HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-03-26, Page 8b
TAB WXNGRAN ,A.DY,ANOE March 26, 1903
Jamestown. Bell rave, Bluevale.
3FZCIAL PRICES FOR Miss Mabel Menzies of 0-anbrook Walter A.11isorl is on the sick list Mr. and Mrs, Robt, 51u,9grove aro lu
visited her uncle last week, just s. now,Brut thinking of taking t trip to the old SPRING D.
LJ�,J Lri<•;t i�tljli:,.L Mussel tilcilgnt�ld who is working in Mrs, Bruce, seal„ who. underwent an country in June seat, j SPRING
a furniture shop in Seaford, spent operation for cancer lust week, is im» Robt Musgrove has been sutiering
REQUISITESSunday at his home near here, proving nicely, from swellings on 1114 neck for solve �. •, - ... ,n..
Jas. Strachan Sr, is suffering from Mrs, McLean and Miss Walker of time,
Brussels m We are showing this week our new British and French importations of
THIS VIi�EK ONLY. an attack of la grippe, We hope to .pent Monday at D. Sproat s. 'l:trnb«try Council inerts on Mqn- g p
Pearllue 0 pkas for ................ 25c see him all right soon. Peter Budge, who has been making day next in the Clerk's office here,
Hold Dust 7 pkgs. for ... . ......... . 25c The service in Victoria. 1141 was his home here for the winter, returned John Fawcett, station agent, left for Dress /fin (� Silks and
]� C j
Silver Dust 10c pkge. for .......... 7c conducted by Mr, Robt. Shaw, There to Hamilton last week, where he has Owen Sound on 'Wednesday. Roy ood Organdies, aal d H.] II
W+tshing Soda 15 lbs, for,......... 25e was a grad attendance. Rev. Mr, a market garden. Pelton of Attwood 11.19 taken charge �* Lawns, y� Lace
Curtains. �f * • n
Blue 3 pkgs. for .................... 10c Paul ..r Brussels will preach next Sun- Jno Armstrong was in Toronto on of Biuev.%Ie ;station in Mr, Faweett's Fancy 6 ®V d s Laces L� l 111 n V and Lace Cu ria x n s •
Scrub Brushes ., ............... 50 up day evening. Wednesday with a lead of cattle, absence. .7 f ! f
Ceiling Brooms, each .............. 200 Miss Mina McKelvey has returned Miss Sproat spent a couple of days Miss Mary Gailap of Wingham visit
85cod friends in
evale last, week,
Wo Brooms;for ,,,.......,22Zc home from her visit to Hariietgn and in Seaforth lamb week. , J. B. Ferguson, visited
his amus nn Mrs_ The early buyer will secure the beat selection,
30a Brooms for .................... on,
25c Brooms for . ....... . ........... 20c Will Wright Jr, who has been mak y K 1 gli, o San
0 Bars Richards, Union Jack or ing an extended visit with his parents Mrs, John Doig of Fordwich is Tisit- day last. Our new goods at p>reaent prices are in favor
Grand Soap for ................ 25c and friends here returned to the West ins her sister, Mrs, George McFarlane,
Giltetts Lye 3 tins for .............. 25c last Wednesday, for a fecv weeks, during the absence of Salem. of the buyer, as both cotton and wool markets
Sapollo 3 cakes for ................. 25c Mr. Doig, who has gone to Hamilton Rev, D. Rogers of Fordivich gave a ,
Mrs, J. Smith and two eons Brust1rQ advancin
'•"""""""' Sc sets spent Sunday at Frank Wright's.riht'a, with a carload of horses, very impressive sermon on Sunday $. i:� S� 19 .4�
Eze Powder 2 for. Chas. Ruttan of Lakelet visited his We extend congratulations to Mr, last at this place. Rev, Mr, McKelvey
, and took the work at Fordwich,
WeFOR SATURDAY Let- uncle Leonard Rattan last Sunday. Henry
len hems bon voyage o er theseaof N0 is able ea be around again bent es, Grenadines, Libe�tnP,s Ser es WOOI Cords
pp voyage P n g t New Cashmer , , g, C and Figured
Beet, Celery, Cabbage, Parsnips, East WawanDshl. his recent illness, Black Dress Goods are the newest goods shown b the best wholesale houses, and
Berta and other vegetables. Some The many friends of Mr. Avisson, � y
of which we have at present. James Noble visited Clinton friends teacher of Smith's school, will be sorry Roy McLaughlin of Gorrie called on that is why .we are showing them.
