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The Wingham Advance, 1903-04-23, Page 7
A STRONG ARRAIGNMEN I It 1.4. OF THE BUFFAWPOLICE, SIR law4t. Ueutenant-Gov- i ruor of Ontario, died Sunday at .- _ _ __ __. - 9.61, it. Ia. Asks e, g � 1>ttarefialiy, almo:it lmperceptllflylr,y,nOld Man Expired of) �,UillpO�iliy .i��f0 � �4��0vd�c c�� the semi-eousofanssietp In vvtiighp �Me (tiver A'iowat has Iain since Wed- Menoell'A Insurance Into Court* ti slay night )scalae at six min- A1- t, 000 to ill yeStorday morning the da 1Duffulo, April ;:1.•--Atturuoyd front uvtlr t,ii;hity, scvpral mon up dreamless tllulnl;er of deaUl. Tho Suny e 0' hert A. Hartzell and F rederiek B. on the, voranuah buddcoly Koracd aged sta� Hartzell,esman was surrounded Dy Hartzell, wits as counsel for Mrd, tl;eir way In atld the mail stated that they w.ero offioors and had ills .family, all of wham hail 1e - Hull and • Airs. llurdlek,. have zt:al- collie foe Mrs, Hull anti Ml's. Dur malned within call since they were - ously defended those women tlpioagh- dick and that they must go withunininoned to Ills k-iedsldo at into - oat their troullies arising out of thitln to No. 10 Police Station. Up. night on Wednesday, a long vlgit of ilio iralk In gonrlettion with till m3S an t'elnvlu Crating, filly algaiu distil(( e1gifty ltau0re. �i'hety (vara 8 lerIfr 1 dtvin 73ur- that •they must come, All appeal And Mrs. UDIVat, Mr. Artb•ur andR����F�L� SLEr -�_ AWAY. L Mrd. Mopowal:, Mr. C. R. W Biggar, IC, tory of filo murder or ryas 1ret41O far Jcouoitlera,tlon for dick, yesterday issued the first Or- tt.c."ta ladies and these 'tondor Phil.. C•, anti Mrs. Iliggar, Mr, Thomas . ficial Statement that has Well is- darn lu their condltlon of rants- Langton, K. C., and Mrs. Langton Stud 1>y lltgm over their lsignatute, flan atftol' their long, refit d a anti and MISS Mowat. Dr. Primrose and '�-y-'���++++�w• that ally action that; might be taken Dr. `Cemple were aldtl present. SIr, It 1s 'ttle'viow, zrom tiro side of ilio be �leferrrd until mornln 'DUid,vitis Oliver (till not regain consciousness. 13uivhitk household, which view SeomS tvltltetri avail. • a )T1s vitality, the physicians Bald, was peceddary to make rho condiderla" Hweat-box Methods. wontlerlul, and ills `11fe simply ek- i,ton of the ease thorough anti fair. L:ecl away, . They (to not attempt to revfow Upon Choir arrival at the police The first public announcement of the entire ease, conlialug them- Station, ihcte, fu the early hours of the death was the bt111-mastin,g of Selves to P0111-to tha sil4ot bcoa lul al�lVi11101`01119, -,O I 1gj;u Lles, o can subjected filth l ode- It was; flog on. long°before onlall public, . d I ly' eniighteneed-First, not conduct grcc, rUl'.I finally, after ,several buildings and many private ones � of Mrs. Hull, Mrs. linrrtek and lila lours of inquisition, were permitted flags ,were at half -utast and spread r l3ur(itek children at 'tile' Inquest, and to go 'to tbeir home, the news throughout• the city. . Second, the manner. and matter of Who eaal picture the horrors of 'Pito 1+`uneral Arrangements. / . MCS, HUlt's t0St'ImCny, ,winch loll to t1'aat night ? Imagine filo terror that Yesterday evening the lollowing 1/ - tlle conclusion Ili some quarters filled the hearts of these tender official_ announcement regarding thq , ((�9 e that sIba did not tell all silo knows• wolnral aivl children as the officers funeral was given act ; �i of till) Italy ou �' On the first point, the Flartzol.S p Jnder on the doors of The funeral of his honor the late I1� / ��N. /,� treat of the mysteries of the human that .stricken home with their night Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario, \\,, mind and aheert' illat It• is ilnpos- stloka+, tyle sounds revarbera,ting , t �y ' / tllroul;It the silent house as thou )l which will be a public one, will take k h �•� �Qtir Sfnle to solve great problems by g place at J aelock an Wednesday at- /%' !� Interpreting eting the mind or 0onduct, to 1!�ion1 of murderers clamored rttui , ( , i and unjust to attetn t a Solution strove for atimittatieo I And when WI -noon to Mount Pleasant Came, \ *,' ¢ /I. V,t �; / P tory, previous to which A short ser- / 3)y that means. They reiterate that these ui4'at forced their way in they ��- �� 1 vita will be Hold at Government 1lin-'. �1 . `' rani throe,•!