The Wingham Advance, 1903-04-09, Page 3%I ___ "* . � . "If", - . � � � . , I , . �' . ' - � I � , . , . I I I . , 1� � 4 , . . . � , II, ,� , _. �, ,,,.:";. _'____.__�_�, , , , , IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII­ , �,II"IIIIII"� _ , I., . � ' - . I I . . . 1. ; � , I � - , , I , � , - - I I 1, I, � � � �, - - 11 .- , � I . I . .. -1 . MKI.,00-1. P*#..*** I , I - , , . , I 'I I I - 4 . , _ __ '­___.____-'__ - ' _ - ____ -1 __1_111_____, , - , . I I . - n!!n_ -,. ___" - _ - " _. - �; :11- . , I . .... - . ­�­ - , , �'­ .,��: I-- - . - . - = I I .. . I I I �, I ill, I Ill, � - ": � I ! .'" : � .' ' i' � " � ": I ' 41 111.1 , 0 =1 1=1 I . 'I . I . "I� I 1�1 I � � ­ L ­­­_ _ 1 -- - 1. = -.;- _ ____ _ � - __ : .. � . -Woo**�W" ...... , . . I _.."W -I '. �w at"t by pattlag on � . � .I.. ,,, � I I . � I � 1. I .I. ­­ . 1. �­., - tect ajj.v sound that would 1ndtca(o 3 10 III r, A0 . . W-0teeA ...... *� ...... V,61�-e-rer�w4w,e� OF2, I tention to the I, 64W""10fAU0-A-_­"�_ - j, I - , ", -1, . " 1 4 i black and foregoltig the pleawroo of. 91, a.loo.sm- pint. bolt, or wit. I ow��� ~00 . , - H -. 1. , I CHANGE IN MOURNING 0 I "I Illoo fol &,II; MQ111,1113 at least? 0 'So tellse ATO our Alorveii all tile 1, I , It does not do any ood and why . � tillie 04L I 111LY41 1911OWn 'it 'IrlYer 4 MISTAKES AT � I �, � 1, tiliould Iotay lit tile 'A Free Sample Packet ., HOOT: NG '. -1 Tgodonny Toward the LIWIltor t lea i 9OUNO fliall lose � to be actually incapacitated Aw a - I . , is Observed, i (tit tile pleasallt entertalilmout" oil And 1, r �[ � . - - ' the progralume ? It's 6ijolt It nills- have heard comwolit, engineers I ROVAL MUM. . . � . � A /; 1 4__ F , . It nee to go Into inumI This per. of' Delicious "S wo"'; twou'us" 110 vIk" " (log' L4;�AV%ftAA0W#V W -'eIt] ��� ....... L1111111 V pv.QWW�� ,ALADA" Ceylon Tea %vbo��D nervo nobod, IN .� � 11APS SOILIVIS inert,41114p, yot one hears . . , ov(r questione(.1 PAINS 'p, i (0tivago, Oftrojilolp). Ili, � W be lot off 4 rust but imiat ,,, The quesil'a Oraw til of just Otte.4 rvillarkti frequjjn�ly- (Black, MixeI4 or Natural Green) will be m ,-­'� 1weanse otey aidra feel ul) to 11 I n '101yu I Vr:tl 4 1 '! One so froquolitly sees tile an- Thove RI to bo It dread of losing. I lons givi r L"ala': It. . I , , pboallooment that tile lritekvt qtyles tho least bit. of II it fear of = are calied, 4 Ill I ,In "fashionable Mourning" will lie (Iroptillig, o1IL of tlll� sor, "There are englueers to -day who or . 'I , � ., 0 " Ilul f fftlyl IOU �Oasloua, guet , ton.. � d 0 It sent to any pmon filliney in this coupon and Mrs. John Quick Curod 0 f formal , =� �propavod at a ayj*j9 notice, There If I are dubbing .along oil w-aX frelghts ants beluir governaol by corta4A fIxod lisi, perhaps 110 ,&(�od reason, why for twen It t4hort thne, a feeling that 0 - after tservlllg long Oil expresses, and Sciatica By Munyon's rules ati 111viola,ble 4-V tAq laws ot Illourning ollould lot bo inado wit.11 lit(-, In too short for sorrom Possibly sending it to as with a 2 -cent stamp for who wonlil tbrow lip qlif)lr Jobt, rv4. 110N b4 it fortunnie, and .1 cheerful I - titan resuilia their �obl places the UOdO4 anti Perml4lis. Not Ion$ wiloo attentivil to Ow roflulroiI ,vi(,w, illongil a sf.lils, a thei . of -Lbe Mode in vogue, but there basi I and 1, thex postage. Writo Plainly and montion Olack, MAxod on 11yors, Tboy baso lost theirnerve, 01jeumatiorn Cure. ago 4 'very stout and dignified dow- 111,al,t IoNn one. 11 maked one repall , tigor left the royal preseaeo coWerod :11I F�Wjned soluothlug extremely, poor I or Natural Oreon and ihe'r know It. I bayo seen Men, with conflWou And Jjx anything but I . I I Ancongrtious, in the terinu "fashion 1111) N'an Whildolo plaint: "Are FAIII young" cry. like babi2s wlIpnj , h of wind. She ,W � - WO then No soon forgotten when we Name 0 , - 0 4 q # 46 t gRble giournIng." A. woutan 'who irears, ,tro gone ?" I 0*0 .*@If.*, 9#14#00 too.## 1*044W 4.0406 #.*:�: they. knew they were 110 loligor fit A Wonderful 0466 and lack for tile loms of isom-eono nea,r . Addres# . # # o . q 0 . , , # % . . # . 0 # ..A . . . 4 0 . I 4 0 4 0 4 *. 0 v w, 4 0 a run, a fast 'train, sunk low Ju a deep- courtmoy lWorp It it wonian Is ImUlag on m . A "There Is o-nlyj one mail In the -b ,e;�sjlrlly. Jot her do It deemitty and Ili order. Addross ,,SALADA" TRA C,,Qo, Toronto. lRernarkable 016coverys hand wi(%)"a In the act of rlalng,w, on land dear to hor ueod xiol, nm , ourning tho quo and after kissing her,royaI busInf)sLq who has the roputation of I I'litake liersolr Lt dOivd,Y Ili order to aCtIllitell l),11 tile feeling that reFI)COt . ..., . . 1. ... 7. � 'A I . I . , I I 11 I., ,I. I., I ''I..' I L -ho found bar npivard. progroUs uu. �Iexpresis her gr1of. It is not essential and Inelinatioll douree the cliange of I I 10 � .. I � I I � ."­!, ,, '.., 1. .. . . �. . ... � ! � I I I .. I never losing his norvD. Ho Is John . - amuntably arrested. ,(.that hex, olothes abould be so anti- garb, not mchro, vompliaricke with a � , .... . I . � ". - � I. - _� - - . I �'l :_ Kfusills., who taues, No. 1 on t1le 4ria � .. I . Again gn(t Ar,411 fzl.�n Made the at- quated in put, so wrotvhed In fit as , III. I- .1 1,1 .1111.1011 ,III 011. J I . .�al .1 .