HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-03-26, Page 7* I 1. -0-IN I I r- .1 . -k- J . . . --."W ., , , - I - I -1 " 11100"OPIM"'NAW-MP01,11111,111""i1w - . , " 11 _ .­ 1 -_ . I 11 1-11-11-11 :­­­ ,. /Mr I lqt,_. ", WVFT - , . ,, ., . . , , , .11 1 .11 . . , , :_ - _.:, , , - , , ,. I I I 'L -i"", .", :,. ", ... . .. . , : . . ,- .,:' , " ,."-. . ­ ­ ;=,: -,;. 4I.W., I ­_,q --- __._ - __ __ -.---- ­ 11 -I 11 - I-- 11 - I I I I - - - I... --- - — - " . - . - - I . e 19 . , tile, vrk* reach" $1.50 pot, toot , I" , In the G&W., .- 111,111l , 1, n 11 1 ,,,,,, ,,`,",'t,%`,`,"rQvt , — - when an addiviQllal one pf'r voggt . a, WJIM ura. out ; d _, to so . 1) Ntl"015'ia' 000,11 MEN rollim 111E4 Mmll 1"Q 4"4 aill so oni. WHITAKER WRIGHT'S hii likely ,,y 4t tllo rootim , C 0" k A L' "NI I IN" E R S A W ARVED Theff'o Average llrlovk; 011all Do com- W_-q-W_.-#,..i%1.­A -A .1. .4, ­, . , of the laquomt noxt, MQA"y 6fter. " liutoa montlily by all accountant or noon, A publIS10(91 mtaton)oat that __ commisgonor named by Ono of the Mro. Burdick would tootlfx P3, tbo-, H M ell -cult jadgeo or the third judicial CASE UP IN LONDON. 111vuefft that silo Is sure th4l; 411,1.u.r :Serious Trooblo at Mloo in circuit of the United States and paid Vonnell 4kI not murder 41or 10 P` E R CENT, INUNEASE by the coal oporatol-H 1such coin- .. . . I hand, and t"t Pennell w4w Ignor. I . . ­_..._____­____ -,- -,-- - K polloatioll no the appointing judge . alit or tile I'LlontIty of tII0 aomaeala, Vicinity of Fernie, Op C, Ina TIN, which Compensation shall be I attributed to Frederick 1), 11art- - _-_____-_1-11_ (listrIbutotl among the operators In 0 - Zell, Mrs. Burdloklo lawXor, wAN cm- rtion 'to the tOnVag;0 Of Paoli C. P. R. to Run Vessels Between. Londo 1111411001Y (101110, tO-d.%,y Ili, Ur, 'WERE = , , I Hartzell. CHASED EIGItIT MILES I, ,r,,r titat tile bl"ll" way be latil - I Vailor tltla tormo of the will of tlti D -lotoria, B, 0" Much 214g.—A #pei- and Montreal. . N Minimum Wage, Sliding Scaleand for successful worklur, for the slid- lato Arthur 14 Pennell and br tile 0141 rrom Porale, ,% V., 6a Oil Ing sealo'llin-lovided herein, It le aloo legal settlemeot , of tile cState of rridox moraligg; 4 maeRed of adjudgetl Ili awarded that all coal London, Uam b 21_ Tlle cao-,) of OrW committee (if ,the, London & YXII W -k 0 . his w1fo, Clio lato Carrie Lamb Pen. OvQr iWO 11104, 'Welit up to the N operating companies file at one,) with Whitaker WrIgItt, who Ili under ar- Ulobe- Finance Corporation, do.;-, Bell, Mrs. Peanoll's fat4brs Win , ,o. Arbitration of ugspultes. tjlr.% United States Commissioner of cribed as "Informant," cliarge . . slow 1 .0041 Creek Wine, foul, i lloo train. d U Lam , a! Now,, llavogi . at., will I,,cralgi, am, , Compelled I Labor a certified statement of tile rest 'In New York. came ill) In the Wright wIth "publJohIng a false be kbo . . , I lair P 404an lit $41 1215,000 I -labor than Ire workmen, a,t tile point of rQvolvers, V rates of componsation paid In each Guild 14all Polloo Court this mora- balance elgleot." Ju. Mr. Lamb Is a oaplLall4t a,ad to who wore -In, charge of tile ran . , a of . .1 - . I Occupation known in their companies Ing, thIN being tile dny tile sum- lAosidoll go Montreal. alrca,dx woll-to'WO, 1.30 WeAlth be. .tile closed mines, to leave tjxQ vl au they existed on April lot, 1OW". mous, obtalue<J, against him, WgUl London, March 143. --Who Beaver 1119 130timAted a%t aligilt V . .W 0 e le Union alid, N Lino stoamers, recently puroh!tuell Mr. Pennell's motlfor, Abble J. . ,MD. CIBIt'y of Fornlo, AlI04 drov, th * 011-UH1011 J",qUal. returnable. Formal notific 1jeJ'- dOlvia tile C. V. ll track, Tire mob No PiscrInilriallon to be nade Between Union .%lid Non-Ultion Nlen, by 1.1thor I X. No person oluill be rer I used em- C"tlofl by the Canadian Pacific Railroad, Bell, of Now Work, will rectlivi", at firsit wieut to tile Imam of Mine . was given ,thfo Court of Wriglit's *1 , —Strikes r% t:6 lc- ployment, or In any way arrest In Now, York ana of the real, the new owners having .than- L"01111011, also of Now York, wIll re- Bault t Poneen and am - Employers or M,'ncrs--Aw;ird to. 1 -fold Till' i906 discrimin- will run between 4ondon and Mont. about $50,000. Hill. brother, ,T-,, Prod. SuperIntendpin ted a. I list, oil account of member- ed him and Ills wife, 110116P a outs are Forbidden--ConstRution of the Board Arranged for to Settle ll ), . r non-inembersbili In any labor governmelitts application for, hIs doned tlfo plants for a Glaogovvr onlyc about tile same sized, legaoir, nutil,bar of sh#tF1 into, tile Air Win- . I I or 1, ulz 'loll; and there shall be no Canada service, which, It was tin- I In addition to his fees no admials. tinildate them, Mr. Doneen r000g. Disputes—Thq Detall Qf the 1 oport. extradition. T'hie 611111.1nonfl, 1101111 Bounced, was to be started In traitor, . . 4 rb Inatloll against, or Interfor- ' Mr. Pennell's will was flle nI ad a of thei men as 1. W. Mor - once with any employee who Is not Flow,or, obairman or the allarehold- April, . I t and rl"1611, 'a`nd lie wao later arrested. Wabdilngtoji, March ."A.