HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-04-09, Page 2. -, "' , , �­ I ­ I .- __ . WC ,.� . -it, � � Tn,=,��._ ;�,.-,����.�-,.�,4,�4-�-,-�,_..�.--A-�--..IR4 � - , - � � , k. 04 " , I N 1 , -0 , 11 .. � � . I MM 1. I . . I � I I 0 �. I, 1, . I , P-01 -1 VAMI �!0-01 4 A' V '! pmwpo.10'. � 'Molh, , mm!q­ 1. I . .. 4", . p� , "6- i . . . 10 11 4 A .- - § . �. A I I I i - 11 I IM � W_._,W..0"�8"4 o -4 m RA , --- � �, � � ­�,_.., � ­­­.- � ­ -­ - - . . . . 7 t 6 1 1 .tt,. 141 , ellanged lwd.v IVIII bl� (1) I V1iVV%^+Vk1VV).-�Vy-VVVWV I VS, $" ") lwmv- **`+++1.*4*+-#1 . . . . . . * . . . . .. � . . . . ++ ,*e -'e-'e.". + + + + - 1, + + + lo + 4, + + + * + + + + + or -1jertill,wh i­.Wn;l11&I o'ver at lettrot &M&_�,%AMXKft-*6V**SVV*0#*0V" I ���Aw`l"q I'vorrujAwl." t -n g;#nj4)jj4, GA rr I + �.- tho first PI'vv"11 alays (it tll� U13nih Is,-- 9 trful. (1) a killritIMI 1)(111Y, Gill "I'm FIGHTIN6 Off + $iwkn, It not (&%or tile 01tirO 111 -111th. '-d � I. - t IjL.N 1jap bt)dy tit tho glorld 011VIht- ,In I tilt, re,jmt of 11assover ltist�& for I y that Vill W % What .16 timil of victor, ,; ADVANCIN6 A6E. � + The EaSs +1VIeur Festival *0 Knell Ia.%;�. 'Tlut tilt) el�tent or 1;1�0 � T f(wtival shont-1 W m101fied in COUTWO CHURCH OF THE forthowrightoolM.' Quoted froill * (it tinj�, Ifj jj-,)�vjjjj%,. blit the eolk%bra- 55.1,17. Irli.-v sting- , AA~V�MAP1;W*1P#4*�,AA1 j , . * aij4Ktty 06CW&O Fr9a the passav4r-tatter feast Tralcod 81ack I tion of a we.,% urtrka 11.v�wiver as -1 " th Ili IlPre rel)rv. it lk., jp,ljj,r.jlly pt)jj I li,red illat Aw. " % - I'- "' 4� ThroUgh Egyptlan Costow* to BAY100dil lastfitutiOA& elk-KNI.y rvl�embllng the Ilel feagt,tespe- ff�!ltpl .18 havil IL btll)g. 0 (CrIM".. t, sliNath-The R. !� A19101 triMPOwK tho I i o1ally ao bath aro Ili honor 0 le, HOLY SEPULCHRE 11"' 4 4 -ertit.. , il I,,,* ...... (,rj��jjll �vonjpqj 11"ve Itioretv9e I tit vl�, + 4 the Roy. Clitton, 11arby IA�wv, Nt�w Yol'%- * 6-rijorati.ve piwera tit nature. TIlQ two mc,inwra of this I " ckjI t;,IIL.v till) Ijjqt 11.,t1t t�ejitury, and + 1010111n PKTO-88101t Of tile UnINVIOnla" . Fln-AID;mth vould not llavO PULAT 0 I OV14. is Said to be, Built Over the Spot Where Into tj3a world If On had not (111, illi -4 Ill volloji'4401IR Ill wullM .. I : 'on thli; tpal;t Parr',sing tile 11,041 1111 tilt, ion la notch like that of tI10 Wm,d first, and it ILI 94111 tll"t lilt" tori,N.411 t. %,Ilo �Vvjl.uept la-litron *114LN op.rvieo Inquiring , - proeea"; arowd death With th' (1l'11lV(*'1"K% to, 1p(l t Iq rillipz, ol. flgtiro and nitich The, ttuv-4tion of the 009111 4 1*4$- tit"' of Eg'NpMan go'l 10'em Ill ellaraeter alld Jesus Lay. sin both body JI -1111 VOUI Arl W,r I% not, & 1*41ter ut lbi,olok;x, but uwavam or tile rmist. wittell is ans' moJo ot oWervhn-e. The eighth and forve.�. . I 11 f %st tho. W.Ipnea 01 compar.,ttive reli- Av*l,rtXt ItV the 11MILd, of 01P 1110144ellgld, t%,%Vt%1lth %lays of Nisaa wore vonald- tilain." ,ill& law -That W111011 111W'd brlgl-tt-l' Of Ovit 0141 tilt' ""t"O 0 glon. 1t9 Wide or obser%auvo ,,Intl Its, who rort"m Rini io t1w emancipation L.t,c,��ww'"���.,,o,�.-,Se-�e,c.we�tm"o*�IWOJ Fill Its powor W the fil-Ot tildt 3 1-4 4853, HI -0 ll,bs 104d) Oil thJ uge limit ore -I of special sanetltzv, thus point- e ate it pM to ti 1'�br, of thkv Israt-Itt('s trolu 1Cg,Nj)t as the earta. ht which the ailgel rolled Away from th th,% tranagrPssioli Of tit(' vighteowl 4timuL 444 yeav% (till ello call t -441;f. . le, 91welalix aaCretl first -Intl Tho most eacred spot on , , XAMU111W to th"300 "1111 " kly Wilig". tl,_at ten twenLy, T1111 flrs� r4eplught �tr% on tho other liant'l, IlurvI.V reh-! causkN (A t1ill w0o,4110. t*,jut tia,.ys of thk,�. Passover. I I thvi apprelienelon L. mouth of the aepub:hre andonWhich law Of all All-wLW and 401 -lin ,�w 11,1. The church admOntshed (y. rig). jx� j1p jalpi ne-count 91luol; of one"a V Tho leader in rt4juirox to explain It 19, tberefore,. apparent that 01�1 Viturvit of tho lJoLT Sepulchre. About � door we ent,,r the siepulebra Itself- 58. Therefore -We COIDO now to the M411th ItAill lutrullity; .thell filul giou* 411a tiong. to WI,,jelt Wre refer- of al"llona' In tit tile aftt,rwards sat. Through a It j.Uk*.je car� be ma.tle. 11% none OE ti'Q' the Itostiv I to all elassca at luquirerx, ,Ro.brew feast of Pitsoaver lies behluk ,vowo ,lieviat Ayory to ao, and do it. to t -tt " -v r an' on f t JIB wonderful ohaptOr. ti. ,,,e.nt pe ,I -:a ver, ,wall chamber. only 'six - .1 con0lul'A 0 1 , il� N � rnt,,yelepattilaa or other books I I ,.C,lll Tson wjXQ in- the, festival of ,.,�j.s .r, ag its juinjedl. It illusl:4,r tile most tender as,,,soL .0fasalon, Itava . . %�jjf(+ it might bo expected til-kt tll�'i IW,rm for Its'eriginl, to the wIcked ttti- suggester an] protot.ype, and tloue. To title, hillow4A spot for lonV, � a Ikalt feeb lklug. by six teet wide. Stedfast-Ile 00ttlOd and fk'M In i if -_vo� llavo not a In , I'M i- I $0 I I woul I 1 . it liol),by, I 'Vj3QW1 It JU411 who fought origin, or tho festival tit Faster 0 %11110 who MilrelY Usks, "WhY do ;VQU tlpt* far julaY IM11041tious of thek'New Q-0liturleir pitgrInis from all parts of I f0rolshitIg blAeo for not more thMa .your falth In tilo resurroatiOn, W111011 � * and exhauwt- (Y. 12) are endeavoring to 4vor, 4jj,jcj(lHo fat, 1,,(ntra with a str4wberr.y liek ,treated thoroughl. � perform all tWaT* to the volulti"111- W$tallimit -have m, rried those who ChrlaWndout have thronged. three or four jit,rsons. From tIlO some -ew it), any verY s,.j%lslaCt0r.V at'- � cont, 1nqwrer,wboshupl,v ask;s "What havo written upall tile sUbJect. but - � eelling ohang forty-three preelous throw. Unmoveablo-"Lot nothing w,� Is 'P, 0110 wolli,411 Relit humming ilt On le%telt jaide are ancient 01111PIR ,hope of . ,ddcil a doxeu vount to bo found. A% It rule, writer' 14111I -3 r the different seets. per- move you a 1 U3 it all gilvill; "Illb and tic, must even. tho, orlpin of tbe� 171a"wer. and In It at ainall Inter,,,3t, tjj(� on,3 to tile ex- . way from thlis, %UwD Dirdo 'a have been content to trae,� the ltaw�* � ,sL- tilt" unluquisithe perscm -.vile tbo meillate origin ,at Faster, lies trqjul,j rlgl�t bt,ing that at Mary Of IlletolIlly burning. Oil the Tight thO gospel, whiell Is given uUto'you"' to, Itor life. , eneath lbounding-I'Steadfast Inca"R XIL'1�11111'011 d1ty whon ,,jlxo rvivllzoa that to thoTentanie Roddesi of tho fouvill d,,,O UOt rahie ;tuy questho hether muelt furtiv�r baelt. being trAM1,111 Ve Ilawl Is the warble sla.b. b Alwitys I I . four (� gypt, a eolivertzil UngtitlielUN ' whieh, tile pilarluts devoutly be.