�H, 1�.., � 0 1, 1,�Ifl 1, I II from .L>ort ZraivIR to 1611squellarnpa, teml)� to recover tile perpendicular, hulf-obsole-to 4.0gulatioll. If tile ,+ , j"111", ­ "' I` *N "It was his tralli that ran Into Lt . I growinf I r be- g0vt a really Yery, devp t1la cloth, , Our S 13 eic ialty ' �)'q rock just 4bove 0hola Ili 188.11, 1 kottw and -,more colifilsed Ito Attract attolition, Ampl. , cause sorrow haN come to hot,, but 'iv, - - h1w Ill not be too conspl,I tile - - C04 . , -a + , I , , , � at eac 1 attempt, and finvI while, ttlibere is soinothing itot altogether vividonen of "rot011ollable mourning" . V - %xi -I Nven t t . Tubling down a. II I I wakIng a da%wrate effort, the good Flitting In tile fact that tile gall, wIll be absent, ' I , . - t 0 - foot bank to the edga of the Pala- . lady lost hoX- precarious balance Alid iroonts, which Indicate that the . FROST - ware River. Afany Ilves were losh . . I . rwearor lias sustalned'a great Joqk; - i to ; Ornamental Gates _- - there and John's fireman, pinned bM ., sat down Jlrqtvily on the floor. � . - .. � In a momentl one of the court Offl- i0lle, Which 141110 OV611 OnIX d�Oftelj,'fid�, ' ' Song or tho ItAllsolued. . - .- ��� . I - - the tags under his englue. was roast- I I elals In attefidance bastetred to her . i;obllterato, shoilld be wo'dois of ,tile '"rith the OomIjII of spring . I . V? __ - ___�_ It P k� ut irX weinut - ad before Ills eyes. John's own foot ,� " rescue, and site was with t1ifficulty tistic ir, clealgim 11 was caught, buU his shoes were not I UtOs� and 1110st Oxt'rOme fad In fa011- LA the whole %vorld- sing; I ; � Reasolmable i1% 33rice %-W*l , and albld scarcely suppressed Merri- �; -e. The torm "fa l I, I . -- . . -ed to wrl 6w�_ - enable aI shlOII- Lot paeris of,praise arlse, . . buttoned, and he manap, ggle �, , mout restored to her feet again. Her , Pable, monvithig" Dorglea, with It 4 Tho *w1vter's o1rear , , . OA � i Just the thing to be used with your - Ills foot clear, leaving the shoo be- `IIIII. I 'A disaster Ilad ,been q144P Innocently r*ejI of ulif4iiess, of Insincerity, of Days are in the rear . - new Ornamental Lawn Fence, - hirld. ; edi not do what caused by tile lady -,who was conalnX - I - - - , - . of dopth at feeling. one ,call- 4441 Holwa tit tho W;vIgIttaning sulea, - 1I ,'Ile stood by his f1renian, tAlked ,3; claim for tilem, their sals sliould be after ,her standing,911 lioi, train, and 111laoct%liltelmagille that the' 'grief'19 I � I T t - , , e Frost Wir.o Fence Co. Ltd. - with him a's tlio flaI 'were creep- prohibited by'la.w.11-TdUNYON. ir looit8 could kill, tiiat lady wouiti . lwexY PrOlOW'd when so mu0b &I Tho coal barons' kzway I I � wellax%cl, orit. , ing nearer, gave him water. took cortainly have been annihilated by I ItIoll * Dun .be given. 'to the planning . is giving way, . I . - ____ Wi I nniveg, "a-. . his last message far lil.Fi wife and "I have had rhenmatisin for a number the ,withering glance cast at low by of elaborate costumes, from ,tile call- 'Neath the ransoming rays of the + U. saw him burn to death, Yohn's left of years and suffered with pailis in My ill(.% dO%vag t It ot I I 111.11, ill I ­­ ­­­. 1".--, . 'i -1 111.1. I I., .... III I . ,. .. .1. .. ii.. I.L. IIII I 10111I foot was a little lame for a r(K)m I , or as she. swept on. zor lie . ruction of which not tile minutest sun� . 10118! joints ix . . . I,l,rIII or tuck to omitted, when the TI problem or hent, . � - I L ivifflo after tlta;t, but be sbowetl up . grext deal, and shooting pabli in alioothor caso it is, said that ,crape, Is -tortured Into all manner W(vvo no longer to meet , aucunI 1 all through my body. I procured a t little Western tCRVA so Alany thon- TO 1'ool Dfary Ann. tile nI (Jay', Cool Its U I While a Certain illghly placed lady .of fanolful devices and scalloped -and Sunlight call,t bD sold by tile ton. sanol miles, away. � and Inalsted on taking Ills usual run, I -ss,mPIO -tv , W L ial of WuilyDn'a Itheurnatisin was Ill 1,110 act of klsstiq; the Queen's �plaltod into tile most effective ar- .Philadelphia Preas. R4D 9,,Ws that he has never lost b . Cure at the free diStribuilouL , and I am hand it mibstaittlal portion Or tier - -Charles W. Darling, "I wAlked to Ono end or the room Dealer_�[Viegq are the inost beau- nerve for ,tn Ins,tunt, although he lias.: My paills have all left -olit !rangements which the Modiste call . and -looked , I Canandaigua, March 0, 1008. , at tile picture. T1jkJ er_ t * indeed thankful. T fi hair becamo detached au� foil devise. Billows of Drape do not In- Iful OtIt-9111SH tumblers 170 Uave; had halt a dozen, accidents, and I . ---- feet was the naino, tile eyes were ., . me. If any other Offerer wants to. get oil the floor at tile royal teat,"leav- dicate sorrow, neither do modish . looking st."might Into -In- A -1 till. $ds a dimell. believe 'blin.11 . I . I I I cured of RhPainatismI adviie JNfun ell'- IJ19 U10 IAdY with (� r;ointal exilbsure lbonliets and Swell hate whioll, 1111� I . I lea, from tho mosit dressy headgear HOUSEY's, MIR wao true no ml,%tter lit what� p%rt tile grig. 11ousekeppr-1:111 take t1l'our, but I I want yew to label them I'S,econaa. �T Rheumatism Cure.'�--Nlrs. John Quick, 102 John -the by, the - of roam, I -stood. Then I RII Imitation RAW16GS. street, Torolite. i,Df season only, absence There W 1PNO)"I V ,101*1XV11121111 (P-1 tt-011141191Y' - Well, Ono of'the, guldes for .tit vxIllaila- out glaoff, $1.59 a dozen." -_ Dealer-lllhatlj3 cI to draw. his gan, btit the ' Of color.' always such an All' of SI 0I effect In _ tha � is IN - LINK tion. "It wag s9imple, enough, after it rather a remark- able request. Mal,-iiigTlkexikP-�l.t.bl.fo�,..i.