HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1903-03-19, Page 2t__�.�__-�_�_- � � , I. . I -1 . . .. . . . I .1 I ,, . 1� I . - � I I I � I - ,
— � — __ r- ,.----- � . - I I I - . � � I � - I I � . . . . . � I . � � � � . I - I I . , � , � . � . : . . i I . , . . . r . , , . , , . , 1 "�"*"`"'_ - � - I I . ; "! 1 1 , ' I � : ! r ' P � P
______,_._,____, � __ - __ . ,.- - , - . , , , , .. __ � " - , -,-- ' � —P �t= =n=- — .!'`���
(By IV. Francis Virth.)
(H41141ton Timm).
woulil slide front Under our reet,
At tile hour of lo p. in., AprIL -.17th,
waking tho ellmll very eXhatuAllig.
IW.'. woo 01it three In a). *.party, lit
Tho opportunity of resting to
tile home Of CL TTj(,jA,jj At San QloyAdni.
alloy extent had pasti(XI, too, until
AL kuburb of Niglio", amuslu%; our,
we woujil reach % little more than
*;elves 41; a - v of .'W'Qpeo�, glancing
halt iray ill), where tile luoulitaill
11(>w 4114A titan Out over the ba , wrap-
b000lueN level More or lees, forn
pett 10. tile deelp ishades of t a raight,
t4cort distallee, And 111011 Again
for we were ag%l a in for
Azr JOU-17 Iva
very steel). lye Climbed stutt'LlIly,
the Mot ra-ys of Qo silver mocyu,
Making only tw-p Stops of about
which wa@ to light its on our long
one ditnuto Paoli., braulng ourpoleil'
elimb to 'Clio isuili4ilt of that world-
agalast sonio firm oput and our
renowned volcano, lit. Yestivicio, But
feet burled lit the cinders, wo stood.
We did not have to wat, Much longer,
to catell it little extra breath. Unoo
f Or A IMW MOMCPtt$ 1436ter, as WO again
or twice, Ito I Chall()Eka to gIAnW
Maliced out, We could isee !to pays
below, I millit oolifeas that my
ishooting forth from behind tbe tall
knees shook itilightly, which romilid-
rainge 4>1 mountains; that bound the
ed me at the fir.it tilde I saiii; lit
mtpv, side of that beautiful Day of
public. Ilowover, its one becomes
Naples. ) .1
uk;ed to singing M public, so l000ll'
So we gt once broaglit out, game to
gained Confidence lit climbing the
a close, and lit 0. fow, MOMQUts were
dteell monatu'lu, and after it tittle
ov our way, eanh Carrying a small
Could look below. without fear.
lunch And & long pole, ivIlich was to
Novo were Just one hour lit reaching
(i,ld In the ateep Climb, As we passed
the levet part, ,whero we ivere met
along the b . atroet,which, ea s 0
bv ,a ,cuivornment gulde, jvIlo Raid,
'the,71g-rag r vAvetriding the mouu-
" Noll hi puO andaro pin avatitL seliza,
talil"the nightivam fill IvIth, ilia
Unit g1114411," WhICII IS, "YOU CAnnot
no clatter or "push -carts," and
go rurth" without a guide." There
othersdrawn by donkeys, and larger
arro many places of danger f Tom there
hch esaed an. OK,
nil, and oil& Is not Rafe Without a
a borse, and an use; a klight that
guldo. Already the ground Ili places
would create a sensation on tolle.
i'van quite, warm, and sent forth it
istreets of Hamilton, but 0110 Often
light smoko or Qteam.
seen In Naples. Each cart was loaded
Berore making ,fte utf4t af300114011,
,with Iluppy ItAjIj&,n;9 froul ten years
of age upwardR, mostly barefoOtctl
""' guide took tie to it rudelY Call-
strutted shack made of boards and
flind Ilair-clad, bUt ilappy as Neapol-
Items know how to be. the air ridging
covered with zinc, lit whiell lived
with their sougs. as home from tile
alijut it dozen moil Itild it dog. Tilooe
moll are emplo,ved by the UovLrn-
buRy A,Ity they were bound. Now. and
then au its$ or two wouvd join ilia
mont to act as guldva, and aro ('out-
elloyes with that sonorous bray,
poll.eil to live fit that dangerous
Illneo, Wher(l, at ally moment, thev
which sounded high above h to the
other jciol�ses and added muc
might laso their Ilveti. When Ave
general confusion. w1lich, combine
arrived at the shack, one glance la
0 re�m
was enough to Invite lit; t . in
with tile curious S19,14to I have menr
tioned, make it ca,ally understood
Outside%, Where tile air was To, for
why Naplea Is so Interesting- to tile
It contaiiwd only ai to room Which
ill!> moil were all sleeping; also tile
foreIguer. .
Tp,en as -we drew near the turn
dog, The guide Mentioned that Ibis
wm-4 only a temporary structure, and
whero wo 1would soon leave the
11018Y street behind, Iva were address-
lie pointed ou� what had been a stone
licuso, In which they formerly Ilved,
ed on every hioid by persons *110
to act as guides, for N0aPOII-
Uut had beau completely destroyed
taxis never lose an opportunity, for
by an eruption.
The and wite now up, tie we stood
ultIRIng money, as Opportunities 4TO
for it time gazing down upon ilia
Sew, AS ODD Of Our ,P11Lrty know'-
landscape, below its, and for the first
the wily, we did not require their
tilat', realized how terribio hall been
ltid, go wo, left tile ga,y street behind
the eruption of 162. Words cannot
and were Soon a , w,Ay from? the notse.
tiestarlba It, The .1ava seems to be
lit fact, it wais 80011 its (Idiot as it,
illueli like a mixture of Ircn anti
, -
liad been nolsY only for tile occa
tie it rail clown the moun-
stone, and .
sional bark ng or a dog, 49 1701 Pass-
Wn In a liquid form and became coo'
ed between the high staine walls
it twietea Into ait kinds of shapes and
w,blell separeto the fifteein, feet wide
E-Izes. One might imagine that Dante
street from tile property of the
had atood whore we were when lie
wdalthy, many of ,whom nave their
got the idea of writing his 11Tiferno,"
horties along ,trLts mountain base.
for ilia best description I could give
.is we came to tha, iron gato-waYR,
we Could view. ilia beautiful homes
Of It Would"bO to say that It put Me
In mind of what- Hades might be,
surrounded by large, wall -kept I&Wns,
while, stretching out on all sides,was
1110 beautiful country below, with its
with their winding Patll-wmYS, flower
beds and tropical plants of every
rields of green and lightly tinted
description, including orange, lemon
buildings of the city and villages,
and beyond It all the deep blue
and olive trees, all laden -with' fruit.
waters or the bay -all kissed by the
, Here and there we could see marble
,whore one 611JOYIng 1L stroll
first golden rays or the morning sun.
about tile gpaclous grounds, could
The, contrast between that beauti-
fully colored picture beloir and the
rest In the Shade apcj arrange, per-
Chance, a bouquet of tile 'beautlif"I
bla�k anti rugged voleaule mass on
which we, stood can only be realized
flowers ibey had goal' fit to, gather.
by those who ]lave witnesse,c] It.
