HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-04-23, Page 4April 2; rgoJ TATE WINGHA A ADVANCE, E had, tilt official to enqui a into the 1"�1.lThours of labor and general condi-A 14k iig1{{ii{i{{{IIli{ti{I{{titilll{III{I{{I{ti{ti{I{I{{{{{II{I{IIIA{{{{{I{Itiiti{ti{titititi{till{{I{I{ti{iti{I{I{{tib i tions amongst railway employees;Ea•" _ I& Scope might be enlarged t0POPULAR STORE. �� --No session Of lire Coinmis3ion cover this ciao. Snalr an officer as THE PEOPLE'S Ritchie Cam held o lie proposed was employed in Great on the Gamey charges was n p P S -r'• Saturday, and on account of the Britain, and last year not a single a•aspn er in the three Kingdoms N O & JAS. H e K E RRe death of Sir Oliver'Mowat noth- p g ,.,,... r Y ing was done on Wednesday. Up was killed. The railways in Cana - to last Friday night, Mr. Gamey's da were granted great privileges -- charges had been well sustained and powers, and Should be held re- ------ ��—' -- ---�.a Curtains, �.. .,a�Ce !./ �•ta S and his evidence corroborated, aponaible far accident." The fiercest cross examination fail- gQSe CleaningSPR Io�se Clea�in ed to shake the testimony given, ING Carpe$5 Both sides practically agree that —Mr. Gamey's testimony before HOUSE CLEANING �] �J Frank Sullivan was an emissary of the Commission calls to mind ilio THIS SPRIG the Government, MADE EASY TIME letter of S. H, Blake, who up to w •••• ••• that date had been an enthusiastic .- a L,inoleunis _ —At a meeting of South Oxford Liberal. Mr. Blake, after expres- sing Conservatives at Ingersoll recently his regret for the widespread « corruption that had been exposed, Get well equipped for You know what that You may discover that you this resolution was adopted—"We said : Means. New Carpets, The house cleaning season is now here with its believe the time has come when are in need o£ one or more --Thio regret is further deepened '~ house cleaning before start- Curtains, Bed Clothes -••- demands for Curtains, Draperies of all kinds, Car- Temperance has assumed so impor when those who sit in high places ' taut a shape that it must now be supply the stoney, without which lug. We have the goods yell etc,, etc. Toilet Sets. pets, Linoleums, oil Cloths, etc. taken up by the political parties. this debauching could not be carried ; .,1.0 In view of the very strong oxpres- on, and, with the knowledge that it is need. slog of O inion in South Oxford thus being used, greedily accept all p the benefits that flow from this uubal- ash Tubs—a We are selling our Wool L,aCe Curtains. in favor of temperance legislation, lowed and degrading means. Possibly „`« and Union Carpets at reduc- we would recommend that this however, the lowest depth of infauly r it sized, .... • • • ed rices.- We have frill Stock Of .roilet M has been reached when the rulers of p A large assortment to choose from at rices from association place itself on record as ... Wash Boards—Solid Back ..,. Ware. All New Shape p of our province, without compunction, w.. 25c to X7.50 a pair, in Swiss, Arabian, Brussels Net, as in favor of such legislation. seek to obtain the advantage of par- .� CoPPeI' Boilers, Nickle Protea ... Cent. Off. chased and perjured ovidence. The w Brooms .............15c, 20c, 25c, 80c: �-e 25 Per Nottingham Lace Grenadine Sash Door Panels etc. I baseness thud percolates from the to and New Decorations. g � , , y P P gents to the purchaq tble�,,,, 14fep Handles hold cloth or brush.. ' —The Auditor -General's report otmsl of corh the a and makes ae seeetHI be .. Scrub Brushes ............ . . .5c to Floor Oilcloth and square MNwVV�/� ISI•. i , y g aid lip. —from 2oc a square gives an idea of what the visit of p °c the Duke and Duchess of York to hateful to every Iran in our corn- Stove Brushes ............ .15c to 35e0 piece Printed Set. any colors, Carpets, y per Set .. ............... .. ... •..