HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-04-23, Page 8THE WINGHAM. ADVANCE April 23, 11903 DISAPPEARANU OF GAMEY. Bluevale. Brussels. New Prices For Rev. Mr. West preached two very Organizer Towushoud has been here A decidedly sensational turn was interesting and able sermons last Sab. booming the X.O.T.M. TuoQday oven. given to the Gatuey-Stratton enquiry bath. In the morning sermon lie re- Ing 16 candidates were initiated. Our Great April Sale of Fancy New (loods- on Monday, by the unaccountable ab. ferred in touching terms to the fact Throughout the Easter holidays 144 'a sence of the "trian from Manitoulin." that last Sabbath completed six years tickets wero sold at the Brussels Station A Telegram reporter located him in of his pastorate. Mr. West has been ft for which the sum of $210 was paid. i Spring Goods is Booming - Buffalo and talked with him over the faithful pastor, and has not spared himself in his work, Steps are being Everything guaranteed strictly long-distance phone. Gamey Asserted About two oars of square timber are - A first-class. Money back if not satin- that there was no reason why be taken for the erection of a now church awaiting shipment at ill© G. T. R, yard. We are selling pretty Nluslins, fancy Piques and stylish Ginghams, worth in the fled. We guarantee these prices for should not return, and he would be on Timber is owned by a Mr, McIntyre, of In the near future, regular way from T 5C to 30c, that we are clearing out on Saturday, far....., ... iic ONE WEEK ONLY. Durham. hand when required. This way be the Miss Thynne of Arthur delighted case, but his absence, taken in connec. the Bluevale Presbyterian congrega- While working at rho Ameut sair mill ly last Tuesday John Currie had the mis- 0 lbs, Tapioca for ............ 25c tion with one or two matters partial tion last Sabbath, by rendering, in a fortune to have one of his logs badly Bargains in Black and Blue Serges. 8 cans Pumpkins, Peas, Corn or enquired into, has caused considerable beautifully sweet anti sympathetic bruised but we hope lie will soon be as Beans for ........ ............... 250 criticism. Nor can the public be voice, a solo—Hide me safely, Lord, -A We are making a special run on these splendid all wool serges. They come in John Bull Pickles, per bottle ...... IN blamed for regarding his absence at well as ever. His head also suffered by Z Mixed Pickles, per quart......,.... 15c this particular stage of the onqniry in Thee." It is always a treat to hear wide widths and extra weights and are regularly sold at 65c and 75C—Our 8 lbs. Tillson's Oats for ............. 25c Miss Thynn I e, and her singing is much the he fall. special clearing price is ............ with dissatisfaction. In the meantime enjoyed by the people of Bluevale. On going into his livery stable the ............ ............ 49C 3 lbs, hand picked Beaus for....... 10c lie asserts he will be on hand on Thurs, other morningJackson noticed 3 lbs. Whiting for .............. — 5c day at reopening of the Court, A meeting of the Bluevale Woman's Institute was held on Wednesday, the close call the place had run from LADIES' VESTINGS are the very newest fancy goods for summer Suitings 3 cans Peaches for ................. 2Zc But should Gamey not return, sev- April 18, at the home of Mr. A, Pater- fire. A hole was burned through the and Blouses. These Vtstin 4 lbs. Laundry Starch for........., 25c eral ugly facts remain that tell heavily son. A he usual business was bottom of a manger and the fire went gs are, in white mercerized finish, and the very 3 packages Blue for ...... 10 After t c against the Government. at have been shown in town—very special at .... ....... 0 cans Beets for ...... 25 It is clear transacted, an instructive paper writ. out of its own accord, It is supposed !it daintiest g6ods that 30C C from the letters produced and inter- putting away a horse a match or stub of I packages Tooth Picks for ........ 