HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-04-23, Page 1Tile Win Ao�ham Advance,
A hen belonging to A farmer near Accident At Palmerston. Single Fare. —�� Getting Married.�— CONFERENCE PRQGRAMME. — � ��
Amberstburg celebrated Faster Sun- On Tuesday evening. one of the It Is probable that the railways will The course of truelove did not run ---- BANK OF HAMILTOND0MINION BANK. day by1LLyIng ail egg with four perfect early settlers there, J, W. Buck, was grant single fare for the return trip to smooth at a wedding, at Windsor this The twentieth annual meeting of the
yolks, An Alntonte hen has succeed- run over by the Hamilton trait!, south Winnipeg, on the occasion of the week. The groom lived in Walker- London Conference will be held in the W i11 G HAM
ed in producing an egg 11t inches by of the station. Both lege and one arra Grand Orange Lodge of British ville, the wedding was to be at the Methodist church, Wingham, Ont.,
91.8 inches, and weighing 12 ounces. were broken• and he sustained other America, on June lOtb, This Grand bride's horde at Windsor. The groom commencing Thtirsday, June 4, 1003, Capital paid up $2,000,000, Reserve,i1,W,00
Capital aid u $2,9 4,000 g P injuries, lie died within two hours. Lod p g y party at 9 a, u),
p �� p� Clarksburg tried the experiment of J Lodge is site supreme Tulin had of and ILrt started to drive, bits before
Reserve (and punrtttid- - $3,260,000 gravelling the roads just before win- A Freak. the Orange order in Canada. Dr, long one of the horses took the blind The ministerial session will assemble J. TURNBULL, panoral 11fanA¢eR
("ad" proRLs) ter set in, and the gravel cane out in Sproule, M.P., is the Grand Master of sta staggers and dro ed dead leavin Pras(dant—Johtr Stuart
This is an age of freaks, and Roht, gg PP + g in the some place, Tuesday, June 2, Vtce•Prasident--e, G. Ramsay
splendid shape when the snow went British America, the occupants to get out In the mud at 2 P. ,n. Cashier—J,. Turnbu
Hogg of the B. lisle, Turnberry, has while another horse was bein secured, DIRIrOTORU—John Proctor wm. Gibson,
away title spring. The Reflector g The Stationing Committee will con- Geo, Roach, A. T. Wood, A. B. f oe (Torouto)
Farmers' Notes discounted. one in the shape of a calf without the Cut It Out. Meanwhile, the bride worried over
thinks township authorities should verse in the Boardroom of the church+ savings Bank hours 10 to 3; Saturdays 10 to I
Drafts sold on all points in Can-
adopt the method, semblance of a tail. Robt• should In another column will be found the delay of bar expected. These fears Monday. June 1, at 2 p.m.
ads, the United States and Europe. send the animal to the "re -tail" de- the programme of services of the Lon• were set at rest by the arrival of the Deposita d $t and upwardstedon 30th Nov Int -
The OunfArence Treasurers of the erostwllowedandcomputorion30thNovamber
IiOUBEIiEEFER WANTED.—Apply to deportment of some departmental don Conference, which will convene part , and then it was found Rev. �.- and 31st May each year,andadded to principal
Robt, Jenkins, lot 20, con. 12, Turn. store to have the missing art in Win barn, the first week of June. y Connexional Funds will meet the I't Special erect. is also received at currant
SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. berry, or Wingham post -office. g P g Mr. Bovington, the ]3aptist minister, nancial Secretaries in the lecture -room rates of interest.
