HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-04-30, Page 8s THE WINGH-A.M ADVANCE
April 30, 19')3
Easy, Grey.. AZoi'rls. i"ire+IiI., JVIJW411111lil.IllitAulitiw1131,1ll;Ji li,,.IL61,ii14Wl,,e. IILI,a",6lg11Ali.1djuiiil6L.J C1111dAlaIBII '11911 ii1b'1
Now here conies the Medical News Friday will be Labor day, and the Mrs, J. Roe has been very ill. Her
with the statement that lettuce will schools and yards in general will get a eon, Dr, Roe, of Philadelphia, is Monte - Our Great
Sale o f Fane( ,
war off small ox, It sa s :--Lettuce cleaning up, on a visit, ltJ! ii ,+ a+ April 7
ADDCtfte d P Y
is an absolute preventative of small- Mr, Edward Lynn and sisters, Mary Mr, Geo. Caldbick of Toronto, and • + yy • yy
pox. No one is In the least danger of and Lizzie, of Fordwicb, were renew- brother Sam, of Michigan are at pre- 5pri ng Goods 1s Booming
'catching smallpox who eats a. little Ing old acquaintances on the 2nd con, sent visiting their father, Mr, S. Cald-
IettuceersIettuce every day. This is not only on Sunday last, They wore welcome . hick of the 2nd con, We are selling, pretty 111u llns fans Piques and stylish Gig han7s worth to the
Jas, Peacock 1st con„ who has been m
easy, but seasonable, visitors, • ' y q y g ! '
ister of
A Chicago young man invited five Tees es a day tinder
inbor. Russel lts the
parental roof, bealing ears, is ming for the uch improved, we way from r5c to 3oc, that we are clearing out on Saturday, IIC
- -buying fi ate indsor a pleased to state, past month witha
Whitt's In A Name
Heinz's Sweet Pickles, new and regulara Or.. , . , • . • .
crisp, per quart................. 30c friends l dinner. On the bill of fareduring the slackness of P i
of that, city, The husband, children and grand- Ba1'ga,Y11S >,n Il lt ,t! { and Blue verges.
Choice Sour Pickles, per qt........ 1Gc was Belgian hare, which was Pt'o the grain market. „
Crosse & Blackwell's Pickles, in pounced excellent, Next day each The 371 acres belonging tp Mrs. children of the late Mrs, Win. Little,
bottles......... ..........2i0 and 83c guest received a note from the host Morris, desire to express their sincere W e are making a special rule on these splendid all wool Berges. They come in
Sage, of Windsor, has been sold a g. thanks to the friends, neighbors and
McLaren's Cheese, large jars.,.... 250 explaining that the Belgian bare was g + g wide widths and extra weights and are regularly sold at 65c and 75c—our
Bow Park in tin foil...... 10c in reality fried torn-eat. Then all the S. Scott, of Brussels, to D. McCuaig, acquaintances, who so cordially show-
plPa6lil'0 of eating the delicious morsel of this locality, for $2,030, It is a $ine ed their sympathy to them in their p • + q.9C
Ingersol Boiled Ham, sliced titin, piece of property, • . • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • , • • • • • •' "
sob special clearing lice is. •
par lb........... . . .......... . suddenly vanished. Strange 1 late affliction, and though last, not
Ingersol Breakfast Bacon, lb...... 18c The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper least, to the Belgrave Methodist choir LADIES VESTINGS are the very newest fancy goods for summer Suitings
Canned Beets, they're good ........ 5c Don)t Spit on the Sidewalks. will be administered in Roe's church for their willing and gratuitous ser- and Blouses, These Vestings are in white mercerized finish, and the very
Peas, Corn and Beans, best quali- The gutter is close alongside the next Sabbath morning at 10.30 o'clock. vices at the funeral. '
ty, 3 for ... .................... 25c sidewalk, and it is large enough to car- The pastor, Rev, 0. P. Wells, will take . , • 30C
VIM.—Ready to eat, served cold, ry off all the tobacco juice that can be charge of the service. One of the pioneers of Morris The y p
daintiest 'goods that have been shown in town—ver special at. .... .
large package............. ..... 10c squirted into it. Those who have a Three sons of Frank Wright left Passed away on er Saturday last in the
TILLSON'S OATS. —Ready to contract to supply oceans of tobacco Brussels on Tuesday with a car of Person of Jane Kerney, wife of Wil- LADIES !—Have you tried a pair of our Black Kid Gloves ? They are well
cook, served hot, 8 lbs. fol'...... 25c Spit should be able to raise powerf the 4th con. ,per pair........ I.00
Chipped Beef, in glass jars........ 20c P horses and settlers' effects for the
• .... 16c enough to squirt it over the edge of prairie Province, where they purpose had was
years Of age, lust The de- made and every parr fully guaranteed—our specie C1Ce tS
• • • tins.... ... , .... the walk, and thus avoid spoiling lad- P
P g making their home, or 3 years, so that the end did not '.N , SUITS.
