The Wingham Advance, 1903-04-30, Page 6-••x.-. ,- �., _� _ ,,,.-_ .,. ...,,no ,..- ,,. -- ... _- ..-..- � .__ . . .. - _....- ,-,..-_, :.+ �>•...,_- qr.+n. .-w,wr,w.�w=.. . -„.y.,,•,.,.... ..., ...y,•*r..,+,-+>r,r-.+w r..,:+. .::!..T--_=--__1____., ,..,:--.:a.�-�.. __. - . . _ - .,_ .....w..x->ae:.a r.+ren.ars,,, .„I.__.... ••..wnmr*M
11 •'. villltslitr 1r1'.i, one, whit oaN an oour- .... r�
aralocit '1ollg^lit'. t U 11. L , +jrt Billie
.. 1 and tie l;cntln with his w1e frenh ngu6
of a1 to 1 b t tai tg• QQui t
Y.11ntl d(alt nd(+►Lt, coltl(I b(, • iiol, lihtl � t „ ��
. _. ., i u iek•'•1 nrtrcl(tia of whoul i;lie had a'i-
i?1tLCo !t 111 t1 110#Ile, tlOVat' WILl1 doll-- I�i� e i ' � _' ...••.cony.. --•s-• _ ., - .,_ .... _ .»..,..y.
0 l illi; water anti bintluel' two 110U3'm. T7r,1, SF➢ntilow•s . cothing hyrnp rsliould
CHANCE FOR LEVER PEOPLE � wvai, x ills++1, illi+ fila ether ono t6C Nis yx P
"1'Itty Let tFa t1 stra,lga thing,” y t7 ' i. RI'•vayR be eoc,l for children '1'o@thing. It
�/ / ' leo, hes f Ire rhild (otteaa lh('trarnq curo!r whsd
., ailird li'ilf.rl musingly, ".Ill 6111' land carefullly alld trim t110 roots. !lac ty ,a.
7ternovo 'tort ne frO1u water, erkin it
_ p pan or earthen diall find r+ .et -nil ietholie+t•rci... v rl)lcurh--.
cowl+ +coni, tukft It when we are 111, and ....___,_.__.- .. ._. _
. surround with x.-4 pound of atilt •t"
It should he eairy for t)eop!c who drink. dclioious lllue Ribbon Ited alt tical wrhen iiia m+•trtlnI offeredquite
it . Eight Gents a pound IS pork out In dice, 1••:.' cut) ell,
elf �57- C��� ��Q�CC���Q�
t4) m:" t tai I flim LltacL 1 tvax quite LA
It a'1)u : but I k1'vOIY naw Why you In what a young Woman paid fox carrot
onion,iut *Lite out Ili
sp> a v f N FIFTEEN DAYS
I.abt?1 Tea t., sa �e)ntc.thin that colt+ intlure�thy a�l�trfrlends to tr wl1;L b til ill's it, anti aro se) fond
S y ixP it
It itr b!•e.nuse beautiful ladies twelve pounds pE flesh. Of pai'sl4y,, a bit at bay leaf, 1-4 ,c?�llr Wwl1StS and dainty by mail su �•un e;uc m:0W frnul l•tvr- TO r»x
p.,ltr it our for s crit au:l drink It teaspoon peppercorns, 2 cloves ; Pour nut...A,ts A,,Ac. Fr.r partirnlara (write
It t, Itit , oil. "Ind their vuleei chllne In. She was thin and Weak and over 1; cups brown stook, cover olaso- Linen are made delightfully A HANSEL M H z west
. U with who tiuL'le or the cups atnd 1y: and bake In oven `M !Fours, turn • 9 • •a Avo.:.urtti
es s1loons, .Ah, sea; I understand. t paid one dollarfor a bottle of once after cooking; 1 hour. Lot cool clean and fresh Wltll Sun— Hamiltor„ Ont.
in Lite liquor i which it braised; - - _. -
Twenty4h—t- raid Prizes will be awarded in un er of merit to those Elaine. i looking
h up, FatY tilt+ near- + r I, 4�P. tB �,ADY AGI �A��111T�V
know." 9 S►
- Scotts Emulsion and by tak. nerve cold.—Elizaboth o. hiller In light S
• 1 quis i<)n,,,(n 4t'l hint with :L half sad ' Ap 11 ,H'ausekce er.
ing regular doses had gained
,eudtn;, in the hest advertisements for Illuc• ittbhan heti Label Tea. hitt ahulty gentle regard in ilia clack g ,
p,metratinr 0, es. twelve pounds in weight before Ivllnalt'd's Liniment Lumberman's Towser Mistook the .found.
"What ,ion du not understand ,and ITWIelnd. I ,,a o.. .
First Price w - - $200.00 lfanaas(:hy lntia9cndont
ktlaw ➢s not wcovth kllowing, Luigi," the bottle was finished, Ile sto&(1' In tate doorway, hftVVill TtIB ALL-l"AYS REApY.' ^•
Second Prize - - - - 100,00 its' ,sal:l. How li to Got Lveil, hand, fs;licT tTl(i stuttering young lady s,E iTR
The Itallan laughed ani, turned to Eight cents a pound is was inviting him #o call agate. TAD Il RTEV
fl OUL
'1�11ird Prize • - • 40.00 file segs+++. Chea fol SUC11 valuable ells- N. X. Suit. " Come arotund fi•s-6-N-N;' alto .