Interest allowed ori deposits or $1.00 and supplied. Those desirous of attending any of who was to tie the knot, bad not ar- of the church on Tuesday, June 2, at States bought andsobc�riGLin and the United
upwards, and added to principal 30th Juno The following is an extract from a the services should cut this pro- rived, and en
and 31st December each year. WANTED.—Girl for Louse work,— gniry elicited the fact 70 a. m. E L. Dreszxsox, Solicitor.
will recently lodged for probate in ;lire. Crowder, John street. graniute out of this issue of the Ad- that be had one to London. Rev,
g The District Statistical Secretaries W. pORBOULD Agent
Melbourne:—'11 I bequeath unto my vance and reserve it. They will find it , y will meet the Conference Statistical Travellers are notilbod that the Bank of
A. E. GIBBON, Manager The very latest styles in Ladies' and p' Tolmie, the Methodist minister, wa
dear eon John the feather had, bed- useful for reference burin the Con- y prayer g,
Gantt' Footwear are to be seen at W. g laid on his way to ra er meetin was Hamilton and al Province l Ban Circular Er land
R, Vanetoue, Solicitor stead, and wire mattress used by him J, Greer's, ferenee. Secretary, Monday, J ane 1, at 2 p, m, of the National Provincial Bank of England
for his own use absolutely, And he is • persuaded to perforin the task; The CONFERENCE ANNIVERSARIES. (Ltd•1 which can be cashed without charge or
ceremony was about half completed trouble in any part of the world
to divide with his brother the oil Tonsorial Change. Brays School Snits, 2 pieces ages 2 y p Tuesday, June 3, 8 p, m.—Sunday-
10 years, $1.75—rat Orowdet•a, when Rev. Bovington arrived, He
NEW ADVTS. painting of their mother's father." Leslie Oonstable has purchased the school and Epworth League. Ad -
barbering was too late, however, and Rev.Tclmie
' barbering business of Jus. Young in Fresh, pare and reliable Seeds of dresses by Rev. R. D. Hamilton, J. �% (�
Fire originated in Listowel Salvation all kinds at T. A. Mills'. finished the job, and collected a good Nicholson, Es i6 �0 T' �DnS 11
Wanted 1—•T. A. Mills. the south end of town, and is now ill q., and Rey. G. H.
Army barracks early Tuesday morn- fat fee. Cobbledick, B. D.
' Just Arrived.—at Griffin's. poaseseiun. He will be pleased to \vel• Takes Our Breath.
Ing, completely demolishing the• build- come all former atroms and man We'll meet your Shoe Ideas and save Wednesday, June 3, 8 p. m.—Temper- XW
Real Estate.—C. J. Maguire. in Front all appearances the build- P y The Standard Oil Company has just
g' pp now ones, at his new stand, next door Jou money while we aro doing it,—W, once. Addresses by Rev. Jasper EMULSION OF COD LIVED OIL
Farmers !—Colin A. Campbell. ing Lvns set on flee, as the Army had declared A quarterly dividend of 20 per J, Greer.
in Millinery.—Mrs. Mrs. Green, to Dickinson & Holmes law office, cent. As the capital stock of the coin -
Soaps Wilson, M. A., Dr. Thornton and
y— no fire in it from the Sunday previous. Pl
Great April Sale.—D. M. Gordon. The building was owned by J. W. Pipe Organ Social. pony is $100,000,000, the gnarter'Thursday, s divi- Rev. J. , J Oliver. une 4, 8 p, m.—Education-
With "Acidulated Glycerine"
House Cleaning Tiute.—Kerr Bros. ,Scott, And insured in the Waterloo The Choir of the Methodist Church, dead is $20,000,000, John D. Rocke• TOWN COUNCIL. al. Addresses by Revs. O. W. Brown, aann
Spring Demands—Ritchie & Campbell Mutual for $500. Fortunately the Sal- assisted by the Ladies' Aid, will give a feller, who owns $40,000,1100 of the B. D., and S. J. Allin. For Coughs 4tll� Colds
Suits, Hats, Shirts, etc.—Crowder Co. vation Army have their new barracks Concert and Social in the church on Standard Oil Company stock, receives
near completion. Thursday, April 30th. Admission, 15 just $5,000,000, making his income A special meeting of slay Town ng rt -of Friday, June e 8 p. y Rev.
ser. O
from this source alone for the current cis was held on Wednesday evening of vice. Addresses by Rev, G. J. Bish-
cents; children, 10 cents. Proceeds in Wm. McDonagh and the Presi-
F1naAR $$OEEl—The most up-to-date carter $88 888,88 per da If the last week to consider a proposition op, g
Shoes for L•Ldies ; see Hagar Shoes at aid of the Organ fund of the church, q P y
::I b submitted by the Western Foundry dent.