- positive, intrinsic firinnesa; ujimove- slw W growing all to a. turning point ui'�Uthe. .-Iprltw�tho, god,le,za, t)star;,. er k Ile, undt,ratantle it. Tjj*.,84� 11 w per- to th(l, feast of Kht,lat in Rgvpt and whosik "*eea "beeanle hard as , to the Lufgll- In It walwtil's Illo, but tile wov6t 1.,Gstro�_alid then we read all about lleve, the body of our Lord was laid. able Implies resistance �, sous ha,No been oddly pictured In of rM-Merodaeli. In ll,abyloula. eanitilla" (vom, her jwr,petual kneDlIn- tiest outward pressures and fiercest thIng "bo can 410. I., '%,a setilit) (town liar mk)do.s of its observanO%l " 41nalut illustraAkrus round In the lit- __ " It Is Impo.":Ible to enter tilts spot gotta Mllftnet I . Iding means oner into oo. oxt4telice or ­,nothing-lu- the Peen, , In P ) and prayer� Of the two an and tile odd euetOwi assoclated Willi J." b,jo!Aq . .1 to $let tile pilgrIlus passiounte-Ix onsets; aboul Used tor this eeremQuial. h - That tri-im." Think of tile two. tho reabit. rollvd HaVadah, or "relation," bL. . ~-o---.!-�4.--^ -main domways, one has been Ions; - ying - �. �, k"S'ilng "hab au'l la . a1tt1lon1't"h0WT,Q0rrd requi ; 11 tile du- 11,11,1111011 Origin 'to ThP , .1 %^^^ow - �. ." walled up. Over the portals are nn- -the r a the stace r without evio- . red a at 70 or 76 were In the'rillt The awigalng Of On cauwx there le the whole story Of fferlings tlioreon, - pic, wito, lreaeru name is the least 14%rt of t1w - . cieut bas-i.ellefe. of the `*11alsing of V10A. A priest of one of tile Com- tle& Olt Christians. The conversion at ti'm of Vigorouv usefulness. archer for the Origin ' tho eare*�r kit early Israel. 'IM 49M2 Lazarusi" "ChrIsVe Eutrallee Into launtorni 1�i litly in Shiner's and the ulibulldIng of the T110 talk about ilcllght,s or clill(l. , �, almost eausta 1100,1 Illid ,Touth is nonsense. There taak of the se A, L Amoug the other edd Matittadoll$. The flarkeats. 414,rusalem," and alleg-orleal. detaila. attendauca, or thel featIval Itselt. It is. XAM111%,11- . church, Ye know--Christlans are a Mace- that many of the Toutt"lle, end- I mlo�re lntrre�gtluj� thati, arthitl,�, are Igt,.% abuve 'the portals are , positive people, They do not live 10 Is ,suffering tlica, -too, but in uge . I L , , I—- A t, I I I A On tho tat The diff ant seets possess CIUMPels i tolas a4a unuilea 'Were aNknited by � 1, t, ures . ainty and u0upt, ., r�j JaM 4�-ro.'�S uj; ! ,6 %A%o%r.#%f"^ . eame) flowering plants ht mirtheu ulicert r In .An a. Immediately be- . live Christian aul'saloilMrIk's tit oar4v river by a bridge, Jjj,L� Ik�l%ul:jr %" Ig .mF%n^�^­^, pots. around thle rotund, . . - ThoughtS.—"Tb0 Ono PO110t which 1) r E, _,: atillaxIty tijnkha, f'o an to wake the prog .S L tl! the word Hebrew. iuvil&lts tic the I Itind the Holy Seputehre, to the Coptle 1,$ of acceptable to - lite Ili E,gypt, SUMI as _M -..*?t5 Isidd Tortolito varluers' 41&00t� on <-uterlug the portal tile first Chapel. and bellind t'llat the $yrlan - moet distinctly thO of the new faith more t 01 1pta of crala Olt L thing Ono notleea IS a ralsed plat- ro u 1) .Anti$- asurrectlop of the body, a t he inhabitants or Auglo.A ,Wit 1, ill the lgtllrushe,�, sl.tying tha Fgyp� t April 4,TAte, rec.z were ,elua,ll form. on wlilch tile Moslem CUstO- � or Jacobite Chapel. A short and uar- Christian teaching As ,a the f ture S. ,%It tian and pleading lWo.-e illiarw.,It, a;d lik, uitreot .vester.da7 . row passage leads tO a. rocky ehftm- st&tQ Is tile I' Or eourw�, tile Christatuls tree Is far owlug to wt,t morning. 'Wheat steady: dIano of the Holy 'Sejr.IUIIIN� (whose bar where we are shown empl,�F (it has been said that Chrlstlallit"Y' tj ,an ChrlatL11"Itv in I"UrQ11e, tl'FL ten Plagu`061 I x which takes oar- v1der tt ,rlie etremont.ti, ,s ,light. In - 100 1-ii,lit,le or rea wintior sellhir, at prf.sanea Is neoessary to prevent the I tombs of Joseph of -Arimathea, and Is tile only rollglot . jImt Aa tho deltzr Offt,�ra i& , � _ (,r t1j, L -in tons account of the body, or does It r, I l3ut -the aetual OrIgIll, Of tht� ChVIL*' % 0*'t"_CetIOM With th�, vlawzate Istipp-r. - 71 1--:�. aud 1,00, buthels of goose at J�,alousy an4 rivalry of the emts tr,L i I of Moodenaus- any honor, or regards holiness no tian. reatlyal Must be looked tar In r IaSt late inta th,�� nig-Itt, xvith singing 133e� HOMI-INy firmer, 1,00 bushels sell- breaking out into open quarrel) re -1 Directly opposite, the door of the _ possible In connection with AW Xt Is , atinjilty itself of Inallng and r0warsal ef kj�jde, 141g; tit 13:L-21 to 44c. Oats ,ire firm, ellnf-, regaling themitelves with coffee�l murou at tit,, Waly Sepulchre lap tbe . tho place in wIlIch Chrl y aafter of revelation, 844 t that SigUal lue-.(+18 to I,r.jkll. Ill tIrthtm ,ox Willi sales Or 'too bushels -,it S5 to and Pilwa. �, largvx .- 'U, .1 sumptuous choral of the all a pore, ii 0 originated. There Is 00 110111) . faith, Now that a P.Iaeetlue was the ground upon whiell homes a sp. eial lwte� kllf 112alath't"Ah's- Tle. I Thia vellerable, p1le Is Al complex) Ureelca� We .attended tt, ver,r 1119U. a pure, question of ellr,Rtl. is heard as th,:� waits for a ha Ilay dull, ouly a few loads Wing - mass,ot cha,pt,is anti chambers of varl- I function In this chapel, when tile the truth has beeP announced, var- P aulty gTow -all. nal,j the New St temple lm- usal,m are soun rtvvived, iand ,priees ilijell,%uged -SIZ, - -nsel, but lons, natural &nalogles May be t _ OUI�L ,_ -1 different I eflaxell was & y crowded, Twtaraent aclzoant lot tile last wek,k and a tong lc., -:t Jer , -led , and structure, * agined and pressed Into service 1, but I ttvg(�ther, with th, I.-ojv tll,,It -11(-Nt Stri%w Is nominal. lorelir� many or them dim and shad- i place -it were reserved tar as cl�se be - in tho life of Jesus Offers sufflQlQut Drk�,—,ed bogs are uurh�'tuged. Light h ver suggested It. j basih for tile nesignment tit tile Im- , year thi, feast will W e;RoWati-M ha brought *�3-215 to $S.40, and lleav,v­ss�. Iteason, upal&d, never 4reamed of I � -it tile feast c,tr 17,'seter, JeruSalcm." Xoj1jyvv1ag Is the ralige of 0 '"' ., " " ,;..­1w-v1.�­., t ­,... . ­­­... .1 ­ _..-j, �- I � the resurrection. lupd1atp origin t It is oil this 1, .i��jjt that tile t,eje. -uota- Oven though there Is no trace at the , � PlucMICAL SURVEY, ,toil of 1;,,aster tn the New Tes- brated tal� xvi ille ��rder ,,?t - tile , t1ous , elalebrat Wh4nat, wbite, bushel, 69 to 73c; � The doctrine of t1fe resurrection , w4ent or In the writings lot tile house that J11ek built"' Is rvelted, I- "' , " " "' .kpQFt1O1je Father$ Of the Church. Here It I -,I a little 1,14 tlsraell tilab I$ red, 70 I-'-' to T1 1-20; E*_rIng;. 