HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-04-09, Page 130TH YEAR, N0. 32. , ti wINGRA31, ONTARIO APRIL 9 190-01 1.0o PER YE.iaR _ .. ...y� ...z-_�. Easter j Councillor Dutuiage removed last Milliner , Concert. Sans#actalry. $Old, D0 �1�I0BANK week ko rho residence he purchased Read Mrs. Green's advG, an pageThe Junior League of the Methodist In a cmual conversation with Mr, The Congregational church property 1911 from M. H. Ma1t1410,1, The property eight of (his ies'ue, She offers bar. Church gave a very foteresting pro- James Walker of town, recently, the an the corner of John anCentre B��� �� RMILTONis a fine one, and we wish Alar, Dul• d gains in millinery, trimmings, etre. gram at their Easter scoter, an Tues. question of stoves carne up. Mr. Wal- streets has been sold ria Mi•. Thomas mages and family ninny years of enjoy da evening, merit in their comfortable home, Mr, Clinton Accident. y g, consisting of recitations tree informed the Advance that he had Taylor. If we are correctly informed W i N G IAM. (paid up) - $2,940,000 ptllmage has sold his property on Clinton, Out., April 3. -.During a and music, The yating people did been using a Crown Huron range, as to the selling price, $1,009, Mr. Tay - Capital ca tial aid n M Reserve (and rntdtvid- 3 26Q Catharine street to Me, Kerslake, fire lastuvening, and. while two teams i themselves credit, and report cash re- manufactured in Winghain, and bad for has a bargain. The tot Is worth p p p;2'�'�• Re0erve,$l,W0,s0 cd profits) $ t r ceipts of over $20 to aid thein in pay, found it satisfactory in every respect, half the money, and the flooring and J. TURNBULL, General Manager. Canadian cheese as quoted on the f t e racing to the flee steamer, one ing the balance of the Junior League's Since October last be had used just other inside fiuishings are worth con. Presidont--John Stuart q of thew collided at the corner of the ' English markets at 70 shilling's per Town Hall with ahose cart drawn by subscription to the new church, The three tons of coal, This shows that siderable at the present price of lust- Vice•Prseidenlc Ale 0.J. Tu Turn Farmers Notes discounted. cwt., the highest price that has ob- hand. Charles Carter lvaa struck and Juniors are doing their part excel- the stoves manufactured by the Wes- bar, beside the stonework and brick, DIRECTCIta:--Jahn Proctor Wm. Gibson, Drafts sold on all Hints in Can- tained in twenty years. The choicest lently. tern Foundry Co, of Wingham are Geo, Roach, A. T. Wood, A. B. Lee (Toronto) p P y thrown against the, esu, and badly giving satisfaction. FOR SALT -Q quantity of seed pots- Savings Bank hours to to s; Saturdays io to i ads, the United. States and Europe. quality of white and colored Canadian brnisPd, and possibly sorne ribs broken Headquarters for the beat seeds at g toes, at a reasonable price. -Apply to Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Int. cheese advanced three shillings pax, T. A. Mills.' A. Fox, Whitechurch. i; P ' and injured fntct'•ually. One of the SLIPI'EIts.-A pretty always orestallowedacdoomputedonl0thldovember SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. cwt, last week. First quality New horses struck the ton uP of rho hose dresses the forst daintily, See the new t and 3lstMa each year. and added to principal Zealand cheese noted a 0 g Milliner 0 Opening. Deaths Inroads. Special Deposits also received at current uptlarere riallowed la d don deposits p osi paof3$1,00 and q t 9 shillings. cart which pierced its side, breaking In order to avoid the rush of ,boss styles at W. J. Greet s, rates of interest, A few weeks ago Mr. Kinsman of Drafts on Great Britain and the United and 31st December each year, PRIVATE SALT; ov FunNITult% some t'ibs and perforating bowels and who are merely sight•seersatmillinery Annual Meeting. town, was called to the funeral of a States bought and sold. Until the 18th of April, I will sail lungs• brother who resided at MooreReld. 