" A".Cal 4ftlils :I*]
W. J. Green's. A cordial invitation is extended to Standard Oil Company continues to Company. Saturday, June 6, 3 p. rat.—Theological Contains 60 per cent. Pure Norwegian
everyone to aid in encouraging the Pay dividends at this rate for the re- Cod Liver Oil; contains 10 per cent.
The Advance is pleased• to see the Organ committee in the work they y , All the members were present ex- Union. Lecture byRev. C. P. Wells,
mainder of the year Mr. Rockefeller's Pure Glycerine. A wonderful flesh
See Halsey Park's advt, Dundalk
erp,l t coming the rartyto have undertaken, of placing the organ income from the company for the 12 rept Councillor' Elllott, who was ill. B. A., B.D. Subject, -Inspiration." producer. Weigh yourself today and
3` gentlemanly incomes will reach $8'2,0any f. The proposition submitted by the Saturday, June 6, 4.80 p. m,—Meeting each weelt.while taking; notice the
STRAWBERRIES at Buckleq's.in the church and meeting the obis a increase in weight. Only oosts about
proprietor, has a number of improve- g g ' Western Foundry Co. was in substance of the Methodist Aistorical Society.
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers. menta on the tapir, and new tvpe, tions for payment. A Novelty. as follows :— Monday, June 8, 8 p. m.—Missionary halt the price of other Emulsions.
Ball Bros, for Best Window Shades. presses, etc„ will make the herald Fresh consignment best quality of - Many remarkable inventions and Alterations and additions to the Bicentenary Celebration. Addresses
more than ever worthy of the support Oranges at Buckley's• noveltles will he shown and exploited buildings and plant were absolutely by Mrs. Gordon Wright, Mr. W. J. 25 & 50 cents a Bottle.
The Bell factory is receiving a coat of the community whose interests it at the coming World's Fair to be held necessary to keep pace with the ill- Ferguson and Rev. James Render -
of paint this week. NOTICE.—A satisfactory sale of buss-
the..POR . SALB BY...
sustains, As the writer published ness or property certain if listed with in St. Louis next year. One of the crease of the business. The Co.Go. pro- son, D. D.
Mr, Geo. Uasemore, of Turnberry, is first issue of the Herald in Dundalk, U. J. !Maguire, Real Estate Agent. most remarkable among the novelties pose to erect new buildings, and within Pentecostal Services will be conducted
recovering from a severe illness. and presided over its destinies for A Freakwill be the slot machine for taking one year say from July let next, to by Rev, J, MLD, Kerr, June 4, from WALTON RKIBBON
hur Enterprise says:—Dr,
Seed eas, without bus at T. A. eight years, he will always be pleased to hear of its prospermusphotographs. In this machine you employ 100 men, The Town of Wing- 0 to 10 a• m. ; June 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, from
P g ity. It t now The Art, stand on a platform and drop a coin in haat to cancel the present agreement 8 45 to 9.45 a.m.
Mill's. McFadzean, V. S. of Arthur, has on Druggist and Optician.
be "of age." the slat as in all other slot machines. with the Oo. and Agree to a new ar- SUNDAY SERVICES.