$1.7b Canada cost us. The total cost of the ntumty. Shoe Brushes..............20c to too sun w0 reception was $462 881. A consid- Ample opportunity has been given Whitewash Brushes ....... , In this department we have everything you p t to repudiate this method of seeking to • :: ; :: LACP. CURTAINS— �Vant. Our stock Consists of Velvets, Tapestries, erable proportion of that sum— retain power. But no agent has been a -^ Clothes Brushes Large Stock 10 piece Printed Set, hood finish Brussels r stock s Wools Velvet Snares WOOL $214,863—represents the military repudiated. No official has been ills- hiske........ All Prices per Set... • . • . • . • . • • • •2.00, 2.25, `2.50 t tl t reviews at the various Centres. ntissed. Na victory won through this EIatCBh eesR W Now Designs means has been refused. All that has a' - Squares, and Acadia Rugs and Door Mats. The trip across the continent and been done has been approved b ac- aw Chenille Curtal -.. _ Ropes Shad- .. as far as Halifax incurred aroyl- has come from a carnival of corrup• e� Ch 'ns, Art Mus- 10 piece Stone Now Shape, Shad - the visits to points West and East ce tin without uestion whatever ... . , ` , ed, 2 Colors, New Shape, price _ ' g story to at makes one blush as the Clotlle 1 Pins, is doz..:::;'lc line, Cretonnes, per Set .................... $b.00 L�noleums and Oil Cloths. way bill of $73 983. Decorating """ was an expensive process. The Whiting,per Charge for the City Of Ottawa Was ! w Gold Duet, ... ............5c, lOc, 25e Chenille and Dawask Table All widths from i to 4 yds. See our 4 -yard -wide $32,950, with $29,931 more for the Silver Dust................be, 10c, 23c an an overs...... ...:. 0 nice Sot, Shaded, Printed an 1 e t —A short time ago, the Toronto Paarline per acka e .............. 5e d St d U Gold Stippled .................. $1.00 genuine Linoleum for dining rooms. electrical display. The Royal car, + P P >; GO cte. to $3. it is interesting to note, has been Globe had a great day. Glaring Gillett's Lye.......................10c bought for the use of Ministers, headlines appeared announcing Royal Lye, 3 for .............. 23c that the Ross Government had a � Sopofio, per cake..................10c ' 1ti•hite Bed Spreads, Cit•- 10 piece Steno China Set, Paint - It cost $5,000 to illuminate the ed, Gold Stippled, Handsome o Witchie Cam front of the Parliament Buildings, majority Y w g Ticking, v Cotton, Sheet- . PP Ross 11 To ovethisoan alloyed n- work, Crockery, Metal, Wood- 5c m g, •etc, Decoration ..... . ...............$5.50 ma'Orit of 7. Mr. Game had "^- Menke Brand Soap for cleaning ctllar Pillow $4,000 each for the three other Y p pp ""• Glass buildings, and $4,150 for the p g Successors t0 M. H. MCIND00. streets upon which the buildings terview of a Globe reporter with w M Mr. Game was given explaining .�- A splendid assortment of = Plain White Stone Uhina in 4 or 0 w face. The flags cost $16,419. Y g t P g &. ........ Stove Pipe Varnish ........ Table Linens, Towels, Towl- or 10 piece Sets, also sold separar-of w The Government presentedHis the matter. It now turns out from e.-- , . , , , , •,Black Lead—tile best. , ...... 'Ing, Hair Brushes, Combs, ately. Royal Highness with a complete the evidence of the Globe reporter, , , , , , , , , Stove Paste—the best........ etc., etc, collection of unused Stamps, and presented before the Commission, Bath Bricks, 5 els.......... , _. '} the chargeis $2,392. that the alleged interview with Mr. w ,,,,,,Laundry Soap, best made...... ' FARMERS Gamey never really took place, but ,,,•,,,,Toilet Soap, best made........ Pure Linen Stand Lovers, the thing purporting to be an inter- iW Sideboard Covers, Tray Oov- --The Auditor -General's re ort view, was prepared in Hon. Strat- I ere, Drawn work sides and SPIFiCIAp , Diamond Dyes, 3 for..............2oc .ends, Fingered or Item- is an interesting Bluebook. It ton's private office and presented „-„5c and 1oc WE PAY CASH -• g a.