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The Wingham Advance, 1903-03-19, Page 7
.. . V. .1 111. ,I -.: _ v. .+—r•.••.+t+ecs -rr's—vmnne._.. .. 1. I.' . 1,111.., . 1111.. 1....!.FMnnwsFuf'• -w•,+•M. _. .. ..., .. 1111 CHAMNEIRLAIN w r ° ttlit was made stronger. The youtli'a Bien ol>rrt i'4 rropT tint! isoenabled. ROME* and ha triol to rop,,o fila syl0wIl s, and tit a rvclyd treble cried shrilly "1'trit-pelt;" The second subject 'o bo exp men ad apo, rva'o Mary il. ,l rr, -i }I._T WAR N . COM Yc,.r alt]. Xt was very mach or an . I.1,..1...11.... 1111 ,1 1.11 111.1... 1111... 11 • 111% .. ............ -01I !'"l CU icslr We'llllen twoartyIii waaarito-aaslgin, Otto Mrq, poi PENNE I L , Intoxicants. vtmxnaoh indi had Whiskey. . I paundv, and had ' 0,r he WHITAKER WRtuHT a 014ora' #Iospl- thv m aratioq, ad be0u thinking aateuto of bar Oat isho had WILL RF FYTQ A fiffun 411,111,1= nn r oiisady day for ht+r• tiff pito clay firvorgo Dunbar, an bye -witness of - LlUAW 0 of 'the grt+n,t buzzard, March 1«, 188tf, 'tiro accident, says: Lannon and 1 "lie !tail aFl :sood bearli% s each and were, walking along Kensington ave- .-•---- ___ underst:andIng as any .gtrI of her nue, townrc9 Tiillinaro •street, yoalwy tri Nowt Yaric. On that flay, His Automobile Fell Into a when we heard alio boll .of an twt,turnin . iron: w1wol, she Caught `' cold, and fife cold developed mala- automobile, 1Vo looked back and saw (? Hopeful and Confident ®f Results it earning li the nat and 'saw- we Government Will Pa All hern- ' blIn ry Silo lett lied liar tlemn enc! Hole Killing Nim wore not in flim path and kept on Y Exp en" S.o recovered liar tspeach to tt f w0king. 'Ziv, man rang again. 11'0 cortabn . oxtont after she ryas• sent was much nearer, but wvu ltd not 6 y, i South to alio institution, lint ciao had net --- turn. A tAtird time lie rang, and ses RJ'f HisProsecution, Africa,keen able, to tee to fifteen years', and • nott'in all that time,, until yesterday, tTA9 time wo rubberod•.`Zle automo- Itad she heard a sound. r bile was fifty yards behind us in - _111.1-.».. -. ___1111. Tha, oar' -pisco was adjusted to her WIFE ERIOi SL iP JURED. We middle, of the street. I turned Lon<lgn, lifaxoll 1:0,. --John Ilowom. o-a%Nliod in Mabe r s York ° ear and Air. Hutchison 'took 11 a Just in time to sea the man's hat In chairman of the Shareholders ' Com- Heraldilerad to -day, Mr, Flower said; transmitter, which fitted! overIlls ilia air. Ills hand, which had been mittec, which instigated the pro_ "I quite sympathize with Wright Warns Peo tic Not to Over-1~atiniate Ills Achievetnent,s There— Addresses nO "0 as well •as his mouth, In Order up in fire air, woes Doming dgwxt, seoution of eWhbtakor 'Wright, the when ho says 'the failure of the l that the vubjeet might catch the , • " ' . that instant the mmobino turn- London yy o bilabe was due to the lie 1 ri,teipal I it,uro ht tiro Bnx' director 0,r fife London and Globo treachery of ethers. There is no Presented ---A tribute to Airs. Ctiamber(a],i .--Cabinet Turned Out to nawsal sounds as i+eadily as the Qth- ed sharply to ilio left, and wo both, doubt of that, But It must be remem- ors. Then he instructed Prof. Van click Xurder case- -Was Ilibmcl UP stopped. Mho, machine was going Finance Corporation, [who was ar, Meet the Bente-touting Couple nt London•- A Ilirmingliam Deputation 'Thes el, who came down from the In. in, tite Dlvor'ce iialts-IIow the, Ac- very fast, and, like 0, flash, it had rested! ayestorda • on his arrival at bere<l tibia far three months prior stttutimn with the young folks, to rcacited fila kerb. It baundeci over Now York, trout iCherbour , isays ; "I to the failure, which Wright sags ,London, March 1T--"holithampton to over-0stimate the results lie had tell Mary, In the rslgn language, to oldent liappenecl ••-A Strange Story ilia herb, and facing full t01Yver g was direartly due Ito ttreachery, the ' Welcomes Home Britain's Empire actually achieved. Ile was hopeful repeat the wards silo heard, Then g sea ''Wright Is quoted as saying lie London and GIOUe had not a cent in 1 P-Fennc:Il 1'atirs littera Accxilent. alio quarry, dashed into it. had a a Its looker, t 1t Seas doing o c tatesmen," in lingo letters, surround- and S nth Africa confidenten ryoul tile lier Dutch 'Mvorci9ut lhs d said ok to or the same "Neither the man or woman stood powerful protector In an es- , pounds sterling nwesr halt . l hereafter h a sp on he previous Buffalo N, Y., alo;s titch-••Glias l a or made an .attempt to jump out. alted quarter. That statement Is not a million ou g pecul. KI and intertwined with Union Jacks loyally take, their place as members abject. At the first 'ward the girl p y P ation at every settlement, The Qov and Stars and Stripes, was ilia motto of the eniplro to whloh they now loolwel''startled. Thole liar face Ii:gltt- as was the death of Ir. L, Burdick, it The man sat erect. I !beard the new to ug. It Qs the keynote of the ernmont'n decision that the direc- that first greeted Colonial Secretary heloitg, but it could not be expected ed up w'I'titl b, smile and she promptly doubly gruesome tragedy occurred at woman scream Just as the machine wilOIO 00,80. Prior to 'Clio failure of tows, as a bokly, could not be pro, ilrat the long resort! of Yaecillatlon »opeated "papa," So It Was with the about 5.45 o'clock this evening, when 'vent over tbb brixiftf. 