAd tills (11"Paso all other ca.
. 1,)Or,t%vo rcil,soils Dr. Chase's Xor�o Ili connection with Dr. Chase'$ Nerve Innilties loolt as rosy. an a 'Bull-
pood Igt1lo most, aallsfactory spring. I'loold, aind4or tills relaison ithy beille- .set lit a Cheap chroniol. .
, I I -
raeldleine ThAt ',troll atilt Nmlbly ob- fit 7011 rem is lasting, aild ,,you vall ..A�) I
be cortaln Ou VI -%ell (lose your
%alin. In VIA fil-Ot I'litUe', ft 1.4 0110y .It 1L* tit e, jqj)tI,LjIIg, 11vowwoug Al)aat Thil;
)4-,&tivc,, lust evough vo that When Ilboad 1,9 V(-tting i,J(_-,bor and your
it misurus propet, iqlitoln 19 behig built till. 1, , q see that it western huthorlst IME
,takcin regularly - "agml
ft.6tion of . that I-owelp, Secondly, It Dr. ChnsWa Ner"m P,'QW1, M OVIAR dealled tile story that )Ill 18 eng
. )()l at alil to At daughtor of onO Of tha, W(,Sltlll-
forms alow ". (A corpur,elleri In tile a, box, 0 boNos; tot, "`$2!l`
blood, or In atilpt, words, liftakits the doalers, or D.Inianwil, liateri ,Llk Co., est New York f;llllIIlV�:."
tiood r1all, red, tuld lito-11tuttlinjug. 11y.)rronto, To protmt-�PdttlftllIIGt "It's allvaym ft pitinful duty to ;mv(
ortrailt not] 14glla- to x:lts,ny a slot"y of that klild",
,19irougli tho InVdit"ll of 1,11V 140041 111114L"011's", tho 11 . 19, TIJA young Woulat
aind, goirves Dr. (,114;,sala Norro Vood iur0 Or I)V. A. W. Chalm, the famous "You bot ]I
infliielleep O�Verjv nook atid cortiol, of realp-) boj)jt, 411t1jor, 4re oil every ; MRA M1111011 01 1`0 In her t4ft name -1
4116 wtem. wtv'llig now, *#Igor td the box. , I . . "Cleveland Plain Dealer, .
- 9-13, -f 114416 - , Or Do Ina I it,
cevAs a box jil;iy ivriting direct to the
uly I 0 C op IU. k 1 4-111 -I -
bu,iness ib to tap tho wir(ki oil party ;
� .
'1WLt('-b OMW --mid tile ,voulig ma.",
Dr. Williams' McdIalne Co,, DrockvilLl,
lhiva, at licitcls. and sliett p'.1C 113. I
warningly, 'Fouloblotly- lo In,
Ali its axis iS Vertical, it has lie
like ours, tile most of Its
Onit� � . .
to i4ee It the telephone is balnguuel
000d-1>3 t -A .
4-y porkons who ara, not oarefui of
"A t:�I)1)01' WaS C;Qbt dOWn 'to 0110
For Conundrum 1,ovel.s.
what thpy sily. ()Zt(.,, thi, clorlpilly
of-thob:ghotpls�o IN-flelig n
., . n I a avenue
[AAAo%AAAA#%*~A� I
Buiralo Conlincirei.l.
rc,,ZVIVe,,j complaints that tcleph-.Ilp
jj,.wers kay llnl)l*llltftbl() things jIl,Lt
ljo-t loll- ago. 1j,ae jioted management
Wl,d t1i'lat guests bad Complained of
(By I�IAX 0,11011.) �
Whon Clio M-rIs tarn came lie. avk_
00 the canylvIal pundits ro ftnS%ver
are, unit,voidably overheard. Tho
M-PrIloaring dt<ftidofal kalu ti,�orthe
a velocity of 250 InIles all llouv.