a few days last week. to learn of his sudden illness with his aunt, Mrs, R. McLaughlin, of this
Alfred Carr of Westfield had a sue- pneumonia; we wish him a speedy re- place, on Monday last. March is the month for Laces, Embroidery, Muslins, Belts, Collars and Ribbons,
fnt wood bee on Wednesday of covery. Mr. and'Mrs. Albert Gallaher spent and that is the reason we are carrying such a big stock of lovely goods, at very reason-
TUDHOPE'Sceaslast week. Mr, Wm. Balfour of Turnberry ;is Sunday last at the home of J. Jacques. able prices, You cannot help but appreciate these pretty stylish goods, marked at such
Phoebe Densmore, who has been spending a few days with hie brother We are sorry to learn of the illness smallroots.
Grocery & Crockery Store spending a few days• with her friends Frank, 1st con, of Mrs. Robert McIntosh, but hope the p
in Brussels, returned to her home last Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Smith have moved results may not prove serious, and
Friday, All who require Boots or Shoes for Spring should call on us now and share in
their household effects to J. MCEwan's that she may soon be able to be about the GREAT SHOE SALE nowoin on
THE E MARKETSGeorge Solar Sr. of Westfield has for the present. Ed, intends taking a again. g g
rented the house and orchard, also trip to Manitoba as soon as possible, The property of the late Win. Car -
five acres of land adjoining, of Charles while Mrs. Smith will remain in the son of Gorrie wilt be sold on Saturday Highest price either Cash or Trade paid for Butter and Eggs.
WIN09AM MA1LRETS Wightman for a term of three years. neighborhood. next, also all the household furniture.
Flour per 100........... $1 85 to $2 25 David Ferguson of Kinburne visited Mr. Wellman of Montreal conducted
Fall wheat per bush new 67 to 68 his daughter, Mrs. Thos. Noble, last the service in The Brethren church on Blyth.
Oats per bush sh........ 0 35 to 0 26 week. Sunday evening. The next monthly Fair will be held _1N
Barley per bush.. , ..... 0 35 to 0 40 Me GO"DO
Peas per bush.....,.,.. 0 60 to 0 65 Tom Cook of Westfield is engaged on Tuesday March 31st, r
Bran ...................16 00 to 1800 with David Scott of 6th line for the Morris. David Magill and James Denholm
Shorts ..................18 00 to 20 00 y y g Big Prices for Trade. .DIRECT IMPORTER
Cho 1 10 to 1 25 year. The infant child of tifia. Thos, Irwin lett this station Monde morning for
P• • �' • •' • •' . 7 00 to 7 50 Miss Mary Walsh of the gravel vis- (nee Miss Olive Bates) is very ill at the West, The former goes to A6
Hayy ................. o�
Butterper Ib.,,,,. ..... 0 17 to 017 ited friends in Westfield on Sunday, present. berta, the latter to Whitewood, As -
Eggs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 11 to 0 11 Mrs. Geo. Solar is visiting her Wm. Osborne of Muskoka was re- siniboia.
Lard .................... 0 15 to 0 15 g -
Potatoes per bush...... 0 60 to 0 80 daughter, Mrs. McGuire. newing old acquaintances in this vi- bit. George Moore received the sad ADDITIONAL LOCALS. TENDERS WANTED.