-Tjie report April I'll 1903, and during - tile - a member of any labor organization I — _11-____.____-_-___ ____ admitted to probate In, the Burro- I Tjioy drove tire well from tile of the commission appointed by i'lic life, Or t6 award, they.. ,shall have by members or such organization, . . . . . . . . .. 1. 11 I gaie's Coul't Yesterday noon. .- boilers. and f4lia, forcibly entered I P resldont laut October to Investiga.1to eight 11011" shifts,, with 'the same X. All contract Ininers shall Ile re- I houses, taking men from thelrbedo, . Wages pal, (lay, weak or month, as, quired to furnish within a reason- threatened ivipmen, .-dr .11 t in the anthracite coal strike wan made , I . eve ' . Iya ea wore pald in. each Position In April able y day a BOERS WILL BE LAUVAL9 i a distance of eight miles, with -clubs public to-da , Tho report to flated ut, vo,a, all employees or coin. statement of the amount of money J, ..I ., NON'T Will MA - and otolies. Some men were quite garoli 18tb, and Is idglied by all tile [)any, men, other than those Tot, due, from thom to their laborers, avid TI& severely Injured, The lives of the whom the commission makes special such sums shall be deducted from U 1mva,r(1R, shall be paid an increase aj ilia amount duo the contract minor, I.(!; 1 1 H - members of the commitiBlaii who are ­_ men were threa.toned, If ,they ro- Judge, Utiorgo'Gray, of Dlvlawa, SAYS 14 . 0"AMBERLAIN. turned to. this district. "I'llivee Ito- arroll 0 par cant, on their eartiliggo be- and pald directly to each laborer by - Refused to Part With Molloy , ilortant arresto were made, Labor * CommisslouL,r C D. tween Nov. lot, 1902, nald Apiril Ist the company. All employees who paid I . _ As soon 'as the 11ro'duclal police ,,, Nrrlght and Brlgadfbr- Uen. John U. 1003, to be paid on or before Sun ' shall be, rurnishod with an Itemized at Fel ale, under Clilef McMullen, Wilson, both of thlo city ;Lf4hop Joh Ist, 3003, and from and after April statement of account, for Less'Than Royal Duke . . 11 Is', 19Da, and during the life ofthis U I heard of the trouble they weat to L. Spalding, of Illinois; Thomas 1-1. X"I. The awards heroin made shall fie Looks for a United Sotith Africa Under the mine post haste. Later a spe- award, they, shall be paid oil the continue Ili force until March 818t, cial train wAs made up and weat Watkins, of Pennsylvania; N. E. basis of a, ulne-hour day, re- 1906, rind any erhployee, or group as far as Morrissey. bringing lloack I . - Clark, of Codar 11apids, Iowa, and colvIng therefor the same -.wages as of employees, violating any or the the Britishl Flag. 3UT MAC WILL GET ANOTHER tile men Who had been driven , out. Edward W. Parker, of this Olt),. The Were p0d in April, 190.9, for a tell- privislone thereof shall be subjf,,Ot to Landon, karob ,'!3,-Tlle story ,of Their n4 meoare J. 11,4nt, F. Spence, hour day, Overtime Ili excess of reasonable discipline by the employer; London, March 23 -Colonial ,QeLrp, Sauth Africa of vigidletlye"ess among T. 13vans, E. Tasiner, V. Dupree report Is to be Iliustrutoid, alid it ulne, hours In any, (lay to be and, further, that the violation of Sir William UordQu Maegregor'o res - paid Lary Chamberlain to -day received ilia the Boeru, expressed his admiration Ono from thoWeetliam Workhouse by and .T. Sorlmo, and some of these will be accompanied by tile testi- at a proportionate rate pet, hour. I ,in of theao awards, either of the dignified WAY In which, the a woman., who, It was said, was an were serlausl­ hurt. - moily taken by the (.ommis8ion, but I Pity for coal Mined. by Y Provisions employees, shall not city of Landoll's congratulations Oil burgbexa had accepted the result of ,Tust what Ziffect the riot will lri am layer or I thus far only tho raport proper has ,alh?,t, any of the lyrovislons )110 mission to South Africa, In the .UnDrican, and who Intended to mar- have on the, work of the Concilla- Ii ilia appeal to arms, wild continued, ry . 1. During tile life of this award i Guild Hall. 31r. Chamberlain, 1114he only fruit which wo desire from . Illul, ,,,,I been printed. T hls alone covers 87 tile prOsent methods of payment for thDroof. I Ili his 'i already been cabled. tion Committee of the Provincial . pages of printed matter. . Apparently lit will serilre a wife, but coal mined shall be adhered Ito un- I eply to the address, said lie was con- the war 1:9 the fi-landship, of thcoe silo is iio u an American. Tllo, story Aflalug -Association, " w,hiph' is now, Award sullkinarizeti. less changed by mutual agreement-, r%-4C-..ar-..J-n&-..4C-..J-n13 vinced that everything wag Ili train Who WCrO .50 recently fighting 118.11 of ilia afflicted baronetlo misfor- taking testimony at Fernle, Is d4f- n1de In a I of the above, awards it is pro- The cmicillatory offirlt dsplayed In tunes has Incidentally broh ,Ili -brief the commisslull recolunic I rioult to state. The Mincral Union, a, general iiioroasv or wages, amount- Vided, that allOW11,11COB like -IIOSLI . it Unitoil South Afxlen, under ilia tlll sentence pervVed, the entire light trimonial officials are discussing the respell - Ing in most Instancoo 'to 10 per cent.; made shall be paid to the legal ro- tiah flag., 'In­tlie words of illy speech, . . f I I . allillity for tile mdV6 dolugs at sonic decrease or Lima ; 'tile Settle- Z NEWS IN BRIEF ? rB011I ' agency, which, however, is not un- Coak Creek mines, presentatives of Buell employees as, liend, General Delarey," said Xr. Subsequently, Mr. and Mrs. Chain- paralleled. . and the,Conciii- . inent of all dlepuLes by arbitratlou; may have died Since Nov. ,.t, 190-'>. &VWW--..sr-,-.Xw-f-,J C-. -J&.