The Wingham Advance, 1903-04-16, Page 5.+
April 16, 19o3 TRE WINGHAN ADVA.NO. i',
The Stole That hells fiver thin +
y g A Ma.n Wears Except Shoes,
TQL.D QP AN Al�T1-10R, _:
_ Ye�vs�ln - Hay- l/y /y Why Jame. ar llurria Trs ret .Popular In Slim prices• lidng
Small ProAto
Cr/j� d/�r C�/yr a 1 l/�t in9 �nwv�., v. Titrun}J1411 Ultl Junitur 4t the Tolpn u Storo
`�f� �V.f�"IVNi ■\Vl• U ---.lite. JUs. J.+'. 1:lliott, Uf I;iIiCO, 1JaB ��+11 �•.Xp}•gwser Irimsotr, ., Stout Values. Quick Re turns
s11 1 1 1
old his two hundred acro farm, west of ramex 31. Barris is persona tion d A er s Sar
iausliiil, for $8,UUU to Mr- Jacob
grata in Thrums, or oirrielnuir, " yy ' saparilla =
Welker, o! hast Oxford. This rice which you trust pronounce Kirrle- ; in the fall of 1$48. since then i
P maid it Von do not Wish to be re- have taken it every spring as a< x��7�T�0�
Not a eta (� rd e r shows a remarkable improvement in the gadded y askance by tate Thrums have
blood-purifying and scree+ ; MEN'S �y
"foWk." Barrio drew front 111 strep thenin medicine."
value- of the Ellice swamp as a farming a and r;
• section, must share the opprobrium that at- S. T. Jones, SVichlts, King,
�(� LJ► '�oi taches to prosaic things -in the f r %� CLOTHING � aV i• • --Tho praud Trunk Rort Hu has sent• minds of rho prosaic ample pictured,If you feel run down,�p� 1 I T five work trains out o! Port Huron to be "Do I ken Jeotns Barrie?" paid rho Elll IIIVVV,..lLL.111,,, VI
used in double•traoking the road be old janitor of the town hall. "Oh, ;are easily tired, it your -
A Few of Our Spring Specials: aye, I ken im as I kept ills father nerves are weak and your '
tween Durham and Battle Creek, Mich. an mither aforo 'im,"
Each train is, fitted up with sleepers "Have you read his books?" blood is thin then begin
Men's and Yonths' Stilts in nice dark and light stripes, choice Wool and dining cars, and the men will be "Oh, a.yei" , t0 take the OOdOldStarid- We are ready to show you all binds of Spring Clothing.
at home wherever night overtakes There was a reservation in the tone , ,
materiel, single breasted sizes cont, vert High cut, 5 to. breasted, g g Men's and Boys Snits ill Cheviots, Worsteds, Sedges, Tweeds,
pants cut with a spring, sizes 33 to 40 -prices $f•.7ii to...,..,.....$11.G0 diem. which piqued the visitor's curiosity, '; and family medicine, •
"Don't you like them?" , i etc. in the latest styles. Two Thousand Dollars worth of
-While brakeman Gordon Lynch of "I'm nae thinkin' muckle aboot y Ayers Sarsaparilla. ' y
BC,AOS WORSTED SUITS $14.00. them. 1:Ieyl I know mon a story � the best Tailor Made Clothing to select from. Patronize this
Palmerston, was ridiug on the top of that m Y y = It's a regular nerve
Men't; Black Worsted Suits, ri �•ht tip to the minute and no better made the van near Noustadt on Monday, Y gran mither told m• that's store for all kinds of Men's Near. Best goods At lowest
in Ctlnada, colors guarantee(, sizes 35 to 44. This soft cannot be re- y be hotter than oeey o Jeems Bar- lifter, a perfect blood = prices.
peated under $18.00, so come along and pick yours out While the price March 30, the train gave a quick jerk rip's.' buildtown, hater.
fell off the roar of the van on to the is how Barrie happened to call it " " e. 11 drs�tstr, . • Men's imported all wool Black Cgs, Worsted Suits in 9 -button cut..