111111 014: -wha't 1.4 It that has two
1,111"m 11111� I veos jiot, four lilgs and runN
cowpany ll,t-lpo to ilo nw!ly With 017q
emt of p.itronago. Houto tilt, t,qj-
w*xe-,�. Tho talijivi, riggad lip his lllm
st,rutnell.-L at tilt, swLtobboard and
bow lie
We, all of its, litwo heard of �eo-
1111, 1.11 yot call jujillp its IlIgh 11k; illo
II "it
I .
lll`� "Tho tnplicli, ixiwt be a man of
w-ILU4�d. I doll't knorl got
tire rIght lina-UPA, but lie heard Ono
pin falling madly In love at first
Wilh-jungLon Monument Obviciubily
Ca,t." Mjil(?�ll tile Wall Who V7411j�lj
Inflillto pittl�nioo. I Irave krown thom
. .
v(.i,y livoly little c,onvelsatio.n.
sigh -t, men, eapeulally. No doubt
to know always. points out the w,,ak
to i It, for twpmty hours nta strrt,�li
I'.'%. dvolp .),-t tile owitehbonril fell,
ludlVatIng that a giio,',t In a certain
there are men who are excedingly:
Ink III tit(. cliall), anti the pro
I patient
Waiting for it k4grial, wholl it 0 nl-
It., nxtdo that tile -wrong lall(I
rown 11,ail; c4tiftogl lit a rollapil voice,
susceptible, passionate, artistic and
take a I
oruslips 111111 with tho clatery, "Well,
how high ca.u, tile monumen t juinly ..-,I
of talk Li ch4bulating oil ,I. party IIII!l,
itil oldorly Incip jl.I,ked for-ji, rilimber,
ardetit naturps' wilo, lua,y. . � I
lent rancy, for u, woman on Aeellig i
TJils Jon d'eiiji-rit 'is likely to have a
tilml ta1XJ'Vr' goov to one or till- ILtju,qo4.
generally the ho,1113 of tile coijill1illa.
lell I i4lic- learned [a that of
will ,
a"plione, In a Prexll,l bouldvard home.
her for Vie first time; but I decline' .
Rm"Ll4t rill, In the Dipluma.tic, Corps
A tit, an;.[ tap; the ivire. Thla 1.9
, ,in till,; 11kirp... So-and-so ?# Asked
tol.call 6411011 a fa,nC3 lorve, and ivoo
to the woman w -ho marrIeN Nuah it
.noxt urlater. Perhaps tl,,, Al -r ivill
St -all. it ficrap-book againfit tile sovial
couvi with a .F.p. cl:,Li!y conNtructed Ill- ;
the nia n. I
"'Yeki" Cam '
man, for there Is no guarantee for
(�xlL,'0,ucIVs Of thc 001111119 cAmpalgil
otrnlwmit, whi..1i has a rectivep aml
an -I
a tran,sirItter, j is does yAph,
,, ,11o8v aijout it n1ce little dinner
her tbat Ile will nut. Wally times
again take such violent fancies for
at the naji:.mal CLI.Pit f so Ilia army
at. I
of frien-du here Will "Madly conLrib-
phone. it I,; f,iHtonO.,,l to it regular
to-niglit dotrntown'.4 was the next
other womell; Indeed, there Is ev-
litc, th-eretcy. Here Is a, modeat )4t
choice Specimen with wlilell %va
'Ph -000, 111141 then the tapper alt.
back with tho reci-Iver clarup,d to
I .A. - ml ti(�,4oman,
, All right,' a:nRw%l
cry probability t'llat lie will.
I would alwair.;s advise a woman, or,
cilleerfully istart ille subsorlption:
'I... a, call.
ItIq car, to a)T. it .
I,trl, say, this Im the last one. My
son Is coming tome fivat Xale.'Tor
at all events always Wish liar 'L 0
,'Whil.t. Is tile difference beevedu a
girl riding tip it hill and a mail
':RD takw notes oil every convor-
wtion Co hears, Itild solun tillies lie
Ilia vilen,tion In a few days, and my
marry a, loTer and dmirer of tile'r
sex, but a man whoamailly' talls in
giving a young lady a dog? One Is
lanOt repeat Ili$ vigil (lay after day.