Apples per bag ........ 0 50 be 0 50 cinity last week. intelligence on Friday evening. of the • o
Hides per 100 lbs......,. 5 00 to 600 The Council met a March 19th, par- death of his son Alfred in Detroit.
Lamb skins ............ 0 5060 065 quant to adjournment; members all Richard Jewitt visited friends in Canada will have a fresh issue of Tenders will. 'he iecaived by the un-
hogs........... 7 00 to 7 00 present. Minutes of last regular, also Ethel this week. Deceased took appendicitis it was stamps on Dominion Dap blaring the dersigned, up to Friday, May lst, 1903,
Live hogs ................ 5 50 to 5 65 special meeting of Feb. 24th both read Mrs, George Johnston is slow] re- found necessary to perform an opera- image of King Edward, The supply for removing the old pla-iter and re -
Tallow, per lb..... ,:,... 05 to 51A P g ' >7 y tion; the effects of the operation caul- of old stamps hearing the lineaments a plastering Eadie's (Presbyterian)
Chickens per pair........ 30 to 50 and passed. covering. Ohnreb, Tnrn harry. Contractor to -
p ed his death. The body was brought of the Queen will be disposed of before � e leave the building clean and read f
Ducks per pair .. •.. , .... 60 to 80 A communication was received from Mrs, Joseph Sellars is on the sick to Princeton and the interment took 1� g' y or
Turkey, per lb...... .... 10 to 11 the Mayor of Goderich, requesting he list. Her man friends wish her a the now stamps aro issued, worship when finished. Tenders will
y lace on Monde be received for both hard baster of
Geese, per lb.......... ,. 6 to 7 Council to pass a resolution and for P y + P
''Pool ............... .... 12 to 13 ward same to the Government at Ot• speedy recovery. The regular meeting of Wingham Paris finish, and Lime Knish. Work to
F. D. Stalker has sold his 100 acre Council of Chosen Friends will be held ho commenced and completed during
tawa, asking them to make some extra Dick Johnston has purchased a P g
farm, lot 42, con. 4, East Wawanosh, the month of June, 1903, The lowest
TORONTO STOCK MARKET. improvements considered necessary Piano- nest Monday evening. Recorder Fer-
for further improving the harbor and to Mr. Edgar Dexter, of Hullett, for or any tender not necessarily accepted.
For full and accurate market re- port of Goderich.—Request complied Mr, Will. Hunter took charge of the $5000. Mr. Stalker has since purchas- grand will have returned from the
JosEP13 GRAY, Glenannan
oris see second page. with. service on the Trowbrid a circuit hist Grand Council. Let every member be • ,-
�r1r�a Mar. 27th ti3AI,HRTUN , ham
p p g . g ed Iv1ra. W. J. Ta lora 50 acro •fever Y Wingham,
The followingPatbmasters, Pound- y present and hear his report. LEO. FORTUNE. '
Sunday in the absence of his brother. lot 42, con. 3, East Wawanosh, for y •
• keepers and encelviewerm were ap- - Managers.
FOR SALE. pointed for the current year :—Path- A sad event took place last Thurs- which he paid $2750, 1950 dollars made by one man last Turnberry, March 10, 1903.
—Geo. L. Sturdy, Pfeffer, year selling our household necessities.
masters day morning, being the death of the Did you make as much ? Try our lines.
