HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-04-23, Page 5April 23, Y9Q3 ME WINGHAM ADVANCE, W+ joEL Cid CC i h By actual count 147 „ • ...,•,., •. ; Yui `iCCNGt A A'CAN 1Vl A,RSI people, young And old, were flshing along the harbor Nothing +j Such dooks and the two piers at 2 tl, tip. on 0 4 \ 4► L 7 ltJ► i t 7 4 1. 11 Power -South Oxford Conservatives present- Wedliesday, u eel their local momber, Douald Sather- John McAnley , of Dungannon was to L? mom laud, with a purse of $750, y g For two years I suffered W- rCo broaden the mind as ills ability to investigate. No olio sent to the jail on Tuesday by Magis• ribly from dyspepsia, With great .To g _J. Johns has sold the Arlington trate Seager to put In a month on a' dopresslon, and wasolwaya feeling is larged to buy, we Simply urge you not to go by. W011 flotoi, Wiarton, to Geo. Uverleigh, of charge of vagrancy poorly, l theft tried Ayer's $srsk- parillit, and In ono week I was a $]low 37011 all tllgt is new and desirable in Men's Clathil1g, 010 Coulson. House, Owen Sound, The Goderiolt Knitting Worko has a new elan.11Joha hicl;ionald, alld try to make cul• place a pleasant one for yon to dt•Op ill, -The steamship Lane Simeoo arrived full staff working on orders, and there p'h•lsdelphI4, PA. `).'here are several distinct styles in Suits bell Goat$ this Sea- at St. John witn 1,300 immigrants, a is work enough in sight to ]seep all son. 4111' Suits w, large number of them being Bnglisb, )lands busy OIL the first fall of snow, Aper S forget that t's - Its Ileus features no other rstvuk will she .-Tho income of the G. T. R. station The steamer H. B, Tuttle, which was- c< y r " + ' in the village of Acton was the largest sold for debt, on Weduesday morning, lla Men's and Youths Suits. g is now the property of Capt. Mitchell, that will. make you Strong in its history last month, being over i0n t waste _ In he ills latest materials, designs, Stripes, Checks, qtq., made right up to $12,000 of Cleveland, the consideration being and hopeful. m .. , , . , ..... 5 lir $12.00 $4,100. your time and money by _ the Minute at prices from ,,.,, ,,,,,,,$.i,7 130ya 2►ACy Norfolk Suits—The Newest Q -Manly farina in Essex are inundated During the winter captain Alex, Law - Boys' owing to recant heavy rains, and in trying some other kind. Out. son built a pretty sailing yacht for his - some cases Via water is being pumped [.Iso the old 'tested tried In Blue null White stripy. sergtt with halt aettxched. Sailer Caesar and stn- off the land, ,private use, ands well known lake '' f > > _ y Drice...$u.00 captain declares it is a beauty. It ill and true Ayes Sarsapa _ broidered Block and white Stars on Collar; ages 2 to 11 ears Ailnonto, April l8,•-i r. M. J. Jewett 20 feat long with a breadth of 8 ft. .Alla, ! $1.14 a mile. All dNO" HATS ! HATS ! HATS! of Redwood took morass the river at A Black Minorca fowl belonging to Brookville last wdek about $1,700 worthk your doetorwhat he thinks ofA•yer's We have the latest in I -lard and Soft Felt Hats, in Black and Colors- John A. Harrison,flarrisuVictoria street, colo• $o,.a,„Alla, tie knows all about tL eKrand - • . • • .. • , .. , , .. , ... .....75c ,0 of skins, mostly muskrat. a:d 1sm11y inedictuq. Hollow his advice turd licca ...... to 0 orated the llastgr season by Paying a p $5 we will be satIsft Blenheim, April 18—Mr. '*Van. Pardo, monster egg, weighing within a shade J, o.axsxco.,ro.vea,Masa. SALEM SHIRTS. Raleigh, brought in a hard of nine cat- of four ounces and measuring G,•z/a inches tle for shipment the other day. The and 8 inches in circumference. Calors guaranteed o sforYoun uninMONi• r anal. We have the latest designs$100o total weight of the nitre animals was Midland got its first load of wheat hard andagftbosomafursurnmer wear -prices... ..............