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The Wingham Advance, 1903-03-19, Page 3
I I%i _ _ _...._._ ....-_-.-.-44 ---'--- 44__44_._. e _.• .. .. 4444 44_4 .............. -1-1. - _444.... w I _.-.•,.- ;4 -4444:_ ., ..z� , . �- -- ,• �_.-._.. _._-..._ -_ _ _-;,.«, . _ _ .:. . r-4444-- ...��:.:-.:.-_...._.� �. <---'-- ...-.�-'^. _- ,. �,..,-4444_- ,�,,,,,.. T._,.v.�,-- __•-=sir ...,s- - __.._ :.. ... ... ... .__. _. ..-. 444_4. 44_44 «-.,.....,.«... r.«.....-,--•••,•-.,.,-.....-,....-...«...,...•,..,..,,...�..�...�,-4444.. � - .� .. . i . .. +5 6 /�y Free Racket" 1('.eonandcs of rdian; uroll afkingin»d i`ranl i410 Guardian; /''� � e � �� f� "I.xchange, (London preferred)•- A eharmillg• Relleii0e III the went. Ill - r 1 '{ /� /� 3,y �* of Delicious i(jSAJ,,,•,(,L�,IDA Ceylon Tea ctpme. thins com milted at 9304, with I;Iebo ff;0 (ln 'hand) 970 (on lease) (Black, Mixed or Natural Green) Will be 'and'house. I to Molise contains 20 rooms, besides kitchen, dairy, bake - house, sent to any person filling in this coupon and stare rooms, etc., and. stands III twenty acres of beautifully tllll- bered park land; three kitchen gar- sendln ' it to us With a z -cent stamp for dens and orchard, fvtablbig for four ler rl}'e horses, large barn, piggeries, 0 OstaOre Write Plainly and mention Black, Mixed etc. Inennlbent Is Lord or the DIan- or. 11opulation, 4(x). Church modern anti pretty. Church Schools. (food ti or Natural �ireen . Name ..44..0..0......4 0.,4,4 „,,.. ,....0.00..• .,.... Pvelciv. Excellent shooting may be had. SultableDuly for man of metinR. Address .... . 4 ..... 4 ......... .. 0. , ...... 0 4 , 0. 4 0 .. Address '• SA1-ADA" TBA co,, Toronto. No agents. ;Apply, etc:' 'fills advertisement is ail exceli.elit example example. of ilia condition of the • - - a• • . .... ,,m. . . .. , .... - • . ��---- Church of Bylgland in the rural lila- . tilets llerr. 'We have ilia attrac- c,J • w w ort l •11 '�irws�rm www wwwr�s i 'ALZU r: - 0wi. ,.w,ii i'4' 1 ,"' 2 nw..wi.'"..,-:r ,, - - ) u a winner. 1('t. goof HO- .. - Li - 1 *'°pt- _ _ elr.ty, tho shooting and the lordship •' -11 OXYG ,NiZED WATER. Eli. -`__ - -- '" or the lnahor alt go to show that rhis Isthe Pagostondardoleven bar wire Rance. Ootl,eprluffwire(notcrimped)-takes up the slack the 400 Sonia Call only ba shepherd- ` _ In summor, don:, not beM)me toe 41{•ht hu whiter--re¢atntes Its one tension ell the time. Pse PKl 1N,y fL "lean OC nl(,.'LTIR," iLihel 1'ilrtLl Moat Simple and Painless bfethod (i[ Rpri¢htHinsnepieoottandastrglnel;bUflpounds. C'onzutoa upri¢hEespTtaq.t pte:tohbar break att#�0 CIPI'g;• aee('pL tills Htttta of things �eatt'Oyllll; hllpel•Nnons flair. pounds. 1'e¢o 14tO.4. Orgamenlal felteee, poultrY nottloe, are standard trio world over. �klo Page 1 fro Fence Co., Limited, Walkerville, out St~ John, N.B. Montreal, P.Q. 12 Without a protest and vet woti(le Everyone to Ills 9'a.te. - Columbia, Jester. History .Prof. -Why wclsn't Dlartin Luther adjusted to lila (,if) iron. meat ? a+'MPl www1lttl tA04010 f 1' .. WV**A411d1!iIAIN/ . ... . BEE DISEASE NOW - I 14 • - UNDER CONT, OL1111 liifZiii4iiiii.�t�ss:i:%:r..9Vl�9t��.�. AJ Fain brosl will soon be a thing; of the vast in Ontario. Tho Provineo Or Ontario had at one L1nla Auore foul browl aplart(Ns than any other Pro- vlavi- or State In the world, lend now tuts Iess diseased our s Lhar1 any c:onn- tiy, barrinw none. Ontario has 'to- day lore Sol,nu unit very rho[ce al)i- url(irs for tit(, ni:ruber kart iliall, any other court try lit the world, ulud whaL hats brought about aur+it grt-nt results AS these• Is iL tiling 'L)nLL 1 will hero III 18JO Mr. Geminlit, one of the b(•,1 all -rots. her-kr•opers that any country gvrr [sroduced, saw vpe,v 1'1,11113, that the whole bee tndustrir of our 1'ruvinee wits going to h.• u•I[lr;l ri;);lit out by the very -rapid wat, •Chat foul brood was t1wo bear" If!" aplary diad foul brood it, ale found It cthoro, becative it bulrto tho iralPa in all ruoh cases igor after the discalsed aplarles have bean oared. Vuro your 41L':rncSO(I A;olonlerl if you can. find if you can not, apply to me, and' If You have good reLawn to be- II0VO that the KI19eafae is In other apiarles In your locality send me a list of the aplar1w you svAnt in. Llrc ctt;cl, ithd I ,svijl ,Rea that• they are cured, but do not ask ma to tell lit I f2lia the dliealae }n any of thele b(, au•:L, it Would cautro trouble l5ad (it) otller9 no goo`d'., I have to dee'tha't` ill() (iaseasi:al hpiarlea are cured and that Lt bufflelent. • wmu bfai:,voyr Provincial Bee Inspector, Woodburn, March 5th, SMI, .� — _.,. __ o.. ____--. L Oxygenize(, WIMP 11WAlHllea a Still- tiludant•--Beeanso trio Dletof Worms Hpr(-Ad ail over Life country, with lit) . that nlell Of earnestness and brains __ _:_. __ _ plc, harmless And painless nteanH of clirin't sOtt h1H taste, I su c'1"+t"j'�'4"1'4'd'*"id'4"E°'>:"�d'�'4"!•'M•i"*ffH+ ""' hr(, disgusted with the whole syH_ pP rxo, of to crit ek !t sp sed rbit the salt's ,i, - � tete.