HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-05-07, Page 2W011:1, 1 �11! 1111 ,I; .,� , , 'd, , -""-� , , � - .
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I R Dau witil soltdo MUM ,
An English VI.Ator Tells of AIQTQ,,QQ's Ruler-$Qmc
Now I -
I Ur.1tement Naedt4 HverY ]Day-1310yclo .51049111-
14 In$; On* Armonictit; 1304r Minting With Flrc`WQr1c5
4 ,
# Anotbor
+ _ -, . � . . ____.__-_--_____IL ------
"Como to Uarakeoll. and sed the
111,111t0d OqUI)IOX
Vttltan, Uo"Atho befit fullow ,you ever
trila, Sultan 1res overjoyed. It
mot, but It's PA tough, contract to
g,-IoLcanliad not lalreAdy U0011 COW-
iweiv Jdal. amused. For goodness sake,
nwrider-In-Chlor of the orm.y I be-
think Ot oomething freell in tile
Ilevo be W.>oiltd .Uave rewarded him
aunisemout )tile I"
with that "ank on the spot. The
1111tat was. the message I got -tylac
ponies were ordered out, the boars
In Uorocco In 19 � 00 trout -to Nnx-
iet loose, and we wounted And light-
lish frieltill of mine who Nvao then
ed our viltilbo.
holding tho. position of official tn-
It was thes wildest, queerest and
tertaluer to Mililalt Abdul A251% Pill-
inost Irideserlbable, scene I ever wlt�
tan of Morocco. All I knew my
llcf�sed. Imagine, us, yelling like
Jormer ofthool. chum for a QOXIJur(ir,
manlacs. riding tit breakneck gal -
4 mind reader, a hypnotifit, apbo-
lop over the, bouldera and rute,whirl.
tographer and a jolly good follow
In a IjjxIf a dozen Other different
lur our fireworks over our bjeads,
-.%lid chastug those, boars Or011ud And
waye, I wondered at bIR plaint.
Tho more I thought over It the
around tile courtyard.
It was a, miracle wot were not Wt
more I marvelled, and 00, At last,
1 Aade up my mind to give tip Illy
killed, Into only person hurt wag
pla-110 and accept the Invitation,
tllo� Sultan. Ito beld a squib -by tile,
Illicittle. 14aturally, he burned -his
And that Is bolv I learned of E�ul_
L�lu Ualj,jy,s h4rd hunt for fun.
fingers, and began to think, that tile
I arrived at Mitriliketill one Sultry
gamo,wav not sue -It ar nice, one after
alternoon.. Hardly had lity friend
giepted me, when Ile rushed we off
Not a day Passed wItuout some
tc, gee tile Sultan, who hall exprossed
new amusement, As for tile cares
,it desire to seu tile stranger as
of stato and the government Of tile
soon vs Ile had entered tile palace.
country, nobody iecimed to worry in
We found His UO,JeatY In Elie HIM-
tile least about them. Certainly. the
tile of ag immense courtyard In the
Sultan did not, at that; thile.
liatace. He was learning to rido
Large quantities or mechanical and
the bicycle under the InStructi011
scientific novelties had been Order -
or Xald Harry Xaclivall, a Scottish
ed from Europe -Abdul Azlz ly.ts just
soldier of fortune, who cbmulauds
4, big child, with unlimited monoy, to
tile army. He bad Jubt reculvea a,
spend on toys. One day be
large consignment of ,cycles from
the principal mailers In London and
I.rrieti all Automobile
Paris and lie had made lip his inind
and nearly blew lilmsolr up. Then
to master tile machine tivan It bb
110 soon smashed It, a.s lie owashod
.smaii,hed every one In Morocco.
everything. The phonograph sent
Now, the courtyard was more like
bin, into destasteg, but lie jr.as not
a dry river bell than anything alsoi.,
thoroughly happy until 110 Palled it
From end to tijil there was hardly
to pieces to see where the vetoes
tell yards of smooth ground. Where
Came from, I
there were no boulders there -were
My friend used to amaze tile un-
ilf.ea, rvita. and where ,thero mere
soph isticated �Toors by file conjuring
neither boulders nor ruts, there were -
tricks, Ills ventriloquism, and Ills li.yp,
small Ite."s Or bricks.
His Malasty , had smashed three
notio seances. They thought It Was
tile black magic, but f ho Sultan Was
tine machines when we arilved, an(]
not taken in. lie has a shrewd mind,
was I I .
or u, skeptical turn. no made my
Himself Considerably R
friond show. him how to do tile
After elvilitles had been exchange,l
tricks, and. before ]out; lie became
wit It a It tile fine, oul-raeldoued Woor-
pretty good at parlor magic lilm-
foil couttesy, nothing woul.1 ount(nt
seIr. � f
him except all of us riding.
Photography Interested the Sultan
"Wiere are plenty of machines," ]to
Intensely. Ile -had a. magnificent 48 -
.said, cheerfully. "lillbore. are over a
sortivent or claineras, and soon learn -
hundred, and we will smash them all
eld'how to twe them, although In, dO-
if you like."
Itig so lie broke .One or the tencits
of courst-, In Morocco, the hultall
or tile lKomainmedan religion, ,which
Is He -Who -Must -be -Obeyed, so we
forbids tile representation Ili any
moluitect our machines and did our
torn, of an.v living person or thing,
beot. I am a pretty fair cycillat. but
I Ili, liked being photographed, but It
I calne. a. cropper over a big rack be-
-had to ba 41ono, oil the qu.lot to avoid
fore I )lad ridden thirty yards. Soon
raising a storin among tile railatical
illy maelinle was hopelessly owasbod.
Moors. I .
amuft I bad ,to take another.
The same mlsbaips befell theL-Sultall,
One day lie was photographed In
a curious' way� It was v6 solemn
Raid MAcLeaA and the court enter-
tainer, aju(t I am safe in saying .-that
. feast day. Irbe populace asserabled
by tho"U'Sands'autsIde the palace, and
In the liour the Sultan kept us
awbeel *e succeeded Ill hopelessly
tile Sultan, who, as head of the Mole-
kite seat or the Sunnite Moliamme-
wrockLug a dozen bicycles.
