HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-03-26, Page 4THE WINGHAM .ADVANCE. March 26, I9o3
��^^•� .--Referring to the Gainey charges in
the Legislature, the Weekly: Sun says: o
Of one thing we can assure the Govorn• STORE
mout and the Legislature---tho people ...9 ----In the fivo years preceding the olds• of the Proviueo mean busiuem TheTHE P • n
Campbell f I t io r is bee smirched e a
fug of British ports against Chadian good name o Omar l t n
store cattle, aboat 88,000 head, both fat during the last four years as never be.
"store," fore, The people aregetting.. J110. JAS. eI\s
and store, went Pruni Canada to 1 P restive w.
Great Britain per annum; but during under the constant infliction of shame, ,
the ton years since 1892, 08,000 head, all * * " ; __, n.- _ _. _ • g
fattened in Canada, were received there, —says the Toronto Telegram:—"The
There was also an increase in the dress- r.. --•■.
deoision in the East Middlesex. case
od meat shipments from Canada from Gents'
n f t+ w
370,000 owts. 1891 to 722,000 owt. in opens a wide and effectual door to the New Puree �7
1901. Canadians who may want to float
to Parliament on a sea of purchased • • M
" liquor. The decision permits a Candi-
-The debate in the Ontario Legisla- date to buydrinks, provided he has :� Dress Goods Maple Syrup
ture on Premier Ross' motion to refer farmed:—"A previous habit of treat- . "q
the Gamey charges to a Commission of ing." So that "A previous habit of
Linoleums. two judges, shows that the Opposition is treating" will now come first among
From one to foyer yards wide. Be sure and see the 4- strong, not only numerically, but also in the good points of the aspirant for a = Nowhere will you find ; If you want Pure, clean, We carry a splendid stock of M
yard width for Dining Rooms, argurmb tsdebating ap presented, a Opposition The ing from the rmOntar o seation lect om a n slaw strainsi°at = a better assortment than Thick, New Maple Syrup, Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds, Ser -
has in its ranks the best debaters in the gnats and swallows camels, allows at this store. In point' came to this store for it. ges, etc.
Legislature. Another feature is the elections to be voided for trifling ir- -•o
■ prominent position taken by a number regularities, and clears the way for the Of Variety, beauty and
of those who are comparatively young, hideous corruption of the opened eon- •• rice our stock eclipses'Nat the kind that is made Let us furnish you with a
C><1i°ta1riS. but new men in the House. stitueuoy at the ensuing bye -election. « P' from brown sugar in the , good suit for Spring. We
Curtains; 25 different
all others,
The finest assortment of Lace C
+ The East Middlesex election is a sap -
0 .Cit1CS, guarantee Style, quality, work -
patterns to choose from; all this spring's designs. Also a " reme illustration of the utter uselessness manship and perfect fit,
nice assortment of Damask Curtains and Table Covers. A dis- —Mr. Manns, the Prohibition Candi- of the law, and should force the Ontario
play From this department will be shown in our south window da.teinNorthYork, was about to proceed Opposition to move for its improvement NEW FRENCH CHEVIOT But the hind that is made
against those who assaulted him and or abolition." lin the maple forest, from the. Prices are about' as low as
this week.
broke up his public meeting at Aurora, — SUITING[
a- sap of the Maple Tree. :you are asked to pa} for ready -
but gives the following reason for not .•-o
prosecuting—The instigators of the POINTERS FOR FARMERS. 56 inches wide guaranteed' : made goods.
� 1
Dolens Gooas T)r1InIiIlllgS y LLii G+t� disturbance at my meetings were men all pure wool, very Stylish
(,7 • high up in the party; men who made At a Farmers' Association mass , But remember we make a
- great professions of Christian and tem- meeting last week in Drayton, one of � and serviceable for fluffs �9�
Still new lines are being added to our already large and se arate skirts. '°'''�r��®e suit to your order. One that
perance work. They are so fax. un- the speakers, Mr. MoEwing, referring e, p
stock of Dress Goods. You can suit yourself here no matter reached but the are known and if to the manner in which farmers and • will fit well, look and wear well
what you want. A number of new designs in Trimmings haus
justice had her a e, some reputations in the masses generally here permitted ®fejCe11� : ,
been added to our stock— some of the latest. See our new _high standing politically and socially themselves to be imposed upon in mat- 1 r1C8S I0.00 to 20.00,
would be considered as lepers alongside ters of legislation, said he had tomo to NEW FRENCH BROAD-:
of the poor unfortunates whom I am the conclusion that Canada had a CLOTH, BLACK. g NEW assortment of Ladies Fancy Collars. asked to further punish, and who only population of 0,000;000—mostly fools.
