HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-03-26, Page 5lItIarch 26, z9o3 THE WINGIUM .ADVANCE. Ooderici r a ; .I "Vol The !)eye at tiles Coll t to of anized. 1 .I , .14 111 I i we o III I immow" !) \ s I 1 all athletic ussociation it Dtpnt ay, Slimt PxYces, LOW Gordon Henderson, who has been = ¢xy yrTh 910TO SG 1 ti► / ti StoutValu ^hl'pn]telegraphg Vii,, n,, ....+*....- a r, , I l i i u i 1 still be quite an exodus from Lucknow genera 1rt cu ions, Lege p, P. R. and ticket Agent In 1 Goderich for, the past nine menthe, has Boyi3 all wool 2 Piece Suits sizes 22 to 2.q 75 and vicinity to the North West shin been promoted to a similar position at «O 1 d Small Profits and Quick Returns , M ....... .... .................. ne of - my daug iters ha a Spring, Windsor, where he will also have terrible case of asthma. We tried " A ]) f +++ A jV Boys' odd Knickerbocker Pants, sizes 22 to 32 at ............ 50 to 75c -Tile G. T. It. has bought addition-- charge of the Dominion Express Cos almost everything, but without rem - +• A! agency, lief. We then tried Ayer's Cherry a. property in Stratford in the vicinity y' SPECIAL IN *SUITS• of their shops, which they intend on. The latest government Fisheries' re- Pectoral and three and one -hall' DEPARTMENT. "- 74 only Men's Black E1 bottles cured her. Emma Jane 1 Worsted, Sorge Suits, sizes 33 to 44 ; these are larging. port shows that during 1001 in the o hakFi Huron division (proper) there l ntsminger, Langsville, Q, genuine, all wool ; are the ovormaL-e of a large factory, which we _M]. >in. Percy, an old and rerpec• - bought at a big reduction, Coat is single breasted sack, S. B. high ted resident of Kinloss, died at his were 7 to oats or vessels with aengaged. tonnage A Cl''s Cher out vest, best Italian linings, choice .............................. $7.00 home, lot 10, con. 11, on Thursday last. y ry Pectoral I) In the 74th year of his ago. The vessels and boats employed were certainlycures manycasos valued at $33,745 and the nets at $31,- SPECIAL IN PANTS. Galt. Ont., March 21st, -A monster 546. The various kinds of fish caught of asthma. 27 Pairs Men's Scuff Pants, all sizes ; some of these are all wool anti III was captured hear here, It mea- are given as follows: Herring, salted, And it cures bronchitis some half wool and cotton, but odd lines, which we are not able to sured 21 feet lout; and weighed 171 457 barrels; herring, fresh, 218,63.1 lbs, ; :hoarseness, Weak lungs, . :! get any more of -so we close them out at .......................... $11.19 pounds. This is the first fish story of whitefish, 23,006; trout, 1,033,242 lbs. • r; 1003, pichetel or doro, 180,702 lbs; sturgeon, whooping -cough, croup, ] ,, ."•° " Worth Yottr While to 'pome and see us before buying our -Mrs. George Kingston 56,57311),4; peach,0,0001hs. catfish, 5'27 y' g y JK winter coughs, night - ' is suing the gulvation Army for $1,000 r C011ghS a COICIS. 1 • s Lba; mixed and coarse fish, 36,Iihr lbs; z whitefish, 1,200 barrels; trout, 855 bar- , and hard HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, TIES, . COLLARS, for injuries suotalned ill a runaway caused by her burse beebming fright- rels, and caviare, 735 lbs, $145,882 20 ^ ti°' I yr CUFFS HOSE GLOVES HANDKER- Thrso vises: 25o., anon h for an ordinarya cued at Lila Army band. was the total value of fish caught of cola; eves, Jnet right for°6rencmue, Aoara I nese. Lard colds, etc,; el, most economical 7 , f CHIEFS ETC ETC. i London, runt., March 2t. -The staff division is creditwhich the ed with $14,440,14erich J. c, wx]xs co., Lowell, frees. 1 •1 Southampton -i for chronic caaes and to keep on hand. As we have the largest and best spring assortment 1n Huron County. of the G T. R. car shops yesterday tnrned out the last of the lot of 800 flat The amount of gram received at t MORE ROOM MORE STOCK MORE BUSINESS. cars ordered by the management lasGoderich by boat during 10112 was + s Novelties in Neckwear arriving daily. 