A fine 60 acre farm near Bluevale. Albert Jacobs, James Jno. Pfes B, Tierney, Rim. Keehne sen., Wm. J. King' jun„ infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Gorrie. Always selling, ''Write G. Marshall & (FES g)1( T�jl\T��� CHANGE, 1lTe,
This farm is in a first class state of Hy, Thiel. John Hoare, Jas W Mutch, VanCamp of 5th of Morris. The little McMichael Bros, shipped two care Co., London, Out. ,ice BUSINESS t�NG
cultivation, nearly all seeded down, Robt, Johnston sen„ R. 0. McGowan, one appeared in its usual health tip to of horses from hereto the west. They Dr. May, Provincial Secretary of
well drained and will be a money- Fred Toll, Wm Fear, F D Stalker, Da- a few days before death, when it are extensive shippers. Public Libraries and Art SchoolA, is Thele Will be opened for The' undersigned desires to thanit
maker for a quick buyer. There is a vid Taylor, M Vincent, Samp Carter, seemed to be Bufferin from sore the public for the patronage afforded
good frame house, a fine bank barn Wm J Parks. John J Redmond, John h We join in sympathy with Mr. and responsible for the statement that P g
(nearly new) and other necessary out- H McClinton, John S Scott, Thos No- 'throat, which developed from
that Mrs. J. H. Sternahol in the loss of farmers refer a better class of xead- the inspection of the ladies his tether the lute T. J. Maguire,
P The Real Estate and Insurance bnsi-
buiidings on the remises. Apply to hie, Fred Rath, Thos hl Walsh, John dread disease diptheria. Drs. McAsh their only child, aged 1 year, 7 months ing than city readers. Farmers bav- of •Wingbaln And V1Clnity, a oess will be continued as before, and a
W. J. Durr, Bluevale, Coultis sen.. Sam1 Walsh, Albert E of Belgrave and Kennedy of Wing- which took lace on Saturday 21st in access to libraries are becoming continuance of public confidence and
Fothergill. Jno W Sowler, Alf B Carr, ham were in atteedance on Wednes• P y g g sapel'b collection Of Bite lead- patronage is solicited,
Thos Black, Jos L Stonehouse, P W lust. The funeral took place to Gorrie the best read class in the community g
Scott, John Campbell, Win Bennet, day morning they performed an oper- cemetery. Weep not, it is only gone as regards historyand general liters- ing styles of Spring ITillinery.
Robb Harrison, John Cole, D S root, ation which seemed to relieve the g` g C1.Y1ViE MAGUIRE
f � Jas A Scott, Jas Walsh, Adam Robert- before. lure other than fiction. Fifty new You are cordially invited t0 Real Estate Agent
son, P Porterfield, Robt McBurney, little one for a time, but death relived P g
zt of its pain on Thursday morning Rev. Oliver of Listowel reached libraries were established in Ontario attend.
• Rob' O Henry, Wm Johnston, F An anniversary sermons in the Methodist last year.
derson, Joe .Brandon, Geo Dal , Wm and the little spirit took its flight.
Selecting G Salter Jno Cochrane, Geo yltz at- church on Sunda last, He delighted g
+ F P To the parents.—Mr. and Mra. Van y R Foe SALE.—Nevin outfit, consist -era Notice 1 D -Creditors.
P the audience with his able discourses. in of :-1 ca sale with serum colil-
Wa11 Paper rick, Goo T Robertson, Jno Shiell, Jno Caro g cap
Currie, Elisha Walker, Chas Rintoul, p' Should he ever come to Gorrie again. plate, Isteel-wire cable l in. 25 . long
The death angel came [o our household new 1 steel -wire cable in. 25 ft. ion i» the mattor of the Estate G Andrew
Thos Taylor, Jno E Elliott jun, Jos J the edifice will scarcely hold the (. )• g+ Gocdfel]ow of the Township of Gleuelg, in
Kerr, Theo Finnan, Robb Stapleton, one day. 5 iron rode 16 ft. long, 2 doable pulleys County of Groy, lumberman, deceased,
Sometimes is an nnplea- gg audience.