$1.00 to $1.ZS 12,960 lbs. Two of these cattle alone on Saturday, the Midland weinhed over 3 300 ounces. iu reached that Queen c hav- GO T4 o , P g port from Chicago The H Crowder Blenkloilu, April 18, -Mr, Arch. Laird with 110,000 bushels of wheat, sail O H. R' y has lost 16 hogs with hog cholera, and Godericlx is daily expecting a vessel the remainder of his drove -about 20 in with wheat from the Windy Oity. Thursday, April 2nd, was a record day at the Eggs, Ile. Butter, 17c. number -have been killed. It wasThe brick work, oft the main building CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE' thought that the cholera was entirely is now complete, and with the excep• CHATHAM, ONT. stamped out in this district. tion of the closing in of the engine Six calls for office help In a single day -one of j house the bricklayers are through. these from Chicago, one from Manitoba and -a Collingwood has laid no plank the othor four from leading business houses in r , Carpenters are pushing the work in the the city. Poattfons at $15 to $so par month aro ertge 1894. and the town has getting quite common, Art walksicall offered c -interior of the north wing, and it looks $80 per month for a first-class stenogrnphor. ± about 15 miles of granolithie, on which as if those mechanics will be through in Does It not Pay to Attend the Best? no money has had to be spent for re, a few clays. Machines are being placed College reopens atter Easter on Tuesday, Apr. ' - pairs. The town paid two-thirds of the lith. Nowjs the time to enter. For catalogue in the south wing, and this part of the address, •-+ - cost and property owners one-third. establishment could soon be made ready 27.31 D McLACHLAChatham; Oct. -Dr. Hodgett of the Provincial for work. Health Department states that the United States Consul Shirley went to smallpox epidemic is gradually losing Kineardiue on Monday to present the its hold on Ontario, and during the gold medals given by the President of Is made when you choose our store as the present month only $0 cases have been the United States to the rescuers of the r place to buy your Furniture. Stock: Large— reported from all over the Province. crew of the schooner Ann Maria, which Prices Right. Before buying elsewhere, just The bulletin for to -day is two cases was wrecked off Kincardine on the 8th Hogs Are Worth 63 Cts. from Medente, in Simcoo County. October last. The presentations took et our rices it will cost you nothing to find St. Marys April 18. -Three more by- g , g p , ) g place at a meeting in the town hall • them out, and you may save money. Our laws were carried here yesterday. One which was crowded. There were eight Come and buy pure pea meat]. I guarantee goes With every article We Sell. for twenty thousand dollars for per- medals, the recipients stein; Thos, ]Mie- have 40 ton on band, and rush your illanent roadways carried by a vote of G'aw. Walter MoGaw, John MoGaw, jr. +s Came and see us. Price our goods, and you 854 for and 58 against. A second by- Thos. McGaw jr., Capt. Robt. Green- hogs along and obtain the high price. will be able to say as others have said— Law for the extension of water services less, Robt, Saunders and W. J. For. Nothing else will do it so quickly as and electric lighting for six thousand guson, the eighth man, Donald Mathe- pure peas. We also have a large stock that you wish you had known before, what dollars was carried by a vote of 361 for son, being absent. J. W. Henry, ex - dollars of Clover and Timothy Seeds, Mangles. a fine stock we have and what reasonable and 56 against. A third for the election Mayor of Kincardine, presided, and fi Rupe, Speitz, flax, Orchard Grass, &c, Yrices we sell for. Tr here next time and of two commissioners annually, who speeches were given by prominent oiti- y with the Mayor will constitute a Board tens and a musical program was reuder- get a surprise. of Management for the electric light ed, including the singing of British and and waterworks, carried by a vote of United States national airs. The, Carr 338 for and 76 against. meduls were about the size of a $20 gold.111RO1.