3,226,660 bushels. fall. The order was the largest everThe second floor has been nicely fitted up and put in A I shape placed in London, The Western Foundy Company, Lewis,® thand' fore an up- -date De, Linolrtme t with House I Furnishings ; ac now Q^ 111. d Wingham, have written Mayor s,on have an up-to-date Department with `l.2 bq 44 feet of floor space, al- ® C r ® ill r a Montreal, March ince Tile t P.night R. asking foPinformation as to the steal- lowing ug ample room to display and handle our large stock of all rJI Y/ management announced last ni ht kinds of Floor Coverings, Curtains, Etc. Remember our stock is all g g ship corn anies that will this year be NEW -nearly all being bonght this spring direct from the maoufac- that Mr. Arthur H. P. Piers, who is doing business between Goderich and turers, thus doing away with the middle -man's profit -enabling us to Boas nUTI F.R now in England, has been authorized points on the Georgian Bu and Lake If you want to achieve success in give the choicest patterns at rices not to be beaten anywhere, not WANTED W INCL HAM ONTARIO WANTED 1 g y this busy world you should take a course P p' Y to order three or four large ocean even in the city, ;a Superior, as the desire to ship their at the stealkle•a for the Atlantic service, if stoves and ranges via Goderich. the couditions for building in Great OILCLOTH AND LINOLEUMS. Britain are favorable. Clinton. The Western Ontario We are showing a nice line of Oilcloths and Linoletrms, new pat- terns and colorings, All .widths from 18 inches to 12 feet wide. "'r 0 -The cement works at Durham is Peter McGar, of Stratford, has en- a tared upon dot as baggage master at Shorthand Academy Special Values, now a busy place. Cement has been P Y'London. i shipped and more is to follow. Sever- the station, 76 Dundas St., ART SQUARES AND RUGS. `. al curs of coal and clay are -taken in J. Rands & Son have the contract Special attention has been given to the selection of artistic designs a is axe each day by the G. T. R. and it is like- for lathing tile new post office, and The only up-to-date school in West- in Squares and Rugs. We have all sizes from 2s x 3 yds, to 4 x 510 t - ly that an extra freight train will have commenced this week. They are good orn Ontario. yds, with very pretty borders. Prices from $4.50 up. to run regularly from Stratford to lathers and Mr. Cooper has done well We guarantee to place every gradu- LACE CURTAINS. Durham during the summer. to secure there, ate 1n a situation. - Captain Green who has been in Special Values in Lace curtains in Swiss, Nett and Nottingham -Mr, R. J. foster of Mulmur is tak- P Laces. Nice new patterns, Good variety to choose from. Prices in action against Mulmur township. g ' y WM. C. COO C. S. R. - Is made when you choose our store as the g g N, char• a of the Salvation Arm local to suit all purses true 2,m, to $5.00 a pair. d for unstated damages for death of his corps, has retired from the active ser- SEE OUR LEADER AT $1.50 WORTH $2,00. lace to buy your Furniture. Stock Large— g Principal p y } three children. An epidemic of scarlet vice and gone to near Orangeville 29-32 Prices Right. Before buying elsewhere, just fever broke out i 60 PIECES CAS 60 ES. n his neigborhood, where he will engage in farming, Sixty pieces ofCarpetatoeheosRPETRPETe from otuprisinPIECPIECels,TapPstrv, get our prices ; it will COSI you nothing to find and he claims that his children would Oil Tuesday of this week Ephriam Wool, Union, Dutch and Hemps, hest maker's goods. You'll i, he still alive if the authorities had pro. Butt of the Base Line, delivered in . p 1 soon he hard at cleaning house, refltting and furnishing general - them Out, and you may save money. Our vided him with the necessary help Seaforth a beautiful team of horses, Ogil l S Rolled Oatsly;don'tfailtoseeourstockwhenchoosingyourcarpetsandcnr- guarantee