Geo Wilson, Jno Leggatt, Thos Cavell, And took in his cold arms our darling for suite ropes, 6 rollers 12 -Ins. in die- • Notice is hereby gluon pursuant to the R. S.
dant task. The wrong paper David Clow, Wm Pardon, B O'Connor away, Johnnie Knox is spending a few meter with caps, 10 rollers 8•in, in dia- q �q p 0. 1897, Chap, 129 that all creditors and others
will spoil the effect of the J meter with caps. 112 -ib steel hammer, MISS MN �11�1 SO� ,having olaime against the estato of the said
p sen, Peter Leayer, as Martin men, Jno When bitter tears fell, it was whisper- days in town. P Andrew Goodfellow, who died on or about the
pulleys and several other articles used • 21st day or NIa 1898 are
richest furnishing ; the right McGee, R G Haines. G 0 Naylor, John ed to me, y� required on or before
paper will add Warmth and Beecroft, Rich'd Leishman, Pi' James, Under His shadow there's refuge for The moving pictures did not draw a connection with the above.—Apply to the sit, day of May 141 to send b post prepaid
pip Be Uhat, R Geo Wallace and Thos g large crowd. T. J. Maguire, Real Estate Agent. to the Administratrix, Emma , Goodfollow,
Cheer and brightness t0 McCartney, y thee. Wroxeter, or to the undersigned Solle tors for
any home, It isn't ss to Pound-keepers—John Hoare, Atex Sweet little darling, light of the home, Louis Schumacher and Mr. Huber tho said Administratrix, ,hoar chriatian and
p are in town bu to horses this week. surnames, addresses and descriptions, the hill
easyto et satisfaction in this - McGowan, Ben A Taylor, Esaias Pea- Looking for someone beckoning come ; buying """"� / 1 plaetr soars o f and thel vivre of iat eo,'s' oily
g It is wonderful where they all come
respeet, but our stock is so ren, And Shiell, D Olow, Jas Robinson, Bright as a sunbeam, pure as the dew, rr ``,w, (if any1 held by them.
Tbos Scandrett and Jno Cochrane. Anxiously looking mother for of from. Howick seems to raise the �jl alp CI j Q W '� And further take notice that after the said
varied, there are so man dif- y , g y I ,i i �iYter last mentioned date, the said Administratrix
y Fence-viewers—Jas T Bell, John Mc- best.
ferent Colors and tints s0 Dowell, Geo Fothergill Wes Pattison By Ella Owens, svilI proceed to distribute the assets of the do -
r Fothergill, + ceased among tha parties entitled thereto bav
man different designs, that Geo T Robertson an S McBurney. COUNCIL MEETING. Ministers and church workers generally, are Ing regard only to the claims of which she '
y gn , Statute labor scale to be the same as St. Helens, cordially, invited to contribute items of church / shnil then have notice, and that the said Ad.
the most critical person can that used last year. The Council met pursuant to ad FOOT•sALt I4IATCII—A friendly news under this heading, from their respective ¢� ministratrix will not bo liable for the said
y ournment, on March 16th ; members y churches. ee Ys assets or for any part thereof to any person or
not fail to be satisfied. Ellis—Beecroft—That the price of all resent the Reeve in the chair; game was played here on Saturday g arsons of whose claims notice shall not have
gravel from private pits for use on the P Eight thousand dollars are to be spent rices rooeivod by hor at the time of such dis-
ablic roads within the township he minutes of last meeting read and afternoon last between the boys of S. Lribution.
P P in im improving the Central Methodist
raised to 7 cents instead of 5 cents per Passed. S. No. 14 and those of the Public P g Dated the 6th day of March, 1903.
Under -)Priced yard as formerly, and that a by-law lTaylor—Shaw—That
a yso —Sha been amadeng to com respecting School here. The teams lined up at church Stratford. DICKINSON & HOLIIES
confirming the same be now read and pie, Pierce's fence being built on roa2.15. At the end of one hour's play The next General Assembly of the Solicitors for said Adrniuiatratrix
passed—carried. allowance, the Clerk be instructed to (half each way) neither side had scor- Presbyterian Church in Canaria is to be
Papers By-law No. 5, a pr ratifying change notify him that he is re uired to have
to be made in the rice of ravel, and y q ed. It was then decided to play five held at Victoria, Vancouver, B. C. p , - � y:� , .