10 1'• DrorrriisoN, 9oitoltor. A GIBBON Manager privately at my residence, Leopold $t openings, Mrs. Aley deferred her dis• The annual meeting of the Wing- • r g all my household furnishings which Seed peal=, without bugs at T. A. Play until Friday and Saturday last, ham Baptist church was held on Tues- Last week, lust two weeks after the W, CORBOULD Agenb are of good quality and nearly new,_ Mille • and is well satisfied with the results, da evening, and the atnnual report burial of relative Referred to, Mr, Travellers are notified that the Bank of R, Vanstone, Solicitor Mrs. T. J. Maguire. y g' P Hamilton and itsBlauchoaissue Circular rateq g Fox, &MR, -Three bu - Her shop was ver prettily decorated, presented `a ver satisfactory state. Kinsman was summoned to the death of the National Provincial Bank of England ggies,one new P y P Y y y bed of his onl ]Ltd.) which can 'be cashed without charge or Mason keeps the largest stock of aloe two cutters, one nearly new ; and the stock very tastily displayed. merit of the finances, The general y remaining brother, a trouble in any part of the worio NEW ADVTS. School Snpplies for the opening, -Send "o11e4' harness, etc, Apply to Olyme She is grateful for the patronage affor. fund shows an expenditure of $"x59.21, respected resident of Exeter. The Ex - the children. Ainguiro, Real Estate Agent, ded her in the past, and still extends On the repair account, $447,25 was eter Advocate says; -"One after anoth. a Holiday Wear, -Crowder Co. What A Hog I the invitation to call and see her stock, expended, all of which was reported er veterans of Exeter's business circle „ which comprises the latest design- in paid except about $60, and since the are departing from amongst us )eav- 64 HOWARDS ® � Hardware, -W. T. A. Fis111ei h. A recent news item says:- A P g P g , j� F Thanks. slaugbicred near Kaladar, in the bro- spring and sunimer wear, report was issued, this balance on Ing only the lustre of their untarnished Spring Bargains. -D. M, Gordon. ,miss Scott of Belgrave was kind ken countrybetween Peterboro and the debit aide has been wiped out, so names and the example of their public Cornelian Glassware,-Tudhope's. WANTED -Gaud strong boy to learn that the church begins the fiscal year and private lives for the guidance and enough to fears the Advance a ]stege Smith's Fulls hada 200 old nu Steel Range -making trade. -Western g� Y g EMULSION OF COD LIVED OIL A Bicycle Bargain. -Cooper & Co, basketful of very choice apples. They in its till -oat. There will be a rush u h Foundry Co., Ltd, g with a clear sheet. The total amount emulation of the younger generation. Bat -gains in all Lines. -Derr Bros. were much appreciated, and so was now to discover the unknown mine in raised for all purposes was $1,215,3$, This week it becomes our duty to re- With "Acidulated Glycerine" High Grade Work. -W. J. Elliott. The Census. nearly $350 more than in the previous cord the death of Henry Kinsman, L. g the kindness that prompted the sea- which the deed porker made such a What is the Good.-Homuth Bros. sonable remembrance of the editor's valuable find." Well, if this is actually The total cost of taking the census year,, The Deacons are -Wm. He. D. S„ whose sudden death came as a �j r New Spring Clothing.-Isard .� Co. family, 01' 1901 in Huron county was $6,569,17- mat, A. Felly, J. P. Wellwood, W. shock to his many friends, on Sundays �� Coughs and Cods To Creditors.—Dickinson & Holmes. 