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The Wingham Advance, 1903-04-09, Page 4
THE WINGITAM ADVANCE. .fibril 9, 1 90 ^•,^'•�, pOINURS FROM FXCIIANGFS. J' '.' , , �z r7i vt � ,� --• - p III ill ill tttlt gt3 t11 t tYl11111111itt? 1� lttiti�l 1 �1�gt��t�1111tti3i�P�ftii� ti�it tiiifl 4 t i�tli q �t Toronto Star (Liberal) It looks. as if the Globe had worked `��'y�\%Ritchole �-Mr. Gainey has now fully aeCCultt, r011I1d tQ the peitlG iV�l©i'0 it Can ar(SuC � TPEOPL 'o PO ULA STOl \ p ;_ ed for the $2,000, his half of the bribe that Bell Jonson wrote Shakeapearo. furnished by tho Governlueut for hist The Canadian Parliament might be *--�_ support in the Legislature, Cap, Sul- better employed than in passing rose- S,� He ! , livan should now tell ua about his half + ^ 0 EASTER ASTE GLOVES LO J � ' deallutionsw at},Plaipl," Great Britainn, 1iQ`�' t0 ��•.. ^"'� ��'•"�!I �M` �/ or better still, tell us-•-"'41'lxe0 did the dual with tlio );rich question, or with �-_•�� „�,�„�. ,.� �,_ _..,.._._,.._.,.W., �_,.._.......,.,.,..,,__.,�_.,,-,,,,f nroney come from?" any other question that does not direct, Never had we prettier styles to show yolk than now. The best ly and Intimately concern Canada. qualities of the hest makers are in the season's most correct styles, --British emigration 2guros for: the Toronto Telegram (Independent) Cash Paid aid For Eggs and any size or shade you want. Fawns, grays, blacks and whites month of March have been issued, and Just as the Lord "makes the wrath of are the leaders at the popular price- $l,QfX, $X,25 and $1.40. show that 7448 English-apeakinp people, mer} to praise Trim" the country must _ 1940 Scotch and 8937 foreigners went to make the selfish motives of its poli. �_ g e g ..� G Seeds, s for, . Sc emigration to Australia was 027, and whole people. 7 hopeople's duty is to .� a , New .•. �r Canada Burin that month, The total tioians subaerve the highest cod of the ..... Garden Seeds eedS 2 Packets + • • • * • • Ladles' Dainty Neckwear eckwear to South Africa 4,096. exclude corruption from the game by voting against sin wherever sin is dis- •` r " Wer have provided everything new and stylish for the Easter I closed, The country ought not to Dutch Sett Orions, 4 lbs, for .... , .......... ............ season. We would ask you to spend a little of your time looking -..on April Ist, the Souse of Commons worry about the motives of its poli - them over. You won't find anything prettier anywhere. declared, by a vote of 108 to 48, "That ticiaus. Their acts are the only true the right and most effeotual Legislative basis of pubiie judgment.. A wronged � remedy for the cigarette evil is to be country ban only secure reform by .-. p Syrup a it Pure e e found in the enactment and enforce- smashing every government that does „ Maple S ru We Guarantee �.e Shirt ''�7�JaIsts ment of a law prohibiting the marlu- evil, and keep on smashing governments facture and sale of cigarettes". When until the politicians learn that virtue is ala IC Sll Sugar — Guaranteed Pure Have you seen our beautiful White Embroidered Shirt Waists? the law is passed, let there be a strict n g p , a hotter pay -boss than vice. ..•,. They art the latest styles. Prices from $1.25 to $3.00. enforcement, and the youth of Canada Toronto Avows (Independent) will be decided gainers by the legisla- An exceedingly g p tion, g y painful feature of the Infants' Delight Soap, 3 cakes fpr,........ ,. 25c ' present situation is that the Govern. r meat has parted company with the best o. . • - •e Stylish Dress Goods for Easter —The Marconi wireless Telegraph traditions, alike of constitutional prat- � Tar SOA We are unsurpassed in the Dress Goods line. We have the Company, who were incorporated in tiro and of Liberal principle. Prece- p Big Cake ..... , . 