68 to . or the body is distinctively a rove- ,q � . lation of the Bible anti Clfrlstinn� a .k puasage in 1. (orluthlafte-- v, 7. bought and persmuted, It 1�4 #_,�jtajj M, ; goasel, 65 to 66C * Oats. 33 to Ity, Heathen religion and phllOsO- is elted Sometimes as evidence that. bv a eat, which 11!3 eatk-rl b,V vil d')g, 370, locae, 75 to 78e; 113,v, timothy - Vaster a early that is t��,stNl by a, bull, etiL% Jkll Is Vc.r t6u, $1,21 to ;�M; do, mlsed, per ', pby contained- intimations Of a chriatians, but its puri;RL, 14 exact- t3rmbolle. ench ul lhj� �Ujjmv.ls r',�Pre. ten. $6 to $9 ; straw, pt�r ton, $7.50 . - future life for the epirlt, but con- I !V the opposite. .;I,Itltouj;h it States, S�nting onc� o , to $8. ar,ples. per bbl., ,zkt to $1,=i; talued no hint of a resurrection I tile natious that in I -ror even Christ our Passaver is sae, turn have p:,raomited r�rael and Wen dressed hz%gs. per cwt., $S to ','-&40, 1 for the body. Hence the dootrine rifived for usV1 thP- Plain reference is de.,troycJ by orAN auo-ther until at - eggg-::, new lald, ix,r dozzon. 12 I-2 to I - of the resurreotion from the dead " r,ot to an.v 01wealvance of I%jssover I.tkzt ,rvLxj vvill have m2ft-y tpu jac * liatter, datry, per Ib., 17 to I - � ­ . - ­ . . ­­ as taught by tliza apostles seemed His 0'la- 11" 9 do., creamery, 21 to 25e z ehick- 1, , . . . . . . . . ­. foolishness to th'a heathen world. by C rtlins, but rather to tile 013- Pl�� anti Mvengi.� thein. uly"'n thpir 4;1),L7; 11 1. brie iws�, per 1h, 1:! to I -le. duckv, per - , ..... �; _,r, Importance of ,tile resurrection 4 1) rpose to powerful enelailis. � ­_ ­ I P�jt r it was fturs pu I -_ .-t- _L tian system. $ at , __ lio , -ad be The clailo C,*Mlcettou 0, Easto�r an I lb, IQ to J�lc -. taarko_r,% per It -4, 17 to . - . of Christ to the Chris laid" all,Towbih practices, a i . a . , " atoe,r, per bag, �SX-20 to . . - . I The apostle bases his argumeot for assciver w t1w .0'. �pot �ntlended ance of ' * ., - _- r - - _�; � ht Ill tile P. maL 0,,;erv. w I T% , � . ­ Teous lay the final di8POs%1 UW PasSM,'r wh'eh h,ls AlWred but ��'A%4;0- I It . . the resurreetion of 1�11 upon the death Of , I I . , 11, . - It .. � �, - . , , - -* g* Seleds. . � _,!t little durin;t tit, tal -;.:� IL t."'uturl"?"g. I ..�, 11 - ., I � resurrection of Christ. Indeed, tills 'il ! - of the Masover festival. v I � 11 .1 ; v . .� a $"lya. -,The Christian who or Travle Is fair, chlo!j. n stmWl lots I � . .1!� Orlgv speeial irtc-rt"t. Tjjer,� 'Jr.. spmt� . .11 � ": i, Is ,the keystone of Christianity,. tithe at Christ es our t -P.: . 0 , , 'ov O_ ;� .. � . J R. , .hVist over I ­ � , T . - whole eystem . s -sver e I , ; P 51 . dwOls an the tv clat rentw'p.. of 'It. la$i jj%�- out of 'Atore. R*xI e4 -er. $d-Sa t � � I ., _� 1.' - , . I �� Blot out the victory of C .,�K I �, I..., ,� ,Z��r­*�,,�, 4 the grave and the I'lass '$f tile H"V br-1110:1 n'4t1rtjj37 Qf ll*- - A� kk - 11 - ` � , ovsr qn%l the Cift 4 pte ,-,,, i;'6u_-Ara. $8 -r,,',-r �bl�sh- . N $0 tO $$-50 - .0 HUNIM611-11111411 111161i $11 � � tails to the ground. The apostle "hoet. Is every da7 keeping 'cut V49ter tive of a, b7oadi,r ejtaraijutt%r than I,z V=0thT $2 %O �*S. Z . Z � �p VIA Urges tills thought by varlous cOM, - - � .1 and panteeolstal fetWt- 411d Othl'r c*1 11*11-11IF aSsh-Med to I-,. Jwst as th�,- '1\)rZuto Dairy Ykark,ets. 11 LUM1111111IL4141t I d 214 I Y �44.11 _ 'I ��11'�'. - __L11." 'I 't 4 '111 m are jla,q_-zover 11.1-8 b�ev trarsf,rna,�A Into Bat-,er-The, mar,tt, la qutet .. --0., - �7 �­­��,�-.,�"�,._- 'I 4" I t. slderatlons� (a) The - thoritle and I, "! M . - - positive CA the earliest Chrlstialk - _! , 115"i L I .4 40, .t 7 .1 . .- .- . . ­ 1,,,-,_F_1_111 same opiulkiu. .,%s earLy -18 tit(' tn.�ter aral titz re -.1st in nizatiorlal .:.1 jeatu k in I ". . ., I -- I ­ y . . . . . of the re ,$a, vith fair d,emautj for. - I 4 it�5 - 1. deace bf Christ's resurrection from Ser-ond venturY k1471. howeverot Pope tile -901119 %lut fM,1111 E',vvAt" has b,1- -L-haiwe ,qcalItlesi w3geh are� firm. We ..., I - I .__t1� � � . I ;. � �Z4��-�, the dead (vs. 3-8). This evidence " A.::' - 7- . , - . � wou)d be sufficient to eat -W-1. 4 it irl..�zm, - lwi -,.. 1- .. dt�creed the Qbservance or Faster Oil Come to, MrL-�tnndom th,,� feast of the quote, az jollowe. ,Fr�ah. large rallsi - Ill . -, ..., . ... . I _-1 ,� . ; 11: I I - "o -,- ,� ' , Sunday Inatmil of upon the reXlar SurrEcti011 4of Jetms, sot M,v-,aver jr, to 1,&, . fizeat, -1, r! t� I .. I �- � - I 'n t6 N., u"'N' laet In any Just trIbuD&I lu tile M 3 b. P n , IS, t . It .1 11 , .­ 4 -Z ___: �ai � N_ m . , tie world. (b) He thou urges that to , ,;%�!� � I I 'tszl, is a tran.,Qfccuiatlo-n ,c4 an iartl.'r to JLt�e; jaOoz.4-­. gra,des, rolls an,! tva)si,% ­ - 1. ,; �'.Z�,, - L�:, pdasov:�r, as was tile eltAste'ut � . - t Im -,- .:. .1 k - admit the resurrection of Christ 10 Cllrlsti&us. wito were drawli reEtIval. _Z� FI.- j , ,Mi04_i1Z11r - - I lit q, U."LA. K i Nar'll"t 14 to vk-; creame-rov print$, 21- 1-2, "'k 8�1 , 7,- -4 . T, ". � �-- I ­ - - �� r�j -- I � - ­�" . Arl 11, - 4 ­ -, . . from among t1l0,Jews`- It will W remembereJ timt wholl to _23a. ml,'d�-. fresh Made,. IS to - I 111U .11" �_ I 6 _. ; I 21 ,: j to admit the passibility of a resur- 1, , - jil ­. rg� ()no fact which UndoubtedW In- L �4 11.1, . - rection for all (Vs. ILI, 13). (0) He A . . �_! a., 1 ��, � . "L ,* '�F.')rvachW 111-araost to beg 20L1, lvL',d 181-2c. ... . 11 . �i I - . � 1", - .4 :1 1�� � then argues that If Christ be not Hoses , " , I ��,'M � � I ; _. k, iz3;v" .:F112.='F �: .1 , 41, . � -.1 i I . . . . . -1 . �. � . . M ,2S - -_ I I ;;; . ._! - risen preaching is in vain. faith Is , - him, ta let tile people er Zzrael g,l,. -B-,9k1,--Bz­11jVt:s am ral t -1 �c';� , *hi 1, _ 1 313 I ijac,lav,ed thew first Christians ver" r, Una he . .. 41111v NMB that of the I'last It I , : ji W, I *Z7 )'6 �- .. - . - _ . VM1q , I ' 'to k_1 . r� 91 ka;z�­ � , . . � '.,Ml� . valu and he and others who preach- , , - 'I -Alk n- i I.` I � powel ; on the, p1m that the,, wi !a�ql dewam-d 9MI. 9,-10% at 11 1* M I _"_ . I I , 11�� � 41 . . -__ � � , t, tla , - i, .. 7 � "L I t 4. _�, ilz_ _i � $ 17, inippeel having been: v- pn,ss,1ver . to reLbrato a feast, a-IrS t&,re was lj� 1--'� 1)er' IdO-Ml- k L ­ ,.n�� I'll, I - " . I - t��, st's power to save were �m L �� _-Z.,-_ . ;.. : ed ChrL . ,i - I .