5 tens, it is not the first time gold has fart of the distribution was as fol- last at the a In Hos been in the possession of a hog-Lhere J. M:Lilagh and P, Heller. The church age of 71 years and 3 Millinery Opportunity -Mrs, Green, Hospital. lows :-Howick-S, Vogan $t)6.10, J. has evident] prospered under the months. The deceased was a victim of Will. Sc a Wingham boy, who are others, But perhaps this oneswal- Scott $77.20, W."A, Irwin 67.95, J, y p P an internal lowed some persons brass kettle. $ pastoral care of Rev, J. J. Patterson: growth, which had given -- - had his arm very badly scalded last Wilson $.71.20, J. W. Edgar $112.75, J. hint considerable trouble and for summer while acting as waiter on one Killed. Gibson $68.20`, Morrie -A, W. Sloan Death. which he had been operated on soiree Contains 50 per cent. Pure Norwegian �I of the 0. P. R. lake steamers, is note The following has reference to a $09.50, J. McDonald $54.75, G. Hood Une by one, the aged residents of time ago, brit no arson aver thought Cod Liver Oil: contains to per cent. P g' Pure Glycerine. A wonderful flesh in Owen Sound hospital. It appears brakeman, who for some time ran on $59.20, J. Sherrie $$53.10, W. Isbister this locality are leaving for their long the end was so near, in fact he was on producer. weigh yourself today and that the arm has never healed proper- the London freight from Wingham, $58 50, W. J. Duff $6.50. Turnberry- home. On Tuesday of this week, Airs. the street just a few days previons to each week' while taking; notice the See Iialsey Park's advt-, ly, and he is now under hospital treat- and was well-known in town. John E. A. Kelly $59,20, Win. Bailey $51,J, S, P. Deans, passed away. Deceased his demise,:: Dr. Kinsman was born in increase in weight. Only costs about merit. Ureer brakesrnan was killed in the McTavish $6760, G. B. Scott $56,90• was born in Scotland in the year 1821, England, in the 1831, and half the prico of other Emulsions. Wear Greor's Shoes and Rubbers, y, , y Cornwall, 1; Bali Bros, for Best Window Shades. $Ir000'Reward. Grand Trunk yards London, on March «")gham-Wm, Gannett $36 90, It, E. and hence was in her 82nd year. Her when only a few months old was 31st. He was hanging on the brake McKenzie $40,35, P. Deans $51.40, W. maiden name was Agnes A. Elliott. brought h his 25 & 50 cents a Bottle. One thoasaitcl dollars reward will be g g g b y parents to Canada. �• John Green, Seu'r is very ill. shoe in front of a car beinggiven a W Inglis $05.75. Wroxeter -W. M. She came to Blenheim town.,31h, On- The family settled in Durham, near paidmithhe widow of the late at will running g Robinson 33. R. tario, in 1856, and the followin P, year Port Hope and when he grew to man- Alr. J. Stroud is critically ill ; cancer J. Snaith, for information that will shunt, when has foot caught• $• 45. Wawauosh, E.- g y p g , ...FOR SALE BY... Ili the shoe, In the effort to extricate B. McGowan $68.20, M. Robertson the moved to the Yarm in Turnberr hood followed the trade of building �r n �1 is the cause, lead to the detection and conviction of Y Y t1 �L�V �`j�IBBO himself, he fell across the tracks and $63.10, W. G. Salter $73.35, •D. Clow on which she resided till her death. and framing. This he continued for Wm. Doubledee has moved to town the person or persons who waylaid one wheel caught him by the neck in $6(1.30. Wawanosh,W. -T. McCann Her husband preceded her to the spirit some years, both at Port Hope and from Chesley, and robbed the said Selwyn J. Smith, such away he was strangled. He $58.50, A. Jackson $49 93, D.. B. Murray land, nearly three years ago. Deceas- Mitchell, but his health failing him 4 Druggist and Optician, the evening of 3rd February, 1903. Seed peas, without bugs tit T. A. leaves a widow. $62, J. H. Taylor $55.10, W. A. Wil- ed was a member of the Presbyterian he entered the ,took and stationery Mills'. DieiiiNSoN & HOLMES, Solicitors. sort $40,50, church and enjoyed the esteem of a business at the latter place and sub- Next door t0 Post Office. WANTED -good cook • wages Have a guess for the Gold watch at large circle of friends. She leaves five sequently took up dentistry, which he Mrs. Ales will visit Easter millinery g g twelve Buckley'n � dollars a month; no washing. Apply sons and one daughter. The sons sire was actively