--l'`rom the Westminster G.,tze-irt, getting ricl of superfluous tulle. 'rh1S of iha3 rinctny (hseAse(1 colonies Hutt 0. r Y Rp x3, =, , -- ----- — fact Al. Gailo!s, of Paris, discovered I r were being shililwil Into vi'l;v uuull �J44�11i4D D�CAY OF Ttil,, ,.1, Ii ONTO ;\1v1VS SAID: !GOOD SrO*Dv OF loealiti('s. :tie. (.ratuulll, knu}w'ilfs nit "The bfassa Iiarrls C:ol by, acoidrnl', laaviuf, read that iL V y- nPany trot would Cause red spots in the hair to this to be a Pact, tank licit au(i MATRIMONY IN ENOLInD Q_, a only occupies LL foremost place among p spttrc•:1 ru'ither lime nor expezise fur- ✓' - Vattacllati Inatltlfacturhlg houses, but disappear, bre used it fur that pill,- �� j I BALL t11 he got Ilia Foul Brood .Net passed, 1' L .t,iu+ amount ut cu1)ilal Invested !n file pose ; filo result wAs that ho found . - +a wl Ii. tills proal io bLr thE> b.'rsl lhiu� 't 3 i L'� i b L 1 dM f 3.3••F i"L"t'•t N't"i•i•i !H' ZI& 3 ® huHinesa, ilia llilnlber of melt which It that it aistp destroyed ilia hair. o ('vE'1' (leer: for fife live indilNivy UI Ut1- o I;yel'y n101y tllltl LIlell we are Inform - VA haw rnlplOyH, and its vaNt operations, en- - tarso P't that "mon don't. marry, noyvar- RCNN1E'S-•----BEST THAT CANADA PRODUCES. title it to a .place among the grett,L Moreover It has loalg been known Quebec Brickia el, uicicl Cured .[list as soon as the Aft }cad; pasml,t days," an if Marriage, like crodiletr Industrial concerns of ilia continent. that Ovygenatetl water Applied if) y 3l, I was appointed Il;simetur for the were confined to the rule sex. WILyi SAND VETCH. GIANT 'SUGAR � Outside of ilia United States, where the l[alr khallgea the color Into the of Lumbago Province i v the Dlreetors of ilia un- this shuuLi be au is it question that (VICIA ViLLOSAJ the, high tariff 1llakeH IL iLLI'lU Bae -keepers' Aasor}:itton, Olt Al.^ Ur! "Ill to be 1P,IL f01 decision t0 a ?lk liiAl�IGrCI.. g practically 1'ouetiap lilt c,o unu'll achlilre<l. -^- 6 ^ Yields 15 Tons }� ITnpossible, for a foreign company to count. of it being widely known that Royal Commission, or tin errand boy, Yd ` .¢$I� acre, arual to 8 o eM1 most tPreflioblert tf ei clo businPas, the bLaHsey-Iiarrls bind- I102'© is 3!•. (xallula' mathorl, whietl IIe+ L*sed bo(icl's ICic[ne 1'i11a nail is 1 haul been curing (tree:Laird spiarles or Someone with plenty of leisure. •yXi tons when cured elf dry - Stock F�dine.-•Out- erH sail ]nOwal'a al'0 krONn sari ap- ltf Olkil'OWely Htmple. I10 Ha'tU!'ALPH LL 11iO�V'1'C11In y for yE'u12'6 ]lt!POl'P. LhtLi, Allal list ,)Pell 13111 1I1P1'al;&21U doubt Al10Ut t1LQ filet. ip' hay. Prospers ht bar- yleldin¢ the famous Dram• }; nllpPlH R'hat they did a Success at the business, d,ntt for Ili it crowded London thoroU hfarei _ llreciatod wherever Agriculture , is g ,IV.• eon sella and produces moth ltoa Mongol In weight - caeca on under modern conditions. pact of cotton• with oxygenized water for MIR. tbis reason was eonsidered a suit- for e1 ht mortal months huge la- : l: ' , wondrous crops in good ". fpor aero, Valuable either - tlll(1 A[>plleH it tel tile part tYdtlCtl he 1 g P S ,- hind, The earliest crop y u for ,rodnch,9 milk or as a, rllo C ompa.ny has had, ,and( 11tH yet', Quebec, L1llP., Dfal'Clp 1'0,-(SC)POIILi) tll)1N teal f01' til( pONltiull. ('iit'111 iiayP, offered a rewltld for lite '1 for cutting greets we flesh former. Handsome, - [Bally keen rlvnla, even for ilia trade W1li11PH to deprive of IlRil', teavll To those working At trades which A Heavy Tusk. IIVSL conple who }Mould go and get i know of. `Sown In April f YerPortshaped roots ofptuk• of the Dominion, and It Is entlrely. P g IICCeaaitate exposure to all kinds y ' ltiarrie.�d. yet only one hii, y pair . v is really to elft In July. IN whoa color, ¢rowtn¢ It 'there for Several minutes. lie re- Of weather and who are In eonse- I kn knew- tliatl I find a big job before - llavE4 CORle POYwA:ral t0 claim t118 • ' "�' + 3acuna grgtvut czetl• `„ ,°� high out of ground, Easy Owing to the merits of the imple- stews the a lication dally life m$ At that time, And wanted it few Lent, Sory w Its, per - to harvest. The richest meats }vhtoh it turns out that it has Pp Y finance subject to ante' diseases aA fnize. Such Ia the (decay of matri- desired result fa abl,Uted. ,iuPPoNf'. Lumbago. IiJLeumntil ur and Pain lit thousand pamphlets published with Muny. lent, So% Yoo., s lbs, to aretoetofnllioots, men able to build n trio world-wide "a s. 1.70, postpaid, ; '� Pound 30c, trade which it it nowP , for instance, It lea 'Life hall, on the the back, 'Lila story of Jolla I3a11, my meLhod of treallmetLt 'lel to lie tae I t r ed was ' i0(ilbs�S95e. tB1se¢) 0 Pounds $1.40, - heads of life Compo y,aro among upPer lip illat is 1n question. The bricklayer, of '_1o. E;T Llitie Chan,_ L6 every bre-keeper !u lite t Inlftl([. $lot, its itZevure Suggested, etting hee Y. 0 Purchaser paysfreipht.. Add 