1 ran andlook- the London and Globe, certain per- Ceeded against, does not provent Chamberlain anti Mrs. Chamborlalll tint] weakness which led to the war other words. ed over ilio !brink, and saw the wreak. Wxlgitt, as the prime factor in the Arthur It• Pennell, ono'of the chief I could seo that tills man was dead, sons maintain, Wright hall in his oondrtionc which existed before the on landing at tarlthaLrlrptoll this would bo ivIped out In the twinkling Then a pian)ert struck up a maichl figures in alto invcstl anon or bite possession batters ficin leading mem- mornin . from Mouth Africa. Of an eye. Tho girl 11,stened Intently for nottrt g sure, and I went for help. t failure, boing' made to 'take the res - 6 y Burdiok murder, was burled! headlong "'•Cho maws brains I noticed lying ehq wing the English Royal family, ponsibblity." i» London 'Coo. tiro eryth it Shu roomed! t0, }ie lost Attorney-Gonerai Finlay said in Tho travellers had n luugliiYicont , in it about six or raven foot g lacy wore mired up in his gr•eetin '.Cho y Subsequently, m is that tin, lint the sound Of alio Into eternity, Air, 1 ennell was out transactions. No Iiavo g. qun N werO slicer• Subse usual Air. Chamberlain and music that iloodoL7 lied .oars, Then irotit ]tis head. It looked as if the + the House of Commons this after. hls. art took a train for London riding in his electric automobile with peaty battery of storage cells which No Dacutnentary Proo: of This. noon that the Crown will ,holy decorated, the ships were party alio pianist stopped playing and flue Y g pay, the dressed ratl where a large crowd awaited their 911-1 laughed outright. Than. endo Airs, Pennell, They were on Keening- was lying on the body and about Wright himself p nbow fashionrobably, is the only cost of the extradition of 'Wright, , and rounds arrival. Premier Balfour and prat- clapped her hands in sheer dellghtF ton avenue, near Fillmore avenue, covoring all Barts of it except' part man in .the world who could prove and the payment by; 'the Crownof of cheering and tho ,blowing of %rhis. tidally th:, whole Cabinet were "What's than matter ?" inquired sklinrning along the edge of the of tiie face and head, ]lad come down it. If he has such letters they ought the whole expenses of 'the proceed - on the head so !bard that the top of now to be in 'the possession of the Ings will be considered, but his pro. ties and. sirens greeted the liner present at tiro Waterloo Railroad Prof. Van Tassel. station to meet Air. Chamberlain. "The music, The music," exclaimed Grhres stoic quarry, which Is a huge the skull was cracked cif and the New York police, .as roe suppose they sooatian will .9,0, left in the hands Norman as she passed lip Sonthamp- Tho greetings which ]ie received the .girl. "It waw beautiful. Can't I rock-ribbed hole In the ground on brains were squashed out and so far gcarehed lits effects, and Wright is of the official receiver of the Lon - ton water, with. Air. and Airs, Chain- wcro everywhere most cordial. hear some more?" tiro right sidle of the avenue -going a'w'ay, like spurting out the inside of not likoly, to lot such, -'a poiverful don and Globe (Corporation:. berlain, accompanied! by Lord Set- Mrs. Chamberlain came in for a There was too much pathos in the out. lir. Pennell's hat blew err, the a grape." , e i ( weapon of defence out of his personal Before the Court, soM I,orno, First Lord of the Admiralty, share of the welcome. Special cheer's appeal for Soma of the woman. They automobile swerved, and in some in- . --- 1. I keeping. Wlthin a few weeks the chief New York, Marchi 16, --Whitaker ndin on the Were given for her, and in the greet- promptly lt:id their faces in their explicable manner it leaped over the Issue in the Wright case -will be the Ing of the deputation from Bitmin handkerchiefs and had a good satis- curb into the abyss below. Pennell MRS. PENNEL.L W."AU, question o[ tiro complicity or other- Wrigl.t, arrested yesterday at the g promenade deck. P " ' request of the London pollee, was After the ESelc:n,txe Corranonics. ham, 'vhieh want out to meet ti © fying cry, Tha,+ pianist started again, was killed Instantly, Ills head being — Rise of the most exalted person- taken to the Federal building to - After tine welcome ceremonies the Norman in the Solent silo was this