HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-05-07, Page 14ham Tidvance,.
30TH YEAR, NO. 36.
Allen of Toronto, President. of Baseball. Social, Crushed, TOWN COUNCIL,'
Dot the Western Foundry Co, Ltd., was in The opening game of the season will The Social In the Methodist church Charlie Jobb was injured on Wed- BANS OF AITO
lil�N �N BANK. town this week, and formed a good t# 6 place on Thnraday May 14th, at last Thursday evening in aid of the nesday forenoon. He was driving Council met on Monday evening;
opinion of Wingham as a growing 4 30 p.ul. between Winghaut and Car- Pipe Organ fund was a succese, Not. Beatfie's dray, and when going down members all present except Councillor
town, gill, The president will pitch the first withstanding the unfavorable weather into the shed, he fell off the dray, be. Elliott. W I N!r'i HAM.
Capital (paid up) A $2,940,000 The popnlation of Mitchell 1)a on the hall, and the Vice-president stand be- there was a fair attendance, The pro. tween the wheels and the wall. He Min utea of April regular and special Capital paid up $2,00o,000,. Reaerve,$1,600,00
decrease, being 1803, twenty less than Hind the bat, gram, though not lengthy, was enjoy- was considerably crushed and bruised, meetings were read and confirmed,
Reserve (and undivid- 3,260,000 last year, The Assessment this year Fire Alarm. able. Refreshments were served after but we hope will soon be on deck COMMUNICATIONS. J. TURNBULL, General Manager.
e4 prouts) r President—John Stuart
is $05,000, nearly $20,000 more than the entertainment. Proceeds, $1.5,00. again. This morning (Thursday) he is 1.—From Weigbmaster W. J. Mal. Vioe•Preetdoat -A G. Ramsay
last year. During the noon hour on Tuesday Those from other churches who kindly unable to turn in bed. lough, reminding the Council that his Cashier -J. Turnbu
the fire boll called the brigade to duty, assisted in the program were Miss year had expired, and as he devoted pIRROTORa:-John Proctor Wm. Gibson,
Farmers Notes discounted. Last Saturday V6m. McM(ehael of A burning chimney between the
Griffin, of St. Paul's, and Mr. George Game. Y P r Gieo.Etcach,A,T.Wood,e.73.i;ee(Toronto)
Drafts sold on all points in Can. Whitechurch delivered one of the stores occupied b D. M. Gordon and The report of the Game commission his whole time to the work ha would Savings Bank houre 10 to S; Saturdays 10 to 1
P N 9 Cline, leader of the Presbyterian expect $l6 per month, The Clerk re-
,ada, the United States and Europe. largest loads of hay that IVae ever J. Galbraith caused the alarm. The church choir. Their Aaa'tstallce was of Ontario for 1902 is at hand. It re- Deposits of 41 and upwards received. Int•
brought into Wingham. The weight tire and smoke rushed out into the ports 2,280 deur killed during the sea- Ported that the receipts for the year -0, d3lstMwaeydeachyea,andaddeedtoprinaipal
roach Appreciated. son shipped b the Canadian Express just closed were $:M. It was then Special Deposits also received at current
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. of file load was 4380 pounds. roans, but fortunately no very serious + Pp Y P -rates of interest
Interest allowed on deposits of ,1,00 and damage resulted. Not Wanted. Co, and `210 shipped by the Dominion moved by Conn, Bell, seconded by Drafts on Great Britain and the United
36 NOTIOU.-Some fine building lots for K Bennett -That and 3lstand
a ember each principal th Juno sale. Apply to -O. J. Maguire, Real Don't forget the right place to come Boys who think it manly to smoke Express Co. Forty fine Moose were Cn for another ir. Mallough be • States bought and sold.
Estate Agent• for bargains in blilliner•v-lvlm. Geo, cigarettes sbould�make a note of the shot; 181 wolves were killed duringre-engagedyear at $16 per E L. DicirmsoN, solicitor.
