HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-04-23, Page 2,
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eliances which blix special committee liff tho Ile ativo 01. tuo Vrowxi I _ ". , . #%.- ". ,. . . I . - - I I I
." ., 1.
had fecomwendo4. The Offer wiw ao- In 11-W vrv�r,�1111110111LII awl retlarned from - � . I IJ I . I— � I
ed, but hit, John Macdonald and OttAWA to Ilia el -I city or '119ronto_ I . ! . 11 ' -'*
. . I .
UN t 31"ItIr!'Aloxander 0alt, Insisted timt the There- llio luor yeavis liave been . I �� =_
. I
desired, result could only Ile 64U1411,0- IMIC41111Y 6POIlt. � 11" ,(, I 11 . I !
WrIly attalued by the fornial,loxx of Ul3dOtxl>,tcdlV there have been few , - ", .
� , 11 �_ tf . I I FIff H L' POETS,
LF , A Coalition Cabinet in w1doll Mr. political loatI61W so abtute arid poff- 1. , I . I ___- - -_ -_ ___
I - --- �
I" 1%0 Drown and sonic of tits Upper Can- oul4ml ot such a power to o0m.aland 'I k r" %,� � I . 71 - . i 1-000-00 ,
R"EMARKABLE CA R 34 E` adlau frionsis should. have portfolios. pub;lo colifidellon. Although III$ life � I h q 'ki I.—, .. I I
TO 1111ti Air. Brown Unwillingi.y. ao- WWI) largely davoted to, polll;104 Sir , ) (V � a. , . - 11 - ,rho Proyer W (a rils Brown.
, _
ceded. Oliver round tinto to devote himself � i ^A - C. � ., 1 - "-.Visa prol)or wily for 0, mall to
. The "Groat Coalition" was accom. �; isolve degree to religious, 4octal I / I I I . -1, I prays i. .
I PlivIted Ott Junu 80th, 1804, Mossril. and Intelivetir.al pur.sults. RD at __� I � i ,1�1.11f Deacon Lorfuel weves,
Foley, McGee and 'buchalla-ir retiring various flute's filled the offices of -4A I +I,.- -%It wpjer affilud-
a It from the BlIalstry, atid boing Fine- Pre.,�-Jjent or tI,.o.0naa,dl,Ju In-jtltqto, . 5 114"dQwn upon lAtillknpev' "
ne Will Rank as One of the Gredi Cot'ded by Messrs. Brown, xoikat alid PreMocilt of tliq J�Itftngelloal Atli, . �
, ,---' \ I ,_ � \ I
McDougall. Sir O,Lvor again bevaine once, or Ontario, Vice�rreoldcnt 04 1 1 . I "No. I g1i'Quitt fifty, tho- wa,T to I)rlk,.v,-*
Pastwautor-.0oneral. Oa returning to, tr,10 UpPell Calitula Bible Soclet V , , .� , '.." .1 Salt) llov. Dr. W166, t) I., 1�
ilivir constittioneb-s Mossrs. Brown wad Hon, Pro�slderjt of tl* N I Old btanding btralght with outat to
� in V,apildlarl
Statesmen of the World. and Mowat were re-ofected by auela- Bar Asidoclation, Ile w,rta for'n long b , _� j4 , 'O
I I mation. Then came thn. great "lid P,,rlo� I a, to . !�MW.r Of St.4,11ne6l Squ%re .. � ed a riw,
eonchisivo intlou conference at Q110- Presbyterian Church. anti. pubil-ilied .,., --t I . I And rapt arid upturned eyea,"
..____._ - ___,__._ bee Ili tile lattor part of 180-1. At broolurt!s entitled J%vidences of 40=1 . . : III,, . I . 1104, no. no, no," sat -,.I Elder Slow,
this eouforenee the Holt. Mr. Mowat, C111itillilLy." Mid "Christianity and I I I $,$not. capture, is (go proud;
Ilustmakter-tiout-ral, wa4prtmaut 4nd sorpo of Its rrults.,l I .f 0. � I ,
. .
Itis youth, tits Entry Into 111clitics and tits Long llerloJ of Power lit tits ttlol� all active parT, The conference In 061atervlow pubilshed by Air, . - I . . A luan ishould pray with eyes fag,,
_ . .
- -A Great Orriniz;w . HAt with closed doors arid no minutes Donal;Woij Grant, Ili Aur . . ) . . I closed, -
Provinge--One of the Confederation Fathers . wilt, loo.", . Anti head contritely bowed."
Of Its proceedings have ever been pub- from, wijoll. oxtracto IlaIre already $110f � 6,11 I- . I �
and Leader and a Alan of Great Six ength of I. haracter astai Executive l6lied, but It Is statod, by Sir O-Ivor'o boon given, Sir Oliver vvila asked I'll , lk( 41\0 I .
Intlinato ,biographer "it," that on t1lore, was anir one thing Ill )its life . . "it seeing to wo 'tits hands should
,. I ,,
Capacity, Ono point Mr. Molvat tool; etroup� WtIch knore tli%n another 'gave, bill). . . be
. Tolin A. Macdon- satisfaction 110 to thought, over lite's I .
grcund agallist Sir . I . . Aupterely clasped Ili front,
Sir Oliver Morwat was born oil July over istrice, been Sir Oliver's hume, al -I anti Mr. 13rown Ile anti Mr. Me, osporlence.9.11 I I � . . . . . With both thumbs polntlng towaril
-12, 1"> , In What is stated to have Tio firm mw, oil its removal to 11,.ugall advoeatorl rill ciectivo Senate 0110, 41d iidt awsliver for it wornont, '.. . I I . . . tile groand,'"
bean a modest cottage on quarry Toronto, ArtrongtLenod by tha lid- for zlie Doullnion ii� Canatla, a pro- ,as one trying to rooall,and judge � �Ifj 11 11 k9ald Rev, Dr. Blunt.
Stun 111181PIOU to It of tte brilliant lftw� position IvIllell was opposed by Mr. ., ,, oWejl, in a . gplleral way, it Is !_ `
$troet, XOvr k�liown as 'W,cllill yor, Plillip VaTtKoughtiet, after- Maeduuuld and lair. Brown, who fav, thb VLSI,, alldthell said very quietly., . 1;. "Last year I fail tri Hodgla's well
titreet. In the town Of Kingston. I ..