`p piece, and were suitably inscribed. ( IARKIIT SQUARE) Walker 13ros. tion A Capital Cure for Sore Throat people With Bad Breath Is to use as a gargle, a few drops of Generally suffer from Catarrh and Furniture healers &Undertakers Polson's Nerviline in sweetened water, should use Catarrhozone Inhaler four Money to loan on notes, and notes and before retiring rnb the throat and time daily, and bA oured• The pleasant discounted at reasonable rates, Money chest vigoroualy with Nervilius, By scented Catarrhozone vapor spreads advanced on mortgages at 5 per cent, morning the soreness and inflammation through every air passage of the breath. with privilege of paying at the end of will have disappeared entire] * Nor- in or ens nud react ti,• t f any year Notes and accounts colleci-- Sil'mi Pxicea• The LoRdigStore>S> p' 'qAti A qj tl Stout 'lF lteo+ QutGk ili, ti rr lit CLOTHING We are ready to show you all kinds of Spring Cloth f . Men's and Boytj' ,Suits in Cheviots, Worsteds, Serges, Tweeds, etc., in the latest styles, Two Thousand Dollars worth of the best Tailor,31ade Clotbivi; to select from. ratroniae this store for all hinds of Men's Wear. Best goods at lowest prices. Men's Ianportcd all wool Black Clay Worsted Suits in 8•bution cut+t, way saol:, Ane Italian cloth 11ningo, our special price .. . ............. $lo.00 Irish :]ergo Suits in blue or black, single breasted sack, well made, Italian linings, all sizes ...................... .....1....... $7.50 10 Suits to clear, small pattern tweeds, well llned, will give good wear, regular Value $0.00 to 07.00—for......... I .................... 41.15 o Extra fine Scotch tweed Suits, well tailored, latest out, special at,....$12.00 Spring overcoats in the latest styles and newest weaves, nicely lined, good At—our prices are 00.00, $8,00, $10.00. Boys' Fancy Brownie Suits, in nice patterns, well made, nicely trim. med, all sizes, prices $2.00, $2.50, 03.00. $3,50, $3.95, Boyd 3 -piece Suits in Serges, Worsteds and Fancy Tweeds, Special values in all sizes. See our special line at ....................... $3.50 Gents' Furnishings. New Ties, New Braces, New Styles in Collars, New Underwear, New Regatta Shirts, New Duck Shirts, New Sweaters, New Caps. New Spring Styles in Hard and Soft Hats. Boots and.: Sees. '"Ieleave just opened fifteen eases of new Boots and Shoes. We handle only the best makes, big stock to choose frons. Prices in keeping with low prices in our other departments. Men's good strong plough Boots, hcai7 solo—special price ........ $ .90 Mon's extra heavy grained Boot—a Bargain at .......... .......$1.60 Monis tine Laced Boots --Special at.................................$1.25 Women's FIne Dougola Oxfords, now too --our price..............$i.00 Women's Fine Dougala Button Boot—a, Bargain ....... .......... $1.25 Curls' good strong school Boots—special...........................61.00 Lots of other Bargains. No room to quote more. COME AND SEE. I.., ,.,_..._..H• E. Iard... Co. Opp. Bank Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce 'I.INI tu9iSESSIONS . g g lea a ugly too o ed, Office -Beaver block, NVingham. villus drives away the pain and cures the disease at s} once; it kills germ, par. Rosi, blolxnoo, "980 sore throat and hoarseness quickly, ifies and cleanses the mucous surfaces, simply because that's wbat it's made and