-vaiia XUNYOXIS REMIIIES. � . extremely swell mourning gowns mvAked Man Ili thi doorway had boon looking directly Into his eyo III wal once explained. The maekwhich Mrs. llollsekeep-Tes; It's merely -Siniple 140gg NO* a "Minayon's Cough Cure stops coughs night weats, alloys soreness and speadil; heals Ithat 0.110 1060H 01g4t of tile AQTX"Ow- ful fact which 'they, proolalra and I I __ 11 . - I . covered the ninn'.4 face of coursewas to (ICCelve tile servant girl. _______._ When ram, eggs are ordered for the lungs. Price 25c. One begins, to feel tilat vanity and Geo. C, Chalker Tells What * black. But around the eve holeg it Inorall w1ilto Am waig drawn. The all invalid to -whom they at* Ob- CANADAIS EXPOUTS. . Junyou's Kidney Cure speedily oures Ins in the back, lotus or grolu and all I nothing else has been rapponilble fox, , ttlie, able croailon. . I 1. .' ' � Dodd's Kidney Pills Did for � 'Vast - , whitO 0,110 tile Cant between till. blackoftho iuI pr(xhicecl anopti- Canada produces one obashel of Jectionnble, make as palatable as , cold 'wheat by hamIng the egg as forms of kidney d1senie. Price 25c. Munyon's Headache Curn stops headache , Gowas Ishould *b(- SinillI6. , I . film. � - - , cal illusion which madD It appear to thirty bushels grown else- possible NvIlere Ill tile world. NotwIllistand- ap one ,can nin" It. and then s-erYo In. three minutes. Prlee 260. It Ove" 90I ShOuILI be ollarac- -by - that tile ma,91red pian wast loukIng Ing this fact, canaaa Is by far the it� from a Cold glakn as soon as it FREE XF,DXCAL ADVICE. tQrI7,eo1 -mu luot4t abI II pliolty Ili ivake and tvintuling the I .. . � ­ Too,IcE�]mV.-oinnifA)Ljed,lvladeHIma straight Into Lhe'eyeo or the ob- server. largest exporter of agricultural Im- to opened, ,NvrItea a ilbysiclan's wife plements In ilia world;her population n "W'110t �0 R11I Of COVI I$ use- 1,els,9 Personal letterm addr,-ssed to Prof, Mira- Philadelphia, U.S.A., Zr,uw willoll Is donned unde'r Olr- - , , : ` . �. * . Well Man Able and Willing to DO "In t1fe caga of the hold-up mon being taken Into consideration. Dur- I to serve. .illy save perfectly yon, containhIg (10I tatis of sickness, will lip nn5wprea QllUV9tAADUN Of I)QrclayemUllt shOuldba hotirt. . I - �. . 1. I . 1. . ­_­ it I, not likely that they ]rod gone . Ing the past seven years the exports fresh eggs. . I I iy and free advlco as to treatmint"'r,1111"1110- . tile ones III marked, There are so I a Vair DAY's Work. , , to, the trouble of liI sliVall of Canadian Implements ,have reach- if the white, atone Is to. I�e take 11 v gt on, I 2b ,oianystutple and Pretty model . a q u I t o, white rim'.4 about the eya 110100 Of N1 the vast tofitt of ten millionn Of ]It should Ile beaten with. a whisk . I. .. . 'nutablo for thio stylb'of dress -that Ilousey'a Rapids, Ont., Maxch,0.3.- their maske. Blit tho wl"ItO Of I doliga-9, or qqual. to tile eXPOrt Of until very stiff and fr,otIlY. thOu . _. . � .. � " . M4 I -J u0t, obligall 'to rosort to 61ab. (Speolal.)-Aa every city, town and tLeir .9kIno would be, a sufficient con- twehitty 111111101, ghuNhels of 'whOt1t m%soned wital salt or sugar, which- . reason titan thut she has no child- arate Nahomies of trimming or cutting village Ili Panada seems to be giving tx'&St to tile black of the masks to grown in tile great Northwest at over Is preferred, and eaten with- a l"'ll, Ile 011'all rotifrn tier, whole . ill order to produce a becutultil; aria Ito evidence as to the NvollI cures give tho �qanie effect. And It is all fifty cents per busliel. These facts ppoon, This pa'a he flavored with I dom'y- 'Proper effect. Iisorrow is not ex.. I , - resulting from ,I)odd'a Kidney Pills, effect- which nrtkes a man (Itilto will- should cortainly establish in -tile a, few..dropo of brandy if tlle patient "-If a 'betrothal be reselmded, tife , ''Prossed by dowdiness nor by glovell-I! there.is no reason. Elouse�ls Rap�ds I Ing to, keep, )its hands ill) whon you lainds at all thinking farmers tile likes the ,taste. . 11111ft oball IjaY the wonlan coinpen- I . IIIII Tho wpwall Ili mournO�g nhoufd should not fbe; in line.' People here Inlow that the owner of the OY03 excellent quality awl. the high repn- Some who object to an 099 beaten . Isation. ; An neatly and appropriately . at� 'tIrR4 have Kidney troghles, at the same in �wli tali, apportr to Ito looking -3tralglit tation which appertain to Canadian- in a ,glass of milk sweetened and . . "A wXdoxv. wit At grown-up children L ill a 003tull1k) which II her is as elsewhere, and like others they, Dodd's Kidney, : Into( yours has a lon.ded revolver in h1% )land, tA made Imploinentn. Canadian imple- flayoned, can .,take the egg if the may /not marry again without per- 1%urei tll:4 which aorvIaeablo and � 100- JaI It is the unbeewbary do- ortdibilq the ev+r- of ­�Wlp ,­­ have used Pills ,%lid , � been ollraol.' I . I nrle of tit,& most remarka-l-le cu -es and,1s perfectly willing S It " I U I ? Aer I t w the Vatican picture ments tire exported to every country augar to omitted amd the IIELVOring. In the world where grain Is I grown, extriact replaced by , - I- - 41 Fr 4-1 - �1 -4- lil',�Y- Mission, press. from a Judge."