- -
IiIA rather IVAN John 'Mowat, a Ila- wards Chancellor of lJppor Carladi, oreil the appointment Dy the Crown a 16,n,tIsfactjDn to Mc� riow thll,t I I � 1, �e , - Head first," said Cyrus Brown,
Y, I it anti the hard-working junior 11101311- Of SellUtora for III(,, .Sir tTohu drolar- airg ail old man, two years past, tile p".. .... I . ... . . "WILI. both my heale a-stleldn' 111),
e � -plotin - ,
tive of tile parldli or Ca-Illsba, hors built up a very lucrative prac� Ing that while It' did Dot atlxalt that four ee,Qro llxr�it, to think that �� My hoad a .g down .
I a � � .
Calthmoss-shire, North Britain, a, Par- title. tho elective system had been d fall- . . - .
ish situated a few miles soutil of thiroughout tny Ilia I have tried to 1. . "An' I %nadD a prayer right then an
Jolim O'Groat's House, and cons,e- Marriage to Xis,i Nwart. ure, lie desirea that our constitution *dc. Wy duty. That conviction anti k VERY PER SUASIVE. I there -
ati Fih-;uhl be, ail Governor Simqoa ,had tile kissutarico from, m6n of all shades Ilighwaylilan-Say, pardner, what time Is it ? . Beat pmyor r ever said,
queo ,y one of the most northerly of During his early residence in Tor- Saki It ought to ba, "All Image and Of I)OI
. Itim that,mly own political car- Traveller -I'm sorry, but' my w atch won't go, tIll prayingest pray.er I
11le parishes on the maintaxid of Scot- onto lie became Intimate with, tile T a
transeript of ilia British constitu- oar hak% helped to In-1preRs a sense of Highwayinan (pointitill; phltol)-I reckon this will make it go all right. �
I�Lxrd, John Mowat early lit life ran rurally of Mr. John Bwart, at th4t tioll.11 I . ed, -
away from liome to serve as a soldier time a prominflat, builder find eon- duty -o,i Other pubile aran, J-.,; very - . . I . __ .--.-..--- I _____,_.._._. - � - A-krtanding oa illy head." -
under His Majesty George ILI. Sliort- tractor, find on 'birly, 19th, II3 wed- Ovew Coll lederai Ion. nath,fying. Duty W�Ls made it very
ly after tile 'Lulf and a.bdioation of tied ',the beautiful Miss Rwart," as %')to original-w,art or tile Act, based dDar nud Important 'thing to 'we in _V here Plastered around this holy ,-Saml Walter Forys.
. I — ,
the First Ore was known. The cer.,mally oil theise, resolutions, wais orawn by m;7 early' training both tit tho I P Q apostle. I
,Napoleoxx 'in April, 1814, . . .iom 's, "IQ ,4 ay Sebool.
Battalion of tile Buffa were ordered took Place In St. Ar;dreww Church,. Iluffl. Mr. Mowat, whose abilities as a alX-I In the school; my teacheeo tin- , Tb ghts.,; . -.Van seek that wblell Tho Sp,lendor ,or E astgr..
to Camada, to take part in the strug- and tile late Rev. Dr, Jonalligs. of- cimistitiltiori,al laavylor were generally presseld it so upon, me,' that In my — IOU
N_(). I V they love best ; Paul always sought Ott, rare as the splendor of lilies,
glew talen going oil between Britain ficialed. The marriage, Ono of ilia veQ69nized, with the assistance of political m-alationg I was never able.. IN1?1%3ZNXh0NAL LUSA;ON � fox, disolplos. We hAvo here the earl- And sweet ac the violate, breath
raid tile- United Sta.tes. Drey arrived happiest conceivable, was dissolved LIvAtt.-COL Heivitt Bernarii, sooretary als I was mover dealrous, to rld my- APRIL 216, 1003 lost dofinite notice of childhood In Co,mas the jub,lant in
in LoweT Canada lit July. J.8144 and 0114 by death. Wboll In March, of tile conforlence. Strangely onougii Mir of tile riltuple Imperative of Auty. I .. the history of tho , church, These ornlug O � *
oil Sept. 11 of tha,t year played a Sal- 1803, Lady Mowat, ilia beloved of during tbo yvars Immediately preced- j9p, It L3 not a political lUlataka to. ' children aa well as the parents took Easter, �
Ing Corifeder, , I a trium
la,ntpart Ili ilia disastrous action at all who knew. har, passend away. ation, and Immediately do bnWo plain daty. tills Is a moral I'LlillN Journey to Jern441ein.-Acts 21.14'.). .rh Ph of life over death.
. . part tit worship -and In Christian fel- And fresh from the earth'i quickened
Plattsburgh. in June of the following Ili 28ZSO the rising chancery law- succeeding thevoto Sir Oliver was re- 'world, and Ili tile long run moral COMMUNT0,RY.-J. Prom Miletus 16wslilp. Children should always be bosom,
. �
year (IBIS), Napoleon Bonaparte hav- yer became OIlv:er Mowat, q. Q., and niuved from the turmoil of politics. Eluty Is supeettwo., 10 I to 111yro (vp. 1-8). "From Milletua reognIzod and taken where they may I
in- e4joa,ried from Elba and again be It, Is worth while adding that the How it 'came about was told by him .. - I . . .I . Paul and grace. The voice Full baskets of flowers wa bring, .
ti;lat a memace to Europe, the regi- silk was an honor mucho more rare-' In tile Interview. wIlloh has already I . 1119 collllpa�ny Sallied stral&Ixt enjoy the means Of And scatter their satin -sort Petals
I of even the church may not always To carpet a,path for our Xtbg.
' - ..
**-'-- z=1,
mant w" ordered to Fianders, but ly bestowed In thuse days than of bean quoted. "it ,ivao,daring the sit- A0%,%�.,,,,,.W � southlirarld l4ofore, the wind to tht). be In full accord with the loadings of . .
. I .;A,W%
Sorgailat Mowa,t did not go 1,710 late years. Sir Juhn A. Afacdonald - ting Of that 09nfOreace at, quebec." 0%1%#%0%r%.(1� , % Islang of 0000, forty mites, Mience tile Holy Sptq�m In ,the countless green blades of tile
them. He hall decided to become 'a was then Premier and Attornay� 03,ttl Sli, Oliver, "thri.t,the news came .. E�fl I . they -continued on to the target, ta-
Camadlaxi citizen, so he settled down General, arid the story Is told - to Sir John 4 A. Macdonald' of. -a va, . � land or Rhtide�s, opposite, the iouth� PRACTICAL SURVEY. meadow,
[Tj� ,,
to the avoria,tions of a peaceful act- that his former student, meeting canvy. on f,hD Chancery borich, and lie . The I'larkets. Paul's days of freedom were near" Thealreen of the da,flodflAs Sold,
, � I 'Dills In the tremulous blue on. the moun.
onist, All tile time her soldier sweet- . immadiaLely p,tsood a nQte.Acl-,oss ilia . J I I . , , � I I WeSt corner or Asla, Minor. their .e-nd as -lie was making Ills.