( the hallway and n r the � . , Mrs. IIu11 is inmor°nt and has no 1 I39use• 'Phe body twill Ile in E3tate. % 0- 'kno,vleci of filo cr;rte. stnfrs, shoutin3; roughly, "Gat uP! ��Gct up! \1 e -want ?,Ills, Ililtl aiicl Mr S. from `_. to G o'oloak on Tuesday; and �� ,aOn tltof the nd pofid they give a , from 10.80 to 71..80 on Wednesda , ; J % l _•Btiiu I Y,.. ieeital of file conditions under which d ek • They must oohno 1vItlt us for the benefit of those coming from • Y ��� , Mrs. F1ull told her story to the po- to tale police abatlon! !. - Ail,.] we ask ill all fairness what a' distance, By order, ilea . and gave her tostiluony tali the turas to be ex at F. a, Laiv, Commander, R. N. -• \� Inquest. Incidentall the tell of a pe ell of these' women \ ' "midnight'. raid„ upon •ilea Burdick a,od children when they came to tes- Official Secretary.' a *� household by the police, (giving a fy upon the stand? What could I __ '" vlew of the event that has not 0110 expect their appearance to be? The State Vnneral. ti ' heretofore been presented. After Woul•I they appear naturpl .or, tin- Premier. Ross called at Govern- / natural after all these horrible ex- of the Sad home -coming of rant Flouse in the afternoon,. and It- . �` j the family from the funeral, ill,, vitlo11thc?mom �muot these, testified was rafter .a Conference with Alin ,-� • � 1 J Say ; y f iese, terrible that the above announcement re- �, events impressed upon diem. Their J/ /' ' A Police Raid httltualo must havo b in garde. file state e P e mi was �/r a Ys% ;Y been fluences made. This morning the Premier will �� •�.� y After a long day of great ,strain, by file experiences thlaugr . which ar range with- Colonel .Otter the sle- ��,.. N !i NitYlout' )asst, ptostratts in iniad fitly hail tiassed. i ,` �.,a �i� tails of the ceremony. The members / / and body, with ,saddened hearts, they Wautd'to pay Insuiancc. of the Legislature, City Council and 1XW ,.' " returned late at night to their Conceralug Port of the $25,000 in- Other public bodies and also mian � .��' �� / lonely and shadowed home. Idle t, ,� �" , �` �,ii�� �/ i.oni ehold retired the weak and st tanto of tiha,_ Petrnell trust fund to sooietles, will attend. '1"dloro will be ��/ �l...--S s , Attolmeey •S'iraAa,c@ Thayer, the fel- a military escort-,- composed .of a .�:J:��f/f•/, f�i p �/ suffering women and children sink- lowing .statement was.. made yester- detachment of Royal (Canadian Dra- i!' --j ,,::_5 -� Ing lsome reepite in the sleep, o- day by Albert E, Joshes, of Rogers, goons, mounted. It was not thought -, - %!1l -� �� ' � exhaustion from the Shook anti so Looko & Mllburrn, attorneys fol'„tale advisable to parado all the city regi•. ' '•�%i" '; - row of the last few days,, Pa'lldc,ntial Life Insurance ,Compalny : monts. At the request of the family ,uddonly, (about the hour of inld- +•Tllo Prtt.,lelntlal'takes, this stand: six meml.ers orth,e Toronto With - night, the front door bell rang loud- Tho 1;15,00:) .Is here. We own it. We ness Association will act as bearers. - -- 111 ly and repeatedly and the front door w,i;nt to pay It. Air. Ponney anal rlr. They pare Messrs. D. Rose, sen., Past '� . --•-�"� was sL'akea violently as if some per- W111YOr rale in a; contest -over the President; Wm. Banks, sen., Prest- � onw--- -----A s, or persona wore attempting to anl:oull.t• Wo would like to pay .It to :den ; panlel ROSS, 'Vico-Presldent ; farce cin entrance to ilia houtse. At, _tile 00111-t. We wish to be Pair bath; to Ihanald Inrig, Treasurer; D. A, His death will be mourned, with- the platform, and honorab'e in all the same ileo loud blows resounded 1lJr. Pontu;v and Mr: Thayer. If we Rose, jun.; and Gilbert L. Sutherland. .out respeot of party, by every Son. walks of life, Sir Oliver was ,,:.aa tlrrougii the quiet housq hour the split 'tt ncilher would besatisfied. The City Council Meets this after- and daughter of the Province lie forceful amd attractivO leader. IIis 1-__1_1 -beating of clubs of the intruders up- r0thlllg iv left for us to do but pay noon in regular session, but -the May- so long and so justly and wisely works Speak for him, and Ile leaves ruled. us to be numbered among the great On, The women and children iltil eprang nesesedmoney, motion will be made Court. NIOXt ,ark- would ,adjourn1gtill ht 111 Thurso ar, e thought t He The place of air Oliver Mowat IS leen Canada has known, from their befits and ran front their I,lig-authority to pay the money to Intends to request the citizens to an assured one. There is no record. roo,nig in terror. On opening the- tllecourt.'$ suspend business during two or . In the history of the Anglo-Saxon rip 11riekg(er He. ' ._ _>_ _ .__._._._._-_ ._. _.. .-_.. ..; �„;.._�__.