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The Wingham Advance, 1903-03-26, Page 6
_ 0 , r 11 *•.,+e,-•,•=--',-..^.a..+x., ,M..»w .e.+.�.�. .mw.++...-..,....,...,...^.n+.»,.r.e+.��.,+«*a---w,-,.ynw�..+w�,* 1!_77 +v.e,<w�.r,.,.r,..,�--I--,----ur«-.R...,....a....-,�..�--•_�-' - ---,.,--_�-.->. �.. —�1i y wr t't on. *,you fol ret. It `�'Le- -r- ng slut Oy to 'ic•1•rtts. I88lJ ata O 1r� 190 11 flint I should never trotti•1n - "Yes," saidyoung Sirs. klolo, "llenry' I , r yon. \itky- it I ]ward, crit Lt- anti i liaul� scamatic'o` cies( ttttt�tt4u( j4ltin(P D�l ,` �"'""' alivaya oipuned+forb(h 1 iregn S `t�iiu¢.°uY� en 1.1 I r�t1ell Kevin these yes SO of �/� !note, evil!(}1 sel'iit to IlayP. E!,'ea some_ and I cat) t den, • It •OOt}ICA filo child, FOtEenHthe{iumN cures W1A4 ' " flans !__j was tel ask no questions. It.,, 111rhat will never do," rvturuetl ' �- � w ._- e incl and to the bod romcdv for Diarrhwu, • (��7t'/" �� (J .knd so,, though I livar ,'on sigh, I Consumption is a human the exporlenced tleirlIbor. "You eall't . 1 _, _.i ,• luusl b; silent, 1Vahrne; must be sit- ____-` AGENTS WANTED 4L��in��rri: ctrl, thnut;h 1'11 give- "lie lilttghrd Weeci flourishing hest ill weak afford to start ivarricd ilio LIr:LL ,r,:' JIN- i � (�dG+tiP/j ,. i , ��JA VTPR llelt,1,1 dent; LADY pr $0 ` y� softly, with self-sco: u. "Why, what lungs Like Other weeds it's way,,, ,'l lcnanv it, a,nswcrnd Lhc� � ' ,,.+ . � to App ore eves handsome pro 1,1.1v(r I to give? \l.1 life? That is b" young; wife. "I've thoufltt 1t all naaured. Apply ClttutetirinLudyCoraotUo. f yatlre 1Llreculy ! But I'd give It over easily destroyed While young; over, t-1utt lvvhen ilO Bowes home to- I There are very few cleans• London, c)nt• Lt:i 4�;� Q, �i A �%`,E, and over al,"stn to IECt the burden, iV118n Oldl sometimes illi• night I'm, going tc bring him to terns ing operations In 1vh1Ch Sunlight �{ � Manager / 7"�� ��G��� "-"- whatc*ver it may be, from these sognicic that he'll hardly know what Soap cannot be used to adv�nt. El istriQ�i�, IV9f�nager (�" �/ Strong shoulders, from that hind possible. has happened," "Tlu,t's right, Illy heart of yours, Nairne!" Strengthen the lull s as you dear. .show- some spirit. What aro age. It makes the home bright A FINANCIAL INSTMITION, INCOR. . The fit, lexlice(1 dawn ai the b + y , Ou going to clo ?" ,'I'm going to 'and Clean. POPATI:1) under the ()ntarlo Johtt Stuck pale, upturned taco with a frOlvri• 1V0111d \Veal{ ]slid and the bring lip tho subject again and then _-____ -.,.- .. ii3 ConipaitloH Art by lettvi-8 patent, capital "I,u}gh," Ile said, as if by Some !III- WeeaS Will CliSappeclr, er,.", -•'lift:-Bats. - _ paid up $Ioo,otto, wltit head ulilcoin lorou- pulsr, "did you ever SIT-" 3Io clop- Penn's i'hhoso ah •. it), will appoint it representative fur the dta• ped alit) bit ills lip at his sill) of the The best lull fertilizer i9 , 1 J tract cuu)pculat; the d t (!utility IIs which this g I111natd s Iallltlnant cures Burne, It is not (lotto certain cvhetltor a anpur is chrulnccd and the couuiioa aa]olnq- tunf;ue; bat the other smileei' Scott's EI11U1510I7, Salt pork Ettc, bird with Otto wing 19 as IX-OttY as t11e'to ritoiyvtlilo oughiy, le rg!tandLSmall • -. as "G O, oil., flee) what ?" , ry y Caro of the wlill two; it is, In fact' merely A towns ( unit villitgVo. utrume (salary, and """"""— "^ `"""' -""'"" ."-'__ ._ "I meant that pleturiD or AfurillO s is good too, but it is Ver hard U ♦"'Ir-w-Ii"<<'I /""lr4,m r e -I '3 in the• \•atie,Ltl ; I mean the girl with to digest. v� Eyes. .",,,.e difference you of tL pinion, + comm as vii} riot• th li to ispl 0 Der annum, u;cordht to rho ab111t dlepletye !a , ,�,�,�,, ,v.+.,,...w..%ele%e%ele- ,N dile lilies ?" b When rho eyes sole, relieve thorn If you want to have homo-made 80011,111l; •btistuca . $1,000 for exctuaive 1."I ),now," sa[d tltO blind man soft- The time t0 treat COnStlm by closing aloe II(Is tar five or tan • broad, you host wrtl a home-bred control. IV "']'hey call it 'Tho Lily and the p minutes. VYheII stinging and red maid,—Pom)9y lvania Punch livid. An energetic man, widely and favorably tion i5 when you begin trying tUroltgh erybltg, they. should Ue ' known, desired, but do not reply it canuoe and Dagrger Lilies'" y g y)land-New Yoxk fiat] Boston Via Naw lox'kinveatgi,ouO.Oo. Theabailed in with rater, to wet a it "Yes that is it; and yet It's n l?td t0 hide it from yourself. kerchief with rosecvater and lay it Central. Apply Esovulive, 304 3[cIiinuon Illclg„ name for it. 