Xhe chief tain on -tire street, jestlag- L. I �:J 1,91And fias aLWay1f hield ail Illifstri- tains, .
heart had been at tabla offering in � "IS'
the wars a Soot- LY suggested the appointment of . a tire place. I felt 1�11�� Oas Place among �tho Islands or the last noy to the city of 4orusa- The orialLne, mist on tile wold,
tish lassie had been walting for him soma suru�les aVout'accept-Ing oil ab- . lem. �Vltllr great :o the Gen -
in his native parlsh of Canisbay. So Rome now Q. CPR., and added: '41 . `Xorouto 10arnliws; 'Alaricli-t, - ,-Merlitorrarre4n, and Its citpital was � had a 00"" t , cliurches In the "Ll'i'10 Of .brook& through the
- suppose Yon will put me in with. count of tile position public, affalps April 20.-'Gemeral-busluess around f4ln-164s'for Its colossal bronze sta- 'Iles establishp,l), many Pasture . .
soon, therefore, as Sergeant Mowa;t were .them Ili, arid Sir John guggoat- in .their cltios� and seen inultituden
, .
a lot of your political frieridg, I�UA ead that If I w6uld like tlio"Vloe-Oh�ml 14110 St * tue I 5 1h ; 0 h Aro signs of'tbe day tfiat Is hagtl
had made a home for her, she came . I .. LafivrqQce. ina,rkat was -active - 0 feet li Ill the' chief I t a of souls saved under tile sell-eacrifle- ng �
to Canada to join liar rover. They I don't Walit that,". to which Sir%. 'It rahip there w a o soun ie o �today,, with. fair Iaqpilea d0voll world- wonders.' ' Ing labors. He had eirteied. this field In giadneew to you and -to me�
John replied. "No, 'Nlowrl,t. I will m o, a XI 11 it a U f: dairy �t
were married at Moritreal. by the on pubilo grounds lfgMillst ray accept- Produce allid �ogotablaa. 0 8. Landed dt Tlyre - 'At Patara, of gospel service With the knowledge oil, dawn in .
Sommerville Presbyterian give you a uazetto ail to,yourself." Iii 6, it. I Gra,lm'ln modota,to rebolpt.- WIT ad, In a.. vessel of tile thy) splendor ,of lilies,
Rev. J. True to Ills word, the Canada Ga- - 31r. GQt?r%e Brown a 1,tmy cat PavI fou . d
mintarve, ou June 16: :L810. Mr. (at- Alter colleamies concurrin .1 . Ills to fir-, 200 bushols of w1ilte selling the Open -sea. to PhoorriQla, a� favor- , many thiriga "lie must suffer." Th -Y fluttering violet breath. .
zette w&', issued oil January Stb, . .c 'Ila -2 to 7ao, 200 buslicia of red Ing providence by W Paill's Journos- to Jerusalem we's Ohl jubilant morning of Easter,
terwarcw the Hon.) Peter McGill was �Ilew, It cauie about that at 7-1 1 filch his course divinely favored " wall as divinely
Mr. Molivat's groomsman, and Mr. 1836 ' with Ith,j announcement of � conference I was -appointed w1otev at 71 to 711-2o, find 800 to Syria w" hastened. . Die = Ordered'. Whenever tile Lord -commts,. The triumph of life over death,
Stevens, (afterwards manager of the tile appointment of 'Oliver Mowat, Virle-Clianoobilloors elld . buishols Gf,goosq-at 03,1-2 to 00o. full ti> r Whon fresh from tile earth's quick.
. as 11y.rowas run in about two - sloris an Individual to do a work and
Gore Bank), was one of tile witnesses . barrister, to be one of Her Ilajes- Sir Oliver took Ills seat on 'ilie Baxlev. sold,alt 450 a bualiel for ,One daz,s. sands blux. an a Journey to a als- Dried bosom 1. .
ty'49 counsel learned Ili tile law," beoub on Nov. 14, 1861, arid* .(or loa4. On,to fire' firmer, 800 bushels - 11. A. eoi!dlal reception (vs. 4-6). taut land, he sees that the way is Full baskets of flowers we bring,
of the ceremony., * 1�w% Sir Oliver's debut in public affairs eight yon't's continued as a 4. FindlaSdisciplesm-T-Aere Paul found o�ened for-,Rls servant. Tile means
Of this maxrIage were born three rl&rd- ScIllaig mt 80 1-2, to 87 1-4,1o. - Lad scatter their soft Slowing pat.
two daughters. The sons - !k-- -2 to 14 . a4s, .
sorts and wa's made In 1SX7, when lie offered working,'conseleiltious judge. Tile P -ga-voIrl: ait 12 1 OVOr d0z0a a, small company of Clirlatinn ilia- of travel and all contingencies are
: (1) Oliver, born July, 22nd, Illinself as a oan-di,date for tivr, Of- retail, and tile beat pound roll but- olple To carpet tbo.path of our King. �
ware - Governnient In Ontaxlo had 'beer car- . . .6, with whom lie remained In undek-God's control. Paul took ship
1820;, W George, wbo, for many fice of alderman of tile city of, rlai on wIth.11on. John Sandficid , ter. InA 29 to 95o. * . liaPPY, helpful fellowship, minister- ,,it Miletus and salled toi Pataral ,' -Margaret E. SanVtor.
years practised law in Kingston, in Toronto. He was elected fur the Macdonald %a Premier. in 1871 tire Ho,7 In fair supply, with sales of 80, 119 tile word, When In strange clt� where hefound another shkp, and h6 . -
partnership With the late Ron. Sir Ward of St. Lawrence, with Mr. latter was defen.ted at the polls. by loa4s a�t,$12 to $16 m ton 'for tlift" les it to always %eli to look for I'salled Itito, Syria illid landed at 'Pho UnIcissable. .
well Alexander Manning av his colleague. Gth7, and at $6 to $9. for mixed. .. ,�
Aloxantrdr' dalffipUll; (3) John, the Refoera Opposition - headed - by, StratNv sold at $8 to $9 tj ton. k $ and associate wIth tile people of Tyro." Tills "fliding a ship sailing" -4_4,
known in his lifetime as the Rev. He proved to be .an energetic. arid . Roni'- Al&xi Mackenzie and Ron. Ed- I )UR days
Morwat, M. A. (Edin.), D. D. able alderman, ai)9l iL, Dre�ae,6 hogs axe unalrairged"with God. Sbould not go -"That Is, If he at Patara, toward his destlnatlon� Now, these, indeed, be parb
John t rOdu00d ward Blake, two man.wl?o Ilad bome � In the Kansds reaerrAtIon, :
(Glas.), for seven years p"tor of St. many reformia Ili th', I%t,v C,tlncil- to tile front after tIloL .6tr'liggle ' of salas &t..?8.50 to' $9. , had any regard to his own varety lvtLs not a mere matter of chance. For the cornhIII SOlons have a,bill
Audrew's Church, Niagara, and af- whIalf remain to th". ;,;,.. pre-Canfe,deration days. 11,lie abolition Followltig Is the trange of ,quota- Or Personal welfare, or to their af- . Paul's felloNveltip with the saints
terwards for more then forty years I . of dual ropruentation -In 1872 forced tions: � . fectionate solicitude on his aocount. itaid their affection for lilm are forbidding' osculation.
