The Wingham Advance, 1903-04-09, Page 70
I I -21L. -11. I - 11 1, .- . : "K*"1*-"00`"0*VAk. , - I . . I . , ____ - - . .-
. - - I—- ., = _--- ; ;* _ ' . * _,. _, . __ 1. . .1. I I .- - . .. -1 I I I I I I 1. 1. - .11 I . .: , , . . . 11 -_1 - . I - . =1 . I I I
. .I .. I .. I ..
. "I-4 _--w _ ------- I "" __ . - 1. — , - _,""', .[ ___ -
___ , _ - ___ _ . . .
40* d , I 0 " haylotaek
iiayu lym*o WHO or woumleit'01111 141-14,01,141x-!(Icla>,n,, tp"m,,Ul,,,,,Xw l.olo,;,I;ool,; lou4w bad
Is", tiaW loot I
. ro(%%n t nwIl wooll Dulzarlallu . oll lire 11 HOUSE Of ISREAL "
1,1011 111 lio' 1),on,31:01111111411"t In the
Ild"ll * ""46 ST" KE -An ullwall"1004 'or"n MIGHNS-FIGHT vit tlu t110411 - 1 n4 10 —
11U1109's U KI and Turkv. IJ,y d
Toxtetlj Board of Uttar(liang, LIv- PODVrortraw, , , rklsli troops.
"' "" " u
orpool, lais placed Itseir on record nQ around the hottoo Ifixol
I zl," opposcwt to tho oullgratlon or I ,,, thisway, and the 11RIST'S COMIN6.
- 'NIC pill
4 p Turl;R ha"n'llen I'Ack tioNvardo th .
=n se';-ema, AWAITS 0
por Children to, Canada. WiTH TW6, 1T
f 1" I EA' S UP ALL TR A ["' 0 '110 rush for 01111044, 10 00 RI -04t - I na-tural xuQutitalahsl-Io mrrltIado. The
that t1toi Alian lilac has ideoldod to .1 - 011' iteon IOUTvivow Made a nortle Ila. I I ..- ..
P0. oxtra -.toamoro on tlio route be, 1,0V Wver of the darkneigs
.. . I I I only falilti; , , when The I
ip twPen Liverpool and Montreal X. lighted 1,7
010. MQUI(Jorlaw oluier of 1,110 111-ty. Den -too Harbor, Micb, the Mecca of a
and coploo or t I c awl rivia-0111 hovs-a. Arnia-I with
bix thou? Ito Irish Entrapp6d Insurgents Inflict" f,xt*,,,B" WaB .
Lankl llurclimw BILl )lave been sold, bombs NvIth which t1lay Intended to' "
This covotltutes a record for VIC .Attack tholis adversoirles, tiod then Strange Religious Sect.
Only Foreiqll Expresses Runninu,,-m ,,vtlo of Varliawonta,ry publications. ed Heavy Losses. broftic through thi) lities, they crept
I* Tho Volia-al Club rogarO tile prie- upwith tlw utniwvt eautian, 14t wera . Bo ateill llarbOr, Mich., APrIJ ().- 41-0 le-Ulliag .;pIrItiI,
I b1bition of Importation of Canadian - I discoN,oreol prematurely. The lombs Penton Harbor L'i Preparing for tile, lr`lf' , 2tfl4try. '13011-lamill a4d. hbi,
_ , -
I Litora mLttlo a6 oxamIll I ou or a dollb- ,'Oil short; iii -e voraon w4o too ntron- ' ' .
With Military on Guard, Orat pTotcotiontst policy by tl,o Is Seven 4 - . 14NIIJ-1min vayh
I tolm cut by siwolNli, And arte " ri"c"'I'l 001111119 of t1irlot, antl in a,,- tit* Seventh message,
. Qovavillilolit. bad fallon the mmainlux Bulgarian,$ t1,11w.1ilon of t110 Oveat tile members 'Poican of In tho Book of wvalatjoll,
, , - ,
I I T11O IlaQ;UO# April 0—A 901101'al 1 L4YMPAth7 With the TMIrOad man, Bri t 1 11? - r Gravej. CALLANT SORTIE FAILE110 Again tc,Ql Wage, III thootolle. liougo. Or t4i) Church knolva 40. thor 1104;jo s "early eolllp!otod; that ii 0013PINt.1
if swe
f , - ,iillul]4.11.0aa),Uleltlltyp"iges,is
strIlte of tile rallroold men was pro- 6 Sallie at 1Wtterdaw. e Ni i l - Util I DC40'r Itt 1111) 40t, rl kt' to" X111-OP111100use by. a Oiw Against TbownwI6, Of Israel hro g4tlAprlllg here. , 'lyltlad Into four parts, and . that the
aea this Morning. The railroad ' Itotterqa,ln, April 6,—Milsh (look rall from, hL,i Itorse. Ila expeoto to Tile Turldoh. Ooldlero did not r0turA According to tjlo o0ripturoN, as III. )*,luting, Which Is b"Oug dono at Ash-
_ _ lab- be, oo lrllic 1114 ad tot, a fort- to t1lo attack until da eak, wh. ,,n .
olah ,,, to b I . . bre h % Id ne'arlY flalshoid. The
stationa are guarijed by troops and or(*Hs Nvilgou drivers And all others. ,light. 1-19D 1 ; badly. isbuken: alld. Foor Tat-10stl Bat(allook; Were Hold tile in rk . alkleo resumed t"Ivroted by the Ilouis Or lirael, I h, 'nd' O 1.
mdeavor- M90 "o I !-I Industi-l-'s o0unaoted WIL11 brut; 'a , silica oil 1,Gth Ot will talm Olaco- Within, tll N,' IlIvsNage Ii. known Its "The StItr of
police,. "11110 Gov-Drillitelit Is L Ked. at Day--Tilli-ty-sevell, 11111garialls Operations. Tile fIrIng from tile 13ul- "'o
i - tile, PO"t have Joined In tile general I , - B-'41110110m,sl or ITbe Living Itoll or
Ing to malutalit the foreign mail ihmr- 1.04c, action of .tile . Canadian Uou'so V . "'artalu The book wa, -
4 gre-tv faliltnr Awl less wIcil. ytvirn, Tjic ollurch has clicson L,011.