Albert Sardines, tin ............ . . 15c g •, ,
Fancy Olives, bottle, from..10c to 75c ies' dresses and the spread of disease. The timber for the new bank barn come unexpected. She was married
No lady would be so careless or filthy on Peter Scott's farm, boundary, is to William Little about 48 years ago, Gentlemen, have you bought your new Spring Suit ? We have the swellest
in her habits as to entail the danger of being got ready. It will be a modern when Morris Townshipwas et in its
polluting every man's clothing as he building and will take the place of the y Spring Clothing we have ever shown. Thiol: Of buying fancy striped Tweed Suits,
g earliest stages of settlement, she and splendidly made and well lined and made b the best manufacturers in Canada, for
passesalong our walks, nor should one destroyed b fire last summer" p y ' y
any properly constituted man spend Y Y her husband being among the first
his time indulging in a habit which Grey Council is asking Dr. AicDon- settlers, After much hardship they C 6.00e $6.50, X7.50.
l over aid M. P„ to assist in securing legis- succeeded in cleaning up their home- :l
Phone 58 Prompt Delivery causes him to spew the walks al
with dangerous liquid. lotion relative to drains crossing rail- stead, lot 12, con. 4, where they have
way tracks and lands and also secur- resided since their marriage. Her THE NORFOLK SUIT is the new Suit for Boys; you really have to see 4
Have van Spare time? Increase your Ing proper cattle guards on the rail- husband, a son and a daughter survive them to appreciate their style and up-to-dateness. They are very reasonable in
income by work at night. Others are ways. her. The son, John, lives on the farice;
farm p m.
n By-law is being adjoining the homestead and
doing it. Our goods are used every- _ Ask to see the
® where Avery day. Write G. Marshall The Lamont Draia which
it was formerly a part, and the
& Co., Teas, London, Ont. printed, Estimate by the Engineer daugh-
y for the completion of the work is ter, Mrs. Gideon Hand, who resides at
$8,013.50. It was provisionally adopt- Ubly, Mich, but was in attendance at D. Me
ed by
Morris Council, and by Grey . the deathbed of her mother. Two
1 "
Council Monday of last week, brothers and two sisters, namely
We are sorry to report the serious henry Kerney, .Mrs. Teale, and Jno. Big Prices for Trade.
illness of Mrs. Will. Bremner, who is
'Kerney of Mich„ Mrs. Thos. Ularke, of
well known in this locality, being a the 5th con., and Mrs. A. Laidlaw, of
inisters and starch workers generally, are Meadowvale, also survive the deceas-
Mcoinlly ted to contribute itsms of aoh daughter of Robt. Pearson. Her many
= news under this heading, from their respective friends hope that with Skilful medical ed. Mrs, Little was a member of the
. P Methodist church aunshine. St. Helens. THE MARKETS
ihh t SHorsemen treatment and careful nursing, she will O, A. Tebbutt spent Sunday in Wing- —'— •
District Meeting. be speedily restored to her past good The Council met on April 13th, for WINGIRAM MARKETS Y _
The annual May meeting of Wing- health. the purpose of having the Engineer's cram,
Now is the time to buy your Poultry report on the Lamont drain read, and J. Stein of Pine River was the Flottr per 100........... $1 85 to $2 25 We wish to draw our at.