Hemb" Of Pavikament. 1-20 to 5, 6. Drought us-"Irere, ls.a,beau- strongly manifested Ili the Incidents 'I. We've seen some welca arid grew.
Professor of Hebrew, Chaldea and Having )lad his prilitl'.,al 7,la1,LI,3m in on Afessrs. BlIaka and Manx-enzle-tlie Wheat, white, - bush., 71 of thlb Journey, Whareier he went he some things In tile way.. of leg-
- al tiffairg, Mr. Nijiv,11, Q. C., necessity of. choosing between the W73c; wheat, red, 710 to 7� 1-2c; tiful and Impressive picture Of the 'became associated with the dla- ifiln'tIon,
Exegesis at Queen's University, King municlix 11 n -
aton. of Sir Oliver's two staters, one sa *66 1-2o to 66o , oat harniony of Christian communion and . elples of the Lord. When lie game to
%r.ger field, and H011ae Of C011111101's and tile 'Ontario t, I a, soor
devidad to enter a 1, groose, But Of all tile law..'VIie ever Haw,
became the wife of the late Mr. John -it the general elections of December, . Legislature. Tliey therefore alwdoll.., bush, 86 1-2o to 87 1-2c; barley, the strength of ChrIsLia,il'affection." Milatus, "Ibe SeDt to Ep-liestis and call-. tills surely beats creation,
Fraser, of Kingston, and the other L'Stli. 1857,, entered . the provincial ad the Provincial field, amd the bugh, 4.3o to 45c; peas, bush, 75 to And pra,yed-As at Miletus, so ,here, Back, back I .1 say, yo whilskered
. In the Legislature was left wlp&r'y 78c, ha�y, t1mothy, per t ate. TJio edtheeldersofthechurch a,ailgave
married Lieut. Political arena In which ba was dca. thout 'in refer- of Ills land of 11-rigri,tion;
-Col. John Duff, late on, $11-1 'they pray before'they separ theirt needed Instructions$ rubes *
an effective ilead. At *this Juntiure wice to caring for and reading ',the 0. I to a Or
- I
of the 4th Russarg, Kingston, Ont. tilled to bocoma so notable a figure.- . , to $16; inbeed, per tan, $6 to @9; meeting and parting of Clirtatlanq What know y . o tL bon y I
John Mowat was moderately eon- .1living himself with the Reform Sir OIlv&rWa,8'in6ude4 to Step down' st.xa,,%v, per ton,,98 to $9, apples, should bo seasons of prayer and church of,God." After he hall "prayed sweets or labial conjilgation ?
servative In his Ideas, as In later w1hy of that clay lie offered him.' from the bench and- returk 'to politics nor bbl,, $1L to OX.75; dressed bogs. Pral.se. * TAlcon. our leave - Wbile �wlth them all," thein came the affect- Confine- Yourselves to problems of
,years It was often stated of his son, self as candidate in South Ontario as Premier- ,a,nd Attornev-General $8.50 to $0,; eggs, new Wd, ,18 to farewells are sorrowltil occasional Ing scene of Parting as ."they all Successful Cultivation- - .
' 1401 -, I
despite his leadership in the Llber- butter, dairy,' 20o to 25c; yet among Clirlstimits they are illu- wept sope, and fell Ora Pan 'a neck and Of large arid busily facial evolig or.
11, Opposition to Hon. Joscpfi Curran - of OnItario. He found a seat in � I
al pexty. Be died on February 4th, Xforrisur.,� Jtoceiver-General of ilia North oxford, wae elected arkl'took- creamery:, 22c; to 28c; ohiolreasi per initiated with a glorious bope, kissed him." The great tests of -godly ill . rRute vegetation, '
1860, just as his oldest boy, then Mactionaid-Cartler Adminsitration. the oath, of office in Oatober, 3:872 lb., 100 to 12c; turkeys, per lb., 18 111. rr�ja Journey to Cawarea (vs. affections come In thoEle events A pretty spectacle, forsoothl tills
an eminent barrister of forty years Tile conteet between Mowat andw In that capacity he continued un, *to P -le, potatoes, per.bag, 01,15 to 7, 8). 7. Fln61ed. oar course -BY the ' where final, separations take place.. talk of osculation,
of age, was coming Into political pro- , 11orrison in South Ontario was one tit lie resigned to -join the - Cabinet � ..* 0. I -kets. I mato vessel that sailed southward 13avila forewarning or o . danger by .From mOutlfs hedged ill by, spiny
minence. I of tile hottest of tbfe bampalgil. Both . Of Sit! WWV14� In July, 1806-.11, par- Lead.ing Wheat Mai tl:irty .m4lea to Ptolemais, the mod- ..the Holy Spl`rIt was mot a, now or groW,ths or bristling capilla-
10ALrly Education. t were emlndut at tire bar, but Hon. Lod -of nearly twority-foi,ir years. 'in . . .1 � April.. M&A arn Acre. Here the voyage ended. At - surprIving revelation, ,With him It tioni I I
. Oliver momira;t was educated at, Mr. Morrison was the tried rep.resen- tile general 'elections of -1875,1879, Ne -,v- yoIrk ... ... ... .. �* 811.1-2 767-S Ptolemais P4ul. remained one daly had beena constant experience 11t,liat SO thick tboy couldnIC got within a
private schools In Kingston. Among tative of ilia riding and tile Reforin IS8.11. 18.,�G, IS90 and: 119tL 110 9tro- Chicago ... ... � .. ... .... 77,14 72 8-8 - wit'll, the'llrettiren, and tILe next day the, Voly Ghost witmessath Ill dvery fooLof tile location -.
his schoolmasters were the Rev. candidato a new man. IL Is not re- - oessfully carried his party to via- Toledo ... ... ... ... ......... 76 3,4 - 721-8. trAvelled by labd the remaining 86 city saying that bonds and af filetion a Essential to performing the delight -
John Cruickshank, afterwards pro- -it Sir Olivet Indulged jn� tory, a record.4 , rialles [to, Caesarea. - . .
corded th. :)f,.good,'fortunp'in pulutil No,. 1. . . f .. � I abide me." At tile time lie spoke those ful operation. -
. .
fesRoIr or assistant profetisor at : Lao anti-Irench cry, which figured
Aberdeen University. Among his lit ilia campaign, but It probably eon-
PO1ItI with which only the car-
cer of:SIi'-1o,hn* A. Macdonald can
�. N . thern .