5a. per pound ifwantod fila most ax, arienCad and Ontar riH- ][air quickly. loses Its color and be- plain street, dills e1Ly, to of pecu[i:nr Tills wits complied with, anti 10,00(1 !L }vas something much Tilers useful by rila.l. P P comes EL mere colot leas (low n, [Ib- intorewt of these tittle lecke) were ordered = to people about to lurnlah a house. Ing blralnesR men in the Dominion, sohttel Imperceptible. Lf the a �0 be printed at once. A little later ' GARDEN PRICES SPELTZ. aril the success which alas attended yP- .lir. BAtl for twp 'of suffered I orate alsltin rhE.re war no deception abort it. In INCLUDE f Beats Spring Wheat It ever since its establishnlant 1N, no pFicatlanH are continued fife luAtr be- from Lumbago, ala of iho most g to have 5GU of these the +:flop-}vin•dow, "[,lain for all folk VEGETABLES. POSTAGE. to yield of terata at doubt, largely owing to the fact come, attenuated, breaks aft and ills. painful fornig of ki(iney (liseat3P. Ilia Nrintel in (xPrmAn. Tllit3 SVA, ttlHa to see," •stood, and atill stands the Onttario f rain al appears. granted, and in a short 'Lime after Coll al, In wceural that they have Always been on the . urinary organs were also affected the 10,000 fanl ))road pamphlet,) Prize Ittraitture. Moreover, above it a The method 1:3 painless and has no so t11aLt he was frequently uently cote ell- wer[r tient direct Yearn life Minister gigantic Inrcr}ptiort declares that - BUTTER BEANS--GiontWax.Nognr- States e. In to a1Prt for have. awaysimprovements, And have ill result. Tito only q P deucompletowithoutthont.5lbs.dtla.,lb• •20 '! ��l el�lgfrchtr food that► never rested satisfied with their' Y. ialawnvenlenCe PH e(1 to else at nighir. Tints with Of A,gricult'ure t0 the hee-keePers. L.ivc�nStart baolnteloufekeeping will be + agricultural maclLhlesno matter how that the]fair asolicatt nice[ broken rest at night and pains by There, were a great help to me in 'alta consent to holdatheir�the couple GARDEN 6EETS-Ecilpse-Ronnd, extra Corn, riebebesides giving as b"' ) = uanty. A groat favorite. Lb, zoo., 10 i nnoh tw 4 sous of good Well they might work, while drier° Oxygenlzed water will have to be day rids lot was Anything gilt an getting the many ditseased apiaries be,Akfast in 'cum ndow,' after tib,2W.,oz............................• , , tiypercore. Spa is is remlLlned any chance of increasing eavlable one. cured. The Dlrertons al lite Ontario best described tie aeon- their efficiency. Those who remember recommended. Blit, aH far as women Ono tacky clay he read of a cure . cue d. The AsaociaL.tton took hold at hichtic'I'o thought ft tit concludes GARDEN CARROT— Intermediate Red— bivatton of wheat, rye the old factory Ili which the Com- aro concerned, the applications are of a complaint like d own by Bonk time Anct helped me all they tare prosaically, further ler pard u Stump rooted, Always in demand. Sure Q t )ind barley, and for pony d factory Its which for a eat com IleaLeLl the lnerel con- , se small luindbille. There tine and reliable. loch Quality. Lb, 700., 1� ) feeding purposes ie • P + Y Y Docl(1 H -XIdney Pills, wa,s tempted could, and sent 'ilia lists of the apiar- find that illEa stlpulAllan, after all. . ) equal to other grains.. Hltuote an addit,oul to the artifices to tr t}tem wit hero's what lie les that they wvatnte)d inspected and find. th itself into Another alit. Ata} }lb.99c.,oz........................... llulltbet of years, 11ave only to look y Sow 70 lbs. par acre, at the Immense worksligps of to-day,of the toilet. There I(1 only one pre- says of :Clue re,sal;t : ur 1 the bee -keepers everywhere to GARDEN CORN -Derry's Sager -Early, 21bs.25a. postpaid.can'ttoin to be taken. The ox .. , Gro' b I y such A gift -n wedding breakfast far d :sweetnndteudor. Excellent for table l3oshel('lolb5.)$1.00 covering acre after acre of ground Y.genlzed I purehla.setl a box of Dodds Kid- go strictly by my treatment, whieh g' use. 51bs.80e., lb ..................... •20 pureha•erpayajreipht 10bu,$9.50(iralrelac) on Iifng street }vest, to realize the water mttw9t nrot be allowed to mots- troy Pills and after I had used helped me inlmenaely to get the ells- twve><lty to the palatial ,snrrourld}ngs ten an ,stuff to iwlttch value is at- P of a furniture -shop window. Here to enormous development of tons bust- them I begadi to see and feel a Cato wiped out. The flre•C season ideal tire menu: Itoast beef, roast fowls, GN1oN (B1ackSoed)-YeNotyDanvers-The NG�i�G® SWEDE. Hess• But, besides the Toronto lac- tda"eheQ+ far It destroys tissues its oll'a.rige• I used three boxes and I -went out on m rounds through the York ham, to'lu quality, cropper known. 