goes With every article we sell, when they quarantined his house. for which he received the snug surn of tains. See our Extra Heavy Carpet one yard wide at...... 50c « Come and see us. Price our goods, and you -A. G. McKa 's election expenses in $4oU.00. They were bought by lktr, - g ' y y P Hamilton, of the cith of Hamilton, for is not a fad nor a fake, but is TAPESTRY CURTAINS. the North Grey contest were $143J.44, the genuine Oatmeal properly Just received a nice range of new patterns, fringed tapestry curtains will be able to Say as others have Said— His bill for printing and ostia Lip the Grand Trunk. g P P y direct from the inannfaeturerat, tsm tin pricesfl y P g posting milled free of hulls and seeds, P g P til► that you Wish you had known before, -what bills was $571.50, livery hire $570.25. The fall wheat in this vicinity has SEE OUR SPECIAL CURTAIN AT $3.00. 1As a member of the Ontario Le ]sla- emerged front its wintry covering, with the out flavor, a don't ask oh many a tine stock we have and what reasonab,e g other meals leek -we tune gets only $600, it would take Mr. looking fresh and bealthy, and as JAPAN MATTINGS. 5o a lb. either. With Ogilvie's , prices we sell for. Try here next time and McKay's salary for nearly two and green and nice, many of them. as they Nice new patterns at 12 15, 20, 25. 30c. Door Mats, Turkish Rugs = were last fall. There is still danger, Rolled Oats and LAXn of ME Stair Oilcloth, Stair Carpets, Etc. a half years to pay his election expen- g + et' a surprise. Woons FLOUR, we are sure to g p ses if be got his board and -well, other however• from frosty nights and sun- _ shiny days, please rho public, as those two _I You are cordially invited to inspect our stock throughout the store, , refreshments _ The citizens committee, comprisingry .y....,. :._.,.-, 1_ to show goods and reed, March 21, farm of Mr, Jae Messrs. Dr. Shaw, Wm. Harland, Jas. best or none. gee for yourself. no matter whether ou buv or-noti No trouble II 'I' W1s 811111 Yell large firms will produce theY gyros l.1itt0li- Walker yFord, and Electrician Stephenson, left of each and jnd y Clapp, which have lain dormant far a on their trip to the several towns For Sale only, at H • E. Isa.rd & Co.C couple or three years, have been leased mentioned in our last week's paper, to by Mr. Dickson of Toronto for a period lean facts in reference to waterworks Furniture Dealers & Undertakers of two years. The new leasee will put glean of there towns. Carr's Opp. Bang Hamilton Highest Price Paid for Produce in machinery for drying the peat, and A,6 Rs mst ael6.ie,,:. ottherwise improve the plant, and Last summer Mrs. O. Olson was in - commence operations as soon as the jured at Goderich station by the sud- (MARKET SQUARE) ° improvements are ready, den Lhunting of the train as she was d`Or i 1 r 1►t1 i4 1 i 4i 11tltlltt alighting from the passenger car. wS i i i i i f i i i t t 1 f i t i -The contract for the building of She brought an action for damages e- the Nile Methodist church has been let to the extent of $2500 and the case to George Stothers, of Dungannon, was to have been tried at the assizes Men's • 1 and Buebannans and Lawson, of Ged- this week, but the Grand Trunk set- " f Bargains_ CHAPPED erieh, to commence operations the first fled the caro on Friday last by paying ►~ of M. It is to be completed the middle Mrs. Olson $1250. • - of September. The huildiug is to be u1t111S I HANDS of red pressed brick, cement block Brussels. In basement, metallic ceiling, and the Mr. Grainger as purchased the - _.. newest improved seating. Livingston farm to the west of Brris- can be instantlyHe is tearing down the old house and _.,• Collingwood, March 20.