'Poore !s sO much of Others see it, you won't. oven' thein for I, few minute, If tlleyl The naueorous trams, thWexcellont Toronto. Ithe rose and the passion fiowor Ln , , are bloodshot, q;ou 'need more sleep, service, the unt,tormity' of its trains, ¢¢pg�]heeppip' Piants, A TALK 0114 WOMAN'S LOVE AND her. I sal, her this evoning, Luigi; Don't t Wait until y'Otl cant oT have been sitting in it draught, its four tracks and x1le location 'of SIIUOiIUYIiy f,�1i1,71 ���tl For Salo WOMAI PEOIDY ,is ./0 A .0 Hera In the park• Her e,es looked deceive ,Ourself any longer. If they have, a 'burelaig sensation, I Isis depots in Boston 't),nd New York, , at ,no as they lcx)k out of the picture; Begin With the first thOtl('llt )lathe 'them with hot water to which make the New'YOerk, Central ,the fav- I have IL choice lot at Strawbn pry Plants S ?t shy, yet brave, swept Dyes+ ]]'till tilt p to offer for spring setttog that have been L%o%o%~%o1^ �,� +.w +rw+�+ b a dash, of witch hazel has been add- °lits dale to those points. , growth nn ground Hpcclall;• pt`npared. They &"�,a,od� ,, .".J.,,J.J.A,.�r„AJ Innocent wonder or a glrl, 'Ile half- t0 take Scott's Emulsion. If ed. If 'rho whites o[ ilte eyes are Any ticket agent will confirm N!ll© havegzlodilbrous,votes. "No, Ido wall not ask me again,' , fell back from the white forellea.l in conscious witehery of wotnnn, in , low and the puphis (lull, sinict at- above. , i i d have been aprnyhig my heyallants regularly „ It isri t really consumption SO tention should be palal 'to diet. for ppact a Of lel blig llo r u steyshould aver - she said, antt silo was f:arelug her- thick long curls that swept tilt' thin the111. ��• Ltrpo treyoflent r littStarint,whichtea ion. self to tell hhu all that occurred cheeks and tneveased Lite pallor Of "A young English girl ?" sald till' much the better' you Will Soon I10cv Ti,tLa Flies. important matter In stof arting i4 Maine (tile on the brl(Ige, nvlien itis w)lj0r the face. blind man mii!:ingly. `.fin beauiieul?" Eor et It and be better for file Dtinaiti'a Ltnlluont Believes Neural- hid. APkeni—Do, you behove Snhero•• most popularve marketuuuiet berryeW-1111yj Clyde started to his feet: He made no sign of consciousness as The marquis laughed grlmly, g � dity ? lvilson,Mich uol'N I•:arly, etc. Cao turnieh any "You don't !neap to say that you the marquis approtielied. and the soft "Beautiful ? I hate the word. It treatment. If it is consump- till lir. ICiddDr—Sttro; now, thero's Of the leading vartettes. Any of the ordinary were harsh to him, I:lalne ? (;ood grey eyes which had been fixed upon mealis just nothing : a doll's fate ti011 you CttIl't expect t0 be Counsel to �lmolcers. m, grandson, for instance. Ti'e's 1n followyarleting bullehoa and packed b U. B. at anuli a simper. I telt you this girl--" y p Frons the Royal Aendem of Bel •inn' In lot t e -than 5 heavens 1 Smelt an offer . Such rL the window did not turn or waver. He sto ped Avhih ,tool )ressed lips, as y >5 alio with the same ballot dancer I In lots less than ,,00, Stivper hundred match! You needn't have offended He Ilad not heard the marquis, tint] p 1 cured at once, blit if you Will comas the following sage advic to aP,orecl when I was hd�D age,—Bouton L) lutes of tsoo and tinder 1000, 80C Por him. I"—he put Ilia h'at striwirlit lie had not seen flim, for itEt was blind. ][ he repented tvllat ate had sold. begin lIl fiddle and Will be sm0kt*rs . ' Herald. hundred 2 witlr lila usual carefulness — "I The long, thin fingers towelled the "And you suer her for the first b " Do not Use moist tobaoco since In discount of 000and Quit, ye ISO per thousand keys soft) for a few d havel o _00, lerH of aver . wtouldn't leave had It happen fur minutes lon�geAz and the music: con- time, and here ?" said I.ulgl, with rigidly regular ill your treat• the lie then escapes with the vup(il' Minarli's Liniment for reale ovary- leading vailetles to selltatl$1.J15 Berry r hundred lila Wprld, book hare; I w tioillg mitinnedt to !lost lake a cloud of sound intense yet unobtrusive inter, st anfl merit ULl Will win. and Is not decomposed, where. or *10 ler thousand. down to the, club;' throu h the ma nifL( int gallery ; but eagerness. And it 1s lar beauty, y " Du not smoke, either whales tttsling her.wltchery, that makes you sac), is' ° or a short time before meals. �_s;:�:. Raspberry Planta, and Currants, lea and Elaine put out lieu hand, and laid 8 g ,i binek,for Sale cheap. fa the marquis