--• Logwood.............. stitched ends. shows that the members of the Do- to Mr. Gamey to sign, so that the81— ” e minion Cabinet receive consider- $1,500 cash bribe might be handed Ligltid An,monia..................lOc FOR FOR TEN DAYS able cash. The Ministerial re- out. That this $1,500 in sills y 6 Powdered Ammonia, per pkg....lOc + L/ the Ontario Bank was deposited s •. Starch—ail kinds .......... Table Cover and Table FRESH EGGS. ceipts are, including the sessional Mr. Game in the Traders' 43ank • • • . • • • • • • • • Carpet Tacks ............ Napkins to match. identity, $9,500 a year for the Y Premier and $8,500 a year each for of which Mr. Stratton is Vice-Presi- - the other Ministers. In addition, dent, was proven by Mr. Strathy, BABY C�1RRi AGr�S AND travelling expenses aro allowed, manager of the Bank. !What a lackald Blocl, Wl�l�a�Jno• JaS. H. KerrLast earSirWilfrid Laurier drew wonderful pisco Stratton's of&ce Jno. $ JSS. H. Kerr((��$8,000 extra for attending the must be—the place of cooked inter- 6V -CHARTS • views the rendezvous of the eadSul- LARGE AND SMALL Coronation conference. He voter- � ved altogether $17,500, The sum livans, and apparently the head- of $8,000 was charged for attend- quarters of the corruption that has— ,,,�,�,�,�,�,�,�, ante at the Diamond Jubilee in disgraced Ontario for years past. Surely the An e:tn stable of govern- TOWN PROPERTIES WANTED. W. A. CURRIE 1897. Four other Ministers visit- Y g g ited England during the coron- meat offices requires a thorough WINGflAM SAW LLTo make room for new goods we ation. Sir William Mulock, Mr. cleaning out and fumigation. It I have almost daily enquiries for • is time for a change. " houses to rent or buy. AUCTIONEER .. McLBAN &SON will sell the balance of our Car- Fielding, and Mr. Paterson drew g ' Now is the time to sell if You wish — — $4,000 each for attending. Sir to do so. wiugham Ontario ria es and Go -Carts at greatly 6 Frederick Borden, on the other j No charge unless a sale is made. g hand, has not put in a bill. In Abner Cosens, Minnie St. Date of sale arranged for at the All kinds of rough and dressed.... reduced prices. We have a good the previous year Sir William Mu- THE COUNTY BOUNDARY IS Advance Office. Terms reasonable. lock went to Australia. The LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES assortment in the latest designs. charge was $6,900. Sir William AN IMAGINARY LINE. A. DULMAGE APPLE BARRELS. has received $27,900 in two years, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. ALEX. KELLY and has made "Onward Canada," his motto (Toronto Telegram.) CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN Hard and Soft Slabs, also a a F Pro arty Auctioneer for Huron County UNDERTAKING In Ontario. The count has ceased to be more Y oFFicB.—In the gent oc . Huron county, and am prepared to couduul Residence—Catherine St. gales at reasonable rates. Advance Office. Residence—Patrick Ball Bros. Street, S. Oracey'a municipalities are grouped a 1 former residence, tial purposes. The county boun- REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND where night calls dary is an imaginary line separat- LOAN AGENT. GONVEYANCING recelve prompt at- tention. Phone The People's Furniture Store ing adjoining municipalities which • 51 DR. What Is The Good of buying cheap if you are dissatisfied with the pur- chase in a short time? True economy is exercised in buying a thing that pleases you till it is worn out. Our Men's Saitings are of this character. One suit makes a regular customer of the buyer. Then there is the guarantee of everything up-to-date and first-class. Suits from $10.00 to $40.00, made to fit in every particular. HATS.—In Hats, we have the very newest Ameri- can styles, at prices from 50c to $3.00. NECKWEAR.