25c views proven, that he was approached ten by Miss Aitchison, wits read and 2 22 Ibs. Redpath's Gran. Sugar $100 by agents of the Government. It, is discussed. There were also a number A olgar was, thoughtlessly dropiled. LADIES I—Have you tried a pair of our Black Kid Gloves? They are well 25 lbs, Coffee Sugar for ....... ::::$1:00 also clearly established that Gamey, of other subjects of interest to house- The Lockridge woolen mill has now made and every pair fully guaranteed—our special price is, per pair....• oo 30 lbs. Dark Sugar for ............ $1.00 elected as 9, Conservative, was given keepers, discussed in conr.ection with from 15 to 18 hands employed and will the patronage of the Riding as part of the "que8tion drawer," after which soon have everything in good working Special Sale of Crockery. the price for supporting the Govern, Miss Eva Patterson rendered several shape. Five or 6 families have been mint. It has also been proven that selections of music, Mrs. J. Dyment brought to the town by this enterprise MEN'S SUITS. the Globe's so-called "interview" was invited the ladies to her home for the and we hope to see the business grow Gentlemen, have you bought your new Spring Suit ? We have the swellest a cooked-up affair, prepared in Hon, next meeting to be hold on May 20th. so as to more than double the number. ISD HOPE'S 1 Spring Clothing we have ever shown. Think of buyincy fancy striped Tweed Suits,' Stratton's office and handed to Gamey Miss Elliott was asked to prepare a Favorable prospects are presented and J Phone 58 Prompt Delivery for his signature. It is also acknow- paper on Flower Culture. A cordial the line of blankets to be made are In Z splendidly made and well lined, and made by the best m?anufacturers in Canada, for ledged that the Sullivans were emis- invitation is extended to the ladies great demand we understand. Open Wednesday and Saturday evenings caries of the Government; they had who have not yet joined the Institute, Last Sabbath evening about 7.30, 1 86-00, 1'8$ 6. 5 0, 1'82!7.50. free access to the office of the Provin• to attend the next meeting. o'clock, the spirit of Thomas Charles, cial Secretary, and even used the sameYoungest son of David and Martha THE NORFOLK SUIT is the new Suit for Boys; you really have to see ` them to appreciate their style and up-to-dateness. They are very reasonable in stationery. The letters signed X.Y. Z. Haiste, took its flight. Deceased was 2 are admitted to have been written in working up to noon of the previous J1 price. Ask to see them. Stratton's office. In view of these Culross. Monday when he was taken down with ugly features of the case, it is assuring Jas. Warren, D, L. S. has taken the appendicitis, Four doctors were con- NJwto the public to know that the enquiry level of the Teeswater river and has sulted but were unable to save his life. w n, turns up again or not. Councils, With reference to Culross, kind disposition and only a mouth and 11 K"DOill proceed, whether the chief accuser reported to Greenock and Culross He was an industrious young maof a e. GOAR Gamey may be a bad man; it is pos- he reports as follows:—I find that the a half past his 20rd birthday. sible that he was willing to be pur- river runs very dead a good part of Big Prices for Trade. • ]DIRECT IMPORTER chased; he may have intended to sup- the way, but from the 8th to the 10th port the, government when he accepted concessions, the fall is enough to give 001 the patronage, and he may have After• a good current there are no very East Wawanosh. wards decided to jump into notoriety great obstacles in the way of deepen- J. Noble of Clinton visited friends Blyth. THE MARKETS Notice to Creditors. by exposing the transactions. His ing the channel, as most of the bottom on the gravel on Sunday. motives at present are not ours to is trind or muck that can be easily re- Mr. Menzies is making things hum The Ladies' Guild of Trinity cbm ch WINGRAM MARKETS discuss. moved. I would recommend that the around his property on the Oth. are arranging to hold a dinner on July In the matter of the estate of Andrew Jobb of However, as the Toronto News says: channel be deepened 80 inches at the 12th. Flour per 100.......... , $1 85 to $2 25 Township of Turnberry, in the County of f $Mr. Gamey is not on trial. The 8th con. bridge and continued on as Miss Hattie Ward of Wingham Mr. J. S. Golden has succeeded Mr. Fall wheat per bush new 07 to 68 Huron, �eoman, Deceased. Ramsay's Pure - act that he may have been a shown in the profile. I would have spent part of last week her with friend T. W. Scott in the grocery and boot Oats per bush........... 0 27 to 0 28 Notice 18 hereby fiven pursuant to the R. S. scoundrel will not help Ministers Miss Nethery. Barley per bush...... .. 