NettiJrg, to keep your hens from ham District will be held in LuclineW, We are sorry this Miss Mary Jack- for the transaction of any other busi- guest of his father-in-law, Mr. Wm. Fall wheat per bash new 07 to 68 y
scratching the gardens and bothering May 20 and 21. Ministerial session, lin had the misfortune to lose her ness that might come up. Oats per bush........... 0 27 to 028 ten tion t0 the yOUllg
your neighbors. We have it in all Wednesday, May 20, 1.30 p.m. General trunk with all her clothes daring the Minutes of former meeting were read Thom this week. Barley per bush........ 0 35 to 0 40
sizes from 18 to 72 inches. Prices from session May 21, at S a.m. An hour will and passed; the above- mentioned re- The house, being renovated for Mr. Peas per bush ......... 0 00 to 0 05 TROTTING STALLION
3c to 12e a yard, according to size. fire at the Clarendon hotel, Clinton, port was read.Bran ...................16 00 to 18 00
Special price if you take a roll. be devoted to a conversation re the where she bad been working, but we and Mrs. Hugh Anderson, is about
g By-law No. 4 was read, and on mo- Shorts ..................18 00 to 2000 ry
Wesley Bicentenary celebration. are glad to state she is recovering from tion of Shaw and Taylor the same was ready for occupation, Chop. , , ...... • ... •. •.... 1 10 to 1 25 Gamboy
the injuries she sustained by a fall, provisionally adopted, and the Clerk Rev. S. M. Whaley, the esteemed Ha • , . ........... 7 00 to 700
Special Price for Next 2 Weeks on Vestry Meeting. instructed to have the by-law printed improving t • p
having been taken from the burning in pamphlet form,.and a co served Pastor of Calvin church, is im covin Bu ter .. lb...... .. 0 11 to 0 17 which was purchased at the Chicago Salo
The adjourned Vestry meeting of St. p P copy Eggs .................... 0 11 to 0 11 last fall.
Pittsburg Paul's church was hold on Monday building in an unconscious state. We on each interested party, as required after his recent illness. we trust ha Lard ......... ...... 0 15 to 0 15
wish her a speedy recovery. by the Municipal Drainage Act. will soon be fully restored to old time potatoes per hush...... 0 50 to 0 60GAresOY to by the noted sire Gamellion,
evening last, closing a successful year. On motion of Taylor and Code, a P ularwhich is now considered one ti the most pop-
g g vigor. Altpplea per bag ........ 0 50 to 0 50 alar sire of bigta•alase knee acting trotters; he
Perfect Fence. The motion of Mr. Thos. Bell to dispose On Monday night of last week, about grant of $25 was made for the purpose , Hides per 100 lbs........ 5 00 to (3 00 b Gambetta Wilkes, which heads the list of
of the rectory and erect a more suitable 11 o'clock, the large bank barn on the of gravelling Lot 10, con. 9. Mr. T. Todds engine from Crewe Lamb skins ..... , .... , . 0 50 to 0 65 all sires for 1902, he having produced over one
Regular price 50c rod—now 45c. We farm of Thos. Price, lot 19, con. 9, Me- A bill was presented by Mr. T. has been placed in ilia mill hors and pressed hogs......... , . 7 00 to 7 00 hundred in the list of standard trotters and
will lend you a stretcher to put it u one, prevailed, and this will according Hemphill of Wroxeter, claiming dam- , . pacers, Gamopula a dam is by 'ever lived.
y P P Kills was total] destroyed h fire. P g works very nicely. They have now Live hogs ............... 5 50 to 600 at the most popular sires whish aver lived, he
with. Please examine it before you ly be done. The congregation showed p+ Y y Y ages for loss of time on account of the having more standard performers than any
In the items of loss were eight horses, almost im seeable state of the road about 40 horsepower and can do saw- Tallow, per lh........... 05 to 5 other s1ro living or dead.
buy, at appreciation of the Rector's faithful some of them ver valuable ones; 32 P Ohickens per pair ... RO to 50 Gamboy's dant is lrlorenre D, by Ffansard,
work by increasing his salary 100. Y near Bluevale station during the time Ing and chopping quite easily. Ducks per pair .......... 60 to 80 he by Gco. Wilkes, which makes hien of the
head of cattle, 14 of them about ready of the spring thaw. On motion of Nnw ScHrME—If we cannot get an Turkey, per lb...... 10 to 11 richest bred Wilkes Stallions in Canada. This
The salaries of the organist and caro-
for shipping, for which he had been Jackson and Code—Council decided to electric road in these parts, we having Geese, er lb.......... .. 6 to 7notd familywhich produces for of all s damtaker were also increased. take no action. g P having a standard record. Florence D's dam offered 5c a pound for 12 and 4}c for On motion of Taylor & Shaw $25, aboltt as good, as far av battling tim- W°OI 1`L to 13 ie by Messenger.