'Ike aration Was Is- or votamowi Ill regard to Olgaretten - Or"rive(t At UrObilliz, 111414(' a 1 alo They bad P,Rell Oil guard (on Harbor an tile gj thcrillg PI ' T11,1111M)n and hif. w1fe, Mary,
sit I A formal dech 4 wr,lttOn by
vlon, by troop protected trains, Tile : ell0d Ily illo Ott -Ike leaders here to tho 0 being dif.soussed. in the JH rigIlsit, Alenlorabli. vight -liogwt; livere through tile night, expecting .111 WIP Tho
,jet,vice, on the Netborlaildu 11allroad effect, that tile strilte was not ooll- 007 In Americal nail it Is OXth mvssa.g o,, given. out - Ill
nfmv rlaperis, and the views of the; 11CAVy. . i9ault, 'wholvas,tho bulk of tile Turk- ONPOcte(l that 1875, vras writtell by lames ,T, Jay.
is, restrlotet]. All buolness hero is ,,it a 11130tod 11101 the question or wages, , ra Qorlty or tile Canadian r4ember3 !oil force bad been re,stlng, BY 10 14-4,000 IlIcIllbors, will be gatbure:1 1'"t, Of E'llgland, while the fIrth wag
but was solely agalnotAlic, propoged or3od. ' o'clock only a single gull wAa level- bere before tile three yea wrItten lit 18 . 01111 Wove, also
jitandKtill oil tho Nybarves, and. tile anti-otrilto IoLwg, whose, withdrawnI are nolt end , i ofla, Dolgarla, y1a Lon'doll, April )_'o by 'T
inuil boa,t)& which arriveil. to (lay 16, (lania,aided, It is reported In London tlint ITon, - i, tell front each s1des of the JIOU40. The :,lap"Od. 81peelal stre ps have (if England. . /
—After till t (It ITICOLIng$ and Other reprok:e'lltAil
Could not be unloaded. Mile railway ist4tion Is guarded b J. 1. 't)tirt% lately Minister of Public, tdvontarouq Journoy Turks then rushed forward and set 'MOY0, gatherin ill Commotion W's Are eXpected
I During tho da.v, strikers remaved .111arillefy and a slifflotent number 1011r, Worlta of Clanaola, hao boon oftered acrOOONaccolonla, from ,51alonica, by the hQuea on flic. The three mail re- 1-,l go W afi to orrIvo f-bortly frolp Loa -Angeles
h 0 malillug Oil guard Parlelle'd lit the .", Ott Its 1-11111TAPI, 114 fairly began, t-414 Sall I.,
parts of tile w4WILTIOry CAI U110 1000- CMI)IO,YQ0tN have remained at work t a Nationalist seat In ilia BrItIolt horse and trap, Chirlug ir I 11 I linve fl Bul The, 11OU.;C Or Israel ,Ills ))ad a ff ralleIRCO, Also from SpHug-
, 01110le the running 1101130 of Commonis, and has tile Mat- , I ames. Ono fitalwart, Hackened
as " I'll'90 Taimber IQ. 2410., A farm, east of llpatou
a Rotterdam and Am. ter now under contAoloration. -god -oin, the ruins, back ,1, 'Of f01101vors in Ifarbor has, 1well seicurell, W111011 wIll,
tnotlyes !tore 4nd'out rf tile supply t,"I"y betwev Passed through tile most dangerouif garlan emex ft I tilils
I of water from the railroad tanks. dominions or tII-0 Albanians And Dal- 1111ir With his swood at -the Turks 'A' Tot' Ise'V01-11 Yours. A few '
stordam, Itnerulting rev the Irish Conotaba- I ."go it delegatioll O"IM0 In from "'Ilys lVitil Othut' Places, be. made to pro-
;, p wit.11,111 peedily (>yet,- - t I F '-I I'D 11CCOMModationn for these W
Troops Olt ollard. ___ - - lary liai:; ,&tOpped, as tile forcowill gvlrl('.ng, I bava retarnpol to Siolla reach, lmt was h . . Oria, Ohio, Ili luin 00- , opie
poworea -arid taken pi,Uwner. The Id among the I lit'r ",I rast ;Ifi -tile .
wolaiii, April O. -41A midnighit T111,41 VAUsj[,,, op T11y; r.r1tOiETB 1, 1,1, be useless if Ireland Is ,contentod. with detailed lnrarla4ttoll or the out- -turks found under tlie burned Ir,1,7- - ---_ - - .__'__ --; '___ _. ....'.4 1-.1, X. Arrive.
Amstc _
a'inecting of the workmen's oommll.- -, Tkm Government contends that the breAR of hostilities. stacks the ammunition for which , -* _ ____ _--1 - _.-.1
too proolatmod. a ,general Avlkp Nature of 414e 1,;gi llttioll to Whicit gaving In constabulary expenseawl1l TqIO 03111stment of Christian gen- tIllay had alcon 60aroblug. Some of It , I
throughout 11o!Ia,n4 of all labor on- 0 iiject loll is Takell, . nearly equal the yearly cash pay- . Iliad exploded wider tile dynamite tl-) I U
ment required under tile purchaw (13IMeN began; In the village of Mlb. c_"11J"1U_[ U- So EMBALM
gaged Ili transportation both by ;'Ito, ,and had damago.ol Dalgar^alis and B , ED BEE
Tit,,,% Premier of tile Netherlands, ,jcllojp o. , , Fe
land Ild Nvoiter. Tile meeting histod Dr.. ,lCityper, Introauceid I,,. tile see- . 4 "OvItza, about ilia middle of March. Turks,,allko,
a The gravediggors of Paris held a 91hirteen Christians lia,d to, Berlin, APrJI, 6_014 kult prOVJH_ L-tte qGI , I
until 4 o'clock this.morialug. Owl clianll er "t)r tile Stilats Goll , kpa the o
All the railrowl litleg, ktations and Orals All. 25, thrice b11W tit con- mass meeting yesterday Afternoon oll-It"Oes or tile 'service in order to I askad the com wander of tIIO T urk- !Ops I new
,ol by troops. an(] foTmed a committee to lay their . or tile raq,%t Inspoctlon law of flat less that' ,"00 tons
1, NvJ=vQs are gusivoic Ilectioll with the recent rallro-ad kh forces at Istip, bow sorlong their P"r months 3'04AILly vdlkle l at $70,-
,T lio administration or the railroads otl%ka In Holland. He saxillmlilool'tbat demand for better wages before tile test the efficacy of the reforms, an- lossaN had been in thia combat., TIC- -Tanei "I 1900, 'went intO effect quiet. 000, wel,6 impoPt011 from Am
. erla.m.