"You eliatll haws, your luttsle now,'' 11 • H1--.SaLy, ye knotr•that roll of green began, trying to say Sunday, but
4t11 to 13th Prizes, $Io.00 each x00.00 110 13•114. "It is all I call give ,'ott in terial, Solve a more, solve paper thet that city feller hornswog- tilde Nkint;enee was never finlshed�
return for your IcinduehN, Bias Do- pay g ed me Inter buying last week? The dog thought mite meant "Bic " "
1 th to 2 til oo each - - . 60.00 latiue." less some 'get nothing Best Selllnir Skirt Supporter and Waist Mlustor
`� 5 ' $5• for SI-Yas. cur, nntl bre did.
$e bQgalt to play -Just Its one be•- ' ill -Wal, I jes' wrapped a couple of aver introduced. Sells at sight, Good profit,
.u4.. gins to talk -quite easily, as if Ile' their money. You get your $20 )dills round It, so's to make it Keep Mliial,rd's Lhtimcnt In the Send 25 cents for samplo and terms to agents.
lr $500.00 +cert' putting into words his own ,, look real, an" bought a $1,000 gold House. . . I'.id(U 'III
thoughts alr,T theirs, incl ,1'.lalue moneys worth when you buy brick off the Name fetter with lit. _ _ .. ___ .
In addition, beginning with the week ending April 4, a special leaned Mick and listened, laud • -
weekly prize of $s.00 will be given to the one sending 1n the best gradually there stole over Scotts. Emulsion. Ulahasd'is Liniment Is used by Phy- A 1tECOGN'IZED FACT,
her a titrango faLS0111ttiou. 54110 had . ,
advertisement during that week, making for the nine weClcs $¢5.00 slcia;ns. ._„ , y -' ti
heard good music at the Ika,ratleld We Will send you a little , J; �• N, in special prizes, or a grand total of thirty-four cash prizes, $5�r5' }Y
HoneertH, but nothing I like thea, an It A Cautious Apologist, ,,; a • �1�
free. It is universally coneedod that to
seerccd to her as 1P a spell were y ,_.."Irt'•!�•
h CONDITIONS being woven about liar; ns if she Teterboro Review. appreciate a ire to Now ,•" �
and tt14 beautiful gallery were drift- dye do nok welsh to be lntsunder- properly pP P i Se'i�tr,
est. No rofessional ad. writer, nor anyone connected directly or indirect, with SCOTT at BOWNE, CtlnnsTs, ,stood ; we hold n9 brief to defen-d York or Boston, one inust take tho u
Professional , Y ing lu a dream ; drif tint;, drifting 1 fi
the Blue Ribbon Tea Company may compete. And yet till rile time +file felt rather every detail or the redistribution of i- t •ql - ,.
2nd. Advertisements must not contain more than So words, and shorter ones are Toronto, Ontario. 78131. �lheae ma 1K+ biota In It, as in lest road. That road is lite New �. r'
iliac saw the tall fares of Wee mar- �
referable, ()very ease of complex arrangements York Central, 0D •
p [lois, o t )Cant~! ag:Bust the back Soc. and
3rd. One of the cards used in packing Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea ---there are of Ont+ of iiia high e}Ia1rFt beside her. 5 �l.00 q all druggists. deviscxl 1)y human beings. I I�-�rp��y�.
two in each package --must be enclosed with each batch of advertise- Presently, as Ilia power of the --- -.....
power _:. .._._..—.._.____: yr i,lon Stna(lina, � TO -;-
meats sent. Guessed Offliand, fX >�i
4th. The competition closes June r, i9o3, and all competing advertisements mast music grew more strongly on tier,
i P J Pe g Tinkc ! llarvard Lampoon.
sho was conscious that lits eyes were Arda
reach one of the following addresses+ on or before that date. PP -I wonder wl><at my anaes- On )Fhg ,�,(fX �yi,
fixed on leer, find though alto tried-' tor, iWaau, Ra,td vrh'en he first met rring+ New York Girl ---IN your ne-
to keep tier own downgast, alto felt Eve4 qualnla)tgt+ with ,rack of inn rrtand-
l3lale Ribbon 'Ikea Co„ Winnipeg, Man. constrained to raise them. D Ing? Libby
Luncheons Co.,Toronto, 1]stor Are you sura 'le was all 9eeoind Ditto-Yos, I rode uptown
$lu¢? R.ibbOYa 'T(ea L>.CS., ,$331$- She did so reluctantly, Ila1P tear- anoths'I:or p1" yours? wvIth hi,n In Zito rlevaut(d.
Blue Ribboln 'Tea Cep., Vatncouveer, B.C. fully, ant! their eyes met. in a jpng, Ardupp—Certainly.
steady gaze, beneath, which she knew Dlggby-Mien I guess about -the
5th. No person shall be awarded more than one of the main prizes, bit may also that alto was growing pals. first thin h'e said to ilei• Was 'Lend The Overwvorketl Alonument. Turna. reyandthe yonfuct ini the a ateinaxactly
take one or more week, rises. It was almost with reltot that' she • g ' lurnahus. Wep n find in this way.
Y P, , me $2."' Da.m.