`31hen as we passed along the nar-
*After- euJoying for scine time that
rovr lined Street, lighted Only by
wonderful Picture Of riature we
tile moon's silver ra,Ys, the air was
started for the top of the Toleano,
filled wItIX ther perfume of rosea. We.
arriviag just In time to Sao it
had gone some distance before I could
,slIghtly agitMe:1. Tho mouth Is much
bring MYS011 to converse very 11111cly
II&rger tban many pi��ople Imagine,
irith ray two Italian friends, for I
- W1119 fully t1wee hundred yards
was deep In thought.
meroiss and very db3p. The guide con -
Towering high a.bove us ,was the
ducted us a short distance into its
black and rugged mountain, whose
tuouth and pointea oat many places
peak was covered by 0, Passing 0101111,
or danger" t year Vesuvius has
For the p*s
while now. and then It shot forth its
t.1101*11 in warning
1.6 --it, very Quiet, Imiul one can venture
fiery breath, as
to those who have chosen to make
a little further than in the Pao.
However, It Is net very Inviting,
their homes along Its base. This
a-wil tatst one Is never sure of the man -
thought W;aS in 1py, mind as thel per,
oeuvres of the volcano, 'we (lid not
fume from those delicate DOW.181`19 fill-
remain long, �iut gathered a few
ad my nostrils, and my eyes viewed
epeelmens or lava and started baek.
that burning volcano above.
Then came the descent, which -cras
ob, nature, how wonderful than art;
now thod ca,ust be, and 011�
accomplished much quicker than th3
ao3ent. In descending the first prart
Ilow terrible',
we kept tot ithe parth, but p,trt up
will runs tile Incline railway, and
We gaze with awe and wonder
Upon the works of man, I
witch took us ono hour -to climb,
):at, nature as we find her,
a n minutes,
The guide Conducted us to a place
NVItIj oceans rovIdO to SP -%n,
With forests, plutras and mounta.1no,
where the cinders are very deep,
and ivitlit no rocks projectin,-. Here
113 inore beauteous tLind, grand.
ivoo maide the deseent In a straight -
When the hour of midnight arliv-
line, bracing ourselves and taking
ed, we bad reached a MOTO Open
tdridea of fully six feet, eaeb time,
j4pace, where 'Lite walls on either
<-Inkingto, the top.1 o, our show in ths
side of the road were only about
tineCcinderp. - -
three feet In height, and built of the
Before continuing the balance of
lava from tile mountain, From tharO
the journey It 'was necessary to re -
we could view the surrounding coun-
move our shoes and shake out the
which was principally covered
0111110"s that had been collected
WA rrult-trees and vineyards, and
The reGt of the descent was
here we made our first halt for tbO
pot marke,J with much Intercist m6re
,sting, sea,thl-11
purpose of TO ourselves
o� some large stones by the road.
than we made ilia distance shorter
by leaving the road and climblng
side. in jess than tan minutes we
on oar way again up the wind-
down & rat�ter rough, part or the
mountain, and -went acrose country
were .
Ing road willoji gradumily. became
through isome fields that were com-
steep, and as we ascended, the
ploote3y Covered wild flowers,
,air became cooler. .
y hall ,hour or so, we baltOd
and arrived at the home o.r_otxr friend
'it t '10 " in -, where a nloi3t Inviting
, .,
for not morerthan five minutes' rest,
rep4st awatted tie. And as we wero
1�otll t1red Anti hungry it gw�j with-
W.1d, to view the country. The moun-
tain us, the beau-tiful City Of
out sayinv that we did justice to tile
�qaples, and the adjoining villages
good tlidngEr br-fore us.
below, brightly, illuminated and ex-
tending some miles along tile bay,
the of a half-
lilipday 'C�0016
-which forms in shape
circle, Made a picture not caully
Is ue-werded favor. 'it risen solely
imagined, At _o, a.m. ,we had arrived
at tile observatopy, a most sub-
Rt;a.ntlally* constinctwl building
TVA.ItC,11 22, 10.03.
which to Situated On a separate
pol%t and w1dell,
liatil'q Ila-vage Eu (lie X'phoslans. Lph, 2:1-10.
dart g the gremt oruptiOlit 113 00a, was
completely surrounded by the burn-
Comme4tary.-F-xiiianatory, ',This
Ing lai.a, &A it ,,an ()own.the moun-
o0bmia, was writ;Lmi to Confirm and
fain by nibillons of tons, the Inbabl-
stremgtlien Ilia bellevere Ili the faltit
tants escaping ideath on Ly by a mir.
and hope of the Gospel, and to give
mate. I t I . : . ji,
Ilere we parto4k of a small lunch
them isome most ]important teaching
In the deepeat and subtimest, truths
and mgain ritarted 0.11 out- way. Af-
of the Christian religion.,' It consists
ter Rait an hour tn,irc, or climbing
Of two general divisions. Tllte first
Iva came to it *;Ilanty, crinsisting
three ohiijitere are doetrival, I'll*) last
Of 0, few pales In tile ground and
tbree are practical.
Covered Principally with- brush. In-
1. The Children of wrath (vs. I-3). 1,
side was it. rudely. constructed ta-
bell ell. AVe we"t In and
, kn�l ,,,_,�'. Clirlst fIjIS tIlo vj�jjoln
I)Gly of Chrlattan believers *wIth life
lite and
canold,(jed to re.4 for h��ir an hour,
its wo could se h le e
fuln"a (011ap. 1. !!3). so had He df-mlt
with tho converted Ephaslatio, who
th,tt wc had been Ageptiding. we
- IlIrmY
woujil arrive at the Incline Tit
no 0 , CTI
I t f d In tregriasties allo
, alive E;PjrtAl-
hefore Ill:, break of (13Y. 'It which
ilia Mountain 13 So fttec,p that
ally, Mnvl-�Jot, Col. it. 1,11. Deattl Isl
I .
often used by all writers and In all
it would be Unsafe t�) attempt to
nations to expremi a state of extreme
misery. Tile Epliesimita by trespapoing
erlimb by Moonlight, 'go we Pat ""
overcoats, %vblclt we h,Ld. c. .
and sinning him arought themselves
I'led with, U61, and Fiat down 111 -the
I(MO a state of deplorabl,% wrotelied-
11(1,39, art I1AAI all tile Iv,allion nations,
jilost pro,teeted part, as wind
by thin V1110 jja(I beconle cllilt'�
itml bavIng thus sloned against God
thrl.v were Condemned by Will and
4trol%g and 0001- "o" c%mus"' Our-
so best Iva could. to) keep
might ll,,� oonkil lered as 'Idead Ili law."
from falling ANI'lep, w1lich by tlfo
2. Te walked-Thoy lind olitned can -
tinually, not nitrely, aceaMotially.