At the erd, Of that time t -he Sultan
dans, Is Pope as well as king, lit
Morocco, had to L -o out and Mass
thought the sport *as not suffl-
them. �
elcutly exciting, so lie suggested that
-we vary it by ridizig into one all-
Against the law lie permitted us
at-ber and geeing who gothuxt most,
to be present and witness the vere-
many groin behind a screen which
Even that p4led.on liltu presently,
and b6 sent for Romme, of Ills Ministers
hid us from the people. An the Sul -
I .1 a coujAe of venera.ble 7gray-
tan blessed them, My friend, tile
bearded -alemas, and made them
conjurer, I
cycle, too, despite their piteous pro-
'Took a Stiaplimhot
tests;� � .
of him with a tiny kodak, whion be
&a they. lla4 mevor -seen cycles in
had hidden benen3fh Ills coat, witl
tbeIr llv6s'before, they were better
the lens exposed through one of the
hands at tmashlug them than any
buttonholes. It lie had been detected
of us, and before that afternoon was
lie would probably have been roughly
over the courtyard wao strewn with
handled by the fanatical mob,.and
wba;t nad once been the finest ma-
tile Sultan could nardly have saved
olilnos In tile 'market. Altogether
hiln. i, I I
we must have kininshed nearly fifty
ess toys Im-
eyelem, C
. After we had rubbed ourselves
ported from Europe were ,severa
fine rifles and revolvers. These the
with Wment and changed Our tat-
Squitan understood, for lie had been
teired clothes, ilia Sultan invited us
to Inspect his now blilla,rd table,
trained to arms from lite youth, like
wbich had Just arrived from Eng-
all tile Moobs. I have never seen
i a finer shot. He has nerves of Iron
lamd. We duty admired it, felt the
an d'an unerring eye. .
cushions and rolled the balls about,
One day he told my frleni 3, th
lmd. Ilion the Sultan put us lit a
conjurer, that he twould .
claawlary by asking.
"Well, who is going to teach me
- $hoot all U 99 OCT01) 0Jr His licad
how to play Tl
without hurting him. My friend na
AS It 31appemed none of us was a
turalir suggested that' he shoul
billiard player. I had ))amdled a one
wake the experiment with some
onee or twice, but knew practically
else. At, that the Sultan good nm?
nothing or tile game. My friend, the
uredly ealled up one of his officer
court magician, know less. We were
i and did the trick again and again
-svondering what the Sultan would'
say about our igmoranoo, when Kald
Then lie made the ofricer, muel
I arlust ills will, sholot the egg of
MacLean gallantly stopped into the
It ruler's august heads whiob th
wari did auctessfully. .
III used to pla,y whoo 1,'was a boy,"
Afulay Abdul Azlz etruck me a
he snl<t ',bat I haven't handled a OuP
being Ih every way, a capital Lei
for forty- years. However, beress'We
law, a thorough oportsinan, and a
table, and we must do something
with it. III try to teach your Xa-
excellent type Of khe Moliautmodal
gentleman. no is generous to
jesty." .
fault, brave w a lions gIfted wit
After ire ]lad cured tile SuitAn of
to the axon"d
a good deal of native shrowilnesshis
to Tearn the ways or tit
desire owing cue,
Ids head like a club and bit tile ball
anct eager
great world beyond the borden
with the butt emd, the game PTO-
of Ills own country.
ceeded. it lasted a,bout three hours.
The Moors, are an' intensely fana
and then the Sultan
tleal 'peopfe, land tbeY objecite
Q I Gave it Up Ill Disgust.
strongly to the Sultan's daliblin
Ila blad torn the ii'loth Into ribbons.
brokem Ills cue, and only score(I
with -European Invrilt'Ong, which the
regarded as ne-w-fangled devices oeleven.
Air Harry had ma.do less thall
the Evil One. This, sentiment Iva
grawlngwbeig I was In Morocco, an
Mhtt ,way the end of hilliArdf, 80
Was One Of tile things that led t
I long" aiii I was at Ma,mkesb� The Sul,
the recent revolt, The Sultan 19
tan voted It too taito.
I Anxious to 'Viavill.
Next day the Sultan, w1io, told me.
and learn front Europeans, how t
thoic I had,woni him for it friend I)('-
I govern hill country In a Just an
ea(liom I kneir how to ride it wheel,
progressive m3n-aeo. Those J�uropmn
took me to we his prIV4
who, know him bedt say that lie ha
the palace grou-nde. I waf
In film the making of a great man
ough to adiiilre a fifie Im
4rch as, soon he his pI&y time I
J "We'll have them out and Chase
But Just noAv lie lR it young ma
them allout tile grounde," be Ox-
at: 25, full of joy of lite, cagerto Hie
claimed delightedly, overjoyed to
everything and (to everything, an
,have found a new amusement to ill-
anxious, to make tip for tile tiril
Vert tile blaglish stranger.
lost -while he was kept scheduled I
I batdly saw the beauty Of ill('
the harem, for tile first six year
sporrt. The tuars had magnificent
after ble tathev's, death by a Ble
white tusks and wicked Ittile eyes.
marckian Gralid 'Vizer, "Inive (lead
I tbought they looked Much better
He, IS never happy unles.q lie Is doin
Pelitud the ba.", but the sultan bav-
something fresh and exciting, till
Lag got the Idea, was deterinl�ed to
I 110 collkaino in ]till Twad its �Iluc
carry It out. He ge-tit for ponies aild
; devilment as it ocore ol lusty Ainerl
1;ppars, Half a do7en at us mounted
I eat college studento, and to STLtist
WA t ( ;� 1 . I : ' ' -
I this, longinp; for fun fAultan Mul&
The Roar4 Were Tot boost'.
1 AlAill 'Atly, has a treasury contain
�kff they stood stock still in the i Ing Millions -and tberp. li; no In
quieltive finance oommitteo to- all
court yard the f5ultah rode up and
gave on P IL gon'tle lyriell: on the slioul- dill (10CMI-AtO.-VIAllam Thorp.