� three hours an ills afternoon of the poopl0 of any man who retainer LCoronto World: To review the lite funeral. The Legislature will as- so tang as he did tiro coufiden°o of Sir Oliver Mowat is to review the �,�Vt� � , HAIR-RAISING BALLOON TRIP. semble to -morrow afternoon and and loyal support of a majority of history o proceed wit3t business, but when the electors. It was not by a suet- hi a century.fCanada for throe -quarters i1�� it � A Y CanteDotwn lo,e?ooFeet Witli Great they rlSS will ad Guru over Wednes- den leap that SI. Oliver Mowat be- a :r " 'in beginning p�ri000n i�I'j lll,1 AAaAgIZ j tw0•nt five tiiay, came great in the eyes of his fel- Y- Years,itOlir soon Vainait3' _ low-eounrtrymen. Still) by step, after Confederation, Sir Oliver Mowat I'rtrlm, April 21: FotLr members oI ' t ploddingly, tenaciously, with th'e had much to do with filing the �'�sai...g. %.., lC`�+�t . J thO Arro Club, who ascended from Tho 1'hys(cirihis' Statement. • grim determination of Ilia Soott:sh bounds of provincial jurisdiction. Tile here Ili an airship last night, de- On Satulday afternoon the follow- ° ancestors, concentrated and inten- British North America, Act might t' seended violently tbfs morning at Ing bulletin, giving the history of the . sided in his nature, Ire rose from havo been Interpreted hl it Sense CANALIAN \rle;,, department of BJouolies-du- illness of Sir Oliver, was Issued; the date apprenrtiee's lied: to the uliiell would have given more power Rhone, fort Government .louse, Toronto, ; Lioutenan't-Governor's chair. to the central governing body. Alowat Part Hope citizens aro taking ac- forty-four tulles northwest Stood out firmly for the provincial :tion to establish u hospital. of 1►tarsallies, marvellously esca in sntnsequ noon, April 18, 1908. Duty wall done, tasks never neg- Frida , Ma , 8th, .has been pro- p h In rTg in the it t'lio reports lap- Seated; these are the keynotes of vloful�v,#and �lie Shrewdrhasrl el was, success - Friday, delth'. At dawn fife balloon, which claimed A.rboyi- Day; Ili Manitoba. mint at a hei:gllt or 10,000 feet, was petting in the daily press concern- Sir Oliver lIo-traet's success. Iiiscar- Ing ttlel accident or the Lieutenant- ear proves that, bawever mush tile possessing a large share of political Montreal carpenters will continue au (hour tit the rate of slaty miles Goyernor, it Is t'houg4t wise to make -people .may love the rhetorician, sagacity, there was no cheap Stuart - negotiations .for a white before 'ilhe aeronauts, realizing filo following statement.: the man of brilliant parts, theynoss or trickiness in his methods;. striking. that they were nearing the Medl- 6 and he Rept a firm harts �n the $ g• tet'ranean, dotormine4l to descend im- Un the 8th da,yof Janun.ry last his never fall Ito !trust fn ilio very worse elements of the Party. For Tine C. P. R. .will build about 200 .mecilateiz'. 'llhe dropped Honor ilio Lieutenant -Governor was greatest degree that other who pa miles of new xalhvay; in 'the west y pped preelpi- Walking by himself up and down the not Infrequently reaches a far the most ,part, h0 gave us good gov- Lately, and in a few minutes the ernment, and he Showed himself equal t31is; summer. hall''at Gnye;rtlment Ilouso . vv<ltcil- higher place by sheer force of use - balloon .struck, ilio earth. It re- to the settlement of the questions Toronto will take oceedin s' in ins !this gra at play, when Ent acbievemenl: In him Liberalism of his clay. He had a high g bounded for 800 feet, and ftualty sets gli sense of the courts against fife Toronto Itrtil- ted 111116119' some tclegritpr 'vires, ha tripped) and full heavily, sttsta[n- was an intellectual faith super[in- yids public duties, and untiring In - way Company,. , Ing a fracture :of the -neck of the Posed anon instinctive oonserva- duetry, and lie freely ,gave the coun- I'lhbltc school ins ppctors pr-esented which were broken. " Vie rapldlty right thigh b4pne. II'o suffered a tism. Qautfous in rat he did, ileus try the advantage of Iris great 1 of the descent cloprived the travelers sagacity ,vas. almost unerring. As the Minister, a es of sal ,with tea- or all sedgatlon,'and completely deaf good decal -of pain' •anti discomfort, j' abilities., As ho passes away from sons; for increases of salur"y.:: tined titer. Otherwise they were un- but 'he gradually recovered, and was nerAof.theaold Assemblyn of �ofsCanada, lis' new.questions are arising, and , TJlo Toronto Boarci of Control ac- hurt. After a rest,• they returned able to 3valk with some assistance, a;s a Judgeupon ilio Bench; as Pre- new men must cap with then(. These cerpted,the lowest tenders for 74 con. to Paris by rail. 1Vhilo aloft they Land to support ,his weight upon 'he . mier of