--e Ilas; taken a teps to secure -the ran- tile Ulovernment C cmsidered it nee- authorities. They receive 4s. a. day" listing ill tile little town or, Vutcbi- eeplloil grilaly, "FOUP or five jlleii.'; 'Y yV6tvTd4Y, tit tbO Ports, and Tile expol-olk9 will eadmvor t. ,
. 'O'eu
nGg of t1io forelga expresses under cioiary to *oppose any unreasonable at prosont. Ono man stated that t, , I 11 t T 1.0o'f NvithOut b0rax And time core
military Protection. I attack Oil aociety which Would Sao- lie and three otbors attended thlrty-' I it 0 far from, tile railway line T110 urkieh officials made strenuous througljout tile EmPll'o- This most illy with the Crorman law, N in -
I A workmain, wap Wounded, by A rc- rifife the well-Loinig of two funerals a day. 10401119 from Nicoll to 8alonica. 'fforts to prevent Investigation, but .'ar-reaching un.d sumpt,v.ary mtas It now appoo, vb1oh, A49
the people I learned from the Bulga,cians )n ill(, rks, by no means,, ole,
volver shot fired by. a, soldier title to the, drIfIrie of & certain Class foJ.- , During tile Coming YlAt of Em- About throG thousand Albanians took villages near the scone of the call- I'm wa's Put Ill Operation p!ecomeal f3r0YN tile IT S. Meat trgde. ll,ere,
' I
niorning, The wall wao walking oil hnfluenc* and for political tyranny. po'ror William. to 11ome lie will be ac- UctiOn so, secretly that,even the na- flict that the losses of the regular W/ Occaotonat-Cictriees, because of arid it Is noi* J1111i"Ohab ' le that, tile
Oposed total U' S' meet 1mPOrt4 this'Year
I ilia, railroad, wagnot aware that (lie Thia Government- therefore Compauleoll by. aseldetion of tile tall- tlVes or their own race In the'vil- forces reached nearly a hundred. tile MInlot,13'r of Interior having. to I 11111 equal,
otrike had boom procIalated,mud faltsd to fornfa railroad brigade T,r ffifmra ii;nd soldiers tit the armt . lage were hmrprised, The object or on machinery. tobal vuluatlo;n waio abo%t,$
. ensure el9tif 0 y Bulgarians Coo Dynatilite. areat,L) the ITIC-petti those Of 1901, wilem, tile
tlieIr conspiracy. iraB to murder the ,0,()O,Q,-
to reply to tho holdler's olialloinge. A 1X)Xuhlr iservice of trains In case Aniong the officers are Lleat.-Col., Tho Inchleato which have been do- Section 12, re,101'ring to,. canned 000, Owing to the high prl And In-
cibileral Tie -Up, Or linvil. Tim Just'compilakits of rail- von Pluskow. and Lieut.-Goneral yon ,g. ,vOrlbeol il'.uetrato tho counter move- me,
Bulgarian gelld ,,ML %Tley Later- ,, t ' and sIiusilgo
. Vie President of tboi vrokkinvii's road employees would lie adjusted by Scholl, who" .a ,size Created a sensa- Lot the villAgo sqdde y 0 .8, whi,ch I.ecame C"Crflalemt 11011be 9UPPlIeR, more than
committee of delonce, In all later- 41 royai coninfloslon -whiclu would Ila tion at the funeral of P I rasIdent tit a X -arch luenU now In progress for the 1nier- . " * thX100 quarters or tile imports of U.
20, bift-tho golidartacs received warn- itiption of the Sultan's rerorms, un- 0-rective " '*Pt- 1, 1001, fart -liar re- 8, meato
vew, said tile otrike'proolamation lu entruoted later with the settlement, 6f France. All the non-com- the argent request of l"lo'c'I IT- 8, ImPortis ill thilit. line are precerved, Buell as
volveo; the entire railroad syateni of the ol'tuation from a legal gj-and 'Misisloned men who have been choseq illig a. raw m1natc.9 before they ap. 'Iertaken at .. BlIt litams and baconi elthough it is true
. peared, Title 1141garlanq mo nted "I'D r-uropenu powors. The Albaniads, J.,oracIG.,cared beef- - I., ad . that
and other land transport of1lollaud Points 446 well as regarding the Con- are -bearer seven than Aix feet tall. been . c9m hams Smaller tba,ff 17 porands
Apia the water trainsportatioir of tho ditlGIUS of vervIce or the employees. The various columns or the Brit- tiorses and fled to, Presren, with the W1116 fanatically loyal to the Sultan, n- Ill until Af,"X011 8, although _' One ,ounces are excluded, wbich, ar-
It dIQ0 Nvould 114ve, to decide What Albanians Ili ,hot ,pursuit. Only one aro opposed to reforms which w1l. ' ' I.. Of resets ,some Amoric,an bams.
. Important ports -Amsterdam, Rot- loll expeditionary force In Somaliland Balgarlal was o;% ertulwn, and he 'loprive them of military fmpremaoy I I 1. . - . . . .
I constituted Criminal acts. The Gov- contillues, to operate successrully. I in Macodonla through the roorganiza- " . :
terilam, Dordrealit And Zaaudam. Tho, erniiwn did not deisIre to ))a reac- WAS riddled with balletH. The Al- tion of the geildarmorle. The,), !aave
strike, he 'added, wAs Intended as a tionary. 11 only aimwd at effecting 71hlo relations between the United banlails spared tile villiagoru, a f
Protest agaillut the antl-strike'lawo States and Newfoundland ud a.coorclingly headed an assault upon- L , DEAD ON THE PRA1RIE.
- . I
. its Weil as 110411d Of '$Octal reforms, , ) will be marcilied toward Mitrovitza, a town 'lie, Bulgarian recruits, and have been Iff UPTURE OF K10. I
to support 1hedoi 0 nea 10 . . , .
ilia railroad men for an In 011ie of %be bills 'provides fox. *It d1scussed In the Legislature Of th r ti Siorviall froutiort whe"41 narrawly repulsed Ili an attack upon __ 'HIL11 Pound 1"t-OZZ-ht Uis Sleigb I
or -ease of modification or tile penal code NvIth latter conintry. t'lley threatened not lo )Y
Avagep before the pa,asaga of the laws I I , ng ago to ICU 2111trovitza. Tho Bulgarians, on the
made An Improvement In tbeir post- thiD Oblmt- of afforilliag & auror guar- It lo reported th'at all the necesm- L31P Consul& Whother, they WOQ14 othor hand, have no falth Ili -the ail!-: - C, N. U-Sarveyors I .
tion Impossible. Ile Zleclarew the ante* fox, the personal freedom of sary capital for Lord IN-euglT And Mr. hav(3 taken dedisive.action' againgt eacy of the reforms, and by securing Mills of Village, Were Forty ,,1Vinl]IPeg, Apr] I 7.-A, party or C. N.