time on "Yankee Doodle," and erushW to an unrecognizable mass. She Figured In. the Buffalo Alurder ages In the omplre in Wright's fin- day to be arraigned before Commis. party thon entered carriages and sPcC)ally mentioned. Referring to Mary I.egan to beat time with her Mrs. Pennell was Injured so severely Case. aucial and other schemes. We do not stoner Alexander. this in the course of Ills reply to the fingers. The time -boating 'vas re- that tit(+ surgeons at the Sisters' Buffalo, N. Y., despatch -Urs. Ar- anticipate any difficulty in Obtain. - a Florence Browne, said to be drove through the thronged and Birmingham delegates, Air, Chamber- garde3 as ane of the host possible Ilospital, to which silo was taken, thur It. Pennell, who was injured in Ing Itis extradition, but, it what his niece, w110 arrived wviilil hi decorated streets to Hartley IItthl, lain said: " I thank you very much evidences of the Ruccess of the exgerl_ said her chances of recovery were Wright's friends maintain turns out . Cho scone of so many for Including, oar sib* + the automobile accident •in which. Yesterda Y previous tune- g, 0,e incised yon should, ment, for it allowel beyond! any doubt Y ght. .Cwvo boys saw the tri- her husband wv#rs killed, ciiecl at the to be true, his nubne Y and wtw disappeared Cho name of m wife. It is indeed that til©, ill beaxti correctly. gedy, They were too fur away to ge Prosecution from the Albemarle Hotel later In tions connected with the South Afri- know positively w just how it ha Sisters of Charity Hospital to- Will become an extremely' delicate the day, wwieut to the offloo of U. true that 1101 MY has The next subject .was a girl deaf, p p- nightw at 8 o•olock. For hours today matter. 'lo believe, 'however, that S. Alarsh'al Henkel, with her Conn. Can war. There an addrOcs of woe]- boon of the, greatest assistance to me, dumb. and blind from birth, named pn od• Mrs' Pennell wha,r found wits tiro ,surgeons worked over the un_ tills lawyers at present engaged will sel, S,he wvas not a prisoner. coma 'vas Prea cillnta:tl to Mr, Indeed I hatrdl know flow I cou](i Gatherinc 1 edorsen. Slio, too, heard u bio to speak, Silo was only sono- sift alto matter I o the bottom, re - of er. of Iris oeply, who, ti the course itavo got throuygh the real task I for the first time in her life and conscious when taken to the hospital mans. A form it tiro injurer! woo- " Will Waive Extradition. man. A faint twitching of the eye- gartiloss of any considerations. of iris reply, warned Cho country not undertook but for her co-operation." there was not the slightest doubt and! Could speak no coherent words. New York March• 16. -Whitaker g lielti 0,1 a murmur of pain were the Alleged T'teachcry. -----.---- that the experience brought her the After the operation performed fin- only 3i ns of returnin • conscious- Wright says he will waive oxtradt- greatest Jay; site has ever known. medlately by Dr. Eugene Smith in g . 12eferring to the interview with tion aril a'eturn to England. _. __... +_..._. -.- -1_11_1.- ---= Two other girls and a boy, were the the hope of saying liar life, she 2 {eYoutas the injuredpwomantible u lav the -_. _ • g SSIA last subjects. The ba was'so de_ lapsed Into unconsciousness, andi on fila stairs, telling Icer that the ' r \ WHERE Y on alto white cot in the hospital lir Tu1ll, brakemain. on the C. P. it. Q,,, o lighted with the music that when banes Chore can .be no true version ward. '.Cowards evening a rising front door and back windows had at Brandon, mat an acoident earl the pianist played a two step he be- of precisely how the accident oe- ten! erature and a quickening pulse been found open and tblat Mr,. Bur- Y P P Y P corded. P q an Saturday morning which will R 'p q i - gen to gran and tad:n to dance in , warned the .surgeons that the enc! diel: wails not in his room. 111168 likely terminate in death. IIs was fi - E 4 VE 1 E Sf time to it. In soma way's this was A friend wife cal ed up 3Ir. Pennell ,tea% near, and word was sent toper .Murray swore that her first con- t),ghtening a brake, which gave way, N VEDO regarded as the best test of the af- on tiro telephone about G o'clock was brotl.er who arrived from NowvYark versation wjth' Airs• HuI] on thatairi4 ha fell from the topof t;he ear. X ternoon, The lad had, of Course, nev- butInfothat That sj Pennell was 1n, this evening. Before he arrived at morning was at the door' of Airs. The train was moving at the time, 1. ..- _,-- er heard music before, and when he audrive t He informed the fr ri out d that Cho, hospital, Mrs• Pennell's pulse null's room, when she told liar sinal. the car wheels passed over him, was asked Why lie made such a dem- ceased to beat, Her husband, Mr. that the front door and back win- frightfully crushing his legs. onstration over what he had board, he would ,be back between 6.30 and dow:s were found open • e F . 