—All the latest designs, 25c to 50c. BOOTS and SHOES.—We have special prices in The village, town or township on Town an arm p large quantity of dry hard - municipality is the true unit of life ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. B1 k I have scoured an Auctioneer's license for wood for sale, delivered. —Accordingto the young men In Ontario. The count has ceased to be more Y oFFicB.—In the gent oc . Huron county, and am prepared to couduul Residence—Catherine St. gales at reasonable rates. Advance Office. hidden behind the pianos during the interview between Mr. Gamey Sullivan, than a legal fiction under which for judi- Sales arranged at the C. J. MAGUIRE ALES. FELLY, wingham P. O. and Frank the latter municipalities are grouped a 1 "was out for the stuff" and was tial purposes. The county boun- REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND willing to tell who burnt the West dary is an imaginary line separat- LOAN AGENT. GONVEYANCING AGNEW Elgin ballots. He further impart- ing adjoining municipalities which Collection of Rents and Accounts a specialty. DR. ed the information that "they" are united in bonds of sympathy, ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, would like to have seen Davis de- feated in North York, only that interest and trade. Population should be the basis of office—in vanstono Block. ACCOUCHEUR. open Saturday evenings, 7 to 9. Office:—Upstairs in the Macdonald the Government needed him, the majority was so small. A further representation in Parliament, and the right to representation by pop- Block. J. A. MORTON Night calls answered at office. interesting fact, revealed by Frank ulation should not be complicated Sullivan, was—tbat be was not re- with the irrelevant and unessential BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. DRS, CHISHOLI� & CHISflOLM quired to wait his `(turn" to be question of county boundaries. MONEY TO LOAN. admitted to the Provincial Secre- tary's office, but the doorkeeper A redistribution might respect county boundaries and still be the PHYSICIANS • SURGEONS - ETC. office:—Morton Block, Wingham had orders to admit him whenever vilest kind of gerrymander by . Josephine Street — Wingham Frank wished to come. This busi- enabling a minority of the people MISS DELIA SPARLING ness of buying u members was so y g n in a majority of the counties to I P. KENNEDY, M.D., M.c,P,s,o important, that no delay must occur, so Frank had the freedom elect a majority of the members, who should always be elected by a A. T. C. M. J Teacher of Piano; Theory and Fletcher ' (Member of the British Medical Association) of the lace. How desperate the place. p Governments condition must have majority of the people, whether that majority lives in a minority of J Y Y Music Method, simplex and Kindergarten. Pupils prepared for Consorvatory exam- GOLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE. become, when men of such unenvi- a ma orit of the counties. j Y mations. Special attention paid to Diseases of women and children° able notoriety are the privileged Representation by county bound- OPFICs HOUIts :-1 to 4 p.m.; 7 to 9 p,m, visitors to the private offices of members of the Cabinet! 11 Birds aries is not a representation by population, and a majority of the TRE W. T. Holloway Telephone Orders Promptlyr attended to. M__cLean & Son of a feather flock together" says people, even if they live in a min- for tasty and Its a it to have a cod OPity Of the counties, should still ADVANCE down-to-dato Job D.D.S., L.D.S. '° ' ;;�* pity g an old adage. Printing. Prices Graduate of Royal + . Suit spoiled in the making. have the right to elect a parlia- OFFICE right. College of Dental . the above line, which will pay you to see before buy- i mentary majority. surgeons of Tor- . o ;` The suits we make give en- ing elsewhere. —In the Dominion Parliament, (i