"set left ns. dveltut idem un In this way:6tb. In case of a tie,decision will be based on all the acdvertisements submitted beard the music change hi to a louderSilo followed him unto his grave, Potted lien, tied and Tongue
by lite competitors in question. anti leas spell-weacin tone, and TIveherwe, Jan, 6, 18ol,. And reared il marble tare, Ox Tongue (Whole), Veal +.oar
Mr. A. M. E. Evans, of the Winnipeg Telegram, has kindly consented to judge withdrew, tier eyes suddenly, her hand Is the bank of dirt he ,ltxd chiseled oil this N('ntpncr- sweet :
the advertisements and award prizes. grasping the edge or tha table, as if Rassey!Parris Co., Limited, "1!y grief 1 cannot boar." oevitcd Plum, Brisket Beef
Ili search of some support. Wlan}peg. 1 -tau. makes to hoist in the Sliced Smoked Beer,lEto.
All advertisements that fail to -win a prize, but which The marquis seemed also t0 awake melting solder. Fera mourned a Fear, and then wvav .All natural flavor foods -palatable and
are good exaough to be accepted for publication Go'n!tiemtln,-It gives me very well, wholesome.Yt)ttrar",!rt:boutdliavatheia
- will be paid for at the Tato of $1.00 each.. from who faseill bac Int ll0 let 4 e, much. Pleasure to Inform you Ihat There's nothing so worthless a And they chiseled Ol, tl,«t Ntone "ll.,, to Makc V.1 Thing, tePat" wilt
tilted chair fall back into its plaao, y hese,,t4rretnariyaadrpsslorthcaslllnrt
and walked toward the window. the No. 4. Binder wrttloh I purellas- second after except Spoon medicines A single word, and now it reads: Udlcas expressly requested to the contrary, 'ye will consider ourselves at liberty "113, grief T funnal brei --moue."
to publish the names of prize winners. - Tho strains of melody died away ed from your Agent here last Qum- Or Catarrh. , , Libby, McNeill & Libby
into silence, and for a moment no mer hab given me the ver Dr. A ne'Wls Catarrhal But soon she wore the wench n Chicago, Illinois
A'good advertisement should be truthful and contain an idea brightly and (yno spoke. y best -of lir gain, $ ,
forcibly expressed. Aboaa fide signed letter with address and date from one who It was the major -hila major who satisfa.etlon, doing its work to Powder is an antiseptic, healing And they turn^d that stone tubDut,
hastested`ehilis a i+ even by At any un ImentrforanmTheuffoodih should didn't understand it in the leash �mue�lillnhtter Llra��T exlleC)�eav�y lressilig, applied directly to the And on It trtu!ed IIIIN tgoulnti(�gtltne:
riot associate ) P advertise. I tg p y My life's light has or -
sent is the ore. that wile induce the mos lieople to try the art➢cls advertised, -"' ane➢ who Infinitely preferred the Drop was vary heavy and conte of liseased surface by the patient him. ,� f• -ti ,m
brayint± of .a mUttalry band -who At wary 'badly (towVIn, but your blade, elf, who blows the powder through Not long Mia walked in (larkm'NN lune o
,, ,. - brake the silence. did its work splendid. 1 )tad lio 1 tube into his nostrils.. lrotn)t this marble ,iktteh, � e �? t
seen your Inspiration in a Cu of Blue v Thank you. Thank you very The bells rang out, the setilptor (?r 0 '
A P : much, Mlster-er—er—Sanke Ad- trouble wvltatover. I hope you will . The cure dates from the first uhf.
Ribbon Red Label Tea and the mlrabit, admirab•e. Eh, y p wrote:
Elaine? Real- sell lots of binders for 190 and + " I've strut k another ntateh.
„ save my brother farmer's Pots of '�'oti need()t snuille from colds � � o �; •
Money is yours. ly admirable, trouble. T %lah you ever success, Ind ha fever, if ou have Dr, �`o-`� a --= - 0. `
. . .. . = Elaine rose and went softly to the y ' y sl x o�d` •
-. - � she's i,ai)ps• Hary with nlunb(r four, �•a �-
J muArtan, who sat with bowed head it, bi. T'ERRIS. 3gnew s Catarrhal Powder iai the but all the rivIghbora say � o�o;
ais9 if he had lost the sense of hear- conga. It relieves colds or catarrh That alto Will be ri busy girl I
- 1111111 95yll , ail. !I;,i&"il.11 diili,l:,Irak;kjldl:.dt,ll1(ilav ing with the lamt Motes of lits music, Two Diasters. and cures headache in ten minutes. On resurrection day. ; a :
anal timidly Put 11er lla.nd on his, > m -
-Syritcuso 1. osl-Standatd.
which affil rested on ilia trays. Little Chronicle. The American Aledicine Co„ Allentown, Ya., ' $ o i -
�c�'r`�c��`����``0`-c��c��`�`� � rrites : - " Your Dr. Agnew's Ustarrha] 40
., � He looked up wvftlt a start. In +illi )?rlms,ry class of a certain , �""'-"--""-"-� - � � � i
�+•. •� ��— ,+r- ., ........ ,• owd(rr ii the best seller in catarrh remedies arai�frs .