P g said fence removed on or before the The Ladies Of Wingham ls�►��°�ii�,
We are treating our cus- - by-law No. 6, 1903, confirming the ap• 1st July next, otherwise the Council minutes each way. to the first five, Staff Capt. Coombs of Petrolia will d 1
tomers to genuine bargains pomtment of pathmasters, pound- ke obliged to move in the matter Helen's ill be St. Helscored a goal, and so it
keepers and fence -viewers for the cur• g conduct special services in the Wingham and vicinity are cordially in -
these says, the reason being : rent year, both read and passed. —carried. remained at the finish. blr, Tsaa, barracks on Thursday and Friday, April special 'Colonist
that we bought the Ross stock Menzies—Wilson—That the Reeve be Code—Shaw—Mr. Jackson was in- Miller made an impartial referee. vited t0 attend my Millinery
at a low rate on the dollar and authorized to purchase 3,500 feet of strutted to make'arrangements with 2nd and 3rd.
rock elm or tamarae lumber, 16 feet the parties interested for the construe- Messrs. Alfred Smith and John l7 elfin On One -Way Excursion Fares
wish to share our good fortune tang, and not wider than 10 inches, tion of storm fences tit certain points Sherriff left for Manitoba on Tuesday Rev. R. Hobbs announced on Sunday P gi
y, last. The former will remain in + P
with the people whom We ex- same to be delivered at Marnoch, for on the eastern bounder last that he expected Have the sec- FROM WINGHAIbI
pert to be Our friends in a repairing bridges and culverts within plans, copy
os ecrfications, eof the tc., Engof ineer's
report. Winnipega few weeks before proceed- cessful Presbyterian Evangelist,. Rev. „ To BILLINGS, MONTANA ........ X3$.70
business way While We stay in the totvnahip ,carried, posed Lamont drain running through ing westward. Mr, Russell, to assist him in evaugelis- i g"t s� sj Mak i+• 2% � COLORADO SPRINGS,
Tenders for the township printing do work a all ■ DVNVER. HF.I.
Wingham. the northern part of the townships of , within a few weeks. De- HNA $40,70
for the current year were received P Quite a number from this vicinity SA.LTF: OLDEN. J
You Can gave from 20 t0 from the Advance and Times offices, Grey and Morris was handed in try the attended the sale of Mr. T. White on finite announcements will be mase as SALT EBL CITY,
Clerk of Grey. On motion of Jackson and PUEBLO,
30 per cent. by securing these Wingham. The tender of the Times, y'd to soon as arrangements are completed.
bargains, and you aro foolish being the lowest, was accepted. Cand ll asdecial meeting of the Council as Friday last. SPOKANE, WASII.:................$41.20
the Clerk was A choice stock of the lat-
e , g Mr. Robinson Woods has moved to The Executive Committee of the NORTH PACIFIC COAST
to let the opportunity pass If at date $126.19, soon cash on hand soon as circumstances will permit, for the farm, west of the village, urchas- Board of Missions of the Methodist est styles Of fashionable mil- and KOOTENAY POINTS } $43.70
you are needing some paper. Communication from Dickinson & the consideration of said report. g + P y SAN FRANCISCO, CAL ............ $44.50
pathmasters were appointed as fol- ed from his brother Henry. church met last week in Toronto, to Special Settlers trains to Canadian North.