7 o'clock and made an appointment Arthur Pennell, was the co-rospon_ p n and that p r I , ha said; fat the sign language: ' p deatl in the Burdick divorce case, so Mr. Burdick 'vas not in his room. BRITISH AND I'OREIGN. g TI `' 5 g I tl P. til 0,4 "I Just ,couldn't stand still. I nev- with him for that hour. Would G suddenly ended b Burdick's mur- Airs. Hull swore that she came out ed t o Fill the o'clock do ? he was asked. Oh, wvell, y of the bathroom and rushed down- X. Ernest Legouve, the oldest mem- er heard basting like that noise be- der, and was examined by tLa police airs to the door of the den )heir of the French Acaudem fore. It wag fano:' Yoix might coma at G o'clock, but you ill connection with that tragedy. Miss y, Is dead. ® * me 3t3s Coffers. It was new,rly 7 a'clack when all lead better make it tater," said Air. - Marray swore that Airs. Hull came The populaltion of China its placed ' ? the experiments ,were over. Then Dr. Pennell. Buffalos Despatch- The Burdick out of her own room and stopped 1,y aha Board of Revenue at 426,•' 3'3orlin, bMaroh 17. -Thio Prussian money on tiro lotteries of other It was learned to -night that the 0,.t aha first or second step from 447,000. Van Tassel her til pupils over to Inlquest, which was commenced on clef waLd eaTgagedl in a solemn tlejDatO Sip,t+es. It is estimated that the va- matter mentioned in the telephone the to of the stairs, and, leaning the Arena, where they, had a gorge- Sallurday, 'viii ,t'e resumed to -day P g 'On t1t.q damaaid of C?Toa,' Iir]tain Ills ous dinner. .The mosalk was something ba,coweighed over thb balustrade, looked to see Venetuelan authorities raised the thisi week over file adoption of an- Mons States take in $12,500,000 in fore he left the 4aboratorr, that Air. most curious, and which weighed at The o en)n of the inquest onrSatt- If the door of the den was closed, blockade Or the Orinoco. other class to tho State lottery, pro- this .VvaLy, Abundant literature is Butch}nson's invention Would r•o_ heavily upon Sim. It was in con- urday attracted a cro vcl of thous- and then went back to get her Posed by Finance Minist•er.•Von Ritein- circulat69, affirming that it 1s not duce to a minimum moist of the diffi- neotion with the Burdick case. ands to police headquarters in an skirt. Mrs. Hull swore thlat she did TAO Allans advertise ]n London a 0abon, who explained thill mathema- only morally proper for a man to To a reporter some days ago he direct steamslii oulties that have 'to be met im teach- endeavor to :get a -gllmpsls or the not eoa ibis's Murray that morning P service between proportions •invo'.ved in Pru-- , in a mute to d -alk. With the "Aeons- said : About this case of Burdick. I personages connected with the case. until she came downstairs and met Glasgow and Fort William, vial tho tical I duty .,t in a lateterilt n that it is lits tt on" the mute can. hear himself or away told fife authorities I went The evidence ,Drought out adduced her in the hb.11wzt near the door of great lakes. aaivr s ,great gamitiing institution that Y net to J,ermirt any chance to o awe to Now York before the mur- Y ! + 1 b3•+ t'0, • rovid& for ills family. Besides herself talk, and 'thus hear 'what Y some sensational. features. th'e don, yleldLs the state samatltln ; like `3,- tate Government !otter there erale I waand a`a way. Iutfact I sawMrs. T49 second readingof Mr. Taylor's Y speech sounds 1111ce. Ilius Prof.t!'raf. Van The principal witness examined ',`'ere Afraid to Go fn• bill for ilio repression of ritualistic fr00,000 a year. All fife speakers, op- Humorous private lotteries author- Tassel said, the patient can help Burdick neat' New York five or throe was Mrs. Marta A. Fl.uli, mother -in- Tire conversation that took lace Practices was carried in the House PO -le] lotteries in principle, ']rut IMM, ally the State, for public or'semi- himself more 'than 'any brie can help days before the murder of Air. Bur- law of the dead man. Shd is a woman at tile door of the den, as took placefied of Commons by a, majority. of 51. only one advocated the allolition of PwlDlic purpo+ca,s, such• ae building ham. This, bf course, !applies to mutes dick. I came !dome again Wednesday, of small stature, 64 years of age, to by bdtll, is substantially the r and was assisted to the witness c nitriles or defraying the expenses of who. Have learned tol'talk a little. the da before the murder. I Have refine, and corresponFls with what Acidly 4'000 mem in Indiana 'vete tiro State lottery. Lotteries have a Charitable r ndertakings , Retired 'Air. Hutchison is a native of Me- told it frankly, and the meeting was `Wand lay her attorney. As site took has already been reported. 