'' To -morrow night (Friday, 24th) is exhibition ate his office, a most curious Then you pull a lever until the coin rangement, by which the town will Sunday, May 31.-11 a. m., Rev. W. J.
time regular meeting of the I.O. F. The Alliston Herald says:—"Last freak of nature, which occurred on the Next door to Post Office.
g g, appears behind A small eireninr'gl:Lsa. reduce the indebtedness of the Co. to Ford, LL. B. ; 7 p. m., Rev. A. L.
summer several Alliston gentlemen farm of Mr. Ben. Justason, con. 2,
It's funny, but it is always idly On the Nide of the case hangs n tuba the town, dollar for dollar in ratio to Russell, B. D., President of Con -
investigated the report that hard coal West Luther, on Gond Friday. A Y. S.—Wo carry a full lino of Dr. Shoop's
people that are the greatest busy- like a receiver of a telephone and on the cash expended in the necessary al- ferenee. Family Medicines.
had been found in Mulmur, in the vi- snare gave birth to colts resulting in a the end of it is a push botton. When terations and additions. The Co. has Sunda Juno 7,-9 n. m.. Conference
bodies. cinit of Perin, nod final! decided p y'
y y most unusual monstrosity—two colts you press on this button A, bell rings At present stoves stored in five differ- Love -feast, led by Rev. H. A7, Alan -
Election of officers in the Epwortb th-it the prospect of finding coal was completely joined in one, fully de- I and you sit still until it stops ringing.l ent laces in town, and cannot lace
Y employment veld ed. There are two heads, eight y P P p ding ; . a. m., Ordination Sermon
League will. by held, next Monday sufficient to warrant the em to meet,
P g In a few seconds the picture drops � patterns in Saud because of insufficient by Rev. James Henderson, D. D., to NEW LIEUTENANT -GOVERNOR.
evening. of a diamond drill. The Ontario distinct legs and feet and two bodies out. The tir.,isbed photograph is in a ' room. be followed by the Ordination ser -
Government owns a number of dia- with heads facie opposite frame about an !rich ill diameter and The Council discussed the matter at vice; 3 p, m„ Sunday -school, ad -
J. J. Elliott, V. S. is improving,and g i❑ the o caste di- ,
mond drill:,, which are leased for pros- rection. It ie ter taint a most unusual R. Mortimer Clark, K.C. is the new
we hope soon will be able to .attend to y may be used for a locket. some length. It was then dresses by Revs. G. A. Gifford and
petting purposes, and one will he sent freak. Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario. He
business as usual. to Mulmur as soon as possible when BEAUTY AND WEAR—What n Shoe Moved by Conn. Dulmage, seconded H. W. Locke ; 7 p, m., Sermon by
School Pants, sizes 22 to 30— P Fire In Clinton. Combination ?—At W. J. Glreer's, by Conn. Bell,—That the following Rev. W. R. Young, D. D., to be fol -
Boys' was horn in Aberdeen, Scotland, May
the search for the black diamonds will 21, 1836, and was educated at the West
60cts.—at Crowder's. counter proposition be submitted to lowed by the Sacramental service,
begin. For twenty or thirty years About 3.30 on Tuesday morning ere NOTICE —Some tine buil ling iota for T End Academy Grammar School, the
Chosen Friends Council 222, regular past there have been rumors of coal was discovered in the office of the sale. Apply to—C. J. Maguire, Real the tastern Foundry Co. Limited, conducted b . Rev. Joseph ange Galloway,
Aber -
meeting next Monday evening—J, B. being found near Perm and specimens Clarendon Hotel, and spread so rapid. Estate Agent, viz:—,That he the town will agree to re- Town Hall, 4 n act Evangelistic Mass- University t the U iv College, Aber-
Ferguson, Recorder. have been irked a on two or three ly through the corridors that it was duce mite annual payment now agreed meeting, conducted by Rev. J. McD, been, and at the University of 1850
p• P g A Cute Cat. burgh. He came to Toronto in 1859
farms, but whether they were placed with difficulty the boarders and in- to be made by the over
by the motet of Kerr.