notaria for a gonu,ratfon, questions oletro for their solution crate sidewalks, til': City rnglnecr elteolli tcrad a temperature" af•'. five Injured limb. On Sunday night, 12th as Minister of Justice lu S'r \S'il- ability, g ' pa - getting 28 of them. degree,q above' zero. Bottles of of April, whilst lie was being undress- frill Laurier's Governatrnt, and, fiance and public spirit, all those ,Tha Montreal Master Carpenters' mineral writer were frozen solid. lar bGcl, and whilst two of the finally, in Ilia qualities that enabled O.Iver Mowat p y years of slant -:a:•' to servo his country well, and that dssociation has decidocl not to all- attendants were in ire sat. of lifting tiremen't in the Government house, now canso his name to be honored vance wages to 221-2 cents an hour. FASTED FOR: Y DAYS... him from Ills chair, the right thigh Sir Oliver Mawat never forgot that all over Canada. We can pay hien ► A strike now looks certain. _ was brokon a short distance above a .public office Is a public trust, and no higher tribute than to hope that troronto trades unionists have com- lliel Of Witter Proves to be a Good the centra of the. bone and some six that the man in whom his fellow- such another man will ep forward 1pleted preparations for next week's C'ui•e fbr Dropsy. fracture the previous .break. 'ln0 citizens place 'their confidence must to meet the needs of the present meeting, of the executive of the fi'acttiro was set, chloroform being not spare himself, elthev in mind, day American Federation of Labor. Saltt, Lake City, April. 20, -Arthur administered for cillo purpose, and body or- estate, In, the public ser - J. L Haycock, ex -Patron leader, `an Metor, a promhiont merchant of the necessary splints were applied. vice. i -'-" alas so far recovered from his seri- this city, has just broken a self- FI'Ls Fldnor stood trio immediate ef- .He died, as we may b' euro he DEAD -)EAD I acs i apo able to sit up bast which began more than m rorty felts of the injury well, and no a1= had hoped to die, revered by all; - e ab t is and be about .ifs room, cd forty days age foe ilia cure of dropsy. arming symptoms developed until - the representative no longer of a Sir iliiwe•r llotitiac H. C'.:45. G. .Western Liberal rt'rnmen t�l an has ed en- ttirely, onlwater. Ilme teosuffere lino dis- Tuesday Flight, shortly before mid- night, ,when his heart's action be- Party, but of the Crown• of n'hiah he h'ad long been one of the most ' horn 2rul July, 1�.0 ; Died on Sunday, April waited on the Government and, urgeaT the construction of a State- tress after itis first tlirel;' dal) s, and g, : •an too fail, and it soon became evi- distinguished servants. His was 11 1p.1'J,f3. Our good and great old Govevnor owned railway in lvcsteili Canada. atppeared � o grow strong and tient that lie could not recover. Since life full of years, of honor$ of in- spiration to those wOro hereafter dead t .Alas ! Barbara Cooper, aged 08, was healthy. rlic aro s.cal conditions !ha -e' dis:tppaared. 1Vlten 'he began that tfmq he lia,s been growing gra- dually weaker. may Book to Olt In- the place sc Wo'vc lost in truth our grcatosrt, Bound dead' by her husband at her Toronto, the remark4bla fast he weighed 250 5 J. A. TEMPLE, long occupied by "The Liftle Pre- grandest tnan, . With failure never residence, 1S Defoe street, pounds • Ile now wei hs '125 1 PRIMBOSL mier.°' ,fortitude wllieh 4 on Saturdayl evening, There was a lull 1u the fmmigra-C • `ASI ' A lupre)nc.ourt Tribute. tion movement at Winnipeg, the ar- I TR:�IN WRECKED Atita�va, Agrll 20. -Sir I;lizear xivals for Saturday. and Sunday, be- DEAD Taschereau, Chief Justice of the Ing onIS$ dtbbut 400. And'Ihrer Passengers ['ere Burned Supreme Court, at the opening pf the, court to -day said; It is my -Mr. J, E. Fisher, of Cobourg, lune . to Death. painful duty this morning to al - been appointed organlet: and choir Now York, Apr11,20.-At the offices lude to the great- loss the country leader of the .Colborne Street Me- of ilio .site Railroad Company ]fere has sustained by the death yester- i hodist Churehi Brantford. 