is down to , , ', ,'...:. , , , , , • • :::: ; ;:::., . $1.100 slid appnrentl nubaluncecl flim. He Thrums,
h it nRlnlTl1°ir sthrN r s�iare the ends of sores arllldoctor n$1.00
`s �tlhlnk of Aye:•s , ! . way sack, !in° Italian cloth linings, our special price ................$10.40
We have Stilts for boys L pieces, at .................. . $1.7Fi tlaClr sustaining severe injury. I30 Was uldfamilyllian lee. Fpliowhstiidrlcosnd - ! Irian Serge Sults in blue Or black, single breasted sack, wolf mado,
taken home oil the 4 in. train and i8 Lho threads which roissaiu in the loom wewnibeentssaed. + i; Italian linings, all sizes ............................................. 47.50
'Tweed Snits for men, at $4,00 to.,..., g n ragbag, • r ;
..... , . ... $10 00 g p• after the finished web is cut out, J. C. ArsII Co., Lowell, Mrr
""""' feeling rather sore, Tboy o only to the ra ba and
, . „ 10 Salta to clear, small pattern tweeds, well flood, will give good
See ottt $7.b0 sedges, filen see others }it........ $10.00 that seems to be at the bottom of ., i wear, regular value $0.00 to $7.00 -for .............. I ................ $1.75
. • • • • • • • • Woodstock, April 11. -While shoot• the villageagainst
ing near the riflo ran g grievance em Barrio. Extra floe Scotch tweed Suits, well tailored, latest out, special at. .... $12,00
Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, 'flea, etc„ right R range oil the Beach- The pride of the native seems touch -
tip to the nolo at Crowder's.... ............. vilre road yesterday Robert Pateman, ed because, as they insist, they have Spring Overcoats in the latest styles and newest weaves, nicely lined,
been represented as thrums -•a thin �`p T� good fit -our prIcos aro $6.00, $8,00, $10.00.
the sixteen -year-old son Of I11r, Robert 1 g soya' Fancy Brownto Suits• in nice patterns, well made, nicely trim.
Patemaii. pork dealer, Woodstock, P as useless and worthless, Incd, all sizes, prices $2.00, $2.50, $3.00• $3.60, $3.95. -
�be • • Crut-,Nwder Coo seriously g
injured buy rife accidental NO amount of argument can make
them sec it in any other light; hence ' I Boys' 3 -piece Suits in Borges, Worsteds and Fancy Tweeds. Special
duchar>e of a uu. The bullet entered Barrie's unpopularity in his own ........ $3.50
� n uea Ill all sizes. See our special lino at.........
the back of his neck, and has not yet town. I'ethaps her. Barrie doesn't Thursday, April 2nd, was a record day at, the
—Eggs, 12 cents---. boon extracted, care; perhaps he does. The author CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE I
of "Sentimental Tommy" is quitea, CHATHAM, 0NT. • e
-Tho D. W. Karn CO. have in their philosopher. Ile can be delightfully Six calls for office help in a single day -one of p ♦i in_ �+
establishment at preseut an automatic whimsical at times, too -almost as rheic from Chicago, one Prom Manitoba and Cents Furnishings•
whimsical as in his latest stor the other four from leading business houses in
pipe organ player, the invention of Mr. The Little white Bird." Y' the city. Positions at $45 to $GO per month aro
)netting quite common, A recent call offered
1! Charles S. Warren. The instrument is It is told of Mr. Barrie that on $so per month for a first-class stenographer. ! New Ties, New Braces, New Styles in Collars, New
so constructed that when attached to meeting a famous fellow author for Does It not Pay to Attend the Berta Underwear, New Regatta Shirts, New Duck Shirts, New
St tt kethe organ it will play the moat difficult the first time he responded to the College reopens after Easter on Tuesday, Apr. f '
other's compliments by saying: 11th. Now is the time to enter. For catalogue I sweaters, New Caps. New Spring Styles in Hard and Soft
selections with ease. All that is regair- "It's all very well to be able to address, D. MaLACHLAN k CO., Hats.
ed is a knowledge of the stops. It is the write books, but can you waggle 27.31 Chatham, out. _
first of the kind to be constructed, and your ears?"
is working successfully. The ability to do so is one of hit•.