"Thank you, lady, hQ said in a I •�
Sunday 8011ooi the lesson Was tieing ,e have in our store, and our customers praise
eery low vol, e. Ile appreciated the _ y
sllont touch. rEclewved);ya visitor. When she final- tvery DR.VghiS Whatever 1 �e o e:,ai Play again;' slid said. She had ly asked, for't,he Golden Text, a little DR. VON STAN'S PINSAPPL&TAHLBTB are reduces the 1
almost forgotten the margtus, who he only conquerors of indigestion, dyspepsia drudgery of
boy on the back row eagerly raised .nd catarrh of the stomach. They digest the ,louse work is � w
stood, itis beak to the tvin(iow, look- his head and proudly repeated, "You cod, giving the stomach as long aholiday as if, '
Ing at the pair. cannot sepvee God and •women." leeds to get Kell. C(iled thousands, will cure � ? he hhaving, E \,
A TALE OF WOMAN'S LOVE AND Ah, yes; but somethit.,; more tau. Price; stir. 1
cheerful, shall it be?" said Luigi, a/_,
WOMAN'S PERFIDY at is is .4 � ,turd he sent the chords of a festival , v, Sweptilearts-in iQtrfrald. New = >� -
.,�,,,�.,,, ,,,,,,,,�,,,, �,�,,,�,,„�,,,,�,,,,,,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,• aolig dancing about the gallery. Then I know 11INAR;D S LI;Vl IB. 1, will
,i” lie stopped suddenly, Just as the mal- nuke, Dt htheria. - Houston Post.
a,." •.�..�.. t., -O,• ,-O..O.o.&,.v), 0. ,&.O"-",.O,•,J,.M:-#,-o •.0,,j p Centuryi;
,or was beginning to en,oy himself JORN D. I30111"MLIER. '"Then volt wvill be mine ?" F-. -, "
•rhe Italian tdrnf•fl Ids pale, her- ' miles off." tend beat time with his feet. That Freln,eh Village. "A11 yoursi,(' , Ball Bearing Washer floes I� � _ 'Z
elle face toWartl Elaine, who Nlood Luigi .stuilled and turned to the will do,' he said. ".Ind now, will you - "Oh, Joy k' away with all hand rubbing. r/t i �- 'I '
looking -,it him and Peeling that he - organ, but the marclnir tonche d his do something for me?" +, ,,+ -
011, raliture., (They embrace.) You do not require to touch the
co p let the one object wvaand to i arm. •'I?" slit; said wonderingly. ,:Olt,
ge!ttilr'g late, dear; ono more clothes to thoroughly clean them
complete the strangeness and tn- '\l'e'i! have N011le leu first; he He nolled and Milled, tits face turn- cute Croup. r S
J. P. CT,N,N'INGHAIIl, kiss, send 'then good-bye. 1!y ilea* and stub -fel can be dale ➢n five - t @ i ,
mance of rile Nurlr.nndiugk, and in- said; then hp lo( keit at Elaine, and ed to hers. band doeoult permit my callers to minutes.
eUned her head in reetin with a slight buwr anti it simile, Gape Ikea nd. _
greeting. t; •';+ing something ter me,'• s�4ay after 1�0 o'clock, and, besides, It i9 needed in every home and --•--
But he prit (tilt his thin, wh:tp drew, one of the antique velvet Iaa➢ne shrank. I m•msl, piit 'the cifildren to bed,' you cannot afford not to have it. •-- -_. ---
hand, and aald with h.s pleasant, chairs up to the earved table un "I Hing to you!" kl,r s,Lid. I know 311NARD S LINIAILNT, 10 the "But oulr wecicitng wjII be soon ?" If our dealer has it you should � USF •
patient snide : which the service had been set. "To me. and the (marquis, and the beast remedy co earth. "Yes; dove, if our divorces do not see it at once. If not, wite us and ' q c
"Will ,eon Pitt your hand ill lu:n(•, "Mas! there is no lady of the 10q]r:1111 A. SNOW. Inoll in, tho Pan. Goad' night.
Give g y 000 � � � tid
good maJor, your father," he re- f g cove wilt be lad to send you a des- G
Rifat Dblatnp; I tnnnvt see t, rut . house to serve you, hiss Deou t , ,--„ Vorway, 11tH. t my Jove No your wvJfe:' o.
I am blind," ! he said, "and so we beg you to Fipondcd. Do not say No criplive booklet.
Elainv ntart(H.l. i have pity on us."' "Certainly not l" cut• lin the major; . the 0owswell Mfg. Co. ltd•,Nsmlltoo, Ont. it tins No Equal
"I thought I had tuid you;"caul Elaine sat down and poured out `'Elaine would not be so ungrateful. .. , ,.. ____ 1'tanufactin•rd olily Ly
the marqui: lit r low 7(P:Cp, tint i Ito, tea, and as slip did so she could Sing that Ilttle ballad about the Ohf CANADIAN ORDER OF THE CAMPBELL MFC. CO.
law, as it cocas, the Italian weardit. ; flat help being struck by the con- fisher girl, );(tine." of HAMILTON, O(•ITARIO.
,.'r,.., ___ .,.- .....-, ,»..,• t...r..._-- .,.._ ,.-,-,- ..---..-- Tit -Bits. -..---..--.--.-- m _,.-,,,,..1..r,,.._,!..._ _. ---
To Ilia 11017. h(! 11•1`14t't�4. mmtw- onp at myrtle rottage. till(- l,,! Nhy, but tulle shook her head. r
Elaine mut her ita1.3 iii si. 1 ith a , L,!;' ;-ett+i of .aver plate. hue. s.t "Tho I''lalier (irlrl's Lament•,' of
faint Ithish. an•.i lee he -w :t genti; ; cmiuisite hand costly a set as that o „
for a secant as if ire• w.t•ro re -a -D. ` 1-frlre her had newer enterer, her Schubert? I know it, said Lurgi,
tier by It. hist �t:li ti!:•rP c,r?� 1' i :*.la:s:inaltiou; and it Was with •111 eagerly, and he bent. (town to a mu-
r C at•11001
, beside lliui. of atar•t)taon un ,.iti F1==(• � :c r.�nman F df•lighc in beautiful
as if h•- w.+rr• ..a:tttlt t=, l:p:tr I:E•r e;.tl:t� +list sh"2 tolleltwi tilt- (lainty The marquis came forward alid
speak nt-fcr( t.rr c• rj,tt r.•ailx 'rear n ; Vulf, t,f rard! Sewrt,., turned over the illus}e.