- " . X'2101- IZI, co. ��.;i of vmy emanolvation th;?.q. Ch*0w--Ma,rket tirm. we (1110te'. , I , .tit ",E - - - f1c.111st, according to Lake I .. [ ,Z_ � , � -,, - -1 ­­ . . . � ,� . I - ' - _*Tgg' -!,i ..�, false witnesses (vs. 1-1-3,7). Only a . 04�� - , Mekit I -to I to," .1 . % -j. S%_ L ...knd be mid unto them. With desire Pharaoh is rot surp.rlst,d. for It it� FI Is z,_4 -ie; twinst 14 - - L .f � ,'- - ,7 . ........ 11 ...... �, 1_-.1 . , -.- - - 7-- _ , . ..... - 1�, , �1_�Wt !. _,., � I . � - � . 4 - i I .1. :;� . I I ­ ­ . _., - it - . � . as% -1. -n Eg � .'v V_ - 7v, , . GV " 1, I at tills P, . -sver, - th,� sea.,�, n ,el a feast I yp". and -4e. . . -, F � living Christ can save men. He I have devlred to a, jA,1 . . .. ',- -W___.- ,,-, .. j;�.,; f . . w,�, " lives, therefore He can save (Heb� i . ­w��4 i. - 1. -i­ Toronto Wove �Aoc.r, -NDLrke,U . .111, - (I .1 � .. - - - , , 1- ,­­ F 11 - .1 �7 tu ,- ,o,�*"!". ­ vil. 251 (d) "Then they also which e " MxpeTt catCe.eba!".,wrcut M to ,*4 M - . ,�_14 -'--:-. - ­ ­ 7-.T. - _N . _:�., -, . I . ..";,'.., with -vou before I SUffer:' 111*1`1 the lsr,idlte�_z, Who had b* '1' '� - ; "' �� . � tht're tter Its gave, 'tile diselples tit in F_ -v -�r ex-nturk�_ p're,_,_b2% A. - wina 1-1 in aceardance With "I' IM0 zm 425 i.,.;��, � - v Ax. I,. - ;k 1hrist ,Dt,j,tXn fe � " - _k., , 1. , are fallen wsleep in C are ,.-., bread, any C -r the reasts 4.,f t1le �ao=nffiura ................ J . . _ 11 t4t) a ej�ptod manner of celebratlfi-� E:gypxians., doeowp .................... 3 Sa t4O 4!5 1: ... . ;S1 ,I - . � NR - .7 . 0, � ­ _w- -I ­ ­ . I .. . ­ �.I� � 1 14, :j ip' - I., Perished." (v. 18). Their hope for r 'i !s ., - �. _ 1110 i1prean lies the lrder;orWW.4 ........... � ..... - ta - tM A So- &,3. - f- �L I �: , 5RQ! ie �-_. Z,! 'A. " the future was a delusion, their tri - Passover. That The cereml;mles e�,nuo�t,,,I wita the BU* ;. ZJ i,_,-;�t'; `v',�,�wi, *,��. � - . �W1o;%,,,1;-t,- .­�, I ,_ I , �_�. -.1, - �tl , ,CheWt$*,1.'e.rjCk0d ....... 413 t43 � �_,, ,� �� � Me ...... � . - ,.,L� I -.-, ,&-. , ,,.- ­ _.... ­ L .. umph a fantaoy, Our hope of meet- -it or the, euellarist Is si elew t'.) tills ElutQberf catue, cbr-1 3 M to 415 ;, kw.y , .,.*-- ,X-;�.M& "., . - , .- . ,jr,j=,L,gtjo 'It- Pas-,v-,er way furnish a I 2 . 1, z 1 ... ,1-1, ,�� -�� 'i - -A , 21M :1 ­ .1 , - ­ , 275 to 3 ra �-:, -7, . , Ing again With them a dream. (a) - - , - �,, ;3-As'n - . �� ': � 'If In this life only, wo have hope -tvident, but ap4rt from the subler6t - reabt. There are several 91&ailrleant But,�terfcaZt'-4 fwx ......... ., W, W 2 70 W �* -, .11EV i I .. - 2 �,�*':-� , . i . aelu_- of artj,�Jea ,on the p,ass�ver t ,I t e da comman ........... ... I . ,1 . _- _1� '1_7�yq 1 .,- ., 'J[J'.-�'�Q.�QXV i �4 zy 4 in -1 I . , . . . � -1 ��, .4-.t, jjt.%V3 .. ......... . i �_. .. . 1, - v- � - :I'Z-, -­ in Christ, we are of all men most i , . -now in band, w*hjejj is tho tr. ah a- It � 7�� 7� -e i , . ,_z�-Z� tA,-&.-Z--.-z-3,.Z-q �: r - T1. 1W_ , - �._ - _��, �_,!,X__ "Tim ,,� . I - self -1 lamb and the doligh .. ....... ............. , zl,) 35� � Wt , `i- 1. . Faster it, - parz-le.v. the egg an. .1, so, - � A,; �. � .., ­ �� I . '�7--#','., ­­­ ...... t --' 31,0 to .121 1 - il _:�.Md-x � L, --A- rr -, m_ _.w_'_ '. .. _., _ � , �1_ r. � .11 - ,I :j4 . i mizzerable," most to be commiser- , unleavened bread. -The sea�on at Feede"F.sbO T -k I ...... ;-.--- to . ,.ii%jr_J1 , - ; If ., I - - - " do wediam.." 3W 11 � F� � 'i- ated. How the. Day Was Fixed, . .;....' 3ca , ,� -1 jt:a Arliteh the festival takes placeseems ..... :::'. 3:�s to 3W I Mljo. 14 1 ,Ar�,-C f- -- --- - I . ;kn; �'. I do light � ............... - - - - - I - -v I , � Hope through the resurrection of Mlo li-1,ing 40f tile dav` fior tile Ob- to usl Uz be zilglillUe*mt 4ef spriag, t,at L . .ZZ'I fluj.�-1 . � , � stm-ke-s",o7cm ................. S:n to Z .21, .'f � ,_:� " -4 -M,* -.y � t, _% 7'.31 ,,�75* 7 �� ,- st of a resurrection for all His r,,rvant-a of Easter was the cau-,-e or it was al,ot z1w ,-�pringtlme In ,"twx­% e3= -1' -X -k ............ 2 �a3 to 273 � -wi - jz7,',4� jl�, ,Z ­L' , .; . Cbrl, I'll, . . � �P� . - - - I r, ­­ ­ ­­'- lelt taws I . , al �' t-*,r,"I!�, I. �­-!­, "Bat -now to Chriet r1seu," .. 31L ,eleb , � �,-, 9 ". I I people. was - W,�,�k__ - _ I . - �r ... .3- . . - - * I -3�t, i0L ��c - , fg�r;�'__' I etc. (r. 20). The effect of Christ's N7 Xg,ypt or Pates-stine. it the slil:-_p. eww� r.e.-,i;;i-:: ....... too to 4 W, . i -114� '. j I ,�I- 't , " L E0 -1 �:_.,-- - -,vido differanc,es among the earl� .. Pt k , _ ... � ... Z5 0) M W , ,-: .1 �) , tfL� -_ it - I ti'll 11, - I --. � " '.1 bar- . 7�z,j to 4 to .40 ,�311 I , I--=- - Christians. and even n,aw ttl(` ROMan -QeaLQOA Of the first, or ,-TTI09, B -L 'Welbers..;_. 45 i).) to 6 55 I Jf ,�V L, - _U19, S4 `�: S� .... resurrection upon Hie disciples Is 11 and Greek tAturches differ on tilts Test-, =d the offerkig of the bread 13; NYM11�1�4; ------­----- ­ .." 1, I - _20F__ trated In John xx.20. Tjiey Nvere point. The, ,Tawida Christi;%us ob- ."I lamb poinU- ta thes-a being t!le ,G Mir,-Wl baeus ....... � ...... - 5 ao re .5 101 �_ nM1r__,�1_-_1' - � � 5 W to 5 ;Q I � - a -lad -1, pamy,%rd lamlnr .... � .......... L � A- . 14 ;;, -1 "glad w1i - ' .�t I -­ I n they saw the Lord." Hope � ":1 49�:� -- .� arror4lng to the Jew- fir-st fruits ol. the early barvest - ,ad .............. I 0 to 19 'IV I .1 , 'T Aw-: ,13��_ i75 1. r.-Tred Easter , . csavei� Paz Ix" �11 __ . - . I.. _. revived, despair ned, faith reasserted '%Ug'nt ._-_� . � . and L� brL bc,fore t�ze god. The egg Is Ec..z-, pe'e--t. rer vat .......... a vz 1" 0 Va . _ � � K alculattou of tho 11'a-csover to 0 Q-3 - , , ------ ��_ Ill" '_ I is,,, e, .... 6 " "".1, ____ _� i Itself and they were "Clad." The joy- ti- - , to a Vailcrsal symbol of lite, in uL- ElcZl- 1=4 Pl`� 1�vm .... I k7 ;1 I 11 . .,,, Gentile Christians adhered , . 1 uc,4-­fs� per ewt ....... ::_. SST;- 20 0 Qla ousnote or v. 20 was constantly kept tiu!t obsarvanee of that Sauda,y near- -. 400rdanc* wit -11 tim aui!jeut ,_3.etnm, - before the church by the apostles. �efit to the sea I "C "ng cemes frz�w . -ts. Rides, 'Wool. Tallo-J, L'te_ ow,y, -wl,ere tte teeble da3114-M strug- side the throne of the patriarell. A (a) It was a cemtral thought in their " _qon as tlic memorial .ver,vtlm -in e--", Zia I ,.It the, respirrettiou. Mae adwkplion Of tlint here, teoi !a an ind;eatiuu ol - M�de$-m-.