'Airs' forced into ldleneLss by the closing of definite plica in Cho finance systems army oftia'ort, and calf -or b11e, Ala. Res has been at work an file oath her hand trembled conoid- the factoriees of this American 1Vin- of moot of the German States-, and, vanta seek to ]loeome euthorized his invention far several tyears. Last miit uedpto dry wer one. B`lt this seem de out enable and her face twitched, indi- Hull f td that bshe siopened the dorr Glass Company. n9011ts for the sale of lotted tick- Year lie went to :ngland wnd showed 6 ca'ting a great nervous strain slightly, 0,»d alio-Flranca iwii>tister observed if , y what his machine could do in several to the papers. I would do anything through wlitch ,she was passing. In noticing that it wv„'Ls Clark in there A further attempt will -be made fnll,l 0,.s' being a business which is not to stop it.,, I hair face a look of angtolah was dis- drew: back through fear. She then to cut oast the tnatbn which has been 1>rumla s ,wc uxu . het 'artery, :the !only goad from a social• standpoint, of mite institutions far the deal and Pennell, while not a veteran at closed the door, and, turnip to the snowllotrnd in the interior of New- - 3vau,u oliend ,,...,:: nb l:rien but which else is Irrofitabia. dumb iu Landon. Queen hloxandrai, csrnible, and with every aye in the g - ___-____ __.__ ._ saw one of the tests and asked tae automobilhng, was quite an expert hear, she entered servant girl, asked, ' lfaggie, are faundhind for thirty days, can't -room upon Inventor to give another at Buskin at handling the machine, and was upon a two-hourds' examination of You afrai(•l to go in ti,'era?" Ioowolutionary leaders declare that One of iha first to arrive and the ham Palace. go did so, and the Queen experienced as to its management, the most' searching character. Be- "I would not go in Yor th'o world," the Macedon -lane will fight + last td go was alto Duke of Newcastle. saws him ti hold medal. Tpio following despatch from Buf- tai+e five minutes hand passed alio signs replied the girl. ig Turley' I 11h Palo to a New; Yorla paper shower hu at nervousness had disappeared and Thai' had looked ever where _ else alone unless country an troops tee Pp=' Y cu their comnt'r and u G B E 9 T 09, U .' Another w.is Dr. Currier, of the Now .` , .. what manner the Pennelts were mix- Mrs, Hull )totems a most deliberate, through the house, and wore too peace. guarantee York Institute for the Instruction of RRgVr P #y g ed up in Cho BurdtOlf, case; shrewd zLnd calculating witness. nervous to enter the darkened! Deaf and Dumb, who had Prof. Van 11 iii1 it li' K4 Arthur R. Pennell was again afig- Whon'she ]eft the stand it was with "don," sho said. A Switys ivttrtianal plebiscite has 'a tire of interest in the Burdick case evidently greater strength and a endorsed the proposed protection - 1 i E s 'Titres! escort six boys and lour girls, to -day. It became known that in cool nerve. No i{,iowvtedne. : ist coeloms tariff. The tariff wilt all afflicted with; deafness, to the letters to friends in Pottsville, Pa., tier Daughter to Blame. Air. Coatswvorthl directed Itis en- increase the cost of living, from ____ laboratory' a o I he 'had alluded to "some unknown which, it is predicted, tourists will Alleged to Have Been CaU ill Her testimony auout• all the ac- tiro examination directly at the suffer, as the hotels are like] to The invention consists primarily of ,t 0 woman" as the person who killed Lives in tate ho'useholcl on the morn- witness in .in effort to learn from raise their prices. y w tranranitter, an Oar piece and a Ill the ACC. Burdick. Mr. Pennell, who was Ing of the murder ,showed a failure hat, If she. h'ad any knowledge of as Bar- to what !rad transpired in to Bitr- A Washington despatch says Unit - Electrical Device Enabling IngLgnallityrof theelectricl`soundwa.ve --- dick'slsuit forrdivorce,nhasnrefuused der rr;La failure t.o lll, for ook forlle mur- the im- click house on that fatal night, but ed States Consul J. L, Billinger, at apparently disregards the mech'an- to idvance any theories in talking pionwnt of death, and a calm desire Airs. Bull dented all knowledge. Montreal, leas been asked to resign Them to Heal. Ism of the outer ear and affects the HAD PLAN -OF WAE1 ERY to Buffalo friends for publication. to hlavo breakfast prepared; to send 'Fes Fillet! at 2a. in. because of opinions expresseA k inner ear direct. To -day be took the attitude of re- the elciidryn to school acrd to have w11110 visiting St. Louls, regarding 21ho first patient brought out to A Xllu,pston despatch. says: On fusing to discuss the case at all. a man attend to the furnace. Per- Until yestorday it was generally Canada. Now York, March 17. -\Pith Well _ler- try the effects of the invention ,was TJtursday night a message was sent "I know nothing of the murder," haps her, most startling evidence accepted that Burdick was killed The Morning Advertiser ch'ailenges written on their faces, three 01111- over the tolephone wires to Lans- lie said. "I was at ]tome all that was when site said that her laugh- shortly after midnight, but Dr. Marconi to prove M t he can send Orris Benson, b4cl n blind, loaf and downs that mart were on routethere night tsar, Alidc, wars more to Mame for Howland is a selentiot and lifemessages dren-deaf, dumb and blind-yester- dumb. h physician tried to make glia wnd ltawo so proved -tai the swore wireless across the htlan- him hear 'in various ways with a to rob a cemetery. 