hiia4and Is coming oil from New York
with 131M. You must not call we up
lolve with women, at flist might,
tak1jig a inilop lip, and one - to giving
A,q a vule Ile A -look; not IL-.),ve to Wait
under any circumstances after t-baf,'
never. There Is no steadiness In that
a 1&41 a pup. You see, It-isin't limit bad
many ),oill-ro, bcoause the Iyarstins who
I'll Do dolirn ii,t..rLSO 'thIs'.evoning, but
man, no solidity, no relliLbility, no'
,%lim you .R,top and think It out.
jjk4a tk,o toiciplicine ro cklosi,ly are Lit
NV6,11 have, to Abandou"gur Mile din -
possible fidellty In him. 1-10 is or-
the Inatrument about its of as
tiers. lVif )too bad, Init yen know
ilatle and unmanly. lie may be a
A, purely local skin disease. Ili cured 1)3,
tLey Call filid tillia ,
"Not 'Long ago 11 Complaint Was
whell 010 eat vol)IP14 home tile mouse
good po,et,.a talented artist, avery'
Weaver's ('evitte alone. But whero tile b1c)od
malle by a mail on liarty lInV.
must keep Iliddell.,
good actor, but cartainly will
lFiloaded Avith implirlty,.tilill galturleale,
tapper kiio-vr per.re(Aly well
never 'be h ffOD(1 husband, not even
Wonvor's also should to uAled.
a vVry disgusting
He isald th.vt ,
W , oil about town, and
jl,�t is gainti.
a * docent 0110.
cOurUqIIIjj. was living carried on
could tell malay sitc,6NI, All Is a close -
There are Women who are proud
to any that Alley I inspired axdent love
over till+ wire, and Unit hIs wife moittlie.1 fol!ow, bow -we;., anti knows
and dauglitel. Could not take down IL In �,cirt to lvaep aLlil. If tile people
at first miL,ht. �rliey should net- be
the wire w.1thout hearing some
Who up,- teleplioneR knew they arn
. proud of If, for It is onlyj the love
i X
thing they should not hear.
"Tile ta�per ,wimg seat out to 111-
tofflag thnit, i4(,orips to a tapper as
of 41 reflecting, lofty. inall 'th'at
,should make a Woman'proud, Men
L )
yestigate. Ile rigged lip his instru-
.erpon �%t the other
well Its to tile p
and or the line thily would be more
may feel immediate admiration ter
gj� - ,.j- - _.j,.�jL2
ment and Ml,'t dawg to Wait. All
j 0
afternoon lie il,tu k to his post,,
"Tapr-ors t1,:miHc,Ivc.q Say that
a woman.
in jile presence all certain beau-
_p. _j_pz�j. .
..A, L .
hearing only ilia orders 91V'en to
i dead men atilt teli-pl.iollo tappers tell
tiful Women *1 have felt ready to
HOW Malay of you know anything
tile butelfer, the grocer or tile coal,
no, tales, lint the latter keeps a re -
fail Into ecstasies of admiration, as
abDut the planets? I am sure Most
man. Finally, the - - evening,
' eord of what N-3 learns .atilt In the
I have In tne presence of Niagara
or -,you. kno%v.vlaary Iltt!e, except their
sdicir,fly before dinner, t1ra bell rang
r,icio,-.\! are the names of Some people
palls, Vesuvius in eruption, the
Venus Mllo., o,r uji.y. other
liani:x, alk.1 yet. the Su4jecit Is a most
three thliV,.q. Tdir tapper looke4lat
Ilia notebook and learned that tilt,
wha are supposwi hy their friends io
1'0 of goody-goody sort.
of grand
Ina-sterplece or nature and art; but
Intorestinig one. Man I)Igileas of the
call IvAo for tile hmin of a Nvell-
"It's a pecullar kind or ,work, at
Y havii never relt that I pould, or
plancuLs W one of tile most interadt-
known family. Snon the click ivaf;
nn.v rat-,,, an,l oia! of which the public
must, right away Implore them to
or lot me dle at their
Lng- things abolitt thelm.