'what khr• :•i I;kf,. T° � 'I.nO sr.;. ,mt— ,narquis Ntucxt Reship tier, anti "Isere It Is," he said quietly.
ttr 1➢3e:r ears, :tr.•' si r r Gtsgens; at -1' i. t:iug ilal,ds!d the majn• a cAp, came +•iii, yes, and my violin--„
often the. :.PC- 1,•, e, r?o-rrr%', : ii:tv% k,r Ont' for Lallgi. but Elaine
thorn. wvl.:, a-%- ;,;t•.,;,; :,.::s felt t;:'•tim.! ;;ut 'I•, atm eurried r„le across The marquis reached it from a
senses. 1 t-, the r.rgal, !)c -fore he could do so. case, and the Italian tool." it eagerly.
• Lor.i Naiir4.+ _. mi, t;. tt ; • Titanic ;•f •t. `-druf•," NEM➢ the ital- and drew the bow across it softly,.
Ase 1010.1. ,.f 1a.-:... ;hf i ti—.Z:. few a n-4 data in fele - it c. i•rp. Then hp looked "Do not be afrild; T will not spoil
askfrl, - _- i.+•.!
t' ...p ..r:atu. ..') (Oluki;,. ' It tint Nrlirnp. It yonr Votcl.. 1 know. hill yOLLHhlg?"
safil. _ P An. t1•a nk ,+nj. That ►was gene! R:uine, a little Inde, hang the still -
Yes.' r:r..t ::?;a:'!r, 5n :t ir,:v ws,itfr: % F+,u; hf, a•:li•I fdmn'ct inaudi)dy, pie Hong. ;ti11e had a sweet sympa-
zhe emit1i-�_( <:a•'f;. •e'uaI rs--Iq,u:atb;n, I'MAITIP, w➢er, hall, d+.ue tit(- little th(tic VOleP, which 'Luigi accompan-
of tiaf; falx l ; -. _--i--!!P:T ,Ear. "'➢? ,.G : krn�d,re.r in til: Il,•thc uatalrld, »n- IEYi with at mtimiciall's cunning anti
svidc 5.f' '", is A t - •►':ai.` � •-hT:it,,' cocci;;. ',lushid ar,'i ln•Irla' ort: and :is alt( Hang the marquis
Tot- r%::__:. 5.•,;,-sn: t f .,•,r•• -micas, • - -tP i)a:•k to tier +abler. leaned against the organ with fold.
r;:] .'+, f•:••-• :_ ..U. t-. f.nru fsf •"=guar Zaiat:•N E;trs fere .char%'* vd arms and looked at tier. But he
Fat:=fa reef a.s r., r ns•- izilw ti,r• u,ar.ltins. Pailatig down tit Fiufd nut u coned When abet had fin-
`u_("P ". a4, "+-''ILf . .:St, . '41'. ait,l,t3 lair. I'r::a eallnt+yt LlOie without Ili,; imhr+h rood Luigi. looking up, quid
Ike iris.,: a.,. .,? :a;.1 't- i,rxl•fw,l : (sating ,,.. ,nd hr ears tree+ rine softly; "Yep, I knew, it iia a sweet
and r,:.:i:--., pf-rw.on fisau annt1wr its• the sound
•)f tldr•ir J,rpathing lit, wetft anti, voice. It IN the Voice t like; bet-
.. k.s -3 Tv :i ti ,.,:j ,sear d„ hf-., ? iiP nntwtp:au'!: r -Iii "-c1 u,: sure•, ter, tsar better, than the artlfialul
pax+ - 's -E' �. f,��etif. , IrAig}?" oat• of the concert -room or the peva.
I .0 �.,h Cas*:,re ;ra :;e tv .Pit-a•:P. It :, vers ;;r,(,.1. Ic •sl 1h hoxv long it In since I heard a
pia 1%.,C-;, , a� 1 :v. ah,;,;gm-=t, •-f r;A, I ballad hen r litre that' &nil what
•rf-ry lis.•':- ,.,,O,. a. , inter +'1,101 t+:z:rffr sea mnkft it, lhstll I F.o
.n :t+3 R' U .:13 Mai t'
srtanC-ng :.c,:r :c,... Mob R1, -lea?' 'l:lirrfP,' y to thank you?„
Tz s, Mar,o.- Ira':glitd hbortls, l�lalnf. laughed.
Jia aa,;s fr`f> :£k)r,i tsY t^?f''sr
ilea-ati'r•, 3t,r r y -• That In a little too broaul a vom- "TAon•t S•ou thitilt ;soil ]Jaye said
+ ,r ":i!•.; I:'ht F y+3kPri, vA?lwfit ;-":fm f•)r tai IL'Alian, 1,12;g1,'• i Pnhnt 11 :" hila f+altl. "And, pai)1L
](c {saki pleaf•ltit cyllivism. " I • .%
Luigi /lc,f;tt : ' td or -ill a hend, aL:l " wM1"p d] ." i ('Wild kip hiss IM1,11ri"'14 1`he tmajof turned front the anar-
tbp mn,r;•r ,.).,ow; : •I s..N f'r.r;.ai. l t,.h,' quhs i(s u•hont he had leer, speak-
juvenilt graty °, .kno I '.rye, teat), I rend: ' }ap re -tin;:.