labor and of preiren-tIng State of- pirrlWs transportation 0ovelopineut them If tlicy had entered tile town scrot supplies of dynamite bombs And I
otrike will spread to atlier bra,nolies flaials or persomp engaged in occu- schome, . or Ireland has been guar- I - Surv(),Vors ina4e a 01astly find on
of labor. Patlons affecting pahile, luterasts auteed. . s a matter for conjecture. T,hoy ammunItion, and fighting diesperately F . ect Thick. tile Prairie a few days Ago, about
111he sta;fs of' tile shipping coal- from &I pam V1 ng themselves from their . . were not allowed to follow tile fa- when driven to the wall, are seeking . . I foTty Miles Weat Of Saskatoon. While
leg trading with London and Hall duties. Tile Lill, further provides that ,911le, retail hardware stores in Og- gitivo gendarmes, und Monaco the to sat the Balkan oil fire and to bring -7— running tjlell, survey IJ .. n . e they
1111 ao,ve stopped work Lit sympathy with rafu 4,, tO 410 denslourg, N. Y., !h;avo been blacklist- foreign Consula,teg, Two regiments 'in Bulgaria. to tho, rescue, with Rus- aoros& a, m _ came
the strikers. Only one train left .kill- ploy,a,e,s Of t d1tity oil the part of ant NlADE A STUBBORN RESISTANCE an aud,a, team of-Ilorses
lie railroads or other ad bY the local Trades Aosemblyi in of Turkloll! troops, with hundreds of ,41a, and Austria in reserve. It Is a attached to a aleigh. n -
stardam. this morning, and a r their rofusai to close gans, blocked their pa,usage in the tangled skein not"o-asily unravelled. le 'Man Wag
was public i9eryloeo may be,pnitiolied b London, April 7,-Tdl , QItting ,huddled up in furs On the s ott,
*.-Protectod by troops. ' . y D Story of but traillng On the
or nightly ati 6. mountalit pass. " capture Oi Nano is taterestin* ground, and tile horses were walking
WX Months, imprisonment. If two , -10 UO reins were
TlIa Nethorlanols Railroad CoMiKilly more perisons rise Ili rebellion the , 11 I 611opp6d by TurIcish. Soldiers. BELOW ZERO. ly tolf.1 in
(luring the day Pasted a notice Urg- penalty to increased to foul- years; a mal!od mess.ige frGm JA a Jaded condition on the trail. On
Ing Its employees to resume work, COMPULSORY LEVOTIONS. 1 Tiam Albaaiia,u Irregulars were not — Inveostigation t,ibe sulive.vo
lmprt. onment. for the ringleaders or n tate, field to attack tile Sultan's NewAmnollarid. Visited by Ileuter's- correED0=10n, wars found tile
MAI adding that if they diol notro- . — _-W. a Very Cold '* man was dead.*%Vle,re 9 nothing in
tboo:.* guilty of Criminal aeto. For tNVP days weee wAs no lignic. the Way of papers
same -their Occupations within 24 During Magistrate Phirs Xan Jbr Voreibly troops, &Uld when reL4stalico was of- slip,l) To -day. In on his person to
, tile dehate am tile bill on tared they. dispersed, returning to -9. but oil tit() 111,01'111119 of Feb. Show Who lie was, but It Is believed
I -ours, all the workmen would be tug- Saturday last -the Preniter, whose Trying to Dialce Wilb Jobi ill Thtltv chair res ectivo villages as sympa-w St. Jeafils. Nfld-, Aprit 6_1notiher -t" tile e"OlAY's Cavalry were Been ,that h
clarged. . sP00011 was received -with chaers, 'Mm receiii; 6omplaint of Mrs. New. tIlIzerS. lit tlieIr expansivo Orieai, al severe blizzard with, the thermometer a few miles from tile walled town fl-ozen a was a rancher amd had been
The rallrdad cotallany, which gue- mIngleJ. -with hisses fro -it the Social- dick, of Kokomo, Indiatia, made In language, their leaders exclaimed: - . Of Fakl, Whicli lies about M to death, Tqie spot Nvhero Ile
idway 1V&s found wa,s quite close to where
ceeded In getting off it fo;w. tra-luo, lots, dwelt on the danger of strikes the, M xo;',j court oi that city,Nvas "Lot tile Sultan give us. a million registering twelve dogrees ,below beliNNneen Zarla and, 'Kano.[ ,
Ila& decided not to attempt to ran to a I'llgincer Vance met 1119 death In tile
after might fall. ommere'01 or, la' tile Ovelat Of mO- that her -husband had asEaulteol her, rille,s and Nve will fight againUt his zero, atils frustrated the efforts of ,%'Ile mounted iuraii-tt-y Want in great bl,izza,rd rece.t
lillizattion of troops, and maintained She was Making bread, she said, and enemies I's 71he TUrkish soloiera Ittwe 1111"Mit, but tile fligitive . , tly. .
Nine hundred Out of 1,4DO employ- t -ho neenueslty for s-ocurIng unInter- the railroad empfoyoce who have horsemen
. had her haodi in tile dough, When bean reported as either In sympathy fled to the City, Lbe ga,ces of which .
ees in the workshops of the railroad rupted communication with foreimn 1,0, hu9band 'called her to family with thi) Alloa,olaus or, as afraid or been trying. to clear the snowt from were. then
Itore, in obedience to their leaders't Countries, and offorIng a firm fro' I i - FAilat and tile Ivallo lnaai
tit prayors. She excused herself, but t310m, but ,the command wag certain- the blocked lines and release -The ve(i
!; Oirdiar, quit work, 'Arrangements to the party of ClItsorder which wa's - trains which! wore snowed up In the Tile lou l king thWaItoned uo de_ N
, I unsuccessfully, for her liusband,with 1Y 911`0111 to licad off the la,wless Ir I 1W ZEMBIS ,
Axle being made to transport tile terrorizing tile country. . a Illan,g disinclination to take no regulars and to capture them. Only interior of tile Island. uapitato anyone wlili mitered Itis I T041[,
. . ,
mails by motor ears. The diamond The, dQiatewas thom. adjou-rued un- for .11.11 answers knocked liar down twe'rify Albanian, marauders ,were From prosent appearances several town, whereupon gu,X.fil.e was 'Lil- . —
cutters ]lave 'decided to, . strike In til Tilesday. ' . l I The Magistrate felt that MT New. takefri prisi;mere. Hilml. I-,acha, laspoo- weelm must elapso before the cross rooted against the main gate, find
. . . . . . . . I- I . ' reform country servico Is resumed. TRie i it Wats Paltly destroyed. ,i. storal- '
. dick sho,w.n. exceiss of zeal, and tor-gemera,l. of the Sultan's seal- . Rocks on Which Corn ulsory
finckl him $30. Family prayers, which movemant, in an interview with tile, leg fleet lilas been sighted along the 1.09 ParLy, Under Capt. Xlackeazle, P
to be common Ili this country, Oa 8 'ed their
Vald that 'the Albitalans taking part coast-, chasing- hords of s , I ' fO-IC W&Y thr011gLl, and oc- S I I 1 __, _, _',
are, a raro observance nowadays. In; this outbreak would all be severe- Mhere, were no arrivals of sealing onpled a high, rook imAde the wall, , Z
MORE COAL Si T R I K E S ON NOWO a _'c" f the one- ly commanding tile Arbitration P ts'i .: --
The rea,on for the lapse o . punisliod. Tile foreign Colibuls, vesgels 1liere to -day. . tolvin. Then It was . I
. . - ... _ - - I ... . tam IQ not so much -the decline of Ilowever, frankly expressed skepti- found that title kings' arid Lbree , -----__z..',. t_- I ::. .. . ,
. piety as 'Lliat as life became fuller, oigm, remarking that they did not chier's, WICII. .their horses, had b -,C . .. .. ..