1+'r]ends of -the police and the District Attorney.", this family trotirblest which led to the yesterday that after exam- tic, and suggests four New York and dny board a pi4tiuist play Sousa latel Miss Maggle Smith hastened to divorce prooeed,ngs started against ming tiro Blood of the deceased and four London editors 0,,q Judges. Mar- tttuing fork between ]bis teeth and Many of Mr. Pennell's acquaint_ tier busbttnd, Edwin Burdle ." watching 'that on tho floor for four marches; ]beard a ghanogra.pli re- the Union Cemetery, and under the antes 'had been wondering for some coni dais refused to challenge. pressed against Oils skull incl UY S hours, he 'vutild state that Bur - peat g ' peat the sounds, and finally wore as- shouting in Itis ear -alb !it vain. church ,stied was found a buggy. Rose time before B,urdick's death what It wits brot>,ght out during the long 2 A lar Smith looked at the grave and foundand bitter inquisition that there had dick was killed about o'clock on large portion Of the troops Ill - toundedi to hear they sounds of that' The little Instrument wvas than thel lid of tit& rough box nearly sawn the ultimate result of the BurdickBdtk been frequent family Jars in the Bur- Friday morning. Thus at one fell Soutlw Africa afro still under can - awn voices utter the words "Mam_ clapped to the ]ad's ear, t•he current lin two. The men on the Job had divorce suit would be. Airs. Pennell, dick household; t.hLL-L On two occasions swoop, the many stories of the v'a's' and are suffering many of the „ „ swltelted on, and Air. Hutchison said who recently came into a consider• tile husband had accused the wife o. "strange lone w,eman" seen "about dra'w'backs of active service, Wltll, Ina, Papa, in childhslt treUte• In an ordinary conversational tone, gone, leaving their tools. able fortune, had remained! ]Oylil to Miller Reese Iltttebisom, a your ++ , , H'a'rrying back to the shed two infidelity and driven her from Itis midnigtrt" were nullified. out its ors almtiaat. Consequently, g 1 apa.' Phe youth raised his sight- m'o't wore ,aeon one in life .shirt ire' husband; and refused to believe doors, and that alio was again driven the shiest Souand men are Tile acquiring ' g- g forth but a few ,, dayls prior to Ills a dislike to Scuta Africa. Thy high Alabamian, iiaci invited somo'or his less oyes to itis friend, Prof. Van sleeves and covered with dirt. He in his moron doin in Cho divorce 'Cassel, and worked iris fingers rap- wast accosted, but fled. The other mutter. There was also 0,L good still unsolved death. !(dYYdhtiNtMWtIYaYddlM.4VlkNtki't 'Nd1MrVMVVNri'4 price of neer is antagonizing 'tile friends to ,tic laboratory to watch Tassel, of talik 0,,s to Airs. Burdick's privates. Idly in aha sign language. was secured. IIo •said ilia name With these tetras as guidance, Mr. ._ some experiments with Itis newest "Re says he can ]tear something, was Button a law student, and fato in the event that the divorce Coatswvorth worked. He asked a The Lord Mayor and Corporation instruments for making the deaf but does not know, What it is," re- that he wrwi along for a drive. How- action of her husband wvas decided string of questions about the divorce ITEMS OF NEWS I of London refussid Messrs. Bergi, the Il;ear. marked Prof. Van Tassel. Tliecar- ever„ he had roach charts, a plan of against her. It is apparent from proceedings wbich had been brought p ( 6 p _ army meat eontrat.rtora• wally forth'- . . the cemetery and records of re- Mr. Burdick's own letters to Itis by the mardered man, and caused FRUM FAQ AND NEAg or spa,es : i :...l .:„ a:. ! '•t t (]c tlra t- . - . _. .. 1 t ."It 1 t Air• 'n d! 1— Iv beoaus ti Ice i i .- ` iii4 A, C , r,, ,i lleatr+ fi•: wvdihit i tt Go.