I I —
der. Iniftantly It rualip(I at him, but
Ile owerved big horse aside ne&tI.v .
i ge it anotlipr prIek. Onyllig U, I Kor.til.
we dill tile sti'mo to tile rest of this I ,t Ilutoulman Is forblildeu to so
berd, and Saba the place -witer Ilk' -
halt a 410201i Spanish 14111 fightis r011041 It colly of the Morans and there
into Onp, yortunittely I had played
fore it toreignm who desires t
po,10, (in 41 go kileW' how illy (10119A Oil purchase tho saerf d boots must firt
homphack. My canjurinK frietul wavl coed so follows. 0o Into tile boo
it bad ridisr. and tile 11MAR V,`Ould, storeo having on your face it
Ilave r6lleA 1111n OV011 and OVer 11-911,11D
an OxIlresslon as possilbl
altall, if tile ,Sultan hwd not gonel
say to the pr )rlebor:
to, Illy rescue. i 41 stimt (or myself eternall
Ilia MajelRtv was In the thick of, � -Ona,T
I .
the serimulate all the thAP, dartl� r' Indebted to you It you will pr
i Rent me With a eolly or th's X
roandst fts it streak (1,
lightning and showing title pludc., ran."
I'll".kIly 1101,03y ,%Vill# hurt during tit#,
"As I gm a, dovont bollover."t)
fi,fterfloon ol plgl4tSet,clng, lint. there fircifirlotor will answer, 1-1 think
my (litt,y to assi,it uny unbollnv
were sout(l narrow escapes,
,t4 later we bmil a,; who dealres to InRtruot h1tuRelf I
A few pvexllnr
ThA NuIttin hail our Inw. Moreover, you seem tab
11yroteeilnic (1110play,
not scen $irlsworks !tiofore, and ofj it slorlonN In"tti, and I am convince
wmtsd t1loy
t1lett It Is not vain curiosity u-ble
Tickled Itim t4ke u. Child,
Promilitm ,Von to obtain a copy
tho x0ralt. Thprofota .1 ant wl
L�qt Sir Rilitif MiLeT,tttu had % bet-!
flog, to vialm ,voil A prP80nt W tit
tPV W-hftdd t* PrOV086.
'i 11911 I 'Value it highly, to
"J,ot lig havil tIlp boarg out agaill",
gfolifl Price for It."
Ito Afild. "And ('1110" tll"M '11"Ith Toll will t llen pat tho boolc in .Von
: , . .. V""""00.1". ,� 1, � �
--.-- _.- � - __ ---. - - . . I I - . . . . � I - .--- I . �. I . . . : ,4.;;_;, , I
, , . 1. �" I � .1 - -
: . ! �.', ", .1 _ �..747_:,!; � 4_ ITr _1 1`11":=':!=':::="'T1 - � � I . . , I I ____ __-, , - , . - _--__�
pooket, and u wtoute or two latev I -t had. Tho real orinact wfW h1s cfftnq RkAld, "U%Iol&, fbey NeQnl Alluost 11u. , rHE DAY OF
the proprigtor will say, "I olia,111
consIder myself eternally your debt-
'!)a) " t1VJJ # 1101;r 11fl) A,44 t04011ingff, Wjk" wol-4 Mail, (JOB' t tIloy ? *
I - , it covatant rebuke to their bypowley %'Ji -P Old Zlegro, w1th anlOOt M09110
or It you. will make we a present and w1okoftem 11, (At look oil Ills .ratle, rolille(l, I'lluinau'l
of--" naming a certain mum. . X L, 11A, UNXt,10N.,V4 14USSON NO I V1 Tdio, must qa6tully planned voll- Do$ alu"t no. motth human d40 I I$,"-
ir you thioN tire price too high
YOU ilia bargald with him, but
x4v -IQ, 1.003 apIraol agalnet God's .mervAnto or
work, -inuat come to naught anti fail
11arporla UaA,azlua, A
. __ I
must ttllko care not to make i'111101
— wlian tho-Lord g1rds Himself and 1111.
Irish woman (to old golitlema.0—0
$lightest allusion to the copy of
Tlielllot.tt:;xlii,ttilititl.-�Ictst.l*,I�-it- filtildY dorta4ce deliverance, It to ))Gtllluf-'
alro its a copper, yer lovor, for 010, 1;
the Kortin In your � t for In
Verseli 10.*. for 111m, to 41-rango tho datalls, foil
tovo or-- (8ef 111g. him put Ills hand I
=71 09 or It the = 0�011 111191
Commentary. - ConnootIng Lluko� the Vlame and bafflo +,li9 90131PI; Of
In blo wolotociat Ilooket) "NOW, may p
broken tile law". and It
would not be to re.
Tile, Iwiler captain gmvo I'Amel Portals-
H14 fQ&% I , � i .� � .- , i � . i ,
the blessing. of Ileavoll follow your V
*pnQr,I_(Q11 gr1litleman produceii Muff
good Volley
mInd , him ofthat rhat.-Itansas"'Ity
slon to speak to the crowdi :20M the
stalrb leadlill; up to the Matle- 110
, ... .
� eW%e�-,e-,�4,.-s.-0-^^^^!�
boX ii,ild walks on) -,land rilyor over. t
laldependeat� i
nindo Ills dolonso In tile Ilebiso% 1411�
I I 11 . .. I ...
. I- I . I.. ,�=
, , .
take yor PI -T -ho X-Ijas.
. I I I I I
guage. 1. Ile sliowed thlat lie had
been a zonionolloNy. 2, He d000rlb-
Fri '
The rlarkets.i,:
. -
Einployer-Yes, I advertised tOrA 0
'11illuk Will, f Ill tile I
oil tbo mannor I n ,which lie bacaraG :
Chrlstlan., vivid ,account
L,.%OY%-%1*4,f%r..,O%pw-tr.%O%.%,^ ::J
otrang voy. you , 0
bat ? L
Swedli,lt JLIrid --grocitti. Lays As '(It% all
& giving a
orfils conversion, With all lite 0111
�^^I,^^Molel � � ., � .. ", ... .
, �� .
AppIloant-well, I Jut6t thilt'hed Ile".
� " t
Ininoteein uppilliano out In
Viod(aigarment to lit- Burled fit.
for the JewwIl rallglont lie hail IQUUQ
1.10 told
Tovoilto kw-AwrIV Dlarlcct.
in cvthhr
40 ball,_St. Louis Star. t
In all parts -of ScAndlita,vin-Swo-
(lens Norway Anti Denmark - the
something rar better. 3.
U10111 thai lie, had been COM111101110110d
Uay !J.,_T,b0 afrCirlal�r,% Of grain oil
� . 4
bridegroom presents to lite be�
to Pro -tell to the aelitiloo, I.V,hoy
tile 4tilcot to -day "were fair., Wheat
stea4Y, buEdl`tIs 01 white Boiling
� . I
1 1 I
trothod a prayer book and many
Other gifts, which usually Include
llsWped ta ,111al Unit[ lie made tills
ritatimicilit and then they cried,
At 7"-1�61 WU busbels of re"i w1utle'r
14, . .