25e Papers for I$c. Ian road nearlthe river, side. lows:—North boundary—C. Hender- Miss Mina Rutherford of Goderich discuss the proceedings that should be livery evill then be open f0I' west will leave Toronto every Tuesday during
p son J. Henderson, T. M. Henderson, March and April, 1903, at 9.00 p.m., and tho
20e Papers for 1;5c, line 33 and 34, con. 11, received and J,'McCracken, Geo. McDonald, D. Pat- spent Saturday and Sunday at her taken to celebrate fittingly the bi-tett- inspection. Paciflo Expross" will leave Torontu at 1.45
filed, tenary of the birth of Rev. John'Wesley. pm- Passongers travollinq without Live
15e Papers for 10c. Ellis--Menzies—That tenders, 'ad- ton, R. Shaw, D. Miller. tat line—D. home here. Stook should take tho train leaving Toronto
10c Papers for Te. dressed to the Clerk, be received u to W Campbell, R. Maguire, L. Fraser, We understand that Mr. W. Ferrier The Board recommend. that Sunday at 1,45 pan,
P A. McEwen, E. Johnston, W. J. John- 28th June, should be observed in all s or further articnlara apply the 15th day of May nett for operating ston, Geo, peacock, L. Ruttan. 2nd of the 10th has disposed of his farm to P pp y to
All Paper Trimmed Free, the township grader, season of 1903 ; Methodist oTxurohes as a day of special 188 Boyd Agents of the Grand Trunk Railway
line—Wm. Findlater, Gen. Casomore, Mr. Will. Taylor for a good figure. thanksgiving and prayer, I
contractor to furnish two men and Wm, Elston, L. Jewitt, L Ferrand,3. g g p y0r, 'was also System.
two teams, and to state price for same Paul,WED. l on, L.
J. Jermyn, R'm. Mr. T. Phillips is hauling a large decided that beginning with the first J. D. WDONALD
at so much per day—carried. Moses. 3rd line k. J.
des, George amount of wood to the brick yiard.
Remnants Wilson--Menzies--That after taking y R g Sunday of October, there should be DistriatPaesengerAgent, Toronto.
Hanna, A. Proctor, Geo. Maxwell. J, Quite a number of people of this
into consideration asibroug t thegnemtisc of good Thyne, Jas. Moffatt, H. Sellars, Wm, vicinityhave been laid off with colds, heldin all Methodist churches in Can-
bf W$11 Paper consisting roads, as ng held
tip and discussed at Sellars, Geo.Henderson. 4th line C.
oda, wherever practicable, a series of
of from 6 to 20 rolls of a kind, i et.the , the gMun Municipal Clinton
tCounc l of t e Proctor, W. C. Proctor, 0. B. Wilkin• but many are improving. revival services; and further, that a MILLINERY � � �� � � �i�
have their walking ticket-- township of East Wawanosh is pre- son, J Wheeler, C Wheeler, R Shed- PPARt,WnDDING—Wednesday even- special thanksgiving fund of not less ilia
Me -
first come first served. Some pared to accept their share of the Konz e, Bradshaw.
Carrie. 35 h line Barr,
het• ing, March 18, was the occasion of a than $250,000 should be raised for the !
of those are as low as 2•c per money appropriated by the Ontario Ston, A Cloakey, S Jordan, M Watson, very pleasant surprise for Mr. and extension of mission work. ��
Legis ature for the county of Huron, ,
single roll. Theyare suitable and that the r t Clerk be notified to B Wilkinson, T Clark, D Sommerville, Mrs, Robert Lockhart of St. Helens.