Meaford, April 11, -While, the di Barrie'e's many acDrum sand ws. lee- Boots and Shoes,
P g- the late Henry ass of'
f t was leo- E A (J illi E RII
Is made when you choose our store as the ginga hale for a telephone poet at the turfing to a class of'students on. L-Y1ltLlll.;r[t . -
dock at Menford, the telephone men natural science, lie mentioned that
place to buy your Furniture. Stoclz Large—came upon a pita of bones; which upon tho power of moving the scalp and We have just opened fifteen cases of new Boots and L
ears was one of the few characteris- Hogs Are WOl't Il Cts. '- T r
Prices Right. Before buying elsewhere, just examination proved to be part of a ties of our simian ancestors occur- g Shoes, W e handle only the best makes, big stock to choose
human skeleton. The bones were in a rine occasionally in men, and imi- from. Prices in keeping with low prices in our other
get our prices; it will cost you nothing to find state of great decay, but the teeth were mediately several of the students_
them out, and you may save money. Our well nigh perfect. There is no doubt gave practical demonstration of it, Come and buy pure pea meal. I :+ p
that the bones are those of an Indian much to Drtunmond's delights
46 guarantee goes with every article we sell. have 40 ton on hand, and rush your ' Mon's good strong plough Boots, heavy solo-speoial probably a Mohawk, who died and was price........$ .4o
« Come and See us.. Price Our goods, and you buried there many years ago. I hogs along and obtain the high price. Mons extra heavy grained Boot -s Bargain at .......... .... ...gL611
will _ be able to say as others have said=-- Nerve Wracked and Insomnia. Nothing else will do it so quickly as Men's line Laced Boots -Special at.................................$1.25
-The unusual sight of potatoes being
Everything g, Women's Fine Dongola Oxfords, now toe -our price.............•$1.00
y g goes wren head feels pure peas. We also have a large stock _
that you wish you had known before, what dug on the first of April was witnessed heavy and dull, mind is filled with of Clover and Timothy Seeds, Mangles. womon's Fine Dongola BuLton Boot -a Bargain•................$1.25
oil the premises of Mr. J. G. Smith, strange forebodings stomach is out of
a tine stock We have and what reasonable on street south, Ingersoll, on Wed- kilter. You need a good tonic like For. Rape, Speltz, Flax, Orchard Grass, &c•. Girls good strong school Boots-Speclal...................... -
rices we sell for. Tr here next time and nesday last. Several bags of last year's rezone to bring back your lost appetite
p y and digestion, and cleanse the blood of -
crop were dug, and are being used. all im urines. Ferrozone is a wonder-•
get. a surprise. The potatoes show no bad effects from ful iuvigorant and strengthener thatILM Lots of other Bargains. No room to quote more.
leaving remained in the ground all win. will banish gloomy depression- and As , Carr's
ter. The frost has entirely disappeared quickly restore you a healthy, vigorous COME AND SEE.
condition of Iniad and body. Nothing
from them. and they possess as fine a is so good for the sick, Weary and debil- (MARKET SQUARE)
alker 13W �sO t
�o'n flavor as if they had been dug last fall. itated as Ferrozonr. Price 50c. per box,
at druggists or Polson & Co., Kingston, H.