•••Avid 01 ncrwenvMl,ninaA 5(§ : aD 0,!t t sent-in,1111V of ilio woman who, In 0i! I the o !ufox of Jttdga Coffey, is unable 000, most of it in, tho twenty-yomr Payment form, and Was placed as send deaths in the neighborhood. . Tld►o Kingston Polito 'were notified moth and s s er the. Mrs. Bur oz at first was willing to lot the di- Arra. Hull to say aAm . ur ek i a told her that lie had instituted di- L ZJ , o r0, rgles 0,,.o t..y tug to form a meat trust; secondly. be- Tlib evidence of Mds. Hull and of Aliso Murray, the vervant girl, ad look out for the escaped mean and voreo action of liar husband go by voreo- proceedings against his wife; &gpp@t &VAW iMMWAM t W Canso foreigners are ousting English- nglish- 4luebeC. ® the owner of the rig. ; Hutton appeared before Magistrate default, but was incited by Pennell to withdraw 'her waiver and put in that he had driven her from home, and that arida could not come back. CANADIAN men there, and, thirdly, 'becative it wotild discourage the colonial meat ! colors atwd + notarletyr %'Z) Afulvaugh this afternoon, when It was an amended answer, alleging infidel- "Did you remonstrate with, him?' The Toronto MIsslon Union is about trade, of which Smithfield is the , awoke atxntt 7.,0 o'clock on tI1L 4 '' quite understood he would be (sent for trial. The feeling at Lansdowne developments ity on flier husband's part. " Ho is back here," wrote Burdick, asked the District Atttorney. A Spartan Mother. to erect new, buildings: I ?lite Farmers' Hotel at Alvinstott contra. , , - . Damages for seduction. kl ® is intense, and further interest. on February 24, three days before Mrs. Ilull thought for an instant. between was destroyed by fire. MAY BE A, STRIKE. cal examiner, looked at it. Thbvanit o; the ;skull had boon absolutely cls- hid~ tivi rent of tier• wnariliwilmrol are awaited wfth great his death; to his sister, Mrs. Willett. There welts a mental battle Ga, confectionery at Si. Stt rvltl>t her; that the first twoicietshu licaird that nxirutug was wvllt+n ltlris )F .il ' ''. Q:v$PL.' ,,0'.5, would youlhko to have this beautiful dressed doll? If so, send us r` A )-- RcCtI Bi IDE INCU[' iI STENT. "They are going to contest the g suit. Think lie is compelling her to mothor-lova and the desire to say ilia Y legally Cori -eat thing, for site knew the Phan, N. B., was burned. N. B Conservatives have decided to pro- Request ofCotton Operatives Declined P". your name and address on a post card -- do it and has planned, to get rid of her in some way through this ac- too well along what lines official iu front of hem was+ driving. IIo wvas . E. J. Davis' election ]n test IleI-• \Vtthltegrat. andaov.illsend ouon011oZ.lar o y g beautifully colored packages of Swweet Boston Daughter I3as a Guardia» Appointed! for }ler. tion." It became known to -day that Mr. Pennell visited Mr. Burdick once struggling to bring forth the fact that Airs. Hull ltat•ed the dead man; North fork. William Smith, agod 7:i, a patient Lowell, Maso., Mexch 16—The re - quest of the Lowell 'Textile Council ; ; C., %;beds postpaid. Sell them at 10c„ each, return us $1.20 and we will San Francisco, Cal., March 16•- or twice, at least, in an effort to• that silo hall a mativq roti wvishing his demise, In the ]`Tome for Incurables at Port- age la Prairie, committed suicide by fora 10 per cant. Increase ht the wages of the 20,000 cotton opera, I. immediate! Bond you $tic ilio$' Airs. txiige II'. I'ltillips, Cho wealthy induce Otim to withdraw: his salt for divorce. IQ,at Burdick was a. de- Legal drilling conquered. cutting his throat wvith a razor. fives of Ilio eit3 Iles l,eety refused by '- ' (FCag!i ti9BDo1)lyOLtAIaY®ovOlt• Rec1I. Dolly Boston wotnatt, wife married Oliver c Il. Afa>xey, on J,ttly 1k, 130, after termined man and had made up his "HO had a perfeot right to do as he did," said Cho venerable witness. I Mrs. Pyne Lee, a sister of tue lato Archbishop Lewis of Ontario, died the agents of seven cotton Corpora- tions "with regret" Tlie executive e dressed, Including a stylish hat, un• derweartrimmed with Taco,stockings !feeing deeded to 11hn' her property, wwrrjgetltf 9,El!5ii0,000, had been adjudged mind that his wife s cult!! drink Ilio cup of bitterness to its dregs is also never criticised his actions in the legis©" • suddenly ,at the residence of C. E. Ale- kiel, Daley avenue, Ottawa. She was committee of the council will ask for 'y ,u .0 end cuto little slippers ornamented an incompetent person in a length3' well known. slightest "And you never asked your daugh- 80 ea.ra of age. y g • d conference with the Conned for a direct discussion of the matter, and, I ., •: '' 4$., with silver buckles. Silo has lovely curly hair, pearly teeth, beau* decision luinded clown by Superior Judge J. V. Coffey, of the Probate Insurance of ,;:100,000 on ills 'Life. tot, whother or not Burdick was jus rifled ?" ! Ilan. J. Israel T1aLrtr, speaking at this will be readily. given. In the . „ (0,i? golden oyes a,idiDcinted body. IYan:,ler, Nmv iistminater, II:d.,oald,'•I re. Department. '!ills llaurt'N opinion , 1 ennell s 9iouso wvas sewrelted by thio 1 and ltd, was dogged for „ , l o, it was leis bttsiness to do as he the I. L:. B. U. celebration 0,r St, L'at- rlek's Daly, said he was considering1119s: meantime, special or re alar meet - g of the eight unions comprising. ;y retrni your praaiYncll rnd amv,r much plmod w:111 it, ilia% perfect beauty taid aarexcoededimy warn a. document bf Moro than twenty-two, thousand worths. It con- police, several days. I% continued to go Win, fit" ( "Did you tell Mr. Burdick thaut he an offer of a. seat In the British !louse of Commons. ilia eounelt will be Held (luring the .. .. elv-"[•`tion,:', Liale Hplon'^, NOW,111C, Nan., eai1Z1 "I received thonalland ihtuk it Is a fill rramitun. Itta the clndeN weft!! grunting tlicw petition of g I to his office and transact law buss- ness, H•o denied that -lie was going was at Least as motif to blame as his „ Albert Weini - g and Alf. D. Carroll week, and the reply of the agents acted on. . ' ; I :+'s ,., - Iovetir9tnunIharoevorhnA.