820, I extra well ars bumir. liar. Duro e y gvu ant,pressed beef, blared quality, 61ba,.00, Ib, tt.2o, i lb......35 tory, there !s one in Brantford as 1 , P► b:E11- am completely cure(,, You can tell Province I fo9LIId ;the disell.ae in every mange, jelly, custard, cheese, And Swedes. Keeps lost. - we'll, Arid the two employ nearly ton of New York Herald, anyone you like I said so." village, town acid city that I went ONION SETTS -Setts furnish large onions ter than any other twenty -fire hundred men. It will be Lumbago is one form of ICidne • Into, and ,also in every country plate Coffee; Carte dips Vias-charnpague, 1 early z welts first$1.00 green coleus for g 5 light R.lei%. So lieavil was the pili of sort and products heavy IiO�F' 'I'O blAlikl BABY BLIc11dlY. Disease; Bright's l)lsense, Diabetes where bees were kept, acid 'now I Matrimony sugared. Edwin and An - 11 table sae. 5 alt, $i.00, 2 qts, ase., Qt....,.25 , -- crops everywhere. Very ; rPAdily seen that the output of .so GARDEN PEAS -Early Market Garden- -tom- hardy. Similar in size - mach labor mtlat be enormous, espee- --- and Heart Disease are a fecal of tll'e am very much pleaw-d to say that I gel}na had but. to Hind out cards for a.and growth to the Ele• !ally when the fact Is taken Into con- You call make baby sleep by glving othPers. Dodds I�illney Pills have have succeeded in goLLing Lila I.118- , is- the shop window and they and their $1,00. liouso, E......ntqu..... 5.... r c— pliant. Color bronze sideration that 'tile machinery used hint laudanum or the "Sootlilli cured and wvall cure any of them. ease almost driven out of our Pro- eighteen guests might drink chain - a1,00, 1b .................................25 — green. This a the most in the manufactory is of ilio ver stuffs which Invariably contain ogi- vine, and naw; have it under perfect , RADISH -Scarlet Turnip -Round. A great - popon, Sweat in cults- Y y p control and can very easily attend Nal;ne and Iight it1rH at other people's vattgn, Particularly as highest grade, unci That ovary time- I ales. But no sensible mother }viii clo expense, Amid the aeclainatlous of fnvoLitowith nraoners. Alwayacrtsp �� apteate districts where = Saving and labor-saving invention that. The way to make baby sleep The lialser's ltes'k1 ILCeH. ® count of Norfolk, that are ens- supposed earl tender. b. 00c., I ib. 2sc., oz..... • Y populace. '[t would be su the ]and Iles exposes, } - the Ili. 12e, - which tendo to cheapen or hasten Ilapplly and In comfort }s to take l mT)eror William'R decision to build petted to have a little or the disease that blissful couples tumbled over GINSENG. We can furnish seed of this Pound 3oc. production Is employed. In Australia away the cause of ills wakelulneas, a palace for 'himself at Posen, the in ith�emu. I I tvp a f4mr apiaries In the one another to get at tile light ales. at the following prices:- and South Africa the Afasso FIa.rris This cause is located in his Utile capital of Pru"Inii PoILI,nd, with the country of Norfolk thlait are sus- Not do. IL takes more flan eight ales, 51 seeds 25e; 10 casts, hoc; E: seeds, ®1.50; 4 Pounds $1.00. y' 100 sociis, W.M. Concise Outturns Ahegtrons Edd 5c, per poccud if binders are nearly as well known as ltlslde-nowhere else. Babies Seldom object of increasing ills hold upon the pecte(} to have the cllaease, and4 a few evert ,when reln[oroad by champagne, In Canada, and the annual increase have anythingthe matter with them ' to the County o[ S}mcoe, and a lit- P are scut wlth.LLo bead, , tuailted Gy mail. - layulty of lits Polish subjects, serves to lure our modern Benecifeta down In idle trade with those colonies but their stomachs, and it Is Safe 'to call attention to ilia fact' th;nt tib work to do in Western Ontario, the prhnrose path of matrimony. For SOLD BY LEADING MERCHANTS IN SEALED PACKAGES -NEVER IN BULK, ahows conclusively that they are to say that the baby who cries un- lie possesses already no lass than and some clown east, and this is all ftht 'months: the offer was blazoned OR DIRECT ADELAIDE AND making their way Into general favor. I seasonably is Com,plaining of Ills 113 residences. Three of these are thpiit I 1-na}v of, and I know more I ,Ugrortd sail there were no takers. FROM h The Alassey-Harris im,plempnts have . stomach. There is no Aliment Of n at Berlin, the Royal Schloss or Pal- about. the true condition of rtnn 111arria.ge wttg off. SometlmeE, indeed, �'VM. RENNIE, Tor���t®. JARV►s STS. •11 11 sk i . . .0 ,_ played no inconsiderable part In I baby's stomach that Baby's Own ace, the Rellevite Palace and the apiaries of Ontario than ally } wore, or Iego happy eoapl.,a stood out + :�K�� building tip Manitoba and the \Drib- I ?ablate Will not care right a}vay. in It. M -le, and surveyed the glories of shin- Montbljon Palace, and there is the west, and have done magnificent 'Bar- 1 They make ,baby cheerful and ha Cllnrlottenburg Palace In the sub_ �lr, \. E. France, of PlatrNville' in brnHs ,tilt] mentally drank chatm- Contillnnus. --- ..--..._.� __._.