���� s ��•
Brockville, April 11. -On Tuesday sold by A. L. Hamilton. /`"1�t Y
last persons who were standing at the Hamilton's Mandrake Pills cure Constipation. Money to loan on notes, and notes
Furni' Q Union station, Brockville, witnessed a d Bank Hamilton
ture Dealers (11, Undertakers 1 discounted atreagonablerates. Money
sad sight when the mail train from advancedon mortgages at s per cent. pp. Highest Price Paid for Produce
Montreal pulled in. A young ,Swede, A Genial Chief Jnstioe. , with privilege of pa ing at the end of
who had just come out to this country, Sir John Madden, Chief Justice of any year. Notes and accounto collect -
got 1✓
Victoria, is a ed. Office -Beaver. block. Wingham.
off the train and waited for the genial Irishman• The ROnT. McI moo. '980
International Limited. He carried a other day he read in court a letter
babe -bout a tl ld 'tth' from a man who asked to be excused
Millinery �n
m on i o e is arms,
The mother died on the ship coining on
from, serving
g as a juror on the
ground treat he was to be married on
last week. and her remains were buried
the tnorrow, and was engaged in pre-
paration for, the happy "I
schemers, although he loft his horses in ..
at sea. The father was left alone with
� Y LJ LJ ,r
their care. Mr. Fallen then thought of
the babe, with no one to look after it.
cannot accept that excuse," said the
Chief Justice, with a twinkle in his
can be instantly
He took the train and went west, in-
tend to settle in one of the Western
eye; "I can only wish him joy and
fine him a shilling. But in orderto
avert ill -omen, I will
S tl 1t n (� •
Mrs. Green appreciates the attendance of so many
present the
ladies at her millinery opening, and also the numerous orders
shilling myself to the bride to ran-
sem her husband."
entered, which are receiving prompt attention. Our stock is
Does Your Baby Cry at Night.
Iu Australia.
far too large for the room we have, and
If to, it is well to knew the great
Lady -Where is your son to -clay,
We have now the most
neighbor found food and shelter for the W
value of Poleon's Nerviline, a household
Dlrs. Murphy? I hope he isn't ill ?
beautiful and complete stock
remedy for stomach pains, cramps,
toothache, sick headache, and the mani-
firs. 1llurphy-Sure, Alike's to be
married to-morry, ma'am,- an' he's
ever put On the NVingllam
fold ills peculiar to children. A few
gone to bed to -day whoile Oi washes
Market in the way of Men's
- This is your opportunity. Trimmed Easter Hats. Trim-
drops of Nerviline in sweetened water
makes a pleasant drink and never fails
his troosow for him, -Melbourne
weekly 'rinses.
mings of every description. Many of these newest designs • as quickly derive. Nerviline is as good
� as the doctor in emergencies and costs j
all choice; leaders in the world of millinery. The prices are only 250. a bottle. Got Nerviline from
your druggist to -day A Surprising Discovery.
yy' Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake Pills for Headache You will be surprised in trying Ca-
AStonShinly Jl r®� tarrhozone to find how quickly it cures
cold in the head. The agreeable, peue-
CulrosS. Crating vapor traverses every air cell
as our stock is too large. You «*ill find our rooms next door - and passage of the nose, throat and
to A. E. Smith's Bank, In the old post office Stand. with .Out' (Teeswater News.) lungs. In one breath it carries instant
p death to the millions of g. rens infesting
On Tuesday Duetting of last week one
large stock, and full staff, m,e can assure our patrons Of the respiratory organs and breaks up a
of the most daring holdups ever known cold ire ten minutes.
prompt service, and excellence of workmanship These bar- of in this neighborhood occurred near A trial will convince you that on
gains are not offered when stock is culled, but NOW. Holyrood. Mr. Tbos. Fallen, a citizen tarrhozoue is the most potent, stetisfact-
of Culross. went to Lucknow delivering ory and pleasant cure for Colds, Catarrh
Special values in long Mck Ostrich Plumes (beauties) Tips, etc. a i to the buyers and oil comm home Deafness, Brouchits, Asthma and Lung
pig y g Trouble. Complete outfit. $1.00; small
staled a short time at Hoyrood. After size 35o. Druggists or N. C. Polson
hes stay there he proceeded on his way Co., Kingston, Out.