%%2 rhambeTlaln, "tile Boer leader.s will berlalu and about three hundred I ation Committee hope .of offooting When it became known that a real, . fixes a minimum wage and a sliding Ali Arbitration Board. be ag loyal to their new, Government Other peraims were entertained by live baronot was immured In a work- a settlement even yet, Hoalo; prilVidou against disorhiiina- CANAWAN a,s,they were to, ittlib old." Mile Secre- the Lord Mayor at luncheon In the IIOUF30 this agency communicated The Provincial comiliable.. wired tion of persons IN ellher the mine IV--AllY difficulty, or disagree- . .1 tary. added tbtVt lie found no trace Ili Mansion House, . -i .1 . . , , ilia Attorney -General's department, ow ners or the minerii oil account of meutArIsIng under tills award, eltil- Mrat Agnes, Me-Clemont died at I with him and arranged for an In- asking for authority to swear In -membership Ili I, or'as to its Interpretation or , appli- Kin ,6ton, aged 100 year4 I I I I terview With the head of the firm, .,membership or non , 9 who li; all energetic society labor union, and provides that ilia Cation, or In any. ,Ivay growing out "The, Mettawas," -.Lhe big summer , woman. Constables, Which, Wa:s''given. awards made, Blitili continue in force Of -tho relations 'of the employers, hotel At, Kingluville, built by the Silo violted SIT William and told him until March 81at, 1006. The coin- and OmPloyed, which cannot be 'set, lato Hiram W&Mer, is to I)o torn SEIZED CAST RO" S' VESSEL or all American client, who would xtent the tied or adjusted by ,consultation be- dowip. I pay 225,0D0 for tile privilege of mission dlecusacil to some 0 , I I If 1 ; marrying a titled Englishman. Af- matt-or of recogilition or noll-recog- tween tile superintendent a , ANTON WOR 0FOANDITS 11, man- Interesting domoric,,tratlons of color ter some correspondellue a legal . . nItIon of the Miners' Union, but de- 0,901' or mines and the photography, Wireless telegraphy A cement was drawn up, In which — . i all this minor or miners d % i ""IR 'CV allned to make any awark of tile mine "reo'lly Interested, mild a singing arc lamp ,were given FOR- ACTS OF. P 1 k 0 yNer agent undertook to provide the matter. . , . shall be referred t I - pernlanan4 at University College conversazione. baronet with a good-looking, mild- ! ( - I Joint Committee to be called a The residence of tho late Senator tempered bride, Fire into Gl'owded Troll'eyCar . . I board of conciliation, of !aving disposition, . - WHE ANVARD INDETA11j. to consist Of Allan, Icnown as Moss Park, Toronto, , a ed 15 Years." Tile first Instal . — six persons, appointed. as hereinafter and the grounda attached, have been alit of the dowr% was Ito be 95,65 When Passenger Re§is'ts, Tile CcitinWislan Provides for an lwovide(l. That is to s Castro's Resignation May Lead to Gen- ' I ' ayl, if there sold by the trilsUps, to tile 'Nasmitli and on the wedding day Sir William . . . . . I AroitralionTribunal. shall be A division of ftlie whole re- Company, T-Amited." ' agreed to, pay. the ,age-nt 0,000, of — . Following Is tile columleHioll'o own 91011 Into three districts, lit each of Rev. Charles J. TrIggerson,'M, A., eral Changve of Government. Which 92,000 vas a Igt'd to the ti - which there shall exist an argant- H MAN KILLED AND OTHERS'"HURT fiummary of tho awards made: zation representing a majority of tile at Forest, Ont,, has received and. ac- tied woman who had Introduced the I. T)ia,t ap luarcaNe of :LO per eput. mine workers of Buell district, one epted a unanimous call to the New York, Marelf 23.-A' special or a request from the Venezuelan American, I 1 1 ) , LOS ATIgeles, Cal.i Ararich 24.-T,bree ON or amd a,bove Vio rates paid In 'Lite of Told board or conciliation shall be paistorate of the Immanuel Baptist ablegram: to the Rerald from Port - Congress t,b4it ho, retain office. In The bargain, however, was net ra fflaRked robbers attempted to hold up mointh at April, 19G2, be p,iltl to till appointed- by each of said Church, of Mlnneapoll,g, Minn. 0 . any case tho German foreign office tiflad, because the American refus- a car on ,+Ila Los Angeles -Pacific organiza- ed to part wi-tl her money., for any contract minors for cutting coal, tions, and three other persons shall Mackenzie & Milan have finally ac- of Spnin, Trinida,d, says; The Brit- expects General Castro?s successor thing less than I dul-co. ,_ Aectric line, .running ,between Los yardage and other work for which - be appointed by the operators, the quired a controlling IIIt0r&9t in the laff