Spring nods are already
did the bidding of their political masters, In referring to the National debt 6 inches wide, made from
For Best Qualities in all Lines, Try * of Canada, Mr. MoEwing said:—"The 5 in stock. Patent leather : NEW HARD HATS.
* * annual expenditure of the Dominion Pure Botany wool, best :slippers and Patent Leather
French dye, rich finish In Black and Colors. New
,. —Aa electric roads are likely to come has increased from less tion $39,000,000 • � -' y Toe Caps are correct this . .....
into provinence is the near future, the in 1896-7 to over $60,000,000 in 1901-2 ansiva s ver: enteel and Sha es New 5t ales $1.25 to
�� ��� = Farmers Advocate suggests the follow• increase o£ twelve and one-half million y y g season. p Ing:—Before considering the question dollars, or over two millions•per annum. ladylike for suits and sep- 2.25. �
of building a rural electric road, three Our tasatiou for Dominion purposes has arate skirts. Ladies' Bluch,Oxford patent
successors to M. H. MCINDOO. important conditions must first exist: increasedin the same time from $28,048, . ,Kid,'
e..... toe cap, Don ole
First, a sufficiently large population to 000 to $43,389,000, an Increase of over W
101Fbe served by the road; second, it must $14,000,000 in six years. one would W very comfortable and
� SNOW 00;
be a oar -riding population; third, the think with such enormous increase in HOME SPUNS :
, • neat .................. $1. ....
mileage must not be excessive for the our national revenue that there would FLAKES FRIEZE FANCY Black and Colors
population served. Other conditions, have been a corresponding reduction in r , o
Stria ties ............ z5c-
such as the topography of the country our national debt. That is what would `� Tweeds Ser es Worsteds. , Ladies Slipper, patent loath -
the cost of the right -of s ecial in- have occurred in the case of a prudent ° ' Four -Sri -hand, narrow. .. 25C,
g y, P P - err, very neat....... $1.50
centives for using the roads, oto„ have farmer. When a farmer's income in- Fashions demand for this , mall 25c.
Knots s
a slight bearing on the situation, but creases he uses that increase to wipe off
the three enumerated factors are those outstanding obligations, or `add to his as season, a large and var- ' Ladies', Oxford, Dongola
which determine the success or failure bank account or holdings. But it has ied selection, for stylish : Kid, patent toe cap and
® of the enterprise. not been so with the Government. r NEW COLLARS.
Despite the enormous increase in the a ^tailor-made suits and sep- . patent scroll on sides, very ;
Fra ftg * + ordinary revenue at the disposal of the ' arate skirts; stylish ................ $1.75 All the beat shapes.
—Referring to the frequency of rail- Government, there has been an increase
way accidents recently, "Saturday in the indebtedness as well. Our net j
Night" says—These accidents go to national debt was $261,000,000 in 1897. 11■j1 mm
show that there is always danger on the In 1902 it was $271,000,000—an increase Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr Machold �loc�, W11I��111Jno. &Jas. H. Kerr
We have laced in stock some ver rett lines rails, and that there a re element th of $10hat i 00." M
p y pretty in await addition thescare careloned essness and im• us? Eleven million at national
dollars in tern t MiliWiiiiliiliiliiiHiliiii•iiiliiiiiiiiiiiliililiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiliiliiliiliiiiiliiiiiliiiiiliiliiiiiliiiiiin
of Picture Moulding, the newest designs. These
perfection of mere human agencies. In alone! This means an annual charge ,
won't cost any more money than what you England they do not kill one railway upon each family in this country of $10.
passenger in a year. In this country And you pay that money just as surely
have been accustom to paying. The glass we TOWN PROPERTIES WANTED.
and the United States we slaughter as you pay your municipal taxes to the W. A. CURRIE WINGflAM
Ilse is made purpose for picture frames, free them by the thousands annually. The tax -gatherer who calls upon you once a I have almost daily enquiries for
question remains whether the element year. Every time you buy a pound of , houses to rent or buy. AUCTIONEER
from blurs and scratches. Buying direct from g p p Now is the time to sell if you wish McLEAN a SON
3' g' of Chace is alone accountable for the sugar, a spade, a mete of Scotch tweed ,
the manufacturers saves for you the middle-dea-- difference. And if not, is there a or Irish frieze, you help to pay part of to do so. lvinglaam — — Ontario
general and criminal neglect of available it. Practically every article you buy No charge unless a sale is made.
lens' profit. Our keeping an up -date stock ac- precautions in the management of rail- in a store has a Dominion tax bill hid- Abner CiOSMS, Minnie St. Data of Sale arranged for at the All kinds ofronghand dressed....
p p g p - Advance Uriico. Terms reasonable.
counts for the enormous business we do in ways on this continent? den h the price when you make year LUMBER LATH SHINGLES
+ purchase, and that tax bill represents A. DULMAGE
Picture Framing. * * one part of the price you pay for the - KELLY �7 APPLE BARRELS.