Ilelren are a few facita abu,ut Jupiter:
heard its a, receiver eania from MIA
hook, and a young womant2i voice
k1ruwR nothing."
marry. me
feep., To fail In love at first might
Is a ji-6,t prood of weakness of the
Jupitc-P is tile fifth planet froul
tile suin, and revolvos around It lit
OLLIILKI Out, 'Helloll
1, Ip% thin Ifiss - ?" asked a mas-
lit Perfect Accord.
.'ionic, ngo illore cal'A to an
mind, of urter absence of sell -con-
troll, and or wrotchled unmanliness. I
a in -211,11 dietaneal of 488,000,000 miles.
XLM yeax is almost twelve of our
Online voice. . .
11 'Yea," went the answer over the
American city it dallglitful, Uerinan,
Harr von Blitz, w.'10 inteado.'d to sup-
,bqlleve I may affirm, without fear
years, or exactly 11 years, 10 montIrs
and 17days. T.haL 10 to say, it t . akos
party line, 'Is this yen?' askediho
the inan by
p�xrt liftaself I)y givIng lonqonfl In
of contra.dIctlon, that love at first
,91gh,t has never pToved to be love
It, tliat;L long to mak-D a complete re-
2voullg w0man, calling
name.. You �Isee, ,the tapper had
Iliq Ilattye t,Dnk
rucl. 'Minji lie had
beeil fivre n,nd had
oir long durat-loo. - ;
1�,clw eat), Wo imagine t1rat La. solid
voluticial around the sun.
Its diameter is 88,UOO miles.
learned there In a minute wife were
the guilty partlea He remained at
.iievvila,l m-'niths,
sectived st, modarato, number or pu-
affection may be the continuation
its -volume is allout . 1,300 times
jC1,rirt of tile earth-lio wollder It is
the receiver ,tn,,,l heard it conver-
that I wpuld not repeat. 110
Pill'-, 'hV' w`011L "-;-` (1- t , the mothe
Ily o. r
Of Ono of thAIIIII, and, to bar greax,
of a. caprice felt for a, person whom
Ivad never seen Wore and of
called "our Ift planetary brother.0
let tile couple flnis-ft their conver-
' oniprine, askvd for her daughter's
wboso, character yotv tire abaolutely
ILS day 15 0, littlti, less than toil
hours, ii; longLI1.
sation, and then returned to tile
complaint office.. Next (lay, notice
,hand. In marriage. .
: "But, Inv- dear sIr,'? sald olie, 64 A
ignoTant? In certain cases affec-
tion ma,y. fOIIOW IL first impression,
. IC movIl-i ont Its orlf1t at the rate of
a Seecyll.d.
w,As served on the people who 11V�;j
aughter Ia,s no fortune." *
(1, I.
', 'nit'
bu-t only when alko can Inspire am
olight miles
It Is 800,0000,000 miles irom us
in tile hloti-Re on the party line that
the tolophlone iiiii,st not be used Eta
Ml;ior r-miled upon'lier In an
1 1DXP,lIlslv0 generosity. I
illuell alfcctiOn, by her mOrJt as she
could producel it good Impres9lon, by.
when it anJ the earth aeo On tile
sa-ma skle or tire suit.
It had boon in th`P pa.st. The young
: "�H:,. ino !" aa ill lin'realesitringly, -
i I.
her charms. Only In this; case call
Its light is sometimes so J)rIllIant
woman pritcutcd that tha had not
talked over ithe tPlepharle In it'
I And altimugh wo are not riell,
w6 Ilmytt Llim, for IN'_ -e') 'A)'11-, U) give
love bucomo shiccro and pvOrOlInd.
TO form tit olfco it. charming Imfircw-
Qia.% it casts a shattow.
insan weighing 200 polcucla here
week, but wilell note.q on tire anti-
liar (,Very c-amfort. r;he is, Indeed,
sion or a -woman 1,; not to fall madly
wo.ul.,l wo*ll 5G.) pa -ands on Jupiter.
versation were shown to h -pr, ulto
aroqo naid In(lIgnantly Bwept from
u.-vd. 1,t.- luxur.v." � . . .
! "11,�, too!" ira.,; ill() i-nalling re-
lib love With her.