Confirmation. the other 2; 8 sheepand 5 lambs; 10 was ranted towards cutting hill at g 13antboy is a sixteen hand. 3 Year old, bayIn-
g g her is concerned. During the past Stallion weighing 1150 lbs, Ko is a good well
The Bishop of Huron will administer fat pigs, 2 sows and 17 little pigs, poul- Lots 10 and 11, con. 2, to be tinder the week Mr. R. McGuire has been draw- TORONTO STOCK MARKET. ribbed
u, having a strong short bank, well
supervision oggRegve Isbieter. PP ribbed up. Rgood feet and logs, and is an exaop•
Hardware Store, gingham, the Apostolic rite of Confirmation in try, binder, mower and other imple- Messrs. Ole .iC Wilkinson appeared ing loge to Lacknow with his heavyFor full and accurate market re- only Ueen'brolkeiolast tall is AhQwinR quarters
St. Paul's church, on Friday evening, menta; 600 bushels of oats, 15 or 16 on behalf of the Trustees of the Stln- traction Engine. 'Four waggons P°ria see agcond page. this springin'I and present indications show
Smith & Pethick s old stand. us clearly that with little handling he will
May 8th. There will be a special tons of hay, and many other minor ar- shine Methodist church asking permis- make,the train and he can draw about make a 20 trotter snre.
meeting for the older candidates, at the titles. The total loss will probably foot Sion to have the church shed five feet 3000 feet, with apparent ease; This is i GAMBOY will stand for service at the
Rectory on Friday evening, May 1st. up to between $4000 and $0000. There T sir that . Moved by Ono and REAL ESTATE Exchange Betel barns. T>1004. 10,00 to
Taylor that the Council have no ohjec- quite a saving „o horses. insure, payable 1st January, foci.
All candidates will please attend morn- is $2,200 insurance in the Howick Mu- tion providing it does not interfere Geo. wraith, Manager,
' ° 1* ing service next Sunday, when the Ree- tual, $1,200 of it on the buildings and with public travel. ) I have over 5000 versa of land for sale 33 90 Swarts & Vannorman, Owners
for will address them. They are also $1,000 on contents. Wednesday, Pre- On motion of Shaw and Code eight in Huron county, and in addition to this, r
have 32 sections of land in Manitoba for
sident John R. Miller and Vice Pres, dollars was granted towarh of ds building Blyth. sale, the greater amount being in the beat Mor: pis' To LOAN—At 41j per cent. on
requested to meet in the school room, Y P Wr,Rht a gate onence boundaryJfence g from 3 t i$25 percacre for Manitoba lends os pyrrj,° nt ; expensespEasy
ht terms of re-
Apply A.
Wednesday evening, May 6th, at 7.80 Edward Br ane aid a visit to the pre- Miss Millie Anderson is vamesisiting her P Y
sharp for final instructions. miser and filled out the necessary pa- not to be less than eighty rods in friend, Miss Tucker, at Wingham this countrye o matter what size oc yica I can Dolmage, Rgl Estate and Loan
' Y• tI eaa pers, and the matter will be dealt with length• week, guarantee you satisfaction. Ca 1 enc{ have Agent, Tient Block.
Annual Meeting. at the next meeting of the Company- Accounts were paid as follows:—A. a look at my bargain sheets. Town pro er
Hughes gravel, $1.50; Jas. Felly tile' Mr, W J. Haines is confined to his tp of evory desatiption for Bale reasonaible.
The annual meeting and election of How the fire occurred is a mystery, as and putting in culvert, $1,50; Wm. home at Wingham with a severe at- CLYME MAGUIRE
k officers of Methodist church Sabbath members of the family were in the Neal grant to Walton library $5.00, tack of isri e. 1
School was held on Wednesday, evening, stables between 8 and 9 o'clock. This Council then adjourned. fs PP Real Estate Agent
, I , Major Beck of Godet•ich, district or- n ie
there being a good attendance. Very is Mr. Price's second fire in the eight i ganizer for the I. U. F., was in town Office:—Upstairs in Vanstone Block. colonst E curslos
• gratifying reports were presented by the years he has been on the place. When for a few days this week.
various officers, all indicating a very the work of destruction was noticed
Belgrave. Mrs. John Mason is having an add!- TENDERS WANTED. One wag t.iekets at low rates on anis until
lw t %.1 June 15th, to elute in Montana, Colorado,
c , pros erous year. The following officers Monde ni ht the whole building was p
-r p y g y g y P tion built to her hotel, which will be a Utah, Oregon. Washington, British Colnmbia
were elected for the ens year: in flames and consequently it was too Charles Birne of Exeter spent Sun- Tenders will he received .np to Fri- and California.