noctuato f Dent ua• VANSTONE at De 't. of Toren• fire satisfaction. Give us a to Un versfty. E. F. Clarke, M. P. for Nest TO- Latost improved methods in a 1 branches of trial and be convinced. ronto, in calling attention to the IT'S ALL 121CiHT, Re BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Dentistry. Prices moderate. satisfaction A pleasure to show goods. extraordinary frequency of railway and students may enter the guarantee d° +taf UfRoe in Beaver Block. accidents in Canada of late, said:— LJSTOWVEL Money to loan at lowest rates. Office "During the last six months there BEAVER BLOCS, T Webster & Co. had been 142 accidents, which cost �" 7-05, WINGHAM. ARTHUR S., L.D.S. Homuth �179 lives, a perfect epidemic of fatal ` _a D.D.S., •D•s• accidents It a neared that the at any time Doctor of Dental Suraery of the I en- M - SIGN OF THE BEAR UPJ 90 Government had no officer empow- SPRING TERM begins March 30. Tt30S. IiOLMES nsylvania College and Licentiate of ered to fully investigate such disaS- Two Courses—Commercial and shorthand. RANKER, ETC. Dental Surgery of Ontario. tern and properly apportion the Send for College Journal. hTarringo Licenses issued. No witnesses Office over Post 011100—WINU11AM blame. Some official was needed C. A. PLBMINO A. L. MciNTY913 required. who could with authority examine President Seey. portionnoyEneieatgterrms ants; smaller m pro• MISS SARA L. MOO.R,E PROM PTLI►' SECURED witnesses under oath in such cases, M^ ^ RICHARD HOLMES write for our interesting gooks"Invent. ,Ig so as to protect the railway em- Teacher of Piano and Theory or's Help" and -+ Now you are swindled: - .ly OUR MOTTO IIA11108TER AT LAW,6omorron, ETC. R.TC. ployees, It Was necessary t0 find t� ��Scud us a tough sketch or model of your in - Hi h Crade Work Only," Otilco:--next to Ilolmes Block now building vention orimprovement and wewilltell you out exactly how the rules of the S Y- MISS �y �{ T, free our opinion as to whether it is probably C 11�Da( 1 ISS CARRIE MOORL' ntentahle, nfullyeprosec ted b hits. Wd en road, the road itself, the employees (� r'flt. #>ccn able, Rejected prosecuted b its. to and everything in connection frith 11 TELLINGTON MUTUAL conduct folly equip offices , in Montreal r Teacher of Violin and Guitar, tandtva.hington• th3squsltfleaustoprmnpt- it were being properly Iooked after. �� FIItL+ INS, CO. ly atspntcll work'and quickly arcure Patents �To this end a coc.petent official Rooms—in Stone Block lfin ham, a4bro:dnstheinvention,ilgheatreferencce STAATFORD. ON1'. Establinhed 1840. g f Patents should be immediately appointed, valents procured through Marton r ein Our grndutal ea readily secure Boort posit• Hoad tifliee GIUELPXI. ONT. tion tecelve special notice without charge in clothed with full powers. At re- lona because our high grade trainingpro• �i p TT �t� over 100 newspapers distributed throughout aurr h ' f � I sSf ,l ares them to render tint -class serices. Itisks taken on all olmses of Insurable pro DICKINSON lX 11OL14ES the D -minion. r For Job Pr ntinix at Right t- 4.1 ion V OUC ] e sent t e in the publie after such accident came Dusincss men want first-class workers no time to waste on the other kind. Com. be fora party on the sash or promiwu note system. Barristers Solicitors etc, Secs -Any t --Patent bualncee of Manufaa Sturcra andel Rtlgineer3, through the medium of Coroners position o a course now and ready. position in the tall. write for catalogue. Jnusas i , CHAS. DAVIDSON, a 1 t MARION & MARION t Pr sen 'nriea which was quite unsatisfac- W, a. Elliott, Principal, Press President. seorotat•>;, JOHN R ITC H I E, , Office. Meyer Block Wingham. ( Patent Experts and Solloltors. (�5, f Neer Vork Life B+id' ,11ontreai Lot 11 ` f tory. The Department of Labor (,I - AGENT, %IINGIIAU ONT `S. L. Dickinson Dudlor+ Ilolmoe t�,,, At Inc, B,1djr,Waa� gr;°n D - R -f-I