�je =�.-�ket Is qalet at un- Zleg w1t:2 that O., many fijmps and peoulbarltv Of the Greek 'Church 1.9 preaching. (1)) In Paurs life it Avas ' , Ite the inspiration which enabled him to trals. usage Uv the r-_OmaD Christi,ans the 4original charazter ol the fea-st. : chanwo--d P.-Zc�& DeaLiers pay 7%,e for � t�_,jj rar.delabr.-k kept . p�,rp_.tualj;�r that rm 'Womaes voice is heard in ctarky %ct tb�,* la_-e,and century estab- V1`011 an immminatl-, a. lA the rua- N., -s. 3. greeu eow.v� 48:�e for No. 2. nn4a b:w-Wa-_ Miare the mored shrines. - mus6e, nor axe any bells rang. The cauut all things but loss for Clirlat Hailed tile, pvtuciple for all Chri-Stell- - to'us C"" tL'0 andent aiia wil Z -4c tor NO. 3� Caret% 4-101, at 7WO � Iravii'diately ,to the r4fat of this is c2ilsitu proyer are made IbY b,latlng and to endure the daily death of the � - Ma , - ad board% In a ilk,=, but the Movable cliaractf,r 4-4 o .1 that- as was to 4­1__1_it,1e:ix-t ed, llk;r ecm-& .kt coantry Pob'a'ts green - tlie� ertrarez� ta the rotand3 of the OD -OLeraus Wc an aPoatolle ministry. to) In view, at sep- . , . extremely -th,lx feast was retalued. acid *') it tte-N, a." 'o festi,fa"a ,' the -1.* c,isare" -Price'-' q;%,)aI,,hr,,, In the cent &ratlon by death. believers Were _josarve a re of wlf- .i! ,�e- ,*;�vrer tbixn above . .ch is ,Lii:46�. throbbing times linj 1pmm that tit;,, -RIVIA, Pa­,wer - �irbt fruits, at this season, an L,C-nor '� CcLITr�k1r;�_,01ferings are, fair� _E&Ins the venpaleare itself. ThIs rottanda, muelea) an -I Impressive. In the solemn comforted by the bopa . is sur- litans the patriarch pra,vad by name tiou ,at tbe, coming at thia Lord. (d) arXchrsetlan F-Uter oiftll�n MD -20 . %)I tte g.-F3� Kheva ,or 33AINn. the ocincr- up to 11 11m bring jo�, ror ,-%-,a. I, ar.cl ext:, --five tc--t In diameter. Dar a-11 the soverelgn� of Europe. Were the ,saints passing throngh ator, g,�d ct Ute urAd all, vegetati-)n. .Z,c -�,,_ --*. ,-2, .&,,�Ove this rf-e!Ont wau ed by a grateful dome Sup- ' nearlLy teZether. - , ., . nt. , ae Is repre stance. %Ue first . s;zted upzn tha mtznu- p�_ll es ar,, jj� ",O%r,,r. DZ-'eeM%1l219 tV,"enty1nIn`a stel's we flery trlalq, they were .exhorted to ThIe .year. far in �. X e_pg _ mod- perted bjr eighteen plers, over W1,12h reach a large chapel, tl..�.v af tVe. Passover 11appens on.1,pril - Ments with Loa cr Scythe itt latind. Z_,�, c �,,-!t.,�_7r�.e offex:mgs are - -an two rows of areltes. Beneath - patient eudurail0e In view Of the * . ,,,Xt.y-twa teat long and forty-two 1� ­ ef M -Mze as 1'j,atrm *rate, amd pr'.,ees ru!e Til;� at 856.. xvdLfs dom,- is tbe, suprauiz lobj-,Zt -1 " 4. lalid Eaffteir'ls *-,I April 7. TMs 1. 0mb!v=at., sz L � - . - ft*t wMile, flatUng- from the seventh glory which waz to be theirs at the h <*eur, �Qlf agriZalture. He was al*a ,-,.mAj_:t`> .�I,_,L�. . v-e�neration. cevtur.v, with strongly marked 137- "' of Jesus Christ. (a) Tile `liil� Vrr,eifj%jk�j,.. -jecordin- to, are a Vue v"I CLf an:Mlal Ule. ls,� it Truz, . 2M urg probablv tbe setia,enee whii�'. ; � , iniarla e urged to ,persevere In the P.Nj .-it - , W,,,�"I-Tr,,e. r-Taegr"t is quiet, with - 6 --al, a !8 strue'Vare. tWellty =12t!ue architecture. Dew-euilln.- C11irlstlan hat at - ' for �enunent.�y litUng that -sacrilices o.',- . I Meerit,,4j; %r"� thirt .Pzn steps more we� reach Ills coming He "sliall change our It is Exetd 1 ks=� -4 X the -Ll'.%,N Gv'", -,I neevaDts. i e, _,dvZ e -sr reparting a,-, ea,Aer d seventeen amd abalf rst el,, A --.; rct . r,,,a�, y rlcn- t1ark nn2 very anclent er,vpt, a r d , that the da�v ,of cruel - � Qlzt- tLn'lz C-Ould I* 1)r,)�2gllt to 14' "Ocil.-Gl. _,e f�, �,tle,a jjece at a e vll� hotly that It intly be fashioned fision was Fri � the first TraAs and ,ot ti.e ji ,lI,qy -lnki it that b_,i 9_1�. je�aas XMIRt f .0 , tz.;_� tLi 14--- for vra!iLtd; at I_z-*r,'Z for t,a,j_,C1kj,ng errown or dome. The cave -In the roOr described as tile .. , ou Me lestiv.11 I . I QnIte like -auto His glorlous belly." This h,.-.va bt,L,jj t.tketz in tbt, Cutartlen lot '. . ,:a::vt-.aPhc4. Pni'_ed ,sap -,re werecioted thapel In its present form is VIu:.pz_1 of 'the Fr1ling 011be 4�raal�'- hope has been antl to the joy and -way.-rding to Wizklusu-qu, X,14 _.� MIS, ueth_"Maa,�, ,t) -j Wednesuk-ly '011�htv , ,'ortsi., erle.I t;�e glMerQU;r ela was ;at jz,.,� %,-,k 14��. nz�,I,e =.ras at 25'. to -aiedexn. dating frzp ISM IN Tg�ae Iraditicon Is that this BrIttsit- tiw Inspiration of the church of 'g !a,r­­­ 7 in a d! QftC�r He, and His� d�sMples haklce'&Q� � ,.Ut:�,� , rVe. , --s:astr,-�as fire, t:ie dame Tell, 1parn FmDress. the mother of Con- Clirist lit the earth. , k�T Vie s= z that is Me pr.�Zr��.-Wng I T,a-l:.�.w-7�ie rpnrtmt 11-4 stead.r. �in an -1 Crus�40d 'C'le krt�'%D - br;,Lt,�d tl,.e Tapper or .Apkl�,r of V4'e.' - r misting: *ttLn.'1ne,_prom,pteJ by adi'vIne vhbr., s%S"V*,r. for. ,alt"'4cri�W21 the Qtva*ant . ,n�y Eazjrj!,- cq w,w;,L2tt� - r! - - Victoey In view of the resurrection. , - Va , power ,of thF .I j%,-n:,-rs are paylzg &- Ecir re -di ,red,, cLi PeL unlertoot the .P!'�grlmage to *Tern' It In one particular aln and Satan . +, Ir , put - %VhiZil U-14iii!tS In tho e40ii1j!MUatj -.a Q� j the vestib o'),tttainod in thp NQ1W TC -S., .1 , - a�,' -jo for raaeo. R,i�nderel sej:s -, We enter first ujt.�, -or snIem, wheresbe illazovered, nit onl.y t.,,pp tile people of Go it o ielr . t1ae varizus zreated sjv­��e$. M� L%L� i � d u d r t) d,NV r v. - � 02saj el t! ­m Angeli,;r. sIxteen Ifeet thq Ho!X Sepuletire, but _-Ist3 the vr4j_%n 110,7p Oil no P 0 S -1 ,kA r_'l,latton any k1ps"" 0 time . t3;j tz'� 6' . �L .r, salva.tj is I olup, t . IL : b�Avvviln thP UA-ing Of JV939 ar-d , ,�Ame a t, aast the gemerating pflj�cqjje � at 40 lr� si=z, lots- , k7ni =2 t4 --U feet 'Wide, 1lMn_rt1"tf`3, of Christ ; In fact, taree Oresses were must atot only be destroyed but Its Hie l-&ari=. bie,ot� 'CkdaVllaq of Zature ttse:r. extending 143 inflin- � vritb ==Wo -WItIlIn anii witheat. In (6=1 t11r_wN ,et the two thleves as causequelicas eta wen. Tills shall be 4 -. it Is,: ltMze ever ad tte an�=aj aal %qp��ta_,� - e, oentre is a stone sala to b that 1 .e1!.__0nwar& Im le, worI+1 Tize ,1w_W.rtat-;.-,, of agrl-,' 411*'� th " arcomfollabed In Christ. "Mie last c,k,rtci;40 t4lat it tb?re (Ivor was suell.1 " .1 �- .-A i- LZ ::. -1 I ___,� --- 7 eneiny that shall be destroyed to . ,,e,zrjng it j,.��n,,a L,ot 7 .,4ve taken � ,uA?ture, a S:� _ "�P' --- ____._ ., -----.