, -•'• - -"' f % Superintendent—Dr. Towler; Associate late to rescue stock or anything else. day in town. convenience to the travelling public;
- day
a the first da of May, addressed
the masons aro busy at the cellar, Y• y y' Mt. Clemens Mineral Baths.
Superintendents—Messrs. W. Fessant John Stewart of Blyth Sundayed at to Robt. Hetherington, Langside, for
Everyone Does It. Secretary—W. Lloyd; I Mr. Peter Douglass, teller at the the election at Tifn's appointment Thousands visit Mt. Clemons every year
and H. Park; Secreta y his home here.
ry Bank of Hamilton, has purchased a (Methodist), on the Whitechurch Cir- biestrund treatment of disorders. dSit8eated near
You do—we do. "When we Treasurer—Miss Lloyd; Librarian and Salem. Things are "Pretty Flat" on the 4thHenryLeader of Orchestra—J. A. Morton. John Abram from Belmore spent line you think, fine black driver from W. Hr of bait, of a Brick contractor
with furnish
cement Detroit. it n qrunk. and comfortably coached
enter a room, we immediately = p just now; what do EastWawanosh; pricepaid,$150. basement; the contractor s fltrnnd by the Grand Trunk.
glance at the Wall paper. We Sunda with friends in this art. everything except brick, sand find
g P P Corner Stone. y P Will? The Council is asking for applica- gravel; the congregation to do the The "St. Ciatherines Well."
do it instinctively, for while the Mr. and Mrs. J. Hartley spent Sun- Mrs. Baker of London is Spending a
The Corner atone of the new Caths day at the home of Wm. Weir. tions for fife position of Chief of Policy teaming. Tenders in state cost, with The waters of this famous well area great
wall decoration is seemingly few days with bar mother, Mrs. Al- and without finishing of basement vousspeciflo for rhon, a d al goat, neuralgia, nor•
lie church at St. Augustine will be laid Most o£ the farmers are through y of Blyth, salary $300 a year ; applica- Work to be completed by the 1st of i o i prostration, trated and also servo f a splendid
ivignifieant and unobtrusive, next Sunda b Rt. Rev. F. P. McEva g g P Lison. p y November, 1003. -Plans and S ecifica- fouls. Situated on direct line of the Grand
it lays the foundation for the y' Y y+ Seeding and now are waiting t° rev tions will be received a to bis let. p Trunk, it tulles from Niagara Falls.
D.D., Bishop of London, at 8.30 p.m. the harvest. Miss Maggie Bennett of Blyth is re- Mrs. McWilliams will remove her tions may he seen at the residence of
beauty Of the room. With in- The sermon for the occasion will be newin cid acquaintances around here Robt. Hetherington, Langside. The Booklets giving information of either of
artistic paper you may work Jas. Strong and sister of Fordwicb g q family and household effects to Walk- lowest or any tender not necessarily the above resorts on application to L, Harold,
delivered by Rev. D. P. McMenamin of spent Sunday last with their sister at present, erville on Thursday. Mr. AlcWilliams accepted. Agent, or
forever, and there will be some- Mrs. R. McMichael. y g holds a lucrative oaition in a large +, pastor. J. D. McDONALD
thing wrong about the rooms.. Lucan. Invitations have been leaned to Quarterly meeting service will be g C. O. Ii`AINI:
prominent Dominion and Local parlia• Wm, Gallaher of Gorrie is drawing held in the Methodist church here next factory in that town. ROBT. H.ETHERINGTON, Sec. District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
While the right paper—well, it = mentary representatives, and a musical lumber to Belmore this week for his Sunday morning. Whitechurch, April 7, 1903.
will almost furnish an empty has been prepared. A number new house. The masons are through
room. Nowhere else will you program p p with their work, and now they ars Mr. A, Proctor, sen., is at prevent I ,
find so much beauty for so little of addresses are expected from promi- ready for the bricklayers. very poorly, but his many friends hope Gorrie.
nent visitors. Among those invited Owing to the Quarterly service for his speedy recovery. Howick. W. J. Greer of Wingham spent Sun-
money as here.
are—Hon. G. W, Ross, J. P. Whitney, which will he held in Belmore next Mrs. D. Ferrier is on the sick list this Mr. W. G. Strong is at present day in town.