Hoir mucIll prefera,ble I.,; that love
A -wob o� v'o'.,I,.t ali long its from the
eart,11 to tili-, nio,in; wouO fall short
tile roalln-
joinder. '
gradually Increasing through the bet-
of ,olitil-cling the great planet. It Is
Santo Laughable ExPeric"Ices.
fl'err vt:,:l Mil'u. �Olol will never
bt, nblr� to inqn.-ire afralr,K."
ter kn��4,ladgo of the beloved one I It
clihemeral. fancy,
flatiloned ai the poles ftud jiulges
at thlo caustor, owing to the speed
"The tapper often inuoto with
laughable ex1wrIflucas. 0.10 of thetal
I "Ali!. tooll, rejoined tha )Over.
Is no longer all
but -Lt solid arrection. In order to
or Its rotary motion, and it It rot,%L-
wall; senji; ouit t,.) Invest.1gate -tilt,,
I 6, .%)Ill I feel (441goa to toll yov
love well and truly you must know,
etj ill little faster, it eoald not keell
case witerc at mail waS it, the habit
' il�at Illy il-titighter Imp; a very jlIgb
. .
itself togeLlji,yv, but ,woukI burst and
or mv.earing it great deal when us-
i te�nlpvr."
I 1, 11
WiT112). AUP111alli a PJLVAAAAU�
lady of Richmond, Va., a great
sufferer with woman's troubles,
tells how she was cured.
CiFor some years I suffered N�ith
baelcucho, severe bearing -down pains,
loueorrhmal and falling of tho,w6mb.
1 tried inany remedies, but nothing
gave tiny positive roliefl
11X commenced taking Lydia V.
pillitijolui*.4 Velketable Conipountl
in June, igoi. lVilen I had taken ilia
first half bottle, I felt a vast iw prove-
ment, and have now taken tea bottles
With the I-ariult, that I feel like a now
Woman. lVicen I commenced taking
tho Vegetable Compound I felt all
worn out and was fast appronehing
Complete nervous collapse. I Nveighed
only 08 pounds. Now I Welgh 109N
I anal. 4 ant I I * .
gladl tostif to tile no ts ro.
cej�cd.11 -'Mits. . .Tut,x.%.X,4231Ve15b
3 , " � and, V-%. - $6000 forfelt if
6 latel. 6 aboue letter proo/ag genuineness canftof
b roducc .
'vVilog A iiiedlehie has beeli sitle-
coligfIll Ill jkloro thaili a willion
Cases, Is it J118tice to yourself to
Say. withoixt tryin�it, 461 do not
IiRtlnwo it, - � - 0 1) 1116"? "
slive4v vott callnot %visit to re-
Ailtise adilress
, Answer cllow-
Cost alll letters
'y .410.1c. womeriv
ast tile klkowl-
tp your case- i
costs 110thinge
he spreat-.1 oqit on the les like a
Ing, the telepli Will. After it 1,>pg! If.,. too 1 Me, Lon.,
cowt, of pit -111t.
wait *IthOut lli:,,arlag 111.111, olleday, T -11 -it W.1- ('11olig!l. Tlv� mother re,l
Its ,la, I Va a1*0 a(> short, on tt&ount at
the rapAlty of Its rotation, that Ito
Iva left. (,roing bauk tljt�� lle.vt ,day, tirrld froill the volltvM, and tile pro -
1I.- liall, rV-rur Won, Ilia N. nit.
year colvLaill-A 10,155 Of them-
Ile 1740 laorc sucev"ful. I
liandly taken ill) 10'.9,watell"wh(lil ___
Ali its axis iS Vertical, it has lie
like ours, tile most of Its
"to bell.raxig. Tj0 luall Ile Wa* Ili- Aleii Vbo Islow, the World.
surilico enjoying p3rI;oLual spring.