_London,Ex_ I . H I I I �Iv .. . aj-19. I A spoonful of Milo I ere= . raittexopt to bu L, a da,vh in .811011 cloth- . was- that OT 'Gep.' 0:70halker. , He, andbeard theexplanatloll or the er- market- Is a setiled book to Canadian addial to -ill& white or an egg Iteaten *Ing whiall 19 deprecated. Street says', "I I am cured of lily Kidney feet 11 `pro,.Juced I eould CrI be- Iniplement manufanturcra as well as stiff and flavored with a spoonful CAL1V0R.N1A,'WL'ALTH. Sown.9 isliould be of good material, Opinplalat. I bavei no doubt about It 1 IleVe that every mil,mi who wag to the Uanadittij farmei:, for hardly of ll)mxidy is palatable and nutritious . a',J.1lglItL Ill tll&t. gainhillig room 1101d_ VWAII :wwo and property 66t. 111hey In tTje,7[eAst: 1 Ntdigb toil pounds more �, I any of his produetm flild a market for an lavalld or. anyone 'whose Whe reports made bY thle savings Vay have a trimming or Drape, - -if than I (lid fourteen months ago, can : up at, least belleved that ilia nian there, while the tiggressIve Amerl- health is slightly Impaired. it. goo,1 banks of San Franoiseo recently . �ane §Q deolves, but this Is soareely de- do it fair day's work every -day, and "' With? tho gull wo.4 looking illrectly can to competing all over the world "Pick-me,upl' Is needed In. every 61101V deposits of $156,817,637. 'I *;Irabla in a gowA Intended for every- I am clear of my. old enemy, lame' at lilin.. So It was not remlly a luck and in Canada, too, for every InZ family from �,Iipe to time, and wise Immense Ermn exceeds the record of . eAyl wpar, ,siace, crape is affected bv..',back, hemvy, aching arms,, dull bloat- or o5ourage that had prevented any or ground now held by tho'canadlan underoto;ndthabit Is, rarbet- 41,11 former Xeals, and represents . ed eyes -yes, it Is all no, purged" ho3tilo dezvoilptr.r.ttlon." P: 0,01sturo and is easily bpolled. farmer and manufacturer. MiNt opond a little time arid tron- about $380 per, capita. As this is .Mie long heavy yell which wa-4 In -Out by Dodd's KtdnL',V Rills. - I I I Don't you think It would -be to hi -6 1.11 tboto way raI than to re� more than lthk-ee times tile avorage "gue, some years ago . has pa I Used - 11 No Ono (,ail realize the relief ex- I Tbe New Version. Your (I advantage, as well as to aort to stlmulamts of any kind. savings bank deposit per capita f or . oul; of u,sa� It was bumbek-soute, un-' Copt those who -have been through th_o� advantage of Canada as a nation, An egg, Waten In a cup, and tile the w1hole United Statev, it Is cer- 1�,h"ltl*r and -vor.y. uncolutorta' ble to It all. I was- so ,bad I could not' work There I little girl, don't cry! that nI should be ,grown and u filled with coffee, should be t0I a good showing. Nor Is It Is, either, hard, but was compelled to make a They, ,have broken 1yonr tier 0 P wmr.* LIgIlItor, �h6rtr,I vol . . . vOs, 1, made at home that are consumedby gh,ri to one witV a jaded appetite confined tn. San Francisco. Tile of crave or hilus' Ylellinga are uLI tn, living. My lieAd, f6lt so bad that my know; .tile Canadian people? Think ,the for breakfaet. Stir the egg rapidly returns Train the ba,liks of tifle ptaul hnd are sholply arranged Up011 Dyes would seem to float. I felt tived - And your back aches, too; matter over, and see whether It Is whale pouring the coffee over it 'to ' StWte, save Nwtlonal banks, allow . L. _ , _ . And I mood Is blue; -y to ' - ,a Increase of assets for bontir.t. Whou a hit Is worn the all the Itime, wy artas felt uspless at not your dut work for this end. prevent Ito curdling. Cream or ml],L ail aggrega�t �Nol'y 'black Bvit5sels not'edged with times and so Yegy heavy. Xt last And "ur.miad failed long ago, and sugar should then L,e added as the year, of $15.507-0,01-M. Thl.v ex- ,brapo or folds .of black chiffon is I was laid. up and could d,o no work. But th6 strenuous life will soo-ji . usual, . ceedo the lilgheot former record or . i pb3nd ay -i a face voll.­Very nitichl as the 1119hon I *6s induced to try'Dodd'a Pass b_V6- - L' gain bY $211,371,407, a 'Very satis- lalil.."oll ,volls are used at preilent, XhIney Pills, and Yon sea the result, Therel IUI girl, don't aryl . You. Ha;ve Sung' Them. factory Wtate of affairs. ,%,10 tile e.XQOV0O1A th'tt 013 .nPt It only ,took six toxos to cure me fKato WIRner McCluakey, Ill Harp- California 19 not simply a land 1pouriiing -%*,sit Is %usually worn over completely." ,, I or's Bazar. 9 NERVE IN AN Miss Fa4nle Crosby, the bUnd for 'the tourist, but fo . the faco Ailitead at being thrown back, And Afr. 10halkor Is ,only one of, ,The attleindar spring begins, Mareli Z hymn and volig Writ0r, Lon Tuesday and, the farmer. � Perbaps, no other � . #var tI,o hat bI These velbs reach many In thlo, polgliborbood ,who 1. Th6 aRtilonomical, spring begins a ? ENGINE CAB. 5 piebra,ted her 84iW ,birthday at farmers enjoy so largo an Income Sol tve shoulder.9 aja.d, hang loose at' charge their good heafth ,up to few weeks later, and the genulne her home In Zridgeport, Conn. Miss as California farmers. A rate per Al KI bn ck. . .. .,, Dodd's Xidnoy Phle. . IspTing 'begin a when It gets ready. S:jc..Jc...�ca�.C-..iC'-%c-...