0 35 to 0 40 0., Chapter Aeby all persons having claims in the least degree. The quebtion the channel 20 ft. wide, so as to in- and shoe business.against the estate of the said Andrew Jobb, Peas per bush ......... 0 60 to 0 05 who died on the 2nd of February 1903, are re. Ready Mixed Paints is not whether or not Mr. Gainey chide the river in low water, and that Mr. Anderson of St. Thomas is Mr. Edgar Rowed, who received him Bran ...................16 00 to 18 00 quired oil or before the second day of May is a man who could be put-chased, would help to keep the channel clear spending a week with his sister Mrs, first lessons in railroad work at Blyth Shorts ..................18 00 to 20 QO 1903, Wills with Christopher rata obb, cut pith trator, or the undersigned, a atatemontA-Ith but whether or not his purchase better than if it was wider. The dis- Thos. Taylor of 6th line. Chop1 M h 1 10 to particulars al of their cIaalo's' t4 that For Interior or exterior work. There is was attempted by agents of the [vice from the boundary of Greenock station, and who hits' been Grand .................. 7 00 to 7 00 "" h by, hen I any, and ab ib " I.t,_t.r will pro.. -r Butter "� It. I Ad- n d no Benzine, water, soap mixtures, or in- Administration." Among the many who have been Trunk freight agent at Clinton for the B per lb ...... ..... 0 17 to 0 17 the at all to distribute tile .sets _O.z the persons to the 8th con. of Culross is 9J miles. I ailing with ]a grippe in this neighbor- past three years, has been transferred Eggs .................... 0 11 to 0 11 titled having regard Illy to the claims or JuriQUs mixtures. They are pure Paints. THE LATEST. ville . 11 then b.'. notice. They dry hard over night, and have a would estimate the probable cost of hood are John Pelts, Alex. Scott, B. to London, Lard .................... 0 15 to 0 15 h h hit I.n beautiful gloss. One gallon covers 360 Thursday morning reports are to the work at $4390. The total acreage of R. Taylor and fainPotatoes per bush...... 0 50 to 0 50 Dated at AVIngharn this 4th day of April, 1903" ily. Mr. R. M. Cassels, D, D. G. M., of Apples bag ........ 0 50 to 050 Hides per b DIQXINSON� & HOLMES square feet, two coats. the effect that Gamey has returned. the lots affected in whole or in part is One of our Young men, on his way Stratford paid an official visit to per 100 lbs ........ 5 00 to 6 00 Solicitors for Administrator Put up In gallon cans at $1,50 He states he was only away for a few 6714 acres. of which I would place the home one evening, came across what Blyth lodge, No. 1903, A.F. & A.M. 11 11 quarts at 400 Lamb skins ............ 0 .50 to 065 1. .1 at 25o days' needed rest. value at $101,650, and the total bene- teased hogs........... 7 00 to 700 1. .4 ? pints at id. he thought was a wildcat. He hasten- on Tuesday evening. At the close of s Please call and examine them before you fit of the lauds affected at $5455, and ed his speed, secured a rifle, returned work in the lodge room, adjournment rivehogs................ 5 50 to 6 00 REAL ESTATE Tallow, per lb ..... ...... 05 to 5j. buy—it will pay you, at the average cost of the work counting to the spot, and begged the cat. But was made to the Commercial hotel Chickens per pair ....... qO to ho Fine, decorated China is now offered "the whole acreage of the lots afftetpil at greatly reduced prices at H. H alas, it turned out to be one of the dining-room, where a sumptuous sup. Ducks per pair .......... 60 to so I bavo over 6000 acres of land for sale Ohisbolm's Jewelery store. Beautiful in whole or in part would he 65.kc per Turkey. per lb...... .... 10 to 11 in Huron county, and in addition to this. I neighbors cats, which unfortunately per was pal taken of. havo 32 sect-toils ol land III Manitoba for Geese, per lb .......... .. 