crtilsor Pallas has seized tile Volie- ;;,III Carry cut, tll,!o termfi or tile pro- a I Santa Monica, about a sta,piclaxd rates or allowances existed I operators in each of salid, districts stock of tile GDe&`E Northern Rall- -In wargIllp, Restaumaor, on the tocol, and it Is not thought that Nevertheless, Sir William was riot mile West of the city limits last , left without a bride. d.coording to ,light, te d after Nov. 1. I appointing one person. , way, of Quebec, and have elected z'101 tiny fredi complications ara likely tile Daily, ant! after a pistol duet be- i Bow,rd of Di- ground ill'at shei Ili a pirate. Express, numerous wo- tw&en C. H. Henderson, one of the 1902, Lund during the IJf0 or this Tho board or conciliation thus con. their own mail to tbr ador to grow 'out, of thG present turn of. men in Great BrItain have Written passengers, tktld one of tile robbers, awArd. Tlbe amount of Increase under stItilted sliall take up all,d consider rectors. The care against the Restaur politics at Caraeaff. offering their ha,nds and fortunes to the D,wara due for work done be- ,118 Other two highwaymen began , anY question referred to it as arcre- Rev. Dr. Wild, formerly of Bond cites that soon after she washUnd4 Paris, March 23. -An Official des- Illm, and he will shortly marry the shooting right a I twean Nov. 1, 10012, &nil Apiril, 1. 1903, gaid, bearing both parties to tile con- Street Congregational Church, To- lid left tbrouglk the to be pal -it oil or before June 1, 190-1. t ow tempo- ed over to tile Venezaelail authorl- patch has been received here from daughter - of a naval Officer, who, ,rowded car. One passenger Was kill- "OVersy and Buell. evidence as may ronto, and -who Is just 11 Caracas, giving the caaes which said the baronet In an intervie,sv, ' I II. 11hat en,gincers who ayo em- be laid borora It by either party; rarily occupying t1lia pulpit Of Bethel ties by the Gorma,11 Commodore, silo od and three wounded. . led tip to, President Castro's resigria- 'took ty on my misfortune and Tho dead:j H. A. Griswold. of Man - played In hoisting water shall have and ,illy awkIrd mail Church, Clinton street, near College - tion. It showR -his action Was not wrotep a me n the eubject of mar- son, Iowa. . an Increase of 10 per cent. Oil their Ity of Buell board 0 by a maJ..)r- street, has heou offered the pastor- began again lacto or piracy and rob t! 0 . . emi-nings between Nov. 1, 1902, and Of conciliation ,ry on tile Tilgh goas, Itischarged a mo& formality, as some of the des- riage, before I met the egents." The wounded: X. U. Ounningliam, at ,iprill., :L903, to be, paid on. or before shall Ila final and binding oil ,all attie of a churo,h in California, and be telies Indlep.ted, but was tile Out- Sir William denies that he basf lo. 1,08 Angeles; Lilts Pearson, or Saw- partles. If, .1lowevor, tile . also or another church In a western that silo seized the cargoes or ves- Pa June 1, 1003; and from and aftor Is anablo tco decide said board Stimte. He inny prc-' ably accept one sels and then dismantled and aban- growth of serious conditions caused comotor ataxia. He says he Buffers tells, and Dr. 0. A. Bowles, of Los April 1, IZ , and daring tile. lira of [Illy question sub- 0,f tbiew calls, doned tile craft. A Port of Spain by ilia recent International on- from St. Vitus' dance. Angeles. the award, they ishall have eight - 1121tted or Point related thereto, that tanglemento. The despatch says The Express adds that 'the two. wo- It is beile cd tilai one of the rob - question Or point Biliall be referred to BRITISH ANO FOREMN. newspaper Rays editorially Or the the main Cause of the President's men who- ru'll the ma.trlinonial ng - hour ohirts,,wIth thc same pay which "Sucli piratic- bers Was badly wounded. The hold - was effective in April, 1W23, and all empire, to be appointed at tile Restaurador's course; resignation wrae the troubles with eincy are well known in rsoclety. one up occurred at the head bf a deep request of sald board by 0*00 of the ter Clialq. C09WADII Is dead at 'VI aCto prove t1lo UJINVISdol-LI of the . thor cut. The robbers had,placed a steel where they ard now Working eight . Ao , Germany, which, besides being (ilf- finds eligible men and the b ult Judges of tile third juEll San Franelisco. golierag ,owers " The Wide- seeks gullible women with more vall, Ll largo befich'"amil a, cement ity or the allied P "t r, hour shifts thet eight hour shifts shall CUT clal ', _ ficalt of solution, havo caused be continued, and these onginceril circuit ar tile United States, whose TAU United States Senate ratified p,,I.pL,r eNpresses the hope th, money than brains. They live tributive, Justice will be swifter and spread alarm. %We situhtioll, It is . barrel on the track. The motorman shall have all Increase of 10 per cont. d0cifflGIM BlIall be final and binding t1le trea.ty with Cuba. added, has beoir turther complicated in large houses in London, where law ilia ObB ,mises. ani oil the hist oc- ttucti011 Whon .the car In wages, WhIell were effective In t110 in the pro Tim War Minister of Austria hac more effective 