4 report hats been. received that ilia clay of the • Lieutenant Governor of The Catllnot has decided that goods vestibuled limited express, whiali.left Ontario, Sir Oliver Mowat. The purchased in Germany on or before Chicago for Nene York at 10,bo a. in. long and distinguished . career of April 16te11, may be Imported into yesterday, wits wrecked by collision that cininent citizen, whose name Canada at the old xato of duty up with a frelght ttbout three o'clock, is piondunoed thls.morning from the •1,l) June 30th. at Redhouse, N. Y., eight Willes west Atlantic to the Pacific with unan- Sir William 'V'an Iiorno has notyet of Salamanca, anti throe passengers lmous veneration, ,will lie more ap- deeided whether he can accept the were burned to cleatl fit tate flames, propriately commommorated eise- Chaairmansnipofilia Transportation which destroyed two coaches acid where, and not many words are•ne- Contmisstoa. He speaka 111ghl,r of the thr0o eluepere. All the other passen- cessary from this court. We all know Government of Cuba. gens escaped unhurt. i"lroman Bell how all ilia influences of his ex- sat, ,XI -vso 1tfgosenger Gabriel were ample ,yore far good. Nothing mar- -it, Otto of the most Important labor t ever hold hi Canada was 9 .01161 hljared. Via three passer(- - reed the purity of lite personal eharae- re w a ter, to asIn ntrainen ndat' lbleIn,m inaugurated this morning, when rho child,arsbwhotlboarded the public life. No.L it shawill he - Exeeutive Committee of the Ameri- can Federation of Labor want In. Yoansgtown, Ohio, and were going. found in lois long ealver by those - to 010an, N, T. 9jlicir named were whrose duty horoafter will he to to ,annual Session at the Arlington not given. transmit the history 67 it to poll-: ;Flo,tol, Toronto. , ' 'Tuo Mori )Dead, tori y. He was n a long time on . BRITISH AND FORDIN, Cleveland, Ohio, Aprli L0. -Advices servthe ices lin aanathertspherrequired the Erin here u)tit he r0aborato Preparations are being received at ottleos say 'vas there long enough to impress that tilK I oxer of two men, li nrned hearin Paris to welcome Bing Ed- u''ard' all with Ills deep' learrning of the to a crisp, kava keen taken from lair and or has judicial mind. Hewas Noth:n:gwas found by e TIw houso .it ltretorla owned by Kruger llpadjy mach, which tr w could to Identified. The as distinguished an a jurist as lila 'was ilii has sthis ex-Prosident was Sold at auction for 20,000. $ two women and tho child killed were n gra, coni° clown to his rave, crownedvna � not from kotangstown, ln1t camct in with years an(1 honors, leaving a & Lnke 1:rlo Road !Phe Daily Telegraph estimatts the BritlsL• ttatfoual debt at, L800,000,000, ovor the Pittsburg name that lelongs to the history of to the la'tte'r city. It is helleve:7 Canada, and universal) respected, comparol with £635,000,000 in 18011. they came from Pittsburg. and to his children andylilO country The accident wa8 duo to a corp- "rich T.k a Prince of Wales is a member of ii:e .loyal t°omnilesion -apt tilted tiler record of a life in the Ing lin 4lrenlcling Just as til( train world's opinion and men's pmtse." to codsi.%r.meabures for insutlnt;tYc it aSid,,,a;git(�rtleast jonln ncl passenger ttotakO ni�li galtr l entered iln thotmlrit�Les eaPaty of Britain's fool supply in *At 'kuru. le and tirahn NO, �i to pass. ofitlers tltllt zt ro Fly attended p po A dospitch to file Landoll Dail 1;*- 1e y A second Official report sail a copy ))a transtuitted from the Re - brakc'inan of th01 Freight trail( sills gistrar to fife i;ereaveti faintly of goes Broin, ..Ile Hague SAYS' thAt was killed. Ills lialuo wast not given. the deceased. 'Queen 1Vilhelmina is expecting an . . - lieu to .fhb 'throne, Ileavy Snowfalls and Intensr, cold _ Not a'I)espM. • . P10.11Ss'CO;1l$1I,. T. .prevail in Britain and on the eou- tinent. r ., l..altn lg . What f,c'ading Papers Say fir (lie "Aro you the roan th.•at wells tick. .Milo arsenal at 'G'antoll, wllieh was rto III 'thn box. office?" tluerINI n Honored Dra.tt, destroyed by an explotslon last week, ctran;ger to ttlle play-h:ousa. Globe: Sir Oliver Mowat; IS dead, Wag blown up by offloiais (whom the "Dl) I I:+ark like I put oil airs?" Tito mate so long kno,vn •by the 'Vloeroy had Obarged '(vitt( telling replleAl the other man til an Of- T,eople Ontarto as "The Little pow -ser to rebris) in Order to I11ele oaf retitled tine, Witty. I stn only tilt, Premier.' passed nway- at Govern-. Their elefaleat:oli ". owanr of the ethe0atre," mint Molise ort Sunday MOr111ng, knew, Loyal, Able, Cautious, He .ruled and wrought beneath the 'Mail and Empire; Sir Oliver bas burning light left his mark upon the country. He That beats on thrones, without a was one of the Fathers of Conrad- thought or aught eration. It starids to his credit that But Cana(la's aggrandisement and lie Helped to, light the initial lat— �l,ithguildilio modesty that grows ties or that great movement. „ Two conditions attributed to with greatness, his continuance in power for so He tt,overl among us with the gen- many years. In the first- place lie t10 tread had this confidencci of a united Of one who never sought applaase Liberal party, for he observed the from man; • tradittonaf principles of I.it:eralism The Clear delight of (lohig Illa 111911 of which h6 was the embodiment, In work the next place he received a very With conscience clear !m him [Irca- considerahle Conservative support tot's eight, on the ground that lia -vas a solid 11,,v ).lm ,vas ample recompense. He and safe man, free from extreme scorned tendencies, and exceedingly cau- Vain Slow alio cmlity adulaltitn±. tious in his legislation. These influ. born ences gave him personal Strength in Of t elfl.,l.mess. He valued dceds much the political field. 