sighed, and SCOtt S Emulsion, fresh air, the Ifisception. it softly on ills alio, in an instant the supple fingers etiC- that sO ?" He smiled. "Perhaps 1t Is "\\'lean smoking Agars or cigar. Order s early. "last tomo It., Canadian Pftly 1 omt ship x T. s. or C.. R., C CX,R.n or I. Zoned into motionlessness, and, with- the sadness that comes before JOY ; rest all you can, eat all yOtl. cites always use an amber, weer- Mlles—I wonder it animals aro Dominion Express. G, N.W. or C,P,1L. tele. He looked down at he.r with an out turndng his head, iia player said ; filo sigh that prelualee the smile' Can, that's the treatment and ech17L`ticutiuohorn vaj)ori�estat i0ede tees, er.happyui? I goes,; so—with ilia OSstUlo urlmsby. Address Ilett teleptwue No, sur, evasive, troubled took on his hand- „Nairne P' Pretty, but vague," said the mar- g' P sande, selfish face. It was only a single word, but the quls grimly. You ,me all—what do that's the best treatment. and that portion of it which is not exception of the smile. He a chronic W. B. ItITTENHOUSE, " Pa,pa, It Av, mhA ,be no, use, Do not, tone in which it was uttered spoke you mean ?" decomposed In tete centre is attracted kicker, you knOW—Chlea,go News, Excelsior Fru[t Farm, BeamsviRe. flea, �, h toward tine tip drid liecumulates &r colored. volumes. There cvao the humility of The blind man touched the keys .. We will send you there ; it is therefore prudent to , If You are aSeeptic or.Non-Reliever in Don't re wl�lt? It's all Ya y well, gratitude, the warmth of love, the caressingly, and a love lyric beganA a little of tate Emul- throw hway the last .quarter of a Settlers l,ocv Rates ]Vest, 11 " tenderness of sympathy. to throb roumd and about thein. cigar. Via Chicago and Northwestern By., ��������� my dear, but I can't afford to IOKe „Yes, it's 1, Luigi," said the mar- "They say, Nairne," he said, "thatsiva free, F friend like Sherwin. N11y —hie face'earsbornworp " Do not smoke a Pipe that• Iles a every day from February 15th to Sena ante of birth and ten rente (silver) foe reddened--h—he's been awfully quis."And out id rnquick." ar you some other Issenttpmm�tetlwith It.the tom ofhatlabel is on ii. short stem. trial horuae po,do and by convinced. Careful April 3Utt1: Colonist One way. sem' ana conscientious attention convinced. to ivory rueful to me:' Colne Ins said the player in a slaw, Perhaps—don't be angry —you havewrapper of every bottle of " Of 1-111 methods of smoking the and -class tickets at extremely low horoeeope,freedfront all humbugthat hap ul ,.•the understood° and her hand drop- low voice, like that of one more ac- met your other soul here, and to-hn+ul�toayoubuy. cigarcatte is the least offensive." rotas tion stations !n Ontario and t �many,ot1C I)u o, MoosHe hts,istae wped. Tier face dropped too, and alle cuetomad to silence than speech. night? .SCOTT & BOWNE, Quebec, to points in Colorado, Utah, Yorknuy1L.13ugu, Dtorrls Heights, Newhid the shame ,bu;rning In It Witt' ,,It wag only when I heard y0'J ,The marquis frowned, and thrust- Chemists,Ct,ltnre, Not Creation. Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, )ser hands. speak---" 6nlg hie hands illi° his pockets said .My busfnese is not to rebuke my- Washington and California; also to Do not:' she said again. "It would ,•I didn't speak" sand filo marquis sternly,: Toronto, Ontario. • self, Victoria, Tancouver, New Westmhl- 31 , 'RF yPF m r, use. I -I could never, !)ever with a half [•rutile. fl'Tla be Cdnti,nuecl.) Soc. and $I; all druggists But make the absolute best of what star, Nelson, Roseland, lett. Full # FOR SALE marry him, dear" ' "You ei led," said the otl)ar quick- . made. —Bro,Mning. particulars, rates and folders can be (� But tits step, u had gone, and she g _ _ obtained from Ile: H. Bennett, General Heard hie stel), unusually hurried and ly, though softly, "and that to �� To prow Yrs 9onyt God m en. heavy, El: Le »usual through the rQOal otlgh for me. f5Ilsll I leave oft play- Duplicity. P. � Agent, '� East King street, Toronto, y�r Creamery an<1CheeaoFactory Ing ? hab Das 1 "' Oct. to the hall. No," sold the IIIar uta; o on, ��'�� Chase'sOlntmentisacertain Shoe Clerk—Are you ljedng waited p low atMuirkirkSta.tion,M.C.Iiy. * C,ti kPTE;r IV. q g and absolute cure for each oil- ma,am ? WHEN YO U � R E Tile maxquta remained for some What Is it?" and every form of itching, The Heal IC111trt0unt, ? Lana, buildings, engtae, biller Luigi shrugged ilia shoulders, bleeding andprotrudin