5G each - very newest materials in all the latest novelty weaves—Fait cyD e- Ontario last November, are now apply- dent is hopelessly against Mr, Ross in a ing fora Federal of alar. They want his prefers uco for, aJudicialctlCombs If Go CO Floating Soap, 6 cakes for..... . • • • , •. w.. loins for Summer wear, New Flake Tweeds, Canvas and Basket - power to dispose of all their sights, —precedent in the actual handling of . � • 25C Suitings, Black and Colored Box Cloths, Camel Hair Zibelines, Silk assets and franchises to the new com- I similar casae, precedent in the utter p g p, and Wove Crepe de Chene, French Yeile in all the leading shades. pany to be incorporated by Federal auces of the leaders of Liberalism. Mr. authorityto construct and operate all �^ p Ross himself has described ills burning .,.,. . works and appliances to enable them to indignation of the Liberals of 1873 at the @a - 25c; conduct communication by wireless reference of the Pacific scandal to a Com- Silk ledge Shoe Dressing, regular our price, 24c bottle_ Tri �y'S telegraphy throughout the Dominion. mission. Mr. Ross has lived to argue o ��ss Polish, regular price , p We have an assortment of Trimmings that is not equalled clot- I against his better coutention of thirty years ago. The voices of Blake, of Boston Pol• , p ce 15c ' our rice ....: • ... ,10C Sidi the cities. Trimmings t0 suit all shades and weaves. Inspect —The alarming extent of the divorce Mackenzie and of Cartwright still sound � them. evil in the United States is indicated by a from the past in vindication of the duty news despatch which says that for the and the right of Parliament to be the so— last half dozen years the number of guardian of its honor. The voice Of Quickshine Friction Shoe Polish, for Ladies' or Gents' Shoes. divorces van b the South Dakota e.••• .... ' •0 given Y Ross is raced in defence of the course Best on earth, Guaranteed waterproof ... , . ... 10C RUchie courts have averaged about 600 annual Campbell which they denounced.orLP if ly. Those seeking divces in the Statemust live there six months before ob-Toronto Telegram (Tndopondonl) .."'. taming what they are after, and in that The Ontario Government not only Ladies' Box Calf Boots, regular $2.25 per pair, for.... $2,00 successors to M. H. MCIND00. six months each applicant, on the av chooses its own Judges, but sends them j/ siege, spends State The resulting 0 . effect of which can talinto the enquiry o be revealed bffed by a set y e.. � S, regular $2 25 per 1' venue to the State is practically X900,- Legal phrases, the true meaning and , pair, for,..$2.00 000 a year. Immigrants for divorces y y Ladies Don ole Kid Boot p , are considered by South Dakota as le- the workings of the judicial mind. The -a In io nt o have been factgiti, one town isate as igrants making a special ef. moreran$ anxious to Ike covertthan to get Lati.eS' Blucher Oxford, Patent Toe Gap, per pair .....$1.60 fort to secure all the divorce business of out the truth, but surely the remnants Take the the State. of its old sense of honour would forbid Ladies' Patent Leather Slippers err air.... j It to call is the lawyers on one side to , • , • • 1.50 lay the foundations for the existence of p p $ r --Tne Weekly Sun thus refers to the a tribunal which is supposed to do present indication of a demand upon justice to both sides, The clauses of =� y4 the Canadian people for a subsidy to aid / - Baby � � the Grattd Pacific Railwa the resolutionconstituting the com-New Gloves, Belts, Ribbons, Collars, &C., &c. y mission seem to be drawn up in a Dunn- e— "The situation at Ottawa to -day is ing, quibbling, pettifogging spirit, and one that could not be paralleled at any when the judicial mind imparts its own - , other capital. A great railway corpora- highly technical interpretation to these for its airing in one of the new tion and leading politicians who are clauses the enquiry may resolve it self Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr Ificdonald �{�o� EWEJno. &Jas. H. Kerr carriages or go-carts we have Powe fn inated fluence do bear oith it are s ecu ehaninto no enquiry at all.jJj�j7 just put in stock. 1t will be enormous donation from the Dominion N111i11111111111111111111Ill i iill 11411111Ill Ill Will 111111Ill 111111111Ill ill 1111111111111111111111111llill ill WN treasury They seek it ,from a people HURON COUNTY. whose contributions to railroad pro- " 9 moters since Confederation are already UYDElt THE Nnw REDISIMBUTION AOT. TOWN PROPERTIES WANTED. �xT �yTT p Safe and Comfortable greater, several times over, than similar YY . A. V U RRIE WINGHAM SAW MILL contributigns from the people of any The Goderich Signal gives the fol- I have almost daily enquiries for other country in their entire history, lowing as the redistribution of the three houses to rent or buy. • • • • AUCTIONEER Ia no European country has a policy ridings of Huron county, under the Act Now is the -time to sell if you wish McLEAN a SON similar to ours over been pursued. The now before the House of Commons. o do so, wingham — — Ontario and you need not invest hush alone