A. E. GIBSON, Manager 'The city of Stratford has come into Green, next, door to Smith's Bank, following facts: -Last September 630 1902at a cost to the Government and month -carried. W. CORBOULD Agen6
possession of the Stratford Water boys took the special deliver niessen- municipalities of $2,714. The bounty 2 -From T. J. McLean and R. Clegg, ? Travellers are notified that the Bank of
P By -Law Passed. Y P y asking assistance and HamiltonanditsBranchesissueCircularnote-
R, vanstone, solicitor Supply Company's franchise, plant, gens' examination for the Chicago Pos- of $16 per head seerns to be ridding the K permission to of the National Provincial Bank of England
At the session of the Town Council counts of these vicious animals. have the Park grounds put in proper (Ltd.) which can be cashed without charge or
mains, etc., by paying $07,013,49, and tal system, One clause in the regula- Y trouble in any part of the worlq
on Muuday evening, a By-law, was order for baseball and football -refer -
will run the water works municipally. tions governing the engagement of Fisu.-Fresh fish Tuesdays and Fri- red to Executive committee with -
..,......'� passed prohibiting the dirty practice messengers reads thus, "Under no cir- days; 8c per lb. at Buckleys.
No license will be granted to the of spitting and expectorating on the cumstances will a boy who smokes power to act,
Carlow hotel this year. The total sidewalks or in public places in the » FOr Two Years. 3. -From Secretary of the Laura Se-
)�� cigarettes be employed. General cord monument committee, askingas-
number r licenses r be issued in town b Wingham. Those who are in Manager Parker of the Rock Island A Bill amending the Municipal Act sistance to erect a monument to LauraCAMERAS
��w• W eat Huron this year is twenty-nine the habit of congregating in doorways Road says: "In my judgment it is im- as follows, has passed its first reading
See Halsey Park's advt, for hotels and two for shops, the same in the evenings, and leaving them dis- possible for a cigarette smoker t- a the Ontario Legislature: -"Not• Secord, heroine of the war of 1812 -13 -
number dropped as last year. gracefully filthy, will now have to face make a good railway man. As a rule withstanding an thio in the Mnnfci- filed.
PP rs A typographical error occurred in a a Penalty for infraction of 'a Town g Y g y' g tiVm. Guest and others petitioned
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. Bylaw. -they aro dull and half asleep most of pal Act or any other Act contained- for a concrete sidewalk on the west �%}w +
Personal last week with reference to y the time. These are not the kind of -after 1901 the persons elected as mem- side of Alice street -referred to Street • • h not own
Ball Bros. for Best Window Shades. the death of Miss Stiles of London, With Honors. men that the Rock Island wants to bers of the councils in towns, villages
which should have read Mrs. Stiles, operate its trains, nor•an Leas s office for two committee with power to set.
Seed peas, without bugs at T. A. Among the successful students at P Y great Y - and townships shall hold oP Corin. McIndoo moved, seconded by a Camera ?
Mill's. She was a daughter of Mrs. S. Kent of the recent examinations at the Wes- tem, which is daily responsible for the years and the members of the councils Conn. Bennett -That this Council urn -
More than 8,000 immigrants arrived town, and was 59 years of age. tern University, London, several well- lives of thousands of people." of towns, villages and townships shall dertake the following public works,
at Winnipeg in April. g Go to Isards-for largest selection known in Wingham passed successful- BREAD. -The say Parnell -Bean's be elected in alternate years, but upon g
Y Y the days at the time fixed b law viz:-
best values in Oarpets. Curtains, ly,-H, F. Gordon, formerly druggist bread is A 1 -sold by J. Buckley. Y Y No. 69-A concrete sidewalk on the If you have one you
Thos Bell was in Owen Sound last Linoleums and Oilcloths. for the nomination or for the poll (in secure photos that in
in Wingham, passed his fourth year; south side of Patrick street from Jose-
week purchasing lumber for the Cana- Grand Trunk sectionmen are happy John Agnew (brother of Dr. Agnew of BARGFAINS IN FOOTWEAR. See the case a poll is required) for members of phine street to Carling Terrace. after years you
da Furniture Co. and smiling these days. They were town) scaled the ladder for the third sn ap iron our W cent
JBa real Table- the said councils." No: 70-A concrete sidewalk as ex- would not part with
FOR SALE -3 buggies, 1 new, Apply officially notified that an Increase of year, and Robert Stewart (brother of P Y 3 Enlarging. tension of that one on the west side of at any price. We've
to 0. J. Maguire. wages had been given them, dating J. G. Stewart of town) passed the first Pity Is, 'Tis True. A busy place indeed is Lloyd's door Edward street to Victoria street. Cameras from $1 to
Jno. & Jas, H. Kerr want anotber from April 1st. The new scale gives year's examination, after only part of There is a lot of truth in the follow- factory. A visitor always finds them No. 71 -On the west side of Catharine $25 each. Full line
carload of good Potatoes at once. foremen $50 a month and laborers the terin at College. Congratulations Ing front an -exchange: -Io these days busy, and the shop so full of men and street from the north side of Victoria of photo supplies al -
Highest price paid. $1.30 a day. to each, when Government and political par- material that there is scarcely room to street to a point in line with the south- ways in stock.