pilus, )alt• Cuatomer—No ; I want a pant' �a iN ®®,ArN e,nd all maehlnery for stutter and minutes lit the attitelde in will(Al „A, nothing,' he said gently, and the manufacturers have guaranteedit.i�evtes• of walking shoes. V 1v Titers have hleen some marvellous eltcesomaking. Elalno 11tLd been slim, then witEtout timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh- Shoo Gierk-Whitt price, and size, Will sell whole property—com- • began to play again, borswhatthey tbink otlt Yon. can use it and ma'am ? jnst build up your System with stories of the transformation of '' ploto or detached—vory cheap for 0y a glance sten up tilt hill, walked The marquis remained motionless go our money back if not cured.6aeabox,at y ho groat $void amorican Khartoum under rltish rule. One cash, Apply to lowly toward the house. for a minute or Live, then he began aAdealereorEDMANSON,BATES&Co.,Torouto, fair Customer (rather loudly) — Nervine, the health builder, blood _ Threes! maker and nerve400d,t,atiequick• writer saw a Vision of a stately The gxwtnds were of oxtreme to walk to and fro, and tltls ;,line '('i!i[Iasels ®intmenir , Shoe Clerk—Threes? est and most thorough in its action. : � �£®• ���� �� beauty, and as ea..refully kept up asst Luigi heard Ills steps, and stoppal ®re fair Customer (Ili a iow tone) — 1� Will put every organ In the body city, with beautiful lawns and gar- Box. 355, tit. Thomas, Out. their lordly owner spent most of playing. - _ -- ....- -. _ , In good working order speedily and - dens #,y� his time at the castle, instead of ,,, - Yes, three dollars. Size Q, D,—1 hila- a,t p y wide streets, churches, a col- �/IF "What ie the matter, Nairne. lie Why Dict He Ask. Her? � permanently, throu¢h ¢iving them - #*-*4W0 y r a face days now and again. The. 1 delphla, Prose. i a new nervous onvray,andfllis the lege and magnificent Government of- • 3 ^_ _--^_�- asked, Pennsylvnnta Punch Bowl. i system wlth health, vigor grass of the lawns was like vel- i The marquis pulled up short be- Everett Fussing—AIay I have this Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg iT and rich, red blood. ]ices ; a handsome pulse° built o[ I USE ` vet; there was not a weed on the side him, and laughed grimly. next dance? Drops have become an indispensable r , - red brick faced tcvith stoue ; a rall- I ��®® p®Y GREASE smooth gravel paths. Isere and "Nothing more than usual," Ile Alice Gadding—Yes ; you may have home friend for suffering women, J. W. Dinwoodle, wa•y running into the city, and fast ! � 00� MILE 1'a#1s�� k0REf7sE there, as he neared the house, a said "One of my black flits; thsC fa oiCnmpbellford, 11 LLY7i �1FFii statue s snow marble gleamed „ It all to yourself. Ont., states: For _ steamers prying • o•n the Nile. All this i 1 3 all, Hardening Aluminum. S It Has No Equal • whitely In tits tw,ULght, made dusky „That is all !" echoed Luigi, with : yearslwaatroubled < . by the trees. At the further end a soft leathering of elle words rant• ONE-1VAY RAIES. A process w,th ttte objeot of ialcreas- with nervonsnese Itis:.: where there hail been flue yeasa earl- Manutaotured only by tag the meehdnical properties of and impaired ]Iver ��* ter a reeking huddle of wad huts. i of the grounds there opened out a er than a sigh. "What le it ? Can Tlo many points jn the States of Call- and kidneys. Iwas - THE CA l4�JP��LL fflP'C. CO. wide expanse of park, dotted here you telt sig ,,W I am alcva.in forms, Oregon and Washington. aluminum bas been patented in Ger- treated by several "%'i';'' An uniortunaie elide In the Soudan, of HAMILTON ONTARIO. many, says I{uhlow's Trado Revivw. doctors; tried overy s:, who has been looking for this state- For sale by all leading dealers. and there by noble trees, under forgetting our bargain—my prom-, EVERY D:kY. 'Talo pmoce a ie Interesting in -the medicine. Lastfalli n, 1 city, says, Khal.rtemm i,a still no which the deer flitted like shadows. Ise , The Union Pacific will sell One-way ;'B"'.).4 Y g g p spas° t:l)at ii, opens up a view to the prooureda bottle o4 '•,::Lull none than a big village; filo palace !'resently he passed round one oC Bargniu! promise?" re eated'Coloniat Tlckote at the Coliowing rti,T- -,i',3,31 and Governinent ofPLcOs are nothing the bends Ln the winding path, and p pasaiUility to employ aluminum to SOUTH li,c'rl;.l;c t In sight of the house, looming the marquis.t rates from Missouri river terminals_ now ,uses !n gIvhng it certain qualities AMERICAN tt� ;,{till worth talking about; the churches came n g The other no3drd and pressed down $25.00 to San Frane[aco, Loa An of einduranca unci resistance w.11ieh NERVINe. X;l are non-existent ; iho Gordon col» ghost-like against the baekgiound a soft chord. ,4 ,� I. galea and many other California are wautting iu Iiti pure state, It Is I took but a very Lkl..; M,>; lege, still quite incomplete, might of elves and fire. Ase he did so, rho ,•yee. You may have forgotten --It points. Tickets an sale Feb.15 to cyc�ll ](slows! that aluminum works Peru dosis and the ;.,1.,^, ,. - pass• for tL red brick barn !here are slight figure of a woman came ((would be like on, Nairue !