.IPT , ... .,, .i ...... 77 -8-8. 76 5-8
. .
- 8, Thilip-Aftell a slienoc.of ttventy
Years, following ,upon Plilliplo min-�
words he had no defln! knowledge
of what would ha.ppen him at ilia
ITIs pi Ao liae that all. this.anti.
6011001reilows were the late Sir John tributed tl.t the crushing defeat or
compare. .The legislation' -of -all
British - Live S tocjK .214a, FIED,8
lotty In Sp,marla, and to ilib Eflilo-
'emd of his joarn'ey, He said, "I go
. f.in
Ic 68111-- agitation,
A. MacrIonald, Allen McLean, Maxwell Mr. Morrison, who, out of 2,238
those years,. Passed ,firrough, his
Zondon, AprJI .I.S.-Live cattle,
plAn twasurer (&otia vill., 5-1.0), we
bound In spirit unto Jerusalem, not
, .
Is simply due to failure of suqcess-
Strange, the Rev. Walter Steanett, i votes cast, received but 730, tile
, hande as Attorney -General. He ap-
ateady, at 12 to 12!4e pox, it. for
meet TAM, at .06.esarea,' Which had
knowing the thin a that shall befall
. .9
fill cofishmmation, .
M. A'.',Axterwards Principal of Up� I maj3rity for Mowat reaching 7116 In
Plied himself pa,rtlotilmrly to im-
Ikin-6riban Efteers, -dressed
" , '
ov.er place been Ills home, This sea-
me tbere.11' I �
.And so I warn ye devotees of silly
.a, riding not hen,vily populato
per Canada College, and John Hill- , at h
t of tile judicial system
,all r I.b. ;
ad-lil.n. steers, 11 to 12o pe
port, built, by. Herod the Great, *,and
Paul's resolution to to Juru-
sanRwon .
yard Cameron, whose father was (lid tile political good fortune, which
then aA officer In garrison a,t KIJ39-i tursued Sir Oliver through Ills 11fd,
(abollighing the distinction between
lavv arid equity) and tile basts of
refrlgeA,at.or I)eef, 9% i.to 10a - 1por
I - � Ili to 1 e
Ill 8 Cop, 14 15 . ( I
. .
ndmod In honor'of A gu,�tus Caes%r,
was.fifty. inlids'northwest from Jerix-
salom was unshaken by the an-
treaties of Ilia dearest friends, 1-10
To turn Your,inlilift an� willskars
to Somo other avocation,
ston. assert itself at the outs.,t of Ilia
It was at the age of sixteen, in career as a legislator.
land tenure. He creat6d ilia port-'
foil" of the Minister of"Edticatio.)a
_ 'Mic, 'o ,DIArlcets-
C)IOrnwall, Ont., April 38. Corn-
salem, and was the residence of the
Rour -
'in governoirs of the province of
was, bowover, deeply touched by the
'expressions of tbleir tender love and
We've stood for InallY fearsome
thIngs from out In
Mlelinelmas term, November, 1886, I Ile entered Parliament as tile no-
and the Minister of ' Agrioul ture,
. -Die
wall Cheese Board held their '611-
Judea. -Butler. One of theeoven-One
sOilottations. By iheir weeping they
that Inca-
"t-104!$ .
that oilvor Mowat filed his petition kliowledged first lieutenant of Hon.
for admissiva to the Law Society of George Drown, leader of the Upper
which: were formerly. . subordloato
dopar.tments In charge of superin-
nual ruceLing In the Masle Hall to-
of 'Lite seven den.conu appointed at
the name time with Stephen (chap.
were about to br,Qak Ills heart, but
not to break his dete7rinination to
But illis 1.9 going Just a little bn_
Upper Canada as a student -at -law, Canada Reformers. Within six
tondents. ,During his term of office
%rill elected the fo'.1owing -of-
;lay, .
floors foT the 'Vear: Pres., A Don-
'� 1. 0). Re should be distinguished from
continue In what he believed to be
the of duty. After they
Weiry0ad the limitation. .
0 stood for tales about Your '
and passed the necessary prelimin- montlis-he was a Uablnclt Minister,
ary examination, coming out at the though Ills tenure of office was for
lie had frequent controversies with
the Dominion Government during
ny; Vlce-Pxes'i&nt, Daniel f�aDon-
Secretary 1W. S.
Philip the apostle.
IV. -Evonto at Caesarea (vs. 0-14).
path saw
that be W-Ould 31 Ot be persuaded they
Crops and curbed your Irrita
�Iori -
head of the jantor class. In the fol- the time being brief. On! tile I,c,slg-
the great Illacdonald's. time, notam
aid; Treasurer,
Fr:end; Auditors, G. S. Harkiiessi T.
9. real- dauglftors; ..... did prophesy
j -p
oeaved their entreaties alid.qublnit-
terl to tile
WO'70 st6o'd for cyclone stories that
lowing January he was arCle.ed tol
I nation of tile Macdonald-Cartler ad-
bly on the bcundary question, the
,T. F rald. ' . . . . . I
The house of tile evangellaf Phil
will of God.
defy imagination.
Johm A. Macdonald, h1s fe'.1ow-clerk ministration, In -Xuly, 1858, Hon.
aPPOIJItmOut of �Queenps counsel,
The noaxd held theIr first sale of
became, In consequence. of the ful-
Welve stood - for all these,
hollic Alexander Campbell, then a (4eorge BxOwn, was called upon to
practising lawyer In Kingston. I form
the liquor license la,w, and Other
cases, whIdIt, were carried to the
the waazin, when C05 cliesse were
filmailt of the prdphecy In Joel 11.
9$, tho honored central point of tile
I .
yea. we
even s'Lood for C(trrie Nation;
a, Government In conjunction
Mr. Joseph Pope$ C. M. G., Ill his with Hon. Mr. Dorton, of Lower Can-
Privy Council in England. On all
boarded, ,182� white and 128 eal-
orIed; f -ill sold, wh,ite 'bringing 12%e
Christian congregation of Caesarea.