Alex. Orr, of the Brunswick, has The Royal Commission on the Ga- Pineapple season is three weeks ties are the slaves of the corporations, turn. The business is increasing and er•ly limit of lot 118, Leet & McKay's Plates, Mounts, Print-
ear•lier• this ear, and will be short. and hordes of hungry hangers-on from an enlargement of the premises has snr•dey, Ing papers neveloping
purchased a $200 hotel range made by mey-Stratton charges has adjourned Older nolo Yfor, preserving from J. powders, 'Fixing and
until Tuesday next. The defence has P K every concession line are barking and been a necessity. A brick addition to The motion prevailed. Toning powders, etc.
the Western Foundry Co. concluded it case, but the Judges Buckley. g the factor • 35x50 has been erected and A deputation of the Citizenb' Band
whining for some morsel of reward for y
Vasbinder & Rodwell bnilt the lawn- want several matters cleared up satib• In The West. services, real or fancied, done the par- is now being roofed. This will give waited on the Council in reference to
roller for the Bowling club; it has factorily, and the Bank books are to Thos. Johnston, of Bamiota, former- ty, we tray look in vain for pure and Additional facilities and provide office the organization. They reported
a/prbved highly satisfactory. be examined. ly of Marris, in renewing for the Ad- impartial legislation. Nowadaysnear. accommodation also. The firm has abundance of players. Instruments WALTON McKIBBON
FOR SALE CHEAP. -A set of new vance, writes: -"We are having beau- ly every person who fancies he con- good business connections ; their required would cost $117, and $110
WANTED -An apprentice to Baking trols a few votes or has unlimited lung Y Druggist and Optician.
double Harness. -A. Young &Son. business ;'good chance for right boy.- tiful weather out here for seeding, g integrity and reliability gives their tutus bnbaCL'Ibed. The desired the g�f' p
by power expecte his reward, if not in customers confidence, By limiting Council to assnme the responsibility
Vasbinder & Rodwell are ready to A. J, Nicholls, Wingham. We had 150 acres of wheat sown
make repairs to all kinds of machinery April 15th. So far the season has been cold cash, by appointment to some their product to doors only, and hav- of the Leader's salary and furnish a Next door to Post Office.
P One of the large engines of the dry; thin office, from that of oundkee er to in machines suited to the business, place for practice. After discussion,
and bicycles : see their advt. Grand Trunk is beingoverhauled in Y everything is looking well, and P P K Y
senator. Half tate offices are created they are able to manufacture quickly it was moved by Conn. McIndoo,
Organizer Coupland expects to be the Stratford shops. It wthere is every prospect of as good n weighs 155 crop this year as last year. The coon- simply for such people and not because and meet all competitors. C. Lloyd'a second by Conn. VanStone that this
present at the meeting of Court Mait- tons ; driving wheels 6 feet 1 inch in try is improving as y rapidly in every the needs of the country demand them. Son & Co.'s factory is one of the grow- Council provide for the Bandmaster's
land, No. 25, 0. O. F. on Friday even- diameter, cylinder 20x56, steam pres- respectThis is the place for young Talk of corruption, forsooth I The Ing industries of our town. The Ad- salary to the extent of $100 a year so
sure 200 pounds hauls 55 loaded - whole count is rotten with it What - • h the q,,- r bounded sac- long as the Band is continued to the
ing next.