0 " " Loyal to more the care, cautious anti conservative .Llan words; and Worked with men '.n his administration, convincing on alone, wtosq alms - +•,..,I I.J.,I,a, Idlt. Ia.,.i J,I II.W„h'ulra 6,8 L..,:...::iC697•t'iF.t�•1•."`�,•'•+"��'^^.>!.3roK ti"...S,Sil.dld:. ;:_��S"•`_ --Siit J : ,.Air 0110 ve 3 `� -".,9 ��® Lm 0 0 . i , Born ;n Kingston, July 22, 1830. I Mn rrieti In 1846, I I i ' . Calla] to tto bar in 18#,1. Made a Q C. in 1856. r Itepresentwl Soutl• Ontario !n the Canadian A,Ssm'.tiiy from 18`t'f _ to 1864.- - Member of Quebec Conference in 1861. Was Provincial Secretary In the all t.lfleld ,Macdonald-Dorion .tri- i min)tatration ant'} in Lite Coalition Governmelit. _ _ Appointed Vice -Chancellor of V. C. int 1861. I3ecalne Premler of Ontario on Oct.alt, 787;:; held Office till 1896 = -3t years. Wats created a X. C. M. G. on May L14, 1892'. Appolutod Minister of Justice in riturter Cabinet On July 131 1896. • Called to the. Senate on July 15, 1896. Appo.nted Lleutenant•Governor of Onta,10lo On Nov. 18. 1807. _ riled Sallday, April 19th. . • .-- . ... .... .... - _.. I. ., ,,..,,.., ..6.4,1.0. .I.,,,,w .1., 1, I.,Ji,I,,..,I,J1..I.a Ir411,W1a1 „I. 'A tai, L,lill,,h I . . -1 — - 'Victoria, April 21.-,Sergt. MoIn- IN tosll, of the Garrison Engineers, has left hurriedly 111110 16!111 sat tit,m to we fuut;, t. -W first 5 DEAD _ — from the tlraaa tae Ilcrraelll� tf2 Iucw" tap be, hem Abpet ttscl ills h1•ne otealgro. PJ L I C c TO GIVE P 3'J r E C T I 0 N the discovery that he has four living wives, and Other places where tine Chicago, �Iprlt.:!0.-Defea.ted•In tiheir a3 1l' C. t'b;uubariain, WUa tlileontot effortat to tie upmarine commerce 11 at Chicago tile striking firemen yes- ra Aitdtex in pf tha ltamoenr&rt0 terd:ay resorted to violence, and In 1. , aAt, •oaf thorn is a sabctnae litsEt ;1111(4x! nn+l ob,t: its w.err, to render ti; to loved } ftih4r turas not responslbl(. f.)r hill . land Of ours tilts happiest in till) whole eontlslsaion, , I 1, What eocd l I tic ?' 4:1141 the a t- w1do world, Wallah- "i(o egnroob at to I.' • p . lialda:r, A heather tai Confederation, he, to the dootohis, too tills court nn+f to With piltriotle zeal, I;avo play, to ane, ),nilw no 1 sochane:. of .raviut. All film ImIrrsa It could be tcwill that lar That tnoul+Ted Into shape our shining wss 1,11SUMN Mill that .0414 1 ar,kol till• Crain . court to havi;r XIllor :Axalli:fla•1 as to Of proud Imperial provinces, And Ills mental covilltlo,;u ( stor04 "'.pito fell0?w didn't act rl;rbt .to ale. Our ,btatute-book with laws which Ile Seamed to bra 4810"p. It tvns go link notlow1le to me that Isoluething Nat; Ills lustrous name with that of wrong withllfru, tllalt: 1 tc:ok hlul by 13roi igham or Gintlston0. the arm am Ile was t:o1nll rote• court Ido doubled Fair Ontarlo's rich (lo- and sats -.'Seo hero noir, *.tiller, aro tn'tin, you A; leap,. cr tvhnt• 1: the minter Awl rendered her the .)ampira's } roud- with you'? For be►avx�rl'.a w.tk,y I said, `avlaki, est Province. up and .pa.y at VII loll to. what But, im0VO than all, lies not before till). 10 going, on. Do ,Yua :know whet you . World are, talking about?' I a( -ked him. lie T1 -a exampin of a mail wild feaceei. r0fillel that he (lid, but in th's t dazed )Ills 0001, auanner that had obarantorixed his U&S gone to his xewArd above; and bearing since his arreat.0 wro 11mrain 'below not only to laillont _ . _ ,.. MArX)R-70JEi�IERAL HU .'TON 1.118 death, but imitate his lovely He was rescued by men from the life, t'arewell. belov'd. Sir Oliver! No _ blrtF , 1100go Iun L tis Celua.nil df Ilus Poet T rOolis in Austrntirl. Can over-ehilm'ito fulmortal Mnwat. Victoria, B.C., April 21,••.. etvri vvas -•WIIIirifn olurray, brought by s-tpeiper "Allots" Lron1 iRiSti CONVENTION Australia, that 1+ 90or.Geavral Unt. the priest's room was a roarlbg-fur- ton, In command of the Australian Declatrc't; Ullanliuouoly for Moine Rule f0TO00, will probably reslguh in the in