But, hang me, if we'll stand t
make a or .o
"Life of Sir John A. Macdonalde,"
adii, by, Sir Edniand Head, the Gov-
deals thds conJunction of tal-
these questions Sir Oliver took,as
an.d Colored, 1 2 5 -8c. Loyett, and
HU four 4 augIrters, who had received
0 of osculation!
0 0 * *
I , erner-Goncral or Canarla.
anted young men: "On LeIng ca, I- t Oliver
lie was bound, air Provincial Preni_
ler to takp, the Provincial side. Thle
Christmas gott I.59, A-mr 78.� Hodg-
tno gift of prophocy atru _. ;nterpre-
tation, furnish
Sontetlihig A* out a Pruit That 1,lverj -
NOW, ju at a friendly tip to you,
ad to the bar, Mr. Macdonald opened * Molvat WAS Selected for tits ProvIn-
Federal Government, In dischaidin.-
Real -225 aild Alexander 44. ThJr(;Y�
0 es hoard,
nine fa torl joined - ths
new, and Clear evi-
donce, that all belfievers alike enjoy
body Bats Now.
misguided sons (if Kansas -
am office In Kingston, and L*gan the clal 115peretary's portfolio. .His nx-
practica or law an his own account. I ccllel,�Y, however, refused Roll. Goo.
Its duty to the Dominion, took the'
Domlalc�n ,side. They were
which In the largest numDer since
the, privileges of, Christianity; and
Or course, everybody knows that
not a t111119 -11i this broad
land, from Yukon -to I%Iatanzag,
in the first year of Ilia profession I Drown the right of appeal to the
Chat had to be settled by the higit-
its formation. I
even the earlier inistancOS OT the
proploteas Miriam, Deborah, etc
the banatia, Is a tropical fruit, but
Can equal for a minute the- exqui-
there entered his office as student i country; a Zgerlous rupture, occur-
a lad d4stined to become Ili Ontario red, and Messrs. Drown, Dorton,
ost court of the Empire, and it foil
. %Iororr*6 Live Stock. 5 00
rxparte-0-00, choice owt. $ 4 70 to
. I
p, . rovo, that titers ia no difference ill
few knoif how It grows. -
game Of kissing;
Go got a Bftavo and try it
scareely less eminent than hImself.. Mowat, at at resigned after thiaving
I refer to Mr. tnow Sir) Oliver Mow- been in office but two dri.y.s. rill, a
the lot of Sir Oliver's Govern-
ment .to maintain the popular and
the winning Mdo.
. do in-.411arn ..... .... _.: 425 tQ It 70
do cows, per owt ........ 330 0 A 00
Toritrior 275 3 25
tho kingdoin of grace between male
and fewalb. I .1
Ili starting a. now plantlation the
litlids at !o first cleared In We dry
You don't know,
missing I' .-Wha,t. You're
at, the son or Mr. Macdonald,& In- matter ca,used a good deal of scan-.
In 1887, Sir pliver presided over
eblve ................ o
Butchers'picked ..... � ...... 4 20 to i 60
10, Many days -The Greek word
fole annnY moans same several.
80ftsoll or their dense growth and
I . -Ruffalo, .Evening Nowp.
t1mate personal and political friend, dal at tile tlm,-. ZIP- Reform Party
Mr. John Mawat, of Kingirton,
I at once embarked on a strong l,edn-
the Inter'llrOlvinelat. conference, hot.]
at the historic city of Quebe%. to
. do 400d to choice... .... I 300 to 420
do fair to inedlum ....... 3(0 to 365
dolrough to 275 to 3 If!
�rbiay remattred. longer than they .at
finat Intended.-
the veg0tattloh: is heaped into piles
Perj)lexed. ,'�A �
After his few years in the King- cational" campaign. in Novoillber,
Mowat tO:
discuss the relations of tile various
colilmon ....
Balls, expoetheavir ........ 350 to 4 2.1
Paul's dealre was to
reach, Jortisalcur In time.for the feast
arid butned. In May, w1ion tlie rainy
136stoll fleavoll,
LasL. night I kissed tier Ili
ston otrice. young cam .1850, a, great Convention of the
Toronto In 1840 to complete tile . party W`aA hold In %bronto, 570 delo-
Provincial a0mlirlstrations' with th)3
Federal power, and ill 1898,.�wbon
dolig-lit . ............. 300 a
Feeders. short -keep......:,,*.'. 'I OC to 440
3 CO to 3 90
Qf ths, Penteowt, but he had arrived
sea.130P.beglus, the planting Is done.
tile -halt.-
My promised wife .
,Sllo sald, ,,,Now
studies In the office of the late Rob- gatp.9 being pr�esenl from the vav,o Us
Bums, Whow law
IlepresonlatIveo of , the Liberal
'to rnedluin .......... ;..
d,, tj4hi, _ * , ... * ...... . 3-25 o 3 60'
at earlier than lie ox.
pectod zi,nd now lad more than a
PrIllo stalk or sticker of rt. barialia
tell' me trul.vAllis-
Mlother 911-1 did 'kiss
ert Easton part- -
noxi*tItuoncleg of Upper C
became. He aria %,
tier he oubse, d.
liar,tY of Canada met at Ottawato
wockern, choice ............. 360 to 3 75
do coinnion, 2 75 to 3 00
week to ispare, which time lie spent
Plant, Ingto.
ad of having n main tap
I ;You o'er
Ih ,ill yt,ur life? I
boarded with a Mr. Osborn, who
I Eirly In. ilia convention Mr. Mowl.1t
dra v.
, up tile platrormf� on wh.,Ich tile
. t 6300
1111ch cow�. each ............ Zi 00 a
at P imarea. AS abus-Tbla pro-
root and Its bra.1rcheS, grows a. bulb
was superintendent of the George
Methodist Sunday School,
made a strong sperich, which, it is
f said, Influenced tile decision tile
, -
roxt general election was to pe
fought hY t1li2m, Sir Oliver also pre.
aggi: owe'. oft .......... : 4 Zi o 4
. - ell't ...... 3 50
11 N31 . to A
pfet %-,O have met before (xi. 27-90)
as Ithe, foreteller 6f fatillne In ill$
Several Ineherf, lit dfairieter, having
I ga'"o a dolvil it,
- hVIV pleading face
And tell] her, ",No,"
atr.Let , ,of
and It was at one or the annual delegates Ili a, large degree.
sided. In the pt-ovious year (:Is92,)
110 had accepted knighthood and was
Gralo-6d owes, wotl;�ri.'. 600 to 660
f4rahi-fed bueks ............. 5 60 � to 000
relgn'or Claudius. no comes pow, ri-cialf
from four to seven eyes. In setting
out the new plant,j or these
.Nov, wh Y did Nile, wItll pc,iiHlve sigh
gatherings of this Sunday School
that he made his first public speech.