The population of the town of God-
freight cars at 30 miles an hour, and
men willing to work"—wages from &25
to $40 a month, We get the Advance
we stand moat in need of to -da is A
vance was ea u t
satisfaction of the Oouncii, on con -
erich as shown by this year's assess-
1 5 passenger coaches at 90 miles.
P g
regularly. Am grateful to my Maker
self - respecting electorate - men of
Seed Peas, perfectly free from Bugs
dition that the instruments now on
meat roll, is 4,0155; the assessment is
Up to date about 100 fait's in the
for all his goodness to me. Godsave
backbone and principle, not mm-
bued with the spirit of party and
-at A. 11. Oarr.'s.
hand, and any others that may be
purchabed remain the property of the
province have placed themselves on
the Ding. -Yours truly, Thomas John-
Farewell Sermon.
town -motion carried.
Rooms to rent over D. M. Gordon's
the list of those who will put a ban on
On Sunday evening last, Rev. J. J.
On motion of Dulmage and Bell, the
store. Apply to Dr. A. J. Irwin.
horse racing, and will have expert
Health Returns.
Patterson, B. A., pastor of the Baptist
Committee now in charge of the in -
There will be two hundred new ele-
judges. The Agricultural Department
arranges the dates for the circuit and
The monthly health returns of the
Mr, John Powell, for forty-four years
Church, preached his farewell serruon.
stru rents wits discharged, and the
voters erected this year along O, P, R.
appoints the judges, Last year, these
Province for ]lurch develop the fact
a resident of Turnberry, passed time's
The church was crowded to the doors,
committee requested to hand over the
and C, N. R. points, says the Winnipeg
experts were sent out to 50 fairs, and
that of late months scarlet fever has
boundary on Sunday last, aged 87.
and others sought seats in vain. The
instruments to the Executive Com -
Free Press,
this the number required will be
ranked next to tuberenlosis as a fatal
Deceased ivas a native of Somerset-
pastor took for his text Jude 24, 25-
mittee of the Council,
disease. It is more dangerous than
shire, England, where he was born
"Now unto Hint that is able to keep
On motion of Dulmage and McIndoo,
A school team of football players
much larger.
smallpox. Last month there were
May 16, 1816. Early in life he learned
you from falling and to present you
$350 was placed to the credit of the
went to Blyth from here on Friday
NOTICE. -A satisfactory sale of busi-
6.41 cases of scarlet fever reported, and
the coopering trade, and at the age of
faultless before the presence of his
School Board,
and met with defeat from the Biytb
ness or property certain if listed with
100 deaths, an average of 18.3. There
29 married Eliza Howard, d;tughter of
glory, with exceeding joy," etc. On
Wm. Armour asked for a lease of
school players,
C. J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent.
were 131 cases of smallpox, and only
a Devonshire blacksmith; three ahil-
the following Monday evening a fare-
ground near waterworks dam for
Hon. Thomas Ballantyne has decided
One of our exchanges reports that a
one death reported. Diphtheria aggr•e.
dren were born to them in England.
well social was held at which there
building ice -house; size -50i;.70 feet, at
to build a nurses' home in connection
new bunco game is being worked on
gated 209 cases and 21 deaths. Deaths
In August, 1833, he came to America,
was a very large attendance. An in-
atf'nual rental of $20 -request was
with the Stratford Oity Hospital, in
unwary merchants throughout the
from tuberculosis totalled 221. Measles
and lived in the State of New York
teresting program was given, and re-
memory of his wife.country.
Aman enters the store,
caused only 2 deaths out of 102 cases
until March, 185.5, when they came to
freshments served. A large number
On motion of Dulmage and Bell, the
WANTED. -Car Load Potatoes; 65c
displays a Government badge, and
and typhoid 18 deaths out of 74 cases.