. 'LL
a goose, Site In turn gives Ulm, as-
11,�way wiialL such fu fallow lrom! tile
04 78 1-:40, 40A = bushel'; or goose
, I
at d7c. W -1,10y Ntoit,dy, 100 Neh!
p6olally In Swad�_n, a stllrt, and
earth, for It is not lit that bashoilld
t, e
'O' O' easkjr, 00 ,a
' '%t']
0011w9at 4"
" s
tilts be, Invariably wears an Ills
Ilve." Ole mob seemed to brOlilc I
V13 J30111118 at 25 1.2, tit tio.I.
X, I
t 4�
wedding day. Afterwillild he Puts it
fortli with greater fury than be-
Dairy pr0lico ill fail. sapply,. with
1. .. � I
away and under no circumstances
fore.-Lyslaff then coluMalliled that ,
V�ijw of ollooloo pou.rje�l roll butti,r aL.
- - . �
�� - is t"All .
will lie wear It again while alive,
Paul be scour ed e
,41 to 280, gnp., large rOlIg (it 16 to
. ;.� I 11-..."'," . t
Bqt lie wears It In lite gravet and
intention OI forI.,Ing froin lilm & c011-
jaoo. F,r,gg aesid At 1:1� I,.,3 to Itio A
. � I - . I . I
there are Swedes who earnestly ,
cession of Ills orlmea; ))lit wilon 13.4111
dozein. . I
I I .
A "/ � 0
believe not only I.n the resurree-
informed tuom that, lie was a RO-
nay tit modellate OILIIPIY. With 4ales
" . , I
- V
tiou or tile body, but In thOv0rItft-
tnan citizens instantly the thongs
of ozi lov,49 04 $121 to $1.1 a toll for
It; I I
t�l �
. 6
ble resurrection .or the betrothal
were dropped and lite o'lifety scoured.
tln;�tby, .Igad'4t $6 to $9 for mixf.41.
shirts of snolf. Ifusbands ar,
1. The conspiracy. against Paul,
Straw moler, lhvo loads selling At �8
� ; 1 1 �. . .
..wd ,
I . � — I . 11 6
never broken any of thoix mlirrl-
(vs. ul-15),
to $D a toffr. 1. , , .
. I
. .. I I r
490 TOW8. TIIQ SWOK11511' W140, "r
:L2. Was .lbj,y_,4hjtrsday, May 25.
Dreased boga are unchill)getts WiLl'
I .
N . 8
must destroy ou the eve of file seo-
and marrlage the bridal shirt which
Gauded tagethor-milde at) agree-
��;st. Under u. curse—LIterally
Miles a�t .0.435 to *833.
r,ollowilAg'. is thes rango of quOtA.-
I �
I 11 .. � t
his first wife gave him.
placed tbernselves under an anatho-
t IWO -'
Wheat, wblte, bultairl, 73 1-20 ; red,
� 1
I � . . �
- . I ,
, I i � . � . .
1 0.0--'411
at,,. it w". an. invocation or God's
vellgoil-lice upon themselves, It they
73 1-2Q ; Kamm, 07 Ito 67 1-2o ; oatL
.:..,.�!�.; _
PI.:..1"-,-.,T. -,.�,�.,_ �
- 11 .-
. . p, ..,:.-. � ..
�'�!�;-'A. .
":,Ii.t,..,�l".,:.,.",.�:",:-;,.,T', .
i'I."1i.:'1.T�'-.1.-�*1_1 .
R - .� " I ".
11.1 V. ..
, :.-,;.:
ralled to do the work which they
85 I-2 to, 863 ; barley, 421 1 -;*3 to 430 ;
, -by, per
5 to '783 ., bay, t1mot
� 1
,N-.-__ .N.... . ..,
-!i%:-,__ .-;,..,..
.. '. - ."..'.. '.. ..
- " . %; .
A " . . - I
tin dertook.
13. More than forty—This largo
[tamnis, ,-471 ,Ikl to $1-1-; mixed, $0 to ,40',
ott-aw, ,fS to $9 ; apples, per bbl.,
� .. . .. .......
. ..
I I . . , . t
troni a!llatoe with x;ecret fr4ter-
nitle, I
number or desperate woo, backed tip
LW th-ol Sanhodrini the highest coull- '
S1 50 to .$2.130 ; dreiv ", bogs, �'6,125
'i ,
to .18.7.5 ; agge, -new laid, 13 to 15o;
I .0 ..
I 1tp4lI1,,4 only 01,11nii. t(jur.intel(I In xllt-
gol. amo,nW the ,Tews, ,woald be like-
buitter, Oalry, IS to 23c; creamery,
lijildol!—Will you, dear—will you—
- . ... I . , I ; - ; -_.,
tk-. I . . . . .
ty to succeed Ili their murderous do-
rsign, and Paul's life was Ill great
21, to 25c , c4lakeml0i, Pei, lb., I:1 to
tu lb,, :16 to 0�00 ; pota
13a I -vkcyss pf,r -
willyou, dowling"
Katilorine—Oli, this Is so sudden I
I I . 1 4 I.
4v� .1.1 :
- - , I . I I — .
1-1. Mo iIlia Older priests—The Plot-
I -
. '10 to $1
Loom, 1yor 1;44g, $1 2 -.0'). .
0 It get exalted.
Xldder_N�ow, d n
rat making this; as slow aEl'I OUT),
i4s. -
.. -
. . ...'.
.. I /
o the eltief
beallIbIA whear'"Ailtrilli't.q.
I ,
. I .0
priests and elders who were Saddu -
M,11owing itre tive closing quota-
Ull1w Soyings or Ole, Little Folks.
1 .1
% I
�� � , . .
'coes, as they. were strongly opposed
. porta wAeat contros
tioina 4,t im -a L
Lit tio Willie was playing with the
. 1%
ta Paul (vs. 6-1.0) and would be glad
tc'-4�7. : I 4 1 .
kitten whop lie disoovered lie" Claws
�� 11
to seet him put to death. We have
� I lfrt�r, July.