V . wo
time flin litilf hour bad ex, Ircd,
felt very much inctin(41 to d'), but
Thoy IIVP(l In Ell) find followed tile
rouscxt oUr8OlvM- however, all4l
evil fwaotIses of tile heathen world.
Trilo Chrlstiang st-patato ilimustilwis
wttre Rood Out On the Wild ftf-'all-
from Ithe worl.1 (Hold, xil. 1.1; Ir. Cor.
It .,V,�ig not a great way trail)
ill,orp to ilia Incline rallway. Whom
vi, IMM nind (to, not conform to Its
sinful CAystoing an,, praetls(�v, ,,Vince
we arrived a, littIC b0fOrA 4 it. In ..
...... air -Thin litts rNfero.noo to Satan,
and made ceveral attpjjjjjtFj to tind
tb(oo prince of devil.q. Ile Ili algo the
tile trail, by whioll It WAs PONMI*�
Lpixi of thig world" (Ir. cor. JV. 4).
to as.PoWit bilt 41111 not Alle'DeP11 b0- I
"Tho all, Is rf.,prpRonted its the iioat
fore t1w broak of d%y, when, on WO I
of h1A Irl,y4oni. The devil sooma it)
Avant. Now It Ita.4 boconle h(trd I
havp immo polver In tile lower reglott
% tyrk .1.1torl neneseary to 111,A(lo, our- ,
of tile air; )to P�. at hand to tompt
1.0V*113 witit tho lo�g 116111.81 We Utlr- I
111P.11 ftllfl to do aky %)%not) WISCIller it)
I.b.1, ag t%i lava of (inn eln&rs, I
tile. worl(l (to be, Carl,
- ,is quite #
Mliell In VVIttees Aw deop
3. Wo omlos*-Phull hore Chi
aligiiii from
D A coo]�XESS. ,
Alt'. O(IttlAg' IjIX1tZ-I J130t found
, I
:my bot on, the too aoolor, I wandar
(>It what crazy thing I'll find it uo,xt ?
Mars. Cutting I-lintz-Uaybe on
your head. ! I �
the soeolicl to tile first person, put- -
ting lilinvelf In with those whom he
has Just described. All-Jewts - and
Gentllw alike. Once Ilred-The R, V.
The llarkets.il),
brIngoe out V)o meaning. The ir-ord
"oonvelVatlon0l is misleadlug. Tile
whole course of tile life was
11-.4 i
wrong. Lufits�"The evil, Irregular
and corrupt afrectiona of the heart.,'
Toronto Farmers, 111arket.
-Clary.e. Fleah-The carnal, cor- -
rupt nature, fulfilling,
March 16. -Wheat steady, 100
bush of white &ailing at 70 lo 72c,
lived In the actual commlosetc-They
Ion of all
thcoo sins whle,i their corrupt ni-
and a load of 16roose cvt 67o. Barley
turles Inclined them to commit, Mind
-14houghts; mental suggestions and -
dull, i0o buwb. iselli-nig at 44C. Oats
steady, with s
� alo of 11DO bash. at
purpooes as distingulslied from the
blind Impulses of the flosb.-J., F.
SY can't$.
There was a fair ;gupply of butter
& B. By naturoo-Nature, In Greek,
and eggs, Choice Imrge rdllg butter,
IT"It'11111111 that which has grown In us _
16 to 17C, and pound xalls at 20 to
44 peculiarity of our jtoetng, as
2k3e; 110"'O' Imid eggs easier at ISO
distinguished from -that wbich has
jeen wrought on ma by more extor- .
Pei' 407eal, L I . -
Vegetables In gooid supply at un
nal Influences.- .
changed prices. . 11-1.1 j
Ir. Salvation all act of diville
. Bay in -moderate tillppl;y, with
mercy (Nisr. 4-9).
Sales, of 1-16 loatds'at 4)12 to $IN a
5, 5. But God -The apost,le now
to" to" timOtIVY, ctild at 06 to SO
shows the glorious change that had
for mlxvO. S,Lrr�i� Is munitual at §6
teen wrought In theiii through tile
gospel. Three words are especially
to 40. I ,*
Dragged liogs aie dull; none offer-
e,mpIla&IZe.I-,G0,l, mercy) grace. 111ch
lug. Light quoted at 1$8,60, and heavy
in morcy-God Is rich In many things
at 08 Ito $8.25. 1 �
I.eakles mercy; He is rich tit worlds;
Following Is the range of quota�
Re ownts tile gold allil sllvar in a
tions: . I
thou,sand hills, as well as tile cattle
Wheat, white, bueb., 70 to 72el
on them. But while a knowledge of
wheat, red, bush., 72 I -2o; wheat,
these rlelies Is not nocessary to our
spring, bush., 60o; -whent, goose,
salvation, It Is necessary 'that -we
bush., 07 to 67 -1-2c; oats, bush., . W
know aj, the x4cliness of His
to- 3.7 I -2c; peas, 'bush., 75o to 78c;
mercy. Great love -His infinite love
barleV, bush., 44 to 4'Do; buckwheat,
for us Is -the ground of our salvation.
bush,, 50 rto 510 -1 R-,yb, bush., 52 1-20;
He loved laia and died ter us while
ha�y, ilmothr, Per ion, $I2 to $15;
. .
we were yet sinners, Together with
mixed, por tom, $5, Ito $9; straw, per
ch,plet-God line givern no as com-
ton, $8 to) $0; apiples�perbbl., $1 to
. pleto ,n, resurrection from the death
,%.75; dremed 1hogs, $8 to 68.0D;
of sin to a life of righteousness as
eggs, new ittlid, 17 to 18c ; butter
tile bo,,jy or Chirst, hais bad Trom
dairy, 10 ko 22c; vreamery 21 t�
the grave. �
ot-o; chickens, par lb., i.12 to 15c;
6. ra-LoDd...-alt-'Bellevors are olti-
ducks, per 11b., tLO to 12o; turkeyso
zone or Heaven and have theft I
per lb ., 17 to 20o.; potatoes, p�r
assIgTed there, ,which they soon
bag, ,91.20 Ito 8M-25.
take possession or (Plill. Ill., 2-0, 21).