�.C.P.C,2 Crosby became JAInd tn her Infancy cent on rtlipir Investments ibiat TI lialig worn,are usually medlurn It upsets a bookkeeper to lose his 'Many old locomotive engineers owing to Improper trea,twent while would ea,tisfy tile eastern - farmer sIze;I may be of orape or oilk, I I balaitj00% -, I suffering from fever. When ulva was Is considered verY meagre here. 'A feltL01 �straW� 6G*C=0*Z=0Q0=00=*=*&0 thought, before the ae,tual. cause of 15 years old she entered the New Prult fA,1-1111119 has alwisys beenpro- ot trhOmed with folda L I 0, . the, New Jersey. Central Railroad D I us. wreak became known, that they could ,at all f crape; theyshould not be picture .. AN OP103N JUNIIII TO 310TIM )�ork Institution for the blind. Me fitable; fortunes have been made .1 htg nor, Abruptly rolled Ili -th" lirlm THE HOLD -U. . was so apt In her studies th a In or es, and tile great yield of . .1 . 0 __ explain wily Davla, the engineer, ran e,,fa,r:ng . i� . EVES. . I subsequently received an appoint- makes dAirying a paying Mor tn ally manner maggeotivo of a . past lils signals. They. attributed Ilia *oeklng.after efreet.. Goof] ta4te I . . . MAN"S We. ',aoe pox-ral-tted. to make public error to loss of nerve'. I ment an (teacher of rhetoric, Eng- InVIuAtry, #bbuld )ti6 A �Itiido,,Jli the,-mittitter . of V � 1. the following letter, which, is it fair lish grammar, Greek, American,, Land is low'pr in a I "This comes one time or anotber .price ,than it puOurning aq well as a sense of the . stattiplo of hunaveds wrttt,2n by inoth- English andRoman hristary In the In- wlII ever be agaln, and rates from . - =0=6O006=0006�;d0*0002w, to every man who ha,ndles atbrot- atitn'tiall. ,While still a teach -or she tile enjosi over Southlern Papificilues Ift,A),ropylutp. I . . . . ' I ers througbout Ca.linda. .praising tie," mid all engineer or years' ex- C�Cimposed songs, whichl were setto are ,-'now bilsed Olt I L . � ` . I n CxqDown TlAnc.ocillournilig. I (NIt" Y`or`k 474 .) L "'L W- -by's Own, Tablets: perlence. ','Nobody can explain It and music by GOO. P, Rpot, of New, from Chicago, so a fare of $33 . Du0ba1r, Out., ALI 18, 1903, tun't it is a good � NowadaYi the ,tendency' seems to "Occasionally ,van read *accounts - IW n 6� to cut'down the time of mourning of how two,or three especiallydar- ��Overal - weeks ago my baby was 110I can tell 1711011 It wlII Occur- York. Amo,jig them, are " salie, ,til le Ito see the State. Th'is rate very cross aind Ill owing to t oubles Me, slightest unlisuQ, thing on a run tile Prairie P lower," "Hazel Dell," will expire June 15th. Write F, A. Or to d*01ise with it altogether. Ing inen.have. held up a crowd of r 17,111 sometimes causo It -even athing "Good -by Proud World. I'm Going Choate, General Agent, SO thern L"Llfe, Is too short to go, Into mourn- armed men in a gambling hoUi8e. Or commom to ohild-ron when teeth'.ng. so slight as finding signo.19 out of llcluo,�s ', ',The Hone n s r d consequently some 'othlor place Wier A corxespondent highly recommended . yellekle Glen," Pacific', D6trott, J1iJ,'Ij.L ; 6 'Chose pre- I Baby'a Own Tlablets, saying sile theIr usual condition. and "There's Music Ili the Air," in - #,he dead are put out of sight, and sent Might De supposed to be cap- �7�tII no other medicine for her "I havo known experienced engfn- :1,864 she took up hlymn-wiriting and As quickly, as'potslblo out of mind' ' able -of taking card of themselves." I ,%Joe. Even a father or mother if said the ex:Aravelllag man. I'llost I bI I a6nt for a Itox, used them- Opre oil a -.generally clear run to since th.%t time h1as written nearly The 1jeng(JI of a College Course. I , accotd1ug to directiousand must sity pull up their trains beroro reversed 3,000 of othem, notable among vesiding in another city Is not ell- persons think tlia4t the croly, h that I have found them tile be�A signals, so overcome by the unusual willoll, to "Sale in the Arms of A number or eminent educators , d eld 'UtIod to tjlb .usual coniplIment of up are aacking in courage. she Ifave, bevil recently advocating tile Iblack, since'pebple are notLAupposed i Medicine for a teething clithl I have occurrence, that they b&ve.all but Jesus," Her frtYdrlte hyinfri, ' "I was once in such a mix: -up, so i Over tried. One r4fI,blet every Other fainted, and ,have dropped to their says, Is "Rescue the Perishing." shortening or the college course. Pre- , of course I never -was very entyu. day keeps my baby well a,nd I aln seats pftlo and covered wit1r, cold, _. sidebt Eliot, or Harvard, beliavefftlint to know of the demise. UnoI these . elastic about this vlow. But I never I . circumstances the daughter says, . , sure of my rest at n1ght. I eoho tile. Sweat. unce, when we liad been T11111 SVJUNG FEELING. tho period might well be redueed from mentally or audibly, as tli,e case may understood tha real reason fortho 4 ,-,I of My friond and any "tli(W blocked this uray at a p!iaco where four years to throo., and President Uadloy; of Yale, agrees with tJIII4 *o�, ".What is the qfie of calling at- success of sucit hold-up part,les unf- . ave, just splendid.11 1had never bororo known one fits Wearin.ss, Lassitude and a Desire to view. go, k , ­ . . tit I stood before the picture of a t _Onto would 0 . . .1 I mart Ill a mask which hangs In. Mrs. Charles, 'WIllard. trelli to ktop� my engineer lost Ills Avoid Exertion. 