6 to 7 sale, greater amount being in the best goods at bargain prices. acre nearly, Taking the scheme as a had lost a piece of the prptruding ex. The flax mill was discovered on fire Wool ............... .... 12 to 13 t raising sections of Manitoba, Prices Fishlei,meh's whole in both the townships of Green- tremity of its vertebral column, mak- iron 3 to $25 per acre for Manitoba lancin 9 . Have you spare time? Increase your ock and Culross, the work is quite ing it look somewhat like a wildcat. about eight o'clock on Sunday night. TORONTO STOCK MARKET. If yen desire a form in this section of Hardware Store, Wingham. income by work at night. Others are feasible and would be a great value to It was put out with a few pails of country, no mat.tor what size or price. I can guarantee you satisfaction. Call and have doing it. Our goods are need every- The following is the report of S. S. water before any great damage was For full ro- a look at uV In shcots. Town p-ro r where everyday. Write G. Marshall the township, as it would enable lands and accurate market lar a n a%o Smith & Pethick's old stand. & Co., Teas, London, Out. to be cultivated that cannot now be No. 9 East Wawanosh for the month done to the building. How the fire ports see second page. ty of every esorlption for sale reaso a. cleaned up, owing to the river not iv- of March. The names are arranged in started is a mystery. As usual. the CLYME MAGUIRE ing sufficierib drainage for surface order of merit. Fifth Class—Willie fire bell rang and the churches were water, and when there lauds are once Elliott. Sr. 4—Bella McDougall, soon emptied of their congregations, Real Estate Agent , �T'w cleaned up, they will make excellent Stanley Elliott, Uarrie Deacon, Willie Blyth fire bell rings for a Sunday Horsemen Office:—Upstairs III Vanstono Block, 7 6 ITTrIj Rtius Shoebottom, Raymond Elliott, Alex, night, fire about the time the church L grazing lands, and would also be good for roots. When the land became Mowbray. Sr. 3—Ella Walker, Anne collection plat commences to move We wish to draw your at- MONEY TO 'LOAN—At t 4J per cent. on Leaver, Harvey Linklater. Inter- around, thus depriving the churches improved farms. Easy Ministers and church workers generally, are somewhat, consolidated it would yield ternif- of re- cordially invited to contribute items of church mediate 3—Lanra, Ourrie, Tessa An- of a considerable addition to their in- tention to the young aYmflnt,; expenses light. Apply A. news under this heading, from their respective good crops of grain. demob, John Kerr, Mabel Mowbray. come. �iiltnage, Real Estate all Loan churches. TROTTING STALLION Agent, Kent Block. I Jr. 8—Katle Shiell, Wilfred Pocock. The children's Lenten offering in St. Gal field Shoebottom, Maggie Shiell, I Paul's Sunday School last Sunday was St. Helens. John Abram, Maxwell Abram, James Howick. $15.70. Gamboy R. Miller and Miss. M. Rutherford. Ferguson. Sr. 2—Earl Elliott, Geo, Council met April 15th, at Fordwicb, Rev. W. Russell, evangelist, is ex- who spent Easter holidays at their Walker,. Jr. 2—Geo. Currie, Walter pursuant to Adjournment; members which was,purchased at the Chicago Sale tltllast fall. &L pected to be in Wiugham, the first Sun- homes here have resumed work at Pocock, Mary Elliott, Gordon Rin- all present. Minutes of last meeting GATtuoy is the noted sire Gamellion, day in May. Goderich Collegiate. tool, Gwendoline Currie, Pearl Atild, were read And adopted. which is now considered one of the most Colonist Excursions. I A OWE. ular sire of high. class knee acting trotters *,,, he Rev. D. Perris exchanged pulpit Mr. Hugh Anderson and wife, who Pearl Deacon. Part 2—Verna, Taylor, A petition was presented to the y Gambetta Wilkes, which beide is One way tickets at low rates on sale until work last Sunday with Rev. J. J. formerly lived here, but have of late Richard Deacon. Part. 1—Harold Council by Mr. Pritchard. signed by 84 1.111 sires for 1002, he having produced over Tuna 15th, to points in Montana, Colorado the uc 0 c Utah Oregnii. Washington, Dr tish Colnmbl� hundred in the 11AL of stand trotters I Hastie, of Belgrave, been living near St. Thomas. will Walker, Harold Currie, Bernace Shiell. ratepayers, asking to have sideline 30 pacers. Gamellion's dam is by "Onward", one and Utah, Durham Methodists have performed Shortly return And live near the vii- Average attendance for the month 27. and 31 between cons. 7 and 8 repaired hirci f the most popular sires whi6h live . o having more standard performers 11 the pleasing task of burning the mort- lage. We wish this estimable couple M. Alice Duff, teacher.