erradicates every vestige of catarrh a for. Buy a 25c bottle from your drug- in a short time, J 1I S I N .9 0 gist today, Pure, sweet hr, at11, fres from head• Dr. Hamilton's Pills Stimulate the Liver acbe, sneezing and discharge are quick- ly derived from the use of Catarrh- ozone Men's p * ;1 l ozone Inhaler. Complete outfit, guar- 10 lir i 1 I DruggAnteed to ours, coats $ison & Co.,H King- ' Drngaiats, or N. C. Polson & Co.Iiing- Arrive West Wawanosh. stow, Out, ' ` - Owing to the fine weather of the past Dr. Hamilton's Pills Stimulate The Liver. tui `,i ng Se week quite a number of the farmers are well advanced in their spring seeding. TENDERS WANTED. Work will soon commence on the new Notwithstanding the number that have church which the Methodist congrega. Tenders will he received up to Fri. We have now the most day. the first day of play, addressed we leave just opened lip some fancy Gold tion intend building.The estimated beautiful and complete stook to ltoht. Hetherington, Lari side for t taken advantage of our reduced prices, our cost is nearly $3,500. the erection at Tif1`in's appointment. ever put on the NV ingham decorated Glassware direct from the factory at ( athodist), on the Whiteehalreb Cir- Market in the wayof Men's Tarenturn Penn. consistingof Handled Olives stock is still large and well assorted, com-- Rev. A. H. Brown of Belgrave, preach- cuit•, of it Brick Church with cement ' r ~ ed in Methodist. church at Dungannon basement; the contractor to furuiash Suitings, Fruit Dishes, Nappies, Bon bon Dishes, Creams, -. everything except brick, sand and prising Beautifully Trimmed Hats x17 great last Sunday morning and evening. The i; congregation ubal'S, rootll-picl. Holders, Cake Elates, Custards, 1 gravel; the yon rp ation to do the ' a ' y subscription for the Sustentation fend teaming, Tanders to state cost, with In all the latest designs -variety. Fashionable Trimmings ; Special was taken up. Rev, ''1r preached And without finishing of basement. and materials atvery reason- Goblets and Vases. tC in Belgrave. „SIQiI Work to he completed by the 1st of values In Tips and Plumes; Ready -to- ° 't November. 1903. PIn.nA and alietifica. able prices. You will have The vestry meeting br St. Paul's tions may h,;• seen at the residence of no difficult in selectinga wears” of latest styles. All offering at Church Dungannon on Monday evening Roht. Hetherington, Lnngside. The y to hold the anneal 'meeting, There lowest or any tender not necessarily suit to suit. p-+ g accepted, p Tu___blers. q. ,..ea temptingly law prices. to holditeanumberpresent,tugincu a t;, C. K:1TN1; Paastnr, In fit and wOrkmanshi ,0iP. bent presiding.• The ,affairs of the ROBT. IIETHERINGTON, Sec. church are on a sound basis all the Whitechurch, April 7, 1903. we take a back seat for no Call Early And Get Best Choice. liabilities of the year having been met one. Also a package of Table Tumblers with imitation and discharged to the satisfaction of all CEMENT WORKS. out bottom, extra value, on sale at 38e per doz. present. Unity and harmony prevails Satisfaction guaranteed. ,ame Mr . Greel Iamong tho members of the church, @.1 7 I Ani note prepared to properly axe - On Wednesday, too 8th itfro Jolla Cane all orders for Cement work of •'( Obi• Maxwell rii' S Moss, who had bean suffering from gun- every description -including Silos, a at • + cor for several months, came to Dr. sidewalks. foundations, stable floors. Next door to Smiths Dank. Bico's office and had it Out out, The etc. I have every facilty necessary, and can do Lhp > right. All work High grt Tailor Wingham patient, although in his eighty-fifth guaranteed. pricesices am nd terms reason - year, stood the operation remarkably able, Cement for sale, i well, The Dr, visited him on Sunday CHAS. BARBER, Wingham. + I and reports the Iips healing up nicely For and the old gentleman in good spirits, The choirs of the Auburn Presby. 