1111, by tho activity of tile revolutionary they entertain their Country clients Xas severat'hundred ,ards from it, ,several. positions In Apr1l, 1902. T111:0 membership of said board shall fobridden all officers to join the oasloln. bandg. The despatch clearly Con- while negotiations are pending. They off the current Shorter Hours lop Some. at all times be, kept 001"Plote, either- &nti-Dualling League. . ,-. Castro's Resi oil i- * . voys ilia Impression that the resig- Iceep all automobile for cOtIntrY and ran 04wV,tO thei ,place. The - — 3 Indickt- Jaunts and strange, theatre and sup- mOment tile Car struck three men . Hoisting engineers and oth ll tile oPorators' or inluera' orgalliza- In the Gel -man Reichstag the Berlin, UMT01i 23 --It is believed nation or General Castro b ' per partial, for the purpose of bring- wearing. resignatlaii Or presi- tivo or the present condition of un- masks over ..'their faces ginders. and pumpmen, b,ther tilan tiOns having tile right, at any time Chancellor i ald that tire triple al- Ifore, that the . Ing loving hearts together, prang from the i eeds alongside the those employed in hoisting water, wileb 0, -controversy is riot pending lience would be' renewed. Venezuela,* Satur- Test and instability In Venezuela, ___ ons which 'G C1141I.-a their . dent Castro, or trAck. Cinc, boarded the front end of who, are employed In positli representation It Is reported thint dissensions d -.IV wits deHigiled to sectire tin in- probably foreshadowillr- IL ganOMI Sir Wflilam'Gordon Macgregor was -ire mamned ooatinuou,-AY, shall have tUeyeo,n. . . the car tin(] the,other two tile real. . ' ]icy In' the form Change, of government. exist' In the British Cablinet In re- dD* sement Of Ri!H Pa . born in IP46, and If, ,therefore 57 ond . . . . tun Incroaze of 10 per Cent. oil their At nil hearings before said bo,, gard to the land purchaZ bill. I . . .. I years old, He had to go to the work- I .1 , ,Lrd . . ___..1__._______._______ — The first earnings between Nov*. 1, 1902, and ille, parties inaY be represe . I mail commanded tile pas lited by It Is Officially an -Bounced in Loll- _ _ --- --'----'-'---- house after the death of his bro- se,ggers to put-up *Uir hands, and April 1, 1903, o, bD paid, oil or before Buell Person or persons as they may don that the Allan Lino Ifas secured , 9 I I ther, Col. Charles R. Macgregor, up- Whon One of them. dld not comply lie June 1, 1903, and from and after respectively select No Suspension of the Atlantic mail Conti -act for an- On whom be bad. been a. 'pensioner, ri ed ft. r'llot. Henderson thelk Opened , a,,nd during the life of - I Im R"i r Aprlt 2, 1903 WOrk 011all take laco, by lookout other .year. . I and It will therefore be seen that ;Ire on the robbers. The rohber turn- thD awa,rd, they shall have an Ill- or strike, PondIng tllQ adjudication rlln and D 11 D, P E"N" N Em I - 4 THREUTEN Al. a matrimonial "catch" to does ted his gun upon ITenderBon, but as b( creMe of 5 per cent. oil tile ratco or any matter so -taken tip for ,aid- A syndica,to of London, Be not rank in the first class. ; did so lie was seen o bend byer of wages which wore effective In tile jagtment, Now '42ork ba,nkers Ifave offered to r4 several positions In April, 190.1; and assume Teliazuela's debt to the ' 9 ,111d cry oat a& if in - pain Then About WeiLlililig Coal. straightening up, he , agafil began In addition they shall ])a relieved . pow.,ors on certain conditions. " The five American women nurses - 7"" 1 r '-K 0 'LAVERY IN GERMIAN AFRICA. from duty an Sundays, without loss R' 0 TO KILL 81 ' ,*) V. Whenever requested by 'n. m&j. J- , , 'IIQOtillg 'It tile. passengers on the -n provided by the am- GrItYbr t1la contract miners of any who served on the' hospital ship .— Cront seate. One of the bullets struck of pay, by a ma; . . Ellis. Pearson. I-lenderson 'continued ployor to relieve them. during tile collicry, check welghWen or check Ma -Ino In South Afrinav and Chinese Adinits Hxistance, but Says it isBeing hauris or the do,y shift. docking bosses, or both, shall ba em- waters will get British medals. BUfftLIO (low,-itell: It is stated OR or a particle of the crackers, choose firing and the robber was seen to That firemen shall have an In- played. 1010 wages of said check The U. S. commercial treaty stipu- good authority, that when the Bur- a,nd tarte found on the table in the Gractually Aboliglied. . fall. 11, deir.vt . ( I . !, t i . J , Berlin, Alarch 24. -In the Rplell- 'The two robbers who had entered crease or 10 Per cent. on their earn- weiglimell and chock docking bosses lates that Pekin, Mukdon and Taku- 1"rank. stag yesterday the Director of the the rear door commanded the pau- ings between Nov., 1902, and (lick inquest is -resumed o,fn MondaM April shall be fixed, Collected, find paid by san, near the Yalu River, be opened pl%ce In Pollilell Avas 1, 1903, to, be paid oil or before the millers In Buell inallner as the District Attorney'; will Pennell istated frankly. to the all- Colonial Office, Dr. Strubal, replYing so,agers to put lip their hands, and . the in ille, manner, that treaty porits are " a June let, 1003, and from and after sald miners shall, by ,ajorlt evidonce a letter alleged to have to Soclallrit onquirles, said -house- most of 'hem ill so. Before the rob - a in Y V.OtL) opened. tboritles that vfla relaTione 08T.ween hold slavery had been abolished In bOrs could search tile passengers tile I Burdick by. Ar- -xo "strained elect, find Jv;J_ , loll requoBtea by al maj!