7,T 8-4
for ilia first time. Turning to Ills
%-.. I'
baited, . etc.—Literally,, "wItIf Q
C urso woliave cursed ours:-.Ivea." A
AlTaw Ydrill I., ... 11.*_ ... —
C)II01190 ... ....... ... ... ;.. 787-8 731-8
mother lie exclaimed .1
I Oh, mamma I hasn't kitty got a
I It
Hebrevr mode of expressing tile In-
`110180D ... ... ... ... .. �. .1. 75 :11-8 727-8
Duluth, No. I north. 771-4 Tr 1-8
handy -pill cushion ?".
tensity and earnestness Or any ,ac-
klon. .
Uritish In.ve blocla Ala"R016.
A little girl 4nd boy were plw'lng
-,:,III /
15.—The coUnell—The Sanhedrin,
" 'or
Lomdoo, May 4.—Livo catiI3 cas.
Sull(lay school. One was organist,
, \ �
1 5
the greatest Jelv1sh Council. "It
was composed of soventy-one menvw
at 13. I-2 to ib 1-,,lia pen, 1b. for Amev-
Ican stears, dri,seed weight; Cana-
the other chorister. They got along
all right till the chorister selected
. �
bet -6, chief priests, elders of the peo-
than stoers,, 101-2 to 111-2o per lb.;
a hymn the organist did not know,
pId and scribes. Its meeting place
rarrigera,tor beef, ge pjDr 1b.
so she said ,q
tile temple on the east side.
Toronto lAive Stuck,
11 I guess we will have to sing tills
" 11 �
It daily- except on tile Sab.
bath and festival days.. It had all-
RX C.-Mle, cholao oNvt., $ 4 11) to 5 00
by hand, The organ don't know It
I .
. IN —
.tborlty to Intorpretthe divine law,
to daelde on the qatilifloatIgn of
.. ......... A 23 to 470
do cows, per &vt_ ..... 1. 3 so to 4 00
Infurior emys .................. .) 75 to $25
1 1 — .
Ruth , ago" five, was to speak. a
. I
� . I . I
priests. and to try. those accused
of Idolatry And IsRo prophets and
Buwherb'plphod ............ 4 60 to 4 85
do o0d to choice ........ 4 10 to 4 M
�air :110 to 355
piece , n ,bildren's day. While re-
hearsing, liar aunt and' others pro-
I �, . . .
heretles-11 . - I I
do to medlum .......
do,rough to common,,.. 2 76 to 8 10
1341IL', export heavy . 3.W to 4 0Jt_
sent applauded, explaining to her
that that was " oneore," and that
11. The plot Illsolosed (vs. 16-22).
'dolfght, I.."...... ...... 3 25 to 340
sho must repeat It. I
Cliolly—There goes tuat Miss Davis-
16. Paul's iilfit�-_r'ki 0011—T1110 is all
that we know of the family of Paul.
Feeders. short-keeo ... * ...... 4 16 to 450
do inedluin .............. 3 GO to 3 91
What, she weturned home, she ex-
. �Vhy Is It sh a always has bar plature
taken a In.
Nar de, w,Q know ter what purpose lie
do light .................. 300 to 3 6D
,91.ockors, choice ............... .3 50 to 3 75
11 oil, auntle I I spoke my piece, and
pro' ,Ile?
Miss Watkins—Plaln' enougli I, she
was r6t Jerusalem. It is possible that
Paul have .06 stater residing
3 00 - they uncorked me, but I didn't C
do common ..... � ........ 276 o 'a
1111oh coivq, each.,_ ....... 3000 Q ,O back it, i I
only has one diamond earring,
there; though, as Paul birciself bad
Export 6�ves, owt,�_ 4 20 o A
Bu eks, per e1vt """': .325 to 3 7b
. .
been sent there formerly f or his odu-
Graill-ted cllwq, .'vethers .... 6 40 to 600
Johnnie, being asked by Ills teacher
cattail, it seems moTe probable, that
Graln-fedbucka ..... — I 1. 1. 5 (0 to 5 60
to 500
to write the figure nine on the black -
tilts .young man was sent tnere for
t' ie same s Eleard—
Spring lambs ................ 251
Barnyard lambs ... ........ � . 8 00 to 100
board, replied that be did not know
4,TI ia secret Of the plot bad too
C.Llvolij Cach ................ 200 -to io ijo
do ijor 11) ........... 0 04y, to.. 0 05y;
. 110 you know bow to make. t�,
I 1. I
Some lovely frocks -have been seen
many I-,eepors to be well kept." In.
to the castlo—Thus it appears that
"' to
fro,rs. select, verowt.. . . 6 60 4 ' 0 00
iio fat. Der owt ........ 0 15 to 000
a 25 to 000
figure siv.?" she asked. .
11 Too," lie replied.
In the, rooms and. on. the terrace at
Paul!sIrleads had free access to him.
do Ilillb, per owt ........
I . .
11 Well."' she said, ,,write the figure
34onto Carlo a f late. 'A tall, smart
17, 18. Paul galled—Ro Ifad recelr-
' I
n ou will have
woman was much remarked. the
other evening, and her tollette of
ed Christ's own promise of protec-
-tian (v, 11), but he did not on that
The Cheese Markets.
SoUth Finch report: Regulax meet-
. the figure nine."
s dpa asked
mauve mousseline do sole (tile skirt
ep flounces and a
-account neglect to ava3l himself of
the ardinary weans. of protecting.
Ing of Fifich 'Choose Board held this
Number obeese boarded
him . .
" How old are you TI ..
puff, the bodice almost x,overed by
a magnificent stole of Irish gulilure),
himself. God's promise encouraged
him to put forth Ills own exertions
evening, of
500, �850 white, balance colored ; no
"Six, but If you turn me upside .
clown I will be nine."
was beautifully moulded. Her nock-
far Ills veaurity. Young man—We do
1902 nialco ot choetle. Owing to the
strike In Alontreal fantorymen com-
lace of pink coral -
was D, perfect
finishing touch to the tout ensemble..
not kliow wilether this youth was a
Christian cn, a Jew. 33ar do we know
. '
polled to hold over until next week.
Buyers p-rosent, Logan, Ault, 'Gibson
Framels ]lad a now suit of over -
at I s with . jacket to match, both of
A lovely Douoet gown, whIch I also
admired, was of capualit'llborty cloth,
the means by which he discovered
the plof,; it to enough far us that
and Weir. r .
The l6itial
which were well supplied with peak- .