Mrs. H. B. Elliott, who has been ill the FergnN News -Record gives the $10 for every titan over the number of Presbyterian Church, 11 a. m.—Rev, and has since practised law there.
with erysipelas. is, we are pleased to there by nature or not remains to be mates escaped, most of them losing following :—" ver, David Roberts of the 35, and not exceeding 100, employed Alfred Brown; 2 3U p. m.—Sabbath- The Toronto Globe says -.—Mr. Clark
hear, recovering nicely. seen. their clothes and furnishings. The 6th of Peel nwne a cat called Thomas, by the Co. for a period of ten months school. Addresses by Revs. L. Toll, is a prominent Presbyterian. Ch has
WANTED—Good strop boy to learn building was a large three storey brick
Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Macdonald mourn g of cause. This cat jumped into A in each year after 1904, and during the B. A., and W. H. Graham, B. A,;
been connected with Knox Church
Steel Range -making trade.—Western veneer, and fell an easy prey for the deep chop box in the stable and await- term of the mortgage, and will allow since his arrival in 1859, being an elder
7 p. ru,—Rev. Thomas Manning.
the loss of their infant s6n, who died Foundry Co., Ltd. flames. It is now a complete wreck; ed the arrival of his victims. Having said reduction for ever such roan eln- most of that time. He has been Chair -
on Wednesday of this week. -There is no more effective wa *,'• not a wall remains standing. The y Baptist Church, it a. m.—Rev, h l; roan of the Board of Management of
found out that rate made the habit of ploy ed by said Co. during the last six Harris; 2.30 p. in.—Sabbath-school; g
building was owned by Mrs R. Tafts, Knox College for 23 ears, a regular
FOR SALE CHEAP.—t1 set of new says `Hardware and Metal.' "for solus formerly of Belgrave, and was insured Jumping cute this very box every night months o£ the years 1003 and 1901— addresses by Revs, Barker and J. commissioner to the General A eenr
double Harness.—A. Young & Son. mizing the influence of the department for feed, the old cut popped in a little
store than h the local merchants iv- for $8,000. The hotel was managed b e PP carried a Assessor
Calvin Reid, B. D, ; 7 p. m.—Rev.
g y The Assessor haven completed his hey, and for ten years past delegate
John H. Ar Cott, of the freight de- y g in advance anc� as each rat took a g p George Jackson. from Knox to the Senate of the Uni-
Perkins Mahon, who carried insurance
arhnent of the C. P. R. in London, Ing all publicity that is, within their o header for its lunch, Thomas despatch- work, payment of his salary, $123, Kincardine—Rev. D. E•M1iArtin.
P ower to the goods which the carr on the contents to, the extent of $2,000. versity of Toronto. Mr. Clark has
has resigned, to take charge of a tan- P g y q eel him, and then rested till another postage and stationery, $5, was utt• Tees)vatet•—li�ev. S. Anderson,
g g in stock. The department stores fro- travelled very extensively in all parts
der at Teeswater, P Headquarters for the best seeds at carne, In the morning when Mr. thorized, and the Council adjourned. B1uevAle, 7 p, m.—Rev. R. H, Baruhy,
y c uentl advertise bargains, but the of Europe, Egypt and Palestine, and
One of Turnberry bachelors has ; y g T. A. ��iilla. Roberts went to the box here was B. U.
great majority of the prices they quote Thomas lying across his re twent i when at home finds d !ration in his
taken to himself a wily. It was done MILL ENDS of print jaat received at prey, y Whitechurch, 7 p. m,—Rev. R. O. Bur -
would not be sufficiently attractive to Isard's 1•*. c u alit for 10c,—loc four in number, trying to settle his FAxcY BREAD —J. Bockley is selling ton, splendid library, in admiration of art,
very quietly.. A good "Baker" in a get the business if they were compared quality for 8c. 9 every end a Bargain, nerves, after the affray, by purring The Parneli-Dean Baking Co.'s Fancy Belgrave, 7 p. m.—Rev. E. A. Shaw. and in writing for the press.