and individual engagements and pre- believe the Sultam's soldier,, Would killed 43, a ,sit ,it SHU TS HOME BOYS'F
VA tcheil Asked to Come to Settle the . 1, . I tile galt,L,O. ell which 1) I on . e I tratod . . R4K-T.'A A D -ES..
, 1,
N' i forenceu w -pre more and more respeot,- either desire or be nible to pi 'It the . - -
ed, It became harder to got famil- Albatillans. . . NEW RUH HIRAM. 41t ,8 :11icklalld A#r1I 7. -Industrialism Ill
t O'clock on! the morning of this Coldn
les; 'together for worship. Family Gallant Struiggle Against Odds. Feb. Ord, tile BrItIshi force Ila is Passing throu ,
I Ited gh a orl-
- - tic -al stag6. Tile Board 'of C011oilla-
Late,qt Difficulty. prayer% belong to. a time when the At least six small skirmishes have I w thin Sol) yal'as of title Walls of tiOn and the -
. . Knllo. r Al-bitrati
.Vile loopholkl, walls, wLlOh have been to some se-
. . . head of a family ruled it, not by taken place, In the Course ofthe week, I 09 court
. . t by &utl1O1'itY- but the Turkish system Of Censorship I are nearly vere tests. The'orl
Pottsvil.1%. ],?a., April 6 -The labor- 'Alitchc Changes Regarding Diplitheria had been wtreng*tIIenad .rput .
. - It Sent for. ft ,wav a time when religious eb- is IF* 119 feet high' and strongly held. that- tit 9111al Idea was
ers employed at Brookside colliery, i , 1')'Ilkesbarre, Ila., April 6. -So sort- sorvancea were more regarded than in 0 perfect tho,t little news is coln- Banners 11"Gro, flying in 0 former should 0xlAt to settle
; . unicated from Ono village Ili Maco- and Scarlet Fev.rl Ovary direa. disputes that migbi
llea,r T*wer City, and at tile Silver i ous is tho sItum,tiou In the anLhra- now, though probably not religion donla, to another. and when reports tioll, and the arr arise beti.e.,
Creek callreries 6f the PlifladeliAllm , olto,fllatl that Sollh,-Mitoll-ell, PraBi- Itself; whwi 4 -here were fewer trains paPs out of tile Country there Is a . - _ . Iva[ C)f th;0 00113M." employer and employed. The Court
waS tile signal for the opening or Of Arbitration was not Intended to
(]out of the United Mine Workers of to be caught, fewer factory bells, maze, of contradictions and of !rre- 911,13 arid rifle fire, Tile MaXimrs figure promine,
. & Rattoling Coal and Iron Company, America, hag beem requested to come fewer school bells, fewer 'letters, sliolitSible versions. Although I was RIDER POWERS TO THE BOARDS wore Placed in poreition . at .j;oo the Iltly- But in practice
to -day. refused to return to work to tlibi city as soon as possible. a Matter Of arbitratioll Ila$ been
fGwer engagements and duties- out - prevented by the force of Turkish sol- four gum; were Continually bar I
" After a meeting of t,be other olls- side tile household. It Is Itker old dieiris under the direction or the Gov, The new diplithorla and isoarl(4-1; brOug t into tie On against t OrO the public and
.- pendlog the settlement of tile gucg- k- h ti Ile, th
1. * tioin or tale; number of hours to be trict officials yesterday 'T, 1). Mail- t1ma9 to read of family Prayers, and arnor of Istip from being personally tover regulation$ passad. by tile main gaAo, I 11, e thrde who constitute tile Ourt
aV0 boon 060stantly. occupied. In
worked on Saltuxday. Mlie, laborers ales District Presidemit#, had a. long of solix.0 one who found tt On the iscene, I was only distant all Provincial Board of Ilealth 001110 But after ail 110111,1& engagement it actual practice it Is no1v V or,y
talk oil the telephone witli Mr. 'Mit- Ient to b,,; present. rObe institution is li-our aind a half by horse from the Into force on was fOutiol ImPOSSIble to breaCll this dent that a reconstitution - ov'_
. Sunday, by order- .
claim the'a3vard or* the 8-trIke Coutm I chell, at Indianapolis, and told him not donod, but It 13 rare now, and village Of Grabitiltza, where for thirty ln-Council. qateway, anki tile wal is, which were take Plaee. Tile regult ,of.the must
mission does mot hicroasq the number 1 of (ft"offectlan aniong' the men. Mr. only prevails lit exc6ptional ]louse- hours thirty.-aeveii Bu:garlans held tit They provide that IIIaniCipa,dLi.a!8 blorty feet-thIck at the baaa and four points to Increagod
. I MILediell. prootillsed. tc come here , awards
of It -ours to mine, as tbo offloials of I ' UR hol4s.. whose members are not bay - four 'battalions of Turkish shall establigh Isolation hospital, proved quite cost Or proolne.