—but I nervous depression l°^.:, :4 1 down the path toward him. Iia did y t June 16, 1903. badly with cr�rtain cutting tools and lupi m entire eya• ....:r j;; i10 roads, ecce >t just around the have not. I remember, always; and : f "1',s •;,', - palace ; the railway is a narrow- aot see her, for he was walking filets It has beim shown fila;! the at tom. will Hover .:;"'; noteloher, and thoughtfully, his often the remembrance keeps me si- : $20.00 to Ogden and malt LakeClty. loyinlg of .ctlunlinunt and tuagnes}um be without !t." ; a? ; < gauge track, on which a miniature along g y, lent. when I know by the tone of your OIL $20.00 W Butte, Anaconda and Hal- have a market) �uperiorily over pure h t'{!i?}; - engine draws 'tt material for 'lite eyes bent on the ground, but she voice that you are troubled. Why" ens aluminum, but less malleable and due- DR. ngyC,.y nc�w Government bniddings ; the tra- san: him, and quick as thought sl5p- —he went on slowly, lingeringly, as n tile. The authors observe that if al- VON STAN'S c'" �'+lir.,)?"t veller can only enter the stately city peel aside Into the shadows of ilte it he were communing with himself $2.,•50 to Spokane and Wauatch'ee,;r.•':'<;, 't Wash. ( umialum la aAled to 2 to 10 poll cent. l ;.-e."-J'�`•i•,hI ^ on Ills viva legs of on the back of POSITIVELY CURES bushes. rather than addressing another—"as PINEAPPLE;;,,!];,.,'.:::•;{. 6 ", of magnesium the metal obtained is •3.r,<�vri:s:' I a naive doUlkev' ; unci the fast stea- `She had a dark silk shawl or I was playing just now before you . $25.00 to Everett, FalrVaven and hardly to be distinguished from alum- TABLETS niers plying on the Nile• would not Rheumatism wart thrown over ]ter head, which, came In, I was thinking of that day ' New Whsteom, via Huntington and inum, but when this alloy is passed allow the sufrarer from indigestion = compete with .4lle fleet of the late as the night was tivarm, must have you found me. I wsa seeing, plainer Spok'aneH several times tLron,gh a flatting mill, - to oat heartily and heavily of any- - Thames Steamboat Company. I{har- Neuralgia been more for concealment than than I ever seen anything, or shall $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Se heated each time 'towards 400-500 'thing he likes while curiag him, warmth, and Tram undo, the (lark ever see snything"—there was no attie4 =tor the Plnnapple actually digests toum, theror efore, hardly seems to ri- tolde }ler face shone almost white. complaint In his voice, but a quiet, • $25.00 to Ashland; Roseburg, Eu- �P�, a�llo , clit;sloan Is files Ic ell L as i andfo t sou8 sound 'whiod, letting tho lst sent—whatever iit mtl..yndonln at pre- 7�aCl{aCjle Her hair was red, and her eyes, serene patience and resignation—"the - gene, Albany and 'Salem, via Port- tiloliigil It wars chargeol. with niagues- 4 ,life. FI e, s - Lo�nldo'n Truth. , , Headache as they 1Vatclied the approaching dark and grimy room, and myself ly- liand. sum. It has preserved, otn the other ache marquis with feline keenness, took Ing there, the most wretched thing `lilekets on sale Feb. 15 to April hand, the ductility and malleability WHERE LAI3OR WAS SWEET. deet" to themselves a greenish hue. in all that wretchedness. They said I 80, 1903. of Lure aluminum. _.—_.—._.—._ ._____-_.