1jeading,Wlicat Markets.
But this may be unileratood as re-
ferrinw to sanctified souls In tills
Following are the leading quota-
life. Having been raised from tile
tions at important wheat,oantres
to -day: � . I . I
death of u1n, ire enter into a tied-
, . , � I I
Cash. may.
venly union with Christ, and tile soul
New York -- 791-.2
Is Indescribably happy IL, his love.
... ..... ... ...... 11
Ch,leago ... ... 0 .. ......... -- 741a_8
It to heaven began below.
Toledo ... ... ... � .. ... 7-1 - ? 76
T-9. ,Ages to comu, etc. - WN111t
Duluth, No 1,
God had done for the sinners at
Northern ... ... ... ... 73:1-4 1-4
EpHesus would be proof of His _.
I great goodness .and mercy and
Toro�ito Live Stock.
serve as an encouragement to sin-
Export; oat tie, choice cut.. $ 4 10 to I 60
. ners In all ages of th'a world.
do medluin ............. 3 40 to A 00
do oows, per ow b ........ 331) to 3 70
Through falth�rtalth isk 1. , The
Interior cowa_ .............. 2 75 to 3 25
condition upon which we are saved.
'Butobers'ptoked ............ 411) to 4 40
2. The Instrument in God's hands
do good to clioiee ........ 370 to A 00
do fair to inedlurn ....... 3(O to 3 65
by wAlch we are sairod. S. The
do rough to common._ 2 00 to 2 71!
means by which we continue sav-
Bulls, export heavy ........ 01 60 to A 25
ed. Gift -That Is, Salvation Ili the
do light.; ......... _.. ., I 00 to 3 50
Foaden, short keep :* %. 3 9C jo 413
tree gift of God.
Ill. I.Me unristlan life a divine
..... .
do Medium ............. 3 GO to 3 00
do light .................. 325 to 360
cretvilon (v. J. -G). 10, His workmanoblP
Stockers choice ............. 325 16 3 40
-IDsteadof our being the workers,
do co�i inon... � .......... 2 25 to 275
Mitch coivq. each ........ � ... !Li 00 to 60 00
God is the morker and we are tile
Ex1jort e%vos, CIVL ....... � ... 3 ,5 to 4 35
workmanship -the fact accomplish-
Bucks, per evrt ........ � ..... 3 Lo to S5
ed." Created-TIre saved soul is
Lanibs ....................... 4 50 to 5 895
Calvos, cach ................ 200 to 1000,
created anew -a new, creation.
Hoge. seleot. per awl; ........ 635 to 000
Thoughts -The children of wrath
'do fat per owt .......... 610 to 000
do light, Per aft 610 to 000
-1. They are spiritually dead (Y.
. 1). Their only life Is a life of sin,
Dradettieets oil Trade,
They have no conception of & high-
or life. Sin first beziumbs, then par-
Ttrade hmg,'parham been a little
alygees#- and finally almys our spir-
law a,Dt,.v at Montreal, and It to
doubtlem 43owing to -the fact that
Itual sensibilities. 2. They are un-
der the spell of an Unseen evil
tile roadg are beginning to break
power (Y. 2) T3x.ey are captives of
up lit ,totva parts of ilia country,
, &.4 id urinal mt tills seasaa. There is
. "tan. a They are prompted to sin
by the instincts of a depraved na-
it- good deal of activity displayed In
ture (Y. 3). 4. They are exposed to
wholesale trado Circles ,at Toronto;
still, although tho, spring conditions
c e Gospel
are making theseIrw felt In the
country, valuos art, firmly. held in
-1. God has quickened us. 2. Raised -
all linei of' nrantfacturml staple
us. 3. lVado us sit with Christ. This I
gooj.,; impurl;a ,ire htrge -,%nil retail -
change is through the moray and
love of God. it is wrought in tile
OrB are conli,lent that they )lave
V,nothek succoatiful year beforethem.
soul by faith' (Rom, v. I); lint faith
Bustn%srki at Quebm during the week
cannot be exercised until all gin bmO
kus been notive. Buisiness has been
been renounceil. Wban we forsake
Tatter jitDre, activo at Pacific
our sins we wIll be atived frOlu
Qmst trado centrea for tl*.b past
Our sins. Salvation Implies (1) do-
liveranoe, (2) preservation, (8) To-
week or two than la.vt year at tile
.saw* timu, In M1111tobat there is a
big inorea-m in tl.o demand for ota-
Good wprks.Ther�� is a sense lit
ple gootlit ais a result of Q,o I%rge
which good works are necossaryto
Influx of auttlowi since last Sprint,?.
salvation. I'Ver are not x,mv(-.4 by
NVI,olojala trade at Hamilton thle
good works, but created unto good
Week has been 1julte active. Tal a
Orders being Ean' Ili by tlio travelers
are largo and well digtributed and
Oar condition by nature. Dead Ili
Wileatc, every confidence on the
troypasees and sins. Not only disease.1
part of- retalleru throughoat the
but (lead; that is, opiritual (loath
country In the PtLuro boci,dItfouv of
reigns; throughout man's entire moral
trade. Shirlittentg are largo now, a4s
nature. Ire Is totally depraved and
rot -alters appear to be anxious to
devoid of all -spiritual life. There Is
Care early dolivory of the good3
nor lite in him To die lit a. natural
bought, so nos to brs in a pooltion
sereo means a separation of soul
to meet the dematicIg of an early
and body.
Epi,ing tra4le. London jobtlGrer are
MaW9 only hope, It must be To-
,eceIvIng wnny orderit rot, spring and
memb,,rod that God is rich In moray
suminer gGoclos. Ttoy are veryfirm
only through hiti Son Jesus ChOst.
In their Ilevo as to value, At Otta-
They who rejeet ilia one who slim]
wa t1mra, H a very, good movement
bl,9 blood for nien that they might
in wholoiftloo trade Tor tills time of
have life must forever remain dead,
t4o year. Country payment:3 on Ilia -
for. tile Ilia is In tile blood. Mercy
turlr.g traper tIAs'rdonth. )lava been
Is ue-werded favor. 'it risen solely
good, ar,d tho conditions (it trade are
out of the benovo!ence of Gol. Con:
gell(irally healthy, ,v4luos of staple
SLquently no good work or even mul
goods are firmly hold.
tiplicity of J;ood works call rendor
Vaillares Tbili %Vt�ek.
tiny man worthy of the mercy of
Z a. Dan & Co., report liabilities
Clot]. .