-Thingv are g We have now the most `U ' 1es cured by using moving very rapidly along the water will erect a new brick residence. front here. The fitting out of the On Wendesday, Thos. Friendship beautiful and complete stock twenty steamboats that wintered here underwent a medical operation for the ever put on the Wingham Ck ~` Frewi s = is giving employment to a great num- removal of a soft tumor from the top Market in the way of Men's fill + bet of men, all docks being crowded of his head, Suitings. and hardly room to turn.• Oollingwood Owitig' to ill health T. Friendship will have to at once provide wore will he leaving the employ of D. Ewan In all the latest designs _ Italian dockage for the great increase which Ss Co., and will remove his wife and and materials at very reason - will take place in the fleet this year. family to Teeswates. solo prices. You will have • • - - Cream -In the estimates, as submitted to The local agency for the Massey - no difficult in selecting a --e the House by the Finance Minister, it Harris repairs has been handed over y g .. • G m 0 • • . M ; will be seen that Clinton's new post. to A. Corrsley, who will keep his stock suit to suit. 1 office received $7,500 for 1002-3, and at his store in connection with the ex - $8,000 is to be set aside for 1003-4. This press offlee. In fit and workmanship For Sale only by last amount will, in all probability, be Mrs. (Rev,) Ross was called to Elora we take a back seat for no PARKS , applied towards the furnishings. Bay on Wednesday owing to the illness of one. 1/® field is down for $5,000 for the exten- her brother, William Watt, whose •Oil _ Colli A. Campbell sion of the southern pier; Goderich health Inas not been very vigorous for ,. harbor works, $16,000; St. Josephs, some time. Satisfaction guaranteed. Jewelry Stogie ` Lake Huron, $5,000; Kincardine, re- Tuesday morning of this week W. THE DRUGGIST Pairs to piers, and dredging. $3,000, T, Pollard, of McKillop, shipped IO Root. Maxwell pll w •-A Normanby farther named Mi- working horses, along with a car of 11 ` is Macdonald BlockWin ham : dlilil illtii litiiltltilt3ltt cbael Donahue, who is retiring front settler's effects to Yellow Grass, As - Macdonald farm life, has had great success in sinaboia, N. W. T. He accompanied High Art Tailor - Wingham sheep raising. In giving his exper•i• the shipment. The freight was $108. I vi ne.'I % c'14 0 , Vai d s Corn 3 cans for ................... 25c Peas 3 cans for .............. .... 25c Beans 3 cans for ..................... 25c Pumpkins 3 cans for .............. 25c Pork` and Beans (3 Ib. cans) 3 cans for 25c Tomatoes, 2 cans for ............ 25c Finnan Haddie are still arriving iveekly direct from Nova Scotia, per pound ............... 10c .t Q.r if ' p• ence in sheep raising to some of his A number of passengers for the Great - brother farmers, he said that for the West also took train the satue clay. 1 = What els Say last ten years he had kept from sixteen Lockridge Bros, have received the V r to twenty ewes, and in lv that time never balance their new machinery and 19 ®3 w SPRIN G'" 1.9 3 lost a lamb. Ae feeds his ees dry are now re ready forthe toren s valuator, oats, but no turnips, carrots or roots James Turnbull, ex -Reeve of Grey, l\' of any kind. This hint may be worthy has been appointed a member of the SEEDS1S It [ t r' of notice by breeders of this valuable Board of License Commissioners, as r_11 A00""INA _ ZJeeds isa stock, successor to Geo. Fortune, resigned. -Application was made at Usgoode A fruit or Orchard institute, in con- - -, . _- Fruit 17-2 Come to R. A. Douglass the w••ti =-•-,f =: •-,?; Druggist for all binds of Flower ` "'"'"` "` ilia " Hall, Toronto, on the 11th lust., fora neetiov with East Huron Farmers, In - and Garden Seeds. Over 30 dif- of Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonle. winding up order against Palmerston stitute, will be held in the Town Hall. ferent colors and varieties of sweet James Leask, breeder and feeder of tho sweep. Pork Packing Co. The applicants are Brussels, on )! riday, April 3rd, at 1.30 stake fat cattle at