Was calling another Inall. I
IITj!la, ineil wore at ouis, It Novinoll, .rhe wotld may ba dlivided ints
.r1la C!ou(ls In its thick atmosoliore
and begatai quai-rcling and swearing I t;, -o clao,sos. Thu fusL k composed o*
take tile form of iminoinic bolt on
at each other. 1.17.1w talk �,00n bVeatue tilf, gruat Inali'i o; n1w:s withol.,
which spots appear, both belts and
farlous. . 1. I i-teong anIlIlLiollS, nithotit, strontr
spots being piltinly visible through
,I 11 11 not .NLnut) for your wily a," (10- lyrilivil4om, w1thont rither Clio nco,�
a telescolyl. rj�ale attilosphere over
the ptill,-ttoll jiloves faster than that
i,ng, and. I'll tako a punch at you ill#-' I Or IlowP" to think. OlAt things for
of the I tlI,-nIliIVc�;. llv-y aro to
north or south of it I proddeimr, ilia
first time' I kioe voll" sald Ono Content
M(',Jn, `WItIl a llb(ll.111-1 1qllpPI',V Of oathg. I JjVp, ail it w(;.0, fk,oal h.tell to mouth
effect Of a Violent Wind Conlitantly
-If yell 41a, your wirt, won't know , -Ili i.o tar aii they art., viruiciam, lie -
blowing Over its equatorial zonnat
,yrin whell You go bollik',' the other re- f Ili-- their dati.-ti; lit sn far a4 their
a velocity of 250 InIles all llouv.
. _ ai7l Xic-lou." a%oldlilig theill, NVILb, no
jortp4j, .Llj(lwj,�llJIjg it f(.%v binoking "
Jupiter liar, five innorn;. Three Of
opitiletS )XILWeen tile other %vortla. I Ill(III.Ily hit() LIL! (IN-liall' rviti,011k; Of
them are much larger piau our moon,
"Tho, yarl):11 11114-t grViv hotter. The I thingii. and tit-- fun-lainnLal differ -
and one Is litri,wr than the lylanct
ta,pp,�r hall ilia namil of One of till-, I vnen betwtvn NirLUr !C11.1 Aile. Thell
lil,rcuty. having it dimater of 3,600
nillps. I.Pho nvaVeRt Is 1.1.2,000 Milos
Ill( ... I licit tit(., OtIlpe Ile, (Jill not kilo%v. , spe.all(I elftlis I,, it l3oullialativelf
nj��'jj(� flatilly got It, Tho eolivorNit- I sniall nue, though it, 11-tilit-i cannot
I'l-onr the lilauct, and tilt' favt1tent Is
tion kept oil until OTIO called tile 1 b(, tiviltiod with ,t-ny great exact -
I 180,000 liffles distant. Tilt! 11100118 F
other somp klllrl of'a liar. I ness. It consists of mvil, with minds
GaveL over thcIr oebits with Ntiryinx
-c 41,11 -WIlJp y oil tot- that, or Illy I n1l(I %%Jllr Ro ite(J."I that thoy ean-
r, p,-. c - d. it Is probable that theYare
11,itula, jhn,t__,I yt-jJ-%d tile unknown, i ,lot iaki� tia.,:,,.-,. thu:; cittit,tty. ,rhorq
Inliabited, -,ill they have ,'tit fttlnL)4-
an(i till% ta.liper Inill completpil 111.4 arc, ,two (IlletsLiollS, one of WhICb
Irliere, and Fialue of Clio requirOnjonti;
chain. ,No eoinpi-tints have Oneo 1wen
. they will itHk. and Very ci.tmi both
for sustaining life, IL st'01118 to b'! it
made, by P0r;-0Ia,K (311 thAL 11110. Tile of till -al 'vVivit nwaning ean bti,
world lit prooceib of formation-evol-
tapporla work pilt an cald *to tho ilig- Willing Old of Illo.? and how Can vi e
Ing In pl-ci.ani.Lion. for thn racti that
agrcivable converpatlont'. ojIrs�,Ivptj w-iing wit tills invati;nLypi
I It
may, in tile future, occupy It,
-.of I, It vvry oft<111 happella
courm Theno till, int -11 'whl). In .it gMttt�-
has beoii lifil-I that J1111.11trr reprv-
t1lat tho tvppVr waii-4 vahily for 111:4 : or lomm d qgrv.. npproach the Idealla
sents to -morrow, the earthy to-fla3r.