____--_ All �Odily Aches It was the young lady whom was 111 of the fever, did they not, For Cul] Information call on or ad- No'r many y"ting Indies 3n Canaan can Bridget had declared site could not '�alrne? None of its like to use the dress H. F. CARTER, T. P. A., 14 The Otlor of Sanctity. boast o[ having cat the (nitro crop on their AND best, Mies Inchloy, the housekeep- true word, starvation. It is such an STATE or,Onlo, CITY orr TOLEDO, l father's farm. Janes Building, Toronto, Canada, or I,UCAH COUNTY Jss' r,v two young daughters Of 'Mr. Georgy F. D CHOATIE, 19iia WoodwArd avenue, FRANK J. CTIENEY makes Oath that liNls the Tito sexton o[ an Episcopal church tar's niece. uSlY word, is it not ?But It was that WenN can do ao, however. ITET"A S Tile Inaxguis ,passad ]l-er unsuspect- of which I was dying. And then you Detroit, Utah. senior partner of the firm of F. J. CirENEY s 1n t1loDoIsa has many stories to tell Air, \vans' tnrnt o situates one mile south ingly, and avoiding the front of the came, I heard your step on the stair, . Co., doing business to the City of Toledo, of the remarks and comments made p Weltwo 0 cultivates on the crest eCarbari;v lou -along which stretched s witty and I thought it was that of the County and state at ores at 0, and tit at Said firm by visitors. Onu Christmas, when the Pl wjj dIe cutirrity H a3u acres, Doing will pay the Stint of ONE HUNDRED DOL- Church was beautifully decorated ISS E111 to Scarcity of help, ]]disc rive and co QU K . ;wblte terrace, ,broken in the Centre landlord—the landlord who had given :, Big Business. LARS for each and every case Of CATARRH ,lies Emma ]Ells yoluut.eerea to drive their by the ateeps lelading to the front Ire notice that morning to pay my London Answera. that cannot be cured by the use Of HALL'S \yitll ever(,*ieenis and firs, an old lady father's bfassea Harris bfnders throng, the hall—mile ilia iffy to a small tower fent or— An Englishman and a Scotsman, CATARRII CURE, walked lip the aisle to,tlle chancel harvest. AA a ,(soft of their efforts, nn. 1^RANI! J. CHENEY. anal .Stood sniffing the air after 1%,ells was the i,•St rarnu'r ou the Plains to TP�� at the side. He stopped at a door He stopped a moment, in which the both colnmerckil travellers, were finish cutting. tw,reathed in ivy, and, taking a key marquis said quietly. bragging about the firms they rep- Sworn to before mo ana Subscribed In mY everyone else had left the church. IIOty mlich of the Hpl et Cnnaaa and a from his pocket, unlocked it. If he "That will do, Luigi, resentOct preeseene,thisGthdnyolDeeember,A.D.,188t3. 'Deni it smell solelun?" she said at Canadlaust,rreiHlnthtH:' '1',isisthespirit A. W. GLEASON, last io the sexton as she turned n•ldch IS Steadily bringingour fair nation to hAd sea.ohed the door a minute or But the other went on, still as if "You may judge of the extent of { SEAL Notary Public. away with evident reluctance. "I tile pre fore. bfr. Wells' Arassey-Ilarris binders is KI•>;II�it� *0*0**l;Y " two earlier he would have met ;♦alas to himself: our husiness, ' said the Englishman, 1— -• !don't know as I ever realized jest "I think Death must have been "from the fact that we end �21,u Hall's Catarrh Dire is taken internally and six and the other fear yrarH' oda, unci ilR. InchlPy emexgtng from it, natwith- „ acts directly onthebloodandmucous surfaces what the odor Of sanctity' nteatit \Yellsassortaonly seventy.fivecents'worth ztan(fi that the eni,rance was sup- eorely disappointed. It was such a a year in ink for our correspondence.Send for posed to be reserved exclusively for near thing, was It not? But ,you •'That's nothing," said the Scots- of the syatet�• J CHENFY SaurtU� ]Toledo, 0 soca! trimmings rings In the Yl eltrlt and tilat tile t61 user firm ])Outght iSpgood toto ,. � � �i 1 the ma.r:}uta, who imagined that he are so strong, Nairne. Even Death man. ".ley firm Saves tivlca that „ ave years yet, to any nothing of the younger Blood ®�� must own itself vanquished by that amount yearly I)y not dotting It's Sold by all drurtgfsts—lac. tend up in the country*. u,)(., Bl alone held the key. iron will of yours, and o , g Hall's k'amily 1 llis are the beat. . e Tho blase of the tower was not of you snatched ! e and not crossing It's Vs. ---.--..------- Street Gowns. great extent, and was unlighted; but me out of his clutches. I thought f at the time that !t was scarcely _.--- ---_ - School Children as suicides. Cook s Cotton Root Compound. 'Street gowns for spring and sum- `�� ill tell the marquis {vAas too familiar with Ladies+ Favorite, f she place to need a light, and, as- worth the trouble. I should still I Cured a horse 0f the ]lunge In Prussia 113 school children canding a short flight of steips, think so, but that I hug the fancy with 11IrARD'S LINIMENT under fifteen years of Ie the only cafe, reliable neer wear show titres or four absre to me that my poor music sometimes CHRI.ST,01IiF.R SAUti'D7;I2S• a have tom- regulator on which woman lute]y diverse sty las, all ar whichev are ,� pe•esed into a semi -circular hall. It p matted suicide within the apace of can depend ' !n the hour attractive. FOr ordinary ever^y- {wae tit kluite dark here, for a pleases—soothes you ; and It is all ten years. Three hundred and thirty= and time of need." clay n cur filo skirt must be short; t ; . ? r� glimmer of light Issued from an I have, Nairne, with which to expreis Prepared In two degrees of ; ) g Dalhausta seven of them were lxi,•a and sev- strength. No. 1 and No. 3. 