- Work of fighting tile fire In Do- beell wrttton to Mrs. himself and Burdick we I Togoland, German )Vest Africa. Clill- shooting N-gan Oil the outside of orlty of said milloro, tile operators million No. I pit, Glace Bay, is still thur R. PenDell. it ,wa,e written byl very strained.11 Ile went Into solue dren now born there are half free, the, car, Then tile other two rob- . * I .. I Khall pay thel Wages fixed for check going oil, and ilia workers are grad- U -p. penkiell In November, 1900. ED of tile detalls of his relallous with and slavery will, ill a, measurable bors began h1ooting right and left : I weighmen and check (looking boases ually, to all appearanoes, getting W line Mrs. Burdick and of his connection - aniong the paeBengers. I ( ; I as in Now York 00, Ithe t &,no time, be totally extinguished. Slav I ('Lit Of deductions made proporLion- tile better of It. with Air. Biixdlck, In! fact, after the Cry Ili German. East Africa was also Griswold was seated about the inid- UtcIY from till-" earnings of the said The Now York pollee have arreaLed Was stopping at the Waldorf. It murdor of Burdick, Peancil spoke to ,110 Of the car with his back toward I mlilero, oil BELOW bhsis as the major- Giuseppe Michael, an Italian, accused ,IrB. Burdick iat tile other-, than ilia authorities of tile ill process of abolition, since a trans- . I'- , I lity was WrIteen to N ' hostility bet.t.ween him and Burdick. for of ownership was not permitted. the robbers. At tile command "Halide M . or said miners shall determine. of having killed Anthony McHugh and i3ii-rdick )Ionic, No. :LO.t Ashlapd ave- up I" he tried to b1do his Watch, and V . On the (lay lie was arranging first "le, slaves liad two days a week Ono of the robbers, thinking he was - I -M,110 ealwshall;bo distributed James Kearney In a street fight at . I I . t' to give, a ostatement which lie sald for work oil their own account, and about to 'draw a plB+ol, fired point I I - I ! among inivers, who ara at work, as Pittston, Pa., on March 15til last. ace. Bil , lie wApited printed Ill ilia Express, . their freedom. I n at him. The bullet 8trfack him .. .. unRormly ano au o.julta%y as Some -doubt Is thrown, upon the Tile letter Was found In the - Were permitted to buy ba 1, I pos- tile Commercial and ilia New York T)m director gdded that he, or coarse, In till) back of the neck, and be, fell ow__ 1. 0111110, and there shall be no con- report of tht finding of the tomb dick home wilen the Beaxch of tile _V l 17 - Carted effort on ilia part or tile of Attua. T fo peasant who claimed house Was ma,dO by tile police. In the. Suii be spoke of part of what he In- held the conviction that slavery must Ove" IlitO the ,lap of his aged mother, miDerP or mine workers of amy coi- e is sala tended to say In this statement. everywhere be ultimately extinguish- 1vlIO wag at his side. '\ l to have discovered the bronze car- letter tile following sontene "It deals with Burdick," said Pen- ed, and lie repelled the charges that , 110rY or dollierles, to limit tile out- fin- and the stone bearing Attila's to occur; . I I Dr. Bowl", was near the front door, . - 16- A Put or Athe mines, or to detract name, now says h10 found them two "There are times wliaO his (Bar- nell, veforrIng to tbIs part of his pro- the German colonial adminiStVILIO11 and at the command of the robbers . - /I - - from tile quality Of the work par- Years ago. dick,$) m&.111ner to, you makes me posed Wcatclillellit- "Some may say' was more expansive than the similar lie raised blB bands. When he had . - ..., ­ I formed, uniaBs suall limitation of want to kill him", . I I that It conies with III grace to abuse British and French ndininistra- them -in the air one of tbe -i ullet j 1, I I I Output' he'll' cOlIfOrinitY to tin agrea- Joise Estrada Palma, a son of lien Mrs. Burdick Is ca,1118d, to tile a dead man, but Burdick was, Ila Baint tinns, rrOl1I -a robber's revolver' struck his I 4 , , 1, Went hetwcon -an operator at, op- Thomas Estrada Palma, Priesident of ,IV z she will probabi amid wheo tile time 00,me"4 that I milst Inio first instalment, $187,500, was left hand and shattered the 11 . tile Cuban. Republic, and Miss Mabel stand on Alonaa Y, bOneff. .... . , . cllatOra ana all organization rcpre- be called upon to identify The let- make it statement In tile liewspa,ficrs voted for the Bast African Rall- After emptying their revolvers the . I . , ek, & - eonthig a majority Jacobs, a student at the Normal both In 4ofenso of myself from ,what other road, Which Is to extend to Mombo. robbero'backed out of the n . .. _e. r' or said miners College, and daughter of David B. ter mentioned -above. She knew liting about me, I _,q . . 