•__..._-._. _ _--_--""---"`---' " vita out there is lightening the'labor and give him sound natural ale happy urba. At Potsxlam, arAl in the vein- iris.,, to told, has been tilt. ouly Ili- ling' r an4i light ales.. Nome came in- "•' 4iormon-Wil were at ilia dinner STARCH HAS A HISTORY• of the pioneer and softening the not 'tile Aril ,p produced by ity, lie has 18, Including the Stadt- Spector of alciarles for N isconslu• .eel an by friends with stile, nail, erg, hnrdshilp which must necessarily .be' sootldng stuffs. Mrs, 11'm. Smidt, Schloss, the Roues PAlats, Sans- Mr. W. Z. Hutchinson is -tile only alt eye to the main chance. carefully table from one till saver, " ", feared by i',ilose taking up Nomas In ' Listo}vel inspector appointed for Alichlgltu• tl}sensse(I the ritntter. ixlwin, am ti Dlzer-What did you do after' IVas First blade In Flanders and In- , , Ont,, says: " Afy baby ,4auci, the Marble Palace, Rebelsborg, But lustre in Ontarisy we have twvo rule, had no the, to lake file lot, dinner? vaded.Fleghold [n F[Izabet•h's.Flmo a• new and unsettled Country:' usedloss, to ,be very giving, and Sleep- by's the Orangery, the $Pivadrra PAlaee, [.est her a to nt tris wprk, myself [,lit ;�ligPli[i:t a;hiecl tit lila sloop win- ((]ormon-Aeby, it was so late then r. leas, ,but ellao giving him Baby's etc. Besides these lie has palaces aril Air. Gcmmilh, find 1 have only (1mr, ()no lappy pair actually prow - that, we hurl N•lT,ppm•. A• Paeka:�o of starch?' asked 'laws. 1 Own Tablets he Is better natured, at Cassel, Wiesbaden, Ilbinburg, stet- Sent him out but iwicP in the .last rued to accept ilia offer. slut isle lady, .. the hvteiilgent' and learned grocer, The man who gats; up with impO•si•- . s1"1is ,better and is better in every till, Hanover, Koenigsberg. Indeed, telt took Counsel with herself to the Sl - years. Dir. Getnmill and I are and as tie w�APPecI iho package }}p flan , sulfa 3t.. -justice [ua, 'way." Tileae Tablets cure all the 1111 nearly aviary big city of t1Is do- nott enough' 'tt) Sa;tisfy scone three 1('nt'hours of night, and in the morn- he talked Who suffers injuaitoo ullcoluplatn-' minor ailments of little ones, and minions, their maintenance making or four men, arid tho-se men Ing the bridegroom came round to .. Intgly is a sa1n1; ora fool. --swift. can be given to Che very youngest r ">,s'tarch originated," he said, in If you would escape a misehdef ex- I baby. You oar. 'get them from any greu:t hole in his annuli civil list. ,'ant Locid Inspectors evy off. So the ow;tler still went. it, 11 Flanders. It was introduced into pose the mdwchlef ma Rer.-Ben Syra. , druggist, or trney will be sent ,post- - . , begging. I i i 't.I,I ,} =_ 'b I;ngtand wtttlU ilio big ruff in LIt'e O y g AVORlIE ITS WNIGH1 IN GOLD appointed all over tare Province. We it 'last, however, a. couple have � ppresslonr will make A wise man Paid at 2f, cents arbox b writing 11YLve 9µ counittPs In Ontario and Q I time of m'ax1.-C,lcero. 1 direct to the Dr. Williams 2tedielno St• Jacobs Oil is a pliyslcian's At victims to Its charms. The wed - Queen ],ilzabetln it was like Clean your finger before you point Co., Brockville, Ont. formula, esta.blisiied fifty years; the counting ilUat we have eight town- dingi Is fixed for a date at a church i- ,^ our starch of to -clay, except that alt my spats.-Fnankl•in. Phtpa 11t each county, that would of tvhleb, lest It. Should be inconven- It was made in Colors -reel, yellow, pAJn soothing virtues aro se evenly An "uncomplaining burgher is at - balanced as to meet al,l cases where male .1344: townships. Now, suppose ieinitky orowded, it may be, better to green, blue. Tire effect of this was l.,east of burden.—Von Twitter. A GREAT SCHEME. th'at we appoint an Inspector for tetLuceai the nam+'. On the morning, of to titi't delicately the white linen pain exists, and where an out}vtard each. towdrship, and that each of r to tlli*t the starch might be all. He who knows not that lie Is vie- application is that day champagna anis light elfin. generally applied. St, these 344 'Wren w,as to send in Ilia plied g 1 'drnizK��,aia�nd knows that he knows French f311ktVormsDindeto.DioTheir J,acobsOil Is truly wortht Its weight bill at the eml of 'tile season for not to minima the bridro ;tad retire " Br•.fora Queen ]:lizabeth's thus guar Jacobs Own Product. in gold, even for the cure o[ nerve Froom, will Aclorxt fife repot where tea $3(0, that wouicl only amount to prize, by timt.- oldie removed to Aal- . rubles and ruffs were made of fine 'twine following report is made by pains (and pretty, well all bosllly $10,820. where w4mild this little sum other pisce,.orlee tempter[ the Ivay- Ifollan<l, which required no Stiffen- WEAK L1TNC1t3. United sta.teis Consul Atwell at Itou-ains Proceeding from tri• nelwea). come front? \'irou:dMr-ase men make faring man to.niairlmorly. In view of ' i)l" 1t illustratea ]now wonderfully the no mistakes? Tlr,'y certainly would the conge,t"d,state of London streets .f 6• Thbn the ruffs of cambric Cama -� baix: AI'elssra. Conte anti Levrat essential elements are combined; Its it may br welt L'o Conceal ilia locality and ille.se must of necesett••y be Hilda Sou)' d and Strong by the Use or. ; sail very pttany of 11Lar11, sect when starched," Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, have recently been making intereal- mnrveloua penetrating power enublr's tttey would find foul brood, bldek of the }window -But it is quite real- - The grocer, eonsutting fits mentor- I Ing experiments with silkwormS, it to Seed: out tire painful spot fir brood, r3Larved brood, chilled brood Hirci go i:•t tills -renla•rkablo story.