A littlE. "�• (str*l)`.l r,sif +..,::,u : ;,t, f=,r,nr$e•3. ' El; -gr ing': Certainly • Tra-
thC TLttilal:`s fa _ 4)'3`_ %ce ?,jwvv4a Ti;e m aj•,i' Fat ')rylt ' •iri el,t c:''IVa j i"ef"10IINly 11,119r w1,1lt. .....rquis l but
"You, tfrr, f -:r, :Cir• V'rol fie t.'3^..''. �,T' 1)!)4 jr a ➢ :n i., -o },AC.,j, ft!4-1if:;L. itt tL:P r('fifly t11V•.-Pr_inuslc--- -'
'kec said. ;. to III -rn'ist Ii+r UM. rat➢3P.r r,:it of 7'itr• marquis eam(! across to Elaine.
Certa}ttl,:. tet „t..,1•., say, a+3 ?:, • , %lief bup;nf £a 1) t 1,r; lf,ri (zi fr4)n2 ntdr 3iar. I, too. have fsudrl nothing," Ilre
major, If; tit,. ttrlr_' 4)f VdAef> t-7tt':13 • tet t:1r: o0i'-r T,7 tlJ fi F:4,St veoiibl tial I..s•I;I.t••-=-•-'
persons of 10,4elasir fat.+,;,t ,.viicsl r.m:ler, ata :f t,:f-,y +sage a c-c•t "t r'I'll- DA91 Zanti's vuiee broke ;n mad -
they address lots(. thr,y .regard •.h a ,,;4,n +,aging ua F,rr1A+' faw,-PA gafnfr.'flobly ulnar,:.,+ with a kharp sur-
harmlesa illi)atlC tt'lit+ n9t7fit i)'' C]']• i fi'rl :all E1;' t Asf I'.t-A:f;r-, (A" E,;,4• ^,r -ass, vrl-
mored. ilwayk wan. ();era crus.+?:c o,.4-) o.,)•- 4••,F,ff➢ tet,;+(•, 4vatf tlaur)k•i Ifllm F13+ f:One?" lift asked.
of the best bands in tali army. By ; -,g wfewes• r:gl c,i<!t•,1e•,-r tla()ri r-,all°1' ,1110.1 three lookot at hint ,lnestiun.
George, yo;t could hear 'r!m tru) i,e tta4F 'aiai"q.)Wh ii r,f 'r'cl.rrie, sinel 111a ly.
..��,,..._-.-,---.,-.--..-.o--, ut•alsing .111m; b0nirte. I,ui t?"
ta,,+i its• roarq,tik. "No, site Iw hair+
M t.r d i`;(r
I 10 66 "That 1,• t,trtangr,'•' hp, maid ,ifigio.
. f41 W tt,c 1*1, ""J thr,l:a;ht I heard the
3:,4,q'fr1 hi a ryrf•sk
W � ri 114110-rfJ" . Lite rend Of the
T:r fey fill l)akr't round, and the
? `s ;i, .r-rt,1"l wfilkr-1, lint l,ot gninkly, to
, '�}, , to ( i4isirl,.
, P.� 4 ' There. 1F1 no une those;' he aaiti.
A. „' . i snit !"Yon sure miataken for one(,. Lulgi."
• Yf:1f," aw,ented till. blinrl man,
' ti - but ,doubtfully,
N To paint YOUR HOURE Inside / "Pitt r ftin going now, Indeed;+
and out vrithjust the tight touch. aid Tslrllne
of color for freshness, beauty and =� r giving hint liar hand.
strength.1. "•.'ind wvllt ;ton efylns again?" he,
frO keel) YOUR H01780 ehoer- __ : 811141, th11'udly, .,nd turning Isla facto
_ ful and bright throughout B11111- I toward they marquik, it,; If begging
j nierandwinter. hltu to Neetrild ilw invant}on.
- �O brand YOUR lli0USI t with a ,"We will hope key, with all our
quiet 61691inee amongst its fel• hearts, Luigi 1' he ma:41. 11'11py wont
I(fwL - - down th( stairk, th( marquis tie.
And •�
0 Itrlco just right for the purest c!ompanylnh +Irene throltgh the hail
b Write for our booklet I'D" telling - ; 1111+1 Into til(, open girt the strains
>ic all"Outft. t'f the organ fullowhig tiilerit In a
_ ? hind of plaintive nppettl. It sounded
A4 RAMSay & ROnr N ontreal, in Riainn's ours 1.11. it lung drawn.
Est. tut, PAINT MAKEIRR 3 ... - I 'tilt " olne inick' (;onl(, Intek!"I
Talking to the. ulltj)r, the marquis
+++t wi lk(tI b(side them ay far a9 til(.
I)iLnifinrPAin ,To PAITIT,61ililff, bridge.