EXCELLENT VALUES the members for Huron county, J. J. Sunday morning, there will be no S. S. week. but her many friends hoe to under the weather, but we hope to
Foy, on. Jas. Sutherland,P Geo. Spence of Listowel spent Sun-
at 10, 12,, 15 to 25 Cts. a roll. HJand a num- held here or church service in the see her around again soon. hear of his speedy recovery, day with friends in town. SETTLERS ONE-WAY
Special prices' on remnants in her of others. afternoon ; but in the evening at 7.30 Mrs. Charters of Montana arrived Rev. Alex. Ross, an old Howick boy,
lots of from 6 to 20 rolls some the League will hold their meeting. Miss Winnie Talton left last week EXCURSIONS
Farewell Sermon. Miss Longelp and Mies Charlotte Aic• home last week, and intends Spending has just finished iiia course at College per Walkerton, where she will learn
of which are being sold as low Nezt Sunday will be Ren. J. J. Patter- a short time with her parents, Mr, and and is now privileged to be a licensed To Manitoba and Canadian North-west
Michael will take charge of the meet- P the millinery business, will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during
as 21 and S Cents a roll. son's last Sunday in Wingham, and he Mrs. Thomas Black. minister of the Presbyterian church. Miss PeachIe Sanderson left on the March and April, 1903, if sufficient business
ing ; everybody welcome.
All Paper Trimmed Free. will preach his Farewell sermon in the Mr. Wm, Watson is enjoying a Mr, Geo. Totten, jr. son of Air. Tot- early train on Tuesday morning, for offers.
p On Thursday night last as Mr. Wm.
evening. Mr. Patterson has made visit from his daughter, who returned ton of the 6th con., Howick, rehtrn Toronto, where she will attend Buai- Passengers travelling without Live toe
Casemore was returning home from should take the train leaving Toronto at
many friends while in Wingham, and this week from India. Her many ed from South Africa on Saturday, -Hees College, ,1,45 p.m,
Gorrie he was struck by some tin- friends are leased to welcome her where he spent about three years in
'Replace Your Old W1n110w no doubt many will avail themselves of P Weare glad to hear that Mrs. J. R, Passengers travelling with Live Steel; ,
Shades - the opportunity of hearing his parting known person. When he came to, he the arm should take the train leaving Toronto at
words. The congregation has extended was lying on the ground with a gash home. R.y' Williams is 'on the mend after her 900 p.m,
With some of our reliableover his eye. His horses were gone, Trinity Church held their Vestry ue J. Doft o nn, t the U. A. O•+ serious illness and hoe to se® her
a call t0 Rev. J. N. McLean{ a pioneer meeting on Tuesday, loth, Rev. Guelph, loft on Saturday last for p Colonist sleeper will be attached to each
opaque shades, guaranteed to but were caught about half a mile g Y around again. train.
minister of Rainy River district, and J. Edmunds presiding. Messrs, R, Me- Winnipeg where be has secured a For full particulars and copy of 'Settlers
neither fade, Crack nor curl, recent graduate of McMaster University. Meat of Mt'. gate. An home at Mr. The will
meet meeting of the Ladies
mounted on guaranteed rollers y McDougall's gate, Any person found Murray and Hy. Johnston were re- position on the staff of the Farmers' :Aid will meet in the basement of the Guido; "western Canada," or "British
We are informed that Mr. McLean has elected Wardens, and Richard Proctor Advocate. Columbia," apply to your nearest Canadian
and decorated with choice pat- out doing such an unmanly act, ought Methodist church on Friday afternoon pacific Agent, or to
accepted the call and expects to begin his and Areb. Bridges Sidesmen. John Mr. John Rusk, V. S. son of George
terns in lace and fringe. Spec- to be punished, as Mr. C. is a quiet at the usual hour" U£iicere will be
pastorate in Wingham on May 17th. A Watson was elected Vestry Clerk and Rusk, Esq., of Howick and the recent nA.t en No•rMAN
sal value on small lots of shades inoffensive man, y g y honor graduate of the Ontario Voter elected for the queuing year. A full AeaisiaKing St. East, Toronto.Agent
that are being cleared out. farewell social will be held in the Bap- D. Wheeler La Delegate to the S g attendance is requested. King St. East, Toronto.