, " feet at 'title loopholes" tl0n) the forming of
I noon AN lie coul l, and hopes to got In, a hurry. And even in such, fami- troops, an -LI perished with the exoep- and, larill-611 ,in tunbalanoo (or other impervlciut3 to thl f1w Of tile 75 ollistle, to emplo'N."","ring-s" antag-
ther company assert-. Tails grl Ovaiicc I here tlil,4 Week. T,hodistrict officials lie -3 It only prevails nowadays by con- ticyn or one ,,,an, W,110 will, . 3-11111- ,. and 'to the
I A . o taken 8uiiable conveyance. liluCt,170,91111s. An attack Nvag Accord- Impossibility of a man's being able
Ina'y result- In the temporary closing I are perturbed over the 111-feeltug sent-. Compulslox P a stimulant to prisonet When tile house was set on 1,liycichins or hil.)usakeep,Irs who 1111gly direCted against another gate to estal,i,11,811 a business It,
of All ilia corapapy'p colliorleff. I airionig, 00 111011 a,II(l tile failiVO Of devotion i,j pretty Much obsolete, five and burned aimost Over Ills )lead. know or Are suspicious Of a liar- further to the, Nvest, a force )_,eIn1,r way. A Mmit 8 a small
I eome, of tile yourigar workers to Oboy 101't at the main. gate to Orions detail is tile
Tlho Operators assert that thFy wl I and. Mr. Newdick, or Kokamo, should 11hore Is a strong force or Turkish wit having scarlet fever slrftl lu,'tke ]told the fact that quite, roobtitI.V
- hrpar 3 Weekly. intantry, oava,Lry and artillery at Lu- a report within 21 hours to tile Ployers llavO been before V16 court
I tho orderf; of the Strike Commission hav,i known i(. -Ir defenders there. several am-
. 7. ilia men Only for tile actual tirno ,levame", striking Ili- A hole was made in th,3
Ila .
ii; I relative to gi ir oomplitint tip, but they keep out of tile Bui- health autiloritlee. Whenever a 91'M -011d to answer ch&r.c.
worked* Itrid the ininers claim tit to stand of submitting the garlam 1,1111gios round about utiloss carw is discovered tile patient shall nd It storming of tion-compit-
be a vlol&tlo,ni of ilia agreement,. to the compamlep. - I SOME LAWE FIGURES, . ' =021v:ilu: party all- anco wl,tll th0 Awards. In two Cases
- . - . . . they. Call muster a strong force. Ex- At Once be rentived, to I place Of , Dyer and 11,19-cogn-3 'was d Ision Nvae,, 1- I I
------------. _ - _ - _,___._.,_____.___ - _______._ ____..__,__
Ln.nC_..aC_.,X."r..Jr,.4.0 I Toronto oil Saturday nigh -L. . De -
41 caased was taken suddenly
ill foltil. Nveck,; ttgo, and aince, that
t1M0 .gradually greir weaker until
I NEWS 1?i BRIErl I Idea)th came,
i`4 . I
'nio threatened strike or the car-
L"4,* r--.,nA-C-..2,C-.J%X-t2 Per-ters of London ivas averted at
CI m meeting botween tile builders and .
ANADIAN. th,nir pmnlavapa on Sntnrrinv. rr.lin
Tile 48th llighlanders will proliable
Visit; Niagara Falls on Victoria Day.
A now C. P. R, Ilino is projected to
-C, connect North, Bay with Faiterborol.
I Ton ist"mors, laden w1th, steel for
Canada,, will leave German porto
this, Months
The G, T. R. has 'ordered five hall-
dred frolglit Cars from the Amerl-
can Car & Foundry Co., of New York.
The wrlit; of a new eleetion In Ulm -
sell has been issued. Nomittationo
take place, on April 20thf, and polling
as week lafor. i .
,Sov*ral assaults oil non-union em-
til-0-yees of the 11 1 P-. R are reported
at Vancouver.
Th -D New OntdrIO, Farm Mild TOWn
Sites Syndleato has been Ineorpo-
rated, with $1,000,000 Capital sto'-,k.
Col. Denison, -it an interview on
gamUting advises an appeal to the
Leglislature, to mako all gainbling JI -
legal. .
A Winnipeg correspondent tole-
graplis that 1.150 sottlers reached Sas-
katoon on Saturday. Tant,,i tLr3 I)cfnp;
etreatea for the Barr party or 2,000.
Judgment hais Wit delivered Ili fa-
vor or tile plaintiff In the suit of
Sma rt iq. Dana, tit connection w1th
the Shrlovi%jty of Lecdo and Grell-
, V1116. ,
1 . Tho now public library ta Cornwall
which has jto Dii built with the $7,-
000 donatiod J)y tile Scotch-Anierleall
Matt'-MilliOnAlre, Andr6w Carneglof
Nvao formally opencd oil Friday at ,,ht.
Pirotaler tow has rccelvo;l a letter
froin the N Arl of Mtmtli, statill"'o that
the Government 01 NOW Zealand has
doeldod to r*tabligh All '114"Inpirin
Day," fIX-Ing tile eamo dat-e as that
adoptoll by the Vaenow Association
of tit* Dominion,
Mr. William Barrios for tITA pftRt
tbirty yeatw conli-ectM,with Ills Mij-
Wty,L Vastonis, idled at )Ile home At
01111(teril onerea ail increase or ten
par cont. tit wageo, And the men .to-
cepted, 10110 pino-llolpx-day will Coil-
. .
tilluo to provall.
It Is altogether probable that
Lient.-Col. Sherwood, of Ottawa,
Suporl il toil dAn t of Dominion Police,
will be commandatiL of the Canadian
Bisloy teum this year. The name of
Captain IV. A. Munro, of the 00th
Wiiinlpeg .11ifles Is mentioned asthe
Probable aojutant of the team.
A Winnipeg correspondent des-
orlbes the offorts being made to ac-
commlodatai ,tit* crow,ols of ImmigTa,tilts
arriving Ill that clty and their ex-
poollilous distribution among the far -
mors. About 300 now settlers ar-
rived yesterday, and 895 passengers
ant] 54 Cars of 'ieittlors' of facts pass -
ad through North Portal Olt Tburs-
day. , ;
A pplvia tie ic"l-o from St. Pierre,
Miquelon, wlya that four or ilia pass -
ongeira of thn otcamshIp Burgundla
well,) drowliod oil 4al;urday. A 1.0at
containlul,g, Ylftoarl ' passengers had
jug', Iort the Kt(mmer,s side when
HI'VvIA19 cnpslze l by a Illonsti"to sea,
Movell of I-1110 Occuirtnts Were saved
by jollnglug to(tho, upturned boat an.
01i woolle,d, Icat the others soon oa,nk
froill vlaw.
.Tolin T. Awallow, IT, pr1litbr, cial-
ployed 7)y McLean Publishing Coul-
pans-, ,Toronto, 41"I very suddenly'
yo sterd I y it ftnr)ioon at WO rouldonce,
0_2i%:1IjiwlII8tr(_0t. 110 NVASIttChar011
Ili, tho lu )riihig, and seemed to be In
Ilia usual health. On Ills return 1101110
he, w%!llt t ) Ills room. where, lie was
d1se(i,w r(A pittiptly afterwards in ft
dyllig colalitloa. Ilio do-ilth was
dao to liNart failure.