'tint is a poaliiv(Y command at pre- cDoning at the end of which was my gratitude and love for the )nun I Cirmgl a T3orse badly torn by a enty-sIx girls. 1 No. 1. --For ordinary cases f;r-ut. Not so t;hort its to 1411017 tho When an animal is all run down, . the great ventral hall ; and the mar- who saved my lite, and—ah, yes, made pitchfork, with MINARD'S TANI- Is by far the best dollar � f(:et, lint cit the, wain titne to clear has a tough coat and atight hide, quis was proceeding thither, when it worth} Being. So you were not imNn c medicine known, suddenly a soft' breath of music came satlefted with snatching me from Not !n His Line. No. 2—For special cases -10 degrees Ute ground, and to havo a t well of orde knows that his blood c out �- floatin* downwards, and filled the (leatll• Most men would have been; "\\'hat fa ilia status In this tom- stronger—three dollars per box, ,p' flar0 around tie font,, io fit well; of order. Tokstbeinnimdlecouo- 6 Ul,t not you, not you, Nairne. Y ,.t I:D\VAI2T) LINLI]3I , Ladles'--a7le Your druggist for Coo1c nr0ttn(l the hips, but not too tlghtl,•. mically, he must be in good health. .ilenc,! with a weird ,et soothing Y mhity, if I tinny ayk ." Cotton Loot c'anipound. Take no other Thta coat of three-quarter length or y q'j harmony. know that even death would have St. Peters, C. B. ,,Ile ain't got non° that I ever D i �1�.'r� • He st:(y)pr(l and lisiened with down- i been kinder than the existence I I Curets a Horse of a bad swelling b as all pills, aI[xt an and imitations are a.r w� cast Ileatri for a minute, then turned half been lending, and you Inade with 3fINARD'S LINIJiI:NT. a k•P3rd On. He run a grocery for dangerous. Nn, i and No, 2 are sold and short, with on. Hhort skirt, i, filo fav- wl.ile. down to the Vorner•r, but If Ile, recommended by all druggists in the 1)a ; °rite style for ihrt moment, made on to A rather nal cow sLairwa.y—Lt was the lite that l.aci been a !tell spars- THOS. 1\ . i'AY\L', ever had any Si atuo there 'twa.'ni onl join of price and four 2 cent Vostagi fife linea of till riding -habit ,or at- Ba.00® �'Ui�li'1ER the prlvate approach to ilia picture dies. Bathurst, :i. B. kept; out }n sight where, anybolly stamps. The Coo1c Company, ter filo pattern of one or Otller or ' ; gallery, at till end of which were "Tut !" said the marquis. •`I trot criulrt r) it,'+ Windsor, OAVi� til,) faLvorit(i fur nnocleig of the winter, is a necessity where the bestreeults placed his own apartments—and an organist—a musiehan—on cheap — "'� - — - _ __ . _ _•._-„�•,..•- - with an attached sill,!. E"!Ie cryat from feeding avoid be obtained. went un it quietly. and easy terms, you mean." Health Laws in Engiand. � I)IOttsns, and Ilan a broad girdle at It tones, up the system, rids the , Obstinacy, As lie chid w -i the must( sounded Luigi smiled. Everybody by this time is famBlar �� . c the back.-Ilarper's R%mr. stomach of bots, worms and other nearer. It ,proceeded from an "Yes, that Is the way you put It Chicago c`hronicle. parasites that suck the life blood organ under a large oriel window. when the world asks you wonder- with the pr"Ouneem�nt of Sri:-nrrr' ���� ,Sir," she eried, "if you kiss me, LifebuoySoap-disinfectant-isstrongly away. The thick pilo of the carpet ingly why you hamper yourself with that spitting' is a habit 11 iJVh, al:art I'll ehrlik.", „ recommended by the medical profession as Nothing like Dick's powder for which covered the floor of the the poor blind Italian, who shoul•1 from its unpleasant nature, is '•IC it '#; all the fmmo to yon, hr• a run down hore2. gallery deadened the marrluis' root-' have been satisfied with being so v!A fraught, in the eaEe Of COnnumpLive' y f 1 a]d, f,o9ltr ly, "wily n0L nlirlek ❑rst?' a safeguard against infectious diseases, �. 