Any H'vent. - near .future a,s a result of the ana,ner Dublin cable: TAe Diattonal con- In-vllialt the forcers of the Cpmarion- ven'iloli cal,ea by the Unit,ed Irish Leaguo to consider the new land bill, wealth Have bean dealt with P0111,10- tally in Cutting down appTORIP144101,s 'Sydney which assembled hero yesterday, re- Ruu in other ways, papers convened early to -day in the round 01141'x31 rumors of .Ills impendIng' ro- tirement. • room of ilio :lfattnion FIouse, in tills city. There ,vaS a smatter attend- V101 a has been considerable tric- nmee, tion bet;Voen.Gcneral Hiltton wild the Itt view of it misunderstanding In fOt'ees in Victoria rill a result of hie the caso d certain English .papers, John itedmond, ilia chairman, Intro- bvmmai•y retirement of Lieut,eolonel Relay, a militia officer, who is news duced it strong home rule resolution, editor of the Afelbouge Evening Her- dcclaxing that the Trish nation win ,"ald• Vila paper.critiolzed the appohata, never ba satisfied until it shall have obtained it full measure ment of an officer to tale Victoria. militia, and Lieut. -Col. Reay was of self -goy ornmohlt. "Ro substitute," nah'1 Mr. Itelhnond, "can alueatlonerT by the General regarding the cr3tfolsm8. Refusing informatlon, or will lid acmpted:' Michael Davltt brforty Seconded the 110 was' dismissed the service. revolution, ,which was carried by acclamation. VEfRSAILLES iN 'DANUER. Wil.fupi O Brien than proceeded to exgl•1111 tha various suggested amens- hnoritd to the land bill. leamous I renals Palace 1i'lll Soon An amendment by Mr. O;Brhen pro Irak to Pieces, . viding ,for extending financial as- Paris, April 21.—Now it ,Is tlterCha- sistance to the evicted tenants, was teau or Palace of Versailles which welcomed, but many of the dale- Is threatened with destruetian. gates wished it to go further. Pat- The Cominission of HlotorietiJ DQo- Italc Flynn, of the Cork branch of the United Irish League, a man of numents say so. Messrs. tie 4011=0 and Ma.rcei Lambert, th,pnse&,. for Mrent girth, with a shillalail in one and architect respectively of the and and a broad brimmed bat in the other, then mounted the plat- chateau, say that a penurious policy; is form. His appearance created laugh- "I responsible .for the approaching ruln or this most conspicuous lnon0- ter, did not," said Air. Flynn, "tra- ment or France. vel' 150 miles to be laughed at." A few secands later bar. Flynn held In days gone by titres 4hundred the convention spell bound by the thousand francs wero,spent annually In preserving or improving the chat be insisted that the present oceup- - s susa:n as o ants of holdings, which formerly be- to two hundred .ki.,�,•year longed to .evicted peasants, should it is reducecd to fifty thOdottnd. . themselves be evicted. This peasant Mile chateau Is not protected orator worked up a storm agah lat against tire. The present outlook "grabbers," but Mr. O'Brien's more is that should it escape a Possible. moderate counsel prevailed. conflagration ft will shortly fall to pieces. r1p,14�IN's MIKE FADS. HE HAS FOUR WIVES. Vancouver Garrison Serl;eaut a Polygamist. Murderous Attacks are Made 'Victoria, April 21.-,Sergt. MoIn- on I,iier, at Work, tosll, of the Garrison Engineers, has left hurriedly for L,ngland, but will probably be arrested on arrival. His _ — nurried departure ,vas the result of PJ L I C c TO GIVE P 3'J r E C T I 0 N the discovery that he has four living wives, and Other places where tine Chicago, �Iprlt.:!0.-Defea.ted•In tiheir regiment has been stationed- ate to effortat to tie upmarine commerce be heard from. He left a wife fa .Eng- 1a,ed, and has a wife of one year and at Chicago tile striking firemen yes- a child in Vancouver. He received terd:ay resorted to violence, and In leave frequently to visit her, and everal cases non-union men were `oro months ago married in 'Via- torla, taking the third Mrs. Maln- severely beaten before police arrived tach to Vancouver, where wife No, 2 on the iseciie. Four succeeded in es- heard of his bigamous marriage and caping over ilio slde of the boat. started inquiries, which revealed a still later marriage, the fourth, 'i tva (nen wcro taken ca. as captive by the I far till is now known, to 'xa young strikers and mar'che41 in triumph to woman employed in a local dry goods ilio union headquarters to be re- stare. A?ter the exposure tl-,e ser- Ieascd afterward upon promise not geant left -for EnglAnd, leaving Van- louver yesterday. Tyrie local pollee to return to Chicago. A similar attack wu'a made on the have been informed and may bring; him back. _S.reltor liner Lycoming at Clark en were street. u ed,but whi a being I ore two more et�aken to PRIEST PERISHED IN FLAMES union headquarters, the police ap- ---- peared and the captors made to re- Tragedy in Quebec Village -Servant lease, their quarry. Tried to Save V ictun. ; Cleveland. O., April 16.