rs • Gree
� home to Westford accompanied part of Hamilton's 1lfandrako Pills caro Billiousnosa
the wayb young ouu mail from the vil-
Come to R. A. Douglass the '
Druggist for all kinds of Flower
and Garden Seeds, Over 30 dif-
ferent colors and varieties of sweet
peas to choose your milture from.
lage ho had just left. However he did 1YIONEY To LOAN -At 4t per cent. on
Improved farms. Easy terms of re -
not go far, only half a mile, when enter- payment; expenses light. Apply A.
ing a codar swamp something seemed Duhnage, Real Estate and Loan
wrong with his harness• and on getting Agent, Kent Block,
out of the waggon two young men con.
fronted him "y the third
the heads of his•�l��ifl��i�t��t4t/ffBfffti�tffp}f/tff�
horses while the third man proceeded
a business -like manner which the
������ entrapped man did not like and of Il
which ho understood the meaning. .- 1J H A P P F n
Anything we have not in ' olej.5 cAei
stook will be prooltred at Clttalo- -
gue price.
A special prize of $5,00 is being
given by we at tate Win hate Fair
for the best collection of roots and • -
vegetables grown from my seed,
Chance favored the seeming unfortun-
ate man and by skill and cunuing he
succeeded in getting away from the
(.i /[
Ri 11 [r
schemers, although he loft his horses in ..
rl /'A
� Y LJ LJ ,r
their care. Mr. Fallen then thought of
his life and with this end in view ran
can be instantly
up the road and then seeing a light go -
across the fiold made for it. Neat W
cured using
morning he went in search of his horses. w
Different from what he expected he ex-
pected he found that the horses had
been found by a neighbor early in the
morning tied to the waggon which had ~=
been backed into the fence, and this
neighbor found food and shelter for the W
horses. The waylayers are as yet un- w
known owing to the darkness of the
C ta 1^i
TOO night but everything is being done to r CL w ;
***GO ' • solve the mystery, w
CEMENT WORKS, .,,•- For Sale only by
I ant l now t-1.0p;lred to properly ere- � Coln A Cambell -�
cute all orclt•rs for Cement work of p '^"'
every description --- including Milos, .,,,. A. r -..e
sidewalks, foundyiona, stable ileo.
Chemist Druggist fist etc. I have ever faeiltynecessary, •f.,. w °,,.
Once G.N.W. Tel. 04.
and can do the work right, All work :Z, TH9 DRtTGGIST
guaranteed. Vrlces and terms reason.
Macdonald Block • Wingham ,able, Cement for sale.
CHAS. =1.1 UR, Whigharb.
In all the lateet designs
and materials at very reason-
able prices. You will have
no difficulty in selecting a
suit to suit.
In fit and workmanship i
we take a back seat for no
Satisfaction guaranteed. I
Robt. Maxwell
High Art Tailor - Wingham
1903 -
�'ift 'i
� -,
This is what the maker says about his Syrup
and Sugar :—it T am located in the best maple coun-
try in Canada, and purchasers can depend upon all
goods purchased from me being made from pure
maple sap unadulterated in any way."
Maple Sugar = 1903 Crop
purchased from - the above people
guaranteed absolutely pure......
at GATTI....'s
T. A. MILLS has just completed his stock of:—Common Red, Mammoth,
Alsike and Lucerne Clover ; Timothy Seed, all Canadian grown and careful-
ly selected as to quality.
Orchard Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Red Top, White Scotch Superior
Oats, Improved American, first year in. this part.
Speltz, Spring Wheat ; for taking the .place of Barley, Millet, Hungarian,
Buckwheat and Rape,
MANGOLDS.••••-• Saw Logs, Intermediate, Yellow Giant Sugar Beet,
Half Long, white Field Carrot.
TURNIP SEED. ----The best kinds, including Kangaroo and Perfection;
Dutch Set Onions ; En,lisll Multiplier, Potato Onions ; all kind§ of small
Seeds ; all kinds of the best Silo Corn, and thoroughly matured for growth.
Don't Forget—Headquarters for SeeL
V. IN, 19
'JU• A.