50 cents a package^ ' ' from starvation, ttnd not repaid hit, persons, With great (lar *er to t1w ns-° COIC "Sir," hbe (oh+ll, renlarLrtl, "I dr,- eteps, and ha went, ftp to the ort,an, b y &Ild stoect 1.mninl; against It and belleractor, so poorly by }lunging ea tion at large. something mast Caatc•„ , r1inC� to fi3)I'ir-,a rat all: Looming, Miles & Co., Agents, looking down at filo player. to hint for the rest o[ hie life t Titat bean accomplished in the way of lef,.i- r 'P:reir he kir;, e,l Iter. Money in it'. , f1oNTRF AL. He was a yonnls nhi.n. with a thin, Es the w:Lv you put It. is ]t not', ening the practice from t1je advie.e; 1+itll the Cid standard,erne- „I see that a MICIligan man and Y . Y Y ��, emaeiate•1 face. wilieh, like Lis baly, ; And It Is like you. And the world is to refrain from it legibly dlspiayr,l' dy that has Stood the test , Manalnl'II T.lnlment ('urea •Dan*)ruff, his w•Ife, have a(lapted 3'3 children," - ---.--.- - — seen)ed worn by pain anti sutferinlc;' deceived. Ah, Nalrne, the world is ill public ' places,•• from tramears -up _ "I)O you k0ow their post -office ad- l A Drs• '!'oast. but, pale and wan an It was; ilio face blinder Even titin I.ulgl Zanti• poor Post -offices. Loeat laws are also it, Of 40 years expetience a: d (II-ess?" „ , '" was beautlfui 3u its ex resgion n[ noxhl:" operation for the punishment ut" liral)s s1rDr1 f'natn, ,, FI(rrec looking at,ou. criOdtUe p is ma5re pig liar t -day tl�ali� "No. Why . peacefihl calm. as if pationce had set I Ife 'touched the keys, and floo,le,1 those who offend, A Liverpool Ynv�!: 1 TSr,4ci <.e.nrt rr,tlfls :inti !nal); Coatr) „I'd 11ke. to go over tlierp anlstart ]null, raising l,ls glans and malting her ]gal upon iliabr01P, and emoothcd the gallery with a sollml Of };rnLlc tigaiton showed that of 105 "FAnr- ever before. ill Wk f0L','r,pdtal,3r', bhf: ti:1;e Inilet be tip a drthg stol,e.1—Chicago Record- La study of the batlher/i, oil `tile beach' with ptt,lnT 1;aml the tender, quiv •' derlsion And thLy: Ples" of expectoration elamitle i five t F:; ,fit df, d Gs -3', aflrlfr[� UDltftt rl , I �I llerahl. below.-PrtnceLon'TlgOr. erin; lips. The h:tar. Ulaelt a„ nigLi, l "But the ba.rgaill-the promise," lie• contained "virulent, that Is aethv, a .;f; R °. Uai 4x8 ,o autan'Irr' of fl xvrap. .------I- - -- ..- .. - __ _...--- • .---_.- - baetilc of tubm,culosis, I am at baht < ;;t r,,..%f) till, f°r Intdflrrr ibOtlf;ht---,--_ ..--. - . - --. -._.. .:..-_ -.____"_ �......•-...—... , n ^ r , �• -1) , .. ,, ... .. .• - c a. , ... wu:.°�,11'1;�' glaal to see tie cbudition of taill,ap s -s c , t o .c,+'� t7" ft' ]°$rr,f•r[ arra lig+ems-+,c �=�• j � rarrlageH Is b('ghluing to recPve at- j c, t, C : i i " v n,44 Irt]krs, bat 'M 1 U tention. They are •'pIAce,0 inuch re- a r" ag,�c fit_ dej tl:;[',oi'- f rlr,I'If, A bet- �, ]pE?�gky iaVE'� 33 It not only because of their g.: ai w(:aring qualities quiring attention Ln this+ m.vpeet. 1 11 I t c• a ••'f° t v', f r,::;•r ;,L Ir]tzrk Iiillt that you are recommended to wear fine of 15s. each was Inflicted oft two . I s r r .., P D:s wa, 'of ii. W 111411, Ines at Perth the other (lay for spit- sp, • :;,•'v A,•� cc 10f, lit i,,rratoly ting III a ralimmy earrfage. T,lhe pt•t;- n .u` col ",f f-3'Ct1<' "rf tr)k.1rr'r 6r'Vriro - e secutlott was undertaken by ill • • +,a t,1 ,l,v, C.Io14_ iojl,,„ M0, rat' A Selkirk Fent °e Ma. 6- County Council of Glamorgan. till' is carefully prepared fsefal ,te r �3;a:, s,r..i ,,,p tr.dt �;r�r) (if C�liiltle V[dlll Save y®ax nwaby UR13 Sl1('lh Ieglsiatoil if; net only 1)('r'tl� d I 'Red Spruce Gum YCtatr, °1 + ,i ' "•f`+'�d `l !t;:Ar "i` wIf lit' ,41111 I `f ill, _ Intl Its hemeliciat effect will not UP i p � '' >' +'r,f,f, n :,ts t,crr t;r,"nI• szau'rf:d lbs m�jrsy Pef>di1Ed's• Style, fit and finish are almost as important. ill to, i0 cu}rpr0aain; a nuisance. i all itsllealinl;, SUUt&!illi,' pro. i•y- Ifs*, ?,,u t;U.,,c! rrf f]Ler ynr rr•a(;(,1 "„ , y , p GRANBY '1`hrOugll , fi operation o[ tile+ )acv til,' a • ' elites, it is pleasant tU rli,010 t)f Ii'r I "i-yw 1jelf 10"I' a 13.1- , A Cn,11rt►lo t>tie eoviil be mailed yatiti a1T ybUt RHTBBERs have a stylish, clean cut appearance all their thought's of Mlle nation Will bit ,11- I p p ,;t,I,, reete(i toward the prevention of div- take and is always effectual, g I'll, I 11,.__, ;_ __. - Will some name wnd addrbss. own, and are made In all the different shoe shapes. case, and this wovo must be regarded I Granby Rubbers wear like iron. `.19 fii►,(ir �vivu )It,esiralll iho Iisillt In i 45 Cents. At allDrul;gists. ,, funny girl silebow, r rrn� ]u,]i�lla>x - SE.3LKIP.IE�II'Fd'ENCIE I CO'+ -Wella I d, ons. Ghroplelm as a toady wan. iu tinea •1 „,falai, w...._. u ,. •r Welland,