ill the purchase— No charge unless a sale is made. � p Americans are sometimes referred East Boron—Blyth, Brussels, Grey, Date of Salo arranged for at the "kinds of rough and dressed.... from $6. p to as subsidy givers, but if the promo- Abner COSen3, Minnie St. Siff u Came and see them. Howick, Morris, Turttberry, �9ingham, Advance office. Terme reasonable. ters, who are now so actively lobbying Wroxeter, and East Wawanosh, Pop - at Ottawa, were to turn up at Washing- ulation 19,227. A. D tl�� LMAGE ton or at any State capital and proffer a APPLE BARRELS. similar request, the would be laughed South Huron—Bayfleid, Hay, Hen- AIjELI, FELLY q y g REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT, still, McKillop, Seaforth Stanley, Steph- tlNDEii,TAKING at by the legislators and covered with p, � CONVEYANCING, MONEY TO LOAN y Ball Bros. enpTuckersmith, Usborne, and Exeter. ;-lard and Soft Slabs, also a Residence—patrlck ridi0nle by the press, Ally political on Town and Farm Property. Auctioneer for Huron CountyStreet, S. Grace sart supporting them would be anni- Population 22,881. large quantity of dr hard, former residence, party pP g ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. i; q Y Y �y where night eaq■ hilated on its first appeal to the people. West Huron—Ashfield, Clinon, Col• I havo secured an Auctioneor's license for wood for sale delivered. recelve prompt at. - phone � GOderiOh townahi OPPICE.—In the Rent Block, prepared f tentlon. The presentation of such a demand, borne, Goderich, p, Residenco—Catherine St. Huron County, and am re ared to couduut si The People's Furniture Store p sales at reasonable rates. and its serious consideration, is possible West Wawauosh and Hullett. Pop- p Sales arranged at the Advance Office. Telephone Orders Promptly U 1. R in Canada, and in Canada alon e." ulation 19,712. T. J. MAG E ALEX, KELLY, Wingham P. 0, attended to. Prom the foregoing it will be seen that East Wawanosh is taken from REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND �7�T the west riding and added to the east, LOAN AGENT. CONVEYANCING DR AGNE r1 McLean, & Soy. Adjournment of Legislature. Hallett is taken from the south and Collection of Ronta and Accounts a specialty, - added to the west; while Stephen and ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, Exeter, which are at present in North OFFICE.—Over D. M. Gordon's store. ACCOUCHEUR. What Is TieGood (Tier R s' res Middlesex, and Usborne, at present in Resiaonco: Leopold street, Office:—Upstairs in the Macdonald _ One of Premier Ross' reasons for ad- South Perth, all come back into the �1 Block, + 19 n journing the legislature is that he does T. A. MORTON Night calls answered at office. not know whether the government is south riding. d If this arrangement is carried out it BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, DR& worthy the confidence of the country strengthens all the ridings, from a CHIS$OLI� C$IS$OLhIof buying Cheap if you are dissatisfied with the Pur- until the commission has made its Ill'Liberal standpoint, but still leaves the MONEY TO LOAN. �r�� ►�i chaise in a short time? True economyis exercised in quiry into the. truth of Mr. Gamey's west Riding what it has been for the PHYSICIANS •SURGEONS ETC. ;�r�.•.: buying a thin that leases you till it is worn out. Our statement. The Premier said:— past twenty years, the mast difficult Office: --Morton Block, Wingham y g g p Y Jose hine Street -- Win c.,nw.rr.nM,nns They did not want the government to one of the whole three to carry. p gham Men's 13uitings are of this character, One suit makes a undertake the responsibility for any MISS DELIA SPARLING regular customer of the buyer, Then there is the guarantee legislation until the commission closed, I or until it appeared, as they trusted it A. T C. M. P. KENNEDY, M.D., M. C. P. S.0 of everything up-to-date and first-class. Suits from $10.00 would appear, that the government The Agonizing Pain of Rheumatism. were worthy of the confidence of the Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher (ltfembor of the British Medical to $40.00, made to fit in every particular, Swollen, aching joints, muscles are Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. Association) r country. stiff and sore, every movement 4poom- \ This is a curious kind of reasoning. parried by pain. The mo*which potent reme• Pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE, HATS.