-- ,• :Y r e andam brook, rmlin n(I : Wolk lungs meta weak health, con- which have resulted, It is Said, In ile tilt) sciatic nerve, deeply embeibled, and brood that had been poisoned Lyndon 'rviegraph. {' "It is recorded ihot ' when the tlutrui cou.gh,s aotd colds -touches et production of Coeuons of varied tis W(Ali as the file() ¢Lad brain nerves. through Horne fooll►ir 11Lan spray- .", tPleen h',td ruffs mato o[ lawn and gt1[r and bralahlLis, then deadly ` shades. It cures neuralgin, gently and surely, Ing fruit trees wvh:le lit full bloom, Bob's Lively Pace., A 1JrOtJ.f%lleflt CIiItI wot11a71 cambric for her own princely wear- pneumonia or lingering, hopeless coil- ( eche ordinary cocoon is white, yel- and after the application, if the none they would report many cases to ht[; dere wits none in England Sumption. Weak lun6"s are dttC to low, or sornettlnes gravel. '[!he gars- or tris bottle is ile!,d to patients' be foal brood when it was not. I It was in A Connery; village that Mrs. Datifodh, of St. Joseph, could tell hY)w to Starch thein, but weak blood. :1110 one ,sure way to tion to be solved is why different nostrils, for, say, ten minutes, they received more or less reports o1 iho swain had proposed for the (laud life lfuet+u mute special uteana for dtrat[,gthep Weak lungs Is to build up (colorer slrouh.i ba produced by similar will fall ort into a restful, pence- lIt1S kind every year since I ]niLVC of tris village beauty and had been Mich., tells how side wds cured your blood with Dr. Williams Pink ts(►me women wh'.) could starch and 61.eoles, and whether' It to the dlree.l ful sleep. 71►rre is no other rem- been Inspector, att(i some front lues- :+ueef,gent anti carried off the pall. ;0f fallitl of the womb and its :Urs. Gullham, wife of the to a1 Fills. Every dose makes rich, red' result of the food taken by the Poly in th4A world that will do SO keepers th'a,t I chit tlilnk would lie had bought •lie engagement ring c:ua.ehtnnn, was the first ire royal blood, and every drop o1 rich, red }worm. If thla coloring matter comes much, and do it so quietly a,nd Pf- k -now it, and w,iren r of to their and will; hurrying as fast as Ills twa' dCC63I]fllliillyii)P, pains. bloat acicla atrPtn!gth, vigor and tits- from the leaves fed to the worms, fectively as St. Jacos O1l:ver,v, place wynH very pouch got to feet }t'onitl carry hint to the home "In !f61: a Flanders woman, Frail g 1 'U0sd3is. Crnite and I.evrat conetdered , _;. " Life looks dark indeed When a Can Der P)nsse, came to l.aulorr ease -resisting rower to weak lungs, fa fully shou!d lave ci bottle handy find that they were• mistaken, Heti of his adored one. A frIpnd tried to oman feels that her strength 1. sap- aril establi,}led there a tiehaO[ far , Thoasands of weak -lunged, narrow- i trial It altvald be easy to color Chair b;Y them in the honsP. It artR Tike that 1t rv.Ls dead besot of Another stop him Ko make Inquiry concern - awl And rho has no ho as of the teaching of alarchin The ; c:h.edCLd men slid women ]taut been d food artificially and thus secure dif- •nlrrglc, it always conquers fleet, and nae foul genet. at All. Ing his haste. y P 6 S ruAde, sound,. health acid happy by . R pain.Bob!e.• i,� 1- being restored. Such was my school succeeded. The Flanders frau Y. , ,. ferent shales of cocoons, although Any beekeeper th•tt 11:49 foul ,14olh), titer(, Bb I8 there a fire. pd ;lin a few monilia ago when I [;ai rich. trio charged £.i A Ir>sa011 the use of Dr. Wi[[tamW Pink Ville- several naturallSts hay.,i attempted brood In his apiary Should apply 'Lo "YPS," replied Dob, with what g g !. aind they will d� the same for. you. I to prove the luiposSlbility of color- , I " ' •as advised that my poor health was and An extra r U Shillings for are- Airs. J. D. Naismith, an.,' YArnute('l it i.ndetsioad, me to luelp him and he Cita depend breath he bail lett, my heart's fYq caused by prolapsus or falling of the alp() for tile, making of starch out li latmlpeg, 11 Ing matter paaasing from the intcs- Hays: •'I contracted a severe cold, l tines of iho worm into the silk -pro- She was evidently a [Llrmer N an Jit person L will never report to tiro and I'm going 'to ring the vit- M,,omb. The -words sounded like a of� wllcv'rt' flour, bran and roots, wvhlel2 developed 1.nto bronchitis incl tl nes glands ] daughter, and ha was a broad- any periaan but tlb� Minister of Ag. Inge belle."-Yonlaars Statesman. 