- eta. A friend who had a camera
I trimmed with Milanese point lace;
round edge of skirt was a handsome
God was pleased, ,on tills occasions
t�a emplotZ a lad as the guArdlan an.
Realptylile, -May L—
meeting of the. .T<emptvlllo ,Cheese
snapped lt;on him and In a few days
delighted blib with one of the -
applique trimming of embroidered
gel of tile apootle.—L&nge. �Tlio prl.
. hold to -night. The offer-
BGard Wall J
Inge were very, small, owing to ilia
tures. With great satisfaction - he
velvet. *Sonla beautiful Worth model
gowns have been worn by Mrs. Wil-
soner—'I,k -name which St. Paul was
often 'afterwards to apply to him.
fact that- many.makers had pravlous-
counted the four packets, which were _
visible, and then asked,
) liam Ward, -who was the first to
wear the fashionable flower of the
self." *
19-22, By., the IlMild—To, encotttr.
ly contracted ilicir obe0stj 111), tO May
let. Bidding was at �4 84c for both
white, and colored, which -figure the
breathlessly and filmost sternly, as
lie put his hands on his bips I-
a day. that Is, fuschia. See that your
newest h.nd best of hats -to adorned
age, the j!&ting man .and to allay,
any feax lie might have, and as an ,
ealloolnen ,
wonid xi6t' consider at 6.1-1,
11 Did you det 'See POteltll In bat
here, too?"—Little Chronicle.
with it I .
Palest blue and every shade of
. .
� .
expression at kindness ��bd civility.
The plot was disclosed to Lysias
while the buyers' hands were
owint, to the strike of Ilongollot0inbil
- pastel cloths are a great deM worn,
with cleatriap-se and conciseness, and
and carters in Montreal, Tile board-
Ld offerings to -night consisted of
, I
anti always look charming to my
riAnd.—Uentote and ' "Monte Carlo
he appewredA0 know what to do
Immediately.. �
only 85boxas whIto and 3.86 colored.'
0. I
News. . I I .
nl� Title journey to Caesarea (vs.
Tho meeting was instructed by D.
M. Wilson, the xiew histruCtOi for
.. .
" SEV.EN NURS-1 ES.- ,
28-85). As soon �as the chief qap�
*taln learned of tile plot lie ordered
Ldfautry 70 to -be
the Xemptville rwndlemte-
Lancaster, Afay I.—Tivo hundred
I \-- .
I �A
el i1R\1
400 and cavalry
anti sixty choose wave offered at
-, - I
ready to leave Jerusalem at 0
that "This
Lancaster Cheese Board last night,
. I � I t
, �
o'clock same night. was
all ,white ; 60 Banner No. I were
I �
Don't forget that the nurses Of a
probably the largest body guard
Paul ever had., , Roosts wero also
sold at 11 7-80'to Hodgson 'Brothers,
subject to cancella,tion by nooix on
. I
i Woman's beauty are seveli—fresh air,
to be ,provided for Paul and they
Saturday, If.,longsliorenten's strik-e
. I
. . I
sunshine, Warmtlij rest,, sleep, food
were to go with the greatest. des-
patill, to Caesarea to Felix thle Gov-
colltlnued; 800 not soffl�
Bradstreers Trade
. � � I
. �
k and whatever stirs the bloods be It
, 1. I
The letter Lyalas sentshows
exorelso 'or enthusiasm. .. 11
us that Its was favorably Impressed
Xore u.eaoe�na'hle weather has In-
G .,
a DoWt neglect sleep, You can
with Ills pr1soner. Paul probably
creased tile demand for summer
1__�,� V �
sleep yourself Into good looks. A
_ "
reached Caesarea by the next even-
Ing Tle had left Jerusalem never
Foods from Montreal Jobb=� There
lave been feir failures. PaYmol)tg
%, I' � .
'. I �
- long nap and a hot bath, will make
return. .
to *
have'))een good for tills season. To-
I ,
a any viroman more attractive, -and
Thouglits.—God's saints are un-
roilto wholesale trade has ))call a
little on the quiet (fide this -wealt.
I - I .
9 lift years from her shoulders.
X Dou't eah when tired, a,nd don't
der illit especial cate. Tile Lord to
abla. to overthrow tile plans of
Tbio.h&e l4eeh due to tile 00,01 Wea-
tiler -which has Interfered with sea-
I .. I
J - I
f work when tirp.d. It Is ti, mistake
wicked men. JVe should always be
sanable sales in the couttl'y' A t
. I I
s to go to bed late at night, rise at
re ady to assist those In trouble.
Quebec rvports trout the -w1iolesa.le
.1 I
daybreak, and Imagine that every
0 hour taken from sleep is an -hour
Even children can sometimes do
very Important work for God's
I e encouraging,
�pqlt .
� I
gained. .
people. ,
i��th as to sales and payments, Vic-
to, la-Vaneouvor trado eundlCona are
Don't give unnecessary time to.a
0 certain establighed routine of house-
Ili the uproar that occurred Ila-
showing come tuip-roveiliant. The out-'
lo:* for trade It? very encouraging..
d work, when it could bar much more
tween the Saddacees and Pharlsed's
Tile weather Jim) J)een favorable tot.
Allnistar—No, man should go into
8 profitably spent In rest and recrea-
upon Paul announcing himself a
seeding In 11-witoba, .111-1 tile hj,rgo
anything he cannot open with
9 tion.
Pharisee and a believer In the re-
inereaso 113 the acreage of wheat
. Don't sit down to ta.blck,an soon as
surreotion, he was in danger of
which ii,ns, already taken ji!ace Is aik
Jack Gambler—Row, about a small
5 you come In tkom work, or around
being torn in places by the can-
elicotiragirig featul'o M1111 prouilself
Jack -pot I I
of sodlal duties. Lie clown, or sit
tending factions. Tile able( cap-
Inereased prosperity for. Ebb pro-
It A- e 4� �i- 4, I, i# -1- u"itt
tain, who tvas responsible for the
vince. 33 luess' ill' wholashle tradc,
I �
The petito woman has had her day-
na If tile prophets are to be bellov.
it she %Vill very SOD11 be COMPolled to
Iva way- to her sister who Is I'divinQ.