fist church on Monday evening. BIRTHS. nod. The Church Wardens report nary College, has opened up an office
Evangelistic Services. Lennox—In Wingbam, April 29tb, was read and adopted. The Vestry for the practice of his profession at 60 YEARS'
We Tackle Fishermen g Mrs. J. T. Lennox, a son, met again on the 218t and received the Harriston. Bluevale. EXPERIENCE'
As well as any other sports, Next Sunday the regular May Quar- Wickware.—On Saturday, April 25th, Auditors' report, which showed the Mrs, and Miss Anderson of Wawa-
and give you the best values terly meeting will be held in the Metho- at 58 Ossington Avenue, to Mr. and following receipts :—Subscriptions for I nosh have moved into the hoose they
rocurablo 1n Lacrosses, Base- diet church, commencing with Love- Mrs, B. 0. Wickware. a daughter. salary, $257.50; garden party and bar. Jamestown. purchased from Mrs. Rutherford. It
P feast at 0,45 a.m. The Sacrament of (Mrs. Wickware was formerly a vest home festival, $20083; general.
ball goods, Cricket goods, Ten- resident of Wingham.) Three care of posts find one car of
nis goods or any other supplies the Lard's Supper will. be administered eoilectiona, $83.92.—Totai, $541.30. To- Miss Fern Eckmier has just recover• hogs were shipped from this station
after the morning sermon. Rev. Wal- Greenway—GA fat. Paul's tel expenditure, $486,46. Balance oil ed from an attack of niettalgs' this week, Two cars of B.O. shingles TRaDtE MARKO
you may require, ter Russell, B.A., the succesfal Presby hand, $55,34. The auditors were John Mr. Laser of Centralia visited his Dcelane
rectory, April 27th, by Rev. Win. and Richard Proctor. A committee y and a ear of lath were received. COPYRIGHTS &C-
find evangelist, will commence his Lowe, Mies Margaret A. Greenwa aunt, Mra, Geo. Ooombza last week. `'ve understand that Mr. Mallon h ink) a eertai n og opinion andfreer hien, an
Your Trade Solicited. Work in Wingham on the same day. to Samuel Auguetas Gannett, bot was appointed to act with the Church- g i niekl nein prop o r opinion res whether a.
Three services will be hold. Mr, fins- of Bluevale, wardens to see about putting a stone Miss Allis Ferguson of Brttsaels of the poatotTice store tae disposed of lj neniri ci cconntiolntial. lund beoot on Parents
paker—Buchanan—On Aril 2..nd. foundation under the church. The ''Pent Sunday with her cousin, Mies his business to Robert Shaw of the carni n s tt +lkon °t °rour`hQMunnrtnR pa a Ta
sell will reach at li A.M.a.m. on "The p Jessie Strachan, boundary. The people of this vicinity swetalnotico"Without ohargo, fat `•
anointed pulpit;" at quarter to four in by Rev. A. McKay, James Baker, of Women's Guild report having some Mr. pan. Strachan atter spending will regret the removal of Mr, and
COOPER & WIN the afternoon, on "The anointed peW," Ashfield. to Rebecca Margaret, 2nd $25 on hand. If all dues are paid in, Srirtotir mQr ran•
and ill the evening at 7 O'clock, on "Re- daughter of M, Buchanan, of West the amount twill bo increased to $30, his Easter vacation at his home, re, Mrs. Mallough, they Were always A Landeomeir illuetratM rcooklr. Uraeet elr.
Wawanosh. They are making an autograph quilt turned to Hamilton last week to re- courteous and obliging, and made °,u,;,"ri fourtnentbo,*L°So dbyall pewsdeale'r
WINGHAM demptien Rights." Members of all the DEATHS. at present, the proceeds to be devoted a o many friends during their stay with N p Broadway, fl8W York
Y P Ynttri — In Auburn, on Monday, p sumo ills studies at fife School of Ped- us,
t` April 27, Urn. Young, aged 81, to church objects, g Ky ran oa+b II vPw,>atnwo,p,
churches are kindly invited to t o o err
> t9. l '