A4� the general election of jap,j Mr.
to for
dreated'Xxilght Commander of the
hipritig lainbs .... � .... � 201 to 6 00
. **
BariwardInnibs... . ...::,.,. 2 60 to 6 CO
tile Interior hill -country, to warn
Paul of assault and arreat at Jortt.
ll,albs. ca.ch: containing dno eye, are
sad 100k In hor sort bill(. 0. e.
Say, ,'I thought so " ? V
Among the other speakers thattlay
South Ontaxio, and was elected by a
most (119tin - of 1,
and gulshed Order �t. Ukh-
ael George, and, In
('41VQIK, cat -it ......... :::::::. 200 to 800
'do, P( . I 0 01 to 006%
lb .... �....,
unted In ther grouTid about a root
from -
were Mr. Hagarty, afterwards Chief
majority of 659 over Ills op Portent,
when the DI alaolld Jublice honora
ti 'It, ect. nor owt ........ 6 23 to 000
11. Girdlow-Tho loose, fl( )w)ztg robes
, devp and fifteen to twenty feet
game she ,gave me yt-,11,11
- " IAJ1114
Justice of Ostalrio.
A,9 a young man also, Sir Oliver,
tills time Sir. Rowe. At the a.
ame elec-
tion, and on tile same dates,' July
were distributed, 'Ile WtLa Ptomoted
fat. per oft .......... 600 a 000
do to 000
light"Oor 01vt ........ 6 00
worn, In eastern countries are bound
a1out the walrot with a sash or Sir-
apart. plants grew very ra.
PidlY arid In about elleven montlis
. ..
Waa pretty stiff'
d ome § t
An as I 1, ward. 'w4on
tho Non of a veteran, took an Inter- lat and 2ild, he was a Candidate for
be Knight Grand Croff� of that
Bradstrects oil Trade, .
dle.--Sobaff. Girdles -Were quite largo
Ditch, stalk boars its bunch of tile
iny Way
A d thought
n on wlltkt I,d heard tier
est in military Wfairs, rtind hold a I tile City Of Kingston, In Opposition
Itentenant's commilsulon in tile virst to the Ron. John A. Macdonald, but
in -L-W farric'un Ved(,ral election
campaign .1soo,
Travlo 1� displaying a; little more
'Montreal. The
and mada,of linen or leather. So
shall the Xews, etc.-ThIs prophecy
fruit. Usually Only ono bundli-growil
on a. stalk ,and W-ifen tits 11, anallas
say, .
I. I
wondered Ir- .
Frontetiao luilitim, and It is record- was defeated then by all votes.
of which regulte.lin
� ,411, ,%,Vjlrrl(l Lauri ar Obtaining pow-
aetiv:ty.at conditions
0 f Lusinvaq lit tire country are atead-
was not fulfilled Ili the letter, but
aro 11fra-vested It Is done by. cutting
O" .
ed by tile Intimate biographer pre- . I At the general election In June,
vlously Miltioned he carried the 86-3� Mr. MO,wait was a -gain a candi-
er, Sir Olivet, playorl V, prominen 44
JI -V Im.0;-OvIng. At Toronto tblawook
lina been fair of
while the nDmans actually put the
ti,poiftle In allains, th4y did It at the
dow,ri .tllo r1t alk.
It Is a strange, thing about the
The .011pacle.
colors on the occasion of the great d Ate for South Ontario, &lid was
gathering of citizens from all parts I again opposed by Mr. William Laing,
Part. arlY in tile campaign, In a
4an,loltily pub!j(, statement, lie an-
thoro a amount
'alailvity In scanonablo goods. At Qidd-
Instigation of the Jews, 13liall de�
liver- him, i6to.-This prophecy -was
,sl,a,1W t,1l,&t Wh011 It Is first cat down
Surl." lie sadly. said It
no mot%,, I can shine
or Upper Canada, WI.Ich mot at whom lie defeat;
I d by a majority of
Ills Intention. of liedepting
,,;it, lViltrLdfa Invitation to enter
Lve business has boon fairly active
d rlil'go ilve wack, and sorting orders
strictly fulfilled in every partleu-
a U11110 Would hard worl< to
move It,, but lix, & lrow( tl:lya a mail
As from lie� grave, lie slowly. turn -
Qupelston in July, 1810, to ar- 176. %"Ile Governwent, however, prov-
tLe restorattoft of the
range for ed unable to carry On the business
Ilia (�a,hixxct should ho haVe tills
, good
fortunki of carryin tile country.
lot,- early dollypry are reported com-
Ing fit freely. Vancouver-Victorlavd-
lal., At aernsal,am Paul was delill-
ered Into the hands of the Roman
call I , lfb and easily w�alk away with,
one. Thle Is due to the fact
ed away$
Tile People saIV tile Ilopeloo" look 110
Brock toonument, which wals blown
up on Good Friday of that year.
0 un r
I the 00 tr " nibled In
When PArtlainent reasso
. The Liherals carried the eonntre
during the,) latter I
ports Indlea.to a more healthy don-
sol(flaratixid was wilt hue k to Caes-
p remained In
t1to stalk, In nearly all mttor,, which
yvOro . .
Arid ill their 110arts they pitied him
Called to tile Bar.
3fay, :1864, It bect6m 0 evident tht%t tire
part of .Tune, 1896i
anel ill tile rollo%vint,
, mouth 9 r 01- I
flition of trade at Pacific coast
contres of trade gelierally. Business
PrIffon at. Caesarea about t wo years
and ,was then taken to Romo
rapidly drlor4 out In. the tropl�al ell-,
niata, leaving, only t1lb fiber o i" I .110
that day. , .1
In Michaolmlo Term, November.
new Adnilrdstratio, n were no more
able than their predecessors to car.
Ivat, resigned tile premlokallip or I
Ontario, wlifeli Jr._- all held so long I
at JVlant,I)eg continues to allow vlotIV-
It y. 'A good dovolopmollt In Wholesale
he ,%vita kept two years longer.
stalk. Other Pshootg keep coming
tL wock, tt met"Iths a Year rolled past,
and to
1810, Oliver Mowat. having coLnplot ry Or' flatisfactOrIlY the business of
ad 11.10 startles, WAS called to the bar tile country. A way the dif.
again9t; 8110-0: NlVo C Ong rvatIvo lead- I
trade continues to be a 6ature of
12. Besought thn-The correctness
ol tlw. previous propliecy of Aga�us,
fro -Ill thei balb at 118 root; and othor
bulbs kctlp growing on ille shoots -
I �
Ono morning Wllc,h tile F,
.lopes were
. out of
of Upper Canadit. Die other barria- ficulty' was'found Where It wau least
during tile
era, July, 1890, lie was sworn i,
Ill its Millifitat -of Justice It the t
business at Hamilton. The demand
for prompt shipment on 'spring uld
and ilia vivid symbol whereby lie
new impreasiod tills
then tile stalkn have to be I
111014t With dow ,
A JuAld Wl1%0 dimpled
vsrs called eanle t0rut expected, however. On the very day.
w,bre 2acsArs. W. Z. Fitzgerall, III Of tile Ministerial defeat, the Hon.