engaged in up to the P S. -We carry a full line of Dr. Shoop's openings in Detroit. to Mrs. 0. B. Hunt, Worthley Road, GENTS' Patent Leather Boots. See FOR SALE. -Desirable building lot, -Peter and Thomas of Wingham, time of'his death. As a dentist the Family Medicines, Miss Martha Maxwell of town has London South, London, Ont, oar• great line of Patent Leather Boots. corner of Shuter and Ma le streets;HenryDr, was thoroughly proficient and by Every pair guaranteed. -W, J. Greer. P Henr of Nebraska, James of St, Paul, gone to Buffalo, for training as a• Married. centrally located. - Apply to O. J. and William, on the homestead. The his straight forward and honest deal - Nurse. Mr•. J. W. Armour, formerly of Del- Accepted. "OTIC daughter is Mrs. J. W. Vanatter, of iugs with the public had made many In twenty-four hours, one day last oraine, Man., and Miss Maudalaine, Rev. J. J. Patterson, B.A., pastor of I's E. -All accounts owing my Goderich. The funeral took place on friends. Strange to say he was prede- " week, 2,240 settlers bound westward youngest daughter of Mrs. Wm. Tuck- Win ham Baptist Church, brother, the late T. J. Maguire, urns y g y, y g partner just a � J�rY����� ��U�' !z g R A has ac- -he nettled by April 15th• -UI me Ma- Thursday to Win Liam cemeter ceased b his aged 1 year. � {� G I1 entered Winnipeg. er of town, were married on Wednes- cepted the call tendered him by guire, Real Estate Agent. New Seeds• the very best are the He is survived by two sons and three day by Rev. D. 1'errie. AIr, and Mrs. Emmanuel Ohnrch, Buffalo, and Nill kind we sell—T. A. Mills. daughters, Bliss H. Al. Kinsman, See Isard n new. Clothing ; large as BUILDING Lois—Erie sale, on tor• Ministers and church workers generally, are sartment ; easyrices. Armour left by the afternoon train close his pastorate ,here on the first ner of Frances and Patrick streets, teacher in the Model school, Parry P Sabbath in May. Died. cordially invited a contribute items a ohurve - for Toronto on their wedding tour, y. Mr. Patterson has Five good building lots. Apply to Sound, Miss L, Kinsman, at home, and news under this heading, from their respective John McKenzie of the 4th of Oulross On their return they will take up their endeared himself to his congregation R. 0. Bell. This week we have to record the Miss Anina Kinsman, student at the churches, has rented Charles Homuth's farnil in residence on Frances St, here by his faithful ministry, and his death of another respected townsman. Conservatory of Music, Toronto; Dr. The old Methodist church at Harris- Turnberry for one year. entire membership will part with hiu) Mr. Robt. Aikens, at the age of 07 I.1. Kinsman, Sarnia and Dr. A. R, ton, which was built during the pastor - Bowling. with regret. In Other churches, and *� years. About two weeks ago, daces$- ate of Rev. J. G. Scott, 29 years ago, is Air. E. Worsen of town has nrchas- g g Kinsman, town. The funeral took A Wingham Bowling Club has organi. in the community generally, IT' , Pat- ed was working At the waterworks to be replaced by a modern structure. ed Vrancis Cro:ve's farm in Oulross ; zed for the season of 1903, with cos- ��, ) g place to the Exeter cemetry Wednes- the rice fa said to be $1,030. P terson is held in high esteem. The �E RSONAL darn, and caught a severe cold. This day," In Wiugham Methodist Church, on P pects of plenty of enjoytlitle recreation. new field will present a wider sphere developed into pneumonia; and after Good Friday, there will be an Easter The advance in the rates ire the A. The officers elected are. -President- For usefulness, and �Viri ham people a fete days of severe suffering he as- CEXENT-Oar Durbam cement just Lovefeast from 11 a.m, to 12, It will A. E. Gipson ; Vice Pres. -Dr. e J. g P P Mr, R. Melndoo is fu Toronto to -day, Y g P arrived. Parties who intend using be in charge of Rev. N. Burwash. All O. U. W. will take effect July 1st. will wish for both Mr. and Mrs, .Pat- sed away on Saturday 111st. Air• cement soon will do the wise act if are cordially invited. Irwin ; Jen Treas.