-Fiftystrik- Ing union firemen, armed with clubs Montreal, April 21 --The little vll- tOf and knives, boarded the steamer tog a St, Paul (le Joliette, iii the llctvard L. Ahaw when she arrived county of Joliette, to the north' of Ili the llarb,r yesterday from Duluth, 1lantreul, ltva,s the scene of 'a tragedy and nitarkrcl three non-union fire- 1'r0 night, when the Roman Caib- men. :U 011e l,re,sbytery was destroyed by Tho injured are; Adolph Pearo, fire, said the cure of the parish, Rev. l:athar Dupont, perished in trhe Glndstvriv M:cli, ; Ucorge T. 6initlh, , Waiter ti,gler, Duluth. Ila' -, Vie presbytery was an Ills - Smith, :sitar being stabbed :and torte building, having been erected in 1?83. beaten, wars thrown into ilio river. . Tile cure, who was in poor alth, he He was rescued by men from the wa.s alone in the house ,with a Ser - steamer. Pearo'b condition is serious. vamt. The fire started during the night, afuh the building was 'soot' a A committee from 'tile Lake Car- mass of flames. The servant mride dors' Association called on Chief of heroic efforts to Save the cure, but Police Corner this afternoon and he was forced to beat a retreat, as demanded protection for non-union the priest's room was a roarlbg-fur- firemen and Oilers train the striking mace. After tate fire tate priest's re- union (nen. Chter Corner said -he mains were found near the door, would immediately order a large de- shovt•tn:g that ho had made tier at - tail of police kept on duty along tempt to save himself. Thi} ftremell the docks day and night. succeeded in saving the ellureh and the adjolning bulldinge. Fi ther Du- . pont had been stationed at tit. Paul ��gOUGGED ? since 18J3, and was universally Ipe- loved throughout tate parish, Co fessiun May Have Been a Sweat Box one, OFFICIALS TIiINK MM INNOCENT Jackson, Miob., April 20 - Prof, Joseph 1f. Aliiler, formerly of Wood- stock, Ont„ ,vlho IS serving it. life reit- tenco !n tore Estate's prison here be- cauNe he confessed to the murder of Carrie Jennott lit Detroit, and -whorl case, w4ali taken to the Sit- prenio Court yesterday, confidently bellvvos that the Supreme Court will rcoptali bis easy and flutt lie ,will be givc!n a trial and be able to owta:b- lish Ilia innocence.. Miller is perhaps the most content - ml man within tate walls of the pri- son. •'I would rather loo here all Inns - cent clan;' he says, "than to be free unit .Igullty of Idliing Carrie Jennett." There Is hardly a prison official who, is; not of the belief that Miller Is innocent, The change In lii:lor front the clay br, entered Ilia prison has been sl) marked that the.v are rt`ady to believe that tl,ere is the 110rnibiliiv of a mistake having been made. W1ien lie wars brought here he appc.are,t to b(+ in a sort of daze', He Iva's weak, refused to touch food or to talk, and was a fit sable -at for the hospital. In tho course .of a tow days he s"mied to brighton, there was it elearer look in Ills ('ye anti he opened Ilia mouth. 'Phe officla2S stay that it ,vould be liars to I'mog- FOR 20,000 CARS. G. •1'. It. hecau'es Laud for Cortinentat 1101141 Terminal at St. Henry. Montreal, April 21. -Tito 'Grand Trunk are evidently, preparing the terminals here to accoremodato 'their continental road. It haus transpired that than have purcliased ©nongh land west of St. 110nr,r to create track roam that will hold 420,000 cars, or equal to that of all ilia Other terminals combined, Willing to be Obliging-. N Y. Bur. " You shall never heave this house until you pay what you owe me !" Shouted the Irate landlord. "All right," said the boarder; "just Vat that in writing and I'll sign it." WOUNDED DOINQ WELL. Dr. ilo'Hely'a Report oil the ltieai:inas Creek Vietbim, Guelph despilteh. Dr. O'1teilly t•e- tattled this morning from Forges and Elora. Ho reports that all- injured in the 1110-acefdent tit• I Orttiitg's Creek are* doing well. Only four' rt*maln in the hocrpital at Fergus. ,They etre: DIF. and Jti's. Ifustan and child, of Thessalon, and It. Cheney, mate clerk, Southampton, They will all Ise able to return to their homes it) the ,'curse of It weep or ten daypt. nov. Mr- Martin, of C;anning'toh;-ttlidMr, Todd, of Toronto, at the iaoneral .Hospital herr, aro tiliproving rapidly, tall(' it its 0-%Veeted 'that they will be able to leave this I'ietltutiou shortly,