.j-lLv. of livioimn. or ofgvidus.
parties, but lie hoara onough. of the. � Or sit,,(,
and ill(.. moon, y(fiterday.
fliqvilto liffalri; of people to fill it - ,illn-in, Ili" ilm ni4lt, of Ili(, Carta, the
,If a mail Vould slanil oil tho ninon
(Inz(..,, suVjI notelleol.t.4 aN lie Carrion. littl,.. lo-.tviq), lotl - in a barrol of
neareal; to Jilp!tPr, tile 11114vt:1,010
110no, 61 tjIP 1114-11 wali oil it 11110 not I int -til 11"ItPHs ,lilt, UW PRAITH or th"
prVR;1Ilt4'tI WO1114 IW 1111tantriLtint ho-
long ago wlion tbo boll rang, and it ! nol-ld. and I*,-..- Ii`(-IL-,tIrvR"aI.q0 the
yonil words. JurI1,14' \%()"Ill I)re'pllt
young wolliall Itn"Were,il the 'pi:011e.
Loyolas and illo 11 lith.inizi. Tlvwc,
it In% nillous dilik Incite than 3,000
ampagne, Nlllwll�y by wholn
Talkett or Ch. , ary 'that giANI 1.
tillneo the sign or oul. mocill; whilo
tile spectacle would bo (Ilvemifledby
11ow,114 your Irivol lo-day,drarlv"' ' noliVE- 11111111 111:'(111olli alo eol�yowtvtl
had'fl;o! into All.iLl. goivrn ar 1) hu. Ili'. o r -hewn
ilip other four worldh movi ng aroll 11 11
n.Kkotl a young Ina -11 IvIlli,
othor ond of 04. I'Me. 4. I Ill ILCLIOU bY (--\,l_W',1I,l- 11Y W110111 tit')
ill thell. orldis, mil all eallipmrath-My
" 411',g w4 a ballolon. I voilld livar wt)I.I(I it, taught aml ulioin the
rlosj� to thn obseiver. Thelie m0onq
challipagne oark,, pappling ill, nigill, IVorld fk)Ilowt4.__AV, 11. M-allock.
havp it varluty of Color; twon ry It lu I
. ... . . � .I... .. .1_1 ...-.. ... . . . . . . . � . �
ono Is ,yrl 11 ant, ia rod. 3upl-
I"", ,
- - --.-.
I __ I
� . __
it. J..Ww.b..----4za==az;����j.LZ-Wdhmtmmwmlq.
tor SpIns Ilk,,, ill tile ciptitre,
tilt' means I'Mill art)XIII(I i�. Mill till'
I I __ I .# il I
, .. V"'.- . .1,k.
Never Put 00 txill To -
Whole procesvioll swvell.i� throtill-11
the sUles at the ratc of 500 litilv:; a
� ...... %..I'- . .. moTromv- Wl%all, You I
Yet the diseloNtiro of .111 tills lt,liv-
I . .
Can Do To-day'll
C.I, �i;L-Ill and NtablMy, Is but ollier-
. .6- 1
lji� the watibulo or astrolifililY,
I - .
11 '. A 'r-cio.,--wo,�.'en rencft� will
Country Cobbler.-Whv, your 1'evlbr-
011ce, your Isermon to -day wali till
agatrist dancing.
i,tlo#t_You tintl I art, old, so it
(II(In't touch us.
Cobbl8r-111 I but ,vou ove daneinf;
wears alloes out,
- -
I � � �� ,-,,,. cost thO jteLVMC-_ frO2Vk 400 tO
. t �_-. . ....-..,. . . -rocl. T.1 -Lo G'Wnet�,af I&
, 05c j"r
SELRMUK V11t,NVE V1.4C1.X1k1,TZ 1,oeAllds a botter
; 1,01-Acc Q -.-A the posts at a Cost of 250 to 35C P4?r
: da*6 **V;:*e_- for a cautlogue and JDO IT TO -DAY- . .;
- SELI-01XX IPZNCZ 00-0 W611o,ftids Out.
N. 1.5 I - V. " - ��,i� I 611110111110001 , a I All I 1A. I... !,.�W 414."i A 11 I V- 11 11-1 , 1401,114 611 1; '. ll. . i 0010111111"