—The most important subject so far article, just as surely as does the cost REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. ALEX. KELL 1
announced for discussion by the Domi- of labor in manufacturing represent an- CONVEYANCING. MONEY TO LOAN Hard and Soft Slabs, also a
pion Parliament isBlafr's bill for the ap- other part." on Town and Farm Property. Auctioneer for Huron County
UNDERTAKING gyros • G large quantity of dry hard-
Residence—Patrick Ball
pointmeat of tt Railway Commission. _ ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT.
Street, S. aracey's It has been definitely decided that the OFFICD.—In the Kent Block. I have secured an Auctioneer's license for wood for sale, delivered.
former residence, Baron treaty, and All] prepared to ooaduaL
where night calla 'commission shall consist of three mem The Evils of Constipation. Residence—Catherine St, salon at reasonable rotes.
receive prompt at. Solos arranged at the Adranca Office.
teotive Phone The People's Furniture Store bora, the chairman to receive $10,000 This dangerous condition causes sick Telephone Orders Promptly
si p and the other two members $8,000 .each. lmeadache, abdominal pains,- piles, and ALEX. XELLY, Wingham P. 0, attended to.
These are liberal salaries, but they are in severe cases insanity and apoplexy. T. J. MAGUIRE
The most agreeable and satisfactory
none too high if the proper men be remedy is Forrozone, which makes the REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE AND
�T '�%�' p �`!
chosen to fill the places. Meru imbued bowels so well ordered that natural and LOAN AGENT, CONVEYANCING DR. AGNE 1't McLean & lawn
unassisted action is established.. It is Collootion of Routs and Accounts a epeoialty.
• • • with the spirit of public service can, mild and certain in action and never PHYSICIAN SURGEON
�������• in this position, earn their, salaries ten causes distress or inconvenience, and ASSIGNEE. ACCOUNTANT. , or twelve times over. There is to be may be taken as long as fequired. OFFLce.—OverD.de Gordon's store. ACCOUCHEUR,
but one appeal from a decision of the Pains in the stomach and intestines, Residence: Leopold street. Office :—Upstairs is the Macdonald
ilea billiousness and headache disap- Block.
commission, and that to the Governor- piles, ^ J. A. MORTON Night calla answered at office.
pear at once when Ferrozone is usedt
Past achievements have taught the public t0 expect General-in•Council. An effort will, it Recommend and sold by all druggists,
much of us in Tailoring,but this spring we have fat' is announced, be made to so draft the price GOc. By mail from N. C. Polson BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR,
P g bill as to render discrimination im- & Co., Kingston, Ontario. DRS, CHISHOLM & CHISHOLM
surpassed the fondest expectation. For proof look at possible. No Pills Lilco pr, Hamilton's. MONEY To LOAN.
our showing of Spring Tweeds and Worsteds. The * " " PHYSICIANS SURGEONS ETC,
Office:—Morton Block, Wingham '
best assortment ever gathered together under this roof. —At a mass meeting of South Huron Josephine Street Wingham
Farmers' Association, it was—Moved Go ro MISS DELIA SPARLING
Be sure you see these goods before buying elsewhere. by W. T. Caldwell, seconded by E.
Zeller,—whereas $228,600,000 and 54,- A. T. C, 'M. T P• gIi1NNEDY, M. D., M. c,P,s,o
• Teacher of Piano, Theory and Fletcher J (Member of the British Medical moi`
000,000 acres of land have been granted Association)
by Government to the railways of Can- Music Method, Simplex and Kindergarten. i
Hats,Ties ada; be it resolved, that this meetin 4CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE pupils prepared for Conservatory exam- COLD MEDALLIST IN MEDICINE,
place itself on record, asking the inationa, Special attention paid to Diseases of women
Re -ovens after ]Laster vacation on Tuesday, and abildron,
Government not to grant any more Of Apr, 14th. Tho spring months are among the OFFICE Houns:-1 to 4 p.m, ; 7 to 9 p,m, 1
the public domain or grant money for best of the year for making a start. Write for
the reas6n why. 20 or 30 calls for help at THE m m = 1
the building of railways. It was also wages from $35 to gr per month had to bo ro-il, 1, Hollowsa®� a n�Shoes.moved b John Ketehen seconded b fused lately. No graduates lett, for Luau, and k y , y We teach Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Pon- � � ` Its a It to have a good
manship by mail. 'ADVANCE down -to -date Job D.D.S., L.D.S. i?" Pt, pity
William Murdoch,—That this asoclation Write for catalogue of either department. Printing. Proea
urge upon the Government to so change D. MOLACHLAN & CO., 7 C � GraduateofRoyal � � Suit spoiled in the making.