-A..Jefiery. These' terson abundant success.. Ben. Scott has secured a situation in Aikens came to Ontario from Nova the bu Thai increase is about 2S per cent. y y it now, as cement will likely officers also form the Executive corn- Windsor. Scotia, about 49 years ago, and settled advance in price before long. We are On Good Friday, there will be service Ladies high grade Hyslop wheel for mittee. The organiz--Ltfon commences Plenty of Work. " ` Dr. T. Chisholm was in Toronto on in Wawannsh, where he resided for also tag"tits for Hanover cement. -A. in Sc. Paul's church at 10.30 a.m., and A sale. Cheap ; apply at this Office. the season with good grounds, A, com- Charles McBurney, formerly .of Wa- Tuesday, v Young & Son, on Sunday next the Holy Communion twenty years. About pears ago, will be administered at 5.30 a.m., and There is not touch difference iia the fortable balance its hand from. last wanosh, in asking to have his Advance A. H. Carr and Alex. Young are in he removed to Wingham. After j after the moruing service. condition of J. J. Elliott, V. S. He isear, and hopeful for a successful changed to Portage la Prairie says:- :- Toronto to -day. y P g g Y thirty-five years of married tile, Aira, still very weak, and only able to sit up season. "Carpenters will be in great demand Mrs. A. E. Gibson will pass Easter- Aikens is now left to continue the re- TOWN COUNCIL. The gowned minister will not be toler- to for ashort time. P P' in Manitoba this summer, as ara- tide in Toronto. ated in the Methodist Church of Cana - Solicits Patronage. inainder of life's journey alone. There da. This was the decision of the Conrt tions are being made in every town Mr. Elliott, of the Times, spent Sun- were nine of a family;of A sal, the highest Church tribunal A. K. Gifford is preparing'himself for On page 8 may be found the advt. da with Listowel friends. two are dead; Council met on Monday evening; PP g , A g v and village for building. The Curia- Y four sons and three daughters remain. to a meeting held last week. The mat - a the study of medicine and purposes at- of Mr. Fishlei h, successor to Smith & g Stone, McIn fns. D Bennett. , 13e11. Van- for was discussed for over three hours g darn Northern Railway is putting in a 1Vira. D. ught is spending Easter The sons are -Mark. John, Robert and Strnte �lclndoo, Bennett• before the decision was reached. tending the Western University tom- pethick in the hardware busiueas• large number of branch tracks aloe with her daughter in Toronto. ' menChI with October term. g g William; the daughters -Mrs. Pryor In the absence of the Mayor, Conn. At the 10th Annual Conference of the g Mr. Fishleigh is a comparative Strang- their line. The Canadian Pacific is Walter Constable of Pitsford, Mich. and Mrs. Dyer of Windsor, and Mrs. Bell was chosen to preside. Foreign Mission Boards of the United J. Buckley has something nice in er in Wingham, but comes well re- also busy, preparing to build a new is visiting his brothers in town. b N. Haines of Owen Sound. The three Minutes of previous meeting read States and Canada, which met, Jan. 13 Easter confectionery. commended as a reliable business man. station here, round house, coal sheds, lies• Thos. Clark of Morris is visit- daughters with their husbands, also and adopted. 