--- . -I , _, -�vpt, � .il r cep, kc _PMg lu 1�, ..�­ . 1. I rt, I � leath" (v. 20). 'Then shall every saint plat"a on Pas,;lovov FIve. A% tobv 'day � rais,­ed the festIval �11 I-Axrwr el K_ -,.em � . � It � Pe J�aued tgain by chend jeang. - , amitng thoJewT. attd Ula$% 113,vc beOn , to tte firs" 1'6.'i!� � �� �tl or Uod excl,11m, 110 death, wIlare, Is � I -t- �V t 1.� 'V SC'40016 1 . jmpzz,rtaltze. aul avias, ,,,,, , .�; ' - - clarlDN flestpo-_?ed nlitil 72tursl?,v evonin�M,, -,F,,,bra,tz,I b*.t. tL,p , A . 1;;Odft tily �stltlg � 0 grave, where is illy via- . pecl j �- ., 1 -4>_1 , -e �,, , , ­ 1p Q ana ih_� ,- - � \,- ,__,,-vi , 11. T)zo inoo-rapl' bo'.17 (V214. 50- , � , .� 4.4- ,- I -W-10 tory?" (v. 55). Seeing this trlamph � , .,N �. - , - 11 �. "i of fte Pas'-OTIL't _-Cwlr�N"T b,y grL'lt pr�:Z!,�Ss�t-ns ti-ar- , , N, '. -�..-_&- 4c-- -, " 'nT4. zo. TL!s I say ... Thp apv"611:1.,x 8110,we train -far, C,Odla People may now by wilk'n tile fire, da.v 4- o_- "? . � I , �' , . I ,;.�\�t.­` k-* --�.,* 1NXHr.NVX1MN_1L MISSON MO. I had veaw-A at riatlset- Mlea Pontius z- ,rg ihe Image c-1.1 lib"M. ar.3 eltcn­ , � I 1. ,e!earl i- t:zat man in h1s pwnent con- ta. lig Tt ; , - -r � ,ill br, It Igh. �� ii, I . 'Its pilato teot tlzae matior In harkd, Clrld* � -'�Ve Qdlerlag,i 0 Cze 1,4781. r.­4t9an,2 ; !0 �, , .dition. calmot eater the portt 0: jjjo r-rce'-fixteu roltowc-3. t,^-,-,:' rca-,r- -, til -e fir, Z::�_� " I 1�� w, � L MT, 1*zs 140ca Tile exhortation Ili vlew of thle rwick. I �� � ,-'e'erral glo-.,,. 11esll an I M003 -Mau ,tlings ,oT tLe L�_ . - . � _n bta pre-s--tt. st%te e. Intirmity and r4xt.t�onoctarringln, 'Snu'.1-s. Qce,�ra- I - I I L. ; llopt� (v. Z!,M. Ilow InsliInitleant nit .1 A0 nit'L rer Fggypt :a w! , Isr'l - .�._ ea ily hopes compared with, tills! ing t,L-j Cbe'allan eatznl.11 , _.'�,Ma .�, d " �� ---ZZ,-z r�__,-, I '. 'T�::-r,-�2=,:L:�-,:!.-t,L��ir.!5--l',.�",.53-','F " t�ezay, with a bo,ly that Is frap - x - - - fAiat �-, .R.A, ! I � tionq. this ba-'. ,l­ei't for s. -n, raD eciaturl -a. , ­ I . - . gile . .iia,l & * ,,, i . anj weak. Cannot. interit-Ilts na- now full Is this liope of encourage- ir.­ tize t, Ld I � V �,!��,;:i t � Went to endurance. Thprefore� Isbo . ulrd day, U b-�Ih Frhla,v a � � I .t rxly A�v, 0415x"'P�1 t..,_�lt ,Uvr.z��.,�M � ­, � �_. . - � . $Ijr�qj-,y tjr,o k,ountic-d. an I [:1.4 ram -,:.v o-,,="_a.U1r opwn� a-o� - I- I 'i I , 4- w_a=en1Zar_y-A't-E-,r P'D-. .Zz� Itie � ture L5 rot ,c_-pa1L1!0 10T 6nilurin.9 zho ateadfrist'l-presa ObtAdily forward. Tj- V " : � L_".- - - � ; un%". ., ,,, , -*=--,,z*,' -:st tate : `,et;�4=al WOU'lift of elory." In ord" turlil 19 neither to the right band not- -t% t?j,�T2 co - __ 'o, "L:;- . L.��_ . '6� 4 .LjL1*jec-tt0'_a ull P.Iss;ovel �ro-a I*" 'Cr % ll,:� ll!,�-'ar_2�� I 1. . ,b I tv -i�ln ,D: tLa Iricl - .- 1�h ��� 'i , sce�pt7a�-,%ea %-.c.. 1 -.*i 4anl ;rr.3�z ,3,YV- .,�Sjd F�Atter is tlms 'PMWC,2- ba ­U from an. z=J b,,,,l:.*,-R =aaw sz_,xars 1 �I fl ­­-- , , �;# �� , !to j_* ablo to Inbabit ths eternal 4,1"'A test 4A ttt, lt.;Cpsrkulls -'MA its later "!Zat r,atl�vzo-�ig% W, % 1� to, the left; "unmovablel-let no. , ja -t:j�, ,C�:g:=­;, E:��_nz_:�ms,- man =-.at I* Immortal. thing disturb the qemlllt� 7t spirit, ".-T 11 . � wltzo,-Oes (Va. :i-12., IU -11 01fera ,M ­ ca-..'�_-A�, �_ 'tctro:�.*; -irgr--lent tZ� 4C-2 4 =,�O(je OT k'_1�*L'TVQM;Zk,. as a gia=a at =Z% CZ F_-VP1L_._- lf 11 C�j.:rg` %Ile rC- W*zdc,ri of GO,1-11eaveft; nilpropri- ,a *2ZtC - .�l r 41 '�� , � �,��, &---,,S 0: ,:L,L. 003,1zary �Co2tr�n%az' I "' - boAottpA by tills hope. llalwoys n ezrern-dntal e!ons 13 la b_-:ag 4,-_ap�r.,ea. at I..; �_-,,_�14 I.Z., -1� I. _ )efy erk3ed the klngdom I*Cawse He v.0 =��er - rh, - - ­ I I I ) abonatillig," ete.-let thl.3 hop"t lnr.plrkl . . 1 5 vvill. reign thera In undividej an,l per- -%'ith of. Pas�ovrr wdt Mn't-ratt'. -:�b'p to "Rz:X,%V V,Zat tt_�- 11,1-*-W�ir ,:,:_!. � � I I , � Mr,,3 -,vZ;:Ke, gaopO wo=11 J�a .a .11atinre you to v,our best eodt%vor to glorify on rest Nvialnesday -evc-n:ng Isr,4e- as cwmxtc�rikart *.,n 'A V.41 �! r I , fe:z-t glon-V forever.-Barno_& NWIthev � - .E.'rz-1n,an k ., :� -,n,4 P,_,�- -,:as- 3,33 *.3,t�A "�.v JV'. 141. . Him aud advance, M& kingaom who ;! I - " - - .� - Ill jftgs,�r,j,b.Ie it rut"r haltnes to itc,15t. 1. 1� ,�g Is, k -L doth, etc. --Oar ordinary flWh and ,f k TL ,!e�� a--;,-- beeaas-�,, (1j, I-' C,bl-st jZ.o,_j is b,v It,4 -very n%tut",destir '! r 7 u. r- IAM� I*v r.-A:aep. of tho rc-zat s ,4ac,:P:l:tpj g,,:-�*z.,�, . : I � ,e,l purzlm", title Itopt to a - uto �i, .".W, by tlzacsp 4� ) , - 1 ,:Z�44 - ZI Nrvo the �M-t As L _.),;,� , ?" � r_jt ��= r,�&_-�.-11 fra= t,a- de_'d - to t-orrupt,;Ov. it is .-lot with -mtleh tLamuch as yo know tha.t ,your' labor er itte rw�sovet wkth trto, tZlP,=7_14-IM xZ.4 kw -v ... . I . ,­­ ,.�,��N ngytl"��ng alv­a,� tl;;..� tizzlb- 4 . ,,,, �, 'U,4 leaMZ��-.- k,Eel) jji'�4 P-�=12_4&, �_' He Is not In Valli In thr, Lord"-tenlpta- , I . -Qjo� V%�1110 ewM 1Z3vCT1=g ttle J,z�'.- tt.�- a !)-,": ,Y --L7,:- 4:t �, , . flag.;t and blood t*v-lt 'W,e �eau be,�onjo uPon I weobrr , ,,, ,V:C! .aC�ZD . 1.0 a �'.-,Venz sa-.Icur ftern, tiolls to discouragc-mealt mas. arive, e�in�jtag tatjci� are. thr,Ep P-&tteM 42re - .tv= rla za ,.., an �, k ,-7--, - --;_-� , " , prnlrtakers a! IIZI JiWOt'r'dptlh1e life. �%Va)n;�l V:0 I-_��,:*. ` IL _ __ , ,F - nee: ­=M I- ns-ove, tio be. but $our teivard Is not here" when .. ;, I ,�V. iej. __ - I - -, V,j�atjmm-g tbvV_ =IsaveuEld Cake-$, or �t11Alt1o.71-�!k:.I.::g L-1- - I, t " _0_1 , �_WaeL ., L 3_.Luota - rC,a8t&3 - .-�- r -It -1 - S -L, k, 1� � 1� �� , C�� S= ot G3-% -It -is as pzr�,-er, ,m, ,,a A rjl.%�t,�rv­,k tilutil not Ile MIRII appeAr 110 vhall "reward ovj�_� tip J. UIA C-W-It"naa'! lex:StEnVes 1 ove, - � anzMoT tke _01*1L'9 anl tl.�-. S_)tib�lt:3. Y,,'�� Lll.st -��11_ '\�?_­ _� ato �y ni,in neterilinn 44 Ills work ezatr bi=3 #-It -� IaMh . 'I14 t�Lz-_, rasAm.'r �s 0r-.:,-t�_1t,:,B ,�.n *C�E� _=A I -Sawn &-K3-;;: an"i, even now that at's 4 1110 ;0je:. .11'a!�L16,, tbact, ea,=p'e'es the 491till W1-46hn 'A. MeGeat'v. = (.gg. 3--d to Itie th=d .*%V_'Tt��-c.ut�j 'taF c! V , 'Irst -_:.C-,� Cl S:,t_7_'s �"eir, X7,1,V.1 tt!lt K:er,2 nr,� _,-,,-30! -t:�,a't itl i rk%v,Pql,,d it Iq toa %!pep for hunian 161=q , .1. .:1 HS �3 a ,C.71'na t�av_,Ozr�!, , hom. Wt -That Is, tbo 4k" _17.3 S : reaiix,�n to fat, -------.. .t�.)ll'gZ�L�ZokfVt*3t�a,%" ', , . .S. ',��:m, - - n. �, an - v,e t=e �,*en tcp atonEmc t - fez . Z - r. a 4 V; � ,:",3 ,� . M , _C ,,;,. ens. vh,t�e ran 10,� W� we. -:3n.3 V.)MMUM 4 Who are The Virst '.