for small bedrooms, back kites that effect forthwithercarried, W J Smith, J Sharp, D Jordan, A This being the anniversary of their t;,t s
ch6ns, and attics, and make a Wilson -- Beecroft—•That the dele- Adams, Soh line S Craig, A Cole, W pearl Wedding a number of friends 60 YEARS' ► 9ETTL L�� iJ
room clean and neat for little gates, Messrs. McCallum and E4 "'a' Michie, J Look, J Smith. line—If,
Robb, R g EXPERIENCC �••�n-�-� •��7•
sent to Clinton from this township on Nichol; J Jackson. 7th line—I� Nea» gathered at their beautiful home to ON.L_ V V �-�T'
money. the 4th lust., be paid their expanses in bitt, J Phelan, M Belly, Win Cunning• celebrate it. Though taken entirely To avoid the rush our Millinery
A box of odd rolls 2 to 4 full for that da ham, Jnn Hunter, Win Hunter, A Me,
, day—carried. by surprise, Mr, and Mrs. Lockhart � Opening will be held on EXCU� i���Ns
rolls of a kind, per double No action was taken on the applica, Call, A .Button, It Bewley, A Ashton. welcomed their nests with their ac- � A
tion made by George R. It, lot R9, 8th line—Wm Pollock,, H Richmond, g To Manitoba and Owndlan'North-west wlil
roll ............................. 5e A Laidlaw, J. Wallace, T Bielhyy, John customed graceful cordiality. A very- leavo Toronto ovory TUESDAY during March
con, 10, at the February meeting, to Oolcleugh, Wm Skelton, C3 McC)allum, enjoyable evening was passed in con. a Friday and Saturday, and April 190$ It sufliolent business ofrers,
haves!l his property assessed for a0hnoi C100 Ii illy, Geo McCall, Jas I. avv9on. verarttion and 'l'Rriae MARKS PaRAongera travetlinir, without Llvo 8tocic
ur�pposes in S. S. No. 0 instead of being9th tine—J Snell, games, The host and shield take tho train leavluif Toronto at x,(5
Vo� (v/"� in Secs. 8, 9 and It, as at present. J Parrott. O Traylor, 4,:clntvs •
COOPER wal/�!.11� Debentures were passed and signed J Jackson, JWin 9 hortreed, q J Short- hostess were the recipients ofd iany ha, klf necorialn o"lir»on,nt°ons f oe�iii�nawcno r r April 3r"- and 4th, p2'nsgbnr�ora trnvotitng with ktve Stook
inbeauravel total div h55Vinilt)n2 f �2 109 R. Murray.' South bound ry—Geo Grigg teemtf o1m present tandn also -s of ldistant I v�n illlotto ce au l aInt nm Ccoo�mnPauli U gild to a the train leaving 7orente hL 9,00
WINGHAM oughts, Blyth, sharpening road Rru• East boundary -- A Bryans, A Me- friends. A. remarkable feature of the ' nt reee (�1"co t iron UOMu°n°rUirink? r c01p• A choice fashionable sleek w111 be ten 1OW4 Sleopnr will bo attaoiled to tach
der hit in 1002, $1.25 ; John McCallum Laughlin, J Maunders, J Bolger, L Me- occasion was, that the table liken us- tyetfucriettt0, ntthout a Argo, in the
and J. E. Ellis, expenses to Clinton, Donald, West boandaiy—Jas Glouey, } a y ready for inspection. Gutdb,full Lveflioiii (anadn`loe°
,k of "S ttler -
Wm McCrea. 0 Graaby, N Oaming. ed a,t the anniversary supper• had been r nit J11�Q1 C�n
Successors to Alex. Rom $2 50 each, ♦ Ufa " Apply to sour nearoat Canadian Pacific
Iielgrave—J L Geddes. used at the original weddin dinners Thanking Council adjourned to meet Tuesday Council adjnurned to meet agaitr on K g imatien of anyli etitiab ovrnti: Ternis,sa a g 3'ot1 for past favors. Agent, or to
May 24th. as Court of Revision and May 25th next, for Court of Revision of Mrs, Lockhart, her mother and A. H. NOTMAN
yi' ear; te51r menthe, t6L soiQ b>rlil noweAealertb.
P. 1?oFaTIs1LFIELD, (7lerlc, and other business, y Clerk. he latter Leis Koen womanhood, by �t ed sbl6rosdwry,�W YrR Mrs A l� AealelantGloneralPaesongerAgent
for other business, grandmother, flavin been woven b n►
' W. CLARIt g 8twnnn moa, & r st,a VI'aebinston, b. • icing PJt. Not, Irotonto.