• so as to make it fit for the public to okbor sire living or dead. Mt. Clemens Mineral Baths. gage on their church. a happy life in our midst. travel on. be Gamboy's dam is Florence D, by Hansard, Thousands visit Mt. Clemens every year Councillors Spence and by Geo. Wilkes, which makes him of the for treatment of rheumatism, digestive trou. richest bred Wilkes Stallions in Canada. This b Wall Paper McKee were appointed to look after Detroit, nervous disorders. situated near The Bishop of Huron will make his We understand Mr. Phillips bas the noted family which produce 75% of all horses I. It Is quickly and comfortably reached the matter and have the said line re- baying a standard record. Florence D's dam by the Grand Trunk. annual tour of the Deanery of Huron order for brick for the Union School Salem. paired. is by Messenger. Gamboy Is a sixteen hand 3 year old bay from May 5th to 10th inclusive. ita Goderich Township, Miss Ella Neil loft on Sunday last Moved by Messrs. Spotton and Stallion. we 1150 lbs. hand, is a good In- The "St. Catherines Well." His Lordship the Bishop of Huron dividnal, having a strong short back, well The waters of this famous well area great Shopping Miss N. E. Lockhart was unable to for Listowel. Gowdy that the following changes be ribbed up, good feet and legs. and is all . specific for rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, ner, will visit Wingliam. in May to ad. resume her duties in Blyth "Public Will. Palmer spent Sunday last at made in the path-masters. John tionally high knee actor. This colt having vous proAration, and also servo as a splendid only been broken last fall Is showing qu rter8 tonlo. situated on direct line of the Grand =at onr store because you minister the rite of Confirmation. school, thia week on account of illness, the hqme of his father, Mr. R. Palmer. Williamson instead of M. Aldrich; this sprinfe in 40, and present Indicattionsashow Trunk, 11 miles from Niagara Falls. have to I kick I to get your Rev. R. Hobbs preached Epworth Jas. Sturdy, son of W. Sturdy * Henry Deitz instead of J. Shafer; '8 clea that with little handling he will Is The Muir Brothers are engaged 1 riLrotter sure. Booklets giving information of either of n makea2 League anniversary sermons in Heusall ]m covin shingling the roof of Mr, Abram's above resorts on application to L. Harold, money's worth; because we have ving somewhat. We hope to George Hubbard Instead of Win. GAMBOY will stand for service at. the the Pxchange Hotel barns. TrRMS:—$10.00 to Agent, or the largest assortment of now on Sunday last and lectured on Mon• bear of speedy recovery. house. Dogulass; R. Ireland instead of John insure, payable 1st January, 1901. and up-to-date papers in this day evening. San burn. —Carried. Goo. wraith, Manager. J. D. McDONALD vicinity; because we have no The funeral of the late Mrs. Lincoln Moved by Messrs, Gowdy and Mo. 33-10 EIwarts & Vannorman, Owners District Passenger Agent, Toronto, The Bishop of Huron has appointed passed through this part on Friday Kee that Win. Andison's tender for old undesirable styles •; because the Rev. Arthur Shore, of Port Rowan, Jamestown. last for Gorrie cemetery. making concrete pipes be accepted and we bought the Ross stock cheap to the news formed parish of Cargill Chas. Richards and Willie Strachan Mrs. Geo. Gallaher of Gerrie spent that the Reeve and Councillor Spotton Gorrie. and are selling it cheap; because and Pinkerton. of Brussels spent last Friday in James- Saturday afternoon last at the horn Mrs. Mulholland of Wingliam, visit- we got a bargain on 3000 rolls of Next Sunday will be the last oppor• town and vicinity. of