family is a necessity, eb ? with, the figures at which the local one of his sweetest melodies. As rigor Bread, polis, etc. ; to arrive at 11 a.ru. A L Russell, Pres. of Conference. The new Lientenant-Governor has
daily. Special lines-1-lome-made, Eu- , not been known as a ver active ole•
Ripley degree team of the I. O. O. F. merchants can sell their goods. It is Church Report. mortis had already set in Air. Roberts' reka, Graham. Rye, Baker% 'Whole_ A. R Birks, Secy. of f District.
y P
will pay their Winghnm brethren a this fact that. needs to be impressed The annual report of St. Paul's only duty wits to liberate the cat and wheat, Currant, etc. ; delivered to any D. Robbs,, Chairman tofof Church.
urian, He is looked upon As integrity man of
fraternal visit this evening (Thursday) upon the customer, and the only way Church will be in print this week, And and inter the fallen. part of the town. Phone 1'2. R. Hobbs, Pastor of Ohurch. high espattiLin abilit sterling wi-I
a large turnout is expected. that it can be done is by means of shows a prosperous state of the finan- ` I and respectability, a pian .who welt
Publicity. The best medium for this ces. The total expenditure on general Organized. adorn the office to which he has been
tia.-We —TWA steady, industrious.,Ltd.is the local newspaper. An At a meeting held on Friday even- ,................... c:Llled.
nzeu.—Western Fouuclt•y Co., Ltd. Purpose account was $1903.93. The credit side n �v �� SIR OLIVER MOWAT DEAD.
advertisement in the local newspaper, of the repair account totals $305.19, all ing, the committee appointed to as- PLRiJUlV AL
Robt. Scott of Wawanosh sold to T. as it rule, is the cheapest thing which _ of which appears to be provided for certain the prospects of organizing a At about ten o'clock in the forenoon
T. Field, two '2 -year old heifers that the country merchant gets. except a small balance of $34.17, The Band, reported very favorably. It is �� Mason S keeps the largest stock of
weighed 2300 lbs; they dressed 1333 Ladies' Guild report receipts of $56.80, said that in very few towns are there of Sunday last, Sir Oliver Diowat, SchoolSupplies for the opening.—Send
pounds of beef, and cost 102. Beattie Bros: Are sole agents for the P P Our readers are all cordially it to
$ Scranton coal, and riry in a position to and the omen's Auxiliary $62.5'2. so many players, ready and willing to contribute to this column. It trrends alit Lieutenant- Governor of Ontario, pass- the children.
enter the Band. The Committee also kou, or you visit triends, lot the Advance ed to his long home, at the age of 83.
Members of the A. 0. U. W. should snpply all their old customers and The Young Peoples Guild report re- now about it.. To or the co CO coon f eon Ten-
many new ones with the best coal, reported organization with the follow- it is nuiveraolly conceded that do- dors for the construction of ronerete
remember that the Financier elected The best is always the cheapest. Buy ceipts of $148.61, devoted to Rectory ing officers: Pres.—R. Barrett ; Vice- Nelson Wescott left this weep for ceased was a gentleman of more than or- sidewalks in the Town of Wingham
to fill the vacancy caused by the re- the Scranton coal and get full value repairs. The Junior branch of the g Stratford,
tnoval of E. C. Clarke, is John Ball, of for Sona money, April et fu deliver- Women's Auxiliary raised for church President—F. Johnston; Secretary— binary ability. While perhaps, he was cele during the present sealers will be and
Drt T. Chisholm was in Toronto on reeved by the Town . Sp rap to and
Ball Bros. ed at $6.00.—Beattie Bros. purposes $?L.04, The Sunday School L. Nrash,; Treasurer—M1M1', T. Holloway, not a briliaut statesman, he was scan- including the 21th iur,t. Specifications
raised es $22. for their department of Seventeen players were already on business on Tuesday. tious, wise and succegifuI legislator. He to be teen at the Clerk's office. The
Seed Peaty, perfectly free from Bugs the list of members, with seven or Jae. Cummings is home from Gore possessed qualities tbnt won for him,the lowest or Nny tender not necessarily
—at A. H. Oarr's. the work, nearly all of which was ex- ted. R. McIndoo, chairman
Football. podded. It is now proposed to dispose right others to spare. In addition to Bay for a few holidays. levo of lois friends, the respect of his Acce P R.