1 . . . . . . .4 In ],is or their employ, Jacobs, wealthy tobacco Importer, tile dead men, Burdick mild Pennell, newspapers fire pri sprang off tile, car and disappeared. I hitteaw to let people know jnryt the The car ran rapidly to Sawtelle, __ VIL-113 Gil eflOw Where m1noro Nverie privately married! In Now York probably better illan any 'One per- kim(l of a mail lie, wao, and then, may- WHEN MEN ARE DEAD tho nearest point where medical aid ChiCa,fro, a, Pald 1JY tile car, the Increase on Foliruaky 1:11h. son in the world, alid gior 'testimony. FALss Agnes Millet-, of ., awarded to the contract m1heris Is promiries to be tile mOBt Important b(,, some of them will turn it little - Could be Wcured. Griswold expired , en about 1!aced upon tile cars Ili use, tile top- John T. Prior, engineer, received and Interesting Of the entire pro- of their time to him that they now Unprincipled rapt rs are save, to Split before ilia car bad ratio a mile, orfl- and the rates 'I bad Injuries about the head by fall- .1 are devoting to pryllig into lily ar- rers ware sent to the scene, but no dangers of t1he Menstrual Period p"ing 're'lul"ed, P' ld ln backwards int tw. edings. I Libels About Them. Pei, car 'which, wore in force on Ap- o an ash pit while --- . I fairs.At's pretty hard to sit still and trace of the robbers wag found. —fiow tilley can avoid paill, I'll let, le,02. Any increasein the coaling -up hia engine at J,ondon. His sea them making him out a Saint and A Bulfalo, yollow paper -saya: Bar- Insido the cai, were tlilrt*.v or more 017A Of Cal', Or In the to, iphlg re- left leg was also badly sprained. Coil- Ail officer's T11cory. painting it lot or at-bors black. I (lid, (lick secured the ,letters which came passengers and more than'ten alloto suffering atid remove the cause. quirol, shall Ile acoompamed by a ductor Jackwii was thrown from ]Ile one of the law AuthOrith3s is not- 11kci him an(l) Ili, did not like me. to MrB. Burdick from Pennell, by wore fired. Bullet& ,wore found lm "I suVered :a.)r six years With dYs- proportionate hic-realge in the rate tia in at Woodstock and badly shaken quoted a,s saying: "There are sev- and we both knew It, and' I have Jolt, stealing them from the Post -office. bodded In the wo,odwork Ili many raemovrho t(paii,41ulperio(l.%), so,much so puld per car. - uo. Both are from Windsor. cral reasons T. . a believe, (1) that tile ilia pollee frainkly that, we were not ()no who was with Burdick in his places whon tile car reacbm thf I murder war, committed by more them, Gligood tenus and that our relatIona early domestic, troubles said bles- elty. The IlIghwaYmen secured bottl- that I dreaded every month, as I knew A Sliding Scale. ' e one person ; (2) tha,l, at.ileast one wore, strained. Ilostile? Well, W terally that Burdla learned that Ing from the passengers. it meant three or four dayr of intense VIII. -The following r,liding scale WANTS TO BE A LAWVER or tile porsonti Implica.ted was on- wore not friendly, and tlimt. 19 Ono at 11IR wife hall a private lock box at . tin. The doctor said Jilts -,vas due or WA.T,w shall ,Maine 0 * p, ,ffective ,Ap_ I ­. - tirely famillar with tile interior of the reasons Ili this whole affair why to -,in Inflamed Condition of the uterine, I tile post -office. Ile suspected that ril let, 1903, and rhall affect all Virst. Time, thc Ateilucst 11118 1','ve"Bc011 the Burdick home; and (4) that the, 111-81 death, COM1119 at this time, was letters were coming to her Which, FOR BOARD OF RATS. n.ppendagog caused by ropeated and miners and mine workers included Made by a Woman. murderer or murderers had Ila one of the worst things that Could would throw light oil matters which — noklocted colds and feet v'retting. I,, peawarao or tho commission. "If young qirls only realized how Tho wagcos fixed Ili the awarxis Landon, Marob 24.-A woman bas fear of Interruption while a,t their happe,li -to me, wort) shrouded Ili mystery to him 2kIltilicipat Colullifttee in India Xeop,3 appIIDd for admission to tile English work, or Immediately afterwards. Oil. "I will Filpgi it and authorize It," lie is a I , . and lie rocwIved to see'those letters. Them Alive. aangoroug it 9 to talio cold at this ohall lie tile bull Gf, nil ilia lull - 0 critical time, mu<..h flu:fferingr wonid be 11,11111, un4ie S lie ,r, this being the first time that tile lit'lit paint I kla ,not Care to sayj .salil, 11apd I want It to appear exact- Ila scor.tly sectire-d the key to her ,r th4) ,,,711 1]1:4 N ; ba ly, ag4 I Civet It, far I Intend to tell letter box, taking It from how pocket - d , such an appliom,tion lilts (%vor been much. I __ __ - __ __ - Bombay, al"If011 24. -According to f,pa,rod them. Tharilk (;ad for Lydia Par e ,.Iell Increa"a at five conti.4 Line is "Au to tile Second Point, f4l"lliar- some, of the truth about Burdick t Pa V. PlItIchant"S Ver-etablO C0111- In ti.o averag A TI , book one day when sho was not pre- The Allahabad Pioneer, a muntol I . 