15, 1903, it was decided to invite the A farmer of the 12th concession of He will be ,,leased to welcome all the freight sheds, and offices for the Su_ Ing her daughter, Mrs. F. Hogg, whole Christian church in America to old customers of the flrm as well as Mrs. M. Buchannan of Brussels and COMMUNICATIONS. Hnllet sold a calf, eleven months old perintendent and Civil .8n meers. G. F. VanStone spent a few days unite in a week of special prayer for g P y daughters, with many other friends, From the County Clerk, regarding Sorel n missions. The time selected for and weighing 790 pounds at 5cts a many new patrons,. and tri}stn by Much work is ahead, and many men this week in Berlin And Toronto. were tresentat the funaral. Deceased Good Roads meeting in pound, realizing $39.50. Next! fair dealing and careful attention to will be required to com lete it." Chas. E. Moore is s ending the boli• 1 g Clinton,,ask- this meeting is Easter week April 5th P g P $ was an adherent of the Methodist ing Councils to report to Co. Clerk, 12th. business, to merit their confidence. days with friends in wen Sound. church •tri WANTED. -A Ton of Butter weekly , . d a most attentive listener. From H. Morrison, Lneknow, as to W: A. Currie is drilling a well for H. He invites every one to call, see his -Eggs 13c; Timothy, Clover and Miss Bnchauan of Brussels was the The funeral took place on Monday method of pumping water for streets O. Bell, on his lot, corner of Frances stock and getacquainted. Stoves and Waverly Oats for sale. Goo. E, King. guest of Miss Brock a few days this to the retain lace of the dead on the in that village. FARM FOR SALE. and Patrick streets. On Wednesday, tinware will be added to the stock. week. g P g a depth of sixtyfeet had been reached. See his advt. on page 8, MILL ENDS of print just received at Fergus outskirts of our town• Rev. R. Hobbs Frorn Mr. Geo. Henderson, asking p g efoBeamer of weeks b Junction, is 100 acres of good soil situated 9 miles •rears'$ 121c quality for lOc.-lUc home for a few weeks before going conducted the service. the support of the Council in the anti- frons LnckuoN, with the following WANTED -Two steady, industrious FOR SALE. -For one week only, a quality for Sc. ; every end it Bargain. g im- west. cigarette evil. rovements, viz: blame house 20x28 mon.-Western Foundry Co., Ltd. very comfortable dwelling and lot on Eight and Ten Cigars for 25c at P; t Diagonal road, near the Union factory. Arbor and Empire Days. birs. T. Hall is spending the Easter Buckley's. Coutes. Bell and Bennett, delegates with small Kitchen attached, Frame ' Claude, the son of Mr. Roht. Max. Price very reasonable. Apply at once The Education Department has is- holidays with her sister in Owen to the Good Roads meeting, were un- Stun 40x60 both in good repair; 90 well, has been dangerously ill during to Clyme Maguire, Real Estate Agent. Sound. Weather Forecasts. able to report, not having been there. acres of cleared land, 5 acres of slash sued m circular to Dayschoinspectors, For the remainder of Aril Rev. PENANCE COMMITTEE REPORT. wbeat 5 acresnd 5 acres of e1$ areas of Fall and the the week with pneumonia. We hope' asking that Arbor Day and Empire hits. (Dr.) Chisholm and Ailsa Alba April ploughed the little fellow will soon regain Good Words. g Y 1 sly., spending Easter with Toronto Irl Hicks' forecast iv as follows:-. R, Rankin, salary .............. $ 500 balance of the cleared land under strength. The Advance had a call this week Day be This observed in every friends. "Look fora M,%RXED CRISIS from Wed- Jno. Bugg & Son,.repairs, hall.. 5 65 irrass. Will he sold at a bargain, g from Mr. J. W. Mugford, who was on school. This year the former falls on Geo. Mason, stationet'y......... 0 35 For futher particulars ii it to ,. Walter Bell left on Tuesday for uesday the 8th to Sunday the 11th. , _ P• Pr y A football game will be played on a visit to his friends, members of the Friday, May 1, and the latter on Fri- Stratford, where he has secured a Look first for high temperature, law Belp1 P. Co., telegraph account. 9 5 GEO. Ba kIeDDALL, Drys the Park in the afternoon of Good Western Foundry Co. Mr. M. was day, May 2•Z, Mr, Harcourt remarks: sgLuation. barometer, rain, thunder and hail fol- Jahn Porter, stone for dam .. 