Work is progressing ver favorably there were Airs, Gallaher of Salem is visiting opponents, and the esteem of all. �� S. Committee.
,�- p g g y y School teams from Blyth And Weng- of mite Rectory and erect a new one. the instruments on hand,
on the new Catholic Church at St. bum played football on the Park here The adjourned Vestry meeting will be required—one bass horn, two tenure, Mrs. Mulvey in town this week. He was born in 1820; took part in the
Augustine. The corner -stone will be on Tuesday -evening. The game re- held on Monday evening. The year one alto, drmn and cymbals, costing Misses Flora Mitchell and Maggie rebellion of 1837; called to the Bar in
laid in a short time, due notice of stilted in a tie, no goals being scored just closed has been a good one for St. in all about $117. It was decided to Coutts left this week for Toronto. 18.11: elected to parliament in 1857;
which will be given later. on either side, , solicit subscriptions to purchase these, became Provincial secretary in 1858;
P+LuI s, Harry Ansley ]eft on Monday to re- ,
$'A Bruce Pioneer" says that from Is He The Same? and then appeal to the Council to pro- Premier of Ontario in 1872; entered the
A Progressive Town. vide for payment of the leader's salary Burne hes studies at the Chrthncu Busi- Cabinet of Sir Wilfred Laurier in July —TUB—
one line in Bruce township, no less g ueys College.
It is claimed he some that Rev. 1897; appointed Lieutynaut-Governor of
than nine men in a distance of less Under this heading, the Arthur And A place to practice in. A depnta-
than five miles, left their home fora Barr, leader of the Barr colony, was Enterprise has the following in re- tion will wait on the Council at next Fergus Beamer left on Wednesday Ontario November, 18th, 1897. y1 �]} ,j p
once Rector of St. Pauls Church, ferenee to Win ham :— meeting, May 4th, There is no reason for Moosejaw, N. W. T., where lie has The press of Ontario, irrespective of Corner Drug Store
sailor's life and found watery graves. Wing
haw but we have not been ably Mr, Wm. H. Hall of the firm of why Wingham should not have a a situation in view• political bins, unite in speaking well 04 •
The county of Simone will purchase to verify the statement. Bywater & Ball, publishers of the good Band. The talent is available; Mrs. 0. B. Edward (nee Miss Varney) the Grand Old Man, who for so many
A road building outfit, consisting. of Rooms to rent over D. M. Gordon's Arthur Enterprise,spentSaturday in the Council and citizens will do their formerly of Wingham, has removed years was a prominent factor in the
-two stearu rollers, one horse roller, store. Apply to Dr. A. J. Irwin. Wingham, being entertained by his
brother, the editor of the Wing- share. It remains with the organiza- from Toronto to Kerkella, Manitoba• history of the province. is the Place to get
three rock crushers, three graders, Evening. ham Advance, hi r. Hall was great- tion to so manage the affair as to Airs. Dixon, forurerly of Wingham Au extended account of Sir Oliver's
four wheel seraperg, and one road g' ly impressed with the progressive commend it to the public for their but lately of Toronto, was in town career may be found on pages 2 and 7. Everything that is
The young people of Wingham s irit of Wingham and believes it is
plow. Presbyterian Church will hold a Social one of the besgt baseness towns in the PatranAge and support. The Advance last week visiting friends, prier to her (Toronto World) here and Fresh in
FOIL SALE,—In the vicinity of the wishes the organization success- departure for HArtuey, Manitoba
evening next Friday. A prograrn will Province. The residences, churches ep, Shrowd as he was, and possessing a
Western Foundry, some good houses be resented, and important business and public buildings of Winghain Since the foregoing was written, the Mrs. Wm. Drew of Kincardine large share of political sagacity, there
and lots. Apply to U. J. Maguire, p are the most modern architecture, Committee has made a partial can- sent a few days last week with her was no cheap smartness or trickiness
Real Estate Agent, transacted. A full attendance is do- pretentious and in seine instances P y in his methods, and he kept a firm hand
1 vacs of the town, and at last report sister, Airs. Jas, Alcklannus. P
eerable, palatial. The streets are well laid on the worse elements of the party.