'Vill, cut tll,6 per- . Baby's Omn Tabietq will cure all nerve Uo b:tdly that he could not tod down to two yoars for & Cor - I Ono of the art galleries of the Vat- the, mi,nor aliments of elill0ren, and a n :I , . close the throttle and we would lia,ve Tl:.ero are few, people Who have tall' class Of studOlIt" nd Dart, Ill ! " to" at ItIoure. , , I I . . may be given with abooltita safety to I boon Ili .,i, wrook ir I had not juinp- _. degrees. Preqldetlt Tneker, or Dart - i "Some years ago my buslilesstook even a new, born baby. These Tali- e(I tip �Lnd Sifut her Orr. ed th,o .spring feeling. Lungtior and month, whose Commanding place Lis I not experienced what is aptly term I L I I 11 Me lhito ofie of tble typical 'western IcItIa are th,O only medicine for elill- I d9i have inyseir been badly rattled wamlitI loss of appetite, toaciles . & scholar every one concedes, stands I . boom towlas. I waa Ili a gan,,,b I 1. yon 'I �'Ing dreto sold -under all abaolate guaran- , IV u1I 11171110 slight- of inalgestion, pimple.) and Irritation by the four-yorar course. Iniepoint . . room ,thbre one night w�li 0 rd , too to-oantaln no oWate Or harinrAll I est Ono that I remember was when oftha,I They all conto with the I Is Ono oir which equally, sincere and .,� the,sharp oomma,nd front: the door- ol.rug. Sold by drugglats Or stmt by I ning it night flyer on a spr nro banle,hed thoughtful liton majvliono.ftly differ. I � . _. � WAQY r. . L . inall post paid at 25 ceinly n box by I wau ran. ,Ing, All the,so Ills . -y on- Oil the faca of It, it wouldL seem that ., I L -VO- . ($ 'Hands up 1, w.riting dixelat to flio bi. WillIamw %trotili whoro I knew. I lied a clear W'3)z. VillimmY Pink Plile. Me I . � I 115,tanding in the -door were two track for five miles. rielt tho blooa, bra. -P, tip the nerves witiv tli6 j st Increaso Ili the circle 1, 1. .- maskod; men.and boithl had royal- Medleltia CO.,, Brockville, Ont. 11 . .. el) __ nj;'1 w-ts going at tile rato or slxt�y, al,ld aliarlir away .4, %I)rIng wearl- of hunialin knowledge, In Modern 1. - . n,P.93, Dr. Willimo.4' IlInk Pills aretho times, tile grant and Important ad- .. � I - I . vers In each' hand and were coy. The AVay Sh3 Worked It. beat tonle medleine in tile world. I , .. I log ,tn 1101,17 all . slight down grade I erlag tbe orOI At that time I when I Raw, O. light. In a. fliaeb and ditions which modern Inve,,st1g.1ttion . . w0uld have sworn that both of the N. Y. Times. 90 OloI as though it wore broad Tl;oy inake naw-,, rielf, rod blood; and researelf havo nihole to almost Uokl-up men had picked me outand ,ritr*ngthen men and women and IM course, you can't take a Milt," I da,vilglit I thought I eonld see al . every branch or loartillig, a length - i MII.Ilre tLo rosew of health bloom on elling or the period of collegiate I . . vmre looking' straight at tile, as UIX,0 said, looking at him, thoughtful- locomotlyo coming full speed towArd pallid cheeko. Here to proof: b1las , w,oll wq pointing tholi, guns my way. , I,V. Ile ooul'dii1, abd sho kn,%v It, . 1110 111 111Y trnI i coiria see even c,*tLher1no Johnston, Gardner study rather than Otherwise Is made After the guide explained the Vat- and thatlo why aho s.%Id It. It wonlil : tha eligilloOP, it friend of intne, leall- )t'rl w, ' necessary for .ill who would giti, , Acan picturb to me I felt doubtful not have, been necessary otherwise. Ing out of tho calt, window, and I I �11. B., ,says,. "I wAS Very II run NvIbat Ili older times would be &Iligh 11 above this. -But, ilia explamallon C,Ior course," 4io r(,plled. 1111%ve yoti I colild. boar hini, an absurd .thing, I (lown, npid -so Nvt�ak th�:t I would sto ndard of scholarship. Is there not : came a long thile, later. At the I shout to me, to shut 'Orr. I frooluently )lave to lie down. MyArj- a dark9er thAt we slial , I infivs0a spirit � , rs. Anderson, a romine, t , boon hinting -,it anything?" pritito wtis poor and food distastp- i . partlaillar Moment of th'I hold-up I I 1100ti Id I slin t off ? 1I arm, seemed fIll. I o.�i-o*nmiffea-mll.rowl,ead-ich.,-6,,I of Uasto aild superficlallty Into onr 'A I dlda!t hI tile least doubt that I "Olt, dear, no," she answored with . reach ILIld Uo least exertion left mo, oom-, -Ion and thus miss aciety woman of Jac , . lie, suspicious glaste. "I wav just think- ! to be linraly.Md. I could not , sehome�s of educat !"Pla., daughter'. of Re Of WAS Covered. Ing, yotr know." the throttle, tl1Ough MY life and ploNtely used U10. I used a few, boxes that finer remilt of tru(� caltilr(I . . 1'nt robbers got WJlat t1fay "Thinking, or what?" 1 the lives (if .%It tile pe6ple In m5l of Dr. WillinI Pliik Pills hnd ellica, which comes OnlY Of earnest applica- L jpmds, Westo says: ' ap I traln seemed to depend upon It. 3; tl,e,, I have felt like 11, jjo� pen tion and deerp and oinlet thinking? W01 .�m4 vrAitted and ese ad. I Was osurprls� v , all. ' I , R-A"Thera are 'but low , wiYas ed at title vvp,jr ,tile crowd bad acted, "Why, suppose -you suppose, YO11 braced myself for thn shock and raill I ilci not know or ally mediclue eqnal The royal road to knowledge 1 not TAoy certainly were till wall arm. knoir-thht I wa.o a blitt.11 7 and � . past-& mail walking beslole the to 1.11e.I pill&" I the place foi- antoinGbilos.