Laurfor Calilliet, and at the same ;
thnO Accepted In
numnier sorting orders to being niet
prediction, pro-
duced In tire tullids or the Christian
out or they will growkept
. go
thickly that they will elloko one all.
ohecks were
all Aglow,
R. Hopkina and Gtorge, A. Philpott-3, Brown Irad presented to ,Ilia
the loot of wlitma- Was afterwards 1111106uragoe olal Com-
a sent the Son- i.
Atle. Tit t1vat ho1y 11,�j filleil tile post �
Of (-Ov%;r-l!twnt leader, and the most. I
by whologalers as. rapidly, as portal-
el, �da
lit but In aomo Illing they are,
to the caw In wholesale trade
(USCIP1400 a deep conviction of the
rertalixty of future evil to paill at
othti, .
ThOrO 19 no such thing As a, Special
SL*od a
-hllllng WhOrc, tile purple
blossoms blow,
Judge, of tile Couaty Court of the I Illittee to consider the rela.tions of
Important TvOrk Undertaken hYlilm
Contres, linuip6red by diffloulty In
'r.u.qftlam Under tills conviction
IfflI'vest Mille for bananas. 'Play are .
Tile wanton tophyrs dallied
County of York, Tto neat of Govern- I the tivo, provinces arld t1-.0 t,onstitit-
went Ilaving been removed by T.Ord tiorial O11411ges necessary to put an
wita that of grarpling witti the vs.\-
cd M:Izllt*ba Go%erntilent, lie being
gottipito tile goods from the 10a.kers,
on tills account the valaos of staple
they unit,edly 1;osought him not to
'No to the -place of (Injiget. They Ili-
gathered tl'rOtlgllOxlt ilia year. The
Plants! last from fifteen! to ,ji) yr�
with lier
hoArl, 1.
Ilor 1101so wa� bointif �
Sydanham from Toronto to 10119- end tOP tile extating deadlock lit po-
NtOin in Miy, 1811, the Young bar- litledl affairs. The report of tile coin.
the leadinli C0,111111ISSI011er APpotnt-
ol to arrallgo a (JetUelfivilt. .
Illicit tire fivinly held. Thora is no
weaknoss displayed In an,y do art-
tile ratmian and Inifm,L-
Eton of Agalms as a, warning given
i'o, .
%,71tholit replanting. .
T110 It' Q0 IX1111411a. to the red Ono,
sublime, ul, ber face
Ilixt he Went On and
rl,stor again took rill Ills aIX)da Ini mitten, or wiacia onver nowit. -was a
his mativo City, and entereA Into I
�Vhf,ll Sill Oltv6r etlti�rcl the I;att-
mont. 'At tondon there to & arleady,
&VO141, and so ay.01,411 th-3 �orll.
But pant U lldfl 1*6 t 00 (I It )c
Which comes principally front the
left tier stand.
In t1wrle
member, reco(mmended changes Ili the
partuors!lp with Ilia latb principal. I diredtioll of a fedorativa system to
rlzm- Calilnet tLere exi,ito I tin uvdor�
&ttinfling b(MV,eell t-Iftleelt
demand for Reasonable goods to sort
Lang yoni-a Lefore, lip. ha,I to=
Uediterritneall porig; tile yellow
And Oten look a Meond time.
Ur. Robott toston Barris, wbo hAA be applied either to Callad.
A alone
. and Pill
'%'Ilfx'l,t th1t lie chould not ba niked
r4ofts of country traders, Ottawa
nbolosato trade circles, as r6ported
froin b!s Lord, what ,Igwat things
fie mugf, r�itffar for IN
One4 Withl *111011 WO it", Flo himillar
0.170 varieties of the plantain, I
I -ROCOrd-Hor4ld.
vrigratal to Kingston wItIt the Court or to all the British North Arnoirl.
of ebaneory. They prattlerli topth. call Provincen. To solve Lito dead-
to rct.! in Lkf portfollo fo,� any coiji,1-
UNIT,10% lc:11,110- of tinw, but
to DrAdAtricet's, ure illsplaying rathet
than thri
18-16. Paul's companions savr tile
Any P11yolclau will tell you th(I
Anoillex, F,10king 1)11(�,
AP In the latter city ant -it 1812, when lock Ron. Goorgo Drown cattle for-
retIro from, Vctive ,I)WItIm - In tv yettr
inorit usmal activity e*erl-
oncod at tills fte In prevIoUs yeam
(ItLngor, lie saw Mg dilty. IJ&4 they
see -ell for themselve,J tlle 14.11ne dutv
Valati of til,� balla.il,,a, &a 0, food. It Is
0116 of t1lo most nutrItIOJIN
W11116-1 licked him becaumil lie in.
the Court of Chancery returtiall-I
and tl.ey With It -to Tioronto, whldb I
ward-, and offered to the Aduillila
tion the support bf hinv4pir and tile
or to awl become I'loutenailt-Govol- -
nor or Ontiliq .
10 11`11; arvangemirint
awl thei satho cause, doial)tleas tllb,�
healthful Of all fruits, sonto per. I
Vuliod ine. ,
Father -Vol, did,
OxMflt for 0. lirtot residenoi,6 in Ot-1
Uppor Clanadian Vototmepa In carry'!
W.!.l C1011sululn3teol Novoillb,", r 1801,
young man thould oultivato
t1le liabit of llstortbig. It wilt come In
to%a 1;,01ilm,
to I Ilk -would h4vo moved, oil
r aurl doatli; fill% ft .1a it
sons aus rt tit t it ovell co t I
It a n a na
more nonArAiniont than
did "a � ,What
(INIVIT1110 var ?
t(tWA diltIng 1806 and 1807. Lae Ing Into offec,t the -Oollstltutlollixl�
IA,j7, Whtn 81r Oliver %9,.qa 0wornin.
Ilandy After ta"rl&go.
(Ln equal
compituy of rare spirlto who Are arrioatit 'of Molit or
-ne "'Lid I looked likil
fttborl WX