0 pple,o or lvlv,ite ais;II mild(%. The applicant, who 0 f even It lie IH,doad, A living man into poiand, that Was thi only medielliC vo,tl bf Mves' abovo pon, (,,() J, Bol(l not divulged, secka admission to AY wILlI the Interior of the hotisoo paring to loave 'lie house. He bur- Committee which was appointed to t ELY POInt tot PC fact that after " much right to defend litniRtAr as ripdly went to tll,o Bilaill of a iock tnko, pircoantlono tigainot Clio spread which 1101p3d me any. Within three ,at Or nettr Now York, b. tween rvrth Gr.,i,yl-; Inn, Ono of the four Inns a I in- . Weeks after X ShArted to talte it, I .till! oy all -I Eklgvowatoll. till I report- CO'll't. Tho benchort; are mirlirlsed tile work 'Willi done the murderer the frlegids of a, dead, mail have to unlith and had it duplicate, key made,- of the plaguo at Ain'ritzar, Initiated cutent in my 03 to the burcall of alithrarite tlutt Nuell appilon,tions have not waRbOd ]its or her haudB, and there. defend his memory, 3: don't want n, alit] then returned IA14 wlfe s key comprehensive plans to exterminate noticed a markeil improy my coal ,statIstles. alIoNo ,A1.,',0 por toll heou Made before Ili vlow of tile fact fore must; have known where a wash woril obaxiged In what I say about. without lotting her notice Its dlg- ratvi as propagators Of 010 diseago. general health, and at the time of basin was to be fouild. That 110 Or Burdick." I applVIVIIIN1. After that lie waillil Tile Committee was imilwflately faced )ain had f. m b., tile t'lilliloyeeii tilmll 11.1"o that Women practice Iaw In the Un- rebtleillo (1114liko of Burdick-, dead, make daily*, and sometimes hourly by a difficulty arising troll, 1. next monthly period the 1 illIN Rod 41tales and Vrance. They will Rho washed life or her ballds Is sure; I 0 ,lo d1minishod considerr,bly, I kept up an hict)oaso of one per cent. in pril, for, although there was bloo, n the wag as apparent as his disl1kri of Bar- trips to tho post-offico, open ,,Ilia tieruillms of tl,o natives, 'Whose re tilo treatment and wits eured a mouth colialienaaVon, whIoll shall Continue C03114140V the request during A (lick, living. no made ,no, effort to nt1l a keliangre Ili tho avor&,M of and tile remilt Is awalted with in. histdo knob of tile don door, there If6's lock box and it there was a. H ou(4 toilets forba4o ,the taking at 'later. I am like anotlior person since it , I It, but at 'no time did lie til- w f0i In I am in perfect homith.11-Mrsa A-txxo made by a wits lia blood o1i ,the knob or tile ("O'coe"ll h-!tter Ili it from Pennell lie would It , alit] coilvequantly tile *alit lj &aH eo,al works a ra.laction Or all t( Piit. An application i timate, that lie Aiated him enough to t4k(N it A-Wity, steam the flap open, too Wile C01110elled to orrer a re- Mira,nil, 1,,5 Potomac Ave., C I' ,licago, 111. ll,el.oa sia In sald Ad4litional coinp.:,n, womall for admIrsion to tile Scot, outer door to tile (house, Which had kill qllm ; . -$6000 fopf but tile rate or tI0 bar In 1,9DO waLi rt,figRed. Tile 1) en purpoBoly left open for tile I redd and Copy,, tile letter and, re- Ward for live itats, whioll Nvill bo _ . I _yt if origifl,71 of at,ova iettep proutriv isation hertninder; I I arpt)so of orettiting tile Impression turn the originAl to the letter box. IV 11rortably at the pab _ ganulneness camot ba produced. 8 r,oflo.0ts comppiwation shall Ili 110 easi. Ori foul, inim or court tire tile Middle P onse. PENNEll'S WILI_ Ile s"urod dozens Of IcttCrS3 It wag 1^ tit ined cor Ile 14 . 1(.,,, ,4 th.an tlitvt flxu3 In tile a%vitni.. Til,11,I)io, tile innor Temple, Lincoln'ji that burglars haa onterod the h lie ex rise untli t1le PhIg sulp Tho moilthly stelakes I tile bouse to also — vajil yosterday, and the tstartlIng 'proirsed, whon, preorlbf4bly, the to. the condifloji of wonlan's health. Tl,,,It I,% wholl. tll,,_% pri(q, of I njil (.oa,I Inn, and orrny'a Inn. ThoBe inliq are J amlllarlty witl Was Iliq . I . %Vlft"tt Itel. I' a! fteA 4%VlJl 1, , khollt 0110 301fty thowand letterS ftont )' N-vchii , $ 1.51' i ilt,r toll. tile voinlimma- govornod by belieliero, under whose shown by the fAdf- 111lat 111111011 ,1-t , Ill wlllell the threat iwaA nindo dontg Ill he reloa,sed. workw.n orove that 'QV(Ha R t1oll Miall increaBe Ono per cent,. :41111pl,111toll1mico Ile this adnil"lon and not brought to tile tion by Burdick, 'k. 2 --'.-,. () () (). by 1,101111011 "that I tPol thaft t linuot TkM M111110104lity' hill Authoritixt but by some other pvraon.Thp- allftly- klit l0d. Burdick" w4s (onei of the lot., tMii exftefillturo of 12 rupetj ($1,J eaf) Pinkliftlivo Vegetable VIOMP01111A 1-il. Continue, 1111til ib^ prive 1`4111 bV. (villea,tioll of AtntleiltR for ,the bat-, I P'to. 'aliffillo report: Tbow, arei, lit) 1( I _ _ mrlitationo and - lviv $1.50 per toll. When tho ove pro. flits P,'Illlll,- of bArritAPPH alill illo re-, OR or tile coggiplits of Durdlek's ors 1hof filtereil through those P, M61111 toll Q6 board of ratiq While regirilateg Iiiiiii ws t1lat lie bad not tastodde-vOopinentg Ili tllf,- lRurdick inor- elialinc%1q, . l the Folwilin Is being tried, 3naktji thoso 1)orj0jU palinlenat _,, (4,nt. Increase will (e.-xse. or unVI gilp,lition of tile proferinlon. Mach sho , .. I