-Lp"'41le's pothers. who have not at times an" deeply 1 od and used to quick. aotlojA %vitb Aftot pandering tha matter - . track, carrying & lantern, I tol(I Anted affoubm and sI pabi an only their w,pt1pons. I I In tliN clinvito a ionic W an nb- Weekl�Nl. women , I for several rilln,xiton he decided to ! nobotly about my scare, of co r ej.,t) Itt jimf",Ity in spring, .till] - -*bmeu Icnow of. I wish such a s , I , � "When the excited illsoustion t,nk& Ifter. I but It Nvas two days before I gait hoalth will be gained and inone.v 2--ew the vo,lue of Lydia E Pi -k- i .� �moro eloquent 'of Intellect .than 4eftutY. To the credit of till,# un- hapy lady lot It be recorded that hho calmly stooped, pickotl iiij the vagrant looks a.1111 earried,tht-111 OU without a trace, of d1scomposure. But these indri-cotim misadventures are not the mouppoh, of tile fair sex. A once well loww'ji and corpul- out city man who had survived tile ordeal of the royal limil.age an(t was gracofully* retkrijl� from the � pre- sence found Ills legs mixed ap� With his award so awkwardly tligit be, st,lxmbIe(.J aj1L4�M,e,aqu�,eoJ,421g_, longth , . .. . - on tho ftoor iIind resignedly,- . ]'fly there until lie was rp,sened and-restor-ed to the vertical. , . 1� 1 4 pretty. JAoiy 14 told or .-� rair debutante, the ni4st bh'44tI.Xul gIrl of ber year, and her prason ta Lion at court, She war, oil the pol,lit of J-etlr- Ing after kissing the hand of Out pre- 'sout queen, who. was taking thq,place of Queen V1bt6rla,' NvNpil- in ber ex- ceeding nervousiless SI10 t7'od oil fier train and would bttv0.JalI9p,_h4d noL 9. court uI whoso difty- it was to be prepared for oualk continigen- cles, caught hex in 'his arms. Not many. weeks later the younir lady .and her rescilor found iliciii- selves gaesLS at the so.1110 coulltr.yj house arid turned their singular In- trodaction to such good account tpat wRlilu a 7 or the ).Yeddlng- bells were set a-riazlix. It Is not; al; all Wo uncommon ex- perience for a ladg-relylitg on the usual crowded dra;�Iljg room and Ili order.to avold & long walt and a crush -to put off, her arrival too long and miss the function alto- gother. But at leasT one laoly just managed to save the situatio)i by, a tour do force. � .The draI room was ovor and the royal group, was prepoI Ito make It.1 exIL, when a sound of voices tn digplit-9 Nvas heard Joist outside the door. "But I must go IT1111 a high- pitched volee was limi.rd to exclaim Ilk resoltite tones, and a moment later in salled tile beilated Owner of the voice, flushed with hasto and argu- inent, and madn'lunr wa.� t&ward Lhex .1 " ro-yal leap. With ail encouraging smile tlie queen turned toward tier and extended her hand; ,the Iadyl courLezied and rotirod, jubilant at . h ,she had h;�i her way, evell Ill 11 ToaYal palace. �Leis�s iortnna4te was. a debutante who oil the eve of her Presentation Nvas slezed with an Illness . which made it Impossible for her to at- tend Ithe court. Iler name was sent I in, for the next drawlwg-rooml, but agaill: isliq­%vas.,41eappointed, forlter father,odeaI luade attendancelm- , possible for at' leitst "a 'year. and when ,at la0t thloire Veeiuv�l a proa- pact of Vuec0fii Lit, the:� third i -at- tempt ohs met with, a latal acet- d4gnt in the Illanting fit4ld and died an the ver.V day w3ren title should 'have made her courtesy to the quee'liI. . 011- at 16110t 011(_� 000,UlOn a de- butante secured a presentation without going through aii,y of the neeessary formalities, and certain- ly wItliont tho approval of the quep�n and the rNsponsiblo offle,lalsj In. tile micklle or t -he LI rune- tlon a poodle, which, had In some Incomprelienalb16 way evaded ttir guardians of tile portala, trotted , into Ithe room, cast ail Indiffereni' and by no innAm,.4 respe(-tfljJgl&uc4- at the royalti" and maole his exti tliroft4f ithe oppodite tloor, quite* Ignorant or his daring deflaticeof all Colin otlQuette. But 'these amusing; ,trIlventuresara by no meaus. confined. to the roya4 presence. The present practice to for a lady when is -ha leaves the throne room to-. give "r, name to an "offloial, who toleph-anes forhOr carriage to be ready for her,. 0jY one occasion a lady after giving her name to thle official made tier waY dowit to tile entrance hall, alld entered the walting carriage, which drove off with Mor. Site had not proceeded far,how�- ever, before elie recognized that the camptuolis velflele In wideli she was driving was not hers ttlid witir much difficulty *,ho saceeedpd lit -getting the 000.eirmanII pull lip. , whoen Little dir',eOverell tlla,t she had Innocently ,abducted the Carriage of a certain dnelioI whose nanle wa,.q allnosIt idniltle"I'l with lt:lr awl). with the I ' mportant rxeeptioll of the title. �A�Iipn *4ip sneeeeded Ili I . . 09 .. I - . 174M vegeftble 0 tuld. It W.U1011 101toNvou III allil r ,11110 sort of slititilere(l dowri, every mail In I I lily. nervo poatc. I .,msrd by 1161 A III that burns IvIth oe7eiuot Is 1111t I "Any engineer egin tell ctorles ng &illy Dr. WillianfR' Doult take J� N'ttural Ambition, finding her mov. vehicle ,,ilia Intl - inately dpove AI Ill a oluglo, 13I v, ro arlthble me id .04t, T er e3ftt I%' -11 on rom aft other elarkli d tbatt crowid made the game state- I monit­�Ira had been looking for it Only vusl9litiLvOmt it wearboss of the feqh. ,' In such cm;es ral thfiffly Itso Well vel"M ftfllp , 1-iternAlly roid. lVeaver's cerate ,exteriiidly. about moniontaxy, loso of 1wrve. The 11('rvp of an eng-Ineel. IIIII illplital Pink Pill,q. a Isubstittito Or i,4oructhlng plac saill to bn "Just aq good." It N doubt send