Mrs. J. Gallaher. e have an agreement drawn tip and sign. ed at her sons' over Sunday. the choicest new papers ever tunity for subscribing to the Diocesan W. Innes took a business trip to To- Arthur McKersey and Will Higgins ed by Mr. Andison—Carried. Mr. Joseph Greer left on Saturday brought to Wingliam; because— Moved by Messrs. Spotton and 7ell., because we do everything - Mission fund. Rev, Wm, Lowe desires ronto last week. left on Monday morning to resume Spence that the road machine be oper- morning for Toronto where he will SETTLERS" ONE-WAY in our power to make wall-paper all who have not yet subscribed to do so Messrs. Walter, Fred. and Frank their studies in Harriston High School. aced by the road work the same as attend College. shopping easy for you. We are next Sunday without fail. Wright did not go West as reported We are sorry to learn of the illness it has been in the past. Moved in Miss L. Dulmage left on Saturday EXCURSIONS looking out for your permanent The adjourned Vestry meeting of Sb. last week, but have gone this week. of Mrs. Hugh Thomson, formerly of amendment by Messrs. Gowdy and morning for Toronto and Hamilton To Manitoba and Canadian North-west patronage. Paul's church will be held on Monday Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson of this place, we hope that she may soon McKee that the Council hire an where she will visit friends. will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during March and April, 1903, It sufficient business evening, the 27th inst., to receive the Brussels spent Sunday at W. Innes', recover, t engine to draw the road machine Miss Ethel May returned to her offers. All Wall Paper Trimmed Free auditors' report and consider the quer- Miss Mamie Cardiff of Grey spent a Mrs. A. McMichael has purchased The Reeve voted wish the amendment bottle in Walkerton on Saturday after Passengers travelling without Live Stock tion of selling the rectory and erecting couple of days this week with her the house and lot lately owned by Mr. and declared it carried. 8 pending a week In town. should take the train leaving Toronto at a new one; a full attendance requested. friend, Miss Ina Bryans. Sanders of Wroxeter, Mr. Sanders Moved by Messrs. McKee and Gow- Geo. and Whitfield Carle of Mild- 1,45 45 p*M1 Rev. Dr. Medd of Hensall preached Mr. Robt. Shaw will take charge of gives up possession on July let. dy that the pathmasters in each divi- 'Passengers travelling with Live Stock anniversary sermons on Sunday for the sion wanting grading dbwn notify thetnay were in town on Wednesday And should take the train leaving Toronto at Window Shades the service in the Hall next Sunday Thursday of last week. 9.00 P.M. Methodist Sunday School. His discourseevening. Rev. Mr. Ross, Brossels,will Councilman in his Division about how A social evening was spent in the many rods he wants graded &�pllca- Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each The kind that neither curl, in the morning was not only appropriate take the prayer-meeting on Friday train, bat easily understood by the children. Morris. tion to be made before the fourth Epworth, League of the Methodist For full particulars and copy of "Bottlers crack, nor fade, are the kind evening. church last Tuesday night. The even- Guido," "Western Canada," or "British that we sell. The rollers also In the avenin his topic was—,'The John Coultes has sold the North day of Afay.—Carried. ing was spent in recitations, solo, Columbia," apply to your nearest Canadian are a very important part of the Evasion of Duty." Dr. Medd has just half of lot 7. con. 3. Morris, to Wm. The Reeve and Councillor Gowdy. readings, etc, Pe.01110 Agent, or to I,o,,Jed from an illness lasting for BIRTHS. 