Y, tall.11 AcoomIllIg to all atulnent
.slillan ,,the prevent ventury, %Vill
f6ess striking Changes In the coiu�
laratIvo ollysicities of moll Und wo.
oil. During; the two final doMidoo, of
lie nineteenth century tIlo -average
tature of tile American womaLl
Ilawod a gain of over via Inch. Willie
t let aboard to think Of an ludothiltit X
Ontlanance of tills progressions it
Probable that within fifty years
lie air footer foutiallip will be A t3oin-
non eight In our city stroats, and
lie ay6rage wascullne stature will
at ozoeocl 5 feet 8 Inches.
That tile Increase of rvoulan'"
lolght has been Quo to their onthus-
astio 114OP0011 Qf OatdOQV sports,
jannot be doubtlaill but why mililis,
tatilri) 8110,111d dwindle, Instead of in,
rensing or remaining In atatu quot
s not so susceptible of explanation,
vrites 1104art Webster Jones, In the
Lpril Housekeeper. Tho suggestion
hats with, woman's growIng predi.
action for a public life man has bo.,
ome of "a shrinking disposition,#,
nust be rejected as trillIng %vltll a,
orlous subject, for serious It to -
a man. Xqually unworthy of 0on-
Idaration Is the theory that "Mat-
Im011ial expenses keep a Ulan
bort.11 Whatever tile explanation
finely warolng should, be accorded
man that lie Is 0110irtly' to be "look -
a down upon." Whether h1gli-beeled
bocits or other artificial aide can be
ittlized advantageously by thill de.
throned monarch to maintan Ills
dignity remains to* be pra*ed. it to
tile condition of looking up to lite
wife that .confronts man -not tile
theory. And It Is a condition to
which many a busbalid would take�'-,4w
a tan-- time to get accustomed,
Charlie Wise--Wbmt would you do
It I kissed you? -44%(.
Malsle SwIft-I'd call papa and I
mamma. .
Charlie WIse--Qh, well, It you in -
slat upon having an audlanne It's
all the mine to me. I
vu -'ally, Isn't it, and Tory like tile
f five-year-old ? Any
Amerionn schoolboy of 'tail would be
ashamed to own such work; but the
artist Is no ;toss a notable than Hig
Royal HigItness the Sultan of Bfor-
0,000, In .Novembor Of 1000 Ardlia
90111101dar wellt to 4NIorocoo to. act as
the Sultax'4 Instructor In drawings
and found Ills new pupil an iuipn.ilerj�i,
wilful, grown-up child, who regarded
the American artist as somethlu- of
a magician, able to Impart ilia lio'wer
to paint without qlly long murse or
drudgaily It anly he would. Tile draw.
Ing here ,ohowai, reproduced from th(i
blay Ccotury, was a eketeli portrait
Of thD avtlst-teacuer macle during 11�1
one of the lessons; and, it to to be -ir
inferred ,doeu not flatter an Allier.
teal] cltlzpn. Mr. Schrivider remained
In Morocco until march of 1002, and
his royal pupA, all adverse conditions
considered, really niclite surprIsIng
In ilia Uny Ciiintitiry Mr. SollnPider
gives an accovint kiflils long littlinae'y
with the, Sultali, an experience 111GI
With Interesting, It often trying, In-
eldents. Mr. Schneider Is now on his
way back to Tangier. Whether he.
ever meets hiii royal pupil again will
depend upon what oondttle 19 prcvtlll ,
when the journey's w3niT 18 reached.
- �—_�__.
Modern Aphorisn%s.
Lave Is never found by sooking,and
It never otay-o tar pleading.
Seeing usn't always believing; we
see lots Of people wit can't believe,
Ulsters and roll-top desks. tilde n,
groat many. things -from the public.
.rho wo"I's ill.-tv , --I! place
Atter all, but still cuere is elways
enough to go round. .
The spots on a man's reputation
IT Is . I . -f 0 ' � 106k About &an ,.lines largur to oth- -
e you cad partake of your 41ii maintenance of order, had Paul at Ifaraitton, tills 4ribAlt hAA 81101irr banguagn, OrFlowcm,
d 4.1 -1 4 9 1,1-i. Uji I Iresoued from the Inob ,bff tile sol- ,roprovement With tile warmer wou. Acacias I'lose-10riendslilp. orls tball to himself.
0 . - ..r- - III— J " --
diers illid lodged In tit() castle for
tiler, it to exiteeted that thil, sort.
Alyssum, 6vr,eat - Worth beyo)id
R Don't . batho in hard water. Soorten
safety, Pat llrtul. the tower of
Antonio, Is the one place at safel.
HIIOW it luarked
Ing f rora thl.% Wt wIll .
li�brovement- INtalle".4 br-vO I:tjflli
. I
bean Ly. .
Aulbrosla-Love returned.
. �
- It ,with a, little powdered borax, or
a hardtal of oatmeal.
ty in all Jurtlactleirki.
ecimewhat HIOW In Ceriluti Rues In
g Dain"t batho the face AvIffle it to
The Lord ditood by him. -Once inote'
Is God's gervamt supported Vy the
tllLv c6linectinn InWaim! 0(3 - con; -
ilriv-1thOr 1111.9 )lot let W tit" brOnk.
Appla Alosooni-Preference.
Arbattfis, Tralling-Welcolue.
ll Ver�y warm or very cold.
It Don't wnslv tile face when travel-
obeeiring vNion. As the 3�.ord. bad
etoa,il by ani encouraged, bluf at Cor-
Ing of strrki nu f;tl-lv Iv, IIAllco-Xtor.
Tratip. colld.t"o-t'; ar .- �:o;vld, lilt I Ilw
11"tellelorIff liattoll-Ilope In ,IOV(N,
I . /
- tng,, unleas It Is with a litt)6 (al -
Intli, itud as Ila will again lappear
'r N , -Ij L Lon.lov
q1ttlOOk hf I "Oil'! 'ill%
lkly ZoafNO allange till death,
l3lox constancy.
, , .
aft�= . .
� q
Y cohol and water or it little told
cream. , .
to sustuln him In thes shipwreck So
. '
novV, amid turaultuatts1teftes and till-
Lhvre 10 a chcerall f!.11'1i1l,-,* In ,tilts
I ,
,(.11;iIng, trade over thn A ,Wlal out-
. . I
- Don't attempt to remove dust
- with. cold water. Give the tallo,Z
milnent blorlis, lie comes and uplifts,
aind comfort:4 Paul.. '
! . . .. i .... L
. lj�lc
, 'ok for In zill,,.w �1`.v,l- I 11.1;_
r, oil ptididy (If Illan'l I I Avitalcq'itt"
Calliu1stlY-Peullulno beauty.