Abundant moray, God 19 rich In
of comm(�rclal falturea in March
$2,088,070, against $1,879,280 last
moroy. This wonderful atatoment
yeal.,, Valluros t1W week In tit(,
should encourage tile Antipr. One
United States are 2,10, against 220
hav oall, 1111ho"tarth to thn Lord's
,mat week, 'I'll the preceding week*
and tho fulnow thereof. They tell
and 2#11-1 the, ug week [&;a
i's that there &V13 LWOJILY-RVO rail-
yoar, and incorre
Cana?,11t)"'I"Al against lo
Ilong of run" With worlds revolving
last; wook, 'I'll tho proceding vvool, and
aroujitT them, and yot It Is not ssid
84 last year. 0, failures tills week In
tllq,t G .1 Is 1`1011 In worlds, but It Is
ilia United 9tateg 8.1 were In tile
wall thalt lie Ia riab Ili meroy."
East, 74 Soutif;- 65 WoRt -and 10 In
Tl,.o 11oivoli of morey. It qulekoji'a
th(i Pacific States, and 08 report
tho *'dead." Man 13 utterly lost, but
liabilities of $5,000 or more.
through nibroy be May be saved.
Mmey know,j no hard enexto and all
31t' &sko lit a chmneo, through ropent-
oneet and faith on the, Part or tile
Nm on 101coet-work.
Titer perpetuity of moray. "That In �
"I -low are you getting Oil tit your
tile agog to coma lie might Ell � ow tile
bow place?" uAked. a lady of 4 I-,tlrl
oxe,pulling riahag of Ilia graemll IRM.
whom r4ho had reemilmnlided for a
VA-Clon, is not like a it;pont rifle ball
WhIcAf wealcong In force, necordIngto
I'Vory well, t1tank you," tinHwer.
tho 011stando It ]lite eovored. it Ill
L14T ilia girl.
jnql; aa ,strong to quicken InL%n front
"I'm glail to lieur It," said Clio
tile clead In tills age aos it wait Ill
)RAY; "YoUr oniployer h; a very
titer beginning, Goil 19 an ever pro.
olea tw;polt, atill you vallnol; 410 too
1jent )?ally. anfl 4�j J116110,1tyid yeartj Ig
itillell for bpr.11
49 A, tl4Y to blia, With lillu 14 no vay. ,-
111 don't n1pall W, lita'(1111", wll.H
tableno%_ Ykelther shad16W of ttirning,
t1w innocent roply.
I .....-11. � --I.- ` _.... ..., I I 1. .1 I I � I .1 �, .
I'l-I.." 1, 1�111.1 i I....'' 111,1�. , � � wowyp""" . I I ,
. . I I I I � � I %I � - . . , � I . . . I
. `. I - I ...� � , , � , , , , , I - . I � I I I , 11, I , , .. , ,. ,
"114 ON I Papoo .1 All aborat ,4o prize
folgilt"10 �
TUD Shrill voice rang out lit tIN
ovelling air, above tuo, liturmur of
the atrout. .
"Got out of this 10 roughly emiled
tire conductor, as. the Car started,
"Xitep oil youse own side of tile
1011100i will Yap?" partly retorted
Jim, the huneliback. "Youse t1ink
Youso a Smarty, octolill; youse?" And
he swung himself from the oar.
JIM Arms In, 411gh ,spirits thisuron.
11) t rot- the aboQuat of tile prize
flart had ottuAcd Ills papara toosell
Well. Tli'aro wAs only one left,and
riattivk that Into life rugged pooket
ho started up tiliwit, wjAstling war-
After a ha,lf hour's walk lie stop-
ped fit front of a hundsomo house.
Instairtly Ilia door opened# And a
little bay I -an out,
"110110, partilor," cried 'he, "what
juck 7"
"Jim IdAmdy," returned tho news-
boy, tbig auspicious expression on
419 woazoned face changing to one
of pleasure. "'I's playin' In luck dose
days. It's a dead easy winner, Sea?
But I ;Yelled till mer pipes give out,'?
"You're dreadf ul ,jate," reproach -
f UIIY said Charlie, I've been jvatoll� (
Ing for you -ever so long I ," Then
takIng tile 911111,7 hand Of the rflg�
a -muffin, he continued, "Comeround
I!, the back yard,"
1, Wit" made you so late, Jim ?,,
A copper got big IlooXs on me,"
explained Jim.
"Oh, Jim 10 exaoltedly cried CliaT�
lie, llwbut did 'You dov,
', fiNuttin," coolly returned Jim,
Anudder Inewple wuz run In for
pinobin, some papes, an, tie copgot
wfind da$ I seen ,lm sli,lpe lam an'
,a carried Me off ter do porlice sta-
t4on. .900 ?"
" And then ?" breathlessly asked
"De stol> coughed up do papes, an,
do Copper let 'Iva off, but 'a kepl
me' dere a long tolme.11
"Is that all ?" asked Charlie, 4n a
citsappointed tone.
"Yes, dat's all," answered Jim,
taking out his knife and, beginnitig
to Whttltla a stick. .
"Toll tile a Story, a, true oneX
begged Charlie, after a moment's
"Lemina, goo," meditatively began
tile newsboy, "Onst (fare waz a dorg
__1) . I .
"No, Jim," Interrupted the' little
boy, "nottliat One."
"Onst dOrG wuz 0, old mug," said
Jim, "an, If---,'
1110, Z10,11
I cried ChaxIle, "tell me all
about mc,411 �
"Dat"S w0tabor up ter, to It 2" asked
Jim, laughing. "Youse wants we ter
Jolly youse. See ? Oust dere wuz a
,�Tlw newsboy," Interrupted tile
"Lemme 'lone, will yor ?11 said Jim.
"Onst dere wuz a big newale, and one
day 'a wuz evylnl Papeii-w1en, bully
goo I all on a Sudden gunithin' jumped
frc>r4 behind a tret--_11
:11;amp arlie.
'So It -wuz," good naturedly agreed
Jim "an' do ne
� 0sie wnz so skeered 'a
wuz about ter cut an, run, thinkin'
It wux a cap. Dan 'ej taut 'O'd look
aon. 'Wlat Vell is dIvT sesee, like
dat. See? An' don 'a seen dere wuz
Jag a little kid under do big hat, Den
do newsio felt like or farmer. 'I'm on
ter youse,l said 'a, smilln' kinder sick,
"I frightened you," cried Charile,
laughing with delight.