to the 1PNO)"I V ,101*1XV11121111 (P-1 tt-011141191Y' - Well, brougham, whiell 11141 evidently boon hired for thq ocee-gioll, to 1110 � . eo roughly r6ffoble. � cI to draw. his gan, btit the ' Tiley always purp. bracing ail the time, PUpeolaily it 110 , j),, Willtain;9' U.Nlicinn Co., Brock" m"y litile, ni.tai. -%vli.ftt woul-I you liko .1 scarcely toncen1vii disgilUt of tho . ."O"I have seeft "sea where Women Joatorod, 16i, , � � Vdard without'petma,fient �Mefit mvAked Man Ili thi doorway had boon looking directly Into his eyo III - - ___ ___ - _ ______ Ile Had Smiled ItepeiLtedly. i x 1`11110 all exproas. We are On a straim froll, tho itioluelit we fdart oar pn� viijo, 01A.. 1111d tho 11411,; will be Itliftil. ts-1 po,ApqId at .',O cents pur b6x or to to whon xon grow up? Zolinny-N clergyman, o:r. ducal (,one'llainn 4.1l'!'llad been VOM - Polled to illt.var(l. who were cured 171 less tlian aml lit such, elrottimatances & mote 'X. V. 81111. I 91110'4 ""tit wil leAve 'then, tit the end 4X 110I for $21,50, Ulorgymqn-X*�i�,-to;l 1114! why yon - _ - - ftree inotathei after t4king Ybut V16ge- , � suggestive of gull play 1"Uld have 11 Pao" sald the sinall boy, "what of the rill), "Tht, I I I � � , would Mo, to I've 4.6 c1-,rg.VM-,t,Jt, . lily ]�O.V- lie w�1,17)pllwoi-4 �w faillts of ta,blo,406ni uud, virliI btliel's who and ffiat&I came out been practical killold.p. "Well, It WAS I'lain that theinan i Is the ghost of It finjolle ?" . 11 fflachI1141 IS throbbing, Jolt. I Ing and swnying 11 Id(k.r 114 all tile M- . Tho First Law Book. So!mny (unabashe,l)-Beettil,op, Olt- V 00IM's tIlrough 111H Own virt'de IN _46rd,;ehj=O 14. iured, - ho,ppy, 0.3id In perfect, health who covered tile nrowd eouldapt A ghost of a StII pa Hadly ro- plteii, "N sollipt'llinp; 11111t IN 1`01110 ill tinio, wo tire enli.,�tantly oil tile al- The well-kii,own nesyrIolOgist. Dr. 411'tll.t% .111411?0 wailM inftUq, a II q oyj�j- I alW10-4 flisposvel to forgivp thpin, . lIXllll9p1IP,!! 1-4 00 (11111141 Or 11110t-Yot After a t1lorougli troatment with. this 1 oedfaino. I liI inever used It myself '111 � havo,kopt looking directly lutotho oyog of more tlfiit ton nton strung I lemptv botfleR." , . , , I , , , . - , , I I - ort for wir obstrilotion on I'll* track, , -Ind (1:11, "ParR ftro strained 'to d(I - __ � , , � lingo, Will.ekler, llao pub,1161led ,,tit ftac.ount er t1to legialittloa prO111111. ine, and C,ot out all tho , hv" thInI to ,pat wl�l 11 I ennl,�� 10 fI thoul. _,_ - I . hotirt. . I - �. . 1. I . 1. . ­_­ ,qilthout guining gkftt - oftefit. A � iew ddads rieptores Iny sibbligth and '* I etito, anid tona' -tip the eptite a , � . ku, Your Medicine hits been tried , � lil-fouba trtlo, hence I fllll[Z ofiaorse � $� , . lo."Mna. XIA, ANDritsox, WN'W"It- 1 fen, St., 4"ItsouvIlle. Fla,,_*8006 , , 11 Wt4firigiftas.,offtbove tettivionlatorminygwnu- . - r1404Wd",t04#n0t-b#1P6dUd60, - .1 '.11 wlid to I T . perieuco atfthonY be q - I dwobf thp 100st noted woblelk A910tift � r' ft - " U lio t 1101 ?Ydf& I a vin-k- fs I ta 16 C0n%106UndWJ1f . 0, . a J'Allell trouble at 0000 � . . 9 tile c%use# ab(l re- �� n the orga"'1111 to A, hogt4y 22 ,hArimigd. * I 11*641111111"'. . _� along tila wall at L110 01(te ol tIj'e room. I knew, lt-1 bad been looking at mo. so I put th"I statelliontR of, my fellow victims &)w -ii am igoilln- %hAt In the nature of I)IitffN, Ili. toltdod ,to cover, thdr lack, of Poll r - 'age tit a mighity critical 111011jont. 11"o next dav I 1prt that tolvil anti tile mi'litory,of the hold-up grall., unliv Arow 01111 Until yolvr-q %ftor willen I war, wand"ilig throllIXII tho aft knllor[4�Lq . . �, of tile vittlean. Thom I ra -JACIPture wiltelt I'vealled It lllo�t 1111I It wav 4111ply MCI pk,tilro a., a knollit, IvIth a ina,4c. blit I ll�% ("t ( �-1 bohind thftt wask lonkv'l ttiroeily ill - to wIllep with alliloRt tho alftle fivrel! (Ilrekl,ttlef.0 AR h4ld thOW Of tIlV 1101111- U9 w4a In 11to gambling roola of tht) ­ gated by Icing AturavIlel, of Iln,I)Y. --- 11 � I -­ - A__1.-_..._,-,_1.. , � _ ._�, , ` - Ion, which, a,) far an Is known at # ,.. . III.. I '. !.. ­ ". I I .1 I� .,I. - I 1M., . 141. , A ....-. _.....,-_!!:,WA, I. � , ,: � - - MWANI VAI � I 0 i pre�.qpnt, wits the rst, nook ot laws - I . _. evel' given t* the w1orUT. King Am- -, ---... .-*­� .-I . ra'pliel Mod 2,25M yearisl Ik U., and - . - - .0...,., A to mentiolleol tn tho Bible as a con- . a.,I . - __ 4 tomporary of Abrahain, vo that his � - . .W.....'. .W#-%6.. Ao---- . ftatutpH Were Illpau"'a lip fully, five, centm-le.,; beforn the Imiris of Moses. . 1. � � '. I ..- ..--"- . .r & v W ireless -' I SA 4I Mes ao`qu Thoy Inumber 282, and contain ,tile -.,i i ...-�� wo-"_ . - ''.. a _,-Z "'.0'." " On 11 rollowing, I . I ;_1 11 �� �. ow to StLve- 46 ;P,c, �- ,.It it woluan viiio "Als beverages- � 11 , . of 'Cosi oil, :Pour rotiol A Ahosq bad Value for the 11I Paid - . ..... " , , . .. xl,g# 2 her, Y�le Aliall I)n thrown into water. - t , .4.. "It it wito be a svent1thrift, or If Will be aent vou on "Ceipt bit V'OUV "On's V410 otbI lit'glooto ber dittlem, - abd sidd,rebs. ]toll. 4111sband. III put 11tr away . = without eonilion.4atloii; -,1141 ir it � 120= 86 .val4itma rZWOZ od., wtvollaftd. ok.k+. , I , . . , � , Man put &W.,q), 1114 %V,if(. for no otljl�r 1%10_0 r I ,-- 11 I',.- -1 I . .1 !I I I I. I . IIIA. 1 , . - , I0 I � . L R��III