.--—•--,, oftitQ 6. i'iio ba 00ntl Bead.)
t111041111CI-Uariing, 1 neiteve trial 1At til(+ TI'illllriillf.,' (iAlllllef, _.__-._,-..... __.._- __unual"mcmula
Wife (lit alarm) -Gracious 1 How of- "When a,� wvvulau comes up and •
tan I leave warned you, George, STABILITY - Says, 'Have you got those-er-' and a a
agaLl.rkat your 'foolish speculations. then begins too pair tier breast, we • s
Husband -1 don't meals in business, 111hebeatguaranteeofSTABILITYfurntall_ e911
devil ; T mean T'nl failing in health. (I by any FItATERXAL SOCIETY is the know hho wants pendants," said the 'a
ability to show- 0
ter looking O al t � trim- � � � ACUBS
'Wife (relieved) -Oh, is that all? (1) n growing RESERVE FUND, ed wane a who• a
(2) a growing AILAIBL•'ItSHIP. ming c:oullter. O .,
Oil City, Feb., 6, 1.903: (8) up to date features in avert' respect. „ •
And then td ask' dr we liave them W
Massey-Harria Co.,
The following table exam lifiea briefly and a 1
L}nlited, gag of -when Ivo 'lave been selling them y a 4
- 01 L,
comprehenatvely the atundl
fror OYFto, Out. - n � , t d
The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends all winter, Flute wvex, on wearily.
GeaYtlemen,-Elease send lite one "It's queer, but not one woman In 'i POSITIVELY MM
of your 19G-3 catalogues of farm from the first two points of view- ten knows the name. No matter • a,
machineli9. I licca used Ito ma.
Year. Membership. Reserve. what the,, ask for, w.e bring out a Rheumatism m,
chInery that gives as good satin 1889 fig •• pendants and it's ties thing, 0 Neuralgia i
faction as 11:assey-Harris. 4 1,04.3 89 host cowmen nak for those bang- , • r
1890 1806 4,488 65, 1l.unzbag®• •
. JOIi1�T 11AR]tTOTT; 1891 11145 11,065, tis ins things.- • Oi
1802 5032 21,183 77 Once to a. while some one will • �acRaoh'�
----- 189.1 780:1 52,713 4.0 strike us for 'flub -dubs.' Sciaticel, s
1s9t 9710 72,501 98 "••Gluttery things,' it quit() popular. i Sprains 0
Editorial Amenities !n Missouri. 1895 11864 100,711L 00 A •
Bethany, Mo., Owl. 1896 12693 108,277 T8 '"'Dingle -dangles,' aro railed fol; by 4, •
TIreCO 3aa a eyed, , . 1897 15027 139,284 27 O Bruises
gander o ed yonlc jaw- 1898 16152 164,230 53 'n� °y' . , O •
ad, long nosed, hatchet faced man to 1899 17838 208,047 81 .IR,o, also, area bobby ends. o Sor®r;eSa
the Pleasant Valley netghborhood 1900 19918 :114,25.1 tt7 But mosb women Just paw. their 0 Stiffness •
that wants to alwvay4t keep h a fuss 1901 x2164 234,872 05 breasts anti ask, •T -Darn ,oar got . • •
In hila neighborhood, He Is running 190" • 3829 813,769 88 t11r7se-•those'- • I • 0
for offloo now. I Up to Date Features "And wi) Fay yer." 0 :
1 An insurance In case of death of Just then a little woman wltli a • ¢
Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with $1{{(000 ;1500 or $2000. $,00' worried look fluttered tip to the • •
Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re- val2 0 of disability
isabce te, benefit of one -halt face counter. "Have you got those Jig- 0 s
move the grease with the greatest ease, 36 (8) An OLDA014BEXUPIT, gly little fly-n,bouts that teary- •
(4)AFd1NERALBLNEFIT,thistoopttona; body la"'--- •I
(5 A SICK DIMWIT thisla also ti O PAIN3 �bop oval Anel the saleswoman said in attired . s,11N
Precise. Vor further particular address voice; I r.
"Jamey;" Raid mamma, approllon- w•1!'. MONTAOUF; "You mean pendants. Tea, we have os•r:i'w*6iaaa0a600ieo•s400A
sivel,v, "have you ever hoard Hugh Grand Reeorder,liamilton,Ont. ti�em.' -
wie any bac, words?" W.V. CA1d`BRLI,,Grand Orgnniser,linni• Ttiat a it. I couldn't' Just re- «"'
11ton, Ont. Orgautsers wanted. y.y
„No'in," antiwerecl the little fel• evil tiro Hanle. Let ole sae them, � �"'����QtlJl
low. Thnn, "Well, yes, I did, too, plOtt se."-1'}flladelphla Evening TeLe-
tnarnma. TJIe oilier du,Y he Said gi+, l:nvfcil sister's hast' '!'ask. graph. CbBred Cow
for got," -Little t'hroniele• Detroit Nows. - -
Mam-Tonuny, wiry don't you When toned. up bqq
OR. A. W.. CHASSIS rcamay, your Prayers like ; our sister Stomach Disorders Dick's Blood Pari-
ltinn lty7
CATARRH CURE , ae 501r Momlmy-t would if I knew a Ir you want to enjoy a:telt meal to fier will give as
1 rihort ons ilkP alto. says tiro utmoat extent and feel that ,,our ,, much and as rich
is seat direct to who diseasod y as hi hl
stomach IN taking tho o d t milk a
d ant n g Y
It t �'
parts by u era, lea Bforret5 a amu-lVhp, what dor,4t she "t •�' bredaristocratie
I{eats the ulcers, cleats th8 air r4ayltj, the food y011 sat y01t should try '
passages, stopsdroppingsfnthe .1rommy-Oh, the jumps In be/lnndI ? • - r v iw Jerseycowgives
that and liermanantfy1 m.g. RayH, '011, deaf; T dlo wish I had Dr. Cars®ln , Toln le t, tt on or-
Catarrhand 1'tay a. e,
;/ d n a r
W. All deniers of I),.A, W. Chale a new: botinat lt' Stomach tend Constiptttlon Bitters } i:, Y
Aledteiae Co.. •fladna and l3aff rA. _ feed, and
__. _.._ . __ _ .. ROzetna resists or(Hnaryy treaunent, It Will give zest to your appetite.. _ - ;�,,, Liz,. a Jersey
Overdid it. - but la permanently eured by Weaver'M isyrup ()erred trwi nt, titfrc hang, for .knitr t aim- for = F\�V . cowwheu
Venday'vania Vaneh Bowl, find weaver's Coratp. These rentedtes nrtve anti raddreRa fill hint earl, given.