"Tell I seen It -.wuz youse,11- gald Jim.
"And then you held out your hand
allid said, 'Hello, pard,1 an, we've been
friends ever since, haven't we, Jim?"
"Yes," assented Jim, 11 leept do
tOlMO VOUffe--" *
"Chavile I Charlie to' Called tile
nilree, running bareheaded Into the
yard. "There you are again talking
to that dirty Loy. I've been looking
fox, you everywhere."
"Please let me stay, Same," begged
tile 61111d, 'Vve got on my, eoat, and
__I� .
"Ali, . go mn' . chase yerself," con-
temptuously cried JIM, Interposing
himself between the nurse and the
little boy, "I's takin' caret of die kid.
Nalittin' can't burt 11m. See?'
" "You sassy. boy," began the maid.
1'11--" . -
,*448ay," Insinuatingly Jnt'llrupted
lin "I'm dead stuck on youse, Dat's
all huliky wl,d do kid." .
"What'll lite mother say ?11 asked
tile girl, looklit.- longingly at the
cheap novel, -which she took from
umdeT hex apron. 1
"Don't let ]ter oil to It, See?" re-
plied ilia urcliln, winking knowingly.
"'Say, you.so a peach, an' dat 'goes."
"I'll finish this allilptor," said the
girl, yielding, "and then you must
coma In, Charlie, do you hear ?11
"I ain't got no toline for lier,"
scornfully said- Jim, as the maid dis-
ouse, "she puts
oil too nially frills for ilia. Wot kind
of a mug .does bile Call '01`88M Of
cow It wuz right for oar ter leave
youse, 'cause she done It lerself.11
"XIms" i4egged Charley, settling
himself again on the ateps, "Lot me
go home with you some tima.,,
"Wot's dat song an' danoe youse
gIvIn' in*?" asked JIM.
"Pleaoo do," urged tho child, "Naw,
naw,11 answered JIM, shaking Ills
licad. "Youse don't know nutt1n,
ii-D,Ont Ue nowsles, Charley. Doy's
scrappers, (ley Is, an' sometimes w1en
de mugs got ter serappin, day cracks
each udders' nuts, an, do loldy irat
keepode place whoer I lives to drunk
ino-st of do tolmo. She's a (1 -bully
goa I I most done It."
"Did what ?11 Inquirlad Ubarlle. .
"I won't tell youse."
" 01), please (Ia, Jim. to
"Kaw", saild Jim, with decision",
.11 wonitput a kid like yonso on tap,
tv tIng
z g like dat, see v
fil"WIll you, tell me when Jim a
- boy V
I "How M-92" tonsIngly asked Char -
le, "wbon Put Six 711
When ism seven?"
"Naw, when yotuse eight, Mobbe f $r
doubtfully replif'Xi tile gamin.
"LOOIC 'era," he continued, taking, the
papel- from Ilas pocket, 111,00 got
sumthin rev youso."
"Hon,04 711 asked Charlie.
in .tIS de gospel truto. I ain't try -
gr to Stuff youso", .
"That's flne," Cried the little fi,oy,
Stepping life hands. "Moir I enn
Play X'lii Ia haw"Y. Tall mo how you
wit go
"D41,1= ep,"iti3pye,rllo'stjill(tldt?'Iie urchin,
In a P&-trollizInr lollo� 111 Joe ot"vlatl
papos, pmpw� all, I jumps on nil da
110b� I hope ilty marnma will 10 we
lid a nmvaboY Whein I am it big bo3r,"
oo�jrerly swId Chartle.01
'Not on yer ftln-typia,P frald ,Jim,
"I want to be a newebay like yoft",
Intiloted the little boy.
-Tim looked from Ills poor, flefornied
Tioly to the raxIlant linagia of beatiti.
rut Childhood J�ciforo hill) and smiled
911w,"011liellOr say dat for, Charli I 13 ?11
Ito F.�adly askeil. "Yollign don't ivanter
1;0 sbok with ift crookNI back all,
quPer logo like me."
"But X love tmu, 31ju Ill Cried -the
little ono, throwl"dg, Ills firms
about tho wait. "Youlr6 the onir big
r�, I 1. �. I ) . � , ,� I . I ... �.. I I
10,000 orwhelki iow-Ten Ver Vent
ork1bysielaiie Slaves.
-.1 I 1. , I I
. �A�,,.,.,,.., .. : . 1. I 1� .."
I - ,- , .
40tyl 1 know, who Inovor goti; Mad of
Playing with wo," T-hQu lie wbisorail
wIth, lit$ Molith 01000 tO JIM'S Oar,
"I knoriv you doult like tu&t liump.
77�rau novor told Me isq, bat 11 know
It, 4,ud ISO every 1pigut, lybon 1 'lay
my PrP7.orkis I 4sk God to take It
a,1MV2 1 1 1
. I
,,Thii gave 0implie a big bug. A
'EllIll Ills throat kept him from
ug, The, lobild'o soft arms were
a Oat tile street bo7'o nooX, big
sweet breath was. Ia lite' face; and
stirred by some naw, feeling, Jim
stooped and pressed lite pinched
and grTlliy: ollook against the
rosy upturn�a lips. It was but am
Impulse, fait 113 aA. Instant lie pushed
Marlia, frout him almost roughly,
"All, -1 I feet like a sissy, 01
The bab,y,1E lips quiverod, '. And I lite
e,vos filled with tears. I t
"Jim," be begam, I'doo't.11 I
"Quick, Charlie," called the nurse, ,
rualling out of tile door, "I isee the
Carriage oolning doivn tile next
Street. Your mother -%Vill be looking
for you, dirocti,y 11 and site took bold
of the ohild's oxin,
I "Take your Plokers often; Ilm or I'll
pitinell 7ouse face Ill cried JIM, obak-
Ing his fist at ,,hot,. 111hem ast Charlie
bog -in to cry, 11 Nxw, new, pard,
yOuise a maa you is, I'll see youse
again tomorr�p. So long.11 And lie
wayed M13 hamd as j0hartle Choked
down his sobs mail followed the
nurse Into the house.
Tile older bok went to the front
of the houlse, and watched Until a
smiltrig face appeared at the nursery
window, and a little hand was waved
at, him, and then some One drewl the
Curtain upon the only bright scene
It, Ills day, , . .
At that 'mo,m6nt a carriage drew
uip, to -che house, and as the footman
Jumped down to open the door, lie
ealledit i I (
"Got Out of tile way,, It, .