\�ewslt-il)tt-.%d-.vt�tis(litelit gre�n L�erb. &=1 as lettcto or,- .t�) Ilclur,"X .V�vjr. N,--- , _ nnc I I* t=n�;- C T�� urso rad�sh ar-ld ly-IrsteF z Z1, MP CT .,L* r,, li t z% c. r r,j v � ' Hc-7t.En Zt z=st. Zlav,� 1_1,_-L,n p�i__.- !j;rt:4��, bailr Cr Chri-tians -.i__p�r, or ralt wW.cr aua .a =11tiarc �' . . ., ' -� a ttk,o A uS :!14w. nat��-�,,i lt,3L t:�:. sta � ..,it " C,,;Z. � 1. V� rZ9VP -�viszirz%�t,li,xn ajMrrze;J. v:�--,,j.&it,.s*t,_%.- the gtorlons "surrec- &,� thr n is rt, I J)lo by re- , , .=. -, i Cin. lrh"� U90. Of tlict woril -well* .111 foroli'm to U, 0 Imply el:,Mped tdmorAs 4AM1 ,� ,lap- .'KIT'It�ve V�'�::g:,on .1n,"t lt,�, V,tc,:;:&� -n 7�� tr4r- -,VL :5.' .-L .le var1leat 110,Nr ffollo.11 pt �Cpr^,tkledwitueltll!�t �,'M- 4-9d.1152 ,��l r�tl , - la -z �2 r -r"" -L ,� n ..'. �. �. I ". --.-,.,� -,-,,I � _­ . I- I � I 11- tn. �\�n,F;v �8 V"-rr4t r7�E:�n-;,V,a-,L I" j % k is eonn,---etlon doitv rat provo. as; � tIZO IlMt %�td%_c 1*11jeut In nn , lm: - , ze, mmc- E,t;= to tMak, tl M.t the *jpostl(, jj(�wg rt . _�, p $tawa, ttl. Ime !t,,ust rc--56��Ilfl U .p,jpL%r wa ol, et tj PIAC�i�, ana eviln : tt�st vt�r.v -__<,V; t,4-*�;��qg vrge, =-,as t_rs tn=:Fas 01--pter "t , ,fg On#. Whic.11 r,e,jorlrj�j - , ,M! -"T-_ V.�,,J­a­*�.- 07 c1)OP ;: Tr- tl a', . rmpr-L,41t,�,l to N3 oLve at thi� coming M * rws lap 'er(At llozrew Z ,.%-:, ,A*_,�:-=,.:,�. rrn�rns r'! tt,-. � , , 10 11 tt tt at twa 110 . It .��je P, sprvatt MAS n is N.&In by , . i� n ­_-,­, vi:�_.;i . I Im S.,�.-St rc.jdy 1�-,r 11:1n er L�r. k�_ It- C�ar:L st t_ r,_*. cz;�:r.M,Faal. 4�:12.ln C- or-!, - ,�- - (,.,T t"1"!.'-'. Not ata nsl�- "P -%Y0 "I'All %MI lit ,an le,arly nutub ­ _v , ZVE�r_-r.nj�L.�-t:&-_ e jl'.r,st. HL, [..T:n. 4a -I V, . ,et at 411 _V-� -. " , "M . I tn M ) ul . A - M�Wti�te iz=e cere=o::�10,1 L14 ealz- -C*L-bn-nZ_,,1 if2 " ,,, , T il.��, "IL." Pr�_�l . - trLr V,11115__%_;;# ,V� . _4 01, tt�� All W Qhtwjv,-Tho,:�� 1�,pg ek iUo Fn 1,,t, �;�� lmts�­s 0 M:�:-. -,1- e�' ZrAeLls, r _ 1,Alt ,Ap(.�r 4011tt,tt I r . .,-. i:�X,g � VLO Qr,� "'IfiVe "t -,Uliv- , lv�&Mgfteov., rublWiftl In 10414. P4 it-.,,,� ,FlAw.r et -Or !or." bez-,�Iave ef rcss ;��T Z�­.t:,.Ay c� ,'1T5-_,�!:,�,*1=:,, 11 '.i.r X,) 1�' ,� I.' g�Z,�4V - _W In IC-Z�" ' I�C�)'��j 14-n' . C -r �� , - . . �_l 4 1,�!M.� "vca cl�----_*- tL­3 :of " t* Q� dav of 3 , - , t, ! r_,,�nt cQ,�X -� ehatj,,va pa*tb,at thpir Oao of tlm I ,tbLN g3�e�ftj oj,*jc-,r ol pr,)t-rLvar0 er =�!!"::­�­ ,':�T-jlv�_ro cz�'It-,!'Zo. 1wn_-*E_V t,.je rag�=-Cc-'"Lcl cni -C I frat to Appoar lAndor ip,v -,'d .1 ,_ __'-� .m.*T­.4 N::il: 1,,�C-om�� '-pititkulz tztli-'a - tITA" II.Ml .* arrAal&&1=PAt Cl the V11"t'. I Vt." 'e1_AkV:�­_,- 0 Ir' '5 4z:"�CZIAP r.:�,_�t 1-_tn t'z� ­'., -,_U,Cjs�*ni:,��:�. F-Ttv jC-9=;z, t". -;l IVX.1. � - Ltng� ativL.l.ttk-onit%ltt�l%vilstx,,Il- �L�71 Le,-Agi� U --_14s the _." 'i'la.."', , _1'1`_:1�-`*"1^_ , -�- I 4k:-!7 -�7�1'1. Z-Z'1,i,3 ILVCOII P­­�, 1_tS*N;,,-, ,.vatc. ,--:-I ;:a, 2, ;�4,4 � 1��., � Mr-,. un- k� ', 1-k,N tl�t'l! 1VOI, *-.,4 ol l.t.klF�.,� VV ho "Atall 110 J�jjno'j in t1jo Tao nAstIrT C Ito, . � - .1CU"S In J'3-�D , T,ouklon Clati-tto tor - - I . i -. wkictl co ,11 -1 ,� ., t, � , bqr-1 trom the, de.,%kl. irviiZrle M:sts el! j§Dt--t!!k1 _nirtv'�Irltt__.��_� ��nt'_� ro " ,`�.q M-:, ­�,:�.Itc- �V_-3 T.;'��Il H-:= al 4:,rfCX=4, t XtZt�v 0- 1667. It 1`1111 1110- , , a - *avr_*-� r -n! =nM.T" 07 t!x.s- , r�N, by 111% 'to f0t the r"At OT r_�'C.av�,_trd .1c, T�,l Nv r,lt�PLS.-, ----.,5--i . ", ,,,�,,,, ,"� *I. TLYq lr�L,rrr�)ILJU!�N -T;,�, rior- t�,C%9. . C�� P7"v.;..1i1 0 - " 5,:,r� �-��,�o.r *,, t.'. :"I ta��_,�, _55 � varL:�-5s; rj An .k;a%Vrjlek%jnLNht_j�,0 a likoftLll. attl att" dr,bXing ct Ct� ErM �L�roliea ,,T Ff.', t-.ar_F.*,�7Trn-,2 z,.�,'f,­;.1 o � _--i , __�11­ J, ,- '�Z�. _,_�­ - , �:.-� . 3�1 L"; vr.-anjw�v Wc,v %an-1-ar -aZ,ia3`Int- tt'l %C,A�,- iz,4 not 41.,.�,uvoy,vd ot. q ogMa I - - %, , 1111"q1tv"s tolnlualltL to givo. )Iotivk� - lift,-�-J..'itl. 1�,lt it t" 1,11,�ZT,�,.l lquill" '�tl­at 1;.L%. M-410on of tile AiniAt lie&tj txp %_1 W,'nOLO 0.-.P9 the PV',A1l0V SttiD tlt.A. C._Z,."z-3 ozget 2ng=j_�_I. �t -�i.14�g'o,�g.'M,:�. V -,,t k�z,wn-,�-., Q�-t- , oneet. . - , _- , _4L. ?� _411 . ,_ P ­'L,�, ,I i V.,zi1i ifnrl ,,rl. -.N t U-titC4. Sal ,;'�AWN '3 Ftrz�a&i � V_ ­,z!, ltt-,� N�w W.ar* lt,�.,. ,��;I a n? =:j!l,_j-_ r,oc-9L%1 �Ia, tj:at, 'Uty. -It rw.Av. - ati �141- '�,,%�K:k.h*�tv- growhin oil, thmvq will lx�, 1�,(N Sal 71 AL 7�:M lr,��,,._-!,,,7F� vl,�Ar.-_ ____- a M'. tatplo 03 tz:AA "Wh 1--a,V tAIM a - zi ttat .,),-Z�,��­t !.al T*-:�, ­ _,__ I'L � ,,I �, ' f:R. I , - - * . -1 I § 11 ,-,, _0 nri% 1A__1�ajbC_1 , ,-I gr, t;7ay L:-.=,nr,Ay _,�_C:.1:3 ­.�ttz� , * - _'* %Vj�j.:'�k it �jjj I'llt L 1-,V f%Vrtj"(%,r` toljl,,jZjj1,T for 0:4 (Mt till I .11". .A:011 "I f4'�J'ttitl' . �. , - -, L:­'1�:-_a3 V­t'l 1-".7. V ,�N'�_M �t#_--:*. !.��,,�r--,,_.I'�'C3 T�it,,, "�Zn. %,1­:,�Siwz,4 14D'o," , ,)-Ott'. wt,10 ttc, tq"!ll1r L'twes ttla Im W,i -- _`-!,_-"r W,,etcg� 6: s._-T'%-,:7.jg. C�-% . . TqWrItZ,n--VlM1I1l% NAI � ao rin'tt. An I w,kAordlard,v all I I I I " V, ,­�. ` '" ' - it -Wk 1 -ho. .01-kohm ­efm� t�--, ct ttt,-, fra't CT ,t! -,e irzrth- i%ar,q litly (4 Z,'L- �,, v�%�: _'_A�',t,� �n le -,.I. 1­.��,i�, r i_,) - '-_4 �,��­j '!�:'t'_'�yl tjtt' ' '"'"' "�' "��A'11."W-"`"' Jj.,;�_ L ­%% . 114,%mi-onq venvornNI Ap*% ill f0ii(4,11% - �, 17�!52.;�V;,,. L�,.t �aQ � �-vo4-..-Il­- -0-k ­ %, , - ... - ; � - , - , ,, V'h(% Mr_-"�O UWAMUM,-d t1l.k' 4 t7�10!,V ,� r�' , . ce t -*- -I &,�._l '""r-, .I 11'_-I�n an.1 En t ,�W fZj�'q , 11 It', I ,,�,,�t,jr�­�, f-, -. Cy # ,;" , , b_tt L '. .., _ - ,::., �', - 'n I t c_ - -, v - 4 , ��C' ma- I �1113 V�,jy�o_,'%Ito-1.1.4 n 14- : tjDj,jV* Ao'Itirtw8m till that tiu*,. , _�� �t=:�. t:_,qj,,_,fL,___"1r�_� I � Ir . ___ 3 1, � �_. � ­­ � .. ­ l'10T")A8 wko li4xil lotAt (logs or _ _ ,t% -: -�, *,W,) ,o;t L.�T ta,, nj� ITLo �-r,,._,�:,-t::�n ,�7 en"It " - �, .1,14`­,.�-,.. C IL .1- tr,;keo. aiO o6ting the lamb � N- I t'. ' - - z 'A.--. i, '. ut il,"z U;,t,.Z- r-walImM." " tus v N. 0.0 , .lit 1111 C,--ql 1.A:.1_2E_-1.1:1:,: .1 � .�Ile '[1-117M 4VIi. 9 -'w -ten C! el thl .I ta� r,� 1A.- It., '. - , , It' 10�,.111_ P-1 0* t­,-t�, -,-,n I I v Q % V, �-%V` 'MM" prorKAU U%xxn, it) Alvo noll,�o ttet . . S te#dv to triter - �r,�ov��,?. =1 C,t [�,# %:_­,,,��, , L- w,:_­,iPr rt.`.,��.I.l ' - �,E_," �_ tl.