—In Hats, we have the very newest • Ameri- If there is doubt about the government dy is Polson's Nerviline, has five inatione. special attention paid to Diseases of women can styles, at prices from hoc to $3.00, possessing the confidence of the count times the paimaubduing power of any and ohilaron, ' p g country, OFFICE Hours :—1, to 4 that might be a reason for the Lieuten- other preparation. Apply the Nerviline �r p•m,; 7 to6 p,m, NtCK.WEAR.--Ail the latest designs, 255 to 50c. anti -Governor to ask the ministers to copiously, flannel ft on well and thin bind THE g , in a hot flannel tbandage. This will ~~=•� resign until confidence is restored. But cure the worst oases in a short time, jr y,, for tasty and �. �. Holloway AD Y ANCE down.to•dato .rob Its a pity to have a good s inthe government has no intention of Try Nerviline for Rheumatism, Neural- D.D.S„ L.Q.S, s the aboQTSve nB,nWhS $ QE � payor Noll to e have saes r before al shun suspending its own powers. The - nd onlytcos icas or Lumbago—it's n bnego —lira all right OFFICE rightr., Prices Gr.Dollgate RoyaDenttl � 2."'i p g' Suit spoiled in the making, -Ter- ing elsewhere. Premier declined even to accept the to- Dr, Hamilton's Pills ours Constipation. Surgeons of Tor- . o The suits We make give en- onto and Honor t signation of Mr, Stratton, who is (irac{unts of Dont• the minister specially accused. Mr. , , 1 ANSTONE al Dep't. of Toron• "' tire satisfaction. Give us a IT'.5 AL -L, RIGHT. to University. Stratton and his colleagues will go on Latest improved methods in al branches of trial and be convinced. A pleaiattois to ahOnV aQdRBARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Dentia Fri S S• exercising all their executive powers ars and students may enter the guaraute.. � oa moco n raL sat"!, if the Gamey charges had never been / Money to loan at lowestrates, Office made, They have obtained supplies, BEAVER BLOCH, the granting of which ought to be con- 7.95. WINGHAM. ART[" J- IRIVIN Hom---uth Bros. ditioual upon confidenoo in the govern- at any time. T D.D.S.,,L,D.S, mont,The verymeasures which are affected SPWNG TEUN begins March $0. THOS, TIOLMEi hector of Dental Sargerq of the F eu- nsylvanik College and Licentiate of sION 4F TH B BEAR,— by confidence in the government are the Two Coursos--Commorot%l and shorthand, BANKER, STC, Dental Surgery of Ontario, measures which the government has in- send for College Journal, Marriage Ltconaos IsRuod. No witnesses sistedon forcing through file Iogialature. C. A. F LEMING A. L. hiciNTYRa roquited., OMOO over post 08166—WINGELA Vi t Seer, Mono 4% largo amounts,, smaller in pro. 1rA1 The ministers remove the Gamey portion, Easiest terms. 1 charges from the House to a tribunal rosiuen SS SARA L, V0013! of their own creation. They take slip- plies, RICHARD IlOI,11fr$ plies, so that thoy may administer af. j, OUR MOT'ro �� I'innnrMH AT LAW, sti.iCii'tn,=,,I.Te Teacher of Piano and Theory faire at tlioir ease, free from the troubles High Grade Work Only. Office :---next to 1101mes Block now building r . UeRtls MONEY N IT and worries of a session. The legislature C NTRAL ""— i , " site the chargers has done nothing but `ELLIiV�G'i�CN MUTUAL Teacher C�RRII+ MCCRL If you do not bdlitve ltwrlteto aa- incroaeo the powors of this government, • ' �1' i Violin and Guitar. We jliiy good wants;: to activt mita. which according to the 1?remier, is FIRE MS. CO.CIC .. STRATFOW7, ONT, Estabtishodi84o. itcoihs•-•in Stone Block, lt'in under a cloud, which may turn out not gham. CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY bnrgrM1amo o readily redo t goal posit• fioad office GFU1xLP$, ours to possess the COiifidOnco Of the country. Sona bocAusb out high scrado training pro• �����YSON p �ar6e them to render I rat•elam aerview, Make taken on all classes of In ro & 11OLNE lYttrstrytnoft, Ceibbfna, Out. A weaker argnniont was Auraly never };uainess ineu want first -clans workers-- ort o p 1 ldrtialalibire& ]tors 7. addressee) o the logislatare; and It no ttmo to wAat.e on the other kind. Com. P 9 n the oath or premium n6te syatom, would never be advanced, except by a position in the fall WV4 rl at for q talogud be ready for & Jd1160 (itLD1A, or der. »xvingtrr, $arPfst6ra, Sb11ClfU1`St oto, _ n 1 of fit na1iY tioafiiotY. oi! an e7tCase dor President, Sboretary. O[14Ce f Me W. a. �i ID% Pxlneipal. JoMH nITOM1c, yerBlook Wingham, ACli1ltlTr tXYY'Y,:fttrAerr A�,i. a bpoley Irolmet Webster & Co. R