The hours door opettled with a flood
of light, and Jim isaw a laog, wrap.
ped IA- rich furA stop out of the oar-
rlage. I
I'SlWs a torrowbred, an? dmt goes,"
ejaell-lated lie,
Then the do -or was closed, mud lie
was left alone in the gathering dark-
Wilth a shiver lie drew his throad-
barb cc9at about him, and turned to-
wards the miserable plae4 that lie
called home. He was tired, and Ills
back hurt, but In, spite of that, lie
whistled as be stuck his hands In life
pockets and moved away, for ,Tim
was thinking. not of the cold, but of
a pair Of baby blue eyes, from wIllose
serene depths shoine,'not pity, ,als-
gust and lo&thing, but genuini love
and admiration; for JIM was a hero
inl0hartle's ages, amd the love of a
little child haa awakened the divine
spark Ili the breast of the out -cast
itewsboy, I I . k
I ,i. t.4 * * 411 44 * t k
" 11'apeo I papea I Bxtry I"-"
JIM broke off Ili astonishment, for,
standing alone on the opposite cor.
ner, he saw the little boy whom lie
bad left safe at big own home the
OVODing beforp. The child bad lost
his cap, anti life sunny curls were
blown over his laughing, rosy face.
He saw JIM, and, calling out -gaily,
ran to meet him. I
" Look 'Out V, called arini in alarm,
for an electric car was hearing down
upon the child. But Charlie saw- and
heard notbing, so eager was lie to
reach ]its friend, Jim's heart stodd
still at Lite sight qf the child's peril.
Heedless r.f the Cries of warning, lie
Made a dash for Charlie add emught
him In his arms.
" There'll be two lives for one I"
called a man's voice. .
A woman soreamed. .
"See! He's got him, and they are
Off the trackl" cried another voice,
" No, lie's down!" .
Ar.J`Im fell across the rail lie throw
Charlie from him with a mighty
effort to a Place or safety. The
matorman trio,zi in rain to `gt%p the
car, but Succeeded only lit glowing -it.
Above the shoute of the 6xelted
crowd rang a wild cry as the car
struck the boy, and then stopped.
Gently they carried tile limp,
pathetic little body to tile sidewal , k
and a man forced some whiskey be-
tweell ilia blue lips.
" Huffy gee I" Zuoaned JIM, as can-
sclqusness idtarned. " I'm clone for lip
"Here I" cried a voice. ,,Give me
that bottle I Ilo's fainted again ill
JIM heard a rUsIlIng &S of Many
waters In Ills Cars, and charlie's
volee Lame to film as from a dier-
"Oh! Jim, are you t1urted very
much T1 I .
Jim's eyes Opened unseelngly, then
A 11911 t ea,me into. them as he recog.
illZed the flowar-Ilke face of the obild
close to his, And heard the little fel-
low Saying through big sobs:
to, See, JIM I I sold the paper for
an -Cents, and It,s ,%It for yet, 1,,
Foll a moment the drawn face was
lllumlned with a smile, as with a
supreme effort, Jim whispered:
t " Tank youse, par(l. Youse—up-
0 de -limit -you 18.11
11 Here, we,11 got him Into all am-
bulance!" Called it policeman, 941vhy,
tills Is alm, the bunchback I" be ex -
Claimed, as they lifted the hor.
But Jim Was a hunchback no longer.
Charile's swered,
'1701111 Weddiug CalEe,
Speaking ol ,,daltolous wedding
clake," Ilia one willell -lotiss Farmer
reconjulended Ili Made lit tills way!
dream one pound of butter, and
gradually one Pound brown sugar,
All the yolks of twelvo eggs beaten
"tit" thl" and 10111011 Colorado four
squares melt0d chocolate, one
VOUIld (four (except one-th4rd Out)
need to dredge fricit), mixed and krift�
od With four teaspoons cincladjon,
four teaspoons alloploo, one and
otle-hulf toaspooll of maeo and One
nutmeg grated. When irell mixed
ftdd three froundo ralshiv, see(led
Und out In places, two pounds But-
tana raising, one and one_jl�ftlj
Poundo citron, cut into thin ,strips,
one pound ourralitp, one,11,t1r, of a
preserved lemon rind, one.1j,
%it of a
preserved Orange 0114, both out In
very small TAB dy,
ilia whites of twelvo a
'ggo, beaten
until Stiff and dry, and . jilut before
turning Into th!) 1111118-0115 quarter
tea6lioon socia, dIf;sOlVOd in ona
tabloopooft hot water. Steall, four
lionrs and finish Cooking by iav�
I , IL
Ing In it Illot ()Veit over night. t.po
ninke tile tondaut f.*,)r tile wedding
eako bollbons, boll two .11111 a limit
110utlds sugar, oil(.) and on , a.h9LIf eutig
flat Water and. ollo-quarter ten.
14110011 orpaill-Of-tartar until 1), sort
ball May be formed When tried lit
001,11 Water, 1) 3 not Stir during boll.
Inge find as sugar hdiforeo to sjdps
Of kettla witfiv (jit Wit], tile hall4i
first 411plicil In Cold � w4ttor. pOur
Onto it illarble klial); Coolb tllf%n work
with! it Rp&tdla uAtIl - white alid
oreattly. Icilead, put In howl, Cover
with (Aled Imper.-Bopton vans-
orlpt, _------ I-
44110) (Irlieltv.
Tile worlil is going round And p(julity ,
A-nd round about Ili spo,,jee;
.41111 ull tll(y 101116 it's going rOull(l
WrVro Walking on ito face,
-Columbla, J'6acor,
. .
111111111h.- .w.."2:2"00"V1_-"ne9=�_ _ - . . _. ---- W_ - . . .. I-- . __________ . __._.______,_ _11,_ � _! ... % - - - — - �.._ d ,.-. L�� --; d . - . . — . — d,.,. _ot, ----
At leafit 10,OOD Porsono In tills
country are victims of 1-itorrilline, dutt
10 Pei, oent. of American pbystolans
.%To slaves to OPIUM . lit some fQrm, 40.
00rding to & AtatOmOnt 0401)teil by.
the Medleal Nomr.s. All recent otsil.
mateA thO 6411110 authority ag.erts,
moreover, Ilidloato tll,%t tile UB0 Of
worphino not only als it drug to allay
Palo* but alio its Ali Intoxicant, Ili
dally becoming an Incirvasing evil.
A phylelclau to whom tills litate-
mant iviia quoted by a. Sull reporter
expressed some doubt as to tile ex.
tollt of tile ayll too far do tile inctitcal
profession Is concerned, but Said that
tile ffeaerAl estimp,10 was rather un-
der than over the mark.