3caell tome, I felt that my sun had set; Yellow Was the most fashionable 1 lnrpg .trouble; '1`Jno beat; of doctors rllha wornLs wvllielT NervPsl' for their l)ackeal, red-hand(rd young mail of L':3, ricui.ture whatt I found lit his al+i- jliut Lydia E. Pi1.1.11Rni's Vego- color in starch among the nobility. i and man different kinds or medicine � anal as the landed at the Detroit & cry' I7cliior-'L;hiy story or yours is hard- V- Compound came tome as an The last, rae'ing set went .111 fol' ' fa,ile� f to help me, aptttl my friends all experiments t ere plact(i on braru idea DC[iwaa]tee� c+pot the other da cyan No beekeeper should be foolish en- l3, available. It seems-er-lacking [n of privet washed over with mi. R11c y Y tSAr of life; it restored fire lost geese. Tlnr, puritans 'turd blue' thought I wnya going into rapid coil- !arc the leaves without prejudice, And the newsboys guyed Henn for LL ouRh to allow any [w+rvon to exanu[ne color. Author: neoi{iyel? advise me gees and built me up until my good slareb, th0ligit at first they had ,sitmptfan. I bad no appetit.- ware }vhrin rue larvae began to epic elle bride[ o '. 1e. 1'erh. it was this ilia colonies that would report this., to u.ae, red Ink x m ioaltll returned to me. For four baelt AgAiltst ill sluff altogether, forced to take to bed, and fl, It that ' Cocoon, tho silk was a bright red. fact that determined their action, t®illpths I took the medicine daily and dubbing it 1 errtalne kinrle of 'II- • ondy xleath would t•Flease me. Aly i When feJ on 1^avec eulored blue, ilio for they wa''iked stral•ght up 'to the t aide matter ' Iter } • i . 1"Ai close added health ulfo and strength. 1 wit eh they called , brother urged ti10 to try Dr. 11'31- silk -worms produced a slightly bluish police, officer alanding lu the (boor, loam so thankful for their help I starch, wherein idle clovlll hAt'h , lin.ms' Pinar Pills, and to please trim I I silk. The species that produces ordin- and the bridegroom said: :, '61$}}'red through iia use. 112ns. tviilecl tlirtn to wvAlilt and (live 'their 1 began them. A fete boxes proved , Arlly a yellow cocoon, wren feel upon "Officer, We was marries[ yeater- 1Tt1r vista DAlreltOliTII, 1007 lUiles Ave., 1 uffes, wvJaich, when they be clry, they were helping tile, andll I began to leaves colored red, brings forth a clay,' 11''.7bseph,Mleh.—$5000forfeitiforiginato w1li then stanch stiffe anti Inflexiblo g(rt teal strength. I continued the deep orange. Tire orlginalyellow, it "clad to hear it," was 'thereply. letter proving about their neekst ( LLae of the pills find, was soon able to ., i:t said, IS der to tri() pigment in ilia "We aro tlo}v on What they call lite ;. -!hie record of Lydia T. Pink- Starch is Made from wheat, leAve my bed anal tslt up. I 91`011, , leaves of ilia mulberry.••••-II)itladell,ltlll bridal tower. We aro gain' to be I1) tn'sVegrotabloC,ompoundcall- Corn and potatom and starving stranger day by day.'11he cough that l;Acord. Detroit three or four days.' toot be eE>lualletl by any other 111011 who have Subsisted on it, Idad racked me almoot beyond endue-" "'Chat's right." Wedicine III the world. finding; it nourishing, Brough not I un,ce dloappea-reed, my appetite re- SETAICTING ltHNN1IP5 SI EM "We shall walk up &ad down And 'tasty.." -1 lIIlaxlalpllia Record, tree -nerd. and, I am again strong red go where we barn please. Sarah may "(-FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN." heia,lthy, much to the onrprise of till Many people glave true impression have ]sold of my arm or I may have It Accunrnidt[,,,,, ,who ,sawv mo while I was ill. Dr.; that they ran grew large pumpkins around her walat." �iiomelt vsoilld save time Rntl Wiltlam,W Pink Pills cured me after from life ),re(] of small pumpkins, '•I se•e" Much siC1CnCSs if they would Icallsas (Ty Journal. I other medicines failed, Lt,nd I Aiall )Ll. 1 got wheal ,from ilia seed of poor "Ir We want to &top and Was we rite to Mrs. PinIchaln, Lynn, "I am a. prior young lean• air, ways praise them." whe.Lt, large -ixrlatoes by planting are ohn' to do It, a,.nd we aba'n't care ;RNs., for aclviCO -18 soon as any atruggliltg to make a nitnle for nly- i Btvlr in mind that substitutes and small poLatws. h'his is a, grave III w}•lo n lookfn' on." flistressin;; sylnptonls appear. scir," ordinary mediciies will not cure. lien I take. You cannot grow 'life best w•eg^ •'That's your play," Rallied the of- -- "What is your IlitmP?" tha�t' the full name, "Dr. Williams' • etabk-.r a- flowers from Lllo seed he [icer. "You can also cliew gam and The l[nrip or 1',rin' "ltudolpl Albert Augustin, Colfax Pink Pills for Pale People," iR print•• I Poor vegetables and flowers. The walk harm.] In hand if you wants to. .. 'A new oflort is being made In Spinnington." I Pit al the wrapper around every box. , best fertilized voil. the most Bare- .,% 11 y'oa walited to aek about?" 