-I'? ;�!; *1*1 ��t lFT tti thrmovie er ee = 't-'st tl�::� ;1r:n:_,V,";_y -L,-t--* trIt14'r --.1, f�,.'1-1,i'1,*a1 tl tT.,) q-;:1T'_Q "! kv-,�1ilt-1% , �4-7 -,:-. rr tL-:Zri....J'!X% r�wnrm-. 1� Tv_*t:.--;n, 45f tz)-i:, lx),'�.' nt,..', ill�� &.A Va I- V*.Vf%X)r Ili 010 tall (401111111 , � e � I ot 00 4-t-�ta,ulc,l af%4-'-tZn,` *+.1c'h the Mrso,­ - !oz%! aT tV%1 nn_i V,,,":,_r<*!- f' - I r'"",�1--'O CX1 vi�Mlla�j_f% ;�nT:t-!:. t?__*=-x:r�_��.�4�,:7 C:�-_­ �, Ily -tt'-ft - ,- , '" ',,.I , 1, trv% 4�::�,­,""ll, ,-�! " ..."ll. 6,0 i,l . rt�',',M1.t,'%, nr,.% till% V,&Jjj�* lot t116 Ift �4') tr L " t, 211., I=- .1 _� . k, - Ph'n* , ­ I LL, . __ ��,i C , . " 0,'f-Vv'AI,k),V_!,.� *M,�a ,�t% - qytr4sr ful ,% nit�diuul fol, b.tivottisin"t I-tM ot rLn rg�q)t. F,ten titt C1t!tfttn tW,%-:1 t,__q.�In I tl�� ,r_ta=.-__,,; s- _;�--), 1 Y?Iqo�ta-�I,,� -,.y ,�': r -'KZ. 11uNN aq a'I �,-nw­�.,n..,,,l takeol P*rt in 1!:�,,�ee�ralt,,t�� rzt tte ",,#r(, It* st':l a,*t�Alte-? tt.'�.­M - n �_'.) " �j'�' %�40 ^49 t 1.7-1 t i7,w e- n tLr'-,t5 C T?Jl`l0kTC* '1*4'� IF.7.2-jK-Z-:�lv %�O rl-110M I C'Ati.. tl� %-'M,,4g-,f,_T�2:, *j;,��,..%-y "jN'.r ,,�V,Ijjt',t�jlly jj,V"tjj,AA j,(Vkr,jjlked. *,, lz.. Ingrat A lrm,l" W� t o. reai a ry, r- !,%,4,�. C 1.1* Z9 4,,-tftlowt,�z:n, 4X?v f-tv bk5at!�k� 1�lT lmo r,t *ji!,A** *_`g1'.t � dedtb *M," Wan. a-�"Fal%� srl.&N all �_"M'L% =1 i%e ST-aw, %;.! to, lt, m- I&JI. jjtftjkj. � --Do&. - 1* w fitui .,joiaco in the Nil. V1 ex- Ditenco ug' wo-H. The crowning ' 0.111ty of youth Ili that R L'I youth, u t if opplo and 1wach. trae,i blooll. etl it tlico year round, what ,should we o for the fruit ? ,,AoL-wali your part -there all the Onor 14013,!' Alld 00, thAt 4PP.'X1(1$ ro, than a woman lite-; to con. ajo� Dut lot us be boAwt with urselves. A picture liat only calla ttoltion to the sparso hair, airl a Ink waist olupbaelzeu the faotthAt -i,W- he alw1a blo%50M tint's 114yo WIWI, � t iv better alwaya to took 11k,3 a qll preserved old woman than q. nuph 4amaged young; womau. The greatest alle to lire -.4re, pro- lor food and proper exercl-3% with roper -steep. A man of 63 with the top of a boy, %sald "The price of uppleness Is eternal exerelm" Tile ,re , .atest enemies to lite arer ruk;t inil worry. You combat rust -wIth ,% Obby, and by tho wlsdoux- or living Ono aaiyi at'a time, you. dulat worry, 40ch absorbs so mucli of th,� Am- winaii vitalltn You have hearriot ffii) old woman who had ifirco .Rate glaasois whIcb, she called her 11ur off,%" her `�naediums�' and hpr 'nigh toots." TILe, Inot she need to 10 tor fine wotkand her reading, .%n(I wa need 4,ba 11nigh, tooI,e'for(t.hqwovk of OJAI agp.-Marlon Harland. . . HER LIVELIHOOD. L Vnun- Woman Witbant Resource AV116 7111111Md Chance lit XeelctiLs, A young woman Who ,Dow lives in 3oston bas decided tlj(4t It Is not so iard after all to ma,ke, a livelihood, ---,w ?ro,*,Idod good lookq. tact and pro- . , matable, olortbee be assets at tbe Rtart. , I .- . Two years ago she Was left alone Ltd pemulless by her fathar,g Ileath. He left nothing. to her Eave -her edu- , .atlon mud looks and a fair wardrdb:-, Ia her need klie took- counsel with a vroman acquaintance upon whose ad- vice islae, knew she could depend. . "Ta me what to do,' sald she. . Tpe, elder Woman assured her that thwre must ba kometlitaig that, -.vojill fit her ability a -lid told her to Wait n, day or so; sbb needed time, t,he sald, to, think it over. When the young wo . man Called two dayiu later liar &Irlcpd -said teltimph- axtly: "I have thought it all out for you. Come along." They went to a Wholesale hour,t,t. where two dozen men's cravats of fine quality and make were pur- chaxed. The bill was, guaranteed by the elder womao. and the 'younger One started out to fell them. Her method Was a simple one. and her tact and good mantlery ,wero grrmt aids. Offices were visited and the neckwear sold Eke hot cakes, Men " exclaimed " her wares Were- dIs- Played that it was just what they had been in need of but bad not hail the time to hunt for. She niet ulih come uuple.want expvriences, but her ,good aeu-se got liar out of such diffl- oultlep. Her first 'lot of two iaozen warfs wa-s disposed of on the second day of her venture, and. the wholesuleeti bill .settled that afternoon. 4rhe iiet profit on the lot ww !�,�U. A lriieowl lot W&S immediately purellaw, and She k4ol-1 it more readily than tit,) . � first as It or experlence increast-A 1`0ur months later she was mom- 11la-li $1,000 ahea-4 of W -v ez,panso-4. Tht� Men or in.Uing a permanent thin,- of the fine eravat busme" th� n acel-rred,to her, ttlzj '012 determine 1 to ictira the,detalls of their manu- fatture. She obtflAned a, place. as a finlidtlug Italia in IL large rh,,to.�y ill .New Tork. and worked hard. for six months 1�arnlng tho details of tht- business. She received wages at ,'*3 a Weak throughout thWapprenticeship. Sho left t1ills place thou anti opened a eniall ractor,y of her own not far front Washington. Squnrv�, and wa!i so isuceessfis' that alto Was enabled & yma, later to Open a ratich larger establishment tn Bogton. She raw lives there and Owns a lucrative busi- um,; which promiscs, ovpntaiaily� to ylk,lil her a. fortuoe.-'�Xew. I-ork Sun. She Illaolk 'IlLaWs 11-lardest. Tkike up the black nil'i's burdna! elilld of nit allon blood, Dr.V0,er or AlbU's water and bewzr of Aft's wood, Prom. tIm Phoreg of tlm blue� Zambesi to the roam or the flarther end 7-m,y need the sweat of the blaelk maift brovr for tht3 whitz man*a dividerO. 11Y tho -dre.W at the - sellmw Peril, b"", thts vlalig or tilo seventh sea. Ds tile godly Mut anA the royal runt ot t1lit rato tbat get you tree, Wbtrev��r t1le red rod glittece, wher- t'V(1r iliedianiond slilnes. GO forth, upon compulsion, ailid lalior. In tho 1111120a T110 IVIU&I at the, ,,weigt have heard It. tilt ttars of the -socith replied, When 06 lordq or tha ontef In-trehr-8 . went forth. on a Itnitle-tia eld,,. 'MiAt tilt% Wn of the s**tthy Xaftir N�), must w4ro from 413 IdIV3 e1&P IN' thO 10n,� gta,y m6ther e-alig for toil, and thc% Lor,1 has m%lo it ehmp� � I . . I % I 0,qt(,r-'1 ons tit the t'ljjpj,kc%, 'top�tr4s of ill(% llxalzt-d italroo, nills i,'4 th(� law tjle� Ittotl1c.r r�jljkp,K . antl 14or ,;*O,r�j skjjft�j Provo a. trao. -, "NYAWW'VICT thkl 1*11 go'.,1 jCltt'.V��. VeMINIVOr tb�t lkt4th,�m4j sblnts:�. TW,,(� 110 Mv bllvek laalt's lbardonsana lalmr In 1'1,Dt­jjjjnf,mt,1ll -l"Oudion IS'p�11c."". .___ ___ vvwwa 41011", i"ab wviT bo. Aina').",%. %�,0,10k�tl.v Is 10s, a hard-b"CoAl rgg. '%b toftbvtoncl never suys mp�vi i'Mrs" nbout tht, aavt wlws down. IFIJ ��.