^ h..rttO th•Domid, R:moista Itay,Newfoundlond na,dt "T".1n6averymllub formyboautrNl Doll. t A:frs•.11!cyMaltct0vilioanclllarryMvitt- davilk-, her husband, td be appointed , to leave Buffalo, and Oto and Itis wire. continued to live together, to wviro? ".No," said tills Spartan mother. „ » Bid you think so ? tvcro fined each and sentenced e to a year's imprisonment at London - - An Iuttwrtn» t Conference. w ;. manoretr-npleascawithit. 'a- Grnxs, Just stop and think what a truly v+onderful bargain woo aro guardians of Mrs. AIoxoy s perisoll ;Lnrl prc,perty, Airs. and AIr. antic,_ r ' vi1 a ars respectively daughter anti all appearances, as usual. Pennell's Ilio was insured for $'00,- "Aro, never blamed; him. I think my tfrtagliter ways Imprudent, to say the for personation. They did not 0,p- pear. • , , Cambridge, Mass., 16. - The g March 1G. Tl annual centrrenco of the presidents A, C , r,, ,i lleatr+ fi•: wvdihit i tt Go.•••Avid 01 ncrwenvMl,ninaA 5(§ : aD 0,!t t sent-in,1111V of ilio woman who, In 0i! I the o !ufox of Jttdga Coffey, is unable 000, most of it in, tho twenty-yomr Payment form, and Was placed as least." The 1+'stat ;►Corning, T to application to P atliamerib for t to thane! Trunk Pacific Railway Of the. Christian hssoolatione of . Universities and Colleges in Now WCC for ! ,1 ", ty,'and tar ntiinal.c her vast proper DOZEN - to been the dupe followwrs; Travelers' Insurance Co., $75,000 ; Equitable Life Assuranaa So- Tlib evidence of Mds. Hull and of Aliso Murray, the vervant girl, Charter has been amended so as to inclusio a road from Gravenburst to England, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania and of ter. fit aillc ": cl Itatr o of zea i'etl Oliver N. Macey acct"Professor" Jolt.il cieiy, $GG+000; Newv' York Life In•. leading tap to alio finding of the 4luebeC. Iain Colleges in Canada, will bo held go is beau• 1 It. Ilrovrr, of local physical oulturo saranro Co., $ 5A00 ; Mutual Life In body, vatried Just a little. Tito Toronto Public Library Board in the Philipps Brooks House, at ! colors atwd + notarletyr stirailoo Co., $,.6,000, and $10,000 in Airs. Hull explained th!att silo has decided to urge that the new Con' the invitation of the Harvard A,;- tt, prottieat another company not mentioned. , awoke atxntt 7.,0 o'clock on tI1L tti'al Library Ito north of St. Patrick y socintion, April 16=19. ,arieties in { m They + A forte of dist me whose nature The ticcident. body taken to the morning that the battered body of ]tor son -inflow, was found! In his Lata! Elm streets, between Yonge street anti Spadlna avenue. ; ; :, - . Damages for seduction. • (.o.nuot lu, detrmined to dovastattrig trlloi s. cov(.1al or the New 7ealan+l Islands Pennoll',s ware morgue, where Dr. Danser, the mail!- den•; that olio partly dressed anti t1fen went to the bathroom, tak- Tito Pretoria correspondent of iliaiosecustaarow Morning Post understands.that the 'Winnipeg, M'in., Maroll 16. -At tiro to tl.o I?aatrin I pelf c. notably Ma•• Prn0iyu awl ltakahangn, 1111):% cal examiner, looked at it. Thbvanit o; the ;skull had boon absolutely cls- hid~ tivi rent of tier• wnariliwilmrol Boer Gener'a1R, Botha, Delarey and Ac lze Court on Saturday afternoon o rued ray par• n:•illki, e t Lt!t•itt u+ fii•rat Rc+izr•1 With 0,i violent cnge. Girls, f ver, to which total 1rt.lysls from o P ctrocral, and th<w oherk ban fa anal Jaw, bone ornshoal to small bite. '!who rvltl>t her; that the first twoicietshu licaird that nxirutug was wvllt+n ltlris Sttnitr, arcs taking a part In Ilio Afrl- lcanalt:r mevemant yvaicill i 11,)t to nal- at vtrr±et for i',Q00 rine Corte( kvaN »rwatl'detl to tiio.plaintitf in tlleoase xly wvlll be C!:o wvttt•,t siowvnwatrtl.s surco;als D: alb Saeid rvay broken. Tho body lies! been llur,•ay called lied front fife toot of front at oardanoo with taP.fr public utter- ataam of Mtyu vs. Txutnmolid, for Cho a?o- tluction of Carrie Trutgtrioud. Torona4a •usarlably follow O. utterly 'smashed by tine automobile, tlit stair+' or isotue point a , -_.._ 111.1. _,._I...-.—.,.,..,.--".--..,...--,-".,--,- ..._....1.....1...— _W ..•—.......:..--,... _-..-1111_.« _.__ _....•.... w._-,.._ lornl• . I, ..'. - ., nn,er•iWu :,dual. ,,.,~ -. -.