Canada, and for nearly five years real-
availed themselves of the opportunity
Court of Re -vision will consist of The
pj1er bushel for good stock.-GEo. E.
states that he is in the secret service
The total of deaths reported was 2,429,
2,479 for the
ded at Exeter, in this county. In Oc-
tober, 1859, he removed to Turnberry
of bidding farewell to their pastor.
Mr. Mrs. Patterson leave this
Mayor, Conn's, McIndoo, Bennett,
Bell, Elliott.
on the lookout for counterfeit
as compared with same
Jas. Broadway went a•fishin last
looney, He Tools over the cash box
month last ear•
and settled on the farm on which he
week for their new field of labor in
Friday and secured twenty-six speck-•
and invariably finds four or five count-
Fine, decorated China is now offered
resided until his death. Six children
were added to the family in Canada.
Buffalo. They have made many
friends Wingham, who will be
..........$ 5 07
R. Rankin, sultry, salary 42 00
V. salary..,..
led beauties. A number of his friends
erfeit coins, which he "confiscates,"
The whole thing is a fraud.
at r•eatl reduced rices at H. H.
Chisholm's Jewelery store. Beautiful
He was very anon the earl
pleased to hear of their continued site-
Howson, Harwep & Brocelbank,
care of dam,......... ...... 8 33
were recipients of a Loess.
goods at bargain prices.
settlers of the township ; a man with
cess. Next Sunday, Mr. Cameron of
Wingham Electric Light Co..... 42 $1
A lamb was born on the Carlyle and
It is once more stated that the
strong constitution, enjuying good
Tiverton is expected to supply the
E. L. Dickinson, solicitor's fees.. 8 61
Bice farm at Newtonbrook with two
Grand Trunk, the Michigan Central,
Good. Roads.
health until about a week prior to his
pulpit here, and the following Sun.
McLean & Sou, lumber.... .... 107 29
heads and six legs, and is now in the
and the Wabash and Pere Marquette
The Brussels Post says :-As far as
death, which was caused by bronchitis,
day, 17th inst., Rev, Mr. A1cLean, the
T. D. Burns, supplies............ 1450
A Showers. , ......... 03
' hands of the taxidermist.
Railwaysystems, are interesting
y g
we can learn at the present time three
Mr, Powell was a staunch Liberal, and
new pastor may be expected to com-
A. Kelly, 17 loads stone ......... 17 00
Wingham is unfortunate in football themselves in a scheme to build an Municipalities constitntmg Co. Conn- a reader of the Globe for forty years. mance his work in Wingham, S. Bennett, itimber and work... 14 50
matches this year so far. The boys international bridge over the Detroit ail Division No. G, made tip of Grey He leaves to.survive him -itis widow, W. J. Mallough, salary .......... 12 W
went to Wroxeter on Wednesday and river. A tunnel was talked of at first and Morris townships and the village two sons, William and John, and one Booming. The report of the Finunce Commit -
lost the game; score 3-0, but there are several difficulties in the of Brussels, are favorably disposed as daughter, Priscilla. Business is booming at the Western tee was adopted. -
way of such a project, notably the to the county accepting its share of Foundry Oo.'s premises, and the people By-law 184, to prevent spitting or
Children's and Infants' Shoes and deepness of the river at the point in the million dollars towards improve- Foit SALE --A fine two-storey brick of Wingham are beginning to realize expectorating on the public streets or Ladies high grade llvslop wheel for
Slippers -Most up-to-date stock -at cottage, J acre of land; fruit and sale. Chea ha 1 at this Office.