11laten at $2,500, are a committee to make Arrangements sh.a.de, and to these we pay a Davidson—In Wingbam, April 20th, to have the road machine operated— A. H. NOTMAN special I several months, and last Sunday was his Emerson Littlefair has sold his farm attention when buying second Sunday's work since his re. Mrs. John Davidson, a son. n. Carried. Assistant General Passenger Agent our stock, Be sure to ask for MARRIAGES. lot 6, con. 7, Morris, to Goo. Art By-I&Nv No. 3, 1003, appointing path. King St. Fast. Toronto• the shades mounted on Harts- "OverY. Miller—McDonald—At the Methodist strong. of Morris. masters, pound-keepers and Grey. horn rollers, for, although they The London Conference will convene Parsonage. Brussels, on April 15, by The Burk farm, lith line, recently - fence- The pupils and teachers of S. S. No. COB[ you E6 little more, they al- in Winghara the first week In June, . Rev. T. Wesley Oosens, Charles S. bought by Thos. McLauchlin of BrI19. viewers, was read the the third time 4 have purchased a new foot-ball for 60 YEARS' The Stationing Committee will cont- Miller to Miss Jennet McDonald, sell, was sold by him t, and passed. the Seaton. t*E'X'PERlEN&r_ ways give the beat satisfaction. both of Morris. 0 Philip Spence—Gowdy—That the following 11 a" Special bargains in Borne odd mance its work on Tuesday, June 2nd, Ament, of the same town. accounts be paid :—Robt. Crandle, for Air. Joe. McDonald and sister Belle, Iota of shades which we ate so u to have the first draft of stations Taylor—Oriffith—At the residence of We are pleased to be Able to state 2nd con., spent Sunday with their the bride's parents. on Wednesday, fencing roadway, $7,50; James Clarke, clearing out. ready for opening of Conference on April 8th, by Rev. E. A, Hall of Gor- that Aliases Annie and Nettle, laugh- culvert and repairing road, $5; 'rhos. uncle at Blytho who has been III for We invite you to come to our Thursday morning. The Stationing rie, Stephen Taylor to Miss Mabel tern of John Speir,, 4th line, are able Walker, digging drain, $2; M. Aldri Aldrich, the past year. store and see the lines on which Committee is composed of the Chair. Griffith, daughter of Mr..Tno. Griffith to got about atter it siege of 6 or 8 putting pliink on bridge, 75c,- R. Pal. Mr. Geo.3ohnstone of London, for. TRADE MARKS we 40 giving special discount men of districts find one other minister of Howick, near Wroxeter. weeks from typhoid fever. mer, work And culvert, con. A, $11 ; merly of Wingbarril Sundayed with rpPrm"%`4DEaiclve COPYRIGHT-111 dl 0. for this week only. from each district elected by ballot at DEATHS. Word has been received of the de. W. 11. Gregg., work on road, $2, Us. Clarke r1kaser,lat con. Mr. Johnstone Anyone flendilig 4 sketch and desert 9tt,'311 MAY I utertain aur opinion free w ot or an the May district meeting, The Prest. Hawk—In Harriston, Thursday, April cease of Mrs, Carr, in Nebraska, bet, towel Standard, Advertising, 50o , Got,. was on his way to his new school near invention is Probably?ntentable. Communida, 0 dont of Conference Is Chairman of this 16, W. H. Hawk, aged 27 years, tions strictIT Confident at. Handbook on Patents death occurring 2 weeks ago. She rie Vidette, Advertising, 50c; T. D. Gowanstown, sont free. ( Ideat afency for securing tents. Cr committee. As there are eleven die. Mit$ee—ln Howio.kj on April 14, Jobno was a slst,�v to Paints taken t Iron Munn X recelve COOPER & COO d Robb, Armstrong, R dgar. rep, for road _rnachlue, 50a -, W. The E pworth League at Hoe's church 1pei-W"atfaj without othrao, In the tricts in this Conference, the Stationing eldest son of Richard Magee, aged 44 years. formerly of the 4th line, And wad a Chapinan, repairing bridge, $1. have changed their night of meeting committee, with the President, con- former Morrielte, her home being on scit"fific WINGHAM gists of twenty-three members. For Macdonald—In WingliRm, April 22nd, Couhtil Adjourned to meet agalr% on 80 AS to make It more convenient for A hindaorn6ly Illustrated W6*klt4 lAtirost eir. Leonnril Ruprons. Infarit son of Mr. the Oth eon. The old residents of the the third Wednesday in May, in the their pastor to be with them They cu'"1011 of any scientiloolournal ,J Terms, $2 A four months, si. dbra nowIdWerm. *F Prograimme of sertioea, m6 another And Mrs. T. T, Macdonald, aged one township will remember her although township hall, Gorple. will meet on Tuesday evening in the ED CO 3010roadymy, column. month and 22 days. It It years since she removed. Ir C Now trk L, WA=En, Clerk. future, 31ir aloe. 661P pt„ vrfailwpij