15ublin to revive flf(, old Irish harp "What ! .1nd you want :i,nothor :' t3old by all medicine dealers or sent flit aLLentiom, othe nto..t favoralllr' "Nils Joel, this,' Sturdily replied the I nd it IR mooting witlli considera- (#Pr whiz! You must be waking up posit• paid at 5W.. it box or alx bo�eu' Season will Inot make up for the lack gtoom. "'I`Ileto will be feilelas olio �le Support. it. name trust." for $3.50 by writing dirpet to tine I of substance and breeding to the ww.)11 chuckle told grin and there will „�;,.,•_r _- - _ __ __ _4444.._ I Dr. IVlilianife Medicine Co., 11roek- sect] pLEnt�d. The best planters be- he ['eller•.,. who will call out, 'Ali, _ _ Ville, (Int. , stow greatest attention to the pill-- tbere. I' 10 mfr." , P9 o. a. ratul:�Id....IttY,)fIStJIIS71 diAt.t i 191118. 15dI.«Io 11911 .51il st 4AIioilu„I.,.,I., Chane of their ,;Ped, and will 11113, ^lt rilay bP t4tr.° I =1 V�rll do we tye:tt Lace Made of Iiu)'tnn flair. only from krliablP growers Ancl deal- "IL will bo so, and you Jest say to Y ers. The best is »outi too goo -1, be- flip .newspapers, and let them sayto "Point tresse" is a very rare kind i cauRe all ttnprofi:tahle NeaRon Is iL eVrrvbocty else, that ilia uder. - of lace made of human hair. Its pro- : ,Renpon gone forever, nor call triP alis- mi1"Ilf".1 stands ready to chuck ail tine and , ��`�� ductionwvasconfined'ta the clt['l,y takebo rnctittedt nvheu 'life I•PaSan chili+klr'r,R, sulci that tlla'Alt iheres!" -, l rt of the 16th century, Hays t cl- 1 is half will flail themselves so tangled up r [ : Y. a Bane; AforPOver, 'lira ieosl of once SiftingR. Dlargaret, Countess of , good aced Is It here bag-Il.teihe het the that the `you theroo' and the molt, lr�®'�� S�JI��S► ( Lennox, the mauler of the wvretch-' to•tal cost of tpra+luc.tion, and yet there'd" an.:i All ilia other tharas in Dealers all over Dominion say they give better satis- 1 Pil Darnley, tient from i the Tower' geotl s(,l,.(1 usualiv costs Just a trifle town won't Im able to separate the 1 , }}here. sha was ImprlRoned when her i more than poor Need. . pirec.K. Offlerr, took at that. i" faction than any O liCrS. , Y Ile PC(�ple say they fit better, Non. Lord CharlcN Lennox, marriad I Tile Renntef4.weed bnsln(,ns of '1o• rhe officer •g;'azed at trio big fist lot]1c better, wear better.--13ecxuse. they are honestly' till' daughter of Bess of llardwieko, , ronto, their 1,; putatton, their suP- and rrma,rkesl that it was all there, y Apiece of lth[N I;ind of lace, to Diaev I raSS dip(,nrlR upon s;he moat lhoroug;l) a,n(1 life l~roonl ncxirled ills lleaci, clrPty made out of pure new rubber. Queen of Snots. This cartons little ' system of selectins;. No trouble iR too Itis bride cloNer to lilm. aald continued: - u ►s Square of point tresse was worked , heavy, 110 espensr too great to Se- ".Lor•(, lit -11), tho m•arA who winks at Granby Rubbers wear like iron. by the olid countess' hands from her ' cera the [hast. Hwerything IN t9una NuI•Ah 0l, r111cks At tad.--Detrolt own gray loftir. with Canadlan tharnuglmess. ](neo I.T009+, , , _ _,._..-_. ........ ..... .. . _. _... I -1._..., A Trying Time On Feeble Persons All Who Are in Low Vitality Have Reason to Dread t4li Coming Weeks -Fortify Your System by Using DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD. If you watch the newspapers for iho nett few weeks you will find tlldat the death Iveordl is a large ore, and mado n[) largely of persons in advanced yeara and 0'f weak con- Istitntio'lna • 'Vitality ceema, to '1le at lore obb at this time of year, and the sud- dell ehaip.or tempomture and hu- mUdl attni dspluere Ara more than A }veakoned system oxen watdtstand. A li'ttin ' over-exertion, n little un- ivatin► exposure, a little neglect of tlto 1013', and lboalth is undermined, ph-xal ,ai brbtak claim inevitAbles(. 1f you could• 1xuL realize, the recon- Ntrurtl}o and upltinilding Influence of Dr. t'1rL't.ws Nerve Food it would be en'sy to convince youk of the wisdom of using this • preparation at this ~on of the yPatr. When tiro blood to thin, wvitiak and vvatory, Dr. Chase's Nervo Fmi enriehaq it. hie Inere &N- frog tires number of red, corputaelea Wham the nerves are exhatwtod', en• orgy :gone and strength deellnitiXt 'drills ,gldOat food cure builde up the syetem, restores and revitalfter tba waisted nerve cells sled rekindles the oIpark of lifeg ' No phydelan caro lg ra you rt;bdf;tt re.5torativo than Dr. Clitiablo i4tyo Food, for it tR PI*PSA*d Sim 4606rd'i antro witli 'iho rioolt mock arA mdrgt srlontifi(1 .princlpi", and coo., tainq in condonsbl form the moot.. prilent r(,stora.tivft known to 1#,i Iw eat selbneo. By nolting "the inorenalls of wvx lght while Iwing 1)r, t;ha ill's Norvo Vood poll ma prove for .ta. cortainty that Be'l`l', flnu fIC16 Oak tl,! vm o is I*Inlr tLddod tty 't11b boo.- Virty (+ao da eu 1.0x 01''kxbot6v for $1..;)0. at 'all (Ua'L1Prda, or IImin sl►loM", lWJL-t4 3c 00' . Toronto. _ "' w 0 I _.._ - _44.44 -....----- - .,.�_.,.m„._..._- _.,i