W. J. Greers, question, also the geological forma- anent of the public highways. The shade trees. Apply to 0. J. Maguire, that they have an industry in their in public places was read three times p + PP Y
It is feared that the buds of the ear- tion of the hind just there. The county councillors of the respective Real Estate Agt. midst that is likely to be better than and declared passed. CE;11ENT-Car Durham cement just
ly peaches and other entail Fruits in bridge, if built, would accommodate divisions are advised to visit the vari- even the most hopeful expected, The Permission was given to Percy Hill arrived. Parties who intend using
vehicular and pedestrian, as well as nus municipal councils in their dis- i report of the work being done and to cut down elm trees that were in- cement soon will do the wise act if
the vicinity of Hamilton have been tricts before the Jane'session • to dis- ,...,.,...,................. urder,a actual) booked, As given in hist uric his well, they buy ft now, as cement will likely
railway traffic. • Y K j K advance in price before long. We are
damaged by the recent frost, t, cuss the question of Good Roads with �v week's Advance, was an eye-opener to Dr. Allen, President of the Western also agents for Hanover cement. -A.
Ladies! Have you seen FIitgnr PERSONAL Y P g Y Y g
The annual meeting of the East Shoes" made expressely for �'V. J. thein and thereby to present to the mac who were disposed not to ave Founds Co., also Messrs. Taylor and Young &Son.
Huron Teachers' Association will be Greer by J. and T. Bell P They are the county council a more accurate report the industry credit for the work being Cunningham of the same firm, waited
held at Clinton on Friday and Satur• highest grade shoes in Oanadit and of the feeling of the different sections Our readers are all cordially invited to done. As we stated last week, enlarg- on the Council in reference to the pro.
day, May 22nd and 23rd next. fifty per cent better than imported of the county in this very important contribute to this column. if friends visit merit of the buildings is imperative, posed extension of the works. Dr,
Shoes, See them at Greer's. soh ou, or you visit friends, let the Advance
J vknow about it. and arrangements are being made to Allen referred to the wonderful auc-
There are 10 hotels in Normanby 1 commence at once the erection of two cess that had attended the efforts of
township, Grey county. No other Two Millions Loss. George Goy has returned to Port buildings -one additional moulding the Co. 'Chey had alre:Ldy invested —THE—
Look For 13uron.
rural municipalityin Ontario contains According to the reports of the sirup, t30 x 160 feet, and one stora(C $26,000 of their cavo money ;business
as many hotels as Normanby, AUCTION SALE of Boots and Shoes •Qureau of Industries, the average Robert Beattie was in Toronto a few building, 40 x 105, The development was increasing at such a rate that
and balance of dry goods, commencing market value of the threshed peas days of last week. Corner Drug Store
WANTED.-Setvant girl for general P of the business has fife exceeded the, they could not keep pace with the
housework. -Dies. R. Vanstone, Shut- Saturday afternoon, May Nth. Far- grown in Ontario during the past wJ. Beattie of Brussels was in town a expectations of the firm. They are re- orders and enlargement of the build-
er particulars next week.-Romuth twenty years amouted to full eight few days last week. P ,
er St. Y Y solved to make every effort to accept loos was an absolute necessity. The
Bros. million dollars a year. In 1897, no its i Frank Buchanan of Hamilton the business offering, and as soon as goods manufactured were finding a
Hanna & Co. call attention , their less than 800,735 acres were devoted to was ss town this weak.
shoe adyt. in another column. Her. Sold, the ea crop, being the largest Miss Carrie Cody left on Monday possible will employ ci large number of ready market, They proposed at once Is file Place t0 get
bert Wightman is the obliging sale- 0. J. Maguire has, through his real P P g g morning for Toronto, where she has additional moulders and finishers, 13o- to expend $6,000 in the erection of
man in charge of Choir altos store, g Frank g , area under peas in tiny single year. accepted a situation. Ing practical men and understanding buildings, and employ 100 men, as soon Everything that is
g estate agency, sold F ank Ashton s Since that date, however, there has ever • department of the business frons as the had the roots for them to work,
More than twice the number of farm fn Morris to John Nethery of the been a gradual decrease until the cir• stud Mrs, Thos. spending
of of days
J P Y Pure and Fresh in
same -township, for $•1,600. fish Columbia acro spending a Pe/v days pattern making to the ledger, is one of They were here to stay and were
homestead entries have been made in year 1902, when only 532,030 acres with friends in town. the factors in the success achieved and identified with the interests of the
Manitoba and the Territories so far Football. of peas were grown. This decrease Miss Wilma Helm of Toronto will the outlook for the future, Already town.
this year thin in any previous season.There will ben, Football thatch on the 's undoubtedly due to the great spend some tirne with her grand- the firm bas invested many thousand The Council expressed pleasure at
There are two vacancies in the High park, this Thursday evening at 0:;30, damage done to the crop, in south- mother, Mrs. Heim, In the hope of dollars in the enterprise, and such is hearing of the success of the foundry,
western Ontario by the pea weevil, regaining her health. their confidence in its stability and and prospects of increased facilities .