I I f.
11 z
" hot batif'wItIl abap, and than tinso
TRia awilger Increa,sing. To make
tpatity elri4* .it oltwOl ihn It, A .
Carnations Yell ow-Disdai 11,
I .
� I
. , - k
tbor6ughlY ,With clear toplil or tiold
Paullo deetiractlon as sure no bunitol
wN, h- I-
Codar-I live for thee.
,Water. . , 11 I I I
powor 'or *vlaijo ,could mtka It, more
. . . . .. _
China, Aster -1 will tillilk or the
I/ I,*. -
Donit.rtib, Mia face, with too doarso
. ,- I
than forty men, wit'li murder In their
Von (if tile Pay. .
Chryvanthenturn 11one-111 love.,
Columbla, Purpio-itesolved
. . .. .
& tOW01. MrQ tit It ag �014 *01114 the
11(tattl0s, Wileted Into n Z011111111 Agrett-
li-do been found by tht, ,(,.ustis
to will,
if fbibst; porc@hIn, tondar)y,'d1ld' dell.
lliont tar kill him. They voluntarily
ooume�yuiora thtnt tbore are forty
�_ "
uttely. , .. 1. .
blittf-fliemselvcss witli it great ciath,
thousand inoto womea than men lit -
Oeranium, Rose' Preforence, -
,� .
Don't ba afrald (it sunsihino and
I Vowlaw to ent rothIng viltil they held
(401dell ItOd-runcouragement.
1. ".
i�_- - '. ".
a rreoh air, They otter you bloom
slain Pauf. tut how foolish and how
uPerhaps the enuraeratora t0golt to
Ill% wtb orn-11-ope.
N.. I
- and color,
w1okott to take twell all obligation 11
look In tbb clusets tot the Indiftno,
110lotrope, Ileravlan-1 love.; devcv.
I '...
Don't forget tbst hearty 'Inugh-
Only that whIch Is wrong nepA Itavla
wen who tire writing poetry,"-Chl-
tlob, , .
It; I I
a ter 19 a w>urce, or relaxatforl. So
recourse to dpoeption and framl; no*
thing is Po Open *�o ,Lite light, so
oago itatord-Ilaraid.
110nevp1tekle.-The boll(]
-_ I I ''.
I . ..... I 11 'L
I �,
i oughta'. a" those- of
Itic-pe, boality, trust anti love.
I trfl!!.4!,.fm:t, "a J'.'.f' (--r.QtJnn r, -I;.
Gruy-%ts, sbWs beautiful; she Itaft
111,1a�illtllll Mun-constwley. love.
� ; 1 1 �. . .
..wd ,
7 Imn't for t that btaut,j Is powev.
r0oll, It we desire to rullke vows lot
us lualco, them 1111to God and k4fte
tho MOO of an ungol�and the henet
of & flmd.
I V,V-1"AbhdsIliV; luatilmony.
11 .
0- There 0 hing more Potoint, It is
tol rig
tbom. but let us, bewitrit 6f tile wiolge
Doll -Oil, colue, now, you can't
T'lltin-41rint phlotion (It love.
, I
0, to ti, woman what capital la to a
mor0lant. Its absence IN ft M18ror-
gpirlt of the, age which socks to euc
t&ngla, ,Ill Ina,likin
, d In tile 111C101100 Of
meall t1lat, She hamilt a flend's brart.
Mly do you Isay rilloll a thing It
Ifflatlotorl-I f�ilrlllonl)L fill (lit fle.111-
I .
10 tune, Its culture *190 and ProVer.
, secreoy. Especially oboiAtl those %V110
Guy -Why, I twow tho Ishap, It's
witill."I be froo to tollow JPsus. Anil
Im'.11 Puffers tile worst cigarette fiend
Morhing Glory-Coquo try.
ill Not- As 1"Ad as A11401t he
who 4learre th,P illost tavorable moral
amd ApIpItual atmo,spbore, ucep aloof
In oil%- olub.-ICansas City 1yournal. -
01-allyto Plower -chastity,
(b Iva Jlffigt on .,.J&1l%
havit an,
d IfDo, you y hintivaymen,
troni a!llatoe with x;ecret fr4ter-
nitle, I
� A pti6minent phyAAelati of Phtladat-
p1fla wAill; ptamllug In front of One of
Plans�-Thlnk of nl(i.
lhlab 8weet-Departure.
. 4-341
I oil I,
It t here ? atked the thuld. tour-
� Isit,
I 1tp4lI1,,4 only 01,11nii. t(jur.intel(I In xllt-
tbil inankfty cagov In thin nionloy
_ � .
I. I 11 y6o", analvered Bronello 1301),
I torilig In lills opinion trilill. tlio, gaddu-
I eeal, and n1thongil t1jorn, wart ,one
h6aso Ill kiiii-inollut Park a short
thnit age), Looking about, lie mw all
The litontretal ettrP9nt0?W strike, .
wbileh bvolved over two tholl'I'llid
. , �
19111!" NBB'DrIn Ili'.
lit who was rAft-ding the papers that4eontluoly
11.1d In tile
� ground of lVeIM1 witli flin
r1l negra watobing tile ourioulf nu-
Ilit,411. ling bot'll apttimi. rphn annollneo.
,1113,4 Loan-lIatiler, IwAnt Illonoy
r Conic by 1vockly 11101-
I'llat eliper uji. Tlmy'm only (timt.
P11111-19000 AN 11tr 118 U10 PP,8nrr(!etld4)
%.,.,Xq 001)p.otned, U14's, hall 130 titore
tit%4 of tb6 Allitual6t,
"Jo P428101.611, lloplftg to some
"'"'t waff 111"it I"t )light, TIM
lmt%os have agreed to tho domati(IN
to 10 to the dreetsmaker"o.
r t0llrfl. WO btllt(in't Any tP%I.qtg y0t,"
fl%rtl love top ITIM J-btl"A tli+% ftiliftlov,on
Inforriliatioll On ilia )UPKIT, ful heory,
of tile Mob. tot 2120 1-2 celitN.nyk botir-Aft
,V 144ter go tit
,vothc!r-Iladnot (),J
*1011olstoror's ?