Provincial winter Va,r the Campbell Snerar Co., of London, p, m., when addresses will be delivered T. A. MILLS has just completed his Stock of:—Common Red, Mammoth, peas to choose your mixture from. 11101 and 1902, says - Drnx sur,- England. Their claim is $x,000. The by A, R, Sherrington, of Walkerton, BULBS I have fed your stock Totdd to enttto and other chief creditor is the Bank of and P. J. Carey, Fruit Dixision, Otta Alsike and Lucerne Clover; Timothy Seed, all Canadian grown and careful like it very ranch. It nnnkes them thrive well and put on flesh more rapidly. I think it is Hamilton for $33,000. The Company wa, on pruning, gt•afting, etc, At 3.30 ly selected as to quality. tho best tonic I have fed to horses, Wo are also CANNA BULBS feeding it to our lions thtswintorand uicy are started business about flve years ago, p, m., in Reeve Wilton's orchard, a I entuCk Blue, Grass Red To White Scotch Superior and must have cost on an average practical demonstration of the same Orchard Grass, r + laying hotter than they have done for a long y h P time. It pays to feed it. DAHLIA BULBS Yours troty over $10,009 a year. A liquidator has be given. Oats, Improved American, first year in this part. JAMES Lr.%.SI . been appointed. The immediate cause J. B, Stretton has removed his furni- n GLADIOLUS BULBS (treonbank P. O., Feb.23,1903. S eltz, Spring Wheat ; for taking the place of Barley, Millet, Hungarian, of the close down was the refusal of tore to his hotel at Bel rave, p l " TUBER ROSES Ur.trt stn, g I had a maro stocked in both legs. worth- the Batik of Ilamillou t0 honor Buckwheat and Rape. ington's stock Food took it down completely cheques given to drovers for hos It TUBEROSE BEGONIAS and put horingoocicondition. Ithasdonomp 1 g' g MANGOLDS.— Saw Logs, Intermediate, Yellow Giant Sur;ar Beet, Iowa good. Think it is a good thing and eau 1s said some of the company will lose Dying by Slow Degrees. y recommend it. heavily on account of personal recur- Altlrotigh not always aware of it yet Half Long, white Field Carrot. ic.► B. CHURCHILL, "Dairyman,' thousands die by slow degrees of Anything wd have not in Clinton, Jan. 17th, 1903. ity given, in addition to a total loss on catarrh. It first attacks the nose or TURNIP SLED. ---The hest kinds, incl, uding Kangaroo and Perfection; ; =stook will be procured at Cata, . ` Purley your animals' blood before turning stock subscribed. Throat, then the lungs, and finally P thom on the grass. They will surprise you in spreadsallthroughthesjsten). CutarrlDutch Set Onions; English Nlultiplier, Potato Onions ; all kinds of small gue price. the F1 11. 101b. box, 200 foods, b0e ; I,Olb, seek $2, Is Your Back Lame. ozone is iedintelyr prevent the spread at oft this Seeds ; all kinds of the best Silo Corn, and thoroughly matured for growth. RMANUPACTURED Iry Does it hur0 to stoop or bend down? awful disease. ''very breath from the J 1 e A.DEWS The Worthington Drug Co. 'lave you A heavy pain At the base of Inhaler kills thousands of germs, clears the spine? if so, the best remedy is Nor- the throat and nose, Haas expectoration Don't Fonrelt—Headquarters- for Seeds. GUELPH. viliuo; it will invigorate the tired, sore and relieves the pain across the eyes. muscles, make them suple and strong. Ontarrhozone erradioates every vestige Chemist & Druggist For Sale and Gtuarantoed by Nerviline will drive out the pain and of catarrh front the system, and is A, H; Corr Wingl]am make you well in no time. Nothing so highly recommended also for Bronchitis good as Nerviline for Lumbago, Stiff Asthma, Deafness nud Lung Trouble. office d.Y+t.VP. Tel. Co. Agar & Lafls Lucknow Neck, Rheumatism, Neuralgia acrd Price $1.00; trial size 250., all druggists Mud ,Cerny -- Ilruttelo Sciatica. Buy 250. bottle of Polson Polson & Co. Kingston, Out., A -m Mi S Nerviline, to -da and t it. Dr, Humilton's Pills Cure Billiousness. ■ Wei, Metter .• p$lu,Vtle y+ r3