Princo Tann and Gon. Tungfiall-
o,Lsug, two noted Chinese leaders, do-
mand tile fto.sition of tile LPniporor,
Illustrative orthe POIxtent o( Our lit
parlance during the last month has
shown that. deatil! will be cc*urted If
Isolation, And ' all preeltutlons for
the aWnfootioll, or, it olecessary",
jNttelled Lo carry it by Assault.
In tile raur of thl,g force followed
Capt. Farolliliar
Suit is Cried. .,:Ile la.tegt re -
, that a number Of eulployern,
deeming all award inimical
surance Bus
During. ilia Year EDO:! tile pet cash
two or three Murki,sh soldiers von Lure
to oter thoge villages.
tile destruction of all cloth,ing
Nrilich may have been, exposod to
. with 11 party car-
ry-ing amea and a. ladder party With
to j:hol,
Interests, since It raised -w r
ages about
two peace, an b
for Premiums. received by fire insur-
ance, companies operating in Canada
The kligbt Dogins.
tll(i ollitagton# must be taken. All
housohr, traills, b3atst etc.,
scaling ladders. I
Tho storming party rapidly ad-
rather than 0 r Per man, ]lave,
comply, dismissed their
amotinteJ to $10,636,558, an increase
of $086,205, Its compared wit -ii the
The Turkish Governor at. Istip
learned through Oples tha, t a large
which may have been exposed tire
vancea to -within a llultdi-ed
t, yards,
to Ma"ed tuglers sounded tile
and Intend, While tile markot
is low, to Import matillf"tur,ad ftlr_
preVious year. Of the aggregaot,c sum,
amodrit of ammunition for ollstribu-
tion In the neighborhood had arriv-
alow to be purIlledi
if ilia oniorgency demands; it, poll,
clia-rge and a d"11 was made for tile
gate under a heavy fire front
niture from Austra,11a. ,pill, suggeots
tile question of Unionist labor.
$2,117,04:L wits received by Cana-
(Iltin companies, till Increase of $389,-
ad at Gralonitza, a hamlet of fifty
shepherds' borusom. Under Ills orders
ee to the Contagion sliall
be Isolated an -LI supplied with all
walls. An entrance was effected, and
the moment Lieut..
Tile Prem!pr recently
. I)rOmiged to
consider th-D'inatter
081; $0,01.0,910 by British com-
panic$, ail Increase of $851,472; and
two companies of TurkIsh. *soldiers
two hundred strong, were doopatoli
necessaries untiL tile period of InT
cuballon of tile disease shall have
Dyer, wito was
at the' head of tile storming party,
ontered tile the
of complitsorm,
preference tC, unionists. E loy . s
are thus MP ,or
Ilikely. to be
$1,572,593 by American companies,
an Increase of $D86,205. Tile gross
ad from Istip to search, tile tillage.
clall;sed. I *
cit.1r, onoiny left ti
NY -ails, . 10
- r0r,tricted when
t1lo out.g1do mairkot fails,tilem. 116$V
amount of policlog, noil, and ro-
noured, totalled $890,,684,107) as
They, ransacked ovary ]louse, tore
I on love . M rosB 411d pulled lip
if school childron contra,et
(LO -410118c, the Medical Health Offider
A largo folve, or Cavalry, 11,01
mrormed, As if aDout to ell Yevor,
arge, but
ave'r, (181 11, test case 1_
tyrollably do goo - , tile lookorat ivill
d service. Another
a.g&InHt $821,522,851 for the I)revl-
ous twelve months. This amount was
tte, floors, fri htening women and
children, but not accomp hing any
eliall cause a daily exaniluation
be made of a,11 t,lic children In the
j)oltej on some ahrapnel being poured
I .0
lr,,t,,o ttem, about ,1 j of the borse-
grievanco urged Is that under tile
Prose"It sYsteal thbre Ig. an ob,staclo
inado ill): Canadian, $2"`2ii780,:t00, a
other r It. s the sol ra moved
In, a bodyl from house house a
001,00.,prooll, for o,L lootfit _ ne Nveek
*from the date or ,the occurreliceOf
men hollig killed.
11ILVIA10 the city Walls there is ail
in tile Way
. or ,apprenticing ]aft to
learn a tr4de Workers,
gain of $51,880,095; $550,-
092,8215, a ga. it of . ,,550,593, And
band Of Afaciodonlons, who had
tile last case amongst the ,!hil'dl elll
Intervening space or two nilleg te
or course,
Gall be lIllPo,rC,e'd; but one naturalIX
Aincricitil, I'll 0,211,15 , & gain of
11,V'44,625. not ount tkt risk
brought In , arms aild ammunition
Crept out of sight. Wholl tile search
If any children are ab-ionit
such schools as medical examitlatloa
"orio tho city proper Is reached. Col,
Morlall,d occupied tile Kingis palaces
Wondei6 What lads leaving B,ho,l.
4,1`0 to do,. A &ortous Inconsistency
to a
tit dato, CO. 8isti was $1,093',70 Di
was, end(,( a bugle was sounded, as
the TuIrklish commander subsequent-
ishall. be InadO Of thilla In the gain"
ma,I)II011 as it they Were in attend
- whibli. Jea,stro-ax forts surrounded liy
a high -1vall and-coverin
91t ',',1NI)"'
1140 also be,xil Pointed Out. The ques-
tionable ul tlioift of
935 1, bolng $151j022,816 more than In
1001. It to divided iis follows: Cana-
ly explained, in order to form the
anoo at the ochool.
ground But tho XIrg OMNI,
exataGing, tile
tradebooks, has been used. ill one
$ a J255,019,208, all Increase of.
kll 650; Brltll h, $694
2 ,,660,815, an
men tit line, for the return March
t -o Istip, The troops happened to col-
" ation;
Tile minimum ptriod of Isol-
or any case of scarlet favor hhall
hav,lll ,, started off for Sokoto NvIth
1,000'eavalry on January 2nd.
case, though It Was PII0T,ed that ow.
Ing to falling Off in Profits, tile
Inarm,_s; of $169,587; American,
loot directly
. below the last houses
In which ti& Macedontans had tak.
be isix wneks from tile 01180t Of Q10-
discase, and tiny person %[toil hav-,8o[)
Tho ensomyss fighting force IlIcIliq
- ad
eavalry and 5,000 Infantry, of
r. U em.
P101 -ye R ,ere
Journoylacan,s "taking less than
$133,900,827, ail increase of $11,-
500,073. Tlits amount paid foil looses
_ on rofugo. ri %o Macodomlans, tlilnk-
10 ,f
Ing any dlsi,,hargo due *to scar t
for such
wi I 0)
101 i 3 f Were killed.