Court of Ontario, one caused by the between Blyth and Wingham. boyTiles
� s
death of Justice Lount, and the other usual admission fees. 19 is do"
The boys commonly known as the "pea bug." Mr. Manners of Chicago was the success, that they are prepared t5 iIt• And increase in fife number of ant -
Che total direct loss b the enc of guest of his brother, G. 0, Manners, lu eas.
by tine resignation of Justice Robert- would like a large attendance. Y agency on afunday. lie had comp to visit lits vest more. p y
the pea weevil in 1003 is estimated tit mother, who has been very M. l
eon. Try It. over two million dollars. Mrs. (Rev.) Perrie and Mrs. Rose are -
The style of hair worn is an impor• To make s first rate hair wash, j attending the 27th annnal meeting of The Singer aianufactnring Company I A far BREAD. -J. Buckley upping .
, iltLve Openl•d a NtOi'O in WinghiLrn this The 1 iu•nell•Deian Baking Co.'s Fancy -
tant factor to produce it younger and shred an ounce of white soap ; pour the Women s Foreign Mtssiog Society Lv9ek in the Tamlyn block, where a Bread, Rolls, etc. ; to arrive at 11 a. tit
refined face And a well shaped bead to BUILDn;a LOTS -For sale, on cor. of the Presbyterian Church, told this fall line of their celebrated sewing dMl Special lines ---Home-made. )Ju•
any Lady or Gentleman. Prof. Doren over it a quart of boiling water acct ,der of Frances and Patrick streets, week iii GuNiph, arise Louise Stewart ,n+lrhiues And It complete stork of rekn, Gi:Vharn, Itye, Bakers, Who A. L. Hamilton
wend, who will be Ili Winghani can stir till dissolved. When cool, add Five good building lots. Apply to is delegate from the Mission hand. parts, Oil and needle4 for all rnakpa of w heitt, Ciii•I•atit, etc. ; delivered to any
dentonstrato this to anyone calling on the whisked yolks of two eggs And a 11. 0.13011- Mrs. Reading, and little daughter, machines will always be kept in stock. part of the town, Phone 12,
hint at Ilia Show Rooms. Ile hits La. y, , Of I�:l Pasa Tex)La, are VlaltOr'e aG 111ra. Uil 5 and 160 P,r bottl0; Lleedle9 250 4 DRUGGIST
dies' and Gents' Wigs, Tonpeea. Bangs, tablespoonful of spirits of rosemary. Try Perry Phos ; made in largest + P
Wavy and plain Fronts, Switches in Cork tightly and shrike well before factory in the world. Ask your dealer heading's parental hou)e, the res- per dozen. Machines rented by the PAPEnirANmNO. I am prepared to _
every length and ShAde, that ho will for them. --J. Murchison, Lucknow. idence of Mr. and Mrs.D,M. Gordon. week or month. All kinds of sewing do your paperhanging or paintingg.
gladly adjust on any Lady s head free use, airs, R, is looking -well, after a jour ney machines repaired at a moderate neatly, prompt)y and at reasonable' �Y 11V VI• H A Al
of Charge to prove tbia. .Don't fail to rlason keeps the largest stock of Von SALE. -Ill Whitechurch, house of 2,.'300 miles, and is pleased to see the charge but no charge for repairing prices. Orders left at Mooney's tin -
day, May 22tid the Brunswick rioter, Fri -the children. School SupplieThos. Phillips. friends once more, less than ten years. Phippen. �-
s for the opening. --Send and lot, containing 5 acres. Apply to old home town, and meet her marrY Sin er machines, that have been ont she willreceive attoution- eo.