2000 Friday between Wingham and Wrox- once with the Gurney Co., but is now "Let Arbor Day'be a bright, joyous Miss Hattie Raid is spending the lowed later by westerly gales, rising A. McKinnon, wood............ 28 13 eter teams. Game at 4 o'clock. A Superintendent of the very extensive holiday devoted to the pleasure of Easter holidays with her brother barometer with fitful squalls of snow Jos, W. Walker, stone for darn 10 00 silver collection will be taken up. Iron and Boiler works of J. B. Clow & "'liking beautiful what should be beau- George, in Toronto. Hanna & Co , supplies for ball.. 1210 sero and sleet northward, and it very gen- W. Mallough, salary......,, 1200 ' SHous,-The best makes at the best Son, Newcomerstown, Ohio, Air, tiful, and developingin the g• Pat. Delaney and Jack Irvine left eral and decided change to colder. Wan. Patau, sawing wood.. • ... 5 25 rices• The most up-to-date Shoes at Mugford speaks highly of the West- minds a keen appreciation of nature. for London this week. They are John Gatruess, wood............ 10 ()0 p P g P g Y braking on Lite G. T. R. After a fete mornings of chill turd frost'-, —THE— New Greer's, ern foundry Co., and says Wingham Let Empire Day be also a day which g Electric Light Co. lights....... , 53 6:i will foster a healthy national patriot- Mr. Charles Dingman, representing over all sections central and north- ,Tac. llrock. labor• ........... 3225 New Liskeard, the most iinportant has an industry it should be Proud ism and awaken A-11 the pleasurable the Montreal Herald, gave the Ad- ward, change to svattnar, with falling V. Varmormau, salary......... 4•Z 00 `centre in Temfscaming District, has of, as its developmbnt is as yet, only P vance a call on Sat Urday last, barometer and wore April storms 1+"ir•en'en's salaries .............. 63 00 been incorporated as a town. The in its infancy. As a practical man, he emotions which` the love of our soon Nfil center tLbOut the l ltll and 14th. J. B. Ferguson, salary & postage 115 5f1 Corner considers that Mr. Cunningham try and empire should inspire." Mrs. McMath of Dungannon, accom- Wnt. Moore, labor..... ,:....... ll 15 o" ne Drug Store Messrs. Sackrider, formerly of Bel- gham has panied by her .grandson Will. Birk, Then look fov change to ranch warner It, Aikens, laborabo.............. 1 63 _ grave, are residents of that vicinity. few equals, and the work turned out. Died.' visited her daughter Mrs. G. 0. Mau- to set in from the wean --say about the Howsou & Co„ care of dam.... 33311 Mr. Mugford says, is of the very best hers during the past week, e*17th. The barometer will begin fall- A. Sanderson team work And The amount of sugar turned out by quality, There are several homes in this ss an - g , q y' tythis week, where there is sadness Will. Roderus left can Monday for Ing in the same section lvitlt the rising. stone for <ttani...... , .., • • •.. , 25 ti0 IS rile Place t0 get the four tario the boat SUP[Ar ast seasonwasAsain followOs : Father Gone, grief, because of the loss of loved ones. LOi;n;trit awhere , hal dw ee estahas blisher t He temperature, slid from about Satur• T. HalCarr, fx ui timber ' port, etc.,.. 10 0 Everything that is ' Berlin, 0,000,000 pounds; Wallaceburg, Mrs, Goo. Cruickshank mourns the On Tuesday, Death 'visited the home is iL study and trustworthy young day the 18th to Tuesday the 21st, very The Finance Committee recommend y g 4,000.0(10;' Dresden, 3,500,000 ; and death of her father Alt, James Rogers, of Air. Writ. Drummond, and there is man, vetwfsh him success in his nary decided storms will tan their regular p.Lymt nt of above accounts, except A. Pure and Fresh in which took lace at 'Toronto Junction, now a vacant chair. For several situation, course frost west to east across Lhe , Wiarton, 1,500,000, p II. C,:Lrr s ; +assess to $3. on Sanday, March '2'3,1,3. Deceased mouths. Mrs. Drummond's health had Dr. AI. H. Gillies of Teeswater left country. The next period in which A. Dutinagc, Chairman. PltiivATE q:\LR of household