27-31 Chatham, Ont, OFFICE right. College of Dental
the assesment law that railway com- Surgeons of Tor. o The suits we make give en-
y onto and Honor r+
We have also received newest American Hats in all anies and other co orations will be flrnduate of Dent- # l t v
p al Do t ofToron `c1 �cc the satisfaction. Give us a
Shapes. Newest Neckwear, Umbrellas, Shirts, Col- compelled to contribute a fair share to IT'S ALL RIGHT. ROYBARRISTER
ANSTONL+ to University. �
the revenue of the country; And that Latest improved methods in a I branches of trial and be convinced.
lars, Cuffs, Boots and Shoes. We keep everything their property be assessed in proportion and students may enter the AND SOLICITOR Dentistry. Prices moderato, Satisfaction a
guaranteed. MrOffiee in Beaver Block.
needed to fit out the most stylish man, old or young. to its value. + /.S'%��� Money to loan at lowest rates. Office Webster cc
A pleasure to Show goods. —How carefully the Ontario Govern- 7-95 C Q
ment guards those who do its machine at any time: D.D.S., L.D.S.
work is seen from to powers given to SPRING TERM begins March 30. THOS HOLMES Doctor of Dental Surgery of the I en. Up
the Commission. The Sullivans, Jones, Two Courson—Commercial and Shorthand. nsylvania College and Licentiate of
el al are too sacred to be dealt with. Send for College Journal.
RANKER, ETC. Dental Surgery of Ontario.
The offer of "something good financial- C. A. PLEMINO A, L. McINTYRE Marriage Licenses issued, No witnesses Office over Post ORlae—WINGnAM
ly" to Donald Sutherland, or the President Seo'y port ono ylv % largo me unts; smaller in pro. L.
- -- -- --u "Speakership to Dr. Reanmo must not UUR�Q
be mentioned, nor can these alleged RICHARD IIOMNIES write for our interestlng books"Invent-
cqN orrupt offers be investigated. Again, EASTER TERM q Teacher of Piano and Theory rr's Help" and 4' Hotvyou are swlndted."
why should two judges only be chosen? DAnuisTl a AT L;tw, , oLICIToti, Isrc., IiTO. send us a tough sketch of model of your commences April 1st. Olflt;—next to Holmes Block now building , nuon orituprovenient and rrewiliteriyou
TN�R,E'aS MONEY IN ITC gree—the
not three? Suppose the two din CENTRAL fres our opinien as to whether it i* probably
reo- the wh010 investigation i9 likely een able. Related osec attonahaveottee
ELLINGTON MUTUAL MISS C�RRI1+� MOORS . l;etn autcesstally prosecuted by W. we
eondnnt fully equipppped calces {n l,ientreal
to prove a farce, intended t0 shield to and Wnshingten; tiiiaqun11t1catistopromi�•
If you do not belleveItwriteto as. W FIRE INS. COQ Teacher of Violin and Guitar, ly ai"pateh work naso c{uiekty a. cure stents
guilty and prevent the truth from com- as broad ns thell
iaventiou, fitghestreferenees
We pay prod wages to active men. ing to the public gaze. In any ease, S T HATFORI7. ONT. Itooms-•In Stone (heck, Wingham.
Estabfishtld 1840. furnieheil,
pp r y (lap. Sullivan and the machine gang An exoellont time to Commence a course Patent^ procured through Marion Sz Ma.
CHAS flldO 1 H RS cO AN! of study so as to be react, to Oko a good Plead Oliloo GUELPH, ONT. rion receive specter notice without roUg` is
Y mt ust not be touched, The men who position in the fall, All Schools are not CK S D 7i TME over Ino nonnewspapers distributed throughout
Nurserymen, Caiborn�, Oat have besmirched the name o£ Ontario by Alike. Get our catatoKue hatore peels. )Licks taken on all alascoe of Insurable pro DICKINSON & IIOLML+ S the D,nuinian.
Y,etAblieZted 1!<ri7r Ing to go Elsewhere, Mail oourses Jinperty on the cash or premium note sydtom. y rersR lty:•�Pnteat buaincas of Dtabufa0 OleOtftln rascalities aTe Still In the em borthand, llookkeoping, 1",, '"shBarrlstera Solicitors, oto, turcrsan Yrtaginecrs,
• �[i
ploy of the Government, and time line &o^ President. 5borotary, Office: Meyer Block Wingham, Patent Experts and Solidltors.
{p YY rinci al,
cannot reach them because of the pro- Elliott,I � dOW N RI'rCH I� Ncw Yerk Llie B'ia aa, florrtresl
_ , Otliees! { Atlantic DIA ,waYhingtc,n D,C.
�eeriaws,rsseue i,:
tectibn offered them, � , Ar3�N�', 'R'If�iGt»ANt, OI�l�` E. L. biokluwon nLId10r I161miM �,.,..,$,w.��wr+