The Dominion Government will out, while the town is lighted with had secured nearly $100, and the pros- Mr. Chisholm, until recently fore. For the most, he gravy its good govern-
shortly Issue a proclamation calling Well Defined. it powerful electric light system and pests are good for securing $150, man of the Gudeiich Star, was ill ineut and Ire showod himself equal to
for the observance of the Icing's birth- Tho Toronto Telegram thus deflnes hits tin unsurpassable system of which will place the organiz ttion ori the settlement of the questions of his
dray. As 24th of May this year fatly crTh eT r onto m as practised by wate5'works. He bAliAves there is Ir fair basis. towu on i•Innday and gave the Ad- day. lit) had a high sense of his public
on Sunda ,the celybratibn well have grew future for Wiughcun, owing to vanes a call. He was on his way to duties, and untiring industry, and he
1.Sunday, some lawyers: Oress•exatnillateou is jtti central iOC:Lti0l1 acid superior rail• +-- — Arthur, where ile has secured a situa• freely gave the country the advantage
to be held on the 251,11, the science of calling a man a liar way facilities. CEMENT—Car Durham cement just tion with Bywater & Hall, of the of his great abilities. We Can pay him
without taking a chance of getting a Our big, brother evidently fell in love arrived. Parties who intend using Enterprise, no higher tribute than to hope that
The appearance of the street water-
ing-cart on Saturday seas welcomed, thump on the nosy. with Wingham, and we do stet cement soon will do the wise act if such another mall will route forward co
wonder at that, But when the Enter- they buy it now, as cement will likely Me. and Mrs. R, U. Spading leave meet tho needs of the present clay, A.
As the dust was very annoying. Sum- Seed peas, without bugs at T. A. adv•>,nce in )rice before lou We are next week fur Vancouver, B. C., 1 1�. L.Hamilton
mer is not here Yet however, for Toes- Mills'. pose describes our system of water- 1 ' g (�lnir• , cauti
works as "unsurpassable," it --•hell— also agents for Hanover cement.•—A, whore 111r, S. has secured a lucrative . Loyal to the core, cautious and Coll-
diL brought a snowstorm, which we Young & Son, position. Mr. and Airs. S )arlin be- servative in his administration, con. DRUGGIST
y g Sys Iaitt•d s new clothing ; Taiga As- itis too liberal in the use of adjectives P 1 g
hope will be the last for this season. sortment ; easy prices. of five syllables—that's all. PAFEnIIANGING. I nor prepared to cattle favorably known during time vineing on the platform, and Honorable
Dr. Ovens of London, M. R. C. S. Ladip%high grado Hyslop wheel for do your paperhanging or or pwrnt3ng� short time they t'emided in �VinghrnTl, in all wallas of ltfe, Sir Oliverive awas a �i NGII A ri.t
L, R. O. His
P, specialist, eve, elle, nosy salt'. Cheap ; apply at this Office. r13vt f DFr ncesTand Patrick ostr cots, neatly,
rt t Mooneyc's rtil�� and the best wishes of a large number workspeaka for h w,tatnd lie leaves us to i (7f 1 el TIL
and throat, will be in wiryBham. at ty P of residents of Win learn and GorrIe
Uatophell s drug store, hlouday, May New Seeds, the i ery best are the Five good building lots. Apply to scree will receive attention—Geo. o. g bo numbered among the great mea Can.
4th, (#lasses properly fitted, kind we sell—T, A. Mills. H. 0, Hell Phippen. will follow them, ada has known.