fumy- was in his 78th soar, and herd been ill been failing;, on account of the inroads toitktr+re lie w it atPndtsciineif.fmo h liter stor►n Conditions will develop atul run I)ulmage-VanStone---That the re - Lure now going on, at W. D. Thomas, of consumption upon her constitution A P their courses from west to east, will Mckenzie block, since January last. Ile had been a P P t fecting himself in his profession, lie ,, port of the Finance Couuufttee be resident of Toronto Junction file six and on Tuesday her. suffering's ended. will visit the hospitals on the Contin• be central oil the Nth riled 15th. The adopted• ---carried, d Is 9 Our attention has been Called to years, and was an active tnember of She was 25 years of Age and leaves one ant before returning.-Teeswater• News Moon passes •� nolthwardacross the $Tbe Contuiittee appointed to devise a the Pact, that our reference Annette street Methodist Church, r. in lust is, child, only a few months old. MCelestial equal(t r on the .,ith, and on '-----�-•}•- method of supply of water for street D r sue to it communication that appeared The children are J. T. Rogers and Mrs, Drummond has the sympathy of the and 'touching that date ai series of g TriE SiIoE YOU WANT. -Ladies. we tptinkliug were not reacts to report, in the Clinton Novi+ lira, ,,tight prove Clegg, of Russell, Manitoba, Mrs, community, It is perhsps loss than. highly to electrical storms era ,tonins, but will report have the Sluttl you want, right here in 1 ot•t next meeting. .. _ misleading. So far as two know, non© Cruickshank, of V4giugltttm, Misses Ida two yPAVS since he led to the altar, stock. A splendid line froin $1.25 to certaLtn to develops. Showery, atrn eery, On moria,] of Coltrts. Alcindoo and of the Loan companies are required to M lea lira Wade, as his fail, bride, and $2.50, See theta at W. J. Greer'n, conditions will not pass Taff ental atter and Minnie, at home. Vanf3tone, $330 was placed, tothe ere - make deposit with the gnvornment, g now his home is left lonely and and, I have Pxce tionat good value in rich Moon on the 271b, after t);1liclt dit of the School Board. Inpastures +seri, Re'll lead his flock, 3' and hence the On. mentioned neeul)fes Wltero living streams appear'; The funeral took place on Thursday to town property, size and an rice date will follow a briet, S'lot't change 1), J. A. Macdonald Medical I ealtll ' .t-.1��. L. Hamiltonthe satue osition as others, And so far And God the Lord from ever e e Win batt, cemeter Rev, In m, Love A Y P l P � y y f3 y, r you may desire. CAIi and see tuba,, I to rine], Coult;t• and f['Ustti northward. UIl1Cer, addressed the Council as to the as we know is perfectly Pound. Share. Shall wipe off every, teat. Officiating. have to offer you.-Clyine Maguire, holderM in town express perfect con- Real Estate Agent, Money to loan on notes, and notes necessity for a dumping' ground, The MUGGIST 1 P PAP1,11WANG11 c�.••••-I am priip:LrP.d to Roams for rosidence and offices to dl5cotlrited FLtreasontLl>lerates. Motley Council agreed as to the necessity, and f Bence in it, and 'certitialy, we know do your paperhanging or painting, rent in the McKet)Mo block. -Dr. A.. , have you spare time? Increase your advanced ou mortgages at Ft ter cent,. art effort will be made to secure a tlacel ' of nothing to the contrary. neatly, promptly And at teasonabie J, Irwin, income by work at eight. Others are with previle o i)f paying at t�le end of l �71 11 AM prices, orders left at Monney's till• iioing it. Our .ROO& are used every ally ear, Notes and accaixnts colltlrt• at once; the l�:xeentive to act In 1,116 Sees'] peals, without bugs at T. A. shop will receive attention -Geo, Fresh, pare find reliable Seeds of where every day. Wrii'.e 0. Marshall ed. 6111ce--_Beaver block. Winstham. uaatter. Mill's. I happen, all kinds at T. A. Mills'. & Co., 'Teas, London, Out, ROnx. MCINDOO. "980 Council adjourned.