I Tile demand for Morphine lit tile
drug istoros to Increasing at all
alarming rate," said tills ph,vs$iClan,
"Teafflo In the dt,ug Lj restricted by
law, but tile lo,w W P1,4010ally titer-
feetual, Any , morphine fiend , who,
needs a supply knows 110'w to ,obtain
It, and (1011-0 Obtain it readily onough
atud apparently D118 USVT of tile drug
makes mainy morm
"Before long there ly sure Ia bo a
cry for Increased restrictloil. What
Ls'neaded, however, to not so ,,,net, a
new law, but tile stricter enforce,
moint Of tile present one and vlgoroiti
pro-scollUou of those who connive at
the 1111olt traffic ill tile ,aturf.,,
WhIether Or not It it; possiblo, to
oure, the confIrmed morphine eater
after the habit has reached it ver.
ioui; fftago is Still the subject or de.
bate araDmig Physicians. e
also 4alfforalloes of opinion as to tile
bait treatment, although the alithor-
ltic%.s agree now that Inatitutio , al
O he sorvloes oru a
trained murna to outwit tile ounlillig
4"Oused in tile patient by tile Cray.
Ing for the drug are essential to one.
amfl% .
Bathm and exerelea lit the open,air
form am Important pmrt of thwti%v.
e0t treatment advooated, and It. 4,;,
laid down that there Is practically a
OertullitY at a relapse unloss tile
treatinut IS prolonged to three
IuGntbir, oftonor to six.
Tile sudden withdrawal of the drug
by friends or relativen, borror-
atriolmn over tile dircovery of tile
d1semse, has re"Ited lit niany cases
In a .*atal. collapse. Substitution of
some other oplum derivative line now
been rejected as unsatisfactory.
Gradual withdrawal of It or taper-
Itiv the doses Is tile only choice In a
majority of cases, and in some cases
lessening it by olle-sixteout'll is as
much as can be effeetod, at first.
"It IS onkV In Tenant years, I gala tile
physiolan quoted, "thoAt ilia treat-
mmit of morphine cases lilts beau pro -
Party taken up. Now suob cases are
of compmratively frequent occup-
renoe In the practice of every ined-
leml maral In the, City."
(By J. Troy, Ili tile Canadlan Grocor.)
'110ro Im to be ,in Idea lyreva-
. -SOL
lout that acivertl9ing is for Inrge
dealers only. This belief has kept
mailY a small n3orchant from fill -
proving Ills OPPOTtullit1w in thisill.
Nearly, It not all, the largo re-
tail moref.m.nts of the present da.y
haN-o became so by oxtonglveadve�'
tIsIng. �
Tile Advertising wlitall tiley have
110'10 MaY not be the liole Cause of
their success, but It ba4 been tila,
greatest contributing cause. Nearly
all large enterprIves, which are
now meeting w1th wcll-deuervod 13uc-
COW, have begun oil a small scale,
Their advertising ,was done in it
small Iray, but it liao beeh, kept up
day after day and year after yeil.r.
Good busla6os methods, untiring
industry and good ndrortlaing are
010 factors W.Ilieft bring snecess In
I DO not lie afrall of being over-
shadowed by the big advertiser. The
"g advertiser Of tile prWent per-
ha'p may ]lave been a small advar-
tfs.�! only a fair year.,; ago. Many
times tile Nv011-lirorded reader of
only a few lines, or ilia smil,11 d1spilty
i0yertisement will reach tile eyes;
of woro readery than tile pre_
tentimi'l displity of the Larger store.
It tells ilia People you ]lave goocIR
id sell and what. you will 6.011 them
for- '10lat Is all tile big otorocan
say. : . .
Nina tITWO9 out of toll it Li ilia price
that sellis the goods, so don,t be
airald to tell Your .,story to tho piub-
lie. if you toll It In tile right way
alld practice no deception it will be
01ilyl a qa0stiOn Qf & very little time
until YOU will begin to r000lvoade..;
s r investment in
advertising space. The dealer, be lie
tile corner grocer or the largest
dealer in general merchandise tattle
city. i0o will sell istapW or special
articles, quality coilMdered, for the
least 11:10ney', and lota the pqople
know, It, -*Vill. receive tile lyttronage.
Every city has plenty of exam -
P109 &hOwing how small dealers In
all kladu Of Merchandise have made
their business a success by wige
Rnd Judiclotts advettlaIng. Take
wtat Vaca, you ban afford, contract
by, tile year,; Watch it, Change tile
matter very frequently, nild,you
will -soon nw.1 mx)ye, room for your
lqtOro and more erpace '111 tile pjjp!�T.
U119 advice 19 tendered the wl�lole�
Saler, m%narao-turor anti jobbor as
Wall as the osmall retailer' They
C111T Ilitract Attontion by a liberal
USO Of advertising space In an hon.
Ost' trade nowApapor, .'Just the onino
nS tile eldrIll retailer anti by takIng
'PPOO IP tile dally or weekly ilows-
Xudictoug adi,epti,qlag Will do,rel,)p
any InGreantilo bugl000s, th-at has it
right to exist. -
_ � .
ItIllel-a Who I'let frllvtt� Dow)) (in
That Do,y.
'Of 018 Rix rulers who have been
murdered during tile I,Lgt two dij.
cades, notes the London Chronicle,
rour met tittir doom on, Sunday, and
ilia other two Oil Saturday. czar
Alexander 11., I)resldont 0,armot and
Kin 111IMbOrt WOrO all 01&111 'on Sao-
cl,ty!alld illough 8,h,th Naro-nd4hvii
,Wag killed oil j,,rI(I.ty, that oil th(i
A10910MIMIlbrith, anti Ito was actuall,V
shot Willio kneeling In tile mosque,
Oil 811nd-tY, too, Senor Canovali, tho
4,Va,clitill 1"reinter, %Vag jcjj:ed� will.,C, tile
lite of lixesident r.411po was twice
Itttelilpto(l 01, J�uil(jft � y in 1806. No. -t
� .,
�%ulldly Is 8111111114.yj And On thiFt
(lay General (yartield, ilia r-Dinpiopas of
Austria, and I)resident MoXinley mpt
01PIV Woo all�l It wiw on n fttur-
d-lythat King Alfonso stood Ill Peril
Of 1110 life. Moro mortals hall tit(,,
WeiNk Olid w'Ith ploagure, but to illon-
Arell" It geollis a sonscill or pecallili,
'No, %fAude, (11-ar, tit(. girl who lit,
vcrt'16061 for light hollNework Isn't
looking for alilaeo In a lightliollee.