Lieut. -w-as
Luerc the award for
'a";Ool Wage was upheld. Against
till-';', hC11V0VQr,
aggregated $1,158,058, being; a tie-
croase of $2,61,15,0,98, as Compared
Ing that the iwms a signal for
a gonoral attack, And o:ipectingtht6t
fe%or, shall be isola,teol,
rupil4or porloid A,g Ill tile opinlon of
Dyer twice wounded in
lant orm g a Once
lia,g, tile st In. p rty,
Is ill
reeent 0 fact that in a,
NXII-InInIng dispute
witit ille, .,ypitr provIouu. Tile losses
they, could hold their position until
they could repulse tile Turk& and ef.
tile Medical Health! Officer may
be nco"sary for ilia onjety of tile
isioriarely by a srv niord oil t on, tile
Witte, 'and clightly on tIlA firm by
orea.L o Of IV, 'an
ageo wag In -
)lot 4warded
boca,1190 tile books
were appo tloaod Ito follows: Cana-
dian, $870,722", decrease $189177,
- raOt' A Onto fttroat by., dashing
through tho' lines, 10+1 1008'0 a Volley-
.lit qrrow. CaTtaln Farquhar was
Olightly Wolin' ad Ill the ar,ia. liteut,
of %110 company
shoNved t1lat thfIrc had not been snf-
ficlent Pl-olit to
331.111-41, $`7 115,C)_J.S, decrease $2'164-)
. 541, ; Am( ,can, $55621$1588, ,j,'C"
_J ,,ca 'O
Three Turks fell dead and In
1 0 man worc
Wright had Ills horse shot under him.
JUStIfY all Increase.
With such It tanglo or bompli t
Ott 10
woundod, and tlio atatn'ng oyoldlor8
I 1. . . 1
n ;g.
and In th0 faX10 Of 'the fact tb&fj tb'b
Life 111slit -Alice colllpallle .
retired pdAtiov aty b hind
rocks. T
haystacks And g of oaf lie Turk,
I .—
gailijoyee in Kingston Works lifts n
111011 who Inallage t 110 court
arO JaSt and 00118010.nti Ono lop,yead
The, following Is ail abstract; of tile
1,nialnogs dona by life Insurance COM-
formed a tordorl about tile house
which tile Bulgarians wore holding,
Narrow V'scape.
rile I'millbara Belleved to b(! Lost
=.11,r it Is evident that he
O -It .
Xlwllamellt laust Oea e-
pailleg lit Canada for thio year 1002-
Total peenfluills, $17,143,561s Inereaso
and kept lip a rapid, withering fl -'c,
untill a fall regiment could W brought
14-Ingston, Ont., April O.- 110bert
'%Tith 41 Persms,
& .
ter'41%titoirtia t loll or the Court Of Arbl-
$1,05.1,707; Canadian COMPallIeR,
'tip froin Istip. A. domwid was then
T111son, ail omplayoo of thol locottio-
tivo works, liaA'a narrow OsCalle
Louddli, April .-A dospatell tronr
Barcelona to Voyd"A says that tile
, - . .,
,$10,090,762, Increahe $065,87-11, Brit.
Ish donipanliss, $1,415,278, Increase
made for n, autriandor, to which tile
from Aen ill. Ito ZnA 44INStIlIg It
master of the Fir;lith schooner As-
A Itral Gollall,
$08,607; Aluerl(MIl e0lul%111100, $5r
little gaxrlgoll replied In their Own
plieturogallo Itoguago, which, freely
bolt oil A, pulley when 1119 Arm Ito-
somptlon, reports that on gatell
28th, from tile 110
1A)r a I -on I , .
1110dern, 0,03all, Camill,
028.5120, Ineroaso $019,2128. Not
amount Ili forces $508,77U,371, In*
translated, meant, "No Turkish dan-
for It tetf to
canio'caught In t-ille hishingg.
wa o pulled off Ills feet und lifted
when sixty tallos
Ila Palmieri Ito saw ail tell aenso light,
a 1,11.0
_tIolliglailt"W110 flas JuBt 1,
41rMI'm 111 N(,,W yo rkv. is 'E411d
ormso $15,0.15,3,11; Canadian, $808,-
403) 415,13, increast, $1211,520,8321 , Brit-
geon us, will Cost I.pu
Ono. Come, on Its
almost to the holght of the slip ft-
Ing. The Arm WAS pulled Out Of Its
wl tell wa% follow0d by a load pxplo-
KIOII. 110 billiev0d It meant that A,
the most ;)3tit to b(t
2 1 UdIllong. 11A in 8 re t
inches Ill heights 'a
1"1911" 560,
M "$41,1,33,454, Incroaso $10219,21168;
Tilt Sotttie That Vallod.
ie es WOrO brOken
VORS-Al laden with dynamite had,
has a. Poutider.
olloot measiffolfient
AD;vrhian, $150,158,464, Increase
Tile fight hAd I)egull At 10 O'clock
lit tire places In tile forearmand
blown tip. ,
or :t,a, .',
11101108, 18 licarly toil,, tot,,
ti 40rogs
$.1:0,21185,21,117. Claling ))aid, Including
atured endowments, $6,001744,55 tie.
11), ' , ,
In tho Morning and at nightfall tile
firing from Itho little 1 oek houi5a wan
uppor Arms
Tilloon (11801hVed Wonderful nc rVO
T1044 news Increases the fears, fo,r
thoo satety of tile stOalfl9lllP Dam-
Pilot (;1,(8, IvIftrit 4, shoo 24 11101108
, all Walk's
vre(00 :-171,913 ; all-fladlan, $3,535,.
281, Iner&as"a $90,10 10 ; Dritt'.41, $80"..
I itimoot, at) vitroroug as At tho oatwxt,
1,N10t. t1lo nift Arlans had loat, ninet,bell
and Coolness. When, hilO clialpaillona
stopped tile machinery tile InJaml
bara. troin gArE*11108 'for Sollegal,
with ,a eargo of tA.Xplosivos. Silo had
'it' Otralllb% 49 &
grollad!or. 80 far as; 111O tot ttro
toneermsd we 416ttId ,gagpect
408, doarease $68,4 8 -, American, $12,.
ot their number, And hirtl tot been
mail cooll,r took out Ills knife And
ax Ivassonp, raL aild It Crew of tl]lrt,y_
.11liu Or
(.0tallIg ,front Chl"go.
MIMI) Inereage, $181,028,
A1116 even Ito 91YO Wa;tor to 061r,
out tile bolt, thIdO freollig Ills arm,
tiv,O A-1.)oavd- I I
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