't"! dl 31 d 3i 3li iil l WANTEND W , NI": E D SEE DS 0 have and Methodist churches, who Bargains have for the last tow wet kS been train• eel by Mr. Lethbridge, of Knox church w M Mc Goder%ch, a >; find Miss E. M. Patterson of \ ` c7 , Everybody to come and see our large stock, Come to It. A. Douglana the Auburn, gave a concert in the Presby- yy ntg Drngff`ilst lot all kinds of Flower terian church, Easter Monday evening. and Garden Seeds. Over 80 dif- In consisting In part of ferent colors and varieties of Sweet The ladies of the choirs and of the two R,•,. ,., A. - peas to choose your mixture from, congregations arranged a splendid lou- ti q Zi + elroon in the Presbyterian bfanse for Lho .... tj u ,yj (lljai Lace, Tapestry and Chenille. Pretty Ince ones from Esc to $t, and Beauties , GC , S entertainers, xrotwithstanding the un- .. - ^ U Lt BULBS = from $ c, 5o upwards. Li indsame "Tapestry and Chenille at reduced prices. favorable everting, Auburn supported STAR BRAND CANNA BULBS i OIL* Miss Patterson and macle the concert a ( WItITI•', COU\, Trek I'A\I,s._,rhese are great value at prices ranging from 75c to $2.75. DA1 1LIA BULBS / 1 iMR Rnancial success. The proceeds were ULADCULUS BULBS $41,40, which will cover all expenses Is the best for preVen- FLANNtLETTE BLANKETS. --The Nor -west brand in grey and white. Bargains in these at TUBER ROSES and leave a serpins for further tuition. tion of Smut ill grains. 85 cents and $1.Io. TUBECIUSE BEGONIAS 1 25 cents worth of this j j We carty the newest fabrics in Dress Goods, f4' q' , Hearts What Are Mseased brand will do about ao linS and Black Dress (dUI l3asl;et Cloth Linens and M uslins of all kinds, Anything we have not its ; • a will never be cured by the (alae, uu- bushels, Star brand is r stock will be procured at Catalo "" b """' dainty as a dream ; also our Black Dress goocic are very handsome and the best value. gue price• natural stimulant of liquor. Virst in•" " p !`I r1 fl O crease our vitality, build u the A stem, the bt?St, rr y Ir , lJfll y p y 1losll.rv.-Having some of our heavy steel, of winter id osier on hand, wt, will sell them at A special rt t e hig is Fair . y . ... strengthen and purity Y the blood -then « ."""•. ' given by ing of the on of Fair _ p J - for the beat collection of roatsand - the heart rviII respond and grow strong. - : Cosi to make room for our usual big display of Cotton and Cashmere Hose at all prices. Ii ono n appetite what to take, it, Everybody knows this house is headquarters for Carpets, vegetables grown from my seed.U s 'an Link= , gives you all appetite and a digestion = ~" t ' that will loelc atter ovarythiug that is For Sale only sly 9fl eatr•ti. I+`errozono improves nutrition, I,'lnoleums and Oilcloths. Come and have a look at our s makes rich, vititlizingblood, and is posi. w handsome C`:arpets -ail kinds, and beautiful Linoleums at very reasonable prices. I f you DRUM _ ! ATTTfffii4 tively the most powerful restorative and r M ; u •nf,r•Rsr Strengthener known to sotence,improveS don't, and buy lin inferior IOY Cflrl.Ct, you Will be Sbl'Yy wllrrt3 you {incl out your mistake. _ Colin A. Campbell . the nerve tints, re[;ulates the heart's w •...,. Chemist Druggist { y1 action, takes tiro feoble atrolig and sick • Jewelry Ltd a well. Verrozone will do you untold goodw THE DRUGGIST and costs only 50c. at draggistg or Polson odea t;1,1f'.W. Tat. Cc, & Co., Ittngston, Out. Sold by A. L. MI jaC(1011A1st BIoGC: Winghain Hamilton, ! } { } { y S } } } } y } y e s -aytst--,srwh► err - Dr. Tiamitton'sPills Stimute,tothe Liver. #t4 i ii 1 i ii i1 { i