Leen sold fol• ninny years and ]lave eur,!d r,iCe, ppr bottlo M: lilt d1-liggietm "r Rent pre•
tTht, but iv PH, our trill was :tit thousands, They will cure you. pall on re•eipt at rleo, DICK'S �
right, but w ! )ut l alt atroclottrrly, - sample Rent on receipt of life. (Rtauup) to C s�
frerflt eucoit: cover t,ostage, CK
(rsonal Con thdul in they had rhe I�hrnst� of n Coward. Ifiro MRSON MEDIGINB GO-ToeoNTO gj„�QI� N[Jj�ij�'(�,[,2
personal eondnetors on. those tours. •' It im NAld" is the hedge behind .
roetephine-That' was tile trouble. whit+h th( slanderer lien concealed - - will wonderfully increase her yield
., rnod personal. When h0 makes a rnnrderoua nmsanit oocl a1 IE'litoo3pllodllllo, of milk. It saves feed too, because
Ourer wets 'toe cls
�l upon a spotless reputniton. 'IL IN •• The well
ASmaiter amount of well digested
HOW'S THIS? Haid' iH the rc)tvrtrds' nnittrrfnge, wild lished and reliable food satisfies tyle demands of the
dares not face til.• wt'used, who is 9 '+�proparntiou.I asbnen b Steiit atitl lYtr article of rsorlr-
we iffier Out Ilttntlrpd Dollars' fCervnrtt foe willing t0 rir(ulntr• « i 11( that+ he ', 01!;Ii �! prescribed and usod slehment sticks. p
any ease of Catarrh that cannot be eured by rorty know to til. ilittrur•, fist. for � over403,"rs. All drug,
11n11'a Vatarrh Care" , wvdtlrh hr daeN not wvtnh to « kanntet - ;-, ` sista in tho Dominion 60 cents a p;Ickage.
F.J. itrNI;Y kCO..GI .1 ( o Canada , ne n ), f i(A
Ire, the undet•atgned, have Ittlown V. J. tim ropponmlbility. "It ix ma.lil" IN � � recommend as boiutd Leming, miles & Co,, Agents,
Cheney for tilt idat 1:, yettra nfid belietve hull 'the hllbtln Venom whit i inn ny iriml- Before orad elJler, the only medicine oil nIONTRF,AU
perfectly honornblr. in rill bubtaentt trttna- orn logon um' to poik011 the mind Itsltindthateutostuld
aettona and financiallyy abie to carry out anti and ruin tbr+ (acv' nP i went [t�Ch teen- gives universal nati• fnetion It promptly and Je •
4tblif}4floria tnfido by +herr firm. h) permanently cnrerr siltlorms `of Nervous Weak• -
16(10 Tar!Ax, lVhnh!anto DrugtBtatri,'1'o• turii troftettory note ofellos. 1t tt-von- cruel q(�Fr- nndAlloffnetsofabuseorrxeAy os(;'theeaeonsve .- _ _-�__ .._. __-.
I'VAr.nieo, XINNAV k AIATIVIN, w)lnlebale alt) and NealiQal. ln.l ifl lilt toen upoof T6baccu, vphonor Rttntttfants, Mentat = Evory man's hail r• l•, I:iN r•«stle
Drugglstq,7bletb),t► tafto nett of twF'nt, tilt' ur coo• nod Drarn�111bery,till utwhfchload tolnfirinity, t `
S Ilsaeity r"onsumptioaanti an l:ar y (crave, n«iii h++ mil -.t id u',"tig;., ;fent • tbt`q
IncusCiltarrhCure lot taken fnternalty,acb 1nan w)10 refnevsf, 0 (;ill! %whit Mt Pri" I per t,ackageorristot $5, One will it's ills wfl'r••,v.
faeces of the b,V tenon tt. e timtofitala otintt herr. 1s Haiti" tt"111 })t+ jt)nalrl i)C(lt, etOSO ,+teller, otx. rutlL f,trp, i}failed prnmpty on roe
PNee-'-`fie per bottle. Hold by alliltugglats. to the originator or Imontor or the b4lptofpries. Spud forfrcepamplilet. Aftros.�<' pr .«.�..v-, •�, ., .
4 11Ail'R Family fills ere the boat, slander. --•Burlin •trio lintvkr a:. 7r[►et11nd e,O 4pClAtutd
a t, y so Ask tar rilfna,rd'H al,•i t:lkiy tt•+ orjlf'rt